
Easter Sunday

4 April 2021

“Hope reborn, love that lives”

Minister: Rev Dr Margaret Mayman

Music: The Affinity String Quartet, Bruno Siketa (Trumpet) & Rhys Boak (Organ)

Cantor: Jesika Clark

Welcome to St Michael’s

St Michael’s is a vibrant, progressive, inclusive church with a long tradition of nurturing the spiritual well-being of the human person and working for the common good in society. We are proud of our independent spirit; seeking continually to discover new ways to understand faith and to demonstrate it in our lives, and in the heart of the city.

As part of the Uniting Church in Australia, St Michael’s is committed to involvement in social and national affairs. We hold foundational Christian values of the importance of every human being, the need for integrity in public life and concern for the welfare of the whole human race irrespective of race, creed, gender, sexuality, status or age.

Office Bearers

Church Council Chair: Laura Beckett Deanery III: Contact and Care Treasurer: Ian Cox Dean: Lyndell O’Brien Secretary: Maree McDonald Deputy Dean: Joy Arnot

Deanery I: Household Deanery IV: Programs Dean: Peter Anderson Dean: Lorraine Woolley Deputy Dean: Jack Morgan Deputy Dean: Val Gill

Deanery II: Church Services Culture of Safety Contact Person Dean: Graeme Adamson (Keeping Children Safe) Deputy Dean: Albert Phillips Val Gill

Organist & Manager of Music Rhys Boak

St Michael’s Uniting Church Office

♥ Open hearts. Open minds. Open doors! ♥


♥ Open hearts. Open minds. Open doors! ♥

While the coronavirus pandemic continues, Sunday Gatherings will be offered Online and at the Church.

Links for the Online Gathering http://www.stmichaels.org.au/ https://www.youtube.com/playlist/SundayatStMichaels


Mark Harris, 20th century “Is the resurrection real? If we believe in a creative power that shatters the icy tomb of winter with the life-giving miracle of spring, we have seen a resurrection. If we believe in a creative power which moves tens and then tens of thousands of people to cry against the injustices of society, enabling the downfall of hatred and prejudice, then we have created a resurrection. If we believe in a creative power within each human breast which enables us to break the bonds of personal pain and know the hope of new tomorrows, then we have experienced a resurrection.”

Arundhati Roy, 21st century “Not only is another world possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.”

Willa Cather, Death Comes for the Archbishop, 20th century “Miracles… seem to me to rest not so much upon… healing power coming suddenly near us from afar but upon our perceptions being made finer, so that, for a moment, our eyes can see and our ears can hear what is there around us always.”

Mary Gordon, 21st century “For me the meaning of the Resurrection is the possibility of possibility. The great perhaps. Perhaps: the open-endedness that gives the lie to death. That opens up the story.”“For me the meaning of the Resurrection is the possibility of possibility. The great perhaps. Perhaps: the open-endedness that gives the lie to death. That opens up the story.”

Frederick Buechner, 20th century “It has always struck me as remarkable that when the writers of the four Gospels come to the most important part of the story they have to tell, they tell it in whispers. The part I mean, of course, is the part about the resurrection.”

Easter Morning by James Janknegt



Cantors Jesika Clark, Christopher Watson & Georgia Wilkinson

Musicians Georgia Wilkinson (Soprano), The Nuovo Quartet & Rhys Boak (Harpsichord & Organ)

Music for Reflection “Rejoice Greatly” from “” - G.F. Handel (1685-1759) Georgia Wilkinson( Soprano), The Nuovo Quartet & Rhys Boak (Harpsichord)

Postlude Toccata in D major – Marcel Lanquetuit (1894-1985) Rhys Boak (Organ)

Liturgy Variations On some Sundays, there may be an additional reading or hymn included in the service that is held at the church.

Next Sunday @ St Michael’s Online Second Sunday of Easter – 11 April “Touch and See” Rev Dr Margaret Mayman Music: Dr Elyane Laussade (Piano), The Nuovo Quartet led by Susannah Ng & Rhys Boak (Organ)



The candles are lit. The chimes call the hour of worship. The people stand, as they are able, as the Bible is carried in.


Acknowledgement of Country & Welcome Rev Dr Margaret Mayman Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, wherever you have come from, wherever you are going to; whatever you believe, whatever you do not believe; you are welcome here.

