Sri K. Venkata Srinivasa Rao vduru (v)! Podlj (Nr), pr.krr.dr Dilkki A,p.

Appnars.qr, RnponrlMrnrNc PraN OF Ro.ln Mnur, Qulnnv


!rtcnrr 0,91 Ile.irrct 2.25 .\cEs. Le,se Pcriod: l&l l-r0l0 ro l7 I1,2020 Proposed }€riod:2015 l6 to 2019-20

Pr€Fr€d by

A-SnbhlslorRcddy Mibiig xi3ins & sun.yor c.d No: 6s4 D.r I tl0r00l

M/s LOTUS ENVIRO-MINlNG SERVICES BNS R6idemy,2d Cr6s Re4 z.P.Colo!y, MM Rosr, Ongoles23fil3. Pn&isrE Dt, A,P, C€ll: 08885!62789 f,-Mril ID: [email protected] CONSENT Lf,TTER

The detail€d Appaisal Repod / MiDing Ple in €specl of Road Mei.lofc 9t Heclarev 2.25 acres in Sy Nor 581P Buda*€da vrllage, Chin*kurthy Mu tat, Plal6m District, h6 be€n prepsed by Mr A.! Reldy Miiing Engin€er & Sweyor on individual capacity

I requesl the on@mod authoriry !o mke tu(he. oftespondenc( on this followins addres.

A.Subhtuklr Reddy MidinsEnsinEr& snR.yor

M/s LOTUS f,NVIRO-MINING SERVTCES BNS Rgidency, 2d CM3 Road, z,P.Colony, MM Rord, OngolFs23003. P.illlsrn Dt, A.P. CelL 0884$62?89 DMril IDr [email protected]

I he.eby unilertake ihai all ilie proposalS so made in ila Apprasl Repor, Minjng Pld by the Mining Engin€€r & Suneyor peron be dqEd to have been made sith ny knowledge & consenl shall be ac@pt2ble to ne and binding on fre in nll respects.

Address: sfi Kv€nkrt siinir{sr Rdo,

Veluru Village, Mandal,

kv g"*^4/"yD W, For Sri K V.nkate Srinivrss Rio, K, V. S8]NIVASA FAO VLLIUR Vrllag€ iodili Ma:dal, Prakasdm Dt CERTIFICATE

This is to certitr/ thai the provisions of ihe Director of Min( Geology, Government of Andhra pradesh and the State Environ lmpacl Assessment authority (SE|AA) requirement & guidetines been observed in Appraisal ReporgMining plan prepa€tion for Road MetalQuarry over an exteni ol 0.g1Hectar€s / 2.25 Acres in S y.No:. 58/P of Budawada Village, Chimaturrhy []4andat, , / Pmdesh and Sri K Venkatr S.iDivrsa rno, agreed to imptementthe

The provisions of the l,lines act 1952, the lvines and tvl (Regulalion and Developmenl) Act 1957 and a Rutes, Regul orderc and By laws mad€ thereunder have been fuly obs However, if any specific permissions are required from the D Geneml of Mines safety and / or othef competent authoities lhe applicanl wrll approach lhem in nme tor obtanrng necessary apF

It is also cerlilied lhal the infomaiion fumished in lhe apprai€al reporu Mining Plan of Road l\,4etal quarrying are ku€ coffecl lo ihe besl of my

Dale: 27-02-2016 Slation:

A.Subhaskar Reddy, [,lining Engineer& Surveyor GerL No: 654 Dt: 11110/2001 & El57 Dr, t9t12nlIl M/3 LOTUS Enviro-Mining Ser BNS Residency 2"" Cross 19ole, Prakasam Distfict, AP. l',4ail lD: [email protected]( INDf,X











10.0 stTtr sERllcf,s



Procceding t,l3tQ3/2012 d,led 10,0c2012 orthe Dy, Di orMin6 & Ceology,^-o: Cutrlur.

