Copyright 2001-2007, Daviess Community Hospital 1314 East Walnut Street - Post Office Box 760 - Washington, Indiana 47501- (812) 254-2760

Procedure Title: Lung Biopsy

______Patient Name:

Appointment Time: When:______Date:______Time:______

Where: You will report to the Admitting area on the 1st floor of Daviess Community Hospital.

Purpose : To obtain tissue sampling for evaluation by the Department.

Preparation: You may have clear liquids after midnight. Do not eat any food. It is very important that you let the doctor who is requesting the biopsy know if you take any blood thinners.

Procedure: After you finish the admitting process, you will be sent to the Same Day Surgery department. Upon arriving in Same Day Surgery, you will change into a gown and fill out the appropriate consent forms. A nurse will check your vital signs and the lab technician will draw any lab work that may need to be tested prior to your test. Once all tests are completed and the results of the lab work are back, the CT technologist will take you to the CT department for your test. You will be asked to lie on either your stomach, your back, or your side depending on which way allows the radiologist to best perform the test. Your skin will be cleaned with betadine antiseptic and will then be numbed with local anesthetic. A very thin biopsy needle will be placed through the chest wall into the lung under CT guidance. A small amount of tissue will be removed through the needle so the cells may be studied. Approximately 5% of people cough up a small amount of blood after the biopsy. This resolves itself. You will be in the CT department about 60 to 90 minutes. After Care: Approximately 2 hrs after the biopsy is completed you will have a chest x- ray to check for (a small collapse of the lung). Approximately 1 out of 3 patients develop a small collapse of their lung (this is called a pneumothorax), which needs no treatment and resolves on its own. 1 in 20 patients develop a large collapse of the lung, which requires hospitalization, and placement of a into the space surrounding the lung. You will be taken to Same Day Surgery to be monitored for 2 - 3 hours to see if a pneomothorax has developed or grown larger. Another chest X-ray will be performed after the 2 hours. If no further steps are needed, you will be free to leave. Please call (812) 254-8851 to speak with a technologist if you have any question.

Reviewed: 02/11/2015 1/1