2012 Political Contributions Report

March 2013

A Message from Rich Bagger, Chairman, Celgene PAC

I am pleased to share Celgene’s first political contributions report, which includes a listing of candidates and political committees supported by either the Celgene Corporation Political Action Committee (Celgene PAC) or Celgene Corporation during 2012.

Beginning this year, we will issue political contribution reports twice a year, during the quarter following the end of each half of the year.

Celgene established the Celgene PAC in March 2012. The Celgene PAC is a volunteer, nonpartisan, employee-run organization that provides opportunities for eligible employees to participate in the American political process. The Celgene PAC supports and contributes to candidates from both political parties who share our commitment to these core principles of access and innovation in health care:

• Expanding access to medicines through a competitive marketplace and a regulatory environment in which innovation can flourish

• Protecting the patient-physician relationship and ensuring patient access to innovative treatments

• Recognizing the important role of biopharmaceutical companies and their employees in the ecosystem of innovation in health care The Celgene PAC Board of Directors, which is comprised of Celgene employees, meets monthly to consider recommendations for PAC support and approve all contributions to candidates and political committees. The Celgene PAC Board also reviews and approves any political contributions made by Celgene Corporation in states and to entities where contributions with corporate funds are permitted.

During 2012, we supported 34 candidates from both political parties at the Federal and State levels. I hope you will take a few moments to review this report and see which candidates the Celgene PAC supported in your state.

This year, it will be more important than ever for us to positively and proactively engage elected officials to demonstrate the importance of biomedical innovation and patient access in health care. I am confident that together, we can have a positive impact on the environment for innovation and access on behalf of the patients we serve.

Thank you for your support,

Rich Bagger Chairman, Celgene PAC


Celgene Corporation Political Action Committee Board of Directors

CHAIRMAN Rich Bagger Senior Vice President Corporate Affairs & Strategic Market Access

TREASURER Richard Girards Senior Corporate Counsel

Mark Alles Executive Vice President Global Head Hematology & Oncology

Greg Chesmore Senior Director State Government Relations

Anne Marie Finley Vice President Federal Government Relations

Katherine Kalin Corporate Vice President Corporate Strategy

Perry Karsen Executive Vice President Chief Operations Officer

3 PARTY CORPORATE PAC US SENATE Sen. Diane Feinstein* D $2,000.00 US HOUSE Rep. D $1,500.00 Rep. D $1,000.00 Rep. D $1,000.00 Rep. D $1,000.00 Rep. Brian Bilbray* R $1,000.00

DELAWARE STATE SENATE Sen. Patricia Blevins D $600.00 Sen. Deborah Hudson R $600.00

ILLINOIS STATE SENATE Sen. Christine Radogno R $500.00 STATE HOUSE Rep. Patti Bellock R $1,000.00 Rep. Ann Williams D $500.00

INDIANA STATE HOUSE Rep. Peggy Welch D $750.00

KANSAS US HOUSE Rep. Kevin Yoder* R $1,000.00

MICHIGAN US HOUSE Rep. Fred Upton R $1,500.00

MISSOURI STATE SENATE Sen. Tom Dempsey R $300.00 Sen. Mike Parson R $300.00 STATE HOUSE Rep. Caleb Jones R $250.00 Rep. Jeanie Riddle R $250.00

*Represents Celgene Facility 1 PARTY CORPORATE PAC

NEW JERSEY US SENATE Sen. Robert Menendez* D $2,000.00 US HOUSE Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen* R $1,000.00 Rep. Scott Garrett R $1,000.00 Rep. Rush Holt D $1,000.00 Rep. Leonard Lance* R $2,500.00 Rep. Frank Pallone D $1,000.00 Rep. Bill Pascrell D $1,000.00 Rep. Chris Smith R $1,000.00

NEW YORK US HOUSE Rep. Anne Marie Buerkle R $1,000.00 Rep. Nan Hayworth R $1,000.00

NORTH CAROLINA US SENATE Sen. Kay Hagan D $1,000.00

OHIO US HOUSE Rep. Jim Jordan R $1,000.00

PENNSYLVANIA US HOUSE Rep. Joe Pitts R $2,500.00

SOUTH DAKOTA STATE HOUSE Rep. Brian Gosch R $250.00

UTAH US SENATE Sen. Orin Hatch R $1,000.00

*Represents Celgene Facility 2 PARTY CORPORATE PAC

VIRGINA US HOUSE ERICPAC (Rep. Eric Cantor) R $2,500.00

WASHINGTON GOVERNOR Robert McKenna R $1,000.00


"Corporate" column includes political contributions by Celgene Corporation in states and to entities where corporate contributions are permitted. "PAC" column includes political contributions by the Celgene Corporation Political Action Committee.

*Represents Celgene Facility 3