The following Oral Questions are to be asked and answered in the Maneaba ni Maungatabu on Wednesday 25 November 2020. The numbers refer to the Questions as entered in the Order Book.

By Hon. Betero Atanibora, MP (Abaiang)

OQ12. N na butia te Tautaeka bwa e na kabwarabwara bwa antai ana booti ake a katokaki iaon taian raanti (landing craft) ake a kanakoaki nakoia Kauntira i aonnaba bwa bwain tangira?


May I ask the Government to clarify on the ownership of boats that were shipped together with landing crafts, given as aid, to all Island Councils?

Reply by Hon. Boutu Bateriki (Minister of Internal Affairs)

I kan kaongoa te Tia Tei ae e rine bwa booti ake a iri n toka ma te Landing Craft are te buoka nakoia atimwakoro bon ana booti te supplier.


I wish to inform the Honorable MP that boats which were shipped with the Landing Craft belong to the supplier.

By Hon. England Iuta, MP (Beru)

OQ20. Tera ngkai tein booia Iabatera ni kabane aika mwakuri n te Air ae a karerekea n uoua te wiiki? E kona te Minita are tabena ni kamataata aei, taiaoka?


What is the fortnightly rate of pay for all the expats employed at Air Kiribati? Can the Minister responsible kindly clarify this matter, please?

Reply by Hon. Tekeeua Tarati (Minister of Information, Communication, Transport and Tourism Development)

Booia ana taan mwakuri Air Kiribati aika Iabatera ae a karekea e bon kaineti nakon aia contract ao e katineaki ma kainanoakin te mwakuri ae a mena iai iaan te Tua.



The salary rate for all expatriates employed at Air Kiribati is done in-line with the negotiated terms in their contracts and is weighed according to the demands and need of their respective position under Law.

By Hon. Ieremia Tabai, MP (Nonouti)

OQ24. Teuana oin te mwaing nakon Tiaina bon ana koaua te Tautaeka ae e na buokira ni kawaekoa karaoan nanon te motinnano ao reken te kabwaia ao te rikirake are e aanaki iai te KV 20. I kan titiraki bwa tera ae e a tia te Tautaeka ni boraraoi iai ma Tiaina bwa e aonga ni waekoa ni koro nanon te kantaninga anne?


One main reason given for recognizing China is government’s belief that China will assist us to speed up the implementation of the Motinnano and the achievement of the benefits expected from KV 20. I want to ask what agreements have been made with China so that the main aims of Government will be achieved?

Reply by His Excellency (Te Beretitenti)

N ana reitaki Kiribati ma Tiaina ao iai uaekaki tein te boraraoi ake tia tia ni waaki iai. Te moan bon te boraraoi imarenan te Tautaeka ni Kiribati ma te Tautaeka n Tiaina, ao te kauoua bon te boraraoi imarenan ara Tautaeka rinanon te Botaki ni Mwakuri ibukin Reitaki ma Tinaniku ao Boborau (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) ao ana Tautaeka Mwakoron Tiaina ke ana province ae Guangdong.


Shortly following the resumption of diplomatic ties, there are two types of agreements that the Government has entered into with the People’s Republic of China. The first concerns State to State agreements whilst the other relates to an agreement between our Government, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Immigration and a Province of China namely Guangdong Province.

By Hon. Tibanga Taratai, MP (Banaba)

OQ31. Inanon boowin te Maneaba ae e nako ao I bubuti buokan Banaba iaon ana mitiin ni karao ran ni ikotaki ma ana Kaa n Ran. N na butiia Te Tautaeka bwa e a bwaka iaa buokan ana kanganga Banaba aio?



In the last Parliament, I requested for Government’s assistance towards water problem in Banaba in the form of a desalination plant and a water truck. I now wish to follow up the status of this request?

Reply by Hon. Willie Tokataake (Minister of Infrastructure and Sustainable Energy)

E katautauaki bwa te bobwai ibukin ana kaa n ran Banaba e na waaki ngkana e a tauraoi mwanena. Ibukin ana mitiin ae e boou are e na onea taari nakon te ran ae mam e kantaningaki bwa e a tia ngkai n roko iaon Banaba.


The procurement for Banaba water truck will commence once funding is made available. The new desalination system for Banaba should have reached the island by now.

