' DfifriKirifort Today ««rtat tonight tilth today, «. Loir tootyht, J». Tomorrow,, Mr, 22,375 Ugh tatae Ms. See Weather, PagtL DIAL SH I -0010

VOL. 85 NO' 190 tuan diu* Uaodar throuih Friday. Moond Clut it ' "* lou P>M U JUl Btnt *a« U Additional MiUioi OHIeti. . RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20, 1963 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Leonardo School Is Wrecked By Fire End Bowen 800 Students Left Without Classrooms Hearing; Set LEONARDO—Fire—the third major one in Mon- mouth County in three weeks—destroyed most of the) High School Annex here early this morning. Cause of the blaze is undetermined. Vote in Week All the clocks in the building stopped at 2:59 am. Fire Chief Jack Fowler said this might mean a short LONG BRANCH - City Coun- hissed Councilman Edgar N. Din- circuit occurred in one of the electrical lines. cil wound up the public hearing kelspiel, the man Mr. Bowen and for suspended City Rich- Mr. Frankel have, in effect, School officials estimated the value of the building ard J. Bowen at 12:20 a.m. to- made their target. at at least one million dollars. day and set next Tuesday at 7:30 Near the end, Mayor Thomas The new eight-room section was "saved" and 7 or p.m. for a decision. L. MoCllntock thanked the crowd 8 rooms in the old section were damaged rather than A majority vote of the nine- for "your magnificent co-opera- member council is needed to tion" in preserving order through- destroyed—but the chief said the entire building will make his ouster permanent. out. Initjjflly, 20 policemen were be out of service nonetheless, unless the Board of Ed- Just as it has for four meet- assigned to patrol the hall and ucation decides to make extensive repairs. ings, In the public hearing, which school .area. Last night the de- consumed more than 20 hours tail was down to four, though th It will mean that more than 800 children are af- for testimony and argument, crowd was Hie biggest of all. fected—and School Superintendent Paul F. Lefever said council will return to. the Mor- Only two people were evicted, this will cause the board to place 1,600 students on ris Avenue Junior, High School these last Friday night at Mr. to complete the case. Bowen's insistence because of al- sessions in the high school. leged heckling. Seven-hundred fifty people list In Old Section night filled the auditorium to Mr. Dinkelspiel assailed the The fire started in the east (old) section of the overflowing and it was obviously mayor at the opening last sight building on the third floor. a pro-Bowen audience. Repeated- for assertedly not being fair and ly it hailed the 36-year-old man- impartial in directing the meet- Although clocks went off at 2:59, the alarm did ager with continuing applause. ing. He accused Mr. Bowen and not come in to police headquarters until 3:41 a.m.— It responded to the talents of Mr. Frankel of violating th almost an hour later. his lawyer, Charles Frarikel. It (See BOWEN, Page 3) Firemen were critical of the fact that the school's alarm system is not connected directly with the police station. Bayshore Hospital NO SCHOOL, TODAY—-Firemen from 12 companies battled blazing Leonardo High School Annex for three hours Fire officers said a large portion of the building this morning. More than 200 men and 28 pieces of equipment were used. Alarm was sounded at 3:41 a.m. bull might have been saved if there had been an immediate firemen estimated fire started 30 to 50 minutes before that. alarm. Elects 4 Trustees By the time Middletown's Henry J. Lute reported, the flames had already cut through CBNTERVILLE - Four per- cording to state officials. Plans first fire companies got to the east roof. sons have been elected to the at present call for such auxiliary the scene, Deputy Chief board of trustees of the Bay- buildings as professional offices, The blaze spread across tha Shore Community Hospital Corp., self care annex, and staff mem- roof to the other section of the Start Red Bank Cleanup school^and flying sparks fanned Harry S. Willey. president, re- bers' apartments. by a stiff wind, ported last night. •Staff of'tt Doctors' Press Probe They are: houses In the neighborhood. Tha There are several sites In Hie Some Burned-out Merchants Bach in Business Port Monmouth and Old Viliags Mrs. Charles Schock, Jr., Mat- area designated by a County Of Slaying awan, a member of the- state companies sprayed the houses Planning Board survey that will to keep them from catching fire. Association of Hospital Auxilia- RED BANK — Firemen were ruins of the Stoble building short- meet these, requirements. How- Seven residents of apartments over Mon- ries; Robert W. Teegarden, Rum- still at the scene, and bulldozers ly before then.' Of Plumber Fireman Trapped ever, adequate sewage disposal were scraping up the remains After the eight-hour battle One fireman, Betford inde« ion, official of International Fla- mouth St. stores which burned yesterday lost all FREEHOLD — Police continue facilities will be a prime factoi of the StoWe building when busi- bulldozers and cranes manned pendent Second Lt. Peter De- vors and Fragrances, Inc., Union to press their search, but so far in Die final decision. ness began to sprout anew in the their worldly possessions in fire. Others are by contractors and borough em- Nicola, was trapped to the south- Beach; William C. Johnson, Jr., without success, for two ac- Although the trustees are pro- fire-ravaged block of lower Mon- ployees began to make a neat ern section for a few minutes Middletown, manager of the Mid- homeless. Their story, with pictures, is on page 13. quaintances of slain Thomas J ceeding independently at present, mouth. st. yesterday. stack, one story high, of the when a ceiling near tha old gym dletown branch of the Keans- Schlcltano, 52, of Long Branch burg-Mlddletown National Bank, they expect to qualify for federal By mhfcafternoon, -a burned out ruins that were Stable's Bar. caved in and pinned one of his was his praise o! the Red Bank to know exactly what they were whose body was found in a Colts and David Cooper, Middletown, and state financial assistance taxi concern-had established new What little was still standing legs. eventually, Mr. WiUey said. Fire Department. j doing. He called it a "sweet Jofo.'r Neck woods Saturday. vice president of the Middletown headquarters, buses were picking at Stoble's was demolished by He was rescued by firemen An alarm for the two, Miss Chamber of "Commerce. He added that the trustee up -passengers in front of a fire- Interviewed minutes later, at a Back taps were sounded at order of Chief Knoll and S. M. Gloria Kirerstead, 19, of 315 Robert Garry, Charles Collins, Consultants Sough* have received assurance that 40 damaged bus terminal, and the different address, Carmen Scag- 1:10 p.m., nearly 11 hours after Hoffman, building inspector, tS Henry Hutchinson, Marty Knud- doctors in the area are willing the alarm was sounded. By mid- eliminate a hazard. Sewall Ave., Asbury Park, and Mr. Willey said the trustees terminal's ticket agency had lione, the other half of the busi- sen, Hubert Lingo, Jack Daniels to participate in staffing the in- afternoon, more than 20 firemen Robert Ciccone, 45, of 284 Portau- are negotiating with a firm of made arrangements to conduct ness, echoed his brother's re- To' Check Structure and Dewer Mount, stitution. business across the street. Other were still on the scene. peck Ave., Oceanport, was is hospital consultants and every marks. Mr. Hoffman said the printing Mr. DeNicola was taken to shopkeepers were laying plans for sued Sunday by Chief of County effort will be made to accelerate The committee did not reveal Firemen "Marvelous" Fire Chief Charles Knoil noted and dry cleaning plants Immedi- Rlvervlew Hospital by the Leon- reconstruction. Detectives John M. Gawler. the project in view of the recent the names of the doctors. He said, ''Firemen did a mar- that it was Union Hose Company ately to the east of Stoble's ardo First Aid Squad, where he that had drawn the "short "We have still heard nothing announcements of bed shortages Dominie Scaglione of Elberon, velous job. I was there within could safely be allowed to stand was treated for leg and back in- straw." The companies take from them," he said yesterday. In the existing institutions and co-owner of the gutted Van Brunt an hour (just after 3 a.m.) and for the time being, but the for- juries. salvage tarps had already been turns with mopping up opera- At the outset he said they were the effect this shortage has on Shed Burns Printing Company, when asked mer would probably have to be No other injuries were re- placed on the presses and ma- tions after fires, he said. not considered suspects in the the Bayshore area. SCOBEYVILLE — Fire early if Ms business would reopen, razed eventually because of ported. chinery. They did everything Relief Relieved at 11 killing but are believed to have A site committee composed of this morning damaged a shed said, "It's as if wa never went weakened walls. An investiga they could." Next to the last to leave the tion into the structural soundness information police can use. Cic- The original section of the doctors and laymen will make its adjoining the main barn at thi out of business." school was completed In 1911— Mr. Scaglione added that he scene was Relief Engine Com- of the cleaning plant will be re- cone and Schidtano were long recommendations of a site at the Hockhockson Farm, Eatontown- Mr. Scaglione's optimism was and served as the township's was particularly impressed with pany, which departed at 11 a.m. quired, he added. time associates. next meeting of the board of Freehold Rd. high school until four years ago. characteristic of the fire-routed order and know-how of the 250 Chief Knoll said the Relief rig Chief Knoll and his officers Police have traced Schicitano's trustees. This committee has Robert A. Cooke, Jr., tiu The building's gym wing was Monmouth St. businessmen. So volunteer!, all of whom seemed whereabouts on Jan. 18, the day been active for some time in farm's owner, said the fire wa was still pumping water into the (See CLEANUP, Page 3) he was last seen. Earlier his erected in 1930, and the latest selecting a site accessible to R

12WWWDSKJM FREE! AT THC CONCORD Horn) ATKIAMESHAIAKE NEW YORK) SHIRTS • AUTUMN HAZE MINK STOlt! APPLE JUICE ^ • NORGE REFRIGERATOR FREEZERI BLOUSES • RCA WHIRLPOOL WASHERI PEANUT BUTTE • RCA WHIRLPOOL DRYERI PINK SALMON fo 1.39 • WALLACE STERLING SILVER! SLACKS • NECCHI SEWING MACHINEI • MAGIC CHEF GAS RANGEI ROMPERS • HAMILTON LADIES WATCHI CAMPBELL'S SOUP None Higher • 100 SESSIONS KITCHEN CLOCKS! CLAM • MOHAWK CARPniNGI rtVAMETKS CHOWDER or 80 Sq. Ydl. MUSHROOM ill sptilol prim ton r«f!onoily xrttgniptwJ Mfl« DRESSES - 2 PIECE SETS •f JMV Adorn Itltrt Iwjh-fiW bwk-"0n It* RM4 fwl/KltSem"! 2 29 AND SKIRTS None HERE'S HOW YOU CAN WIN! M Higher CONTEST RUtES: C^.U.lonti mu* compUt, In 25 word* or MMWMINI MAXWELL HOUSE or ib. Itti tU foRo»*g statement "My Fovoril* Skop-Rita mark* k 4< OH CHASE &SANBORN to 4.00 ... " and moil It to "Shop-tit* cofttait to* 717, Tewnby Stall», Union, NwOtmy" or d«pet» i« conkil box* in locol SKop-Ritt Svptrnnoiktft. AH *nlrl«i nutt b« poilmotktd no lobr Convenient than Midniahl ApiU 13, 19&1 E>itf 01 OIMH 01 yev wnnt. Wbv CRISCO OIL boHIt run will b« onnoutK«d 01 *oon 01 poitibb. GOOD RfTRIES: Anyoni ton ml» (»• wWi n »nWy blank efif>ptd (rant our rwwipapct or drculor ad^ar «vtn full a ItNtr] togA GIRL AND BOY PREP SIZE wtih a Stckdy or Von Camp labtl, or a rwnanobba facii •FRESH FROM SHOP-RITE'S GARDEN Rnnut. ConFtit it optn la tvaryona flxcepl wnployMt and lh*tr famBiH of Shop-JUW, Waktfirn, Slekily, Vat Camp or Mvtlr ag Sweet Juicy SUITS *9S C Entry Blank The newest—crocheted pillows ANJOU PEARS 2 lbs 39 with fluffy, high and low texture. NAME , ^__ CALIFORNIA _^ _. Use knitting worsted. ADDRESS 5HOP-RITE C SPRING Plain and loop-stitched triangles MY FAVORITE SHOP-RITE MARKET IS GREEN ASPARAGUS , 29 made separately; joined form pil- IED CRUP MtlHTOSH low covers. Pattern 968: charts BACON fOMATOESl APP1ES 3139c COATS for joining; directions 13x15, 14 nesHaiispFLonoA CWJP PASCAL (Canpltt*rt>« itatainwi l tn 2) wmdi «r Itu. Enclou a lob«f (or Greatest Savings Ever! in. pillows. rMKMobl* fociimiU) fro* ony StoUtf AT Von Camp prttfcd. 70% Mall to "Shop*il« Coflltit, Bo» 717, Townlty Stotttti, Union, ESCAROLE 2 CELERY vi 5c Thirty-five cents in coins for Ntw JtrKy~ »r IHV* it in Hit "Cenltil So*" M your M>grib«r< ftBH CHHN CALIFORNIA SUNKIIT this pattern—add 15 cents for hood Shop-lit*p . At (htrrn trtcam* fh* property of Stop-Mi each pattern for first-class mail- rhan, he. and UDM cm b SPINACH LEMONS 5 19c Spring ing and special handling. Send to Priwi #H«rtiv« through Saturday Night, Mardi 23,1963. Nat nipomibkfor typographical errors. We rcxrvc the right to limit. Watch For Our Laura Wheeler, The Red Bank Register, Needlecraft Dept., P.O. Box 161, Old Chelsea Station, New Where's a Shop-Rite Near You — Call ESsex 5-73001 HAT RIOT York 11, N. Y. Print plainly pat- "Carter Wear" tern number, name, address and Route 35 and zone. Display At NEWEST RAGE-SMOCKED accessories plus 208 exciting SHOP-RITE MIDDLETOWN New Monntouth Road needlecraft designs in our new TREMENDOUS 1963 Needlecraft Catalog—just out! Fashions, furnishings to crochet, knit, sew, weave, em- SAVINGS! broider, quilt. Plus free pattern. Route 35, Shrewsbury SHOP-RITE NEW SHREWSBURY Located in Atlantic Superama Discount Stun Send 25c now. RED BANK REGISTER Wed., March'20, 19(55-5

Art of Getting Lost .TV Key hinging around Mayurd'i neck. tim but the ttd. tre»t of tfa* 8:30 p.m. CBS evening is "sceae *tet3er" little Is Important to Task Group 77.5 Ginny Tin and her even littler Previews BEVERLY HILLBILLIES. brother and sisters. They're ter- rific singing "May the Lord Bless /•. By CONRAD FINK I East, 77.5 offers the means to Writer-producer Henning contin. Tonight's top television shows You" In Chinese, and even bet- ./•WITH TASK GROUP 77.5 (AP) retaliate against a Communist at ues to have fun with the first as previewed and selected by TV ter In "Dark Town Strutters' f—Primed for nuclear or conven- tack in Asia. One brief coded family premise. Cousin Pearl and Ball" with derby, cane, taps and tional war, this U.S. Navy task message from fleet headquarters Key's staff of experts who atMrs- . Smith-Standish try to getall. (Color) 9 p.m. NBC 'group prowls the South China in Hawaii could send the group ;end. rehearsals, walch screen- the Clampett clan to act like the heading for the mainland. true bloods they are. Only trouble Sea, cocking its electronic ears ings and analyze scripts in New DICK VAN DYKE. Charming for trouble In Southeast Asia. is, a true blue blood must be If it has to shoot, 77.5 can Ifork and Hollywood. show about a marital misunder- The course of South Viet Nam's bring to bear a destructive power bored, and that's difficult for Jed and family to take up. 9 p.mstanding. . The idea may be trite war against communism or even greater than any ever before but the show isn't as both Petrles seemingly minor shifts in polit- CBS REPORTS. "Biography of CBS used in war. Its aircraft in one believe they're responsible for itil winds along Red China' Bookie Joint." (Repeat) A re- sortie can deliver nuclear bomb the divorce of a French singer. borders means much to the 3,720 jeat of a superlative piece of in- loads far surpassing in destrui PERRY COMO. Good show, Their moments of anguish are men aboard 77.5's aircraft carrier genious and courageous TV re- tive potential all conventional right from its opening western delightful in the skilled hands of and four: destroyers. bombs dropped in World-War II porting that covers a bookie op-hnedown danced, of all things, to Mary Tyler Moore and Dick Van With two other U.S. 7th FIej»t and both atomic attacks on Japan eration in Boston. Despite the 'What Kind of Fool Am I?'1 Dick Dyke, and French actor Jacques strike forces on patrol in I 'act that the show was not orShawn'- s song "Me and My Shad- If 77.5 itself becomes a target iginally telecast in Boston, it had Bergerac also comes off In good it will be a tough one to find. ow" and his amusing pantomime a profound effect on Massachu of a lady baseball pitcher at style. 9:30 p.m. CBS BIRTHDAY - BRIDGE -SHOWER Moving rapidly and withou setts politics and led to the reswork, are highlights; Dorothy It pays to adveritse in the Red transmitting messages or other ignation of more than one topProvine's song and dance are Bank Register.—Advertisement. wise creating "electronic emi* police official. With all the dreary sions," the task group for lonf ;ops and robbers shows that have iwiranwiraswufiiimunoi periods can lose itself in the wide ilogged up the TV screen, past expanse of water it calls home md present, television has ael- Its men learn how in go to war [om offered a meaningful picture in the shortest time pos^le. if organized crime. This on-the- Urged on by the voices of their ipot report of a "first-class book- Joint" on Boston's famed Mass- commanders rasptag out over FAREWELL, FOR NOW — Friends are bidding goodby to friends who are going over loudspeakers, crewmen put in 18- tchusetts Avenue is a notable ex- hour days eating on the run,to Rome with joy about the beatification of the first American nun chosen by tha Ro- :eption. You'll see the afternoon sleeping when they can. There man Catholic Church for sainthood, Mother Elizabeth Ann Bayling Seton. Shown at lettors-for the horses—and the is a constant demand for speed. evening sports wagering on the Red Bank Airport, before the departure of an air taxi, are Donald McClintocIc, Lin- dogs, and you'll discover why Officers and men learn to re- croft, proprietor of the Town and Country Shop, Red Bank, left, saying goodby to over 1,200 people patronized this fuel aircraft two seconds faster Only 21 more shopping days till Easter, and the Mrs. Gertrude Hancock, Colts Neck, his employee, and to Mrs. Elizabeth T. Randall, nondescript looking key store in than the day before, raise mis- pne day. There's an enlightening early bird gets the pick in J. Kridel's Corner. siles faster, man battle positions canter, Red Bank, of the Rolston Water-bury real estate Agency, Red Bank, who are sequence showing the different faster, think faster. making the trip. At righf are Mr. Waterbury, Middletown, and Doris Hancock, an conclusions arrived at by the lo- Seconds saved draw praise. associate in his agency. The travelers will look into Rome's real estate problems and cal and state police after inspect- Seconds lost draw blistering com ing the same premises on the mentaries from the task group's points of interest. same day, and some sensible NOTICE Commander, Capt. James Ganson xtrtiment from a spokesman for Daniels, 3d, 48, of 536 J Ave.play, s a large role but Daniels' Mrs. Edith Kirwan and Harold the New England Citizens Crime RESIDENTS OF FAIR HAVEN Coronado, Calif. ships gain much of their mobility Belford Kirwan, Woodland Ave. Attend- Commission. 7:30 p.m. CBS CLEAN-UP WEEK When at sea, Daniels js pos-by taking on fuel and provisions ing were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kir- NAPKINS • TOWELS sessed by ^wo thoughts: he must while under way at sea. Boy Scout Troop Ml, sponsored wan, Misses Maryanne Kirwan MONDAY, Mar. 25 — Prospect Ave. to Hance Rd. COASTERS • CUPS maintain 77.5's ability to launch .Oilers and store ships sud by Bayview School, went on a and Josephine Kirwan, and DOBIE GILLIS. You can't miss WEDNESDAY, Mar. 27— Fair Haven Rd. to Buena H%-miIe hike Saturday from the DOILIES • APRONS air craft within minutes to de-denly appear over the horizon Thomas Kirwan, Thomas F. Kir- 'ith monkeys, and there's a cute Vista Ave. . PLATES • TRAYS liver the big punch, and he must run alongside quickly and trans- school through Middletown Vil- wan, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Veld- one on tonight who seems to love PLACE MATS "lose" the task' group in the vast fer tons of airplane fuel, food lage, Holland Rd., Crawford's ers and son Jerry, Mr. and Mrs.idiot Maynard Krebs, supposedly THURSDAY, Mar. 28—Hance Rd. to Fair Haven Corner and ending in Matawan TABLE COVERS South China Sea. and ammunition. Radios are Robert Hartung, Richarl Kirwan teaching the monkey tricks. Rd. Township. Herbert Wendt and There's one scene the kids will "Our best defense Is getting silent but fluttering flags and and Mrs. Frank Kirwan, Jr., and Edward Strarton, Harold Boyce, co-leaders accom- ' MATCHED 8ET8 lost," Daniels said, adding his blinking lights transmit mes- children. like of the moneky painting mas- panied them. Chairman, Road Committee, men are fully awareithe Soviet sages. Swift courier planes swoop terpieces, but the best shots are those of the dumb chimp as he's f«r •Mry gay oooaalon Union, like the United States, down with written orders. Michael Coppello, son of Mr. A green bar meeting was held all y*>r'round tries to maintain precise charts Then Task Group 77.5 darts and Mrs. William Coppello, Mac- at the home of Herbert Wendt on movements of all opposing away to continue its watch. intosh Ave., will celebrate his Charge Accounts Available forces. Monday. Plans for the spring fifth birthday with his family, RESIDENTS OF MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP FREE DELIVERY Daniels said one of 77.5's were discussed, including the Monday. Monanouth Council's "Show of 1963 DOG LICENSE APPLICATION PHONE SH 1-0001 greatest achievements was run ning silently for 10 days and Highlands Shows" Convention Hall, Asbury Zo-Ann Morrell, daughter of cur out and mail with a check or money being off the Soviet Union's plot- Park, April 19 and 20. A swim- Mr. and Mrs. William Morrell, ting charts the entire time. A donation was made to theming party will be held at thewas guest of honor at a party order for $2.25 to: YMCA pool, there will be a week- "The Russians didn't know Red Cross at a recent meeting for her ninth birthday Saturday. end camping trip, and Monmouth where we were and were going of the Ladies' Auxiliary of Twin- Guests Included Chris Walls, Mi- crazy trying to find us," he said. light Post, American Legion. Council's camporee at the Has- TOWNSHIP CLERK chael, Jane and Fabie Benning, 'How we know this I can't tell Mrs. Gertrude Fahrer, Pan- kell Estate in Middletown in David and Keith Dosil, William ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE BUILDING 17 Bread St. Red Bonk you." American Relations chairman, May. New, secret electronic gear submitted a report stating the Kondrup, Jerry Matthews, Faye MIDDLETOWN, NEW JERSEY study for this year will be the Patrick Muhleisen, son of Mr.Settle, Joanne and Gary Bran and Mrs. William Muhleisen, Dominican Republic. She also son, Gail Schenck, Carol Henry, „.„...„ Telephone ..„ ...... reported that the national presi- Ninth St., celebrated his ninth Kathy Perrillo, Kevin Patrick, birthday Saturday with members YOU'LL ENJOY THE SIGHT dent has decided on a "Show the Mrs. Jay Walls, Mrs. David Do- of his family in the Stockholm Address ..»...... ^ Way," project to build schools sil, Mrs. Arthur Kondrup, Jr., OF , there. It was reported that Mrs. Restaurant, Somerviile. Mrs. Joseph Matthews, Mrs. El- Dog: Sex . ..Breed ...... Age Hair . ™ ...... Claudia France, a past unit ALUMINUM WHITE president, and Mrs. Donald May- Debbie Reuther, daughter of wood Schenck, Miss Gloria Col- (long or short) ..„.„„..... Nftms _ enschein, wife of the post com- Mr. and Mrs. Edward Reuther, son, Arthur Huriey, Azie Hurley Color & Markings CNHMTION WINDOWS AND DOOfiS mander, are surgical patients in celebrated her sixth birthday and Samuel Swartz Saturday with Patty Akelaitis, Hire's the newist thing In com- Monmouth Medical Center. A blitaUont! You ftt ill the pro- tricky-tray party for members Jeffry Gorto, Kim Rauscher, Ken- tection li aluminum pint the will be held after the March 27 neth Dennis, Donna and Diane beauty of painted wool The/ meeting. Mrs. Robert Baxter, Reuther. Present Sunday were art viayl coated ind win not first vice president, conducted Mrs. John Sturm, Union Beach, crack, chip or piel. Call today the meeting in the absence of who celebrated her birthday for I no tblljatlon dtnonttra* Mrs. Albert Adams, president. here; Miss Helen Sturm and John tloa. You'll be uuad tt thi Sturm, Union Beach, and Ken- bv, low price. FRANKLIN SIMON Mrs. Stella Lynn and Mrsnet. h Bonscher. Mr. Reuther will John L. Dedrick will entertain celebrate his birthday today and 44.50 members of the Past Presidents a double celebration was held. HEN'S SHOP WINDOWS up Club at the home of Mrs. Lynn, BUDGET TERMS • FREE DELIVERY 227 Bay Ave., Monday. Robert Smith, U. S. Navy, who Dany & Saturday 8 A.M.-5:M PJH. Wed. and Frl. tfl 9 PJW. is stationed at Norfolk, Va., spent "Between Yanko's & Reussflfes" The monthly meeting of the the weekend with his wife and Ladies' Auxiliary of the First son, Leonardville Rd. Mrs. Smith • Aid Squad will be held Monday. returned with her Jiusband to make her residence there. There's no Trick to Having Ex- Frank Kirwan, Jr., New Mon- 32 Bread St. SHadyslde 1-7500 Red Bank tra Cash. You Get it Fast When E You Use The Register Classified. mouth, was given a birthday cel- SPRING —Advertisement. ebration Sunday at the home of MONMOUTH MEATS SALE 110 MONMOUTH ST. 13 MAIN ST. BRANCH AVENUE RED BANK EATONTOWN LITTLE SILVER SH 1-5292 LI 2-0743 741-5350 V BEEF SALE-SWIFT'S PREMIUM—AGED AND SEASONED FULLY TRIMMED FOREMOST MAKER'S CUT TO ORDER SPORT SKIRTS SIRLOIN 5.99 T-BONE formerly 9.95 to 10.95 Renowned for exquisite PORTERHOUSSTEAK7E STEAK — FULLY TRIMMED 985c Ib. •workmanship, fineness of fabric and fit. Imported and domestic Aged & Seasoned LEAN - TENDER Lean - Rib Side Lean,Fresh Ground stripes, plaids, bdliks and more, RIBS of CHUCK LOIN of CHUCK Short sleeves, S-M-L-XL, DRESS SHIRTS, BEEF ROAST PORK CHOP short sleeve, bitttoH or regular collars, dacran polyestcr-colton, white or ] blue, formerly 5.00 ...... 3.99 49! 39S 69! PALE, THE PASSWORD TO CREPE 22.98 ALPACA CARDIGANS, SWIFT'S PREMIUM—BONELESS 4\ handsomely knit, solid colors, Softly slipping through Easter to summer with a whisper of shaping, a trace formerly 18.95 12.99 of color. Pink or blue acctatc-rayon EYE ROUND ROAST crepe. 8-16 by Lee Richards. ORLON CARDIGANS, Misses' dresses. CHOICE—BONELESS T/V link stitched acrylic, stripes, " Mail and phone orders filled. formerly 12.95 8.99 CROSS RIB ROAST 79Ib FRANKLIN SIMON v Son), no mail or fhne triert. L Economical AIQ Agi CHOPPED L 1001 LAMB for f BACON 4sO9 IBEEF 3 si |STEW MONMOUTH SHOPPING CENTER, EATONTOWN, LI 2-3325. OPEN DAILY 'TIL 9:30 P.M. ALSO IN OUR NEW YORK STORE; 33 W. 34th STREET; LO 4-9300 ; Ktd tank Register "It'i called "Grand Detlgn' JIM BISHOP: 4M* BiMd Street, fttd JUak, N. J. MM* Highway * MUMMMM EitaJ)Uibed ltn ty Job H. Cwk wd Hwrj CUy poMMMd bj Ite Rad Buk Rigbur tacMpwutf May Mono Hang hi faace

