

The Vandcrbilt holdings of United At Davrn of Day. -L. Thon followod a dreadful sings of LADIES' DEPABTMENT. ment, replied: "Bccauso I observed how i /-vvrrTT A T TTTT U T r\CT "Then ictus go in to supper, says SCIENTIFIC SUUAl'S. . States bonds, New York broken nay, The yellow light-houso star is quenched. sickness. Tho doctor camo thrco or four THE TEMASTER. _ nimbly, yet gracefully, aho mounted a UlNLl A LlllLCi LUol." Sirs. Benedict.' are all registered four per cents., and Across tho lonoly^sca; times a day. The father and mother Hooili. ladder." 'V. . "To tea, mamma," suggested Hattio. About two pounds of matter, liquid .. amount ta $40,000,000. The mountains rond their misty volh, wero watchers and nurses - themselves, .. Iloods aro again-added to ovcry sort Wo onco Hoard of a young man ivlio You know there is nothing but tea and Thp^yind of dawn blows froo; Men Who Live by Testing the How a Misplaced Carving-Knife and solid, are daily cast out of the sys- bnt at last the littlo fellow was saved ! of wearing appirol upon wMch_they can rcmarkod that ho had chosen his wife— Sam Small, tho evangelist, says ho Tho wavc3 beat with a gladder thrill, Quality of Tea. sugar nnd milk." ' tem by tho skin. ."...... and tho long, dreadful anxiety -was ovor. appropriately bo placed. Clerical hoods an amiable, highly accomplished girl and a Little Girl' likes to -wrestlo -with Satan all tho time, Pulsing in linos of spray, "Aud butter," added Johnny, who A hailstone- with a nucleus of gypsum, • • Thon Seth brought out that well- \ i aro worn*upon the backs of tho. close-fit- and a splendid vocalist—' 'Just bccauso and then ho announces that ho will And fast and far chime on tho bar— never was known to forget butter. probably suckcdjip in a waterspout, fell God.bloss my-doar today! known pencil and paper. . ' i An Acute Taste and Keen Sense | ting English top coats of twoed, as well sho had eaten such a hearty dinner at a make his permanent home in Washing- Combined to Destroy a Whole '•There are also somo strawberries on in a recent shower in France: A thousand leagues may lio between "Tvo been flggerin'," ho said, but this of Smell.RequIred. ns upon many other models. Though picnic." the front piazzi," said Mr. Benedict. ... ton. . . . Family's Pleasure. A German photographer, Herr Otto- A world of distant dim; time moro gravoly than was his wont, ' most hoods are ornnmental, some aro Hundreds of similar casc3 could be "Ilatlio and Florence, you will, havo mar Anschutz, has succeeded in prepar- California raised, cured and shipped But speeding with tho speeding light "and it seems to mo now, if nuthing Tho sign stares down from a largo designed to bo useful as well. Hounded, adduced, but tho foregoing examples to ljull them first," said their mother. My heart goes forth to him. The wholo family had planned to go. ing photographic plates so sensitive that over 850 carloads of raisins, lost year, happens, that wo'll havo tho' chouse and warchouso in Front street: "Brdwn, flat, pointed, shirred, pleated, and even will show that smill m ittcr3 may influ- The family fat down in the sitting-room, Foster than wind or waves it flics, Even littlo Annitn hnd been promised to an exposure of ono five-thousandth of a and will do 100 carloads, better for 1887. lot paid for insido of flvo years—that Jones & Smith, Tea-tasters, Up stairs. heart-shape, they appear upon New- ence many in their choico of a lifo- where Mr;. Benedict had lighted a lamp,' As lovo and longing may, be allowed to go, with the strict under- ccco'nd is sufficient. Tbo Spanish raisin is now playing second ain't long, Ncelie, is it?" First floor front." markets, pelerines, visites, ulsters, tea- partner.—[London Paper. And undonfod stands by his sido— standing that she was to W^qiuYc, still to' -nwait the strawberries. It was a fiddlo. God bless my-deor today! Neelio did not answor. Sho was look- g&wns, mittincos, waterproofs, nnd During a trial in hot.weather, a car of It is a common enough sign in London, and-hold up'her head aad'npt go to large family, nnd Mr. Benedict had pro- ing at tho thin hand, oh, lo much thin- whero the business of ten-tasting is im- Frcnch-mado night-dresses, of Chinese a Prussian railway was kept about six- London has a Driuking Fountain God bless him if he woko to smiles, - KcTlvnl of Iho Itotlculc. sleep. Of course, she could do all this, vided four boxci. •• :' ner than hers had ever bcon—that held portant and widespread. Brown, Jones , washing, silk-bee trimmed.—[New York teen degrees cooler than the air outsido . and Cattle Trough Association, which Or If ho wako to sighs; It is understood that opera-glass bags she meant to show them. So she just "One docs not like to bo able to count Temper his will for ovary fato, the fatal pencil in such a jaunty way. & Smith have in their place of business Posl by receiving its ventilating ourrent provides a free supply of water for man and the dainty little plush pockets for Mt down in her own ,ittIo choil. and 8at his strawberries," sail-ie, by way of And keep him trua and wiso; Her eyes wcro full of tears. a littlo low tablo paved with porcelain through an ico tank in the roof. and beast in tho public streets. It is es- handkerchief^ that our belles havo for I fcctly 8tmfo r flvQ 8ccoud3. <.Thcr0).. apology for his Mrtfisagiracc. Ho to him all I fain would bo "You'ro worn out," he said kindly, Bauccrs that hold many varieties of tea, An Aged HAttiago Party. ^ timated that the troughs and fountains Wno is so far away, . the past year been wont to carry about . Of course,)& -took tKe girls a great Cicero relates thnt the Chaldeans nnd "but you needn't worry dear; tho baby's a stovo whereupon a bright copper ket- In an Ayrsblro village, tho other day, the ppas t year been, wont to carry about ctka ^ jum ; , „ aqain. Cant If are use! by not less than 250,000,000 Light, counsel, consolation, choer— jum ; , „_aqain . ,,Can.t If wlrtTeto so many strawberries. At Bactrians claimed celestial observations all right, and I've been-flggerin1." tlo sings merrily, two desks and a few a somewhat noteworthy marriage was witihh theh m aro t o b o BuperseJeJll ththiis caa,t J? i glleS3 l-v.c had a birthday.and ' drinkers every year. God bless my denr to-day! 1) o'clock the family sat down to tea. lor 470,000 years; but, taking n day as chairs. A young man in charge brewed celebrated. Tho bride, bridegroom, season by tho regular old-fashioned retl- rm ^t a bal)y at all ,„ Tho gradual light lias grown full dim 'Tvo beou figuring too," said Ncelie, flPhero was not much to cat, to bo Bure,-— an'astronomical period, it becomes 1300 a cup of what the reporter at onco pro- and guests had all reached a good ago, culcs that our grandmother used to dod - But Anniu did „„•,. g0 to tho conccrtj An estimate has been made up of tho And stroamctU far abroad; . "and after this I nm going to bo nc- But Anniu did „„, g0to th o conccrtj only tea and starwberrios; but these last ! years, or taking a moon luuar, 32,000 The urgenco of mv voiceless ploa nounced to bo a good English breakfast . th° youngest present having attained the eountant of tho firm. - You've lost your light in. And, indeed, this fashion nor did any of the family. I think they were delicious, and luckily in reasonable yean. Is gathered up by God; • • • ' ••'••'•'- .11. T.I ,.V11^ ...... — . ....^. ....1...... — W of the present year as compared with tho place, Setb, at tho store, but I've taken : t™, but wlnca was in reality an inlenor will certainly prove a charming . ono ia I ^,,|rt lmV(. „„„<. if Annita h!ld not madc bundanc?. And, as alt were Hungry, The pruning ol vine3 Has Dcen IUVCSH- Toko somo sweet thing which else wero mino, of age; bride, DO; groomsman, 82; and many ways. A fashionable woman v> ; mud pics thn(, „„„„„„„_ or if thcJ. had year 188S. The figures show an in- it. I'm glad I learned bookkeeping ami quality of Souchong. it was 10 o'clock when thcy rose from Trnly I daro to pray, bridesmaid, "03 years. The remainder of nowadays obliged to take so many »n- |.no t used silver-plated knives altogether gated by H. Muel:er, who finds that the crease of £1,507,291 on those of tho pre- I need a change of work, bister Alice : "The arrival of the professional tca- the table. Mr. Benedict looked at Ms And with it brim his cup of joy- the company embraced two lady guests, dispensable articles about with her that for tho tablC) pr lf they ,md not nad proper time is whito the fruit ia ripen- ceding year, caused chiefly by tho en- God bless my dear to-dayl i3 coming to take caro of ttic house and ' taster in Ameiica," said tho young man, watch. ono of whom had seen 03 summers, whilo it is absolutely necessary "to have somo ; 5trawborrics for tcn. ing, and that the young Bhoots should hanced value of the turnip and potato —{Susan Coolidgo, in Independent tho baby, and you aro to take u vaca- ' "is of comparatively'reccnt dutc, and 'Tthink wo will not go to tho con- : we aro consequently "very fow. Laying | the other had attained the respectable convenient receptacle for them, so j You sec Annita could not be cured of be cut, as their - development requires crop. tion." cert this evening," said he. "Annitn is ago of 50. It will thus bo seen that the that they shnlKc near at hand. Otdina- mnk,ng ^ .,Timc ,..,, Cllr<). „„_„ much sugar. « 1 1 Ho gave her ono stricken look, then aside air thought of nult liquors, tea already asleep; and, as the tea things One of tho exhibits at tho Mechanics' ; m be said io b ll aggregate ages of tho Bix who formed ry drcu pocke[s are becoming morb ob- | faidhor f th coutentedly, hunting for At various magnetic obsogggatories on, Seth Dakin's "Figgerin. ! bowed his head on his arms and if ho °y ° "= national beverage arc to be cared for. it might bo too lato Fair in San Francisco was a fountain that ot tuo tho bridal party reached tho.respectablo Bolcto, principally bccauso modistes will i a dcccntlj: C1MU spot on A-nnita,8 facc t0 tho continent of Europo slight disturb- wept it did honor to hii manhood and Englishman, and there is perhaps when all were ready." gushed forth Angelica wine freo to any ; n0 persist in putting them in such out-of- | kiss One doe1 not ,l!co ,0 kUj dirtj ances were registered, which apparently Bt MM. ST. I. inco people in tho world moro' capablo.of total of 424 .years. ^It _may readily_b« s_gerc_greatly disnr-poiutod, wero connected in time with the lato'

o pronounced it, n lorm oi cxprcsF it on the light fantastic toe," no scraping y y g not 9ati,iic!l to wait for thetimc cure, The doctor was at tho bottom of it "For years dealers in America had to which had been madefrom a single trojjs- sion common to most business men, and of fiddle, and no .attempts at musical mothers' roticulosfo a pleasing change, thinking of thj! washing and the dirty The next morning, when Johnny wen of different observations will tno all. no saw that worry and privation rely upon their European agents for tho to the pasture with the cow. ho found I i ^i^ f beiweea tho vcue section of a Humbolt County tree. some women, not Bostoniaa in elegance, performances. ,In i fact tho company Of course, one must DOSSCSS as many ret- f.facme an,dJ i,,j,L.i,«hands---abov™e niall thinkin»i,;.,i.:«,.'„gered-it all aro not so pungent "as tho .Indian plant. preparation of sherbets, and picklcs-in Lw'ho..ha. d been preparing ten,, wcnt.out. in feed stores, feed stables, bakeries and iron much more rapidly than stceL. This .„ out The samo fire will do for both, out—and there's — a—bojanco—a— bal- endless variety are cither prepared by Simple forms aro preferred in all out to look forHt. The bakery -had bcens A calf without eyes or tail was re-. Most of tho Oolongs grow in Formosa, mills. A dozen of each arc sufficient; would indicate that steel bridges aro and I won't havo to pay out for* mond- ance-Ncelio, dear-ahead." - [Detroit j buttho p- °which u noted ,„ her own fingers or under her eyes. Nor of door wraps. . moved, nnd so evidently had tho knife; cently born on an Oregon ranch. Al- these are placed in an old fruit can into less affected by tho acids contained in ing, and there's a lot of ways • a young Free Press. docs sho disdain to bo a confec- Tho belt is worn, very generally with for ,it was nowhero to bo seen. Then though blind, it will not run into any- its 'cup quality,' Moyuncs Souchongs the sides of which numerous small per- the Brooke oflocomotivcs than iron ones. man spends money with his friends that tioner and maker of pastry. As cvo- | Anuita had to be found, of course. She thing. It is kept in-a-corralalono and • and Congous aro of Chinese growth. different styles "of corsage. forations have been made. Oa the bot- Nine-tenths of -wild animnlf in con- ho can save if he has some one to look Bnmljoo. ning approaches—tho long, claborato was under the lnigo fir-tree ia the front will start to run toward ono of tho English breakfast teas, ia fact, are Silk-warp corduroy is meeting with tom of the can is placed an inch layer of finement are said by a medical writer to after him. I've got it all down hero and Persian dinner being partaken of among yard, dressing a dolly. fonces, and when within a few feet will In whatever nature may have bcenT Coagoiu althougn we do get an Indian considerablo favor as a dress material. bran nnd meal mixed. In this first layer be subject to heart disease; but all ani-. added up, and there is a balance in favor the upper classes by tho soxes apart—eho "^Vherc is. the carving knife, Annita?'' stop, turn in another direction and go sparing as regards natural resources in lea that ;„ o£ 8imi|ar aromo# At ouc Tan colored undressed kid gloves, jn a few meal-worms aro placed, next mats have their peculiarities* Elephants . of my plan on tho credit, bide." this country, bho has evidently compen- j ^ tllcs0 tca3 could not bo 6old bcr0_ prepares to entertain her husband; sho asked Florence. r through tho samo performance. It will fourteen shades, aro shown to be worn comes a layer of two thicknesses of flan- are snbjcct-to many diseases, the most "Ho's figgeiia' on thu rulo that what sated for by bestowing it upon the bom- ; trade iu tho trans- ttl/ him upon the lute or har "I-know where it is," said Annita, act thho samo toward a stream of water. WUh tho rowi py p with winter costumed, nel or woolen cloth, then a layer of old common and fatal of wliich is rhcuma-' I ain't enough for ii plenty and to boo plant. Thero aro no loss than fifty , atla the d hi without looking up. jbiscuit or stale bread broken into very The skin which cevered tho eve: 6erTicCi howcTer> monica; sho wilUiiig to him, or read him Very attractive are, those ornamental tism. Monkeys and baboons generally j upuiu fur~t itiUllblh^ or Bhp will filny "^Vell, where?" .asked Florence. -bioBcbiat-affeoUoa»-nnd-J»g«rt..^ ^ 'twout work, but it's none of * my which i) favored by certain localities, j moro nnd moI0 numerou,, until now if with him nt backgfimmon or n:hcss, or I'Tcll mo quick, dear." J and a few of the beetles aro placed. And disease, and suffer mucn" ff6in*typ!i6id * 3---" 'visible. affairs." and each its- posseted of somo bpecial rccito to him long Btorics in the stylo of shown on English wraps. "Well—it's—only a littlo kiud of lost, is quito an important feature of our so layer after layer is built up till the lever. Animals of tho feliife raco are Tom Bmith, an Alaska machinist, I Seth Dakin married tho little school quality adnpting it to tho manufacture "The Arabian Nights." When he-is sick Thero aro a great many new styles in Florence," said Annita, gravely. "It's trado. top of th3 can is reached, which- is most subject to dysentery and heart '.- ntumbled'on a gold mino at Berner Bay j mistress, and for Trijrief year thcy of useful articles. For instanco, tho sui she nurses him, and it Is her prido to sco heavy braid trimmings, the most fashion- up in the garret, or else it's down in "As a rulo importers rcccivo samples covered over with mosquito netting or diseaso; and their prey, deer, antelopes, a few weeks ago that will make him! boardod with hU former landlady- in chuck (water bamboo), growing in that his wardrobe is well supplied and able of all sorts of decoration. I tho collar, or clso out by tho barn, or of shipments before tho cargo arrives. old muslin, to prevent tho perfect etc., are most liablo to tho samo nfflio- rich." Whilo prospecting in a gulch ono | such a piachod nnd subdued style that swamps and ponds, is very tali, straight his servants well clad. She.will intrigue and ! clso iu tho front yard, or the back one, These samples aro given to tho tea tas- Vests of tan-colored corded silk, beetles from making their escape. Tho tions. Animals of tho canino tribe aro --r~-^-atornoo-n ho became-thirsty-and dropped' -they_wero comfortably wretched mps.tof . andjight, and_it_is largely employed in -tors, and ia-this-way the quality of the for him, plead for him, lio for him. Sh tan, colored galloon aro _uscd to trim^ or—ahind the wood-pile," r can is-then - placed- in., a. dark, worm,. tho-.iealthiest,—Jjut-tDo_many_srolve»_ _ _. down onhis hands and kneeWo drink i tho time, and hnd it not been for tho the framework of sails, and in the man- will carry her complaisance even BO far black dresses of various kinds. ^ 'Good"gracidu"s, Annita7 "do you'sup- shipment is learned in,, advance. The slightly damp location. When sup- must not be kept together, or thcy will • • from the stream ' of' clear water which., gonuino lovo that existed between them, ufacture of cheap baskets, J033 sticks, ni to find another wife for him.—[St. pose I can go to nil those" places in a teas "are infused by" pouring boiling Water "The cnamelbuttons with pictures , of plying tho meal-worms with fluid etc. The young and tender shoots of James's Qazettc. hurry and tea waiting?" Come and help cat one another. £ ran at hi3.f eet. To his astonishment the ' could never have survived their domes- on them. Tho firat test is known as the timo of Louis XV. are most beautiful food, which they will require onco a • -- -ocd.olthe.-stream-Becmcdsprinklcd.withI.tLO.h.ardsbips. At tho end of tho year this variety are also used for fpod. Tho "nosing tho tea." Thisisdoao by the me find it." and would enrich any garment. month, sheets of straw paper, soaked in. Birds'Kllle-f by Liberty's Light law-thnnionrad-leaned-di-" "Seth did-some moro "figgerin'."- tai chuck, —which grows to Woman In the Put. "But I am 'fraid Charlotto Henrietta sense of smell and is performed whilo new ale or sweetened tea aro introduced" Tbo torch-bearing goddess ofBedlboV This timo he figured himself into a Long and impossiblo names arc given will Be spoiled if I leave her." rcctlyoVcr a rich vein. 8nmples of tho groat height, furnishes poles used in tho ] tho infusiOn is boiling hot so as to as. Girls who consider their advantages between the layers of cloth; these sheets khmd doe3 not trim her hat with hum- . house and lot on somo installment plan, to the new colors which aro really old "Oh I that old doll without head or "!- quartz "which ho brought to town prbpelling of boats through narrow , certnin tho plant,fl aromx _ThL i??? . 5. . A?! ™' '"- representing Pittsburg manufacturer, speaking at a _ scarcely to bo understood in theso diiys, Skirts are shor^ for the' street,, demi- nnji0U9iy; ^ 6]i0 reckoned-up tho" the river bed with tho long bamboo or j aroma of Bome teas b s0 ligbt thnt it to look for" tho knift-'ivith Florcn'co. per hundred, nnd tho price asked by ' mimerous species, without discrimina- meeting in Dunfermline, Scotland said ' lo~g column of'itoms. "Can we'ever when woman was a littlo moro than a trained for dinners,fire o'clock tcas,ctc, by hooking on to the other craft. A , passes oiI in atcanli „,] attcr stnnd;ng Just then, Hnttio came out to ask why bird dealers is twenty cents per bun- '"<>•-• Tho fatal instrument ofofdeco. decoy "tho hero of the futuro would not bo j)ayfo r thcm?" long and flexible variety called n'gon hHo it is positively insipid, although slave and ornamental appendage. Dur- nnd full trained for evening wear. tt w tea was not served; but, seeing her sis- drcd. This may seem exorbitant, nndd - destructiondestuction- iiss ththoo vasvastt cluster.of. the man who could boast "of having talc | .1Easie,t thillg in the world, dear," ing the Middle Ages and a followi ng but chuck makes the best boat hooks, at first they Btart with a marked aroma. Light shades of cashmere make pretty ters hunting, bhe also joined in tho lcctrilJ which 8ae hoias aloft itt en life, but ho who saved or greatly ly. no was very tho trouble of feeding them, hunting ° &•&** gctll an8wered gent wliich, in tho larger caolio ports, like period, no one would havo dreamed of petticoat' of a simple kind over which search at once. It is ' the business of the them up between the layer- of flannel, her right hand, S00 feet "above _tha '. "servcd.bis follows. It was quite proper j fond of Neelio> It sho haa n0 cloak fit Swatow and' Amoy, aro employed in a ' .