The Spirit of God has long dwelled with the First Peoples of this ancient land. We acknowledge the traditional owners of this place; recognising that land was taken from them without consent, treaty or compensation. We acknowledge the Wurundjeri and Boon Wurrung peoples of the Kulin Nation, and pay respect to their elders. We stand with them in their quest for justice and recognition.

Gathering Words We look with uncertainty beyond the old choices for clear-cut answers to a softer, more permeable aliveness which is every moment at the brink of death; for something new is being born in us if we but let it. We stand at a new doorway, awaiting that which comes… daring us to be human creatures, vulnerable to the beauty and fragility of existence, learning to love.

Hymn Jesus Christ is risen today Cantor: Jesika Clark


Jesus Christ is risen today: Alleluia! Let the joyful people say: Alleluia! Christ has shared our earthly life: Alleluia! Conquered death to end our strife: Alleluia!

Pow'rs of death have had their day: Alleluia! Earthly rulers have no sway: Alleluia! Nothing more to fear have we: Alleluia! Those who trust in Christ are free: Alleluia!

Sharing in Christ's death, we rise: Alleluia! Soar like eagles to the skies: Alleluia! Finding mercy, we forgive; Alleluia! Off'ring up our lives, we live: Alleluia!

Glory be to God on high: Alleluia! Let the whole creation cry: Alleluia! Let the name of Christ be sung: Alleluia! Ev'ry-where, by ev'ry tongue: Alleluia! Words: Ruth C. Duck (1947-) Tune: Easter Hymn and Alleluias Later form of melody from 'Lyra Davidica', 1708

LIGHTING THE CHRIST CANDLE Aware that the power of resurrection has forever changed who we are, and given us the courage to boldly proclaim a living faith. Today we celebrate: new life, new joy, new possibilities. We give thanks for the Spirit of Life visible in Jesus, visible in us, visible in people in all walks of life. The candle is lit

On this glad morning we celebrate that the powers of despair and destruction do not have the final word. That new life breaks out. That love is stronger than death. That nothing can stop the life, hope, vision, and love of Easter people. The radiance of the Easter flowers remind us that new life, new beginnings, are possible, come summer sun or winter chill.

The Easter candle reminds us that the violence has not overwhelmed us, that the flame of the Risen Christ can still rekindle the embers in us all. Sacred Energy, in whom we live and move and have our being, today we proclaim that death cannot will not have the final word. Love breaks out: healing, creating, embracing; inviting us to build a community of equals where all are valued, honoured and cherished. Amen.


“Do not be alarmed; you are looking for Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He has been raised; he is not here. Look, there is the place they laid him.” Mark 16:6 The God of freedom is overcoming captivity. God is hope overcoming despair. God is love overcoming hate. We raise our eyes to see the sacred source of life and love as the new day dawns. Amen.

Prayer of Awareness

JESUS’ PRAYER God, you are life for us, Holy be your name. Your new day come, Your will be done On earth as in your vision. Give us this day our bread for the morrow; And forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. Strengthen us in the time of test, And deliver us from evil. For the power and the splendour and the fulfilment are yours, Now and forever. Amen.

Sharing a Sign of Peace May the Peace of Divine Presence be with you this Easter Day! And also with you.


Gospel: Mark 16: 1-8 Rev Clare Brockett For faith seeking understanding, We give thanks.

Music for Reflection “The Morning Star” – (b. 1956) This work is inspired by the historical event of the blind J.S. Bach receiving his eyesight back shortly before death, and on seeing the morning star then writing a cantata in gratitude. Above all, it is a piece about hope and about gratitude. It was written by the celebrated contemporary Adelaide based composer, Graham Koehne. The Affinity String Quartet


Contemporary reading “I am sorry I ran from you,” by Annie Dillard

I am sorry I ran from you. I am still running, running from that knowledge, that eye, that love from which there is no refuge. For you meant only love, and I felt only fear, and pain. So once in Israel love came to us incarnate, stood in the doorway between two worlds, and we were all afraid.

For the word that was in the beginning, For the word that invites and inspired, For the word embodied in us. We give thanks.

