Design Design Ofof Forest Forest Riparian
Ire in ~-714). Vildlife Design of Forest Riparian Buffer Strips for the Protection of Water Quality: ve Analysis of Scientific Literature 1 J A i! Idaho Forest, Wildlife and Range Policy Analysis Group Report No.8 by George H. Belt,l Jay Q'Laughlin,2 and e, Troy Merrill3 June 1992 1 Professor of Forest Resources, College of Forestry, Wildlife and Range Sciences, University ofIdaho, Moscow, ID 83843. :: Director, Idaho Forest, Wildlife and Range Policy Analysis Group, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID 83843. from 3 Research Assistant, -Idaho Forest, Wildlife and Range Policy Analysis Group, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID 83843. - -------~--------- Acknowledgements ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The efforts of the Technical Advisory Committee, listed below, are gratefully acknowledged These individuals provided guidance on the design of the plan for this study, and provided techn review of the final draft of the report. Dr. C. Michael Falter Lyn Morelan Professor of Fisheries, and Head Boise National Forest Department of Fish & Wildlife Resources Boise, Idaho University of Idaho (Chair, Idaho Forest Practices Act Advisory Committee) Dr. Robert L. Mahler Professor, Department of Soil Science Dale McGreer University of Idaho Potlatch Corporation Lewiston. Idaho Dr. Roy Mink (Member, Idaho Forest Practices Act Professor of Geology, and Director Advisory Committee) Idaho Water Resources Research Institute University of Idaho John T. Heimer Fishery Staff Biologist Idaho Department of Fish and Game Boise, Idaho One other individual provided technical review of the fmal draft of the report: Dr. Kenneth J. Raedeke Research Associate Professor of Wildlife Biology College of Forest Resources University of Washington i , , I J, Table of Coments .~1 ----------------------------------~----------"-'------------------------ I Acknowledgements ........•.
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