It is an honor to be your new representative on the Board of Supervisors and represent District 2 - the neighborhood where I grew up and the neighborhood where my wife Liz and I are raising our children. As I stated throughout my campaign, it is in the neighborhoods where I truly believe we see the heart and soul of our great City and I vow to be a steward of our District 2 neighborhoods in City Hall and to report back to you on a regular basis.

These first few months in City Hall have been an amazing experience – eye-opening, challenging, frustrating and inspiring all at once. I have been spending long hours at City Hall to ensure that our office hits the ground running, and we have made an incredible amount of progress already. In my first meeting at the Board of Supervisors alone we voted to appoint Ed Lee as Interim Mayor, and Mayor Lee has been a great partner in City Hall and I believe a large part of the reason the tone of City Hall has changed from last year.

My priorities in 2011 include three main components: (1) focusing on local issues in the neighborhoods of District 2, (2) cutting government waste in City Hall and (3) creating jobs and promoting economic development. I have a number of specific policy goals under each bucket, and will be focusing on implementing them throughout the year.

I‟ll be sending out this newsletter quarterly so that you‟re updated on my work, community issues and ways that you can get involved. For more regular updates, visit my Facebook page and follow me on Twitter (@MarkFarrellSF). Feel free to contact my office at (415) 554-7752, or you can email me ([email protected]) or my aides Catherine Stefani (catherine.stefani@sfgov,org) and Margaux Kelly ([email protected])

My Office and Volunteer Opportunities My office is #280 on the second floor of City Hall. Always feel free to stop by and say hello. If you are interested in volunteering in our office anytime Monday-Friday 9-5pm, please contact my Legislative Aide Margaux Kelly at (415) 554-7752 or [email protected]

My Committee Assignments I have been assigned to the Government, Audit and Oversight Committee (GAO) and the Rules Committee. I am also serving on the Mayor‟s Disaster Council and the America‟s Cup Organizing Committee.


Upper Fillmore Neighborhood Commercial District – Lifting the Ban on New Restaurants

I am pleased to announce that my first piece of legislation to lift the restaurant ban in the Upper Fillmore Neighborhood Commercial District passed unanimously at the Board of Supervisors and became law on March 22, 2011. The restrictions on restaurants were put in place more than 20 years ago and clearly have become outdated, making it difficult to cater to the needs of the community. This legislation also provides that formula-retail restaurants (i.e. chain restaurants) cannot be permitted in the Neighborhood Commercial District. Currently, there are about ten vacant storefronts in the Upper Fillmore NCD - this legislation will help to stimulate more economic activity on the street while balancing both neighborhood and merchant concerns.

Thank you to Merchants Association and the Pacific Heights Residents Association for your collaboration and support on this effort.

Links to Recent News Articles on the Upper Fillmore Legislation: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2011/02/05/MNOR1HIU07.DTL http://www.sfexaminer.com/blogs/under-dome/2011/01/supervisor-mark-farrell-aims-lift- restaurant-ban-upper-fillmore http://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com/2011/01/28/tide-turns-in-favor-of-more-restaurants-in-san- francisco-commercial-districts/

Hearing on ’s Debt Structure

One of the reasons I ran for District 2 Supervisor was to confront the financial mess at City Hall. As I began my briefings in City Hall on our City‟s current budget deficit, I started to take a hard look at our City‟s debt structure, and become particularly concerned with the nearly $1.36 billion of non-voter approved debt which currently sits on our City‟s books in the form of Certificates of Participation (COPs).

Over the past decade, $100+ million in COPs have been issued by City Hall (again, without voter approval) to inappropriately fund both voter-rejected bond measures as well as routine maintenance city operations, such as filling our potholes and paving our streets. Simply put, it is financially irresponsible to issue long-term debt to fund these projects and masks the true cost of our City‟s government.

Despite the City‟s current economic problems, the use of COPs is bad public policy and fraught with potential for abuse. We are now paying over $5 million each year in interest payments alone on the $100 million portion of COP debt, which means less money is going towards key economic development programs and infrastructure projects that need funding. Bottom line: City Hall has been using COPs to kick the preverbal financial can down the road.

