
LETHAIA REVIEW Palaeogene marine stratigraphy in


Wan, X., Jiang, T., Zhang, Y., Xi, D. & Li G. 2014: Palaeogene marine stratigraphy in China. Lethaia, Vol. 47, pp. 297–308.

Palaeogene deposits are widespread in China and are potential sequences for locating boundaries. Most strata are non-marine origin, but marine sediments are well exposed in Tibet, the of , and the continental margin of East China Sea. Among them, the Tibetan Tethys can be recognized as a dominant marine area, including the Indian-margin strata of the northern Tethys Himalaya and Asian- margin strata of the Gangdese forearc basin. Continuous sequences are preserved in the Gamba–Tingri Basin of the north margin of the Indian Plate, where the Palaeogene sequence is divided into the Jidula, Zongpu, Zhepure and Zongpubei formations. Here, the marine sequence ranges from to middle (66–35 ma), and the stage boundaries are identified mostly by larger foraminiferal assemblages. The / boundary is found between the Zongpu and Zhepure forma- tions. The uppermost marine beds are from the top of the Zongpubei Formation (~35 ma), marking the end of Indian and Asian collision. In addition, the marine beds crop out along both sides of the Yarlong Zangbo Suture, where they show a deeper marine facies, yielding rich radiolarian fossils of Paleocene and Eocene. The Tarim Basin of Xinjiang is another important area of marine deposition. Here, marine Palae- ogene strata are well exposed in the Southwest Tarim Depression and Kuqa Depres- sion. They comprise mostly neritic and coastal lagoon facies of the Tethyan realm. Palaeontological evidence suggests that the Paleocene/Eocene boundary here is in middle of the Qimugen Formation. The Tarim Basin was largely drained by Late . To the east, the marine offshore Palaeogene strata are widespread in the North Taiwan and East Zhejiang depressions of the continental shelf basin of East China Sea. Abundant fossils including , calcareous nannofossils, ostrac- ods, pollen and bivalves occur in the marine environment. Biostratigraphically, the sequence is well correlated with the international planktonic foraminiferal and nannofossil zonations. □ , East China Sea, marine Palaeogene, Tarim Basin, Tethys Himalaya.

Xiaoqiao Wan [[email protected]], Tian Jiang [[email protected]], Yiyi Zhang [[email protected]], Dangpeng Xi [[email protected]], and Guobiao Li [liguobiao@ cugb.edu.cn], State Key Laboratory of Biogeology and Environmental Geology, China University of Geosciences, Xueyuan Lu, 29, Beijing 100083, China; manuscript received on 11/10/2013; manuscript accepted on 09/12/2013.

The Palaeogene is an important interval of geological non-marine sections as well as marine sediments, history, when the climate changed from ‘green which are well exposed in southern Tibet, in the house’ to ‘ice house’. Several other significant geo- southwestern Tarim Basin of Xinjiang Region, and logical events occurred during this time, and each of on the continental shelf basin of the East China Sea them is marked by a significant change in the (Fig. 1). Among these, the Tethys Himalaya is a stratigraphical record. Accurate descriptions of the dominant marine area where continuous Palaeogene Chinese deposits provide opportunities for correla- successions are preserved and accessible as GSSP tion with the international chronostratigraphical candidates or as auxiliary boundary stratotypes. The framework for the Palaeogene . Several Global southwestern Tarim Basin was a gulf of East Tethys Standard Stratotype-section and Points (GSSP) have with shallow marine and intercalations of terrestrial already been defined for the Palaeogene, but GSSP’s sediments. The continental shelf basin of the East are still missing for , Priabonian and Chat- China Sea preserves a large of almost continu- tian. The International Subcommission on Palaeo- ous marine deposits of Palaeogene. This paper reviews gene Stratigraphy encourages the study of reference the occurrence of marine Palaeogene strata in China, sections for stage transitions also outside the based mostly on the authors’ original research pub- sedimentary basins that have traditionally been used lished in the Chinese literature, often in Chinese. This for stage definitions. This study presents such a review represents a contribution for extending non-traditional area analysis. In addition, China international knowledge on the Palaeogene that is represents an opportunity to study Palaeogene outside the well-known and traditional areas.

DOI 10.1111/let.12071 © 2014 Lethaia Foundation. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd 298 Wan et al. LETHAIA 47 (2014)

0 500km


. . .. Urumqi

II Beijing

Xi’an I Lhasa Wuhan Shanghai Chongqing III

Sea Guiyang Land Kunming Guangzhou River and Lake

Salt or Brackish Lake

Intermountain basin

Fig. 1. Sketch map showing the occurrence of marine Palaeogene strata in China. I, Tethys Himalaya. II, Southwestern Tarim Basin. III, continental shelf basin of East China Sea.

et al. 2005). Marine deposition ceased by latest Palaeogene in Tethys Himalaya Eocene during Himalayan orogenesis. On the north margin of the Indian Plate, marine Southern Tibet was a part of the Tethys-Himala- Palaeogene is well exposed in the Gamba–Tingri yan Sea, in which a variety of carbonate and neri- Basin and Saga–Gyangze belt (Wan 1987, 1990, tic clastic sediments accumulated. The marine 1991; Ding et al. 2005). Marine Palaeogene on Palaeogene sedimentary sequences occur both the Asian-margin occurs mostly along the Zanda– south and north of the Yarlung Zangbo suture in Zhongba belt (Fig. 2). southern and central Tibet. They consist of Indian-margin strata of the northern Tethys Hima- Marine Palaeogene in Gamba–Tingri Basin of laya, and Asian-margin strata of the Gangdese north margin of Indian Plate forearc basin. They are subdivided in a north– south direction into a number of tectonostrati- The Gamba Zhongpu is the type section in the graphical units, generally separated by major Gamba–Tingri Basin (Fig. 3). The succession is thrusts or normal faults (Wan et al. 2002; Ding described in ascending order, as follows.

