INTERMEDIATE LEVEL Points for Understanding Answer Key


1 1 Bond and Du Pont are waiting for the next Transamerica Airlines’ plane to New York. 2 The two men had met before at the Casino at Royale les Eaux, in France. Bond was playing cards against a French gambler. 3 (a) Du Pont says that Bond was ‘cool’ when he was gambling at the Casino. (b) Du Pont is telling Bond that he is a good gambler. He stayed calm and did not show his feelings. 4 Du Pont offers Bond $ 10,000 to stay in his hotel and find out how is cheating him. 2 1 Bond first meets Goldfinger on the roof of the Cabana Club, part of Du Pont’s hotel, The Floridiana. Goldfinger is on a sunbed and wearing a yellow swimsuit and dark glasses. Du Pont introduces Bond to Goldfinger and they shake hands. Goldfinger’s first name is Auric, which means “golden”. This is a very suitable name because Goldfinger has bright red hair and yellow eyelashes. His skin is burned red-brown by the sun. Goldfinger loves too and keeps his money in the form of gold bars. 2 (a) Goldfinger always plays cards facing the hotel because he says that he has agoraphobia. Looking at open spaces makes him feel ill, so he cannot sit facing the garden and the sea. (b) In Chapter 1, Du Pont tells Bond that Goldfinger plays cards in the mornings and afternoons so that he can get a suntan. 3 (a) Du Pont gives Bond a passkey to Goldfinger’s suite. Bond uses the passkey to open the door into the suite. (b) With binoculars, things that are far away look bigger. When Jill Masterton uses them, she can see Du Pont’s cards clearly and tell Goldfinger about them. (c) Goldfinger wears a hearing aid, but he is not deaf. The hearing aid is connected to a microphone. Goldfinger is able to hear what Jill Masterton is telling him about Du Pont’s cards. Then it is easy to cheat. 3 1 Goldfinger said that he would be in Britain in a week’s time. He invited Bond to play a game of golf with him at the Royal St Mark’s Golf Club. 2 told Bond about the ’s problem with gold smuggling. Then he asked Bond about the richest men in England and told him about Goldfinger. Bond laughs, because he had met Goldfinger the week before. 3 The Bank knows these things about Goldfinger. (a) Goldfinger was born in Riga, in the Soviet Union. (b) He owns many small jewellers’ shops where he sells cheap jewellery and buys old gold. (c) Goldfinger has a house in Reculver, on the River Thames. He often drives to his factory in Switzerland, so the student might guess he has a house there too. (d) Goldfinger used to own a cargo ship which went to India once a year. When the ship was wrecked in a storm, gold powder was found in it. Goldfinger’s car is an old Rolls Royce Silver Ghost. (e) Goldfinger’s wealth is in the form of gold bars. They are kept in bank vaults all over the world – in Zurich, Nassau, Panama and New York. His bank account has plenty of money in it too. 4 Three examples connected by chance: Du Pont meets Bond by chance at Miami Airport when their plane is delayed and he invites Bond to his hotel. By chance, Bond’s suite in the hotel (1200) is above Goldfinger’s (200). This helps Bond find out how Goldfinger is cheating Du Pont. By chance, M wants Bond to catch Goldfinger, the man he had just met in Miami. Students might also suggest that, by chance, one of Goldfinger’s gold bars was found in the office of a SMERSH agent in Tangiers.

4 1 Goldfinger always marks his gold bars with a tiny letter ‘Z’. The SIS has found nineteen of Goldfinger’s gold bars in the hands of SMERSH agents. Goldfinger is SMERSH’s banker. 2 SIS has given Bond a fast powerful car, an Aston Martin DB3. The car has a special compartment under the driver’s seat for Bond’s gun. The car also has a radio that can receive signals from a transmitter called the Homer. If the Homer is put in another car, the signal tells Bond where that car is. 3 (a) A caddie helps a player by carrying his clubs in a golf bag. Golf is played on very smooth grass. But there are roughs and bunkers on the golf course, to make the game more difficult. (b) A rough is a patch of long grass. (c) A bunker is a wide, shallow hole, filled with sand.

5 1 First, Goldfinger stands on a tuft of grass in front of his ball, to flatten it. Then he drops his club when Bond is going to hit his ball and Bond makes a mistake. Later, Goldfinger’s ball falls into a bunker, so he jumps in front of the ball to flatten the sand. Lastly, when Goldfinger loses his ball, he gives his caddie some money to ‘find’ another ball and put it in a good position. 2 Hawker helps Bond by putting his golf bag over Goldfinger’s ball. Bond decides to cheat too. With his caddie’s help, Bond makes sure that Goldfinger plays the eighteenth hole (the last) with the wrong ball – a Dunlop Number 7, not a Dunlop Number 1. This is against the rules. Even though Goldfinger had played fewer shots than Bond, Goldfinger has lost the game. 3 The printed numbers are important, because the 1 and 7 look alike. Goldfinger does not notice that the balls have been changed. 6 1 Bond is left alone at The Grange. Goldfinger knows that he will search the house. There are cine-cameras in the living room, Goldfinger’s bedroom and outside the factory. The lights in these places are very bright. Everything that Bond does is being filmed. 2 When he is in Goldfinger’s bedroom, Bond hears the machine which sends the film strips into a container. Goldfinger’s cat has followed him into the room and Bond has an idea. He pulls the film strips into the light, to destroy the pictures. Then he throws them back into the container and puts the cat on top of them. The cat can’t get out and falls asleep. Goldfinger may think that the cat destroyed the film strips. Bond hopes so!

