Foxford V Ballavary River I R River River Inagh Castlebar Knock Lough Cullen







Ireland West Airport Knock

Castlebar Kiltimagh INTRODUCTION TO THE RIVER MOY TRUST AWARENESS CAMPAIGN The awareness campaign is to highlight our intention of forming a rivers trust in the Moy catchment area with the objective to resolve issues identified by the community which are having a negative impact on water quality.

The new trust will engage and work with local community groups and organisations through social media, local newspapers, radio interviews and existing networks such as the P.P.N (public participation network established by Mayo Co.Co.,) farming groups such as I.F.A, I.C.A, Macra na Feirme, Tidy towns, Scout groups and Walking organizations etc.

Programmes such as ’Streamscapes’ will become central to changing attitudes through school educational programmes.

NETWORKING-WORKSHOPS The trust will adopt a multi agency approach to problem solving which will involve a series of meetings with all interested parties and agencies, some examples of which include Mayo Council, IFA and the Tidy town’s network.

SELECTION OF TRUSTEES The Expo event is to highlight the awareness of the trusts formation during 2018 and is a good opportunity to identify anyone who may wish to be considered as a board member of the trust.

ACHIEVE TRUST STATUS This is expected to be completed no later than the last quarter of 2018 and an application will be submitted for the trust to become a charitable status as a Company Limited by Guarantee.

ENHANCEMENT OF THE CATCHMENT AREA BY THE TRUST THROUGH PROJECT MANAGEMENT Upon obtaining charitable status and the establishment of a board, a series of community group consultations will be arranged to identify catchment improvement projects. Grants will be applied for to carry out this work with an eventual aim that projects become self-sustaining by their very nature.

PROVIDE LONGEVITY OF THE TRUST THROUGH GOOD MANAGEMENT AND COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT A trust is a charitable non-profit making organization; however it will employ individuals to carry out project work on a daily basis and they will report direct to the board members. Their salaries will be paid through project funding with a view in the long term to creating a self sustaining funding mechanism. These employees will work with volunteers, agencies and communities to co-ordinate education programmes and enhancement projects. As the representative organisation for the community-owned drinking water sector, the National Federation of Group Water Schemes has a key role to play in promoting and supporting a source to tap approach to quality drinking water provision within that sector.

Recognising that quality drinking water is best secured through the protection of raw water sources, the Federation was a driver in the National Source Protection Pilot conducted on an impacted lake source in County Monaghan (see report on

The NFGWS is currently working with the Geological Survey of and the Centre for Freshwater Studies in Dundalk Institute of Technology on a 5-year programme to map all GWS source zones of contribution/catchments, identifying areas of vulnerability and making general recommendations. This programme, which is nearing completion, aims to provide a solid basis upon which full source protection plans can be developed.

Apart from encouraging schemes to work with local farmers to take measures to prevent animals standing in water and to take appropriate care when landspreading, the project has also informed an innovative EPA-supported project on GWS-led community management of on-site domestic waste water treatment systems/septic tanks (report will be published shortly on

Through its structured training programmes for GWS committees and for managers of group water schemes, the NFGWS aims to provide GWS voluntary boards of management and paid staff with a better understanding of the role that they can play in preventing or in mitigating pollution pressures on the aquatic environment. Indeed, catchment/source protection forms a specific element of the NFGWS Quality Assurance implementation programme.

As part of ongoing partnership arrangements with the Department of Housing and Local Government, the NFGWS is a strong advocate for the provision of practical supports towards source protection initiatives and has argued that the second phase of the River Basin Management Plan needs to include a dedicated fund for community-led initiatives aimed at improving water quality in our lakes, rivers, groundwaters and coastal waters.

CONTACT: Paul Connolly (North development officer) Unit 52 N17 Business Park Road Tuam, County Galway Tel: 093-26487 or 087-7478399 E-mail: [email protected] LEAVE NO TRACE IRELAND

This member driven organisation teaches people of all ages how to enjoy the outdoors responsibly, and is the most widely accepted outdoor ethics programme in Ireland. Through relevant and targeted education, research and outreach, Leave No Trace Ireland ensures the long-term health of our natural world. In its simplest form, Leave No Trace Ireland is about making good decisions to protect the world around you - the world we all enjoy. Do your part to pass our nation’s heritage of outdoor recreation to future generations by joining Leave No Trace Ireland.

