
Composer Report

Objective: In General Class groups of 2 or more will present a report on a musical Composer who is currently either 50 years old, older than 50, or deceased. The report will have a Cover Page, one page of Personal Facts, one page of Professional Facts, one page about the Music Period, and 10 Musical Samples. Your group may present a puppet show, an interview with the composer, a play with props and costumes, or an oral report where each member reads their page aloud.

Grading: There will be two grades for this presentation: one individual grade for the work YOU have put forth as well as your attention to other’s presentations, and a group grade for the finished presentation. Both grades will be averaged as your report card Music grade for this marking period.

______Class One: During the first class we will discuss this outline and musical periods, create groups, and assign jobs.

Step 1: Choose your group size- 2, 3, or 4 people


Step 2: Read about the parts of the report:

#1. Ten Personal Facts: Facts about the composer as a person; birth date, birth place, parent’s history, siblings, spouse, children, places they lived, illnesses, habits or behavior, likes and dislikes, death date and place. Turn these ten facts into a one-page essay. Assigned to:______

#2. Ten Professional Facts: Facts about the kind of music they composed, their job title(s), their style, define the terms used to describe their music. Turn these ten facts into a one-page essay. Assigned to:______

#3. Ten Music Period Facts: Facts about the history of their musical period. Turn these ten facts into a one-page essay. Ancient, Medieval, , Baroque, Classical, Romantic, Impressionistic, , War , Ragtime, Show Tunes/Broadway, , , Big , Swing, Rock, , Country Western, 20th Century, Electronic, Modern, , … . If the composer is more current, then musical genre will be researched. Assigned to:______

#4. Cover and Ten Musical Samples: The Cover should include the Composer’s name and the names of everyone in the group. The music samples can include , performances, CD or mp3 recordings, a list of the pieces the composer wrote, and online links to listen to in class. Assigned to:______

Composer Report

Step 3: Assign jobs to group members.

For a group with 2 people, one member completes the Personal and Music Period Facts, while the other completes the Professional Facts, Cover, and Musical Samples.

For a group with 3 people, one member completes the Personal Facts, one completes the Professional Facts, one completes the Music period facts, and all three members split the Cover and Musical Samples.

For a group with 4 people, one member completes the Cover and Musical Samples, one completes the Personal Facts, one completes the Professional Facts, and one completes the Music Period Facts.

______Classes Two and Three: We will visit the Computer Lab to research composers. You may only use this time to find music samples or print out articles or pictures you will use.

Websites to try:












______Classes Four, Five, and Six: Write your report with your group, work on your Presentations.

______Classes and Eight: Class Presentations

Composer Report

Ten Facts or Music Samples

Group Member: ______

1. ______


2. ______


3. ______


4. ______


5. ______


6. ______


7. ______


8. ______


9. ______


10. ______


. Composer Report


Turn your ten facts into a one-page essay with a beginning, a middle, and an end. Please check your spelling and write neatly.

Group Member:______

