  • the tannic no tea until the knife was found. So beautiful creatures, and tho sight was demanded luxuries, carpots and brire boot hook is convenient. Mni^ihuck ; contained j the tea, although I They may well have deser%-ed some of Tho whito braids used to trim all York Post. - road commissioners. The law was_.to \ acid n they joined iu the search, though I do pitiful. Thero wcro among them speci- floors, meat and' pie instead' of brown (carrying polo bamboo) is of oxtremo | ,e coffuo causcsa hundred cases of tho prevalent mediaeval proverbs, of sorts of colored fabrics aro effective on . tako effect immediately. Under tho' 8upp0 not-think their help -would havo over Windmills and Pumps. mens of moro than ono hundred distinct loaves or cabbages and beans; he could toughness, and with thcso poles all mer- j i tion nnd liver troubles whero tea which the following are specimens: half tints, such as French gray, mauve act, the railroads of tho state are very i ind scs found auything; for Sam had new boots, As we 'have frequently stated durin; species. -The largest bird was a Cana- , y ss well havo turned cannibal as to havo chandise and movnblo property on land "Women and horses must bo bcaton." and tho biscuit shades. generally supplying themselves with im- is responsible for ono littlo headache. and had to look at them most of the the past year a great deal can be done, j diaa woodpecker, mcisuring thirteen | tried to dou without tho kind of food "Wouren and money aro the cause of Ivory ' whito satin, fnillo Frnucaiso proved systems, though, as yet, steam ! ""•""' " ™" "- » aro transferred from one point to However, if you nro ever tempted to bo time, and He lry, whose name was Wil- not only in the drier regions but in many ' inches irom wing to wingr,-The smallest all evil." nnd'moire nutique are the approved ma- "win,heating. L,i,,,ll,». wno t Wbeen ii they had been reared upon. another on the shoulders'of coolies, j come „ • tea-tabter, take my advice and liam Henry Harrfcon, aud who was to be other rain supplied states to escape the was an cxquiiito littlo humming-bird, "Figgera donjt lie," he said, choer- terial tor rich wedding gowns, and tho introduced, owiujr to practical diffi- Tho pan chuck is uaod in making chop j d0:1V—[Muil and Expross. "Women keep only secrets which thcy •a celebrity, turned round nnd round in consequences of severe droughts, Eucha ono inch long. fully, "Neche, wo'll have a home." 3i cultics' iu the w,iv. sticks, fat tooichuck for walking canes, do not know." trimmings aro of' laco or embroidered tho garden •» alk and scratched' his havo recently prevailed in Northern nud An examination proved that tho heat This houso was built for them and quan yum chuck for pens, whilo other Ono of the Lost Arts. "Between a woman's yes and no thero lisse. head. This was tho way ho always Central Illinois and more or less in ad- of tho light had blinded tho unfortunate _ A pathetic tale of tho hardships of ! they moved in. For another ycur they species, even including tho thorny and ' "There is some unfennonted wine," isn't room for tho point of a ncodle." liodaccs which havo tho sides pro-, hunted for his hat. jacent territories. Somo timo ngo wocreatures. In somo cases their brains poverty comes from New' York~ ' . Mrs•" . pinched and" saved, and pared down to dwarfish lac chuck, growing on rocky —[Youth's Companion. said a New York wino importer* "that longed into panels which fall, loosely to It'was not long beforo Mr. Benedict measured the discharge of water from a wcro actually roastel Comparatively "Ned" MurphyT" of irulberry street," 'tlufbonc: Tlieri"Seth" began to "Jigger" liifls, lmve~such~a~vari€ty~of purposes r wiirkcep as long" as" iT"tlesi?cd7 ~ the foot of "the skirfaro "again m-voguo;- camo in through* the" front gate, bringing ~p\imp"in-n"well twenty-seven feet-deep," few of thcrh-wero-dashod-to—dcath, -but - — — supports herself and two littlo children again; that a largo volume might bo filled with Why People Starry. "Is there anything peculiar about the and tho panels arc decorated and lined some boxes of strawberries for tea. driven by a medium windmill. With j nearly all wero fatally -burnod and by doing washing. The other day MM. ! This timo it was tho baby. their description, Ono kind is mado 1 method of keeping?' It would bo an interesting nnd in- in various ways. Thebo ho put down .on tho piazza, in only a gentle breeze this amounted to blinded. —[Frank Leslie's.- Murphy enjried to one of her customers ! Ho was as cheerful and light-hearted into ropes and for junks, or is "Ob, yes. The pure juice of the structive lcsson^iJ^B. a community of The most fashionable dressmakers ex- order to help tho rest find tho knife. twenty-one quarts per minute, equal to a basket of clean cluthes nud returned > —not tho baby bnt Seth—as if tho debt woven Into hats, mots and sails, whilo grnpe is pressed into the bottles. Then married peonro representing various so- ercise their ingenuity to mnkc the sides Of course, everybody looked in tho about 30,000 quarts or 7500 gallons per Colored People's Associations. home with two one dollar bills, tho first ; on the honso was not staring them in the long leaves of another nro made into. somo oiivo oil is poured in at tho top of cial grades, we could rcquost tho indi- of dress skirts as fljit as possiblo iu cf- bame spot. Annita nnd Florence went day. With a larger windmill nnd pump Negroes aro exceedingly partial to the face. . Ho whistled and sung aud 1 monoy she had earned for several days. picturesque looking coolio rain coats, j each botUn. This effectually exclude viduals, both husbands aRd wives, to feet, in tpito of garniture, nnd the back I out to a bare spot on the north side of and stronger i.iud the amount of water societies, and aro never so happy as when She laid it on lh- table and while her ono night ho sat down by Ncclic and —[St. Louis Republican. tho m'r, and' nono can work down into Inform us clearly and truthfully of tho as full and bouffant as is becoming to tho house, where the bakery was gen' flow would be greatly increased. If j making a Bpccch or when marching in a back was turned her son Tommy, who I showedher two long-columns of credit ^tho wine to ferment it. At tho same reasons which induced them to Belect the wearer. erally located, and huutcd carefully; we bupposc such a'pump as tho , parade. The names of tho offices in thcso was hungry, proceeded to devour tho ' and debit. " Girls foi* Sale. ; b !nwt ' ;-[Texn» Biftinrja. .. I -THE CRANBURY.PRESS- up uvor S1T.000 Atld to tl.ia tho cost of j SCUPPER & DUNHAM. transportation will brfng tho uiuouilt up TnESTOS, Friday, Nov. 11th. to $20,000. Each Judge or Cleik of elec- PUBLISHED EVEBY FRIDAY AT A lot of New Jackets arrived'to-1 SINCLAIR, YAMEST & . OilANBUBY, N. J. tion was requested to meet at the county Q.tf-Ouico BURROUGHS & HOWELL feat nnd receive instruction;, making nn day, nnd the expectation of receiv-, rUBLISUEBS. iujr thorn lms held .us buck' from; OVEECO^TS. lulditionnl con of $200 to $300 in every \ tolling you move about Costs dur- $1.50 PBB YEAB, IK ADVANCE.' county. Iu several counlii'B a number nf ing tho past week. Now then, to SALESROOMS FOR We consider our-linc this season.the beat wo have the boxes wore broken, or not in working know just how much value and ever had". FRIDAY, NOVEMREll 11 1887. ordor."" AifaddiHomil expcnso"is~f.uro to style can be crowded into a §G Coat, Tho Dninocrntic victory in Now York follow their uto, as the combination is to be you should investigate this now • mak(!3 it apparent m: himedilor, who expects t» ivceivo much moro styles and more kinds of ma- Cutaway Dress Suits. . to xnako f:ilsc entries, cinountinflf to $100,- olmrity or guliiude will B mi find out liii terial than wo have room in which DOWN TO Cutaway Business Suits. In Rhadamie and Gros-Grnin, in all tho new shades. mUluki1. to tell you about. Stripes if you Men's Winter Suits, from $5.00 up! 000, which a government dotcctive dis- Sack Business Suits. • VELVETS covered, when investigating his account-". "It has .been -vcrj truly said that wish, plnids if you will, plain if S1O.OO when an editor makes n iniatiiku in desired; sizes, nil of them; prices, In Black and Colors, and in Plain and Stripes: Tlio many friends ot John F. Ten Hrocck hi.-, pnper, all tliu "world beca and calN your own, the very lowest. Boys' Winter Suits, from $3.f>O up. will rpgret that he was defeated, Tlio 1 PLUSHES him a fool. When « private cilizcu TYiaps, mado from Silk Plush, Menls and" Youths 'Heavy Overcoats. District is a close and very donbtful one. makes a mistake, nobody knows it 01-close pile goods that won't Bhowa Children's Winter Suits, from $2.00 up. .Jn Black and Colors, in Watered and Fancy Effects. Last year Mr. Ten liroeckh majority was cept IL few friends, and they lonn cotton back at a yard distant, but MEN'S STORM ULSTERS. 4 1S1. This year ho wit defeated l>y some al''>iind and uik the edilor t" keep It the best imitation of Seal skin over Colored Dress Silks CO votes, which limy bo charged to 'hoout of the paper. When :i pritati produced, trimmed with seal balls, The largest and best- line we have satin lined, and cut after tho most In Henriettas, Armures, Cashmers, Foulns. fiction ot tho Labor vote. In tho Legis- citizen diva the I'dilor is n.-ked lo write $8 TO $2O. ever manufactured. -ttre-bi approvpd Cushion. Wp nqV your Can Civft thfi Sanrie Value •nf"trt3 giiuil (|UU1ILIU!> und In special attention to tlieso at the DRESS CLOTHS ; himself on tlio tide of llu workinginou out. When the editor dies the privuto nnd to their ingrutitudo nr luck of disci followiug prices: §17, §20 and §25. In Plain, Stripe and PlaidTricots, at 39, 49, 75, 85, $1.00. citizen iajs: "Now Ihat dnrn linr will gol Jersey or Stockinette Jackets.— FALL OVERCOATS. pline in their organization niny bu iittri- liis deserts." for the Money! buted the cause of liis defeat. §6.97 for one that fits you as a An elegant stock-silk faced, satin PLAID GOODS glove, fleeced back, warranted all tread ou jour toes n littlo iu perform- TO $ 1 8ii Jn great variety, in Cloths, Caslrmcrs, Flannels, &c. New York has gone Democratic nnd wool—a. thoroughly well-made sleev(, lining soft front. ing iu. mission, dou't get youv bnck up thereby defeated Nicollo, tho Independent garment, that can't by ordinary and abuse the editor, but ttop and BLACK GOODS Democrat for District-Attorney, a gentle means bo replaced for less than tnko a good breath and think for n •nun whose clmraoter mid ability is be- §9.50. In large assortment, including Crapes and Shawls. senson, and see if you can't remember YOUTH'S COLTHINa. • yond qncBtinn, a man, no om*, unly those Give the little ones a show. WSEMg^gM'i BS®|||g}ffs£ tempt, lo argue,)» not by far the best man nn( some favor nguin. for tho position^ ,.]F<>IiItunto iu tho Town- Is uot this amount worth Raving, and will yon not be glad to bring the law into contempt. There is shin of Honroivin thtrCouiity of Middlesux dynamite cartridge nnd blowing liis head and Btjitu of New Jereoy, nforcsttid in two leave your money at home? to fragments. Tho smtence of two Tias thy Bentiiuentnli-t, WIIOV-OKH liafoiloiy as bu\eral tntcts or piirculs: The tliht tr.ict or (Turs is an old fashioned new fas]iione'd house. This statement well as Llio selfish men, who are over look- lot bomns at n stuko stand I n« iitttu Routh- 'WOUPSON been commuted to imprisotunout^for life. wet-t and-third corner of i; tr.iot of land of Millinery, Silks, Dress Goods, Trimmings, ing after their owii pcr&oiud aLrgraiidizo- about slxty-ufchtneivH allotted to tho hi seems paradoxical, but is easily understood when explained. - -- - -The otlier four will pay tliu"|ieiinlty of nient 'rather than the ienl "good of thoof JpIinHIbbutts.ii Hf bbutLs, ilucci^fiiil ' , "by Join" ' t 1'orrlne" . 7 Hosiery, Gloves, Underwear. Knit Goods, their crinio upon the gallawx. TIWM.', ninny. Tho pretense to reformation is Johirlii.. Applr«atApplr«jito nan d Peter W.... Dvy. Coni- too thin; it win bo easily sccu that many mis^loueru, and ironi theiu^ ruuntnt: as the We are old fashioned in our dislike for shoddy and inferior Yarns, Small Wares, &c. &c. who plot and conspire ngninst law und or- nucdlo pointed IJecumber. 185.).; l) north four Can sell cheaper and better made clothing than ajjy retail house of .their, lionoyeil words are uwd n»a.<1iB: degrees, eo^t sixty-six diuius uudllltyJhikb : B@°"Seud for samples if yon cannot see the stock. ~\T- : der and openly declare their rovolutioimry guhc tucover thcir_uctK_wMIo riiuj"a??Mi_to Cuinbfjrry-BrooL : tliunoo (2} follow In L' and all such"modem"tricks as.help to deceive buyers. ------.____"-- dQWU_Uiti_\vuter_cQurri'i *ijt etild bi'ook_the inthc st4ite, is, Ytillbi y aro"reTr"to~gntirer~w"li!Tt cniinby may heseveral eournes tlioroof to the northwest eor- We are new fashioned in adopting every improved method for found by the way. nor of tho wholfitrnot nnd to tho linn of hinds yond n fair an trial. Had these now belonging to Matthias M.Perrine:th(!ncu men hecn compelled to meet tlioir fute ut It cannot bu disguised, however, tlmt (3) along thu lmo of Muttlilus M. Porrine cheapening goods without inipairing their excellence. 1st. They aro'sole proprietors of the buildings they do their whatever may be* the condition of men -in south four degrees- west llfty-four ehnina: sin earlier date, it would havu been butter thence (1) south eiglity-tlve d(>grm;s eiibt Europe, ihe opportunity lor comfort aud seven chiilns und sixty- four links: thence (5) We find this combination works to perfection.-and our customers business in. Your "Advantage for tho countty and all around. pleuty, in our curnitry, is llio best that south two degrees, enat isleven chain.s and labor lia« enjoyed since tho human lam- sixty llnki: thence ic ) south seventy-six de- : grues. on*t (»lght chains .tnd sixty links to tlio arc as pleased with it ay we are. , ..... Lies iu purchasing where there houses you will have saved from • " - -- Peter W. Fick," tho'Kupnbliuan candi ly were dispersed iitiring tho building ol place of bo^inniug. CDiitniniog one hundred 2nd. They are one of the largest manufacturers of MEN'S, the tower of "Babel." Neither in tlio and ten uerus, be the Riiniu moro or lens, be- isj.iv Large Assortment of Goods. thirty to forty per cent. date, has been made Sheriff of tliiscounty hiKthomun<) tmctor lot of land allotted to YOUTHS'and BOYS' CLOTHING in the State, and they, are de- by u lifltidsomo mnjoi'ity. What, he told aucieut empire* or thu mure modem Petorl). Hibbetts. by .(ohu P.'rrlno. John B. The diamond aud fine jewehy monarchie-1 have men heon as freo to fol-ApplegntenndPoter W. Duy.Cominl^alonerH, IN GOLD AND SILVER ,] the convention, when nominutcd, is still low tlioir own virtuous way and reup aforosaid. termined THAT NO HOUSE, CAN OR WH.L SELL CLOTHINGtrade of this city and section has WATCHES our Jine is full and Xlio Hccond lot or tract belnf: situate in tlio 1 \''t fresh in the mi ads of the people. If elect* tl'O fruits of contentment as here.. Township. Counly nnd State last aforesaid, OVERCOATS. ofsimular quality and workmanship nowhere near the price they no better stock of high-class exceedingly attractive. Our sales :, ed, he baid t(,iliere will be no packed The laws nre made for tho poor us wrfl und llyinying oonn thee northerly hido of Cranberry BBroBrooko k nnd eeasterlasterltl y sidide off ththo CatndeCd u && WATCHES and DIAMONDS to offer in that line have never been so :".'"'"• juries."' This is what t-very huiivst-iniiul- ns for the iich, uud guards the per-ou AAmbob y liiLilronu,beginninll bi g atnstukttku standtd- do. We mean exactly what we say and to convince yourself all we us we)! us property. The constitution ing In tho north eilgo of «al.0(>, 18^)07201)11, aiid up. : and when nt-sa-sinution is resorted U> asV. ThurMon, tieherr husbmulhusband,. bcarinbcu c (Into tho tlie coat will be exchanged or money refunded, as the purchaser wills. OPERA GLASSES; MAIIBLE and one of their methods, tlie lav. hangs tlie lh*bt duy of Aiu'il. Iu tlio your cl^iitcou liun- little chip or rose diamond, but Tlio principal topio of convcr.-ation (or ilrednnilalxty-cicht. tind recorded Iu Mld- BRONZE CLOCKS, iu short, we guilty, not only because they nre nwr-dluHitx County Chirk'H ofllco, iu liook 110 of a regular cut stone. Ton can go tlio iiast fow weeks lias 'been pulilics, derere, but becuuse ihey aio the common 1JI i, oa1 p.icOo saosao. AcAe. ExcuptluKctl K ll"n«d ro- as high as S1J30, aud even higher, have everything pertaining to a enemies of all mankind. burviiif! out of thd ubttvo desetibud loin und BOYS' DEPARTMENT. nnd conjectures as to who would bo the purculHoT lund, lulwovi'r. u tract hctotofoio but iu every case when you com-first-class jewelry store. Do not sucoessfu! cttmlidato, nnd nltbSugh U6lr.iws When ,iho i\-d ling of revolution is (,'onvuyed by Pctt'r I). Hibbets. a former own- raised by the murderer.1* of our liberties as oroCrho wholuof s:ild lands, totiamuul 13on- buy one dollar's worth until yon tell wliich wnj* tlio wind blows,' still it's nott. by deed dated thu nineteenth day of pare our goods -and prices with wai tho case in New York in tho Inaf March, in tho year eighteen hundred and Suits at wonderful bargains, §4.00, 5.00, G.00, 7.00, 8.00, and up. have visited our establishment. nhvuys uncertain nnlil tho vote is cost; ,week in September, when that ooward, sixty-two, anil recorded iu Middlesex Coun- Philadelphia and New York but now w<3 liuvo the ccrtuinty, and it is"MoxV'and hit follower* were uKbein- ty Clerk's ofllcrs. in Book 83 of Deeds, on paifo asi), Ac. nnd istheruiu described us follows; We can pay the same about Men's Suit.s, and with equal emphasis, THE to be hoped that nil linve a clear con- b!ed in Webster's Hall, in Ed>t lltli street All thatruitaiu Int or parcel of lund and prr- OUR SPECIALTY IS THE . and hailed with approving bravadoes inibes hltuate in tlio Township of Monroo in science. From their - previous record we tlio County of Middlesex, und titutoofNow and prices are made just as diverse, so that each buyer can say that MORRIS MAY, from nn audience of ununtutilized citizens' Jmbov* uforesaid, aud in bounded as follows, can almost toll whnt will bo the conduct and declaio war ngniiibt the law.n and viz: BeiMnniuf: at u stone thu northeust cor- 26 South Oreene Street, Trenton, N. J. ner of said Bcnnt'tt'H other land, and in line the price fits as^vell a.s the suit. And these prices begin at §5 and of thoso re-elected, but with those uewly- institutions; it is high time to align of luiidiomalniiitftoHuIii Hibbett'B.andrunfl CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT against^them, all men who Jovo their thenco bv faId_Hibbett]s_ remniniiiK land elected _to_-_offico_it- is different, buk_wu Ii country well enough to throatle its detract- "HOiitli e'I(ihty-Hix IKKTOCS, Oust "nlifu eliuins" end where-you-pleAse. • ..' hope that ench ouo will pruvo to bo the and el«ht linka to a stake In Peter Applct;- ors and enemies, tnotice that tliumornl- ato'sllnc: thi'ueoby tils lino south four do- which includes a large number of distinct designs of Suits and Kilt right mun in tho right place, determined iste generally try to mako it appear tlmt' Broes and thrfo-q«arter?, west thirteen clmins and four links, toubtnkn In Benjamin to dare to do right. tho good ot the people is all they liave in Van Ucneer'K lund ; thenco by his lino aorth Overcoats, many with strikingly novel features worth seeing. Our COOK & JAQUBS, view, and are wiliiug "to nnike grout seventv-ilvo decrees und threu nuarterH.wust sacrifices for tho dear people, and if thooi(;htcliainHimd sixty-throo links to a aUiko MEN'S and BOY'S OVERCOATS, $3.00, 4.00, 5.00, 0.00, 7.00, 8.00, Tho llepublioans of Middlesex County iu line of uald Bonnett'fl other land nnd said Boy's and Children's Suits* chief ningidtraey"i9 vacant, aud they can .Van Dei veer's corner; thence by otliorlandfl 41 STATE STREET,-EAST, d'ul well aud more than might lie expected tind no ono to fill it, they itio willing 'to of said Samuel BiMiuettiioilhouedcKrcound 10.00, 12.00, and up. throe quartern, east eleven chains und flfty- of ilium in way .of majorities. To olect,i accommodate them pioiirtcd they can elcht links, to tho pluco of bejrinninK. con- Republican fur a county, ollico requires no pocket thu loose axunge, tlmt is rai.-ed for talniiifrten acres and (^ichty hundredths of TRENTON. N. j. blowing Iho trumpet. Tlio sentimental- an aero of land: including tho estnto and In- Here we rise even above our own average in excellence, and de- small amount of effort. There being :it terest in dowor in tho whoto thereof of tho ists nre not few. Just now Dr. McGlynn defendant. Annie I1- Pcrrlne. and of tho de- CUSTOM AND GENNTS* FURNISHING DEPARTMENT," least BOO majority against the ticket.a Ot is making liimivlf vury con»piciioiiH and fendant*. Lauru II. IVrrino. wife of Kuliff C. scend even below our own average in price. I'cri-ine. nnd Alico Perrlno, wi(o of MaLthtUH Workers - -> As Practical Jewelers ooui'rc it will bosiiiil tlio victory is dm* to has dono much to bring (he law into dh- SI. Periinr, in tlui p/ulH of said lauds inn! tho action of LliuRusu fiiclion. This U not rtidptct since he ha» been parsing ns tinpiemiscs of which tlioir husbands aio ro- We pet^tins-department, and you will think so when you examine I have never had so large an assortment in Cassimeres with so In all kinds .of Gold or Silver ex-conimunicatcil CuthuHc Priest. lie, spt-'ctKely fuslzi d in fco.lotrcthor with nil und We do elegant work, and do entirely BO, a grout many Republicans, sIiiKtilur tho hcieditumeuts ami npmirt il and see the Boy's Suits we sell from $3.00 to ?8.00 and the Chil- many different designs in Suitings Trowserings and Overcoats as can Ornaments and Jewelry. voted fur Fisher, us thoy cimaidun d it tho h.vl..R ,oe.. lit ID dte.bqr somonrtLo IKKMS llu^'S'S.i^ iSVSSSSi Makers of CLASS KINGS and it correctly. touitnts ot the cliiirch, of which hu had <>i Iu any WIHIJ luiiiertufuincr dren's Suits from &L50 -to.