Mission Leave No Trace Ireland inspires responsible use of the outdoors through memberships, research and education. It teaches people how to enjoy the outdoors responsibly.

Vision As the leading educator of outdoor ethics in Ireland, Leave No Trace Ireland will grow a nation of outdoor advocates to put the Leave No Trace Ireland principles into action.

CONTACT US BUSINESS ADDRESS: WESTPORT OFFICE Leave No Trace Ireland Altamont Street c/oNational Trails Office Westport, Top Floor, Block A Westend Office Park ( Rd, opposite Railway Blanchardstown Station) Dublin 15 Tel: 01 9059009 Email: [email protected] REGISTERED ADDRESS: Irish Sports Council National Trails Office CONTACT: Top Floor, Block A, Westend Office Park Maura Lyons, Programme Manager Blanchardstown Tel: +00353 1 9059009 Dublin 15


The National Parks and Wildlife Service is part of the Heritage Division of the Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht. This service has a wide remit in terms of conservation including:

- Managing and developing state properties such as National Parks and Nature Reserves - Designating and advising on protected areas such as SACs, SPAs and NHAs - Protecting species and licensing under the Wildlife Act - Promoting awareness of our natural heritage

A number of Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) have been designated across the country to help protect riverine habitats and species. Species for which SACs have been designated include Otter, Brook Lamprey, Sea Lamprey, White-clawed crayfish, Freshwater pearl mussel and Salmon. Habitats such as alluvial forests, fens, bogs and adjoining farmland have also been designated along these rivers as they form an integral part of the river ecosystem.

In the River Moy SAC (Site code 2298) habitats range from the old oak woodlands around Loughs Conn and Cullin, alkaline fen at Mannin and Island Lakes and raised bogs north east of Charlestown.

Loughs Conn and Cullin are also designated as Special Protection Area (SPA) because of high concentrations of wintering wildfowl and breeding Common Scoter.

The NPWS is actively involved in the monitoring of the various protected species and habitats within the Moy Catchment, under the EU habitats Directive and the Wildlife Act. NPWS also implement the Wildlife Act 1976 and Amendment Act 2000, which is the primary legislation that underpins biodiversity and nature conservation in Ireland.

CONTACTS FOR CONSERVATION RANGERS; Brian Reidy ([email protected]) James Kilroy ([email protected] Sam Birch ([email protected]) District Conservation Officer; Susan Callaghan ([email protected]) Tel: (076)100 2518 / 2520 CLAR

RECENT (Renewable Community Empowerment in Northern Territories) is a project part funded by the Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme (Interreg 2014 – 2020), which started on the 1st September 2015. The RECENT project aims to increase energy knowledge in rural communities, primarily through water asset management and energy efficiency.

The transnational partnership was established to combine research expertise in renewable energy and resource efficiency, business development and innovation. Clár ICH, a partner in the RECENT project, is a Voluntary Housing Association established in 2000 to develop social housing projects to benefit older people, people with disabilities and those living in London wishing to return home.

CONTACT: Sarah Duffy RECENT Co-Ordinator 087 9060096 [email protected] WATERS & COMMUNITIES OFFICE

The Waters & Communities Office is a national office that has been set up to raise public awareness and encourage local communities, public bodies and all stakeholders to work together in the management of our natural waters. The office has 3 regional co-ordinators, 3 support officers and 12 Community Water Officers. If you have a water project in mind, contact your local Community Water Officer who can provide technical advice and assistance in relation to local, regional, national and EU funding streams.

CONTACT: Mike Kane, Mayo

Mobile: 085 8083064 Email: [email protected] |


The Rivers Trust is the umbrella body for local rivers trusts across the UK (excluding Scotland) and Ireland. It aims to co-ordinate, represent and develop rivers trusts in the promotion of sustainable, holistic and integrated catchment management and sound environmental practices, recognising the wider economic benefits for local communities and the value of education.

