A Comparison Between Peripheral Iridectomy with Thermal Sclerostomy and Trabeculectomy: a Controlled Study
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Br J Ophthalmol: first published as 10.1136/bjo.65.11.783 on 1 November 1981. Downloaded from British Journal ofOphthalmology, 1981, 65, 783-789 A comparison between peripheral iridectomy with thermal sclerostomy and trabeculectomy: a controlled study GEORGE L. SPAETH AND EFFIE PORYZEES From the William and Anna Goldberg Glaucoma Service of the Wills Eye Hospital, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, USA SUMMARY In 15 patients with primary open-angle glaucoma who required surgery in both eyes because of progressive glaucomatous disease a peripheral iridectomy with thermal sclerostomy was performed in one eye and a trabeculectomy in the other eye, the choice of procedure being determined randomly. In all 15 cases at one year and 13 cases at 5 years after operation the immediate complication rate was higher in patients receiving peripheral iridectomy with thermal sclerostomy. The average final level of intraocular pressure (on no treatment) was 16 mmHg in patients receiving peripheral iridectomy with thermal sclerostomy and 22 mmHg in those in whom a trabeculectomy was performed. The control of disease was the same in both groups, there being an improvement in the visual field in approximately one-third of all cases and stability ofthe visual field in all other cases except for one. However, twice as many patients after trabeculectomy required copyright. additional medical therapy to maintain the intraocular pressure in a range that was considered satisfactory. Stability of intraocular pressure was virtually the same in both groups. The mechanism of control of intraocular pressure in patients receiving peripheral iridectomy with thermal sclerostomy appeared to be gross filtration in all cases, whereas such gross filtration was observed in only 2 eyes in which a trabeculectomy had been performed. http://bjo.bmj.com/ The purpose of this report is twofold: (1) to review the Hruby lens, and perimetry with the Goldmann the long-term results of 2 different procedures perimeter using the Armaly-Drance method. All performed for primary open-angle glaucoma, specifi- patients required surgery in both eyes to control cally peripheral iridectomy with thermal sclerostomy bilateral glaucomatous disease. The indication for and trabeculectomy; and (2) to compare and contrast surgery was progressive cupping of the optic nerve the results of these 2 operations in 15 patients entered and/or progressive visual field loss considered due to on September 27, 2021 by guest. Protected into a prospective, controlled study of 5 years' excessively elevated intraocular pressure. In all duration. Information of this nature is at present patients a peripheral iridectomy with thermal virtually unavailable. sclerostomy was performed in one eye and a 'trabeculectomy' in the other, the choice of Materials and methods procedure being decided solely on a random basis. Surgery was performed in both eyes within a period of Fifteen patients with primary open-angle glaucoma 3 months, the eye with the more advanced disease were selected for the study. All were under the care of being operated upon first. the senior author, had surgery performed by him, and The surgical technique for all eyes was the same, were followed up by him. Examination techniques with the exception of the scleral portion of the pro- included Goldmann applanation tonometry, goni- cedure. A flap of conjunctiva and Tenon's capsule oscopy with the Zeiss 4-mirror gonioprism, examina- was developed, the incision being made high in the tion of the optic disc with direct ophthalmoscopy and cul-de-sac just inferior to the insertion of the superior Correspondence to George L. Spaeth, MD, Glaucoma Service Wills rectus muscle. This was reflected to the limbus and Eye Hospital, 9th and Walnut Streets, Philadelphia, Pa 19104, USA. the episclera incised and similarly reflected to the 783 Br J Ophthalmol: first published as 10.1136/bjo.65.11.783 on 1 November 1981. Downloaded from 784 George L. Spaeth and Effie Poryzees Table I Clinical and operative details ofpatients Patient number Patient I Patient 2 Patient 3 Patient 4 PatientS Patient 6 Patient 7 Procedure T S T S T S T S T S T S T S Eve OD OS OD OS OD Os 0D Os 0D OS OD OS OD OS Age, race, sex 46 W, M 66, W, M 80, W, F 69, W, F 73, W, M (30. W,M 401 W. F Diagnosis POA POA POA POA POA+NA POA POA Intraocular pressure Initial 21 25 30 65 26 24 36 36 50 53 38 40 26 22 Oneyearpostoperatively 14 10 18 11 18 6 11 12 13 13 10 5-7 18 12 Most recent off treatment (& on treatment) 17 18 40 (18) 23 (19) 28 (12) 35 (16) 22(20) 25 (14) 26 14 18 (16) 10 Visualfield W NC B B NC NC NC NC B B NC NC Nature ofthe bleb At I year FLP HT 0 HC F HCL FL HCL FC HCL HCL HCL FP CL At 5 years 0 HCL 0 FC 0 FC C C 0 LC 0 HCL Visual acuity Initial 20/20 20/50 20/20 20/20 15/80 20/30 20/60 20/200 20/70 20/70 20/20 201/302 20/20 20/20 One year postoperatively 20/30 20/80 20/20 20/20 20/100 20/40 20/200 HM 2(0/l)0 20/70 20/20- 2(0/40-2 2(0/2(0 2(0/20 Most recent 20/30 20/100 20/30 20/15 20/100 20/70 20/200 20/200 20/20 20/4(0 20/2(0 20/20 Change between initial & most recent -1 -4 -1 0 -5 -5 -3 - I 0 -I 0 Cataract Present preoperatively No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No Change? NC NC W NC CE CE W W NC NC NC NC NC NC Operative complications Hyphaema 2+ 2+ 1+ 1+ 1+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 1+ Depthofanteriorchamber 2+ 1+ 1+ 2+ 1+ 1+ Disease controlled 5 years after surgery? 