W. HARRY PENNINGTON, President IAMBS I. H08AN, EdfUr Signora Zanobi del Giocondo, M. HAROLD KELLY, Gcural Manager The Louvre, Paris. Dear Madame: Thomas J. Bly William F. Sandlord and Arthur Z. Kamla Frank W. Harbour SxteuUvi editor Auoetat* Edltan llUdlttowa BurMu Ufr. I'm glad you're home. Candidly, your enigmatic Member of the A undated Prcu smile depresses me. Count me not among your fans,. n» iuoouud PrtH li ailltiM uciuuvely to ut IN tor rwkuutlot «f »U t»» leeii un ttWt la Uui H«IU«I w will u mil AP CIWI auun Mona Lisa. And by the way, where did Member ef American Newspaper Publishers Association you pick up that phony name? You were Member Audit Bureau of Circulation once called Madonna Lisa, alias La Til* lltd Bank Rtfltttr uiumii no financial ruponal&UlltM for tnxifrftvhlou «'rtfi in «dv»rtlatm«ou, but Gioconda. Now It's Mona Lisa, as will rtprlnt wltnout csarja. ttiit p«rt ol an advtrtlitmtat IL uhlcn tba lypO|r«(4lc»J «rr»r ooouti. AtrtrttMra will pliut nolllj uui muajamant Immtillittur of toy arror nueo nu occur though that were your true name. Thli nawtHpar awmu no tiipomlbllltlH for ituiiBtstt ol opinion* Is IHKrt (ran IU xnltn. Madame, you were married to Sig- Subscription Frlcsa tn Advanea 1MB than I moa. Pat m«t» (1-60 U montha—lll.M S mmtha-j too nor Zanobi del Giocondo. He was a ban ttagta eopy at aounter. t einu Unfit espy by mall. 10 ei»u * momfi»-lis.5O S ououa~l 110 who had a few gold florins hidden WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20, 19«3 against adversity, probably in your BISHOP lumpy mattress. You had a pretty fair looking house in Naples and you were known to the Guest Editorial tradespeople as Signora del Giocondo. No Lisa. Message from J. Edgar Hoover, are inviting young people to break No Mona. director of the Federal Bureau of the law. Your hair was dark and straight and always looked ts though it had been slept in. It looks like that now. Investigation, to all law enforce- Joyrides and neighborhood jaunts by young people in stolen cars are Your neck was fat Your hands were big. Also—Iet'» ment officials: not prankish capers of restless face it, dear—you were practically lipless. When the A criminal is not easily deterred youth. They are crimes—costly, dan- signor gave you a goodnight kiss, he must have aimed by inconvenience; nor is he likely to gerous, and senseless violations. To for a thumb width under your nose. become discouraged by temporary the law enforcement officer, they Leonardo da Vinci made of you a timeless master- setbacks. If the commission of a represent even more. From experi- piece. Twice, I had stood before you in the Louvre1, studied you seriously, and said: "Ugh!" Those who un- crime is his goal, he usually achieves ence, he recognizes the problem as a prelude to more violent crimes and derstand art fall in love with you. Some men look and it. If the crime is auto theft, it may the launching of criminal careers. sigh. Others break into tears. be accomplished with little or no Money Is Preferable The ease with which automobiles effort. The importance of your trip to the United States are stolen is astonishing. To hood- escapes me. I wish, instead, that the French had sent American automobile owners op- lums and professional gangs, who some of the money they owe UJ from two wars. Even erate what amounts to a "red carpet" rely heavily on "hot" cars for their if it had •pictures of De Gaulle on it But no—they sent service for car thieves. Perhaps in nefarious activities, appropriating a These Pays: you, properly crated and guarded, men with guns all no other violation does negligence by suitable vehicle is considered a very ALLEN- around you as though someone might steal you. the victim contribute more to the minor phase of otherwise elaborate If thieves did, Signora, what would thcry do with criminal act than it does in larceny, and complicated criminal schemes. Americans Have Brains you? You can't be hung in the living room of a Brook- SCOTT lyn flat. No crook in his right mind is going to walk including auto theft. Much of the Most veteran bank robbers use By JOHN CHAMBERLAIN into a hockshop with you under his arm, saying: "What time, the thief merely enters the un- stolen cars to aid their escape from A common impression is that Europeans are bette are you offering for hot da Vinci's?" No, you were safe. locked car, starts the motor with the REPORT crime scenes. Thrill thieves and ju- at fundamental, or "pure,1' science, while American I think you were pretty safe when you were living, key found in the ignition, and drives By ROBERT S. ALLEN and venile gangs which steal cars for excel at the business of putting basic scientific discov- PAUL SCOTT Madame. away. It is not surprising, therefore, stripping and resale of parts are in- eries to practical use. But the reverse, in this strange WASHINGTON - The Kennedy About 2,000,000 Americans risked pneumonia to that the total number of auto thefts period of the "Americanization" of Europe and the administration is either kidding creasing. Car theft rings continue to itself, the American people or stand in long lines, just to get a look at your silly smile. in 1962 was nine per cent greater flourish. "Europeanization" of America, is prob- both on the withdrawal of Russian That's a smile? It looks like the play a shy high school than the 1961 figure. - ably coming to be true. fighting forces from Cuba. girl makes for the boy behind the soda counter. It's Certainly, law enforcement must One indication of the shift in scien- Absolutely no firm evidence more of a—well, a leer, dear. In 1962, an alltime high record of reassess its efforts to combat auto tific climate came when a British chem exists that any combat elements have been removed. Intriguing Combination some 350,000 automobiles, valued at thefts. The motoring public must ist, Dr. C. A. Bunton, announced he This is particularly true u re- $290 million, were stolen. An alarm- come to know that through indiffer- was quitting a 20-year post at Uni- gards the four mobile (armored) Da Vinci took one look at you and flipped. Not battalions, numbering approxi- because you had beauty. Oh no. He saw at once that ing percentage of these cars were left ence it not only contributes to but versity College in London to join the mately 5,000 elite troops, and thethe lipless mouth often fell into a tight little smile with keys in the ignition. For exam- also condones, the problem. A new faculty of the University of California. numerous anti-aircraft and coast In the course of explaining his reasons al missile batteries that ring Cu while the eyes remained humorless, almost sad. The ple, two 13-year-old youths recently awareness of the vast scope of auto ba. These powerful unltj are still Chamberlain for becoming an emigre, Dr. Bunton combination, in one face, of a mouth saying yes and went on an interstate car-stealing thefts in the over-all crime picture there, with no sign of any reduc- eyes saying no intrigued him. pointed to the widespread exodus of British physicists tion in sice or weapons. spree, stealing eight motor vehicles is needed. Car thieves, adult and and chemists. They have been moving to the United In other words, Russian mili- Your husband permitted you to spend almost four • in two days. In each instance, the juvenile, must be dealt with realis- States and Canada at the rate of 600 a year. The phe tary strength is the same today as it was last fall, following the loud- years, off and on, posing for the portrait. This is hardly keys had been left in the ignition. tically. Their role in the continuing nomenon has had the Tory peer, Lord Hailsham, suf' ly-acclaimed removal of the nu-a testimonial to a felicitous marriage. Ordinarily, Leo- rise of crime cannot be dismissed ficiently worried to make it a'subject for pol'tica clear-armed ballistic missiles and nardo da Vinci would have knocked the little canvas Last year, persons under 25 years inquiry. the IL-28 bombers. off in a week. But x-rays show that he started by hav- of age made up about 86 per cent lightly. On the other hand, there are The movement of British scientists to America numerous indications that Khru- ing your eyes a little low, and then painted over them. of all arrests for auto thefts. Sig- With a little diligence, American points to a most important conclusion: that the condi shchev's ambiguous promise to A good part of the years 1503 to 1506 were spent nificantly, approximately 54 per cent automobile owners could strike a withdraw "several thousand" by tions for conducting basic research are better in the March 15 is a characteristic Com- trying to capture the tight little smile and the grave of all persons charged with auto]great blow for crime prevention. By United States than in England. This is indeed a switch munist fraud. eyes. After only a few sittings, da Vinci discovered, to theft were referred to juvenile the simple acts of removing ignition from the days when a British scientist, Michael Fara Intelligence authorities have his horror, that you could not put the smile on when day, was elaborating the fundamental laws of electro increasing reasons to believe that he needed it So he went out and hired some musicians courts. Who is to say where the keys and locking unattended cars, an what the Soviet actually is doing magnetism and the Americans, Samuel F. B. Morse and to play for you. This worked fine for you. It distracted amazing reduction in auto thefts is rotating its large garrison in- major fault lies for these shameful Thomas Edison, were busy translating Faraday's basic stead of cutting it; in effect, play- him. figures involving American youth? could be realized. discoveries into such things as the commercial tele- ing a covert put-and-take game. Following is the basis of this Behind you, he painted a landscape of a valley of The first step in the solution of graph and the central station power house. What are the causes of such folly? disquieting intelligence belief: curving streams and subtly-colored trees. It is so inter- One indisputable fact stands clear. any problem is the recognition of its Change in Basic Research Of the five Red bloc ships that docked in Havana in recent weeks esting that—no offense, Signora—I often felt like ask- Careless and lazy drivers who fail existence. Where auto thefts are con- The change in the climate affecting basic research to transport Russians homt, three ing you to step aside for a moment so that I could see to properly secure their automobiles cerned, it is a step long overdue. is more or less proved by the list of Nobel Prize win disembarked an estimated 2,000 the Florentine landscape. I do not know whether1 da ners over the year. The first Nobel Prizes for scientific new arrivals. That is approxi- mately two-thirds of the number Vinci paid you, or your husband, for the four years of Your Money's Worth: discovery in physics, chemistry and medicine were reportedly withdrawn as Khru- time (off and on) but I know that, when he finished It, given in 1901. In all the years extending from 1901 toshchev pledged. King Francis I bought it for 4,000 gold florins, which The Baltika, with 1,400-passen- 930, only four American scientists, Dr. Arthur Comp- is quite a sum for a dame who can't make up her mind. ton. Dr. Albert A. Michelson, Dr. T. W. Richards and ger capacity, is scheduled U What Has Happened After Business Plateaus reach Cuba this week. It is pcsl The American television networks made more of Dr. Robert A. Millikan, physicists and chemists, were lively known to be carrying By SYLVIA PORTER honored. They joined Woodrow Wilson, C. G. Dawes, around 500 "technicians." Naval a fuss over you than the people of France. On the two surveillance planes and other occasions when I walked through the Louvre, you hung" many observers have concluded pattern of previous cycles it all, Theodore Roosevelt and Elihu Root, winners of the For eight months, Industrial sources that have observed these like an orphan between rows of beautiful paintings. production and employment in that from here we almost surely and in a recent analysis the Chi-Nobel Peace Prize, on an honor roll that was heavily 1—* nn the ship's deck report our country have been stalled on will move down. cago Federal Reserve Bank sub- weighted with the names of such illustrious Europeans them as having a distinct military You were—please excuse the expression—halfway But this concept of leveling-re- mitted statistics to prove it a very high plateau. as Albert Einstein, the discoverer of relativity, Pierre appearance. down the hall to the left Since the widespread belief is cession doesn't match the actual doesn't. All new arrivals are being that periods of From 1M7 through 1960, there and Marie Curie, pioneers in radium research, Niels billeted in the barracks built for No one spoiled you with adulation, but in America, were six periods during which in- stabili in our Bohr, the atomic physicist, and Sir Ernest Rutherford Soviet combat units. It is not Red '^CA^. * 'y CARMICHAEL dustrial production and employ- we had armed guards, armored trucks, special casing to army practice to mix military •^•St • post-World War ment stuck at a high level for the British chemist. By actual count, British and conti- hold you, and a humidifier to keep your face in proper S_VMi^B II economy and civilian personnel.' months. nental European physicists, chemists and medical Nobe Very little Soviet fighting equip- moisture. As though, after 450 years, you'd crack even have been fol- nfe BSEH IN After three of these periods— lowed by re Prize winners had an 85 to four lead over Americans ment has been withdrawn. • Air 9tt, 1957, 1960 - the economy if you were lying in a hot and dusty attic. ', cessions, this photos reveal a few "Frog" mis- 8&F0RE, BUT—- moved into a general recession in the 1901-1930 period. stability in it' siles on the docks, apparently to Stay home, Signora. Hang in peace. At your age, self is a key After three others-1947, 1951, Technically, two prize winners, Alexis Carrel and be loaded on the departing ship, 19»-the economy shifted into a you are fortunate not to be in pieces ... reason so many as well as some jeeps and trucks. new advance. Karl Landsteiner, might be called Americans, since they believe when And that's all. No tanks, artillery our economy That's scarcely a consistent were living here when they got their awards. But Canel or other heavy weapons. pattern of levellng-recessionl To SHAME ON US CITIZENS! Porter finally breaks was born in France and Landsteiner in Austria. A cou- SECRET KREMLIN MESSAGE be more specific about the up- out of this stall it will break out —One highly signficant fact so far on the downside and we will be swings: ple of Canadians and an Indian were honored in the not disclosed by the White House into the fifth recession of post- Production Up same 1901-1930 era. World War II. or State Department Is a blunt From January through August, Nobel Prize Winners statement Ambassador Dobrynin Business could just as well 1947, industrial production fluc- made to Secretary Rusk. break out on the upside as on tuated within a 1 per cent raifee. After 1930 the whole preponderance began to alter. In a conversation between the downside, though, as thefol- In August, 1947, our economy Between 1931 and 1962 some 50 American scientists, them, the Russian diplomat flat- lowing review of the pattern fol- moved off the plateau and into a a handful ,of them foreign born, were scientific Nobel ly declared his country proposes lowing previous plateaus in the new advance which lasted until to keep a considerable number of July, 1943, and pushed up indus-Prize winners. This compared very favorably with a postwar period will underline. military "technicians and advis- trial production more than 6 per Month after month since July, total count of some 80 for the rest of the world, Russia ers" in Cuba as long as the U.S. cent. the seasonally adjusted index of and China included. While the big scientific shift was does that in South Vietnam. industrial production in the U.S. From April through August, going on, Americans also began to win more and more Dobrynin blandly contended has hung between 119 and 120 1931, industrial production slipped there Is no difference between (the index considers 1957-59 as moderately. It then started re- Nobel Prizes for literature. There were no Americans these two situations. 100.) Month after month, the covering and the risft from the honored for achievement in letters before 1930. But,The Red envoy admitted sonw seasonally adjusted total of em- 1951 low to the peak in 1954 wasbeginning with Sinclair Lewis in that year, the recogni- lew Soviet arrivals in Cuba. But ployment has hung around 68 over 17 per cent. le claimed they are "agrjcultur. million—some months a bit more, From October, 1955, through tion of American writers came with increasing fre- il technicians" needed to bolster some months a bit less. March, 1956, industrial produc- quency throughout the period of the depression and inCastro's steadily worsening econ- 'Dead Center' tion stabilized, then declined the years subsequent to World War II. Meanwhile, imy; around 1 per cent. The 1956 steel There is no doubt that we have quite a number of Americans won the Nobel Peace According to Dobrynin, no new been for a prolonged time and strike extended this plateau until Russian troops are being lent to still are in a levellng-off period the fall. After that, industrial Prize. Cuba, and all combat forces are —what some call "dead center," production climbed again, was up The old stereotype of a United States devoid of being ilowly removed. This as- some call "stagnation," some more than 3 per cent at the sertion is flatly denied by the call "stall," etc. peak in 1957. basic intellectual interests lingers in many quarters. Defense'Intelligence Agency and Visualizing the pattern of pre- As the Chicago Federal Re- But the stereotype Is demonstrably false. It hasn't Central Intelligence Agency. Their vious postwar advances as (1) serve emphasizes, "Three ol the served as an accurate description for thirty years. evidence wholly contradicts Do- a rapid recovery; (2) a slowing four postwar business upswings irynin. down of the rate of rise; (3) a consisted of two separate rounds While the great shift of basic intellect has been The DIA reports not only large leveling off; (4) a recession, 6-Wed., March 20, 1963 (See PORTER, Page 8) (See CHAMBERLAIN, Page 8) (See ALLEN-SCOTT, Page ») teachers [b Serve As four Guides OCEANPORT — Alfred W. De- SMtis, cbiirmin of the Tercen- tenary Hlstprymobile, which wi visit here April 4, and be o display at the gramnjar schoo 1150 from 10 a.m. until 8 p.m., ha: announced that the Future Teach era of America from Shore Re gional High School wiU act a: EXTRA FREE glrides that day. ir On display in the Hlstorymobi will be original New Jersey doc MARKETS KING KORN STAMPS uments that predate the Consti< PFIMI tfftctivi thru tutlon of the United States. y with the great Bonus Coupons below There are 10 different exhibi Mar.,23,1963. dramatizing the beginnings < Right to limit. New Jersey 300 years ago, Mi DeStntU Mjd, Some of the e> hftlW'iW entitled: Evolution of New Jersey: First STEAKS Dutch, then Swedes, then English 200 EXTRA FREE wen; "Original People" — Th« "Simply Wonderful" Lenni Lehape Indians; the Lane Changes Hands — Newark Top Choice-Cut from with Special Bonus Coupon No. 1 purchased; ". . . They shall hav free liberty of Conscience . . .'( Young Western Steer The New Jersey Tercentenary HWorymoblle was put oh the Effective 1 Full Week thru Tues., Mar. 26th road when New Jersey Bell Tele- phone Co. and, the Ford Motor SIRLOIN Co. contributed'the tractor-trail "Simply Wonderful"—Top Choice "69 «r. -Conversion of the unit wai made possible, in part, by con (Aw coupon worth trtbutlons from New Jersey Man- PORTERHOUSE STEAK ufacturers Association, New Jer< tey Chamber of Commerce, and XI. Kislak, Inc. FREE-20O-EXTRA "This event marks the begin nlng of our' local participatior r Ur^ Another MAYFAIR King-Size Savings! In the state** 300th birtifday eel KING KORN STAMPS ebratlon," «ald Mrs. Richard H '"Simply Wonderful"-Hickory Smoked- Sugar Cured-Sweet Nut-Like Flavor WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF Topham, chairman of the Ocean port Tercentenary Committee " • IOCJI Tercentenary program *10.00 OR MORE now being developed. All visitors -who see this colorful exhibit of Excluding Fresh Milk and Cigarettes New Jersey's beginnings in M64 Limit 1 coupon per adult family are invited to join us in makinj plans for the first statewide cel- Smoked Hams Effective thru Tuesday, March 26,1963 ebration in New Jersey's his- tory." MqyfafrSupfMorfceh TIII.SE roi' /4 yards 35- CALIFORNIA toch- fabric. MARGARINE 15< ' Fifty cents in coins for this MAYFAIR'S OWN NAVEL ORANGES 5 "35* 56 Newman Springs Road pattern—add 15 centt. for each JUICY, TASTY pattern for first-class mailing SLICED BOLOGNA "> 59c and special handling. Send to RED ROME BEAUTY APPLES 2 • 29= MAYOR'S OWN - ECONOMY PACKAGE 'Marian Martin, The Red Bank GREEN, CRISP Red Bank, N. J. Register, Pattern Dept., 232 West b ,18th St., New York 11, N. Y. Print AMERICAN CHEESE *»<•« i .t59c PASCAL CELERY *°*17c plainly name, address with zone, RICH WHIP fLORIDA — TASTY lize and style number. YELLOW SQUASH -15= FREE OFFERI Coupon in DESSERT TOPPING ""«" 'OPEN SUN. 9an, Io6oa Spring Pattern Catalog for one pattern free—anyone you choose from 300 design Ideas. Send 50c now for Catalog. By Gelternumn you estimate are in Cuba in ad SINGER ditioo is.ihc-jnilitary.,personnel, Allen-Scott or do you have any knowledge of People in Porter (Continued) tbij?" (Continued) Carroll: "Not particularly. We of expansion connected by pe- numbers of Russians being have endeavored to formulate a News! riods of over-all stability." brought to Cuba by ship, but be- judgment relative to those who The News tween 100 and 200 flovra in week- are in the category of, Soviet By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Could the plateau of 1962-43 end ly. The Soviet now has a weekl troops as distinguished from Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller, in this happy fashion too? Sure giant TU-114 jetliner flight be those who might be technical ad chatting with West German Consul- It could. tween Murmansk and Havana. visere. In addition to military General George Federer Monday Crucial to the direction we will BELL FINANCE Astonishingly, the U.S. suppli advisers, we think there are night at Albany, N.Y., remarked move from here will be the ex- weather information to the Rus about 500 civilian advisers with that his ancestors had come from tent of the upswing in business sians for these non-stop 5,000 supplements its well establish^ the Cuban army. There is un- Germany in the 1700s. spending on new plants and MONMOVTN • MMCIft • MIODIIIIX • mile flights. doubtedly a substantial number "That's very nice," Federer re- equipment. The signs in this area It will be several weeks befo of Soviet technicians and other plieiedd. "My mother came from are brightening, with the latest intelligence authorities can full civilians associated with civilian Chicago." government survey indicating Loan Service reassess Soviet military strengti enterprises and aid programs in business investment will rise al- with a in Cuba. DIA experts believe thi Cuba." Mildred Custin, president of a most 5 per cent to a new record new compilation will reveal m woman's store, has been picked of $39.1 billion in 1963, and this diminution in these forces; tha "Man of the Year" by the could be a conservative esti- LOAN OFFICE in is, that the sum total of all th INEXPLICABLE CRACKDOWN « mate. —Federal agents are getting Chestnut Street Association, coming and going will add up group of merchants in Phlladel- Income Taxes 17,000 combat troops that hav ready to squelch Cuban refugee MIDDLETOWN been there for months. efforts to train commando anid Ph:da's main shopping district. Crucial also will be how, when guerrilla forces for raids and un She is the first woman to re- and to what degree Congress re- Secretary Rusk and Defem derground operations in Cuba, ceive the award. She was chosen duces income taxes. While most Secretary McNamara don't agn "I was just talking about you to Aunt Mary, Dad!" McGeorge Bundy, high-powered for achievement in merchandising of President Kennedy's tax re- with this opinion. Privately thi and allied fields. She is with Bon- form proposals are practically We invite all married and sirujle men ana women who twv* • special assistant to the President need or a use for more money to VISIT • WRITE • or TIWHOHI are saying they expect Moscow wit's. dead, tax reduction is still very reduce its Cuban fighting garrisi on foreign policy, has sent a di- eur neareit manager and tell MM what your praMw* m. rective to Attorney Gen. Robert Much alive. An important tax We assure you he will do his best to help yov. Chamberlain to around 10,000. cut in 1963 could significantly PIPE DREAMS-HOn the basi Kennedy ordering this crackdown. James R. Hoffa, president of the According to Bundy's backstage Teamsters Union (Ind.), says "We enhance our chances to move into 1-VISIT LOAN PLAN (Continued) of the record, such optimist! another upturn. going on, another curious thing has been happening: hopes are wishful-thinking. edict, all Cuban refugee anti are living in a police state." 1. Sit in the quiet and privacy of yew own home, office er Admittedly, this leveling has a convenient telephone booth.. .'anas Troop estimates by high Ke Castro activities not approved by He says the charge is supported Europeans have been behaving like old-fashioned the Central Intelligence Agency by what he calls anti-labor legisla- come late in the current move. TELEPHONE THE OFFICE NEAREST YOUR NOME OR WORK Yankee tinkerers in applying fundamental scientific %&£%£ ^ !_ are to be barred. tion pending in Congress and crea- We're already into the 25th month i( of the business expansion and 25 2. Tell ui how much you want and when yov want it. knowledge to industrial processes. For instance the to put it mildly. Without excep Cuban refugee sources estimate tion within Atty. Gen. Robert F. that at least a half-dozen groups Kennedy's office ol an "exten- months was the life span of the 9. Right from the privacy of your home, office er teWphecw world's first completely automated hot strip steel mill tion, they have been heavily 01 sive organization devoted exclu- last advance—April 1958 to May booth you can give us enough information to apply for a the cheerio side. are now operating against the loan and upon approval enable us to set a aefinm) Hate for is being built, not in Pittsburgh or Chicago, but at the Castro regime. Most of them are sively to the continued harass- I960. Admittedly, we're still Just how far off their calcuh ment of labor." nagged by major problems of un- you to come in and get the money. Spencer Works of Richard Thomas and Baldwins, Ltd., tions have been was striking functioning from Florida. They employment, obsolete and excess disclosed by Lt. Gen. Joseph Ca are on a very small scale and Hoffa made the charge in speak- ^$25 to'5OO at Llanwern, Wales. True enough, America's General ing at a convention of the Inter- production capacity, fierce com- roll, head of the Defense Intelli- Chiefly involve contact with un- petition at home and abroad. TELEPHONE • WRITE • or VISIT Electric is supplying control equipment for this. But gence Agency during his closed- derground forces in Cuba. national Union of Mine, Mill and the mill itself is European. And when Cluett, Peabody, door testimony before the House Smelter Workers (Ind.) in Den- But if we're relying on prece- ver, Colo. dents to signal where we move BELL FINANCE COMPANY the American shirt-makers, began to do advanced n Foreign Affairs Committee. Fol TRANSISTORS FROM lowing are significant highlights: from a plateau, it's just as easy NOW O OTfiCBCONVEItOT^^IhWnmU search on textiles, they found it expedient to set up HONG KONG Rep. F. Bradford Morse, R- Helicopters have been found to forecast an upturn as a down- laboratory in Switzerland, which happened to be clos Mass., asked, "How did your in- HONG KONG (AP) - The useful in cattle roundups. turn from here—despite what so NEW MIDDLETOWN OFFICOWCE to the center of the latest developments in the tex telligence estimates as to the Ru United States was the chief buy- many believe. 673 HWY.35, Lie. 942 " er of Hong Kong transistor ra- TH. OS 14111 tile arts. sian troop build-up from Julj Across from through November compare with dio receiving sets in 1962, im- Agricultural aviation is the Buying or selling? Use the the actual facts as later intelli- porting more than 595,000 sets third largest branch of civil fly- Register Classified for quick re- HOWARD JOHNSON'S gence confirmed them?" worth $3,190,000. ing in America. sults.—Advertisement. Gen. Carroll: "They laggei considerably behind." ATTENTION Rep. Morse: "Can you mak< a quantitative estimate of thii lag?" Carroll: "Prior to Augus MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP (1962) we were estimating then were about 350 military adviser; in Cuba. Beginning in August w< estimated there were up t( RESIDENTS around 4,000 to 5,000 troops i Cuba. In the first part of Octo- ber, we had jumped that esti- mate up to around 6,000. The right new cola PUBLIC HEARING OF "Shortly after that we were up to 8,000 to 9,000. Around that FINDINGS OF time, we observed the medium- range ballistic missiles and a CHARTER STUDY our priority attention was then devoted to trying to locate all the COMMITTEE offensive missile systems in Cub to determine their status of readi- ness. WEDNESDAY, MARCH iO, 1963 "Although we knew that the for the whole family troops associated with the equip- 8:00 P.M. ment materially raised the figure that we had previously estab- — at — ished, we did not undertake to VONLYICALORIE PER SERVING form a new estimate as to the MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP total number of personnel until HIGH SCHOOL CAFETERIA sometime after the 22d of Octo- BRIGHT FOR TASTE-FULL COLA FLAVOR ber. On the basis of all our in- formation, particularly Soviet en PUBLIC INVITED campment, we came to the con- clusion that there were about 22,- */GREAT FOR CHILDREN-NO SUGAR AT ALL We Urge You to Attend! 000 personnel in Cuba." Rep. Robert Barry, D-N. Y, How Tnanv Russian civilians do v^NO EXTRA COST

That'i a Volkswagen Station Wagon, side to load things into, and a sunroof on all dressed up in ship's clothing. top to stick things out of. Inside, it's big enough to swallow up There's also some sweet satisfaction' 0 whole sailboat. Yet you can park it in in having a wagon that's so cheap to run. about the same space as a VW Sedan. You can expect 24 miles to the gallon, When it isn't carrying boats, the wag- (or example. 35,000 miles on a set of On takes on 8 people, luggage and all. tires. And an air-cooled engine that A Product of Royal Crown Cola Co. Or practically a ton ol anything else. never needs water or antifreeze. Just to give you an idea, it can handle If you already own a VW Station a piano (with player) or an open bridge Wagon, don't let people kid you about table (with 4 players). its shape. There's a gaping 4-foot door on the Just carry on. DRINK ALL YOU LIKE-LIKE ALL YOU DRINK Shrewsbury Motors, Inc. SHREWSBURY AVENUE SHREWSBURY Royal Crown Cola Bottling Co. of Asbury Park 437 H-way 35, Neptune, N. J. PR 5-4915 gtve t report of her attend*)** titter, Miss Robin PWtlipj, who Bad WiMer For An estimited JO per rant of til BED BANK REGISTER- Club Backs at the Llncreft". Holmdel Kiwa- became Sister Ann Joachim of the oysters In the main beds of March 20, 1963—9 Tofry't Minyri Club, as a representative of Zelatrici of the Sacred Heart at the Thames River estuary per- the 4-H Club, where she gave a Hamden, Conn. British Oyster ished in the coldest winter of the Agriculture experts sty the fatal- Work Of talk. Several members are plan- century. ning to participate in the annual LONDON (AP) - The.British ity count of the Cornwall breed A family birthday celebration Those that are left are exhaust 4-H demonstrations that will be oyster has suffered an even worse has been 50 per cent or higher. It Looks like Girl Scouts was held for Joanne Masterson and unable to fight predators held in West Freehold Regional winter than the frost-bitten na- like limpets. LINCROFT — The Lincroft- School in April. last Sunday. Present were the There's no Trick to Having Ex- The oyster beds of County Holmdel Kiwanis Club were hosts paternal grandparents, Mr. andtives who eat them. tra Casn. You Get it Fast When Cornwall, at the warmer, far A Good Spring to a Girl Scout Neighborhood Mrs. William Masterson of Lin- western tip of England, also had You Use The Register Classified, service team last week. On it Mrs. Bertrand Berube recently croft, maternal grandparents, Mr. Mrs. K. J. Petracca of Union and Patrick Farley of Newark. a disastrous winter. Ministry of -—Advertisement. by SAM DAWSON were Mrs. Edward Rumrill, troop attended the investiture of her and Mrs. A. Manconi of Union, Dafaoa consultant, who will take the post of district chairman April 1; Mrs. NEW YORK (AP)-With spring as usual for the time of year. So, Martin Israel, neighborhood Open 9:30 to 9:30, Sat. to 6 at the threshold, many business- seasonally adjusted, it is recordec chairman, and Mrs. George men are cautiously deciding they as lengthening after two month Biessmas, neighborhood organiz- nay be better off than, they were of shrinkage, er. admitting. ' All of this is designed to take They gave a resume of girl OXXJE They won't go so far as to say gome of the bitter edge off the in scouting, including national, state that business shouldn't be a lot crease of the rate of unemploy and county activities on the better than it Is. And they have ment to 61 per cent of the tota neighborhood level. problems and worries by the bush- labor force the highest percent The Kiwanis members offered el. They often do. age in 15 months. to help in anyway that is needed. But neither today's conditions or Steel production's seven straigh Next week, Bert Flemer of the tomorrows' prospects are as dire weeks of expansion puts it 19 pel F and F Nurseries, Holmdel, will »s many were saying a little while cent higher than early February be guest speaker. ago. Some of the gains come fron Plans for Charter Night are Wall-to-Wall Luxury in 2 Lush Federal slide-rule artists, after stock building as a hedge agains being made. This will be held a new look at the employment the possibility of a strike late ii March 31 at Lincroft Inn. Ar- figures, find some improvements the summer. Some is credited tc rangements are being made for scattered amidst the bad news rebuilding of stocks allowed t< the program by Edward Nolan they released earlier this month, dwindle during the steel Indus and Capt. Wesley Besse. The steel industry is enjoying a try's private little recession. mild sort of boom. Auto makers But a good part of the new or All Wool Carpets. Famous Mill! can reel off both figures and ders are reported to be from cus lopes-all on the rosy side. And tomers who need the metal for usi Lincroft spring could "work its minor mir- now and in the spring as thei: Matthew Mullin, Jr., son of Mr. ade among the winter weary and own business expands. Two o and Mrs. Matthew Mullin of Pine OUR PLUSH-PILE 'GLENEAU', OR 'GLEN-PARK' TWIST f tend• aut»o_ salei s stil_iiln higherI_I_I.__. steel'atA»1 sa biMag customers—automietnm»r« filltivas aJimm St. spent the weekend at home Unemployment is the most construction-have been doing tin from La Salle College, Philadel- chronic pain. But even it may be and «« »0 let«P soon- phia. eased somewhat by spring's open- Those with things to sell to con ing up of more outdoor jobs. Sumers—from clothes to househok Miss Dianne Brandt of Marlu laborstrife-present andpoten- appliances, from autos to Farm, who is employed with the tlal-is a particularly large cloud homes-are counting upon gotx Bell Telephone Company in Red this year. But whether it blows spring business. There are region Bank, is "attending a training sq. yd. Installed away or becomes spmajor thun- al differences, whether caused b; course at Camden for two weeks. 11.95 derstorm is yet to be seen. the weather or unemployment Reg. $14.95 sq. yd. But on the whole, it looks like Corporate earnings reports most- Joanne Masterson, daughter, of ly are on the cheerful side. good spring after a nervous win Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Masterson ter. Employment figures take on a of Swimming River Rd., cele- cheerier hue as the Labor De- brated her 12th birthday last Sat- NEW ASSIGNMENT partment looks the latest figures urday at a party in her home. Price Includes: over and finds they weren't as RANDOLPH AFB, Tex. - 1st Guests attending were Elizabeth had as could be expected in theLieut. John P. de Croot Jr., sou Drake, Kathryn Henegan, Susan final weeks of winter. This is of Mr. and Mrs. John de Groo Sylvester, Sue Carroll Prevolo- f Your Choice: Heavy 100% Wool Twist known as adjusting them season- of 430 Branchport Ave., Ocean sky, Martha Mullin, Maureen Tri- ally. port, N. X, has graduate• d •fron ola, Diane Middleton, Mary Nora orPlush Velvet Broadloom On this basis, factory jobs in- the Air Training Command of Forcena, Mary Ann Siete, Kathy' creased in February for the first ficer instructor school, here. Hi Campbell, Jan Harman, Bonnie • Installed Wall-toWall Over Thick time in seven months. While theis being reassigned to Mathe: Santanelo, Debbie Maguire, Linda factory work week actually AFB, Calif., for duty as a navi Rydell, Judy Subluski, Franceen Waffle Carpet Cushion dropped a bit, it wasn't as much gator and bombardier instructor Mullin, Patty Neary, Christine Kerk, and Kathie Masterson. • Expert Deluxe Tackiest Carpet

The Women's First Aid Asso- Installation, Complete ciation will hold a bake sale Fri- day in the Acme Market, starting at 9:30 a.m. Mrs. Edward Roth is chairman.

Diane Paulina, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Paulina of West- ward Dr., celebrated her ninth birthday Saturday afternoon at a Producing with Prld* Kitchens party in her home. Dance con- of Superior Qualify and Dtslgn tests, with prizes, was enjoyed by the guests, including Cindy Lou Brandt, Barbara Franzel, Susan Heidt, Barbara Mulligan, Robert COMPLETE Heidt, Rayleen Bryan, Cheryl INSTALLATION Racciopl, Jean Rowe, Debbie An- derson, Karen Tibbels, Kathy AND DESIGNING Gordon and Arthur Paulina, Jr.

BY OUR Mr. and Mrs. Bertrand Berube of Hill Rd. gave a birthday party TRAINED SPECIALISTS for their twin daughters, who were 5 years old March 13. complete Inventory of Guests were Paul and Leslie UNPAINTED KITCHEN CABINETS Bergandahl, Debbie McCann and for the do-it-yourself mechanic. George and Norman Berube. The first birthday of George Berube was celebrated Sunday. Deal direct with Hie manufacturer and save. The 4-H Club held a meeting VISIT OUR SHOWROOM and PUNT at and celebration for its 14th an- 1121HWY. 35 (One Mile North of Asbury Circle) niversary last week at the fire house. Announcement was made KE 1-3800 WANAMASSA of an excellent award given to Distributor for Built-in Westlnghouse Appliances the club for their window display FORMICA - NEVAMAR • MAGIC CHEF, etc in Monmouth Shopping Center durine 4-H week. Sharon Sttewart

100% Wool 'Gleneau' Plush Pile Luxurious underfoot, silky-soft and lavish look- ing, our "Gleneau" is yours in stunning PRE-EASTER TREAT Spring colors! Sumptuous yet savings-priced, "Gleneau" heavy Plush Pile Velvet is loomed Candy Easter Eggs of 100% Wool yarns for long years of hard service, lasting color freshness! A remarkable SPECIALLY PRICED-7WM/ MARCH 31 buy at this price, and just in time for Spring! 100% Wool 'Glen Park' Twist Loomed of long-wearing 100% Wool yarns, this rugged, durable broadloom is springy underfoot, conceals shading, crushing, footprints. The "fashion showcase" for a beautiful room, our "Glen Park" comes in Nutria, Parchment, Opal, Gold, Beige, Wisteria, Wheat, and Honey.

In Room Size Rugs! $109. 12x15 205. 152. 12x18- 244. KITCHEN FRESH CHOCOLATE EGGS 10'6"X6'12"— 145. 12x21 284. IN GAY GIFT BOX U DOZEN)

YOUR CHOICE Chocolate Marshmallow or SHOP AT HOME, USE YOUR PHONE Fluffy Marshmallow covered with Chocolate CaU Liberty 2-1010 LOFT'S Exclusive Blend Milk or Cocoanut. Dark Chocolate. Or freshly shredded cocoanut in creamy Regularly $1.49 OPENEVENINGS N.J.Stcmitt londant-ln LOFT'S Exclusive YOU SAVE 2O« Blend Dark Chocolate HACKENSACK SPRINQFIUO 1 Budget Your Purchase! A 30 sq. yd. area, carpeted ORANGE LOFT'S.-.THE CANDIES OF FINER QUALITY wall-to-wall in 100% Wool "Glen Park" Twist or OYJLE POMPTON PLAlUt MlddUtown Shopping Center Monmouth Shopping Center "Gleneau" Plush Pile, is yours for just $33.50 RAMSEY Route #35, MMdktown Wyckoff Road, Eatontown down, and $20.37 per month for 18 months. Com- IATOHTOWH I and throughout New Jersey Route 35 Circle, Eatontown, LI 2-1010 plete waffle cushion and deluxe tackless installation, PCUNDID IN 1MO »Y WILLIAM LOFT...NOW THI WORLD'S LARO1ST CANDV KITCHIN,. MitA 20, 1963 RED BANK BEGiSTER -Mr. tad Wit. WiUuA Foster^their daughter Itertene. ., Leonardo entertained Edwin DoUbew, Ce- dar KnoB*. >«rt. ArcMe ttjlfcetr Mr. and The fowUi birthday of Vincent and daugfcer Susan, Morrlstown; Hiting Sun, Shea, ion of, Mr, toi/tyrs. Vin- s Mrs. Sarah Jane Wilson and mmfrom Florida.,'A—.-*• . -. •_ , cent Shea, was celebrated Satur- GRAMAN'S Sloan; Bayonne, and other fam- Mrs. Edward F, Klindlentt. Syl- day. Present -were Mrs. Esther A farewell party was given Sloan, VACUUM AND APPLIANCE PARTS CO. ily members at a birthday cele- via Ter'., before returning to their Shea and daughter Elinita, Keans- Mr. and Mrs. William Aitken, home. 54 MONMOUTH STREET, RED BANK, N. J. burg; Mr, and Mrs. Edward Ken- MiUbrook Dr., who are moving oration for the 12th birthday of nedy, Keyport, and Michael, Tim- to Hawaii. The party was heM PHONE SH 7-5623 othy and Colleen Shea. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- win Stark, MiUbrook Dr., Satur- AUTHORIZED day. Also present were Mr. and A party was held Sunday after Mrs. George Facon, Mr. and HOOVER—SALES AND SERVICE the confirmation of Ellen Mary Mrs. Joseph Slovenz, and Mr. Bottino, in St. Agnes Catholic and Mrs. George Ross. « NEW AND REBUILT CLEANERS Church, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Looking for stocks Kenneth Bottino. Mrs. Leo Mill- • REPAIRS ON • er was sponsor. Guests included Craig Adolpfoson, son of Mr. GE - HOOVER * ELECTROLUX. etc. Mrs. Mae Bottino, Mr. and Mrs.and Mrs. Norma AdoJphson, was George Kraft and children two years old Saturday. A party that may go up? IRONS VACUUMS TOASTERS Charles and George, Pemberton; was held at the home of Mrs PERCOLATORS MIXERS, etc. Leo Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard William Heye and Bruce Heye Daus and family, and Mr. andJersey City. Also present were After careful research, we have selected a Mrs. Thomas Errington and fam-David and Karen Adolphson. PARTS FOR group of companies which, through astute ily. VACUUMS WASHERS DRYERS IRONS management and progressive policies, com- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Church- RANGES TOASTERS M'XERS LAMPS, etc. well, Glenoak Dr. have returned mand exceptionally favorable positions in Leo Miller, son of Mr. and from a vacation in West Palm their respective fields. Stocks of these Mrs. Leo Miller, was confirmed Beach, Fla. Sunday in St. Agnes Catholic companies, we believe, warrant careful Church. Sponsor was Kenneth consideration by investors seeking greater Mrs. Robert Vachris celebrated Bottino. Also present were Mr. income or capital appreciation prospects. her birthday March 15 with her and Mrs. Kieran Bracken, Cran- BANKING husband and friends, Mr. and ford; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kram- Mrs. Alfred Trent, Flushing, ONLY CANDLES FOR LIGHT — Electrical service wat er and daughter Kathy, Colonia; Write for Special Report on N. Y., at a dinner at their home. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Miller, Utuh your toylngi, checking, borrowing and safe deposit cut off from the apartments above the Shamrock Bar, Also present at dinner and a Common Stocks for Sound Income. Blair Miller, Mrs. Florence Mill-. hndquarHn. Best of all, bank In juit one Hop of your car, show later in New York were Mr. Monmouth St., by the blaze which threatened that build- er, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rausch, at our drivo-in windows, now at all t offices. and Mrs. Harold Kramer, Mr. ing and destroyed others early yesterday. But Mr. andMr. and Mrs. Chris Eigenrauch, and Mrs. George Granese, and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jette, Mrs. Mrs. Nicolas Manserrate and baby, Margarita, are grate- Mr. and Mrs. Trent. THOMSON &M?KINNON Michael Riley, Michael, and Jo- 9 Memorial Parkway, Long Branch CA 2-4310 ful that they still have a home, which some of their seph and Kieran Miller. neighbors do not. Wayne Teicher, son of Mr. and 2 Broadway, N.Y. 4 • HA 2-5100 20 East 46th St, N.Y. 17 • YU 6-0400 Mrs. Oscar Teicher, Clarissa Dr., . 625 MadisanAve, N;Y. 22.-ft 1-3800 •Brian. Lisa Gail Van Ness, daughter celebrated his 10th birthday with MHuas NEW rone noac nCHANoe AND omat nwcmi of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Van Ness, 'riends at a dinner and movie in U *«n >l billMiu ierrlM stcunnr MO COMMODITY BCHANGH Member Knteral Otpwtt Insurance Corp. who was 2, celebrated her birth led Bank Sunday. Mrs. Teicher It Pays to Advertise in The Register day at a family party Friday. iccompanied them.



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'Super-Right" NATUHAUY A9C0 Grain-Fed Beef 1 SIRLOIN PORTERHOUSE 100 EXTRA £& WITH c PURCHASE of 7.50 or MORE 69: 75 AND COUPON FROM MAILER All steaks cut thick or thin at these low prices! No fancy names to confute you, no fancy prices. mm luauSE OF THBI iriMS AND COUPONS ROM MHJl" They are all fust real old-fashioned Sirloin or Porterhouse Steaks at A&P. Come see! You'll Save! 1OO EXTRA RUMP ROAST N.i S9f PEE "Super-Right" KATUHAUV ACSP -BOKELESS-BOTTOM-No Fat Added CIIDIMD 1-EDand DEVEINED I'/ilbA pA PLAID aflillllnr Indivlduilly Fro»n pkg. 2*59 This price effective STAMPS ftDEaTIF HAIR SET MIST ln - ... in New Jersey DREVIV •PluiF.d.r.lE.cli.T., ..„ 1,50 stores only. ROUND ROAST 69: lWHIUIIHK AND COUPONS flMMIlir ANGEL FOOD CAKE JCU 57* Top Round Roast 79' Top Sirloin Roast 89 EXTRA ICECPFAM . CrtifmoBfBr"'' '/*«•)• aAe'" •"• ^•mMim Chole.of 10 flavors «ont. O# Turkeys ^SK*" 39* Round Steak GROUND 89' Soup Beef PLAID 6 SHOULDERS FRENCHFRIES^r.2^69 Top Round AQC STAMPS Apo Top Round Steak 89' London Broil Combination Chopt and Stawinj lib. SALT & PEPPER SET ^ 89 Newport Roast 99' minute Steak Top Sirloin 99 < Bacon End Slices ;45C

Jane Parker Baked Foods.' A&P't Garden Fresh Dillvirtd Freih Dally Iplit Fruits and C SYRUP 8 fluid Hot Cross Buns 8 39 Cant aid Maple OL bot.' Vvegefalfes/ Danish Cheese Horn 39e VERMONT MAID 55' C 2 lb. Whole Wheat Bread -23 AUNT JEMIMA BIX 35* ASPARAGUS Dairy Center Buys/ 1 quart C Old Ftshlonid « BREAKFAST COCKTAIL 14 oz. Large, Tender Green can ITALKS-New Crep 27 STORE CHEESE ' • 65 Orange & Apricot Blended Juice Drink 35" b C Goldin Cottage Cheese ££, L'p 25« L;45 COLDSTREAM Yellow Bananas Rip. Natural Swiss Slices DomSl, ;;;«• BRAND lb PINK SALMON ..en 2^69* Pineapple WJtey Domestic Parmesan Cheese 75° RdRp# e Imported Italian Provolone «»..*?...% b 99° LIBBY'S Tomatoes 2--29 BRAND mplum p lk e Borden's Whipped Cream Cheese !;; 35° FRUIT COCKTAIL 3L-65' Green Peppers ' 19 Kraft Cheez Whiz <^;Z '; 37° '£»• Hydi Park Aiwrtmtnt m D.HE>.« Br.nd SowWktt b c 4 e SlieadorHalvai4 'lb* AOC e Mushrooms 45 BordeB n Camemherh t or Liederkrand z pl°;43 Cling Peaches Sunshine Cookies 39 C Wispride — sTEFO0D ::;rfiif A Dlnntr Slu—: Ply Whllt—Pk{. •! BO Sweet Golden Corn 3 25 C C s RmCriII> e Fresh Milk Spry Shortening « 35 . 87 Kleenex Table Napkins 25 Red Radishes £5 Baby Ftodi For Ltntin Dliku Frozen Food Values1. d e •—Lenfen Food Suggestions!— Mntlm—12 *i, pk(, Gerber's 10^99° 6t: 89 Hunt's Tomato Paste 2 «: IT Sannybrook Brand e N

M&M's Candy Chef Boy-ar-dee Super Coola Vanity Fair Ivory Soap Ivory Soap Ivory Soap Kleenex Coated Chocolate Cheese Ravioli Canned Soda Toilet Tissue PERSONAL SIZE Forto'Uf and bith For loll.t and bath Facial Tissues ft mtdtum OQo lir Plain or E^OL All 4 12 fluid i 2 Ply {roll* 79° 4«i..25° 2 ." 31 o e 9 Flavors . oz.ean> P.anur bag •o

THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA COMPANY, INC. Pricei effeelive through Saturday, March 23 Swan Liquid Lestoil in Super Markets and Self-Service itores only. Surf Rinso Blue Forth, family waih Forth, fanllywaih fin. Se»nf—All Purpot. D.t.rgin! $uper All Tobacco Products, Fresh Milk and Alcoholic Detergent With 15c 31b. 2 Mg lOcoffl.bil C7C I5o, OQo 2lo..eQ0 Beverage* exempt from JPlaid Stamp offer. , Wf I pint h fluid AMIRICA'S OEPEHDABU FOOD MERCHANT SINCE K',9 offlab.1 otpl,."* 3lb.7ox.plg. bot. "* bot. "* Communist Woe; The 12—Wed, March 20, 1963 RED BANK REGISTER Since Peace Corjx director Government sources say a the target of one of their biggest Sargent Shriver visited President is less open to political at- aid program*, have not been Idle games fits, * cpmite a ite U.S. to Send Soka/K> U*t year to set up^pio- tack than a teacher. in the eporti picture. Some of the stadiums and tn Olympic village, gram, the Reds' have ban'de- "They (the Cbm&osUU) Moid special coaches for the Indonesian was built v/ito. SWtet eiwJtt* «d Coaches To nouncing the corps at aH»k>nlal- brand a teacher M, an indoctrina- Asian games team came from the by Ruaattn experts. ••- j \ _ ist and imperialist sVenhireJ tor or a spy," said one official, The Indonesian government has "but it's hard to do the same Indonesia thing to a coach." kept silent, but it apparently has By KARSTEN PRAGER Sports consciousness has made no intention of canceling plans to JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) - its biggest leap since last August Told, Methods Debated bring the corps here. Thirty-two athletic coaches may when Indonesia staged the Asian area Youth Employment Pro- prove one of the best investments The sports ministry asked par- games. The games set off a po- gram. the United. States has made in ticularly for instructors in track, litcal row—Indonesia barred For- that time of the year is here again when the Russian Challenge The survey committee recom- Indonesia. swimming and basketball. Jt in- mosa and Israel from participa- drabness of winter changes into the bright- mended community adoption of a The coaches will head up the tends to send them into remote tion—but their impact otherwise ness of spring. You too can ma*e a pleasant We Watched Them in 1876, Too nine-point program calling for: ' first contingent of the American provinces to beef up local sports was considerable. change by eating "at the Caramel Sweet 1—Adequate skill training pro- Peace Corps expected here, in programs. The Russians, with Indonesia Shoppe. You'll be pleased with our variety and prices. , . RUMSON — ... And the more things change, the more grams sponsored by schools, in- May. Indonesia's sports ministry they stay the same. dustry and labor (including ap- requested them in hopes of devel- LUNCH and DINNER SPECIALS prenticeships). oping the sports potential of this s Impetus for New Jersey's vocational educational system, THURSDAY: 'way back in 1876, was the determination not to be outdone 2—Flexible curricula in all nation of nearly 100 million peo- BORROW 2200 by the Russians. ple. DEVILED CRABCAKE, mashed schools, adapted to the needs of • potatoes, vegetable, coffee, So Dr. Albert Jochen, assistant state commissioner of edu- all types of students and designed Indonesia is a late subscriber ice cream '.- cation in charge of the vocational division, told a forum spon- to provide basic education, to to the Peace Corps program- REPAY W A MONTH BOAST LEG OF LAMB complete dinner - .- l^as sored by the Red Bank Chapter, National Council of Jewish motivate all to stay in school, partly because of bitter opposi- lAIOEt AMOUNTS AT MtOPOKTIONATE DATES FRIDAY: Women, here. and to include remedial services tion from the country's 2-million- Home Ownen with or without existing mortgager State residents who journeyed to»the Philadelphia Cen- for those needing them. member Communist party. BAKED MACARONI & CHEESE CONSOLIDATE YOUR BILLS INTO ONE LOW MONTHLY PAYMENT tennial Exposition in 1876 were impressed with exhibits which vegetable, coffee 3—Increased attention to voca- BAKED HALIBUT STEAK illustrated how the Russians and Germans trained craftsmen, tional guidance and counseling skills can be of service to others REPAYMENT SCHEDULE complete dinner t.2S he said, and petitioned the state Legislature for schools to services to help youth develop in- as they in turn develop better AMOUNT , 15 YEARS Get , SATURDAY: accomplish as much. A law passed in 1881 established three dividual capacities and to choose work habits, maturity and respon- i 2,200 $18.57 FILET Of FLOUNDER SAND- RUMSON — The urgent and in- realistic careers. sibility. additional WICH—tartar sauce, french fries, creasing need for expanded voca- in machine Bhop operation 3,000 25.32 coffee tional high school facilities in (under the Manpower Develop- Work-Experience 8—Efforts to increase work op- 5,000 , 45.20 portunities for youth. cash BAKED STUFFED PORK CHOP Monmouth County—and the sharp ment and Training Act), but could 4—Work-experience opportuni- 10,000 84.39 complete dinner 1-tS Served 11 s.m.10 1 P.M. disagreement between county and only accommodate them betweenties in a supervised program. 9—Community-wide co-ordina- Try our home made pies and apple cobbler with lemoa lauce state education officials oonn the 10 p.m. and 4 a.m.," Dr. Jochen 5—Job placement services. tion of,all services which help International Mortgage Assoc. best means of providing them— said. 6—Special services for minority young people prepare for, get, were underscored at a forum on "Monmouth County is youth in relation to their special and adjust to suitable jobs. 22 Hadflon Ave., Camden; N. J. the topic "Can We Help Youth wealthy county. You should be needs. Mrs. Lloyd Peskoe, public af- CARAMEL SWEET SHOPPE In the World of Work?" present- able to build your own school," 7—More programs of volunteer fairs chairman for the Red Bank In Red Bank Call SH 7-2662 29 BROAD ST. KD BANK ed by the Red Bank chapter, he declared. work for young people whose chapter, NCJW, was moderator. National Council of Jewish Worn Mr. Garrison defended the en, in Congregation Bnai Israel county Vocational Board of Edu- Monday afternoon. cation's program of Integrating Guest speakers were Dr. Albert its classes with the regular high E." Jochen, assistant state com school curriculums. •- missioner of education in charge He affirmed the desire of thi of the vocational division, and county board "to work with all SAVE MOW... AND MORE former director of the Middlesex county high schools to develop vo- County vocational-technical high cational programs to meet th >vamL schools and Mrs. Sidney Wein- needs of young people in eac stein of West Orange, chairman community, and to keep the class of the joint committee on com-es within existing schools when LOW VISCOUNT PRICES j YH "GREEN STAMPS! munity services and public af- possible." fairs of the NCJW and a state The county superintendent, who delegate to the White House Con- also is secretary of the Vocation- ference on Children and Youth. al Board of Education, conceded Ml Audience of 75 that it is impractical to dupli- They addressed an audience of cate some facilities, such as ma- PORTION PORTION 75 persons, including chapter chine shops. PORK members, high school guidance Centrajiied School lb. directors, and juvenile officials. "Where necessary, a central- Among those present were Earl ized school will be built," he de- PwfKt PcfkPartn»r...KATirS SAUIMCRAUTlt-ptg 13< 3k.pti.29i B. Garrison, county superintend clared. 27 ent of schools; Theodore B. Nit- Watch for this strikinr new MUST Mr. Garrison noted the county LOINS (First NAtionslSTwts) sign... jmjrt ka. county director of vocational vocational school program has edu :ation, and Freeholder Mar- as the stores it identifies and soon been at a virtual standstill for cus Daly. a year while its legal right to USDA CHOICE first lo be seen throughout the area, The discussion was sparked by maintain its present program REGULAR CUT Ik. the report of a survey conducted was being determined. (Ill CUTS SLIGHTLY HIGHER) ational In the county by a committee of BEEF RIB ROAST Dr. Jochen had. challenged the Stores the Red Bank Chapter and; pre- legality of the county's present c sented by the vice president In operation. The dispute was re- PORK CHOPS ^ - "75* RIB STEAKS •**•«*- * 7*< TQSSfP SALAD charge of education, Mrs. Edwin ferred to the state Attorney Gen Robins. eral's Office, and decided in fa- SMOKED BUTTS t^f* 65c SAUSAGE MEAT >«'<>* * 39< BEET SALAD The survey disclosed: or of the county. —The drop-out rate in some Mr. Garrison reported that seafHi special*: Fresh Sliced Cod »• 39« Medium Shrimp * 99< Whiting * 19' Scollops county high schools Is as high consideration is being given here as 16 per cent. AOVHTIUO fllCU EFHCffVC TOOAr THIU tATUtBAf, MAICH Mr* to establishment of technical in- •t •• Hw Jamy1' '*«rl 9jhmr, KM Ctfy and MMdlrtMm iHfM. W« (•• —The New Jersey Employment stitutes which would provide two wtv* tfw right I* Kail qvantititt. N»iw »M ftr ratal*. offices in Red Bank, Asbury years of training for high schoo WELCOME SPRING with WELCOME VALUES Park, and Freehold received 3, graduates. tOOI TIRU TIES., MM.» l 600 applications from young peo- Dr. Jochen said that a good ple under 22 last year, most of vocational-technical high school them unskilled, and were able could provide both a high school to find jobs for only 1,100 of and post-graduate technical train- DEL MONTE JUKE DRINK FREE L FREE them. ing. Fall Short 50 Per Cent Aid —Most county high schools But he said that state building have industrial arts programs, aid—to the tune of 50 per cent but these fall short of the state STEWED TOMATOES lOO GRE^N of the total .construction cost- requirements for vocational train- would be available for a technl ing. cal institute. State building aid CHO.CIOF... • W STAMPS —County industries report that for a vocational high school would IMUMinaiirCOUSOl INN Hi:. with the purchase of local high schools are not pro-be the same as that for a gen- BROTH ducing the skilled technical help eral high school—$30 per pupil $7.50 or more UMIT tmx m Aouit-aoMtnTM. TOIACCO. Bin they require. he said. itOUM AND riliH MIIK fXMTT MOM 1TAMF WMl Dr. Jochen urged establishment Mr. Daly declared that "We In of a centralized county vocation- Monmouth County do recognize SCOn FAMILY NAPKINS Frozen Food Specials al-technical high school In which the problem, but we disagree the entire curriculum would be with Dr. Jochen in some areas.' MCUL geared to the needs of vocational As for sending the county un- French Iries school pupils who, he said, "need employed to Middlesex County "YOR" GARDEN to be motivated by the practi- vocational high schools for re- SCOTTIES TISSUES I9L REGULAR OR cal to learn the theoretical." training, "I am sure we will nev- INSTANT I . MiKCAl NABISCO OREO CREMES I* fi. 45c HORN & HARDART 10 OZ. JAK II J] V: 85c WAXED PAPER KITCHEN CHARM The county now maintains vo- er allow it," Mr. Daly averred. CRINKLE CUT 'We in Monmouth County are FINA1T, WHITI, PINK C cational' training classes in Man- TOILET TISSUE >QUA »r Yf HOW 4^39* PARD DOG FOOD 21* 35 NO CAL BEVERAGES esquan and Long Branch high able to take care of our own." fAUIC SOFTINH KIN9 OSCAt } «.•>•: BONNIE FLUFF schools., But none of the county Mr. Nilka said the proposal had BRISLING SARDINES SANDWICH BAGS « 2 P* 19« HAir OAL »»< ' io< orr high schools has facilities for an C TENDERLEAF TEA BAGS Finast Waffles been discussed, however, because CHUCKLES CANDIES CIOUI 1 fc rif 29 FINAST CHEESE SLICES um expanded program, and the lack of the lack of facilities here. JO1ID PACK {lillr CWrltl, »ly «!"|i, Spkt JM Drop, •> ipMmM Uani) er C.WW 4 WklK 4Wkait) WHITE MEAT TUNA FLAKY of centralization creates adminis- The county vocational board now Oil' HUE 35c RICH pl< trative problems, Dr. Jochen s considering renting a machine 1 SNAP-OFF BAGETTES UOK "' 1 pointed out. shop for retraining of heads of This Week's tinast Bakery Specials . ^^ £^ ADAM'S KORN KURLS Middlesex County's three voca- families, he said. SHRIMP CROQUETTES •«*» «»«OM "p;; 69« 31 •• tional-technical high schools now S-Point Program COCOA MARSH I"' 59c 35c RED-L SCALLOP DINNER »«.p% 55e place 91 per cent of their stu- Mrs. Weinstein encouraged MIRACLE MARGARINE «"" dents, he said. The schools oper- adoption of a program which ;k.*33« SARA LEE CHEESE CAKE "-* 59« ei ate daily until 10 p.m., serving would bring representatives of lo Apple Pies 39 ARM ft HAMMER BORAX SARA LEE COFFEE CAKE -v.49c Rtgulor 39c 'X'. 59< adults as well as younger stu- cal industries into the schools to .ular39c larga 11b: 4 et. pi* ^^F ^W BURRY'S RAISIN COOKIES dents, Dr. Jochen said. explain their needs to students. »'*«. pi,. 29c SARA LEE POUND CAKE —••79'= HOT CROSS BUNS '- 39c BROOKSIDE FARMS BREAD nnit iilift ">"«»«. "NiAmi OUNOI o'«-47. Odd Hours She also urged public support for NESTLE'S DECAF INSTANT COFFEE • i«.i.-9lc "The Middlesex County schools he federal Youth Education Act, EXTRA

BEECH-NUT or GERMR JUNIOR STRAINED PUBLIC NOTICE Anjou Pears 2 29 BABY FOODS 6 :79= 10 :89= (LAPP'S BABY FOOD 10 WEST KEANSBURG Green Peppers 2 35 WATER COMPANY IBTE 4TDEAM CLOVERDALE—VANILU. hlf IVE VHEMIfl CHOCOLATE, STRAWBERRY lallen hereby serves notice Fancy Carrots 2 25 that the annual spring GARDEN FRESH EGG PLANT 2 *• 29< GARDEN FRESH ESCAROLE 2*. 29c CHOCK FUIL O'MUTS' :69 flushing of water hydrants DURKEE'S SPICES Cirllc lilt 19c will take place during TOMATOES Garlic rit* m«.i.r37« Paprika JM 01. tun 51 • SANKA INSTANT COFFEE ;44< the period of Parsley mm U°i.i>n23i Ori(Mlkm> 18. FANCY RED RIPE 2"-29< COFFEE MARCH 18 THRU 31, 1963 LUX LIQUID 54c NESCAFE INSTANT 41 RONZONI NOODLES PINK IOTIOH — It Ofr LAM. CAMPBELL'S SOUPS 2'°" 27c COLGATE TOOTHPASTE inclusive from >°"»43c SECRET ROLL-ON D.i.,.,1 FINE, MEDIUM KEILOGG'S SPECIAL K' » ••g He 55c 29c VIM DETERGENT •«*" «35e ALL FLAVORS TIDE 28 THRILL LIQUID "«-».35« i ii. i oz. no. i 3 LI. I OZ. PKO. 72c I PINT 6 OZ. SIZE 42c » HAZLET, NEW JERSEY Uoi.ptg. Tobl.h IVORY SOAP FLAKES IVORY SNOW DUZ PREMIUM SALVO DETERGENT Tn. I II. i j oi. no. 7tt 1 II. 10 OI. KO, 1.01 JFa? Quick Results Vse Our Want Ads MDBANK TV SH 1-0010 DAY 1 Independent Daily f Dial Home Delivery SH 1-1110 NIGHT I mxurmMamnaur-ar.im j


A REFUGEE, FOR THIRD TIME — Nicho- EVERYTHING IS GONE — Mrs. Maria las Popov as a young man fled from Com- Zazorin, wearing the nightgown in which munist Russia, then, in l°5l,r-ffom Yugo- the was rescued from her flat above slavia. Early yesterday he fled from Stoble's Bar, just before it war destroyed GRACIAS A DIPS .. . that it wasn't worse. The children are sleepy and a little fear' MUMMY, DID THEY SAVE MY TOYS? — Mrs. Helen flames that destroyed the apartment in which he lived above Stoble's Bar, Mon- by fire, mourns the lost mementoes of her ful today, after being routed from their home over the Shramrock Bar into the streets Vaughan had to answer that question from W 8-year-old mouth St. The pajamas he is wearing are girlhood in Russia—icons, jewelry, paint- by danger from nearby flames. But Mrs. Modesta Torres and, left to right, Arselia, son, Rico, with a sad no. Nothing the Vaughani ownad, ings—as well as her two pet parakeets, the only possession he has left. Eye-* Linda, Genevieva arid Natividad Torres lost none of their modest possessions tothel except the clothes they have on, was saved when flames and everything else in the world she glasses, dentures, money, clothing, pass- owned. . flames.,There are two more children in this family who are not in the photo. took their apartment at 176 Monmouth St.. port ... the flames took everything. Stripped of Their Possessions Polygltit Block RED BANK - In the one short block of Monmouth St. 7 Fire Victims, Homeless *Save Only Their Lives that was struck by fire yester- Say $8 Million More Can day, three languages were re- By JANE E. MORROW years, were refugees from Rus- The two families who lived in quired to Interview residents. the building at 176 Monmouth BED BANK — Seven people sia as very young people, and The two famUiei who lived St., in apartments above the living in three Monmouth St. were later refugees from Yugo- at 176 Monmouth St. speak Eng- Martinizing dry cleaning shop, apartments lost all their posses- slavia, coming here In the early lish. Be Spent for Beach Work seemed to be menaced only by lions except the clothes on their 50's. smoke when they were evacuated The two people who lived at backs in yesterday's fire. He works In the Fort Mon- WASHINGTON (AP) — Army under a law passed by Congress works. In some instances, th to New Jersey were made pub' mouth cafeteria, and she works from the building. ISO Monmoulh St. speak Rus- Two — Mrs, Maria Zazorin and sian. Their baiting English de- Engineers say they could spend government can pay 70 per ceni lie today by Sen. Clifford P. Case, in a Middletown garment fa< But Mrs. Helen Vaughan, Mr. an additional $8 million on per- The law authorized the govern- of the cost. RJU. . Nicola Popov, who lived in the tory. As a philanthropy, she has and Mrs. Eddie Summey and serted them completely in the large apartment above Stoble's stress of losing all they owned. manent beach protection works ment to pay up to half the cost- New figures on the added feder- Five years ago Congress au- long made a practice of repair- Mrs. Summey's sister, Miss Rc- along New Jersey's Atlantic Coast; instead of one-third-of permanent al money which could be made Bar — escaped wearing only ing used vestments for; priests jean Harvis, stood and watched A number of the residents of thorized beach protection work nightcloUies. of the Russian Orthodox CKardi, the flames spread across ah in- 172 Monmoulb. St. speak oaly along New Jersey's Atlantic; There was no time to stop, for parishes tervening building from the holo- Spanish. Coast. Little money has been ap- propriated to do this work—main- even for slippers, They lost needed. caust at 180 Monmouth, and Ji With the aid of Mr. and Mrs, Early Arrivals at Offices ly, Case has said, because mu- precious links with the Russia The home they had made ii nally destroy their homes with Alex Davis of Rector PI., who nicipalities and the state have of their youth — icons, jewelry, Red Bank is gone. Nothing bui all that was in them. are bl-liogual In. Russian and 3-Story Structure Replaces Burned Building been unable to raise their share pictures. Mrs. Zazorin's two pet empty space exists where their Toys Are Gone English, and a Spanish-speak- of the cost. parakeets r? "They eould talk," apartment and all their posses- Mrs. Vaughan's eight-year-old ing Register reporter, all were FREEHOLD - Although the the first floor of the 60 x 200 foot building connects with th she said — were the fire's only sions were on Monday. son, Rico, can't quite understand The Engineers compiled their Interviewed. front of the building looks far building. theater, since purchased by the fatalities. •Big Explosion' yet that his toys are gone, every Also Hearing completion are figures to show how much money Three buildings, three lan- from completed, the first tenants builders, which has been reno- The two elderly Russians, who The two are still too shocked one of them. the court rooms for the state the government could spend on guages — that was a cosmo- have moved into a three-story were rescued shortly before an and bewildered to realize how His mother, with nothing left politan block. Compensation Court, in the rear vated to create a three-story the New Jersey projects if the explosion that toppled the roof fortunate they are to have es- in the world, said yesterday: building next to the Hall of Rec- area of the second floor. office building. money is appropriated and local in,- left behind spectacles and caped with their ltvej. Capt. "What I miss most is going ords, constructed on the site Mr, Oglensky, a contractor who The Freehold men have also and state matching funds are dentures, passports and licenses, William Patterson anA,Patrolinan home. It is strange to have-no where buildings were destroyed is supervising the construction, purchased the 95 by 240-foot available. every stitch, ofjdothes and every Joseph Calver rushed. the pair home to go to.' Owner Told 'in the April 7 fire last year. is foregoing completing the first- adjacent property owned by One-Third v ; stick of furniture, and a good barefoot from the building and Her first task, she said, will be The Chelsea Title Guarantee floor stores in the front of the Mrs. Elsie Levinsohn, New York At Atlantic City, for example, sized sum in cash. put them in a police car. to look for new quarters. Cops 'Look Co., which, has been housed in East Main St. building In order City, whose building also was the government could have spent Fled Yugoslavia "Then we heard a big explo- "So many places don't wan temporary quarters since the to complete portions for tenants destroyed in the fire. No plans J971,OOOone third of the cost-for Mrs. Zazorin, a widow for a sion," Mrs. Zazorin said. "There children," she said. "Rico be- fire, has moved into its new of- who are in dire need of the for construction there have been the permanent beach works un- were flames everywhere. The haves well, but just the same For' Him fices in the rear portion of the facilities. formulated. yearY ecu ,• ano I md Mrx*»» .• Popov• ^^^#w • ,| wh*• •• ov ha*B^4*d^ »»»•-•. ———- — der the old law. lived with the Zazorin's for many roof tumbled in." people don't want to rent when RED BANK — George Gill, of first floor of the building, which On April 7 last, fire destroyed The new building will house Under the new law, however, they know I have a child." Hope Rd., New Shrewsbury, is owned by Arthur Goldberg two buildings in the center of five stores on the main floor, In the government can spend $1,456,- by township attorney Alfred T. Friends Help proprietor of the Red Bank and Morris Oglensky, both of town which housed 15 businesses the front of the second floor, pro- 000-half the cost. reehold. Health Board Hennessy, Jr. Two of the families have been Bank Radio Taxi Co., Mon- and seven apartments. The Wal- fessional offices will be provided. Case said a study now under- Sanitary inspector Joseph R aken in, for the time being, by mouth St., was a wanted man Work is nearly completed on ter Reade theater building in the General offices are being planned way may result in recommenda- for the third floor. Quail informed the board sever- Idnd friends. The Summey in two towns yesterday morn- the office of Mr. Goldberg and rear of the properties, however, tions for permanent beach pro- was not destroyed. Asks Help al complaints of rodents were in- family is staying with. Mrs. Sum- ing. his law partner, Dominick Cer- The air-conditioned building tection works in other coastal rato, also in the rear section of The new Goldberg-Oglensky will be serviced by an elevator. vestigated, and indications of mey's brother, Coda Harvis, 110 His wife wanted him to come areas of the state not covered by muskrats were found. 'each St., New Shrewsbury. back from the Florida vacation the plan already approved by Of Residents Mr. Quail reported the town- Mrs. Zazorin and Mr. Popov he had just started, because Congress. RARTTAN' TOWNSHIP — The ship exterminators had visited are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alex his company's office was burn- Here Is a breakdown of funds Board of Health • has requested the areas involved, but added IDavis, 58 Rector PL, Red Bank. ing down. the federal government could pay representatives of local dvic Davis son, who is a first that no action could be taken be- The And when he went into an under the new law based on the groups and associations to attend cause it is against the law to lieutenant in Relief Engine Com up-to-50 per cent formula some its meetings. pany, called his parents from the automobile rental agency in poison bait muskrats. Hollywood, Fla., to pick up ft areas could qualify for more fed- James G. Brady, board presi- scene of the fire to the aid of car, he was startled to be eral money if public recreation dent, announced last • night the The sanitary inspector stressed their friends who had lost their greeted this way: areas and parks are permitted as request is being made in an at- that all rodent complaints are buffer zones behind the beaches: tempt to get ideas and sugges- being investigated, and every ac- Mrs. Vaughan and her son are "Mr. George Gill? Every po- Raritan Bay tions on health matters. He said tion taken to effect their elimi- liceman In Hollywood is looking staying with Mrs. Suzie Seward Raritan and Sandy Hook Bays, the board feels it will be to the nation. for you!" ,t 36 West Bergen PI. urricane and beach protection- best interests of each group to A report of the registrar of Mrs. Seward rushed to Mon- This is how that happened: $3,116,000 or 66.4 per cent com- participate. vital statistics showed 490 local mouth St. as soon as Mrs. While the Monmouth St. fire ared with $3,040,000 or 64.8 per Letters explaining the details of births in 1962, as compared to 'aughan called her Tuesday was raging, Mrs. Gill called :ent under the old law. Most of the board's request have been 502 in 1961. The issuance of about J a.m. to say that Rico Hollywood police, asking them his money is for hurricane pro- lent to local groups. -. marriage licenses also showed a was cold and sleepy, and ask her to help find her husband, who tection for which the federal gov- The board set April 2 for a decrease last year over the previ- help. Mrs. Seward comforted had left here without making rnment pays 70 per cent of the special meeting to discuss man- ous year, 46 as compared to 71 the child and put him to bed hotel reservations in Florida. MSt. datory garbage collection in the A total of 80 township residents •hile his mother stayed to watch The policeman who answered Sea Bright to Ocean Township township. It is studying a legal died in 1962 as opposed to 89 in all she owned go up in flames. the phone was most helpful. -$7,260,000 plus $928,000 over 10 opinion on this subject submitted 1961. Others Evacuated "I used to live in Long ears for sand nourishment 30.S When I saw flames In the roof Branch," he said. "I remember per cent compared with $4,770,- md the firemen going in the where Gillville is in Middle- 000 plus $601,000 for sand nourish- Tont windows, I knew it was al town. Does your husband be- ment under the old law 20.1 per gone," she said. "That must long to that Gill family?" cent. have been about 5 o'clock in the Asbury Park to Manasquan—• morning. I stayed until about He does, Mrs. Gill said. a.m., hoping something could "We'll find him for you as $3,160,000 plus $2,337,000 over 10 je saved. But there is nothing soon as we can, and have him TENANTS ARRIVE — The Chelsea Title Guarantee Co., Freehold, moved into offices ears for sand nourishment 50 left. Just what we have on." call you back," the policeman in the rear portion of what appears to be an unfinished building. The three-itory struc- cent compared with $2,106,000 said. lus $1,558,000 for sand nourish- Another score of people were ture next to the Hall of Records is being constructed by Arthur Goldberg and Morris ment 33.3 per cent. Mrs. Gill is sorry that in her I evacuated from the apartments Other added funds are avail- agitation she did not get the Oglensky on the site of the April 7 fire which destroyed two buildings in the Freehold at 172 Monmouth St., above the ible for eight projects, covering name of the policeman who downtown area. The builders are completing offices and Compensation Court rooms ihamrook Bar. he rest of the coast from Point once lived in Long Branch, These families were more for- in the rear of the building before finishing the front portion of the building. Pleasant to Cape May. unate than their neighbors. The But she is grateful for the flames never reached their apart- very efficient help he gave her. than four nights a week from Lawley said Mrs. Hammer indi- ments. They lost no more than Mr. Gill rapidly recovered May 10 to Labor Day. cated a desire to sell 40 to 44 night's sleep. Electrical serv- from the shock of learning that The signs in question face in- acres of her tract to the town- k:e In their quarters was out Sewer Plan OKd he was being sought by police. ward, forming nn enclosure in ship for the same per acre price. yesterday, and last night the He flew back to Red Bank yes- the field. • The matter was held for study. tpartments were lit by candle- terday afternoon. Planners Approve Expansion Representing objecting proper- The committee unanimously ight. ty owners whose Monmouth Hills approved a motion to "demand" Mrs. Modesta Torres with her MIDDLETOWN - A proposal a resoluiton authorizing engineer homes adjoin the field, Andrew that the state Highway Depart- ix children - aged 14, 13, 12, to enlarge a package sewer plant Charles J. Kupper to make a Polito, Newark attorney, said ment install a traffic light at Rt. , 3 and a few months took re Clean-Up planned for the Willett Acres de- preliminary drainage survey of installation last year of eight 35 and Woodland Dr. immediate- fuge in a neighbor's home for velopment on Harmony Rd. in Countryside Manor, a subdivision towers carrying 48 1,500-watt ly north of the Howard Johnson the night. order to service Thome and Har- located off Cherry Tree Farm lights was an extension of a non- Restaurant, where two accidents Carries 2-Month-Old Is Ordered mony Schools and an additional Rd. SHREWSBURY - Borough conforming use. He termed the occurred recently within a peri- Mrs. Nicholas Manserrate. car- 300 homes was unanimously ap- The committee deferred action Council, implementing a plan to signs and lights on the field a od of three days. led her one child, Margarita, proved last night by the Town for a one-week period on an ap- clear this borough of debris, last "constant, continuous, flagrant wo months old, warmly wrapped ship Committee. plication for a temporary permit night set the first week in April violation of the zoning law." n her arms when she left the Mayor Earl Moody said the to locate advertising signs at Offer Rejected Easier Week Peace as clean-up week. menaced building. township will contribute $25,000 Kavookjian Field, Rt. 36. At the suggestion of Mayor Demonstration Slated Police reported this morning Councilman Francis J. Bolduc to $30,000 for expansion of the The applicant, Monmouth Soft- Moody, the parties agreed to a RED BANK - Plans for • hat it was almost impossible to announced that Collection will be plant. Estimated cost of a pro- ball League, is engaged in a law- meeting between the mayor, Mr. peace demonstration during teep the premises over the Sham- made daily during that period posed disposal plant for the two suit filed in Superior Court by Polito and Edward C. Stokes, Easter week, in concert with ock "Bar evacuated, once they and that no restrictions have schools alone was $42,000. residents of Monmouth Hills who attorney representing the league, peace groups throughout the md directed all the people out. been placed on the size or sort ALERT CUB — Bedded Chris Lione, 8, son of Mr. and The mayor pointed out that object to the use of lights and to attempt to reacha settlement world, were discussed at a meet- As the flames spread closer of refuse that may be placed this would provide the necessary advertising signs on the field. of the dispute by next Wednes- ing of the Monmouth County Or- Mrs. R. J. Llone, 34 Parmley Rd., New Shrewsbury, was md closer to their apartments, at the curb. plant for the schools at a consid- 'Flagrant Violation' day's TownsMp Comimttee meet- ganization for a Sane Nuclear not one to let rheumatic fever hold him back from be- ©lice said, one person after an- Mayor Frederic Messina said erable saving, as well as provid- James R. Snyder, league dhalr- Ing. Policy last week. ther rushed back into the bulld- coming a Cub Scout. Dressed in formal Indian headgear, he clean-up week will be well ng facilities for an additional 300 man, said the signs bring In the A township offer to purchase The meeting was held at SANE ng to save some treasure. publicized with placards and homes. The plant proposed for major part of revenue necessary 14 acres of River Plaza property headquarters on Oakland St. Les- Cubmaster Alan Macllroy of Pack 100 arrived at Mon- Fortunately,. none of the ten- posters, and that he will begin Willett Acres is designed to fit in to maintain the field for the at $2,500 per acre from Mrs. ter Del Rey of Little Silver, au- mouth Medical Center last night to present his- member- nts of the block was injured, periodic tours of the borough to the township's over-all sewer- league's night games. He pointed Angela Hammer for a recrea- thor of the forthcoming book, lut seven o( them saved only ship pin. Standing by is Mrs. Robert Brawn, den mother with Sanitary Inspector Charles age plan. out that the organization Is a tional area has been rejected by "Hiroshima, USA," addressed heir lives from the conflagra- Rockill to make sure commerical Drainage Survey non-profit group which uses the Mrs. Hammer, Commltteeman the group. Al Strassberger, chair* of Chris' Den 3. on. establishments are kept tidy. The committee also approved field for games on not more John T. Lawley reported. Mr. man, presided. U-JWtl, MtnA 20, J963 RED BANK REGISTER -WCBSTV ChuBtl 7. -WAW-TV McCarter's -TOfflC-fV Qaanel ». JBJJJl-TV TELEVISION —ChumeU -WPDt-TV TV Key Mailbag Fall Series 12; 10 WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON ..** By STEVEN H. S^HEUER riety hours do, such as "Andy 1Z:W 2—iNews 11-News Williams Show," "Perry Como Question — The public sees Announced 2—Love Of Life-Serial S:» 12:55 v Show," and "Dinah Shore Show" 2—Millionaire—Drama 2—Film—Suddenly It's Spring— Garry Moore as he is, not as he (the cutest of them all). I vote PRINCETON — The series ol 4—Your First Impression 4—Young Dr. Malone—Serial 1947-Pauiette Gaddard-1',4 thinks he is. I think someone plays to be presented next fall 7—Ernie Ford-Variety for "Garry and his great cast of 5-Mr. District Attorney Hrs. should tell him to stop trying to at the McCarter Theater was^de- 9—Fireside Theater-^Drama performers"—Durwood, Roy Cas- 7-Who Do You Trust? 1:00 be the whole show. He isn't ter- cided on this week by the Uni- 11—Merry Mailman < tle, and tfee wonderful replace- 11—Best Of Groucho—Quiz 4—News ribly talented in any particular versity Faculty Committee for 13—Russian for Beginners ment for Carol Burnett, Dorothy 13—Television for Teacheri 9—Almanac Newsreel area but he seems to try every- the theater in consultation with 12:25 Loudon.—K. T., Toledo, Ohio. 2—News—H. Reasoner 4:00 ls«S thing including playing the drums Milton Lyon, executive producer. 4—headline on a recent show, I enjoy Dor- Question — Roy Castle is such 12:30 2-Secret Storm-Serial The series will open in mid- 7-News othy Loudon very much on the a doll. I love to watch him sing 2—Search For Tomorrow 4—Match Game' October with a fuily-professiona] 9—News and Weather show but I wish they would let and dance on the "Garry Moore 4—Truth Or Consequences 5-Felix and the Wizard repertory company in resideno 1:10 her do some comedy sketches Show." He reminds me of a young 5—Cartoons 7—American Bandstand for the seventh consecutive sea 7—Film—The Young And The Fred Astaire (British version, of 7—Father Knows Best 9— Buccaneers without Durwood Kirby. —Mrs. son. "l Guilty—1955-90 Min. course).—L.. P., York, P». ,,. 9—Memory Lane—Joe Franklin 11—Boro The Clown G. J\, Saginaw, Mich. The plays selected' are classi 1:1$ Question — No one can ever 11—Rocky And His Friends 13—Television for Teacheri Question — Why don't they works by English, Norwegian, 5-News take Carol Burnett's place on 13—Eastern Wisdom And Modern 4:25 change the title of the "Garry Irish and American playwrights "The Garry Moore Show" no mat- Life' 4—News 1:25 Moore Show" to the "Roy Castle They are as follows: 5—Film—1944—Preston Foster— ter how hard they try, and that 12:45 4:S0 Hour?" I think this young per- "She Stoops To Conquer," a 90 Min. goes for Dorothy Loudon. She 2—Guiding Light-Serial 2-Edge Of Night—SeriaL - former has been overexposed on comedy of modes and manners 1:35 just doesn't have it In the clown- 11—Merry Mailman—Children 4—Make Room For Daddy this show and I'm getting a bit by the eighteenth century English 7-Discovery '63-Children 4—13th Hour tired of his silly routines.—Mrs. ing department like our Carol- 12:55 writer, Oliver Goldsmith. 9-Chubby Jackson—Cartoons 2:05 B. N. E., Syracuse, N. Y. Mrs. G. N. & Mrs. B. E., Evans- "Hedda Gatoler," a moving 4—News 13—American Economy 4—Sermonette Question — Durwood Kirby Is ville, Ind drama by Henrik Ibsen. _. . 1:00 l!55 2:49 the" greatest tfiIng~5rTV~Siaay 'Hie Playboy of the Western 2—Women's Page 7—American Newsstand 2J-Film—Y.ou Can't Escape , He may not have a great sing- Answer — The above letters World," an Irish comedy by 4—Afternoon' Drama THE ELEVENTH HOUR'-Little Jonathan Uo.y Ru.soi Forever—1942 ing voice but he makes a stab are six reasons why producers, John MiUington Synge. 5—Cartoons putt his trutt in Billy Scott I Don Gordon,) faith healar, 5:00 c; -y 4:00 at it anyway. I call that being stars, sponsors and advertising "Long Day's Journey Into 7—Answering Services-Panel 2-Love That Bob—Comedy 2—Film—Steel Against The Sky men in the TV business are ulcer- to cur« hit i«v»r« cat* of aithma, in "Where War* You 11—Ramar Of The Jungle a good sport. I look forward to Night," called one of the most 4-News ,1941-Lloyd Nolan-65 Min. the times he and Garry dress prone. at th* Dawn of Time?" —an upcoming episode of NBC- revealing works of Eugene 13—Fun at One—Children 7—1 Married Joan • 1:25 THURSDAY MORNING up as old ladies. My mother and TV't "The Eleventh Hour" telecast tonight (10-11 p.m. O'Neill, since it is largely auto- 9—Zoorama I sit there and laugh until the (For an answer to your ques- 5—News 5:45 biographical. 11—Dick Tracy tears roll down our cheeks. I tion about any TV program or EST.) 1:30 2—Previews 13-Once Upon A Day-Childre» watch "Candid Camera" and actor, write to Steven H. Scheuer, 2—As The World Turns 5:50 American car makers turned S:0S think Durwood is the best host TV Mailbag, c/o this paper.) 5-Film-White Savage—1943— 2-Give Us This Day-Religion out 4,192 vehicles in 1900 but 7—1 Married Joan—Comedy this show ever had.—Mrs. M. H., Hollywood: Maria Montez-85 Min. 5:55 dddn't start producing trucks un- , 5:25 Charleston, West Va. On Luzon's Batten Peninsula tl 1904 when they made 700. 9—Star And Story—Drama U-Rocky And His Friends 2—News 11—Global Zobel 4—Sermonette Question — "The Garry Moore and Corregidor Island, In the 5:St spring of 1942, United States and 13—Spotlight on Art 1 1:00 Show" is the only variety would not turn a profit on the 2—Film—Young Dr. Kildare- show on TV that I can stand. It Filipino troops made heroic, Marlon Brando 1:50 2-College Of The Air-Amer- irst time around, but would do 1938—Lew Ayres—75 Min. hopeless stand to halt the Japa- 13—Issues and the Challenge ican Economy doesn't try to be so cute and By BOB THOMAS The actor recently journeyed so when re-released? 5—Sandy's Hour—Children nese invasfnTot the Philippines. 1:55 4—Continental Classroom" — clever as many of the other va- to Tokyo to open "Mu'iny op the Brando grinned knowingly. 7-Highway Patrol—Police HOLLYWOOD (AP)-Look who 4-News Physics Bounty" (He did the same in "Overhead," he murmured. 9-Film-ScarIet Street—1945— hag turned traveling salesman — 2.-00 6: SO New York and here.) Now he's 'You wouldn't believe what was Joan Bennett—90 Min. STERLING Marlon Brando. 2—Sunrise Semester heading for Bangkok and the charged up to overhead. Why, 2—Password—A. Ludden 11—Popeye—Cartoon* THEATRES the studio sold the rights to the 4-Merv Griffin—Variety 4—Continental Classroom — world premiere of his latest film WEDNESDAY EVENING American Gov't. "The Ugly American." original story to the production 7—Day In Court—Drama company for $500,000. 9-Story Of Italy CM 7:00 MOVIE TIMETABLE I went to his hilltop home as "The actual cost of the picture 11—Divorce Court—Drama 7-News 2—News and Weather he was tossing a lew odds and RED BANK was around $12 million (not $18 2:10 13-What's New-Children 4—Today—Hugh Downs ends into his old kit bag before CARLTQN- million as reported.) The rest 13—Science Corner—Education 6:15 .7:15 leaving. He paused long enough Dlimond Hud J:OC: 7:00; P:3S, was overhead, which has already 2:25 4—Local News 5—Call To Prayer LONG BRANCH to explain his curious behavior- been paid for. It's all paper work. 7-Weather 7:15 * STARTS TODAY * curious because of his noted al- 7—News , BARONET- The picture really cost less than 2:30 6:20 5-News Sefore it was filmed, critics WILLSON'S 'MIRACLE' 9—Merrytoon Circus 9:10 11—News—K. Kennedy LOEWS DRIVE-IN- "My suit wouldn't have a •anging from Samuel Goldwyn to NEW YORK (AP) - A fall 9—Farm News Cartoon 7:00; Carry On Constable 13—Russian For Beginners 7:07; 10:30: Diamond Head 1:00. chance If the picture had been Sen. Fulbright, D-Ark. Brando's opening Is slated for "Here's 9:15 PERTH AMBOY a flop," he reasoned. "Every- comment Ln defense: Love," Meredith Willson's third 7:10 9—News and Weather MAJESTIC- body would have been standing "There are few countries in musical. 2-Weather 9:25 To Kill A Mocklnr Bird 2:15; 6:00: just below the horizon on that 11-Local News tie was »:40: (Aowdown 1:30; 1:19. this world where a picture like The show is based upon the 5—News—Sandy Becker desert, pointing their fingers at 7:15 King... EDISON :his could be made. It couldn't >est-seHing novel and hit film, 9—Almanac Weather me. be done in France, the onetime "The Miracle on 34th Street." 2—News—W. Crohkite MENLO PARK CINEMA— 9:30 ttw island To Kill A Mookinc Bird 2:00; 4:U; "I'm nappy to report that citadal of freedom: Certainly not Willson, creator o! "The Music 7:25 titan who 7:15; 1:30. Mutiny" is a roaring success." in Russia. Only America, Eng; Man" and "The Unsinkable Mol- Il-Weather 2—Our Miss Brooks—Comedy MONTCLAIR But what about President Rob- and, Sweden and a few other ly Brown," has written the script 7:30 4—Dr. Joyce Brothers drew DM CLAIRIDGE- 5—Topper—Comedy Wondarlul World Ol Th» Brathtn ert H. O'Brien's report to the countries would permit such self- as well as the music and lyrics 2—CBS Reports line-and Orlmm 2:00; >:O0. MGM stockholders that "Mutiny" criticism." for Hie upcoming exhibit. 4—Virginian—Western 7—Gale Storm—Comedy 7—Wagon Train 11—Ed Allen—Exercise 9—Film—Badman's Territory— 13—Parlons Francais II 1946-RandoIph Scott—2 Hrs. 9:45 11—Honeymooners—Comedy 13—Science Corner—Education 13—Earth And Mankind »:55 8:00 4-News 5—Danger Man—Adventure 10:00 U—Bold Journey—Travel 2—Calendar—Reasoner Also ot EATONTOWN DRIVE-IN VICTORY 13—Casals Master Class 4—Say When—Art James STARTING FRIDAY 8:30 5—Film—Dixie Dugan—1943— CO-HIT — "LOVER COME 1ACK" MARKET RED BANK 2—Dobie Gillis—Comedy 85 Min. 5-Call Mr. D-Mystery 7-Susie OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 P. M. DELIVERY 7—Going My Way—Drama 9—Film—Ghost Town—1955— 11—Silents Please Kent Taytor-80 Min. 21 W. FRONT ST., RED BANK • TEL SH 7-0508 SH 7-1339 13—Court Of Reason—Debate 11—Film—Gambler and the Lady 9:00 —1952-30 Min. 2-Beverly Hillbillies 10:05 SWIFTS EVENINGS at 7 and 9 P. M. 4—Perry Como 13—Speaking of Speech PREMIUM 5-Fiim—The Corn Is Green— 10:20 LAST DAY 1945-Bette Davis-2 Hrs. 25 7-News Min. 10:25 "THE LION" CHUCK 11-M Squad-Police 4-News 9:30 13—New York Metropolis STEAKS 2—Dick Van Dyke—Comedy 10:30 WORLD PREMIERE WHOLE 7-Our Man Higgins 2—1 Love Lucy—Comedy 9—Surfside 6—Mystery 4—Play Your Hunch STARTS TOMORROW OR 11-Wanted: Dead.Or Alive 7-Girl Talk-Virginia Graham 13—Art and Artists 10:45 RIB HALF 10:00 13—Parlons Francais II 2-U.S. Steel Hour 11:00 4—Eleventh Hour 2—McCoys—Comedy LOIN PORK 7—Naked City 4—Price Is Right 11-You Asked For It 7—Jane Wyman—Drama SWIFTS 13-World at Thirteen 13—Scienceland—Education PREMIUM 10:30 11:20 9—Danger Is My Bushess 13—SpotHght on Art BONELESS 11—Steve Allen 11:25 CHUCK 13—Jazz Casual 5-News .. 11:00 11:30 POT ROAST 2-^-News—D. Edwards 2—Pete and Gladys—Comedy 4-News—J. K. M. McCaffery 4—Concentration—H. Downs 7—News '" 5—Romper Room CHOCK FULL 9—Film—See 7:30 p.m. 7—Yours For A Song 11—News 9—Playhouse 30 O' NUTS 13—Professionally Speaking 11—Superman Ib. 11:10 11:40 4—Weather—Tex Aht&ine 13- -Speaking of Speech COFFEE 7—News. 11—Steve Allen—Variety SWIFTS 11:15 4—News PREMIUM 7—Film—The Saxon Charm— 1948—Robert Montgomery—1 BONELESS Hr. 50 Min. 11:20 x RIBROAST 2—Film—The Unseen—1945— JeafiGemCs Joel McCrea—1 Hr. 35 Min. 11:30 newollto DELICIOUS 4—Johnny Carson WMTO RWfl $ StrMftt NslfM 13—Reflections CHOICE 11:35 5—Film—To The Shores Of LONDONBROIL Tripoli—1942—John Payne— IM. II. IMM CM, U—lt CM SHELtEY WINTERS PETER FALK LEE GRANT. 1% Hrs. PREMIERE SHOWCASE Calif. All Green Snow White Carton Florida Juice INDIAN RIVER SEEDLESS SOPHU AMIHONY Academy AwKrd Nomination ASPARAGUS MUSHROOMS GREGORY PECK 2 WALT DISNEY HITS TOMATOES ORANGES LOffEN PERKINS "TO KILL A « "SON OF FLUBBER GRAPEFRUIT DATES OPiN «>}0-MOVIES AT 7.00 CMTOOflAMMA-MBT W. mj SJK-f ST SHOff OWLr MOCKING BIRD" and "LOBO" CHARLTON YVETTE 2 BOXES D0Z lunu.i HE5TON • MIMIEUX Mm |NOW\ GEORGE FRANCE JAMES I Tiirr VHAKIRIS- NUYEN • DARREN "Papa's Delicate Condition" and ib Ib '"'DIAMOND HEAD' "Wonderful To Be Young." CARRY ON CONSTABLE': 79' FREEH(CUWATRS! T Call SH 1-9600 Far Further Thtatre Information 19' 29 CHILDREN uflpTin; run I RED BANK REGISfEH TO YOU? Books Sought tmw*m By I Wet DAILY CROSSWORD Wed., March 20, 1963--13 S.TMT U. WEST LONG BRANCH-Mon- 1. Stuff 8. H»U! Desert, Bridge Column mouth College is seeking books 4. Tampered Ariiona from friends of the Guggenheim eolloq. (with) 25. Early Oai of the troubles with the Library for its annual book fair Birthday 9. Wide- THE HANDS 8. In In. way people play bridge is that scheduled for May 9-H. awake Masting, habl. The fair will take place in the lO.HUMdo they don't keep up to date This Sales Day packs, as tant: South dealer Great Hall during school hours. chicout --. sand, In Scot applies to some of the time-hon 11. Bound, u' ored rules of play that we have Both aides vulnerable Books may be sent to the Gug drillhole 26." ' • NORTH with ad- 6. Old Greek all grown up with. genheim Library on Cedar and At Center tI52 Norwood Aves. hesive coin kingdom South ruffed the third round of 9 3 4.3 Theodore Nowick of Deal. birthday March 1. To commemor- 11 Gold: Her. It High, ipeare) 23. Played king of trumps, hoping for a 2-2 trump break. Unfortunately, the WEST EAST ate the occasion, center merch- IB. To empty rock; Una 2T. Greek i h.lpful Information. days, 10 a.m. to 9:30 p.m., and weight 10 AN IMPORTANT ASSET- 59 slightly better chance to hold bid a hand with a very strong .UitnotintMxitdtgtMoladitgMiticMtur*. Saturday, 10 a.m. to,6 p.m DOWN % % V « the missing queen. Hence the 6-card major suit. For years (74 to be exact)' we have leen t A dry red y odds are against finessing. For Sheinwold's 36-page book- before you buy or build, see . . . wine % //< , Building our title plant. Art important asset? »-*• In today's hand, South should let, "A Pocket Guide to Bridge," Tiff the third spade, cash the send 50c to Bridge Book, Red Yes—and it can be for you too. ace of trumps and enter dummy Bank Register, Box 3318, Grand MARINE VIEW with a diamond to lead another Central Sta., N. Y. 17, N. Y. SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION It's likely'that among the more than 850,000 Regulations trump. When East plays low, de- clarer knows that East has 7 un- COMPLETES COURSE "TWO OFFICES TO SERVE YOU" tides in our plant we have back title on the For Police known cards. Marvin C. Rudd, 1318 Ever- At this stage West has 8 cards, green Ave., V/anamassa, recent- MAIN OFFICE Branch Office very one you are about to examine. but 3 of them are known to bely completed a supervisory de- \ • 874 Highway 35 Are Adopted spades. Only 5 of West's cards vetopment course at Rutgers Atlantic Highlands 1 (Have you tried George's Sys- (Five Corners) MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - The are unknown. University. He is supervisor of IS Flnt Avenue We Invite your inquiry. tem of Sideways Thinking to The odds are 7 to 5 that any customer accounting in Jersey MIDDLETOWN Township Committee Monday solve your problems? You particular card (such as the Central Power & Light Corn- OS 1-Z4Q0 291-0100 introduced an ordinance setting haven't? No wonder you're so queen of hearts) is in the Easi party's Coast Division at Allen- up regulations for the police de- well off.) hand rather than the West hand, hurst. Dear George: partment. My husband insists on opening * * * * Included in the new ordinance my mail and just laughs when I is the creation of a second object. Of course, I don't have Cooks Rings Around the Rest L4RGEST sergeant's post in the 11-man anything to hide but I do think TITLE PLANT force. everyone has a right to open Public hearing on the measure their own mail. Besides, I dearly love to open packages and pres- IN THE STATE is scheduled April 1 at Township ents, but he always gets to these Hall. first and opens them. Do you A chief of police, captain, lieu- have any advice or suggestions? tenant and two sergeants are Annoyed NEW JERSEY HEALTY TITLE established as officers of thede- Dear Annoyed: partment. Regular and special Merely explain to your husband policemen, as many as the town- that all authorities agree it is INSURANCE COMPAQ ship decides "from time to time" very poor taste for anyone to NEWARK are necessary, also are called open anyone else's mail. for by the ordinance. Then mail yourself a mouse- TRENTON- HACKENSACK Under the proposed 1963 mu- trap. NEW BRUNSWICK • FREEHOLD nicipal budget, $116,000 is ear- marked for the police depart- Confidential to Editors, World ment. This sura, up $55,000 over Almanac: Oh, you'll never re- the 1962 budget, includes salaries member things if I keep telling for five new policemen. you—look it up for yourself.