Mark Horton is the All-Ireland Director of The Rivers Trust and the Manager of Ballinderry Rivers Trust in . Funded by the Department for Housing, Planning and Local Government, through the Local Authority Water and Community Office, Mark is available to help support the development of existing and new rivers trust across Ireland.

CONTACT: Mark Horton The Rivers Trust (Northern Ireland Office) c/o Ballinderry Rivers Trust, 231a Orritor Road, Cookstown, County Tyrone BT80 9NB Northern Ireland

Email: [email protected] Telephone: +44 (0)28 867 61515 Mobile: +44 (0)7572 287509 Web: BALLINDERRY RIVERS TRUST

Ballinderry Rivers Trust is a charity dedicated to the conservation, protection and improvement of the rivers and loughs of the Ballinderry River system, Lough Neagh, the Lough’s western-shore streams, and their wildlife, for the benefit of the public and the wider environment.

Established in 1984 as an association of river interest groups, the group formally became known as Ballinderry Rivers Trust in 2011. The work of the trust focuses on water quality improvement, habitat restoration and creation, breeding and re-introduction pf locally threatened and globally endangered species and education.

CONTACT: Mark Horton Ballinderry Rivers Trust, 231a Orritor Road, Cookstown, County Tyrone BT80 9NB Northern Ireland

Email: - [email protected] Telephone: +44 (0)28 867 61515 Mobile: +44 (0)7572 287509 Web: The Galway Mayo Institute of Technology has been involved in providing education and training opportunities for the West of Ireland since the early 1970s. The Mayo campus in Castlebar was established in 1995 and provides fulltime, part-time educational opportunities ranging from undergraduate to postgraduate (level 6 to level 9 on the National Framework of Qualifications). We run a diverse range of programmes which span the areas of Health care, Social care, Outdoor education, Services Management, Business, Construction and Heritage.

The campus has a strong track record in lifelong learning which has significant individual and social benefits in terms of career development, changing career path and general personal development. At GMIT’s Mayo campus, we want to make learning accessible to adults in this region. Whether you want to upskill, reskill or simply take on a new challenge, there are diverse learning opportunities available to you here in the Mayo.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ON OUR ACTIVITIES CONTACT: Michael Gill, Head of Department, 094-9025700 or [email protected]

For Lifelong learning Dr. Deirdre Garvey, 094-9025700 or [email protected] RIVER MOY SEARCH AND RESCUE BALLINA

River Moy Search and Rescue Ballina is principally a search and recovery organization, consisting of volunteers who will help in a search for somebody who may have been tragically lost in an inland waterbody. It is a non-profit registered charity and operates under the auspices of The Charity Regulator. In addition to its main function, this organization regularly removes marine litter from The River Moy and its rural environs, such as Lough Cuilin and Lough Conn. This work is performed to keep these waterbodies clean and preserved for locals, future generations and angling tourists.

CONTACT: The Old Quay School, Ballina, Co. Mayo F26 EW63 [email protected] 086 3984424


‘StreamScapes’ pioneered the concept of Environmental Education since 1989 in Ireland, and was the first such initiative to function on an all-Ireland basis. This multiple award-winning* and ‘world-class’ Community Engagement methodology produces intensive schools’ and community-based projects for specific Catchments, and with its ‘hands-on’ Field Trip approach produces indelible lessons for participants, resulting in adoption of ‘best-practice’, voluntary resource stewardship, and life-long behavioural change in participants leading to higher status water quality and biodiversity.

StreamScapes designs and produces engagement projects for State Agencies, Local Authorities, Angling Associations and other Community bodies, as well as for interested communities.

(*most recently, winner of the IPB/LAMA Award for ‘Most Significant Contribution to Water Quality’)


StreamScapes Project Director Coomhola Salmon Trust, ltd. Bantry, Co. Cork t: (353/0) 275 0453 e: [email protected] w: MARA MEDIA - COMPANY PROFILE

Mara Media is an extremely busy Event Management and Publishing Company based in the Gaeltacht, Annagry, Co. Donegal, Ireland.

