Minutes of the Meeting of Roxwell Parish Council Held on Wednesday 9Th November 2016 at 7.30Pm in Roxwell Reading Room Present
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MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF ROXWELL PARISH COUNCIL HELD ON WEDNESDAY 9TH NOVEMBER 2016 AT 7.30PM IN ROXWELL READING ROOM PRESENT:- Cllrs:- C. Pavitt, M. Wallace, F.Corkhill, Dr. V. Bradbury and M. Plom. IN ATTENDANCE:- Mrs L. Green (Clerk) 1 Parishioner 91. DEMOCRATIC 15 MINUTES The Chairman read out an E-mail that had been received from Glynn Eastman advising that the school were looking to close the opening between the recreation field and the school field. He was offering for the Parish Council to put a gate in. The Chairman had spoken to the School Secretary who knew nothing about it and the Head Teacher was not available to clarify the situation. The Chairman advised that the School asked for a grant towards the costs of the stile about 15 years ago, Chairman agreed to speak to the Head Cllr. Wallace reported that dog walkers are not picking up waste on the footpaths. The footpath at the back of Green Lane in particular was in suffering . Cllr. Bradbury reported that the footpath going from The Hare is covered in dog fouling. It was agreed that the Chairman would put a item in the Roxwell Recorder requesting all dog owners to be courteous to all users of local footpaths and clean up after their dogs. Chairman to speak to Cheryl Blake from CCC about providing residents with dog bags. It was reported that it had been stated in the Roxwell Recorder that the owners of the cottages that had flooded were going to apply for a grant through the Parish Council. The Chairman stated that the owners can apply for a grant as individuals but the Parish Council cannot apply for a grant on their behalf. Cllr. Corkhill advised that David Webber will do the work on the allotments. There had been a lot of work going on removing rubbish and grass. Cllr. Wallace thanked Roy Cumbers who had been clearing up the leaves in the churchyard. 92. APOLOGIES:- Apologies for absence had been received from Cllrs. M. Page, Mrs E. Drakeford, Mrs D. Goodwin, CCC Cllr. Mrs Nicolette Chambers and ECC Cllr. John Aldridge . 93. MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 14TH SEPTEMBER 2016 The minutes of the Meeting held on 14th September 2016 were taken as read and the Chairman was authorised to sign them. 94. VACANCIES ON PARISH COUNCIL FOLLOWING ELECTIONS The Chairman stated that there is still one vacancy as nobody had come forward to be considered for the position so for the time being the Parish Council will continue to run with 8 Councillors. 95. COUNCILLORS’ DECLARATION OF INTERESTS ON ANY AGENDA ITEMS FOR THIS MEETING. Cllr. Plom declared an interest in Agenda item 11j and 11o, Minute 101j and 101n, 4 Burrells Cottages, The Street. 96. MATTERS ARISING:- Nothing to report. 97. REPORT BY CHELMSFORD CITY CLLR. MRS NICOLETTE CHAMBERS. No report had been received. 98. REPORT BY ESSEX COUNTY CLLR. JOHN ALDRIDGE. No report had been received. 99. POLICE MATTERS a) Neighbourhood Watch – The Chairman had received notification of burglary hotspots but they had been in Galleywood, Nothing else to report. b) Any Other – Cllr. Wallace reported speeding in Galleons Hill. He had spotted a convertible car doing 70mph. There is also a problem in Stonehill Road. The Clerk had heard from a parishioner called Sarah Kirsch complaining about speeding outside her property but she had not stated where she lived. Chairman had tried to contact the parishioner but had been unsuccessful. 100. FINANCIAL MATTERS a) Payments:- £ 14/09/16 E-On 44.30 Electricity Sports Pavilion 19/09/16 Homebase 19.95 New Padlock Recreation Field 22/09/16 Mrs.L.Green 186.60 Clerks Salary September 2016 22/09/16 H.M.Revenue & Customs 46.60 PAYE & NIC September 2016 27/09/16 Mr. S. Pavitt 180.00 Maintenance Works to Recreation Field & Toddlers Play Area 10/10/16 Fastsigns 54.00 Reflective Chevrons Recreation Field 10/10/16 Essex & Suffolk Water 79.68 Water Sports Pavilion 10/10/16 M.D. Landscapes (Anglia) Ltd 62.40 Grass Cutting Recreation Field 24/10/16 PKF Littlejohn 120.00 Audit Fee 27/10/16 C & N Steelcraft 1800.00 Height Restriction Barrier Recreation Field 27/10/16 Mrs.L.Green 186.60 Clerks Salary October 2016 27/10/16 H.M.Revenue & Customs 46.60 PAYE & NIC October 2016 29/10/16 Rowan Landscapes 275.00 Hedge removal Green Lane 01/11/16 Mr. S. Pavitt 197.80 General Maintenance Recreation Field 04/11/16 Mrs B.M. Pavitt 66.14 Cleaning Sports Pavilion Sept-Nov plus supplies 09/11/16 Mrs L.J. Green 99.02 Expenses 14.09.16 – 09.11.16 09/11/16 M.D.Landscapes (Anglia) Ltd 124.80 Grass Cutting Recreation Field The above payments were approved by the Parish Council. b)Transfer of Funds. 