Tibet China

Lhasa Zhongba III Yarlung-ZangboYarlungZangboSuture suture Lhasa Xigaze Saga II

Gyangze I Tingri Gamba Mt.Everest 1 2 3 4 0 150km

Fig. 2. Palaeogene geography of southern Tibet. 1, marine sediments; 2, non-marine sediments; 3, Gangdis^e magmatic arc; 4, Ophiolite belt; I, Gamba–Tingri Basin; II, Saga–Gyangze belt; III, Zanda–Zhongba belt. LETHAIA 47 (2014) Marine Palaeogene in China 299

Zongpub ei Formation Zhepure For mation

Zo ngpuFormation


Fig. 3. Paleocene–Eocene Zongpu section in Gamba, southern Tibet.

The Jidula Formation (177 m) is a marine indicating that they are enriched in organic sequence dominated by yellowish white, indu- carbon. rated, homogeneous sandstone, in which sandy • Member 3 a dark grey nodular limestone, of limestone beds are intercalated in the middle and wackestone and packstone composition, which in upper part of the formation. The exposure sur- its uppermost 59 cm becomes a grey thick-bedded face at the base of the formation is overlain by a limestone breccia incorporating several thin layers 2- to 5-cm-thick yellowish grey clay bed contain- of marl that lack larger benthic foraminifera. This ing dispersed gravel. Foraminifera such as Rotalia marly bed was considered in the field to define an hensoni, Rotalia dukharni, Smoutina cruysi and erosional surface. A larger foraminiferal fauna Lockhartia haimei are found in this clayey bed. in member 3 is characterized by a Miscellanea- The foraminifera are in situ as they are Palaeo- Daviesina-Operculina assemblage, providing a gene elements, avoiding the possibility reworked Seladian– for this formation. The from underneath strata. Ostracods Paleocene/Eocene boundary is between the Zon- and algae were found in limestone intercalations gpu and Zhepure formations (Wan et al. 2010). in the middle part of the formation. Collectively, the micro-fauna indicates a Danian age for the The overlying Zhepure Formation (50 m) is a grey, formation. massive and thick-bedded Alveolina packstone, with The overlying Zongpu Formation (223 m) con- limestone beds separated by shaly intercalations sists of massive limestone (dolomitized in the lower 2–10 cm thick. This formation forms a prominent section), nodular limestone and minor amounts of ridge halfway up the northern flank of the Zongpu calcareous marlstone and marl. In the field, we sub- valley. It has a distinctive composition, characterized divided this formation into three members, which by masses of Alveolina, sporadically interspersed from the bottom to the top are: with Orbitolites. The original ‘Zhepure Formation’ • Member 1, a medium-bedded dark grey, partly (Xu et al. 1989; Wan 1990) was composed of the dolomitic nodular packstone containing common current formation and its overlying shaly beds. Its dasycladacean algae, debris of Halimeda. The massive and thick-bedded texture is different from foraminifera in this member belong to a Rotalia- that of shaly beds above and most nodular limestone Lockhartia assemblage. in the underlying Zhongpu Formation. We describe • Member 2, a dark grey to blackish thickly bedded this interval as an independent formation, of Ypre- limestone sequence comprised of intercalated sian to Bartonian (Eocene) age. thick, dark-coloured wackestone and packstone The overlying Zongpubei Formation (180 m beds. All beds are separated by marl laminae. thick) is the upper unit of ‘Zhepure Formation’ Limestones in members 1 and 2 are intensively described by Xu et al. (1989) and named as Zongpu- fractured and have a strong bituminous odour, bei Formation by Willems (1993) in both Gamba 300 Wan et al. LETHAIA 47 (2014) and Tingri. It contains greenish grey and reddish different thickness in both regions. It is Danian in shale intercalated with thin-bedded sandy limestone age. The members I–IV of the Zhepure Shan Forma- yielding Nummulites willcoxi, Nummulites mamilla, tion correlate with the Zongpu Formation as both Nummulites silvanus and other smaller foraminifera. are dominated by limestone and dolomitized in the This formation is referred to early Priabonian in age. lower section, but differs from it by the nodular The top of the formation is truncated by a fault in aspect of the latter. The Zhepure Shan Formation is Gamba. to Thanetian in age. In both Tingri and Like the Gamba area, the Palaeogene strata are Gamba, the Zhepure Shan Formation comprises grey also well exposed in Tingri. Xu et al. (1989) mea- massive and thick-bedded packstone. sured this section, and Willems (1993) described the The Zongpubei Formation represents a group of strata in detail. The Palaeogene was divided by non-carbonate sediments occurring in both Tingri Willems (1993) into the Zhepure Shanpo, Jidula, and Gamba. Li et al. (2000) renamed the non- Zhepure Shan and Zongpubei formations. Tingri carbonate beds as ‘the Pengqu Formation’. Following and Gamba are in one sedimentary basin and belong the rules of stratigraphical nomenclature, the earlier to one stratigraphical region. It is not necessary to name of Zongpubei Formation (Willems 1993) make different stratigraphical classification, although should be used to represent this group of uppermost there is slight facies variation between them. Accord- marine beds. The lithology of Zongpubei Formation ing to the observation of the present authors, the in Tingri and Gama is identical and characterized stratigraphical units of Tingri can be correlated with by grey and reddish shale, fine lithoclastic sand- those of Gamba (Fig. 4). The upper Zhepure Shanpo stone and siltstone. The Zongpubei Formation in Formation yields the Cretaceous Omphalocyclus both areas yields larger foraminifera, N. willcoxi, fauna, which refers the formation to . N. mamilla, and other smaller foraminifera. It is of The Jidula Formation is a group of sandy beds with early Priabonian age.