$5.00. ' beat w/ty to defeat tlio Ross eletnuitt. be seen this season and pan only be appreciated when seen. BADGES. bocn n p n..,in...t .lljdplcp . iho .loon. » „,. Spw|al „,»*? If^i,Cluincur™™y fo fNl N,v As Practical Watchmakers Tim peoplo simply desired a climi^o and ^IiWDil nrrmnar film liiwr. I nl\ Dc placed on miyiipaiiiBt him, (he full en Priest has not'net- • .ALL KINDS', AND GREAT VABIETY OF WEDDING '' cd in so commendable u manner us to; Merchants,! woollen box. 'Die admission of n ballot, i. only tlirougli tlio roll'M' and crank nio< mil forth sucli eulogistic lunguiifjo ns wiib PRESENTS JUST ARRIVED FROM EUROPE. u-i'd by certain Protestant clergymen iu WHOLESALE DEALEKS IN. tion, atnoonts tn nothing, only a bill of ox- New York cilj* IL shurt tinio since. It is ponso for nn oxpprt to ndjnst nnd kocp tf be hoped this religious body will not One Price Clothiers. Tailor and Gents' Furnisher, in repair. Tlio billt ndvi'cnting tlio ueo nf undertake tn ennonizothecownrd " Most," Fruits, Vegetables, Poultry theeo boxes, wo9 inlrodaceil by A«si'm- -or pnrhnps their Btflhopa way consider it about tinio in clisciplino them. There is! blyman ilcDormitt, of Newark, and wnino room lor uny politics Iioiv, nnd those,: Game' and Eggs, * 807, 809, 811 & 813 Broad St., Newark. 242 and 244 BURNET STREET, passed without much opposition. Like who propose to conjure for the votes of: 1 COOK & JAQUES ninny other nets of tlio Legislature, this their Bympnthizevp, ehould bo kicked by 183 Reade Street, New York. 221 & 223 Main Street, Paterson. law will provo moro exjionsivo anil dolti- thoir re^peclivo ]>nrtics into open associa- 41 State Street, East, tion with tho fool compnnyr they nro nefcronce, HIVING NATIONAL BANK, ; menlal tlmn otherwise. Thoro aro 083willing to flatter for Iho suite of getting' 58 & 60 Newark Avenue, Jersey City. New Brunswick, N. J boxes nscd in the Stato nt $2S, each foots office. —i, E. H. D. i E. A. BKOWM. II. GncnsoKiio.. TRENTON, N. J. -THE CRANBURY PRESS.- * Our Main-Street is in n very bad condi- Tho Presbyterian meeting ol the Wo. 1 Rlieuimitism nnd catarrh, caused by im- , The Ladies of Craubury and vicinity -would do well to-trj tion. Inriding through in dry weather, men's Home Missionary Sociely wai -hold ADMilSTSATOSS SALE poverished blood, cured by Ajor's Snr?a- panltn. one realizes there nro a good innny liunips in tho Presbyterian Church, Higlitstown; -OF- . TIIIIEE OF THE GREATEST BARGAINS THIS CITY H IS EVER SKES. - and jolts, after a win mud puddles nre Ifut Friday. Mrs. Walker, of New York Snve $10 commission nnd buy" your wind mills of A. T. Skillman Cranbury J. V. DAVISON plainly risible. Will the oveiseer give city, ono of tho corresponding secretaries, REAL ESTATE. Tlie second ttnn of B.rainord Instiiuto : the mutter some attention, if there is noof tho socioty, delivered a very interest- The subscribers, :ulministr:itors N. J. : "\vlll.twgln on-Monday next. Cornerof. Main and Stockton Streets, Higlitstown, K. J. money m the treasury they should make ing nddrns.-) in the afternoon. A delega- of the estate of John D. Grover, de- You are wiie, if 3*011 try Alfred's Im- 100 Pisces Hand Loom Silk YelYGts, Wlii'ii tliny aro wnntlns tin- thousand and ono nrllrlca it takes to romnli-to n Inilli'n wnr.l. "• ' Now u I ha timo to buy a form In ntheir wnnt.i known. tion from the nuxiiinry of the First Church ceased, will sell nt Public Sn.li>, on pinred llorae nnd Cattlo Powder, liest good (ucatiun for n low llguro, look up were preBont and s-pout n vory profitable the premises on in Iho world nt Froncli'n Pharmacy..,"— . Iiiihi< fnlln\vini;ili".|niliir> shades; Cardinal. Garnot.Kavy. Baphlw. Oi-nilnrniP. inl)p. Tlii>ro you will llnilthe choicest selection of flao DRESS GOODS *(•„ all bouRht Our tuwmmaiyllobactT. Sutton, is no- •••-•» ') •' J. Sexton and got his prices. alteiuoon. Much interest was manifested 31>-itle, JJ"iKO. EivHvnt nnd Black. for prompt cash nnd hold on smnll margins of profit. SIOUBNINO GOODS a specialty. WKDNKSDAY, NOV. 30th, 1887., ' Dr. Edmunds' Cough Cnre will jenro knowlcdged to bo n ninster mechanic, nnd in the work, uud nn increased exertion Congln, Colds, lloarsencis and Brondiitis AT 70c. PKIl YAHDr UNDGIUVEARtof nit nil. Bargains la RED and CANTON FLANNEL. .; Mrs. Sarah A. Sciiem*, of mulling, N. from the site of tlio lurtiins he him mined may be looked fur during the coming year. That valuable property kncSwn as or money relundud. Samples free at Tlicip (."onilK havo iioicr boen sold at Icos than one dnllnr a yard. Tlint Is what our BED BLANKETS, CO3IFOIITERS AND DOMESTICS Ol' ALL KINDS. > Y., i« (pending lew o State. Bargain Methodist Church next Sunday evening. The improvements arc :i largo equnlnd niivwhero in the world.]' Il ih speoiiiien nnd woighs 10 ouuecs. in honor of the twenty-second annivi-r.-ary nko truo "that Ayer'-i Cherry Pcctnrul Respectfully ' All are cordioUy invite*: commodious house of 10 rooms of the Trillion Iiibiiicaa College. Tho saves, annually, thousands of lives. In- MR. \VM. V. FISHBB. - and large Bar-room. Two line vahmblo in sudden cnldt>, throat and SO Pieces all Silk Illuminatea^Plush, Mlu Ftorlo Bergen lins been Buffering, stage was beautifully decorated, fine music J. V. When Mr. William 1?. Fisher WHS nom- Barns, Sheds and other out-build- lung troubles" Colnr*: Cai illiml. N:ivj. Capliiro. Puanoi-k. Gold. Pheasant. Myrtle. Ilrnwn and Blarfc. ilnrlngtlie past week, with pneumonia. n IM dUcuursod by Winkler'n band, and inated for Sheriff by the votes of the ings, with about two acres of land. AT SOc A YARD Sho is now somewhat better. otiiineut [iciHonages were present but tho SPECIAlTiiARGAINS. t> Labor delegates who had foislod- them- The property is all in'good-reparr chief attraction wns Kcv. Dr. Tnlmugo of and one of the best stands in the We have or. I111111I at r. Tahnugo'^ suhject was "TIT" he wus terribly hnndicapped—aliko by county. Sale to commence at 2teennd hand CAKKIAGEP, HUGGlliS, r daughter, Sadie, nro visiting fm-iiilii ut "Big lilunders" which, ho nppliod to all T£a.i*grfiin IVixmbei* Tlii'ee: hjaj/itter enemies and his irrepressible o'clock P.. M. Terms easy. Con- CAIiKYALLS, KOAD AND JAGEIi- Mntawan. piir.Htiits of life, and gave the graduates friends." Ti.e latter wcro inoro tlih- ditions made known at sale by WAGONS that wo will sell at i-xcccdin-.-- good wholesome udweo and. presented lv low iiricefl.' Call or address, COOPER BROTHERS, Don't forget tlint Mrs. UcAimey rends aftrous to him than the former; but what "30 Pieces- 40H!IICII. Tricot Cloth, golden oppoituuities awaiting afl who had LEWIS P. 6'KOVEK, O •}. •. DM%i" F,. W. API'LEGET & BKO. snccEssons TO FABRONS & COOPED. . at. the concert fit Ilia MellmdU Cliurcli else thnn defeat could n man ospect who In I lie mos* dc-.lrabli- colors and mixtures, worth me. a ynrd by Ihn raw. the u iiiiition to grasp them. ALEXANDER >S. STUI.TS, j ' CKANDURY, N. J. ' * NO. in CHURCH STREET, NEW BRUNSWICK, N. .1. next Wedneuluy evening. had for '•friends'' tho New lJruii^wick Ol'Il PIIICE ONL.V, 30c. A YARD. Persons desiring further particu- A REA5ILES9,rELT SHOE. Hometlilnu for eold feet and n eoinfnrtalilo shoe. V'U.ti T At n ineeling of tho Board ol Trustees Home A'ciojt, August Sstrtitwolf, I's-q., MN Jl'lif following acthiu wiss taken by the lars, or to see the property, should :. TENDER FEET. The bout alioo for the DOUSEWEAll EVER MADE. t Prcsbytnri.111 Church Kalihath School HAVE YOU TRIED LADIES' SHOES nf .nil DESCItlPTIONS. W(! Im^e the \mr. J2.WI Laillns' Kill liuttnn —NEW BRUKSWIOK TIMES. cnll on or address -iiiii Dr. MoCosU .resigned tlio Presidency Sunday, Nov. Gib, vi/: BAUMGARTHER'Sr ts on tho market. ' > Al.KXANDGIl >S. STCI.TS. ,,«f the College. B>K Ball. WIIKUCAS, it lins pleased mir L'ivino MISSES and YOVTH'S shooi a spoelnlty. MEN'S nEAYV KIP BOOTS ol nil kind's. P Mnkerto take, from our midst, our little Cranbury, \. J. 17 East State Street, TRENTON, N. J. of grand entertnimncnts nli'onld On Saturday afternoon, Nov. 5th, thero •THE CELEBRATED WALKER HOOTS for Farmer". A real Bargain In a MAN'S frioml, Ethel Selieni:k^-bu it. •tJ.on WAUKENPHA8T. , «ot"&il to hear liurclette, Kubenson and was a grand game of base-hnll played ' at : BATHS' Wcmhtfl, - That we, the member* of the FARM FOR SALE Rubber Boots and Shoes in a Irtrce assortment. ; Sclitnulix o'fl'Friday evening, Nov. 18tli, Oraiibury between Prospect 1'ItiiiM and First Presbyterian Church Sabbath School, -ON- .iii-tlie'Haptist Church of lliglitstuwn. Crnnbury buys, which proved t" hea very Call and sec us as it will pay you. do, in our sorrowR. recognize, in this dis HDAGLAHD & H0¥ELL fine game Easy Terms- Wonderful stories uro being told of tlio penuation, thu uncertainty- nt life, for CKLEBSAIED At the. beginning of the guino it was The subscriber will sell at pri- VTo lmvn just gotton in a large line of Shoes suited to this season thuugh in life, siill \vu may bo in the bonds remarkable , cliwu eliois fconie of thevory oiose, hut at the liu-t end of tbo game vate sale the farm, formerly of the year. aportiinen am making, many is the rab-the Ct anbury bo}s did line work and end- of Death, nnd— STRICTLY ONE PRICE, bit tlint would have lie™ killeil, bad heed with a score (if nine to nothing in favor \laoltei, That we extend to ihc be're- known as the Peterson Property, and ServiceaTole AND NO DEVIATION. ALL ($0ODS MARKED IN beur>, where the shot went. of Crnnbury. ^^ avod parents of our depatted companion situated on tho road from C'rnn- ; Slioes, IDress Slioes. Till. l.-itf..riWpTlr,iiil.nr.- .li.! v.-y •..•••II in their griofscursintvrosyuipqihiesand— bury Station to Wyckoff's Mills, ICE CREAM I : Ulecllutt Kovcr, uliil now get roiuly l«f ami nlim h'nd good hatting. Reioleed, That ihesc resolutions be re-' and about I mile from the former PLAIN FIGURES WHAT TffiilY SELL FOR. iold, uupleafiiiit weutker,_U) do lliie call Scliool Slioes in great corded in the minutes of our school ami aj )1U,(> Thi; lra(.t ^nlam* S'2 2-5 : HK.POT, on B. A~Duanell>- &\po. nnitTim>ci't their STATIOX ITEMS. coovsent to tTio sliit'Un uareiib. An extensivo Hue of.superior RUBBER GOODS. This is my way of doing 'business and by tlio increase in m) immense stuck of closing, ailierliicil in Eov. A. H. M-WIIII started, nil Thursday W Ir IN STI-IT« j acres, most of which is under cul- Superior line of Boots for Farmers wear, at very low prices. (; ln . another colnjnn. morning, fur liia new field nf duty near ; HEXH'Y c.SVMMF.S. " mittee. tivation. For price and particu- Trnde, L consider it-, is a good way—soil .to nil alike. R 67 Church Street, " ' Call and examine. 1 Rochester, N. Y. We »»h bin. surrosa I ''• - Vsaaai, Supt. lars, address " iMoiSre,- the clothier of Hightstotvi:, ro Old No. 39, New No. 57 Church St. 3rd Door below National Bank, Highest Diploma awarded at Morcer Co Pair, for the finest in Iiis r.ew home, j KASIIIONABLE WEDDING. porti'hnslness booming, di> not doubt J. SEXTON, NEW imUNKAVICK. N. J. NEW BRUNSWICK. N. J. HAND-SEWED BOOTS & SHOES. • fact that he, Ins n coiuiilele stook of Miss Sadie StuH.i, or Aslinrt , is Tho spneious res-Mtncc <>f Mr. :in

    _ _m$m%ps(M S*SK itoro, making il much moio roomy nnd I LizVie, tit Mr. W. S. Ilurlis", ol i'reehnld. i 12 North Greene Street, Fivo Doors above City Hall, Trenton N. J. ,' goodswould, balwhiciihl attentioo Itnns jneto tM removes line'vMi'd intko ohifs OiT.'i- tin- LATEST^TVM-s/oitfc.VTEBT VAItLETY iimlLOWKST PltlCES. convenient. At 1 o'clock tint usher', Mr. Pernnr,! TVT/2>,T KT eirgiuit new more. Give him n cull ui.il UB - IJUItS". T.arKestand nio^tolesantlino. Mr. John Gili-oi iniocil a c nuinp- 'lhn •'• tho bride nnd Mr. linrliss, l>ro-j -LN C VV see Tylint good gorilla ta c.in give ym in in his gnnion thin )ear, tli:U ther of ilio gronil). entereil the p:iil< ' and. Olilld.rexi's for low prices," .DecicLecL ires 4 feet fi inrheji and weighs 85 lbsthe. n the bridesmaid, Miss Carrie i'crrinej AGENT FOR DUNLAP'S CELEBRATED HATS." -nf- - Slorll ofSII.lt. GLORIA. -Ainuu .tlat-PwiU Juroia, v4tli-Prr-r>(>yT-ilie-gi'4H>ni'i) bo bo united, tank thei; FtTE 1 jire: Cranbury—Win Berriail; South For tlio past 21 yenis tho Intirnulional , places before tlio Kov. 0. I*. Enche", iA Try ono of ray §150 Derby's. The best quality of hats over sold 1 J Brunswick—C.'H. H. Oonovcr, Joseph C. .Vmmitloe ol' the Y. M. (J. A linrc re-'Hi^lii^towu, who performed tho uinrrinijii • Men's F-axziisliiELg Goods. X*rices Lower Than Ever J3^©foi-e t • IIFnn-Hiso.-Al.raiii Bookman,"Addiaon Gro- -jested tlio different Inoil n^sumtiuns ceremony. Tho bride was handsomely for tlie moiipy. <^.ill and wo tlio croat luru-Mn-i wo olTer In UNDEHWEAH OLOVES. Immen.™ line, Solid Cold Watches "• .^-315.00 and up. Our ft d JJj-c^^f4*! Glo\e^. can't bo beat for hard wear. HlRlu'Ht Prico paid for Solid Silver Watches '• < 2.50 " " [ *cranil Pelor B».Stnlia. throughout this country to observe- tho ntini] in-\vliil«-: " ? ? ? : Their request has been vnry generally a silvoJMea-serwce !rom the brido's par Hoattquurter^- B for Tho Lurcefat AsHoi-tmout find Ifneutia un .Wodi|o>iniy evening of lust Lowest Prlcos to bo found unywliorAijjum no in tlio city. GRIIUIIIO BrnxiUun Pobblo SpeotnclPH omplied with, ami the meetings held cms, cako-bnsket, ciutur, and a great many 19 Church St, New No. 29, New Brunswick: or Eyn GIIISBOS %1 oop«r piilr. ~ I week. Aa ia iho Mnluin, au elegant KrThVi Watches rurofully Rypaircd, Cleaned uiul Adjusted. Clocks nnd Jewelry Tif- in this ci)imL'ctiou,'liave been greatly blest nher pieces of silverware, vow, ^ntuary, puirtid la tho Best Munnor, and (iny piece of Jewelry Mudo to Onlor- f supper sntislicil tho inner individual and f God. - - - liil'lc-lincn-i, a large lamily Uililj, 11 hand. Iniiled very innterally in mnkiug the even Next week, being the nook ?e>t apart jaoinis loot-reBl, clorks, lanip^, lemonade | ing exceedingly enjoyable. YOORHEES & VAN WICKLE, ir this purpose, the Y. M. C A., nfjiiels and many other useful mid beau- 'TnVguumng tever j.s f«S~ spreading ill .his place, horcr.ii r.ingud fur the following! tilul articles. Calrrer A. A. Hue-hail-. OUR HOUSE-WARMINC, 17 Peace St., New Brunswick. ineetinga: Thursday evening in the Meth- charge of tho house antriubh'derorationw, | I iliccommuuity, nnd those, who have nev- 1 • er guiiiiKl Defnro, nre all into lino. One odist Church at 7:30 o'clock, to be ad'.md fmiii throo toateful tublos the guests! Our lumse-wavininf* lias kept our house r «( our enthnsiiiBtia .young men went with dressed by htudenia «f Prinrctnh Culhge; wore quickly .^ervei! with all tho delicacies FABUEBS, TO BIIIT \ a. party on Tuesday, nnd i.flnr taking do- on Friilny evening in the 1st Church, to ot tlie \V('ddiiig feast. SAvaruling' with friends, customers I liburate aim, was turprisod ti, find that 1)0 addressed by Kev. Mrjjfullertnn, of The bride nnd groom tool: tin. fmir | ' I tlio would be rnhliil was only two brown 'rincotoii Theological Seminary; and ono'clock train for ail extended lour ami on j Saturday evening, in tin1 2il Cliurclj, to their return will take up -their loaidtmce! and visitors from every ]>art of the CLARK'S COY1__ IO adilrca,p iii tho BEST STYLE, of tlio FINEST quality of building and loan atsociutions and PLOWS. FEED CUTTEIl AND CBUSHER. HAND AND POWEB Colonel Eliii4 W. Conovor, a prominent GBANITE or MABBLE, and wrought hy insurance companies with which liu was SEPOBLICAlf VICTORY. CORN SHELLEI1S, GRAIN DMLLS Ac. ic. iiueu of Mniiiiioili enmity ami :*i well miration at thv, extent SKILLED WOKBMEN. nectcd. Way was seen in Now York IN MIDDLESEX COUKTV, PICK, | Till". EMPIRE POWER AND SEPARATOR. Tho best in tho market. known horao dealer, ilied at his home iu 1IOWELI. AND HEBBKnT All work clone at" the LOWEST possible prices for First Chisa y one day last week, by a New limns Tlmw In ni-fil of .iny of tlii> alinvi" nitli'lcs will ck tftrm at Middli-tmvn. 1 J day, nt 10:30 x. Ji., iu Iho First- Church j •espettive candidite*. "Tlio " oxciieinent1 in. Uri;aiu Iiuvw rcct-l^ra Hlglkrrt Awanla at all Gr«at World's Exhibition* for Among the hoists bred by him were Iho is even increased by an-exploration of uliit'trt-il y MAIN STREET, HIGHTSTOWN, National Kauk'ol Ceil Ban!;, N. J., ami Mason & Hamlin Pianos. |he Stnto. " FMier wns buppoi'ted by inuny of the lins i» Lnrce nml Hanihomo Stock of Gold nnd Silver WMCIICR nnd Clnekt of nil d.>s"ilp- was president of tho Middletown Turn- Winter Weaiy^Oiir $5.(K) Over- With new mul improvod Mrtliotl orStriuKlnp, .sficurlnc tlioroby rcmnrknblo ioflne- pulL-worki-i's, be fuilud in h'n uUemiit", to :ionfl. Sllvcnynrc. Dlnmonds, plain nnd fnney Jcwnlry. nnd In fiu-t rvcry tlilrc pprtnlntnjr A pleasant event and ono uf mure than piko Company- He held a number of «iT?ia. iiiul MuBical Purity of Tour, tlic^o Pianos do not rcqulro ontj-uimitor us imifli iccurea innjority. In Cranbury township 1iuilni;iis other:-. _ (usual interest, on account uf the con-township oflices at various- times."4* lie on flrrft-clnss Jo'welry fltorc. - ... .' • - here mii but little stir, nnd only 337 out coats are the best in the land for ri:inns{in<1 OIKIUIS of othor ]»;.kpsj on baud ut low nrleosi. All stock cunrnntcr>il to tracting parlies being so -well-known jind leaves 'two tons and a daughter, all I nra solllns LADIES' SOLID GOLD. STEM WINDING. AMERICAN WATCHES of3!IO to 100 t.ictH polled. Tho Demo, rrrcn -nf i^fin'tlnn. Alj Hilly wurnintoil. Call ami examine. CATALOCIUES FIIEP. fiiglily-otceined, will toko place un next married. grotto. Quick Siilc* nnd Snmll profits. antic uor^cis succeeded iu holding tlio ir $tt.oo $;r,.oo anil <2».oo. nOGF.IiR .t DUO'S.. Knives. Fork*, nnd Simons n lnhv. liursdoy in ihe "Second Church; whei the money, and our $li>.()0 On S.iln for CIIMII. Eimy r.iymi'nts ni- Rent. Kepublicans to n lower luujoi'ityjth.in «u Mil be solemnized the marriage of Miss The funornlofox-Congrcsimau Heickiali expected, although it is believed, had the AT SNEDEKER'S MUSIC STORE, illnn1e,;.S. Van Dyke to Mr. A. H. Syin- B. Smith took place Monday iifternoon Ovei*coats are unmatched Repairing in all branches done Neatly, Promptly and Warranted. full vote beon out, tln> Hcpublicin inujori- No. lOW.StflioSr., >IaMinl<: Xuinpli), Trenton. ),:- J >••• -'-" ^ - -i Ladies',Gents' and Children's ihmnt Ure. MoAnney, nf Princolon, will read address w.w delidelivere^ d by Kev. William li,l 811 19 [soino of her best Selections. Sho is an 1'ltOM CHILDREN TO LARQE MEN, AT PRICES TO SUIT ALL. White, of Nuw Bruuiwick. - IUrilan, l^t IJ., 2011 -13 leljcutiojixat of established re[iiitation. 2d I), (15 nuij.) — ALSO. BOOTH. SHOK. NOTIONS. NECKWEAR. UNDDRWEAIt. HATS AND CAPS Furnishing Goods. Trimmings, The hiill-l'a.ircrs were U. S'. Sonntur lie musical part of the programme will Womlbiiilgc, lstD., 187 172 — I • • IN EVERY STYLE. Bladgott, ex-U. S. Seiintar William J, 2,1 I). • SUITS FOR BOYS. > furnished by some of our beat local 121)' 14'J — Sewoll, William S. Kelly, Present uf tlio (84 inaj.) Notions, Ladies' Underwear &c- tnw The enterthiumout is intended to Fine Suits Made to Order a Specialty. • Fl. H Smith Mucliiite Cump.'iu.v ; Thoo- kjill, !)02 isi — |ix> firauclasj) ID every respect. , Eustl!rnii»wick, lbt D. 101 dore B. Goaklll, Hmi. Chnrles Mills nnd J. • SUITS FOR .OHIIiDMIL Everjrthing New, Latest Styles, .--.... -••••« '— 2d UU. 14-t MOOEE'S AND SELLING AT •7k meeting of tile SDIIO of Veterans wilj O. Glasgow. Somli Ainlx y, 1st 1 >. Ml 209 MAIN STREET, HICHTSTOWN, N. J. I bo held in Bed Men's Hall on Thursday Tho florid offerings wcro unincrous and 2d I). 167 1-17 North Uruiiiwivk (j LOWEST CASH PBICES. . • evening, Nov. lTih, nt 7:30 o'clock. All beautiful nnd of great vfirh'ty of design, (23muj.) The Most Reliable Place in Town. South lirniiswirk, lit 1). 10'J llli We want to keep the Store to be a benefit to its patrons. Slml •members aro requested to be present at among ihc number being a hirgn arm- 22ill 1,111. 7788 108 •this meeting, as the Post will be mustered chair composed of Bun Silene n>s,-.H, TheCrnnburv 214 102 keep filling in goods as wo learn the wants of tlio people. We will fin on that evening. The sons of any liou- interment took placo at St. Andrew' Monrw,'lBt 1). (30 mnj.) SMJTEEURGH k CO.. • "211) |brAb]y>discharged boldier, sailor or inar- "CenTetery,TJount~IlolIjViiVtiTe prostncelif -Sil-1): '—^199 141 J flier, living in this vicinity nnd wishing Io a thrung of j)tO]ilo that filled ncnily every Kick's inujiirily me: 000. I join this Fust as charUr-mbinben, aro nl avnil'4ble inch of Btiinding-room. Tlio vote for Sunogntt is KIVCII Main Street, Hightstown. A.. so requested to be present at this meoting p llowdl NEWARK ' Hanhsll I coiiijilcti', so beautiful, .so clicap ns now Knritnn'"1-- .'l(>5 355 The Ladles' Aid of thu Ilightstuwn was hnnd'ciiltVd, wns concluded in the PiRctitnwti} 1GI 283 To satisfy yourself Mercer County Court Monday. -The Mar- 799,801,803 and 805 BROAD ST.HKAIMjlWIJTKliN lov Liidio.