Mara Media was incorporated in 2005 by Hugh Bonner (MD) Our Business portfolio has developed significantly over the years and now includes:

Producing 1 Monthly Fishing Publication - ‘The Skipper’ 2 x Annual Tourism Publications - ‘Takeoff’ and ‘Go West’, published in conjunction with Donegal and Mayo International Airports respectively

Organise and present 3x Annual Trade Exhibitions - ‘Skipper Expo International Galway,’ Aberdeen’ and Bristol’ 1x Annual Consumer Exhibition - Ireland Angling held in Dublin

Mara Media enjoy a very extensive customer base with approximately 50% of our Business originating in and the UK

Our Team comprise of 8 hard working, professional individuals who are committed to delivering high quality business This Swift is an amber listed bird of conservation concern which, in Ireland, has experienced a population decline of over 50%. The majority of Swift nest sites are located in old buildings in our towns. The decline is mostly due to loss of nest sites when old buildings are renovated or demolished. It is possible to reverse this decline through targeted conservation work.

Swift Conservation Mayo is a voluntary group affiliated to Swift Conservation Ireland. The group dedicates its activities to preserving and protecting the Common Swift throughout County Mayo. The group carries out surveys to locate nesting sites, installs nest box projects, gives public talks to raise awareness and gives training on all aspects of Swift conservation.

Conservation initiatives for the Swift have been carried out in County Mayo since 2012 and through our 22 nest box projects (in every Mayo town where there is an existing Swift colony) we have increased the county breeding population by approximately 8%. All work is carried out on a voluntary basis and projects are funded through grants and donations.

If you’d like to support Swift Conservation Mayo please contact: Lynda Huxley 083 4809532 [email protected] Network MAYO Public Participation Network

MAYO Public Participation Mayo Network Public Participation Network Mayo Public Participation Network

The official voice Mayo for Community Public Participation Network Organisations in County Mayo.

Mayo Public Participation Network, , 2nd Floor, Cedar House, Moneen, Castlebar, County Mayo.

Tel: 094-9047545 Web: What is the Mayo Public Participation Network? The Mayo Public Participation Network (or PPN for short) is an independent umbrella organisation and network that provides a voice for all community The South Dublin County Public Participation & voluntary, environmental and social inclusion Network (or PPN for short) is an independent grumoubrpse tllhar ooruganghiosatuti onthe an cdoun nettyw.ork that provides a Thvoeic PPNe for aiallm communs to enaityb l&e pvoeoluntapler ay,n envd oirrgonmentaanizationl s toan exdp sorecisasl ain dcliusveironse g rouanpgse thofr oughoutviews th theat u cltimaountyt.e ly feTheed in PPtoN t aheims de tocisi enaonbl me paeokingple panrodc oersgansesisat ofi onMasy o Cotou entyxpr Cessoun a cidilve arndse rotangeher ofAgen viewciess an don inte Polresticys Formatithrougho nlo cthalat autho impactrity anthed othepeopr lagene of cMy astyrou.ctures.

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The PPN does this by: The PPN does this by: 1.1 . EEllectingecting c communommunity,ity, env enviironmentaronmenl antdal so andcial socialinclusi oninclusion representat repivesresen to ltoaticavl authoes to rilotyc al authoritycommittees commit and otheteesr p oandlicy makothering policyboards and makingagencies boa. rds and agencies. 2.2 . BuildingBuilding st srtategrategicic an dand coll acbollaboorativer atirelatveionsh ips rwielationshipsth decision make withrs decision. makers. 3.3 . EnablingEnabling an andd en encoucouragriagingng mem membebers to rengags to e engagein public in consu publicltati onsconsul. tations. 4.4 . CCrreatingeating an andd w wororkingking tow taordwas rads vis aion vision for th efor the well-being of this and future generations. well-being of this and future generations. 5. Identifying issues of collective concern and work 5. Identifying issues of collective concern and wissuesork t.o influence policy locally in relation to these issues. 6. Acting as an information hub. 6. Acting as an information hub. GRÁINNE UAILE SUB AQUA CLUB Sli Ectra, Ballina, Co.Mayo Tel: 086 7910 365 Founded 1981

In 1980 a group of SCUBA diving enthusiasts from throughout Mayo decided to form a club to promote the sport of diving in Mayo- where we have some of the most pristine waters in Europe. What better name to give that Club than Grainne Uaile Sub Aqua Club after the famous Mayo pirate queen. In 1981 our Club affiliated to the Irish Underwater Council and to its international governing body, thus ensuring that our divers are qualified to highest international standards. Each year we train new divers and bring them to this new world beneath the waves.