Gamba Tingri Zongba Saga Gyangze


560 m



e 600 . 600

b 1200 n

m 520 u

p a

F i


n 720


i o


e b



a i


e 480 r


n P









Z 500


E 500 i 1000 440 m




600 m







400 p


e r


m a






360 z u 400 400 800


n r




e p






n Y

e 480








m e 320








r n




a i

F t



. e

P 3 280

m a m 300

F h F 300 600

a T 360 l





h p 240




g n


2 y



i a

e i




h d




a l

e 1 200 S


n 200 200 400


c 240

o 160









a . 120












a 100 100 200




m 120



u 80



























40 i





0m 0m 0m 0m 0m

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Fig. 4. Stratigraphical correlation of marine Palaeogene in Tibet. 1, limestone; 2, marl; 3, nodular limestone; 4, dolomitic limestone; 5, conglomerate; 6, sandstone; 7, siltstone; 8, felsic siltstone; and, 9, shale. LETHAIA 47 (2014) Marine Palaeogene in China 301

Marine Palaeogene along the Saga–Gyangze Marine Palaeogene along south Asian margin belt, north margin of Indian Plate North of the Yarlung Zangbo suture, the type locality The Palaeogene in Saga consists of the Sangdanlin of the Palaeogene is in the Zhongba region (Fig. 2). and Zheya formations (Ding et al. 2005) (Figs 2, Two key sections involving latest Cretaceous to Early 4). The formations coarsen upwards from mainly Eocene strata were studied by Wan et al. (2002). The radiolarian siliceous shale and chert in the Sang- Zhuolei Section contains the uppermost Cretaceous danlin and lower part of the Zheya Formation to to Paleocene strata and the Cuojiangding Section pebbly sandstone in the upper part of the Zheya spans the uppermost Cretaceous to Lower Eocene. Formation. The Zheya Formation is distinguished The marine Palaeogene in Zhongba consists of the from the Sangdanlin Formation by the presence Quxia and Jialazi formations. The Quxia Formation – of dark grey, fine-grained clastic-rich layers. The (43 107 m) was deposited directly on the top of the 100- to 150-m-thick Sangdanlin Formation con- Cretaceous carbonate sediments. It is a group of sists of red and green siliceous shale and radiolar- coarse-grained sandstone and conglomerate. The ian chert. Its age ranges from Danian to stratigraphical age of the Quxia Formations provides Thanetian on the basis of radiolarian zones: Am- key information about the location of the Creta- phisphaera aotea, Amphisphaera kina, Buryella ceous-Palaeogene boundary, but lack age-dating granulata, Buryella foremanae, Buryella tetradica fossils. Its biostratigraphical position is between and Bekoma campechensis. The lower part of the Cretaceous Lepidorbitoides fauna of underneath Zheya Formation consists of a >200-m-thick Qubeiya Formation and the Paleocene Miscellanea sequence of turbidites, characterized by lithic miscella fauna of above Jialazi Formation, which sandstone and sandy shale interbedded with limits the formation to the Danian. By biostrati- – numerous radiolarian cherts. It is Late Paleocene graphical correlation with the Gamba Tingri area, in age on the basis of the radiolarian B. campech- the unfossiliferous part of the sequence can be – ensis. The upper part of the Zheya Formation restricted to correlative beds containing a Rotalia – consists of pebbly sandstone and subordinate con- Smoutina Lockhartia faunal horizon, which indicates glomerate with clasts of volcanic rock, chert, a Danian age of the Quxia Formation. The Jialazi – sandstone and shale. Li et al. (2007) reported Formation (145 325 m) overlies conformably the Early Eocene radiolarian fossils from this area. Quxia Formation. It is composed of dark grey thick- They are dominated by Amphisphaera coronata, bedded foraminiferal packstone and silty marls with Buryella hannae, Buryella clinata, B. tetradica, intercalations of greyish brown sandstone and con- Calocycloma ampulla, Lamptonium fabaeforme glomerate. Large amounts of larger foraminiferal constrictum, Lamptonium pennatum, Lithomespilus faunas occur in this formation. They are dominated coronatus and Lamptonium colymbus. The radiolar- by M. miscella, Ranikotalia nuttalli, Ranikotalia tha- ian fossils point to a Paleocene–Early Eocene age lica, Ranikotalia sindensis, Operculina subsalsa of the strata in Saga. and Opertorbitolites transitorius in the lower and To the east, the marine Palaeogene in Gyangze middle parts; Nummulites maculatus, Nummulites was named the Jiachala Formation by Li et al. rotularius, Nummulites mamilla, Nummulites subra- (2005). The formation is mainly composed of a mondi, Nummulites wadiai, Discocyclina haynesi, group of fine sandstones and siltstones, dark grey Discocyclina javana, Assilina granulosa, Assilina levis, silty shale and a few arenaceous limestone lenses, Assilina spinosa and Assilina subspinosa in the upper containing abundant dinoflagellate and pal- part. The Miscellanea-Daviesina fauna found from ynomorph fossils. Three dinoflagellate assemblages the lower and middle parts of the formation indi- and three palynological assemblages have been cates a Paleocene age, and its disappearance marks described here. They are, in ascending order: the top of the Paleocene. The upper part of the Apectodinium quinquelatum-Apectodinium hypera- formation yields Nummulites-Discocyclina fauna that canthum, Canningia chinensis-Palaeoperidinium is Early Eocene in age. pyrophorum, and Cymatiosphaera reticulosa-Sam- landia chlamydophora dinoflagellate assemblages, and Arliaceoipollenites baculatus-Anacolosidites sub- Marine Palaeogene in Xinjiang trudens, Aglaoreidia cyclops-Pinuspollenites microin- Region sigis, and Elaeangnacites asper-Ilexpollenites iliacus palynological assemblages. These assemblages indi- Palaeogene deposits in Xinjiang Region can be cate that the age of the Jiachala Formation is divided into two major sedimentary areas, the North Paleocene-Early Eocene. Xinjiang and the South Xinjiang, which are 302 Wan et al. LETHAIA 47 (2014) separated by the Tianshan Mountains. Marine Palae- (Tang et al. 1989; Yong et al. 1989; Bosboom et al. ogene deposits mainly crop out in the southwestern 2011). In the Southwest Tarim Depression, the Tarim Basin of South Xinjiang (Fig. 5). marine deposits are mostly of neritic and coastal lagoon facies (Hao et al. 1982). Gypsum, gypsiferous Outline of the Tarim Basin mudstone, limestone, shell limestone, mudstone and sandstone layers crop out alternately in this depres- The Tarim Basin can be subdivided into two deposi- sion. Fossils such as foraminifera, dinoflagellates, tional regions: the Southwest Tarim Depression and pollen, calcareous nannofossils, gastropods and the Kuqa Depression. During the Mesozoic and bivalve are abundant (Hao et al. 1982; He 1991; the evolutionary stage of the Tarim Basin Zhang & Zhan 1991; Zhong 1992; Lan & Wei 1995; was an inland basin (Tian et al. 1990; Zhang et al. Yang et al. 1995). In the Kuqa Depression, however, 2003; Jia et al. 2004). The basin was controlled by the sediments are dominated by brackish to terres- the Tianshan Mountains to the north, the Kunlun trial strata intercalated with marine beds, yielding Mountains to the west and the Altun Mountains to pollen, gastropods, dinoflagellates and ostracod the southeast (Fig. 5). The Late Yanshan fossils (Tang et al. 1989; Jia et al. 2004). Movement caused the depressions underlying the The gulf in Tarim is a part of the eastern Tethyan piedmont of the Tianshan and Kunlun Mountains realm and also shows biotic and depositional simi- (Yong et al. 1989; Tian et al. 1990). Commencing in larities to sections in Uzbekistan and Tadzhikistan in the Cretaceous, when global sea level was rising and the Central Asian (Tang et al. 1989). The path of the Indian–Eurasian plates were colliding, Tethyan seawater transgression is still obscure, however. It is seawater transgressed into the Tarim Basin from suggested that the seawater flooded into the western west to east, forming a gulf at the depressions (Yong Tarim Basin from the Fergana basin (Tang et al. et al. 1989; Rogl€ 1999; Guo et al. 2002; Miller et al. 1989). Two possible passageways are in the western 2005). Due to the inner Tarim Basin uplift (i.e. the Tarim Basin: the Simhana Valley and the Tuoyun Bachu uplift and the Kalpin uplift), the gulf in Tarim Depression (Tang et al. 1989; Yong et al. 1989). stretched finger-like towards the southeast (Fig. 1). Three major transgressions can be recognized from The seawater covered the Kashgar-Yecheng area, the Palaeogene sequence (Bosboom et al. 2011). The including the Southwest Tarim and the Kuqa largest one occurred from Paleocene to Middle depressions. Eocene. It stretched eastwards to the desert area of The Palaeogene marine deposits in the Tarim eastern Mazartag Mountains (Tang et al. 1989; Yong Basin are the results of several seawater transgressions et al. 1989; Guo et al. 2002).

