Marquette Park Beach, Gary, IN Salt & Light: A Guide to Loving Northwest First Edition, 2011., All Rights Reserved

Editors: Photographers: Jason Topp Jacque Miller, 1HJX\L4PSSLY7OV[VNYHWO`, Gary, IN 1VL`4H`ÄLSK Jen Topp, 1LU;VWW7OV[VNYHWO`, Cedar Lake, IN Jessica Isensee, >OP[L/HY]LZ[7OV[VNYHWO`, Portage, IN Book Designer: Stacy Layman, Shortyred Designs, Hobart, IN 1VL`4H`ÄLSK*YV^U7VPU[05 Kevin Smith, +V\SVZ7OV[VNYHWO`, Crown Point, IN Kirsten Dixon, 2PYZ[LU+P_VU7OV[VNYHWO`, Crown Point, IN Wendy Bunch, >LUK`)\UJO7OV[VNYHWO`, Crown Point, IN

Copyright © 2011 by Bethel Church, 10202 Broadway, Crown Point, IN 46307 All Rights Reserved

Printed and bound locally by Vision Integrated Graphics. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

This guidebook would never have been envisioned if it wasn’t for the exceptional work of trailblazers like Heidi Unruh and Andy Rittenhouse. Their team started a movement of collaboration and volunteerism in Knoxville, TN through a simi- SHYZL[VMN\PKLIVVRZ;OL`OH]LZLLUV]LYJO\YJOLZWHY[ULY[VNL[OLY[VZLY]L[OLJVTTVUNVVK[OYV\NOHUVUWYVÄ[ organization called Compassion Coalition. Heidi and Andy also consulted with us for Salt & Light: A Guide to Loving 5VY[O^LZ[0UKPHUH;OLPYL_WLYPLUJLZ^LYLPU]HS\HISL[VZOHWPUN[OLÄUHSN\PKLIVVRMVY5VY[O^LZ[0UKPHUH>LHYL thankful for their visionary spirit and willingness to help. >LHYLMVYL]LYNYH[LM\S[V;YH]PZ=H\NOU^OVÄYZ[IYV\NO[[OL]PZPVUMYVT2UV_]PSSL[V5VY[O^LZ[0UKPHUH/LW\[ together the initial team of volunteers, cast the vision of what could be in Northwest Indiana, and provided much wis- dom on researching a community. He challenged our paradigms and encouraged us to dream. God used Travis to ignite a spark that we trust will become a blaze of community transformation in our region.

We also acknowledge the work of the Salt & Light Core Team over the last 2 years. Thank you for never giving up. ‹ Brandon Funtall provided hours of tireless research for the Ways to Connect sections. He also conducted a survey of local churches. ‹ Derric Isensee oversaw and conducted many interviews over the last two years. His dedication to the project has been invaluable. ‹ Darryl Ford excelled in interviewing key stakeholders in our community. ‹ Jena Bellezza brought a large network of friends and associates. Her contacts proved useful to guiding us forward. She also conducted interviews of key stakeholders. ‹ Kim Hall provided much encouragement and prayer, and also assisted with our focus groups. ‹ 4PJOLSSL3LLIYV\NO[`LHYZVMUVUWYVÄ[L_WLYPLUJL[V[OL[HISLHUKWYV]PKLKOLSW^P[OYLZLHYJOMVJ\ZNYV\WZ and interviews. ‹ Mike and Sarah Pavlik contributed their expertise in research for our chapter on children and youth. They also WYV]PKLKPUZPNO[PU[V[OLW\ISPZOPUNHUKUVUWYVÄ[^VYSKZ ‹ Nancy Robinson stepped out of her comfort zone and conducted focus groups for all three chapters. ‹ Nicole Schmied shined as she conducted focus groups on families and education. ‹ Stacy Knox was an incredible cheerleader and prayer warrior for the entire project. ‹ A special thanks goes to Pastor Chris Carr, of Bethel Church, for understanding the vision of Salt & Light, his con- stant support, and his tremendous patience. We are so thankful to Bethel for underwriting much of the cost for Salt & Light 1st Edition.


We express our gratitude to Kevin Smith, Kirsten Dixon, Jacqueline Miller, Jen Topp, Jessica Isensee, and Wendy Bunch, our wonderful photographers who helped splash this guidebook with color and character. We are thankful for their willingness to use their talents and equipment to further God’s work. We thank Jeremy Taylor for his fantastic editing ^VYRHUK^LHJRUV^SLKNLV\YWYVVMYLHKLYZ)HYI4H`ÄLSK*OLYY`/VMMULYHUK:OLYY`(RL`MVY[OLPYOLSW>LHYLHSZV thankful for the many hours logged by our graphic designer, Stacy Layman. She did a fabulous job bringing her creativity into the design of this guidebook and making it come alive. We are indebted to the 19 local authors who contributed essays to this guidebook. You can read their bios in the Final Thoughts section at the back of the book. We are thankful for the many stakeholders and local leaders who gave up their time for interviews, focus groups, and emails back and forth. They were so gracious with their time and support, and al- ways made themselves available. We are especially thankful for the organizations and individuals featured in our Stories of Hope sections – not only for their time, but more importantly for their service to our community.

Cedar Lake, IN



1VL`4H`ÄLSK*V,KP[VY7YVQLJ[+PYLJ[VYMVY! I am eternally grateful that God called me to this project. It has been an honor to work alongside Andy Rittenhouse, Travis Vaughn, and Heidi Unruh. What a privilege to continue their legacy of seeking unity of the body in loving our neighbors. I cannot even begin to thank my wife, Julie, for her patience and understanding through many nights of re- search, studying statistics, and meetings. She is always a constant source of encouragement and strength, and I love her dearly. I am thankful for Chris Carr catching the vision of Salt & Light and allowing me to pursue my dream of seeing it to completion. Lastly, I want to thank Jason Topp for his unwavering leadership and guidance for the whole team as we took this journey together.

1HZVU;VWW*V,KP[VY7YVQLJ[+PYLJ[VYMVY! This process has taught me to view our region through the eyes of Jesus, and to love it with my life. I am forever grate- ful for Travis Vaughn, who challenged me to escape my comfort zone and to come along on a captivating journey. I’m honored to not only have met the editors of Salt & Light Knoxville, Andy Rittenhouse and Heidi Unruh, but to now call them my friends. Their passion for seeking the welfare of cities for Jesus’ sake is inspiring. I am thankful for Chris Carr, who challenged me to pursue a new endeavor. I’m incredibly grateful for my wife, Jen, whose tremendous love and sup- WVY[JHYYPLKTL[OYV\NO[OPZLU[PYL\UKLY[HRPUN3HZ[S`0»TKLLWS`PUKLI[LK[VT`MYPLUK1VL`4H`ÄLSKMVYOPZWHZZPVU drive, and care in seeing this project to completion – you are a great example of what it means to love God and love neighbors.

Our Dream We pray that God uses this simple book to spark a dynamic movement of collaborative service across Northwest Indiana – one that seeks the welfare of our communities and saturates our region with the Gospel. We long to see every church member displaying radical generosity and actively engaged in spreading the glory of Christ by loving their neigh- bors as themselves. We trust that as you read the chapters of this book, you will begin to see the concerns of our community through God’s eyes and discover that each issue is deeply spiritual. As such, if we only make Northwest Indiana great by loving our neighbors, and share not Christ, then we have merely bandaged the wounds of humanity. We believe God’s church has the amazing potential to be the means of community and individual transformation through the redemptive work of Christ. It is our hope and prayer that gospel-centered churches throughout our region can join together - under the unity of the Spirit and in the bond of peace (Ephesians 4:3) - to proclaim the greatness of our Lord. May the incredible hard work by the many partners who served so well on this project signify just the beginning of an exciting salt and light journey.


This book is the culmination of nearly two years of research, interviews, and focus groups of stakeholders in Northwest Indiana. It outlines what we found to be not only key issues affecting our region, but also great building blocks for com- munity transformation. These community assets are conveyed throughout the book, but particularly noted in our Ways to Connect and Stories of Hope sections. In our research, three areas that affect Northwest Indiana regardless of social status, education level, or race surfaced repeatedly. These three areas fall under the broad category of family restoration. :WLJPÄJHSS`[OL`HYL:PUNSL7HYLU[PUN*OPSKYLU @V\[OHUK4HYYPHNL -HTPS`

CWXbVdXSTQ^^ZUTPcdaTbcW^bTXbbdTbPbcWaTTRWP_cTabTPRWfXcWcWTU^[[^fX]VbcadRcdaT) ‹ Glimpse in the Life: A short biographical sketch allowing you to step into the life of someone dealing with a spe- JPÄJPZZ\L ‹ A Focus Essay: A detailed, experience and statistic-driven essay on the issue as it pertains to Northwest Indiana, as well as suggestions on how you can be a part of the solution. ‹ Fast Facts: Sidebars with more in-depth statistical analysis and information. ‹ A Story of Hope: A story highlighting an organization or individual who has made great strides to serve the com- munity in a particular area. ‹ A Biblical View: An essay describing God’s heart for each area and what the Bible teaches us in regards to it. ‹ Ways to Connect: A listing of organizations, agencies, and churches doing work in each area, and how you can volunteer alongside them to help serve Northwest Indiana.

A Few General Notes ‹ We realize there are more issues and assets than what is outlined in this book. It is our hope that as the commu- nity’s heart is drawn together over these topics, a larger team will be assembled to complete further, more compre- hensive editions of the Salt & Light Guidebook. ‹ -VY[OLÄYZ[LKP[PVU^LOH]LJOVZLU[VMVJ\ZV\YZ[H[PZ[PJHSYLZLHYJOVU3HRL*V\U[`05K\L[V[OLV]LY^OLSTPUN amount of information available. It is our hope that in future editions, a larger area will be represented more fully. ‹ Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway. Used by permission. All rights reserved. ‹ ;OL[HISLZMYVT[OL<:*LUZ\Z)\YLH\»Z(TLYPJHU*VTT\UP[`:\Y]L`(*:^LYLNLULYH[LKI`1VL`4H`ÄLSK \ZPUN(TLYPJHU-HJ[-PUKLY;OL(TLYPJHU-HJ[-PUKLY^LIZP[LPZO[[W!MHJ[ÄUKLYJLUZ\ZNV]-VY[OLZHRLVMZWHJL the website will not be repeated in the footnotes. ‹ All of the maps and many of the tables were generated with data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s American

Xe}FWPczb8]bXST *VTT\UP[`:\Y]L`;OLZLLSLTLU[Z^LYLJYLH[LKI`1VL`4H`ÄLSK\ZPUN(TLYPJHU-HJ[-PUKLYH[MHJ[ÄUKLYJLUZ\Z gov. For the sake of space the website will not be repeated in the endnotes.

Notes on Ways to Connect ‹ Information in the Ways to Connect sections came mainly from our research, interviews, and focus groups. We apologize if your ministry or organization was not included. We would love to learn more about your group for later editions of the Salt & Light Guidebook. ‹ :VTLVM[OL]VS\U[LLYVWWVY[\UP[PLZOH]LYLZ[YPJ[PVUZYLSH[LK[VHNL[YHPUPUNIHJRNYV\UKJOLJRMHP[OHMÄSPH[PVU VYV[OLYX\HSPÄJH[PVUZ6YNHUPaH[PVUZTH`HSZVYLX\PYL]VS\U[LLYZ[VJVTTP[[VHJLY[HPUU\TILYVMOV\YZVY[PTL frame for service. These may not necessarily be listed in the Ways to Connect section. ‹ 6YNHUPaH[PVUZTH`OH]LTHU`TVYLVWWVY[\UP[PLZMVY`V\YPU]VS]LTLU[[OHU[OLML^SPZ[LK>LOH]L[YPLK[V provide a sampling of ideas to help you or your group get started. We encourage you to contact the organizations KPYLJ[S`[VÄUKV\[HSS[OL^H`Z]VS\U[LLYZJHUNL[PU]VS]LK ‹ Ways to Connect does not include all the wonderful ministries run by churches. We suggest you contact your ULPNOIVYOVVKJO\YJOLZ[VZLL^OH[WYVNYHTZ[OL`OH]LILMVYL`V\Z[HY[HTPUPZ[Y`WYVNYHT>L[Y\Z[`V\^PSSÄUK many fun and dynamic ways to serve your community through local churches.

7^fc^LHYLJVUÄKLU[[OH[HZ`V\YLHK[OPZIVVR`V\YOLHY[^PSSILX\PJRLULK^P[OHWHZZPVU[VZLY]LHUKSV]L your community. Please take time to pray and ask God to lead you to what he is doing in the community. Pray through the statistics in each chapter, pray for the organizations in the Ways to Connect Section, and praise God for the wonderful Stories of Hope. ‹ Learn – If God is tugging on your heart toward a certain issue or area, take time to learn more about that topic. Find the people and organizations in your area that are already working in these areas, and see what you can learn from them. ‹ *VUULJ[ – Serving in groups can help prevent burnout, and it provides great fellowship opportunities. Find others in your church and neighborhood who share the same heart for the community. Read and pray through the book [VNL[OLY


‹ Renew – Service takes a lot of 7OV[VI`1VL`4H`ÄLSK energy, and we can sometimes get burned out. Make sure you take time to renew your sense of calling. Re-read the chapters of this book, pray again over [OLZ[H[PZ[PJZHUKÄUKV[OLYZ[V share in your walk of service. ‹ Take Joy – May you delight in learning more about your community and the great people who call it home. May you grow closer to God as you step out in faith to serve him. May your strength be found in nothing less than Jesus Christ. May you take joy in your new friendships, new experiences, and new lifestyle of service. Take joy that you are a part of the Lord’s work.


South Shore Line, East Chicago Station eX}FWPczb8]bXST A Message | From Salt & Light Knoxville

The team that put this project together is contagious. I’ve spent time with them. If you choose to read this book and give heed to its message, your life will be contagious too. ;OLZLMVSRZOH]LJH\NO[ÄYLMVY.VKHUKMVY[OPZJVTT\UP[`;OL`SV]L1LZ\Z[OL`SV]L`V\ (or they would not have spent all this time on this project), and they have learned to love Northwest Indiana. Furthermore, they have discovered that Jesus is more real and more involved in Northwest Indiana than they ever imagined. Now they are throwing open their arms and lives to embrace you and to invite you to join their cause. 6]LY[LU`LHYZHNVPU2UV_]PSSL;LUULZZLLHZPTPSHYLMMVY[^HZIPY[OLK[VKPZJV]LY[OL needs of a community and meet them. Along the way we discovered we had more strengths than needs and more hope than despair. We discovered the diverse body of Christ is truly beautiful, and that we display Christ most vividly when we serve and love our commu- nity together. Through our combined efforts, thousands and thousands of hours have been invested in our community, and many collaborative initiatives have been launched. Some have failed, but some have succeeded wildly. As the seasons pass, we are slowly becoming a different community. Knoxville is a very different setting than Northwest Indiana. Your adventure will follow a KPMMLYLU[WH[O[OHUV\YZKPK)\[0HTJVUÄKLU[P[^PSSSLHK[V[OLZHTLKLZ[PUH[PVU!.VK»Z glory revealed in “faith expressing itself through love” (Galatians 5:6). With utmost humility, I urge you to make time to pursue Christ’s vision for your com- munity. Read this resource carefully and act on what you discover in these pages. Learn to love, respect and hear people who share the same air you breathe. And try to overcome the isolation which is pandemic in our society through thoughtful collaboration for the sake of his name, for the healing of your life, and for the renewal of hope in Northwest Indiana.



Acknowledgements i A Word from the Editors iii Preface – A Guide to the Guidebook iv A Message from Salt & Light Knoxville vii Introduction 1 ;V(SS9LHKLYZ>OV*HYL(IV\[6\Y9LNPVU   Why Study a Community? 4

2WP_cTa )BX]V[T?PaT]cX]V 6 Glimpse in the Life of Mia, a Single Mother 7 Glimpse in the Life of Mike Herz, a Single Father 8 Focus Essay – Single Parenting 9 Story of Hope – "Learning to Appreciate the Value of Life" 15 :[VY`VM/VWL¶ -PUKPUN16@(TPKZ[[OL;YPHSZ    A Biblical View on Male Leadership 18 Ways to Connect 20

2WP_cTa!)2WX[SaT]H^dcW  !# Glimpse in the Life of Abused & Neglected Children 25 Focus Essay – Children & Youth 26 :[VY`VM/VWL¶ -VZ[LY*HYL (KVW[PVU!6UL-HTPS`Z1V\YUL`   :[VY`VM/VWL¶ 6UH7(;/MYVT7YLZZ\YLK[V/HWW`    A Biblical View on Youth Ministry 38 Ways to Connect 42


eXXX}FWPczb8]bXST 1Th^]ScWT bc4SXcX^]  %' A Perspective on Hunger 69 A Perspective on Gangs 72 (7LYZWLJ[P]LVU/\THU :L_;YHMÄJRPUN   A Perspective on Economic Development 76 A Perspective on Widows 78

=TgcBcT_b ' Embarking on a Salt & Light Journey 81 Helpful Tips for Engaging in Salt & Light Ministry 84 Salt & Light Starting Points for Churches 87

5X]P[CW^dVWcb '' Epilogue: A Prayer for Northwest Indiana 89 General Demographics and Maps 90 Contributor Bios 94 Endnotes 96 Quick Reference Guide Inside Back Cover

FWPczb8]bXST}Xg Introduction


This book is meant to stir your hearts strations of the Kingdom of God here >OH[PMV\YYLNPVU^HZUV[KLÄULK for our community and help you see on earth – to indeed be salt and light.2 I`P[ZÅH^ZHUKPTWLYMLJ[PVUZ Northwest Indiana through the lens I\[YH[OLYI`ÅV\YPZOPUNMHTPSPLZ of Jesus – a place he dearly loves and This book is written particularly for thriving children, and a healthy and for whom he has given his life. This is followers of Jesus who are frustrated sustainable economy? your invitation to join together to be with a comfortable faith devoid of the hands and feet of Jesus to a hurting practical displays of compassion Imagine a place where Christians from community. It’s a call to discover our (James 2:14-17). It is for people who various denominations, ethnicities, region and understand our citizens. recognize their faith should include and races came alongside one another JVZ[S`ZHJYPÄJLHUKWHZZPVUMVYZLLPUN to help those in need. Learning about our communities helps lives and communities transformed us love them effectively.1 Hearing the by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is Picture a community where single cries of our people, the hurts of our for those who are fed up with a stale parents are connected with great brokenhearted, and the needs of our Christianity - one that is reduced to support systems, fatherless children disadvantaged enables us to catch a Bible study once a week and church are mentored by caring Christian glimpse of a cause much bigger than on Sundays. It is for those who realize TLUHUKIYVRLUMHTPSPLZÄUKOVWL ourselves. Understanding the assets, there must be more to life than our and restoration. Imagine a Northwest uncovering the building blocks, and work and hobbies. And it is for people Indiana where racial diversity is no recognizing the valuable individuals tired of tuning out the cries of our longer a festering source of tension, and organizations that strive daily to community and turning a deaf ear to but rather a celebration of God’s make Northwest Indiana great enables hurting people. unique image-bearing design, and us to collaborate more effectively, and a foretaste of heaven’s collection of with greater purpose. Imagine for a moment a Northwest every tongue, tribe, and nation (Rev Indiana where God’s heart for the 5:9). We hope this book sparks a longing fatherless, the widow, and the inside you to become conduits of foreigner (Deut. 10:18) is championed We hope your hearts are motivated by God’s grace, restoration, and renewal. by churches that display unity, what you read. We pray that God pro- We pray it ignites a dynamic move- show respect for one another, and duces a deep and active faith in you ment of people who embark on a demonstrate concern for the common that longs to see families made whole, QV\YUL`[VSH\UJOTHNUPÄJLU[KLTVU- good. children receive adequate care, and g}FWPczb8]bXST 7OV[VI`1VL`4H`ÄLSK individuals break free from cycles of generational poverty.

6MJV\YZL^LYLHSPaL[OPUNZOLYL wouldn’t be perfect. Mistrust, mistreat- ment, and misconduct would still exist. But it could be better. There is much work to do to create this kind of Northwest Indiana, and it will require [OLZHJYPÄJLVMJVTWHZZPVUH[LWLVWSL who live with radically generous hearts and willing hands that work toward an enhanced community.

If you long to see a better future for Northwest Indiana, come join us as we embark on an exciting journey to learn where God is at work, and to discover how we can join him in the transformation of our communities and its citizens for the great name of Jesus.


6th and Broadway, Gary, IN

FWPczb8]bXST} Photo by Wendy Bunch


This book is primarily written through the lens of an informed biblical worldview. Although the Gospel is what motivates us to serve the good of our communities, we SVUNMVYHSSYLHKLYZ[VÄUK[OPZIVVROLSWM\SPU^VYRPUN[V^HYKZHIL[[LYM\[\YLMVY Northwest Indiana. We trust that much of what we desire in our region – healthy families, thriving children, safe communities, and positive role models – are the corresponding longings of our fellow neighbors. The reason we talk a great deal about the church throughout this book is because we believe it is God’s primary means of bringing hope, restoration, renewal, and joy [VV\YJVTT\UP[PLZ6MJV\YZL^LYLJVNUPaL[OLNYLH[^VYROHWWLUPUNV\[ZPKLV\Y region’s churches, and we are particularly thankful for those who labor vigorously for the welfare of Northwest Indiana. We celebrate their many contributions. >LWYH`[OH[HSSYLHKLYZYLNHYKSLZZVM[OLPYIHJRNYV\UKVYMHP[O^PSSÄUK[OL ensuing pages to be inspiring, challenging, and motivating. We also extend the PU]P[H[PVU[V^VYR[VNL[OLYPUJVSSHIVYH[P]LZLY]PJL[V^HYK[OLÅV\YPZOPUNVMV\Y communities. Lastly, if you are prompted to learn more about the one we aspire to imitate through our service, Jesus Christ, we encourage you to seek. He is the one whom the whole Bible points to, the promised rescuer who came to heal the hurting, restore the broken, liberate the oppressed, and proclaim the good news of eternal salvation MVYHSS^OVILSPL]L1VL`4H`ÄLSKQVL`TH`ÄLSK'NTHPSJVTHUK1HZVU;VWW QHZVUY[VWW'NTHPSJVT^LSJVTL[OLVWWVY[\UP[`[VKPHSVN\L^P[O`V\HIV\[^O` we love Jesus and, more remarkably, how he loves us. In addition, we recommend you check out www.viewthestory.com to learn more about God’s redemption narrative. Thank you for reading Salt & Light, and for working hard to make this community great. We look forward to embarking together on a journey toward a better future.

Sincerely, The Editors


By Travis Vaughn and Heidi Unruh1

God cares about your community. context. What’s reality in your of life in the community that can be He cares about its institutions, its community? used to answer key questions: arteries, its companies, and its public 2. Appreciate the ways that God has spaces. He loves the people that make been at work in your community’s ‹ >OH[PUZ[P[\[PVUZJ\S[\YHSPUÅ\- up the community. He has scattered past and present. ences, and other forces affect the his people throughout neighbor- 3. Assess how churches in your com- quality of life in the community? OVVKZJOHUULSZVMPUÅ\LUJLHUK T\UP[`OH]LPUÅ\LUJLKHUKOH]L ‹ What are the needs and dreams sectors of the community so that they ILLUPUÅ\LUJLKI`[OLJ\S[\YHS of the community? can love the community as kingdom- context. ‹ What are the assets and strengths minded neighbors. Thus one of the 4. Become a better steward of the of the community? reasons we study the community is so human capital and material ‹ What are the possibilities for we can learn how to be better king- resources with which God has ministry to make life better for dom-minded neighbors. blessed the community. everyone in the community? 5. Minister in a way that takes into ‹ Who are potential ministry part- The more you can unlock the complex account the history, identity, ners in the community? realities around you, the better you diversity, and complexity of the can serve the community and seek its community and its neighborhoods These discoveries help churches who ÅV\YPZOPUN(UKZVHNYV^PUN\UKLY- (avoiding simplistic solutions or care about the city address a core standing of the community’s past and ¸X\PJRÄ_LZ¹ missional question: How is God at present, its people and its character, 6. Identify partners and assets for work in this community, and how will greatly enhance your church’s meaningful ministry, as well as can churches, acting as agents of the capacity for effective and meaningful anticipate potential obstacles to kingdom of God, join in this activity ministry. effective ministry. for the glory of God and for the good of the community? By examining your community, you FWPcXbP2^\\d]XchBcdSh. will want to: Community study – encompassing the 7^fc^;TPa]PQ^dccWT2^\\d]Xch 1. Get the big picture of the commu- city as a whole, or focused on a spe- A community study can draw on nity’s needs and ministry opportu- JPÄJULPNOIVYOVVKVYWLVWSLNYV\W¶ multiple sources of information, nities. Basically, you want to get a means drawing on various sources of including research reports, maps, and handle on what’s going on in your information to put together a picture personal observation.

