1238 The Ringinsworu December19126,2003

of inging is alile andwell in thcCity whereI LostChurches and Bellsof spenrhalf my life,shose Cathedful renains my A., r\-. joy anddelight, and $hose little churchesa€ uy uavtw-'J Cawley sdll a sourceolendles fascinllion.Sadly bells no lonEerhdng in nan) of teif towe6.Let us Aftcr the gbries of the Clthcdral and Canrerburyhdd bul.ne nr-sableselofsix bclls. leale lhe aclivlty of !o day and go back MctrcpolilicdlChurch of Chist in Canterbury WhenBdsrol hld up ro twelvcbelis in all but the PaJilhChurches of the CiIy are at nsr si8h1 oncot its dn.ienlchurchcs, C'nLerbury had an see tabte below left an rmi'clinax. I speli dy lirst curacy in indiflerenLlen. a six lnd rwo nves.ns only The lasl four chur.he! are includ€dto l NoNich rith its$aring Calhedral and am@ing really acri\e roqer being an eiSht in the conllete thebcll pi.turerlll renainin aclive l asenbly of oler thirty nenorablechurches, suburbs.By the lime lhat Leicesterhdd usero-day. The srory oflhe Cathedralbells has Dlcsidedoler bv the srandSt PelerMancroh. acquircdone ollhe besltwelves in theland, rnd b*n {rirren manytimes, and ae nay perhaps iwelve years ininisri wds in Brisrol,{ith was pretaring fo! ano1her.Canterbury s' look fo dd 10 a re-irppraisalol lhe pre 1726 do$er nne Cathcdraland a congregatLonot indilierenr ren nad be.one an indiiferent storyin thesecolufrns in due courscIn lhe churcheswhose archite.tu€ is a lexfbook of Lsel\e:rhe acriie eighrhad becone a Lumpy adiacenllable, the abbrevialions uscd are: ch= Chrlstian alt-forn lron r*orlm iimes to the eighr. Ihe six and one of lhe fives wore churchbuilti Rb=rebunti presentdav, all crowrcd with Eli2abeth unrinsJtl h rhe.beiog hung Llead Queen Cl = closediwwll=desrroyed in world wd i s iayresr,soodliest rld mostlnous church' T,l,.ldt,Canrerbuo , iury i\ mtherdiffeenl. havebeen elght in Thereis . spark-lineiew Whitechapel$eh,e IIi den=denolished.TR inrlicareslhe datcof of SLMdy Redcljtre.I )ea!s relent ,whose naidlt Viclorim Cathedral wnhr$o semilonesat theCadedal. St Stephen, renolal or transfcrof lhe belh rn mo.e its againstgrand Sl Margaiel s. Hackinllon. arrinsl all the odds, hrle dmes. Bel\ in i[lics me hung ior swing hasto hold own (sc) 'dead (co) *l nos Lurnlo the andthe jewel in rheCity s crown,m] owr sr rrdnsioftedinlo a mosi nusical and useful chimiig or eilhti the noble six at SI Dunstan\ are in parhhchurches which once had belh, atrd!o li^l-eler rruepeal was ex.ellenlorder: irom anunptonisine coLlection lo.ger poses them,and ro lhosewhicb hlve ,where the pleasing ot rungin 1715:Bris1ol. sith nore linesof bells of belh aI Sr \icholas, ,Taylor! beendemolished. It is lo notethal andLsicesler *ilb harecrcdtcd a lighrand lunelul \ix. Elen lhe fte fony orsobellsinvohed. about hall are sdll tha. anvother citv-cenre. orrecastform, rs lon! ra.trnn'or e\celknce n r ns,n8, latctrIr Gonin\ exfflodinary&Smentation al chewherein usein rheiroriginul ljlcuAc !onrrs \rrh CanterhurJ.\\hen thefomer SrAlphcse (The Canrerbury Cenlre) Therewere aroundthirty churchesin $is Nor{icb was rinling the first true pcal, arenaintained in orderbt lheKCACR Thcarl sdall Cnybelbre the Refomalion. and oflhose qh,chapped above. unl, r"o 15rAlban ! Lhc 18aA 1yrt ldmer Gan6on ChurLh.no$ re-namedAll Sainrs.and SLCregory the Grcaode nol of hundredyeaN 8.18{ql(1716) l0.l8csl(lE0:) ll.lt$!r (lt:l/801 ancicnlfoundaion. For thetwo S\ To{d 6,19-${ pnorro theCny Churches had E asiitta belb sN tavu thd. rhenr casualtl, NlvTostr 6,11l$!t lat qe.ewhen Elizabeth I cafre ro helkwtetuAoSltutri.htt726) 5, lar$ l19tl0l remained!s ther Pld GMI Dui\ui i, Sf ront lrrii / A:M\ in lth lotq Md BellHsdr @ Cfltdl ldtrt St Andrew The Parad€ '1. 5.Ll{ (1710)5.ll{Nr ct 1968,ltr97l

1.5csl(176E) I (Rb1818) TRl9lLden L9l8

/ LchLLEllt I \tt

l,i.c{l l.8c{t l 8c 6,&cn(18921)

4,6{st 1.5c{l1Rblr64) 1.5trr TRl90lden 1956

$Csqe 4.ll.cNr 'l,lfcn 5,11c!1(18721\$lllidem l95l A rare photoqtuphaf St Andrew,cntetbut!, the thrth a.f1764, denoLilhe.l in 1956 StGregory J?0rY.;C,j rrjl C11978;TR1985 The nedievalchurch stood in thecentre ot llor iv StCftBa^ Cdtft CUC) tharsetion of Canterburys lon_smain streel, IR 1968iCI1990wirh roadwayst(' ea.h side (hther like St SIM{gdd ClementDdnet. Ergravi.g\ shos it lo bave rlv cmtutbv\ Piknut) lltor been a Perpendicularstylebuilding wilh ai sr Mlr1ii l7!!r l.r.$!r l7-ctrr S.Ttrtlt/.l9E5) odagonallimber wc\r to*er and spire.ln n $M&.yB.e3dnd l.5r{r 1,1.t$r(l?61) 1,}c!r(Rbl82l)D.m1900rTR19?5 sere tburbells. The in\.dptions wc|e recorded by the indelaligdblelEIh ccnturyanriquary GodfreyFaussett, as tbltows: $ l ar)Bdii 3,l..sr r,lesChud 195?, TreblerWiuiam Hawket Natbsiel Huh€ 1699 Dem& TR1871 ThirdrBlank Tcnor Rob.rtus Mott me fecit 1576 SlMel Northgde 4,7{!1 cLl888TR t9tl tNavTte Kins Stl.NlMrri. CenE) The ChurchWardens' Accounis ddscribed ' rhatlhe sum of 5,10.$(11?lLt1.1-$r(L8lll l 4{{t bv Mr J \'leddowsCowpe! show SrMildftd 60 shillinAswas paid for $is tenor,plus d StPol 3.6{{1 3,6.c$r 1.6-$r l. 6r'Lr1/. l9dJr ilrther shillingeach ibr cdtage md a new 3,9-cNf l9Nqr 1,9{Nr 1,9trtltal E) slo.k,concludins wnh 2' days'work by two men,including cadyeng of a gynn,nd lalhes CANTERBURYCITY VILLAGES rohane rhe vid bell lsixrhill n8\r Thi!secm\ 6 I .N,]rrao L!11!t|j!!L!]1! al vert reasonlbleL4mpated wirh the SrMichael, HarbledoM l6_c{t 164!t 3 6tnttjtw expenditurein 1598of t25.4s.10d1o. sork ].tc$, 4 involvingtwo bell! otwhich€21 was lbr"r new !! 1lly1 Bell wlying Iyve hundredand halie hundrcd q!!!!] srNichold,toiisroi 3,tcNt l5cet !@ ud xii,j li 15-2-1,{1" Deccrnbcrlt)/26,2003 Ir"R,rs,r3li,/L 1l-r9