Through this practice, City Hall not only burdens future generations of San Franciscans, but we undermine confidence citizens have in City government and how we manage your money. That is why I have called for a hearing on San Francisco‟s debt structure which will take place on April 28th in City Hall. I have requested that the City Attorney‟s Office, the Controller‟s Office, the Mayor‟s Budget Office and the Board of Supervisors‟ Budget Analyst to appear before the Government, Audit and Oversight Committee to discuss the City‟s overall debt structure - we need to have a clear transparent dialogue with the public about what we are doing.

My goal is to create a secure financial future for San Francisco and setting a clear debt policy is an important step in that direction. The focus of this hearing will be on the legal basis for issuing non- voter approved COPs, the Board of Supervisors‟ past policy practice of issuing COPs, a comparative analysis on other large cities and their practice of issuing non-voter approved debt and a discussion on San Francisco‟s future debt policy.

After this hearing, I will look to introduce legislation to ensure City Hall can no longer issue non- voter approved debt to fund ongoing City maintenance operations.

Links to News Articles: http://www.sfexaminer.com/blogs/under-dome/2011/02/mark-farrell-zeroes-san-francisco-debt http://sfappeal.com/news/2011/02/supe-calls-for-hearing-on-non-voter-approved-debt.php


California Pacific Medical Center (CPMC)

The California Pacific Medical Center (CPMC), which provides health care for more than 40% of San Francisco patients, plans to build a new hospital on the corner of Van Ness and Geary at the old Cathedral Hill Hotel site. The current hospital design will consist of 555 beds combining both the California and Pacific campuses, which are also located in District 2. Plans for the Pacific campus include transforming it into an outpatient care center, and CPMC plans to sell the California campus in a few years. I am working to schedule community forums on CPMC‟s plans regarding the Pacific and California campuses and have been working to address concerns regarding CPMC‟s plans to build the new hospital.

There are two informational hearings coming up at the Planning Commission. The first is on April 28, 2011 to discuss the physical design of the proposed hospital at Van Ness and Geary. The second hearing is on May 12, 2011 to address the impacts on housing, workforce development issues and the development agreement that CPMC will enter into with the City to address concerns of all stakeholders. Finally, there will be a hearing at the Planning Commission on June 9, 2011 regarding certification of the DEIR (Draft Environmental Impact Report) and overall project approval.

I will continue to keep everyone updates on the progress of CPMC‟s plans and welcome all community input on these developments. www.RebuildCPMC.org

America’s Cup

On December 31, 2010, District 2‟s Golden Gate Yacht Club and the America‟s Cup Event Authority announced that the 34th America‟s Cup would be held in the San Francisco Bay. Besides an exciting world- class event for San Franciscans, this event provides an opportunity to boost our City‟s economy – it is estimated the event will create nearly 9,000 jobs and generate an estimated $1.4 billion in direct economic impact to our City and region. This will be the first time the America's Cup has been hosted in the United States since 1995.

The America‟s Cup is not just one race. It will consist of several races to be held in the San Francisco Bay in Summer-Fall of 2012 and Summer-Fall of 2013. The first set of races will take place in the summer of 2012 – known as the America‟s Cup (AC) World Series. This event will be the first time that the AC teams will be racing their new 72 foot catamarans. The following summer in 2013, the Louis Vuitton Cup will be held from June through August. The winner of this regatta will then go on to compete against the Golden Gate Yacht Club‟s Oracle Racing Team for the America's Cup starting in September 2013 and lasting through October 2013.

Planning and preparation for all of these events are underway and public input is necessary to ensure that neighborhood impacts are vetted and properly handled. I have already begun meetings with City staff to discuss my initial concerns about transportation, parking, etc. The City is in the process of preparing a Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR). The purpose of the DEIR is to provide information about significant physical environmental effects of the proposed project, to identify possible ways to minimize the significant effects and to describe and analyze possible alternatives to the proposed project. After the DEIR is published, the public will have an opportunity to comment.