0 100 200km


Xinjiang Baicheng Luntai Tarim basin Korla Kuqa Aksu II

Tianshan Mountains North Tarim Uplift Kalpin

Artux Wuqia Bachu Kashgar Central Tarim Uplift Makit

Mazartag Kunlun Mountains I Yecheng Pishan

Hotan Minfeng

1 2 3 Altun Mountains

Fig. 5. Palaeogene marine deposits of the Tarim basin, Xinjiang. 1, marine sediment; 2, non-marine sediment; 3, uplift; I, Southwest Tarim Depression; II, Kuqa Depression. LETHAIA 47 (2014) Marine Palaeogene in China 303

Southwest Tarim Depression gastropod Potamides sp. and the Schizaeoisporites- Classopollis-Quercoidites pollen assemblage were The marine sequence in the Southwest Tarim found in the dolomite intercalations (Hao et al. Depression can be divided in ascending order as the 1982; Tang et al. 1989; Jia et al. 2004). The lime- Aertashi, Qimugen, Kalataer, Wulagen and Bashibu- stone bed at the top contains relatively abundant lake formations (Fig. 6). These formations are well fossils, such as the bivalve Brachidontes jeremejewi– preserved in the Kashi area of southwestern Tarim Corbula (Cuneocorbula) asiatica assemblage, the Basin. The base of the Palaeogene in this depression Foraminifera Miliolina sp. and the Ostracoda Nucle- is controversial. Some previous work put the K/Pg olina longielliptica-Cytheretta kashiensis assemblage boundary at the bottom of the underlying Tuyiluoke (Jia et al. 2004). The lithology of the Aertashi For- Formation (Guo 1990; Ye et al. 1992; Hao et al. mation is consistent throughout the piedmont of the 2001; Meng et al. 2011). In this formation, dinofla- Tianshan and Kunlun Mountains. The age of the gellate species Palaeohystrichophora granulate Mao & formation is Danian. Norris and Palaeohystrichophora infusorioides Defl- The Qimugen Formation (130–150 m) is subdi- andre are same affinity of the underlying Cretaceous vided into two units. The lower unit (about 100 m biota and are Cretaceous indicators. In addition to thick) is dominated by grey-green silty mudstone dinoflagellates, the Tuyiluoke Formation yields with intercalations of bioclastic sandy limestone and Cretaceous rudists in the lower part (Mao & Norris fine-grained sandstone. It contains abundant fossils 1988; Zhou 2001). On this basis, we suggest that the including the foraminiferal Spiroplectammina-Globi- Tuyiluoke Formation belongs to Cretaceous. gerina-Nonionellina fauna, the calcareous nannofossil The Aertashi Formation (300–400 m) is charac- Heliolithus kleinpellii assemblage, the Ephedripites- terized by massive white gypsum intercalated with Quercoidites-Normapolles pollen assemblage, the thin-bedded dolomite beds. A bed of limestone rests dinoflagellate Ceratiopsis-Deflandrea-Apectodinium at the top of the formation, which is the marker fauna, the ostracod Cytheridea ruginosaformis-Echino- between the Aertashi Formation and the overlying cythereis isabenana-Eocytheropteron kalickyi assemblage Qimugen Formation. The foraminifera Qinqueloculi- and the bivalve Pycnodonte (P.) camelus- Ostrea na spp., the bivalve Brachidontes elegans, the (Ostrea) bellovacina assemblage (Hao et al. 1982;