]n 1761, Lhi\ church was deenrcd an sinrh: 30 iosephhat h mlde me 1627 In thc 1970\ theibur b.lls ofBishopsboumc, nrconveniencerr) t.aliic and \is demolishcd. 5 cwl a dcrurcsquc village r Jlw milcs sollh 01' bcirrC reploced *i(h ! ncw building. dhost The bcll llso re.ei\ed the attcntionsof the Canlerbury. {cre rslored |nr \trriortu} i.visiblc on rhe sourh side of The Pddde. .1' lare Mr Grslin, who in lhe pernrd I8lilj 189.1 chnning. Two bcine the sane notc, thc ahich its predccessorhxd been so pfor renr (crdckcd) rcstored a.d subsequenrly md lradually se.ond was scfuppedE\enlually thc and handsone! iea$rc. At lex( lhrec of nre augmenredIo six thc bclls at the sisterpxrishof ex-St Mary Breadrd. bcll sds nade rvaihblc bclh f.on the old huiktine were sold. Nes St Sl Alphcge. He .onsidercdthat thc All Sainrs b! lhe City Council dnd it w.s taken lo plarn And.eiv s *rs a buildiDgof hi.h. \rrh ! bellrvould rbrm a lery goodrndtch lor th. other whirechal)cl. uned and reliftcd. It acrually tall toqcr ol.he sane nlrc.idl. srrnounled br ! belh d Sl Alphege md Lhenfound hc hid gor torns Lhetrcblc ir ar event al \ir. thc origin.l le.rdcrtol! Evcn lhis was dilticuh to seebeiig lhc nole \ron: He iras ho*eler able lo mrkc Bishopsbounrehclls forning rhebacl th.cc. sandsi.hed bet$c.n high boildi.ss cithcr side. us. ol llre ltdr ccntury urinscribed.lo.li bell. When J. C. L StahlschnidrwrcE Th. Chtnh \h ch ir ro$ SLAlphcgc t .ble St Mildred, Castle Street AeU!.fKent itr lliN7,hc.ccorded one bclll l. 18E8, All Srinrs lgain slared rhe fhis.hurch remainsin adive use Slnglerll l Robe.tus + mol + he + fecit mislnrtuncsof Sl Andre$'s. t'ei.g closcd and 1597 (n) 5rlcwr uscd is SLAlphcge churcb hrll. Its p.omlncnr .locl, hi.shon Lhcgolhic tower.received arilal The xccepred$lnlom is thar thir bcll cme whc.Ihc poslomce sas buillopposire.The bcll from nearby Sr t4ait Brcidm.n. Slahlschmidt *rs Lirkcndorn ii l9ll. and quitc b)' chance inclining10 this \ie{. !\ rhcrc$as no 1597bell sas seeno. ilie grou.d by Nrr Ed$ln B.rnetr. rn Fausscrls d..ourr rt.led lborc. He al\o Scn., sho $a\ able ro se.rre n b. usc in rhe sl es. qu'te w.ongl\ llr.l it\ dranr.tcfdoes nol .c$l!burlr B.xlelheath clo.k,(Ncr. equate*nh a scilhl of5i/: c{1 App!rcntll- n uls pa..dcd mound in a hand In 1888. Sr Andr$r'. \'ds one ol lour carl to raiscfundr. And lherc t hants to d.!. Cantcrburychur.he: to hc clo\c,l. Srriipel!. ir Wrlliah Toanse.d in Rrilhh Chi{ nrunrla.;N l.0re oflir'e s sr \Idsdtr\_r,a;sh Cantefiutl 1195A), \rote, Ir u1)uld be Hall. a ne\ aitl rdrb{ prereir,ous[)orch and disingcnuousLo prdisc rhar e\mrtle ol thc lobb)' being ere.rrd ro conrect rhe r{Ncr wifi d iirguisled ftom!\ Ricknluis gorhicLasLe. lts (untrtuu.. st tttil.hal. rhe tu\zrl,tn rhc \treer h l'l{)1. St N,frr.sarefsrhrc bclls t lellos brick lookedfrclnq cvcnthan ih iili.g stootl htlt\|a\ dtons ne naih di . d the lefl wereovcdriuled br- the larc M. Goslin,and rhe sru..or the intcrior Nas baft.. ... Thc clrurh Sr And,cujs bdl was |rken dovn .nd sold ro $as denolishcdh fie ruludn of t93E: rn rl Slandin! i. thc shldos oi lhe m$si\.c keeD hin.lle ollcrcd {20 forir bur was conl]eten l.) bcno.ned on\ bJ one codespondentto Trir of Cinrerbury'r No!tun Cinle. Sl Mildred\ .educehisolllrto!l5 . In f..1.he hrd {nd ir nr K.ntilt Ga..n. $ho coDpliined ol tbc has bccn lhere rrLherlonger At Lhev)uth w.st d scfrp de.ler Md rhcn had io b!! il bn.l, ar !f idrfr)priort oldesolr\hine ! churcl or. Sundn! conler ar! Io be lound ma\sllc .shla6 i. long ard short prcbrbly enhanccdtrice, \he. h. rli en.n rlr i)b ol (hile rhc hclls of olherr scrc crllin! DeoDleLo fofmation and Sa!)n in\rallDA! chim. of 1{M aLClrc\han liC. u oshi!. The .hur.hldl remas\ hchinitrh; s,re. worl rnship. Fof rhe resr, it consish ol r Church. Tlat inrtrlldtion lugely lillh lnd l5th cenlury building is bnrsly !dc!u ell- and lnclude\ trn of lhe qesl sall of thc lE28 of tw. describedin Il,, Cfur, acl/! ofR.