My goal is to make sure that this is an event that everyone can talk about positively for years to come. As the planning progresses, I will work diligently to address the concerns of the community, our merchants, our neighbors and others to make certain the right questions are asked and vetted through the environmental review process. I look forward to taking an active role and working with neighbors, city officials and other agencies to make the 34th America‟s Cup a huge success. www.americascup.com

Marina Yacht Harbor Renovation

Just as the planning stages are beginning for the America‟s Cup, the San Francisco Marina West Harbor Renovation Project is about to enter its initial construction phase. The first phase is scheduled to launch in April 2011 and be completed by the end of 2011. The second phase is scheduled to begin in January 2012 and conclude in November 2012. The impacts of construction activities on harbor users, visitors and neighbors will vary throughout the construction phase. Information on pending construction activities and site disruptions will be made available in advance on the project website at www.sfmarina-renovate.org

The renovation of the yacht harbor is long overdue and has suffered from years of neglect. The Marina Yacht Harbor has the potential to be one of the most beautiful harbors in the world considering its location under the and its views of San Francisco‟s skyline. I am thrilled that its completion will coincide with the America‟s Cup race.

Golden Gate National Recreation Area Hearing: Off Leash Dogs in Federal Parks

April 11th, 1:00pm ~ , Committee Room 263 In response to a recent draft proposal by the Golden Gate National Recreation Area to restrict off-leash dog access in certain federal properties like , Ocean Beach, and , there will be a hearing at City Hall to explore the impact of these restrictions. We need to examine whether GGNRA's proposed restrictions will lead to an increase in off-leash dogs in City-owned parks, and how this increase could affect park use and cause operating challenges. I have been meeting with District 2 residents for the past month on this issue and will continue to do so through the hearings. http://www.nps.gov/goga/parkmgmt/dog-management.htm

Mountain Lake Park

Mountain Lake Park, one of the last two remaining natural lakes in San Francisco, was designated a toxic clean-up site by the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC), a department within the California Environmental Protection Agency. Mountain Lake is a spring-fed natural lake covering almost four acres located mostly in the southern portion of the Presidio. The lake is directly east of State Highway 1 just before the MacArthur Tunnel leading to the Golden Gate Bridge. The City and County of San Francisco own the adjacent hiking trails and the small beach in front of the lake.

As aptly described by the „Friends of Mountain Lake Park,‟ this lake is a focal point for the park. The playground and tennis courts look out on to the Lake, walking trails wrap around its shores, park users picnic along the shoreline and families feed ducks that swim in the lake. Mountain Lake has been impacted by stormwater roadway runoff from the adjacent also known as Highway 1 and has also been impacted by runoff from the Presidio Golf Course. Both the Presidio and Caltrans bear responsibility for cleaning up the lake and have been in litigation about the percentage of liability each party bears.

The good news is the litigation is coming to the close and the Presidio Trust is coming up with plans to clean-up the lake. I recently held a meeting in my office with representatives from the Presidio Trust, DTSC, the Recreation and Park Department and Friends of Mountain Lake Park to discuss clean-up alternatives and community involvement in the decision-making process. The Presidio Trust is currently preparing a remedial action plan, which is a public document with the opportunity for public comment. They will also be holding public workshops this summer to further discuss their plans. Our office will keep you posted on the progress and on opportunities to weigh in on this issue. We look forward to cleaning up the lake so that future generations can enjoy it for years to come. http://www.fmlp.org/


If all goes as planned, Target will be coming to District 2 at the old Mervyn‟s site located at Masonic and Geary in the Spring of 2013. I will be sure to keep you posted on the status and will inform you of any public hearings at the Planning Commission and at the Board of Supervisors.


Leona Bridges – Black History Month

I was proud to honor District 2 resident Leona Bridges as part of Black History Month in February of this year. Leona was recently confirmed by the Board of Supervisors as one of the Directors of the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency. She received a BA in Business Administration from San Francisco State University and a Master of Business Administration from Golden Gate University. She started her career in securities lending at Wells Fargo Investment Advisors. Once a hard working SF State commuter student, Leona put herself through school working evenings at Crocker Bank in San Francisco and became the managing director of the Global Index and Markets Group of Barclays Global Investor, one of the world‟s largest asset managers.

During her time at Barclays Global Investors, Leona was a securities lending trader, a global securities lending trading manager, a client relationship manager, a community relations officer and then managing director. Based in San Francisco, Leona has not forgotten her undergraduate years at SF State and the foundation that it gave her as she moved up the ladder of success. A love for education led Director Bridges to create an endowed scholarship in the College of Business to support economically and educationally disadvantaged students. The scholarship will benefits students who may one day follow Leona‟s remarkable career path and awards $500 per academic year to an undergraduate or graduate SFSU College of Business student who is economically/educationally disadvantaged and demonstrates academic excellence.