Peace of Mind Is Standard Equipment

PLYMOUTH'S RELIABILITY IS BACKED BY OUR S-YEAR OR 50,000-MILE WARRANTY*! The NEW Electric Range Automatically Makes Good Cooks Better

Unlike many older models, today's elec- and forget it. The automatic controlTviH tric ranges are completely automatic. do your pot-watching for you. Entire meals can be prepared while See your Reddy Kilowatt Dealer in you're out of the kitchen spending valu- March and April, during the big Elec- able time with family and friends. tric Range Sale and ask him to demon- You're no longer strapped to the stove strate these eight superior features of with pot-watching or oven-tending be- the NEW FLAMELESS ELECTRIC cause the automatic timer on the new RANGE. electric range allows you to set the dial

Automatic —simply set the automatic timer and Cleon — no soot, grime or fumes to dirty up yq kitchen. Pots and pans stay bright and ahining; wall* f g t it—your oven meal will be ready on time aa or e stay cleaner. Whether you punish your car on long trips out below. So come see us today. Drive with planned. day after day or use it only for Sunday after- confidence... when you drive Plymouth 63. Controlled —electric cooking provides exact tem- Fast—surface units heat up instantly—broiler* noon sight-seeing, you want to know that • Your Author Had Plymouth-Valiant Duter1! Warranty against perature control, from low heat to high, for perfect and ovens heat up as fast as you can set the controls.) your car will go when you want it to go. And defect! In material and workmanship on 1963 cars has been expanded, to Include parts replacement or repair, without cooking results time after time. that's where quality of manufacturing comes charge for required parts or labor, for 5 yaira or 50,000 miles, Modern—beautiful, functional and streamlined in# Flameless — no open flame, no burners to get out otf whichever comet lint, on the engine block, head and Internal in. Plymouth 63 is so well built that we have parts; transmission case and Internal parts (excluding manual design. adjustment, no pilot to be blown out. clutch); torque converter, drive shaft, universal joints (ex- Cool—there's no open flame to heat up your kitchen. put in writing the industry's longest warranty. cluding dust covers), rear axle and differential, and rear Economical — the cost 6f cooking electrically is low, We know it is great and we're willing to back wheel bearings, provided the vehicle has been serviced at Electric cooking puts all the heat wheve it's needed reasonable Intervals according to the Pl/mouth-Vallarrt — into the bottom of pots and pans. Ovens are msu- the average for a family of four is only $2.00 p«J up our confidence with the warranty spelled Certified Car Care schedules. llated on all six aidea to retain heat. month. A fine selection of used cars is also available at: There's a big range bargain waiting for you now YOUR LOCAL PLYMOUTH-VALIANT DEALER -see your Reddy Kilowatt Dealer today

LABRIOLA MOTORS, INC., 120 East Newman Springs Rd, Red Bank JCP'L JERSEYCENTRAL MAURICE SCHWARTZ & SONS. 141 West Front St., Red Bank POWERS. LIGHT Bayshore Chrysler-Plymouth, 153 First Ave., Atlantic Highlands, AN INVESTOR-OWNED ELECTRIC COMPANY 16-Wed., Man* 20, 1963 RED BANK REGtSTEB' Drama Festival \in Eatoniown At Monmouth College Community Club Plans 3rd Festival to Include Lineroft Club Wins Top Awards New York Theater Trip EATONTOWN - "You had Lineroft Woman's Club presenta- in a day of plays presented as The Red Oak Woman's Cli EATONTOWN — The Woman's will take place every Monday The Performing Arts them. . .you had me," tion of "Bury The Dead." a benefit for the Douglass Col- of Wall Township won seconi Community Club will attend a night in Memorial School. This comment to the cast by The original adaptation by mem- legs Drama Scholarsh p Fund. place for "Overtones," carry! performance of "No Strings" in The club will give three tro- New York City March 30. Mr*. phies to the Jersey Rangers WEST LONG BRANCH - The view for exhibitors will be held Philip M. Gotlhold, a judge at bers of its drama department of Mrs. Robert S. Lockwood, Fair with it an award of best su| Vincent Urgo, ways and means Drum and Bugle Corps. - , ichedule of events for the third the previous evening. the fifth district drama festival the Irwin Shaw tragedy carrying Haven, fifth district drama chair- porting actress for Mrs. Nanc of the New Jersey State Federa- a message of the futility of war, man, was in charge of the day's co-chairman, announced final , The group also applied for annual Festival of Fine Arts At 7 p.m. April 28, Linda Wit Hawkins, who played Maggie. tion of Women's Clubs yesterday, won three awards: best play, program which included four plans for the theater party at a membership in the Friends of the Exhibition at Monmouth College kind, Asbury Park, will be pre- The Evening Department is planned to include the per- summed up the appraisal of the best director and best actress, plays by four clubs. the Red Bank Woman'! Club re meeting of the club held recently Monmouth County Library As- sented in a piano recital in the in Vetter School. The group will sociation, forming arts. Great Hall. celved third place, and the Red Bank Woman's Club (seniors), have dinner in the Red Coach A fashion show of handmade In addition to the juried art A lecture series on contempo- Inn. honorable mention. apparel was the* program for the exhibition open to all New Jer- rary art for the benefit of the Mrs. Urgo also reported a $150 evening, Mrs. Anthony lacopino, sey- artists, there will be piano, Monmouth College Library As- Judges, iii addition to Mr. Gott- profit from a dance held last a member of the American home voice and organ recitals, art sociation book fund will be held hold who was born of theatrics month in. the Empress Room, As- department, was in charge. recitals, art lectures, chamber at 8 p.m. on April 30, May 7 parents and has spent years music, films, poetry and verse acting and producing amateui bury Park, Guests participating were Mrs. and May 14. Lecturers will be Eunice Beanum and Mrs. Abbie reading and a drama presenta theatricals, were Louise Houston The American home department Sara Provan, "Painting," Martin Brockwell from the Monmouth tion. a director and an actress, be: will enter the miniature room Ryan, "Sculpture" and Noburn Regional High School sewing de- known for her role in the Bros competition in the Fifth District The festival will open to the Kobayashi, "Architecture." partment. They introduced sev- way production of "Th« Constant American Home Achievement public Sunday, April 28 from 2 eral students who modeled clothes Jazz pianists Ferani and Teich Nymph," and Jane Schober, vet Day on March 26 in the Woman's to 5:30 p.m, and will continue er will be featured in a program they had made in sewing class. through-May 18, A private pre< erari actress, director and teach- Club of Asbury Park. May 3. Ofl May' 5 the American er, who among other roies has Club members who modeled Mrs. Douglas Burfcet, American Guild of Organists will give a played Lola In "Come Back Lit- were Mrs. Frank Osgood, Mrs. home chairman, said that a first concert at 8 p.m. In the Great tle Sheba," Lavina in "Ha Christopher T. Flannery, Mrs. aid kit for a seedy family will be Hall. The prom for students vey," Nita in "For Love t George Peterson. Mrs. Lawrence Near Goal prepared this month. only also is scheduled that week- Money," and the dowager em Scnaefer, Mn. William W. Ram- end. press in "Anastasia," Mrs. Robert Irwin, 8 Princess say, Mrs. Ralph Keevil; Mrs. In Church The college drama group will La., will be hostess at an interna- Thomas Saunders, Mrs. Raphael present "Light Up the Sky" by The Judges commented onth ional relations department meet- Roach, Mrs. Urgo, Mrs, Albert Moss Hart on May 8, 9, 10 and work of the women in the shov ing to be held March 27 at 8 Carelli, Miss Janet Osgood, Miss Campaign 11. and were unanimous in theii p.m. Guatemala will be discussed. Kathy Festa and Mrs. lacopino. SEA BRIGHT-A total of $1,100 "Parents Day" will be marked praise of the three Lineroft worn- Mrs. Albert Carelli, four-arts Election of officers will be held has been raised by members of May 10 and 11 in conjunction en: Mrs. Charles Kientle, Mrs. chairman, said rehearsals for the at the next meeting, April 4 at 8 the Methodist Church here in a with a Book Fair. Lawrence Farrell and Mrs. Ed- spring show to be held in April p.m. in Vetter School. "dollar-stretching campaign" to Mr. Ryan, a member of the ward Gieseke. They felt thai pay off the church's $1,400 mort- faculty of the fine arts depart- these three had the most gage. ment, will conduct a gallery manding roles "to sit still so A total of $95 was raised by a tour on campus May 12 at 3 p.m. long" in the portrayal of three Auxiliary News smorgasbord supper held recent- This event will be without charge dead soldiers who refused to be ly in the church. The remaining to the public. Paintings and buried because they didn't know $1,105 was raised in Individual sculpture by the faculty will be what they died for and didn't fund-raising projects by church exhibited in the library. Student believe In what they fought for. members. works will be exhibited in the Mrs. Clifford Clark directed the March Firia Fine Arts Building. Mr. Ryan A number of, women sold home winning work which was three A "Wearing of the Green' unit meeting during the three also will give a lecture in the WINNING DRAMA — Mrs. Robert Lockwood, Fair Haven, left, fifth district drama baked goods and hand-knitted months In preparation by the 100 dance in belated observance of years ii has been organized. She.. Great Hall and mezzanine of the and crochfeied items. Three chairman for the New Jersey State Federation of Women's Clubs, congratulates per cent amateur group. Th< St. Patrick's Day will be held also has attended ail hospital main building where the festival women sponsored a theater party members of the Lineroft Woman's Club at the drama festival in the Monmouth Shop- play represented the club's tirsi Saturday by the Leonardo Com- parties in the Bayshore Nursing exhibition will be staged. to New York City and two others ping Center civic auditorium yesterday. Left to right are Mrs. Clifford Clark, who re- entry in drama competition. II munity Fire Company auxiliary. Home and has given many hours made and bottled their own Monmouth Arts Chamber Music chosen best in the Southern Dis- The dance will take place in thi of her time to various projects, Italian tomato sauce and sold it will present a program on May ceived.a citation for best director; Mrs. Charles Higgins, recipient of the best actress trict, it will compete with the fire house, Appleton and High such as the Buddy sales, tag to neighbors. A beauty parlor 13; a film, "Hiroshima Mon award, and Mrs. Charles Clune and Mrs. James Hickey, who had lead roles in the win- winner of the Northern District land Ave., beginning at 9:30 p.m, days for the Recreation Commit- Amour," will be shown May 14 tee, and has marched in all pa- operator shared some of her ning drama "Bury the' Dead." at the state convention in May. Mrs, Thomas Golden is chair- profits and' a newsboy donated at 3 p.m. and on May 15 at 11 The same three judges will alsc man. , Refreshments will be rades as a unit member. a.m. Si Zentner will present a his weekly paper route earnings. appraise the drama ~ work oJ served and music will be by the It was also decided to submit musical lecture on "The History Two young children put on a clubs in all 11 districts in th< Silhouettes. Tickets may be pur- the name "Junior Girls Unit of Jazz." carnival for their neighborhood state. Yesterday's were the firsl chased at the door. Scoop" in the state newspaper friends and charged admission. Poetry Reading Plans Wedding in Fall they have viewed in the state. The auxiliary wlH also sponsoi contest. The name for the pro- Poetry and verse reading by Also participating in the Lin- posed paper was submitted by Although the total is $300 short college students will be presented ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS-Mr. a hat sale Tuesday from 10 a.m of the goal, church members only croft play were Mrs. John member Gall Thome, reporter M 16 at 8 p.m. The Modern and Mrs. Frank E. Wilson, Jr., to 9 p.m., also in the fire house have to raise $200 more. An Fuqua, narrator; Mrs. James Spring miUinery will be from the for the local unit. Chorus of the college will give 94 Third Ave., announce the )ATE Hickey, Mrs. Charles Clune ant anonymous donor has pledged to a concert May 17 at 8:30 p.m. Mad Hatter, Red Bank. Mrs give the final $100. engagement of their daughter, Mrs. Joseph Farrell, who substi- Charles Reilly and Mrs. Carl Wi Deadline for entries in the Miss Margaret Mary Wilson, to tuted in the role of Senator New- son are co-chairman. festival exhibition (for artists 18 — J man for Mrs. Jeanne O'Brien James A. O'Brien, son of Mr. On Campus years or older) is April 6. Re- with one day's preparation. Mrs. / A CARD PARTY and .Mper- 30fh Year ceiving will be in the main build- and Mrs. Edward H. O'Brien, HOu Charles Higgins received th Miss Maldee Ann Kerr, daugh- jack.book sale will be held by ing on campus between the hours 408 Monmouth St., Gloucester. award for. best actress tor her ter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. of 10 a.m. and 8 p.m, on April the Eagle Hoee Company auxil- Reunion Set Miss Wilson was graduated role as Martha V/ebster. Stage iary, Keyport, Wednesday at Kerr, 6 Sheraton La., Rumson, 3, 4 and S, and from 9 a.m. to managers were Mrs. Raymond has been pledged by theChi RED BANK - A 30th anni- noon April 6. from Red Bank Catholic High ».m. in the fire house. School and is employed at the •VI" "••• -•'• Lenartowicz and Mrs. Robert chapter of Delta Gamma at versary reunion will be held by Awards amounting to $975 will U.S. Army Electronics Materiel Slevin. Mrs. Walter Kroeck Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. the class of 1933 of Red Bank A TRICKY TRAY party will be be by courtesy of Steinbach Support Agency, Fort Monmouth. assisted with props. Miss Kerr was graduated from High School at a dinner dance Company. There will be three TOMORROW •eld by the Leonardo American Mr. O'Brien Is an alumnus of Rumson-Fair Haven Regional June 15 in the Crystal Brook Inn, classifications: oil paintings, COFFEE HOUR, Monmouth Some 300 women attended the >gion auxiliary on April'4 and Gloucester Catholic High School High School in June. Eatontown. watercolor paintings and sculp- Arts Gallery, 9.30 a.m., Junta event and were in general agree- in the Legion Hall. and Villanova (Pa.) University League Clubhouse, Center St., Mrs. Walter Barber and Mrs. Mrs. Dorothy Decher Gunther ture. ment that the winning work was where he majored in chemical Rumson. stirring drama which brough John Brennan were initiated at a Richard G. GtsparUn of 1202 and Mrs. Mary New Sagotsky Top prize In oils will be $300; engineering. He received an M.S. gg FRIDAY some to near tears. meeting last week in the hall, Franklin Ave., Wanamassa, has are chairmen of the event. Oth- second, $150 and third 575; in i hil f watercolors, first $150; second, in chemical engineering from RUMMAGE SALE, Women' In the cast of the Red Oak onducting the ceremony were been elected secretary-treasurer er committee members are Ches- of the class of at Rutgers $75 and third, $50. In sculpture, Pennsylvania State Universityy, Association of Red Bank Presby- Woman's Club drama "Over- Mrs. James Letts, president ter L. Forrar, reunion treasurer; Miss Margaret M. Wilson College, New Brunswick. Gas- first, $100; second, $50, and third State College, Pa., wherh e hhe terian Church, 8:30 a.m. to 5:311 tones" were Jean Hicks, Millie lira.- Walter Wood, Mrs. John Harry Pitcher and William Sweel, parian, son of Mr. and Mrs. Al- $25. plans to continue graduate work p.m., Union Fire House, Shrews- Hillman, Alice Caggiano and ankel, Mrs. George Trembley, music and entertainment, and bert Gasparian, is a graduate of Serving on the jury of selec- while employed as a research bury Ave., Red Bank. Mrs. Hawkins. .Irs. Leonard Castle, Mrs. Les Anna Hall Gage, contact arrange- Stork Shower Asbury Park High School. He tion - and awards will be dis- chemical engineer for Socony ie Merker and Mrs. John Fish- ments. In the drama department pres is majoring in biological sciences tinguished New York artists Mobil Oil Company, Inc., Pauls- BELFORD - Mrs. Norman rotation by the Red Bank Eve- Addresses are needed for the Sickles was guest of honor at A knitted lap robe has been at Hie state university. following class members: Harold Ernest Fiene, Middletown Galler- boro. He is a member of Phi ning Department, Mrs. James J. stork shower held recently in t liven by members to the Old Reynolds, Matthew Barrah, Alice ies; Lester Johnson , Martha Lambda Upsilon Chemical Hon- Dept. ElectsRyan, chairman, the cast in home of Mrs. Bobbie Parker. oldiers* Home in Vinedand. The Hun Sohool of Princeton Bloom, Ruth Conrad, Juanita Ed- Jackson Gallery, and Susan orary Society, and of the Ameri- "Devil on Stilts" by Ryerson and has awarded Jay Hemphill, son munds, Richard Wolcott, Evelyn Draper, book designer. Museum can Institute of Chemical Engi- Guests were Mrs. Arne Isaksen Clements were Anne Rehm, Anns CIVIL DEFENSE was tne topi< of Mr. and Mrs. Julian Hemphill, Hollaway, Boland Hutchins, of Modern Art. Harold H. Alex- neers, and American Chemical Mrs. John Perrillo, Mrs. Joh Lartaud and Cleo Torntierg. Di- 87 Rumson Rd., Rumson, a var- Clement Mazza, Vincent de Luca ander, assistant professor of art, Society. Stenger, Mrs. Harold Simmons Chairman recting were Muriel Hofer and f a talk by Mrs. Dominic Nan sity letter in wrestling. Hemp- and Thomai Algor. Monmouth College faculty, is di- A fall wedding is planned. Jr., Mrs. Harold Simmons, Sr, ana" Mae Ryan. Assisting with »ini, CD chairman of the We* recting' the festival exhibition. Mrs. Catherine Simmons, Mrs LITTLE SILVER—Miss Paulim og Branch American Legion hill has been named co-captain- The committee will meet on properties were Dorothy. Rafferty Other members of the fine arts CATLINS HAVE SON Louis Guerrieri, Mrs Joseph Dif- Cole was elected chairman o auxiliary, at a recent meeting in elect for the 1963-W season. April 1 in Mrs. Gage's home in and Rosalie Labrecque. and faculty are Mrs. Provan, Mr. ORANGE — Mr. and Mrs. Wil- fendale, Mrs. Donald Boyce, Mrs, the Evening Department of the makeup, Janet Rowland and the home of Mrs. W. H. Rice Fair Haven. Iiam Ryan and Mrs. Joyce Wimer. I^e Catlin, 101 Wilshlre Dr., Fred Zentz, Mrs. Charles Ber- Little Silver Woman's Club at ean White. ine Ave., West Long Branch. Miss Maria L. Plccolle, a New Shrewsbury, are the parents nard, Mrs. John Sorge, Mrs. Mi recent meeting here in the club- The cast listed in "Florence Mrs. Harry Livingston, Ameri- freshman at Anna Maria College, of a son, Curtis Lee Catlin, born Guerrieo, Mrs. Normal house. She will be installed in Unlimited" by Carmichael, by nism chairman, announced that Paxton, Mass., has attained a PTA Plans Festival Seeks here Feb. 28 in the Orange Hos- Sr., Misses Carol Lei June with Mrs. Oliver Bennett, the Red Bank Woman's Club, U. S. ; has been presented quality point average of 2.6 dur- Poling and Suzanne Simmons. vice chairman; Mrs. Patrick D'- were Winifred Lookwood, Helen Brownie Troop 152 and copies ing the first semester and has New Singers "Teaching About Commu- been placed on the honors list. Open House AIoia, recording secretary; Mrs, Schlosser (also director), Gesine ASBURY PARK - The Mon- Frank Arnone, corresponding sec- aylor, Mildred Van Horn, Sel- nism" have been distibuted to the Miss Piccolie is the daughter of SHREWSBURY - The Parent- library of Shore Regional High mouth Opera Festival Is seeking retary, and Mrs. Charles Kell ma Braun and Ethel Heinrich. Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Pic- Teacher Association of Shrews- School and the West Long singers for solo and chorus parts treasurer. Mary Stork was prompter. colie, 17 Canal St., Red Bank, bury School will hold open house (ranch Public Library. in "The Merry Widow" which is Guest speaker was Trav Neid Guests were Mrs. S. Herbert at a meeting Friday at 8:15 p.m. expected to go into inger, artist-lecturer, who spoke 'aylor, vice president of the An Easter play, "A Green HiM In the Broad St. auditorium of the soon. A new version of the Franz AUXILIARY to the Oceanic on the topic of "Primitive tate federation; Mrs. Daniel Far Away," will be presented in school. A program will be pre- Lehar operetta written in Eng- cok and Ladder Company of and Contemporary Religious Fullweiler, fifth district vice Whitney Chapel of Centenary Col- sented by Miss Lois Eben, art lish by Mme. Era Tognoli, ex- umson wiH hold a hat sale on Art." resident, and Mrs. Earl lege for Women, Hackettstown, teacher. ecutive director of the festival, lardh 30 from 1 to .7 p.m. in the W. Butcher, southern vice chair- March 26. Miss Donna Lynn Election of officers will be held. will be presented this summer in Mr. Neidlinger, director of ire house on River Rd. Re- man of drama. State drama Gray, daughter of Mr: and Mrs. The slate, presented by the nomi- Convention Hall. itudio 57, Leonardo, discussed •eshments will be served. F. W. Gray, 123 Garden Rd., nating committee, includes Ber- various facets of religious art hairman is Mrs. Leroy Birdwell, Singers are also needed Hats will be from the Hat Box jwsbury, will appear in the nard Marx, for president; Curtis and displayed paintings he had ind Mrs. W. Herbert Bold is the Opera Workshop which Pennsylvania. Mrs. Margaret • of Mary, in the story of Bradley, vice president; Richard done on the scene of Druid festi- tate drama librarian. currently rehearsing "Hansel and flurphy is ohairman, assisted by Good' Friday written by Dr. H. Kraybill, honorary vice president; vals and Voodoo rites. Hostesses were Mrs. Dale B. Gretel," "The Barber of Seville" Irs. Harry Rubley, Mrs. James Graham DuBois of the English Mrs. Louis De Maio, recording tto, president of the Red Bank and "Rigoletto." Mr. Neidlinger conducts talzo, Mrs. Anthony Scalzo and department. The play has been secretary; Mrs. Patrick D'AIoia, Woman's Club, and Mrs. George Applications will be received Wednesday morning classes of rs. James Shea, Sr. wesented on campus over a 22- corresponding secretary, and Schneider. Mrs. Robert H. at Convention Hall on Sunday and art instruction for the Evening year period during Che Lenten Mrs. Maynard Rollins, treasurer. >isbrow, also cf the host club, Mondays at 8 p.m. in the studio Department of the club and for JUNIOR GIRLS UNIT of the season. A spring fair will be held April the Lineroft Woman's Club. He vas stage manager, assisted by uxHiary of the Keyport Veterans located behind the stage on the .trs. Harold Perry of the River 27 under the direction of Douglas third floor, at the rear of the exhibited some examples of paint- Foreign Wars Post voted to laza Woman's Club, and Misa McCrum. building. ing by the club members. iter Miss Karen Ann Nebus, Philip E. N. Greene, 3d, 14 Emily Lyman. Electrical technl- During the business portion of iresident, in the Queen Contest, Woodmere Ave., Rumson, has was Mrs. Edwin Irwin of :he meeting, funds were voted rhich is being held in conjunc- been elected a vestryman in the period he host club, and Mrs. Beth :o purchase a Davis Roller cot ion with the state conference on Rutgers Episcopal Student Ves- mill reijaskis, Asbury Part Woman's ONLY $5.99 .ZZr or Riverview Hospital. This cot larch 30 in the Iselin Post :ry for 1963-64. Greene, son of tab. KENTAL SYSTBM be used to transport ambu- ome. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Greene, Jr., Ushers were Mrs. Donald Brad- ECONOC mm Him mm to an ma lance patients to the emergency The Queen wiU be chosen ac- > freshman at the state uni- ;y, Mrs. G. Fred Foster, Mrs. rersity. The' Student Vestry oom. A folding wheelchair also >rding to her attendance at Yancis O'Connor and Mrs. Wil- helps conduct the Episcopal vill be presented to the Little leetings and her participation in am McLane. In charge of Hck- Church program at Rutgers. ilver First Aid Squad. ispital and community service s were Mrs. William Parry and The welfare department of the irk. Judging will also be based TS. William Noonan. Phone 842-0300 :lub voted 515 of its funds to be a 250-word essay which must ised to supply the first aid room be submitted to the department lodel room contest March 26 at SINCLAIR STATION t the Monmouth Workshop, Red junior unit ohairman, Mrs. Doris imerican Home Day in Asbury 120 Monmouth Sr. Red Bank ank, a rehabilitation center for Psolka. Park. e handicapped. The department Unit members voted to enter FREE! Pick-up, Gas,' Oil, Maintenance, Insurance Members of the garden depart- ilso sent 10 pairs of sleepers and Miss Nebus in the contest be- ment attended the International land puppets to the pediatrics cause she has never missed a Flower Show in New York last MUTUAL ADMIRATION — George Kurta and Mary ection of Riverview Hospital. WW^V week. The literature department Louise Keating were among Sea Bright children who Christmas cards which were col- welcome spring with a meeting is tonight at 8:15 p.m. ;cted by members have been presented a preview of junior Easter fashions last night Mrs. Oliver Bennett, Mrs. Ed- UNWANTED irwarded to the Neurc-Psychiat- in the Willowbrook Inn, Fair Haven. The- style show was ward Betz and Mrs. Leonard for ... c Center in Princeton. Perry were named chairman of Draperies • Slipcovers featured at a card party sponsored by the Sea, Bright Members of the American HAIR a children's booth for the club's t Bedspreads • Curtains Home and Schdol Association. 1 ome department will enter the May 25 "Springtime Fair," REMOVED • Shades • Blinds viiniinmiiniuiiuiiniiuiniiiiiiiiitiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiuiiniiiiiiniiiiuiHiiiiiiiiiii Complete Installation Service A beautiful new season deserves a beautiful ELECTROLYSIS and SHOP-AT-HOME-SERVICE "new you"—come in now' for our custom DON'T JUST FURNISH THERMOLYSIS METHODS 747-4422 hair styling. You'll like our work! YOUR HOME... ANN "Only for women who care" DECORATE IT! DORFMAN Elt. Bluer 1143 Stop in for a free consult- ation. You'll find It will FORMERLY OF BEAUTY make a wonderful world ol BAMBERGERS difference In your decor- I West End Ct,, Suite 4 VINCENT'S SALON ating! Writ End rrofrailonal Bld|. 32 LINDEN PL. SH 7-3620 RED BANK *"*MITUII.I WES? END. N; t. 168 Broad St., Shrewsbury Young bulls wear skinny legged bull denim dun-1 140 Broad St., Red Bank, N. J. SH 7-40M PHONE 222-7121 Dally I to 5:10 Op« II A.U. to t r.M. Una. Ikn M. (Closed Wednesday, open Thurs. evening) garees from J. KridePs Boys and YM floor. § t A.M. to I P.M. I RES. 28-KN Fri. 'til 9 uiiouuit«iumfy RED BANK REGISTER Wed., March 20, 1963-17 Around Montmutb, On Three Consecutive Sundays Adam and Eve i . Spring Is Sprung Church to Present Entire ^Messiah' By MILL! HRUSKA RED BANK-The "Ministry of choral group. He has been heard heard in oratorio in this area Handel's "Messiah" was first Music and Fine Arts of the in various churches in the and has appeared in opera at performed on April 13, 1741 in Fickk Partners Spring may be springing, but it sprung into full Methodist Church will present the vicinity as soloist in addition to First Methodist, singing the Dublin, Ireland. He had written DEAR EVE: V..,--' If he biked all the way back complete oratorio "Messiah" by his appearances at First Method- Count, in "Marriage of Figaro." this monumental work In 24 I was married to a rather ec- to Canada, he must be tired, season on the "Champagne Circuit" last weekend. Handel on three consecutive Sun- ist, With Mr. Burtis, he ap- Mrs. Kohl will sing the recita- days time. It was a year later centric man for five years. He The Royal Canadian Mounted Every soft light and sweet music emporium around day evenings. peared in a production of "L'En- tives and arias beginning "There that is was finally heard in always wanted steak or some Police could round him up Moniriouth was swinging. The Advent and Christmas fant Prodigue" by Claude De- Were Shepherds Abiding in the London. other meat for breakfast, no lunch handily. portions will be heard this Sun- bussy at St. Paul's Chapel, Field." 'She was most recently The performances are open to and a dinner of orange juice, Adam. At Dave Doran's Quay on the strip in Sea Bright day. On March 31, the Lenten lolumbia University New York heard at First Methodist in the public. There are no re- toast and a soft-boiled egg. He City. Honegger's "King David" and is took a nap before lunch and atter were many of the Navesink Country Club's Sunday aft- portion will be sung, and on spryed seats. DEAR ADAM: ernoon cocktail party guests who had come' to listen April 7, the Easter portion will Mrs. Lieng is aito soloist at often heard as soloist for vari- dinner, then worked on inventions conclude the trilogy. , the Unity Church of Asbury Park. ous women's cultural clubs in in our recreation room until very Do you agree with me that to. Ho Glenn and the jazz She' was heard in recital in St.the area. Mrs. Krupa is the alto late. He rode a bicycle but re-most women are fickle? That were the Stephen Grosses, the Handel's "Messiah," while a soloist at the Reformed Church fused to buy a car, causing me they expect constant attention conabo. Noted among those well-known and much-loved work, Luke's Methodist Church in Long 1943 Class Howard Leons, Jack Richards Branch recently and is at the of Freehold and has appeared inconvenience and embarrass and praise but will leave you for present were Dr. Joseph is seldom heard without consid- and Peter Wingerter, Middle- moment planning a lieder recital as "Carmen" when that opera ment. In five years he never another man the moment their Carter, Asbury Park; Diane erable cuts being made in the town; Jerry Dynan, Dan and to be given locally in the near was presented in the Methodist Plans Dinner took me out at night, not even interest wanes? And If you agree Glersch, Carol Barnard and Eileen McEnery, Rumson; Tom text and music. This presenta- future. She will be soloist at St.Church here. She recently sang RED BANK — The class of once. He did custom carpentry with me, why should we marry Harry Enuncms, Red Bank; and Carol Hardy, Sea Bright, tion by the Chancel Choir is at work, very skilled, like mak- .uke's in the Bach cantata a lieder recital for the Cecilian them? I think American girls are Sylvia and Larry Taylor, the Bill and Thelma Johnson, Atlan- therefore a most significant con- 1943, Red Bank High School, will ing special fancy tables and 'God's Time is the Best" on Club of Freehold and was heard the most spoiled, demanding, un- Leslie Thomases, the lames Gar- tic Highlands; BUI and Marge tribution to the music life of both hold a 20th year reunion dinner chairs. He had little to say to Palm Sunday afternoon. in "King David." appreciative and fickle females dellas, the John Gardellas, the Black, Highlands; Herb Carusoe the church and community," ac- June 29 in the Crystal Brook Inn, me but was always polite and Bass Soloist Mrs. Maddaus is a soloist at in all the world. I've been mar- Otto Perls, Ed FoBcer, the Rayand Buddy and Alice Vaughn, cording to Herbert Burtis, min- Eatontown. answered me. Mr. Schoening is bass soloist First Methodist and was former- ried five times—I ought to know. Annacones and Norrna and Dick Little Silver; Jim and Eleanor ister of music and fine arts at Mrs. Alex Rovder (Gloria Lay- No Bluebeard. Thomas, Rumson; the Roger Mancuso, Long Branch; Mayor the church. at the Lutheran Church of the ly soloist in the Bronxville Suddenly after five years he Atonement of Asbury Park and Lutheran Church. She has hadton), 61 Obre PI., Shrewsbury, Dear No Bluebeard: Thompsons, Sea Blight; Rene and Mrs. Cornelius Guiney, Jr., disappeared. I haven't heard a Soloists who will sing during has been active In the Apollo experience on Broadway, ap- has been named chairman of the If you don't like American Hoyle, 3d, Lincroft; Chickie Rob- Highlands; Gene Love, Lincroft, word from him, and he's been the three week presentation are Club of Asbury Park for a pearing in the cast of "Street event and is serving as ohair- gone seven months. He took a women, you sure must like bins, enjoying a change of pace and Paul Mienke of Long Elizabeth1 Kohl, Marie Maddaus, man of reservations with Mrs. Island. number Of years. He is often Scene" by Kurt Weil. few clothes and his tools and punishment. As a five-time from her singing engagement at Mildred Stout, Elizabeth Tuomen- John Caviness (Janet Bloom), bike. I met him originally in a loser, maybe your own cards the Downstairs at the Upstairs, oksa, and Margaret Winder, so- Little Silver. little Canadian town where I hap- need shuffling. New York; Abe SchiK and We had dinner at Molly Over- pranos; Ruth Bell, Ellen Krupa At a meeting of the reunion pened to be vacationing. Do you Charles Massi, Long Branch; gaard's house on Duke La., Haz- and Solbjorg Lieng, altos; Rob- committee Saturday in the home think I should go back there and Adam. Donna and Art Kaltman, Littie let, the other evening and I am ert Spencer, tenor, and Alder of Mr. and Mrs. Rovder, chair-see if he's hiding out, or just Better yet, burn your deck Siilver; Capt. Bob Kirk, Middle- still swooning over the magnifi- Hammond and John Schoening, men were named as follows: forget about him? I had gotten and give your next bride a new town, and George and Marian cence of her French Renaissance basses. Mrs. Thomas Grant (Helene Cas-rather fond of the rascal. deal. Jewell ot Portaupeck. furnishings. The basic furnish- Instrumental accompaniment sidy), Little Silver; John Mac- Eve. ings are contemporary but he Deserted. will be played by Joseph Clouser, Veagii, Shrewsbury, and Maj. Dear Deserted: At the Ruttalo brothers' Colts accessaries include equisite am percussionist; Raymond F. John- Raymond W. Truex, Red Bank, Stammer and stutter when priceless French antiques and Since he took certain things Neck Inn were Tom and Ann son, Jr., and Al Wiseman, printing; Thomas Cusick, Fair you try to tell the kids the facts objects d'art. Add to all this, with him, he could hardly be Geoly of Tagg Farm and the Jo- trumpeters; Lee Johnson, harp- Haven; Michael Remak, Atlantic ot life? Write Adam and Eve Molly.'s superb food was ferved suffering from amnesia. Better geph^Hendersons, Colts Neck, sichordist; and Mr. Burtis, or- Highlands, and Francis Regan, for a fine booklet, "How to Tell with delicacy and grace on a notify the police and the Lost celebrating Ann's return from ganist and director. Long Btandh, prizes; Mrs. Louis Persons Bureau will get after Your Child About Sex," enclos- Honda; Edith Dooley, Little Sil- fabulous glas3 and Iron table set Tenor Opens Work Connors (Anna Mae Hughes), with gold and silver and crystal him—if you really want him ing 25 cents and a self-ad- ver; Helen Lee Jackson, Asbury In the first' section, to be River Plaza, and Mrs. Helen back. dressed, double-stamped long Park; Ann Carson, Red Bank, and Limoges china. The piec heard on Sunday, Robert Spenc- Mount Lieneck, Atlantic High- de resistance was the aperitif, Eve. envelope. and Grace Linderman of Staten er, tenor, will open the work with lands, publicity, huge fresh strawberries with Island, formerly erf Rumson, the singing of "Comfort Ye, My stems left on set in a circle on The committee Is seeking infor- with her daughter, Margaret, and People." Mr. Spencer is the di- a fragile dessert plate with a mation on former classmate Capt. Joseph Brown, president of rector of. choral music at Red Anne Fleming. All other members Thomas Brown Tug Boats, Inc. tiny cut glass dish of powdered sugar in the center for dipping Bank High School, a regular of the class have been sent invi- Art Ruftalo took off in his own soloist at First Methodist Church, tations with a request for return CLEAN RUGS plane for Gulfstream Park, Ha. the fruit. It was so beautiful to look at, and so-oo-o delicious. and has for several years been of pertinent Information concern- Monday morning to watch some the conductor of the Apollo Club ing their current activities. Res- of his horses run in the meet of Asbury Park. Mr. Spencer has ervations deadline is May 1 to LAST LONGER there. - John and Isobel Hunt of directed several musical comedy Mrs. Rovder or Mrs. Caviness. Rumson have returned from presentations at Red Bank High The committee will meet again and look lovelier too! At Bob Hartley's Dutch Oven Florida and the Caribbean Is- School and has appeared in light April 25 at 8 p.m. in the home of at the bridge in Highlands lis- lands. They were guests opera and opera at First Method- Mrs. Caviness, 237 Branch Avc. tening to The Notables were aboard the yacht, "Lale IV," ist. He was last heard as tenor Little Silver. CALL TODAY Elvin and Ruth Welch, Fair owned by the Norman Gllroys soloist for "King David," an ora- Haven; Judge and Mrs. Peter of Bay Head, They sailed from torio by Arthur Honegger. DEMO CARD PARTY J. Edwardsen, Eatonlown, and Bahia Mar at Fort Lauderdale Mr. Hammond, in addition to ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS- The Bob O'Neill, New Monmouth. and cruised to Blmini, Cay being a regular soloist at the Cay, Elwthera and Andres. Women's Democratic Club will Church, Is the conductor of the LINCROFT MODELS — Members of the Lincroft New- hold a spring card party Tues- At George Riedy's Mayer's Shrewsbury Chorale, a local civic day evening in the Girl Scout Inn, Rumson, were the Ken- The ' Joseph R. McMahons comers Club serve as models at a spring fashion show building at the Municipal Yacht neth Unzmayers, New Mon-of Rumson entertained at din-Marilyn Rowse, the Robert and luncheon Saturday in Crystal Brook Inn, Eatontown. Haitor. Plans for the annual Since UU mouth; Rlgaud and Lillian ner at Deal Golf arid Country II Yw Homo-Or b Ov nut Readys, Ray and Connie Smith Mrs. William Starrett, left, shows a black chiffon crepe event were made at a recent Paine, Sea Bright, (Rlgaud will Club Saturday. Their' guests and Jacque and Joe McMafion, meeting in the home of the presi- Dry Cleaning • Laundry be. general manager ol the were Esther and Jerry Goerle, Rumson, and Amory and Helen evening gown, and Mrs. Charles Kienzle models an avo- dent, Mrs. Charles Mangold, 16 WHITEST. SH 7-2800 RED BANK Peninsula House, Sea Bright, Fair Haven; Kay and VicHaskell, Middletown. cado organza sheath with a pleated overskirt. 6th Ave. this summer); John and Marie Campl and Matt and. Doris Nash, the Vincent Paces, the McCarthy, Little Silver; the The Robert Readys of Rum- Jack Fowlers, (he Charles Jack Keaveneys, Shrewsbury, son entertained at brunch and Hendersons, Norma and Dick and Robert and Helen O'Brien, cocktails Sunday. Among the Thomas, the John Ryans and Elbcron, more than 70 guests were the the Jack Ekdahls, Rumson; John Schultes, Navesink; Didsie REPORT FROM MOTOR TREND EXPERTS ON THE'63 RAMBLERS: Bill and Irene Lynch, Middle- The Larry Taylors of Rumsoi and Toby McFaddin, Portaupeck town; the Nelson Benedicts, were hosts at an "impromptu' and