Pfeedinas No: 3662/Qr0 | I dared 0+07-2ot 2 of rhe Assr. Di ot Min6 & Cflloer, Ongole,









ENVIRO]{MEN'IAI- PLAN l:5( ,a ,-" r:19lerryost1l9lLx6|j4ljf/lgjllBlr q!!!91 - - M,"'"n P*"/Ar"*o'*ro, Rooo^r",

Orer an €xrent of 1.246 H€ct.r*in Sy. No:33/2p of PallanrlI m, Cbinrkrrthy (Ml prakasam Disrrict,A.p

M/s SriVenkateswara Stone Crusher onsole{V&M), Prakasam (Dist} A.P.

p.ep.Ed By A.S!bhaska. Reddy

Gd. No' €,54 Drr 11/101261 &.tt1 ott letr2/2or{

M/t sri venkatesw.ra stone crushe. ilas ganled Quarry Llasc lbr | 5 yeas for Rord Met t over


drshct, AP, hy lhe DDM&C, Cuntur vide tuoceedings No 3,112/e3r0l2 dar€d 30-06-2012 .nd

copy enclosed as Atrn€lure-I tbr krnd rcferene,

lhc lease deed has exocded beibr€ the Asst Drector of & C@togt, Ongole, vide

Pr@*dines Nor3662/Q/2012 dared0447,20l2for It yea4 tease p.riod l)4-l]?-20 2rol)i,012A21

ddcopyencloscd.sAnncx!re tl lortind rcference.

M/s sri venkaterwara stone crusher hale approached Sn A Subhaskar Red'jy! Vinhg Engrneer

& Surveyorof l,ts LOI US Envno-Mining SeNiccs, Ongole for pepanng MinintiPlart Appnisal

Repon for lhe above Road Metal Qurry Lcase area

This Minine Plan/ AptEiel Repon rs prepared as ler rhe Physrcal & Ceololical informlllon

arzrlable in field and for oblrining llle Envnonmenal Cle.ane (EC) fon Star: rinlionnenl.l

ldpactAse$menl authority (SEIAA) & annualproducrion Ptan under semi nech midd op€n cast PART-I


: M/5 sri ve atesware stone Crusher

Road Meiar Qu!n], sy. No:33rP, hllmalli (v\ chir,kfrrry (M),

Prakasn Dislnct, Andhra Pradesh



Longitudq ?9'52'2692 E and Nonh latitudcr ts"l94l T5 N. fhe leasear:a rssrutedala

dsonce of 3 20 (m due Nonn-West ro Pallandtli Ttu area iath in N)rrh direction of

Oneole Kumool Highway, the locaxon of the ar€ is indicated in Locali )n Map enclosed

NPlrIel fo. kind r€f€Ence

The deraih of lhe rea aE as tabulared below:

i€E< E

I .p ertitr d br .h.,!3et. Direrlr of Miq& in favorofsri M/s Sri Venkateswab Stone Crusier b e.closed

r, MA rms rnvioMhrir &tut*, oi& MnqPd/Aee6 n R4oddM^e v-rnery4rbi!Gw&rRadMda o!

Idf dilructure & Connunic.rions

The pcrchcd ground water is availablc J0 M b€low The agncullunl tcl& in the surounds of lhe qurry irieated by g.ound sate( and NSP canal qale Elerricrh is a!.il3ble In all fic vrlraee. Jnd asncultuEl lands for bore scih Tel€ Comnunication frcility is available

Srak lFnspon Bds Se^'ces pLy lrom Pallamrlh lu , towns liequendy. P.ivat€ Tnnsto.t rs also available

Ril Ongole Railwat Srdhon E 15 tm rrom theSde.

Pnnary & UpIEr PriDary School Pallanallr viUage. Higher Edu@ton N

village. Chmaku.rhy & Ongole Nusing Hones & Hospirals


Sy No 3li2P

S) Nn ll2PofN Anlaneyulu

Dsi€ ofConDencenent or Mi.idg Operarionr:

'l he Quany lese ofthis ea was ganted to M/s Sri venkateswa Stone Gusher

du rr20l2rnS\ \o rJ)Por oall.mdrl' v'lldr(. (l..malunhJ Na1d.l.

Dis,Jid, Andh. Pddesh rveru robl crlcnl of r 246 trecDss Sime lhen rhe

opeiations aE going on in lhc said ar@ by lhe l*see

r,, M/s ldus EiYncMhtu &da5, G gg:lllaro' Re4IgI4IvobEr4! sbru 4w R@d M* q!:qq/s.irtud1a6 Hi,hr. troj3r po,pd6EI lvbe)



Nme Md Addr$ oflho Les€: M/s Sri V.nkates.ra Stone ltueher,

Cnirnaklnhy {Y & M}

M^ S, YsDka&Jwlri Slone !t!ii3t Sy. No: 33/2P Pallana i Yiuage, Chinaktthy Mandal, Prak6m Dist ict, Andba Pmdesh

2.2 Nlne$d rddrs ofthe rc@gnized /Dcaon {ho [as pr€prred rhe min rg ProDcrl.

Nts LOTUS Envno-Mining Swic6, BNS Residency, 2a cross, zP colony, Mug@@noa(l Oogole.

