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ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 ANNUAL REPORT 2 STATE LIBRARY of WESTERN AUSTRALIA STATE LIBRARY of WESTERN AUSTRALIA 3 Highlights THE STATE LIBRARY OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA Contents nd 62 Annual Report of The Library Board of Western Australia Statement of Compliance . 3 Issues and Trends Significant Issues and Trends Impacting the Agency . 39 Executive Overview Trends in Public Library Usage . 40 Highlights . 4 Chairman’s Report . 6 Disclosures and Legal Compliance Disclosures & Legal Compliance .. .. .. .. .. 41 Operational Structure Certification of Financial Statements . 42 Responsible Minister, Enabling Legislation ... .. 8 Independent Audit Opinion . 43 State Library Mission, Strategic Directions and Values 8 Statement of Comprehensive Income . 46 Organisational Chart . 9 Statement of Financial Position . 47 Agency Structure. 10 Statement of Changes In Equity . 48 The Library Board of Western Australia . 10 Statement Of Cash Flows . 49 Formal Committees of the Board . 13 Notes to the Financial Statements . 50 Executive Management Team . 13 Key Performance Indicators . 83 Key Legislation . 14 Other Financial Disclosures . 86 Performance Management Framework . 15 Governance Disclosures . 87 Other Legal Requirements . 87 Agency Performance - Report on Operations Chief Executive Officer’s Review . 16 Appendices Contact Us Hours of Opening Social Media Achievements Against Strategic Directions . 18 Staff Members . 92 Perth Cultural Centre, Monday to Thursday Staff Achievements .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 25 Francis Street 9:00 am to 8:00 pm • Treasures the Stories of Western Australia . 18 95 Perth, Western Australia 6000 Friday • Champions Literacy and Learning .. .. .. .. 25 Volunteers . 96 9:00 am to 5:30 pm Telephone: Our Partners in 2013–2014 . 97 (08) 9427 3111 • Cultivates Creative Ideas . 28 Saturday and Sunday 10:00 am to 5:30 pm Awards for Excellence . Facsimile: • Leads the Development of the 98 (08) 9427 3256 Western Australia Public Library Network . 31 Public Holidays Workload Indicators. .100 Closed E-mail: • Strategic Culture of the State Library [email protected] of Western Australia .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 34 Stock . .101 Internet: 2013–2014 ANNUAL REPORT STATE LIBRARY OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA 1 Statement of Compliance Hon John Day MLA Minister for Planning; Culture and the Arts In accordance with Section 61 of the Financial Management Act 2006, and in fulfilment of obligations imposed on the Board by the Library Board of Western Australia Act 1951, we hereby submit for your information and presentation to Parliament the Annual Report of the Library Board of Western Australia for the year ended 30 June 2014. This Report has been prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Financial Management Act 2006, Treasurer’s Instruction 903 and the Annual Reporting Framework 2013-2014 issued by the Public Sector Commission. DR MARGARET NOWAK CR DEBORAH HAMBLIN Chairman Vice Chairman Library Board of Western Australia Library Board of Western Australia 10 September 2014 A water colour of stained glass design from the Ken Wildy collection 2013–2014 ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 ANNUAL REPORT 2 STATE LIBRARY OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA STATE LIBRARY OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA 3 Highlights 125th Anniversary of the Capacity Statement to assist with planning communities, a collaboration with the State Library and measures, more structure around Department of Corrections to promote family identification of items for digitisation, and literacy with inmates, and the Discovery Book steps to formalise internal communications Club for foster children with the Department 2014 marks the 125th anniversary of the and staff education. In the past year, of Child Protection and Family Support. State Library of Western Australia, with the 28,298 master digital objects were created Victoria Public Library having opened to and made accessible to the community Mary Bear views images in the Storylines database the public on 26 January 1889. To mark this through the library’s catalogue, including Storylines Project anniversary a year-long program of events photographs, maps, diaries and journals, as was prepared to showcase the Library’s well as heritage audio recordings, and 188 The Storylines Project, a new initiative to Collecting Western Exhibitions Library Board of Western collections and target different cultural rare and unique films. build and maintain an online database Australia’s Heritage Australia Award for segments in the community. To ensure a of digitised heritage material relating The Library hosted a number of exhibitions Excellence cohesive approach for Anniversary events to Aboriginal history, perspectives