Deaths in Red Bank and Vicinity
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RED BANK REGISTER VOLUME LXV-L, NO. 34. RED BANK, N. J.f THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10,1944. SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO Protest Immigration Rotarians To Junior Red Cross Rep. Auchincloss Dirt Spilled A t Council Pay Tribute To Seeks Re-election Ban To Palestine The Boy Scouts Aids War Fund Drive To Enter Name Meeting, But Literally In May Primary £. Donald Sterner' to Move In This Country To Secure Children To Make Posters Congressman James C. Auchln- Talk About Scouts clon today announced that he Solons, Up To Their Ears Assistance From Congress Advertising Coining Drive would be a candidate for re-elec- At Today's Meeting tion. He said he would enter his In Hubbs Case, Get Surprise name In the primary election May A seminar on the »ubjeot of the This !» Boy Scout Week, and the Junior Red Cross members in The vice chairman further ex- 16, when Republicans will nomin- the county public and parochial plained that the Juniors will not be Ths old saying, "People who llv» Chamberlain White Paper was cop Boy Scouts Again Red Bank Rotary club will give it ate a candidate for congress f rod I \]17 A P in glass houses shouldn't throw ducted Sunday at the Hotel, Ait- recognition by having E. Donald schools are participating in a coun- asked to solicit or donate any the Third district, He was first • " *>** stones," has always been a favorite man at Asbury Park. The seminar Sterner of Belmar, president of ty-wide poster contest being con- money for the war fund, but they elected to Congress In 1912, the first saying of ours, as well as the Bibli- was sponsored by the Monmouth Go Over The Top Monmouth Council of the Boy ducted by the war fund offices of will be asked to give their services. Republican to serve the Third dis- cal adjunct, "Let him who ii with- County Emergency Committee for Scouts of America, as guest speak- the county Ked Cross chapter for Arrangements are being made to trict since 1930. Office Staff out sin cast the first stone," al- Faleatine, and vu presided over er at today's luncheon meeting. He posters to be used to advertise the have the juniors assist the Red j by David GoldBtein. chairman. In Paper Drive coming war fund drive which Cross branch officers as messen-1 though, frankly, we have often The morning ee»«ion was devoted will address the Rotarians on the opens March 1., The contest opened, gers and to help deliver supplies to Does Many Jobs wondered why anybody should want to the historical background of Boy Scouts' activities in this coun- Monday and will close Washing- Red Cross volunteers who will so- to cast stones about indiscrimi- Palestine up to the time of the- Householders Are ty. ton's birthday. licit'money for the drive. nately, regardless of the coiutmoJ Chamberlain White Paper of 1839, Next Thursday the scheduled Women Aid Both tlon of their houses, or whether speaker is Major Roger Powers of Mrs. Stanley M. Boyd, vice chair- they are as pure as the driven snow • which would bar further immigra- Urged to Tie Bundles man of Junior Red Cross activities Monmouth county schools will i tion of Jews Into Palestine after the U. 8. Marines. Major Powers display the Red Cross flag daily j Army and Navy With or steeped In sin. will give a talk on his experiences in connection .with the war fund, March of this year. For Easy Handling said "The war fund office has asked during March. School principals j Your reporter who regularly COT- Dr. Joachim Prinz conducted at Guadalcanal and Bougainville. will name pupils to serve as Red j Recruiting Work ers the doings of the Red- Bank He has just returned from 18 the Junior Red Cross to make pos- Ihis portion of the seminar, and ters for them to advertise our com- Cross flag guards to hang out the! borough- council was jarred into stated emphatically that the White The third Saturday devoted by months in the Pacific and the Ro- flag daily. All schools not having this bit of profound thinking by an tarians are sure of a very interest- ing drive, and wo have full confi- The WAC recruiting office in the Paper was the result of the Cham the local groups of Boy Scouts to dence that the art teachers and a Red Cross flag will receive one basement of the Red Bank post- incident that occurred at the ses- berlaln appeasement policy and the gathering of newspapers and ing- talk. from the war fund office. • ; office building is a busy place, not sion Monday night. In order to magazines