Cell: 8885362789 Mnil ID: lotuds2o l4@mail.@n.

Minc.tb G) 1o b€ nir€d

Arq lnd Dtt€ of Expiry of Lde:

R@d Metal Quary L€Nc covcring a aea ol L246 Hedares The Quarry le$e leriod will b€ forced up ro 03,07-2027

trV, rdr Ffl,GM, 4 !&.1 o-e - Mi4Pr/ ppdii RcFn d M/5iv( 9 q8ry99!!!!:11 x6 3i, n r. No: r/

GEOLOCICAL TTDSTR\l]S TIe deposlr \yas sliDlted trclgh cross r(rion 1 nehods The resser estiD ed v€re

lhrough Cross S4t'oh A-A , shich arc draM at .ppropiate disronce to esrinare rhe

teseNes Th€ ploved resoNes wre taken up b depth RL 20 met€6 fron s rface ofthe area

,/ up lo wbi.h pit wo akedy exalated

Details or difiere at€gory orrBen6



AreainMz hfiu.n.elnM


* the rcsene! inliLute.l ore nclusiy. ofndte al that,tll be l.LIel up, Ji"al pt, an.l n \rt,^:un rt,,qLtcJ "nJ, ' A.',,.

'lha l@sc jt tp.tulns sirea )012 atul pu"l"ci.n rchrcvd.s.n Jartu.y 2At6 i 90M.00

Cbm the satahie pruw.l lbad Metal rcserv.s atu Lut.,kted hy ttknEcotsklerdnn of the v r!a.rse. dqro.dv.. r\ tr!! jj- q.1!b R

Prctul noa.l Metdl ttust utriyed b! lotns qoss tlct ionul drea rt1 to thc nwthun Jqth of RL 20 / qistitq pit bodom huripi jetl b rediordt inlu.te.

Prored salable Road Melal resene: ut\art b! takihg padaAe af r,cowty ,oJr the

awildble ?ruve.] rock ndt!.

Nat Prcbable ,4tu6 a i,.d by lrkna euch .ro!\ sectionut atu tufi tA nek$ ttepth

bebfl the plare.l Le. belov R|, 20 M ta RL l0 M t.n rulace nunAren br th.

s!41onal qlLerc. tud rctuteD, percerlge.


Slo IINFC Codc t' l Avrilable snhbl€ Proved lll 2 fi2 - TOTAL -

lor lhe probable reFNes fie Econonrc^xis israkend I sincetheoFnrionsarcfa y

The feaibility dis is talen 6 lti.@ lhe opehions uril no* indicale lunher tasibihy

ofopenlrons in a safe md rcchnical rvay

The g@logEal axis is lalrd ,s 2 since 1he esrinale of 1lle g@l,ogicd !.sibjhy .f rrs

rarcidlir lrom rhe h{orr olop€nronsard rhc\^'ble ind'cJroa

Fr, M6 brus hdeMrihs $d6, o !r trjjllr, j!:t!91. v^\1t9t!!F ltl]r!!!.hr il]eirol:llrl r1i4 r 6, i "\, I r,

3.2.16 Minsbl€ R6en6 rnd l-ife of th€ Mine:

. !h. tuvaes inlcated arc i,cl6iw .[ natenal thd etll bc tocte.t Lp n, Jinat pjt, dnd n

:ak\' ,ane ns requned ndd Regulatid I .f MVR-19 . Hencc the ,,i,eable rcsene,

ue k$ thu thc GhlDeir4i rektue'

Minobl€ r€sn6. Th€s d€ the eseNes thai 6 acl@ y be ninql These cah be

conpded aft.r deduding the quantides oi material ihar should be l€i our toi safery of rhe

mine rhat is lo nainriin 60'final pi1 lin6 bul here lbe resrves indicaled ae inclusive of

malcrial thai nill b. lockcd up in final pil. and ih efcq, dne 6 rcquircd Dder Regutarion Iil ofMMRl96i


roral PiolrEo REsf Rl/Es




Salable Poduction lchieved up to Jmury 2016 90i)0.000 Mr sal@blc Restues available for mining

r, rw' Ldu3 €iYreMhh, *ryrlq or ltrhs444!!!11 FndM4l1yedne'!9!!:9!€.tu,er ilea tui1!!!Mlt!{1x6l1ll!no:}!ry