-,' Morimin^ Dross, (IOOIIK in ditleroir Baptist Church will give a grand cnter- Woodbridgo U13 f tainment on Frida evening, Nov. 18th suaUin his own doftnso teatiflcil that Zer- North Brunswick l'J'.p I US 270 stylos ;inil pvioos. Wltilo in BLACK .Silks, IJLA(.!K and Colored Having secured the famous, Jn-. I. Bur.wick resisit-d arrest furiously and tliut hia Suntli Bninswick 201 wifoaud children helped him. Ho said lie EiistlJrunawick - 482 2&0 that DOBBINS the dette, lor Elocutii nisi; I). W. Kobetbnn, 307 lUlADANfAS, .Sillin Morvolonux, Uadzuni'rs, wo aro the Leaders, Hirui'k the man iu tho head and thus con iTonroo 272 i \ Tniiibleronicon Snioi-^t; H. J. Seli Cralibury Ul 226 qucred lum. Being biibdued ho had bk FIRST PREMIUM > Zither Soloist. All who have over heanl iMnili."Oii 100 18-1 | AV.o fruiinuiti'o siiUsfiiction or money refuirded.' Ladies' Habit Suit lii-t tied, nnd oven then, ai'ciirdiiig to tho 308 Burdette, know his superiority as elocu Snyri'vilh! 1S1 -SCATTERf • defendant's story, it required, the M-rvico South Ainbny 2;n 420 in^ri. Tailor Suitings, All-Wool Saoking' JiO-iiuJ). wide AlMVool for tioni»t, keeping the nmlicnco in coustaii 4>f-f!everal-inen-t<>-get-him-ti>-tho-look-u|! I—applause aKd~la~ug1i£vr7^This~-c«Tt7Tiiiifa!h"s l'ltiids and S^'ijies in endless vnriety. Co"ii!.talile Clerns comiboraled this ovi --SJ622" — boars the highest to-timonaU of any -j We Jinve tho " I^nnouh Conteinori Kid (ilovc" all Shades. BIG denre. llnwoll's inujbrily, fiCO. At the last two Mercer Co., Fairs wo liavo roooivi'd the coulllrv. Tilketa are now iilfercd foi Tlie I'liiliiliiiiiinHlH |»illcil 21(1 vutw in 'DKIVICS in Hosiery and I'tidorwcar. Buying in Heavy lots, we aule at Cunnlnghnin's mid Stout's stores, John 1'^wart, tiamuel Fryer, Klmcr tho FIHKT PlJKMIl'M, and to those who do not know linfiTH \V I Hfrhin nnd ollu.n tn.H the county, u docri'u-*u truin !;i-.t yenr —oini buy it-U-t-t-la-^hpafx'i'i and fell—t-he-'-H-fflft All ldn^tt-of-ftiwtpBj $ rby and Soft DuUfA open al 7: lfi; nimiucimiug at T:4& Ut tho bad repnta-inli of lliu pri^oue — Prohibition vpto in Crnnbury lo\vimhi|>7 how fjood our 15iHfts uro, wo will say this," OUT HOO'l.-> tickets, 25 cent*, reserved, 85 colds. ' 21 ; lust yoar, Si. i lieadoil and liraidod in. sets, and Panels for Trimmings. Ladies' whenever intr Hon. J. F. Ten Bim-ck, wna n | for Kail and Winter is now in, ready to fit all, with selected styJe> Burprito nml iu due to tho Knights of Ln- Six different makes, RUMMR HOOTS. find everf thing in the fursMu their ways or in trying to nrouso tradicted that hiding* drank with Her linr nnd prohibition Hiippoit. Cutloi-'B and prices low. Don't go *o far away, and do worse. The consei bellovers to more aotivo service in thowick and helped to put him inhisdrunkc: innjority, 09. KLAXXEL- LINED SHOES Icauso of Christ, and although thu Y. M condition. A man, who docs Mich a thing,' never have cold feet witk this Shoe. ,i entious tradesman tells us we do bettor bv them and they can gei HAT and UMBRELLA |f. A. of Crnnbury !»in a flourishing con As fnr iw cn:i bo nsccrtitiucd, Stuck, docs not havo the law on his side. No Call at No. 22 North (iroeno Street, nnd look at "these goods: 1 TitioD, tligro aro yet other young ninn Dcinociutj liiuibeon cleotod Coroner. I belter suited than going farther away. oflioor can lawfully uso his club or othe ' V T)lli jn th'o^'SKavoli and out of.it, who weapon, unless the re.-'istanoi.' ol tho pris- Housekeepers, boar in mind we are always giving close figure: line the market affords ouM bo gUdly. welcomed as one of them oner is-eucli ns to make fin Co necessary, DIED. lid who would bo greatly benefltteV Notwithstanding tho chargo boro heavily RULE.—At Fnmklln Park. Oct. jotli, Jlolvina ! ill all kinds of Domestics. Fine Shoos and Slippers in ntlundnncc. ************ A, Rulo, ucml 20 yr«. l mo. imj 'JH dnyH, Owen H. Locke, pereby. Tbe young men would liko ti against tlio defendant, who was indicted f 1 CONOVEIt.—At Crnnbury, Nov. «h. infnnt Call and Sec. ) a large meeting on Saturday at thefor atrocious assault and battery, tho jury child or Mr. nnd Mri. Clinrloi Conovcrlcal- 3 DOBBINS, THE HATTER, itldence of Mr. Jones Oliamberlin. brought in a verdict of simple ns'.nnll. ored), nftodu ino(3. TEEMOT, IT. J. j MASON & ALLEN. 15 East State Street, Trenton, N. J. \ "1

    HOUSEHOLD AmiBS. , Only a Job. THE WILD HORSE. NEWS SIJMMARY : Potato stow. - AtttOSS THE WIRES. " AN INDIAN BEVQL1L . "Aro you tho proprietor of this store?" Eastern and Middle States. "Yes, sir. TVlwt can I do for-you?"- Peel about two quarts of raw potatoes •MAN'S EQUINR FRIEND IN AN DAVID SCOTT, ono of tho best known man Rebellions Crow Indians in Bat- •"I called to see if thero was a vacancy . -. ENTRAINED STATE. nnd sllco them thin, take about a quarter Events of Importance Flashed An Accident liberates Lions, in tho New York paper trade, has flodt o Can- In any of your departmcnta._ I anfdis-, of a pound of salt pork, ono level table- Over the Telegraph. Tigers and Snakes. ada af tor'robblng tho firm of which ho was a . tie Array, in Montana. engaged and would gladly accept a situa- spoon, of salt nnd half a tcaspoonful of member, and others, of ovor $100,000. tion." Shooting Wild Horses In New South popper. Soak tho potatoes in cold water THOJIAS WALLACE, a convict in tho pen! 'Well, I need a young man, but you Wales-Small Herds Still . for half an hour; Lave the .pork cut in Exciting Time at a Railroad Depot tentiary at Caldtrall. N. J., was shot dead £ Fight With Troops in Which the won't do. If you know any one who Mexican Bandits Create a Beign of by a guard whilo trying to escapa. _, -F-ouiid-liL-tho-TVost—Ro - vcrythi- -" • - " " •' HoBtilea Wore Whipped, wants a job aeud him here, but I don't daced. to Servcudc. "" Terror On the Eio Grande. in.St, Louis.- REV. CnAiiLEg A, BERRY, of England, has been finally choson to succeed tho lato Honry want anybody to accept a sitimtion. I then part of the. potatoes nnd sprinkle ask favors of none."—Nebraska State Ward Beccheras pastor of Plymouth Church, On October S tho War Department at half tho pepper and salt over them; now- A reign of terror exists in tho up river An accident occurred tho otbor evening Brooklyn. Journal Very young students, in their first which caused' destruction,, death nnd pando- Washington was informed by telegraph that put in the remainder of the potatoes, and border counties of Texas, between Edinburg TWENTY-SEVEN suits for damages havo attorn|.ts at composition, often inform sprinkle with the balandc of the salt and and Roma, tho result of tho shocking depre- moniura in tho St. Loub Union Station, and a number of young Crow Indians, under tho "Conmimptton Cure" for a tlmo converted t^at prehistoric instltu- been entorod by Salvation Army men against us that the horso is a useful animal. pepper;, spread the remainder of thedations of Mexican bandits. Since tho.abduc- Augusta, Maind, for alleged unjust arrests. leadorahip of Sword-Bearer, an ambitious wnnlilbo a truthful name tocivctoDr.Plerco'a Thlsiwccpiog gencraliza'.io.i is sub.ect tution fnto n, vcrltablo African junglo ani young chief, had flrod into tho ngen?y build- "Golden Medical Discovery," the most oillcl- Bljced pork over tho potatoes; rover the tlon of Sonor Barara, whoso friends had to TWESTY-FIVE horsed wero smothered to to Important muditication? bc:'oro it is pay SI,000 ransom, almoat'evory merchant howling wilderness of wild boa3ts. Six cara ings in Montana. They had then just clous IHCIIMIH; yetdKcavLTi'd for nrrcbtin^ttio dish, and bake in a modtr.ito oven foi owned by Robinson's circus stood on a track in deaih at a Oro in a 2iew York Btablo. curly development of pulmonary rtisuaie.Bu t Accepted in all communities. Thcro nre has received threntaning lotters ordering pay- returned to Uio agency from a successful "consumption cure" would not sufllclently In- half an hour; when that t me has passed, ment of heavy sums on tho penalty of ab- tho yards. Lions, tigers, big snakes nnd other THREE countorfciters who havo been flood- dicate the eoopfjof its inlluunccaml'iiRefulness. many tlioiu-and-i of horses that toil not inc Hastorn 1'ounsylvania with spurious raid on tho Piegans and wero defiant and rcmovo the cover from the dish nnd bake duction and torture. Tho v,erUthy novor wild boasts filled them. Tho station was In nil iko many dlccoacs which fiyrinRfrnm n like thoir nuble progenitors, but.po like filled with suburban residents and visitors money havo been arrested at Reading. • Tho hostile. Tho agent was unablo to arrest for half an hour. Serve nt once in tin travel without a heavy guard. The border ttoranffcment of tho liver and blood iho "Dis- tho wind where >t liatcth, anJ are looked from country towns. - Tho train was on itsdetect!vos ohtalnod a full confession, giving a them with his Indian police and requested covery" Is a Bftfo and suro specific. Of nil dmg- same dish. This is a nutritious and ex Sheriffs, who aro poorly paid, aro doing what Bit ujion ou intolerable nuisances in the civ- way fronfDodge Citylif.Cincinnati, nnd was description of tho placo whorothocountflrfeit that troops bo sont to his aid. In tho nionn- cellent dish. To somo, tnstcs - a table thoy can with their Deputies, to hunt tho rob- money was inado, and implicating a dozen ilztd ro^lons thuy sometimes inva .c puLliug out of tho station \\hcn tho timo tho yonng bucks wero terrorizing tho MOST of Uio slindows that cross our path spoonful of grated onion, mixed with the bers down, and n small force of rangersha ssix cars loft tho track. Thoy rerbons. through life nro cuuacd bystanding Inourown Our Austra.lan fr o.id«, for instance, an been sent by Governor Ross to Bio Grande agency people. Tnoy rodo nbout nights % potatoes, will bo considered ns an im- woro scarcely oS before a freight train whooping nnd veiling nnd occasionally firing light. . no hirers of tho hone in kin unturned City, but it IB feared that the wholo force is cominR through crushwl into them. Gcore;o provement. Sonth ana Wost. into tho buildings nud at whito people, of tho Woman aud Her Dldcnncii state,- and some of th'j colon sts set n not strong enough to round the bandits up in Bquires, a canvas man, who was on ono Is tlio title of a largo illustrated treatise, bv Dr. tuch a loug extent of wild bottom of the cars, was instantly killP(J. His NAVAL SDROEOS GEOHOE Amnon foil locality. K. V. Pierce, Buffalo.K. ¥.,scnt to any address price-on h's head, and do all they can to from a train near Salem, Va., ond was in- ••_" J^ Pumpkin'Pie. ~ and wooden country.- - District Judgo head was cut off and his limbs wero Two troops of cavalry wero Immediately for ton cents In stamps. It tcache3 buccesaful Bthmrfcrte niO7emenTrtorhi< destruction. J. C.-Russell, who in a largo ranch owner &tantly kil'ed. IIo wns on his way from bulf-treatment. > Take off the rind and take out the seed torn from tiis body. Binn?ho Fisher, 1 despatched from Fort Ouster. They found Seven tho isand wild horses were shot in a perfcrmor, was Imi t about the Washington to Bholbyville, Tenn., to bo mar- T'M\. tho situation moro serioiH than was expected. TIIUK friends visit us in prosperity* only when New South Wnlci alone in 1873. The c of a small pumpkin. Cut the rest inter kin Stair County, acknowledged that tho civil head, ono of tho pawongor coaches Iwinc Bword-Uearor had ordered othor Indians to orities were unabio to copo with, the THBEI: littlo grandchildren 6f T. S. Oliver Invited, but In adversity they come without in- rovers (if the plans play tho mischief* .small t pices an I stew over a moderate wrecked. Tlionia? roloy, Joseph Kisel und join his band until there wero 200 or moro of tatlou. ^^^______^_^__ fire with just enough water to keep from matter. In tho moantimo tho bnnJit* are onn man unknown wero seriously injured. weio ljiirii'>ii (O death in Faulkner County, them. Thty intrenched themselves on a with domt/sticated aiurunls when they continuing their work. On Monday, at high burning at the bottom of Iho pot. When Others were hurt more or leas, but did not Ark. Tho littlo ones were alunuiu a build- boight overlooking tho agency and dared tho How often Is tlia Unlit of (,ho. hou^clioM come.aiming them, and the colon'sta are noon, they entered tho Havana Ranch, inllt- ing at tho time. authorities to at rest them. Tho two com- clouded by tljrns of inelanclioly oi Irritability stewed soft, turn olf tho water and steam dalgo County.a place of about.WO inhabitants requiro ho«pitol treatment. on the part oi (lie ladles. .Yet thry aro not to very much disgusted to observo with THRCI: of tlio condemned Chicago An- panies of cavalry wero not strong enough to bo blamed, for they arc tho result of ailments over a slow fire for fifteen or twenU surroundod tho storo of Magdilcno Flores, umicrtako thefr arrest, and tlirco additional wkiitcaso the uolile ho: so relapses into drove tho occupants out, and robbod the nrclnsU—Spies, Fioldon aud Schwab—after peculiar toihatsex, which men know not of. minutes, taking oare not to scorch. Then Tho shock throw tho cars into a chaotic tho refusal of tho United States Supremo trfxins wero hurriedly sent tnero. But the causo may he lumoved and joy restored barbarism, iind. forgetting h.s oats and place of every bit of poods it contlined. mass and attracted a crowd. remove from the firo and strain through Court to prnnt a writ of error, signed a peti- Tho troops, however, wero instructed not' by Ui11o n*e of Dr. Plercc's "Favorite prcscrhi - tho other comforts of livili/ation, runs' Thoy then tore off tho doors, smashed Suddenly a voice s -rearaod: "Jfy Go:l,tho tion to Governor Oglosby, bugging him to tlon, which, ns a tonic anfl nervine for dobifl- A GOOD SUGGESTION. a colander when cool. If the pies are to the windows, and threatone.l to re- toiittcnipitne arrest until the rebellious bucks tatcd women, in certain, b.afe and i>lc.i4imt. It pit -with his wild brethren who have not tigor is looso!" and tho Royal Bengal houn.led commute thqir sentence of death. had quieted down. It was then thought that bo very rich, to a quart' of strained turn and Back and burn every houso into tho crowd, which scattered in all direc- 1H beyond all comiiaro tho (,'rcit healer oC wo. •nCONOMY, as wise folks say, What course should people then pursue? -- enjoyed his superior advantage}. after the excitement attending their victory men. pumpk n put two quarts 01 milk nnd ten in tho place. Tho band numbered ttrcnty- tions. Ono man was uittcnm tho neck by ttio A BAND of masked men stopped an express Jjj Is wealth pronounced another way, In short, .the only thing to do, ' It must bo confessed tbat our horses ono men. Tho day beforo another party of train near (irnud Junction, Col., for over an over their old-timo enemies, tho Piegam, had eggs; if piuin use only a quart of milk to dazod und infuriated animal Cupf. Hercules subsided tho offending young braves would need tho re*tiaints imposed upon them bandits, about twenty strong, attacked tlio nnd othor oWlcera wero presont, but hour, and lobbed tho passengers. THE heaviest of all burdens Ls a heavy heart. So while " hard times" the people cry, Though rich in bonds; pr worldly poor, ' ! one of pumpkinand three or four eggs. Attasosca Ranch, on the San Juan river, a surrender anil bloodshed bo averted. tfl. prevent them flora disgmcini; their they dared not shoot on account ADAH FIX, a toy. of seventeen, flliothim - CpnHiini|>ilnn Surely Cured. The Toilet Soaps they should not buy. The " IVORY SOAP" they should procure; : Add sugar, suit and ginger • to taste. few miles nbov'o Camar^o, Mexico, nnd self tleiid- in hls-futlicr's barn at Cleveland. A Week later tlio "Washington authorises Totho Kdiior:—Hwiso inform >our readers ancestors, who were cc.tunily domesti- sacked the place, abusing and outraging tho of tho density of tho crowd. A directed Inspector Armstrong to Investigate Ma* o and the grated rind of lemon can flight of st'iira loads lo tho upper oflii-es, anil Ohio. ' • .. tlmt 1 liave apo^ltivo remedy for the above Let all who buy such Soaps {ate care Which may be bought from coast tocoast^. _ cated .when they were introdu od into also be added if wished. Pumpkin pies people. Trey were puiiuod by. Mexican the affair. This ho did, and a few days ngo ruined tlKcnbC. Hy its tJroHy use thousands oC cavalry under Cnntain Lnmadrido, and up thi-» tho tiger siming. Near tho top ho A rim: hns dastroyed tho villago of Shady wired the War Department that tho arrest of liopclPHHfSfiesliavcljccn lmnnaneutly cured. I To weigh the cake exact and fair, . At sixteen cents per.pound at most, #.; • . this country. Years agoit usedto bothe require a very hot oven and long bnking 1 mot Joseph Chailea, one ot tlm clerks. Grovi», Ind. Plosuelas, a lender, und another bundit were Hword-Hearer and his robo lioas bnnd was hhitll bo Klr5onswero drowned by tho up- imperative: Additional efforts wero mado Lo I'HEriiEE toton any of j-our readers who hnvu con- brand the young stock and even many Heat tho mixture beforo filling into, the and tlio other will suffer tlio samo fnto. Man ' imd animal stood iuc.ng each setting of the Ocean Bird in Fas- pet them to lay down anus and surrender, sumption if thoy will suml mo thoir Kiprci-s A dollar, more or less per pound. t Than all the Toilet Soaps exUnt other. Thoro was not 'room for tiiem to and P. O. address. Ucspcctfully, work animals, and turn them loose to paste, or tho crust will bake too hard be- Lamadrido, an active ofllcer has at qnoinuk S6und, N. C. l ho various chiefs w ero appealed to and urged his commnnd- all tho men tluit ho pas<, and Mr. Charles slowly retreated, fac T. A. SLOCUM, M.C.. 1B1 Pearl St., X. Y. Bhift for themselves for a year or^ two. fore the pumpkin is done.—Qoilcy'a (jovj:iiNon OOW:SDV, of Illinois, received to iiso their influence. Lut all failed and tho A WORD OF WARNING. . '/ wants, and gets a htep in rank for tho beast, ivhich glared at him aiul fol- l j following dispatch from tho agency an- When they were wanted ' they were LaJy'a Hook. an inunt'ii^o mim x r of petitions from nil iTCniNO PiLE3.-S;/mpt'imi — Moliture; In- every bandit captuml. President Diaz lowei him step for htep, preparing for n purts of tlw foiintry for nnd against tho nounces the fceqnel: • tenso Itching und stiuginBiworflonyncrfttclilni,', There are many white soaps, each represented to be." Just as good as the'lvor/i". ultt ays a< wild ns Mexican mustangs. Mr. has orilered that tho hcverost measures be npr.ng1. Mr. Charles sliouted for assistance. oxicutioii of tlio condonmed Cliiuugo An- Scout Campbell and Interpreter Tobacco If allowed to coiitlnuu tunmn form, which of. they ARE NOT, but like all counterfeits, lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities. • Pou oil wrote a book on the best methods usoj to put down bauditngoon tho border, 'ilu>rc *vero throe women in the ofTku. They Jake wero scut to tlio Indian village yester- ten bleed and ulcerate, becoming very sow. # Suggestions for Jelly-Makers. nu'hMs Mnny of tho p^titioiis lor mercy l _ of turning wild horses. The specimens and General Vclafn, In command of this d (1 not shriek or faint. 'J hey cot chain ami wero signwl by K-nilin^ Citizens. day morning to order tho chiefs to conic to SWAYNK'S OlHTMKNT Htops lllfi itclllnt; Illlil of the genuine. Ask for "Ivory" Soap and insist upon getting it. military d strict, isanxious to co-operate with "bleedini;, heals ulccratfon, and in many cases on which ho oxertcd his talents as u Several requisitcrf nre neccssarr for suc- tables lo barricado tho door ami shouted for General Ruger nt licadqtiartci s. Pretty removestlio tumor*. It is tiiuilly uilUacloui help from tho window. Sir. Ciiiirlc-t go! A SI.AKCII oC the cells occupiwlbythosoven Eaglo harangued thojianip, ami Crazy Head. Copyright 1S88. by Froctcr A_Gftmblej_ ' ptjqfnl ifllv rnnifinrr cnva U M-irn. 1 p, In curing all Skin DlinsciJ . DK. SWYNE -pnT gon.lnuLLac-l^uni'i'.'litcti lUrtbo Cl»oago-jtt*l- "Iron I* SON, Proprietors, l hil i. By mall lor Mueller, in Good huxa-kie^iiifj. Firit eliminate thu.^o pcots. Tuo ytato authorities Jtoth!Bfthtf slightly openel d doorllfItt nn.l lll-e I ut tnl o rcauited m a startling diavovury. In tho cell Iron Fork, IJanckiijfnnilunnilun,, JJ^ilHwy,, TTU'U t domevticated animals, who huhud forgotten Belly ard Spotted Horso rodo beforo to SWAYSE'S OINTMENT for sale by dnigghts. among these is' the using of vessels upon of TonmuJipos nro very lukewarm. Their tiger, whit h iKvanio inoio an I inoro of Liii£g, one of tho oondemnod mcir. wore all about their old restraints . wliil. party newspapers openly attack Vclain for in.uriatetl at overy shot. At this juncturo General Ruger's quarters. Tbo following MARVELOUS which acids, found more or le.->s in all found four gas pipe bombs, hidden in aeigar- The success of nome of Iho agents employed, wandering overtho plains of our South- causing the capture or Lorenzo Vela, a notfld circus men arrived with polos and canvas, liox. Tho uombs wero belioved to contain puriuy then took placo: by B. F. Johnson & Co., Richmond, Va., Is western territory. fruits, will have no' effect. For this bandit, nnd tho murderer of Sheriff Martin, iind after a strugglo succeeded iu overpo .ver- d} n.amito, ami wore hnnicd to a chemist for (Son. Frank Armstrong—I havo been son* truly marvellous. It Is not nn unusuiii thinK pose earthenware is always preferable, ^f Stair County, who was sent to tho fortress ing tho bt-uta Thoy threw c invas o»*ei* him evaurnation. l'it ndsof thupr, toners claimed by tho Great Father to sattk* the trouble. for thoir agents to make as hlghiLS S-.1) junil SJO - " Trove en in the Western Territories a day, ami bomutlmes thoir profits run upa3 and wooden or tilver spoons for skim- * " in Juan do Ullon, nt Vera Cnn, and ni o and plnnod him to tho floor, whero they hold that tho bombs hid been a«;ioLlv placed in You must give us everything and turn over nre no longer in daugcr of such an lr- trying to oxcito a sentiment among' tliu him until ho was taken to a ca?". tho Chief besides tlio men. Gen. Ruger will high us S10 and $50—c. en more. But we hesi- ming, etc. The best granulated sugars, l^ingg's cell by iho police in order to counter- tate to tell you tho whole truth, or you will raption of horseflesh us Murray describes pooplo in favor of tho wi-otchta and ugaimt 'Nino cages aro demnlishod and two mount- act thi) possible elFect of ths numerous pe- settle it his way. That's all. pint for pint, always gi\c tile most satis- scarcely bclievo v> c are In earnest. *V rlto them I IH H^^B Hi mm 19 ^^^F ^B -i^* "" in his -Travels in North America." lie tho party of law an-J order. ain lions aro dead. Tho loss* to tlio com;xinv titions lor mercy which hod boon sent to Pretty Eagle—Wo aro willing to givo up and ace foryoarself whiit they will do for you. factory results. Fruit intended for jelly will bo $30,000. Fourteen animals iu nil Governor " " ' Sword-Braror, but can't give up tho others, not only witnessed a stampede of thou- , Gen. Ruger—I want all,tho bad young Ofior No. 170. must not be over-ripe; rather the reverse". A Sinn Kills his IViro, Child, ana wero liberated from tho cages. A lion \V:LS DISCOVERY. sands of panic-stricken horses, but the overpowered with pikes and canvas mi-ler men. (To Crazy Head) I want your boy, FREEt—To MEKCHANTS ONLY: A three-foot, Do not undertake to boil more than two Brothcr-in-Laiv. WhoIIr unlllto art!Hcla.) itrnicinii. -— liwng torrent swept along toward and a freight train, a leopard wns stiot iu tho Washington. too. French gloss, oval froal Show Case. Address or three glasses nt one boilinz, since too Mrs. Mary Bruner, tho mother of Mrs, Prettv Eagle—Wo will go 'back to out* t once, K. W. TA.NSILI. Bi DrrMHon. 8w. Class of KM Columbln I^aiv " 'lat^Jcrld "