Merlyn (Mrs. Anthony) Sea- tuorchlo of New Shrewsbury ':::fe^PWJ!S was awarded the prize for the "Prettiest Hat" at the Holy Cross PTA luncheon in Molly Pitcher Inn Saturday after- noon. The Devereaux sisters, Mrs. Frank Cermak and Mrs. Ray- mond Heliker of Rumson and Mrs. Wesley Garland of Sea Bright, daughters of Michael Devereaux, registrar of vital statistics in Sea Bright, were among the nearly 400 guests at the luncheon and fashion show. Mrs. Heliker , teaches third and fourth grade at Sea Bright School. Her classes presented Its annual spring play, "Tulip Time," Thursday afternoon.

SEEKERS OF Nelle Fisher's celebrated dance and pantomime group will pre- sent a "BalJet Carnival" at Rum- son-Fair Haven Regional High School Saturday evening. And Epicurean Sunday at 2:?0 p.m., they will present a special program for children, "The Littlest Circus." Mrs. Bernard Ross of New Cookery! Shrewsbury heads the committee that includes Mrs. Bertram Feinswog and Mrs. Joseph San- Rambler Classic... 6 or V-8 Four-Door 770 Sedan ker, New Shrewsbury; Mrs Herbert Gandel, Little Silver; Mrs, Louis Drazin, Rumson, and Mrs. Howard Sherman, Fair Haven. Proceeds will benefit thi Rambler 6 V8 "Car of the Year" special services of the Nationa Council of Jewish Women of the From Field and Farm, Sea and Stream, "IJOUGH ROADS can be stormed with confidence," Greater Red Bank area. Ticket Victuals at the Molly Pitcher Inn are are available from the committee JV reported Motor Trend Magazine's experts after 'specially prepar'd to empassion even or at the door. V road-testing the '63 Ramblers, adding, "no pitch or the most jaded Palate. Ye who wish choppincss noticeable even on roughest roads," giving to partake of this epicurean Cookery Stephen Nester of Ideal Beach credit to coil-spring suspension and new Advanced shall be pleased to note that our main president of Duotone Co. in Key- Unit Construction. But there are many more advan- dining room, completely refurbished in port and the man responsible for wonderful tennis program for tages that won for Rambler the "Car of the Year" the tradition of the famous Jersey children, has been invited to Award—pcrformancc,economy,comfort,safcty, value. Blues, is now open to serve thee: join the International Goodwil Tennis Tour to Europe. They ONLY RAMBLER GIVES YOU ALLTHESEEXTRA VALUES: Breakfast 7:00- 11:00 ate scheduled to leave April 25 Luncheon 12:00— 2:00 for a 21-day junket to Zurich Dinner 6:00- }:00 Monte Carlo, San Remo, Vienna Copenhagen, Stockholm, St, Gal- Be ye desirous of reservations, please len, and home. Deep-Dip lustpioolinj Smooth new tide wilh communicate with SHadyside 7-2500. fights rust longer. Tri-Polsed Power. Don't miss "Romanoff and FREE Juliet" at the Wagon Whee Easy entry- ( X-Ray Books com- Playhouse, Middletown, this "IN EFFECT, TWO SEPARATE BRAKING SYS- "SO STRONG; IT'LL TAKE PUNISHMENT LONGER curved slass pare the popular weekend. And don't miss the TEMS, front and rear,' said Motor Trend experts of HOLD ITS RESALE VALUE." Motor Trend gives credit lo side windows '63 cars. Can save party for the cast and crew, Rambler's Double-Safety Brakes. "II one is dam- Rambler's Advanced Unit Construction for trie lighter, Sporty option- let doots curve | you hundreds of Reclining Bucket Seals. Into roof. members and fans at the Dutch aged, the olber slops the car." Self-adjusting, too.- tougher, ratlle-lree '63 Classics and Ambassadors.. dollars on a new car. Oven, Highlands, after Saturday night's performances. TWIN-BORO RAMBLER, Inc. KEYPORT RAMBLER, Inc. Wear your prettiest hat to the Family and Children's Service 131 E. Newman Springs RcL, Red Bank Highway 35, Keyport luncheon and fashion show at Deal Golf; and Country Club next Thursday 'afternoon. Mrs. Alfred Se£ec& Used Cars, Too. Buy Now During Your Rambler Dealer's Used Gar VA LUE PARADE E. Beck, Jr., of Rumson is in charge of tickets. March 20» 1963 RED BANK REGISTER Detroit Looks Like Solid Ball Club; With Good Breaks—AFlag Contender

EDITOR'S NOTE - This h solid clubs in the league, ran third for Bob Scheffing as man- question mark. However, Hank another in a series on the ma- into pitching troubles and in- ager, and the 1963 edition, wit Aguirre and Jim Bunning fig- jor league teams. Others will fol- juries and the Bengals, second good instead of bad b re a k s, ure to have good years, Don low on this page daily. in 1961, finished fourth, 10'^ should be a solid, formidabl Mossi still has some mileage By WALTER L. JOHNS games out of first place. club and a pennant contender. ahead of him and in Phil Regan Central Press Sports Editor Frank Lary, the right-hander THE NEW TIGERS, with key and we have two LAKELAND, Fla. - On April who won 23 games the year be-, trades during the winter and a right-handers who are under- 4 last year the fore, was sidelined most of the fine showing by Cash in th rated. I believe Terry Fox has and the year with injuries and-, he could late weeks of the season and proven to be the best relief met in an exhibition game at win only two games. Al Kaline, on the Japanese trip, figure t< pitcher in our league. Henley Field here, drawing a having one of his great years, be an improved club over th "I really consider our outfield record crow of 4,022 fans. Many came up with an injury which injury-riddled nine of last year. of Kaline, Rocky Colavito and in the stands would bet their sidelined him for two months. Scheffing is one of many who Bill Bruton as one the greatest sun-kissed dollar that these two Norm Cash, who hit .361 in 1961, honestly believes it. in the game," Scheffing con- teams would fight it out for the fell over 100 points under his "Our trades," said Bob in tinued. 1962 pennant. average. camp here, "should definitel; "I feel our catching will be They were half right, for the These were the major dis- make us stronger behind th improved and Gus Triandos, ob- Yanks won it; but the Tigers, asters. plate and at third base. We' tained from Baltimore, certainly appearing then as one of the However, it's a new year, the have to consider Lary still a is no .159 hitter. He can give us that long ball, too, Bill Free- han (the bonus beauty who hit 283 for Denver last year) and John Sullivan (up from Knox- ville) will get their chance and they should give Gus a good bat- tle for the backstopping job.'/ The Striped Cats obtained LADY HAWK BASKETEERS — The Monmouth College girls' basketball team, which recently completed ih season Bubba Phillips from the Indians for third base and behind him with a 6-5 record, line up for a season's end photo. Sian ding, left to right, are Coach Jean Badgley, Mariana Ban- is Don Wert, up from Denver. nister, Kathy Isaksen, Lorraine Palumbo, Camille DeSapio and time keeper Sandy Schwartz; kneeling, Terry Kerri- Bubba has sparkled in camp here. gan, Gail Crespey, Sue DeBonis, Captain Ruth Edelman and Sally Bowker. The team defeated Fort Monmouth Scheffing is high' on Dick WACS twice, St. Rose, Kings, Rider and Fairleigh and lost to the Shore YMCA twice, Douglas, Kings and Trenton MoAuliffe, who was one of the State. surprises of the club last year at second base. Chico Fernan- dez at short gives the club add- ed power, for he powdered 20 Raritan-Holmdel homers last season. Junker Says Pressure The Tigers have had good Registration pitching over the years and Scheffing figures he has good material on hand to go with Slated Saturday his veteran throwers. RARITAN TOWNSHIP - Reg- Won't Affect Cincinnati One of his starters could be istration Tor the senior division LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) "We have three seniors who winning streak, as a versatile , who has been a of the Raritan-Holmdel 8 to 15 Coach Ed Jucker said yesterday have been through all this twice bullpen specialist with the Chi- league will take place Saturday team with good depth and he he doubted his cool Cincinnati cago Cubs. If the Tigers can't between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. before," Jucker pointed out from expected a "tremendous game." Bearcats would be affected by find another starter from among The division is for boys in the Cincinnati in response to a ques- against Loyola Friday. those on hand, a trade will be 13-15 «ge group. To be eligible the heat of the silver Anniversary tion about tournament pressure "Our scout says Loyola has made to come up with what they applicants must be 13 years of National Collegiate Basketball from one of the eavesdropping the best personnel of any team need. age on or before Aug 31 and may Championships here this week- newsman here. "I doubt if they'll we've played," Bubas said. ."It be 16 years of age before Sept. end when the school seeks an un- feel the pressure. We're looking is a well-disciplined, tremendous Among the hopefuls are Doug precedented third straight title. forward to coming to Louisville team." allagher, a southpaw who did Raritan Township boys will reg- "Everybody's been sky-high again and we're sure it'll be an- Sombody asked if Duke would well at Denver and also was ister at township hall, Fiddle for us all year, for the last couple other fine tournament." with the Tigers for a spell last try to run with Loyola, the na- Road and Holmdel boys will reg- of years for that matter, and our The condition of Jay Buckley, rear; Howie Koplitz, another who tion's leading offensive team ister at the Holmdel Elementary kids are used to it," said the 6-foot-10 center, was of concern spent last season with Denver with a 92.6 points a game aver- School, Keyport-Holmdel Road. 44-year-old coach who has known and the Tigers; Dick Egan, a to Duke Coach Vic Bubas, but age. "Now you're getting into an nothing but championships since 17-11 starter with Hawaii in the The league plans to add five otherwise the coaches pro-area that I don't think I want last year; new teams in this age group he took over the head job three nounced their squads ready and to talk about," Bubas laughed. this year, to bring the total to years ago. eager for Friday night. , a ' 10-game wm. "We like to run when we can," [Photos by Frank KucMrchukj nine teams. The new teams wit The top-ranked Bearcats play ner with Portland, and Bob Dust- "We're awaiting a doctor's re- Loyola Coach George Ireland be formed in the following areas: Oregon State after second-ranked ai, 12-8 with Denver. port on Buckley," said Bubas conceded with a chuckle. "They Holmdel, 2; West Keansburg, 2; Duke clashes with third-ranked from Durham. "He took a severe Still another pitcher who has and Woodland Park, 1; The four say we don't play much defense, Chicago Loyola in the national blow on the shoulder at College but our opponents have averaged impressed is Bill Faul, a $50,000 teams already established are semifinals at Freedom Hall Fri- Park, Md., in the regional Satur- : only 62 points against us." Commission Orders Liston bonus right-hander who has a rom the Hazlet area. day night. Yesterday the coaches day and he has difficulty raising fine fast ball' and is highly- Registration cards may be ob- of the four teams got together his arm. He'll be able to play Slats Gill, coach at Oregon 'raised by pitching coach, Tom :ained at the registration points via a telephone hookup from but we don't know how well. State, pointed out his club, with Ferrick. Faul, who was oh the for all boys who have not re- their various campus offices to Bulbas described his Blue seven defeats, has lost more military list in the off season, To Miami Beach for Checkup ceived them through their local discuss their hopes and fears. Devils, now 26-2 with 8 20-gatne games than the other three was 6-2 for Knoxville and was school system. semifinalists combined but cred- one of the most-sought-after ited the late season showing of MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (AP) — aside and questioned the doctor on a spot. I have no objection players after graduating from the the Beavers to seven-foot Mel The Miami Beach Boxing Com- directly. if another doctor looks at him University of Cincinnati. Counts and Heisman Trophy win- mission ordered heavyweight "First, he had a swelling of the (Liston)." AAU-NCAA Battle ner Terry Baker, the All-America champion Sonny Liston last Scheffing believes his bench joint, indicating a strain on the "Well, I think he should be ex- football quarterback. night to return here Friday from ligaments," Dr. Baird said. "The amined by a Miami physician will be adequate, for he has Chicago for an official examina- injury responded well to liga- designated by us," said Aaron- Frank Kostro, who hit .321 for Continues to Go On "Baker, of course, joined the tion of his injured left knee. ment treatment and I thought il son. "Then we can decide on a Denver last year, as an infielder team after the bowl game in De- although he plays the outfield, The decision was announced would be all right for him to postponement." cember and we'd already lost a too; Bubba Morton, who spent NEW YORK (AP) —Who won after Dr. Duke Baird, Liston's resume training. "Would he object if he was ex- Russell said in his opinion the couple by the time he reported. amined by a physician designated last season with Detroit and led he latest outbreak of the feud MacArthur view was not to be He's our team leader. Counts has Miami physician, said that he "He worked out three days and The schedule of Solunar Peri- by the Illinios Athletic Commis- all the Tigers at bat in the Jap- considered final and binding. played very well the last few did not positively know that the knee looked fine. Then, last ods, as printed below, has been between the sion?" Nilon asked, "This anese tour, and Purnal Goldy, Walter Byers, executive secre- games, particularly in the re- liston had torn the cartilage on Wednesday, he complained about taken from John Alden Knight's Union and the National Colle- would put me to a lot of ex- who had a fine season at Den tary of the NCAA, declared that gional at Provo, Utah, last week- his knee. the knee again after punching Solunar Tables to help plan your pense." His allusion was to the er after being with the Tigers ;iate Athletic Association was "The AAU must be suffering end. He moves unusually well for Liston's adviser, Jack Nilon, the heavy bag. An examination days so that you will be fishing Chicago-to-Miami Beach trip. n camp last year. anybody's guess today. from hallucinations or wish- a boy his size. He's not a strong, protested bitterly against the de- that afternoon showed a thicken- in good territory or hunting in ful thinking if it interprets Gen cision and asked that the examl ing in the lining of the knee Aaronson replied, "if he hadn't Scheffing spots the Yankees good cover. The major periods The fuss broke out anew Mon- powerful player but he is agile. joint. It pointed to the possibility and as the Mac Arthur's ruling" as a re- They say out here you could cut nation be made by a physician in gone to Chicago, you wouldn't are shown in bold face type. day night over the interpreta- Chicago. of a torn cartilage, but I was toughest teams, with the Balti- jection of the USTFF stand. him in half and wind up with two have run into all these ex- These begin at the times shown tion of a letter Gen. Douglas "I've got a million dollar prop- not positive." penses." more Orioles much better than Don Hull, executive director of pretty good guards." their record showed. His Tigers, half in ruling on erty," Nilon shouted, "and you Asked why Liston left town so Nilon then offered to fly a doc- the AAU, asserted that "under Oregon State will be the first he admits, will be better, but or two hours thereafter. The want me to risk him by putting suddenly, Nilon said, "He was tor selected by the commission an application of the United the ruling, meet sponsors no long- of four to come to Louisville, ar- he also says that "we may face minor periods, shown in regular him in an airplane." being bothered by tourists won- to Chicago. type, are of somewhat shorter States Track and Field Federa- er will be concerned with riving with a party of students, dering what was wrong with his tougher race in the American USTFF sanctions." But Byers Lou Gold, commission chair- "That would be even more ex- duration. tion for the right to sanction fans and officials by two chart- mai., retorted that Nilon "had no knee." League this year." said "the document recognizes ered planes tonight. The other pensive to send a doctor on a TODAY open meets as well as the AAU. concern when Liston took off for Nilon told the commission he NEXT—The and approves USTFF sanctioning three teams will arrive Thursday plane trip," Aaronson said. A.M. P.M. The 82-year-old five star gener- Chicago"—also by air "Why doubted that Liston could fight "Isn't that right, Dr. Baird?" Minor Major Minor Major authority. To draw any other con- and all four will work out at don't you bring him down on a for six months. If there is an al, recently appointed arbitrator clusion is simply denying the Freedom Hall that afternoon and "I would be inclined to agree 12:35 «;45 1:00 7:15 train?" operation, he said, it would be Little Change by President Kennady to' settle facts of the matter." evening. with that," Baird said. TOMORROW the differences between the Liston left Miami Beach—scene eight weeks before Liston could A.M. P.M. start working again, and then "I don't think it would be any groups, wrote that "the argu of his scheduled April It) title In Golf Money Minor Major Minor Major several months would be required hardship for him Liston to fly ments of neither group are con- defense rfgainst Floyd Patterson, down from Chicago," Aaronson 1:25 7:35 1:50 8:05 Major Stockholder Says the man he dethroned—Sunday to get back in shape. vincing and one is inclined to sus- said. Winners List after Nilon said he wanted the NAMED HALL COACH pect that the real animation of "Sonny weighed 235 when he He then ordered Liston to ap- knee examined in Chicago, where DUNEDIN, Fla. (AP) - There SOUTH ORANGE (AP)-Nich- both rests upon the issue of in- got on the plane for Chicago," pear at 2 p.m. Friday for the NFL Eagles Aren't for Sale he lives. Nilon said. "Before the injury, was very little change this week olas Mehza of Maplewood is the ternational prestige. The differ- examination. he weighed 225 and he was in in the Professional Golfers Asso- new golf coach at Seton Hall ences discussed in their briefs The departure by the champion PHILADELPHIA (AP) - Mi- stirred reports that the pro- good shape." Dr. Baird agreed mat it would ciation's list of top money win- University, Father John J. Hor- are more apparent than real and "Some people, however, seem chael J. O'Neill, who controls jected bout would be postponed be all right for Liston to make ners. ;an, athletic director, announced there would be little cause for determined to start rumors," he The champion weighed 214 more shares than any other for several months and probably the trip. • None of last 'week's top ten yesterday. quarrel were it not for the emo- said, adding: when he dethroned Patterson last stockholder of the Philadelphia would mean it would be trans- Al Bolan, general manager of winners competed in the St. Pe- Menza succeeds J. (Bud) Geogh- tional reflexes involved." September, but has said he didn't Eagles, said yesterday that as "So far as I am concerned the ferred to some northern ring. consider 225 too heavy. Champion Sports, asked a tersburg Open. Mason Rulolph, egan, who resigned after 13 The general concluded: "It is far as he is concerned the Na- Eagles are not for sale. Obvious- ruling by the commission on who stood 11th last week, eased ears to devote his full time to my opinion that the USTFF in Nilon, who requested the hear- "I tried to cover the injury tional Football League club is ly, however, I cannot speak for what he should do about refund- into ninth place with the $1,650 his duties as pro at the Crest- approving, authorizing or sanc- ing, opened it by asking for an up," Nilon said. not for sale. all the stockholders. If they are ing some $50,000 to ticket buy- third-place money he won in the mont Country Club, West Orange. :ioning the participation of "indefinite postponment of the Then he added: "I don't want O'Neill, whose father-in-law, willing to consider offers, in the ers. Aaronson said the commis- Florida tournament. Gardner Menza has been on the Seton athletes under its jurisdiction to fight due to the knee." to be put on the spot, but I the late James P. Clark, organ- interest to dignity, and sound sion would get around to that Dickinson Jr. dropped off the list Hall faculty since 1946 and has compete in open track and field He offered a written report by don't think you doubt the in- ized the syndicate which bought business procedures, they should question later. of 10. been soccer coach for five years. meets and events in this country Dr. Baird on the results of his tegrity of Dr. Baird." the Eagles in 1949, issued a be approached through the vot- For weeks, the Miami Beach Still riding the crest are Gary He will continue in that position. should approve, authorize or examinalion, but Fred Aaronson, The doctor interrupted: "Ex- statement, saying in part: ing trustees, and not through promotion has been snarled by Player with $22,452 in offi- He also coaches basketball at sanction the athletes themselves publicity plants, rumors or un- commission chairman, laid thatl cuse me, but he is putting you "The Eagles are owned by controversy over Liston's knee cial winnings and Arnold Palmer Sacred Heart High School, Eliza- or the institutions of learning authorized public auctions.'' Philadelphians. They are a civic and his general condition. The with $21,425. beth. they represent rather than the asset. They are currently show- Harry Sylk, club treasurer, Baseball commission remained silent, un- meet itself, with information ing a substantial profit. Speak- said Monday he had a $4 million til the champ suddenly flew thereon furnished to meet spon ing only for myself, I believe it offer for the club from Ralph E. home to Chicago Sunday. sors. This is without prejudice to either the USTFF or the AAU to would be pointless to sell the Schneider, chairman of the board Orioles Win 10th; Then last night's meeting was any position on which either may team and despicable to sell it to of the Diners Club. O'Neill said called to determine whether desire to stand or action it may outsiders." he wanted to make it clear Sylk Liston should be ordered to re- desire to take after the 1964 O'Neill, president of Liberty did not have carte blanche to Yankees, Mets Lose turn here for an official exami- Olympic Games." Bell Park, Pennsylvania's first peddle the Eagles. nation. This was interpreted as a vic- pari-mutuel harness race plant, There are 91 shares of stock ASSOCIATED PRESS In other games Cincinnati beat Liston's knee already has been tory by Louis Fisher, of High said that in so far as he knows no in the Eagles. O'Neill and his Baltimore made it 10 in a row Minnesota, 5-4, at Orlando, Mil- :he cause of one postponement, Point, N. C, president cf the bona fids offer has been made family own 11, and are said to on the spring exhibition baseball waukee edged Pittsburgh, 7-6, at from April 4 to April 10, which AAU, to whom the letter was ad- to the club trustees. • control a total of 18. He wields a trail yesterday, beating the Chi- Fort Myers, St. Louis downed the probably wrecked the fight by dressed as well as William Rus- "Nor am I aware of any fran- strong influence among other cago, White Sox, 4-3. New York Mets, 7-3, at St. moving 'if past the end of sell, Inglewood, Calif., president tic desire on the part of most shareholders. It would take a vote A by Luis Aparicio start- Petersburg, Cleveland walloped Florida's winter tourist season. of the USTFF. stockholders to sell their interests of 46 units to soil a majority ta- ed the unbeaten Orioles on a Houston, 13-3, at Tucson, the Chi' The Miami News quoted a Mi- in this profitable franchise. terest in the team. three -run outburst in the first cago Cubs nipped San Francisco, ami surgeon as saying a piece BOWLING LEAGUE of cartilage in Liston's knee I.onn Branch inning at Sarasota. With southpaw 3-2, at Mesa and the Los Angeles A DIVISION w Steve Barber yielding only one Angels defeated Boston, 5-1, at joint has been torn. Liston said Teim'f'R Rhoca run in the seven innings he Palm Springs, Calif. he got the injury swinging a golf Jerry Yankow 31 club. Ton Hal Cloanors 40 35 SATURDAY DAY CAMP GROUP pitched the Sox never caught up. Norm Larker's single with two Branch Fuc! 37 HOYS II TO 13 VKAUS "The tear is in cartilage that Union Dlitrlbulors 30 39 Knipr Any Hatarilty Rlartlnr April nth lo .turn* RUl Kansas City, with the second out in the ninth 2fove in the win- 41 lies between the two bones mak- Nats Jewelers :il KXl'KItT COACHING I.NSTHUCT1ONS IN ... best exhibition record, made it ning run In Milwaukee's triumph ACP DDrugs 30 J5 ing up the knee joint," the sur- S. P. Harris - 27 48 seven wins against two defeats over the Pirates. Ernie Banks' 200 Club 8. Kromer 20(1, 2(13. Pep geon said. "It runs around the Ben Baseball • Basketball • Bowling • Golf by whipping the world champion homer slarted the Cubs to victory Welnstetn 201, Ozzle Gneflln 204, DBU knee cap like a washer and Jacobson 201. JOG Klrscliner 20(1, MU ... AISO SWIMMING AND OTHER ATHLETIC ACTIVITIES .New York Yankees, 9-5, at Brad- over the Giants as four Cub pitch- Plnsliy HI! in. Dave Bllberileln 200, • Indoor Flay Area at I* B, Junior Hlih School Qym. . .Individually enton. Four homers, two by facilitiates the knee action. Harry Nnltzman 201. Norman Epslein Instructed ,hy Coach Out Vlllaplano, Director ol Athlrtlci and ers struck out 15 batters. 225 ,202, Cdrl Cohen 232, Nate Schneider Physical Director, Asburr Fark Hlih School, and staff ol Expert rookie infielder- Dick Green, off- "If left plone, it may heal in 20!), Johnny Welnfltein 232 E. "Mlchnoff Southpaw Dick Ellsworth fanned 224. Danny Susser 210. Coach™, , set 15 Yankee hits. Green's sec- two or three, months. If surgery FIRES HOT SERIES — Robert Evans, left, is congratu- seven in the first three innings. n DIVISION TRANSPORTATION PROVIDED-For Information, Call ond round tripper, with one on in is required, the torn cartilage is W L lated by Riverside Lanes manager Fred Bruno after firing Altliere Printer* 117 28 the seventh, wiped out a 5-4 Johnny Edwards' two-run hom- removed. As a rule, the knee Monmmilh Petroleum U M a 702 series in Monday night's action in the Monday Coast Tire 3" 38 Yankee lead. er in the fourth inning sparked isn't as stable as it was, but the T SEASHORE DAY CAMP Mster Sportswear. 37 i 37*4 Al Kaline with four hits, ail l the Reds to their win over the patient isn't crippled. A great Night Three Man Major- League at tho Red Bank lanes. Ssrvall Paper 30'A 38<4 OCEAN AVE., WEST END CA M464 many athletes have had this Kroll Motors .16 3B tingles, led Detroit to its fifthjTwins and southpaw Curt Sim- Evans, of Long Branch, racked up the high series on Shore Bulltllns 31 4! John Clttadlno, Phys. Dlr., 15 years at Asbury Park H.S. Straight victory, 8-3 over the Losjmons pitched five hitless innings surgery and gone back to BroHdwny Agency - 29 46 (Summ«r n»r Announcement to Follow) games of 248, 231 and 223. 200 Club — Sid Tellelbaum, 201 P. Angeles Dodgers fat Lakeland, 'for the Cards against the Mets. iports." Vlnlk :14. RED BANK REGISTER Wed., March 20, 1963-19 Splits and Bowling Another €assins?