Reflection “Hope reborn, love that lives”

Music for Reflection Divertimento in D Major K136, Allegro - W.A. Mozart (1756-1791) It was said by the English essayist, art and music critic, Walter Pater (1839-1894) that all art aspires to the condition of music. Some have further commented that all music aspires to Mozart. In Mozart’s short life of just 35 years, his contribution to music, and through music to Christianity has been profound. This joyful work helps us to reflect on the hope and optimism that is inherent in the Easter narrative. The Affinity String Quartet


Prayers of the People In thanksgiving and solidarity

Offering As people seeking to live in right relation, we look for a gentler humanity, a kinder world: with our money and our hearts, with our minds and with every good intention, this is our prayer. Amen.


Hymn Now the green blade rises

Now the green blade rises from the buried grain, Wheat that in the dark earth, many days has lain; Love lives again; that with the dead has been: Love is come again, like wheat that springs up green.

In the grave they laid him, Love whom Power had slain, Thinking that never, he would wake again, Laid in the earth, like grain that sleeps unseen: Love is come again, like wheat that springs up green.

Forth Life came at Easter, like the risen grain, Christ who for three days, in the grave had lain; Now from the dead, the Risen One is seen: Love is come again, like wheat that springs up green.

When our hearts are saddened, grieving or in pain, By your touch you call us, back to life again; Fields of our hearts, that dead and bare have been: Love is come again, like wheat that springs up green.

Words: John Macleod Campbell Crum (1872-1958) alt. Tune: Noël Nouvelet French traditional carol melody harm. the Iona Community


Welcome to the Table The bread is gluten-free and the wine is unfermented grape juice.

Prayer of Thanksgiving The Divine Presence is here. The Spirit is with us. Open your hearts. We open them to the Sacred. Let us give thanks to God who is Wisdom and Love. We give thanks in joyful praise.


We praise you, God of the loving heart, for creating all things seen and unseen, for making us in your image, and for seeking us when we turn away.

We thank you for being known to us in Jesus the Human One, who was faithful even to death on a cross, who lives among us still as Christa/Community.

Through the power of your Spirit, open our eyes to the Risen One present among us in the breaking of the bread, Draw us into communion with you and one another that we may be signs of your love in this broken world, as we anticipate the coming of your reign of justice and peace. To you, Eternal Source, with Embodied Wisdom and the Spirit of Love be glory and honour now and forever.

The Story On the night before Jesus died, as he shared a meal with friends, Jesus took some bread, and set aside some wine, honouring the God of faithful presence in the ordinary of life.

He gave thanks for all the blessings in his life. Broke the bread. Poured out the wine. And shared both with his friends.

We break bread as Jesus broke bread, mindful of the call to love generously and faithfully, whatever the cost.

We pour out wine mindful of our responsibility to be bearers of forgiveness, creators of justice and understanding.

Holy God, let your Spirit well up in us and in these gifts of bread and wine, that we may be filled with hope for the journey. Amen.

Sharing bread and wine The bread of life. The cup of blessing Amen. Amen.

Prayer After Communion



Hymn We shall go out with hope of resurrection

We shall go out with hope of resurrection, We shall go out, from strength to strength to go on. We shall go out and tell our stories boldly, Tales of a love that will not let us go.

We’ll sing our song of wrongs that can be righted. We’ll dream our dreams of hurts that can be healed. We’ll weave a cloth of all the world united Within the vision of a Christ who sets us free.

We’ll give a voice to those who have not spoken. We’ll find the words for those whose lips are sealed. We’ll make the tunes for those who sing no longer, Vibrating love alive in every heart.

We’ll share our joy with those who are still weeping. Chant hymns of strength for hearts that break in grief. We’ll leap and dance the resurrection story Including all within the circles of our love. Words: Jane Parker Huber (1926-2008) Tune: Londonderry Air Traditional


Blessing Go… to live well to forgive generously to create peace and justice.


Go... with the love of God enfolding you, the peace of Jesus Christ within you, and the breath of the Holy Spirit inspiring your life.