#}FWPczb8]bXST A wealth of information on your com- all things in a community that can be activity, often hidden among the tares munity is available online. Sometimes used in some way to make life better (Matthew 13:24-30). As people who you simply have to know where to for everyone.” care about the city, you have to begin SVVR6[OLYWV[LU[PHSS`]HS\HISL by asking the Lord of the harvest to sources of information for learning Asset-based analysis assumes that show you where the goodness of about your community include local every community is rich with gifts and his reign is evident, and you have to colleges and universities, the city potential, regardless of the challenges assess where the human project has planning department, hospitals, and it may face. This encourages us to shown signs of brokenness. Where UVUWYVÄ[VYNHUPaH[PVUZZ\JOHZ[OL look for opportunities to connect with, needs exist, you have to “erect signs United Way and local community ac- strengthen, and build on the com- of God’s ultimate reign,” as the late tion centers (CAC). munity’s capacity to address its own David Bosch would say. ULLKZ0UJVU[YHZ[KLÄUPUNHJVT- 0AT[PcX^]P[0bbTc1PbTS0__a^PRW T\UP[`ZVSLS`PU[LYTZVMP[ZKLÄJPLU- As you develop relationships and A community study with the goal cies is demoralizing. We may actually learn about your community, you will of transformation is not arm-chair perpetuate problems by seeking to discover more of God’s heart for the analysis. You have to approach the “rescue” people rather than empower- community, and you will be better community more like getting to know ing and walking alongside them. equipped to act on the vision inspired a friend than like studying a subject by these discoveries. for a school report. This kind of study A community study is like a treasure values building relationships with, and hunt for the wheat of God’s gifts and Studying our region can help unlock the keys to a ÅV\YPZOPUNJVTT\UP[` seeking input from, members of the community. Taking the time to include 7OV[VI`1LU;VWW others allows you to get beyond mere information to the heart of the matter, and to the hearts of the people.

An asset-based approach to commu- nity study means paying attention not only to the community’s needs and problems, but also to its resources and strengths. This approach, writes Jay Van Groningen, leads to “seeing


40% of Lake County’s family households are single-parent homes.



By Mike Wittig

Mia is a single mom with six children. She resides in Hammond and works as a teacher to students with special needs. Her days are busy and challenging as she strives to make ends meet, involve herself in her children’s school and activi- [PLZTHPU[HPU[OLPYOVTLHUKÄSS[OLWHYLU[HSYVSLVMIV[OTV[OLYHUKMH[OLY Life wasn’t always this complex for Mia. For twenty years she was married and lived a relatively simple lifestyle in Mississippi. She was a Christian wife and mother who had the privilege of working from home as the household’s full- time caregiver. Then her family was ripped apart by divorce. Mia was left alone, without a career, without a husband, and without the security that her previous lifestyle had provided. Downtrodden, but not disheartened, Mia and the kids moved to Northwest Indiana to be around her family, who were all supportive and helpful. She also found comfort in a small church, where the pastor and his wife made a conscious ef- fort to meet some of her family’s needs. ;OYV\NOV\[[OPZKPMÄJ\S[[PTL4PHZV\NO[ZVSHJLMYVT[OL3VYK>OLUHZRLK^OH[1LZ\Z*OYPZ[OHZTLHU[[VOLYZOL states that he has been her all, her source, and her strength. The personal relationship she has cultivated with Christ over the years helped to sustain her during those dark days, and continues to sustain her today. When we asked how a church could assist Mia and other single mothers in situations similar to hers, Mia didn’t ask for a check—even though monetary help is often greatly needed. She didn’t ask for groceries either—even though the cupboards are often wanting. She simply asked to be discipled by other God-fearing women. She said, “Women in the community need biblical teaching and mentoring regarding marriage, motherhood, femininity, and God.” She then asked that the church “please provide help in this area.” Imagine if the church responded to Mia’s plea and provided both discipleship and community for single moms and their children. The impact of such an effort would be monumental. Not only would more single moms feel loved and OLSWLKHZ[OL`HYLKPZJPWSLKI`V[OLY^VTLUI\[[OLPYJOPSKYLU^V\SKÄUKT\JOULLKLKHJJLW[HUJLHUKTLU[VYZOPWHZ well. May God ignite a spark in our hearts that burns with compassion for the single moms who reside in our cities and ULPNOIVYOVVKZHUKTH`[OLUHTLVM1LZ\Z*OYPZ[ILNSVYPÄLK[OYV\NO[OLJO\YJO»ZSV]LMVY[OL\UKLYZLY]LKHUKPTWV]LY- ished.




Beep-beep-beep-beep. It’s 4:15 a.m. and time for Mike Herz, a single dad, to wake up his six-year-old son, Ike. Getting ready with his son in the morning is one of Mike’s favorite times as a dad. He knows he may not see his son again till late evening or even the following morning. Sometimes Ike sleeps over at the sitter’s if Mike is stuck late at work, so he tries to make the most of their time together before rushing him to the sitter. They have breakfast together and spend time talking. 1\Z[HM[LY[OLKP]VYJL4PRL[YPLK[VÄUKH^H`[VILHZPUNSLKHKHUKJVU[PU\L^VYRPUNI\[OLJV\SKU»[RLLW\W[OL OLJ[PJZJOLK\SL/LYLTLTILYZVULKH`^OLU0RLOHK[VZ[H`H[Ä]LKPMMLYLU[OVTLZ[OYV\NOV\[[OLKH`^P[O4PRLTHR- ing all the arrangements by phone during work. So Mike quit his job for two years in order to spend more time with his son. If you ask Mike what the difference is between then and now, he will say his support system. Since his divorce, Mike has built up a strong network of family and friends who can watch Ike. He says his support structure is the thing that keeps him sane. He wonders how people who do not have the Lord and strong community support get out of bed every morning. “Being a single parent is hard,” Mike says. “It can be an emo- tional battle every day.”


7OV[VI`2L]PU:TP[O Single dad, Mike Herz, and his son Ike.



Single parents may be the most 0B]P_bW^c^UBX]V[T?PaT]cX]VX] workforce are employed, it is estimat- resilient individuals in the world. Lake County ed that 54 percent of single moms live Functioning as both dad and mom According to the U.S. Census Bureau, below the poverty level. Economic is challenging. Handling the roles of the number of single parents nation- strains are more prevalent in single comforter, provider, nurturer, chauf- wide has tripled since 1970.5 Today, parent households, as evidenced by feur, nurse, cook, and disciplinarian nearly one-third of all families with the fact that only 10 percent of mar- can exhaust even the most energetic children are headed by single par- ried families live below the poverty man or woman.1 ents.6 With over 56,000 households line.12 with children under 18 in Lake Coun- Although cohesive families were ty, an estimated 22,439 are single-par- The demands of raising children make God’s design from the beginning2, we ent homes.7 This represents 40 percent P[KPMÄJ\S[MVYZPUNSLWHYLU[Z[VL_WHUK know that by choice or circumstance of Lake County’s population.8 their educational attainment and to THU`PUKP]PK\HSZÄUK[OLTZLS]LZPU gain the necessary skills for career single-parent roles. Churches must Lake County is well above the nation- advancement. Nearly 30 percent recognize that single parenting is an al average for unmarried birthrates. of single mothers in Lake County increasing trend in America, and they Consider that the unmarried birthrate dropped out of high school, only two must be willing to creatively provide nationwide is a little more than 34 percent have a bachelor’s degree or assistance to single-parent families.3 percent,9 while in Lake County almost higher.13 half of all births are to unmarried With good support systems, single mothers.10 In many of our urban com- A single mother with children earns mothers and fathers and their children munities, the percentage of unmarried a median income of $20,105, com- can thrive.4 Ministry programs that births is 75 percent and above. Nearly pared to a married couple’s median provide support networks can have a 80 percent of African-American births family income of $72,445.14 In 2009, huge impact on the success of single in Lake County are to unwed moth- 26,555 women and children were on parents. ers.11 These are startling statistics. the federal WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) program.15 Churches and communities have a Many single parents in Lake County tremendous opportunity to supply Z[Y\NNSL[VÄUKLTWSV`TLU[[OH[WH`Z Fully 67 percent of children under single parents with the resources they a reasonable wage. Although roughly [OLHNLVMÄ]L^OVSP]L^P[OHZPUNSL ULLK[VÅV\YPZO 88 percent of single mothers in the mother live below the poverty level.16

BX]V[T?PaT]cX]V}( ?^cT]cXP[4UUTRcb^U5PcWTa0QbT]RT times more likely to be poor than chil- more likely to enter the juvenile jus- ^]2WX[SaT] dren in homes with two parents, and tice system.18 Fatherless children have Undoubtedly, there are countless a child growing up without a father a higher occurrence of drug, alcohol, single parents in Lake County who in the home is 54 percent more likely and tobacco use and are generally in raise their children in safe and loving to be poorer than his or her absent poorer physical and mental health.19 environments. However, the possible father.17 They are more likely to be imprisoned negative effects on children growing for serious crimes as adults, less likely up in single-parent, fatherless homes Children who grow up in father-absent to graduate from high school or col- have been widely documented. Chil- homes have a higher probability of lege, and more likely to have children KYLUPUMH[OLYHIZLU[OVTLZHYLÄ]L behavioral issues at school and are out of wedlock.20

Lower educational attainment and less Advantages of a Healthy Marriage income-earning potential can affect our communities greatly, since grow- ing up in fatherless families continues } A single mother’s median family income is only 28% of the to affect children well into adulthood. Lake County median family income ($20,105 vs. $72,442) [US Census Bureau, Median Family Income in the Past 12 Months, In 2009 Inflation-Adjusted According to Robert Rector of the Dollars (2005-2009 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates).] Heritage Foundation, “Comparing families of the same race and similar } A child raised by a never-married mother is over nine times more likely to be poor than a child in an intact marriage, and incomes, children from broken and single-parent homes are three times twice as likely to be poor as a child of divorce [Robert Rector and Kirk Johnson, The Effects of Marriage and Maternal Education in Reducing Child Poverty, more likely to end up in jail by the (Heritage Foundation Center for Data Analysis, 2002); Children in Poverty: Profile, time they reach age thirty than are Trends, and Issues (Congressional Research Service, 2004). Originally quoted in Andy children raised in intact married fami- Rittenhouse and Heidi Unruh, eds., Salt & Light: A Guide to Loving Knoxville, Third Edi- lies. Compared to girls raised in simi- tion (Knoxville, TN: Compassion Coalition, 2009).] lar married families, girls from single- parent homes are more than twice as } When a two-adult household becomes a female-headed house- likely to have a child without being hold, 20% enter poverty [A. Rynell, Causes of Poverty: Findings from Recent Research (Mid-America Institute on Poverty, 2008). Originally quoted in Salt & Light: A married, thereby repeating the nega- 21 Guide to Loving Knoxville (2009)] tive cycle for another generation.” } Children in father-absent homes are five times more likely to be poor, and children growing up without a father in the home are In addition, Rector states, “Children living in single-parent homes are 50 54% more likely to be poorer than his or her own father [Patrick Fagan et al., The Father Factor (National Fatherhood Initiative), http://www.fatherhood. percent more likely to experience org/Page.aspx?pid=403.] poverty as adults when compared to children from intact married homes.

}BX]V[T?PaT]cX]V This intergenerational poverty effect MLYZOLHS[OILULÄ[ZMVYZPUNSLWHYLU[ single-parent support structures, leav- persists even after adjusting for the families.25 Single parents regularly ing single moms and dads searching original differences in family income strain to balance the schedules of their to associate with individuals in similar and poverty during childhood.”22 children against the demands of their situations.29 employers. The types of jobs that most Single parents and their children single moms work in do not provide CaP]b_^acPcX^]8bbdTb certainly can be successful, and many an adequate family income, so it’s Many single-parent families lack the are; however, they must overcome KPMÄJ\S[[VRLLW[OLMHTPS`WYVNYLZZPUN means necessary to travel through- a range of obstacles in order to truly economically.26 out the county, whether it is for jobs, ÅV\YPZO;OPZPZ^OLYLJO\YJOLZOH]LH after-school activities, or to utilize tremendous opportunity to help. Some As Andy Farmer observes, “Single-par- childcare. This was a recurring theme single parents are begging for help ent families typically have constant, in many community stakeholder from the local church.23 legitimate material needs—needs that interviews. aren’t solved just by a bag of groceries Churches have a unique opportunity or a check.”27 To make matters worse, many towns to provide encouragement, teach par- have stopped public transportation enting skills, offer the spiritual mentor- 8ST]cXch2aXbTb due to budgetary constraints.30 The ship needed to overcome life’s trials, 0UTHU`JHZLZP[»ZKPMÄJ\S[MVYZPUNSL effects of not having the proper means HUKOLSWZPUNSLWHYLU[ZÄUKHWYHJ[P- parents to identify with others. Many of safe and reliable transportation can cal place in the church family.24 single parents must perform the duties be devastating on a single-parent fam- of both mother and father for their PS`0[»ZKPMÄJ\S[[VTHPU[HPULTWSV`- EPaX^db2WP[[T]VTbU^aBX]V[T JOPSKYLU0[JHUILKPMÄJ\S[MVYZPUNSL ment if a single parent cannot get to ?PaT]cb parents to identify with other parents and from work. Some of the hardships faced by who are married, and it can be just as single parents in Lake County include hard to relate with single individuals AT[PcX^]P[=Tcf^aZbP]SBd__^ac ÄUHUJPHSJVUZ[YHPU[ZPKLU[P[`JYPZLZ who do not have children. It can be tempting for a single parent [YHUZWVY[H[PVUPZZ\LZHUKKPMÄJ\S[PLZ to withdraw from close relationships with relational networks and supports. Farmer observes, “A single par- HUKÄUKJVTMVY[PUZVSP[\KL31 Yet ent wrestles every day with a basic isolation can be disastrous for single 5X]P]RXP[2^]bcaPX]cb identity problem: Am I a single person parents. Parents who are stressed, As noted above, many single parents ^OVOHZWHYLU[PUNYLZWVUZPIPSP[PLZ&6Y overwhelmed, and isolated tend to Z[Y\NNSLÄUHUJPHSS`0[»ZOHYK[VÄUK am I a parent who basically lives in make poor decisions for themselves QVIZ[OH[HYLÅL_PISLLUV\NO[V^VYR a single person’s world? It’s tough to and their children.32 Many times single around the schedule of parenting be both all the time.”28 It can be- parents do not have a pastor, coun- demands and still pay a reasonable JVTLLZWLJPHSS`KPMÄJ\S[PUWSHJLZVM ZLSVYVYL]LUHILZ[MYPLUK[VJVUÄKL wage – not to mention one that of- worship. Many churches do not offer in.33 As emphasized in the story of

BX]V[T?PaT]cX]V} The church can be a great place for parents as people loved by God. Too ZPUNSLWHYLU[Z[VÄUK[OLYLSH[PVUHS often, as churches rightfully uphold network and support system they des- the value of two-parent families, they perately need for success. Churches unintentionally exclude or disparage can directly meet the needs of single unmarried parents.41 parents in a variety of ways: >UUTaP;^eX]V2^]bXbcT]cBd__^ac D]STabcP]S6^Szb7TPacU^aBX]V[T BhbcT\ ?PaT]cbP]SCWTXa2WX[SaT] Churches must recognize that single God is a defender of the fatherless and parents face unique challenges and VMMLYZPUÄUP[LSV]LMVYWLVWSLLUK\YPUN need relational support to help them 7OV[VI`1VL`4H`ÄLSK life’s struggles. The sustaining hope succeed. Many churches provide Solid support systems are a critical for single parents is the fatherhood of VUL[PTLÄUHUJPHSHZZPZ[HUJL[VZPUNSL component to the success of single God.35 The Bible is full of promises parents in a pinch, but offering a long- mothers and fathers and their children. for the burdened, the orphan, and the term, consistent relational approach Mike Herz, a support system was widow. The psalmist describes God as could prove invaluable for lasting absolutely critical to his success as a a “Father to the fatherless, a defender success. In one Salt & Light research single parent. Mike’s son, Ike, is also of widows,” and one who “places the interview, Mia, a single mother of six, MVY[\UH[L[VOH]LHWVZP[P]LTHSLPUÅ\- lonely in families.”36 indicated that what she needs most ence in his life. Unfortunately, many is to be discipled and mentored by children of single parents in Lake The principle of God’s support for other spiritually mature women. In her County do not have the support of a HSSZPUNSLWHYLU[ZPZÄS[LYLK[OYV\NO opinion, other single mothers in our positive male role model to encourage these promises.37 In a metaphorical community need guidance regarding their development,34 and many single yet genuine way, God is the perfect marriage, motherhood, femininity, and parents simply lack a solid support husband of the single parent and the God.42 structure to assist them with life’s ups loving father of the fatherless.38 and downs. 6ULPTHNPUH[P]LL_HTWSLVMLZ[HI- God’s heart beats with compassion for lishing a unique support system is an ;TPa]X]Vc^;^eT>daBX]V[T?PaT]cb children of single parents and those “adopt-a-family” program. Teri Worten Healthy families, whether headed by who are going it alone.39 He cares Brooks suggests that stable, married parents who are single or married, deeply for the lonely and provides in families could “bless a single [-parent] LUYPJOV\YJVTT\UP[PLZZPNUPÄJHU[S` the church a tremendous family large family with much-needed support, The local church has an incredible LUV\NOMVYL]LY`VUL[VÄ[PU40 encouragement, and accountability.”43 opportunity to cultivate the well-being of single-parent families and positively Churches ought to work hard at lov- Think of the difference such a program impact our cities. PUNZ\WWVY[PUNHUKHMÄYTPUNZPUNSL could make in the lives of single par-

!}BX]V[T?PaT]cX]V ents in your community as they glean Consider a car-care program where Another idea to support single parents wisdom from other families regard- single parents can receive quarterly could be an academic scholarship or ing many issues related to parenting, oil changes, brake jobs, and miscella- continuing-education fund, whereby employment, and spiritual vitality. neous repairs on their vehicles. Home churches make grants available for The children of single-parent families maintenance is another area where single parents to continue their educa- JV\SKHSZVNYLH[S`ILULÄ[MYVTL_WV- churches can provide valuable help to tion and increase their marketable sure to healthy marriages and positive single parents who feel overwhelmed skills.48 male role models.44 with household upkeep. Churches could sponsor lawn-cutting or house- Funds to help single parents take Churches could even consider imple- painting services for single moms, classes could be the lift they need to menting a male-mentorship program helping them out and blessing them ÄUPZOHKLNYLLHUKNHPULTWSV`TLU[ for boys of single moms to encourage considerably.47 that pays a livable wage. positive male bonding experiences. Brooks points out that, “Healthy, well- adjusted, God-fearing men would be Fast Facts on Single Parenting excellent candidates for a Christian mentoring program. It’s crucial for } There are an estimated 22,439 single parent households in Lake children of single parents to be ex- County, 40% of all households with children [US Census Bureau, 2010 posed to responsible men of integrity Census. http://factfinder2.census.gov.] [and] faith.”45 Mature Christian men } Of those households, 17,714 are female-headed households and could model godliness for sons of 4,725 are male-headed households [US Census Bureau, 2010 Census, single parents and help lead them to a http://factfinder2.census.gov.] personal relationship with Christ.46 } 30% of single mothers in Lake County did not graduate high school, while only 10% of married mothers did not graduate [US 2aTPcXeT[h

BX]V[T?PaT]cX]V} " Still another idea to empower single- can call on single parents to serve, cities in Lake County worked together parent families is a “Christmas shop” even in small or infrequent ways. toward a common vision of strong, where instead of handing out Christ- Serving others pleases God, helps our stable families. mas gifts to children of single-parent communities, and models servanthood families during the holidays, single to the children of single-parent Positive action, taken one step at a parents are encouraged to come and families.53 As Jesus said, “It’s more time, by both parents and churches purchase donated items at a much-re- blessed to give than receive.”54 JHUYLZ\S[PUÅV\YPZOPUNZPUNSLWHYLU[ duced cost.49 A simple paradigm shift families. Remember that the God of in this type of ministry can do much in 6M[LUP[»ZKPMÄJ\S[MVYZPUNSLWHYLU[Z[V grace, who “is always at work for the the way of nurturing dignity for single get involved in ministries that require good of everyone who loves him,”56 parents and empowering them to pro- a lot of time. This means churches offers restoration for the broken, vide for themselves and their families. TH`ULLK[VILÅL_PISLPU[OLPY\Z\HS renewal for the weary, and redemp- way of doing things to include single tion for the burdened. He is the one For most single parents, programs parents and their children.55 we turn to in times of hardship. “So that encourage self-improvement are whenever we are in need, we should far more valuable than a one-time 1dX[SX]V1[^RZbU^a7TP[cWh5P\X[XTb come bravely before the throne of our gift. Churches must be careful not Single parenthood need not spell merciful God. There we will be treated to foster a codependent relationship disaster for moms, dads, or children with undeserved kindness, and we where single parents expect all needs when steps are taken to build systems ^PSSÄUKOLSW¹57 Let’s strive together to be met by the church at all times.50 for a healthy family life. The very to create healthy family structures that Sometimes ministries that serve im- fabric of our communities could be bring vitality to our Northwest Indiana poverished single-parent families can changed for the better if churches and region. unintentionally make the parents feel like failures for being unable to pro- ATU[TRcX^]@dTbcX^]bU^aBX]V[T?PaT]cX]V4bbPh vide for their own family’s needs.51 ‹ Do you know any single parents who need a good support network? AT\^eT1PaaXTabU^aBX]V[T?PaT]cb What are some creative ways you or your church can minister to single c^6Tc8]e^[eTSX]



4`UHTLPZ>PSSLUH)Y\UÄLSKHUK[OPZPZT`L_WLYPLUJLVMILPUN`V\UNHUKILPUN faced with an unplanned pregnancy. My boyfriend and I are college students. He was home for summer break, and I had Q\Z[ÄUPZOLKT`ZLTLZ[LY>LMV\UKV\[[OH[0^HZWYLNUHU[PU1\S`HUKKPKU»[RUV^^OH[ [VKV([ÄYZ[^LSH\NOLKI\[HML^TPU\[LZSH[LY^LILNHU[VYLHSPaL[OH[P[^HZUV joke. We were in complete shock. We had just gotten over the restlessness of exams and schoolwork, and this was a huge blow. We felt this was more than unplanned; it was a disaster! ([ÄYZ[HSS^LJV\SK[OPUR^HZ>OH[HYL^LNVPUN[VKV&4`IV`MYPLUK»ZZ\NNLZ[PVU was for me to have an abortion. He thought it was the simplest option. He said if I had an abortion, we could get on with our lives as planned. Neither of us knew many facts about abortion. Because I didn’t know much about it, I didn’t have much to say. He and I both worried about how we were going to provide for a baby when we were already struggling to get what we needed for ourselves. We weren’t thinking about, or planning for, anything besides the college life we were living and accustomed to. It was our plan to get married and have children after college. 6]LY[OLTVU[OVM1\S`^LHYN\LKV]LY^OH[^L^LYLNVPUN[VKV0Z[HY[LK[VSVVRMVYYLZV\YJLZ[VOLSWTLTHRLH decision. I came across the Women’s Center of Northwest Indiana website.1 After looking over the information, I gave them a call. I was very comfortable talking to them, so I set up an appointment. When I arrived for my appointment at the Women’s Center, I was greeted like a guest. They gave me an opportunity to explain my situation and asked me questions that pinpointed certain issues I was experiencing. They did a pregnancy test, and it came back positive. They talked to me about my options. Then I got an ultrasound. I was surprised at what I saw on the screen. Afterward, they talked to me about all my op- tions: parenting, adoption, and abortion and its risks. Before I left, they gave me information on local, community, and government resources to help me make a decision. I talked to my boyfriend, and we decided to parent our baby. I now attend the Women’s Center Building Blocks pro- NYHT;OPZPZH¸SLHYUHUKLHYU¹WYVNYHTVUWHYLU[PUN4`IV`MYPLUKPZUV^T`ÄHUJt)LZ[VMHSS0HTUV^[OLTV[OLY of a little girl born in April, 2011. I am so thankful I went to the Women’s Center of Northwest Indiana. They helped me see how valuable life is.