Misses PLAZA LAKES 810 Rodriguez Repeats Victory Plan Liw w L By P. I. I. Bchool 54 27 Boorttmtrv .1. 63'4 W4 Teachers' Scotch-Men ....—..32 29 Prediction over Griffith PAW. A. ALBRECHT __.n's Ford, Inc. 6Ui 2914 Magnolia Inn ...45 38 The Jokers ..—43 38 Becker Realty 4214 38S4 LOS ANGELES (AP)-Welter- Then Rodriguez made it clear Baronet Realty , .40 41 weight title contender Luis Rod- he does not blame Griffith for Some of those Middletovm bowlers traveled all Flltza Lanes .-. . —...... 37 44 Hilltop Cities Service ---..36 4S riguez, a serious worker in the the fatal fight with Paret. the way to Buffalo to see if they are as good as they Mldd General Tire .35 48 ring but a funster out of it, re- Port Monmouth lit Aid ,.-....29 . 6_2. "We good friends. I like Grif- believe. In the main, they held their averages, but this Lakevlew Five _...2o',4 S51S5 4 peated yesterday he will win thefith. He's nice fellow. But we Rarltan Twp. Pharmacy ....23 championship from Emile Grif- is not good enough in the national ABC tournament 600 Series — P. Schwelclcert have to fight. This our business." 189, 214—639; F. Preall 221, 195, 1m8 — fith. Rodriguez noted in matter of Pete Peterson was the only one of the five to come up 800; B. Freiwald 194, 200, -•213• - 607; R. Hermanson 253, 1S9, 192— The Griffith—Rodriquez fight fact tones. with an outstanding performance. Pete rolled 203,257 834. 200 Club — P. Schwelckert 236. 214, leads off tomorrow night in Dodg- Rodriguez has charged that F. Pratl 221. J. Kudrlck 2U7, 8. er Stadium with two other world and 205 for a'665 singles effort. This will at least give Brovaco 224, B. Bachmann 211, F. Emile has run away from atitle BlnWeru 202, B. Frelwald 200, 213, championship 15-round matches fight with him. him his expenses back. Charles Stout and Doc Merla N. Adubato 214, R. Hermanson 253, which were rained out last Satur- B. Diller 210, O. Brunelle 222, H. "Run away? Yes. He has totaled 1,162 in the doubles, which may be in the Clark 208, J. Bethel 214, G. Tomllnjon day. smart manager, Jill Gil Clancy. 221, 3. Aretdt 211, B. Kunte 203. money. Walt Warden and Bill Heggie didn't do too High Team, Three-Games —Teach- "Yes, I still think I knock him But he can't keep running for- ers' Scotch-Men 2878, out," said the Jovial Luis, the well. These five went up under the banner of the Top High, Ind. Three-Garaes—F. Prestl ever, that Jill Clancy." Luis 872. Cuban refugee who says he lives laughed happily, Hat Cleaners, so at least put their sponsors name in lit High. Team Game — P. I. I. Bchool 1060. in Free Cuba, meaning Miami, "If I win the title, I won't bar the record book, for having participated. 1st High, Ind. Game — F. PreflU Fla. 268. anyone of contenders. I waited INDIVIDUAL AVEHAr.ES Rodriquez greeted with a dis- long time. I suffered long time." Charles Stout tells us that the scores are running G. Ave. dainful shrug of the shoulders Doran .—...... — ....—...... 57 181.18 Rodriguez said that when he high this year with the regular division top men bowl- 119.13 the fact that Griffith remains a runs out of money opponents in Freiwald - —.81 378.50 close-odds favorite to retain the ing better than those at the top of the list in the Classic Preitl . 75 177,60 the welterweight ranks, he'd like Bhort ...._ - "2 176.64 title. !o fight middleweight champion division. The leading singles is a 725, rolled by a regu- Aduhato 81 176.60 Pagano —..—..- 81 176.49 TIME FOR A HASTY DEPARTURE — Hector Guajardo, 11, of Monterey, Mexico, de- The other principals in the Dick Tiger. BeUiel 61 vre.w three big inatches-featherwei-;ht lar division man. Charles also reports that the alleys Du -Kin _.- -...75 175.60 cided that discretion was the better part of valor after trying unsuccessfully to place "Or whoever is champion. Mid- Pirozzi 74 174.71 king Davey Moore and his rival,. dleweights nothing new to me. are so conditioned as to be a bowler's dream. Bachmann 78 174.69 two banderillas in a young cow during children's bullfights at Reynosa, Mexico. Cow Shumock 66 173.53 Sugar Ramos, and Raymundo I fight many of them. Riverside Lanes has an individual elimination Harris 67 172.(2 bore down on Hector and ripped the seat out of his pants. Battling Torres and Roberto Scl-wetckert 81 111.28 "Right now, my aim is Grif- Brindley 81 170.78 Cruz, contenders for the vacant fith," Rodriguez concluded. I tournament almost ready to start, a few openings Hagen 74 170,53 junior welterweight crown-mean- Hoenn . _—- 81 170,52 HVE IN A ROW? .... By Alan Mover think I beat him." left, With the state and county tournament get- Schwelckert ..., 81 170.27 while neared the end of condi- Rossi : 60 170.8 Princeton Slates tioning. CarhuH .76 169.8 ting ready to start, this type of tournament is just Tese . - •'. 80 169.7 Griffith won a disputed split Kudrlck - 74 169.5 Ex-champ Ingo sinKlerls 81 168.D3 Six Dual Meets decision over Rodriguez in De- what the bowler needs to get him set for the big Clark ....63 168.52 Townley 78 168.15 PRINCETON- Princeton Uni- cember, 1960, in a 10-rounder ones. This head to head type tournament gets the niccllelli 77 167.62 versity varsity track team will which Luis insists he won. Floored By Diller ._ 70 167,30 bowler in theTight frame of mind to roll well in Lope* ...._ — Si 165,7* face six dual meet foes this "Griffith Improve since then, Moench .79 165.35 si," said Luis in his hesitant Ross 81 165.8 spring and will climax the 1963 the big ones. Besides, the winner here can take Rescorl JO 164.31 campaign by playing host on English, "but I improve too- Sparring Partner Melody 78 163.29 much. And he may be slower." home $100. Besides, starting with the second Janll 77 163.18 May II to the annual outdoor GOTEBORG, Sweden (AP) — Donohue -...81 163.2 Heptagonal Games. Rodriguez treats boxing as his Ahlen — - -.- 68 182.46 Ingermar Johansson's sparring round of this tournament, each contestant who StaM — 78 162.31 The Tiger clndermem, coached profession. He holds no grudges. partner floored the former world Seber „„ 72 162.1 Cuba's Benny "Kid" Paret, who wins his match, will receive a monetary prize. Campanelll ...-•... 81 162.0 by Pete Morgan, open the out- heavyweight champion in a re- Longo ~ - 78 161.64 door season in Palmer Stadium died as the result of his match cent workout, it became known Brovaco — 69 161.21 with Griffith a year ago when Stay long enough to win four matches and you Hoehn —81 161.12 against Columbia on April 13. yesterday. Arendt 64 160.52 Other home dual meets are sche- Emile regained the 147-pound ti- have your money back. Longer than that and you Madeira . —.65 160.12 tle, was a friend of his. Rodolfo Diaz, an Argentine W, «]*^-j— *j 159.61 duled with Penn on April 24 and heavyweight and the big Swede's 159.40 with Yale on May 4. "I was a very good friend of will show a profit. B Dolson — — —..—.71 159.16 favorite sparring partner, dropped 158.46 A! Rocklln 63 Princeton last hosted the Paret," Rodriquez recalled, and Ingo with a left hook even though Have you made plans to enter the county tourna- B. Brennan 62 151.29 added with a broad grin. "One of J. Driewieckl --71 157.70 Heptagonals in 1955. both wore headguards. D. Ttaynor - -.02 157.50 The complete Princeton varsity •the toughtest fights of my career . ment? If not, why not? The committee would like to B. Kunze 61 157.43 Diaz, who had been imported B. Rosa 63 157.7 track schedule: was with Paret." make the first place team prize reach the four figure F. Mitchell 76 156.62 by Johansson, left the ring, s. Swlnarskl „.. — 75 156.5', April 13, Columbia; Apr. 20, fearing Ingo's reprisals. mark. This can be done if only one team from each j. Kuhl —60 150.67 Rutgers at New Brunswick; a. Brunelle — , 58 156.60 Johansson, however, quickly April 24, Pennsylvania; April 27, league enters. This is possible this year because any G. Tomllnson 81 165.58 got to his feet and laughlingly M, DeOennaro 60 155.5 Harvard at Cambridge. Simmons, Clifton league can enter a team of any five bowlers from that D. Hicks 63 154.66 waved off Diaz' apologies. Then O. Krens 68 IK.46 May 4, Yale; May 11, Hepta- 161.4 they went back into action. league. But you can only bowl once from any oneD. O'Brien — 69 gonals; May 18, Cornell at J. Zinc 81 147.73 Head Trotters Nils Blomberg, Johansson's L. Herman 18 144.72 Ithaca; May 31, IC4A at New league. V. Fuccl 77 144.11 trainer, termed the knockdown V. cerq.ua 72 140.24 York. Why not support your own county tournament? D Jouaneau - — 34 135.18 In Newark Tilt an "occupational hazard. R. Schwelkert — 63 130.22 "Diaz is a high class fighter Now is the chance you have been looking for. The I.r.i Than H Longest pass interception in NEWARK - Murphy Simmons, W. Osowskl 29 182.1 and sparring against him you 174.8 the Big Ten turned out to be thea peerless dribbler and regarded chance to prove to those Doubting Toms in your league J. Pocsatl 12 have to keep on your toes all the B. Ward 43 171.8 longest scoring play in the con-the fastest man on the squad, D. Hunt - 50 167 52 time," said Blomberg. "That is and at home that you are the bowler you have been F. Van Pelt — '. 50 162.17 ference last season. Marv Wood- will join "Meadowlark" Lemon G. Valanzano "7 160.58 son of IiKiiana picked off a Pur- and Nat "Sweetwater" Clifton why Ingo likes him." telling them you are. This is the chance to prove that B. Kullbtrie 48 159.45 R. Hohensee ?jj 15H.K due pass and went the remaining in the starting lineup when the Only three other fighters have you can bowl just as well on any alley, and that you 159.7 put Johansson on the canvas and J.' Forse .."I.- 12 1S7.T 92 yards. Harlem Globetrotters collide roll better under pressure. R. Grey - » 156.J with the Atlantic City Sea Gulls they did it in regular fights. The .T. Martini , 21 1M.18 E. Pellt -IS 154.1 Northwestern's Tom Myers had in the Newark Armory, Sussex others were former world cham- The one big rule change this year is that a team 3 B. Wafmer 1M.0 Ave. and Jay St., tomorrow pion Floyd Patterson, Italy's Aldo A. Thomson fl 150.4 the best single game offensive composed of any five men from a league can enter as J-. Olovla 52 HH.30 ZXitribulei bv Kino rtatHKS fl record in the Big Ten last sea night. Game time is at 8. Pellergrini and Holland's Wim J. Pestano Jl 141.10 Snoek. a team. In other words, five men from five different IC. Short - 42 146.3 son. Against South Carolina he Simmons has kept alive the R. Prszlosl .— --1- 141.8 gained 298 yards on 30 plays. Johansson brought Diaz over to teams in a league may enter as a team in the "county T. Chevalier 20 139.16 fast disappearing art of the B. Clayton -...15 134.2 SEC Commission Sees Twenty-three yards came on dribble. In fact, the Globies have help him train for his defense of tournament. However, none of these five men may rushes, the rest on passes. made sure to exploit the dribble the European championship in- RED BANK FIRE roll with any other team from that same league. At DEPARTMENT LEAGCK to the hilt. Simmons, a Detroit volving Britain's Dick Richardson L No Problem for League Longest Big Ten pune return er, has been a member of the next month. the same time, all five men can roll with a team from Hook * Ladder 1 }J 24 Union Hose Co. 1 5O"i •M'i in 1962 was turned in by Paul Trotters' team for 10 years. He any other league in which they are bona fide members. Wenuide 1 J5 30 HARLINGEN, Tex. (AP)—The spired Hook A Ladder 2 —38 37 to rig the game last fall. Krause of Iowa against Mich- was signed by a Globetrotter Independent 1 — j; 39 commissioner of the Southeast- Cason asked Moore if his office igan. He went 82 yards for a scout while starring for North- In other words, a bowler may roll once for each league Union Hone Co. S -"'4, 1H4 in which he is enrolled. This is for the team event Independent 2 -J» 47 ern Conference said yesterday he plans an investigation. touchdown. western High in Detroit. The 6-3 Westslde 2 - - 18 57 sees no trouble for the league "Yes, we're going to investi- speed demon, prevented by fam- —AVERAGES— only. In the doubles and singles, a man may roll only R. Pearce *2 180.33 from recent charges that two gate this thing to the best of our ily financial problems from at- J. Flammia - G8 177.14 coaches conspired to rig last ability and try to get the ab tending college, has carried on once. Also, for the All Events category, the team H. Cononlco «J 171.1 LADIES DAY N. Samaras KJ 175.51 fall's Alabama-Georgia football lute truth on the matter." Moore sensationally since becoming the score counted is the total he rolls with the first team in R. Hembllng .- —•»•; dribbler par-excellence of the M. Nescl — ••—•"' i74',29 game. replied. which he is entered in the tournament. All alleys and p. Manclni 75 171.38 Commissioner Bernie Moore Asked for his personal view on Globetrotters. T. Tomalno ..,..30 171.28 169.21 made the statement in a tele- whether Butts and Bryant would Jim Robinson, Charles "Tex" secretaries have the application blanks and will be only r>. Clement l -"6i2> J. Brooks 168.2 phone interview with Jim Cason, bet on a football game, Moore Harrison, Hubert E. Ausbie, too happy to help you fill them out Do it tonight. L. O'Connor - 68 165.10 Moore -..- —*« 36.1.5 sports director of KGBT-TV Ra- said: Clarence Wilson, Herschell Turn- H. Hopkins 62 162.55 The Riverside Businessmen's League is the R. Cadman £4 161.35 dio Station in Harlingen. "No, sir, I don't think Bear er and Mel Davis completes the E. Patterson "5 160.50 Bryant or Wally Butts would bet ID-member Globetrotter aggrega- fastest one on the river. Monmouth Lumber Co. p. Delia Pletro - <*> Cason played on several of C. Carhart _ - 58 S"*1 Moore's football teams when on a football game. In fact, I tion that will be playing on the is not listed in the top four teams, but still has the W. Carlone 24 157.6 local drillshed court for the first C. Patterson 75 1M.2 Moore was head coach at Louisi- don't think any football coach in only 900 average for one night. This is the team D. RUJSO -58 165.32 America would bet on a football time. E. Bloom - 46 154.18 ana State University in the mid- that rolled 2,706. Walt and Leo's Chevron has the I. Gelso g . Cason later played fullback game. I just don't believe it." Cab Calloway and Peg Leg L. carbone -52 153.22 Bates, entertainers who have per higb/-1eam game of 970 and also second place. R- England «3 153.4 for the San Francisco 49ers and Cason also asked the present B. Dupree ;? 153.2 the Los Angeles Rams in the Na-status of the conference. formed all over the world, will Globe Petroleum has had the right mixture so far H. Aumack - -J4 149.13 cofeature the variety show dur- W. Lyons —- -58 148.30 tional Football League. "We're in fine shape," Moore c. B»iiiiett — 75 147.28 ing halftime period. and leads Walt and Leo's by 2% lengths. River- R. Ketgan — •• 41 147.3 In the interview, Moore said: said. "We have had a fine.year j S„. Melfnli a 5? 146.45 side Lanes is third, four off the pace, and l'/2 up A. I>e Pont! ...- - —54 146.32 "Some people have suggested over here. We had six or seven C. Woodward Jr. 48 145.13 to me that this thing might de- real good football teams, an on Ruscil's Furniture. J. Layton - 54 144.53 Tiger Crew p. Jlannlne — 51 141. stroy the conference, but I'll tell equal number of fine basketball J. perry - 3!> 142,1 teams, and we've got our base- "We teach everything at Frank Ruscil, one of the sponsors, is not an aver- G. Wilson 6 142.1 you that the Southeast Con- Lists Three W. Brooks . 65 140.61 ference is bigger than anything ball season in progress along age leader, but still is the man to beat for those high T. Klrman ...- 57 139.14 once— diving and swim* W. Boikey - «S 137.4!) like this. Since the conference with track, golf and everything. •I" 'Heavy' Races individual game and high individual series trophies. F Calandrlello 52 137.35 We're going along fine." ming W. England Jr. 72 137.30 was formed, we have had an out- Frank put away 256 pins one game and 654 for the L. DP Lorenzo - *0 135.31 standing athletic program and it PRINCETON - Three heavy- H. Labrccque, Jr 63 131.57 weight crew regattas are listed night. Howard Kull of Monmouth Lumber is on top W. Heyer ...- 57 131.45 will not be interrupted nor de- W. Wolchak 65 129.11 stroyed by any articles In the for Lake Carnegie this spring, of the average list with 177. He cannot breathe easy, H. Hurley 33 according to Princeton Universi- D. Mac Intosh -54 Saturday Evening Post." ' though, because Joe Chieffalo, Chuck Kovalesky, Sr., C Woodward Sr — 35 102.22 ty's 1963 varsity rowing schedule \ Falvo - 37 143.13 An article in the Post said Ala- released today. Tiger oarsmen and Moe Shulman all have 176s. T.' Hemachoot - 55 142.22 bama Coach Bear Bryant and will open the season against Rut- The Palace Diner must have been serving steaks RED BANK BUSINESSMEN'S Wallace Butts of Georgia con- gers here on April 13. to its team all season. They are by far the strongest Stephen J. Gross, Inc...... 49!- 28',$ Other home course events will Airport Ton - - «'» 32 HOI.Y NAMK SOCIETY LEAGUE see Navy row Princeton on April s Barber Shop _ 44 34 Shorn LntiPH team in the Riverside 800 loop, if a 6^-game lead at 8al'a Tavern _ 41 37 AMERICAN DIVISION 20 and the Tigers take on Grllll Construction Co -.H L BOXING'S grand old man, this time of the season is any indication. People's 37 Ht. Dennis Columbia and Pennsylvania in Kresslve Life Tns. Co. .M'i 'S Crate's Bevpraces 40 Star of the Sea 5U1 ran the Childs Cup event on April Archie Moore, still is at it Liquor Store is that second place team. Palace Diner John Daniel's Men's Shop .W 39 Kofle-L!ma 2015 St. Rose 2 51 '21 20. Love Lane Tiiedos ..._ „ 37 41 29 and most ovoryone knows he also has the best team threesome, 2,686. The Com- rx Bros - _..-..."lfi flit St. Jerome 1 .. -...« St. James 1 .... „ -I!) Tl Princeton's 1S63 varsity heavy- I Bank Rooting 35 <3 35 is way over 40, Archie, tho munity Cleaners, on the other hand, cleaned off the Red Bank Recreation 3n 45 Holy Spirit 2 . 43 weight crew schedule: Holy Trinity 2 ...41 38 Shrewsbury Mnnor Nilrslnc -.31 44 37 April 13, Rutgers: April 20, former light heavyweight alleys better than any other team in the league for a W»H & L»o's Chevron 31 47 Holy Trinity 1 .. TO HlRh Team Gfime — Crate's Holy Spirit 4 Navy; April 27, Childs Cup champ, has been fighting for ei.»riw« 964. Catharine .. u single game of 1,007. Hank Evers is the average lead- St. Anthony (Columbia, Pennsylvania). HlKh Team Rpries — John-Daniel's 44 more than 20 yoars. er with 178, John Hovendon, the high series leader with M«'« Shon 2813. Holy Spirit 3 .. 1 47 May 4, Compton Cup (Harvard, High Inrt. ' Game — Tony St. Rose 1 23 55 640, and Joe Shields, the high single game man with 23B. COO Club J C (St MIT) at Cambridge; May 11, Ich Ind. Series — Tony Savape Denlil 11)7, 2-641. Carnegie Cup (Cornell, Yale) at 254. 623. 200 Cluli — Ted Ruwll 234. William 600 Serlei-Buhsy Bums IS'. 21" Walker 232. Ertw. Yuschnli 216, Tom Ilhaca; May IB, EARC Sprints REMEMBER! V: Tony Savaire 207. ISO. 236-IS23. Nealon "H, John Mins 213. Wm. at Worcester. Walt Ruzika and Bill Haas are the average 200 Clnh — Pflill Albrecht 201, Lflrry Mnrra 211, .lohn Lobrxla 2(lfl. Peter Mtllo ?09, Bd. Kl""n 2M K" SlWir Bnsco 205, Jos, Honlck 204. Jns June 15, IRA Regatta at Syra- 223, 204, Chuck O'Nell 203. 203, Pat Ward 206. 203, Oi-o. KlMdllnsHy 203. ALL YOU CAN EAT! leaders of the Lincroft Recreation loop. No other Barone 233. Tom Oambncorta 207. Emllle Grille 202. Tony Amliroslno cuse. Mn«» Shulman 213. Dr. Morgan P. 201. SaK. Mvecchlo 201. Henry • Breakfast $1.25 keglers are in the select 170 range. All honors are Collo 208, Rndv Flsrher 211. Fred 200. Longcoy 213. Walter Detrn 217 .TrUii. NATIONAL DIVISION* MANY MONKEYS • Lunch $1.00 " '.zn 2O0, .Toe Hobko 20.". Howard W L divided here. Tom Muessig, Jr., has a 245 and Bill .:e 20O Mlk« Arnone 203. Dcnnle St. Lro I 41 34 HONG KONG (AP) - HonR • Dinner $1.50 Arnone ?10. St. DorothfH -14 31 Rt. Jerome 2 ....«• 35 Kong is re-exporting 4,008 mon- Zapcic a 621. It. Michael 2 :....- J2 36 keys monthly from Southeast Minor.rxrnwv "A" Mount c.irmrl "18 40 Asian countries to Europe and ; PAT'S COCKTAIL LOUNGE The P&M Cleaners are way out in front in the Mldilletown Holy Spirit 1 3R 40 w L St. Jerome 3 ..._ ....3fi'i «« the United States. Riverside Lanes' Three-Man Classic loop with a 40 andTVl-AIr Builders ... GO'S MIcliaH 1 _ M ; 17-23 E. River Rd. Run-son 4 Pepil' Coin