3.24?Addilion!l Rsen-e3 errbtisbed qt€gort wbe (Nith surflcelsli@ basis & parrDerer

Based o. rhe SoilrRoct chdactcrisrics rhe vnud indicatos and the e*ent of dcposil of the

pesent quary, rhe additional r€sry€s €stimaled {e as d€hrred 4 b€tow:

1.2460 t)460


@ r00!c

Ple6e nole thal lhc iesetues c.lculated are as p.r lh€ slice plais prep!.ed b xwen L\e sli*s

belowRL 20 nete6 md RL l0net€6.

=(Tot!l ofMircable Proved &ProbrblcR6€d5)/ vs, Arnul Prcdu.rion. = (60,r92d + ?o{MD lt'/ (993$)M] = 6.8Ye!^, sy 7 Yu6.


The fim hs initialed lhc nining ope€tions dunng 2012. The rotal l€ase rr€ n I 246 Ha

The ninable dea is 1.046 Ha. The depth to which lh€ pil dcvclopcd is uI to RL 20 neler

fron lhe surfa€ of$e q@ry lease a€a.

La.d Use Patlem or$e nine dea durins the 1e6e p€riod will b€ s aollows

rc,,M/soushdcMhir!de5,6 Mhncjli4q/ilr !!!gMrsllttswmnq!!r!!r\q {IM13u46:54!!!11,!j41!orsl


Alr€ady broken area will be { depIn wir and I 000 hactes




The finr €nvisages exracling rhe Road Merrt prcduction to tnc tue

annum duing the bala.e lqse p.riod During rhe nining period il is p(,posed b exploit

thc Rord M€trl & Grav€l from theexistng lese area wilh an average bsrch height of l()-

20 M alonB lh€ Cross S*dons A-A Th€ workinCs will advane lilm Nonh lo South

Thcre n d€lelopnenl in the larcEl dn€dion rs envisaged duing rhr ies period

Y€ar wise p.oduction: Ydr wik Preduction entisrSed fo.5l€.rs P(riod is give. in thc tltoF Tabte. Tne yq. Mk worting ptr. for the prodlctiotr e.vb{ed is depict€d Efl[oMri4 !dr4, o4o c Mr ri rbrt _!!!!fqtaprrd 1!!91l! vsrac:lt! !1:EtI9t!!,!b auqgll:i hrd r.,t! !1i! !!rt o: I,

L fq\x wrsE aNDsEcloNwtsE pfiooucfloN pnoposar l"*" f "n**F"a'"* 2015-16 94!q

156615 2017-18 839m 2018-19 EE9?9 81970 zo!9-20 70500 70500


In lbis yer mining will be cmied our wilhin lhe Cross secti oveing inait! lolMe of 91950 M' widi e a\arage b€rch of 1$.211M he'ghl Tho ccove4 of saleable narerial f@m $e above ! env&gEd to be 91960 M'@ lO0% @ov€.y. The detaih of lh( rrer tr€ d€picr.d on Plrle No: 5,

ln this yed hrnins wiU be qnied oul wilhh ihe Crcss scli .olding in-silu vol@e of 1s6615 Mr rvidr e avdage besll ol 10-20 M heigli The Ecove'l of sal@blc natellal ton ihe above v e.visaged to be 155615 Mr @ 100% .ecovery The d€rails of th( area ee depicted on Plrte No: 5.

In this y€ar nining will be camed oul within the Ooss s*ri mvering iHiu vol@e of ss92o Mr sitl s avsage lerch of 1t120 M beight Tne re@very of saleable nat€rial from thc above ! envisag€d to be 88920 M' (, 100% recovory The deraih oi th( area de depicled on Plaie h*or s.

Fr, Mr ldus hdrcMhi4 eMa5, 6 Mmnef r/44GLr Rc@n dMrsi v€ t N0 lrPdPa imr lv b8)

In rhis yer nining rvill be canied out within rhe Cross sc.1i f*. ovsing ihit! volume ofaa92o M sd e avs.8e ber&h ot 1tlr.0 M hcight Tbe rccovery of sateabte natcnal fiom the arruyc envisged ro bc 88920 Mr (4 t00% recovery. The douils ot area &e dcpicled on Plate No. s.