0U0OLSWLKSH\UJOHWYVNYHTJHSSLK[OL16@7YVQLJ[HWYVNYHT^OLYLZPUNSLWHYLU[MHTPSPLZPU[YHUZP[PVUOH]LH chance to thrive. The program helps parents acquire effective parenting skills to help safeguard their families’ well-being, while providing them with job-readiness skills to assist them in moving out of poverty. The program serves single parents with children from birth to age eighteen. ;OL16@7YVQLJ[OHZWYV]LUOPNOS`LMMLJ[P]LPUIYLHRPUNKV^UZVJPHSHUKLJVUVTPJIHYYPLYZJYLH[PUNVWWVY[\UP[PLZ and uplifting single parents— helping them thrive at home, in life, and in the workplace. The program has successfully OLSWLKP[ZWHY[PJPWHU[ZH]VPKYLSHWZLZHUKYLK\JLHUKL]LU[\HSS`LUKIV[OKLWLUKLUJ`VUW\ISPJILULÄ[ZHUKWHYLU[HS neglect and abuse. Eva and Tee-Shaa are both single moms with plenty of experience with what they refer to as “the system.” Tee-Shaa KYVWWLKV\[VMZJOVVSK\L[V[LLUWYLNUHUJ`HUK,]HOHKOLYÄYZ[JOPSKH[HNLZL]LU[LLU:\IZLX\LU[S`LHJOTHKLSPML- style choices that led to more out-of-wedlock children. ;OLZL`V\UN^VTLU^LYLSP]PUNVU[OLPYV^UH[HNLÄM[LLUHUK[OV\NO[OL`THKLLMMVY[Z[VTV]LIL`VUK[OLPY circumstances, with their limited workplace skills and lack of support systems in place, they wound up jobless. Later, without any income, they found themselves homeless. Due in part to inadequate parenting skills and as a consequence VM[OLPYKLJPZPVUZIV[O^VTLUL]LU[\HSS`OHK[OLPYJOPSKYLU[HRLUH^H`K\L[VULNSLJ[;VKH`;LL:OHHOHZÄ]LJOPSKYLU in foster care; Eva has three. These two young women are representative of many of the women we assist. The majority became moth- ers in their early teens, some as young as 12, and have multiple children. Their own upbringing lacked parental nurturing, HMMLJ[PVU^HYT[OVYN\PKHUJL;OLPYSP]LZYLÅLJ[[OLPY immaturity and lack of parental leadership and guid- ance. They pass on to their children many of the inad- equate parenting techniques they learned from their own parents. -VY;LL:OHHHUK,]H[OL16@7YVQLJ[^HZ[OLPYZH]- ing-grace. When they arrived at the door of the Indiana 7HYLU[PUN0UZ[P[\[L[OL`^LYLILH[LUKV^UÄUHUJPHSS` emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically. The


16@7YVQLJ[VMMLYLK[OLTOVWLI`WYV]PKPUN[OLT^P[O[OL[VVSZ[OL`ULLKLK[VV]LYJVTL[OLPYIHYYPLYZ[VZ\JJLZZ ;VKH`;LL:OHHHUK,]HOH]LJVTWSL[LK[OL16@7YVQLJ[HUKHYLOHWWPS`LUNHNLKPU]VS\U[LLY^VYRWSHJLPU[LYU- ships. They have both been offered permanent employment at their worksites after their internships are completed. These ^VTLU^HU[[VILZLSMZ\MÄJPLU[HUKPUKLWLUKLU[;OL`^HU[[VILNVVKTV[OLYZHUKWYVK\J[P]LJP[PaLUZ;OL`UV^ have a vision for the future and a road map and support system to get them there. They have both enrolled in college and are pursuing their passions: Eva, who wants to be a chef, is enrolled in culinary arts; and Tee-Shaa, who wants to be a tax consultant, is enrolled in computer technology and accounting. They both now have permanent housing. And they are working with the courts, with renewed attitudes, to get their children back. Like Eva and Tee-Shaa, there are many single parents in Lake County who are looking for a path to better their lives and who are willing to take the steps to make this happen. They are looking for a “hand up” rather than a handout, and [OL16@7YVQLJ[PZOLYL[VOLSW

Teen Parenting Facts

} In 2007, there were 772 births to teen mothers which accounted for 11.4% of all births in Lake County in that year [Indiana State Department of Health, Epidemiology Resource Center, Data Analysis Team. Table 14. Terminations, Live Births, and Termination Ratios by County of Residence and Age Group: Indiana Residents, 2007 (Indiana Induced Termination of Pregnancy Report, 2007).] } 52% of teen births were to black mothers, 47% to white mothers [Ibid.] } Babies born to adolescents have a higher risk of being premature, having low birth weight, or dying as infants [“Teen Pregnancy,” March of Dimes Fact Sheet (2009). Originally quoted in Andy Rittenhouse and Heidi Unruh, eds., “Salt & Light: A Guide to Loving Knoxville, Third Edition” (Knoxville, TN: Compassion Coalition, 2009).] } 21.5% of all teenage pregnancies were terminated in Lake County in 2007, across all ages the preg- nancy termination rate is 17.2%. [Indiana State Department of Health, Epidemiology Resource Center, Data Analysis Team.]


By Pastor Chris Carr

As we look out on the scene of our There are many culprits in this tragedy, This is a far cry from what we see in American cultural landscape, we can but the purpose of this essay isn’t to most men in our culture today. Many see a vast array of needs; a troubled WVPU[ÄUNLYZ0HTUV[PU[LYLZ[LKPU[OL modern-American men display an in- education system, rampant poverty, a culprits, but rather in the solution. credible lack of responsibility to care OLHS[OJHYLZ`Z[LTPUKPZHYYH`HÄUHU- for what God has entrusted to them. cial recession, a government that is And the solution is given to us clearly Whether it is time, talents, family, or PULMÄJPLU[HUKVM[LUPULMMLJ[P]LOPNO in Scripture. For thousands of years, role in the community, we men often crime rates, and weak families. And [OL)PISLOHZWSHPUS`KLÄULKMVY\Z shirk our responsibilities. And yet, ^OPSLLHJOVM[OLZLPZHZPNUPÄJHU[ what a man truly is. While there are this is perhaps what our culture needs issue, I want to suggest that each and numerous descriptors we could use to most. We need men, young and old, every one is a symptom of a larger characterize a male, I will simply lay to stand up and take responsibility problem. out three. for their actions, to take responsibility for their families, and to take respon- And this problem might not be what 5XabcPCadT

'}BX]V[T?PaT]cX]V do the right thing no matter what the what the Bible calls meekness. This is [OH[YLZWVUZPIPSP[`HUKM\SÄSSLKP[JVT- consequences. what our society needs and is long- pletely. He is also the strongest man ing for. Strong, responsible men who who has ever lived. He was, and is, CWXaSPCadT

Chris Porter models male leadership as he serves at a local shelter, alongside his sons Zach and Colin. 7OV[VI`1LU;VWW


! }BX]V[T?PaT]cX]V ‹ Become a mentor to the children of single parents. ‹ Volunteer at local agencies that assist single parents with job, life, and parenting skills. ‹ Form a support group in your neighborhood that assists single parents in their many roles and responsibilities.

Unmarried Birth Rate


47 % 45% 35% 27%

White Black Hispanic Asian Lake Co. Total [US Census Bureau, Women 15-20 Years Who Had a Birth in the Past 12 Months by Marital Status and Poverty Status (2007-2009 American Commu- nity Survey 3-Year Estimates,), http://factfinder.census.gov.]


CWTF^\T]zb2T]cTa^U=^acWfTbc8]SXP]P |  c^^^[OL^JVYN A safe, caring facility that offers free pregnancy tests, free ultrasounds, and birth counseling for women who are considering abortion. ‹ )LJVTLH[YHPULKHK]VJH[LOLSWPUNTV[OLYZHJYVZZ3HRL*V\U[`THRLSPMLHMÄYTPUNJOVPJLZ ‹ Help in daily administrative tasks ‹ Assist in planning, preparing, and running various fundraising events ‹ Help mothers learn the skills necessary to grow a healthy family in the Building Blocks program

6T\X]db |   c^^^NLTPU\ZVYN The Geminus Head Start mission is to work in collaboration with our communities to provide comprehensive develop- TLU[ZLY]PJLZ[V`V\UNJOPSKYLUHUK[OLPYMHTPSPLZHUK[VHZZPZ[PUNHPUPUNZLSMZ\MÄJPLUJ` ‹ Become a classroom reader in the Head Start program ‹ Facilitate parenting workshops ‹ 7YV]PKLJSLYPJHSZ\WWVY[HYV\UK[OLVMÄJLZ ‹ 6[OLYHZZPNUTLU[ZHYLH]HPSHISLKLWLUKPUNVUZRPSSZL[H]HPSHIPSP[`HUKWYVNYHTULLKZ

Bc9dST7^dbT |  c^^^Z[Q\KLOV\ZLVYN St. Jude House serves as a safe shelter for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault and their dependent children. They offer support to victims as they pursue violence-free lives. ‹ Become a trained Crisis Line worker ‹ )LJVTLHJSPLU[HZZPZ[HU[HZ[OLJSPLU[TV]LZ[V^HYKZZLSMZ\MÄJPLUJ`

BP[ePcX^]0a\h | =HYPV\Z3VJH[PVUZ The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian church. Its message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is motivated by the love of God. Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in his name without discrimination. ‹ East Chicago 219-398-2939 ‹ Gary 219-887-6588 ‹ Munster 219-838-0380

!!}BX]V[T?PaT]cX]V Food Pantries and Food Banks To conserve space, volunteer needs commonly needed across all food pantries and food bank will be listed here: ‹ Help with one of their many distribution days ‹ Assist in the sorting of donated items ‹ Donate food to help them accomplish their mission

5^^S1P]Z^U=^acWfTbc8]SXP]P c  c^^^MVVKIHURU^PVYN The Food Bank of Northwest Indiana was founded in 1982. It was originally a barn, but has grown into a facility that acquires, stores and distributes 4.7 million pounds of food throughout Lake and Porter Counties.


>_TaPcX^]2PaT?P]cah c     :PUJL6WLYH[PVU*HYLZ[HY[LKPU4HYJOVM [OL`OH]LMLK WLVWSLHUKOH]LKPZ[YPI\[LKHSTVZ[TPSSPVU pounds of food to all of Northwest Indiana and Northeast Illinois. The pantry is open on Monday and Wednesday from 9 AM till 1:30 PM. Friday 9 AM until noon.

Other Organizations that Work with Single Parents 8]SXP]P?PaT]cX]V8]bcXcdcT c  c^^^PUKPHUHWHYLU[PUNPUZ[P[\[LJVT The Indiana Parenting Institute provides evidence-based, skill building parenting education programs and resources that increase the capacity of people raising children to parent effectively and responsibly, and to nurture children to become socially and economically healthy contributors of society.

6aTPcTa7P\\^]S2^\\d]XchBTaeXRTb c  c^^^NYLH[LYOHTTVUKJVT Greater Hammond Community Services, Inc. prides itself as being a leader in the delivery of social services to those WLVWSLPUV\YJVTT\UP[`^OVHYL[Y\S`PUULLK(ZHSLHKLY[OL`HYLJVTTP[[LK[VWYV]PKPUN[OVZLZLY]PJLZPUHULMÄ- cient and professional manner.

?0BB~0]bfTaU^a?aTV]P]Rh0XS8]R^U=^acWfTbc8]SXP]Pc  c^^^HUZ^LYMVYWYLNUHUJ`JVT The Answer for Pregnancy Aid has been servicing Northwest Indiana since 1981. They have been offering loving support, education, and material assistance to mothers and mothers-to-be who are in need.



The Number of Children in non-relative foster care in April 2011 } 321 active county li- censed foster homes } 13 private agencies The Indiana Department of Child Services investigates 350-400 cases of child abuse [Indiana Department of Child Ser- and neglect each month in Lake County. vices, Lake County.] 7OV[VI`^^^PZ[VJRWOV[VJVTTHYPHWH]SV]H



Imagine you are a child that has endured sexual abuse from your father for the past six years. :PUJL[OLHNLVMÄ]L`V\OH]LILLUHMYHPKHMYHPKVM`V\YMH[OLY(MYHPK[OH[PM`V\[VSKHU`VULOL^V\SKILHUNY`HUK PU[LUZPM`OPZHI\ZL)\[[OPZWHZ[^LLR^HZ[OLSHZ[Z[YH^@V\ZH^HUHK^P[OHU\TILY[VJHSS[VYLWVY[HI\ZLHUKÄUHSS` decided the time had come to tell someone. The risk was worth it. You call the number and a stranger answers. Haltingly, you begin to recount the painful memories of the last six years. To your amazement, the person on the phone for the Indiana Department of Child Services listens to your story. After the ÄYZ[[LUZLTVTLU[Z[OLMLLSPUNZHUKZ[VYPLZN\ZOMYVT`V\YOLHY[ The thought of leaving your home to stay with a foster family is terrifying. If your aunt still lived close by you could Z[H`^P[OOLYI\[`V\KLJPKLHU`[OPUNPZIL[[LY[OHUOVTL@V\HYLYLSPL]LK[VÄUKV\[`V\YMVZ[LYMHTPS`PZL_[YLTLS` caring. They speak kindly to you and provide you with a nice room to stay in. But your joy quickly fades as the court date looms like a black storm cloud. Facing your father again, possibly sending him to jail is terrifying, but you have no choice. This heartbreaking scenario is repeated over and over again in Lake County every week. Indiana Department of Child Services (IDCS) case workers receive dozens—sometimes hundreds—of tips from the Indiana Child Abuse Hotline   L]LY`KH`-YVT6J[VILY[V+LJLTILYMVYL_HTWSL0+*:PU3HRL*V\U[`YLJLP]LK reports. They substantiated 391 of those reports, with 187 cases resulting in removal of children from their homes.1 There are countless types of child abuse and neglect. In many instances, drugs are involved. For example, a single mother, depressed with the endless cycle of poverty, starts self-medicating with marijuana or prescription drugs to numb the pain, leading her to neglect her children’s needs. She is embarrassed to admit needing help both emotionally and physically. And all too often, children who are victims of abuse grow up to continue the cycle with their own children. IDCS case workers are dedicated to helping clients. They constantly investigate homes where children are appar- ent victims of neglect or abuse, and they keep their phones with them at all times. They are not looking to permanently remove children from their homes; they are committed to helping families get back together. Through the efforts of IDCS and their network of foster families, 80 percent of children eventually return to their families.2 ;OLX\LZ[PVUPZOV^JHU^LHZHJVTT\UP[`JVTL[VNL[OLY[VWYL]LU[HI\ZLHUKULNSLJ[MYVTOHWWLUPUNPU[OLÄYZ[ place?




The Indiana Department of Child of child abuse and neglect in the Lake mine the current safety of a child and Services (IDCS) is charged by statute County community. the risk of future harm. As a group, to protect children in the State of FCMs in Lake County are assigned 0UKPHUH;OLYLPZHU0+*:VMÄJLPU *OPSKHI\ZLPU0UKPHUHPZKLÄULKPU investigations (called assessments) of each of Indiana’s ninety-two counties. chapter 31 of the Indiana Code as child abuse for 350 to 400 families IDCS Family Case Managers (FCMs) existing when a child is in need of ser- each month. Allegations are called in are available to respond to allegations vices (such a child is referred to as a to the Indiana Child Abuse Hotline of child abuse and neglect twenty-four CHINS). The most basic interpretation (1-800-800-5556) by citizens and are hours a day, seven days a week, three of the statute is that a child is a CHINS electronically transferred to local case O\UKYLKZP_[`Ä]LKH`ZH`LHY-*4Z when a parent, guardian, or custodian managers. The assessment determines also manage open cases for over two is unable or unwilling to supply the whether each allegation is substanti- thousand children in Lake County child with necessary food, clothing, ated physical abuse, sexual abuse, alone who are victims of child abuse shelter, medical care, education, or or neglect. If the allegation proves or neglect. Unfortunately, there con- age-appropriate supervision. In addi- unfounded, the assessment is classi- tinues to be a high number of victims tion, when a child’s physical or mental ÄLKHZ\UZ\IZ[HU[PH[LK:\IZ[HU[PH[LK health is seriously endangered, that assessments become new cases when 7OV[VI`1HJX\L4PSSLY constitutes child abuse as well. */05:WL[P[PVUZHYLÄSLK^P[O[OL Lake County Superior Court, Juvenile The budget for services for neglected Division. The number of children and abused children and their families under the jurisdiction of the court and in Lake County Indiana was over $78 managed by the Lake County FCMs million in 2011. This money does not varies from day to day, but it is usually cover administrative costs such as staff around two thousand. ZHSHYPLZVY[OLVMÄJLI\PSKPUN"[OL   million is solely for services to help Children who are taken into protective abused and neglected children and custody are returned to their parents their families. about 80 percent of the time, gener- ally after the parent receives remedia- The mission of IDCS is to help children thrive in safe, Child-welfare workers are trained tion services and it is safe for the child caring, supportive families and communities. [VPKLU[PM`ZWLJPÄJMHJ[VYZ[VKL[LY- to be in the parent’s care.16[OLYJHZLZ

!%}2WX[SaT]H^dcW are resolved via legal guardianships dren need in order to have safe and concerned citizens, we should hope by the child’s relatives, or by adoption. U\Y[\YLKSP]LZ9LZLHYJOOHZPKLU[PÄLK to see each of these factors in the Ä]LJVUKP[PVUZ[OH[WYVTV[LJOPSKKL- lives of every child we know. As we CWT8\_^acP]RT^U2^\\d]Xch velopment and are linked to a lower look closer at these protective factors, 8]e^[eT\T]c incidence of child abuse or neglect. we can begin to understand what it The mission of IDCS is to help chil- means to be a healthy, happy child in dren thrive in safe, caring, supportive They are: a safe environment. families and communities, and FCMs ‹ Nurturing and Attachment work hard to accomplish that goal. ‹ Knowledge of Parenting Skills and =dacdaX]VP]S0ccPRW\T]c However, they cannot protect children Youth Development Nurturing can be described as the ac- without the assistance of the commu- ‹ Family Functioning and Resilience tions provided by a parent or caregiver nity itself, which plays an integral part ‹ Social Connections to provide support and nourishment in ensuring the safety and well-being ‹ Concrete Supports to help a child develop. Attachment is of its most vulnerable citizens. There the connection or affection that exists are many ways the average person ;OLZLÄ]LMHJ[VYZHWWS`[VHU`JOPSK»Z between two individuals. can help in preventing abuse and life. Identifying the existence or status neglect, as well as help those who are of each of these factors in a child’s life Some examples of nurturing and at- already in the child-welfare system gives us insight as to what is needed tachment include: in their own communities. Helping to provide and ensure protection. As ‹ Children and parents exchanging begins with understanding what chil- parents, grandparents, relatives, or smiles, hugs, and kisses

Fast Facts on Child Abuse & Neglect in Lake County

} 22,330 Hoosier children in 2009 experienced maltreatment } 87.5% experienced neglect, 12.1% physical abuse, 17.7% sexual abuse and 2.2% medical neglect } 13.8% of victims were under 1 year old, nationally the number is 12.6% } Race of the victim: White 70.5% (44%), Black 17.2% (22.3%), Hispanic 6.8% (20.7%), Asian 0.2% (0.9%) (National %) } 37.7% of perpetrators were mothers, 18.6% fathers, 18% both parents, 25.7% other } In 2008 in Indiana, there were 46 child fatalities from neglect/abuse, 30 of them homicides, 13 accidents } In 2008 in Lake County, there were 7 child fatalities from neglect/abuse

[US Dept. of Health and Human Services, Child Maltreatment 2009; Indiana Department of Child Services, Child Abuse and Neglect Annual Report of Child Fatalities, 2008.]

2WX[SaT]H^dcW}!& Fast Facts on Foster Care & Adoption in Lake County

} At any one time in 2010, the number of Children in Need of Services (CHINS) averaged 2,137 } 45.2% of CHINS receive in home or relative care } 64.1% of sibling cases are placed together (3.04 children average per case) } Lake County, while it has 7.7% of Indiana’s total population, has 14.7% of its total number of CHINS } The average number of placements per child before resolution is 2.8 } The average time spent in foster care by a Lake County child is 867 days (2.4 years) which is much higher than the state average of 625 days (1.7 years). 26% spent 3 years or more in foster care } 80% of closed cases in Lake County resulted in reunification of the child with their family in 2010 } 9% of Lake County’s closed cases result in adoption (81 adoptions in 2010)

[Indiana Department of Child Services, Practice Indicator Reports for December 2010, Monthly Practice Indicators Region 1 (2010).]