*nLir. rnd churlh rnd sohe nr.sorF from ns predccc$orl a slcs,{iih a heautiiul sorth ersl chdnclirced rcquircsfurther inve5rigation. Bnl Lhebell ls. of All Suinrshd\ .os r succesoi .hurch. In was thcr, rlorg rvith lnodrcr uninisc.ihed 1918.thc timer Ganison Churchof St Alb!. Until l8-12. the clrurch posscssed. Lt)wcr (so se..ndhlnd bcll.od Ino.cw oncs brd Lhnr {.s desig.ltcd lo l.ke Lhepl&c of the P.rish abourhall $at xlong the nonh aisle, the nav. fiet hid LoberecdstbyChdles canacoupleoi ClrurchofSt Crcgorythe crerl rnd ir\ diughtcr. siderennrg on thc pillms ol lhe aislc ifcade In 1551, Sl Colu'lba. n) honou the nenor! or thc fiere *ere rccorded rl sL Mildfcd.s 4 Sr bells and the wrterell (sdnctusl Ande$'s.onLi.trcd ln use rs a Lldl right hisLo.icciN cenrre naish, St Albai-i chrrch bell. Ot rhcsc, utrL llrhc ! rd.nmL,$h r.J rf ne d-rucrr n n ($hn'h ha\ one inell bcll, rhesecond {.s re..sl in 1622bt Josephltatch, p hung for s{ing rl'e l')Il Bl lr $J\ n,, nrJtrhhu\e\er. i,r chlnlrg) {as rchallo$ed undq thc Titl. ofA| .od in lTll Richatu Phelps .ccist the rrcble. tlrc Pasloral Reorg.nlz.tion rddng d lutlrcrtrble Logive ti!c: ldisused churchct Meosure. and dcstite T,.hlc pforcstsrhis lmpoflrnl e\lnrplc of lSrh cenru\ St MaryBreadman, High Street 29" D RICHARD PHELPS \lAItE \fli t 711 ar.hrtccturctr.s deir.lishcd in 1916.i Flnqu0 Opposnethc olening ro Me.ccrv l,ane_ shi.h lcidr do*n ro thc Chiisr ChurchCarc i\, \mxlt Secondc:l l C RICHARI) PHELPS grrd.n, prved {ith l8th cerrury ledgs-nabr.lt TTADDNIE ITII All Sainis, High Street c.nlri.s Thirdcl3 ts U,rinscdbed thc Crinrean Wd \Ienorial which ()SI'PH The modicul All S.nu\ !!!)Ll u\t.a( ot Lhc lD.ludes ! lllugh insiibetl: To ort Ualnnt Fourrh cls A HATCH \'tE FECIT 1622 Kine s Bidsc n5 ro\er piojecrrnsid our irlo Cahtud.s 4 np Hotv Lints: h. Pnt.h tlk 7yr-c$t thc road *rlh Eanhrdp. Holpiril o. dr. olher |dlLr. h. R(bn2n1n his Stre,lrl. I ha\.cncrer Teno.l8 C lhs havcNlarsc on llF Sowtes sidc. The High Slie.r in rhis ponu s!\ lirl. see. a wrr nerorill to ho.sesbelore, and of Thonas lvood and Nrarslret his rlf€ t is (Arms moie rlrlD . 1..e. r\ .ar hc see. from lhc \i r!ulJn) ,rpp.\rrr hc I n rhe hr\) .rr.ur ol Moyl., imDril;i by $b;d) l\tCCCCCxxxYI (A lo.lf'ri.r ol thc ch!r.[ ]IJ out h .olourcd reJrhj. I rqu. rrr rLl.rhrrthi.isrhe\iteLIsr ligrre or Chdsr palnrg o. rhc sirc. lhe riils tr6 qrne I \4iry tsreadmanChur.h. buill c I100, rboill in *,rh rhoflN) (By srnrclure,sufrolnlcd ijr. lrtre. \aurrc {iDoli. l82l and demolished in l90i) Thc suftix william Oldlleld_Clnr€.bury, 1516l rhc Do( signirlcdr liau,; qi' ,L' ciock. Brendnrdnxlludc\ k) th. re.rbt bEad market {hich hun! oll or I heam nrot.nnrg .i!hr rrd rs .ot to be conluscd \i1h the .er.bv Sl lhr lLre!uif! derJrl\J ! bJ:.d prnl) L,n\ll \rr.cr acr.ss Lhe dnd t.king i( olhcr b..rii! in ]!tery Bredin I Ju$eft \ n,rc\ LluoreJhl srdhl\lh idt, Edstbridge Irdn\' H.s1rltrl opposite Or rll Crnbbury s .hurches.rhis scelrs lhe n in.ii n |l r! su^ \ nrrtr h c. rd kn,r Thc 'In.\, ro$er ir: rr 163 renovcd ds 0l d)sl nnrccoded Whcn I led)ed lo irng,nry txtor bcll\, dnd bv cohparisonsilh otherbcllsofrhis ob\truclion Io rralil.. nur rft.r SL And.cw s Nlr J,D Stockbridsclold ne fiar he rcmenrb.red penodhl theseloundcrs. Chlrch $a5 rcmo\ed tur LLcsrne rei!)n \It or rarh.r ne rememhcrcd it not being Lhcreany Thc oscf beingc.nsidcred danre(us. it{N laulsetl .c.ods \hree rmll bclls 'r .ll .rn b! nroFl I have sen onc linc d.awing {hich pulled dosn n 1832.Tne trcbleti$lidrni for Joseph Hlrch. 1627: oler lhe\e hanes h r; Inc udei dE churchdrd r thotoefuphin whr.h rhc uses01 lho ') is hungfof drgnrg on a oDcn nrrer x s.rall bcll or wch rhc cloc( onc.dn,mt. out d bdq slu..ocdlioniaSe $ith a ponron of old liamc placedin a erecred \lrikc5,qilhouins.iplion' Arble Of ftesebells,rhc coutl. ot sorhick uindo{s, a doo$av rnd . overthcchor ve\lrv tuol Theo(hersncre sold. lso snnller Ncrc sold Thc cloct bcll seem\o stunp r(\rerwilh acul]ola. One ol Lhc smaller bells was repuled lo I.!e have refrdined upor premi\c\ rhe while rhe Srdls.hrr& tells u: Lhlt thcre sere rhrec bcenboughr by the Hefte BNyPier Co. but mc1 laf-scsr of rbe rhjcc bclls ivas pllccd ir lhe hclls drere oncc. ol vhich o.c sutrived. The wlth an accidenlcn route. Rcccnrresefch hr\ chssicdl cupola {hich $ds erecled ovc. ihe work of Robert Mor. 2ll" drxnerc., 1597, iL shown ths lheory to be unrcllablc. lte reno. hrr^ unl\ lhxr rhr heuft\ {ta 'lrrc .trcd b\ ua\ purchasedhl JohnPowell Porvcll,Lsq.. of ln lli.l2.r\llSaints $a:.cbu Ltto lhede\iSnt rrr.r\ .rler lilr rhc bel .t \r \nLlc\v\. Ouc\ P!tt. rnd now tbms Lhehour hLr oi rhe ol lbe lx )ui Gothici(. Thom!\ Ri.kmrn A alrerdj discussed.Whcn the.huch was Quer Park srable!docr, being hung dcad h r oity {esr r(^rcr s!s nclLrded.in $hich the old .lcmolished.thc bell sr\ .crnolcd to lbe Wi\r large woodcn urel with lwo lnxll qudner lenor bcll s.s rehrn-q.lnd here Stuhls.hmidl CaLcNllse! .uhcnits.shunglomch.insin hcl s. Many inecrs risiring thc \,rlerld nrq,cr a.ell .n one ol rhcd|M rosers. sill havcheard it, and that rs Lhcrtur_1,. l21O TheRinginsWorA Decemberl9126.2003

