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Conjure Wife

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Download pdf #Conjure Wife | #391727 in eBooks | 2014-04-01 | 2014-04-01 | File type: PDF

| |1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.| Classic novel that still feels fresh. | By Chris McCaffrey |** spoiler alert ** I choose to describe Conjure Wife as a cautionary tale and parable about how closed mindedness, sexism and arrogance (in this case in 1950's academia) can damage those that we love. Norman, a sociology professor at a small, second tier university, is quite full of himself. He describes his wife as "his | About the Author | Fritz Leiber, Jr. (1910-1992) was an American writer of fantasy, horror and . He was also an expert chess player and a champion fencer.|| is a well-respected writer of horror living near .||Marcela Bol From a Grand Master of Science Fiction and Fantasy:What if half the world’s population—the female half—practiced witchcraft and kept it a secret from men?

Norman Saylor, a professor of ethnology, discovers that his wife, Tansy, has put his research in the field of “Conjure Magic” into practice for the sake of protecting him from other spell-casting faculty wives wishing to further their husbands’ c

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