For more information on Foster Care & Adoption, check out the Indiana Department of Child Services’ information-packed website at www.in.gov/dcs

‹ Parents listening to their children one—one that will decrease the risk of Protective factors may not be as easily and being attentive and sensitive abuse or neglect for the child. recognized by the average person, but to their children’s needs there are times when stressful situa- ‹ Parents speaking of their children !:]^f[TSVT^U?PaT]cX]VBZX[[bP]S tions between parents and children in positive terms even when dis- H^dcW3TeT[^_\T]c are more apparent. For example, potty cussing problems A parent or caregiver’s understand- training often causes distress between ‹ Parents participating in their ing of child development is best parents and children, especially if the children’s school, sports, or other established through interviews and child being trained is very young and extra-curricular activities discussions with a professional. A not developmentally ready. ‹ Parents expressing pride in their parent’s ability to put this knowledge children’s accomplishments PU[VWYHJ[PJLTH`ILTVYLKPMÄJ\S[[V 6Y[LUZPVUJHUKL]LSVW^OLUJOPS- ‹ Children exhibiting age-appropri- establish, unless there are long peri- dren who are approaching their teen ate boundaries ods of contact where the interaction years begin to display personalities Parents of children who are being nur- between the parent and child can also and behaviors that differ from when tured and are attached to a caregiver be observed. Even then, the observa- they were younger. Parents who do will exhibit these behaviors. When tion is not complete without further not understand developmental change they do, we know that the parent- discussion to provide more informa- TH`OH]LKPMÄJ\S[`\UKLYZ[HUKPUN child relationship is usually a good tion or context. their child’s behavior, which puts the

!'}2WX[SaT]H^dcW child at a higher risk for abuse or ‹ Family members are able to talk ‹ The extended family participates neglect. about problems in activities together such as ‹ Family members are able to solve meals, recreation, holiday get- Some signs of knowledge of parenting problems togethers, etc. skills and youth development include: ‹ Family members listen to each ‹ The family is involved in church ‹ Parents are realistic about expec- other activities tations ‹ The family can identify and dis- ‹ The family participates in formal ‹ Parents provide clear and consis- cuss past problems that have been and informal social activities tent messages to their children addressed successfully ‹ Parents have some idea of what ‹ Family members are able to $2^]RaTcTBd__^acb to do for their children in various OHUKSLZ[YLZZ^P[OV\[ZPNUPÄJHU[ Concrete supports are the tangible situations negative consequences goods and services available to assist ‹ Parents see their child’s misbe- ‹ Family members pull together to havior in the context of the child’s address problems Top 5 Stress Factors developmental needs ‹ Parents provide structure and sup- #B^RXP[2^]]TRcX^]b port for their children Social connections are the friends, Child Abuse Cases 1. Family Discord/Marital ‹ Parents speak to their children in relatives, and neighbors that provide Problems age-appropriate manners social and emotional support to a par- 2. Lack of Parenting Skills ‹ Parents praise their children when ent and/or child. 3. Pregnancy/New Child the children behave 4. Domestic Violence ‹ Parents use age-appropriate disci- When exploring social connections, 5. Insufficient Income pline it is important to understand the role these individuals play in the lives "5P\X[h5d]RcX^]X]VP]SATbX[XT]RT of parents and children. Some indi- Child Neglect Cases 1. Drug Dependency Family functioning is demonstrated viduals will be available primarily 2. Lack of Parenting Skills by a family’s ability to openly share for recreation, while others provide 3. Family Discord/Marital positive and negative experiences and spiritual guidance or emotional sup- Problems come together to accept, solve, and WVY[PU[PTLZVM[YV\ISL6[OLYZTH` 4. Insufficient Income manage problems on a day-to-day meet multiple needs. Some indicators 5. Alcoholism and Unsta- basis. Family resilience is the family’s of positive social connections are: ble Living Conditions ability to adapt and utilize strategies ‹ Parents are able to identify people that will help them persevere in times whom they could go to ask for of crisis. Some behaviors that can be help [Indiana Department of Child Services, observed when a family is functional ‹ Parents have people with whom Child Abuse and Neglect Annual Report of and has resilience are: they interact frequently Child Fatalities, 2008]

2WX[SaT]H^dcW}!( ‹ 6[OLYJVUJYL[LZ\WWVY[ZH]HPSHISL 4UUTRcb^U2WX[S0QdbT=TV[TRc IHZLK\WVUZWLJPÄJULLKPUJS\KL! ‹ /VTL]PZP[Z[OYV\NO/LHS[O` -HTPSPLZVY*VTT\UP[`7HY[ULYZ } BcdSXTbWPeTU^d]SPQdbTSP]S]TV[TRcTSRWX[SaT]c^QTPc[TPbc programs !$_TaRT]c\^aT[XZT[hc^Tg_TaXT]RT_a^Q[T\bbdRWPbST[X]- ‹ Child welfare services `dT]RhcTT]_aTV]P]Rh[^fPRPST\XRPRWXTeT\T]cSadVdbT ‹ 3P[LYHJ`WYVNYHTZ P]S\T]cP[WTP[cW_a^Q[T\b[Kelley et al., In the Wake of Childhood ‹ 1VIWYLWHYH[PVUHUKWSHJLTLU[ Maltreatment (Washington, DC: National Institute of Justice, 1997).] services } 0RR^aSX]Vc^P=PcX^]P[8]bcXcdcT^U9dbcXRTbcdShPQdbTSP]S ]TV[TRcTSRWX[SaT]fTaT cX\Tb\^aT[XZT[hc^QTPaaTbcTS ,X\HSS`PMUV[TVYLPTWVY[HU[HYL U^aRaX\X]P[QTWPeX^aPbPYdeT]X[T!&cX\Tb\^aT[XZT[hc^QT concrete supports that are provided PaaTbcTSU^aeX^[T]cP]SRaX\X]P[QTWPeX^aPbP]PSd[cP]S"  I`MYPLUKZHUKMHTPS`VYJO\YJOLZHUK cX\Tb\^aT[XZT[hc^QTPaaTbcTSU^a^]T^U\P]hU^a\b^UeX^[T]c V[OLYUVUWYVÄ[VYNHUPaH[PVUZ RaX\TYdeT]X[T^aPSd[c[English et al., Another Look at the Effects of Child Abuse (NIJ Journal, 251), 23-24.] These informal concrete supports are } 0RR^aSX]Vc^PaT_^acUa^\cWT=PcX^]P[8]bcXcdcT^]3adV0QdbT essential in a geographic area that has Pb\P]hPbcf^cWXaSb^U_T^_[TX]SadVcaTPc\T]c_a^VaP\baT- HOPNOKLNYLLVMWV]LY[`Z\JOHZ3HRL _^acTSQTX]VPQdbTSPbRWX[SaT][Swan, Exploring the Role of Child Abuse on *V\U[`0UKPHUH Later Drug Abuse: Researchers Face Broad Gaps in Information (NIDA Notes, 1998), 13.] } 8cXbTbcX\PcTSP__a^gX\PcT[h^]TcWXaS^UPQdbTSP]S]TV[TRcTS Who Else Is for Kids? RWX[SaT]fX[[TeT]cdP[[heXRcX\XiTcWTXa^f]RWX[SaT][Prevent Child 0UHKKP[PVU[VYLJVNUPaPUNHUKZ\W- Abuse New York, The Costs of Child Abuse and the Urgent Need for Prevention (2003).] WVY[PUNMHTPSPLZI`\UKLYZ[HUKPUN WYV[LJ[P]LMHJ[VYZJP[PaLUZ^P[OH [All Statistics were originally quoted in Child Welfare Information Gateway, Long-Term Conse- ZWLJPÄJZRPSSZL[VYZWLJPHSJHSSPUN[V quences of Child Abuse and Neglect, (US Department of Health & Human Services, 2008).] OLSWJOPSKYLUJHUILJVTLMVZ[LYVY adoptive parents and nurture a child families in coping with stress. These ‹ 7\ISPJHZZPZ[HUJL[OYV\NO;(5- ^OVTH`UV[OH]LOHKHU\Y[\YPUN supports are things as opposed to in- ;LTWVYHY`(ZZPZ[HUJLMVY5LLK` IPVSVNPJHSWHYLU[ dividuals. Concrete supports increase -HTPSPLZ:5(7:\WWSLTLU[HS in importance during times of crisis or 5\[YP[PVU(ZZPZ[HUJL7YVNYHT The need for foster families is at a PU[LUZPÄLKULLK;OLYLHYLHU\TILY and Medicaid critical point in Lake County. VMJVUJYL[LZ\WWVY[ZWYV]PKLKI` ‹ Health clinics government or tax-supported entities ‹ *OPSKJHYLZ\IZPKPLZ This does not mean we do not have [OH[HYLH]HPSHISL[VJLY[HPUÄUHUJPHSS` ‹ :\IZPKPaLKOV\ZPUN LUV\NOILKZ>OH[P[KVLZTLHUPZ LSPNPISLMHTPSPLZZ\JOHZ! ‹ -VVKWHU[YPLZ that we need a plethora of homes so

" }2WX[SaT]H^dcW we can better match children to foster mer camps, and faith-based children’s represent the best interests of children families in order to ensure that each programming are all areas of opportu- in juvenile court. Information about JOPSKÄ[ZPU[VOPZVYOLYUL^OVTL nity that support the development of volunteering with CASA can be found and that each foster family embraces many of the protective factors for Lake at their website.3 and nurtures its assigned child as that County families. JOPSKZ[Y\NNSLZ[VÄ[PU-VZ[LYPUNJHU Encouraging parents to celebrate a be done by citizens over the age of CASA Lake County is one such orga- child’s successes and achievements is twenty-one who meet the licensing nization. CASA advocates for abused a clear opportunity to develop nurtur- requirements, whether single, married, and neglected children within the ju- ing and improve family functioning. or divorced. venile court system. CASA operates on Encouraging parents to develop social the belief that every child is entitled to connections and to interact with other There are also many children in the a safe and permanent home. Thor- parents and children is helpful as well. child-welfare system in Indiana who oughly trained CASA volunteers work Many parents learn by experience and are waiting for an adoptive home. in collaboration with key agencies, le- by observing behaviors from other Information about fostering and adop- gal counsel, and community resources families. Learning in a social setting tion in Indiana can be found at the to serve as children’s advocates and to and celebrating a child’s successes IDCS website.2 7OV[VI`1HJX\L4PSSLY

6MJV\YZLUV[L]LY`VULJHUILH foster or adoptive parent, but everyone can contribute to safety, well-being, and permanency for children. Citizens and community organizations in the private sector, including the faith com- munity, who are for kids can provide, participate in, or support parenting workshops, individual parents, and children in the community.

Community organizations such as Boys and Girls Clubs, sports teams, arts-and-crafts organizations, sum- Encouraging parents to celebrate chil- dren’s successes and achievements is a clear opportunity to help develop nur- turing and improve family functioning.

2WX[SaT]H^dcW}" with other like-minded parents may POVERTY develop protective factors more suc- RATE cessfully than traditional parenting classes. Individuals can assist strug- INDIANA 17.8% gling parents by providing tangible assistance, such as transportation to Lake 25.7% a child’s event, or by simply model- Starke 22.9% ing nurturing behavior. All children LaPorte 19.6% can be supported by nurturing adults, increasing the likelihood that they Jasper 13.7% will learn how to be nurturing parents Porter 12.9% when they have children of their own. Newton 9.4% FW^zb9dbc:XSSX]V. If we as citizens do nothing, the Lake [US Census Bureau, Percent of Related Children Under 18 Years Below Poverty Level in the County community will continue Past 12 Months (2005-2009 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates).] to have 350-plus investigations of child abuse and neglect each month. The Lake County Juvenile Court will continue to have 2000-plus victims of ATU[TRcX^]@dTbcX^]bU^a2WX[SaT]H^dcW4bbPh child abuse and neglect on its casel- oad. Children whose parents are not ‹ ;OYV\NOV\[V\YYLZLHYJOZ[HRLOVSKLYZPKLU[PÄLK[OLJO\YJOHZ]P[HS[V able to safely parent them will con- the nurturing and support of our children. What are some ways you tinue to wait for a home with an adop- or your church can reach out to children and youth in your communi- tive family. And sadly, children will ties? continue to be victimized. Let’s join ‹ What would our region look like if the gap between foster fami- together to avoid becoming citizens lies and the number of children in need of a foster home vanished? who are just kidding; children’s lives Considering God’s heart for the orphan, have you ever contemplated in Northwest Indiana are at stake. foster care or adoption? ‹ An overwhelming theme heard throughout our research is that chil- dren need mentors and good positive role models (particularly males). How can you, your family, or your church get involved with mentor- ing Northwest Indiana’s children? ‹ What are some ways you could serve organizations in the Ways to Connect section to help encourage children and youth in Northwest Indiana?

"!}2WX[SaT]H^dcW % of Children Living in Poverty % of Population Who Did Not Finish High School 15% and below 12% and below 15% to 33% 12% to 21% 33% to 60% 21% to 34% 60% and above 34% and above © by Caliper by ® Maps created using Maptitude

% BELOW %NOT RANK TRACT RANK TRACT POVERTY GRADUATING 1 - Gary 118 90% 1 Indiana Harbor - East Chicago 304 50% 2 Midtown - Gary 102.02 75% 2 Indiana Harbor - East Chicago 301 48% 3 - Gary 114 68% 3 Indiana Harbor - East Chicago 302 48% 4 Indiana Harbor - East Chicago 301 67% 4 Midtown - Gary 102.02 47 % 5 Indiana Harbor - East Chicago 303 65% 5 Downtown West - Gary 107 44% 6 Midtown - Gary 119 62% 6 - Gary 105 44% 7 Indiana Harbor - East Chicago 309 60% 7 Indiana Harbor - East Chicago 310 44% 8 Emerson - Gary 105 56% 8 Homewood - Hammond 206 43 % 9 Indiana Harbor - East Chicago 310 53% 9 Midtown - Gary 113 42% 10 Indiana Harbor - East Chicago 302 53% 10 Indiana Harbor - East Chicago 308 42%



6UL*OYPZ[THZ3HYY`HUK=PJRPLOLHKLK[VHMHTPS`WHY[`=PJRPL»ZZPZ[LY^HZHMVZ[LYWHYLU[VMH[OYLL`LHYVSKNPYSHUK they brought a gift for her. They were so touched by her excitement over that simple gift that they decided to look into becoming foster parents themselves. Since they already had two daughters of their own, they thought it would be best for their family to foster infants. Their daughters would be able to be involved and were very excited about the possibility. Fostering also gave Vickie the oppor- tunity to become a stay-at-home mom and do something she felt would make a difference in the lives of others. 6]LY[OLUL_[[LU`LHYZ3HYY`HUK=PJRPLMVZ[LYLKTVYL[OHUZP_[`IHIPLZPU[OLPYOVTL4HU`VM[OLTOHKILLU[HRLU away from their mothers due to prostitution or drug and alcohol abuse. Most stayed only between three and six months, but occasionally a child stayed longer. >OLUHZRLK^OH[ZOLÄUKZTVZ[ rewarding about being a foster par- ent, Vickie says, “Most of all, it’s just loving the children, helping them, praying over their cribs at night, and ZLLPUN[OLTNYV^([ÄYZ[HSV[VM the babies—even some of the older ones—aren’t able to walk or crawl. But when you take the time to work with them, after a while they do crawl. They walk. They talk. A lot of times we’re told it’s not going to happen because of the mother’s drug abuse. But eventually they do. It’s so rewarding to see a child grow.” It wasn’t always easy. They faced racial and relational barriers. They dealt with parents who didn’t want their baby entering the home of a fam-

Larry & Vickie Caschetta with their family.

"#}2WX[SaT]H^dcW PS`[OH[^HZKPMMLYLU[MYVT[OLTYHJPHSS`6[OLY[PTLZ[OL`NYL^H[[HJOLK[V[OLJOPSKYLU[OH[Z[H`LKPU[OLPYOVTLHUK it was very hard when they had to leave. But they felt it was worth the trials and the pain. They were doing something to help those who couldn’t help themselves. And their greatest joy came when they decided, as a family, to adopt three of the boys who stayed with them: Tommy, Cedric, and Cody. Larry and Vickie advise those who might be thinking about foster parenting to closely consider what is best for your family. Examine your reasons for wanting to do it. Learn that it’s not always a good time to take in children. And be ready to adopt—because you will bond closely with these kids! They also point out that even if foster parenting isn’t for you, there are ways you can help. Find ways to give the foster parents you know a break. Baby-sit for them so they can get out for a little while. Help them with items for the kids, whether it is clothes, toys, diapers, etc. Pray for them as they go through the daily trials of caring for these children. Pray for their marriage. And of course, pray for the kids. Pray that God would restore families. And pray that God would give you the wisdom to know how you can become involved. Becoming a Foster / Adoptive Parent )HZLKVUH:HS[ 3PNO[PU[LY]PL^ ^P[O3HYY` =PJRPL*HZJOL[[H(WYPS } Must be 21 years of age, emotionally, physically, and financially  stable and have a legal residence that meets physical safety stan- dards including adequate bedroom space } Must complete First-Aid, CPR and Universal Precautions training courses } Must undergo a criminal background check for all adults and participate in a home study process with a Regional Licensing Specialist } Must complete all required forms and the Casey Foster Family Assessments } Must complete a minimum of 20 hours of training courses for licensing as well as 10-30 hours of continuing training each year depending on the type of license

[Adapted from Indiana Department of Child Services, http://in.gov/dcs/ & Indiana Foster Care and Adoption Association, http://www.ifcaa.org.]


By Ashley Post

My name is Ashley, and this is my story. I was raised in a good home. I have two loving parents and a sister. For me, life was running smoothly. I was your average middle-school student. In eighth grade, the idea of being popular became more and more important to me. As I JVUZPKLYLK^OH[[OH[TLHU[P[KLÄUP[LS`PUJS\KLKOH]PUNHIV`MYPLUK+\YPUN[OPZ[PTLVMYLÅLJ[PVUHUKZLSMKPZJV]LY`0 went to a party with a friend and met a guy. We started talking and ended up dating. 0OHKWYL]PV\ZS`KLÄULKMVYT`ZLSM^OH[HKH[PUNYLSH[PVUZOPW^V\SKSVVRSPRL0OHKZL[IV\UKHYPLZMVYT`ZLSMHUK0 thought I had shared those boundaries with him. But as weeks turned into months, he pressured me more and more in ways that were increasingly uncomfortable for me. I found myself giving in, and our relationship crossed some of the physical boundaries that I had set for myself. I felt ashamed and guilty. I didn’t feel I could talk to anyone. I was afraid my parents would be disappointed with me, so I didn’t talk to them. I didn’t want my friends to think differently about me or judge me, so I didn’t talk to them. I felt very alone and wondered if my life even mattered. I remember one day as I was dry- ing dishes, I was holding a knife. I thought, "What if? Would anyone notice if I were gone?" I was in a very dark place, feeling pressured by my boyfriend, alone, with no one to talk to. I was unsure of what to do next. That week, educators from PATH (A Positive Approach to Teen Health) came to my school and talked with my class about relationships, about healthy choices, and about how valu- HISLLHJOVM\ZPZ+\YPUN[OVZL[^V

Through the help of PATH, Ashley found value in herself and others, and now serves as a peer mentor.


days, they equipped me with the tools I needed to stand up to my boyfriend. More importantly, they encouraged me to value myself. When the two-day presentation was over, I felt empowered to make better choices. Still, I knew I would need support and direction. I sent an e-mail to one of the educators that had come to my class, and she responded to my JY`MVYOLSW:OLHUKV[OLYZH[7(;/LUJV\YHNLKTLHZ0^HSRLK[OYV\NOZVTL]LY`KPMÄJ\S[KLJPZPVUZPU[OL^LLRZ[OH[ MVSSV^LK;OL`OLSWLKTLÄUKT`WLYZVUHS]HS\LHUK[V]HS\L[OVZLHYV\UKTL Today I am a senior in high school. I am the captain of my cheerleading squad, a choreographer for my dance team, a member of the National Honor Society, and a peer mentor with PATH. Today I no longer have that boyfriend. Today I am happy! My name is Ashley, and this is just the beginning of my story.

I highly encourage all of The Power of a Mentoring Relationship us to embrace the calling A study of Big Brothers/Big Sisters reveals that compared to their peers, mentored youth are: of assisting our fellow } 2% less likely to skip a day of school } 27% less likely to start drinking alcohol man, and being a mentor } 46% less likely to start using illicit drugs Compared to their peers, adults who were mentored as youth are: is one of those opportu- } 75% more likely to have received a four-year college degree } 39% more likely to have current household incomes of $75,000 or nities. Children who are higher } More likely to express satisfaction with their relationships and mentored are children their life } More likely to be engaged in their community as a volunteer or as a leader in a community based organization who will grow to meet

[Joseph Tierney and Jean Baldwin Grossman, Making a Difference (Public/Private Ventures, their greatest potential. 2000); Breakthrough Study Finds Adults Mentored as Children in Big Brothers Big Sisters are Harry J. Vande Velde III, CEO Better Educated, Wealthier & More Fulfilled than Peers (Harris Interactive Research, June 2009) and President, Legacy Foundation, Originally cited in Andy Rittenhouse and Heidi Unruh, eds., Salt & Light: A Guide to Loving Merrillville, IN Knoxvile, Third Edition (Knoxville, TN: Compassion Coalition, 2009).]



I feel youth ministry—or any minis- [V*OYPZ[VU[OLPYÄYZ[[YPW[VV\YTPU- safe place to go after school, and we try—can be broken down into three istry and come back purely because of provide that. While the area you work categories: evangelism, teaching, and their spiritual needs. But this is rarely in may not have safety concerns, hav- discipleship. Success in ministry de- the case. Youth need something else if ing a place for youth to go after school pends on success in these areas under they’re going to keep coming back—at PZZ[PSSILULÄJPHS4HU``V\UNWLVWSL the leadership of the Holy Spirit and SLHZ[H[ÄYZ[4VZ[TPUPZ[YPLZJHUUV[ struggle with loneliness and feel like the guidance of Scripture. afford to keep doing bigger and better they don’t have a place to belong. events or outings. The solution is to 4eP]VT[Xb\ OLSWM\SÄSSHULLK[OH[V\Y`V\[OOH]L Coming to the ministry daily makes When hearing the word evangelism, James 2:15-16 says, “If a brother or them feel like they are a part of some- many Christians often think of going sister is poorly clothed and lacking thing, and they start to bond together door-to-door while handing out tracts. in daily food, and one of you says to like a family. Another invaluable need Many of the youth who have experi- them, ‘Go in peace, be warmed and that can be met regardless of area or enced this kind of evangelism carry a ÄSSLK»^P[OV\[NP]PUN[OLT[OL[OPUNZ income is after-school tutoring. The ULNH[P]L]PL^WVPU[VMP[;OLÄYZ[Z[LW needed for the body, what good is more successful young people are in youth evangelism is contact with [OH[&¹)`M\SÄSSPUNWO`ZPJHSULLKZVM academically, the more likely it is that youth. Most young people automati- young people, we accomplish two they will be able to stay away from cally distrust anyone older than them- things. First, we give them a reason to negative things that will pull them ZLS]LZZVP[PZOLSWM\SPMJVU[HJ[PZÄYZ[ keep coming back to be exposed to away from their walk with Christ. made by another youth who is already the message of the Gospel. Secondly, involved in your ministry. It is a com- we can show God’s love to them in a CT P R W X ] V mon practice among many churches physical way. In order to lead young people to to have big outings or special events Christ, good biblical teaching must be for youth to bring their friends to. What are some of the physical needs part of any program. Making Bible les- ;OLZLRPUKZVML]LU[ZHYLNVVK[VÄYZ[ of youth? This can vary depending sons a regular routine gives both those expose youth to a ministry, but the on what area of Lake County your who are coming to enhance their outreach cannot end here. ministry is in. For example, I work in spiritual walk and those who may be inner-city Gary with kids who live be- simply seeking answers to their physi- We would love if the people we are low the poverty line, so they do need cal or spiritual needs a chance to hear reaching out to would give their lives food and clothing. They also need a the word of God.

"'}2WX[SaT]H^dcW The teaching must be biblical. This Bible by helping them understand KPZJPWSLZOPW6\YNYLH[JVTTPZZPVUPZ might seem obvious; however, much the text while not being intimidated to make disciples. The driving hope of of the youth material available today by it. Many youth are hesitant to start KVPUNV\[YLHJOL]LU[ZM\SÄSSPUNWO`ZP- focuses on extra-biblical principles. reading the Bible because they don’t cal and emotional needs, and teach- A great deal of popular youth stud- know where to start. Giving them an ing scripture is that we help youth ies have more to do with what they understanding of Scripture as a whole make a decision to follow Jesus Christ. should watch, listen to, or wear than eliminates that fear and gives them it does with scripture. Many of these TVYLJVUÄKLUJLPU[OLPYV^UWLY- Doing discipleship means being ideals are not built on a strong biblical sonal study of God’s Word. available at any time, day or night, for foundation, but rather on personal and youth. Mentoring someone in the faith cultural preferences. While there may 3XbRX_[TbWX_ means being a counselor, a coach, be a place for these topics in ministry, The third goal of any good ministry is a corrector, and above all, a friend. they are not enough to give youth 7OV[VI`1HJX\L4PSSLY what they really need.

I feel it is important to use expository teaching rather than topical teach- ing. Early in my ministry, I made the mistake of teaching the same lesson topics over and over again. About six years ago, I began doing expository teaching instead. By the end of this year, we will have gone through al- most the entire Bible. Second Timothy 3:16 says, “All Scripture is breathed V\[I`.VKHUKWYVÄ[HISLMVY[LHJO- ing, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.” We must give youth an overview of the entire

Ben Miller, Program Director, with students at Urban Faith Works in Gary.

2WX[SaT]H^dcW}"( Sometimes youth just need someone themselves, and giving them opportu- sisters in Christ, and the older ones [VIL[OLYL[VZ\WWVY[[OLT6[OLY nities to guide their peers who are not experience the responsibility and joy times they need someone to admonish as spiritually mature as they are. This of helping their younger siblings in them in a loving way. In order for this kind of trust not only strengthens rela- Christ. to be effective, the young people need tionships between leader and youth, to feel that you are correcting them but also helps to strengthen spiritual These principles—focusing on evange- because you truly care. It takes time to bonds between young people. This lism, teaching, and discipleship—are build this kind of relationship. is also why it is important to keep what have helped me in my minis- older youth involved with younger try, and I hope they might also help Another part of discipleship is teach- kids at their church. The younger ones other Christian leaders in Northwest ing youth to be disciple-makers feel like they have big brothers and Indiana.