    n& pushed buck the shutters. In tho mlddfe eithiM*t()l;ill-orinaiin Chiof aito, vainly St. iijrijleii to break her fasten rigs. of tho doorway botiveon- thu roo» pa»t,creatiugarciKn of tcrroriu tlio SDUtliern oi the United Stii^ Supremo Court, or to They stll range, in much smaller herJ- ( ,perp-jtr:ito a silly hoax, by pending to his -Wo will go back and talk to occupied by hor dauctiter ami htisbaud ann tlio Medicine Man. , KYK U—44 than formerly, on the plains of tho Upper with the juico. White Shaker flannel little daughter of elgk or tai yenrs, anil tho Squads of circustnen with flreai-ms,p!kcs,otc.. ici-jdeiifou smalt opx coutainuig. what seemed May affect any portion of tlio body where, th» ma- makes the best bag for straining the oss,sto':ial says tho following drawn up in full field order on tho eminence mostllftbldtobonciflcctod. It oriffinatea 1Q a cold, vauce of the white man. Manager Taussij:, until lassool with sti ong or succession of colds, coniblocd with Impure blood. completed the same day, bearing in mind tuchedi to tlitho lintelmtell . Onn a bobo.l in a dard » eor- ropoj, nearly stranslcd and liauled into q change', ui'l probably o.'cur in tho near flouting tho Indian itos.Uon. Tho Indiaiu 'PAYSthoFREICHT .spitcc pr lay t.hp iwvK- nf futtiru: St-rp'tJiry I^mmr tn^iff""! th" lat^ Hood'H SaraaparlUa hat hnd •thiflrbright, falnPCuTluTr IirtpTo"Ves—IUIT : ropw t-ouu boaau ridmg-^bout-and-ginging-war- . 5 Ton WaBon Scales* tialans, many people,-chiefly savnge. h.s throat cut, On another bed wero tho i-.f j'Tl'Ttti Vllrt^ • tO' Ac tho end of tho time allowed tho Indians Liver Complaint, ConsHpatton* Antf-Bqions, - - for the purpose of ascertaining whether hands wero almost severed from their E-iiL-ct'ed ilr.' Lnninr as Secretary of tho In- It renovates and invigorate* tho blood and tones ov- to Scale. Forfrtrj - good account. Hundreds of thousands NEWSY GLEANINGS. 4o come in with tho bad yrung men the cav- thin pintr *nd BI it ia cooked sufiicicntljvdrop a small bodies. Beneath BrownueM'H foet lay tho terior, nnd Don 51. Dickinson, of ILictiigan, alry advanced, tho infantry took position, cry organ. of Mexican mustangs bnro been reduced razor with nhi.h the murders had been com- iflNCS OF SlHQHAMTOK. quantity into ice-cold water, and if it to become Fostmnstcr-Goneral. and the Indians open lire At the first volley. "Hood's SanAparillftcnrod me of catarrh, sorenesi BINKHAMTON. N. tf- to -servitude- Tho wild horse of the mitted. On tho bureau In tlio parlor lav n SEVERAL Guatemalan revolutionists fcavo 1 sinks to the bottom at once and does not ill: *. CLHVIXAND has rocoived from Ja- Corporal Charles Sampson, of troop K, Fii st of tbo broarhlal tubes "and terrible headache."—B. South American Pampas, which threu lettor written by Bron-nfl.jld, acLnowlcilirlmr been shot » ^ niaic.i, Wc-t Iivlies, nn elaborate fan, mado Civalry, wns shot dead. Private Kugono JPi Cuinosa, Hamilton, Ohio, x^-f sura spread, it is done. When a clear, trans- himself us the tnplo murderer, and doclaruw centuries ago, only.fifty years after the A MICHIGAN' train ran over a fox and ct HIP Wornon'-*" S-jU-H.-lp luititution on tlut Molloyj of Troop K, «es wounded four time-*. parent color is desired, only such juice as that Rambling had boon his ruin. Hn wo." nBCA horse was introduced Irnm Europe, had killed it tho. other day. island, of n'iti\c v.oo.iy, term and flowers. Tho Indians took a position in thu rifle pits drips through the bag without squeezing, twenty-seven ycara old. nnd in the brush. Tho HotchkUa rillopjautod Hood's Sarsaparilla BEST IS THE WORLD spread to regions as remote as Puta^opia, TIU-WECKLY public receptions havo booii Tnii Hi uisli Government will prosecute all sold by all i)rus5lit«. «l: IJ- olf tho mould. Jelly keeps best in a of syupithy for settlers who have been J. 13. Aleshire, Tho Crow tcout Firo liug ._..d; OOlrem' travel . .. Uiem n.ttinifcgain Iraewj horso. We know .very well that thu count of tho nre. unless rain should TIIK onion crop in tlio United Stat?s is this ,_ ' bounty collected; Ueaeriero d tlio dtsnr^o ot V dark, cool, dry place. come tho damago will bo widespread *' uvifU'l fiom their lnnd in Texas through also claims to havo Fred tho fatal shot. year about three-fourths of un nrurago crop. ]iitiL-tt'ihn;^iu \)w St:ilo courts, but declares "rpllovrd; 2! vcarV pructlo*. Hucceaaorno^eo. KNKalfi wild horses of the western hemisphere Ribbon, .jelly, .or. that-inadc in.-two _A dispatch from Anna, III say's: "For Kearly all of 'them earao into the agency, arcTalrdescendants of domesticated ani- A WELL defined case of leprosy is reported Llint tbo Matronal -Uovernment is unable to colors, is 'done in this wise': Fill one- •onto days disastrous firm haro been ragini uhly about t«enty ebcaplng to tho hills. Tlio JO S8 a t\ar. Saniplrs worth $150, FREE in tho hill lands, ths uoods nud -bottom lands to havo been discovurefi"*iii fer.I/iu U by a interfere 'Iho letter it in response to an ap- Hiltcr nro now being juirsued by cavalry. mals. Where, then, is the aboriginal prominent specialist. peal byUuneial ^Vuttvcf. Lines not under tho horso'n feet. V, rIM wild horse to be found ? The question will fourth of a jelly glass f ull-of tome light of thi, „,,,„„ anrtin Uio~sVamp7"£rosnbo Tho abovo named cover all the casualties ex- S5" Safety Rein Holder (k>.. Holly. Mich M. G.KUOT. Jl. C.. 183 t'carl Bt. >evr colored jelly, such as green grapes, river in Capo Girardca.i County, Mo Tho IT takes H,8J0,0)J gallons of oil a-yenr to cept ono man, who was hliRhlly disabled by a toSoMicraft Heirs. SondHtnmp • probably neverbescttlod. Mr.J. II. Steel, When'set, color a similar qunnlitq'unnlitjy' w.tlh long drouth has maflo everything as dry as keep tbo railways of Great Britain going, ami Forelirn. fall. Fivo Indians nre reported dead. Ttiore Tor rlrculars. COL. L. UINlf- tho cost is nearli " " LI no danger to tho bcttlcmcnt. HAM. AttT, Tfaflhlnffton. I). C. . who recently road an interesting paper n few drops of prepared cochineal; care tinder, and rain is fervently prayed for." Tnn Irish Prison Board nt Dublin directed A SlHti? CTTRE FOR on *'Wild Horses" before the Bombay fully pour over this red layer, and so THE trado and shipping of table- graptj, in that Mr. OBrien innst « oar tho pnso-p- unl- INDIGESTION nnd DYSPEPSIA. Pensions California, has greatly mcreasLtl, and it is OLD Is worth »M0 per ib. PctUt's KJB Salro U Katural History Society, thinks the evi- continue till the' glass is'fujf. Or make Hanged for Murder. lorra and \n tvvuU.il in t-vcry way as an Ov**r \W> Ph j Blclnns linvp Mat u.i tholr approTal of wtirta gi.uuu, but la Bold at 25c. q box uy dcalori safe to estimate fc at nearly doublu that o:diiiary i>n'Oiu full. law, James Faulkner, during a quarrol about fallen olf somowhat ia general condition, Is LCL'II nuidc. ;IO «lara Unit?. N. D. Tuoarsox Frp.Co.. New Vort. teenth century, was of the same opinion, It is not generally known that the tho ownership of two dozen roasting ears still tho best grown crop in Louisiana for FOR C OLERAIHFANTUM, aiXTHEN iirfpKcn miiiciM havo struck Balloting for Candidates in the U.L. BSlo weet nncl but the evidence, Ting olten been ques- .,_.! 1... i_ .^ _•_ _-_ _.._ On tho samo day Honry Robinson (co'oredl many years. IT WITX CITHE THK MO3T AliOIlA.VATED CASES. Vntnnljln outfit iuiccnc o£ recent l.ttal ioiin^ IT WILL RELIEVE CONbTIPATION". WORK "\murdeted an agoJcoiorod man jvho China took out *-'ou tons of mining machinery. Kluotious have takon j)!aco iu ten Statesea..' ForSnmmur Complaint* und Chronic Dlarrbuoo, tivply hn-mnrip tli.it thn M-ilrt hnrfii* nf d4Vthttik scn-arxosloti-iii- 1 which are thWEo'''ni(l in fftr: St^tc-ofticors andingmlwn of-thhe-le - p TO E3T ¥It?fHf^i>^ the g eat mountain region which" the most delicious, -delicately flavoicd, um- troublo. tho mint-ral devolopment of that conutry. ICioIt nnd Odcstui liu^suu Legislature wero clio-*n in Iowa, Maryland, Russian, are now exp'oring is not'him- ber-colored jelly, requiring only n few JAY GOI;I.D hal arrived in England. 3Iu.sincIiusctL» nnJ Ohio; Stato olllcoi-s aud ' THE Piedmont Expas.tlon at Atlanta, Ga.t legislatoi's iu Mew York; a State Treas- self t''u descendant of ancient domesti- minutes' boiling, provided the sugar is Precautions Against Clioloro. aettsd a cash profit of flu.000, besides pay- A TVPIIOON has ravaged tbo island of Hoi Ling, Chna. From 10J to UDO lives wero urer and Jurigo of tho (Supreme. cated animals. - t first heated. ing over SloU.UOJ for tho builJings and lost. Court in Ponnsvivnnia: a Supremo Court Another question of scientific import- Tho parings.of quinces, apple?, pears, . _ _. grounds. On account of this Huicc^sthuro Jnd'^.1 in Nebras&n and in New Jersey nnd ance as yet unsolved is whether two or will probably bo a World's Fair tUe.ro in TURK?: British soldiers anil a number of Virginia legislators only. Oregon vot.nl when thoroughly boiled iu water enough pard totho" "adoption _. „..„, „, HIUlTOt 18SS. Zulu* wero killi-d in a skinu^Ii. three years' run on the Pampas would upon an amendment to the Constitution pro-, to cover, make an excellent jelly. This tho Atlantic ports against cholord-inrectod lubitiucthosaloof lujuora . rejuvenate the aveiage street car plug, vesse:s is an item worth remembering when fruit - If Is understood that tho Co-nmi*. Pcs-ilcs tliosi SUto elections, four mem- develop the latent sa>«gery of hisnature, is high and scarce Jelly which is not SJS^bX^^SiBTSSto!?! TITE last surviving repre^entatlvo of ttio A MONTH OF DISASTERS,^ hfin, of tho Honso of Ttepiesoutatives in tho and make a'wild horse of him. If equine very iirm can be set aside for spreading compelled to return to tho country"vh«" Delaware tribe of In Imrs, w,io played ho im- "Fiftietli Congress wero chosen—two in Now liberty..and freedom Iromiuman restraint on jelly cakes.—Bits-of jelly left-over—thev-ctuno - - J .portont a part in Iho earh coloniitJiLiitory of October's Record .of Losses on the i "i*pr^* ono in'Louisiana, and ono in Rhode Ilm Some ot tho 1-OiultJ, as indicated by could achiove a miracle of such propor- from the table 'cnay be whipped with the tho coui.try, is Ann Ilobort-t. Slfo is eighty Groat Ijiikcs. tions it would be very interesting news. yean old and lives at Indian Million tbo old tho ttguns on tho day after election, wero as white ot an egg and a little lemon juice, 1 follows: ---- —Kan TffrbSun; — -»- . - LATER NEWS Brotherton reservation, in Now Jersey. Tho inpnth ot Octobo * ihows an ngrgrcgnto until quite white and stiff j- then- set of 2S.1 ucciilL-nti and dmbli-ra en all thuht^ca, In Now "York tho entire Democratic Stato away in a cool place and use on pudding AT Clionango Briilge, N. Y., on olectlon tickot, headed by Cook for Secretary of ] 117 moru" tlifnv^iu September this year, fcitnte, witt elected. Cook's plurality i\as as a meringue. A 8CATUnTLE,wolKl<>*ie about i,O00 pounds, ; Pictnrea in Hats. day eleven women wero allowed to voto. nud 113 mortH^tttrnr ~tTI*" Oi;tnber of Intt estimated at about l.'i.OOO. ^Tho Labor voto Tliey voted tbo straight Prch.bition tiebot. eight feet in length irom litwo to t.til, two vrns tatimatetlatTU.OOO and tho Frohiljition rM>tthrougu .aii'i-eiEht feet irom flipl^r to oar, Thev"_QccuiTC(l as follows: Lake. _ 1 '.'Do you know how that, pretty design Useful Hints. ~~T~riB auction sale of tho lato Henry "NViinl T ilifhigan, 'Ji; Lnko- Huio:i, tho Straitb, and vot»» at 4fS,U0O. a Rain, or nearly U.OOJ nnco r flipper, was anight by JUIIKKHULTO, n Socmel Just year for tho lutter. Both branches of ~ ~is"printed,oiilhe"liningdf yourhut? No? Whcnthcpriddle persistently smokes, ;• Bcccher's-books,-ph.turcs nnd objects of art,, -(iHiicrmau -whJ(i^)ut with nrts ubhin^ ucnr Salt ltivtr. hU:iiveiii, lii;Lake Superior, 1.1, I will tell you. I am a hatter's printer, T Georgian Eav. 1:1; Lake St. Clair, ^.J; hako thu iA^iilaturo rcmaiu Rtipubliciin. fresh lard will often act as a remedy. j in Now York, gave many peonlo an opportu- Capitola, CaL, a Tow days UJJO. It is tho In yaw York City tho entire and my business is to furnish designs for iargostsea turtlo^ovcr cuuglit o:i tho 3'aciui; Erio und "W'ellniiil Cmal, IS; I^ake Do not allow ashes to accumulate in nlty to socuro mementoes of tho Plymouth Ontario, 12. Ihe caul's wero: Hiuvy Duirocratic ticket was oloctod. Tho main trademarks or ornamentation, and print const. ^ light was for District Attorney, between Fel- the-ash pan until they reach the grate. | Church pastor. Some of tho articles brought rather 110, ](»s S">] ,4(10; ht nuided them in gold or silver on the silk linings i. lost si iS.DUJ. uikiro .13, lodi lowi. tho regular Democratic nomiriee, and of hats. The hatters send the material 'The addition of n few drops of oil of j high prices. A SUQANTON (Pa. \ lettor says: Many ^20,:»UO: sprung a Ifal; V.\ lo^s $.W,(K)0; ili.s- Nicoll, also a Democrat, who was nominatod almonds will keep ink from becoming - A FEW onysboforo the time set for tho ox- by the Republicans and receivefi tho support here and we return it Marked with their of General Master WorkmanPowdorly's of tSit* World. Fellows wai elected by & A Remarkable Volume. special-designs.; [keepseveral artistsnt mouldy • i ocutlon of tho Chicago Anarchists ono of lT.i'OJ: llro ^, lo.>s 5-i!,«(X.i; loss in curff'H's, plurality of S3,OU0.- Tim Henry 'George Scran ton acqnaintanccH bciiovo that $:ai.iou: totntlo^fortliu month. ?i.o(ii,t.'j:i, work all the time originating new de- Don't ovpect the servants to do good ' "tl";ir numta'. GborgVEnKcl, attempted to or Ijibor vote fell oil* heavily, Mr. Powderly ia bound to got rich bo- iiiiMTasj o\er Hepteml>or of ?Si"j,o0.i. tioorKe rtH-ptvinj; :!fl,00) votas for Peeivtiry signs. They are first drawn in pencil scrubbing with a brush worn down to commit suicide bv swallowing a quintityof ipekiuiiii^ forty-nme lives lost with tho and India ink, and then engraved on a laudanum which bad been, smuggled into bis foro long, and tlioy apeak with prido of of !SUito. against (iS.lKK) votes for 5!uyor last the wood. stfainer \ crnou Jlt^ jwrsons were dronned Toar.. In Brooklyn, Clmpin was CIIOMJU Increased in Size. Finely Illustrated.* 4-00,000 Subscribers. heavy brass plate. We use brass becjui-e cclL IIo was restored to consciousness by a tbo fact that bo is.iu much better iLnau- from vessels inOctoieron tiio great Into*. If Alnyor by a smiill plurality. IJoldou (Tti'pub- As a general thing air heated by steam [ill tlu'-u lossescou d b*> tlmi(Highly imoiti- that will stand the necessary heating. doctor. lieiiu). n ns i>Ioft(o tho silk. The loose an even heat day and night. really from c irymj toa much C^KO. hands. This iasurM_thc elect ion ofJRepubll- Tho colored men refused to elected in tho fall of 1870 as General Never ia tho history of tlio lako nmrinp has fiiii biiccessors to State ('ouiptrollcr Ander- boon calIei ollt Eminent Authors. leaf is brushed off and the design_rc-^ To wash doubtful calicoes, put a tea- ' ' - ,, . tho dan<£Qious pmutico of overlo-uhnij voa- Mastor Workman, and ho hns held thnt son nn:l irtuto Tiuasnrer Toffoy, both Repub- mains in gold. ~. -spoonful of sugarof lead in a pailful of dipjrse when called upon, 11 iwc'iT^cairied to such on oxiremo os*thw h Special" Articles of great interest, written for the Companion, will appear from the following--—-.- THE flnnnciiU operot'ous ot tho United ? cold water, nnd soak the article one hour •oliice ever since. l rom lb70 until 188j ^ylvftiiia went Republican en the State "Every hatter has two or three dozen State") Navy durii.?. i !w past fiscal year wero Eminent Authors of Great Britain and the United States: > before washing. bis salary was $1,500 a year, but at tlio ti -iii't by about 'iU i) HJ majority for t-tuto styleSi and thoy change, constantly, so as follows. Amo-mt appropriated, $38,18S,- MUSICAL AffDDBAMATIO. '111'iiinror. a Democrat i^ gam over the olectiou •that we always havo to proctucc some- KXi; drawn o.if by warrant, S15.152,130; Richmond Convention, last October, for the s'uiifi ollle • in 1SS.'> thing new. Only a few lmttera ai e satU- "Bootllc." ('o-.enmr Toiakor (Republican) rwns re balanco in hand, f:K,WiVI2;); expended, as he gnt it raised to $5,0J0 v. year... TJiut BUFFALO BrLL'a Will West Show haa Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone, Gen. Lord Wolseley, fieavyuh trademarks. .Stoat'oYthom'ask "The origin of the" "wofd " booclle " is fWtod in Ohio by nn ustiiiiateft'*i)lurality of I - l.y v .W. nmninit over- UhJtElll closeTlla hiiccx'S^fiil London .Season. 11 for attractive pictures that will Help sell thus given by the uincuinati Uommcmnl . -GlaFa-LotHse-KeHoggY ; carried to tho surplus fund, "TiIEKuiirojul of Lovo" Is tho peculiar ti- CUIl. the hats. You would be astonished to received in salaries since ho bcramo tle of Mr. Ajgustm Daly's lutcsit coineJy. know the number of English and even 41l> 0i7 During tho year $1,134,105 was hiMn^iuhiLtcttKtho Ronublican plurality The word "boodle"' has gone into the i * ' ' General Mastor "fforkmuu of tbo or- Ir-MA Di McitSKA^thedist.nsuifliodHun wni«stiiimtti0 and m tlio St;ito American hits."—Mail mid i'jymrsj. papers, even those of lJoston, use it with- ploncra. Km opi?. aimut ^"it. -TlK'ri.»unaaii IIKIUIMII Prolii- , Louisa M. Alcott. TOTAL rccolptj of tbo Fost-ofBco Kcpart- ton when ho was iirst chosen General MAUY A:.DEKSON lias C!O-CJ n contract bitmu voti>. ThoJ^iiluturo is heavily He- | Archdeacon Farrar, out quotation marks. We bclictcd the p.iHlicnn in both brandies. [ word originally appealed in the Gimmer- mont from all sources for tho last fiscal your Master Workman, tho workingmon of with Henry Abbey to malco u tour of tlu 1 The Cheerful Farm Kitchen, Uuitcd ytutfd und Auaimlia in lS3a aivi In Vir^itii:ith(3 IU'luoerats carried the T/ ^- And ono hundred oth^r well-known and popular writers. ciirf Gazrttc in a report of the great were ?46,tvi",'iO'.>, nnd expenditures for tho islatuiv, in-uriiTfj a Democrntir fiiivce^or to Scrauton having chosen him .Mayor in Kb'.). i A spacious fann-kitchcu, when there's American express robbery in (inqinnati simo poriol *JJ,.i'Jl,U77, leaving a dcllcieni-y L*n t'"l Stnti'S Synator Uiildleboi'Rt.T. February, 1878. " Ho was ro-clected in The Booth-Barrtitt conilnnution duriujc its _ 'a clean and loviug mother presiding ovei 1 In Marylaml tlm DeiiKKMiitic ticket, headed several years ajo. One Sunday after- of g8.514.0W. :i three weolu* ftigag^iiifiit m Chicago tliew. it, is about as pleasant as any spot on 1880, and again in 1882. Ho hold tho ll.V.1hk:Ill'lfOi . was "Uotvaflll. noon a onc*horsc wagon was driven up to over S7."),(WJ, n figiuo nuvcr bofoiu known ui was i-nrned by tho Republicans earth. The great stovo with its cheer- office of Mayor from April, 1878, to the office on Itace street, a small iron HLLED HH FAMILY. tlio hucory of the drama in this country, . ii-.' i!n <-.t 'ih'dplur.iliiy of over i»O.(XH). fully singing kettle, the smooth painted* traveling safo loaded on nnd laken across April, 1884, and his salary for tho six • A COXCEIIT company oompo^d oE some I'.l Ifli . Miiii! thf K'cpubllmns regained floor, the braided rug for mothers feet,- •the river into Kentucky and rilled. Lnrry artists, nitli Miss liessio Gilbcrt,thu cortn.'t:st, Hi.