After spending some years as ‘nomads’ we built our new Clubhouse at Sli Ectra, Ballina in 2008. Funding for this development came exclusively from our own accumulated resources, a bank loan and from generous community contributions.

Because of our specialist skills we have, since our formation, assisted the statutory authorities at drowning tragedies throughout Mayo and beyond - our first being the recovery of a young brother and sister tragically drowned in Lough Talt in 1982 to our more recent ongoing search for missing crew members from Coast Guard R116 and drowning tragedies in Enniscrone and Ballina. Because R116 was lost in Mayo we have been the ‘lead’ Club in organising divers from throughout our national organisation to assist. We coordinated the largest ever surface search in Irish waters following the tragedy and, as diving conditions improved, the largest group of divers ever assembled. Later still we coordinated a smaller group of specialist divers to conduct detailed dives in all inlets on Douvillaun, Iniskea North and South. Following the recent recovery of a lifejacket and helmet we are again on standby for suitable sea conditions that will permit diving on the Mullet Peninsula.

The co-operation between our organisation and Garda Siochana/Coast Guard has been made possible following a recent formal agreement with Irish Coastguard that makes us a designated resource of Irish Coastguard to be called on as required- while continuing to maintain our purely voluntary status. We are the only such diving asset of the Coast Guard in Mayo and it is anticipated that a similar agreement will shortly be reached with An Garda Siochana.

We also provide safety cover at all water-based social events throughout the County. Insurance requirements demand such safety and we continue to provide this in Ballina, Castlebar, Swinford, Achill, , Enniscrone, etc.. thus enabling these important local social and sporting events take place. Since our formation our abiding culture has been the support of our Mayo community wherever possible. We continue to promote Mayo as a dive tourist location, have hosted national dive rallies and have progressed a very exciting project to acquire and sink a wreck in Bay to attract divers and have other possible spinoffs. The benefits of marine tourism in the rural coastal areas of Mayo are obvious. Our contribution to our community has been recognised by Mayo Rehab through their ‘Mayo People of the Year Award 2017 Inland Fisheries Ireland (IFI) is the state agency responsible for the protection, management and conservation of Ireland’s inland fisheries and sea angling resources. IFI was formed on July 1, 2010 following the amalgamation of the Central Fisheries Board and the seven Regional Fisheries Boards into a single agency. Ireland has over 74,000 kilometres of rivers and streams and 128,000 hectares of lakes all of which fall under the jurisdiction of IFI.

Inland Fisheries Ireland is committed to ensuring that angling continues to be recognised as a valuable national asset and to achieve the maximum benefit to the exchequer by promoting angling as a leisure pursuit and by developing the tourism potential of the resource.

To this end the angling staff are involved in the following activities:

• Provide advice, assistance and material with regard to the Irish angling product to both national and overseas tour operators and agents; • Optimise coverage of the Irish angling product with local, national and international media; • Liaising with Fáilte Ireland, Regional Tourism Organisations, market groups and travel companies to devise coordinated marketing strategies for the promotion of the angling product; • Compiling and maintaining an up to date databank of angling information; • Assisting at national angling events and providing educational material, lectures and courses on the value of the angling resource, conservation, species diversity and angling methods and techniques; • Surveying of fisheries to identify optimum angling locations and facilities. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (EPA)

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is responsible for protecting and improving the environment as a valuable asset for the people of Ireland. We are committed to protecting people and the environment from the harmful effects of radiation and pollution.

Our wide range of functions and responsibilities include monitoring, analyses and reporting on the quality of rivers, lakes, transitional and coastal waters.