RELATIONSHIP TO HOUSEHOLDER FOR UNITED LAKE CHILDREN UNDER 18 INDIANA STATES COUNTY YEARS IN HOUSEHOLDS TOTAL 73,878,478 1,580,850 130,176 Parent 65,833,781 1,424,799 114,249 Grandparent 4,858,444 91,529 10,762 Other Relatives 1,880,950 28,243 3,522 Foster Parent or Unrelated Caregiver 1,305,303 36,279 1,643

[US Census Bureau, Relationship to Householder for Children Under 18 Years in Households (2005-2009 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates).]

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age. Matthew 28:19-20

# }2WX[SaT]H^dcW Fast Facts on Children and Youth in Lake County:

} 130,443 children under 18 (27% of total population) } 35,057 teenagers age 15-19 (7% of total population) } 95,370 school-aged children (19.4% of total population; 73% of population under 18) } 35,073 children under 5 (7% of total population; 27% of population under 18) } Racial composition of children under 18: White: 60,818 (47% of all children) Black: 39,144 (30%) Hispanic: 26,025 (20%) Asian: 1,621 (1%) } 114,000 households with children under 18 } 3,042 births to unmarried mothers, out of 6,759 in 2007 (45%) } 772 births to mother age 10-19 } 71,124 families with children are headed by a married couple } 43,125 families with children are headed by a single parent } 33,524 (25.7%) of children under 18 live in poverty

[US Census Bureau, tables generated by Joey Mayfield using American FactFinder, 2005-2009 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates, (March 2011); Indiana State Department of Health, Epidemiology Resource Center, Data Analysis Team. Table 14. Terminations, Live Births, and Termi- nation Ratios by County of Residence and Age Group: Indiana Residents, 2007 (Indiana Induced Termination of Pregnancy Report, 2007).]


TOTAL 74,182,525 1,586,528 130,443 In households: 73,945,634 1,581,982 130,290 Under 3 years 12,418,934 263,133 21,230 3 and 4 years 8,423,683 177,883 13,829 5 years 3,943,827 83,728 6,707 6 to 8 years 11,924,039 259,529 21,380 9 to 11 years 12,046,711 258,683 21,236 12 to 14 years 12,479,558 268,702 23,269 15 to 17 years 12,708,882 270,324 22,639

[US Census Bureau (2005-2009 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates).]


#!}2WX[SaT]H^dcW ‹ Connect with (or start) a church ministry to love and support foster/adoptive families. You could provide free babysitting for a much needed date night, “adoption showers” for those adopting young children, or simply a sup- port group for foster parents. ‹ Provide transportation for children in the foster system to church services and programs. ‹ Contact a chaplain at the Lake County Jail to discuss how you can mentor a young person in the juvenile deten- tion center. You could have an opportunity to change their course in life.

Indiana Child Abuse & Neglect Hotline 800-800-5556


1^hb6Xa[b2[dQb | ^^^INJU^PVYNc=HYPV\Z3VJH[PVUZ Boys & Girls Clubs of Northwest Indiana is an after-school and summer youth development organization providing posi- tive, educational, leadership and character-building programs for youth ages 6 to 18. ‹ Help children with arts and crafts ‹ Play basketball, dodge ball, and other games with children ‹ Assist children with their homework ‹ Serve as a child mentor Locations: ‹ Gary 219-885-5501 ‹ Merrillville 219-980-0030 ‹ East Chicago 219-398-1344 ‹ Hammond 219-933-9820 ‹ Lake Station 219-963-9200 ‹ Cedar Lake 219-374-5306

?^bXcXeT0__a^PRWc^CTT]7TP[cW?0C7 |     c^^^WH[OISHaLYVYNc(THUKH=VS\U[LLY*VVYKPUH[VY PATH has a mission to equip, empower, and encourage teens to make healthy choices through life-skills, relationship and character-building education. ‹ Liv.True Mentoring: weekly after-school mentoring with students that meet in various locations throughout North- west Indiana ‹ 4VUKH`4HKULZZ!TLL[Z[^PJLHTVU[OUK 4VUKH`ZH[[OL7(;/VMÄJL[VLUJV\YHNL`V\[OHUKI\PSK relationships ‹ 6MÄJL;LHT![OLYLZHS^H`Z[OPUNZ[VKVH[[OL7(;/VMÄJL!KH[HLU[Y`NYHWOPJKLZPNUWYLWTH[LYPHSZMVYJSHZZ- rooms and more ‹ Event Planning: if this is your passion, join us! PATH hosts several community wide events each year, and we can always use more ideas and helping hands.

DaQP]5PXcWF^aZb |  c^^^\YIHUMHP[O^VYRZJVT VYRZPZHUHM[LYZJOVVS`V\[OWYVNYHTPU.HY`;OL`WYV]PKLHWVZP[P]LLU]PYVUTLU[MVYJOPSKYLU[VÄUPZO their homework, play enriching games, and hear the Word of God. ‹ Facilitate and participate in fun and enriching games and activities ‹ Prepare a child for the future by tutoring and daily homework help

##}2WX[SaT]H^dcW 6Pah;XUT4SdRPcX^]8]XcXPcXeT |   The mission of Gary Life Education Initiative Incorporated is to provide mentoring, essential and enriching life skills, and college and career readiness workshops to help students discover and live their purpose. ‹ Come alongside a child as a positive mentor ‹ :RPSSLK[`WPZ[ZHYLHS^H`ZULLKLKHYV\UK[OLVMÄJL ‹ Assist in planning, organizing, and running a community workshop ‹ Donate school supplies for local children ‹ Web and graphic designers are needed to work on the website and promotional materials

5PXcWP]S0RcX^] |   c^^^MHP[OHUKHJ[PVUVUSPULVYN -HP[OHUK(J[PVUOVZ[ZSVJHSÄZOPUN[YPWZHUKW\TWRPUM\UKH`ZMVY\YIHUJOPSKYLUPUV\YHYLH;OL`HSZV^VYR^P[O¸)` the Hand Clubs” in southside Chicago to provide after-school mentoring. ‹ Mentor a child with the “By the Hand Clubs” ‹ ,UQV`[OLL_WLYPLUJLVM[LHJOPUN\YIHUJOPSKYLU[VÄZOHUKOH]LHTLTVYHISLJVVRV\[ ‹ Host a book drive for a new library in an impoverished community ‹ Donate your time and labor in building a new library

2aXbXb2T]cTa8]R |    c^^^JYPZPZJLU[LY`ZIVYN ;OL*YPZPZ*LU[LYPZHUV[MVYWYVÄ[VYNHUPaH[PVU[OH[VMMLYZH]HYPL[`VMZLY]PJLJV\UZLSPUNHUK[LTWVYHY`OV\ZPUNVW- portunities for children and teens. ‹ Youth As Resources is a community service based group for teens, giving teens an opportunity to plan, organize, and serve in meaningful projects around our area ‹ *OPSKYLUHNLKJHUZLY]LHZHJV\Y[VMÄJPHSMVYHYLHS[LLUJV\Y[OLHYPUNHUKSLHYU[OLJP]PJWYVJLZZ ‹ Adults, who attend a training seminar, can begin calling clients for weekly wellness checks



7P\\^]S7XVWBRW^^[c  ,_ c9VJOHYKH4VVYL4VYYPZ Hammond High is asking agencies, churches, and individuals to partner with the school to help provide additional re- sources for administrators, teachers, families, and students. ‹ Become a student mentor or tutor ‹ Serve as a hall monitor or serve in your own unique way

6T\X]db |   c^^^NLTPU\ZVYN The Geminus mission is to work in collaboration with our communities to provide comprehensive development services [V`V\UNJOPSKYLUHUK[OLPYMHTPSPLZHUK[VHZZPZ[PUNHPUPUNZLSMZ\MÄJPLUJ` ‹ Become a classroom reader in the Head Start program ‹ Facilitate parenting workshops ‹ 6[OLYHZZPNUTLU[ZHYLH]HPSHISLKLWLUKPUNVUZRPSSZL[H]HPSHIPSP[`HUKWYVNYHTULLKZ

Foster Care Services These are some of the organizations that provide foster care placements and services to children in foster homes. If God has been working on your heart through the stories in this chapter, and you would like to serve or even consider becom- PUNHMVZ[LYMHTPS`WSLHZLJVUULJ[^P[OVULVM[OLTHU`NYLH[VYNHUPaH[PVUZSPZ[LKILSV^6WWVY[\UP[PLZ[VZLY]LPUJS\KL! ‹ 6YNHUPaLZWLJPHSKH`ZVMNHTLZHUKZWVY[ZHJ[P]P[PLZMVYMVZ[LYJHYLMHTPSPLZ ‹ Commit to an ongoing connection with a child as a mentor ‹ Provide tutoring and educational support ‹ 6MMLYYLZWP[LJHYL[VNP]LMVZ[LYWHYLU[ZZJOLK\SLKIYLHRZ ‹ Engage children in foster care with community service experiences – let them share in the joy of helping others ‹ Donate toys, clothing, and personal care items for children and families ‹ Reach out to older youth with friendship, guidance, and connections with job training and employment opportunities

=PcX^]P[H^dcW0Se^RPcT?a^VaP\=H0? c   c^^^U`HWVYN NYAP has a non-negotiable commitment to do what is best for children, youth, and their families. They provide oppor- tunities and resources through innovative programs and services. They are dedicated to strengthening the families and communities they are proud to serve.

#%}2WX[SaT]H^dcW CWT5P\X[h2^\_Pbb c  c^^^[OLMHTPS`JVTWHZZUL[ ;OL-HTPS`*VTWHZZHUV[MVYWYVÄ[SPJLUZLKJOPSKWSHJLTLU[HNLUJ`WYV]PKLZX\HSP[`MVZ[LYJHYLZLY]PJLZ[VJOPSKYLU who, because of abuse or neglect, have become wards of the state.

BPUT5P\X[XTb5^a2WX[SaT] c^^^ZHMLMHTPSPLZVYN Safe, loving homes are provided where parents may voluntarily have their children cared for while they seek to restore stability in their lives. Founded in 2002, Safe Families for Children has partnered with local community agencies, church- es, and volunteer families, as well as government organizations in more than a dozen states.


:XSb?TPRT c  c^^^RPKZWLHJLVYN Kids Peace is a private charity dedicated to serving the behavioral and mental health needs of children, families, and communities

3^RZbXSTBTaeXRTb c    c^^^WYV]JVYWJVT Dockside Services provides home-based services and support (therapy/counseling) for families receiving their children back after they have been in foster care.


?B85P\X[hBTaeXRTb c  c^^^WZPMHTPS`ZLY]PJLZJVT PSI licensed foster care and adoption services offer safe and loving homes to abused and neglected children. PSI helps over 1,000 children and families each year.

B_TRXP[XiTS0[cTa]PcXeTU^a5P\X[XTbP]SH^dcWB05H c c^^^ZHM`VYN Many children in our nation are abused, neglected, and are victimized and left without loving parents to care for them. :(-@MVJ\ZLZVU[OLZLKPMÄJ\S[[VWSHJLJOPSKYLUI`OLSWPUN[VWYV]PKLZ[HISLOVTLZPUVYKLY[OH[[OL`TH`NYV^PU[V healthy and happy adults.



2WX[SaT]^UcWT5dcdaT c    Children of the Future is a local foster care licensing agency in Gary, helping families connect with children in need.

EX[[PVTb c c^^^]PSSHNLRPKZVYN The Villages is dedicated to enhancing services for the critical early childhood years. They also offer a foster care pro- gram, a transitional living program, family services, and adoption programs.

FX[[^fV[T]0RPST\h c  c^^^WOVLUP_JHYLZ`Z[LTZJVT Willowglen Academy offers a group home for children, foster care services, and an accredited private school.

Other Organizations that Work with Children 3T_Pac\T]c^U2WX[SBTaeXRTb c    The Indiana Department of Child Services (DCS) protects children from abuse and neglect. DCS does this by partnering with families and communities to provide safe, nurturing, and stable homes.

5P\X[h0RcX^]=Tcf^aZ c  c5HUJ`*SVVUHU Family Action Network offers assistance to families with children who have serious emotional disabilities (SEDs).

Bc<^]XRPzb7^\T c=LY`JVUÄKLU[PHSTPUPZ[Y`Please go to the hospital and apply in person The two-story yellow house, located on the St. Margaret’s Dyer Campus, offers a medically sound and emotionally healthy environment for a pregnant teen to reside while waiting for her baby. Residents of St. Monica Home learn to fos- ter positive relationships and parenting skills under the guidance of experienced and encouraging resident advisors.

#'}2WX[SaT]H^dcW ?aTeT]c2WX[S0QdbT;PZT2^d]ch?20;2 cWJHSJ'OV[THPSJVT A chartered council of Prevent Child Abuse Indiana, is an all-volunteer board dedicated to educating our community about what we can do at a local level to prevent child abuse.

7TP[cWhBcPac c     Healthy Start is a federally funded program whose goal is to reduce infant deaths and to help women to have healthy babies. The program provides assistance with prenatal care, case management and health education classes.

?PaT]cb0bCTPRWTab^U;PZT2^d]ch c c^^^WH[SHRLJV\U[`VYN A nationally-acclaimed early childhood parent education and family support program, serving families throughout preg- nancy until their child enters kindergarten. PAT programs are in Crown Point, East Chicago, Hammond, Lowell, North Township and Whiting ‹ 6YNHUPaLZ\Y]L`ZMVYMVZ[LYWHYLU[Z ‹ Donate books and prepare them to be given to each family ‹ /LSW^P[OHKTPUPZ[YH[P]L[HZRZHYV\UK[OLVMÄJL

2^\\d]Xch?Pac]Tab c  c^^^NLTPU\ZJVTT\UP[`WHY[ULYZVYN They are devoted to helping families in Lake County stay together, even when they are facing stressful challenges.


HF20H^d]VF^\T]zb2WaXbcXP]0bb^RXPcX^] c>[O(]L.HY`05c    More important than the numbers is their mission to eliminate racism and empower women. They provide safe places for women and girls and build strong women leaders.


In our busyness, we often miss the soul- to-soul connection our children need and desire.


$ }


Look around. We live in a society exploding with escalating levels of technology, entertainment, and activity. Families run nonstop. We frequently discuss our weariness and over-commitment, but rarely do anything to adjust our calendars. We have music lessons at the conservatory, AWANA on Wednesday, basketball on Friday, youth activities on Saturday, wrestling tournaments on Sunday, and back to school and work on Monday. Meanwhile, the oldest has joined the teen jazz band, and his younger sister has enrolled for ballet lessons at the YMCA. Add to this the strain of Mom and Dad holding mul- tiple jobs and church responsibilities, plus all the work needed to keep the house in shape, and we have a prescription for disaster in the American home. We are tired of being tired. Many families rarely manage one single family meal per day with every member present around the dinner table. Few families foster intimate soul-to-soul conversation between parents and children. Can we survive going this fast?

CWT2^]cT\_^aPah5P\X[hzb4bRP[PcX]V?PRTFTPZT]bcWT5P\X[hzb2^]]TRcX^]fXcW6^S ;OLWYVWOL[0ZHPHO^YV[L¸0UX\PL[ULZZHUKPUJVUÄKLUJLZOHSSIL`V\YZ[YLUN[O¹0ZHPHO!21=8\PL[[PTLZPU the home provide a peaceful, tranquil setting to enhance children’s appreciation for God and his Word. As a child, I re- member quiet visits to my Aunt Joyce’s house. Aunt Joyce’s husband had died, and her house was still and tranquil. In the quietness of those visits, we spoke much of the Lord and little of ourselves. Scenes like that have largely vanished from [OL(TLYPJHUMHTPS`SHUKZJHWL>LZPTWS`TV]L[VVMHZ[[VLUQV`.VKHUKOPZX\PL[^VYRPUV\YSP]LZ>OLUSPMLPZÄSSLK with the endless swirl of activity, it hinders the quietness necessary for spiritual growth in the soul.

CWT2^]cT\_^aPah5P\X[hzb4bRP[PcX]V?PRT0RRT[TaPcTbcWT8]U[dT]RT^UcWTF^a[S As our children run to and fro, they become overexposed to the world and underexposed to the peaceful tranquility VM[OL:WPYP[JVU[YVSSLKSPML0U[OL6SK;LZ[HTLU[^OLU:HTZVUJHTLOVTLMYVT;PTUH[OOLMV\UKHKH\NO[LYVM[OL Philistines and demanded his parents to acquire her to be his wife (Judges 14:2). Samson shouldn’t have looked for a wife among the Philistines, and much trouble came from that wedding, though God ultimately used it for his own purposes. As children become increasingly busy in all the extracurricular activities of life, they are subjected to things God never intended them to experience. As supervisor of an addiction ministry, I am concerned about the emergence of countless activities from our culture that have tremendous addictive potential. Today’s youth are offered everything from internet porn to online gambling to JVUZ[HU[P7OVULJVUULJ[P]P[`[V?IV_NHTPUN0U[OLHIZLUJLVMJHSTWLHJLM\SMHTPS`ZL[[PUNZ[OLZLK\J[P]LPUÅ\LUJLVM today’s technology is luring young people into new and frenetic activity.

The Importance of Family Meals

Compared to teens who have frequent family dinners (five to seven per week), those who have infrequent family dinners (fewer than three per week) are: } Twice as likely to use tobacco } Nearly twice as likely to use alcohol } One and a half times likelier to use marijuana } More likely to have friends who abuse prescription drugs or illegal drugs such as cocaine and heroin } Nearly twice as likely to report receiving grades of mostly C’s or lower

75% of teens say they talk to their parents about what is going on in their lives at dinner

[The Importance of Family Dinner VI (New York: The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University (CASA), September 2010), http://www.casacolumbia.org/upload/2010/20100922familydinners6.pdf.]



CWTEP[dT^U5P\X[XTb But the God of grace offers restoration and communities. But strong families The Bible begins with the marriage of and renewal for broken homes, and and stable marriages woven through- a man and a woman (Genesis 1) and we believe the church should be the out the fabric of a city are the bedrock ends with the marriage between Christ foremost champion for family recon- of a thriving region. and his church (Revelation 19).1 In ciliation. between, we see the imagery of mar- According to the Institute for riage and families woven throughout CWT0SeP]cPVTb^U7TP[cWh5P\X[XTb American Values, communities that :JYPW[\YLHZ.VKHMÄYTZ[OLPTWVY- A healthy family structure does not foster healthy families are more likely tance of family for the human race.2 guarantee a problem-free society. A to have citizens who are physically home that has a mother and father Ä[LTV[PVUHSS`OLHS[O`HUKOPNOS` Since the beginning, God designed present, yet harbors abusive relation- educated.4 Neighborhoods where the family as a way for people to ships, can indelibly harm individuals healthy families live notice a decrease glorify and honor him through strong 7OV[VI`^^^PZ[VJRWOV[VJVTRL]PUY\ZZ and healthy relationships. It is within the family that children are taught the value of manhood, womanhood, and morality.3

Unfortunately, it did not take long MVY[OLÄYZ[MHTPS`[VJVYY\W[.VK»Z model, resulting in the collapse of this family unit. When sin entered the picture in Genesis 2, the devastating effects that marred relationships have on society became evident. Today, mistrust, divorce, and abuse are all too common.

Strong families and stable marriages are the bedrock of a thriving region.


} # ^UPSd[cbbPh\PaaXPVTXbQTR^\X]V^Qb^[TcT } % QT[XTeT_aT\PaXcP[bTgXb]^cfa^]V } $!bPhd]\PaaXTS_PaT]cbWPeX]VRWX[SaT]Xbfa^]V^][hb^\TcX\Tb^a]^cPcP[[ } #!^Uf^\T]SXbPVaTTcWPcRWX[SaT]]TTSP\^cWTaP]SUPcWTaX]cWTW^\Tc^QTWP__h } %&bPhXU_PaT]cbPaTeTahd]WP__hfXcWTPRW^cWTaRWX[SaT]PaTQTccTa^UUXUcWThSXe^aRT

[Pew Research Center, The Decline of Marriage And Rise of New Families (2010), http://pewsocialtrends.org/files/2010/11/pew- social-trends-2010-families.pdf]

in domestic violence, crime, and cluding father absence, family discon- present. Technology, mindless enter- teenage pregnancy rates. While nection, and family stress.6 tainment, and the endless pursuit of home ownership, property values, economic status create emotional bar- and household wealth increase when Father Absence riers for families.10 Hammond Police healthy families lead the way.5 Fully 45 percent of all births in Lake Chief Brian Miller mentions that many County are to unmarried mothers.7 of today’s youth enlist with gangs in Strengthening just one family can lead In the African American community, VYKLY[VÄUKHZLUZLVMMHTPSPHSHJJLW- to a multitude of positive outcomes on upwards of 80 percent of all births are tance that they simply lack at home.11 society. A healthy family can raise up to single mothers.8 Although a portion ÄULZ[\KLU[ZNVVKLTWSV`LLZHUK of these births are to mothers who Experiencing life and sharing stories loving neighbors who seek the well- have a live-in, unmarried partner, the during family meal times has largely being of their own communities. numbers are nonetheless staggering. been supplanted by our individualism. There are an estimated 695 births to “Our culture promotes individuality,” The State of Families in Lake County teenagers in Lake County every year, says Jeff Temple of the Biblical One of the more challenging trends which represents nine percent of all Counseling Center, “which causes in Northwest Indiana is the declining births.9 The majority of these children friction manifested in many forms.”12 health and well-being of the family. grow up having no relationship with 6\YOLJ[PJWHJLVMSPMLHUKJVUÅPJ[PUN When the family loses its importance, their fathers. schedules squeeze out time for society struggles. By choice or by important connection among family circumstance, family cohesion has too Family Disconnection members. Families used to bond often been hijacked in Lake County; Families can become emotionally regularly around the dinner table; and families face tough challenges in- detached even when both parents are but unfortunately in our culture


Family Stress ,JVUVTPJWYLZZ\YLZ\IZ[HUJLHI\ZL Trends in Marriage and Parenting KVTLZ[PJ]PVSLUJLHUKPUÄKLSP[`JHU YPWMHTPSPLZHWHY[PUZ[HU[S`-PUHUJPHS } Marriage rates for twenty-somethings are declining, from 68% in Z[YLZZPZKVJ\TLU[LKHZHTHQVYMHJ[VY 1960 to 26% in 2008 14 [OH[SLHKZ[VHI\ZLHUKKP]VYJL In } 80% of unmarried parents have cohabited; cohabitation rates  [OLYL^LYLZL]LUJOPSKMH[HSP- have doubled since 1990 [PLZPU3HRL*V\U[`K\L[VHI\ZLHUK } About 40% of children spend some time in a cohabiting family ULNSLJ[(JJVYKPUN[V[OL0UKPHUH by age 12 +LWHY[TLU[VM*OPSK:LY]PJLZZVTL } People with lower incomes and education are less likely to VM[OLIPNNLZ[Z[YLZZMHJ[VYZPUJVU- marry, and more likely to have children outside of marriage ULJ[PVU^P[OJOPSKHI\ZLJHZLZHYL

MHTPS`KPZJVYKTHYP[HSWYVISLTZSHJR [Pew Research Center, The Decline of Marriage And Rise of New Families (2010), http://pewso- VMWHYLU[PUNZRPSSZKVTLZ[PJ]PVSLUJL cialtrends.org/files/2010/11/pew-social-trends-2010-families.pdf] HUKPUZ\MÄJPLU[MHTPS`PUJVTL15


Reflection Questions for Healthy Families Essay

‹ Have you ever needed someone such as a counselor, mentor, or pas- [VY[V^HSRHSVUNZPKL`V\VY`V\YMHTPS`K\YPUNHKPMÄJ\S[[PTL&9L- ÅLJ[VUZVTLVM[OL[OPUNZ[OPZWLYZVUKPK[OH[^LYLOLSWM\S[V`V\0U what ways could you learn from this experience to be a good support WLYZVUMVYZVTLVULLSZL& ‹ 0U[VKH`»ZI\Z`HUK[LJOUVSVN`SHKLUZVJPL[`P[PZVM[LULHZPLY[V[VSLY- ate isolation within families rather than work at building closeness with one another. What are some ways your family can help over- JVTL[OL[LTW[H[PVU[VYLTHPUPZVSH[LKMYVTLHJOV[OLY& ‹ /V^JHU`V\YMHTPS`[HRLZ[LWZ[VYLK\JL[OL¸I\Z`ULZZVMSPML&¹>OH[ are some goals your family could set for meal times together, game UPNO[ZVYV[OLYLUYPJOPUNHJ[P]P[PLZ& ‹ What are some ways you could serve organizations in the Ways to *VUULJ[ZLJ[PVU[VOLSWLUJV\YHNLOLHS[O`MHTPSPLZPU5VY[O^LZ[0UKP- HUHHUKPU[OLWYVJLZZJ\S[P]H[LHZ[YVUNIVUKPU`V\YV^UMHTPS`&


0]SaTPzbBc^ah -VYV]LYÄM[LLU`LHYZT`O\ZIHUKHUK0SP]LK[VNL[OLYPUH[V_PJYLSH[PVUZOPW:PUM\S[OV\NO[ZHUKSPLZMYVT[OLLULT` permeated my husband’s mind, poisoning whatever love he had for me. My own discontent and pride grew into bitter- ness and withdrawal. Finally, I disconnected all of my emotions from my husband. I prayed that God would do something drastic and root out the cancerous tumors in our family. .VKHUZ^LYLKI`Z[YPWWPUNH^H`L]LY`[OPUNNL[[PUNPU[OL^H`VMOPZ^PSS>LOHKHTHQVYÄUHUJPHSTLS[KV^UHUKSVZ[ L]LY`[OPUNPUJS\KPUNHILH\[PM\SOVTL>L^LYLLTV[PVUHSS`HUKWO`ZPJHSS`KLZ[P[\[L6\YOVTLSLZZULZZ^HZHYHKPJHS picture of our marriage—a place where unconditional love found no home. During this time, however, God brought us to the Biblical Counseling Center (BCC). Using the Bible, our counselor wisely led us on a journey to reconciliation and spiritual renewal. I watched my husband’s angry heart of stone become YLWSHJLKI`HOLHY[VMÅLZOHZ.VK broke through the strongholds in his mind and gave him a fresh perspec- [P]L6\YJV\UZLSVY[H\NO[TL^OH[ biblical forgiveness looks like and gave encouragement through God’s Word, which enabled me to recon- nect emotionally, while my husband worked to rebuild trust between us. If you’re alive, you’ll have troubled [PTLZ/V^^LOHUKSL[OLTYLÅLJ[Z our character and faith in God. Some- times troubled times are really an answer to prayer and a blessing in dis- guise. My husband and I are thankful for BCC’s ministry. The Lord used BCC

Dr. Ronald Allchin, Sr., Executive Director of the Biblical Counseling Center, Schererville, IN


to offer us hope and give us direction through his Word and through Jesus, the one who will complete the good work he has begun in our marriage.