St MaryMagdalene, Burgate Trcble2E'/i c+ iosephhstch tuade me recogniseas a church at all; it is in a mcagre 1616 4-cwt Secondl0/: lB + SanctePetre O.a P.o SI Marl s $as closed,wirh three orherswe Nobis+!0S have ner, in 1888. Ir becrme a haLl for St Tenorl2'l," ?A + SanctaKated@ O.a Pm Cfegory: parish ncxr doo( larcf ir becanE a Nobis+ U British Reslaurant.In 1959 rhe lalc Clnon Derek Ingrn Hill, thcn Vicar We linow thc role of {he lreblc, as n was of Sl cregory\, recliimcd the buildi.g lor pdish. rin\lctrrtl !, sr Cloree s ro c.mflclc rhe nn! his Intenrat iearures of much i.rere\l. includinS !f fi\e trn F4 mrnur) in 1872. Thc rw; nural mrn35.8l.A\Jnd rimb($url tuedicr.l bells Da) \till cxlst. rhougb nJ scrc !\posed E\LcrnJl). unsurrh) iurnr\hrn!\ ptubrbly nor in Erglmd. They wcrc sold lnr a Jnd exlrancous bulldinSs .omrnll sum io Bishop Kenell cornish ol bcgan to disarpcaf, rereLningin p.fi.uld rhe lovcly yadagasclr ib, usc in churches in rhaL nellow red- bich ldver and a. arlrdcli!c silh.nene.f drocese. h $ould bc good to halc sone hulrp] bunpl (cnl peg liled root! dciirlre neqs ol then, Thc rwo hrger arc or Fr Hill esLdblishcd wcrc fiftcenlh cenrur! bell\. possibly Richa.d a chaFl in rhc fo.ner nnsinA Hille, or Johonnaor John Srurdy. chan$er lo thc 1owcr.The lauer was a medielrl b|stion l. Lhecir! wdll. 'lhebells uc.c rchuneitr anew lianc, which wirh ac.es only xl high l.!el. The asccnl to be co.icmporary pirh rhc lower w.s not 4pecrs recoDrmendedlnr li)llowine ilscomplerbn in 1501.Ir ls oneofftc thc rged or inlnm. In 1702, the rorc. was .a\ed in tall 3-bcll fmmes of wbich rhere4rc selerdl in deeo red bricl and heighLenedone slale. Therc Canlerbun and the vici.il!. in lhis case lh is now a smll done on toD housins The Kine cornerand centrc posts to ea.h rru!\ andcfossed ' s School Obserlalory. brlces each sidc of clch .cntrc posr. There were Lu Considednglhe !icissittrdcs.includins a scrcr. bclls until 1922.Thc 1552 nentuns rhrec. bla\tine dldng e Blitz. the tiame is i. \dt and a wrgerell bell.It apperrr'nrcntory ldir conditior. The floor\ dnd laddcr rre .rher thrr the Lreblewar lccrst in 1616 by Joseth llat.h, sho sis calledback scfcnyear-i latd Io recln rh. othcr l{o .nd to aujtncnt The RonrxnCalholic chufch {.s builr on the thc nng to iour ln lilll. Thomls burill ground in l88l (b! L C. Hall. vho also Mexrs ll .e.ast designcd St Law.e.ce. Yorh. anolhc. church Cdnterbutj., St Mat\- Maeddlen(.The t.\r.r al {ilh Lheold towcr in ftont). Owne6hip of the Trcblc ?6 ioseph hatch nade mc {b) 1623 tsa3 Chufth .k"t.lishe.l 187l old tower enaincd slth St George'suntil its I cwl To drr, ,nany visltors ro Clntcrbury are dcsiNclion in lhe Blitz. subscquentltwith tre second 28,l ioseph halch oade me 1616 inrlgued by the RonranCrrholi. churchof 51 Dioccsc. Tower. w.lls lnd garder are now .1 c{1 Thonas {ilh what at fi.st seens l() bc its nxr.tai.cd in exenplarl lashnh bI Cafterbury Third 3l ioseph hatch Drde me (h) 1623 detrchcd rower in rhe gardcn al lhe lront. It is WILLL{M CRTPPIN C W 5'/,.CS't soon:{,parcnt that the Ndlls of the arc Tenor 347t I ME^R5 ots LoNDoN Wir o iacl lhe lorcr couAes ol the wrlls-sarden of rhe 5t MaryNonhgate \trnoN I D MrEmr CHriRrH w$,Dl\s chu.ch which originally slood Lherc.A1 lhe Nowfhe KingsS.haol Music Centre 7 clt scst cnd. rhey.ise to some height, ud I lasl wenl up fte tower in 1971,lnd things rdjacent 10 the rower i\ lhc fecess which nay hrve chanscd.The .inei.s chahbcr was I.omerly catried the rcsel staif ro $e lirst ti1lcdup asa clapeli thc ccilln_ssrill had lhe lbu. floor A woodcn door is srill in position at this well sorn rope holes sith ru1heran unusurl lc!.I. The tower itsclfjs of rhreesLagcs wnh a circle. Thc ncxt floor sas cmply. The bell lilcdpyranid cap.It is cngagedwnh rhenorft chanber conlaincdthe outer trusscsof rhe old se\l coD{ oi lhe churcb, rirh r*o scll four bell lidme, which h.d all de evidenccof nouldedarchesope.. for.rerly to the na\e and bcine one of thosc by loseph Harch s .or$ aisle. In rhe base ol rhc to{e. .re r lkllhJntscr,ThonrJ\ Cru{. dnd lrobabl} dakil collecion of wcll lcstored nonumcns. The n,m 1r,21T hopc I i\ \ull rhcjc The inremal lrches arenow encloscdwitlt glas \crecns.nd mses had lll b.er renoved: thc tcnor pir loodh ar nighL. Abovc them is a limbcr corraioedarunncr bo.rd. but lherewas no other .eili.g with oicell caNcd beams. Ali rhis re\ldat'on {ork was crricd out in l97l lo Thc bclls vere rather cu.iously adleaised .onnenoralc the lltrle .hurch of St Nlarv '1o any church shich de\ncs them ir . \{.gdalene d century afler its denolirbn. sundr\ n.$.F,'p!r in lr22 ThN c'uBhr rhe Cante,tara, St llutJ Notthgutc. The Th. fofurer parish of St George Lhe M!fiyr b.Us reft c\. nl rh( Bl\h,,p of whr sJ\ rhcn qith rcna1E.lJnh nk b$0 in t922 Sr Mary Magdaleneis ihc parish ol rwo Drmrmla.d dd i\.ow Namlbi.. who desired lower\ lnd no churcbes.The urioD of the rwo Many ol Cantcrbury\ churcheswcrc builr rhcrnin bis oew Crlhcdrll alwindhoek Alas, beneficeswas a pan of lttrge-$ale pasronl re by the Gales, and St M.ry Northgale was no lhe !r{cr tras neler builL: lhc rcnor bcll is ot ore.dsadon ascarl! as 1681.Fron Lharlimc_ St cxccpnon.lts ro{er $as o.c oftle basrnr.5of $lrdhoeli, and i{o of the orhcs !.e at Uskos G.oree s sas alsays thc principal ol Lheiwo the Cily W.ll. and the .hancel was fully over and lvxl\rs Bly rc:p.cti!e1v. and no douhi thc ,L.dccd, of the cir!) .nd it sas Sl Ma.y lhe rcad our of the cny. h the cdly l9rh- otbc. s do g good \.rv cc. Ani nMe new\ \tagdalcnc,whose burial groundabulted on lhal centu.y. LheCiiy Falhersderernined a policy ol ils larler sinc., which graduallylcll out of of desruclion on thc gatcs which resultcd in 5t Marygredin, !se. The lait sewiccswere held in 1866.rDd ir rhc rcno!.I of xll excepl thc nrighrj/ West RoseL.ne lETl $e churchwas denolished. Gate. Thc lun of Nonh Gare camc h 1832. NewChurch in old DovetRoad Thc rower.howeler, sas allowed ro enain The srructurc las demolhhed. ie!'ine fte Thc nlme neans wooden church , ..d the l(i \heltcr lhc frnecollecrion of monumeohand $esi lower, the no h and south {all\ lrd rhe lnsr {ch building d.ted lioh S$on rimcs. A n' .onnemorarion ofThe Revd R. H Barham, nale rool ptupped upi ! ocw east end and lredievi chu.ch sith a wooden lurct (enfbased vas iurbor of rhe Ingaldtb! keetul!, {uth aisle were builr in compcnsationlor rhe rcpla.ed in 1868by a Dcw building ol noble qho {as bapliredlhcrc. The fonr *enr LoRivcr vanishcdponion: $e old soulh q,all was llen \inpliciry" ro quoc thc ncwspapeNot the rine. ncr Doler. ahere n still stards: and rhe li.c dedoli\hcd and iron pillm ere.red ro eile a sr varr Bredh was notable anon8 Anglican Trlnslrlonal dcade sas rc c.ected in Sr ldge spacetur worship. S.dly, the l8l2 $o.k churchcsin C.nterbtrrylbrhdving ! spi.e J. G. Gcorges, in connecllon$irh irs.cw Dofh aisle is all one see\ liom thc mrir road. yelbq Halt hrd placcd such sructures qhich on his wasdedicalcd to St Mdy Magdalcnc. bicr .nd lar8e, plain. pointcd windows $irh Presb)lerian.hur.h (now dcmolished)and Lhe The belh sere no1 lbfeotren.Thet wc.c a woodcn 'churchwarden" Lraccry. It was CitJ' Ccnieteryi bul since $c rcnoval ol lhe rn-! oi dree, l*o of which had been dr rhe meno.ahly (and wongly) describcd as 'a 'Cok slcpyll fton $e Arundcl or No.rh west .hurch longer lhan fie Lowcr.whlch we know krnd ol bam. silh a plain bdcktoler,lhat has lower ol thc Cllhedral in 1705,Clntcrbury had l.om bequcststo havebeen built in 1503 lone been .losed and tlut fea peoplc ben a cny wilhout spiEs. Decenbcr I 9/26, 2003 TheRingingwo .l 1241

