Salt & Light Guide
7OV[VI`1VL`4H`ÄLSK Marquette Park Beach, Gary, IN Salt & Light: A Guide to Loving Northwest Indiana First Edition, 2011., All Rights Reserved Editors: Photographers: Jason Topp Jacque Miller, 1HJX\L4PSSLY7OV[VNYHWO`, Gary, IN 1VL`4H`ÄLSK Jen Topp, 1LU;VWW7OV[VNYHWO`, Cedar Lake, IN Jessica Isensee, >OP[L/HY]LZ[7OV[VNYHWO`, Portage, IN Book Designer: Stacy Layman, Shortyred Designs, Hobart, IN 1VL`4H`ÄLSK*YV^U7VPU[05 Kevin Smith, +V\SVZ7OV[VNYHWO`, Crown Point, IN Kirsten Dixon, 2PYZ[LU+P_VU7OV[VNYHWO`, Crown Point, IN Wendy Bunch, >LUK`)\UJO7OV[VNYHWO`, Crown Point, IN Copyright © 2011 by Bethel Church, 10202 Broadway, Crown Point, IN 46307 All Rights Reserved Printed and bound locally by Vision Integrated Graphics. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This guidebook would never have been envisioned if it wasn’t for the exceptional work of trailblazers like Heidi Unruh and Andy Rittenhouse. Their team started a movement of collaboration and volunteerism in Knoxville, TN through a simi- SHYZL[VMN\PKLIVVRZ;OL`OH]LZLLUV]LYJO\YJOLZWHY[ULY[VNL[OLY[VZLY]L[OLJVTTVUNVVK[OYV\NOHUVUWYVÄ[ organization called Compassion Coalition. Heidi and Andy also consulted with us for Salt & Light: A Guide to Loving 5VY[O^LZ[0UKPHUH;OLPYL_WLYPLUJLZ^LYLPU]HS\HISL[VZOHWPUN[OLÄUHSN\PKLIVVRMVY5VY[O^LZ[0UKPHUH>LHYL thankful for their visionary spirit and willingness to help. >LHYLMVYL]LYNYH[LM\S[V;YH]PZ=H\NOU^OVÄYZ[IYV\NO[[OL]PZPVUMYVT2UV_]PSSL[V5VY[O^LZ[0UKPHUH/LW\[ together the initial team of volunteers, cast the vision of what could be in Northwest Indiana, and provided much wis- dom on researching a community. He challenged our paradigms and encouraged us to dream.
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