3 Goldfinger’s Korean servant, , is dumb – he can’t speak. He is wearing a bowler hat made of metal, and black gloves. Oddjob takes off his gloves and Bond sees that his hands are very big and strong. The fingers are all the same length, with no finger nails. There is a hard strip of skin on the edge of each hand. Oddjob is very strong. He can break wood with his hands and feet and kill people with his hat. Students may remember that in Chapter 4 we are told that Oddjob has a square face and fierce dark eyes. He also eats cats. 4 Goldfinger’s car has very strong brakes. The car is very heavy because it has strong sheets of metal to protect it.

7 1 In Orleans, Bond saw a small, pale grey Triumph sports car. He had seen the car before at Ferryfield Airport. 2 Bond finds a gold bar, put there by Goldfinger. 3 The road divides at Mâcon. Goldfinger takes the left turning to Geneva, in Switzerland. Bond follows and so does the grey sports car. Bond guesses that the girl is chasing Goldfinger too. This will make Bond’s mission more difficult. Bond stops his car suddenly. The grey car crashes into his and is badly damaged. Bond apologies and says that he will take the girl to Geneva. 4 (a) In Coppet, Bond spies on Goldfinger’s factory. He sees men take off the doors of Goldfinger’s Rolls Royce and then remove the armour plating from inside the door panels. (b) In Geneva, Bond hears that ENTERPRISES AURIC makes metal furniture, including plane seats for the Indian Mecca Airlines. 5 Goldfinger is using his Rolls Royce to smuggle gold. The armour plating fitted at Reculver was white gold. Goldfinger drove the car to Coppet where the gold was removed and made into seats for Mecca Airlines’ planes. The planes flew to India, where the seats were taken out and the gold was sold.

8 1 The ‘body’ is Tilly Soames, the girl who owns the grey sports car. She is Jill Masterton’s sister. 2 Jill was killed by Goldfinger’s servant, Oddjob. He was told to cover her body with gold paint. The girl’s skin could not breathe and she died. 3 In Chapter 4, Bond and Goldfinger arrive at Royal St Mark’s golf course in England on the same afternoon. In Chapter 8, Bond follows Goldfinger to his house and factory in Switzerland. He is captured and the two men met again.

9 1 Bond offers to make a bargain with Goldfinger because he cannot escape. The saw is going to cut him in half. 2 When Bond wakes up for the second time, he is on a bed in a white room. He is alone in the room, but Tilly is lying on a bed in the next room. 3 Goldfinger plans to steal fifteen billion dollars’ worth of gold bullion from the Bullion Depository at Fort Knox. One hundred members of America’s most powerful gangs, led by their bosses, will be helping Goldfinger. Bond and Tilly Masterton will be working as his secretaries.

10 1 Each gang boss will get one billion dollars for one week’s work. 2 (a) A drug will be put in the area’s water supply and everyone there will fall asleep for three days. Goldfinger and the bosses will get into Fort Knox by a special train from New York. (b) He will use an atomic bomb to get into the vault. (c) Goldfinger will take his share of the gold away by train, then by ship to the Soviet Union. The bosses will have to use their own trucks and drivers. 3 Mr Springer, the boss of the Purple Gang of Detroit, decides not to join the project. He dies as he leaves the building. Bond guesses that it was not an accident. Oddjob had killed him. 4 Bond is now sure that all the people in Fort Knox will die too.

11 1 (a) Bond’s secret message is to , in New York. (b) The next day, Bond puts the message under the seat in the plane’s toilet. 2 suspects that Bond is Goldfinger’s enemy. She is suggesting that she might be on Bond’s side too. 3 At 6 a.m. when the train reaches Louisville, all the railway employees except the driver have to get off the train, because they do not have protection suits. A few minutes later, Goldfinger kills the driver and drives the train himself.

12 1 Bond wasn’t happy because Goldfinger and the bosses had not been caught. The robbery of Fort Knox had been stopped, but Bond had not got back the gold stolen from the Bank of England. And two English girls, Jill and Tilly Masterton, had been murdered. 2 Bond was told to have an injection against typhoid but it was a trick. He was drugged and woke up on Goldfinger’s plane. 3 Pussy Galore. First, she wrote Bond a message to say she wanted to work with him. Then she gave him a pen. Bond was able to give her a message and save her life. 4 (a) Bond fought with Goldfinger, put his fingers round his throat and killed him. (b) Bond made a hole in the window next to Oddjob with his knife. The Korean was pulled out of the window and died. (c) The plane went into a steep dive and fell into the sea at about a hundred miles an hour. (d) The gold went down to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. (e) The pilots were carrying heavy bags of gold, so they were all pulled down to the bottom of the ocean and drowned.