Stratigraphy BivalveAssemblage Nannofossil Assembl. Foraminiferal Assemblage Pollen Assemblage Ostracod Assemblage Dinoflagellate Assemblage Gastropod Assemblage


650 e V


e Cibicidoides-Cibicides




i l 600 Anomia oligoceanica-Cubitostrea O tianschanensis-Donax subovatum Haplocytheridea reticulata- Turritella feranensis- IV Ranocythereis mikluchai- Clavilithes conjunctus

m Ferganea bashibulakeensis- Paijenborchella villosa

F Cibicidoides-Baggina Crassatella ustjurensis - Isthmolithus recurvus- III 550


k Cubitostrea plicata Chiasmolithus oamaruensis

a Pterisisporites- Haplocytheridea schirabadensis- l Rhombodinium draco- u II Ephedripites- Ruggieria rischtanensis- b Platygena asiatica- Dracodinium rhomboideum

n i Cibicidoides-Spiroplectammina Nitrariadites Haplocytheridea innae


h Anomia girondica


s 500










- 450

n I Nonion-Cibicides







a 400

B e Sokolowia buhsii- Ephdripites-Quercoidites- n Wulagen Reticulofenestra umbilica- Turritella ferganensis- e Kokanostrea kokanensis- Nonion-Anomalinoides-Cibicides Meliaceoidites- Wetzeliella-Kisselovia c Fm Chiasmolithus solitus Stenorhytis decalamiatis

o Chlamys radiatus Ulmoideipites

E 350 Haplocytheridea tonsa- Muratodinium-Thalassiphora


F Ruggieria vialovi-


r a Ephdripites-Parcisporites- i Eocytheropteron vesiculosum

e Cerithium tristichum-

t Ostrea (Turkostrea) strictiplicata- Chytroeisphaeridia


e Celtispollenites- t Niso constricta t 300 Ostrea (Turkostrea) cizancourti microgranulata


u Euphorbiacidites


a L Wilsonidium lineidentatum- K Nonion-Cibicides Cordosphaeridium inodes


n Apectodinium homomorphum


a Neocyprideis galba-

e i Flemingostrea hemiglobosa- Ephdripites-Quercoidites-



i Cytheridea fucosa- m Panopea vaudini-

p r Tricolpopollenites F Deflandrea oebisfeldensis-

u p Ostrea (Turkostrea) afghanica Echinocythereis alaiensis

Y n 200 Alterbia xinjiangensis




n u Discoaster multiradiatus Nonionellina-Anomalina Ephedripites-Normapolles- Ceratiopsis diebelii-



m Pycnodonte (Pycnodonte)

h e Cytheridea ruginosaformis- i Sapindaceidites Deflandrea dissoluta-


w camelus- Niso angusta- Q Heliolithus riedelii Globigerina-Globorotalia Echinocythereis isabenana- - Phelodinium spinocapitatum

o . 150

l l Ostrea (Ostrea) bellovacina Eocytheropteron kalickyi Turritella edita

e Ephedripites-Parcisporites Heliolithus kleinpellii Spiroplectammina-Textularia Ceratiopsis taenialis




e Nucleolina longielliptica- c 100 Cytheretta kashiensis










i Schizaeoisporites-


h n Classopollis-


a Quinqueloculina

a 50 Brachidontes- Corbula

t Qercoidites





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Fig. 6. Biostratigraphical correlation of marine Palaeogene in southern Tarim Basin. 1, gypsum; 2, dolomite; 3, limestone; 4, sandstone; 5, silty mudstone; 6, mudstone; 7, gypsum mudstone; and, 8, shelly limestone. 304 Wan et al. LETHAIA 47 (2014)