S'I' NTARY BRDDIN / DESTROYDD BY yearlhe lrebleliom St NlaryMagdalenc was ENE\TY ACTION ON TSr.: JUND 1942 / mnsllred to St GeoiSes lo contleLe the l]cal REV: $r.A. KEND/ILL, M.A. VICAW G. A. of nvei. !+ minol'. Thedetrils of rhisninor Rrronnsl w. E. BooKER] CIIURCII- (M) \'!ARDI]NY/ MEARS / / LONDON Treble28'C# ioscphhatch madc mc 1616 Thc old leror $as for nany yeds prese(ed 4.wt rn rhc brsc of rhe ro{er: in rhe 1990\ ir $as Sccond:10' B io*ph halch madene 1627 lranslctrcdrotheCanlerbury HcdtaSc Ccntrc in 5 cwt rhe Ru Picsts Hospital,vhcrc il is curenlly Thnd ll" A + Ll SATEGEORGI U ORA on d$pla) rts lbunh hone: trul), a survilorl PRO NOBIS Fourth 36" G# THoMAS DUNKIN WILLIADI 5t George the Martyr 5t Geonge3 Street THOMASPAI,I\,IAR MAD' MDE 1664 8 C$T Tenor ,10" F+ IOSXPHVS HATCIT ME St Ccorgc\ lower srillstands$ thc top cnd of FECIT (H)T623 Cmleibury-s long main street.all thll rentnr of rhecily\ largesrchurch. which perishedwnh The third was by Williah le Belyetorcof its ctrti.e pdish dori.g the tslilz of Cdlerbury. On Junc lst, 1992. ro conmemor.re rhc 50{r The.c are .l€rnative Fadirys given i. sobe dnnile^ary of the Blilz, xnd s an act of sourccs:nincis dcdvcdton the.ccount by rhe recoNilialtun, a Ccman LutheranPa\lor ln)m Ratr'., Fr C. F, Tonks.in whosctimc thc bells Dresdenand rhe ld( Reclor oi sl George\, Fr sere re(ored. dd by Melrs & Slainba.k Cantefiury| St Man Brerlit: th. t:hurh under Ccofircy Keable, unleiled a conmemoradve follow g thel visil in 1925.From vhar they con$tuttn,n in l86ta, btfin ttu srn? uttiel tlique. Il includesthe ivods tion I John: -Thc say, I think thlt fte treble from St Vrry Sr Mary Bredin had an ocngoml Lower dartnesshat plsscd asay, and the true Lilht is ftaldalenc was sinply transfcrcd lock, stock lnd barel and allhoughthc Iivc wcrc $hich rcsc ar dc iuncrionol rhe south aisle, bells hung Therewas r Nomai churcbon rhe sile olSr nr rntging 1872-1925.lhere dppeaAto bc no nlvc 4nd chanccland lbnncd rhc !o'!h to the .hurch. In laLlcr yedrs thc hells wcrc chimcd Cco.Scs ard eicav ion of the de. ln t99l/? recordof an) ri.ging beinSdone. By 1920the fron here.The lale MrJin Sro.kbnd8erecalle! demonstralcdlhat it hld bccn continuously to{cr wls reportedin poor condirion,and onl} an old man wirh o.e rope in each hand dnd one inhdbiledsincc Ronr.n tiFcs. In thc surliling two bclls in use. In l9?5, they were rehong on ! f@t three old sheeps bells, al\ whar toqerlhere is d Noman door.nol originallt f'art -dcad on thc old ftunc- with an Ellacotnbe lhel unded likc.". Thc bclls and thc of rlc toiver irself, which is of l5th ce.turt chnn g aUJLtr{lusby lvlears & Stai.bank, dt a nonunents hdd been p.ese.vcd frcm thc date As ir srood.r lhe begillnrg oi the Secord medjelal buildingirhlr rhebells lrkc.l in r.ne. Wnrld Wir. St G.orgc s consisrcdofa loie nalc The lale Dr willian Urry, calbedral they madeup forlo hislor'].inreresr. or six tals wirh lidcs thc lull lcnSrh and a ,\rcbivist, NrilinS ro ne h 1968 said. 'lher rather shorl chancel.The nave and south aisle were chinrcdby an old mar sho spenta Srert Treble 19' THOI' !R^i{cls CH: {crc medielal. aldough Lhedcrde separarinS deal ol Lrmenr LhcColch ud Uorscsopposne. WARDEN l7U R: PHELPS^.S FECIT Ihcnr s as ! copy of tle Tra.silional one on lhe The nle rcpes cane down in the nonh-cast 1ll0 norLh sidc which had bectr brlught froD 51 cofn.r, ard he lsed ropull rhen 1,2.3.:r.5slo*lr Second2l'l.'+ MA RI A r 2-1 Md! Magddlenc in lE7: Thc north aislc. thcn 4,1.2.1quickly. They were ore shon ot r Tenor 2l%" + lll : DIiV : LAVDANM : urilisin.smuch nateidl lionBurgate. was all of nrj(tr scale and a! cxtrcmcly nounful 'nadc Ih0h 2- t -li 1E72,as was lle chd.el. Ar rhewe$ eM of rhe sound lou came dow. 10 church . Thc ^ The two larger serc c$l by RichardKcmer, sourh aidc was the io{er, {hose souih door li.ee6 of d edlie. genefuti.n had spccial (r!ct. a Canterbury founder who was Norhing openeddi.ecliyonrothc as irdocslo dat. rcsponsibilides,for Sr Georges GrearBell was c.1500. Th. Ih0h is the besrI can do here ro considcrcd thc wlkine bell of lhe city. 'h Lhe rcprcducc thc qur\i Ar.bic $hich iorms fie 1560'd. Dr Uar conrirues, 'lhe.e is a case date 15{15.!r rs \uppos.d Lohc Lhccarlicst bcl where a sonan is accuscdof consonine wirh lhe ringer! rl Sr George\ in thc night. so it On the ni.shlol llsl Ma)/lsr June. 194:. St almostsourds as ilthey canped down underthc Mdy Brcdin chu.ch wls sct on nn rnd guned to{crallni-shr. As to their iate. he srares.The in the Bl itz of CantcrburyOnc of lhc nrcDories hsL I everslw oflhcm wasa solid luDp, almosr of &e Blilz oieo reounled i! rhe sighl 01 the rdiskoler.h dl Lhemlying in thc nrscr, {he.e spireblazine iike a torch until irbeeledolerand they had fallen dorn whiLchor. I Lhoughtthc mctal was supposed Io be saved. but thc crshcd. Thc thrc. bclls fcllto the Eould, and in thcir hexted \t!tc thc two snalle! were conlusionand chaoswas so grealdral anlrhin! squashed.The Lenorsurvired \carcd bui intlcl. could havehlppcncd.' So lhis line church stood on C.nterbury\ For lhis chorch l( ler:r. rhe bombin! was a Th. bln..d t:hlnhlnht th. \odh eastin 19i1. busest sreel - in prinroposilion lbr rcstoradon blesiry in disguise:de chur.h was roo small slbnlt b(late dtt hrt t. tot.t ||as d.natished and in thc wrong placc. In al.lober. 1942 the for cily cenlremi.istry in a rebuilt cityi or for pdn of thc rui.cd bulldinS w.s The lover ori8inally h!.1 a newel $tairin Lhe conynidation and openiog up as a pldce of lredler sourh denolishedand shat wasleli \d\ rlearedawat castcorner Tlls {as detuolishedi. I?94 bearlt and rcflcction dd a nemorial to Lhe in road sidenirg ln 1952. lhe drigregxrn)n as dansc.ous,havntS been pierced sone ten cil!-s sulturi.g. Il was not to bc. By 1952.rhe mcanwhilc molcd lo rlrc chrpel of Nunnert leas belore to improvc thc pavcDcol.At that Dioceselad sumcientei@uugemcnt frcm the FieldsHospital until it war possiblctorcquir. a nne lhe enall leld spikc- was Lranslered10 dcvckrpcrsto prcceedwirh rle saleol rhc sit , conpleGly new l{)caln)ni. \cw Dovc. Rord. thc nain tower A..ess wds to be had lr.n lhc chu.chyardlnd all. Demolirion shned in thc wcst The line rcw chur.h conplele sirh !n lmFlc e.llc.y oftbe chur.h;$e casl-nonstair ro rutumn of 1952, excepl for lhe torer. oler gallcry (mding squde ro{er bnlno spne {rs.on\ecr.Lcd in lhe was still i. ns place wher which a right rolal rumpus, long a brewing, 1957.Tbc towc', compictcwirh builr ign'g the rurn\ ol Lhcnave ree beingdemolished. broke our. Sufllceit Losay rh!11heMinisrry ol gdlcry, could ddcquarclyhousc a lighr dng. Al1 ln 1836,theto$crrcccivcdi1smo$distinctivc Wo.ks prdeeded lslowl]) wi$ thc wo|k of lc!rur.. qe need. said a lanner Mcar $hcn I spokcto rhe t. ous brandj, boule" cl{)ck opl(d reslorution.The fesloredcloct wds setgolng !t hnn aboutthe po$ibililt of noving IIdt Crcss bt a Uanringfleur de lis. The serddgdi.l sr ed 12 noonon 6th Mal, 1955.We de sdll wditing bclls lhcrc- is a nillionaire' Lhatlhc clock hrd beer suppliedby Waden & T{) complclc thc story, ihe lwo srnaller Son, of CdLerburv. and w6 crcctcd by public Theseeighr churches havc bccn dirused in damaged bells, wilh cquivllcnt addlional subscnpnon.Oilinally n hdl opaldials and was dcrdl in chronologicLn ordcr of rheir gas metal to the renor,we.e clsr into onc ncw b.ll, an cdly exrntle 01 $ll:enactin! dcslruclion.or io$ olfieirbelh. Tne remlinin8 28" dimerer. E, 4-3-5, whi.h is hulg dcad . It appd.lus, convenedk) eldln.irt rn lt){t:1.At thrcchavc already appeded in $esecolumnsin 2.llirn on Jure lsl, 1942. fie clock slopped the last thhy ycars of so. and rhe inlerened wben lhe llanrcs rcached the moveDert. reader is rellre.l b fie /ltreing Warld l ,lt\ CAST L\I 1957/ WTTH MDTAL FRO[' A Thee were iilc bclls in thc tovcr four drd for 1968,1975 and 1995inr rclt.cncc tolnicles I6TH CENTURY BELL / AND ONE ! clock bcll for naiy yeas; but iL seehs rhar b) mtsclfin the list tNo case!,rnd br Diclon DATED I7I2 TN THE OLD CHU_RCHOl. b) lli72, only the.ing of lour remained.ln thal 1242- The Rinqi gWrtltl December19/26,2003