18.10.16 Transfer £7,500.00 from Current Account to Business Premium Account 04.11.16 Transfer £3,500.00 from Business Premium Account to Current Account c)Bank Balances. The bank balances were as follows:- Current Account - £3,020.16 Business Reserve - £30,356.59 d) Grant Request – Ref. Reading Room – The Chairman stated that £3,000.00 had been approved some time ago. An E-mail had been received from Glynn Eastman detailing that the plans were being re- submitted to the CCC early in the new year. With this latest information, after discussion it was agreed that until such time the Parish Council know what is happening in the future the grant should be withdrawn. It was reported that the Post Office will be moving out of the Reading Room within the next few months. Chairman to write to Glynn Eastman explaining why the Parish Council were withdrawing the grant , and that once new plans have been approved a new application for a grant application could be made to the Council for consideration. e) Audit of Accounts for 2015/16 - The Accounts had been signed off by the external Auditors. They had noted on the report the revaluation of assets needs to be looked into. The Chairman had done this and stated that the figures produced for accounting purposes need to be altered for the Pavilion which should revert back to £84,800.00. The insurance value has to be cost to replace. It was agreed that in future two asset lists would be produced, one for Insurance purposes and one for Accounting purposes. f) Budget and Precept – The Budget prepared by the Chairman,and reviewed by the Finance Sub committee was discussed. It was agreed that with unused set aside funds not now being required it was possible to consider the replacement of the bus shelters at Green lane and The Hare in the 2016/2017 financial year. Since the finance sub committee had met the Chairman had received quotations for the two shelters supplied by Littlethorpe of Leicester Ltd, and also from A.K.Hobson Ltd an approved Essex County Councillor contractor who would carry out all necessary works to remove the existing and install the new shelter. The total cost to carry out this work was £12,710.—plus VAT. By carrying out these works as one project the Council would save a £650.00 delivery charge. The Budget/Precept form was altered to take in the amendments. The precept for 2017/2018 was set at £15,000.00, which was the same as the previous two years Chairman to send out revised Budget sheets to all Councillors. Cllr. Wallace proposed the revised Budget/Precept be accepted, which was seconded by Cllr. Bradbury. All in favour. g) Any Other – Nothing to report. 101. PLANNING MATTERS & APPLICATIONS a) LITTLE BOYTON HALL FARM, BOYTONS HALL LANE – Building to store baled straw undercover. No Objections. APPROVED. b) MACHINERY STORE, CHALK END FARM, FARMBRIDGE END ROAD – Determination as to whether the prior approval of the local planning authority will be required for the proposed change of use from agricultural building to dwelling house (Class 3). No Objections. WITHDRAWN. c) GRAIN STORE, CHALK END FARM, FARMBRIDGE END ROAD – Determination as to whether the prior approval of the local planning authority will be required for the proposed change of use from agricultural building to dwelling house (Class 3). No Objections. APPROVED. d) SHERNOLD, VICARAGE ROAD – Single storey side extension and 2 single storey rear and side extensions. No Objections. APPROVED. e) LAND AT TIFFANYS, BOYTON CROSS – Conversion of redundant stable block and pit sheds to three residential units and parking. No Objections. No Decision Yet f) THE WHITE HOUSE, BOYTON CROSS – Two storey side and rear extension. No Objections. APPROVED. g) THE WHITE HOUSE, BOYTON CROSS (LBC) – Two storey side and rear extension. No Objections. LISTED BUILDING CONSENT APPROVED. h) OLD MILL HOUSE, STONEHILL ROAD – Single storey and two storey rear extensions. Double garage with attached ancillary buildings. Front porch with first floor extension above. Alterations to existing windows, new first floor side window and new vehicular access with gate. No Objections. APPROVED. i) BOYTON HALL FARM, BOYTON HALL LANE – Grain lean-to side extension off existing agricultural grain store. No Objections. APPROVED. j) 4 BURRELLS COTTAGES, THE STREET – Gleditsia triacanthos – reduce height of tree by 6½ metres. Reason: prevent debris from the tree falling onto the house. The tree is a Robinia pseudoacacia “Frisia”; so the report is wrong, it is not a Gleditisia triacanthos “Sunbust”. Given the tree is located on the northern aspect of the garden, any true perception of light into the house from the work propose would be minimal. Nor doe’s the said species response well to heavy purring as suggested.