By Hon. Tinian Reiher, MP (Butaritari)

OQ54. E kona te Minita ae e karineaki n kakaea te anga ae e na kanakoraoa raoi riki aron kaokaia aoraki ma aia Taan tararua bwa ana aki rangi n tiku n maan n tataninga te moan mwaawa n te kiba n oki nako abaia?


Could the Hon. Minister kindly find arrangements that will improve the repatriation of patients and their caretakers without having to wait long for the first available flight?

Reply by Hon. Dr. Tinte Itinteang (Minister of Health and Medical Services)

E rabwa Te Tia Tei n ana titiraki ao I kukurei n taekinna ae e a waaki ngkai au Botaki ni Mwakuri n katamaroa aron te kaokioki irouia Aoraki ao aia Taan tararuaia ngkana anang okira abaia ngkana a marurung.


I thank the Honorable MP for his question, and I am happy to say that my office is currently working on improving the local referral system which includes transporting back patients and caretakers when recovered.


By Hon. Ieremia Tabai, MP (Nonouti)

OQ33. Ti noria bwa te mwane n tania man Ritemba 2019 e ti raka n te mwaiti ae $2m nakon $1.155 n te ririki aei, iai naba kerikaakin te mwane n tania n te mwaiti ae $54.19m ni Maati n te ririki aio. N ara koaua ao te bwai ae riki e aki raoiroi ni kabotauaki ma ririki aika a nako. I kan titiraki bwa tera ae e riki?


We note that the value of the reserve fund since December 2019 has just increased by $2m to $1.155 in July this year. There is also a drop of $54.19m in the value of the fund in March 2020. In our view this is not a good performance compared to the last few years. I want to ask the Minister what happened?

Reply by Hon. Dr. Teuea Toatu (Te Kauoman ni Beretitenti & Minister of Finance and Economic Development)

I kan kaongoa te Tia Tei ae e rine ao te Maneaba aei bwa iai teutana rootakin biribirin te Mwane n Tania n te ririki aio ni kabotauaki ma ririki aika a nako ibukin te aoraki ae te COVID-19 are e taona te aonnaba.


I wish to inform this Maneaba and the Hon. MP that the performance of the RERF during 2020 slightly weakened compared to previous years, due to the impacts of the COVID - 19 pandemic.

By Hon. Bonteman Tabera, MP (Nonouti)

OQ49. N na butia te Minita are tabena ngkana e kona riki n rinanoa ana bubuti te Kauntira n Nonouti iaon tangiran kateakin te clinic ae e boou ibukin Taboiaki Meang. Te reta e bonginaki n 14 February 2018 nakon ana Tia Koroboki Te Onaoraki ao iai naba katotona nakon te Tia Koroboki n te MIA.


I request the Minister responsible in reconsidering the request from Nonouti Island Council in regards to the provision of a clinic for Taboiaki North. The letter was dated on the 14th of February 2018 to the Secretary for Ministry of Health and also copied to the Secretary for MIA.


Reply by Hon. Dr. Tinte Itinteang (Minister of Health and Medical Services)

I kukurei n taekinna nakon Te Tia Tei ae e karineaki bwa Taboiaki Meang i Nonouti ngaia naba teuana te kaawa ae e na kateaki ana Kiriniki ae e boou.


I am glad to inform the Honorable MP that Taboiaki North in Nonouti is one of the villages to receive a newly built clinic.

By Hon. Tinian Reiher, MP (Butaritari)

OQ52. Iai te babaire ibukin te kabomwi nakon taian nii ma kai n amwarake aika a koreaki ma taian rua n bwabwai ao banana aika a taunaki man kaboraoaki ibukin te karao kawai iaon abamwakoro?


Does Government have a policy to compensate the cutting of coconut and other food trees as well as the backfilling and levelling of bwabwai and banana pits for the road upgrading on the outer islands?

Reply by Hon. Ruateki Tekaiara (Minister of Environment, Lands and Agricultural Development)

Bon iai te kainibaire iaon te kabomwi iaon kai n amwarake, rua ni bwabwai ma banana ngkana ana karikirake te Tautaeka.


Government has a policy to compensate for felled crops/trees, bwabwai and banana pits during road upgrading if it is Government project.