St Margaret,5t MargarefsStreet HoLyCross wds r wcll altendcdand ac ,e The bells were u.ed aI Wfilehapel. de Nowfhe aahterburyPilgrims churchaght up until the nid 1960swhcn tcno. beingrcduced ro 9 I I 6 in Ab. Thcy wc.c mu.h 01rhe local housing {rs denolishedlar augmc.tcdtosix, rctincd and hung in a mls$ive lheinier ring road;it becamethe Ecunenical Iroko li-bell liarnear Sl SavnJur'\Church in Chatlaincyfor theoes Udvesity of Kentar l9?5. Wdsit jr!1 coin.ide.reLhdL thel *enr Canrerbury a venlurewhich failed, not leasl iion wen Gatelo weslgarel becauseof rhe disilncc bctwccnrhe church .nd thc scar of lcar.i.g. In 1972,it was St Gregory The Great decldrcdredu.danl. and in l9li5 sas Now the St GregoryCentre, Christ Chut.h nrgniicenrl! conlerredirro lhe Cit! s Guildhall(Ihe nedlelal vc.sionofNhi.h had beer deDolishedbt' its supposedgu..dians in 1951). Thc l3El churchwas equirued sith !l loast o.e bcll, casl bl Slephen Norbn of \4didstone.another ol rhose works nay be conleniendy inspecledin thc cloisrersar WorcesrerCarhcdral. By 1552therc wcrc foul ud . w.Scrclliof lhesethe feble andlcnor wercrccd\t in l60ll.and lhe se.o.d in l6l5 by Joserhtltttch. of Uiconbe.h 1730.Samuel Knight rdded a treble-which was recastby Thonas Lester only ninc ycars l!1cr Thc fra0e w.s rlnost ccnainly re.on\truclcdat rhn Frjod. Whcn the L.wer was rebuilt in This churchwas builr to the designsof 1871,thc wholeinsLdlrtion was sinply taken GeorgeGilben Scortin 1851,as a niemorill Cant rhury, St Mdrgaret, nu)\|ing the ndir llan rnd reasembledwith ne* birs and ro rhe late Archbishop William Howlcy taftr built 1850ro u illlturbuLe fnnt tht (182818,181.Ir had a ligorcuslilt. andvas a lirser!. m. bils tebt in 1963 .o1cd ccnlrc of Anglo-Cxlholic sorship, 51 Margarefsis a heavil! .e\bred l4lh & especi!ll] in the vi.ariate of lhe latc l5$-.eitury chur.h.rbough rhere is a Noman Cano. Derek hgmm Hill (19571963). Ils disadvarlaeeras that ir stood in the very westd@r Thesnall obloogtowefwas adapted qcsr ro rakea srairtunet tu 1850.when C. G. Scott prfi of thc clst cnd ol CanLerbury.and dMsticllly and succcssfllly restorcd the uar \u )undedbl a lxsr chur.htard A building. Sclcrcly blastcdin 19,12,i1 was dlughrcr.hu.ch. sL Colunba,buill itr 1937, evenlually( | 957)adapted ds a chdpeland centre lliled ro s.he s.rislaclodlydre problcmor lor rhosewith inrFiredhearing or qee.h. The accessibilirr,. wirl rhe clorurc of the costof upkeepproved too much,and the church Ba{acks. ftc Guison Chlrch of Sr Alban was declarcdredundart dound 1990, and bcclnc lacant:thls wa\ iderll] plted al the itsprcsc.r centre01 the pdrish.Re-named All Sainls almostat onceconrcrtcd to !sc. (\ee ThcbcljswcrclongloncAringof threc.lhe Canktutt1. The hellsttHol\ Cruss, \ven Gate, above)ir sas rdaptedard becamcthc hae sinLe1975 runx at Westsdteloh Seu) o.igrnalcrlcted feble {oneol only lso bells Pdish Churchh 1978,S! Crcsory'sbeins yca6 vanddli!n, rhensumirinS by Thonis Harch,1599) b.oke Hoiy bells were a gro!.d-floor nrg closcd.Follo$jn8 ofteribie Cft)s\ wa\ rest{tredas lhe St GreSory in halfwhen they recelred the of wirh an dli'clo.kwise rope circlc Coodilions thc building Ccnlrc in Christ Chlrch Unive6ity, theh1e Mr Goshrin 1903.Hc 'linlstralions rchunglhcm in vere nade no benerby thc prcscnccof a bojl{. thc cr.zI old framc $i1h ncs fitlings, which ooe had ro frcc 10 ring rhe 3d. and an essentiallylor ssint-chihing. Wheelswere into one hLd lo descendto SrGregory\ church had drec bcllscastbyC associaredpil- which rcspcctivcly1-(l pro!ided,bur only lhe lenor had x stay(ofno.); ring 2nd The) sere regularly rong in lhe & G Mea6 in lE5l. Wciehing rhc 16,I I 2{!,1 eachsas iis.ibed C & G andanEllacombechit ng appdrluswas litted. alier lhe Great War: the nnal public I and lears [r!]ARS FOUNDDRSLONDO\ 1851.All Someof $e ringlngplraphemali! sas lcft in occasn)n {as a KCACR A.G.M. in 1922. the lower wilh the fr&ic whcn thc bcUswcrc late 1962 hungin rhplegable overlhechan.eldch, not Eilons were made et.n as as to ect plte takcnout- though thc trcblc shcel, complde ol cncumstances Ihe ideal for mairlenancc..By lhc limc them rehung,but thc change parjsh, wasin wilh Coslin'sname-plate, is to be lnu.d doing made Lhed candidalerlOr lhe CanonHill cxlrelo rhe onlyone wilh lhe church goodtone.In due course dutt a$ a coat hriger in St Alphege. Lhe lher embryo.i. Beu lse.nd thatnor ofvcry alrcnlion oJ it was reca\tdnd rehmg $em sith Resloruttun Comninee of fte KCA. I direcled dccidcdti) sone imnroremenl Io the rope/chain 'the bells wereremoved by JohnTaylof & Co rhe reno\al of the bclls (and a quilc anangenenr.The latre! vas nor cnlircly in Novenrber,1968. Thc sccondwds rccast by pheoonencl accumulaln)n ol ecclcsiastical $'ccestul and by thc timc the cburchw* theminto a newFcble fbr Droxlbrd,Hdntsr the rubbish)in Ntar | 972.The lixme sas lell in lhe closcd,only one wls in nse. rcnor wA rdlsr dr whiEchapel as r reble for to$cr The week beforelhel remolal. a select Ne*chur.hin RomnelMdsh; andlhe lreble band sei/ed lhe oppofiunity to dn.s the belts Treble17 C+ 19 (M) 6l t-o-t2 wasluned aI Whitshapelro ccupy the emc one lan line ln then old honrc;1hcy!c.c hard Sccondl9 B 19 (M) 63 I 2 5 posilionnr a chi'lc of four bcin! hunga1 St work but had dll thc prcmire ol tuhing o!1to Tenor2| A IHDSDBELLS/CAST BY C be an cxccllcnl ing. A li'rluitous nove t't The & G MEARS I85I I parish Treble27 D (rtr rzii,l S. D. GOSLIN . Rcld Stlnley Erxns ro lhe ol Weslgale WERI] RECAST / DY NIf,ARS & IOUNDER . I,ONDON on-seaearlier thal sane vedcnablcd hit! to be STAINDANK / I9(M)6] t-0-21 RtrCAST. EASTER. 1903 1,2,1r in and seltledin tine lo rccci!€ thcoftcfofthc Holt Cross bclls. as they hnng at Ility Cmss, Due ro $en ioaccesibiliry. rhe bclLsscrc Sdond 29'r- c IOSEPHVS HATCH ME lefl i'r fte bell .rblc lon8 dric. rhc closure ol FECIT {Ir) 1625N N 1223 rh. chufch.llvcnludllt the! $eE taken dosn Te.or 2jl:" Bb IOSEPHVS EATCI' ME Iieble: 28'l E IOttN FISHER CH and pa\scd i.to Lhc care ol lhe KCACR. F'ECIT(H) 1625D E WARDD\ J739 4-:t-t0 subsequcnlly lhey {ere acquired for thc Holy Cross, Westgate Sccond29 D iosephhaldr mdc nc 1608/ pa h oi Sr Giles. WormshiLl,10fom with a RF 5010 residerr bell rhe fronr threc and tcnor of :l Now the GuildhallaftheCity of Canterbury Thnd l|l C# iosephhatch nade ne (h) light dng of sir. Not lo.s after. the iing Cantcrburysnighly WeslGrte was rebuiit as 1615/ I IIR C 5211 {as conpldcd with two l8Lh-.entury bells we se il 1n 1381.fhe pevious Holy Crc$ Fourth 35'l B + STEPHANVS : Churchhad (like Sr Mary Nothgare) st{)odoler NORTO\I': DE: : NIE : IECIT Although the loss of sorle hlstoric churchos rhe g!tc. and wa now rebuill dlonS\ideit. (ed.h btt?r, -t dot eop und (ror ur( is ro be regretted,this h.s not bccn cntirely a Dcspitcinten\c I9th-cenLurl restoralio. and lhe 8224 de of d@m lnd gloon. Even in Lhe l8th completerebuilding of lhetower in l871.1hatis Tenor 38'A A IOSEPH HATCH MADE ccnlury thcy wcre r@ycling Lheir bells in lhe.hurchwe seeto dav. ME (H) I6OE/ R D 10-:t-| Canterburl. There hrle been loses. bnl the December19/26,2003 The RingingWorLl 1243