Sung Amen

African-American spiritual Arr. N. T. Johnson

Postlude Toccata in D major – Marcel Lanquetuit (1894-1985) This memorable organ toccata, unlike no other, was written by the then 33 year old French organist, Marcel Lanquetuit in 1927. It is dedicated to the blind French organist, Marcel Dupre. It’s jubilant nature has meant the work is often played on Easter Sunday. Rhys Boak (Organ)

Offerings Offerings to support the ministry and shared life of St Michael’s received with gratitude. In church, in addition to the offering boxes placed by the doors, you now have the opportunity to give electronically and securely in church at two Donation Points: one at the entrance on the corner of Collins and Russell, the other in the St Michael’s Walk Colonnade. To give, simply tap your credit or debit card, smartphone or wearable on the ‘tap and go’ device where indicated. Donations are set at $10. If you wish to give more, you can do so by tapping as many times as you like. Online there is a ‘Giving’ button with instructions for online giving. A downloadable donation form is also available. Cheques may be mailed to St Michael’s Office. Online banking: St Michaels Uniting Church. BSB: 083004. A/C: 515113338

Acknowledgements Gathering words based on the poem “We look with uncertainty,” Anne Hillman. Awakening the Energies of Love. www.annehillman.net. Prayer of Awareness by Bruce Sanguin from If Darwin Prayed, p. 73. Lord’s Prayer Paraphrase. David B. Royer and Jonathan C. Nelson in Ruth C. Duck, ed. Flames of the Spirit. “I am sorry I ran from you,” Annie Dillard. Teaching a Stone to Talk: Expeditions and Encounters. “Jesus Christ is risen today”. Words: Ruth C. Duck. Tune: Easter Hymn and Alleluias. Later form of melody from 'Lyra Davidica', 1708 “Now the green blade rises”. Words: John Macleod Campbell Crum. alt. Tune: Noël Nouvelet. French traditional carol melody, harm. the Iona Community


“We shall go out in hope of resurrection”. Words: Jane Parker Huber. Tune: Londonderry Air. Traditional. Hymns are printed and streamed with permission. Church Copyright License (CCL): 261070 and Church Streaming License (CSL): 569311

Guest Musicians in Church The Affinity String Quartet Since winning the ANAM Chamber Music Competition in their inaugural year, Affinity Quartet has established itself as one of Australia’s leading string quartets. Their international touring has included critically acclaimed performances in Europe at the Amsterdam String Quartet Biennale, Festival Les Voix Intimes Belgium, Fondazione Cini Venice, Mirabell Palace Salzburg; and in the UK at St Martin-in-the-Fields, Southbank Centre, City Music Society, and Prussia Cove International Musicians Seminar. The quartet is known for innovative programs traversing the string quartet’s diverse history, including Australian commissions, world premières by Jack Symonds, Matt Laing and Darrin Archer (AU), and Australian premières of the complete string quartets of Leos Janáček and Pavel Haas; and Sir Andrzej Panufnik. Affinity has been a featured ensemble in Melbourne’s underground classical series Play On Music, and ensemble-in- residence at Shepparton Festival, Kennedy Nolan Architects, and 75 On Reid. In 2021 Affinity Quartet presents two Melbourne Recital Centre programs featuring premières by two Australian composers and a collaboration with London-based mezzo soprano Lotte Betts-Dean. The quartet’s studies in Europe and the UK have included mentorships with Thomas Adès (IMS Prussia Cove), Prof. Rainer Schmidt (Hagen Quartet), Prof. Heime Müller (Artemis Quartet), Joel Krosnick (Juilliard Quartet), John Myerscough (Doric Quartet), Isabel Charisius (Alban Berg Quartet), Oliver Wille and William Coleman (Kuss Quartet), Brodsky Quartet members, Krzysztof Chorzelski (Belcea Quartet), Richard Ireland (Chilingirian Quartet). Affinity musicians bring considerable experience from previous ensembles including Flinders Quartet, Syzygy, Momentum Ensemble, ACO Inspire Quartet, as well as holding Principal and Contract roles with Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, Orchestra Victoria, Chamber Opera, Sydney Symphony Orchestra, Australian Chamber Orchestra and Australian World Orchestra.