20tt-20 Ir rh. \etu rrlrlC srl. our qlhrn.fc (io\,,ecrrns ovsing in-!tu volme of TOsm Mr Nirh e avsage !@! of 10,20^.a M heighl. The reavery of saleable nalenal ftom rhe abor€ lolune is env'saged to be 705@ M (@ r00% recovery The details ofth{ working area are d€Prcred on Plltc ^\o:5,

5..r.0 Any chrngc in th€ propoed nethod of Mining/Deploynenr ot Mftbin€ r: Scni-Mshanizd Mining merhod is enlhascd i. rhe lease penod. As on lar rhe exisnng

mach'n€ry *1ll be utiliz€d dunng rhe lee pe.iod Howe*r due lo exrsen( y ol Nork if any

neq Dachrne is go'rs to be j roduced and lhr saft wjll b€ blowht ro rr rolrs, ot gns

Proposcd M€thod of nining

OpencNl Seo i Nteh,oired Merhod ol Mining:

To cut doM lhe cosl of pioduction and achieving the required quaftilns as per mdkel

requiehenh.lh€ operations are planncd !o be caried out by nachinery.

lop Soil/Covcl will be ftnoved by excavatos and Ioading imo lruck! /Tracto6 lhen transpon lo bp soil dunp/ dnedly to uege resp€crively

ln Road lvte1a.l sheer ret blast holes e drilled by jact hrnmg $!goD d ills dd bLsling wilh highexplosiles for equired tiarne anon ro fed srone crusheB lJldted debies were load by cxcavalos in to lrucls to transpo disparch fron quarry.

5l.: Iktelopmenl ofBctrches aod $orking Fflcs:

Aft€r remolal of top soil, th€ exposed Road Mclal shet foms l0 20 nete. heigbr bench* drilline & blasting lor face advane.

Fr, M6 orus ftvnlMhtu $ryi.6, o Mmq Pm/aprtnJ ReFn d Mr 5i vedarq nei 1 a6 h., h,v. Nor ry

5..1,0 Ertent of lltahaniarion

The @chinery poposal is giv€n below for Eady rferene.

S.No. Nrm.orthell.cbidery N

t.2 M

2. t1t5 M'l

l Wagon drill Unir $ ilh Compresef

5 l '-]

5..1.1 Adequacy olMshrnirtiotr requir€d nering theenhnc€d productionr

Existing nachinery is adequate However for q@lily addnion or forachie/ing hisher nres

of produclion. if ey ns machinery is plened, rhe ene will b€ infomed b fie

s.J-2 [nploynentPotential:

The hmd Rsources deploy€d are shoM belowll



E, 6 t2 2 I3 TOTAL

ii, I F M/3 @r EivtqMhi4 edai, c Y s lrljjtl@Br 'aq.tjllr,r.^r br.i r:grI.u o

6 IIANDLTNC OF WASTf, / SUFG&{DIi MINDR{L The top soil wiU be dump€d wnhin the I@e aea

6.2.1 R I€ ofYqrly c€re.rrion ofWasre duriog rheschrme period:

Thcrc nnu *aie genemron rroh mrnrngopednons


The lesec ha Foposcd ro obtain Explosiv€ Magaine license for MJ_S iype ponabte

magerne b store explorves requned lbr blasrins The sno rs tocaled ar @qu6rte er!

dnt nce f@n th€ Qurry, Srr'clly adcring to the Rulcs and Regutaliors laid doM for

s(ordee ad handLng of the exptosives as pcr rhe exptosives Acl Man .,hile l6se w

engage d Ljcansed Blsrrne Co nlrlor ior blasljng uuder rhe conrrol@J sup€ryjsjo! or


100% oflhe exevaled Road Metll wiu be supplied ro the consunes for ( ads layng, eanh

mfraslroclure wo s eic; 'jlhrs.