Season'sgreetings to bell-ringers! ChristmasCrossword To read lhe m.ssage.solve the clues, ed by Anthony Leeves rnscn rhean!*e^ into thc gid, then follow ey Clues rn\trunrorj (see D and H), Note tlEt 2l-7 is

L Astronallt round trip for $€ekly jounal. l. Somelords leapin8 dound fallins back. (9) (?.5) 2. Anywhm in Francecan make b.andy to clues 8. Cdol\ crcwnedt|ee. (5) Enteranswcrs ftom 9 En8ldd- rum\ up in fdei8n ruunq. Le) 3. Ldding plee for FarherChristmas (5) left to righ! stanjngin ll lncJurious.bur Llarm\ ro be orhes:f (9J A MeD Chn.rm6 dd c Hdnp,Ne\ Yeu 12. r-ow noise mund abst&incr fron cracken At the end of a line, (5) 5. I m a no oneolef craviry for alcohol.(9) cont'nuc on the line 13. Kicks .round withour rhin blocklead. (9) 6. ThisBetl ehemis by no neansanong the 16. Cdol has:rqliclone. (5) rulers of Judah.(5) Clues | 8 Phys organ to get gs for li-shr. (5) 7. See25 a.rcs. (9.3) 19. Thcy sere overcone cos stablewas found. 10.Whrl musicEroup has ro do whenone of thcscren goes !ick. (4,2,6) 20 ln ou rcadvc llreside.(5) AnlnginetlNel. tid is nosl bedgn.(9) 22.Hensor Coccincllidae.{9) 15.'liee $ nh iorbiddenliun. (91 supper(3,3,3). 25.ChristmasEve i! on 7 down.(9) 11.Quin.ruelariouslare Chrillmas Dresent. B. 2t 22 16 6 12. 26. Oncue about Io gaina littlcwei8ht. {5) 1.1.5) 27. Helpsus Ioo! ourbesL fo. Christfras.{7 5) 2t. Takeour lease to suppondrisfs work.(5) 23.Oneol lhe cboresaftcr Chiistnas lunch. 4. 3,2,8). (3.2) c. The ll 13(4,3) 24.Ze andold boy sel on ChristD6cheer (5)