0 Y YR YR OR OR OR YR Y Y YR Y Code: T=Trabeculectomy. S=Peripheral iridectomy-thermal sclerostomy (Scheie). POA=Primarv open-angle glaucoma. B=Better. NC=No change. W=Worsc. CE=Cataract extraction. Q=Disease questionably controlled on no treatment. Y=Disease controlled on no treatment. QR=Discase questionablv controlled on treatment. YR=Disease controlled on treatment. Abbreviations: F=Flat. C=Cystic. L=Limbal. H=High. T=Thick. P=Posterior. copyright. Ocular complications code: Hyphaema 2+ refers to a hyphaema of greater than 2 mm in thickness. Hyphaema I + refers to a hyphaema smaller than 2 mm. 3+ flattening of the anterior chamber indicates contact between the iris and the corneal endothelium extending from the peripherv almost all the wav to the pupillarv margin. 2+ indicates contact limited to the periphery. 1 + signifies that the chamber was shallower postoperativelv than preoperativelv. but no iris-comeal contact was present. limbus, leaving bare sclera from the superior rectus in patients having trabeculectomy than in those insertion to the corneoscleral sulcus. Light cautery treated with peripheral iridectomy with thermal was applied to bleeding vessels where necessary, sclerostomy. In all cases the following procedures http://bjo.bmj.com/ except over the area where the scleral flap was to be were employed: an effort was made to have the developed in patients who would be treated with anterior chamber well formed at the conclusion of the trabeculectomy. In peripheral iridectomy with surgery; atropine 1% was instilled throughout the thermal sclerostomy light cautery was applied 1 mm procedure so that the pupil was dilated at the con- posterior to the limbus followed by a shallow incision clusion; Tenon's capsule was closed separately with 4 mm long; cautery was then placed in the incision 8-0 locked, running chromic catgut sutures; and the the edges.' The procedure was repeated conjunctiva was closed with multiple, closely-spaced, spreading on September 27, 2021 by guest. Protected until the anterior chamber was entered with a blade. running 8-0 chromic catgut sutures. In trabeculectomy a scleral flap 5 x 5 mm and approxi- Postoperative care was essentially the same for all mately one-third the thickness of the sclera was eyes, and consisted of topical atropine I %, dexa- fashioned and dissected anteriorly to its hinged methasone 0-1%, and antibiotics, all 4 times daily attachment at the limbus.2 A block of tissue 3x3 mm until discharge and then in rapidly decreasingamounts including sclera, trabecular meshwork, and cornea thereafter. Intraocular pressure was determined and was excised in a fashion similar to that described by biomicroscopic examination performed twice daily Watson.3 (The author at present does not employ this while the patient was in hospital, which was same method, but rather makes the posterior incision customarily 5 days. Postoperative outpatient ex- more anteriorly, so that less or none of the ciliary aminations, including measurement of visual acuity, body is unroofed.) The scleral flap was sutured with intraocular pressure, biomicroscopic, and ophthal- four 8-0 virgin silk sutures. In both types of pro- moscopic examinations were performed 1, 2, and 4 cedures entry into the anterior chamber was at the 12 weeks after discharge, and at least 6-month intervals o'clock position on the globe. In all cases a peripheral after that. Visual field examinations were repeated at iridectomy was performed; this was invariably larger 6-month intervals or more often ifindicated. External Br J Ophthalmol: first published as 10.1136/bjo.65.11.783 on 1 November 1981. Downloaded from A comparison between peripheral iridectomy with thermal sclerostomy and trabeculectomy 785 Patient 8 Patient 9 Patient 10 Patien 1I Patient 12 Patient 13 Patient 14 Patient 15 T 5 T 5 T 5 T 5 T S T S T 5 T S OD OS OD OS OD OS OD OS OD OS OD OS OD OS OD OS 68.W.F 53,W.F 41,W,F 18,W.M 55,W,M 63,W,M 77,W.F 38,W.M POA POA POA POA POA+NA POA POA POA 27 30 22 20 23 35 43 40 24 18 23 33 2( 12 5 8 15 17 24 10 16 8 20 8 36 34 55 48 20(18) 16 14 10 15 12 33(20) 24(20) 18(4) 6 20(15) 6 14 8 17 15 NC BB B NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC 17 15 B B F LC F FLC F HC 0 TC 0 FLC 0 HC F LC F LC O TC 0 HCL C LC F 0 0 HC F HC F LC 2)/2) 20/20( 20/20 20/20 20/30 LP 20/70 20/70 20/25 20/25 20/20 20/20 20/200 20/40 20/70 20/30 2(1/3(0 20/30) 2(0/2(0+ 20/25 20/20 NLP 20/70 20/70 CF 20/25 20/20 20/20 20/200 20/40 20/30 20/20 2(0/3(0 201/3(0 20/20 20/30 20/20 NLP 20/70 20/70 20/25 20/30 20/20 20/20 20/30 20/20 -2 -2 ( -I 0 -I 0 0 -8 -I 0 0 +2 +1 No No No No No No No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No No NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC CE W NC NC W W NC NC I1+ I1+ 2±+ 3+ + 1+ 1 + YR Y Y Y Y Y YR YR YR Y YR Y Y Y copyright.