Leona is also very active in her community and participates in the “Feed the Homeless Program” at Providence Baptist Church with the SF Chapter of the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority. She is also part of the Alumni Advisory Council for Golden Gate University, a Board Member of the San Francisco State University Foundation, a Trustee with the American Baptist Seminary of the West, and a Board member with the West Bay Local Development Corporation. In addition, she is involved with the NAACP, the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority and the National Council of Negro Women.

Donna Huggins, Jan Berkekfeldt, Hans Baldauf –

In January of this year, the Palace of Fine Arts, reopened after a 7-year, $21 million renovation. The renovation would not have been possible without the leadership of Donna Huggins, Jan Berckefeldt, and Hans Baldauf. The Maybeck Foundation, led by Chairman of the Board Hans Baldauf, campaign chair Donna Ewald Huggins and Executive Director Jan Berckefeldt, drove the efforts to raise more than $16 million from 1,200 donors in support of the restoration project. As so many people know, Donna was the heart and soul of this project. Donna has also collected thousands of pieces of memorabilia from the 1915 San Francisco Panama-Pacific International Exposition and has displayed it for no fee for many years. Jan Berckefeldt, the Executive Director of the Maybeck Foundation, worked tirelessly to make this public-private partnership a success. Hans Baldauf‟s leadership was paramount during the restoration. I was honored to recognize them at the Board of Supervisors meeting on March 8, 2011.

Crystal Brown – Women’s History Month

March is nationally recognized as Women's History Month and each year the Board of Supervisors recognizes a courageous women leader from each district. For District 2, I was proud to recognize Crystal Brown for her work in helping drive the renovation of Moscone Playground; for her fundraising efforts for the Marina Library Campaign that provided books, computers and other resources critical to a well- functioning library; for her commitment to public education and Sherman Elementary School; and for founding Educate Our State, a parent-led campaign demanding high-quality education for all children in California. Visit www.educateourstate.org to learn more about this amazing non-profit. District 2 is truly lucky to have such a great woman and community leader.


Palace of Fine Arts Opening – January 14, 2011 After seven years, $21 million and a dynamic public/private partnership, the restoration of San Francisco‟s iconic Palace of Fine Arts is complete. Friends, neighbors and supporters of the Palace joined the Maybeck Foundation and city officials on Friday, January 14, 2011 for a ceremonial fence cutting and celebration. In coordination with the Maybeck Foundation, a talented team of city project managers, architects and engineers from both the San Francisco Recreation and Park Department and the Department of Public Works helped to carry out the City‟s vision of restoring the historic remnant from the 1915 Panama-Pacific Exposition.

The project was a public-private partnership between San Francisco and the nonprofit Maybeck Foundation and was funded by a combination of city and state funds and contributions from over 1,200 donors. The extensive overhaul of the Palace of Fine Arts included seismic upgrades, the addition of new entrances and pathways, the replacement of the rotunda floor and the roof of its dome, the stabilization of the lagoon, new landscaping and many other improvements. The 95-year old site is the only original structure left from the 1915 Panama Pacific International Exposition. Over the years, the palace has housed everything from art exhibits to trucks and jeeps during World War II. The Palace was not designed as a permanent structure and was originally built using plaster and chicken wire. It quickly began to decay and was rebuilt in the 1930s and again in the 1960s before the latest renovations began in 2003.

In the past seven years, the City and the Maybeck Foundation achieved an outstanding record of success by finishing four phases of the project in a timely manner. This partnership activated the community and is a model for other projects going forward. I actually grew up a block away from the Palace of Fine Arts and I am thrilled to see this historic landmark restored to its original beauty. I look forward to spearheading efforts to make certain the Palace is maintained for generations to come.