was the best ever, the The AIR-WAC team of Lieut. juniors will furnish the posters we that Winston Churchill, the pres- need, on or before February 22. A Yesterday the war fund officials only doing'WAC recruiting but as- better describe what occurred at ent Prime Minister, spoke openly boys collecting' in the aggregate of William F. Stewart and Lieut. Ce- sisting with the recruiting of avia- this gathering of the borough sol- nearly 50 tons. Five trucks were celia Kenney was a tremendous prize of War stamps, given by an received a contribution of $5 from against the same In the House of anonymous friend of Junior Red pupils of the Keansburg school. tion cadets, giving tests for that ons, we must first Impart a little Commons when it was adopted in kept busy practically all last' Sat- ] success at last week's meeting. Cross, will be awarded to Hie win- The class, taught by Miss Kathryn branch of the service and giving background Information and relate 1939. Dr. Prlnz said he held great urday afternoon hauling; the salv- Lieut. Kenney Introduced Lieut. out general Information regarding a bit of modern history, so we hop* hopes for the abrogation ol the Stewart, pilot of a B-25 bomber, ners. Prize winning posters will •Williams, collected waste paper age material to the Richmond ga- be^exhlbited in various communi- and sold It. They voted to use this all branches of the service to both that the reader will bear with iu White Paper and for the ultimate rage on Chestnut street , near who has 50 combat missions in the men and women. All these jobs while we try to set the scene. establishment of a Jewish National Mediterranean area to his credit. ties immediately following Wash- money as a gift to the war fund to Bridge avenue, where a representa- birthday." help our soldiers In the Army. were formerly handled by men of The countenance of Councilman homeland. tive of the Homeslte corporation of This veteran, who is about 20 years the respective units. Thomas M. Gopsill, chairman of the Dr. Prinz stated: "The Jews have Trenton, to whom the paper is sold, of age, said he was sent overseas to The local recruiting office is in borough hall committee, beamefl been a homeless people for 2,000 superintended the baling and sort- Tobruk In December, 1942. This charge of Lt. Phyllis McGehee, who Monday night as he sat at one of years, and Jt is the very homeless- ing of the material. was just after the victory of the joined the WACS as a private. Her the two new conference tables, just ness of the race that la In Itself The coming Saturday being Lin- Britlslvat El Alemain and his out- Church Women Plan husband, Lt. Col. James L. McGe- Installed In the council chamber, a cause for anti-semltlBm. Once coln's birthday, the boys are mak- fit wai, assisting them on their hee, Is serving with the Fifth Army and glanced over the large audience Palestine 1» definitely established ing an extra effort to do a still bet- drive against the Mareth line. He EEP. J. C. AUCHINCLOSS. in Italy. Lt. McGehee was living at that had come to discuss the Hubbs as a Jewish homeland, antl-semlt- ter job, as one of the hoys stated, described his first night raid and Schofleld barracks In Hawaii at the "junkyard" matter. Well might h» Ism, to a great extent, will disap- "We've only scratched the surface." told of the bomb bursts, the vari- 1944-45 Program The New Jersey representative time...oiMj?earl Harbor, and was feel pleased with himself and th* pear." He says there are tons and tons of colored "flak" exploding around the issued the following statement: evacuated to this country ahead of world In general. Not only had th* After an intermission for lunch scrap paper in Red Bank and vi- bombers, and the sense of unreality I am Elad to consent to the re- her husband. In Hawaii she con- new, shiny tables been Installed In the afternoon session, under the cinity which sould be salvaged if it brought him. After the Germans quests of my many friends that I ducted kindergarten classes at time for the meeting, but the prom- guidance of A. Revuaky, an out- again run for tho cilice of Repre- Girl the housewives and others having were cleared out of North Africa, sentative from the Third Congres- fchoueld, and was active in ise he had made to the reporters standing economist and author of this waste would make It available | he partlcpated ID the Pantelleria "The Lord's Song In A Scout some time ago that they would b* many work* on Palestine, took sional district of New Jersey and work there, as well as in this to the scouts.