By Hon. Ieremia Tabai, MP (Nonouti)

OQ56. N ana taeka te Kauoman n tain te rinerine ae e nako ao e taku bwa ti aki kainanoa te tarau bwa e mwaiti ara mwane ao irarikina ao iai te tarau mai imwaina ae $55m ao e aki raoiroi ngkana tia manga tarau riki. I kona n titiraki bwa eti otara bwa te Tautaeka aio bon akea ana iango ni kan tarau riki man tabo nako?


During the last election campaign, the Vice President said that we did not need to raise any loans as we have adequate resources of our own, plus the 5 fact that there is already a loan of $55m and it is not prudent to raise any more loans. I want to ask, is our understanding correct that this Government has no intention at all to seek any loans from anywhere?

Reply by Hon. Dr. Teuea Toatu (Te Kauoman ni Beretitenti & Minister of Finance and Economic Development)

I kan kamatoaa nakon te Maneaba aei ao te Tia Tei ae e rine bwa te bwai are I taekinna bon ngaia ae e waaki iai te Tautaeka aei.


I would like to confirm to this Maneaba and the Hon. MP that what I said then remains unchanged.

By Hon. Harry Tekaiti, MP (North Tarawa)

OQ62. N na butia te Tautaeka ke te Minitita are tabena karekean raawa n roro i tanraken Tarawa Ieta n taabo aikai; Tabiteuea, Marenanuka, Nooto, Tearinibai bwa e aonga ni buoka aron karekean otinakoia n akawa i tanrake ao mani buoka naba aron kabebetean maeuia n tangiran te ika?


I request the Government or the Minister responsible to provide boat passages at the ocean side to villages of Tabiteuea, Marenanuka, Nooto and Tearinibai to solve their problem of access to the ocean side and to mitigate their needs?

Reply by Hon. Ribanataake Tiwau (Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources Development)

I kukurei ni kaongoa Te Tia Tei ae e karineaki bwa e tauraoi au Botaki ni Mwakuri n rinanon te bubuti aio, ao n reitaki ma botaki ni mwakuri ake a kona ni ibuobuoki iaon aio.


I am pleased to inform the Honorable MP that my Ministry is happy to look into the request and work with Ministries who can assist.


By Hon. Tinian Reiher, MP (Butaritari)

OQ55. I kan bubutia te Minita ae e karineaki bwa mwaitira ataeinmwane ma ataeinaine mai abara ae Butaritari aika a mena ngkai n te work ready pool ibukin mwakuri n kiniuanikai, mwakuri n auti n irua ao mwakuri n tararua nakoia kaara, ao tera ngkai te babaire ibukiia?


I would like to request the Hon. Minister to state the number of young men and women from Butaritari who are in the ‘work ready pool’ for the fruit picking (RSE and SWP), housekeeping and old age care (Pacific Labour Scheme) and what is the intention, if any, about their future employment?

Reply by Hon. Taabeta Amuera Teakai (Minister of Employment and Human Resources Development)

I a rimoa ni karabwa te Tia Tei mai Butaritari ibukin ana tabeka ao I kukurei n taekinna bwa ibukin ana abamwakoro ae Butaritari ao iai ngkai te mwaiti ae uangaun ma temanna: 21 bwa tengaun (10) mwane ao tengaun ma temanna (11) aine aika a mena araia n te work-ready pool. Te babaire ibukia ngkanne a na bon tataninga rokon kainanoan te kamwakuri mai irouia Taan kamwakuri i NZ ao Aotiteria.

N kaineti ma te Pacific Labour Scheme ao aei are e aki island quota, barongan te kamwakuri iai e open n aron are e advertised n bwanan Kiribati. Ibukin te kanganga ma te COVID19 pandemic ao iai te mwarara ngkai ae e namakinaki iaon te kamwakuri n aba aikai ngkai taan kamwakuri ae a bon teimatoa n waaki ma ara koraki ake a bon mena ikekei ao n tuai moa n tauraoi n manga waakina te aeaeki ae e boou.


Greetings to Hon. Speaker, members of my TUC constituents, Honourable Members of Parliament, in the name of His Almighty, Kam nna bane ni Mauri! I thank the MP from Butaritari and my response is as follows; There are 21 from Butaritari in the work ready pool, 10 male and 11 female and are now waiting for future recruitment when employers from Australia and NZ are ready to recruit.

As for the Pacific Labour Scheme (PLS) recruitment, it is not based on island quota but employment opportunities is aired over radio Kiribati and it is open for anyone who meets the post requirements. Recruitment for overseas employment schemes including PLS awaits employers’ readiness to restart. All schemes recruitment are put on halt in relation to the COVID19 Pandemic.