9^aVTzbBc^ah I came to the Biblical Counseling Center because my wife needed help. I didn’t have a problem. Because of this attitude, counseling did not start out well. At our meetings, I would become angry and lash out at my counselor. I was en- JV\YHNLK[VKVOVTL^VYRI`Z[\K`PUN[OL>VYKVM.VKHUKYLÅLJ[PUNVUP[0KPKU»[KVP[0^HZYLI\RLKI`V\YJV\U- selor for being disrespectful, and was placed on notice to come back only when I was ready to admit I had a problem HUK^HZ^PSSPUN[V^VYRVUP[0[[VVRMV\YTVU[OZILMVYL0[VVR[OLPUP[PH[P]L[VNVIHJR6UJL0KPK0^HZÄUHSS`HISL[V receive instruction from God’s Word through the counselor. I learned how to replace bad habits with good biblical habits. By doing my homework, I was able to begin the process of healing from my sinful communication, thought patterns, and behavior. God used our counselor to shepherd my wife and me back to the Word, back to Jesus. The Word reproved us, disciplined us, rebuked us, and ultimately rebuilt us. .VKYLWSHJLK[OLVSK^P[O[OLUL^HUKV\YTHYYPHNLHUKV\YZP_`V\UNJOPSKYLUHSSILULÄ[LKHZHYLZ\S[


Marriage in Indiana

} In 2004, there were 43,496 marriages performed in Indiana; 2,595 in Lake County } The average age at marriage for brides and grooms who had never previously been married was 25.0 and 26.8 years, respectively } Only 51% of marriages were first marriages for both the bride and the groom } 24% of marriages were subsequent to a divorce for both the bride and the groom } In another 23% percent of marriages, either the bride or the groom had been previously divorced

[Indiana State Department of Health, Public Health System Development and Data Commission, Data Analysis Team, Indiana Marriage Report, 2004, Table 15]


Many couples who think about getting ago, makes it clear that marriage and intended, they must know and apply married and having a family today family were God’s idea. God designed the scriptural principles that God have no idea where the concept origi- HUKKLÄULKIV[OTHYYPHNLHUKWHYLU[- gave to reveal his design for marital nally came from. Some might think PUN.VKIYV\NO[,]L[OLÄYZ[^VT- M\SÄSSTLU[\UP[`HUKPU[PTHJ`1LZ\Z it started in the jungle, a “Me Tarzan, HU[V(KHT[OLÄYZ[THU.LULZPZ described a person who hears and you Jane, come with me to live in my 2:24). This is what we see modeled in obeys his teaching as a wise man who [YLLOV\ZL¹ZVY[VM[OPUN6[OLYZTH` a traditional church wedding where builds his house on solid rock. This remember the classic cartoon “The the bride is escorted down the aisle wise person is one who lives accord- Flintstones” and imagine that a man by her father and presented to her ing to the truths of the Bible. When and a woman from a communal group groom. The wedding is made legal by the Word of God and its principles decided to move to their own cave our government, through a marriage guide a couple’s marriage, the family and dwell together. They came up license, but the union is from God. is blessed because they have chosen a with a good idea, called it “marriage,” solid foundation to build upon. When and when children came along, they It was God’s design that a married [OL^PUKZHUKÅVVKZVMSPMLJVTL termed the new group “family.” man and woman should become “one against them, they successfully stand ÅLZO¹.LULZPZ!HUK[OYV\NO together without collapsing (Matthew However, Genesis, a book in the Bible ZL_\HSPU[PTHJ`M\SÄSS.VK»ZJVTTHUK 7:24-25). that was written about 3,500 years [V¸ILMY\P[M\SHUKT\S[PWS`HUKÄSS the earth” (Genesis 1:27-28). Adam There is a plethora of opinions in However, let each one and Eve’s obedience led to the births our world today about how to build of Cain, Abel, Seth, and many other a happy marriage and family. Some of you love his wife as sons and daughters (Genesis 4:1-2; L]LUZLLR[VYLKLÄUL[OLJVUJLW[ZVM 5:1-5). That original marriage union marriage and family, and they struggle himself, and let the wife resulted in a combination of parents [VÄUKOHWWPULZZ[OYV\NOPKLHZ[OH[ (one father and one mother) and their are far from God’s original design. But see that she respects her children that God called family. God made it very clear that unless we let him do the building, we labor in husband. Marriage and family were God’s vain to build a family on man’s ideas idea. If a married couple hopes to (Psalm 127). In today’s world, with Ephesians 5:33 ÄUK[OLQV`HUKOHWWPULZZ[OH[.VK about 50 percent of marriages ending

% }

It is the parents’ role to steward their children and bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord (Deuteronomy 6:1-9; Ephesians 6:4). The primary parental goal should be to instruct children to honor and obey both God and parents and to introduce them to Jesus. So it is that marriage and family are God’s idea, not that of some ancient society. He established families and left us with ample instructions in his Word to have HM\SÄSSPUNHUKOHWW`THYYPHNLHUK family.

My prayer is that each person read- ing this essay would enjoy a vertical covenant relationship with the Lord, and experience the horizontal bless- ings of marriage and family the way God intends.

God’s design for families is to glorify and honor him through strong and 7OV[VI`^^^PZ[VJRWOV[VJVTHSKVT\YPSSV healthy relationships.


Married Couples with MED. FAMILY RANK TRACT Children Under 18 INCOME 99 and below 1 Indiana Harbor - East Chicago 301 $9,531 2 Midtown - Gary 119 $15,605 100 to 282 3 Homewood - Hammond 206 $16,625 283 to 439 4 Midtown - Gary 102.02 $17,273 440 and above 5 Pulaski - Gary 122 $17,740 6 Pulaski - Gary 114 $18,047 7 Indiana Harbor - East Chicago 310 $20,406 8 Indiana Harbor - East Chicago 303 $21,174 9 Midtown - Gary 121 $23,170 10 Indiana Harbor - East Chicago 302 $24,750


2PcW^[XR2WPaXcXTb3X^RTbT^U6Pahc  c^^^JH[OVSPJJOHYP[PLZVYN Catholic Charities is a Christian response on the part of the Diocese of Gary to help meet the human needs of people. ‹ Serve as an individual or family in a local food pantry ‹ Donate food to a family during the holidays

Bc9dST7^dbT |  c^^^Z[Q\KLOV\ZLVYN St. Jude House serves as a safe shelter for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault and their dependent children. They offer support to victims as they pursue violence-free lives. ‹ Become a trained Crisis Line worker ‹ )LJVTLHJSPLU[HZZPZ[HU[HZ[OLJSPLU[TV]LZ[V^HYKZZLSMZ\MÄJPLUJ`

7PQXcPcU^a7d\P]Xch |   c^^^U^POHIP[H[VYN (UVUWYVÄ[LJ\TLUPJHS*OYPZ[PHUTPUPZ[Y`MV\UKLKVU[OLJVU]PJ[PVU[OH[L]LY`THU^VTHUHUKJOPSKZOV\SKOH]LH decent, safe, and affordable place to live. They build with people in need regardless of race or religion.

=TXVWQ^aW^^Sb8]R |    c^^^ULPNOIVYOVVKZPUJJVT Neighborhoods Inc. works to retain and promote economic, racial, and ethnic diversity in Hammond, through programs designed to increase homeownership opportunities, improve the quality of all housing, and build neighborhood pride.

D]XcTS=TXVWQ^aW^^S>aVP]XiPcX^]b8]R |     c^^^\UP[LKULPNOIVYZVYN By effectively combining the efforts of your local community centers under one organization, United Neighbors looks forward to serving the people who live and work in East Chicago in positive and life changing ways. ‹ Experienced grant writers ‹ Willing hands and ideas needed for marketing and fundraising

CWTAPeX]Tb |   c^^^[OLYH]PULZVYN The Ravines Ministry offers hope and healing through intensive Christian counseling for struggling marriages in a private retreat setting. Host a couple in need of counseling or volunteer on site.

5PXa7PeT] |   c^^^HZHMLWVY[VYN Fair Haven exists to facilitate a safe and faith-focused recovery program for hurting women who have experienced sexual, emotional, and/or physical abuse.


Biblical Counseling Center | 219-865-3065 | www.biblicalcounselingcenter.org The mission of Biblical Counseling Center is to equip the local church to do the work of discipling and counseling for its WLVWSLI`P[ZWLVWSLIHZLKZVSLS`VU[OLZ\MÄJPLUJ`VM:JYPW[\YL;OL`HJJVTWSPZO[OPZ[OYV\NO[YHPUPUNYLZV\YJLZHUK JV\UZLSPUN







There are many additional issues and assets that deserve attention in our region, but all of them could not be addressed in the scope of this book. The following essays represent merely a handful of these topics. Our hope and prayer in the years to come is that a number of churches in

Northwest Indiana reach across denominational, geographical, and racial differences to come together for Jesus’ sake for a second edition of salt & light that could properly highlight these, and other issues, in greater detail. The Editors




The face of hunger in America is changing. No longer is hunger limited to the homeless or residents of poverty-stricken urban areas. Today, hunger affects people like your neighbors, your friends, and your family. The hungry are people who have to decide between paying their rent VYTVY[NHNLMVY[OLTVU[OHUKI\`PUNMVVK;OL`HYLZLUPVYZ^OVOH]L[VKLJPKLIL[^LLUÄSSPUN[OLPYWYLZJYPW[PVUZHUK W\[[PUNMVVKVU[OL[HISL;OL`HYLWHYLU[Z^OVOH]L[VKLJPKLIL[^LLUÄSSPUN[OLPYNHZ[HURZV[OL`JHUNL[[V^VYRHUK feeding their children. Due to the current economic recession, rising fuel and food costs, Poverty Level Defined and increases in cost of living, many individuals and families who never In 2010, the Poverty Level was: thought they would struggle to obtain } $22,050 for a family of four basic necessities have seen their jobs, } $18,310 for a family of three their savings, and even their homes } $14,570 for a family of two disappear. Nationwide, there are over Research estimates that to meet basic needs a family needs at least 50 million people who go hungry at two times the Poverty Level. Families below this are referred to as some point during the year; 17 million low-income: of those people are children.1 } $44,100 for a family of four In Northwest Indiana, there are an } $36,620 for a family of three estimated 110,000 people who are } $29,140 for a family of two struggling to put food on the table for Other Facts: themselves and their families.2 Sadly, } The percentage of children in the United States living in low- more than 33,000 children in our income families has risen over the last decade from 37% to 42% region are living in poverty-stricken in 2009. homes and are at risk of experiencing } 87% of children with parents with less than a high school degree the pangs of hunger.3 Children who live in low-income families across the country. don’t receive proper nutrition are } 68% of children with a single parent are low-income at a greater risk of illness due to a weakened immune system. This [Chau et al., Basic Facts about Low-Income Children, 2009, “Children under 18” (National Center means that hungry children are more for Children in Poverty, October 2009), http://www.nccp.org/publications/pub_975.html.] likely to miss school, which affects

1Th^]ScWT st4SXcX^]}%( their learning abilities. They are 30 percent more likely to require hospitalization, which takes a toll on family or federal ÄUHUJLZ3HJRVMHKLX\H[LU\[YP[PVUHSZVHMMLJ[ZHJOPSK»ZJVNUP[P]LHUKILOH]PVYHSKL]LSVWTLU[4 Hunger does not discriminate. It does not affect merely one group of people, and it is not isolated to only one com- munity. Anyone can become a victim of hunger. All it takes is a lost job, an unexpected medical expense, or a bad turn of [OLTHYRL[HUKHU`VULJHUÄUK[OLTZLS]LZZ[Y\NNSPUN[VTHRLLUKZTLL[ While these statistics may seem alarming to you, there is a message of hope. Each day, there are hundreds of wonder- ful agencies across Northwest Indiana providing food and nutritional support to those battling hunger. These agencies are food banks, soup kitchens, food pantries, after-school feeding programs, senior feeding programs, and many more. The common denominator among these groups is that each agency is dedicated to meeting the needs of the hungry and to becoming a solution to the hunger crisis in our region. The key to ensuring that the efforts of our area’s hunger-relief charities are successful is the support of the entire com- T\UP[`*O\YJOLZI\ZPULZZLZHUKJVTT\UP[`TLTILYZJHULUNHNLPU[OLÄNO[HNHPUZ[O\UNLYPUU\TLYV\Z^H`Z@V\ might consider serving as a hunger advocate, being a lending volunteer, providing food donations, or participating in fundraising activities. Additionally, individuals can also serve as professional volunteers by aiding hunger-relief charities in assessing the needs of the community and by working on strategic planning, fund development, and program expan- sion. The key is to remember that hunger is a solvable problem, and you are a part of the solution.


Food Bank of Northwest Indiana’s Executive Director, Angie Williams (right), and Communications/Advocacy 4HUHNLY4LNHU:PRLZÄUKQV`PUOLSW- 7OV[VI`1HJX\L4PSSLY ing others in need.

& }1Th^]ScWT st4SXcX^] If among you, one of your brothers should become poor, in any of your towns within your land that the LORD your God is giving you, you shall not harden your heart or shut your hand against your poor brother, but you shall open your hand to him and lend him sufficient for his need, whatever it may be. Deuteronomy 15:7-8

Childhood Poverty in Lake County


% of Children living below the 18 % 26% 39% 10 % 22% 17 % Poverty Level

% of Children in a Married Family 8% 10 % 11 % 4% 15 % 12 % living below the Poverty Level

% of Children living with Male Householder living 23% 26% 35% 17 % 22% 0% below Poverty Level

% of Children living with Female Householder living 46% 54% 51% 31 % 40% 53% below Poverty Level

[US Census Bureau, Poverty Status in the Past 12 Months of Related Children Under 18 Years by Family Type (2005-2009 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates).]



0ATP[?a^Q[T\ Criminal gangs are a growing problem in Northwest Indiana. In the city of Hammond alone (population 80,000), there are 1,800 alleged gang members. Many of these gang members are teenagers, and some are as young as ten years old. Gangs are comprised of youths from all ethnicities, and are integrated into every section of our community. >OLUJYPTPUHSNHUNZÅV\YPZOPUHJVTT\UP[`[OLX\HSP[`VMSPMLPUULPNOIVYOVVKZX\PJRS`KPTPUPZOLZ;OL]PZPISLKL- [LYPVYH[PVUZVTL[PTLZZ[HY[Z^P[ONYHMÄ[PSP[[LYPUNHUKPUJYLHZPUNJYPTLI\[[OLUWYVWLY[`]HS\LZZPURHUKYLZPKLU[ZTV]L out, sometimes leaving vacated buildings. Gang members have been involved in shootings, murder, rape, burglary, drug dealing, vandalism, and intimidation in 3HRL*V\U[`4\JOVM[OL]PVSLUJLPUV\YZ[YLL[ZPZ[OLYLZ\S[VMNHUN^HYZ4HU`[PTLZNHUNZ^PSSÄNO[LHJOV[OLYV]LY [\YMVY[OLYPNO[[VZLSSKY\NZPUHJLY[HPUHYLH.HUNZ^PSSHSZVÄNO[V]LYHU`HJ[PVUI`HUVWWVZPUNNHUN[OH[[OL`MLLS disrespects them. If a gang backs down to an opposing gang, its members lose their own respect and reputations. Some- [PTLZYP]HSNHUNZ^PSSJYVZZV]LYPU[VHUV[OLYNHUN»Z[\YM;OL`^PSSJYVZZV\[[OLPYLULT`»ZNHUNNYHMÄ[PHUKYLWSHJLP[^P[O their own. This type of disrespect can be the spark for violence between gangs. ;OL/HTTVUK7VSPJL+LWHY[TLU[ZWLUKZJVUZPKLYHISLYLZV\YJLZPUP[ZÄNO[HNHPUZ[NHUN]PVSLUJL;OLWVSPJLNHUN \UP[OHZLPNO[TLTILYZ^OVZ[YP]L[VPU[LYHJ[^P[OHUKHYYLZ[JYPTPUHSNHUNTLTILYZ5HYJV[PJZVMÄJLYZHUKKL[LJ[P]LZ assigned to criminal investigations spend much of their time working to solve and stop gang-related crimes. Thousands of hours are used to combat the war on gangs. 7OV[VI`1LZZPJH0ZLUZLL ;OLJVZ[Z[VV\YYLZPKLU[ZHYLOPNO0UHKKP[PVU[VJSLHU\WJVZ[ZMVYNYHMÄ[P and other vandalism, residents sometimes feel slighted in the area of police protection because so much manpower goes to policing and eradicating gangs. .HUNNYHMÄ[PPU[PTPKH[LZYLZPKLU[ZHUKTHRLZ[OLTMLLS[OH[[OLPYVUJLZHML neighborhood is deteriorating; and as the news media reports gang crimes, our citizens’ fear of violent crime escalates.

02^\_[Tg?a^Q[T\ The gang problem is very complex, and kids join gangs for a variety of rea- sons. Many are allured by the respect or power they see associated with gang membership. They may be drawn into a gang for drugs, girls, and parties. Some

Chief Brian Miller fearlessly leads the battle against gang violence in Hammond.


0?a^\XbX]VB^[dcX^] Providing youth with a sense of family and a positive outlet for their energy are ways churches and civic groups can aid law enforcement in combating criminal gangs. Many children who end up in gangs come from homes without posi- tive role models. Churches and civic groups can provide mentors who create a bond with the children and offer them positive encouragement. In addition, they can provide children a positive outlet for their time, as well as teach and model JYP[PJHSSPMLZRPSSZ:OVY[ÄLSK[YPWZJHULK\JH[L[LLUZ[V[OLMHJ[[OH[[OL^VYSKKVLZUV[LUKH[[OLPYISVJRHUK[OLYLHYL more rewarding activities than gang banging on a corner. Research has clearly shown that youth participating in after-school activities perform much better in their academic studies and have better futures.1 Children that do not have after-school activities are often unsupervised and have a much greater chance of getting involved in gangs and criminal behavior. The reduction and eventual elimination of criminal gangs is a must for Northwest Indiana. The police cannot handle the problem alone. Success is dependent on collaboration between police and our communities, who by responding together, create a solid partnership and a combined vision for safe neighborhoods.

Gang-Related Statistics

} Approximately 1 million gang members, belonging to more than 20,000 gangs, were criminally active within all 50 states and the District of Columbia as of September 2008. } Criminal gangs commit as much as 50 percent of the crime in many communities across the Central Region. (Michigan to Kentucky, west to North Dakota to Kansas.) } Typical gang-related crimes include alien smuggling, armed robbery, assault, auto theft, drug traffick- ing, extortion, fraud, home invasions, identity theft, murder, and weapons trafficking. } The most significant gangs operating in the Central Region are Chicago-based Gangster Disciples, Latin Kings, Vice Lords, and Black P. Stones.

[National Drug Intelligence Center, National Gang Threat Assessment 2009 (Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice, January 2009), http://www. justice.gov/ndic/pubs32/32146/index.htm#Key.]



;OL-)0LZ[PTH[LZ^LSSV]LYJOPSKYLUHUK`V\UN^VTLUHYL[YHMÄJRLKPU(TLYPJH[VKH`;OL`YHUNLPUHNL from 9 to 19, with the average age being 11. The victims are both foreign and domestic. There are an estimated 16,000 to ^VTLUHUKNPYSZ^OVHYL]PJ[PTZVMZL_[YHMÄJRPUNPU*OPJHNVHUK5VY[O^LZ[0UKPHUHHSVUL1 -VYL]LY`ZJLUHYPV`V\VY0JV\SKKYLHT\WHZ[VOV^[OLZLJOPSKYLUHYL[YHMÄJRLK[OLYLHYLO\UKYLKZTVYL[OH[^L JHUUV[L]LUPTHNPUL>LOH]LU»[ZLLU[OL^HYUPUNZPNUZILJH\ZL^LHYLU»[SVVRPUNMVY[OLT;YHMÄJRPUNPZUV[PUWSHPU view for most of us, but it is going on all around us! ;YHMÄJRLYZNL[[VJOPSKYLULP[OLYI`MVYJLRPKUHWWPUNYVTHUJLWYL[LUKPUN[V^HU[HYLSH[PVUZOPWJVLYJPVUVMMLYPUN them a high-paying job in another city), or befriending them as runaways. Statistically, a runaway girl has a window of ten minutes on the street before she is approached by someone with bad intentions. ;OLKYP]PUNMVYJLILOPUKZL_[YHMÄJRPUNPZTVUL`:HKS`[OLZLSSPUNVMNPYSZHUK`V\UN^VTLUPZHWHY[PJ\SHYS`WYVÄ[- HISLI\ZPULZZILJH\ZL[OLWYVK\J[JHUILYLZVSKTHU`[PTLZ;YHMÄJRPUNOHZILLUPKLU[PÄLKHZ[OLMHZ[LZ[NYV^PUNJYPTP- UHSPUK\Z[Y`PU[OL^VYSK>VYSK^PKL[YHMÄJRPUNPZ[OLZLJVUKSHYNLZ[JYPTPUHSHJ[P]P[`HM[LY[OLKY\N[YHKL2 ;OLJ\Z[VTLYZVM[OPZMHZ[NYV^PUNL]PSHYLKP]LYZLPU[OLPY[YHKLÄUHUJPHSJSHZZNLVNYHWOPJHSHYLHHUKYLSPNPVU;OL` are the kind of people you would expect, as well as many you would never imagine. The customers make their contacts with the victims at truck stops, massage parlors, so-called “gentlemen’s” clubs, Z[YLL[JVYULYZHUK[OL0U[LYUL[6M[LU[PTLZ[OL[YHMÄJRLYZ[HRLV\[HKZVU*YHPNZSPZ[3 and Backpage4 to promote their ser- vices. Although prostitution is illegal, both in Indiana and Illinois, the advertisements seem to make it clear as to what is being offered and often number in the thousands. Some of these ads are most likely offered by women, who for whatever reason are prostituting themselves 7OV[VI`2L]PU:TP[O willingly. Knowing that there are at least 16,000 victims in our area, it’s safe to assume that many of the ads are selling the victims of human traf- ÄJRPUN :L_[YHMÄJRPUNHSTVZ[HS^H`Z PU]VS]LZTV]LTLU[6I]PV\ZS`H

The Lewis family adopted four girls from an Eastern European orphanage to rescue them from a potentially harmful future.