;ter "I'm at least 3 pounds—$8.40— a week On Saturday and better off than in my last SHREWSBURY - Councilman tjon job as a waitress," she says. " am also able to stay in Ireland. Leo F. Sadkowski announced last UntiI tl>is ob came alon night that examinations for polic ave ' S. officer candidates will be held •in: made up my mind to emigrate, "jprobably to America. There was here Saturday at 9 a.m. in the 1OSI not enough work for me on the borough school. lers farm." Borough Council recently ex- th Other Irish people view the Ger- panded its invitation for ap- ex- man invasion less blissfully. plicants to include out-of-town :ers residents in order to assure a German land investments have no arge pool of candidates for sent values rocketing in some rit- selection. '' areas, good farms of 200 acres re- Present plans call for tin now cost more than twice the na- hiring of one new patrolman, bu tional average of $225 to $250 an applicants who do well on the acre. German demand has also tests will remain on the list for pushed the prices of some resi- uture appointment. dential holdings in County Cork Mr. Sadkowski said the exami to about 10 times their previous nation will be conducted by the level—to $700 per acre. New Jersey Association of Chiefs Germans bid this month for of Police. There are eigh about $300,000 worth of property candidates to date he said. in County Donegal. Much of it i ter- farmland. Dublin's Junior Chamber of Attend Conference Commerce warned of a danger that the small Irish farmer On Mathematics ing would be swept aside in the land WEST LONG BRANCH-Rose- y-" rush by overseas investors. mary Miller and Donald J. War- ird- So far, the Irish government ncke of the Monmouth College has stood off demands to curb the Mathematics Department and rate of investment. It is in fact James M. Lynch of the Teacher yed trying to attract more industrial- Education Department were go- ists, settling them in factories and guests of Science Research As- paying state grants up to two- sociates mathematics conference thirds of the total capital cost of last weekend in East Brunswick building, site development and High School. machinery. Central theme of the conference There are benefits ranging from was the impact of modern mathe- interest-free 7-year loans to a 10- matics on the arithmetic of the ble year tax holiday on the profits of elementary school and on trends nd all new export industries. At Shan- in secondary school programs. he non, the tax holiday lasts until Group meetings considered he 1984 and raw materials enter the mathematics teaching — content airport free of duty. and methods — in the primary Twenty-four German industries grades, fourth to sixth grades, have settled in the republic since nd grades 7 to 12. 1959, attracted by these favorable rst terms and also the availability of zed a large low-cost labor pool. Ger- >rd man industries are turning out on Church Unit Irish soil such diverse products as ballpoint pens, carpets, cranes, ;rain driers, wallets, fork lift Plans Sale rucks and mouth organs. RED BANK - A rummage Nuala O'Dea's boss is Anton sale wi be sponsored by thei,1!' Dahmen from Aachen. He is Women's Association of the Red vorks manager of a factory at Bank Presbyterian Church Fri- ihannon that turns nut fine wire day from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. gau2;e for television screens, auto and Saturday from 9 a.m. to carbureters and pharmaceutical noon. The sale will be held in purposes. Union Fire House, Shrewsbury Dahmen said he had made a Ave. point of trying "not to bear down Mrs. John Fraser, 3d, and Mrs. too hard" on his work force. Edward Olszewski are chairmen "They are more easily led than of the event. Committee aides driven. Once they wanted a long- are Mrs. William Macurdy, Mrs. er tea break. They got it. They B.H. Thome, Mrs. Horace Bell, wanted new stuff for the canteen Mrs. S. C. Mounce, Mrs. William —electric kettles and so on, They Lough, Mrs. A. K. Towers, Mrs. got that too. L. B. Knudson and Mrs. Michael "The big advantages of manu- Daly. One Revised HED BANK BJEGJSTER Wei,, March 20,, 1963-21 Code OK'd; Vote Another SHREWSBURY - Borough Council last night adopted an or- dinance and introduced another. Both measures are the products of,revised thinking agreed upon at a previous session. Adopted was a snow removal or- dinance which calls upon resi- dents to remove or sand snow and Ice on sidewalks within 12 daylight hours after it falls or forms. It also permits the borough to perform the work, if the resident fails to do so, and assess the cost to the resident. In the face of unfavorable pub- lic opinion, council revised the ARCHITECT'S DRAWING of $67,000 education building the Middletown Reformed Church plans to construct on measure to make it less severe at King's Hwy. Structure will bt colonial ityle, red brick. the March 5 meeting. Also revised at the last meet- ing was a salary ordinance pro- viding for, among others, a $900 Reveal Education Building Plans salary for a borough public rela- tions director. MIDDLETOWN - Ground- The 100x54 foot colonial ityle tures by the church building com- plans Include 11 rooms. Another ordinance, establishing breaking for the new education- building ii expected to be ready mittee, of which Frederick M. Red Colonial Brick the publicist's post, was aban- al building of the Middletown Re- for use by fall. Frederic Feuler, Stutzbach is general chairman, The building will be of red doned, and Borough Attorney formed Church will tike place Hazlet, it the architect. and William H. Potter, plans and colonial brick. It witl be situated Harry Kotler was directed to at noon Sunday. The pastor, Rev. Plans were completed recently, construction chairman. The floor on a hill next to the church redraft the salary ordinance with Earl D. Compton, will be in after month* of ftudy and in- overlooking Kings Hwy., back of the deletion of the controversial item. charge of the ceremony. spection of other similar struc- the parish house. The location will be about 125 feet from the The measure was approved on LANDMARK SOLD — The century-old Colts Neck Township landmark was recently Miss Ritt street, which will afford spacioijs first reading last night. purchased by Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Wood of Marlboro. The ll-room, two-stor/ Also last night, council ac- lawns for outdoor suppers and house once contained a "widow's walk" and has been described as "authentic early 65-Cent Tax Hike Set other summer activities. cepted the resignation of Paul Hurault, 125 Park Ave., from his Victorian." The six-bedroom house contains four imported white marble mantalpiecet to Marry Plans /call for four Sunday post as chairman of the Shade school rooms—one room for each and 11-foot ceilings. Marlboro Board Adopts Budget Tree Commission. class from kindergarten through senior high — the pastor's study, Mrs. Isabel Parker's request to MARLBORO — The Township payers had been overassessed be relieved of her duties as viola- 1 church office, nursery and a large Committee, at an adjourned and were granted reductions tions clerk and court clerk was modern kitchen. An 80-foot corri- Century-Old House is Sold meeting last night, adopted iti the state Board of Taxation. received. Mrs. Parker's letter dor will run through the center. 1963 budget which calls for a The new tax rate for municipal stated that a growing case load 65-cent increase in the tax rate. purposes will be 80 cents, an in The general meeting hall meas- created a conflict with her other Marlboro Couple Buy Former Crusius Estate The committee alto patted a crease of 30 cents over ures 28x28 feet,, and will connect municipal duties. She is borough resolution granting salary In- year's figure; the county with the senior Sunday school collector and treasurer. COLTS NECK — The century- The stately ll-room house, Freehold around the turn of tha room by folding partition doors, creases to two employees, retro- will be 39 cents, an increase of Mrs. Helen Newman, who has old Victorian Crusius home was once a three-story dwelling with century. The Ryalls, who enter- nine cents; the local school tax so that when opened, the room active to Jan. 1, for which the been working in the violations recently sold here to a Marlboro a wrought iron "widow's walk," tained lavishly, were known for money had been provided in this 86 cents, an Increase can be made half again as large. couple. bureau since the first of the year, has been described as "authentic their Sunday afternoon band con- year's budget. Increases In sal- cents; regional school tax, In order to make enough space The landmark, which sits be- probably will assume the duties early Victorian." The home con certs on the sprawling lawns. ary were granted Treasurer cents, an increase of 7 cents. available for large church sup- of the two posts. hind a wrought iron fence sur- Irving G. Perry, Jr., from $1,600 tains six bedrooms and boasts In 1925, the property was pur- The total budget for 1983 will pers, bazars and the like, the Council approved membership rounded by huge maple trees, is to $1,800, and William Meyer, chased by Dr. and Mrs. Crusius, be $463,018, an increase from junior and primary rooms are in the Shrewsbury Hose Company located about four miles east of four imported white marble man- Sr., as secretary of the Board and in 1951 the third floor and last year's total of $389,197. The also equipped with partition for William J. Connell, 83 White Freehold on Colts Neck Rd. The tlepieces and 11-foot ceilings. of Adjustment, $300 to $300, and amount to be raised by taxation doors. St. new owners are Mr. and Mrs. The site, originally the Judge Hie "widow's walk" were re- Mr. Meyer, as secretary to the for 1963 is $241,218, as compared The parking areas will be at the Robert L. Wood, of Schoolhouse Ryall estate that at one time moved, but the four chimneys Planning Board, $200 to $400. Purchase of a new Chevrolet with last year's $170,787. back of the building, which at station wagon police car for $1,- Rd. Mrs. Wood is the former contained between 200 to 300 were contained. The new tax rate will be $2.60 Auditor Joseph J. Seaman some future date will be hard- 502, trade-in included, was Miss Sally Lyons of Rumson. acres on both sides of Rt. S37 The wrought iron fence which as against last year's figure of Perth Amboy, said the reserve topped. authorized. Mr. and Mrs. George C. Smith, which stretched to the village of borders the front of the property $1.95 per $100 of assessed valua- for uncollected taxes this yea General Meeting Place who purchased the property in Colls Neck, has been pared down is estimated to cost about $5,000 tion. will be $210,418. Last year' The building will not only be 1953, sold the property through to five acres. The farm, as many to replace at today's prices. The budget, which was aired figure was $130,305. Mr. Seaman used for Sunday school classes Baby Shower the Joseph S. Lang Agency, others in the area, raised beans Mr. and Mrs. Smith and family at a public hearing Feb. 21, had said the amount was increased Miss Ruth E. Rltt and general church activities, but Holmdel. [or the Brakeley's Cannery in will reside on Valley Rd., Brielle. not been adopted pending state because the percentage of 1982 as a meeting place for all the RUMSON — Misses Jane Shea, LAKEWOOO — Announcement approval of the method of re- tax collections was only 72.! seven church groups as well. The Sylvia Desmond and Jean Suther- is made by Mr. and Mrs. Wjlliam funding $82,000 in excess taxes per cent, a decrease of 7.5 pei T. Ritt, Sr., 10 Darien Rd., Salem construction of it, decided on lit- land were hostesses recently at collected last year, Mayor Jos- cent from 1961. Hill, of the engagement of their tle more than a year ago, marks a baby shower for Mrs. Thomas Winners Named cutSeienceFait eph Lanzaro said. The mayor Mr. Seaman said, "Actually the daughter, Miss Ruth Elizabeth a milestone in the progress of Shea, 103 Bingham Ave. The said the refunding ordinance had LONG BRANCH - Girls from rector of research, Army Elec- Second in the lower grades was township Is spending $6,000 less Ritt, to William R. Slender, for- the church, which was started in shower was given in the home been given the approval of the tronics Research Laboratory, Mary McKenna, Long Branch, than last year, except for the merly of Red Bank, son of Mr. 1699 by early Dutch and English of Mrs. Edmond A. Desmond, ittle Silver and Long Branch state Division of Local Govern- Fort Monmouth, was judge for third grade, with her display, uncollected taxes item and the and Mrs. William Stender, 363 settlers. It is the second oldest 03 Bingham Ave. have been declared the winners ment. The refunding was made exhibits by pupils in the upper "Plant Growth," and third was amount set aside for refunding South Washington Ave., Dunellen. Reformed church in the nation, Guests were Mrs. Daniel Shea, of the 1962 science fair staged for necessary because 1,100 tax- of taxes." grammar school pupils of the grades. Vincent P. Cieri, chief Pamela DeLlsa, Elberon, fourth Miss Ritt is a graduate of Key- and the oldest in New Jersey. Sr., Mrs. Stuart Briskey, Mrs. The present church was built Warren West, Mrs. Peter Blum- Star of the Sea Academy. of the Educational Research Di- grade, who demonstrated "Sound port High School and the Pres- vision, Army Signal School, Fort and Pitch." byterian Hospital School of Nurs- in 1836, and although it has been berg, Mrs. John Karinja, Mrs. Marie Cieri, Little Silver, a Monmouth, selected winners In Before the selections were ing, Newark. She is employed as remodeled from time to time, its Frank Mlckens, Mrs. Raymond sixth grade pupil, was the win- Resorts Prepare For the lower grades. made, faculty members of the an assistant head nurse tt River- charm is in keeping with the Desmond, Mrs. Edmond Des- ning exhibitor in the upper academy had selected 32 finalists view Hospital, Red Bask. general character of Kings Hwy., mond, Mrs. Willis Smith, Mrs. grades with a display show In the upper grades, Barbara according to the building com- Joseph Roswell, Miss Catherine ing the "Motion of the Pendu- from 117 pupils who entered ex- College Students Mr. Stender is a graduate of Ulricksen, Middletown, an eighth mittee. With this in mind, the Beattie, Mrs. Charles Frye and lum." hibits. Dunellen High School and the grader, came in second with her In the fair, Sister Anne Noreen FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. civic committee formed to deal Monmouth Memorial Hospital "New Colonial," also the land- Mrs. Fred Romenko. Cynthia Wheaton, Long Branch, exhibit, "Development of the was coordinator, and Sister El- (AP) — During Easter week two with the riot problem. "The city School of Nursing, Long Branch. scaping of the grounds surround- who is In the third grade, won a Embryo," and Patricia Con eanor Therese, the principal, years ago, mob violence broke was guilty too," he said, adding: He received a bachelor ol science ing it, have been planned with Buying or selling? Use the first place rating by displaying naughy, Long Branch, was third guided the program. The faculty out in the Florida resort city ef "For years, we had ignored degree in nursing from Seton care to enhance the rural beauty Register Classified for quick re- 'My Microscope." with a display of "Toothpastes committee included Sister Ga- Fort Lauderdale. Thousands these yougg people while gladly Hall University, Newark, and is of the area, it was reported. sults.—Advertisement. Norman J. Field, deputy di- and Bacteria." briel Therese, Sister Therese rioted in open rebellion against accepting the $2 million a year employed as an instructor on the Andre, Sister Rose Thomas, Mrs. authority. Police used clubs and they spend while they are with faculty of Marlboro State Hospi John Houlihan, Long Branch, and high-pressure hoses to put down is. tal. Mrs. James J. Walters, Fair the melee. Three hundred wen "The unrest was triggered by a arrested and stuffed into jai A September wedding is Haven. complete lack of adult-supervised planned. cells. entertainment facilities tha Rioters were not criminals, nor would give them something bet- political agitators. They were ter to do than drink on atreel not men driven mad by hunger, corners and heckle police.. Bride-Elect nor the oppressed infuriated by "We gave them things to do Give $800 Injustice. to have fun and work off steam They were college students, At the same time, we insisted Honored from good homes, and they had that they observe the law as oth To Squad FAIR HAVEN - Miss Sandra gathered in Fort Lauderdale for ers do. When youngsters learn Summers, IB Clay St., was guest MIDDLETOWN — Fairview si vacation from classes. that you're interested In them of honor at a bridal shower held What turned these normall; they'll go along with you. They First Aid Auxiliary donated $800 recently in the home of Mrs. peaceful young men and women need discipline, and they'll re- to the squad recently for new Leonard A. Mack, 799 River Rd. equipment. faito a howling mob—and how to spect you for it." Miss Summers, a nurse at prevent its happening again—ha Entertainment Feature The auxiliary made a total of Riverview Hospital, is the daugh- been studied by the officials of The students who will descend 600. bandages this month for the ter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick resort towns across the nation. on Fort Lauderdale this year will Cancer Society. Donations of old Summers. She will become the Fort Lauderdale alone has find an even bigger entertain' sheets are being sought to con- bride of Roy Modin of Verona tinue this project. •pent more than $11,000 on such ment program waiting for them on April 13 in the first Evangel- a study, arid the Florida resort Local alumni, sorority and fra- Plans for four fund-raising ical Church, Montclair. —which expects an influx of 40,- ternity groups are planning, big projects were completed at Guests were Mrs. John Kubl- 000 students this Easter—now be- affairs for students from their old Thursday's meeting of the auxili- chek, Mrs. Louis Koeck, Mrs. lieves it understands the prob- schools. ary in the home of Mrs. Charles Suzanne Kubichek, Mrs. James lem and knows its solution. But not every resort Dosica, 32 Field Ave. They are Driscoll, Mrs. Viola Sickles. Mrs. Supervised Recreation agrees with the Fort Lauderdale a clam chowder sale tomorrow Russell England, Mrs. Martha at 12:30 p.m. in the Middletown That solution — supervised rec solution. Cameron, Mrs. Anthony Canta- firehouse, Rt. 35, and another reatlon—was tried last year with Seaside, Ore., where nearly lice, Mrs. Noel Lartaud, Mrs. clam chowder sale at the same great success. 2,000 young people rioted last Charles Smith, Mrs. Walter time and place on April 11. A Gares, Mrs. Frederick Summers By day, the visiting youngsters labor day weekend, feels adult- YES. GENTLEMEN, A BATTLESHIP — This was the subject Monday at the Marine Grill, As bury Park, when plans to supervised entertainment for rummage sale is slated for April and Mrs. Ben Modin. competed in vigorous athletic bring the USS New Jersey back to the state next year to help observe its 300th birthday were discussed. The events and talent contests on the youngsters is a bribe to behave. and 6 at 104 Shrewsbury Ave., Also, Misses Susan Kubichek, beaches. By night, they danced It believes the answer lies In Red Bank, from 10 a.m. to 3 meeting wound up with an agreement the Navy League, which instigated the proposal, will study and recommend Kathryn Restivo, Gladys Taylor, the twist in a beach area set stricter law enforcement. p.m., with Mrs. Edward Seele, plans to use the ship and to pay for expenses involved, possibly more than $100,000. The state Tercentenary Com- Mary Vanderveer, Ellen McFad- chairman. Auxiliary members den and Judy Lartaud. aside for their exclusive use. mittee said it will have some money available to help the cause. The City of Asbury Park said it also will con- Wary police stood by with noth- also are conducting a tale of ing to do. Easter candy. tribute, and will attempt to raise funds from shore area businessmen if it could bs assured the ship would be Communion Hostesses were Mrs. Seele and floated off Convention Hall for the summer so boardwalk visitors could see it and others could visit it after boat- "The city simply woke up to Mrs. Lionel Simon. The auxiliary the fact that the kids weren't al- will meet next month in the home Ing out from shore marinas. Left to right are George Zuckerman, Asbury Park publicity director and originator together to blame," explained Dr. of Mrs. John D'Amato, 259 Park of th« plan to bring the New Jsrsey to New Jersey; Richard Davies, executive director of the New Jersey Ter- Clem Bininger, Presbyterian Breakfast Ave., New Monmouth. Hostess centenary Commission; Asbury Park City Manager Kendall H. Lee, and Jules Plangere, president of tha Asbury Church pastor and head of will be Mrs. Gabe Simplicio, For Nurses Naveslnk River Rd. Park Chamber of Commerce. WEST END — The Monmouth County Chapter of the Trenton Diocesan Council of Catholic Nurses will hold its annual com- munion breakfast here Sunday in None of us con ever forget San Alfonso Retreat House, the prayerful words: "Give us Ocean Ave. this day our daily bread." To The breakfast will follow a 9 a.m. Mass to be celebrated in millions around the world he chapel. thoie immortal words ore a Rev. Rloliard F. O'Malley, su I'M JUST AS SURE AS reality—a painful nesdl There perior of the San Alfonso Retreat SPRING AT SOLVING art other needs too... shel- House, will be the guest speaker. ter .., clothing... education- Father O'Malley, a native of PROBLEMS Pittsburgh, Pa., was stationed for cl and technical facilities to 13 years in Brazil before his ap- O. Howie Hustles, (hat's me— assist ihoit who want to be pointment here last August the amazing Register Classified Ad. Got a problem? I'll solve ablt to help themselves. The In charge of reservations are it! I find lost articles and pets, churches of America send aid Miss Mary C. Fanning, 48 Wash fill rental vacancies, sell busi- fa the needy overseas through- ington St., Rumson; Mrs. Edith nesses, put you in touch with Marasclo, 152 South St., Red investors and bring cash buyers cut th« year. When your Bank; Miss Madeline Shannon, right to your door for the worth- church appeals to you to help 59 Bath Ave., Long Branch, and while things you aren't using any on Sunday, March 2-4, giv* Mrs. Frances Carver, 229 West more . . . just to name a few PROPOSED RT. 35 SHOPPING CENTER — Architect's drawing of $2.5 million shopping center proposed by Gramercy Associates, New York, for things I do everyday for folks Senerously.Make ONE GREAT ylvanla Ave., Neptune. 20-acr* Morris tract on Rt. 35 soufh of Perkins Pancak* House, Middletown. Builders say Steinbach s, A&P and P. W. Woolworth are interested in ust like you ... I'm easy and HOUR OF SHARING your Mrs. Marasclo may also be inexpensive to use, too. 'eaohed 'at Riverview Hospital, hour to offer a friendly hand locating in the 183,000 iquara-foot cental-. Developer needs variance or rezoning. Some 400 area residents have petitioned against the center. So If you've got a problem Miss Shannon at Monmouth Med- Parking facilities would be provided for about 1,200 can. Builder's application has been referred from Zoning Board to Planning Board for recom- that needs solving, just dial to those overseas who deiper- ical Center and Mrs. Carver at mendation. SH 1-0010 and put me to work olily need your h»lpl Fitlrin Hospital. on it. -VeK-tlnK evening work In brand new collectlni. Investment. SH 7-0319. ^s(etttrl> ol Industrial plmt. Local UNPAID) BALANCE ONL.'Y ON MANOR EAST area. Interwtlnr, dlve-rslfied work In- BRAND NEW BOATS AND ACCESSORIES NEED HOMEY FOR Baiter expenses? cluding trill. Otll Ft MeW. (Bloom- NEW FOUR AND FiVE ROOM start earning an Income Immediately. field). Three Room Outfits Please Accept Our Apologies Avon Cosmetic* has vacancies for APARTMENTS BARQAlft — Any coal you want capable women. Call SH 1^4343 or write uwa Urn teak rates, iflnancini 1ACCOUMTS RECIIVABLB MANAGER Purchased . . . rangements completed to on* call Mrs. Margaret Qulotta, P. O. Box 190, J8.600 Stored . . . my of our offlcel. THE UONMOU'I Red Bank, N. J. PERSONNEL ASSISTANT-Degree SUPERIOR MANAGEMENT — QUIET Due to circumstances beyond our control, we have been unabl BOUNTY NATIONAL BANK. BB CLEANING LADY — Three- morningi (8.0OD And Never Delivered! 1000 week. ADMlNIfiTRATOR-Bxperlence la pur- , PRIVATE STREET \H FINEST to conduct evening interviews as advertised in our help wanted ai 8(2-0872 chasing ind food management — full OUTFIT #M631 "KELLY' 1958 W LYMAN — 100 h.p. <3r maintenance facilities provided. S7,000 ESTATE SECTION - marine. Thin boat ll fully equipped CLEJANSR — Apply In person, & to 3SALES COORDINATOR |S,600 - Moderne—Orignally We apologize for any inconvenience we may have caused. excellent condition. Must sell. 787-227; P.m. RIVERCRBST NURBINO HOME, EDWARDS EMPLOYMENT AGENCY $498 or 787-1668. Chapln Ave., Red Bank. SO Broad St. Red Bank Unpaid Balance UNITS START AT $140 PER MONTH PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT MFO — I960, 17' flberglas, 75 h PRACTICAL NURSE OR NURSEB MACHINIST. - All around man. Good $296 Johnson. Good condition, used lltt AIDE — For Information 10 a.m. tostarting salary. Call 281-10M until 5 Terms—$3 Weekly . FULL DINING ROOMS Irwlni Yacht Works, Red Bank. 11,40' 3 p.m. RIVERCREST MURSINQ HOME p.m. after 6 p.m. call CA 2-3734. SH 1-0003. Chapin Ave., Red Bank. OUTFIT #92641 "ELLIS" AIR-CONDITIONING 18' LAPSTRAKE — 40 b.p. Evlnrud EXPERIENCED .NURSES AIDES-Ap- 1 remote controls, all accessories, us ply in person HILLTOP PRIVATE HELP WANTED-Male. Female Danish—Originally 12 REFRIGERATORS M. FIELDS one season. Asking »S00. Call 291-91' NURSING HOME, Kings Highway, Mid. $785 dletown. KITCHEN EXHAUST FANS 1982 JOHNSON OUTBOARD MOTOR BARB EMPLOTMINT AOKKCY Unpaid Balance Fields Plaza 3140 State Hwy. 31 76 h. p. Electro-matlc, complete wil SECRETARY-To executive nOO ,-lllfled Personnel For Quality Orders controls, BH 7-4557. BOOKKEEPER-Full charge 010 210 Broad Long Branch CA M747 $483 INDIVIDUAL THERMOSTATS . MEDICAL RECORDS LIBRARIAN Terms-J5 Weekly Hazlet, N. J. MARINE SUPPLIES ^ „ High ACB BMPLOSHENT AOSNCX STORAGE ROOMS Everything for the Boatman. New Jei Every order * applicant our specialty STENOGRAPHER JSO 12 Broad St.. K«d Bank 8H 7-3104 OUTHT #76320- "OTTO" sey's largest marine supply house. REOEPTiOrnSFT J65 OCEAN NEARBY Bvlnrude Sales and Service EDWARDS EMPLOYMENT AGENCY EDWARDS IMPLOtUENT AGENCY Colonial—Originally THE BOATMAN'S SHOP 60 Broad SL Red Bank $621 RIVER NEARBY ANNOUNCEMENTS AUTOS & TRUCKS 24 Wharf Ave. SH 1.(780 Red Ban: ExeouUTft-Saies-OUlce-domestic WAITRESS — Experienced. Apply Sincerity and ability witb nigh etmc* Unpaid Balance Open Sundays and Holidays 9 anvl pi L 60 Broad 81 SB 1-0377 Red Bank SHOPPING NEARBY LOST AND FOUND SUPER - HARMONY COFFEE SHOP, "Rt. 35, $392 BLITZ KRAFT — What ll it? Loai Mlrtdletown. 6 p.m. of racing fun. only (559 compieti WAITRESSES AND WAITERS — For Terms-$4 Weekly MODEL OPEN 7 DAYS LOST — Passbook No. L4151. Finder OB 1-1033 Call PR 4-3876 alter 6 p.m. EXPERIENCED cleaning lady, Thurs. part-time work and parties. CABIN IN please return to Monmouth County Na- da.y end Friday, six or eight hours each THE BKY, Atlantic, Highlands. tional Bank, Little Silver. VOLKSWAGEN — 1962 16' TERRY SKIFF — Windshield, 35 And More—Lots More . . . White, sunroof. (1850 h.p. Johnson, controls, must sell, $395 day. Excellent reference required. Call BOOKKEEPER - Capable of keeping Save on Individual Rooms alsc firm. LI 2-3681 after 6 p.m. 11 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. SH 1-O18L general ledger. Needed by large re- PHILIP J. BOWERS & CO. AUTOMOTIVE l»f>7 TRIUMPH III — Call OFFICE ASSISTAMT — Doctor'a or tall store. Send complete resume and p.m. 19" TBRRT outboard skiff. 70 h. "A.H.". Box salary requirement to P.. Box 408, FIELD FURNITURE Mercury motor, fully equipped. Need, flee, Hazlet area. Write Red Bank. SINCE 1894 AUTOS & TRUCKS 281-2581 paint. All 1988. Very tart. 78 Centei ill. Red Bank. WAREHOUSE DEPT. 60 WHITE ST. RED BANK, N. J. 1955 FORD SEDAN - Four new tires Ave., Leonardo or 291-2883. 1800 - DIETICIAN — Registered. Eiperi. SALES — Women or men, experienced 1962 RAMBLER CUSTOM CONVERTI- Newly painted, good condition. Cal iest offer. enced with therapeutic diets. Apply In real estate. EARNINGS up to you. 741-7200 741-1900 747-5424 BLE — Red, like new, low mileage, SH 1-5154, or 8(2-23(1 after i p.ra FITKIN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, CHAS. W. SHRODE8 AGENCY, St 7-11 East Front St. manual ahlfl. Original coat, $2,800, sell SMITH-VAlflPAR MARINE PAINT Neptune. PR 5-5500. Church SL, KeanBburg. for 11850, or take over payments. 787- HARDTOP — JltO. big discounts. KLARIN'B. 26 Monmouth BOOKKEEPER Keyport, New Jersey Directions: Broad St., Red Bank, turn last at llonmouUi County Bank. 4839, 5-7 p.m. week days. Call St., Red Bank. SH 7-3838. YARD GOOD DEPARTMENT MAN Wallace St to McLtren St.. right on William St. la mndtl apartment. AGER Excellent opportunity for Free Storage Free Delivers 1859 FORD RANCH WACOM - Green, ROWBOAT — Large, rental type, high .dvancement. Experience necessary, FOWLER'S HARDWARE. Sea Bright automatic transmission, neater. Good 1962 FALCON STATION WAOON — sides,. good condition, $50. Will swap, .1! company benefits. Permanent full- ALL AROUND KITCHEN HELP — Open Thursday and Friday condition. J95O. 8H 1-6324 or BH 7-Two-door, automatic. 1958 CHRYSLER Whal^hayVyour 717-6474. time position. Apply Personnel Office, Italian restaurant, full-time night work. 4588. red and White hardtop, automatic MONTGOMERY WARD, Eatontown. 9 A.M to 9 P.M. FOR SALE APARTMENTS ccllent shape. SH 1-7488. Call SH T-2OT). 1058 KARMANN GHIA — Exeellenl •LBUSINES: S NOTICES WOMAN — In need of EOod home to CLEANING WOMAN OR MAN — Two other days 9 to 6 condition. $995. Call after B. 1951 BUICK — Four-door sedan, e: share four-room house with business days a week from noon until 5 to do "RAINBOW TV SALE RUM8ON — Attractive three-room SH 7-5626 :ept!onally fine condition, excellent ml woman. Own room, board, and small heavy cleaning. 842-2268. Must have Por Information — CO 4-3029 apartment, In excellent location. Adults ber. Call after 4:30. SH 1-5149. only, worth seeing. Phone 842-1201 or 1»55 T-BIRD convertible, R.4H. Ex- salary In return for housekeeping serv- own transportation. ' SH 7-2755. cellent condition. Call SH 7-9815 be- 1961 MOKRI3 MINER station wai $1,375 ices. Mrs. B. . Blumenleld. CO 4-2200. MATTRB3SKS BIG DISCOUNTS tween 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. and after 5 in good condition. Call any time. Buys you a 12X20 cinder block garage MATURE WOMAN — To care for two Foam Rubber 189.86 TV, 18" portable, yours 1139.95, LONG BRANCH — Unfurnished, five cull SH 1-4,1 2673. complete, floor, overhead doors, win- children. Room and board. Refer- SITUATIONS WANTED, Female Twin-Full-Queen-Klng aizea. Foamarl Stereo Hi-Bl Includes AM/FM radto, rooms, bath, first floor. 144 Norwood dows necessary, to comply with build- Hwy. 35, Eatontown. LI 2-0477. 329.95, vours S179.9S. Truulitor sets. Ave. Call CA 2-3087. 1062 HILLMAN — Four-door sedan, 1061 MERCURY COMET — Two-doo: Ing code. Stanley Ogonowskl, 787-0826. ences. Call evenings, 6 p.m. or after, WOMAN wishes Ironing Bt home. Call Clock radios. BH 1-7008. white. Fully equipped, radio, instru- deluxe sedan, automatic, radio, heater X) 60869. between 04 p.m. HOUSEHOLD GOODS — Furniture, FOUR ROOMS AND BATH — Opposite ments, whitewalls, etc. Like back up lights, whltewall tires, 9,001 IREPLACB SCREENS repaired and IBAUTICIAN WANTED — Steady or SH 1-5523 glassware, dishes, pictures, etc. Call "Rainbow" TV 4 Hardware railroad station near bus stop, inquire miles on meter, like new, 51,485. Cal made to order. Bright Acre. SH 7-0550. 842-3071. car. Asking $1,4110 or nearest offer. Call lart-tlme. NICK'S BEAUTY SALON, across Acme lot) Broad Red Ban;at. 186 MonmouUi St.. after 10 a.m. alter 6 p.m, 542-0541 LI 2-3636 after 6 p.ra. Bright Store, BH 7-2222. 66-97(9. MODERN TRIPLE DRESSER — Bool INCOME TAX RETURNS TWIN GABLE APARTMENTS — 35 1060 CHRYSLER WAGON — Full 1958 OLDSMOBILE 88 — Full powei -Individuals, FILE CLERK — General, clerical work, SITUATIONS WANTED, Mala case headboard, $15; modem oak desl WE BUY AND SOU, anything and Riverside Ave., Red Bank. Four-room power, brakes. Bteering, window, acati exceptionally clean, J600. Call SH imall business. BARB SERVICES, 210 knowledge of typing. Call Mrs. Cagle, like new, $25. Sil 7-1458. everything. Qlva tn« highest prices. unfurnished apartment. (UK) ptf month. Air conditioned. Call OS 1-2165. 3166. 3dwy.. CA 9-360O. Long Branch. IH 7-4582. MECHANICALLY Inclined high school CaU William Left Furniture. Inc., Hwy. SH 1-2399. INCOME TAX RETURNB prepared, boy seeks work. Experienced with mow- 35, Mlddletown SB 1-3213. Open «v 1S57 CHEVKOLE'1' PICKUP - Model 1059 MERCURY PARK LANE - Full JOCTOR'S OFFICE — Secretary-re- ers, engine*. 747-0258. ^^ RED BANK — IH room apartment. power. Excellent condition. your home or business, SALE DESKS SAL Ings till 9 p.m. 3600. Perfect condition. J550. SH 1- IH 7-2662 Mu 1-0011 ieptlonlBt. Send resume of qusJIflca- Centr.-ly located. SH 74205. A.M. and 8604 after 5:30 p.m. OS 1-2796 lons to Box 664, Red Bank. REDUCING EQUIPMENT-For rent . evenings. NCOME TAX RETURNS — BuslL__ Juat received trailer load of the mo 1962 PONTIAC — Bonnevllle, two-door 1954 CHEVROLET — J150. Call aft 'EMALE — For general housework. FINANCIAL beautiful used deslu, conference tablet sale. Free delivery. South Jersey Sural. KEANSBITRO — Four-room hardtop, red and white, with white " P.m. >r Individual. Established twelve years cal. BHadyslds 7-2611. 718 MMaple Ave. SH 7-2160 this area. Margery'Trovato, trading ne or two day» a week. Call OS I- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES and chairs from one ol the largest Interior, 8,000 miles, power steering, Reliable Tax 8(rvlC9 Call 671-1289 corporations in N.Y.C, Chippendales, 1ANOS — Bava $100 or more oil Usi 787-1884 power brakes. Juflt take over pay- 1858 CHEVROLET — Two-door DeLray, Island Base, etc. rice, brand new 8» not* consolf (I- ments. BH 1-0662. 'or appointment _^ RECEPTIONIST .— Young" woman to UNFURNISHED <— Three roonu and six cylinder, stick. After 5:30. LO assist dentist. Experienced In handling anos. 10-year guarantee. Come see1, bath, heat, hot water supplied. Busi- 1003 WILLYS JEEP — With hydraulic EVERGREEN landscaping:, planting, Best selection ol used office equipme ive. Rent, option to boy. Tenser ! ness couple preferred. 291-0534. 35 pruning, sodding. and lawn malnte. telephone. Write Qualifications to PHILIP J. BOWERS & CO. la tin East. ' Music Store, 30S Main St. Lakewood snow plow. Best offer takes it. SH 1-1950 VOLKSWAGEN — Radio, tieatei uince. F. Intermejoll and V. Wells, •B.H.", Box 511, Red Bank. Ocean Blvd., Atlantic Highlands. 0662. good tires. In excellent condition. Set •roprletors. Call 787-3240 or 542-0911. IOUSEKEEFER-COOK g5 OUR 69TH lEAR RED BANK — Three-room unfurnished to appreciate. No reasonable offe: 75 BARGAIN PRICES apartment All utilities. Excellent lo- AUSTIN HBALEY — 1955, black, good refused. Call after 5, 291-1609. BHARLEB HOWBR - Mason Con- :OOK ' s SALE condition, reasonable. SH 1-2033 after 5, :ractor. No Job too mall. BH 7-U78 or MOTHER'S HELPER «55 offers complete well rounded Early bird gets me worral 'Null iai< cation. 17 Oakland St. 843-3054. all day Saturday 1961 MORRIS-MINER — Convertible, 1-0172. 3DWARD3 EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Real Estate service. Alcoa Aluminum Gutters THREE ROOMS, bath, unfurnished, excellent condition. Sell or trade for Broad St. Red Bank Selling, leasing, homes, apartments, first floor, Red Bank, near station, all 1858 FORD STATION WAGON — Radio, station wagon. Call after 5 p.m. BH 1. WAIiLINO A SON — General con. land and commercial properties. ' AAC DESK OUTLET CO. Installed by expert.. Free estimate!. heater, 5650. Or will trade. ractor, masonry, paintingpalntln , all repairs. ALESGIRLS WANTED — Full time. utilities. SH 1-2373. 631 Prospect Red Bans: and Monmouth County areas m. 36, Olkhurst KB 1-3 SH 1-34C5 free estimate, 787-4218. .pply, W.T. ORANT, PROWN'S MODERN 3M-room apartment, tile 955 CHEVROLET — Slx-cyllndei Little. Sliver. TWO MAPLE CHAIRS — Two en bath, heat, hot water, $85. Adults only. 1955 BUICK — Four-door sedan, stick stick. In accident, first $85 takes It. NCOME TAX RETURNS prepared by 32'RAD BrolS dI KB yout rS o3 u1-750 nirrnni0 nRe witd sBan oc : Ihlft, top condition, S295. uallfied accountant. Call 291-1800 or JENERAL HOUSEWORKER - 50-60 PHILIP J. BOWERS & CO. tables, two table lamps, HO. Call 787-0089. rears old,' pood country home for WALTER S. OVERTON OS 1-2819 lown payment and g«t a ne» parloi 046-4844 >R 6-6109. ir dining room set at rale prices. Wll THREE! ROOMS FURNISHD — Utili- 1957 MERCURY MONTCLAJR — All lght party, or part-time if you have DIAL 741-7200 ABr GRAND PIANO — And entlr. ties, parking, adults. No pels. Hwy 25. 1954 FORD — Good condition, four- automatic, low mileage, must settl ,AWN MAINTENANCE — ranaportatlon. Two children. Refer- Ham Leu Furniture Inc. Hwy 35, barrel carburetor, floor shift. $150. 741- leaned. Call alter 6 p.m. Real Estate since 18918944 IIOILBB furnishings. CaU Ulddletown. 811 1-2213. open avenlngi Newly decorated. SH 1-3014. estate. 291-1756. ences. Write "B.L," Box 511, Red60 Whin St. 7413153 905O, after 6 p.m. SH 7-0673 iank. ' Red Bank till 111 THREE ROOMS — Completely redeco- 1953 PONTIAC — $65, runs good, needs 1957 OLDSMOBILE CONVERTIBLE — MIXED HAY — Hockhockson Farm, ited. Beautifully furnished. Apply 81 Super 88, power steering, power brakei ONGARZONE'B 25TH YEAR — Of •ELEPHONE SOLJCTOR — Monmouth SHOP BY PHONE •allsce St. after S p.m. CaU SH 14281 little work. Cal] after 0. radio, heater, new top and exhaust indscape design, gardening and lawn unty. Call from your own home, *u-ee miles east of Colt's Neck light 787-9275 laintenance. Call LI 2-0718 for free GULP TWO BAY — Established neigh- Frea quick dally delivery In Red Si ] Route 537. Call S42-204B. • SH 7-9728. system, J2 engine, blue, private 9750. it leads for salesmen only. Call for borhood location, for lease la Hazlet. 1957 MERCURY—Hardtop, very clean. SH 1-1742 between 7-8 p.m. llustrated planting guide. BONOAR- istrlbutor N. J. State Commission for area. Outlying* districts Wednesday! B.MERICAM HOLLY TREK — 17- hlffc. TWO BEDROOMS — Living room, ONE'S LANDSCAPE NURSERY, Way- Paid training, excellent opportunity and Saturdays. Discount p r 1 e e a Price J495. After 5:30. e BUnd. Call PR 5-6830 for lnforma- for right man. Present dealer Florida Sacrifice. bath, kitchen. t80 monthly, Includes SH 1-9474 1SO5 PONTIAC STAR CHIEF — Good Ide Rd., New Shrewsbury. FROWNS, 32 Broad St., 8H 1-7BO0. 78T-5SI8 heat and water. Newly decorated. 281- tires, brakes, body. Needs paint. As Is bound. 1756, ' 1930 CHEVROLET Imp&la convertible, J150. Call between S and 6 p.m. 787-RYERS VENTED — Oa« or electric. —- Add ?20-S50 weekly to 94 weekdays, HE 6-666$ ANTIQOB ARNOIRE — Hand' m STOHM WINDOW — 6 for J75. all white, blue Interior, stick shift. 524. llmlnate heat, lint and moisture. One imlly income. Supply friends and Nights, weekends, CO 4-3161 lahogany finished fruit 'wood. Sacrl rtallaUor) optional. CaU UNITED SEA BRIGHT — Five-room furnished JMO, take over payments. 532-2073 be- service. 741-3227 or PR 5-5784. ^hbors with household products. ce, FU3; charming secretary, an, L.VISRDOOR. CO. 787-0820. apartment, overlooking ocean. Private tween 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Ask foriHEVROLET IMPALA CONVERTIBLE INCOME TAX RETURNS ce S4H stamps. Call 787-5542 be- tlqued aqua and white, $35, small ladles beach, prlvale entrance, 580 per month 1361. Fully equipped, V8. Immaculate een 9-11 and 4-6 p.m. MORTGAGES desk (IS. CA 2-8242. ith no utilities. 843-0993. Thomas Fisher. condition. Leaving for Europe. {1,800. Ick up and deliver. Fifteen years " p.m.-8 p.m., MU 1-2549. lerlence. 6-10 p.m. 8H 1-1468, CRIB, MATTRESS, CHIFFEROBE — MERCHANDISE WANTED FOUR-ROOM APARTMENT In Keans- AUTOS & TRUCKS. oood «Mm|T& burg, $75 monthly. Must pay flrat and .961 FORD GALAXJE — Two-door, MASON HELP WANTED-MALE , CA 2-8700 »ANT£D last months rent Available April 1. hardtop. Full iftwer. 10,400 miles, like (JHKD ORIENTAL. KL'QS Call OS 1-2253. new. Call 747-5131 after 6 p.m. . Flagstone patloi. Brick CHINK3I AND PERSIAN 'ronta. Brick atepa. Sidewalks. Call PR4-1220 ALTENBURG PIANO HOUSE FRIEDMAN OAIXEiUES LITTLE SILVER — Unfurnished coiy 1963 CHEVROLET CONVERTIBLE — lay or night Stanley Ogonowakl 787- 4-3143 . Evenings CA J-748J. three .roonu, bath. Second. floor, pri- Power steering, power brakes, power 1026. SALESMAN DEBT FREE ... NOW Rent A Piano $12 per Month vata entrance. All utilities. Bus passes windows and Posltractlon. You'll never KNABE. UA3UM-J1AULW. SOHMKK •M1ASB — Planoa in good condltlo door. SH 1-1658. need snow tires. Many other extras. N MAINTENANCE - Light haul- CABLE-NELSON. EVERETT STECK leeded for tillenu at Marlboro Ilospi- Coat S3.7O0 new. Black with red In- g, painting, odd Jobs. Reasonable A fine opportunity for an am- HOMEOWNERS ONLY aoounas Ave. * Main SL. AUnirr w al. Donation appreciated or will pay KEANSBURO — Four-room^ two-bed- terior, whltewall tires. S2.B95. After 5 tes. Call anytime 787-<661. bitious salesman to represent a Op«n dally till 9 Sat till t:30 jmlnal price. Call Mrs. Cojan, 8-8 room apartment, upstairs, f95 per p.m. OS 1-0049. [COME TAX RETURNS prepared at well-known consumer products $1,000 - $10,000 PR 61301 ,m. Except Wednesday. SH 7-0822. month, heat, cooking gas furnished. company in the central New BITTNER A CARTON AGENCY, Inc. itr homo or mine. 25 yean wperl- Jersey area. Experience de- UP TO 7 YRS. TO PAY LD FURNITURE - Antmuei. china, ce. J. Murlha 747-5789. BONDED REPRESENTATIVES PORTABLE SEWING MACHINE—Zlg- lasiware, art objects and bric-a-brac, 56 Main St., Keyport CO 4-391S. veloping accounts and increas- zag. Two years old, seldom used, 165. MOBILE HOMES LWN MOWERS — Rotary, reel, or ing distribution to retail out- imedfate cash for anything and every- THREE AND FOUR-ROOM apartment EMPIRE JERSEY Call 8(2-0329 before 10 a.m. or after thing. Ruscll'l, 25 But Front St.,All Improvements. LO 0-4803. Orchard ling. Any matoe, tny model r«""y let* desirable. Saies efforts are 5 p.m. LOWEST PRICES MOBILE HOMES :loned, repaired. All motor repairs, supported by popular local and MORTGAGE CORP. • 1-1693. Bt. Cllttwnod. .; Used - 10% down LCOBS HARDWARE! Bergen PL, aid national advertising. Earnings StatB Licensed Brokers BIG DISCOUNTS SPRINOV1EW GARDENS ANYWHERE! New • 7-year financing Tcwsbury Ave., Red Bank. 747-3854- are directly related to results. Home Office ... 203 Washington St. 263 Spring st . Red Bank ck-up and delivery. Salary plus Incentives and ex- Newark Factory ole&ra&ce sale. Men's SOCKL PETS & LIVESTOCK Immediate and future occupancy. • Four ONE YEAR WARRANTY* ROBBINSVILLE penses. Complete benefit pro- bargain prices. MONMOUTH HOSIERY &NDY .MAN — With truck available gram. and fire, two-bedroom apartments. Spa- •'02 Corvalr Coupe, like new TRAILER SALES. INC. ven days. Yards, cellars, attics, light CA 2-8700 MILLS, 157 Broad St., Shrewsbury, EXPERT AND PROFESSIONAL POO- clous rooms, closets and baths, com- •'62 Chevy 4-dr. flouts 13o Roobtosvllle. N. tullng. Reasonable. SH 1-2595. Uohday-Frlday, 8 a.m.-4:3O p.m. DLE CUPPINGS — Toys and mlnla- plete kitchens. For appointment please Forward In confidence a resume ires. $6, standards, 18. BaLh Included. call SH 15672. ''62 Monza, like new JU 7-1320 JLLARS CLEANED — LIGHT HAUL- of your experience, background, PR 4-1220 AUTOMATIC CLOTHES WASHER — '62 Nova 4-dr. sed. and current eamlnga. to "A.B." Good condition. Call after S. URNIBHED — Two-room apartment •62 Four-wheel dr. pick-up 1959 R0LLO HOME, 55x10, two bed- G. Call Ray Lamberson after 4 p.m. CALL DAY OR NIGHT SH 1-2(11 rooms. Air conditioned. MErcury 4- 7-9065. Box 511, Red Bank. HOMEOWNERS NEED MONEY' NK three-year old registered beagle. with all utilities, good location. 168 •'61 Impala Convertible 7453 after 5 p.m. :d. Call . month. 201-1455, "60 Cadillac 62 4dr. Hardtop black •EEKEND PAINTER — 14 years ex- lour credit is good. First and second ADDING MACHINE — Recondl 842-021} •'60 Chevy 9-poss. Wagon srlence. Average home 1125 plus pslnt. WILLJ TRAIN salei minded individual mortgages. BH 1-4314 or FO 3-2601. tloned Royal typewriter Call 787- IIX ROOMS — Unfurnished, year •'60 Impala Convertible hy pay more? BH 1-2595 any hour. as route rider and route salesman for 2S31 after 6. IINIATURE FRENCH POODIJSa - Two miles from Lily Tulip •'60 Valiant 4-dr. TRACTORS position with shore's leading laundry kKC registered. Six weeks old,' black. |85 In advsnee. References. "60 Chevy Bel Air 2-dr. 'MEN1CO PRIMERANO — Carpen. and dry cleaning establishment Mini- INSTRUCTION PAINT & WALLPAPER RIOT 3all SH 1-5677, 10 to 5. SH 1-3386, 6-8. •'60 Corvalr 700 Coupe TRACTOR — 1954 Ford, Sherman back- , contractor. All kinds or carpenter mum wages, &O-J1O0 per week. Full •'60 Dodge Dart 4dr. hoe, Wagner front end loader and >rk. alteration!. EH 1-9763. bemfJta. Apply STAR CLEANERS AND Wallpaper QO% oV. GaJ. Latex paint In KC CHAMPION sired Dachshund pup- FOUR ROOMS AND BATH — Un- snow plow, good condition. 787-6398. LAUNDERERS, Myrtle Ave., Long while and colors $2.95. Qal. turpentine les. Wonderful temperament. Btud furnished. Adults only. Heat and hot •'60 Chevy Impala Hdtp. IBM KEYPUNCH err;ce. SH 7-5995, after 5 p.m. week water. Call 291-0854. •'59 Chevy te-ton panel Branch. 69c. S' aluminum stepladder 59.96. V lays. •'59 Olds 88 Hardtop EMPLOYMENT IBM Tabulating nylon brush 99c. Professional'know how, PORT MONMOUTH — Two rooms •'59 Chevy Impala, Convertible WANTED—AUTOMOTIVE •FURNITURE SALESMEN — Due t;o Comptometry and typing Borviee, quality and low, law prices at KC CHIHUAHUA PUPPY - Seven furnished, bath, separate entrance, •'59 Chevy Impala 4-dr. HELP WANTED-FEMALE expansion program, Montgomery Ward School of Business Machines, icks old. Call ly or retired couple. 187-1489. "59 Ford Falrlane. 8-cyl. has openings for aggressive sales Professional Building, U 9-G2S0 KLARIN'S TOM'S FORD INC. minded people. Borne selling experience U 2-0527 STUDIO APARTMENT — Beautifully "59 Plymouth Wagon KPERJENOED COUNTER GIRL AND 26 Monmoutn St. SH 7-3838 Red Bank "59 Ford Squire, 9-pass. WE PAY CASH FOR USED CARB [NINO ROOM WANTED — Apply in desirable. We will train Qualified per- •OODLES - Small miniatures. AKC located and nicely furnished. Private sons in our furniture and floor cover- JAMES A. RYAN 1HNK STTOLE — 5125. Good outgrown ;gistered, apricot, $100. Beautiful mtrance.. CA' 2-5191. "59 Ford Oalaxle 2-dr. " Mam Bt. LO 8-1500 Uatawan on, HOWARD JOHNSON RESTAU- aster gifts. Call LO 64574. •'59 Cheiy Conv., like new 1150 yds. Irora Matawan RR 8tatlon) RANT, Bwy. 35, Mlddletown. ing programs. Good commission ratei Organ Instruction. Modern and cl Nothing, girls' I2-M, Teens 8-10, Junior DUPLEX — Three bedrooma, large "59 Chevy 2-dr. for substantial earning to energetic nical methods. CA 2-75M. 775-1180. 7A Toys, trains. After 5 call 8(2 ANARIEB — A new shipment of men. All company benefit*. Ap pi 0706. Daytime SH 7-4800. >ard, utilities, maintenance included. •'58 Corvette, red & white sharp AUTOS & TRUCKS AUTOS & TRUCKS MONTGOMERY WARD Personnel O naranteed singers. Replacement if 74.75 per month. Call after 5. LI 3- "58 Chevy Wagon, two-tone BABY THINGS — Clothes, crib, mat- »ey fall to Bing In 10 days. KEVPORT W27. '50 Ford Convertible lice, Batontown. 'ET SUPPLIES. Hwy 35, CIIHwood. MERCHANDISE tress, never used, and carriage, SH 1- THREE ROOMS — Unfurnished, all 56 Ford Victoria Hdtp. YOUNO MEN Interested In life, casu- M» " 6-56S9. '55 Cadillac 62 Coupe alty, fire Insurance career. Own your FOR SALE utilities. Convenient Call SH 7-S484 54 Olds £« Sedan KC GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies, after 4:30. own bualnees. Between ages 23-3K. Send three months, wormed and Inoculated. SPECIAL resume to Agency Manager, Box E, USED OVERHEAD DOORS Excellent temperament, good breeding FIVE ROOMS QUICK SALE Jlldilletown, K,T. WE HELP YOU Call 787-6340. Adults only. Call- One 18'5"xlO'W •59 Step-In Van PRODUCTION PACKERS AND PRESS- Select the correct curtain rods. All 787-1144 '58 Plymouth Wagon ERS — Interviewing for neveral open- kinds. Klrach rods In a larger variety CHAIN HOIST ATTRACTIVE RIVERFRONT apart- '58 Ford Wagon ings on automatic presses. High In- Call BH 1-7S0O now. Oet fut delivery. One mo"xlO'4M" REAL ESTATE FOR RENT ment, 4^ rooms, unfurnished, heat snl "58 Chevy Wagon, needs worlc.1395 centive pay when qualified. Willing to BUVE KECOTONS, excellent condition hot water. $128 per month. Near rsil- 57 Plymouth 2-dr. ...- J2S5 SPRING SAVING! work shifts. Apply ATCO CERAMICS PROWN'S WOOD AND GLASS PANELS '5G.... Chevy . Si-ton. panel , —5395 D. J. MAKER APARTMENTS oad station. Immediate occupancy. CORP., Hwy 35. Keyport 3] Broad St. Re] Bank lublet one year lease. Phone days 55 Ford Wagon 8-cyl., auto $395 RECREATION PIER ID BANK-31/4 and five-room apart- 47-2189. '54 Plymouth .-- 1195 SCRAPS ents. Available now and March 1. '54 Chevy JIBS NOW YOU CAN BUY A EARN $1,200 MONTHLY Foam Rubber and Polyloam. (1.00 bag. LONG BRANCH, N. J. OLL? PITCHER VILLAGE, Branch .SBURY PARK — Main St. North Must be salM-mlnded, asea between 25- Foamart, Hwy. 35, Eatontowa. LI 2-0477 id Madison Aves., SH 1-0115. End. Four-room unfurnished apart- 60. No experience necessary. Call Mr. ment, all utilities Including heat, $95 Okner between 1-3 p.iffi CO 4-06M. VISIT OUR ELECTRONIC BARGAIN 50" WHITE KITCHEN CABINET sink, 'NO BRANCH — Furnished apart- a month. Available now. CROWSLL 158 1st Ave., AU., Highlands TABLE — First come, first served. formica top, value <2O0, price $16. ents. Four rooms and bath, Heat .OENC7, Red Bank. SH 1(030. (Oni> luwh N(»p|h ,,( III.- ;«j) '63 English Deluxe Ford Anglia APPLIANCE DEPARTMENT MAN. Biggest assortment of electronic parts Call 291-1903 weekends only. id water supplied. CA 9-1553. AGER — Immediate employment for on the shore. DISCOUNT ELECTRON- 291-1101 • Open 'til 9 p.m. qualittcd person. Due to expansion ICS. SO Birch Ave., Little Silver. MEN'S BEGINNERS OOLF CLUBS — 11REE-RO0M unfurnlihed apartments. COMMERCIAL RENTALS program now In progress, Montgomery Spalding matched, 1 and 3 woods, Ixcellent location, Atlantic Hlgnlands. JCKS. ADDlNO mactuniss. 3*5-7 and tt irons, putter and bag, to m all utilities. 201-1451. WITH Ward otfera opportunity for depart- All makei naw or und. Guaranteed. (30. SH 1-8174. ment manaser. Must be able to ad- REE ROOMS FURNISHED - Utill- OFFICE SPACE s minister Bales program. Experience In Low as $2& Serplco'l. ,101 Monmouth Bucket seats, 4-speed trans- St Next tq tneater SH 7-0483. , parking, adults, no petj, Phone leat furnished, will redecorste to suit major appliances necessary. Permanent WE HAVE PAINT •2688 after 5 or weekends. mission, padded sun visors, all full time position with all company our requlrments. Best location, will vinyl interior, twin electric b e n e 111 s. Apply MONTGOMERY HAMMOND BIG DISCOUNTS BRANCH — Three rooms fur- ub-dtvldo If necessary. See and com- WARD, Personnel Office. KatoMown, ilahed, clean, adults only. CA 2-9537. pare. SH 7-1100. windshield wipers. Regularly '1428 ORGAN STUDIO Over WOO colors. House paint: gal. for Mr. Henry, between 8 a.m. £DGE ROOM for rent. Center of $1,586.20—now for only P. O, E. WANTED — Handy man to work wnlte K2.93. Latex white 53.(9. Wall- 5 p.m. :own. Could be used also for office SPRING days. Retired man considered. Apply OF ABBURY PARK papers. Gel BAH Stamps. SH 1-7006. space. Approximately 2,400 sq. ft Write !A BRIGHT — Unfurnished five-room r EATONTOWN DIOTE-IN THEATER, USED ORGANS ,0DGE Box 511, Red Bank. Friday and Saturday evening. "Rainbow" TV & Hardware rtment. Heat and hot water, spa- JR-20 Tone Cabinet 4225. ia, reasonable. 6(2-3279. iFFICE SPACE in Tuller Building HURRY! THIS SAL6 WONT LAST LONG! Ballet * Davis Spinet Piano 485. (across Acme lot) Broad Red Bank MAN — Salaried. J90 to jtart, ace KEB LARGE ROOMS, Dath, modern allable. Phone during business hours. 18 to 35. Must be well spoken, work Hammond Extravolce Organ (new) 495.BABY CARRIAGE _ Like new. Best !H 7-2440. conslata ol checking orders In local Hammond Chord Organ 8-6 595. 1 utilities supplied. Ne&r transporta- SALE " r. in. 787-B72S. Keansburg. STORE FOR RENT - Next to Mayfair Conn Spinet Organ 695. area. Car necessary. Call 442-4539. LI 2-3283 Lowrey Spinet Organ 75D. IRNIBHED apartment Super Market, Newman Springs Rd., NOW STARTING AT MANAGEMENT OPPORTUNITY— Lite Baldwin Spinet Organ 759. THREE ROOMS of practlcaly new one led Bank. Cull days SH 1-9599, eve- Insurance sales. If you have a good Hammond M-3 Spinet Organ ... 1&5 furniture Including rugs, floor lampa SH 1-4151 Ings SH 1-5013. sales record but feel you arc not sat- and TV. No dealers. SH 1-0507. CIRCLE CHEVROLET latled with your progress, we would SALES AND BERV1CE XCLUSIVE FIVE • ROOM APART- like to talk to you. We are a century- RENTAL. AND INSTRUCTION ACCORDION — Full medium Blze, 120 ;ENT — Bath, beautifully decorated, (More Classified Ads ON ALL F&H MOTORS INC. old company with an excellent life and Open Dally Till 9 — Saturday Till 5:30 bats; four shift and In treblo; two II utilities. On bus line. Business hcaltti, nalei portfolio. Tnls Is a rare shifts in bass. tlOO, like new. iple, no pets. Call 2 — 6 p;m. 691 On The Next Page) opportunity for an outstanding mnn. COOKMAN AVB. AND MAIN ST, 2222. lad St., Shrewsbury. HWY. 35 Ll 2-1 II I EATONTOWN Give rull details In reply. Write "A.K." PR O-93O0 OK Box 511, Red Bank. STICKLEY HARVEST TABLE — Fin- SALESMAN — To prospect ahd mer-st cherry wood, 6' long, two drop chandise trucks. Sales experience will leaves e&ch 11", center flection 24". USED CARS help, but If you want to learn we will Table pads and table cloth also avail- train and pay you while learning to able. Excellent condition. SH 7-4062 sell a complete line. Applicant must after 3 p.m. >e 21. Send complete resume to "B.Q." CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY ORAY METAL office desk with swivel • Better Cars Box 511, Red Ranh. chair. Very good condition. Call 291- HANDYMAN — From 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.1585. A HANDY GUIDE OF BUSINESS SERVICES TO SUIT YOUR MANY NEEDS! Apply In person, 10 a.m.-3 p.m, RIVER- BTORKLINE » Better Service CREST NURSING HOME, Chapln Ave., BABY CRIB Ret! Bank. OS 1-3067 « Better Prices MAN WANTED — For exterminating Adding Machines — Typewriter! Cesspool Cleaning Painting and Decorating company. Experience helpful, but not CLEAN-UP, FIX-UP TIME necessary. For man with right poten- tial, we offer a permanent position. BIG DISCOUNTS ADDING MACHINES - Typewriter! SEPTIC TANKS, dry wells serviced. TOM SLATE - Painting and Decor- DON'T MISS OUR For Information call CA 8-1665. sold, rented, repaired. Serplco'a 10 Leeching field added. Backhoe work. ating. General Contracting, fully In- NO MONEY DOWN • BUDGET TERMS || Moth flakes 24c. Insect spray. Palnti. Monmouth St. Red Bank. SH 7-0485 C H. Wilson. SH 1-1841 sured. Twenty years experience. Fre* FABULOUS . . . AUTOMOBILE .— And or truck me- Tools. Hardware. Curtain and traverse estimates. BH 1-S491 after C p.m. '63 Comet $2295 '61 Falcon $1295 ^S chanic with complete experience, pay rods. Cleaning aids. S&H Star-*i too. Electrical Contracting to match ability and past performance, SH 1-7008. Antiques Wanted PAINTINO AND PAPER HANGING— Write "A.O", Box 511, Red Bank, For a good dean job, reasonable SPRING SPECIAL COMMERCIAL, and residential wlr- Call SH 7.3491. Ei Ztnser. 522 Sports Coupe. Beau- Two-door sedan, fully HELP WANTED — Male over 18 years "Rainbow" TV & Hardware Old Dolls, guns, Jewelry, cut glasi ing. New construction, remodeling. tiful green with match- equipped, black finish. old. Two part-time, one full-time. (across Acme lot) Broad Red Bank furniture. Civil War books. Appraisals alTera.ions; adequate service Installa- General servlCB help. Experience In made. Oilman. SH 7.1141. tions and hBatlng. Gaydlck, Electric. Piano—Organ Tuning IN THIS FRIDAY'S ing green interior. Auto- An automobile that you changing tires necessary. Firestone MOUTON LAMB COAT — Size 15. Good v condition. Best offer. 787-9003. matic, radio and heater. will be proud to drive Stores, White St. and Maple Ave., Red Appliance Repain P1ANOS-OROANB The ideal sports model. and own. Bank. SI! 7-5700. Ask for Mr. A. Tuned — Repaired — ReKuUted REGISTER D'Amlco. RUOS Home Improvements Raymond Bosworth BH 1-7853 GENERAL MA1NTEMACE mm for Karlstan, 12x14 and APPLIANCE REPAIR and Installa- 291-0115 FINISHED BASEMENTS, remodel- '62 Chev. II $2195 '60 Ford $995 yacht club, spring and summer em- tion. Residential and commercial wir- ing, plumbing, electric wiring, ma- Plumbing and Heating ployment. Call SH 7-0981. ing. Allen Electric. SH 7-0812. sonry and p&lntlng. For free estimate See Us Now STORK MANAGER — Assist owner SWIMMING POOLS cull SH 7-1(572. KEEOAN'B A beautiful beige Nova Fairlane 2-door sedan. In buying and general management. Auto Body Repair WORKINQ MAN'S oontractor-Altir- 24 Hour Service. All hsumi unlti For Best Deals! convertible with dark Man mufit he ambitious and conscl- AND SUPPLIES serviced. SH 7-1627. SH 1-7875. Immaculate white finish enlloui. Good salary. Call 09 1-1S06. atlons additions, painting, maiortry, interior, features auto- with a beautiful blue in- Pre-se&son prices on above and be EXPERT PA1NTINO and body .. and all those little lobs. Evenlnfs LO matic, radio and heater. MAN — Part-tlr venlngs, low ground pools and accessories. 10096 alr. Moderate prices. McCarthy e-1714. Roofing, Siding and Insulation terior. Fully equipped. days. Sunday. Muet have financing. Trained service department. SJiovrolet, Atlantic Highlands. 291-0309 Follow Your Friends To This beauty is priced to This car is low priced license. Sec pharmacist BUN HAYFree delivery. SWIMMING RIVER Lawn Mower Repain sell quickly. DRUGS, Mfdd.etown Shopping Center, POOL SALES, LI 2-1777, Hwy. 3i, Ea- ALUMINUM BIDING - 14 colors, and ready to roll. Mlrtdletown. tontown. t4 mile south of Monmouth Auto and Truck Rental one week delivery, low low prices. Shopping Center. ALL KINDS Of LAWN MOWBK8— Free estimate!. FROWN'S, 33 Broad Many Other Top Quality Cars to Choose From MAN WITH SOME GARDENING EX- AVIS—Rent a new car or truck. Low Hand and circular saws, sharpens!, St., Red Bank. SH 1-7500. PERIENCE — For full or part time ORCHID OOWN — Originally 160, floor rates. Maple Ave., Red Bank. SH 7-repaired. FrBs pick up. 291-2437. Open Daily 9 'til 9 P. M., Saturday 'til 6 P. M. work. Near Reil Bank. Must have length, size 12, worn once. Asking S25, 0388. PR 4-5214. Dally 7 s.m.-lo p.m. Insulation i Siding Corp, Certified CIRCLE transportation, Write references Call 787-1985. Painting and Decorating Johns-Hanvllle contractor. FR 5-1401 experience to 'A.C." Box 611, or Adam Unzmayer 291-OJO2; Bank. THREE-CUSHION LAWSON SOFA _ Building Contractor Chevrolet Co. With slip covers, |25. Call after 6 p.m. LOUIS CABSAN — Pauitor, decorator, OLSON CO. INO.-Rooflni, BBidinl g * ircVICK STATION HELPER — Part- SH 1-7711. UU1LDBR — Ne\f homes, room ad- paperhanger, 25 years experience. 43 Insulation, installed and gualaranteei d tlrne, evenings. Apply in person only, Chapln Ave. SH 1-1708 after « p.mfo. r 10 years PR 5-O705- 291.0540. 25 Maple Ave. Red Bank PHIL WALDMAN, Onli Service Station, ditions, baiemont and attlo rooms, Mnple An., and W. Front St, Red VENETIAN BLINDS kitchens, garage, repairs and alter- R HILL — Fainter .Interior. and Hnllk. All Sizes 17" to 36" wide. 64" long atlons. Herbert Blgenrauch, SH 1-62U1. exterior. No Job too large or too Tel. Answering Service A. J. PICONS — Ceramic tile con- small. Very reasonable. Call 747,tern SH 1-3130 E363 MAPLE AVt-. -^ REP BANK * SH 1-5255; BROILER COOK SU0 2 for $5 tractor for quality, price, and prompt OAEL a JONES — Painting and LBT US BB your secretary. No need DININO ROOM CAPTAIN High service. Free estimate. Ctll Bl-2130 decorating. Full Insurance coverage. to mlsi calls. SI hour answering EDWARDR EMPLOYMENT AOENCY PROWN'S or 211-2177. Tor free estimate call 117-3041. service. «H 1-47M. 60 Broad St. Red Bank I] Broif St Red Bank IH 1-7500 COMMERCIAL RENTALS HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE RED BANK REGISTER STEVE ROPER SAVNDERS and OVERC4RD Wed., Mardi 20, 1963- THE STAGE IS SET HE 5CUWD5 5o AOT l: Four b*droon_i, two btthj BRICK & FRAME RANCH JSTZT/ '—\ -so vrcious, im I COUtD RENT! den, HrepUcc, garage. -LEGAE NOTICE. •OBNSB l: Inr.iJoa made wood i ZSBSCHNEIDEN \ STEVE/ 1 WONDER ] P0MT KNOW BUY—OR BORROW f Attractive Southern Colonitl. New MUing, living room, lUtctwa and Seven large rooms, three bedrooms, $IS DBN 0*AHT,lym IT MEANS £/*MTA PECSOft OWNfVAL EVEH75 / X OQMC BACK AMD bi-Ievel buiinesj building 2000 woo_*aralnf Urepiace. two baths, beautiful »un room, ga- rage. Eight years old, good condition, vrimr'irin SIT WITH MM/ feet, Highway 3«, Atlantic High- 00^41! ti Tbre« itept up re* 1-7. moved and isparated ere four excellent Little Stiver location. Liberal „ SALE ste rr Ai DEUR lands-Leonardo. Suitable for of- iMdrooma, two baths and a financing for qualified purchaser. S28,- SUPKKIOll COURT OF NKW JERSEY fices, retail outlet, saleiroom. hide-*-way den. 000. CHANCERY DIVISION SOfflNB 3: HlRh, dry but ment HONMOUTII COUNTY made available to the Hobby PHILIP J. BOWERS & CO. DockrJ No. 12121 30-CAR PARKING and Craft individual.'1 WALTER S. OVERTON Loula Yaccarlno t/a Guaranteed Au- $250 monthly includes all utilities, BOENE {: K htrmonfied at- to Sales, Plaint 1(1 v_:*G. B. Glove Uchtd wi|e. DIAL 741-7200 et al. Defendant! ACT 2: »i acre family tHting. By virtue of a writ of execution 1 SOENH I; Luidscap«(] tree iet- Real Enata Sines 1894 the above stated action to me direct BOWTELL tins compHmtntlnf Uiii »aclous <0 White St. Red Bank ed, I shall expose for aale at public hout*. i. vendue, at the Court House In Ui« Real Eitate SOENJC 3: For the diicriihi- Borough of Freehold, County of Hon. nillrii, Dower*, »hmb_ and a mouth, New Jersey on Monday th* State Hwy 38 Leonardo tualtbj la-wn. 15lh day of April. 1963, at 2 o'clock, 291-2100 AOT i: Convenient to aohooli, iboppi A-l CONDITION P. M. Prevailing Time. J-UL r»UI FOR ItT.fiOO. AH the defendant*' right, tltl 10 yean in the Bayihora Interest, If any, in and to tbe fol Three-bed room split-level horn* with lowing: PAUL P.. BOVA bright living room. Dining area, large AI.I. that certain tract, etc., in th recreatlcm room, utility room, 1H Borough of New Shrewsbury formerl STORES Realtor -fasuror baths, attached garage. Counter top Township of Shrewsbury, County c High-ay IS, Ulddleuwn range, wall oven, dryer, well land- Monmouth and State of New Jersey, MICKEY MOUSE By WALT DISNEY WhiU BL — But location, radieora- Member Multiple Uitlng •caped, fenced property. Large patio known aa Lots Noa. 6 and 8 In Block tion eompltttd, imull or 1&TM ipac * Open 7 Days Phone 671-2B' a-wnlttK. flOOO down. 5>44 FHA. 30 yyear P, on Map of Hance Park, in Shrews- •ult your r*qulr*ment 8H T-UW. bury To-wnihlp, N\ J. property of RAUBUNO RANCH—Acre plot, lot Call CO - available. Full prlca flT.BOO. BPACJC — Suitable (or atom* or Iljht living; room, fireplaoi, two bathe, Uz] George Hance Patterson, which s ' manufacturing available for rent Loca- dlolng room, tnr«e Utfa bedroom: RANCH Eft map Is filed In the Clerk's Office tion Juit outiide Red Bank. Call 8H 1- £2x24 enclosed poreh, double garagi 1658 three bedrooms, paneled recrea- the County of Monmouth, N. J. 2440 durlni busiMM houri. 13(^900 tion room with bar, alt electric kitch- Being commonly known and dMig en with wall oven, counter range an nated as No. 75 Springdale Avenue, FACTORY SPACE FOR RUNT — Ex- Schanck Agency dlahwaaner. Attached, garage, covered New Shrewsbury, New Jersey. cellent condition and location. Can BH patio and basement. City sewera, few The approximate amount of ttie 7-H00. bloclut to school- and. express city ment to be satisfied by said Bale 1 buiefl. Veteran's _&*,_ mortgage ma; the sum of $4,700.00 together with th 2O'x7O' STORE In Jive «tor* unit on ... 7^397 costs of this sale. Hwy 39, Middlttown, on* milt north Utmbtr Multiple Lilting assumed with $112 monthly pay- of Htd Bank. Suitable lorjprot«Mlonal ment*. Oder* con-Inerea. Frfce $19,300. Dated February 20, 1963 or commercial vat. BH T-3130. WALKER A WALKER, Realtors, Hw, JO8E3PH A. SHAFTO, fiherirf. URGE COLONIAL 35, 1000 feet south of Lily-Tulip Co. Thomas L. Yaccarino, Atty, March 30, 37, April 3, 10 938.64 Pour bedrooms, living room, dlnlni Mlddletown. PHONE 671-3311. Multlpli HOUSES FOR KENT room, kitchen, screened porch, base Uitlni;i and trade-Ins. Open 7 days, ment. tiaSOO. NEW SHREWSBURY — Colonial, foul MANY FURNISIIKD ant untaraldied bedrooms, all lwge rooms, f29,5O0. T SHERIFF'S SALE • rmtala In »1I Uni and prlcM. -Ill CASEY'S AGENCY, INC. cetlent condition. Owner. Sli 7-6380, SUPERIOR COURT UK 1 _.. Wiltshire Anncy Rsaltor», l«0 Ocsan Independent Broker LAW DIVISION Ave., 8«l Bright N. J. MJ-00M. Op.n VAIL. HOMSS — Four-room bungalow, MONMOUTH COUNTV uven dajs. Hwr. X Small down payment. $49,50 per month, CO IMa Includes all utlllUe.. LI 2-1367. Docket No. L 19764-60 »85 to 1125 Fw Month CHARLES WEIBSMAN, Plaintiff .. THB BIRO AOBMCT UN CROFT — Seven acres, four bed- FRANK J. ROBS and JOAN F, ROSS, R> 35 MltHlsto-n JUST REDUCED rooms, family room, modern kitchen, Defendants OS UMO Owner trajutferred to California. Hill- dining1 area, spacious living room. Ex- By virtue of a writ of execution li top acr* aectlon, full axre lot. Three- cellent (arming. SH 1-2911. the above stated action to me d WIP» MSL-CTION OF MOTA-S r bedroom ranch, IK balhs, full but reeled, I shall expose for .tie at pub- THE PHANTOM By LEE FALK jTurolshed and unfurnished. ment, extra* available. I23.MO. Owner NEAR LILY TULIP COMPANY — lic vendue, at the Court House Ir ate occupancy. Samuel Teleher . Just reduced $1,000 for quick sale. the Borough of Freehold, County oi oceanport An., Oceanport. Call or dial Phone SH 7-9M3. (16,500 buys four-bedrom split, many Monmouth, New Jersey, on Monday TME6H03T L4 2-3800 or LI 2-3501. KA2_ET — Assume fi% GI mort- txtrtm. FU 1-9277, owner. the 8th day of April, 1963, at WHAT WILL \ enters, rr is o'clock, P, M. Prevailing Time. WHO WALKS WOULD HE NOTASKED--NOR BE DONE I WRITTEN- HE REA BRIGHT — Five toomi. nnrlr fate. Five-year old Cape Cod, four- YOU NEED > decorated. W Per month plus uttlltltr bedrooms, lft baths, approximate! Three-bed room, split level Rome All the defendants' right, title a..- WE JUNGLE PEOPLE CANNOT FISHT WHEM THEY COME TO \ 13 WI9C. KNOW WHERE ANSWERER ABOUT / WHO RULE5 LIKE •2,000 down, total pries »u.60O. [ splendid condition. Modern sclenci interest, If any. In and to the follow' THE WEAPONS OF BABABU. IT j VOUR 6ATES--6REET LUASA'S EWEWBU? JA POX WILL WE SH owner. CO 44043. Ing: OCEANPOR um. T — Ramtillna: ranch ove- kitchen, spacious playroom, nice) WOULD BE MASSACRE. ___^_f THEM WITH HIDPEN? LIKEADO&. 1 landscaped ?_ acre lot. Extra refine- All that tract or parcel of land and looking riv«r contalnlm lour bedrooms, RUMSON RIVKIVIEW — 21i yea: ments. Near shopping and bus tram premise*, hereinafter particularly de- two tiled b«(lu. lirfa llvlnl room, old ranch, lmmaculal* oondltlon. Three portatlon, city sewers, A.sume cur scribed, situate, lying: and being ir ipaclous kitchen with built-in ranis bedrooma, til* bath, wlda board rent mortgage approximately $3,200. the Township of Rarltan, In the Coun and oven. paneled den, laundry room. pegged floori. Walking dlltance tt Inspection Invited. Ottered nt $18 500, ty of Monmouth, and Stat« of New Two car nract. Immediate oeeupannr ocean, schools, churchei and ahopa, WALKER A WALKER, Realtors, Hwy, Jersey, and designated as Lot 126 In IJdO per month. TEICHBK AOBHCY Only $16,000. Call for appolntme 35, 1000 feet floutft of I>liy-TuUp Co. Block G, as shown and laid down on M7 Ooanport ATB., Oceanport, M2 ROLSTON-WATERBURY, Realtors, JJ Id die town. PHONE 671-3311. MulUpl map entitled: "Map of Section Two, 3800. West Front St., Red Bank. SH 7-350C Listings and Trade-Ina. Open 7 dayt Garden Parkway Homes, Inc., Rari- RUMSON — Three-room, bath cottage tan Township, Monmouth County, New MIDDLETOWn — Ranch, Al conditlo PRICED RIGHT — Owner leaving Jersey. Scale 1" = 50', December 15, Hot water oil heat. Adult COWUM»nly Large knotty pine Utchen, alumJnui lovely ihre .-bedroom, 1%-bath split 1954," filed in the Monmouth County Lease. »75 a month. JOHN I* MWUOH iltllnr. low taxes. Asking (U.4SO. BNV Nice stz- rfrrpntion room leads, to a Clerk's Office August 11, 1M« In Case AUENCY. Pnone m-MOO. DER REALTORS. Five Corners, Mid large patio, large rear yard with prl- 42-21. dlitown. OB 1-2580. WANAHAB8A - Thrae-lwdroom split, ,cy. Good size living room, formal Being alao known *nd designated __ NEPTUNE — Three*edroom tench. MIDDLETOWN — Split level, aen dining room, modern kitchen wltf- 21 Sycamore Drive, Rarltan Township KB HM3, I_ 1-Unt. dishwasher. Come see this one. Onl rooms, l',4 bath, g»rag(, Heal loca- fl7,60O. LiAWliEY A/GBNCY. Realtori (Hazlet). New Jersey. ?AIR HAVXH — •BUM bedrooms, IVi tion, owner transferred, $l«,SO0. OS 1-3: 100 Hwy. 35, Red Bank. SH 1-6262. Th« approximate amount of the Judg- bath?, call 8K T-WTO betwen » a.m. COLTS NECK • HOLMDIL, ment to be eatiifted by mid sale li and 5 p.m. |125 month. TWO-STORY IIOMB ON SHADED the sum of *2O0.0O to^ehter with th* ev»'V —» £.«•>*• .— ^ " ... __—_—__—»_—_———• J. D. Roche Agency 8TREET — Th. location U rliht and costs of this sale. MIDDIJBTOWN — Almoat ntw all _on( Bridge Rd., Colts Keck so Is the price of this very attractive Dated November 8, 1962 EJm ranch wlUi •u-MUlMlrt »»»•• MV4955 older horns feat urine si fireplace In JOSEPH A. SHAFTO, Sheriff, MARK TRAIL By ED DODD ment and jarate In mellinl condi- MIDDLETOWN — Colonial split-level the living room, full sized dining Philip J. Blanda, Jr., Atty. tion. Available now, IM0 a month. Well-ahrubbed, % acre with trees, foul room, convenient kitchen. Upstair- March 13, 20. 27, April 3 f41.4fl CROWELL AOINCY, 41 *• Front It. bedrooma, IV, batha, large recreatloi there are three large bedrooms and Red Bank. 8H 1-4080. room, wall-to-wall carpeting. Baxcmenl bath. There ia a full, dry basement RUMSON — Two-bedroom snuae, lira large patlo-porcb. many extras, Cat with lavatory, one-car detached ga- 1147 place, lane lot In line area «rt£ Wl assume Ql mortgage. ¥3X900. OS 1-191 rage. Pilce $22,600. See It now! RUS SHERIFF'S SALE SKLL M. BO RUS Realtors. BOO Rivei SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY lease' ?!°rr™°_^I-&nBR0rA0W10r! ST. _EO'S PARISH • 1 LINCROF] Rd., Fair Haven. SH 7-4532. Mem- . CHANCERY DIVISION Modern split level. Four bedroom ber Multiple Llaling Service. ' MONMOUTH COUNTY Real Estate, 108 IS, River Rd.. Rurnson. two batha. 23* living Toom; also famlls Docket No. F -88S-61 recreation room. Two-car garage. FIRST SAVINGS AND LOAN AS- Large landscaped pint,- liberal terms. LOTS AND,ACREAGE SOCIATION OP EAST PATERSON WANTED TO RENT BarJ_ta Only lU.MO. STANLBr K. N. J., a Corporation of the state o DOWNS, Realtor, Shrew«burr. SK 1 COLTS NECK — M acres, high and New Jersey, Plaintiff vs: CARL HEN- 1017. Member HulUtle UsUng Berv RY LAWSO-N, et ux et al. Defendant OETTIMOMORE AND MORE PHOB Ice. dry. Best location. Asking $1,350 pei PBCTB - For t_ree-be4r»m rent*! acre. GEORGE V. HXMENSEE, Rea By virtue of a writ of execution in hSnes. List any rental tor tot action. RUMSON — HOLY 0RO3S PARIBH- Estate, Rt. 34, Colts Necic HO 2- the above stated action to me di- MATTHEW J. O_i AGENCY. Ill lit Some remodeling would transform this 3172. rected, I shall expose for i&le at pub- 33. Mlddletown. OS 1-3200. bis home. Six bedroom!, large lot lic vendue, at the Court House In low taxes, price 114,900. McA-iaTEF PAIR HAVEN — Two small, cleared ha Borough of Freehold, County of BUSINESS WOMAN desires) ••"»*» AQENOY, Real -stale, ,10» E. Rlvei lots. Ready for building., Located on Monmouth, New Jersey, en Monday homo and MpeniM. Convenient to Rd.. Rumion. ga2?«t>|, Church BL, call SH 1-5651.' the 1st day of April, 1D63, at 2 o'clock, transportation. No children. Relereiieee. P. M. Prevailing Time. TU-7M7 atwr « p.m. or weekend. ^rEW SHREWSBURY.— Four-bedroom ALL that tract or parcel or land Cape Cod, kitchen wllh inack bar, din- REAL ESTATE tuate,u jMng land.' belne In the Town Ing room, living room, and lull cellar ilp of Rarltan, Iri the'County of Mdn FURNISHED ROOMS HS.800. 747-0471. i '• mouth, in the St«te of New Jeraey WIST KEANSBUBO — Two^bedroom LIST YOUR HOME , BEING all of *Lot number 46 as ROOM AND BOARD for elderly people. ranch, gas heat, needs painting. Ap- with us for prompt lervlcft. Membe shown on map entitled: "Revised Mfep NUBBIN By JIM BURNETT and GEORGE CRENSHAW By the month or week. Homi C0OKln|. proximately »7.OO0 VA mortgage n>S! Multiple Lining Service. HOI-6TON of Lota 37 to 48, Showing Easements, OS 1-1(02. >e assumed. Price «S,9»0. CHATEAl WATERBURY, Realtors «ince 1925, 16San Fernando Park" KarJtan. Town- ROOMS -Private en REALTY, Real Eitate, Sl» Cair Avt. W. Front St. Red Bank. SH 7-3500. ship, Itonmoutn, County, New Jeraey, 136 Honraouth Keansburg. 7S7-S8J4; dated November 10, 1956, Craig Finne- tranct, parltinl - Why list gan, Engineer k Surveyor, filed In the FRIBNPS, IMS 5PBCIAI. /W«TIN' \ St. Red Bank. PRIZE WINNER RANCH with us? We advertlss extsnaively In Monmouth County Clerk's Office on OPBJSS } COMFORTABUt OUSAN ROOB-U.n With three ktng-ttte kadrooms, lovely, tha ntwipapera, radio and publish a April 9, 1S57 In Cats 60 File 15. ueraan preferred. Call after • p.m. modern designed Utchen, enclosed catalog for home seekers. W« ars mem- SUBJECT to the ten Toot wide drain SH 1-O48S. recreation room. Many, many extrai bers of (tie TWR, a uatlonal real estate .ge easement running across the fear SACRIFICE AT IH.0OO. THOMPSOl referral ierv.ee. We are "Home Trad- of Ihe above premises, and subject to _„.„_ SUNK! ROOM - With room: BARTELL. AOENCY. »H 7-8800. irs" — two officers, it full time aalei reitrictlons and' aaaementa of record closet. Suitable for smile person. Net people. Call WALK&R A WALKER. if any. railroad station. gH 1-3011. EATONTOWN — Threa-bedroom rani Realtors, Members * Red Bank Area 1490 down. Principals only. I_ 2- Uultipl* Listing Service, Shrewsbury. - Being commonly known and deshr- ifivoLJQ R00U8 — Clean and eora 1829. ' nated aj NO. 3S Craig Street, Rari- tortibteT fvaioSbl. ,.t,a. oentlemen SH 1-5212 and Mlddletown, OS 1-2129, " Township, New Jersey. Vreferred. »2 Wallace St. 8H 1-5392. LITTLE SILVER — 8lx-room horn* 1: WE NBKD GOOD HOMES for set ' amount of the Judg- most desirable area. Fireplace in llvim LARGE comfortable room, «»''»'» tmytri. The Dowatra Agency. Realtors, ment to be satisfied by said sale Is room, separate dining room, oelu* Bl E. Front St., Red Bank, SH 1-8700. the sum of J14.O00.OO together with the cation, reaionablt. M Hardlnf. Ro.. kitchen with dishwasher, three lovelj coats or this sale. (H T-0535. bedrooms, tile batl), screened porch, Dated February 14, _B63 ATTRACTIV1I - Studio room. Private full basement, attached garage, rail -LEGAL NOHC JOSEPH A. SHAFTO, Sheriff. eooWnt for one. convenient location, fencing. Priced al a low 125 500. EL- Samuel Sleber, Atty, WOOD A. ARMtVTOKXNO AOENCY/ March 6, 13, 20, 27 f48. SH 1-«3M. Realtor, MS Prospect Ave., I Sliver. SK 1-45O0. 1-171 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HHERIFFS SALK M42 MMEDIATE POSSESSION — BricV SUPER10K COURT OF NEW JERSEY SHERIFF'S SALE HOUSES FOR SALE ind irama eight-room home. Four-bei CHANCERY DIVISION SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY ooms. 2H baths, flbade trees, well MONMOUTH COUNTY CHANCERY DIVISION landscaped. Jtt.000 mortgsge avallab>< Docket No. F 1203-62 MONMOUTH COUNTY AAsklnl r 124,800. Excellent location I UNDERWOOD MORTGAGE A Docket No. F 4310-11 POGO By WALT KELLY Llttl. Silver. STANLEY K. DOWNS TITLE CO. a corporation of New CARTERET SAVTN08 AND LOAN REDUCED $2,000 Reaiiorr'siirewsbu"ry.~SH 1-1017. Mem:.ersey, Plaintiff vs; MERCER PARK ASSOCIATION, a corporation of New b« Multiple listing Service. OF MIDDLETOWN, INC. et als, De- Jersey, Flalntl.f v»: JAMES A LACy, Larie rour-beilroom Colonial, two F'AI. R KAVBN. CUr_ OOTTAttB. CKxk fendants et all., Defendants , baths, fame room, basement, garafa. retirement home. New Itltchsn, new By virtue of a writ of execution In By virtue of a writ of execution in All In excellent condition, convenient i.refrigerator. , dinette and open porch, the above stated action to me direct- he above atflted action to me directed little *Hv»r location near Red Bank, ovverloolts pretty wooded area wit ed, I shall expose for sale at pub He I shall expose for sale at public ven Owner la movlnj to smaller home, b.jrooli- . White living- room, two bed vtndue, at the Court House in the due, at the Court Houae In the Borough IM.S0O. rooms, tiled bath. Basement, «er»g< Borough of Freehold, County ot Mon- of Freehold, County of Monmouth, New Itilet neighborhood. Excellent cond mouth, Mew Jerae; Monday tha Jeraey, on Monday the lit day of lion TaxeV«307. JH.OTO. LAWRKNC1 K»h day of April, 1063 it 2 P.M.- Pre April, ]D63, at 2 o'clock, P. M. Pro- PHILIP J. BOWERS & CO. J. SCHILLING, Rrs and Melds to roam In. Mother W. Seaman, C. B. A Land Surveyor, engineer dated January 19, 1028,1 Thli lovely two-b«droom home, only id Dad will enjoy thle top neighbor- dated April 1S56 and. filed July 16, which map Is duly filed In the Mon 10 yeara old,'with detached |ari(e li md almost new, four bedrooms, 2Vk 1656 In the Konmout-i County dirk's mouth County Clerk's office as Case olfertd for the flrat time. Act quickly ilhs. Large country-style kitchen, spa, Office as Map S2-22. No. 70, u It won't lilt. clous living room and dining room, Being commonly known and deslR BEING lot No. 95 on th? map ol all purpose room and two-car attached iated as No. 174 Marsha. Drive, Mid' >untry Club Estates in the tax map CROWELL AGENCY garage. Owner's mortgage may b« as- dletown. New Jersey, if Miildletown Township. MARY WORTH By ALLEN SAUNDERS and KEN ERNST limed with low down payment. Prlc The approximate amount of the Judg- BEING known and designated aa 6 Realtors 25.500. WALKER & WALKBH, Real ment to be satisfied by said tale is West Wilson Circle, Mirtrlletown, Mon- orn, Highway 34, Shrewsbury. SH 1 thn mm ot 113,700.00 tojether with the louth County, New Jeraey. THt CAS 41 E. Front >t Red Bulk BH HK01212. 24-Hour Service. YK.I -*-* :o!t_ of this sale. Subject to restrictions and ease* COMPANY I'LL \ Multiple Uiuns Service MOBT ATTRACTIVE RANCH HOME- Dated March 5, 1063 lents of record. If any, zoning and *7ARTED WORK RED BANK HOME—J ult o!f Broad )ecorated to perfection. Spacious llv- JOSEPH A. SHAFTO, Sheriff. lunlclpal ordinances, and such facts ONLY "TH5 MORM BUILDING ENTRANCE St. Seven roomi. two batha, firaplac«. ne room, also dlnlni room. Deluxi Herman L. Jaffet, Aity. i an accurate survey and examlna- •utiporch. In excellent condition. Quiet iltchen, breakfast area, dunwaiher. March 20, 27, April 3, 10 *«. on or the premiums would disclose. RUT ONE QUICKLV •tr«l. Walking dlltance to Ihopplnf, Three twin bedrooms, two tiled baths, Together with alL-Jixtures now at- LEAUM 70 RtCOGNlZt •choola and tralna. Ul.tSt. Call tit to- lame room !>• i!«' plui den. Full tachsti to or used In connection v day. ROLSTON WATERBTJRY, Real- lassment. A-l condition. Only S33.M0. 1-1(15 ihe aforementioned premises and THtSACRtDCO--- tor!, 1< W. Front St., Bed Bank. SHERIFF'S SALE iou.iehold appliances. STANLEY K. DOWNS, Realtor, Bhtews- SUPERIOR OOUHT OF NEW JERSEY The approximate amount of the judft- • SH 1-3500. ' jury. SH M017. Member Multiple List- CHANCERY DIVISION itnt to be satlaiffti by said Aale is REDUCED J10OD — Suburban area ing Service. MONMOUTH COUNTY ihe sum of 114,150.00 together with the Ulddtetown. 107 Murphy Rd. Oorceoul RIVER PLAZA COLONIAL - Llvln Docket No. F-4408-ei costs of this riale. * apllt home Include! three large bed- room, dining, kitchen, paneled den, MARINE VIEW SAVINGS AND Dated February 14, 1963 rooms, den or fourth bedroom, lit id tt bath, down. Four bedrooms, LOAN AJSaOOIATMON, a body corpo- JOSEPH A. SHAFTO, Sheriff. bathe, recreation room, formal dining ro baths up. All rooma larger thai rate; ot the State of New Jersey, Plain- evy, McClonkey, Schltslnger room, center hall entrance, 39' living _iual, and closets like you have never v«: MARTIN FAALAND, et at., & Tiichter. Attys, , room with cathedral celling, itorm teen. Carpeted. Being Mid by owner. IXfendants March 8. 13, 20, 27 $52.44 window! and acreeni, finished base- old. Priced In low 3O'i By virtue of a writ o[ execution in ment, bar, 40' aeml circular patio. Four years ii abov* slated action to me dl- Lot 220X189. 123,(00. Call owner. OS 1- 7-5228. •ected, I shall expose for sale at 2711). Principal! only. ' , PERFECT HOME — Far a faltidl- public vendue, at the Court House In (us buyer. Centrally located neai tna Borough of Freehold, County of ; SAI.K HAKLiET Three-bedroom ranch, rec- ichools, transportation, church of youi Monmouth. New Jersey on Monday lhrly line of Valley Drive, aaid point I) North 24 degrees 33 minutes 30 being the point of Intersection of the ipconda Enst and along the Sotjtli- westerly line of lot 128 extended from -Bterly sideline or Harmony Rotvl its paint oF inlet-flection with the north- formerly Atlantic Avenue) 10(1 feet tt> erly line of Kenmore Avenue an art i point; and running thr-nce (3) South orth In the afore.iid map, which point 12 degrees 61 minutes East 220.37 feel 720.43 feet easterly from the easterly a point; running thence i.Ti South _it of Appleton Avenue, along the degrees 02 mlniilns in spconcis Went lortherly line of Kenmore Avenue; il.68 feet to a point; running tliencn hence (1) easterly. Along the north- U) North 6S ttpRrecs 2G minute A 30 THE RYATTS By CAL ALLEY erly line of Valley Drive 60 feet to seconds Went 209.71 fret to a point ;he point of Intersection of the eait- In the Southeasterly nldellne of Har- •r)y line of Lot 127, extended to the nony Road (formerly Atlantic Ave- Neat split level, good location, lots of house for the money. iforeaald Valley Drive; thence (2) ue) and to tho point and placo of northerly, along th* easterly line of IKOINNINO. Living room, separate dining room, two-car attached ga- Lot 127 extended distance be what it BEING known and designated AA may to the loutheait comer of Lot ot No, B5 In Black. "G" on a map rage. Four bedrooms, two baths. Large recreation room No. 118; thenca <3) westerly, along the- ultled "Map of Harmony Gardens" on lower level has aeparate entrance. Excellent location southerly line of Lota 118 and 117, on Mlddletown Towmhip, Monmouth •aid Map 60 feet to tile northeast cor- "otinty. New Jersey, dated May 13. for the commuter. Excellent FHA mortgage available, ner of Lot No. 129; thence (4) ion th- 955 made by Craig Flnnegan, Engl- irty, along the westerly luis of Lot leer and Surveyor and riled In the $19,900 2B extendtd distance be what It may the northerly line of Valley Drive fffce of the Clerk of the County of nd tli. point or place of Beginning. on mouth on July 8, 1065 at Sheet SEE ANY MEMBER OF THE Being commonly known and desig- 23 In Cine No. 39. ned la No. 77 Leonardvllle Head, Being commonly known nnd deal*. :iddletown, New Jersey, iated M No, 713 Harmony Road, Mid- RED BANK AREA Tlie approximate amount of the Judg- Uptown Township, New Jernty. lenl to be satisfied by _ald aale is the The approximate amount r>f the Judi- im of 113.400.00 together with the lent to he NAtlNlfM by *«lri. sale \* .iM of this aale. mm of $3,700.00 together with thi Dated March 1, 1M3 ot this snle. MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Dated February. 20. Jf)fl3 JOSEPH A. SHAFTO, Sheriff. JOaEPH A. SHAFTO, Shftiiff. en pag* 168 of tha Yollovv Ptg» Directory Plllstuiry A Carton, ufldr. Heuaer * De MAlo, Attyi. AttyB. March 30, 27, April 3, 10 |77,MMarch 20, 27. April 3, 10 130.73 r " . GREEN FREE! FREE! 50 S&H |FREI!50S&H [ In addition to yeur ragulor ttompt hi addition to jroar itgglar trtmpi STAMPS C» with purchaM of $tO or man , ' 'with plirfhoM of Ib. cotton «t with purchoM of ttirt. 7-«. cast (hcludfng Frtih Milk fr Cljartttti) FREE! 400 S*H ; LOUE1LA BUTTER Nome- In addition to your regular stamps! Get 100 extra stamps with