Currently employers opt to extend their current workers contracts than to recruit new workers.

By Hon. Harry Tekaiti, MP (North Tarawa)

OQ63. N na butia te Minita n te Akawa bwa n ningai ae e nang kamwakura ana Tua ibukin katabuan waaki n akawa riki inanon naman Tarawa ake ana aananga ni kabuanibwai iai marin abara?


I want to ask the Minister of Fisheries as to when will it enforce the Act in prohibiting the types of fishing at the lagoon in Tarawa that may affect our marine resources?

Reply by Hon. Ribanataake Tiwau (Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources Development)

I kukurei ni kaongoa Te Tia Tei ae e karineaki bwa e a tia ni waaki au Botaki ni Mwakuri ni kamatoa te tua ni kaetieti iaon kamanoan marin abara mai inanoa, man Aokati te ririki aio.


I am pleased to inform the Honorable MP that enforcement of the Coastal Fisheries Regulation has already commenced since August this year.

By Hon. James Taom, MP (Makin)

OQ69. E korakora kainanoan katarataraan aaba iaon Makin man aobitin te Lands, e kona te Tautaeka ni ibuobuoki iaon aei?


Can Government through the Lands Division expedite the survey at land boundaries on Makin which have been mostly needed and requested for so long now?

Reply by Hon. Ruateki Tekaiara (Minister of Environment, Lands and Agricultural Development)

E tauraoi te Tiim ni kataratara man au Tabo ni Mwakuri ni ibuobuoki n te itera aio ngkana a tia n touaki tian taian aba ao man karokoi minitia n aobitin tararuan Aaba.



My Ministry is ready to send a survey team to assist if land boundaries have been determined and all boundary court minutes have been received by LMD Office.

By Hon. Harry Tekaiti, MP (North Tarawa)

OQ64. N na butia te Minita n te akawa bwa iai ana iango ni kauka anaan te kereboki ngkai e kakoauaki bwa e a okira mwaitina ngkai imwiin kainana?


I want to ask the Minister of Fisheries in seeing the need to allow harvesting beachdemer that have now recovered since its depletion?

Reply by Hon. Ribanataake Tiwau (Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources Development)

I kukurei ni kaongoa te Tia Tei ae e Rine bwa e tauraoi au Botaki ni mwakuri n rinanon te bubuti aio.


I am pleased to inform the Honorable MP that my Ministry is ready to review this request.

By Hon. James Taom, MP (Makin)

OQ73. E kona ni ibuobuoki te Tautaeka nakon karaoan te staff room n ara reirei ae Nan Teikao Primary School iaon Makin?


Can Government consider supporting the upgrading of the Staff room at Nan Teikao Primary school in Makin?

Reply by Hon. Alexander Teabo (Minister of Education)

Te Tibiika, I kukurei n taekinna nakon te Maneaba aio bwa iai ana kataratara te Botaki n Reirei n onobwai nakon auti n reirei n taian moanrinan ao JSS ni moa man te ririki ae e na roko, 2021 ao te Staff room ibukin Nan Teikao e na kona naba n taraaki bwa kanoan mwakuri n onobwai aikai.



Madame Speaker, I am glad to convey to this Maneaba that the Ministry of Education is planning to deliver maintenance works for school buildings at Primary Schools and Junior Secondary Schools starting from next year, 2021 and maintenance works will also consider the staff room at Nan Teikao Primary School in Makin.

By Hon. Harry Tekaiti, MP (North Tarawa)

OQ65. Iai te bubuti ibukin kenakin te rawa n roro are i Bikenibeu iaan Teinanoi ma KUC (Tabukintion) ae tabetabekaki ni bowin te Maneaba aika a nako ao mani kariaiakaki; au titiraki tera ae e karika maararan karaoan nanon te bubuti anne ngkai a rang kainanoia kaain au kaawa ae Tabiteuea ibukin buokakia ngkai anne aia matabaiawa?


The request for dredging boat passages in Bikenibeu at Teinanoi and KUC (Tabukintion) had been lodged during previous proceedings of this Maneaba. My question is what is delaying this from being implemented as people from Tabiteuea village regularly use it as their port of entry?