Bruno Siketa began playing the trumpet in 1988 while attending Geelong College on a music scholarship. He obtained Bachelor of Music performance at the Victorian College of the Arts, studying with Robert Sims, Anthony Pope and Geoffrey Payne. During his studies he performed in masterclasses with Hakin Hardenberger, David Staff, and Geoffrey Payne. In 2002 he was appointed Sub-principal trumpet in the Auckland Philharmonia and performed there for two years. Since 2003 Bruno has performed as guest principal trumpet in The Queensland Orchestra, Melbourne Symphony Orchestra and Adelaide Symphony Orchestra. Also, as casual trumpet in the West Australian Symphony Orchestra and Orchestra Victoria. In 2004 he performed the 2nd Brandenberg Concerto on tour with Mozart Orchestra. He toured China and performed as principal trumpet with the Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra in 2006. Bruno has played extensively with brass bands such as Dalewool Auckland and Hawthorn Brass Band and is a continuing member of Melbourne Tramways Band. He has also recorded for Melbourne-based singer/songwriter Georgia Fields, Pyramid, and toured with renown vocalist Patrizio Buanne. Bruno has recorded and premiered many new Australian works as a member of the Raga Dolls Salon Orchestra including the concerto Photo Album, which he performed in 2011 as the cornet soloist. In 2010 Bruno performed a solo recital at the Music at the Basilica Festival, performing works with organ and in 2011 performed with soprano Judith Dodsworth. He also performed solo recitals at the Organs of the Ballarat Goldfields festival in 2012 and 2014. He appears regularly at St Michael’s Uniting Church in Melbourne, performing solo trumpet works with organ. He recently


performed new works by Australian and other contemporary composers including the Australian premiere of Harrison Birtwistle’s Endless Parade with the Arcko Symphonic Project. He has also taken part in the Australian National Academy of Music concerts under the direction of distinguished artists such as and Michael Collins, performing new works by Anthony Pateras and James Ledger.

Guest Musician Online Georgia Wilkinson With over 14 years of experience performing, Georgia Wilkinson is making a name for herself as one of Australia’s most versatile young sopranos. Since beginning her classical voice training at the Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School, Georgia has progressively built her repertoire of operatic and musical theatre credits. Companies she has worked with include Victorian Opera, Left Bauer Productions, Gippsland Opera, Weimar Lyric Opera Studio (Germany) and Gertrude Opera. Georgia has had the pleasure of performing alongside some of Australia’s most celebrated and illustrious artists, including Yvonne Kenny, , , Sylvie Paladino, Roy Best, Kahmahl, and James Morrison. She also works regularly with Teddy Tahu Rhodes.In addition to opera, Georgia has also taken on many musical theatre roles. These include the roles of Christine in Phantom of the Opera, Belle in Beauty and the Beast, and Maria in West Side Story. For her impressive musical theatre performances, Georgia has been recognised with a Guild Award and four Lyrebird Awards. Georgia graduated from the University of Melbourne’s Conservatorium of Music with a Bachelor of Music and has studied opera abroad in Italy, Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States. Georgia’s studies in London and New York, where she had the opportunity to learn from some of the world’s most renowned vocal coaches, were supported by grants from the Ian Potter Foundation and the Australia Council for the Arts. Through her operatic career, Georgia has received various awards, including ‘Opera Scholar of the Year’ through the illustrious Opera Scholars Australia program and first place in the Ringwood Aria Competition. She was the youngest Opera Scholar of the Year and Robert Salzer Voice Awardee. Georgia’s career highlights of 2018 included being a part of Victorian Opera’s 2018 Young Artist program, performing in Gertrude Opera’s Yarra Valley Opera Festival, performing on her first Bravo Cruise: Radience of the Seas, and being featured in Sydney’s in December 2018 (televised on Channel Seven) as one of Australia’s finest upcoming opera singers.2019 has seen Georgia perform in Victorian Opera’s Parsifal, become a young artist with Gertrude Opera, star in her 5th Opera by the Lakes, perform at Sydney Town Hall, present the title role in Victorian Opera's Alice Through the Opera Glass, and perform at Opera Under the Stars in Broome. She will soon be stepping onto the stage of Hamer Hall for the first time in Concert Work's production of Jekyll and Hyde starring Anthony Warlow, before taking part in 's production of Turandot. On October 23rd, Georgia won Australia's prestigious Herald Sun Aria competition.