o.l Bas€lin€infornatiotr

r, ri*ling rlnd Use Pait€rn:

js I' B.!d M!l,l Q@y Leae aea h [email protected] by Rlgi Mel,l Qwies nd open

pr, M/j @16 kdcMhhs eryre, o The loal camh arc e6onal. Tlc mining oporations will no1 generak any quahdll of warr

as se€page The pr@eses ofnining aho do nol gened1e any waler. TheEtore tho@ pil nor

b. ey tollutanh thar may be addcd lo $.local warcr rcgrne Thcrc arc no nouble wtcl

bodies nairy. Th€ perched grau.d water lable is ar a vdied d€plh of 50 m{ re6

Th*e is no notable flon or fnuM in rh€ l@al aea. There Mll be $me doh xrE and pet

d, Qualiry of Air. Anbi€nr Noi* If,vet !.d War€r:

The hanagemcnl h6 conlmcted $e tloik of monnoring of anherr an, nois ed warer

qualrlres a equrcd under law. Th€ tests $ilt be conducted p€dodi@lly dl r€@.ds wil be

naiildined in the ofie The air. Rater and noise standards reorded e yilhin approvcd

lim{s only lloN€!e.. purely 6 a co.tinscncy hesuE, the workeis are Drovjded wirh

suruble (?enonal Protedive Equipmcn, PPE to proted rhem$tves fiob n. ise and dusl. e. ClimrticConditioos:

The quary leasc aiea exF.iences seni rid clinatic conditions The @ experiencc roo0

nn alerage annual ninfall during August Nov.mber nonlhs The day remp€rat@ varies

28ic in winter and about 4/c in smner stun The wind dir€criol is SW to NE &

F" M^ br6 kdcMh|4 eryre, o Mhhrl!4/Amarc!9!9! d M^ e ve!!!!rvl!194&!e, Ro!!!9t altaq91!tr rrtlt 1l19la h sy Igll

The ftaEs1lillage Pdlmalli is situ!1ld 3.20 Km Ed! of rhe quar4, Ie&€ area, having a

Population of 2500 Ag.iculure dd sbep bieeding ar. impoialll profds on of tle p€ople

living ib the village besides involving thenselves in qurrying actilily.


E .l t0 2 NE

3 N 4.50 a SE 320 j s 250 250 g. Public auildingsPbs & Monuh€nL!:

No publE buildi.Cs, idportant places and nonumonis e sen i. and arcul rhe quarry

h. Ih€ snpl6 ,.e collect€d lron the €xirtiry *ortring Qua.ry for qultity Tel:

Dos these (P.rtly or Fnlly) frll urder norifi€d ar@ under Wrter (?rev€nrion ,nd Control of Pollutiotr) Acr 19741

9,2 Environnentrl Ihpsct Assssent

Al lbe €nd ofthe le6e p€nod a larse sli@ ofbench wilh sub benchcs qnl r romed in th€

lqsg ar€a up 10 RL i5 mct€s froo d9p!n surfage Tbgl9 witl b9 -addirional sn-d dggr4-da-tion

(Broken ma) over and above rhe cxisriig pn

Ml rds EdbMnn, edksi 6& c, 1!j:", &q !j:!91v.l 1v +d" &!ro.&fr" poivr.roiri^ tu

Ar qulity vill nol be alrered s 6e dBt is p.evcn.ed fton nsing by usng Mler spdnHhg.

The liusr fron fie drills is linied as n6l oarhem e wer ddlh For ibrEdiar€ Eference

the obs€Nalions fon tbe menl sampling arc Fptuduced 6clow which gi!: rhc ambied an

SPM in !g/M 160

RSPM in Fgnvt 60 120

so'; psM' 40 8o

80 50

Tne observed noise lclel for vanos acliviries is as under Where the noise levels cross tre

limiLs speified, th€ Elolan! PPE is being prdi.lerl to UE woik den.

e8 dB(A) 2 33 o, dB(A) = 3 f,ppe' hadeit' 90

5 BlJsring 89 95 dB(Al

The namgene p.oposes ro adopl rhe following nesures ro reduce th€ eftect of noise add

vibntion on lhe workine Fsomcl.