Reply by Hon. Tekeeua Tarati (Minister of Information, Communication, Transport, and Tourism Development)

I kukurei n kaotia ke n taekinna nakon te Tia Tei ae e karineaki temanna mai Tarawaieta bwa akea atakin te bubuti ibukin Bikenibeu ma e ngae n anne ngkai e a mwemwe bwa te bubuti ao e tauraoi au Botaki ni Mwakuri n rinanoa te bubuti aio n te tai ae e waekoa.


I am delighted to inform one of the Honourable Members of Parliament from North Tarawa that the request for Bikenibeu has not been on our records. However, since the request is raised my Ministry will immediately take this into consideration.


By Hon. Taoaba Kaiea, MP (South Tarawa)

OQ35. E kona te Tautaeka ni karekea nnen ana maneaba ana kaawa Temaiku n aban te Tautaeka are i Temaiku?


Could Government consider construction of Temaiku village maneaba at Government land at Temaiku?

Reply by Hon. Boutu Bateriki, (Minister of Internal Affairs)

E tauraoi au Tabo ni Mwakuri n rinanoa te bubuti aei ao n ibuobuoki ma rabwata ake a irekereke iai.


My Ministry is willing to assist with relevant bodies regarding the request.

By Hon. Harry Tekaiti, MP (North Tarawa)

OQ60. N na butia te Minitita are tabena nooran riain kabwatan katean te clinic ibukin te kaawa ae Nuatabu i Tarawa Ieta? Translation/Rairana

I request the Minister responsible in seeing the need to build a clinic for Nuatabu village North Tarawa? Reply by Hon. Dr. Tinte Itinteang, (Minister of Health and Medical Services)

E tauraoi au Botaki ni Mwakuri n rinanoa te tabeka aio. Translation/Rairana

My Office is ready to consider this proposal. By Hon. Ieremia Tabai, MP(Nonouti)

OQ78. Te kaneweaba bon teuana kanoan te KV20 ae moamoa ao anne bukina ae e anga te Tautaeka ibukin kaboan uowa te wanikiba ae te Embraer. E roko are tewaana e kaan teuana te ririki n nako ao are te kauowa n aron otara e na kaboaki n ana mwane Tiaina. I kan titiraki bwa e a tia n reke ana raitinti mai Aotiteria ni kiba ni uotia bwatintia ao ni kaineti ma te kauowa, n ningai ae ti na kantaningaia bwa e na roko iai?



Tourism is one key focus of KV20 and that is the reason given by the Government for buying two Embraers. One arrived about a year ago and the second one as we understand is to be bought with Chinese money. I want to ask, has the first plane now in Australia been granted its AOC from the Australian authorities so that it can begin its commercial operations, and regarding the second plane when can we expect it to arrive?

Reply by Hon. Tekeeua Tarati (Minister of Information, Communication, Transport and Tourism Development)

Ni kaineti ma ana babaire CASA ke ana rabwata Aotiteria are tararua te kibakiba ao te raitienti ibukin kiban te Embraer ni bwatintia e na kona n reke i nanon Ritembwa 2020. Te kauoa ni wanikiba iai baena n irekereke ma korakoran te aoraki ae COVID-19 iaon Brazil.


In line with CASA, the Australian regulator, the AOC that can be used to operate the Embraer E2 is anticipated to be issued in December 2020. For the second aircraft, the delay in delivery is due to COVID-19 restriction in Brazil.

By Hon. Vincent Tong, MP (Maiana)

OQ74. E kona ana rabwata te Tautaeka are tabena ni kaongoa te Maneaba aio bwa bukin tera ngkai e tuai man bwaka nakoia Taan abaaba riitin te aba are e tei iai te kiriniki are imarenan kaawa aika Tebiauea ao Buota iaon te abamwakoro ae Maiana?


Could the responsible Government Ministry explain to this Maneaba as to why land lease has not been paid to landowner for use of their land for the clinic between Tebiauea and Buota villages on Maiana island?

Reply by Hon. Ruateki Tekaiara (Minister of Environment, Lands and Agricultural Development)

E tuai kona ni kabwakaki riitin te clinic are imarenan Buota ma Tebiauea ngkai a bon tuai karaoa te toutia taan ababa n te aono anne.



Lease rent payable to landowners whose lands are leased for clinic between Buota and Tebiauea cannot be entertained until land boundaries have been determined.