- : Cuu ;r.-viional District, electing The Awful Crime of a Wearer In years was $1,000 a year, or $3,000 in has been organized for a tour through the the dear little squeaking rocking climi Hazen, the famous old detective, was Wmivn ( ^ino'd by a majority of Mi. Six Serial Stories, Connecticut. pi iucipU towns aud cities of Xuw I2(iy;lftnl. i) tlu> \nU> was on an jiuu-ndment in which 6he knits and sews, the gera- all. This, added to what the Knighta In < Ir.' employed by the express company to to tilI • St Cnuititution ni-ulnbitinp: tlio wilo niums and petunias and other easy-grow- John Ho-lel, a silk weaver of Turnorvillo, of Labor paid him, makes W TUB fli"st duy'y axlvauco salu for Mr. Irv- •WTLL BE OIYEV IN 18S3, FLLLT 1LLVST1L\TKD ANI> UY PATORITB AUTHORS, INC work up the case, and he succeeded in iiiR's "Fiinst1 at tlu Mt.ir Tlh'.itro in Now'nf hqiuir. This nniondment was deieat-'d by iug plants iu Ihu wiudoat, lliu big lung ^e, ami nc succceacu jn _Conn.| BhDtandklUcd_hi3_svife, ond,-«!ttini 1 •ili'ini ld.flo) in'ijonry. recovering mosl Yorlr, »s haul to havo roichod i-lti.OJO, tin. table—with plenty of room for every- ost oT the money. V, hen ^ - o children, -In MUsisMppi thciv wns littlo onpositiou mct.b.v a rcjio flri) hi!J houw hnl Llljrort )lto tw0 lar^ts- s ilo of tlio kind known m Aiujrica 1 J. T. Trowbridge, C. A. Stephens, 1 11 save Uuriiluirdts (?2ii,70J in Uobton'. tit ilio De-iii)'- ntu nominees, and the Li>sis- ^hody and sonic to spare—on which are after X\\6 lnckyr".^51.J"i capture Hn/.en^* threw.™ up ™>dnes<,ay morning. Tho j^. of the ' THE MARKETS. l.'ittiri' is luiKfly Democratic in lioth houses. 1 village observed smolto es"aping from tho Mus. POTTLU. tho ooeinl stu1 wtG ha,i AMI OTI(EIL<1. ALSO, served such meula as only '•mother' can his hands in happy mood iind exclaimed: " NEW YOHIL 'i In Chicagn tho Republican Municipal prepare. Ah! we aro sorry for the poor roof of tho hou-o and went in to put out turned professional ncti)>.<•.>, i p:nol recently "We've ^ot the boodle! " Thu word was tho blaze. Thoy discovered that Mrs Beof, Rood-to priino 7J in Now York ton houi«p.Kkol With "-iociuiy t c!: *t nnd in Detroit tho Democratic Mum- child that does notg:ctati|c-stait in such nftcrwam used to denote money ii>ed for Holel had l>een tied to a boJ and bhot Calves, common to prlmo.... 5 people.1' Thu tickets for t:io opt'inti.^ niglic Cip.ll tii'k'L't «li|l, H.ikota vntttl litrpoly n^ainst tho division ft roum. It is to this big. p ensant-nt- dislioncst purposes in iocnl politic-, und and tint tho husband, who wns probably tho Sheen GJ were Bold at auttion, mid rvalued lar^o 1 mosphcrcd kitchi n that the children can murderer, Iind Ho 1. Wiulo thu lxwae, went I jimbs •», prices ul il'L« Toir.torv into two Slates. disreputable politic'nns in the city and out to hunt for Hodol tho pcoplo suddenly 200 Short Stories; Tales of Adventure; look for comfort and pleasure in this n Hogs—Live > State enmc to be Known ns ,''boo*d1crs remi'inberod that tlio two children had not Dressed <1J CnrsTos Cr.Aiti: is the latt-st nhdne'.rcst niehmclioly Do no. Ilo id a «-on ot John S. I " growling November weather. There it nnd their party as the "boodle puny." boon MWU. On Rom^ to their room tho little, Flour— Ex. St.,goofl to fancy 4 33 r Cl.ir!;,u uepliew of K.hwn boolh,audut, ian I- PROMINENT PEOPLE. school, to bo sure, but n'ght sets in al The word aprend in usn«{e nud is nowones wero dibjovored in Iwl. Ono of the West, good to choico y SO 1 Illustrated Articles of Travel; Sketches of Eminent Men; boys hvo.l a hhort timo, tho other had been son ot Juuiua Hrtitus l>ootli. Ho m uk his 1 most as soon as si hool cl> scs, and in the cominctn thioughout 1he country. Wheat-No. '4 Red "" debut m Kifiimonil, and apiwarn to havo Mm; (-TAUFIEI.D is receiving tho most dia- .• hours I'ctween four o'clock nnd bedtime Ilyo-Stato •Mi <& J* bcoied a hit.l " tiuguiblicvl'atL'jntioii in Eugland. Tho excitement in tho villiiso ih soon n-. Bni loy—State Historical and Scientific Articles; Bright Sayings; ' tometbing must be done for the child Orange Propn^atlon. tlie>o facts beca.no known was intense, and" Coru—Ungradwl Mixed.... A N'i:\v tenor has ini'lo his uppi'nniiLL'o iu muAr.Tiiuii SULLIVAN, tho comiwsur, has who-e natural, hcalthfulcry is for "some- the indignation of the citizens found %cnt in Oats— Whiutritab) 37 Borliu, who is Kittl to pu>i.M<£s t!ie mu'.'h rov- icgalnwl Ills health, although much onfotiblod thing to .do."—Anieriran Auviculturut. .A California orange-grower believes tbiwitato lynuli tho inliumnuwretch. Th'j Mixed VVubtorn Si'"@ i'A otod U fllijup. Ho was a Hiice-'-sful UQIIIKI! by bus recent illncas. 1000 Short Articles; Anecdotes; Sketches that lie hns ^liscoveied a method of man was flmilly found by tho town Conbtabk* liny—lied, to prinio t:5 (<« 00 pamk'r, but- one day ho discovered that lie JI:NNY LIND GOLDSCHMIDT, tho Swedish 70 (H 7.1 po^ai'Sa-M a voico, an I now Rings under tho gnting the bianggc tree which will niul -jilacud under un est. Ho *cannot Straw—No. 1. Hyo Njghtinhale, died in London, a. fuw days since, •impu talk English, but through an interpreter Lard—City Steam 0 70 {m 7 10 ^.tago numo ot Kicardo. of Natural History; Poetry. A Sealed Letter Is Sacred. it fi i in niir sixty-hovontli year. L it to maturity five or^ix years f>ald thnt ho aivl his wifo made- an Butter—State Creamery.... r 1 > o COXCI:KT conuianv nppeira to bo ron- Tun vruulthiust colored man in tho North _:"—'-'Thesanctity-of-a-scjlcd -Icttcr-is-so .earlier than_it_np_\vj)iatiiny»._^Thc pl:m."_ agreement by winch hu WHB to kit h&r and Dany 18 (,r. '2-i sidcred complete thii KJO.>QII unluhs Its inj-m- Twelve Fi!"M Wcclily, fnatad oi cigiit p.iu-oi. will bo g:vcn nenrly every week during I83S,- incrensin- Ilio t_hp_boys and then kill hinisjlf. jlo .said tlmt "" .t. Im, Creamery IK (m V.) berahip idlill£th l is Dr. J. Gloucester, of llrooklyn, who is dstl- well secured jn-tliia-coui)trv.^-said -Miv he fnya, ^'consists yin^ily matwUa. bojftflit h_f 'JOQJKK >t-Dji^il^ntaB_^_cxlm^i^-yji5^^^^ choice reading nml illuttra- lio-hai-tfod^in*) wito in- tlio bedroom "iiinl" Fnrtorp. JJ'r, f« IG Ber.^r- - «licj)yIj^^^ Unsli, superintendent of the railroad mail "n"itritr"iiU~free"roof g •'"-•—; Ber.—Sip. Ciimpnniiil Is to Intio.luco us otto BUTLXII domes itio rumor that ho is to then shot her, and Irul afterwards sot fh'o Phfif ino—ytat Ktnron tKnct/i' toii y1711101 tfi 711p ••( : ' ot his company of artists Si^norini M«UIIUT. tlons, witlioiit any adMiiice in tlio Eiibscription prTcc. service, "that if a letter nerc received ut nu'C «lii(h has never bcon obstructcd by Skims rotiro from thupracticj ot his profesbion. Hu .j-'j : Toricelli.of whom all no-^ib'o compliniciiUiry the city postodicc in Washington, or nt .h • tado f it. own or on} o,hcr vrict/ ! * * fit-itcniQnLs nro being made.. suys ho will uio in tho .harness. Tins discovery niui not urrivcd at by me gin. Hwlulaiidlibwiruquarrutelavi'racow Eggs—State mid Venn llo'jE fir.iZAUirrii CLEVELAND is a devout any other posto lico in the country, th:it TUA Imliass mado herr American debut, nnt imi-iflnntnlly. but n» tlio result of liftceiT • a^tuw^vraokb ngo. nml iho iiiiiRlibora my IJUKl'ALO. Two Millions of People Eeafl It. win -Ubioltuoly- known tn tihi TTnll "^nw. .Vtirlr. uui 1 tl! "* r 1 ^ <3irr7~eTofi"(r"wo"i tr~n"nU~stud>': I" have l ii£ lroiiueiitTV ... is that him is it Kr<-at violinistsfor n.littlo 1 1 CUlU uL dence afTntunrthe proofoTTho improper binco. Hodnl Iind Iwon drunk for several . Bli«i.*-Go«d toChoico 8 'X vloilullu'—for tv littlo ] [^ York'ciS"! " " * " onwfrrowipg trues rafted by "tliis sysicm r irl. Boot/'l, tlio Herman tonor, ha? niiido use of the mails, the postmaster-general 1 days. Ho was committed to thu TolliinU j I*anibs—Uuiiiius— wu-itoru.itonni 4 <•".">i «« .j iy> g 1 SI:VI:N years nso G. J. Gnflitlis, of Los i whidiaic b.-nrin ,' onmx"-* not to bo cx- ib American debut at tin Thilia '1 hunter in SPECIAL OFFER. would not daio brc.i'< the seal. A letter County Juil to await tho action of tho Urand Hogs—Good to Choico Yorka 4 TO (($ -\ 80 Now York, nnd ttio verdict is that ho Is a Angol&s, CaL, waan poor muier in tlio Hodio ] passing through the minis cannot bo' 'celled in DIUL ity iiy any I hate met with Jury, Flour— Family 4 7.*> (fa 5 15 great singer of tho Wachtol school. Mining Camp, but to day ho is a. niillionairo : To any Now Subscriber who will CUT OUT and opened by anybody until it readies the cither native or foreign. The keeping Hodol is thirty-flvo years of nfce. Uis wifo \V hunt-No. 1 — W Hi many tinius over, llia'forluuu wasmido in , was about tho vuuo a^o, aud the two boyi, Coin—No. U, Mixoti 4'J real "o-itato | send us this Slip, with name and P. O. address - deiid-lettor-oiiii'o, after evory eiFort has ,qiiuliLics of tlm fruit arc most exec.lent, r Jacob nn l'Adolpli, wero three mid BIX, TO Oals^-No. a. Mixed • —" - 80)j THE LABOE-WORLD, — - "TiiEiTi: iirtTulfeudy txin'TJnitutl States Sena-" j' -and $l.704n-Monoy-Order,.Expro3S Klonoy.Order,.-:. been mude to deliver it in vsiitf."—11'<»A- imp oviHjr uiihngu. Tho ornngu is a BpOwtivoly. IIo li'isnoth^n in tlns> country Borloy—State *W i " ^__^.^~ torn in Wnshington who will remain thoro -1,- Registered Letter or Chock, for a year's sub- ington l'oei. .blcndof the bijtci-sweet and fjwtct pectl- vary lonx, an l.sayn that ho had just sout t'-ii) . BOSTON., ! TlIK Kirmcri' A-lliancu will build ft "our till Cougro-iS iiii^ts. Tney aro Cockroll, Vo-^t, sorfptlon to tho Companion, we will sond tho nnt from the biul but from the seed to his fatiier in BwitzorlanJ to ropay if—Good to choi':o.... 1% 1 null in At!nnta. Tvxiis. lit a co,t o[ MiUJU KdmuiitiK, MOITIII, Hams, Jones, Oolph,' paper free each week to Jan. 1st, IS8S, and My Dentist L!. I i\i npi iciiltui nl imiilcincnt (iwttiry j» to bo ' Clilioin, I'lutt anil Cfill. for a full year from that dato to Jan. 1st, 1889. 1 ( 1 f ^U I ««l.<.y^tllnl SUt'AV-illjk "^^ f , X. * f^llli.i. 1IIL.'PI/ P \\.' Cm::A l^ r JUSTICI: WAITEII tho only ono uf If ordered at once this offor will Includo My dentist Is a mild oyoil man, : tho .Justices who has nut nvnilo.l lnnisolf of 3\Hultr of heart and soft or palm, , Duiusti tlin month ot September clinrtors 1 worogrinlcl to lourio™ now cunxmtciV | thu act ot Congress giving linn a private "Who draws mo in whene'er ne con L Hecrotary at ^1,600 ii year. "L don't want liuloiis m tlio Ijnitcrl'ritnttfl. _ * 1 T 1 oh s loving grasp— uco fruit within threo'Veara und so'ino- pioodcd not KuHty to tl'.o cliargo oC murder. Oats— lixti a Whito...'...... 30 • ouo, ' Kiy^ tbo Chii. t Justico; "ho'donly bo in i KOI^TII CMini.'N^ toxtilo mills ire. solHnjr T\ie Double Holiday lumbers To gouge and rasp. tiaics booner." I Hyo—K tato 60 i tho ivnv." _^ I tbiMi-.lnOtiiiB< iinl drills all over tlio United THE liailrotut GazatWs record of train ao- WATKUTOWS (MASS.) CATTLE MARKET. j ELIJAII HAYI;S and wife havo dcoded tlioir For ThnnlEiglrlng anil Christmas, twenty p.n-es enrh, with- Colored Covers anil Full-paga Itoniiipleu Ho Boats me In a cushioned chafr, citleiita in Boptorubur includes oighty-tlireo Pt*of- Dressed weight 7 (# 7>btutu^ i imi C3un:uliu Too Mnrh Smile. j properly at Warsaw, Ind., worth fiy(),Ou<>, Pictures, which are a feature o( tlio Companion volume. They will be unusually attractive this year. Twists my Jaw an,l mus3 s my hulr— coll is ons, sixty tbrco derailments and lour sheu'H-l.ivo weight i%u/i 4%Tiir.iu: nro iwonty-onn Ijiirjmi or labor In un I yiol.lliig nn annual ilu'OUU! of $."),(Wi), to All of which ii tray to i oar; " TheconvcrsntionbiKHivno'lonnyouiig o'Jitir a&Mdonti, a total of l.Vt accidents, in Lamb i 6 @ 5^ tlioUmlol Ktaws. l''our.yo.irs ago thcro 'ttio 'ltoanl of Minions of tlio HctlioJUt But oh! thowu* . '" ~ which sUty-ouo pwscais wero killed and 101 Hog:)—Northern — <vm Btratd. \ i upulatiun at ¥0^818 Cbooso-11. Y. Full Cream.. not many yoara ago. .. ^ -k mouatadtp. and a vivacious laannor. vrJ^

    Hffd the roUro.of orapty cans, to oqnslgn- She flourished thirty brforty years ago. pj;. Tho greater portion of this milk is h: PROFE8tHOH*«. CARDS. W. D. WEAR, Stoddard, Dmcan & YanPelt,. Sho was a little girjuntil she was fifteen.' consigned to Philadelphia aealerji, m*ny of tho"dcalors coining froni tnenbrthem' QB. JOHN C: HOLMES, ; . j MAIN SIBEET. HIGHT8T0WN. N. J.. DON'T BUY- She used to.holplior.triother Wasli the dishes Red All Wool, 5Oc, 75c, $1.00,1:25,1.50, 2.00. Are nowtrocared to oxhlblt tho Nowest and keep the kitchen, tidy,' and she had atf western puts of Philadelphia, flcrpsa ,';. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEOtt, : Till you have inspected our ambition, to. mako pics" so ntoely that papa the ftrry, fprthoircoiuignme'nts. Sorenty • V.\ OEAKDOBT, N. J; •'- - ' j STATIONERY, ohoice line of White, 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c, $1.00,1,25,1.50,2.00. Fall Fashions ! could not toll the difference between them Btnglo and eii double teams cross the fer- ami njqiuma's"; anO she could fry griddle- ry daily, except Sunday, for these" alilp-'- t)mo»-HopB8-—I.to.O A..W., "lto2and Silks, Velvets, Plushes, Dress Coods.lCostume Cloths, Embroidered Grey, 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c, $1.00. ca,keg.atton years of ago, nnd dam her ments. "t to 7 r.'K • _1__1___ SCHOOL BOOKS, ' and Plalded Patterns, Rich Novelties for Combination Suits, o'wn'stockings before she wos twelve, te> 3AMHG LAMPS; . ALSO . Found «tljut. -:'"'S-".. AND . , Cheviots In Stripes, Checks and Fancy Mixtures,- fay nothing of knitting them herself. iJTNB. H?JJKX Q. SYMMES, ' Have just received tlie. most Brighls-Disease cured by the^sej flfr' ' Tricots and Cloth Suiting In Plain, Varied SII'Q nevcr^aid 'McanV and 'j I don't Dr. Burdick's Kidnoy Cure. It U a potf- PHYSICIAN AND Beautiful assortment we Lave ever Striped Ballbriggan and Camels Hair and Illuminated Effects. Sebastopol won't"tii," lo her mother when asked to JtiTOfacf'llmtanyone'litving kidney,' OP' bad.' Prices LOWER than ever leave her play, and run up stairs or down FANCY ARTICLES. Armure and Stephanie Cloths liver trouble can find relief In a sinjle bot: • on an errand, because sho had not been before... In all the Newest Shades. All forming the most oxtonsivo and de- tic. One bottle is guaranteed to tcniore. all Om.s Subscriptions Received For All Ladies' and Children's Underwear.' brought np in" .that way. Obedience was pain from tha back and hips, or-jpemey ELEGANT Hanging sirable exhibit of DRESS GOODS over offered in this city'.. a cardinal virtue in the old-faaliionpd refunded. With three year's eiperisnoff , . PERIODICALS, HUNTING COATS little girl. this medicine has not failed to give- satbr -DENTIST.- • Lamps with Decorat- $1,25, 2.25, 2.75, 3.25. She rose, in tho morning when she rfos ;tnot!on fn every case. In cases.of fcloati" St., opposite Forman 8t. ed Shade for $1.97. called, ant} went out into the garden and iiRg onp bottle has been known to "rtrarf»e__ HIQHT8TOWN, N.J. Daily and Weekly - We shall continue to maintain our high reputation for MATERI: saw tho den' on tho grass, and i.f slid lived fifteen pounds of water,' Not only a- KNIT JACKETS JERSEY COATS in tho. country she fed the chickens apd bUTf Pl Ctas administered. The new automatic AL superiority of STYLE,-SHAPE, CUT and FINISH in this de- From $2.25, to 5.00, partment. In addition to our large stock of SEAL PLUSH WRAPS, tihhtnd up tlio eggs for brcitkfast. andJJ.85, JorSale by A DEIAN S.-APPELGET, '! Papeis-.". Go, 8L00,1.25,1.50,1.75, 2.00, 250. Spring attachment.— SAGQfUES-and JACKETS, we are offering a patent COMBINATION Wo do not spi>poae she had lipr Iirfir [n CranbnryaijilJ.'^Mftnuf COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. _ per HUSKING $LOVES CLOTH SUIT, forming three distinct garments, the most comfortable, enrl papery ter.?rillipfng fins, 'prliu'l i't OFFICES AT , Come in and see them. stylish and economical robe ever produced. Its novelty and utility """old'1 .over her forehead, and hci Aif END TO ' CRANBURY AND HIQHTSTOWN. (24* sheets and 2*4 en- For 50 and 75c. commend ii% all. Practico in tho V. S. Court nnd Ml tkoStat S. flonnco3 were no trouble to her. Edward ShcphordJ of HarrisWrg; 1(1.

    f ******* » — v -M VHi. uf »«A ^h&lftv She learned to sew by making patcht *aya: "Having received so much' .bcneSt Oouttfl. . velopes) only REAL FREXCH KID GLOVES-Four Buttonii iinavllx-omurolderod backsn . Mortgage foreclosure* and conernlCuan- hogany, French Grays. Itod. Browns nnd Iibcks. Wo mvrtrf j nr special attention to theso work, and wo dare say she oould do an from" Electric letters, I feel it my duty-to conr practico a sDoclalty. NEW EBSEV ±5 Cents. goods. let nuffering humanity,know it. Btrt>\. NEW FALL STYLES at 25 and 50 cents. "• orer-anil-over" seam as well as nino- State Normal and Model Schools FAST, DIiACK STOCKISOS-Blntk Stocklnes tliat positively will not fado norstnlu tenlhs of the grown-up women do nowa- lind a running soro on my log for eight tho feat or undurclothinc. Price 21c. up. Try them and be convinced. J. G.GROYER TRENTON. days. years; my doctors told me I wohtd.l A. A. HUE, Fall Torm-will commonco Monday. Sop 1.19 TRIMMIKGS-Jnttod Garnlturoi and Tnssemonteries In Croat variety. Gimps anr^ . ' ' Sealer In ornaments In 811k nnd President Bmlds. TJie old-fashioned little girl did-n<*l to have tho bono scraped or leg" aiiipntate Paper Hanger, TOTAL COST FOR HOARD, TUITION, grow into ft Imly aud talk nloutcd. I Used, instead,- Uiree bottJe* of Drv. Goods and Groceries .BOOKS, &c, at the NORMAL SCUOOT., Til© Gents' Purnlelier, Carpets, Rugs and Oil Cloths at bottom prices, ler beaux before btic wrie in her teens,",Electric Bitters and seven boxes &ucklen.'s CUANBUKY/N. J. Boots, Shoes, &c $154 for Ladies, and $1CO for Gentlemen; >nd she did not read dime noTcls and was Arnica Salve, and my leg is now. sound- ' at the MODEL SCHOOL $200 per year. 14 Greene Street, . Trenton, V. J. not fancying a hero in every plowboy slio nnd well," Hcctrio Bitters are-, sold .for. - - o MAIX ST.^ ' - Buildings thoroughly heated by steam. STODDARD.DUHCAN&VAHP-ELT. STATEMENT met. • fifty ccnis a boltKand BnekienV Arnica" *• ,-OF THE— The Model Scliuol offers lo both young CRANBURY, N. J. Paterson Block, New Brunswick, N.J. Sho learned tfie solid accomp!ishin(!ntc Salve atSBo. pcf box by S. A. French.. '., Ladies and Gentlemen superior ail vanlages OEBHAN &UEBI0AN IN3CBAN0E CO., THE STEWART & HAMMOND ns sho grow up. She waB taught the arfci in all its department, viz.: Mathematical • . -OF- NEW STORE. NEW GOODS, of cooking aud housekeeping. When she GOOD EEatrt/rs IN ETEKT CSM. Clabiical, Comim-ici.il, Musical. Dr.iwing, . NEW YORK. got a liusbund sho knew how to cook him D. A. Bradford, wholesale paper dealer Best Quality. Lowest Prices, afltl in liellcd.Letti'e;.. For circulars, eon BU.SIHE.SSM v Capital Stock COLLEGE BOOTS and SHOES dinner. of Chattanooga, Tenn., writes, that ..hoi lio-Insurnnco Hovonuo Polite Attendants. turning full particulars, address All otlior Liabilities Is acknowledged to bo the bcBt equipped, the best disciplined, and Hie Sho dii] not think she knew as much as was seriously afflicted with a severs' cold Nnf. flnrnhis Hiffhost TiricBB PMflfftr Butter. Eg/rc, ot?. mi** rnp»lfir training school in this Fpction of the country. • •ilmt-Jiumflil.nn.lita .lnn/> her mother, und that her judgment was ns July l. laao Total Assets jU.T02.9H 00 Principal, remedies without benefit. Being induced Invostcd In U. 8. Bonds J2.4S3.000 00 good as her grandmothor's. Ticnion, New Jersey. to try Dr. King's New Discovery - for RATES AB LOJT AS ANY IIELIMUX COMPANY Enrolled 396 Students the Past Year And if there be an old-fashioned little Ladies and Cents, Consumption, did so and waB entirely' Addlson H- Symmes Agent, girl in (.lie world to-day, may heaven bless Cranbury, N.J. RULE TO LIMIT CREDITOKS.-NowJorsoy Names not Counted Twice. cured by.ujcof a few bottles.' Since •«. Middlesex CountV Siirrocnte'n Omre. ALSO her and keep her, nnd raise up others liko 1.1. STULTS, Lpon tho application ol William H. Apple- = reprefenlntives fi-nni the States of South Carolina, ^yi-consin, Xitbrnsltn, Now which- time he has used it • in his fatally Bate andldmond ApiiU-gnto. Administrators Yurk, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. her. for all Coughs and Colds with best resnlts. • ', Prospect Plains, N. J. with tlio Will annexed, ot John J. Auplecate This school has n tl.cough, comprehensive, course of instruction, a dmt-clius Eng I. D. Barclay late ot the said County ot Middlesex deceas- lish and .Mathematical department', a thoroughly organized I3asine3> Practice depart Tar and Turpentine smoice for Dlptbctia. This is the experience of thousands whoso ed. Hats, Caps, Manuractutcr Of ment, a special courso in Hanking by .1 prominent Banker, a Penmanship departiuen In view of the prevalenceofdiptherla in -AGENT FOR THE-' I. BENJAMIN FITOWELI.. Surrogate of tli lives have been oavod by this Wonderful saw County or Middlesex, do hereby ordoi second to uor.o in this country, a mccea~(nl Short Hand department. several sections of this city, tlfo following Trial Bottle free at A. —WALTER A. WOOD— iind-ilrroct the snid Administrators to civi Light Carriages," _Tnmks. taken from the Now Jtencu'g_Drug Store.