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;,:.;• 69c Toothpaste Golden Vigoro 35-ib.bog BAKERY FREE! 50 S&H GREEN STAMPS mtr Regularly 83c In stores selling toiletries " - "»l Cralurni Kilter CAU. ». „ With Coupon ol Top of Page and Purchaie of VJ-gallon of covtrs 3,000 sg. Ft.5AVE $1.0 20-lb. bag VIRGINIA LEE PEACH Ideal, Virginia Let or Fdrmdale ICE CREAM J AH Adv.r,l..d Pric. vtrtto. t^,,fc M.r^ , M'59C Umll Qu „. 311* 25(

Yuban KEEBLER ctoi. Fidn. liiiimotih Maxwell El8H t " Tsgpin* ' ji!'' 3 Club or Town House Fmn'f WALMUT or PECAK «•,.•«. J Instant nan i TDFPING jir 1 House 9-ox. $ 1 V) WWone ,'BJIf,", £S3fci Crackers lb 31c BRILLO Coffee jar I COFFEE Sauerkraut,0,", 2 *;•„'; 19c PLAIN or MARBLE 2-lb. can SOAP PADS large BEA(OK WAX 3,2,;tt 79( | MEAT FLAVOR Duncan Hines ls Pound Cake Duncan Hines Pusj&Booh & 6 ,?B"r99{| Pepsodent Blu-Whife Cake Mixes Dry Trend C Brovynie Mix Tooth Paste YOUR CHOICE 39C Liquid Trend Ltmon Suprtmt. Yellow, Oivil'i 59 UKi-oi. pkj. s-oi. tub. 59c Beads O'Bleach ^r 39c Food, Fudei-Marblt, IVhit., spic.

RED BANK—170 Broad St. FAIR HAVEN—576 River Rd. LINCROFT—Newman Springs Rd. at Hurley Lane WEST LONG BRANCH-Rt. 36 and Broadway