F" M/s q6 kdpMhhc ede!, o Mhns p,i4!,Fj!!929ad Mr e vlllr1vei 5t91{191q Roi Mda!!,ry19114d I z6j1j! M: ,/

. 1 h€ nacbin€ry rvill be mainiaincd prop€ y o redue thc no& reveB.

prolective The noie reducing ger tike emurTq ar plugs wi be j,ovided by th€

Conrolled blasins tcchniques for !ibnrion edudion

Usage of less nunber ofjacthmneB as fe as possible.

poposd ll is ro operale lhe minc wirh conlroued bhstins techniques Hrce the s.oud

v,bElion will be controlled wilhin limns


Thc quary leae dea is sutrounded by 4 villages vithin a disrance of 5 Kms AgriculruE

md sheep bEding are imponmr profcssion of rhe p€opte living in th: villag€ bdidcs

involving thenselv€s in quarqing aclivity There is no adveGe Socio rtonomc impact

on lh€ p€no.s in lhe vilils€s, due to the quanying oFrations. TXere is 'posilileimpacl of the q@il, opeBrions on rhe soc'o tronomic slandar'js of rhe viltaeeG. The p€Nns

ftom the vlllages ar€ b€i.s grv€n enploym€ in {be qurry suiling r{, iheir education

l€wl and cxpeiene Tbe managcm€ni n aho panicipaline actilety nr lhe.,Coeorarc

Responsjbiliiy' schemes by salrpj.s rvilh olher quary qinasemerts or jndiyiduall,

depcndine on the m€rirs ofrhe sedice

9.J ljNircnnenillMimg€menr

The top soil & srone dNt willb€ pEsened irithin fie l*s am dd lhe sare rvill b€ ued

for roads, filling dilches lnd eimation whdev€r nse$ary

Fr, MA 016 hrcMiihs ed€, o lrq da4!4i61!!4 d q:5]|sbrj!!,o19ll9!!,Rod,literaujqglro!t!111n Hljlrtro ,/

iD Yer. wiJe propN.l ror.€ctloltiotr ofland ailecrert by nini,grcrivitie, i.lsse

Since it is cnvisagen thar th€ q@rry wr tl oporaE for at loasl l.or ? yea6, no t act filling r

Propoed dring lhe lese peiod.

iii) rn case or.h.don€d Qurrries /pirs lreproposed to be used as r6cNo ir, their siz, Yater holdine caprcity ad propoel for uliliation ofsuch ur€. b€ girea

Not applicable in fie F€senl $hem€ loriod

iv) Proerrn ofaforgiation ysrwise for rh€ iniriat fiveyer^ indicaring n!nbcr ofptrnIs sith me. of3pcier lo bc alIororld unda. differenr ta.. il ner,rq:

Thc pladLnon is proposed along rhe buEer a@ and 1op so dmp 'fhe tuhber of ptanis

proposed lo b9 plant€d in the aloresunon scheme is gjven as folto{s

20lFl6 2l1Ct1



v) StrbiliationrDdv€getrtionofdunps atobgrirh wrrednnp Mrnrg€n€nry€s.*isc fo. fi6t tiv€ y€a6:

on the top soildunpslopcs vegealsoNrh willpo$ibte. vi! aPrd^4ar! R-Fl d tut r v€

vi) MsJurs ro conlrct €rdion / sedinenlrlion of water course:

rii) Tre&tDedtrnd dispo3.t olqsrer froD ri.Br

viii) Ma3uru lor ni.inizirg sdvere .fietc on w.ter .€sime:

No adveue elfec on water rgme m MiicrpGted.

ix) Protecriv. Mesu@ for Crou Vibnrioni:

Adofl ing conuolkd blatnB Bhniqu*.

x) M6ura for pmretirs Eirroiol ao,uD€Dr! rd ror ren,bilihrioD or Lunon sen,ebent' llkely to be dtuturbed due to ni.ttrg mttviry.

No hislorical nonmonts exisl in dd @ud lhe q!2rry lese aca. The hrmd senlenenir

are far avay fron ihe nini.g are{ hence m disturban@ is likely exist

tir socio- Eco@nic b€oelirs rrtiDg rron lh. Miritrg:

L M6 Lofu rinourirns *dd5, d@ prs4rp$dleq.lllllelk!tur -!4l!g *!t!eBe!! Md{a!!.ryqlrilitrio.llllrii sI:lq!EII:I:3]:I|:]lJgr

In.0 sITt sERl.lcfs

Office, Resl public Shelbr, Cdte€n, Drinking Waler Facility, U1ililfts, Ii$r Aid are

provided adjent to the quarry IeN &q.


All the stauory provisiom applicabt€ ro Ro,d Merrt eua,ry le*, sDh s Mines &

Min@l Concesional Rlles, Explosive A.t, p.ynenl dd W.g€! Acr, Wo.tonen

Welfare Ac! Ehployees Provid€ rund Act, shall be ldbercd.