He 1991; Zhong 1992; Lan & Wei 1995; Jia et al. sil NP19–20 zones. Unit V of the formation therefore 2004). Its age is Seladian to Thanetian of Paleocene. is Oligocene in age. We find that fossils are rare and The upper unit (30–50 m thick) is composed of lack any age-dating elements in unit IV, which shows brownish red gypsiferous mudstone with intercala- a transition between Eocene and Oligocene. According tion of yellow-green mudstone. A limestone bed of to the evident Eocene fossils restricted in units I–III, several metres thick crops out the base of the upper we refer the E/O boundary to the top of Unit III. unit, which is the boundary marker bed of the two units. The fossils of the upper unit are mostly Kuqa Depression foraminifera of the Nonion-Cibicides assemblage, the Ephdripites-Quercoidites-Tricolpopollenites pollen The Palaeogene in the Kuqa Depression (Fig. 5) is assemblage, the dinoflagellate Wilsonidium-Chy- composed of the upper part of Suweiyi Formation troeisphaeridia-Muratodinium fauna, the ostracod and the Kumugeliemu Group. The marine Kumu- Neocyprideis galba-Cytheridea fucosa-Echinocythereis geliemu Group can be divided into the Talake and alaiensis assemblage and the bivalve Flemingostrea Xiaokuzba formations (Zhou 2001; Jia et al. 2004). hemiglobosa-Panopea vaudini-Ostrea (Turkostrea) The Talake Formation (130 m) is subdivided into afghanica assemblage. The age of upper unit is two units; a lower unit composed of dark grey gyp- referred to (Eocene). siferous dolomite, thick gypsum, dark purple sand- The Kalataer Formation (130–200 m) consists of stone and brown conglomerate; and an upper unit grey thick-bedded bioclastic limestone, rich in dominated by grey-white gypsum with dolomite and ostreid fossils. In some localities of the Kunlun mudstone intercalations. The pollen Pterisisporite- Mountain piedmont, the formation changes into Schizaeoisporites-Polypodiaceoisporites flora is common clastic and pelite deposits. The abundant ostreid in the formation, while the ostracod Loxoconcha fossils are dominated by Ostrea (Turkostrea) stricti- occurs in the upper part (Jiang et al. 1995). The plicata. There are also a few foraminiferal species of formation crops out along the northern margin of the genus Nonion and Cibicides, and the Ephedripites- Kuqa Depression. Parcisporites-Quercoidites-Tricolporopollenites pollen The Xiaokuzba Formation (300–400 m) is domi- assemblage. The formation is in age. nated by dark grey calcareous mudstone and gypsum The Wulagen Formation (40 m) is a group of in its lower part, and in its upper part by thick, mas- greyish green calcareous mudstone and ostreid lime- sive brownish red calcareous mudstone (Tang et al. stone with a thin reddish brown gypsum bed at the 1989; Zhou 2001). Fossils are found mostly in the top. The foraminifera increase in diversity upwards. lower part of the formation. The gastropod Niso con- They are dominated by species of genus Nonion, stricta-Tympanotonos cinctus assemblage and the Anomalinoides and Cibicides. Mudstone beds contain dinoflagellate Apectodinium homomorphum assem- abundant calcareous nannofossils of the Reticulofen- blage are dominant fossil groups. The pollen Ephe- estra umbilica-Chiasmolithus solitus assemblage. dripites-Polypodiaceoisporites-Ephedripites flora, the Ostreid limestone is dominated by the Sokolowia bivalve Caestocorbula (Parmicorbula) wensuensis also buhsii-Kokanostrea kokanensis-Chlamys (Hilberia)- occur in the formation (Zhang & Zhan 1991; Lan & radiatus assemblage. The age of this formation is Wei 1995; Zhou 2001; Jia et al. 2004). The lower lower Bartonian. part of the formation is of late Thanetian age and The Bashibulake Formation (294 m) is composed the upper part is Eocene in age. of brownish red siltstone and mudstone, greyish green siltstone, with intercalations of thin-bedded gypsum. It is subdivided into five units (I–V) differ- Palaeogene in the continental shelf entiated by colours and lithology. Fossils are rich in basin of the East China Sea the interval of units II–IV. The Eocene/Oligocene boundary is proposed to different horizons in the Palaeogene strata in the continental shelf basin formation. The study of Hao et al. (1982, 2001) and Jiang et al. (1995) put the boundary between unit I Palaeogene strata are widespread in the continental and II based on the foraminiferal data; Tang et al. shelf basin of the East China Sea (Fig. 1, map show- (1989), Zhou (2001), Lan and Wei (1995) and He ing area III). In its northern part, the sediments are (1991) referred units I–III to the Late Eocene on the mostly terrestrial, but in the southern part, they are basis of ostracod and dinoflagellate assemblages, largely marine deposits, with marine Palaeogene well and the overlying unit IV to the Oligocene due preserved in the North Taiwan and East Zhejiang to the bivalve Anomia oligocenanica; Zhong (1992) depressions. In its lower part, the Shimentan, Lingf- correlated units II–IV with the calcareous nannofos- eng, Mingyuefeng and Oujiang formations occur LETHAIA 47 (2014) Marine Palaeogene in China 305 mostly in the North Taiwan Depression, and in the calcareous nannofossils, Fasciculithus tympaniformis, upper part the Pinghu and Huagang formations are Prinsius bisulcus, H. kleinpelli and Discoaster multiradi- in the East Zhejiang Depression. They are described atus, the ostracode Cytherella-Krithe assemblage, the in ascending order as follows (Fig. 7). dinoflagellate A. homomorphum-Ceratiopsis speciosa The Shimentan Formation (414 m) is the lowest assemblage; and the spore/pollen Lingfengpollis- unit of marine Palaeogene. It is a group of brownish Momipites-Taxodiaceae pollenites assemblage. red mudstone, grey sandstone, intercalated with The Mingyuefeng Formation (400–500 m) rests black mudstone and sandy mudstone. It yields conformably on the Lingfeng Formation. It is com- Danian foraminifera, Globorotalia pseudobulloides, posed of grey, fine-grained sandstone, siltstone and Subbotina triloculinoides, Eoglobigerina eobulloides mudstone, with intercalated coal beds. The forma- simplicissima, and Globorotalia (A.)praecursoria (P1– tion yields the planktonic foraminifera Globorotalia P2 zones); dinoflagellates Areoligera volata, Senega- wilcoxensis, G. chapmani and Subbotina bakeri; linium microgranulatum, Danea californica; and the benthic foraminifera Hoplophragmoides lingfeng- spore and pollen Lingfengpollis, Cassuarinaepolle- ensis; the calcareous nannofossils, D. multiradiatus, nites, Parcisporites. Discoaster binodosus, Chiasmolithus bidens, Neo- The Lingfeng Formation (200–700 m) overlies chiastozygus distentus and Tribrachiatus contortus; conformably the Shimentan Formation. It is a group the dinoflagellate Ascodidinium; the ostracode of dark grey mudstone, light grey siltstone and sand- Neomonoceratina donghaiensis; and the spore/pollen stone, with a layer of light grey bioclastic limestone Myricaceoipollenites-Casuarinaepollenites-Nyssapolle- at the base. It contains foraminifera, Muricoglobigeri- nites assemblage. na soldadoensis, Globorotalia (Morozovella) angulata, Finally, the Oujiang Formation (444–992 m) Globorotalia (G.), pseudomenardii, Subbotina lina- overlies the Mingyuefeng Formation. It is a group of perta, Globorotalia ehrenbergi and G. pseudomenardii; light grey siltstone, calcareous sandstone, conglom-