and The Library continued its core role to collect to showcase important Western Australian and programs, a strong visual identity Family Literacy culture, was launched in August 2013 with and build unique Western Australian heritage collections. Majority Rules was an exhibition The Grove Library received the Library Board and branding for all 125th activities was 1000 photographs. This new online portal collections. Significant collections obtained about elections, campaigns and the history of Western Australia Award for Excellence developed. A centrepiece for the celebration The Library’s award winning Better will not only assist in the repatriation of this year were: of the State’s political system. It showcased for their mobile history applications ‘History was the exhibition Memory House: 125 Beginnings program, which promotes the material to Aboriginal communities and • the records of the Swan Brewery, an the extensive political ephemera collection, in your Pocket’ and ‘The Peppermint Grove years of collecting at the State Library which importance of reading with young children, families in Western Australia, but also iconic Western Australian company, and included materials dating back to 1904. History Trail’. These apps utilised existing opened in May 2014. reached a 10 year milestone in 2014. Since create a mechanism by which the stories providing consistent and detailed local history material and presented it in documentation of a major brewing A very popular exhibition was Picture a Story commencing as a pilot program, it has and perspectives of Aboriginal people can an accessible and interesting way, with company over a 100 year period; which featured original illustrations from reached over 300,000 families with newborn be captured, preserved and shared. Since the potential to reach new audiences. The Australian picture books donated by Dr Peter babies and children aged four and five the launch more than 700 photographs • the diaries of Mary Campbell Reading Award recognises excellence relating to the Digitisation for Access and Williams, along with additional artworks, in Western Australia. In 2013-14, 31,500 have been added to the database, along (1871 - 1945), presenting a picture of provision of library services by any person, Preservation her busy family and farming life in the drafts and sketches from the collection. reading bags were distributed to 0-3 year with the identification of 1700 people, 194 library or organisation in Western Australia, Vasse region from 1908 to 1942, and olds, and more than 59,000 packs to 4-5 year places, and dozens of plants, animals and Smaller exhibitions included the display and carries prize money of $5,000. To improve processes for the digitisation of a window into the social history of the important Western Australian collections, old kindergarten and pre-primary children. technologies. Elders have assisted in the times; and of the Mary Ann Friend journal at the Targeted components of the program include identification process, with some images Fremantle Maritime Museum and the a Digitisation Strategy was developed to • the nineteenth century diaries of the Read to Me, I Love It! module which repatriated directly to descendants. In Library of Nearly Lost Moments exhibition guide digitisation activity. This included a Bishop Mathew Hale, the first Anglican Western Australian now reaches over 120 remote Aboriginal addition, a community-controlled database which highlighted the historical importance Archbishop of Western Australia, who Premier’s Book Awards was established in the Mowanjum served in this role from 1857 to 1875, of items that may be seen as trivial or A window graphic celebrating the State Library’s 125th anniversary Community as a trial to house local heritage which were copied. ephemeral at their time of use. The winners of the 2012 Western Australian collections in a secure digital keeping place Premier’s Book Awards were announced in known as Wurnan Storylines Partnerships September 2013 by the Minister for Culture and the Arts, Hon John Day. The Awards Legal Deposit Act 2012 The Library continued to work extensively recognise and reward excellence in writing throughout Australia. E-books and more Following stakeholder consultation, with our partners to achieve mutually the Legal Deposit Regulations 2013 were beneficial outcomes and services to the The provision of e-books throughout The Premier’s Prize worth $25,000 was approved and came into force on the 1 community. The Library’s numerous the State for public library members has awarded to Michelle de Kretser for her novel January 2014. Information about the impact partnerships include community, arts and continued to be successful. Clients now Questions of Travel by Allen and Unwin. The of the regulations was made available to history organisations, other government have access to 23,000 titles with over complete
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