&#}1Th^]ScWT st4SXcX^] [YHMÄJRLY^V\SKU»[[HRLVULVMV\Y daughters and then offer her locally. 0[PZJVTTVUMVY[YHMÄJRLYZ[V[YH]LS from place to place with their vic- tims. They may stop off in Merrillville, rent hotel rooms, take out an ad, and within minutes they are in business. They may stay up to a week, and then they are off to another town. Seeing how diverse and enormous this hideous crime is, how could we ever hope to eradicate it? The best thing we can do is raise awareness of the issue and take money out of the crime. We have to call for stiffer punishment of custom- ers. If at a mere click of the mouse, thousands of opportunities are available to would-be sex customers in our area that tells me we aren’t being tough enough. And because we aren’t tough enough on offenders, sexual slavery is on the rise. But if we crack down on the crime of sex for money, the money source will dry up! We need to spread the message that real men do not buy sex or have sex with children. Thirty years ago, drunk driving did not get as much public attention, but then some mothers got MADD. When moth- LYZNL[THK[OPUNZJOHUNL;OLSH^Z^LYLJOHUNLKHUK[OLW\UPZOTLU[ZMVYKY\URKYP]PUNPUJYLHZLKZPNUPÄJHU[S`0OVWL mothers and fathers get mad again and bring an end to the selling of our daughters. You can start today! Tell someone about the problem of sexual slavery at every opportunity. As awareness of this hid- eous crime increases, changes will begin to be made. I look forward to working together to put an end to sexual slavery, and I pray the Heavenly Father uses us to show his love to these precious children.


Interested in Learning More?

} International Justice Mission: www.ijm.org } The Polaris Project: www.polarisproject.org } Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons: www.state.gov/g/tip } Not for Sale: The Return of the Global Slave Trade – and How We Can Fight It by David Batstone } Good News about Injustice – A Witness of Courage in a Hurting World by Gary Haugen } National Trafficking Hotline: 1-888-3737-888



The acceleration of the global economy over the past few decades has brought numerous growth opportunities to Northwest Indiana businesses, but it has also brought many new challenges from competition with emerging economies like Brazil, Russia, India, and China. This competition has forced companies into consolidation and downsizing initia- [P]LZ^OPJOOH]L\S[PTH[LS`YLZ\S[LKPUH¸Z\Y]P]HSVM[OLÄ[[LZ[¹TLU[HSP[` This can be seen most notably in Northwest Indiana through the decline of the once-mighty steel industry upon which our social foundations were built. At their peak, the mills employed as many as twenty thousand workers in each facility, providing jobs spanning the spectrum from the technologically advanced to unskilled labor. In addition, it was commonly held that for each job in the mills, there were at least six support jobs created in the community, ranging from mill sup- pliers to grocery-store clerks and other service-industry workers. The steel mills now employ only around six thousand workers in each facility and make higher-quality products. If this region is to survive and prosper in this global economy, many interrelated aspects of life must undergo a change. We have many tax advantages and incentives in place to attract new businesses and enterprises, but for now no one is beating down the door. It is evident that business development is not just a simple dollars-and-cents issue. We live im- mediately adjacent to Chicago, a recognized global city, yet Northeast Indiana seems to bring in more new business than us. We need to assess the economic effect of the perceived quality-of-life issues that give Northwest Indiana such a poor U.S. Steel, Gary Works image. Then we must plan to take action. 6ULWYVISLTPZYLZPKLU[ZOLYLKVUV[[V\[[OL^VUKLYM\SILULÄ[ZVMSP]PUNPU our area to the rest of the world. There seems to be a lingering fatalistic shame in being from “Da Region.” We must no longer resist celebrating the advantages that Northwest Indiana offers the greater metropolitan area, for indeed we do have much to offer. 6ULJHUSP]LPUH]PY[\HSS`Y\YHSHYLH`L[ILPUKV^U[V^U*OPJHNVPU\UKLY an hour. We have fantastic green spaces and, at the Dunes, a national park and Z[H[LWHYR6\YUH[\YHS[YLHZ\YLZJVL_PZ[PUN^P[OV\YPUK\Z[YPLZHYLHYLTHYR- able story in itself. There are many varying arts-and-culture offerings—too numerous to list. We have six local colleges and universities offering complete packages of higher-education degree programs. The quality of our air and water has continually improved over the years. Have you ever attended the Pierogi Festival in Whiting, the Popcorn Festival in Valparaiso, the Gary Air Show, or 7OV[VI`1VL`4H`ÄLSK any of the other notable community events offered across the region?

&%}1Th^]ScWT st4SXcX^] There is work to do to bring Northwest Indiana into a secure position to compete in a global economy. We must attract new investment to the area, Major NWI Employers whether through relocation of existing facilities or creation of innovative enterprises. We need to meld the advantages of our industrial history with the 1. United States Steel agricultural opportunities prevalent here. We must clean up our image of being 2. ArcelorMittal Steel divisive, politically corrupt, polluted, and backward thinking. We must address 3. Community Hospital these issues ourselves and manage them. 4. St. Margaret Mercy 6ULTPNO[HZR¸)\[^OH[JHU0KV&¹;OLYLPZUVSPTP[[V[OLNVVKUL^Z 5. Worthington Industries prevailing in the region. We need to share it, talk about in our homes, clubs, 6. Ameristar Casino churches, and social networks. Conversation among friends can be a power- 7. Blue Chip Casino ful element for change. Have you ever heard success stories that begin “Some 8. Horseshoe Casino friends and I were talking recently, and then we decided to...”? Encourage 9. Valparaiso Hospital dialogue about the region, and include both positive and negative issues so 10. Methodist Hospitals that awareness grows. This will not cost you dollars, may increase your regard among neighbors and family, and may actually plant the seeds for action that * Based on number of employees can be life-changing! [U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and Indi- If you are inclined to be proactive, there are many venues for engagement. ana Department of Workforce Develop- Explore groups that are working to make positive and sustainable differences ment] in our region on issues such as racism, environmental protection, education, transportation, health care, public safety, recreation, government reform, or any other subject close to your heart. No matter your interest or desired level of involvement, each of these issues directly touches your life and has an im- pact on the future of your family and the economic prosperity of Northwest Indiana. Let us work together to help North- ^LZ[0UKPHUHÅV\YPZO Wage Comparison in Lake County


Living Wage $8.58 $16.88 $13.36 $21.67 $28.36 Poverty Wage $5.04 $6.68 $6.49 $7.81 $9.83 Minimum Wage $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25

[“Living Wage Calculation for Lake County, Indiana,” Dr. Amy K. Glasmeier and The Pennsylvania State University, updated 2011, accessed June 2011, http://www.livingwage.geog.psu.edu/counties/18089.]



CWT4R^]^\XR?[XVWc^UOH[ZH]PUNZZOLTH`OH]LOHKILNPUZ[VILJVTLKLWSL[LK(UK[VTHRLTH[- ters worse, she is at the age when health problems typically begin to arise. Stories like this happen on a regular basis in Lake County. Unfortunately, we are often unaware of the reality widows face in this situation. The widow is often alone with even her own family many times living in distant states. She may feel abandoned, bewildered, and perhaps even confused and depressed. While it is easy to dismiss the plight of our widows, the truth is that these are women who have made a contribution to society—often a lifetime of contribution to Lake County. They have served the community, been volunteers, donated time and money, and perhaps even mentored others along their journey of life. The question churches and other civic groups should raise is this: “How can we best serve those who, throughout the years, have meant so much to our own communities?” Photo by Wendy Bunch 6^Szb2P[[c^BTaeT>daFXS^fb Every Christian has a responsibility to help the poor and underserved, and some of the most overlooked among us in Lake County are widows. Through- out his ministry, Jesus constantly reached out to the poor and proclaimed good news to them (Luke 4). James, the brother of Jesus, said the kind of faith that pleases God is one that takes care of orphans and widows in their distress (James 1:27). Surely James was taking his cues from the Lord himself, as we also should do.

According to the 2010 Census, there are over 65,000 citizens of Lake County over the HNLVMZP_[`Ä]LTHU`VM^OVTHYL^PKV^Z

&'}1Th^]ScWT st4SXcX^] The Bible contains many examples and instructions for Christians in how Religion that God our Fa- they relate to the poor and the widow. We see special attention paid in the early church regarding the care of widows (Acts 6). We are encouraged to “honor the ther accepts as pure and widows” (1 Timothy 5:3). Jesus felt so much compassion for the widow who had lost her son, that he raised him from the dead (Luke 7:12). Jesus also harshly faultless is this: to look af- ^HYULK[OLO`WVJYP[LZVMOPZKH`^OV[VVRÄUHUJPHSHK]HU[HNLVM^PKV^Z4H[- thew 23:14). ter orphans and widows 7^f2WdaRWTb2P]0bbXbcFXS^fbX]CWTXa0UU[XRcX^] Educating those in our region’s congregations is tremendously important. If in their distress and to people in a church are made aware of the needs a particular widow may have, then it is much easier to acquire the necessary help. keep oneself from being Many widows need assistance with routine home maintenance, car care, and lawn service. Numerous widows would simply cherish the friendship of some- polluted by the world. one eager to sit with them and hear their stories. Understanding their needs and James 1:27 ÄUKPUN^H`Z[VÄSS[OLNHWZJHUOH]LH[YLTLUKV\ZPUÅ\LUJLVUV\Y^PKV^Z and our communities. 29,024 Imagine if our churches sought to go above and beyond the norm when meeting the needs of our widows? What could happen if churches found law- The number of estimated yers willing to facilitate legal matters, doctors and nurses eager to assist with widows in Lake County health needs, laborers with able hands ready to perform household repairs, and } 22,986 Females *OYPZ[PHUZ^OVHYLYHKPJHSS`NLULYV\Z[VZ\WWVY[V\Y^PKV^ZMHJPUNÄUHUJPHS } 6,038 Males hardships? The legacies of those who have meant so much to our communities would [US Census Bureau, Sex by Marital Status be preserved. There are opportunities just like this all around us if only we will by Age for the Population 15 Years and look for them. There are widows in our neighborhoods that have needs we can Older (2005-2009 American Community help meet. Together we can help Northwest Indiana leave an enduring legacy Survey 5-Year Estimates).] on our region’s widows, as they themselves strive to leave a great heritage for their communities and their families. He defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and loves the foreigner residing among you, giving them food and clothing. Deuteronomy 10:18

1Th^]ScWT st4SXcX^]}&( NEXT STEPS

A mural located in , ^OPJOHW[S`YLHKZ >LYL(SS0U;OPZ Together." 7OV[VI`1VL`4H`ÄLSK



After learning more about your com- ing justice, meeting needs, and help- basis that could use a compassionate munity, you might be wondering, ing others? For example, maybe you neighbor? Perhaps you know single “How do I get involved in creating a are great at construction, car repair, or parents through your children’s school better future for Northwest Indiana?” ÄUHUJPHSI\KNL[PUN7LYOHWZ`V\JHU who could use assistance. Might they Here are ten practical ways you can [LHJOVYTLU[VY6YTH`IL`V\OH]L secretly be yearning for someone to embark on an exciting journey with the gift of hospitality. Think creatively hear their hidden cries and come others for the advancement of our how your talents can be used to serve alongside them in times of need? communities. This list is not exhaus- others. tive and is simply meant to provoke $2^]]TRcFXcW;^RP[=^]?a^UXcbC^ your thoughts on how you might "5^[[^fH^da?PbbX^]bC^3XbR^eTa E^[d]cTTaH^daCX\T choose to get involved in becoming a FWTaTC^BTaeT Get involved with one of the non- conduit of God’s grace in our area: What needs are you passionate about? WYVÄ[VYNHUPaH[PVUZSPZ[LKPU[OL>H`Z What issues pull at your heartstrings? to Connect section of this guide- ?aPhU^a=^acWfTbc8]SXP]P Perhaps you long to see human traf- book. Carve regular times out of your For many of us, this is the easiest ÄJRPUNOHS[LKVY`V\UNTHSL[LLUZ schedule to spend time volunteering place to start. Develop a consistent mentored. Maybe your heart goes at an organization that is devoted to a prayer life for the welfare and safety of out to single moms, the homeless, or need that resonates with you. Perhaps our communities. Consider starting a those suffering from addictions. You you could mentor a child, serve in a prayer group to petition God on behalf can start a new ministry where none soup kitchen, or even become a foster of the underserved in our region. Call exists, or get involved with a current WHYLU[6YNHUPaH[PVUZHYLJVUZ[HU[S` your local Township Trustees, school one that deals with your particular searching for dedicated volunteers to superintendents, or other community burden. Let your zeal for a particular keep their programs running. SLHKLYZHUKHZROV^`V\JHUZWLJPÄ- cause be your guide. cally pray for them and their organiza- %3^]PcTH^daATb^daRTbC^;^RP[ tions. #2^]bXSTaH^daB_WTaT>U8]U[dT]RT =^]?a^UXcb 0b0?[PRTC^BcPac In addition to volunteering your time, !DbTH^daCP[T]cb0]SBZX[[BTcbC^ Who do you know at work, in your you can help support a ministry by Meet Needs neighborhood, or at church that needs NP]PUNÄUHUJPHSJVU[YPI\[PVUZVYTH[L- What skills and abilities do you pos- loving care? Who are folks that you rial possessions. For example, you sess that might be used for administer- come in contact with on a regular can donate used clothing, furniture,

=TgcBcT_b}' or books to an organization that is '8]XcXPcT>a9^X]2^[[PQ^aPcXeT4UU^acb justice to the poor and the orphan; ministering to single parent families. U^a2WP]VT0Ra^bbEPaX^dbBTRc^ab" uphold the rights of the oppressed Chaplains at the Lake County Jail are Seeking the welfare of our communi- and the destitute. Rescue the poor and always looking for donated Bibles to ties requires joint efforts from indi- helpless; deliver them from the grasp give to inmates. Call organizations viduals across the public, private, and of evil people.”7 You may want to join and ask them what they need, and social sectors (businesses, churches, an advocacy group, become actively [OLUZLLR[VÄSSP[ UVUWYVÄ[ZNV]LYUTLU[HNLUJPLZTL- involved in local government, or let dia, schools, health care institutions your voice be heard in public forums &BcPacP=Tf2WdaRW1PbTScWTab8]c^P;XUTbch[T^U community. You can assist your church BP[cP]S;XVWc( in establishing a new program to help (0Se^RPcTU^aBhbcT\XR2WP]VT The mission of salt and light does not meet the needs of the community. Be X]H^da2^\\d]Xch$ happen only through organized minis- sure to avoid competing with another Christians are called to demonstrate try initiatives, but often through trans- church or duplicating services already God’s love for justice (Psalm 37:28) formed lives of ordinary individuals offered through another organization by doing justice themselves (Micah THRPUNZPTWSLZHJYPÄJLZVUILOHSMVM in the community.2 6:8).6 The Psalmist says to “Give their communities.10 Making disciples means helping others take the next step in their faith journey by teaching them about Jesus and displaying his love through deeds of service. Foster- ing a salt and light lifestyle means encouraging and equipping people to see Northwest Indiana through the eyes of Jesus; and exhorting them to SH`KV^U[OLPYSP]LZPUZHJYPÄJPHSZLY- vice for the needs of others.

Families serve together at a 7OV[VI`1LU;VWW shelter in Gary.

'!}=TgcBcT_b Discipleship for Salt & Light Ministry Encourages Christians to:

} View their homes, possessions, vocation, friendships, talents, and time as gifts entrusted to them by God to be shared for the good of others. } Make financial and lifestyle choices based on God’s love and justice for the most vulnerable in our society, over personal advancement and convenience. } Daily look for ways to serve their neighbors and coworkers, and also to seek out caring relationships with people outside their normal social networks. } Pray for opportunities to share the good news of Jesus with those around them, especially those who are going through struggles.

[Heidi Unruh & Andy Rittenhouse - Andy Rittenhouse and Heidi Unruh, eds., Salt & Light: A Guide to Loving Knoxville, Third Edition (Knoxville, TN: Compassion Coalition, 2009), 356.]

If you feel inadequate for relational ministry, then the truth is you’ve got one of the most important qualifications! For indeed, you are not adequate for the task.

But God’s Word promises that we can do all things through God who strength- ens us. God makes us competent. We just need to be available and willing.

Jesus has chosen to get his work done on earth through jars of clay who have little strength – that’s us! And as we minister out of our weakness, Jesus comes through with his strength, and that’s what makes the difference. Amy Sherman, Sharing God’s Heart for the Poor



Being salt and light in our communi- However, focusing solely on physical so generally in the context of relation- ties is often an exciting, yet daunting tasks while ignoring the relational ships. endeavor. Engaging our communities component will often leave us, and for the common good may be new those we serve, with an emptiness Consider how you might be able to ground for many of us, and unknown inside. In addition, concentrating on start a relationship with someone territory can certainly be intimidating. projects alone can fuel a “rescuer” by meeting an immediate issue. You mentality that may perpetuate may be able to spot additional needs As your hearts are inspired by the pos- problems in our communities beyond a broken pipe. sibilities of what could be in North- inadvertently.1 west Indiana, and as your compassion !AT\T\QTacWPcBP[c;XVWc

'#}=TgcBcT_b instead to rely on their good works to inadvertently hurt individuals further holistic ministry. In other words, when win people to Christ. by creating unnecessary dependen- serving our communities we may cies. We must be careful to never uncover other needs and issues that Pastor Timothy Keller, of Redeemer confuse unconditional love with un- ought to be addressed. Presbyterian Church in Manhattan, constrained benevolence.7 Sometimes says we need both gospel messaging the best way to love others is to set In regards to poverty, there are often and gospel neighboring components practical guidelines on what we can a multitude of issues that need to be of salt and light ministry to be effec- and cannot do for them.8 tackled. Many times these may entail tive in our communities and share JV\UZLSPUNÄUHUJPHSVY]VJH[PVUHS the love of Christ.4 We must be ready It can be easy to focus on the symp- needs among others. What this means at all times to share the message of toms of poverty and ignore the root is that we should be able to perceive Jesus5 while always looking for ways issues. However, in order to help our the needs of others and locate the re- to love our neighbors through sacri- communities and its individuals reach sources to help them, or their families, ÄJPHSZLY]PJL(NHPU1LZ\ZZLY]LZHZ ZLSMZ\MÄJPLUJ`"^LT\Z[LUJV\YHNL holistically. our perfect example. He met physical them to pursue their own develop- needs, healed the blind, and touched TLU[6M[LU[PTLZ[OPZTLHUZYLTV]- ;OLYLHYLULHYS`UVUWYVÄ[ the lepers. He also confronted sin, ing barriers that lead to failure and organizations including religious, proclaimed good news to the poor, equipping folks with necessary skills charitable, and educational groups and told those he ministered to about for success. in Lake County alone10 that can be the kingdom of God.6 utilized for equipping those you serve Dr. John Perkins, Founder and Presi- with additional resources. Individuals in our communities will dent Emeritus of the Christian Com- be attracted to the Jesus they see in munity Development Corporation, $APSXRP[6T]Ta^bXchXb=TTSTSU^a you when you are meeting needs with says, “By focusing on symptoms rather BP[c;XVWccWTabc^4]VPVTX]CWTXa #BP[c;XVWcf]D_[XUc 7^[XbcXR

=TgcBcT_b}'$ marginalized of society. Living with Living with radical generosity re- simply unfounded. As we learn about open hands means we live with a X\PYLZJVZ[S`ZHJYPÄJL0[YLX\PYLZ\Z[V our community, and those who reside loose grip on our wealth so that earth- THRL¸KPMÄJ\S[ÄUHUJPHSHUKSPMLZ[`SL in our own backyards, we can sym- ly treasures can be used to impact choices based on God’s love and pathize with them by considering life those who are less fortunate for the justice for the most vulnerable in our through their eyes. sake of Jesus Christ. society over our own personal ad- vancement and convenience.”12 We must be careful to never believe We ought to view our time, talents, we are the “saviors” who will res- money, homes, possessions, relation- %;TPa]cWTBc^aXTb^U8]SXeXSdP[bP]S cue the needy from their dire straits. ships, schedules, and vocations as cWT2^\\d]Xch Instead, we should be “slow to speak, gifts entrusted by God to be shared Salt and light ministry is a constant quick to listen,”13 and eager to spend generously with others. We should learning process, therefore we must time learning the hurts and struggles be willing take seriously Jesus’ words ZLLRÄYZ[[V\UKLYZ[HUKV[OLYZYH[OLY of those we help. that it is more blessed to give than than judge them for lifestyle choices receive.11 or circumstances where we differ. At the core, salt and light ministry is 6M[LU[PTLZV\YWYLJVUJLW[PVUZHYL not what you give, but rather how you serve.14 If we help those in need from a humble posture while seeking to understand the cries of the underprivi- leged we will shine a great light for the name of Jesus.

“Each person has the right to be cared for with dignity. See the individual you serve as a unique creation made in God’s image, deeply loved by the Savior, and designed to make a contri- bution on our community and to have a role in God’s Kingdom.”15

Taking time to build relationships is key 7OV[VI`1HJX\L4PSSLY to effective salt and light ministry.



Given all of the options, how do you members are growing alarmed at and fund-raising connections? A gym ÄUK[OLYPNO[TPUPZ[Y`VUYHTWMVY`V\Y the number of jobless families in the you could offer to a local youth minis- JO\YJO&/LYLHYLÄ]LWV[LU[PHSZ[HY[PUN church and community. Perhaps a try? A pool of retirees potentially avail- points: small group has expressed a heart for able for volunteer service? A group of serving elderly shut-ins. Identify the members skilled in construction? Ex- BcPacFXcWPBRaX_cdaT issues that are relevant to your congre- plore ways to invest these assets in the God’s Word is living and active gation or that generate passion, then community. Maximize your impact by (Hebrews 4:12)! A sermon on Jesus’ ÄUKV\[^OH[PZHSYLHK`ILPUNKVULPU connecting these resources with other healing ministry may spark interest in this area and how you might get on community-serving groups. local health concerns. A Bible study board. on Isaiah 58:6-7 (“Is this not the kind $BcPacfXcWP=TXVWQ^aW^^S of fasting I have chosen...to share your "BcPacfXcWP]>aVP]XiPcX^] This may be the neighborhood where food with the hungry and to provide Which community-serving organiza- your church is located or a com- the poor wanderer with shelter”) can tions (many listed in this guidebook) munity where your church feels led lead the group to examine issues represent an existing connection or to serve. Explore opportunities for of hunger and homelessness. Jesus’ UH[\YHSÄ[MVY`V\YJVUNYLNH[PVU& community ministry by doing back- words in Matthew 25:36, “I was in Consider an agency located near the ground research, developing relation- prison and you came to visit me,” church, or in the same denomination. ships, and spending time praying and might point members to connect with ,_WHUKHYLSH[PVUZOPW^P[OHUVUWYVÄ[ hanging out in the neighborhood. Ask a prison ministry. Be prepared to walk where the church has donated money. a wide variety of local people about through the doors God’s Spirit will Encourage members to recommend concerns, resources, and possibilities open when people study Scripture and organizations where they work or vol- for ministry collaboration. Look for take its applications seriously. unteer, or where they have received individuals or organizations having a assistance. Ask other churches about positive impact on life in the commu- !BcPacFXcWP2^]RTa] positive experiences with ministry col- nity, and discover how you can join Perhaps a family in your congregation laboration. in. has been struggling with addiction. Perhaps someone in your church was #BcPacfXcWPATb^daRT moved by an article about a woman’s Take inventory of what assets your journey out of prostitution. Perhaps church has to share: Access to funds


City Methodist Church in Gary, once a thriving church and community center, complete with gym, theater, and garden, now stands in ruins. Isaiah 61:4 says, "They shall build up the ancient ruins; they shall raise up the former devastations; they shall repair the ruined cities..." 7OV[VI`1VL`4H`ÄLSK


By Pastor Steve DeWitt

Dear Heavenly Father,

We know you love our Northwest Indiana community. You have made your care for communities clear in Scripture – Jonah and Nineveh, David and Jerusalem, and supremely Jesus and the city of all humanity. We want your love for WLVWSL[VLJOVPUV\YV^UOLHY[ZHZ^L[\YUHYLKLTW[P]LL`L[V^HYKV\YULPNOIVYZ;OLÄYZ[[OPUN[OL.VVK:HTHYP[HU did was he ZH^ the man along the road in distress. How we long to “see” with eyes of understanding and compassion! ;HRLV\YNHaLMYVTV\YZLS]LZHUKTH`^LÄUKSV]L»ZWPUUHJSLPUSV]L»ZZHJYPÄJLMVY[OL[LTWVYHSHUKL[LYUHSNVVKVM others.