s Key Fossils




e s




t e




o i


t r




s Lithology

t e


c o Calcareous





S S Foraminifera Dinoflagellate Ostracod

o S Sporopollen h B nannofossil



2040 Quercoidites-

. 1920 Pinuspollenites-

m (not to top) Saccamminoides

e Magnastriatites-

F n Grey mudstone, subcarpatnicum

e Trilobapollis



n siltstone, and Haplophragmoides o Ass. a 1800


g i calcareous carinatum

l a Chinocythere

u O siltstone, with thin Elphidium richtanicum Taxodiaceapollenites- H bedded coal beds. Noion roemeri Candoniella 1680 Alnipollenites Ass.


n 0 Spinileberis u Dark grey calcareous Chiasmolithus Hystrichokolpoma

2 o Taxodiaceae pollenites


h - Cibicidoides hilgardi Sinocypris b granulatum

1 g oamaruensis 8 mudstone, sandstone Gothanipolli




1 Elphidium eocenicum i Candona

i 5 1440 Isthmolithus Impletosphaeridium

r P and coal beds Alnipollenites Ass.



P Chinocythere N recurvus insolitum




7 Thalassiphora

i 1320


- n Light grey bioclastic delicata Quercoidites-

6 Laxoconcha o Globigerinita


t 1 Rhombodinium r siltstone, silty Paijenborchella Cupuliferoipollenites-

m 4 pseudoharaingai,



F 1 Discoaster draco Tricolporopollenites

e mudstone and

B N 1200 Globigerinoides Abocythereis




g tani nodifer Kisselovia e sandstone. A layer of Ass.



n higginsi,



1 a reticulata

i o D. saipanensis

i grey conglomeratic




5 Subbotina bakeri



u Areoligera 1 1080 sandstone is at Myricaceae-

t Palaeogene - Acarinina mathewsae


u 3 the bottom. senonensis Cupuliferoipollenites

1 L A. camerata Homotryblium Ass.


N P9 960 pallidum




a Muricoglobigerina Discoaster lodoensis



f Myricaceoipollenites-

8 Grey sandstone, siltstone

e s soldadoensis D. binodosus Ascodidinium Neomonoceratina



2 e 840

y and mudstone, with Casuarinaepollenites-



- donghaiensis g Globorotalia angulata Tribrachiatus



- i Nyssapollenites Ass.

6 coal bed intercalations

Y orthostylus M G. pseudomenardii



P 720 Myricaceae-

. N Grey and light grey Globorotalia aegua Discoaster Neomonoceratina P5 m Tiliaepollenites Ass.

F mudstone, silty mica multiradiatus Ascodinium donghaiensis

n Myricaceae-

a g 600 mudstone and grayish Cytherella i G. tripartita Heliolithus orbiculatum

n 4 Cupuliferoipollenites


e white siltstone, P Neomonoceralina

n G. ehrenbergi Trithyrodinium 8 riedelii f Ass.




- l 2m bioclastic Muricoglobigerina Discoaster eviittii




i 4 Lingfengpollis-


P e 480 limestone at bottom. Krithe L soldadoensis mohleri

P n Momipites Ass.