25 l4), ?3 7 (5 1) 18 (4) in rhe 14 (6) D. 20 17. Thc

E. he 2s (8) also

?). G. In 20 17 (5, 3). by hunting26 (2), thenpulls 10 (2)

tle 1l F (4, 3) could be helpfuli Follow rhis in D dbovel L Clue4: t2tin lbr 'peee . (3) Clue15: May bring out the flavour of Al (4) ciue ?4: Old nane lbr Chdstnas nde. (4) ;ent ia bt A. Puz.ler

slory of the bells in thc last rhlee-nenrioned I ah srutefut to th. whnecharel Bdl J. Brenl, Canterburyin the OldenTine, 2nd rowe^ rbd encouraeingonc for iny rho re Foundt)" Ltrl ort to John Tajtor (Belioundeg ) ed 1879.London. Simpkin. M6hdl & Co. conteEplarinAsimihr eretur\e\The condrtron Ltd for iafonnutian ahout ||D* cattied art ar F. W Cross& J. R. Hall. RamblesRound ofa tnecity\ bells, in theCathedrul ud ia ihe recanh.tuled b\ thens.hes, suppliel oret d Old Carterbury.lfd ed 1884. Canterbury: remaining pa.ish chu.ches. is excelleor p.nod.,fhdn\ \ tt. t an ltk\Ise Erdle1't lo C.oss& Iactnan accordingtheir use. Much of lhls is dueto the Ih. c.un.il lu, the Cdre .l c hurehesIrr r.es J. C.L. Stahlschnidl,The ChurchBells tu naknal of ene.eyand rtr(husirsmur rhc Kenr Counry helll in ns Libnry. Ke.1.1887. London. Elliot Stock Association of Chans( Rmsers Betl I M itulebted t0 the lak tin stotkbridze w: Townsond: unJ h Rtch,r,l Brirish CitiesrCanrerbu.y. Rcst@tion Committeeoawhich thieExercise. Olfcn. Jin tauqht tu to nis 1950.London: B.T. Batsford tnt tn.nrrce.d rn cdrb inrere:t in hell the Di@eseand rhe Coua{y have alikc every Atso . nmber af Paish Chtrch hirtorr. Ri.hahl ..iole.l ne into risitinp all Histoies so,ts af i8c.esible pLdces in the titr ana mis a,ricle k vriien vithout footrotes otul sha/ed nr enlhssiosn. For Iulthet inforndtioh, nu.h oJ the the Min burce Mteriul is persDnal Se.ondatt sorrcs .ons terl incle.le: orisindL tuakrial re.oded h.ft and a eteal obsendtion b! the wnbr atui br Nicholas.1. W Gostling. A Waik i. aad Around rhe Cit\, .leat more about the Chrreh Belk of Kent, Ddri.s, o.Iriea.l dni Je ov belt hbtotian o.f of CanLerbur -rrd ed l?79 Cnerburli see Dickor Inre\ Kert Bells ||ebsite: htD/www.l(ent.lovesguide.con.