We pray for our community as a whole and our community as individuals. Bless each person, each home, and each family in the story of their lives. Bless us from your common grace by meeting our basic needs. Bless our community from your saving grace by meeting our eternal and spiritual needs. We know that the ultimate solutions in our community cannot, and will not, come from us. We pray that all in our community would discover Jesus as Savior and Lord.


We pray that our schools, churches, and institutions would promote a character and culture of life and learning that healthy communities like ours so desperately need.

We lift our community to you with this prayer. May you produce in all of us the humility, righteousness, and courage required to love Northwest Indiana into a community pleasing to you.

In the name of Jesus Christ, our Redeemer and Lord, Amen.


MINORITY FREE OR GRADUATION NUMBER SCHOOL CORPORATION STUDENTS REDUCED RATE OF STUDENTS % OF TOTAL LUNCH Crown Point 93.6% 15 % 21 % 7,577 East Chicago 52.0% 98% 95% 5,609 Gary 66.8% 99% 67% 11,798 Griffith 89.0% 41 % 41 % 2,687 Hammond 69.5% 77% 78% 14,673 Hanover 92.9% 13 % 24 % 2,012 Highland 91.0% 28% 27% 3,407 Hobart 88.6% 28% 41 % 3,888 Lake Central 85.4% 23% 16 % 10,159 Lake Ridge 72.2% 49% 81 % 2,128 Lake Station 71.4% 45% 75% 1,537 Merrillville 90.8% 80% 49% 6,983 Munster 95.2% 29% 15 % 4,159 River Forest 65.9% 47 % 78% 1,563 Tri-Creek 80.4% 8% 23% 3,669 Whiting 85.1% 61 % 61 % 1,025 Lake County Total 78.9% 55% 50% 82,874 INDIANA 84.5% 25% 43 % 1,120,909

[Indiana Department of Education, 2009-2010 Education Data, DOE Compass, http://www.doe.in.gov/data.]


TOTAL 496,005

Female 256,662

Male 239,383

White 274,162

Black 125,506

Hispanic 82,663

Asian 5,981

Foreign Born Ö 31,248 Median Age 37.4

Elderly (65 years and over) 65,870

Children under 18 127,273

Fami ly Hou s ehold s 127,647

Married Households 84,049

Married Families with Children under 18 33,788

Single Parent Families with Children under 18 22,439

Average Household Size 2.6

Poverty Rate (Total Individuals)Ö 16.5%

Poverty Rate (Children Under 18)Ö 25.9% Per Capita IncomeÖ $22,973

Median Household IncomeÖ $47,962

[US Census Bureau, 2010 Census, http://factfinder2.census.gov.] [Ö= US Census Bureau (2005-2009 American Community Survey 5 –Year Estimates)]

5X]P[CW^dVWcb}( % of Single Mothers Living in Poverty % of Population Living in Poverty - All Ages 18% and below 11% and below 18% to 39% 11% to 25% 39% to 65% 25% to 42% 65% and above 42% and above © by Caliper by ® Maps created using Maptitude

% BELOW % BELOW RANK TRACT RANK TRACT POVERTY POVERTY 1 Indiana Harbor - East Chicago 302 100% 1 Homewood - Hammond 206 69% 2 Midtown - Gary 121 100% 2 Midtown - Gary 119 62% 3 - Gary 103.01 100% 3 Indiana Harbor - East Chicago 301 61 % 4 Emerson - Gary 105 91 % 4 Midtown - Gary 102.02 55% 5 Midtown - Gary 119 89% 5 Pulaski - Gary 114 54% 6 - Gary 110 86% 6 Indiana Harbor - East Chicago 303 53% 7 Midtown - Gary 102.02 85% 7 Indiana Harbor - East Chicago 302 51 % 8 Pulaski - Gary 114 83% 8 Indiana Harbor - East Chicago 310 51 % 9 Gavit - Hammond 218 83% 9 Emerson - Gary 105 46% 10 Indiana Harbor - East Chicago 301 77% 10 Indiana Harbor - East Chicago 304 45%

(!}5X]P[CW^dVWcb % of Births to Unmarried Mothers % of Households w/Children Led by Single Parent 14% and below 26% and below 14% to 40% 36% to 47% 40% to 78% 47% to 70% 78% and above 70% and above © by Caliper by ® Maps created using Maptitude

% % OF RANK TRACT RANK TRACT UNMARRIED HOUSEHOLDS 1 West Miller - Gary 102.01 100% 1 Midtown - Gary 117 100% 2 Ambridge - Gary 102.03 100% 2 Indiana Harbor - East Chicago 301 100% 3 Brunswick - Gary 103.01 100% 3 Pulaski - Gary 114 94% 4 - Gary 103.02 100% 4 Ambridge - Gary 102.03 93% 5 Emerson - Gary 105 100% 5 Midtown - Gary 113 93% 6 Emerson - Gary 10 6 100% 6 Homewood - Hammond 206 92% 7 Downtown West - Gary 10 8 100% 7 Indiana Harbor - East Chicago 310 91 % 8 Tolleston - Gary 10 9 100% 8 East - Gary 126 90% 9 Tolleston - Gary 112 100% 9 Glen Park East - Gary 123 90% 10 Midtown - Gary 113 100% 10 Pulaski - Gary 122 90%


0]ShAXccT]W^dbT is Minister of Do- 3TaaXR8bT]bTT is an Accounting Man- 9T]P1T[[TiiP is the marketing director mestic Missions, First Baptist Concord, ager at NiSource Inc. for the Indiana Parenting Institute in and former director of the Compassion Gary. Coalition in Knoxville, TN. 3^]]P6^[^Q is the Executive Director of A Positive Approach to Teen Health 9TaT\hCPh[^a is Senior Editor and 0]VXTFX[[XP\b is the Executive Direc- (PATH, Inc.). Assistant Editorial Director at Tyndale tor of the Food Bank of Northwest House Publishers. Indiana. 6Pah1dc[Ta is Pastor of Counsel- ing and Family Ministries at Bethel 9X\5[P]]Tah is the Executive Director 0bW[Th?^bc is a local student and Peer Church in Crown Point. of the Northwest Indiana Quality of Mentor at PATH. Life Council. 7TXSXD]adW is a community ministry 1T]


3aA^]P[S0[[RWX]Ba is the Executive FX[[T]P1ad]UXT[Sis a local student Director of Biblical Counseling Center and new mother. ^P[OVMÄJLZPU(YSPUN[VU/LPNO[ZHUK Fox Lake IL and in Schererville IN.

BPaPWA?Pe[XZ93 Westlaw Academ- ic Account Manager in Chicago, IL.


BP[c;XVWc8]ca^SdRcX^] 5. “Single Parents on the Rise,” Anna [HPUTLU[ (2007-2009 American Com- 1. Ed Stetzer, @V\*HU»[3V]LH*P[`PM Sargent for Examiner.com, March 11, munity Survey 3-Year Estimates). @V\+VU»[2UV^H*P[`, http://www. 2010, accessed May 2011, http:// 14. US Census Bureau, 4LKPHU-HTPS`0U edstetzer.com/2011/02/you-cant-love- www.examiner.com/single-moms-in- JVTLPU[OL7HZ[4VU[OZ0U  a-city-if-you-do.html. washington-dc/single-parents-on-the- 0UÅH[PVU(KQ\Z[LK+VSSHYZ (2005-2009 2. Matthew 5:13-14 “You are the salt rise. American Community Survey 5-Year of the earth...you are the light of the 6. Heidi Unruh, -HJ[:OLL[VU:PUNSL Estimates). world...” (ESV). The Message version Parents (Compassion Coalition, Knox- 15. Indiana State Department of Health, VM[OPZWHZZHNLZH`Z¸@V\YLOLYL[V ville, TN 2009). Indiana WIC Program. be salt-seasoning that brings out the 7. US Census Bureau, *LUZ\Z, 16. US Census Bureau, 4LKPHU-HTPS`0U .VKÅH]VYZVM[OPZLHY[O@V\YLOLYL O[[W!MHJ[ÄUKLYJLUZ\ZNV] JVTLPU[OL7HZ[4VU[OZ0U  to be light, bringing out the God- 8. Ibid. 0UÅH[PVU(KQ\Z[LK+VSSHYZ (2005-2009 colors in the world.” 9. US Census Bureau, >VTLU American Community Survey 5-Year @LHYZ^OVOHKH)PY[OPU[OL7HZ[ Estimates). FWhBcdShP2^\\d]Xch. 4VU[OZI`4HYP[HS:[H[\Z, (2007-2009 17. “The Father Factor,” 5H[PVUHS-H[OLY 1. Adapted from "Community Study" American Community Survey 3-Year OVVK0UP[PH[P]LSHZ[TVKPÄLK1\UL appearing in :HS[ 3PNO[!(.\PKL[V Estimates). 8, 2011, accessed June 10, 2011, 3V]PUN2UV_]PSSL. 10. Ibid. 45 percent unmarried birth rate http://www.fatherhood.org/Page. in Lake County, IN. Nearly one-fourth aspx?pid=403. 5^Rdb4bbPh)BX]V[T?PaT]cX]V of these mothers have an unmarried 18. Steven L. Nock and Christopher J. 1. Robert D. Jones, :PUNSL7HYLU[Z!+HPS` partner in the home. Einolf, ;OL*VZ[ZVM-H[OLY(IZLUJL, .YHJLMVY[OL/HYKLZ[1VI (Greens- 11. US Census Bureau, >VTLU (National Fatherhood Initiative, 2008), boro, NC: New Growth Press,2008) 3. @LHYZ^OVOHKH)PY[OPU[OL7HZ[ O[[W!^^^MH[OLYZPU[OLÄLSKJVT 2. Genesis 1–2. 4VU[OZI`4HYP[HS:[H[\ZHUK news/fatherabsencecost.pdf. 3. >LLUJV\YHNLJO\YJOLZ[VÄUK[OL Race (American Community Survey 19. Ibid. delicate balance of supporting single 2007–2009 3-year estimates). 20. Heidi Unruh, -HJ[:OLL[VU:PUNSL parents in ministry without deny- 12. US Census Bureau, 4LKPHU-HTPS`0U Parents (Compassion Coalition, Knox- ing the importance of God’s original JVTLPU[OL7HZ[4VU[OZ0U  ville, TN 2009). design for marriage. 0UÅH[PVU(KQ\Z[LK+VSSHYs (2005-2009 21. Robert Rector, 4HYYPLK-H[OLYZ! 4. See Glimpse in the Life story of Mike American Community Survey 5-Year (TLYPJH»Z.YLH[LZ[>LHWVU(NHPUZ[ Herz, who noted that a strong support Estimates). *OPSK7V]LY[`, (The Heritage Founda- system of family and friends were the 13. Census Bureau, >VTLU-@LHYZ tion, June 16, 2009), http://www.heri- fundamental difference for his success ^OVOHKH)PY[OPU[OL7HZ[4VU[OZ tage.org/Research/Reports/2010/06/ as a parent. I`4HYP[HS:[H[\ZHUK,K\JH[PVU([

(%}5X]P[CW^dVWcb Married-Fathers-Americas-Greatest- 30. 5HUJ`*SVVUHU,_LJ\[P]L+PYLJ[VYVM 41. Nancy Wahler, Ministering to Women Weapon-Against-Child-Poverty. Family Action Network) in discussion at the Well: Make a Difference 22. Ibid. ^P[O1HZVU;VWW*V,KP[VYVU1HU\- through Your Church, Andy Ritten- 23. A single mother in Gary, IN noted in ary 22, 2010 for Salt & Light research. house and Heidi Unruh, eds., Salt & a benevolence interview for one local 31. Jones, Single Parents: Daily Grace for Light: A Guide to Loving Knoxville, church that what she needed more the Hardest Job, (Greensboro, NC: ;OPYK,KP[PVU2UV_]PSSL;5!*VTWHZ- than anything was a positive male New Growth Press, 2008), 22. sion Coalition, 2009) 16. role model for her 20-year old son. 32. :OPYSL`*H`VY,_LJ\[P]L+PYLJ[VY 42. Mia (single mother of six in Ham- 24. Mia (single mother of six in Ham- of the Crisis Center of Northwest mond) in discussion with Mike mond) in discussion with Mike Indiana), Kate Marensic (Alternative Wittig (Salt & Light author) and Joey Wittig (Salt & Light author) and Joey House), and Wille Perry (Coordinator 4H`ÄLSK*V,KP[VYMVY:HS[ 3PNO[ 4H`ÄLSK*V,KP[VYMVY:HS[ 3PNO[ of Crisis Hot Line) in discussion with research in April 2011. research in April 2011. 1HZVU;VWW*V,KP[VYVU(\N\Z[  43. Teri Worten Brooks, “What Churches 25. Angie, a Salt & Light focus group par- 2010 for Salt & Light research. Can Do to Support Single Parent ticipant and single mother for seven 33. Ibid. Families,” The She Loves God.com years noted this as one of the most 34. 5HUJ`*SVVUHU,_LJ\[P]L+PYLJ[VYVM Network, accessed May 2011, http:// KPMÄJ\S[VIZ[HJSLZHZHZPUNSLWHYLU[ Family Action Network) in discussion www.shelovesgod.com/library/article. 26. ClaudAnne Poplous and Kathleen ^P[O1HZVU;VWW*V,KP[VYVU1HU\- cfm?articleid=4017. Hruby (Founders of Shekinah Home ary 22, 2010 for Salt & Light research. 44. Ibid. for Women & Children) in discussion 4Z*SVVUHUPKLU[PÄLKSHJRVMTHSL 45. Ibid. ^P[O1HZVU;VWW*V,KP[VYVU1\S` role models as a major challenge in 46. Jones, Single Parents: Daily Grace for 29, 2010 for Salt & Light research. Lake County. the Hardest Job, (Greensboro, NC: 27. Andy Farmer, The Rich Single Life, 35. Andy Farmer, The Rich Single Life New Growth Press, 2008), 25–26. (Sovereign Grace Ministries, 1998) (Sovereign Grace Ministries, 1998), 47. Ibid. “Appendix A: Single Parents and the “Appendix A: Single Parents and the 48. Ibid. Church,” 151. Downloadable version Church,” 153. 49. Nancy Wahler, Ministering to Women available at www.sovereigngracemin- 36. Psalm 68:5-6a, New Living Transla- at the Well: Make a Difference istries.org. tion. through Your Church, Andy Ritten- 28. Ibid. 37. Jones, Single Parents: Daily Grace for house and Heidi Unruh, eds., Salt & 29. Angie, a Salt & Light focus group the Hardest Job, (Greensboro, NC: Light: A Guide to Loving Knoxville, participant and single mother for New Growth Press, 2008), 13. ;OPYK,KP[PVU2UV_]PSSL;5!*VTWHZ- seven years noted the struggle she 38. Ibid, 11. sion Coalition, 2009) 17. faced with not having positive support 39. Andy Farmer, The Rich Single Life 50. Comment from Kim Best in reply structures through church. Without (Sovereign Grace Ministries, 1998), thread from Single Mothers—Is the positive friendships, she mentioned “Appendix A: Single Parents and the Church Doing Enough to Support how often she would stray down Church,” 153. Them, accessed May 2011, http:// wrong paths. 40. Ibid. www.circleofmoms.com.


Focus Essay: Single Parenting for December 2009, Monthly Practice Months by Race and Marital Status (Continued) Indicators Region 1 (2009). The 80% (2005–2009 American Community YH[LVMYL\UPÄJH[PVUZWHUZIV[O  Survey 5-Year Estimates). 51. Nancy Wahler, Ministering to Women and 2010. 8. Ibid. at the Well: Make a Difference 9. U.S. Census Bureau, Women 15 to through Your Church, Andy Ritten- Focus Essay: Children & Youth 50 Years who Had a Birth in the Past house and Heidi Unruh, eds., Salt & 1. Indiana Department of Child Services, 12 Months by Marital Status and Age Light: A Guide to Loving Knoxville, Practice Indicator Reports for Decem- (2005–2009 American Community Third Edition (Knoxville, TN: Compas- ber 2010, Monthly Practice Indicators Survey 5-Year Estimates). sion Coalition, 2009) 17. Region 1 (2010). 10. Cited by participants in a Salt & Light 52. Jones, Single Parents: Daily Grace for 2. http://www.in.gov/dcs/2982.htm. focus group on family life in Septem- the Hardest Job, (Greensboro, NC: 3. https://www.casalakecounty.com/ ber 2010. New Growth Press, 2008), 25-6 index.asp. 11. This essay is located in the Beyond 53. Ibid. the 1st Edition section of this volume. 54. Acts 20:35. Focus Essay: Healthy Families 12. Jeff Temple (Counselor at the Biblical 55. Andy Farmer, The Rich Single Life, 1. Adapted from “The Family Manifes- Counseling Center) in discussion with (Sovereign Grace Ministries, 1998), to,” FamilyLife, accessed May 2011, Derric Isensee (Salt & Light Interview- “Appendix A: Single Parents and the http://www.familylife.com. er) in February 2011. Church,” 152. 2. Ibid. 13. The Importance of Family Dinner VI 56. Romans 8:28, Contemporary English 3. Ibid. (New York: The National Center on Version. 4. Wilcox et al., Why Marriage Matters Addiction and Substance Abuse at 57. Hebrews 4:16, Contemporary English Second Edition: Twenty-Six Conclu- Columbia University (CASA), Septem- Version. sions from the Social Sciences, (New ber 2010), http://www.casacolumbia. York: Institute for American Values, org/upload/2010/20100922familydin Learning to Appreciate the Value of Life 2005), http://americanvalues.org/pdfs/ ners6.pdf. 1. http://thewc.org/ why_marriage_matters2.pdf. 14. “Financial Stress,” My Relationship 5. Ibid. Center, accessed May 2011, http:// Glimpse in the Life of Abused & Neglected 6. These three challenges were noted in www.myrelationshipcenter.org/Marry- Children Salt & Light: A Guide to Loving Knox- Well. 1. Indiana Department of Child Services, ville (2009) and were found through- 15. Indiana Department of Child Services, Practice Indicator Reports for Decem- out the various research conducted on Child Abuse and Neglect Annual ber 2010, Monthly Practice Indicators Northwest Indiana by the Salt & Light Report of Child Fatalities, 2008, http:// Region 1 (2010). Secondary Research Team. www.in.gov/dcs/3197.htm. 2. Ibid; Indiana Department of Child 7. U.S. Census Bureau, Women 15 to 50 16. U.S. Census Bureau, Poverty Status in Services, Practice Indicator Reports Years who Had a Birth in the Past 12 the Past 12 Months of Related Chil-

('}5X]P[CW^dVWcb KYLU\UKLY @LHYZI`-HTPS`;`WL YPHNLTHYYPHNLFNVKZFPKLHYLÅLJ[PUNF lications/ChapinHallDocument(2)_0. (2005–2009 American Community our_relationship_with_god.aspx. pdf. Survey 5-Year Estimates). 29. Brown et al., :HS[ 3PNO[!(.\PKL[V 17. U.S. Census Bureau, 4LKPHU-HT 3V]PUN2UV_]PSSL, eds. Andy Ritten- 0?Tab_TRcXeT^]7d\P]P]SBTg PS`0UJVTLPU[OL7HZ[4VU[OZ house and Heidi Unruh (Knoxville, CaPUUXRZX]V I`/V\ZLOVSK;`WL (2005–2009 TN: Compassion Coalition, 2009), 13. 1. Charles Hounmenou, Ph.D., Human American Community Survey 5-Year 30. Ibid. ;YHMÄJRPUNPU0SSPUVPZ-HJ[:OLL[1HUL Estimates). Adams Center for Social Policy and 18. Ibid. 0?Tab_TRcXeT^]7d]VTa Research, (Chicago, IL: University of 19. The outline for these Ideas were 1. FLLKPUN(TLYPJH4HW[OL4LHS.HW Illinois at Chicago, September 20, directly taken or adapted from Brown (Feeding America, 2011), http://feed- 2010), http://www.uic.edu/jaddams/ et al., :HS[ 3PNO[!(.\PKL[V3V]PUN ingamerica.org/hunger-inamerica/ JVSSLNLYLZLHYJOFW\ISPJFZLY]PJLÄSLZ 2UV_]PSSL, eds. Andy Rittenhouse and hunger-studies/map-the-meal-gap. ;YHMÄJRPUN0U7LYZVUZ0U0SSPUVPZF-HJ[- Heidi Unruh (Knoxville, TN: Compas- aspx. Sheet09202010.pdf. sion Coalition, 2009), 12-13. 2. Ibid. 2. ¸:L_;YHMÄJRPUN-HJ[:OLL[¹0U- 20. Ibid. 3. U.S. Census Bureau, Poverty Status ternational Justice Mission, last 21. Latonia Branch (Executive Director PU[OL7HZ[4VU[OZVM9LSH[LK TVKPÄLKVU4H`HJJLZZLK of House of Eden Global Ministry in *OPSKYLU


4\QPaZX]V^]PBP[c;XVWc9^da]Th 4. Adapted from Keller’s sermon 5LPNO and Heidi Unruh, eds., :HS[ 3PNO[! 2^]cX]dTS bors, http://sermons2.redeemer.com/ (.\PKL[V3V]PUN2UV_]PSSL, Third 2. Ibid. sermons/neighbors. Edition (Knoxville, TN: Compassion 3. Ibid, 356. 5. 1 Peter 3:15 Coalition, 2009) 366. 4. Ibid. 6. Luke 4:16-22 15. Ibid. 5. Ibid, 355. 7. Andy Rittenhouse “Guidelines for Re- 6. Ibid. lational Ministry”, Andy Rittenhouse BcPacX]V?^X]cbU^a2WdaRWTb 7. Psalm 82:3-4, New Living Translation and Heidi Unruh, eds., :HS[ 3PNO[! 1. This list was taken directly from Salt & (NLT). (.\PKL[V3V]PUN2UV_]PSSL, Third Light: A guide to loving Knoxville. 8. Proverbs 31:8-9, New Living Transla- Edition (Knoxville, TN: Compassion tion (NLT) “Speak up for those who Coalition, 2009) 368. cannot speak for themselves; ensure 8. Ibid. justice for those being crushed. Yes, 9. John Perkins, -VYL^VYK>OLU/LSW speak up for the poor and helpless, PUN/\Y[Z!/V^[V(SSL]PH[L7V]LY[` and see that they get justice.” Without Hurting the Poor...And Your 9. Ibid, 356. ZLSM (Chicago, IL: Moody Publishers, 10. Ibid. 2009). 10. Sandra Bowie, 5VU7YVÄ[0UZ[P[\[L 7T[_Ud[CX_bU^a4]VPVX]VX]BP[c;XVWc 6MMLYZ/LSW[VJZ5VU7YVÄ[