l 360



m P Brownish red mudstone, Globorotalia F Danea californica Areoligera volata

2 n grey sandstone, Lingfengpollis


P a pseudobulloides,

3 240

i Areoligera volvata Senegalinium


- Cassuarinaepollenites


- n intercalated with black G. praecursoria

n a Senegalinium 1 microgranulatum

1 Parcisporites Ass.


P mudstone and sandy D Subbotina

P microgranulatum Danea californica m 120 i mudstone. N triloculinoides


S 0m

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Fig. 7. Biostratigraphical correlation of marine Palaeogene in continental shelf basin of East China Sea. are correlated with the planktonic foraminifera (P) and nannofossil (NP) zonations of Berggren and Pearson (2005). 1, limestone; 2, marlstone; 3, mudstone; 4, shale; 5, sandstone; 6, siltstone; 8, dolomitic siltstone; and, 8, conglomerate. 306 Wan et al. LETHAIA 47 (2014) eratic sandstone and sandy dolomite. The formation aeogene biostratigraphy of the continental shelf of contains the planktonic foraminifera, Globigerinita East China Sea is correlated with the planktonic pseudoharaingai, Globigerinoides higginsi, Acarinina foraminiferal zonation of Berggren and Pearson interposita, S. bakeri, Pseudohastigerina wilcoxensis, 2005). Acarinina mathewsae, Acarinina camerata and In the North Taiwan Depression, the Shimentan Globorotalia (A.) interposita, the larger benthic fora- Formation contains abundant planktonic foraminif- minifera, Nummulites nuttali, N. donghaiensis, Disc- era. Among them, G. pseudobulloides indicates ocyclina sowerbyi, the smaller foraminifera, P1–P2 zones and is the zone marker of Subzone Marginulinopsia marshalli, Gyroidina orbicularis P1a (Berggren & Pearson 2005). The species obliquata, the calcareous nannofossils, Discoaster S. triloculinoides ranges from P1 to lower P4 zones, sublodoensis, Rhabdosphaera inflata, Neochiastozygus G. praecursoria shows a P2–P3 interval, while rosenkrantzii and Calcidiscus simplex; the ostracode Eoglobigerina eobulloides simplicissima is restricted to Paijenborchella-Loxoconcha assemblage; the dinofla- the P1 zone. Together with the dinoflagellates, gellates Homotryblum pallidum-Fibrocysta mutabilis, D. californica, Areoligera volvata and S. microgranul- Thalassiphora eocenica-Areosphaeridium arcuatum atum, the Shimentan Formation belongs to P1–P2 assemblages; and the spore/pollen Cupuliferoipolle- zones of Danian of the Early Paleocene. nites-Quercoidites assemblage. The lower unit of the Lingfeng Formation con- The Pinghu Formation (204–1550 m) occurs in tains two planktonic foraminiferal zones. Globoro- the East Zhejiang depression. It is dominated by a talia (M.) angulata is the zone marker of P3 of group of dark grey calcareous mudstone, with inter- Selandian. Globorotalia pseudomenardii and G. eh- calated sandstone and coal beds. Few planktonic renbergi are the zone fossils of P4. The middle unit foraminifera occur in this formation. The major produces M. soldadoensis, which belongs to lower fossil groups are represented by the benthic forami- P5 zone. The Paleocene and Eocene boundary is in niferal Haplophragmoides and Cibicidoides hilgardi- the P5 zone (Berggren & Pearson 2005), and there- Elphidium eocenicum assemblages; the ostracod fore, the boundary is located above the middle Spinileberis, Sinocypris-Candona and Chinocythere- unit of the Lingfeng Formation. The upper unit of Candoniella assemblages; the spore/pollen Alnipolle- the Lingfeng Formation contains Globorotalia nites-T. pollenites-Gothanipolli assemblage; and the (Morozovella) aequa micra, Globorotalia charophyte Obtusochara jianglingensis-Rhabdochara (Turborotalia) pseudoimitata terecamerata, and kisgyoensis and Raskyaechara pinghuensis-Krassavi- Pseudohastigerina sp. G. (Morozovella) aequa micra nella lagenalis assemblages. Other dominant fossils ranges from upper P4 to P6, G. (Turborotalia) are the nannofossils, Chiasmolithus oamaruensis, pseudoimitata terecamerata from P5 to P7. The R. umbilica, Zygrhablithus bijugatus, Blackites spino- ranges of both species overlap in zones P5-P6. sus, Discoaster saipanensis, Sphenolithus primus Considering the occurrence of M. soldadoensis in and Isthmolithus recurvus; and the dinoflagellates, the middle unit, the upper unit can be correlated Hystrichokolpoma granulatum, Impletosphaeridium with upper P5 and P6. insolitum. The lower Mingyuefeng Formation yields the The Huagang Formation (956–1092 m) uncon- planktonic foraminifera G. wilcoxensis and G. chap- formably overlies the Pinghu Formation. This mani, which show a P5–P7 horizon. The calcareous formation consists of greyish white sandstone and nannofossils D. multiradiatus belong to NP9, dark grey mudstone intercalated with coal beds, and T. contortus to NP10 and D. binodosus to NP11. The with brown mudstone at the top. It yields the ben- overlapping interval of foraminiferal and nannofossil thic foraminifera, Saccamminoides subcarpatnicum, zonations can be generally correlated with biozones Haplophragmoides carinatum, Elphidium richtanicum P6–7 and NP9–11 of the Ypresian. and Noion roemeri, the bivalve Taiwancorbicula The upper Mingyuefeng Formation and the basal parca, the charophyte K. lagenalis-Nitellopsis Helveti- part of the Oujiang Formation yield the foraminifera ca assemblage, the spore/pollen Quercoidites-Pinus- P. wilcoxensis, which belongs to P7–P11 zones, and pollenites-Magnastriatites-Trilobapollis assemblage, and S. bakeri of zones P8–P13. In conjunction with the Taxodiaceapollenites-Alnipollenites assemblage. coexisting nannofossils, Tribrachiatus orthostylus, Discoaster lodoensis and P. wilcoxensis, this interval Biostratigraphy of the Palaeogene continental can be referred to zones P8 and NP12. shelf basin The lower Oujiang Formation yields G. pseudoha- raingai and G. higginsi (which range from P9 to Planktonic foraminifera and nannofossils are the P12), A. interposita (from P8 to P10), Acarinina dominant fossil groups (Wang et al. 1989). The Pal- pseudotopilensis (from P6 to P11) and S. bakeri LETHAIA 47 (2014) Marine Palaeogene in China 307

(from P8 to P13). Consideration of the fossils, con- sors Simonetta Monechi and No€el Vandenberghe for their sug- gestions and comments. Sincerely thanks are due to Professor strained by definite horizons, suggests that this Robert Scott revising the manuscript, and two reviewers improv- group of fossils should be restricted to level P9 ing the paper. We also acknowledge the joint work from Drs. (upper Ypresian). The middle Oujiang Formation Wei Li and Haiying Qu in the field and laboratory. contains the A. mathewsae – A. camerata zone of P10, and Acarinina primitiva of zone P11. The mid- dle part belongs to P10–11 of lower Lutetian. References The upper Oujiang Formation yields mostly ben- Berggren, W.A. & Pearson, P.M. 2005: A revised tropical to sub- thic foraminifera. The calcareous nannofossil Disco- tropical Palaeogene foraminiferal zonation. 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