In 2015, a new ‘EPA Catchment Science and Management’ team was established to analyse diverse datasets and liaise with other agencies to foster a sustainable management of water quality and habitats into the future. The EPA works closely with the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government and the Local Authorities Water and Community Office to ensure all of this information is readily available. This includes a shared website where information on local watercourses and other resources is accessible.

The EPA Inspectorate based in Castlebar undertakes regional level monitoring and enforcement activities covering the Moy catchment. These include significant laboratory analysis and biological assessment of the freshwater and marine environment, both regionally and indeed nationally.

CONTACT: [email protected] Regional Inspectorate, John Moore Road, Castlebar, Co. Mayo. F23 KT91 Tel: (094) 9048400

HOW TO REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION Report pollution or illegal dumping via the 24 hour lo-call telephone number 1850 365 121. You can also report environmental pollution via the See It? Say It! App. Use the QR code to download the app. Murray’s Recycled Plastic


MURRAY’S RECYCLED PLASTIC supply Lifetime Maintenance Free Benches and Picnic tables. Other Lifetime Maintenance Free products include Decking, Garden Edging, Gates, Fencing, Information boards, Raised beds, Flower boxes, Garden arches, Calf slats, Bollards & Litter bins, Bridges, Trellis and other custom made products. All picnic tables and tables are wheelchair accessible. Our Garden Furniture is available in a wide variety of forms but can be custom made to suit a particular situation. We sell both to the private and public sector in urban and rural settings throughout Ireland.

This year we were awarded the contract with Inland Fisheries Ireland to be supply our Maintenance Free Posts, Boards and Decking to different locations throughout Ireland. We work with Government bodies which include County Councils throughout Ireland, HSE, CSO and the OPW.

Murray’s Recycled Plastic Ltd. Claggan, Glenisland, Castlebar, Co. Mayo Tel: 094 902 2639 Mob: 0872448622 [email protected]


WHAT IS LEADER? Since its launch in 1991, LEADER has provided rural communities across the European Union with the resources to enable local partners to actively engage and direct the local development of their area, through community-led local development.

Decisions on LEADER funding are made at a local level by a Local Action Group through the framework of a Local Development Strategy (LDS). A Local Action Group is made up of people from the local community as well as from the local public and private sector. The LDS is a plan that is developed by rural communities to support sustainable development of their sub-regional area.

WHO IS INVOLVED IN LEADER IN COUNTY MAYO? Mayo Local and Community Development Committee Local Action Group (Mayo LCDC LAG), is the contract holder for the Rural Development Programme (LEADER) 2014-2020 in County Mayo. South West Mayo Development Company is one of Mayo LCDC LAG’s three Implementing Partners.

THE OTHER TWO IMPLEMENTING PARTNERS ARE: - Mayo North East LEADER Partnership - Comhar na nOileán



GLOSSARY OF TERMS Mayo LCDC LAG - The Mayo LCDC LAG makes the final decision on LEADER grant applications in the county.

Implementing Partner - These are the companies that support Mayo LCDC LAG in managing the day-to-day operations of the LEADER programme in County Mayo.

Animating Partner - These are the companies that support Mayo LCDC LAG in creating awareness of the LEADER programme in their areas of operation.

Financial Partner - This is the group that is responsible to monitor and manage all the financial aspects of the LEADER programme. LEADER

WHO DO I CONTACT FOR MORE INFORMATION? If you are based in south or west Mayo (see map in the centre of this booklet), please contact us. All of our contact details are on the back of this booklet.

If you are based on the Mayo off-shore Islands, you can contact Comhar na nOileán as follows:

Phone: 099 75 096 Email: [email protected]

If you are based in north or east Mayo, please contact Mayo North East LEADER Partnership as follows:

Phone: 094 925 6745 Email: [email protected]

If you are located in the Ballina area, please contact Moy Valley Resources as follows:

Phone: 096 70 905 Email: [email protected]

If you are located in the Kiltimagh/ area, please contact SWMDC, or IRD Kiltimagh as follows:

Phone: 094 938 1494 Email: [email protected]

If you have a general query about the LEADER programme in County Mayo, please contact Mayo County Council on:

Phone: 094 904 7545 Email: [email protected]

If you are unsure who to contact, just give us a call and we will point you in the right direction.