The Nuovo Quartet The Nuovo Quartet is a quartet made up of players from various professional ensembles and came together for the very first time to record music especially for our online services at St. Michael’s. The members of the quartet are Susannah Ng (Leader / Violin), Zoe Black (Violin), Ceridwen Davies (Viola) and Josephine Vains (Cello).



Sunday Services @ St Michael’s Church Second Sunday of Easter – 11 April “Touch and See” Rev Dr Margaret Mayman Music: Dr. Kim Tan (Flute) & Rhys Boak (Organ & Piano) Sunday Gatherings @ St Michael’s – In Church

St Michael’s has a Victorian Government QR Code which you can scan, or alternatively a Welcomer will record your name and phone number. Collection of this information is required by law. It will be only ever be used for COVID tracing. When entering St Michael’s, please say hello to a Welcomer, scan the QR code or check -in. St Michael’s COVID-Safe requirements remain in effect. Please read before visiting.

Sunday Gatherings @ St Michael’s – Online Online Gatherings will continue for the foreseeable future. Links to videos, orders of service and the latest eNews are on the front page of our website.


After service morning tea. We will be serving tea and coffee in the hall after the morning service. We will be following strict COVID-19 safety rules. Please join us on this special occasion for tea or coffee and conversation.

Contact and Care We have a team of members of Contact and Care and Church Council who are each keeping in touch with a group of people by telephone, to keep the important lines of communication open. If you would like to have someone get in touch with you for a chat, please contact the St Michael’s office and leave your phone number or email address. The members of the Contact and Care Team are also available to talk with, or assist people, who are experiencing difficult times for any reason. All matters remain confidential. Lyndell O’Brien: Dean of Contact and Care Joy Arnot: Deputy Dean

Prayer Tree We are a group within the Contact and Care team, here to support you during difficult times. We extend a commitment to pray for yourself, or someone known to you, who is facing personal challenges. All requests are treated with confidentiality, sensitivity and respect. Kindly ask permission from the person/persons concerned, if the prayer support is not for yourself. To request the care of The Prayer Tree group, please contact the St.Michael’s office. (9654 5120). Kindly ask for your first name and phone no. be passed on to Catherine Jones, The Prayer Tree leader. Having spoken with you, she will communicate your concern to the rest of the group. If you already have Catherine’s details, you can contact her directly.


‘It is really beautiful, when someone prays for you, without you knowing. It is the highest form of respect and care’ Meanwhile, please join us, as we continue to pray for the worlds COVID situation. You are also invited to light a candle at dusk, placing it in a safe window location, as a sign of solidarity and hope. Catherine Jones, Prayer Tree Leader

Pastoral Care Our minister, Rev Dr Margaret is available for pastoral care meetings by phone. Please phone the office to arrange a time for Margaret to call.

Car Parking The Grand Hyatt has reopened to the public. Validation ticket discount reducing Sunday rate to $7 subject to conditions: a) Tickets will be valid for use on Sundays only between the hours of 6am and 5pm, b) Tickets will allow for $7 discount for a maximum of 5 hours after which it will revert to the standard weekend rate of $10. An alternative car park option: AC DC Garage –14-128 Flinders Street, Melbourne 3000 Entry 113 Flinders Lane (between Exhibition and Russell Streets). Park on the Ground Floor and walk through the lane to Collins Street. Fee: $10.00. Enter after 5:00am | Exit before 5:00am next day .

St Michael’s Social Media https://www.facebook.com/stmichaelsmelbourne/


Podcast www.soundcloud.com/stmichaelsunitingchurch


St Michael’s Zoom Connect In 2021, Zoom Connect replaces Zoom Cuppa and Zoom Chat, connecting our online and in-person church communities. Zoom Connect is hosted by different members of Council and Congregation. Everyone is very welcome. When: Mondays 12, 19 & 26 April | 3.30pm to 4.15pm Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/99711619380?pwd=VFV6VkFtbEZ3MjRLODlkbGphS1hRQT09 Meeting ID: 997 1161 9380 Passcode: 608261 One tap mobile: +61280156011,,99711619380# Australia +61370182005,,99711619380# Australia

Mingary The Mingary Counselling Service offers appointments for counselling and Vocational Assessments via telephone and Zoom. For more information, please see our website at www.mingarycounselling.org.au. To make an appointment, please call the St Michael's office on 9654 5120.