    up n copy or tho order, within twenty day [For catalvgucrCullcfmM^miS^m^^^?^^w^r Jooinal and speoimeuof peninansliip, address, child of lh'omas Lockwood, a cumposno -^-Dyspepsia is/flreadfiil! , Also for tho celebrated aftor••the" date thereof. In live of tlio-mosi lubllc places In said County for the npaeoo: THOS. J. STEWART, Principal, . in the Times office, became viotebtly ill is misery. Indigestion is a foe to ' good B usi ness~ Wagons, womontlis, audnlsobyadvertlslncthoha Box S27,Trenton, N. J. with diptheria on Tuesday night, She EMPIRE DRILL, pnr the like "pnepneo of time In TncCBMBUBTC . nature. ?n=»s=»s. onee or tthhe uoK-snapers printed In tho was so weak that it-was deemed danger The human digestive apparatus is one - SYRACUSE PLOWS. HAY RAKES,'&c Farm Wagons, etc. ''"to. And If any creditor shall n-slect to S. N. SERPHOS, ixhlblthlsorhcrdebtdemnnd or claim, wlth- College Rooms 1O & 12 S. Greene St. oas to try tracheotomy, or cutting open ofthe most complicated nnd wonderful' CBANBDRY. N. J. 'alntlng. Trimming. Woodwork. n said period of nlno months afterjiubllc ii.LIilu KKUI iia uloiti.sald. Kucli i-retlffor slial] >'sr -thinga-iit-existenco. It ia casHy-pot-eut- le forever barredjjf hia or her action ucalnst :ho said Administrators. of 117 West Washington Place, who wasorder. Blacksmithing Glvon undor my hand this Twcnty-Mxtii attending her, received a copy of the Paris : Ellison Petty, ay ot Septombcr 1887. If You want' to use a Fertilizer - 5 South Greene Street, TRENTON, N. J. Greasy food, tough food, sloppy food, 'romptly and neatly done.it Shoit Notice BENJAMIN F. H0WELL. SurroBiit. raro/which contained a report'made to bad cookery, mental worry, late -honrs,' ; • • DEALEIi IN ALL KINDS OF Also Manu tact liter Of ;hat lias grown the best crops in this community, buy the old relia- the French Academy_of Medicine by Drirregula. r habits, and many other thingt~ BUCKLEN'S AKNICi SALVE. Delthil. Dr. Ddthil said that the vapors .which ought not to he, have made tho THE BEST SM.VE Iftln- world lor Cuts, 1 5 hie, manufactured by of liquid tar und turpentino would dissolve American people a nation of dyspeptic*. '•' ''-KJRAIN,* Rigg's Corn Plow. iruises. Sore , Ulcers, Suit Rlieuni, Fever irci, Tetter, Chapped Hand-. Chilblains BREARLEY 'ft STOLL tin.- flbrinous exudations which choke np 15nt Green's August Flower has ittine »' -AND- ornSj.and'iill Skin Eruption", iiod positi tho throat in croup nnd dipthoria.' wonderful work in reforming this sad bus- - Feed and Flour. Furrowlng Sled7 :ly cures Piles, or mi pay rvqnired. I J. J. ALLEFS SOITS. , "Dr. Delthil's process was described. iness and making the American people 6O_* _ guaranteed lo jive perfect suliflhieiioii, Ho ponrs equal parts' of turpentine and healthy that they can enjoy their meals' ir Tiioiiev refimdeil. Price 25 o.-nls per The HIGHEST Cash Price IOX. For JO'I- by S. A. Fn-ucli. From actual results the&e manures have given better Satisfaction liqnid tar into a tin pan or cup and setsand bo hnppy, _ • > ' ' paid for GRAIN. fire to the mixture. A dense rcsinons Remember:—No happiness without' J. H. Goodwin, ban any others, aud once using is always sufficient to convince the smoko arises'- which obscures the air ofhealtli. But Green's . August ' Flower NoitTH MAIN ST., Drs. J. N. & J. B. HOBENSACK Medical and Surgical Offices.- - 'armer that they are just as claimed," the Best for the mone; the room. brings health and happiness to the dyspep^' Cranbur}',' ]V. J. 40 Years EatablUhed. '" Tho patient,' Dr. Otllhil'Eays, ' im- tio. Ask your druggist for a bottle.- Highest Cash Price .fthe old Reliable Stand will be found 306 .Vorlh Second Street, Philadelphia, Pa. For particulars,, analysis aud prices, address mediately seems to experience relief, tlu Seventy-five cents. ill kinds of goods usually kept in u coun- Regular Ilcelstcrcd Physicians, tind nrn PAID FOR try store. itill Giifraffcd lnthn treatment and cure of all choking and rattle Btop; the patient fall •ascs of nervous dobilityaudBrtecialdiseases. GROYEE & CHAMBERLEs,. Cranbury N. J., ry Coods, Sffotions, Jfilco hours from 8 a. m. to 2 p. m.. and from into a slumber and seems to inhale tin THOS. CHILL & SON, to 0 n. m. Closed on Sundays.' Consulta NEW JEESEY smoke with pleasure. The fibrinous Groceries, [on al&o by mail strictly confidential. J. H. & J. Cr. GROYER, Pkinsboro, N» J. •GRAIN, Hardware Queens-ware, membrauo soon becomes dcUchcd, am Bakery* Confectionenr Hats and Caps. These manures are kept constantly on hand by the above firms at the patieut coughs np microbicides. These, " &QUi • Ij\iiiCjr~ F^rloi^—• when'caught in a glass, may bo seen ti -IN- their places of business. 11 tireeaio ntnet, Trenton, N. J. Hay and Straw CONOVER, IMMENSE STOCK! dissolve in tho smoko. • In tlio Course 6l 11 Wm. D. Perrlne, If there is no agent in your locality apply for the agency yourself three days afterwards tho patient entirely An old Ettalluhcd. SeJialle placed PAINTS & OILS. •Salao'eddlngS Uvst'erss an. Croauetteiid Parties , furnisheBoltea Tdu TTit.lt We keep tho best quality at tho lowest THE at once. recovers.' Jellied Meats. Doeoratod Salmon. Jua ; 11 Dr. Nichols tried tliis treatment Wed. Game. Coffeo and Chocolate. Ice Creams, Market Bates. All goods ns represented. HANDSOME COODS! and Souffles. Orniunental Coke, Jollies. Satisfaction guaranteed in all our trant>a.c- PETEE nesd.iy with little ISntli Lockwood. Bin Charlotte do ltusse. Pastry, Nougat and S ions. BnsnVcicntae Pieces. Co'nfcctionerr, Ofri . CLOTHIER, I wns lying gasping for breath, wlion -lii n ibons. Costumo CossaerjueB, Fruft.^Tablc •\Yitli thanks for past favors wo solicit Vare, Music. Flowers. falters. Better than GOLD continuance of pnblic patronage. General Agent, visited her. Fint'pouring about two ta -' AND J. II. GOOD\YIN. ' ' LOWEST PRICES! blespoonfuls of liquified tar on an iron pan, Monmouth Junction, N. J. lio poured as much turpentine over it and No. 33 Church St. set it on fire. The rioh resinous smoke,, JABGKBTAY&CO.,- f Fancy.5UH BEAM which rose tn the ceiling, wns by no meats • : „ The BEST brands" of NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J. _ Manufaccurers.of. .. Migeptyro, unpleasant. As it filled r the room, tho NEW-?BOCESS FLOUK ON chi'd's Im-nthingbecame.notnritl, nnd.as ,-- SUGCESS011S .10 . TheBest Styles nnd'Lowest A GOOD PLACE TO BUY' The largest Establishment ^iTi'Manufactured b"y the snioko grow dense," ylio iVU asleep.—' W. S. APPLEGET, Prices of auy Clothing AT. Trenton Gazette. - J= ^C. HUTCHINSON ...-MANUFACTURERS OF Retail Department House in the State. A " wild-cat" eDgine crushed into tho T THE FACTOEY. COBNEB OF WATBB .1.....'.,.-HAMILTON HILLS, . . Appleget's Platform Gear, re.ii" cor of a passenger train on the Erie - . AND WASHINGTON BTS. - ; of the kind in the State. Railroad at S'ecnucus, Monday^ afternoon, JOHNS. BERGEN'S New Brunswick, N. J. ' "' Ai'e 'constautly on sale by -ALSO- LOOK! instantly killing John O'Donnell, aged 22, READ! will be found all goods kept in a country store. A lnrco Stock of the V JOHN S. BERGEN, Fine Carriages, AND of Purunia avenue, Jersey City, arid Depot Wagons, SHOES, seriously injuring Patrick Deacon, of thoLatest Styles of Wall Papers, -Exclusive agent for this commuu- 2G, 28 & 30 East STATE Street, same address. Both' mec are single and Borders and Decorations,.;; ity. Try them once and yon will Village Carts, A full stock of Men's, Yonth's, Ladies', Misses', and Infant's Slices. f were employed, .by the Union Switeer "always oahaud. ' be ebuvinced thoy are the best for -AND- ' Where to buy'The best hand SHAXIES, TRENTON, N .J. Signal Company and had been csgaged in the money. • Light and Heavy nade Harness for the least money, putting up uew signals for tho Erie New Stock. New Patterns. Lower in Price than ever before. Railroad Company at the bridgo over tho REMNANTS BUSINESS WAGONS. SOLD AT VERY LOW have on hand a complete stock Hackensack and had. only boarded tho FACTORY :- RAILROAD AVENUE. BEST OF ALL. Qalckor than Llglitnlne' PBI0E8.- -' -• • : f Whips, Blankets, Bits, Brushes, train a few seconds before-the accident. J. MURPHY, 0RANBUI1Y. N. J. Boots, Halters and in fact all goods "We make a specialty of F. S. KATZE-NBACH b CO. ESTABLISHED 1864 . kept in a first class Harness Es- Monday eveniog, about rfl o'clock", BUTCHER Ladies Corsets. DEALERS Ef number ol'exlra coal-trains occupied tho AMD DEU.SU IS tablishment. siding betwoou Dayton and Monmouth HXMMERMAHy For price and styles call and-se The Pivot Leads. ' Hardware, Steam, Gas and Water Junction, almost connecting tho two Manufacturer Meats of all kind. FOUND! For yourself ancl be convinced tha places. Two uoknorcn Italian rag pickers ^t will pay to buy nothing but firsi weto walking along tho siding.ami seeing AND CltANBURY. N. J. FITTINGS. wio ot' tho coal-trains coining, they sprang '" " BEEF."-'. • •"• " "0 to 18 cts. lass ' g(jo"ds.' Keijairintr neatl VAAL » Wit." -HMlie-ni'iiiHMclt-jnst-iii-tHne^—to-l THALER IN -'- MUTT0S.'••••* 8 to 1C done. All_ work guaranteed, cangbt by tbo passongcr-traiu from Mon- LAMB »t0 2(> Entirely New ire me a call. uiouth Junction uml.instuutly killed. One COENEDBEEP 6 to 12 to eq.-u.al tlie Agents for the Noted CORNED rOUK a to 1» FRITZ LUTTMANN. f thcm.wns mangled in a horriblo man All the Latest SMOKED HAMS *.. 11 to 15 icr and tbrown against tliu train from : • SHOULDERS 10 Dayton, N. J. G-LOBB. >vhicb they sought to escape. 'Tho oilier . SMOKED BEEF TONGUE !8 .Cranburv Patronage Solicited. '-<-.Ji£ nan was fcnrfully crushed under the. en- NOVELTIES ' «3.Tho following Cash Prices will ino of tho passenger-train. Tlio bodies paid for Stock :— HOT AIR FURNACE. ESTABLISHED 10 YEARS. RICHARDSON & BOYNTON HEATERS, : A big assortment of Hmaburgs, Plaid Muslins, Lawns, and were first taken to tbo Da} ton station and CALVES, PRIME • 5S' Crinkled Ginghams. XIsT . . SHEEP ". * fterward to Now Brunswick where they LAMBS C OK vero interred by undertaker JIcDeed. iO- Tho HIGHEST PRICES paid for HIDES Cafs Brunswick. and SKINS. A Very Powerful G I CHURCH STREET. T- William Rhodes, aged 35, living at New HUMAN HAIR In our Paint Department can be found for immediate use many Brunswick, was instantly killed and horri CELEBRATED FOR ITS colors Ee.ady Mixed, • also White Lead, Oils, Turpentine, Ac:, at ly mangled under ihe wliecls of a freight 2Pu.re IceOreairis. New Brunswick Prices. :rain going cast over tho New ptreetcross- O-OOIDS, Made from OranEt'.CfiuMyJiJ. Y.) Cream. T!our Patronage is Solicited. ing on Sunday morning. Rhodes bad left Briegs the Tailor ib homo at an early hour, and meetiDg 30 Church Street, Economical in consumption of THE POPULAH CATUKEl! TOR' AND ewi* Eldridge, a triend," walked to the NEW BRUNSWICK. John S. Bergen, Suydain street station of tho Pennsylvania BROOMS iiel. Extracts the principal heat MAIN STREET, CRANBUBY, N. J. liailroad. A freight-train was running OF ALL STYLES AND DESCRIPTIONS i'om gasses. An immense space slowly in from tho west, and wishing to Manufacturing Clothier, each New stroet, three-quarters of a mile Want of Sleep AT WnoLsaiLK on RETAIL. of heoting surface. Fire pot is -Is sending thousands annually to tlio ifT0Y BltOOMSXMD WniSES ALWAYS ON HAND. and Parties lias the largest and most complete stock of below. Rhodes and Eldridgo sprang np- ins&no asylum ; and the doctors say tiiis Brooms mndo of Hploadid BtrAieht frroon very heavy and of a shape to radi- A Full Lino of Whitmans Candies. BRAINERD INSTITUTE, on the cars At New streot Eldridgo tronblo'is nlormingly on the increase.- broom corn, from Philadelphia Market, ut Cloths, Cassimeres, Cheviots, Etc., Etc., 30 to. 35 o».. and warranted to wear as wolL as ate profusely.. No waste of heat A FliBt-Clasa Ite&tiiurant Attache CHARTERED 1803. sprang offi, but as Uiiodcs attempted to Tho usual remedies, while thoy may tm in tbo markot, or monoy rofunded. follow his example, he slipped botweci givo tomporary relief,*aro likely to do MRS. H. J. BRADLEY. including a fine assortment of Broom corn mado up nt lie-, per broom. n the chimney. » tho heavily-loaded cars. Eldridgo turned moro barm than good. "What is needed My now mnchlnory for Bowlnffand makine. CRANBURY, N. J. is an Alterative aud Blood-miritlcr. also tor BuraplDir corn onabloH mo to turn Increased economy effected. OVERCOATINGS, OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC -MAKES. around just in limo to seo his compnnion'i Ayer's Sarsaparllla is Incomparably ' out tho flnoat kind of work. head crushed beneath tl.o trucks of the Broom corn eood for. those who~ wish t< NOW IS THE TIME I claim the largest and best selected stock in the country. -tho best. It corrects thovo disturbances lt Prices. Put in from $75 to §80. .ps : : —Itt-the-circulatioa-wblch-.eftii3osloepleas=: 'Call antf'oxamlno'aiul lcuvo mo jour orders, To get your Carriage painted a Eeady-Made Clotl«ng7^Tlai;go~8to6]rbf"New"Q o(fd8"o f"Efii8 Season's ness, gives increased vitality, nnd re- WM. STONAKEIt. NOTV'S THE TIME The milk business at the Pe'nnsylvanii stores tho nervous system to a healthful FAOTOUT: Churoh St.. Crantairy N. J. a great discount. • . ' Manufacture. Satisfaction Guaranteed Railroad station, Uaiuden, has been greatl; condition. increased during the past five years. In Itev. T. G. A. Cote, agent ot tho Mass. "For the noxl 5~^\VliiUjr inuuLli 1883 the shipments amounted to about Homo Missionary Society, writes that W. M. BAKER A>T. SKILLMAN. his stomach was out ot order, his slcop we will do all kinds of Carriage $3,O0D,000 quarts. During the year from Largo Stock, New Goods, Late Styles, Low Prices. very often disturbed, and some iin- - < painting at the following • low November 1st, 1880, to November 1st, purity of the blood manifest; but that . BUTCHER BEFORk DEIDINQ LARGE STOCK OF 1887, tbo average has been nearly 1,000, a perfect euro was obtained by the use .prices . 000 quarts per-montli, 11,830,820 -quart! -otAyor'sSarsaparilla •— ._ ... AND DEJLEB IN- and Information ol t'iiu OW ltolinbl?1 Children's Cb^ds, Centlemen's;Furnish- having been shipped during the year, an Fredorlck Vf. Pratt, 421 Washington ' Trenton Business College, $18.00, Jobs for " §15.00. increase of .over 2,000,000 quarts over tli •trcct, Boston, writes:- "My daughter ' was prostrated with nervous riobllUs-. AND SCHOOL OF SHORT HAND, ^•ina: Goods, corresponding period of 1885 and 188G. Meals of all kinds 15.00, Jobs for 12.00. X DAY AND BOARDIKO SCHOOL FOIt PUPILS OF BOTH SEXES. Ayer's Sarsaparilla restored' her to ' MiSOXIC TEHK.E, - - . TntNTOX. N. J. Much ot this increaso, it is olaitncd, is due health." 5 DEPARTMENTS :— New Stock, Later'Novelties. BEEF ctoiocts. It (loes more thorough work i\nd h_t. 9.00, Varnish Jobs for 7.00. to the rigid milk laws'of tho State. Tin William F. Bowkor, Erie. Pa., was more youne men to good positions ttiuu nn VBAL '• stoic other school. Address PRIMARY, ACADEMIC, COLLEOIATE. BUSINESS. MUBI

    CUPPINGS FOB THE CCBIOCb. . " What Is Friendship r covered that the object was a big gunny- TOB FABH AND GARDEN. cony, it Is placed in tho ground for ex- Frtbeen reading, oh friondl whoso earnest TOMATO, CANNERIES. bag full of eats, and rhad prepared to ONLY A FEW LEFT. ample, as a second crop. The method LOBSTERS.' FacJ», flowers, nowl " •'•!'• '.-. ff - »y«» . . ... release the animals, than tho commo- Blankets wcro first mado in England is somewhat as follows: In the fall,— Scatter your snow Vi Would search my spirit through, Storing; Potatoes for Sfltd* Over ths'dying grass**,. • ' HJJJJ-1'4 doro had opened fire on him from tho Progress of the Tomato From in 1810. and it may bo ono of tho last crop?-to Tho tale oC s dreamer who well replied window, with disastrous effect. Extinction of the Buffalo on Our A successful potato grower la Ohio Some Facts! Concerning the Twill not be long . ' . '"" '•';; - To tbo question asked by you. A new lodgo of tho Brotherhood of expresses • tho opinio'n tbitflt will pay lift and Harvest, as a frost docs not hurt (Hush, bird, your tongl) • \-j Tho policeman sued Vanderbilt for Field to Consumer. • Western Plains. And ponder ft. woll; for tho fablo Brnkomcn has boon organizod io Green- 'farmers to retard tho sprouting of pota- it,—nllthe young B_ido shoots taken off Warriors of the Deep. Ere the radextorth wind pasM*. VJ A sabtlo moaning "boars, damages/ and the commodore had to pay ; .41 One of the Great Industries of bush. ' toes in late winter and early jpripg 'by from tho main or market roots are solect- Treosl you have played To guide thnmgh life's, temptations, ( him a thousand dollar! to settle—a fact Great Heaps . of Skeletons artificial means, such as cold storage- or cd for tho next spring's-planting. Theso Their Voracity Leads.to. Their, -"At masquerado, r - "And show thoo Its hidden snarea V which become quito generally known. New Jersey." Tho knitting of laco originated in Where Once They Roamed. rofrigcration in small ice-houses. He are cut into pieces six inches long or so, t Easy Capture. Till it I» time'twera ondel. Where tho polar star looks coldly down As to,tho cats, he know where they Germany about tho middle, of tho six- teenth cantury. ' . believes that the seed exhausts itself by tied in- bundles, and stowed away in Drowsy, earth weaves . • On the land of tho eternal snows, como from, but Iho peculiar and unfin- What tho peach orchards arc to-Dola- A blanket of leaves, Tho llino was when a buffalo hunter sprouting in the cellar, and its value- be- boxes to keep fresh until wanted. It is During tho early period of its growth, "Heath the- glittering iceberg's ceaseless ished nature of tho transaction with tho waro tho foniato fields are EO much to Iu five centuries France had 320 years Within your hnes are blondel . frown . . would havo scornod tho idea of gathor- comes thereby greatly depreciated. It said that care should bo taken that all says tho Baltimore Sun, the lobster casts boys prevented him from mentioning it, Salem anU uu~bcrlanrt counties, says a of war for 17*1 of pcaco; and in tho wars 1 Tbo "Esperito Sancto" grows, ing up dry bones for a living, writes is suggested that not a little of the suc- nro planted small end down. Ilcnder- tho'wholo of his shell frequently—in tho Streamfs&galoudl % or from breaking his former contract letter from Salom, N.J., to Iho New were fought 181 bloody battles. Picture'each cloud, Each leaf of exqulslto beauty W. T. Ilornadny in tho Cosmopolitan. cess of the Aroostook, (Me.,) potato, so"n recommends that the top part bo second year every two months—but as_ By Ice king's gems embossed; with the . bootblack, who contin- York Times. Tho tomatoes arc ipickcd A petrified fish about 17,1-2 inches Mirror the stars In your breoit;' ,<*' ' - Indeed, it often happened that his royal growers is duo to their naturally late cut oil square, tho bottom slanting, as itssizo increases a new dress Is less often Each leaf, and branch, and pet*]—-v.- ued to shiao his boots as of in tho regular Delawaro peach baskets long, and G inches thick was found re- Daneowhiloyoiimay, ' ^'] . ' highness would not even'deign to 'skin spring, which keep* tho seed from grow- there then would bo no difficulty at required;- till at last, when arrived at tho Toss your white spray— ' '"" Aro formed of glistening frost > yore. Tho day after the- commodore and loaded on wngons purpoaoly ar- cently on an Oregon mountain 3000 feet tti buffalo that his own riflo brought ing until, it isrplaSed in tho ground.— planting time. In tho spring, where fullness of physical dignity, its armor Soon comas the season of rest! •Mid the dazzling stillness of Arctic days, ~ had settled with tho policeman tho boy ranged for tho purpose. ~ Tho • farmer a'Bove the sea Jcvel. Anvn. But, thanks to his o.wn reck-- [New York World. land is no object—or as we said before, grows as it were rusty, and becomes —{Amy E. Leigh, In Young People' A phantom Sower it gleams. looked up from his box snd remarked: takes the load to the can house and is As much as a pint of water may bo less improvidence, "Othello's occupa- tho fall will do—each set should be in- coated over with parasitic shells. In the pallid sunlight's frown rays, "Sleep well, lust night> boss!" met by a "wagon master," who assigns serted in tho ground with a dibble, so Like a iymfcol of death and dreams. eliminated from tho blood within ten tion's gone." Tho buffalo aro all dead Manuring- Always Valuable. Dr. Beard tells us that "tho lobster HUMOROUS. him.nplo.co in tho procession and ho as to bo just below the surface, tho hole Should a shadow fall o'er its whiteness. Tho commodore only grunted in re- minutes, under conditions of intenso and ' ho must choose- between Peter Henderson says: I never euw only increases in size during tho short puts his wagon in it. If ho is a prudent being mado pcrpendlcufar, and the set Or the sunbeams warmer grow, sponse. emotional excitement. punching cows and picking up bones. soils of any kind that had borne a .crop period of molting, but this increase is so -, "It fold* Its filmy petals 1 and industrious farmer he nnbjtches his mndo fast by,a back-thrust of ttie dibble. Drowning and thirsty men chitchat _. _'_'Anylcntvnow-h'-(Ia)'9?' " - Calico was prohibited as wearing ap- To this" extent, "Iho. slain buffalo is of vegetables that would produce as great that it is almost as difficult to be- AndTvanislies into the snow. horses and returns to his /arm with his If no other crop is to be taken off, they straws. • Cj ' "' ' ., •» The commodore jumped up from tho parel in. England from 1700 to 1721, his own avenger. , At various points good a crop the next season without the lieve tho cost off clothes ever fitted the- team, for he can, in all probability go may be sot 15 inches apart each way in And one who would pluck'this enchanted chair. cambric for wear in 1745, and its uso for along the lino of the Northern Pacific uso of manure, no matter-*ow rich the largo fleshy mass lying languidly beside Tho homo stretch -A nap on "tha flower, , . 