( J

-nj Fr, Mr 06 hr'cMriiB ed€ o4 llr}luljm_"- (r^ rRslT\T oF a\nsr { PR,\nf\r

\t\Es & cloloc\: CLl,IftR

h nlsN0ler/Or0l0 r )ul0 'he

rtu rd for sn of l" ,enmJl !l q r 15 !sA. 0 sNr 53/P if srdry

Rord M!tr, o's rD !16r or I ls rtrun iD !\o,!srit 0t Bu,llsidn rilh{?, Ch{nr{unhy iland'l. rh}isn D6r. tu ! p.d or rr }?rR. rdr or o'fthr o 135r/A^o.OS(ir000 e D 6.:000 .id rh. di !L'nh & Gsruq.\. onPore Pd: \. r3{r,a40o & rs 11rtq4 i ,iFnr |F. \i rir,)r!!rrr {

(nho. ohao|end? Pfu \'IN{ a demmmrlo!. (h€ ilquind iN 0'r. ro an r(?ii jl l:! jds. in S losr 4r Pdbn DLL It fdrod tra ci{ hk ms; md srspd d lh ;"*d b"-dui* *r isd $illl rt&rti.t rd r!€ le* deil rkrtl' & -* ";F

-,*'"-"u..p.".rn",* atnj.*""...'u'1.1.|utrJJfurunbokIJld'IPtllJLe c*'n*" t," s.r ,'r q

,tr r" frRwi qura tae rDnrc n'i. r". t"t' p".a r r y.-!!.tron s I {brsrb{'hr$br i' " 'os.

i" .i;i;. .. ,.,.". Rd.,r,:'*d Rd; F drPlrr 4J so {blrd I' ,,i".*"i-i'"i u *r cndi" .. .'" 4h m ,"r -u-,'t -'tt t" "'-a-*""-'

i,i..;:". *, ir. **r- r-a rr'

Itrnd rt).rftrJ& hr |'' Rdlk tlpt ullt

o loD dbE ro .l'q


TD !{

FrD re]?,aroro trh i Equ6r rd

s'b nh u j ot dh rr ot AP.]r.I[c.Rr{. ftt p!!t!42i1!9ur.!b4-B! t atn4, Lh,oL th04n @ d. ta6. !e!!@4!!4eu!e!4!zss! NEruffi-7T. GOVENNiIENI OT ANDHR,A PRAOESH DEPARTMENTOF MINES AND GEOLOGY Poeedings ol lhe Assislanl D @clor ol Mines a nd C eolo! y Orgo e 1PF:SENI: SR 3. JaoNMou Rlo M Sc.A$slol0ebr)

dsrtaNad: lq chnduihy{u) P€rrD 0 {lrsirresa odq h* red *n!kd

the oepdy orecbr.r r,ires 3 cm.!y Gf( lne cGcice r! oed has sar.d I RFaq or

i!6:R*ilsrLnhsFndor r01bi)Fss"er rs | ?0r0

rhe @id rds - hpo*d t rre 0€@rl otrro


dre or b. send d dd dmn {dl a! e irtu mdte.da


$ie! Ne i€ ror i,.ndm

cqybheMdoRe€rue0xelchmduii}bnlo'mdEl Pll\Cila*:g-

E-te4-te,LEts- /4'

,:rN"S '- "*':l

-. .!


6r-^., .:s"_i5.,,... EEE - -.i",!q !,- -l \ k VILLUB:l',ffifi"g#,* Vill.q€ h #6p-,. ra-"-,a.], ""ar'' i-i"'"-". ot """ k" 4:1dlie &p.*," ! ;55t:!;i! i

I l

.a Ft i Fl: I ! fri I * ti! a i;a 7 2 ti! lr I g ,! iitr 3 ITBEBEIiEmErmffi r!!fiitHffi |$r!lEil:ii I a'E " j 'i -m, W --F-TTi-PFFFEEEEEFI I F r-ftrflFtr\- E J rTII-rnl-N i{ i FFIFFIIIF, - F Eg-F rl.]afl-drf l. i fFff.l.rnr]l-lTi\ It; ftrtI |1Tfl tltrrl-dr\ E g E tit fitrfl-trtf al-f nal\ ; llc TFFIIFFIFFIFFN ! It; IaT|f-trra]-Ffltrl-al rI FEts +Ci+ i+iF-ai-+-4-:I I FFFFEEFFFFF # W

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