John Fearnley, residing and carrying on business at George Cooper, jun., The Smithy, Wheelock Heath, Chapeltown, Pudsey, Yorkshire, painter and paper- Cheshire, blacksmith. hanger. George Scriven, Radcliffe Road, West Bridgford, El ward George Peacock, 26 Regent Street, Wtston- , carrying on business at Victoria super-Mare, Somersetshire, fishmonger and poul- Street, Nottingham, and at Stourbridge, Worcester- terer. shire, accountant. Charles Irvine Bacon, 15 Bedford Street, late of 65 Thomas Rowlands, Walnut Tree Cottage, Walnut Tree Marine Parade, then of Alexandra Hotel, Queen's Bridge, formerly the Walnut Tree Inn, Walnut Tree Road, all in Brighton, Sussex, formerly of Southsea, Bridge, Glamorganshire, late licensed victualler. Hanta, of Reading, Berks, and of Chiswick, Middle- John Inkerman Abbatt, The Laurels, 286 Twyford sex, of no occupation, late theatrical manager. Avenue, Northsea, Portsmouth, county of Hants, pig James Burnett (lately carrying on business as J. dealer and florist. Burnett & Co.), 101 Shaftesbury Avenue, Montpelier, Charles Fooks, 74 Amelia Street and 67 Upper Church in the city and county of Bristol, lately residing at 3 Path, Landport, county of Hants, baker and grocer. Belgrave Place, Brook Road, Ashley Road, Bristol, formerly carrying on business at Conduit Road, Richard Alston, the New Anchor Inn, Marsh Lane, Ashley Road, Bristol, and lately carrying on business Preston, Lancashire, innkeeper. at The Gully, Pennywell Road, and Lower Ashley Alice Miller, George and Dragon Inn, St. George's Road, Bristol, boot manufacturer. Quay, Lancaster, Lancashire, innkeeper, widow. <3eorge Gardiner, Bank Road, Kingswood, in the county Anna Cole Platt Baldwin, Bahama Cottage, Oaksey, of Gloucester, builder. Wiltshire, spinster. Joshua Edwards, Market Square, Llandovery, Car- John Milbury, carrying on business and residing at 268 marthenshire, butcher. Brixton Hill, in the county of Surrey, bootmaker. John William Seed, Hightown, Liversedge, in the Richard Harrison, 599 Liverpool Road, Platt Bridge, county of York, lately carrying on business at Livers- uear Wigan, in the county of Lancaster, fireman at a tdge aforesaid, butcher. colliery. .Bernard Hallett, 39 South Street, Bridport, in the Alfred Hallett, East Chelborough, Dorset, blacksmith. county of Dorset, cutler, umbrella maker, and cycle William Hilborne, the younger, Broad Street, Somer- agent. ton, Somersetshire, coal merchant. Ernest Alfred Hamilton Robshaw, Garden Street, The following Amended Notice is substituted for that Great Grimsby, grocer and provision dealer. published in the Edinburgh Gazette of the 3rd Tom Thornton, late 87 Chapman Street, now of 15 December 1897 :—Joshua Aldridge Tame, Bannatyne, Annesley Street, Great Grimsby, late plumber, now Grand Parade, Eastbourne, in the county of Sussex, out of employment. boarding-house keeper. Gavin Hamilton Samson, lately residing at Southlands, New Romney, in the county of Kent, but whose ADJUDICATION ANNULLED. present address is unknown, clerk in holy orders. Edwin Mighell, parish of Worth, Three Bridges, John Morris and Thomas Morris (trading as J. Morris Sussex, general dealer. & Son), both of Hagley, Lugwardine, Herefordshire, builders and contractors. Norman Ives, formerly of 74 Whitehead Lane, Prim- rose Hill, Huddersfield, in the county of York, now of 3 Palton Green, Huddersfield aforesaid, formerly grocer, now out of business. In the Matter of THE STOCK CONVERSION AND James Edward Plummer, 68 St. George's Road, in the INVESTMENT TRUST .LIMITED AND RE- ' city ai.d county of Kingston-upon-Hull, clerk. DUCED, and in the Matter of the Companies Act, William Henry Shipley, 53 Argyle Street, in the city 1867. and county of Kingston-upon-Hull, painter and "VTOTICE is hereby given that a Petition for con- paperhanger. -L.N firming the Reduction of the Capital of the above- Simon Goldman, Pollard's Yard, Lady Lane, and named Company from £1,450,500 (divided into 40,000 residing at 13 Ramsden Terrace, both in the city of Preference Shares of £5 each, since converted into stock Leeds, and also lately carrying on business at 13 The 249,900 shares of £5 each, hereinafter called "Ordinary Promenade, Bridlington Quay, in the county of Shares," and 20,000 shares of Is. each), to £700,800, York, master tailor. divided into 40,000 Preference Shares of £5 each (since Thomas Henry Holroyd, Bar House, Dewsbury Road, converted into stock), 249,900 shares of £2 each, and Churwell, near Leeds, in .the county of York, horee 20,000 shares of Is. each, such reduction to be effected dealer. by extinguishing the liability in respect of uncalled Thomas Harvey Jeasop, 32 Park Square, in the city of capital to the extent of £3 per share on each of the Leeds, formerly residing at 48 Jesus Lane, Cam- 199,900 Ordinary Shares which have been issued, and bridge, in the county of. Cambridge, law student by reducing the nominal amount of all the Ordinary undergraduate. Shares from £5 to £2 each, so that with respect to all the Ordinary Shares there shall, after such reduction, John Jones (trading as John Jones & Co ), 21 Brecon remain and be £1 per share, which shall not be capable Road, Merthyr Tydfil, baker and grocer. of being called up except in the event of and for the John Minshall, 118 West Street, Crewe, butcher. purposes of the Company being wound up, was, on the Richard Daft and Harry Butler Daft (lately trading as 17th day of November 1897, presented to the High Court R. & H. B. Daft), both residing at Main Road, of Justice (Chancery Division), and is now pending, and Radcliffe-on-Trent, and lately trading at the Trent that the list of Creditors of the Company is to be made Bridge Hotel, West Bridgford, both in Nottingham- out as for the 8th day of January 1898. shire, the said Harry Butler Daft also trading in copartnership with Bernard Barnett as H. B. Daft & Dated this 1st day of December 1897. Co. at 85 Carrington Street, Nottingham, as FBESHFIELDS & WILLIAMS, and sports outfitters, lately licensed victuallers. 5 Bank Buildings, London, E.G., Harry Butler Daft, residing at Main Road, Radcliffe- Solicitors for the Petitioners. on-Trent, Nottinghamshire, and Bernard Barnett, residing at TrenC Villas, Trent Boulevard, West Bridgford, Nottinghamshire, trading as H. B. Daft & Co. at 85 Carrington Street, Nottingham, the said Harry Butler Daft also lately trading in copartner- THE CALDERBANK STEEL AND COAL ship with Richard Daft as R. & H. B. Daft at the Trent Bridge Hotel, West Bridgford, Nottingham- COMPANY LIMITED. shire, as licensed victualleis, cricket and sports out- T an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Mem- fitters. A bers of The Calderbank Steel and Coal Company Philip Edward Vincent Gillow Plater, residing at Limited, duly convened aud held at Glasgow on the 3rd Linden Road, Beeston, Nottinghamshire, and for- day of Decembt r 1897, the following Extraordinary merly at 8 Luxemburg Gardens, Brook Green, in the Resolution was duly passed : — count.y of London, lately manager of Humber & " That it has been proved to the satisfaction of this Goddard Limited, of Beeston, Nottinghamshire. Meeting that the Company cannot, by reason of