1 homo, gather another load-, and return a hole 10 or 12 inches dcop. Ordinary '"See here I' he exclaimed; "how many any purpose totally prolu'bltcd in 1758. railway westward from Jamestown, Da- land rnay'be thought to be. Ono of my them, as that the. gigantic genii" ever lounge. Or gazo on its beauty frail, , , cats did you kill that night?' to tho canning house-before his first load' kota, buffalo bones lay piled In great cultivation during the summer will by A joint debate—A quarrel for tho Must have hands as clean and heart as pore Tho Saracens introduced the sugar- neighbors, a market gardener of twenty camo out of the . jar the lla of which, "Ninety-three, boss." Is wanted at tho "sraldcr." heaps beside tho track, waiting forship- fall give a solid root—sometimes a half- prime cut of tho fowl. As the Knight of tho Holy GraiL cano into tho islands.of - tho Mediterra- years' experience, and whoso ground had been in an evil hour removed by the The commodore pulled out his check- Long lines of farm wagons loaded ment. They aro tho only monuments pound in weight. As a second crop they Do you see, oh, -friend, the moaning nean and old Spain. Hence it .was con- had always been a model of productive- Arabian fisherman." • "With all thy falso I love tho still," Or (his fable I'vo told to you! book and hastily drew a check. with this fruit may bo seen around that remain to tho American bison, are lined between early cabbage or any 1 veyed to tho Canaries and tho West ness, hud it in prospect to run a sixty- When tho pea is sufficiently ripe the quoted the husband, oa ho stroked his That ho who would hop* for friendship each of tho great establishments. Tho which, to quote tho. great-.original ob- other vegetable. The crop of cabbige "Here'p a cheek for $100," said ho, foot street through his grounds. Think- fish has tho power to place her eggs tin- wifo's Btoro hair. Host, himself, bo puro and true. formers in most cases have gono homo- Indies. servation of nvcry tenderfoot, "onco for first uso is generally about two feet "and now don't you ever say cats to mo ing his land sufficiently rich to carry der thetfprotcction of her over-arching A man may bo behind hi his 'work and 1 and left their wagons unguarded. They At a recent meeting of tho. London roamed in vast herds over theso bound- apart. Line out arow every foot and Tis a flowor that will droop 'noath passion ! again in your* life, nor talk about this through- a crop 'of cabbago 'without shell, where they advanco gradually to still show push. This "Is so if he Is ore perfectly safe. Tomatoes aro • sp Anthropological Institute, Dr. ' Gcorgo less prairies.'* In a short time, oven plant tho cabbages every alter- glow, thing to anybody else, or I'll break ovcry manure, ho thought it useless to • waste maturity, ono lobster producing from Isdarkncss it fades away. abundant that not1 even the street gamin Haricy sought to prove that tho condi- tho bones will nil bo gathered up, end nate row; when through plant wheeling a barrow. .: . '. bone, in yout body." money by using guano on that portion 20,000., to 25,000 eggs each season. Tho For the blossom of friendship will only grow will molest them. Somctinio3'24 hours tions which have increased man's com- nothing whatever remain to mark tho the horse-radish sets between. Tho "I wonder what, makes those buttons, . "Agreed, boss," said tho boy, as' ho on which the Btrcct was to be, but on spawn is thus carried by^the mother till la tho calm, fair light of day. pass between tho time a wngonload is fort and stimulated his mental faculties presence upon this earth of eight mil- ^arly crop will havo become near- burst off to?" exclaimed a lady petu- Let your lift bo free and noblo, pocketed the check. "each side he Bowed guano at tho rate of nearly fit to commence independent life, delivered- to tho wagon master-and havo lessened his-vitality and rcciipora- lion bison ut onb time save* what can bo ly rendy for the market before tho lontly. Force of habit, I should think," .. As your heart is leal and truo, 12,000 pounds to the acre and planted and when cast off it soon gives birth to its delivery to the scaldcr. The scalder tivb powers, - making him moro liable to fouud in the museums, tho zoological horse-radish makes much of a stir, and ho said softly. ' " ' " And the exquisite flowor of friendship This story recalls another that is the whole with early cabbage. Tho ef- tho young lobster, which grows rapidly, is the primary machine in the canning fatal injuries. garden?, or the tortiafy~doposits of tho by-tho time the cabbage or other crop fPo, what in a . good neighbor?" .. Will always bloom for you. somewhat like it with a different flavor fect was tho most marked I. over saw. but passes .through many changes before —{EDNA C. JACEBOX factory, unless tho scales be classed as a earth itself. Could any war of extermi- comes off, and tho whole land is. given and local color, however, and quito as A big gas well at Fuirmount, Ind., That portion on which guano had been it assumes the form)and color with, which "Ono who never givos.us'advlce, my part of the factory. Tho scales aro in nation be more complete or far-reaching up to horse-radish, the latter is ready to .authentic. It happened down on tho caught firc7 nud all efforts to extinguish used sold off readily at $12 per 100, but ordinary observers aro more familiar. ion, and who takes all the advice wo Capo in a time now well gone by, when the street, but tho rogister' is iasido of tho 75-foot -flumo wcro in vain until in its results! the portion from which guano had been tnko hold, and will bring nearly as good give to him." "KEEP TOUE PEOMISE." tho office. Tho farmer, who, by tho returns as if given the entiro land to Enormous u> is the increase from a Benjamin C— was a prominent man three boys succeeded. They placed a From the Red Buttes onward you sea withheld hardly averaged $8 per 100. Rinpin fpmnln Inhqfpr fTiiti* mimhnyq nm Young wife—I took great pains with dumi llu'R', wi'idthy, and (uri'uiost la1 a the salad-we had tor dinner—KBl . Commodore Vnndcrbilt, as most pec- seciiou oi stovepipe over the well, ana where tho million), havo "gone. This penect in. ut course, tlus double-crop- considerably diminished by predatory good many business enterprises. Old turn at tho scalder, is told to pull liia then" suddenly bent it over, diverting (rubbing his embonpoint ruofully)—and ple know, did not take very kindly to was onco a famous buffalo rango, and Insect Fesfct" ping can only bo dono with good soil fish, which devour them with great Mr. C— was thrifty, liko most of tho wagon on to tho scales, and tho tho flow of gas and cutting oil tho flame, and that which K well-manured. In all so did I, my dear. .' ' removing from Staten Island to New now the bleaching skeletons lie scattered Prof. Lintncr, the official entomolo- avidity and relish, but we are told that Cape people with a high regard for tho wagon, basket, nnd mnu are all weighed which wns speedily, smothered. cases where ordinary field cultivation is York City, when his affairs began to thickly all along tho trail. Like ghastly gist of tho State of New-York, made tho mother protects her progeny to the A little girl who was looking at a pel- almighty dollar. He had a lively, together. Thcn^ ho is told to "pull depended on, ono crop will probably) bo prosper but was compcllod to do so in An Oxford meteorologist socks to monuments of slaughter, theso ugly some very useful remarks at the recont utmost, and by no means ceasos her care cock for tho first time grew enthusiastic freckle-faced grandson, as agile' as a up" to tho Bcaldcr. T,his scnlder is tho better. Near large cities enormous order to bo near his business. Ho bought provo that tho European and American excrescences stand out in bold relief on meeting of the American Pomological with the deposit of her spawn, but con- "Oh, mamma," Bho said, "hasn't it got squirrel, who was named for him, Bon- a largo boxjjtub, made square, into which quantities of horse-radish aro sold in tho o-houso just in the outskirts of tho city magnetic poles are coincident with the the smootli, hard surfaco of tho prairie, Society held at -Boston. He said in the tinues it in a-very pleasing and interest- i beautiful bustle!" jamin-C. D—.since a man of a good thcro Is turned a steam pipe by which the fall to men who make a biuincs) of .put- where ho thought ho could be sure" of centres of greatest cold for the two con- from tho huge, bull skolotons, lying course of a, very interesting address upon ing manner longer than in most animals "Professor—"What is yo"nr~~opinion coif deal of.prominence on his own account, water may bo kept hot Inside of. tho g g comparative quiet. Ho found a com- tinents and that tho shifting of tho closo beaido tho wagon trnil to thoso far ting'up in bottles this pleasant condi- i the subject of insect pests: "Tho farmer of a far higher grado of organization, ccrning Cesar's plans just before his "fortable place c]oso by- a graveyard, and who lived with him. The old gen- scalder and working on hinges there is a' magnetic poles is due to tho samo series back in 'the bad lands, where they arc ment, and shipping to all part-). For- aqd fruit grower'should be acquainted fishermen -jissort that theh y hhave death? Student—Oh, Ientirely agrco _wjth_no_t_many.houses._ about, him_ ond. tleman's barn, as a good many other old half round iron basket that will hold tho of_ns.tronomical* and -geological—cau3C3-j

    •ncCcTSiiTny got hold of anything fresh Iatolyt • was so grcaTIy annoycflHSak no ottered ^DTWsncan loweriuo touiutocs-iuTo~s"cald- very long, hence it cannot be trentod as ' place was a terrible revelation to him. po longef upon them. Tho head been noticed at six inches long, the old FriSnd—Why, Tommy—-when' I have ing water or lift them out at will. Usu- Inns in tho Orient. jurjesfond tlielr habits. Ho should be Instead of tho absolutely quiet surround- the boy fifty cents apiece for all,tho rats stretches far forward!! as- if fi ordinary canned goods.—[Maine Fanner.^ ally two baskets are put into tho scalder able, to distinguish botween insect foes lobster with her head peering out from just shaken hands with' you!—1^_J ings of his island home-, he had an at- he wouid catch and show to him, alive South of the Balkan Mountains, says gasp, and tho legs lid helplessly upon at a timer, and b"y the timo tho farmer and insect friends, so that in fighting under a rock, the young ones playing "Did tho 'wedfliug go off smoothly?"* mosphere vocal with tho yells of what on tho premises, a precaution to prevent Thomas Stevens in tho New York Sun, tho turf with precisely tho same curves 3 Farm and Garden yotoi. around her. Sho appeared to rattle her can walk tho four or fivo steps backward tho traveler bids farewell to hotels for tho fotmer he will not destroy tho latter. It is a mistako to suppose that sour "About ns smoothly as such affairs sl- seemed a thousand cats. Tho neighbor sharp practico on the part of tho youth. | as when they moved for tho last time. Ho fthniliH hi> fthlft tn Tflfni "Alter two or three days little Benjamin •to-thiuo wtijguu uud return thesu twu uas- hood must have bccn.he was convinced, the timo being, except at such points as Now nnd then you como to a place one of the several orders to which they fermented slop for hogs Is better than a when herself and yonng family took came to old Benjamin and asked him to kcts of tomatoes have been scalded and caned was whin tho pair Btood up to a favorite resort for "all the cats in the Constantinople or Philippopolis. Tho where tbo hunter got a "stand" on a may belong, so that he _ can speak or fresh mixture, that is sweet and clean. refuge under the rooks; the rattling was step out into tho barn. Ho did so and by a movement. of tho rope sont into be united." city. They rendezvoused in tho gravo- |"mehana of the Orient, with all its dis- "bunch," and from his hiding placo in writo of them understanding^, without^ Tho hollyhock likes a rich and cool no doubt to give tho alarm. This IB was conducted to1 a big disused molasses tubs, and it is said that they are washed Mamma (to Dickey, who has been at yard, and flocked on his back fence, comforts and* ' abominations, takes tho tho head of a gulley- or amongst tho grouping them all umjer the name of soil. So do lilies. Indeed, most bul- told by old and experienced men, with- barrel that stood in tho middle ot the at tho same timo that they arc scalded; the show)—What struck you most at aud,perchcd on his shed roof and cater- place of the European village inn. ' Ono rocks fired leisurely with his 40-120 'bugs.' Ho should know the manner of bous plants delight in such situations. out tho Blightqst concert or .question of barn floor and asked to look into it but, as tho • water iu which th cy nro tho menagerie,, my son? Dickey—The. wauled madly all night long. Ho slept now finds himself among people who Sharp's rifle, at the rato of a shot every insect feeding, whether by means of bit- After planting, if any rich material can collusion. - And tHcrc on thebottoa,wasawriggling scalded is generally so muddy' as to know nothing of Western comfort. At elephant, ma. - He knocked me down .scarcely five, minute} at a time. ° Tho two or threo minutes until every buffalo ing jaws or with a proboscis, so as to.be be had with which to mulch tho bed for "ThoJobBter's home," says Dr. Peard, mass of rats, threo or four deep, strug- mako it impossible to' sec a tomato a the wayside mchan:v the* accommoda- with his biggest tail. . next night it was repeated,and tho next. of the bunch had fallen. Hero you can able to employ tho proper class of tho winter, tho bulbs will do nil tho bet- "IB in the purest water, beneath which gling vainlytogefoutofthojbarrcl. hair's breadth under tho surface, I rather tions arc of tho rudest' kind. Instead "Oh, my friends, thcro are somo- Insteadof getting used to it the com- count seventeen skeletons on a little insecticides. Bo should experiment ter for It. he walks through brown and tangled question tho cleaning process. * of a soft bed, the traveler may consider spectacles that a person never forgets^" modore was getting more and moro ner- "My gorryl" exclaimed tho old gen- moro than an acre, and near by with such remedies and preventives as Fowls that are confined iu yards and forests of palmy weeds, a warrior in full Somo of tho factories nro moro cleanly himself fortunate if he can obtain a tat- said a lecturer after giving a graphio vous and tlcpt less and less. Tho wear tleman. "Where'd you get all theso are fourteen more that evidently fell his own observations and experience kept warm in winter will givo bettor re- panoply,' ever ready to do battlo with all than others, but there is not - a factory tered quilt or blanket in which to curl discription of u tcrriblo accident that he... - and tear began to tell on him. rats!" at the same time. Tho powerful, effect may 6uggest. He should avail himself sults the entiro year than whon they are comers.". that has BO far overepmo tho difficulty himself up on tho floor, or on a bench. had witnessed. "I'd like t6" know Vanderbilt had bis boots blacked "Caught 'cm hero in tho bain, gran'- of the strong, parching winds and of tho publications in economic ento- allowed to roam at will. Tie hens thnt of washing. And so far>«J^Jiavp^Boon, He may consider himself more fortunato It is hore In rocky ground-and iu the where they Bell 'em," remarked an old every morning by a lad who had sta- sir." the intenso dry heat of summer mology relating to fruit pests, which aro have freo range will sometimes lay more that is the feature of tho packing that still if these casual articles nro reason- fastnesses such localities afford to a lady in tho audience who is always mis- "How.many.bo they?".. .. has literally-stripped tho-flesh from tho numerous arid would beof groat service." in summer than will thoso that.are con- -tioned hu-box not faraway, making an is not perfect, excepting thnt nono of tho ably free from vermin. All of them nro creaturo-so frequently defenseless -he laying her glasses. "Eighty. That's just $10, gran'sir." bones, but tho skolctons Ho precisely as fined, but vtho hens that aro proporly arrangement with the boy in order to factories wash their 'cans beforo using tenanted more or less, and extraordinary feeds chiefly on the aquatic"' vegetation "Forty dollars I Why, I ain't goin' to they fell. Tho bones aro still held to- Setting Up Corn. . cared for during tho cold season will get the ehino reasonably cheap. One 'hem. Tho women who "skin" tho to- precautions mtist bo taken for which surrounds him, chopping up his Intelligence in the Horso. pay you all that money." gether by a few driod-up ligaments, but Most farmers still prefer to cut up lay at a timo when tho highest prices morning ho sat down in tho boy's chair matoes might como into -tho factory self protection. Tho food-' obtain- salad with the lnrgo claw, little- con- A horse belonging to a truckman with such a weary nir and with so hag- "Ain't you? didn't you agree to, aro bleached as white as snow. Some- corn in the old-fashioned way, stooking for eggs are usually obtained. fcious how his example may be followed with unclean hands, but in five minutcs'-i able at tho- mchana is equally times we found immense skeletons that named JIcCormackt whose stand is in" gard a look on his face that the boy grim'eir?" it around a standing hill. If properly, Tho dahlia is regaining its former by man at a feast at which ho may be work the hand -of tho tidiest and most abominable. Black bread, some- were absolutely perfect, even to tho tiny South street, near tho dry docks, is fed asked sympathetically—... "Weil, yes, but I hadn't no idee : done, this is an efficient protection jiopalarity. For fine flowers tho branches the principal invited guest. cleanly-woman-in-tho placo would bo no- times—so-hard thst- it-has to be c"arpal~~and tarsaV bones "the"s"iz6"~bf d every day exactly at noon, which, time is "Wot'saemattef, customer!""" when I did tint "you'd catch" sucifiFfaV against the stook "falling or blowing ihould be thinned out a little and tho Lobsters and crabs vary in their tastes. clcancr than thoso of the most untidy, so soaked in water before it can bo eaten, hazel-nut Of these dry skolctons, we generally announced by the "•steam The commodore, for want of a better nation lot." ^ *i down. The best way is to place a few flowers should never suffer for tho want Lobsters will be attracted. by almost rapid is the action of tho tomato acid in a jar of malodorous substance supposed selected eight of the finest and largest, whistles of Hccker's mills. If tho on- confidant^ dpenecTHTir heart to the boot- The boy looked up. There was n rope hills around Jhe one used as a centre, of water. Our own native asters and any 'description of offal, the more putres- taking the dirt from tho hands. After to be soft cheese, and villainous spirits ond they nro now cached in the storape- gineer is a minute or two late in pulling • black and told him, tho harrpwjncr. tale dangling down from tho. beam .above. taking care to nut nn coual weight as golden rods-nro-hoiggbplanted—in—somo. the luuiutuis him! been "skiuui;d"~thgy called mastic is fllij regular stock in of the. cats. that was used to Help in climbing up to rooms of tho National Museum against near as may be on each side. Then gardens. The improved hardy phloxes enter if the bait is not sweet and fresh'. are thrown into buckets, nnd whenever trade of the mchana cuisine. If. tho the! "Wot '11 yer give me, boss," said tho the hayloft Benny pulled himself up tho .great famine for bison that will soon with a dried sucker bind tho standing arc also being more planted than thoy Dr. Blakcy says tho lobster is consid- a woman fills an ordinary water bucket fates aro propitious, one may perchance upon' .tho. curbstone.-, at _._, boy, "if Til clean out all de cats for hand over hand on this rope until ho sho is given a check which entitles her set in. corn around tho hill about or just above wero a few years ago. They do so well ered an unclean eater, and is often bo able to obtaia-an-egg or two, or a highmeridian., Hi* habit .is known to yonf hung suspended over the barrel. to 8~6r 4 cents. Many women hero will tho cars, ithis tho weight of ears more in our climate that .everybody should called the scavenger of the seas. Ho is chicken, and small cups of strong black The CainoL" N allot tho colkers, and they oonletimM . ''What '111giro you? Why, I'll give "Ain't you coin' to give me that (40 "skin 50 buckets per day or 5 an hour. than anyrShg else that topples corn raise them. a fierce marauder, pouncing on dead JOT you agreed to, granMr?" said the boy. coffee are usually to be had also. Tho Riding camels in the ' Soudan and stooks. ovc* If tho stook has been be- knock off by old Mac's hone.- One of you a dollar apiece for every cat you kill When tho boskets arc filled a man living substances of all kinds.- He ap- "Never 1'' said tho old man, looking proprietor, a greasy, sheepskin-clad in- Egypt and all camels in India arc ridden gun rightly it is easy to build it up after Fat Incomes. the specialties iu the-varied-character , in my yard," said the commo lore. throws them into tho Hopper of a ma- pears'to bavo a powerful sense of smell Into the barrel with its squirming mass dividual, will undertake to cook the or led by a cord attached to alittlepicco a first small band bos been put around The Duke of St Albans draws a net of the loads that he pulls are 100-pound "All right, customer," said tho boot- chine called a "stuffer." These machines although no distinct organs for this of- .of.rats . eggs or chicken if requested. If left of wood inserted in a hole mado in ono it If the corn is cut when rather green, emolument of nearly $0000 a year, tho bundles of old copper, sheathing _that is. . black, .'i'U.bo.thEre tonight'i : aro usually operated by steam power, fice have yet been detected.- -His car 1 to follow his own devices, ho will boil of tho nostrils~but tho Arabs do not then twenty-five hills in a stook arc bet- gross paymont to the holder of this stripped from ship bottoms. Two score That night tho commodore slept "W windpipo, and up como frog and cud." Thoy had been sitting in contempla- careful cultivation. It has to be planted ley than cattlo now are, but, like" ths>. muss of cats, all of them howling now as do most of tho condimonts" that are A lawyer had a great reputation for of cayenne popper to their ogg and "My dear, can you change a tcrj for ^j—[Mail and Express. tive silence for a long time, when Wil nnd transplanted, and then kopt heaped American buffalo,; they have boen.al- with"8/fury redoubled- by tho episodo of used by human beings. . - commodore's lawn, and had corns over | is to'plant in the spring; and among for Lawyer Johnson; ho'll get tho mon- Poor Artist—YJefo indeed, eir. I have "I meant a ten-cont piece," sho raid "Hero, you! Wo don't want flsh at but he finally offered himself! —[Lincota make it th'o gentle, delicate thing we vent thoir tiestruction.-[Vi»aHii..(<" toinyotigato; and no iponer £a4 he dis- ' those who mako tho most of their land, ey out of him quicker than a dozen doc- often drawn oa an empty etomsch.-— TBble»n.~[Djt»o'j[t Frcq Pie?s. this hour of night, "'-[Philadelphia NOWF. Journal. . - • • know, Pelta, ' " ;-' . and crop every foot is much ns it will tors." [Xid Bit*. --