www.fastraxgps.com 9/2010 Receivers & Tracking products UP501 NEW! IT520 NEW! IT430 NEW! Choose from the widest range of GPS receiver solutions in the world! FASTRAX PRODUCT MATRIX Sensivity Power Product Description TTFF acq./navig. consumption Dimensions(mm) Protocols Programmable Chipset Channels Photo Note FASTRAX 500-SERIES FOR ULTIMATE SENSITIVITY Ultra-sensitive, pin-compatible <33s -148 dBm
[email protected] 16.2 x 18.8x 2.3 NMEA No MTK3329 66+22 IT MP compatible, 10 Hz fix with MP family GPS receivers /-165 dBm rate, extended power supply IT500 range , predicted 14 days A-GPS Ultra small, low-power and <33s -148 dBm
[email protected] 10.4 x 14.0 x 2.3 NMEA No MTK3329 66+22 Up to 10 Hz fix rate, IT520 highly sensitive GPS module /-165 dBm predicted 14 days A-GPS FASTRAX 400-SERIES FOR MINIATURE SIZE AND LOW POWER Smallest available complete <35s -147 dBm
[email protected] 9.6 x 9.6 x 1.85 NMEA No SiRFstar IV 48 Client Generated Extended GPS receiver with low power /-163 dBm or (default) GSD4e Ephemeris™ and IT430 consumption and 1.8V single (tracking)
[email protected] OSP SiRFAware™ for always hot power supply (binary) start feature, advanced power saving modes FASTRAX 300-SERIES FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE Small and highly sensitive GPS <32s -146 dBm
[email protected] 13.1 x 15.9x 2.3 NMEA & Limited with Sirf SiRFstarIII 20 Adaptive Trickle-Power™. receiver module /-159 dBm SiRF SDK GSC3f/LPx Push-to-Fix™. IT310 Highly sensitive, pin-compatible <32s -146 dBm 75mW@ 3.0V 16.2 x 18.8x 2.3 NMEA & Limited with Sirf SiRFstarIII 20 Fastrax IT MP compatible with MP family GPS receivers /-159 dBm SiRF SDK GSC3e/LPx Adaptive Trickle-Power™ IT300 Push-to-Fix™.