Prayers of the Church

For the , and for Rowan, ; the Diocese of in the Province of South East Asia and for The Rt. Rev. , of Kuching and for the Assistant , The Rt. Rev. Aeries Sumping.

For the Episcopal Church, and for Katharine, our Presiding Bishop ; for the people, clergy, and the Bishop of the Diocese of Southwestern Virginia.

For the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego, and for Jim, our Bishop ; on this last Sunday of the year, intercessions will be offered for the congregation, for the clergy and wardens and for all others in leadership positions with particular petitions for wisdom and guidance in the year to come.

For those commended to our prayers : Helen Ashie, Clifford Ashie, Garrett McConnel, Alex Heck, Jenn & John McMath, Jane Thompson, Lennetta Grant, Betty Thomas, Rose, Chuck, Hazel Lucas, Cindy Lucas, Bonnie & Vern Suter, Barbara & Roger Suttle, Ruth Duvernay, Eileen Upton, Gary Piper, Erv & Renee’ Gunnink.

For those who have died : Ray Thomas, Ron Crudo, Robert Marchand, Emile Duvernay, Don MacLean.

For those with Birthdays : December 30 th : Benjamin Carrillo, Michael Funke; 31 st : Billie Jean Haas, Caroline Heil, Thomas Sikes; January 1 st : Dave Hall, John Viggos; 2 nd : rd Christopher Brunette, Barbara Halcom, Michael Helm, Betty Muhleck; 3 : George Barros.

For those celebrating Anniversaries.

For Civic Leaders : Pray for Barack, our President; Jerry, our Governor; Steve, our Mayor; and the elected officials of the Coachella Valley.

For those for whom flowers are given : at the altar by Clarence Garzoli in memory of Jay P. Judin, PhD.

For the people of the state of Kentucky, whose flag we are flying today.