DPW Community Clean Team event – February 12, 2011

Speaking at the DPW kick-off event Planting trees with my father, son and daughter

DPW organizes volunteer driven clean up events every month in the City, focusing on a different district or two every event. On February 12th, 2011 we headed to Galileo High School to kick-off our District 2&3 clean up event. My family and I had a great day helping Dept. of Public Works clean-up and beautify the neighborhood. Thanks to all the volunteers who came out to help too! If you would like to request a particular site for the next clean-up event, please let our office know. Chinese New Year’s Parade – February 19, 2011

My family and I had a great night at the Parade. The rain held off and the kids had a blast throwing candy into the crowd and celebrating the year of the Rabbit. Started in the 1860s by the Chinese in San Francisco as a means to educate the community about their culture, the Parade and Festival have grown to be the largest celebration of Asian culture outside of Asia. Since 1958, the parade has been under the direction of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce. The parade featured gorgeous floats, elaborate costumes, ferocious lions, firecrackers, the

Surviving the rain with Chief of Police Jeff Godown newly crowned Miss Chinatown U.S.A and her court, and the spectacular 250‟ Golden Dragon at the end of the parade. Gung hay fat choy- Sun nien fai lok!

St. Patrick’s Day Parade – March 12, 2011

Our family at the St. Patrick‟s Day parade My son Jack giving a “Hi-5” to Mayor Lee

Our St. Patrick‟s Day Parade entourage Our friends and family at the parade

This was San Francisco‟s 160th Annual St. Patrick‟s Day Parade and Festival which drew thousands of people to the streets, and I was lucky to be accompanied by a number of family and friends. We had the largest stroller brigade around! This parade provides plenty of Irish history, cultural clichés, and a full day of fun and festivities, including live performances, arts, crafts, food and drinks. The event is definitely family friendly and I look forward to celebrating my family‟s Irish heritage for years to come.

Presidio Branch Library Opening – March 26, 2011

The Branch Library Improvement Program (BLIP), funded by the bond measure passed in November 2000 by the voters of San Francisco, calls for sixteen branches to be

Reading with my children at the Grand Opening Welcoming the neighborhood renovated, four leased facilities to be replaced with City-owned buildings, three branches to be replaced with new buildings, and one brand-new branch to be constructed in Mission Bay. The Presidio Branch Library has been fully remodeled and celebrated its grand reopening on Saturday, March 26, 2011.

Originally built in 1921 and designed by G. Albert Lansburgh, the Presidio Branch is a landmark Carnegie library and is now fully accessible, technologically updated and has been transformed into a state of the art library designed to serve the neighborhood for many more decades to come. The architecture team took great care to preserve the Italian-Renaissance-style landmark building, while bringing the facility into the 21st century in terms of energy conservation, accessibility to all users, and changes in library service.

Additional highlights include new accessible restrooms, system upgrades, new furnishings, more computers, new designated teen area, updated children‟s section with an interactive learning area, a refreshed books and materials collection, ergonomically designed staff work areas, and the refurbishment of the downstairs community meeting room. The Presidio Branch Library is located at 3150 Sacramento Street.

District 2 Neighborhood Branch Library Information and Events Marina – www.sfpl.org/marina Presidio – www.sfpl.org/presidio Golden Gate Valley – www.sfpl.org/goldengatevalley


5th Annual San Francisco International Chocolate Salon April 17, 2011 – 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Center The premier chocolate show on the West Coast takes place this Spring at the Fort Mason Center's Festival Pavilion. Chocolate aficionados, fanatics, buyers and journalists can experience the finest in artisan, gourmet and premium chocolate in one of the world's great culinary metropolitan areas. Prepare yourself for 50,000 square feet of chocolate, wine and confections. Joining this tasty salon event this year is the 1st Annual San Francisco Invitational Wine Salon Highlights include chocolate tasting, demonstrations, new product launches and flavor combinations, fair trade and organic offerings, chef and author talks, wine pairings, ongoing interviews by TasteTV's Chocolate Television program, and book signings. See the Salon website (www.sfchocolatesalon.com/)for a list of artisans, wineries, and other participants in this year's festivity. For more information call (415) 263-6800 or visit www.cafeandre.com.

Join the San Francisco Community Police Academy Begins April 19th, Tuesdays 6:30-9:30pm San Francisco Police Academy 350 Amber Drive, San Francisco CA 94131 The Community Police Academy is a 10-week program that meets once a week and is designed to inform and teach interested participants various aspects of municipal policing, including patrol and investigations procedures, vehicle operations, arrest and control techniques, firearm procedures and emergency communications. The Academy's goals are to develop community awareness through education and to develop a closer understanding and working relationship between the San Francisco Police Department and its communities. Members of the community are encouraged to join and learn about the San Francisco Police Department. We encourage high school students 15 and over to attend.

District 2 Town Hall Meeting with Mayor Lee Wednesday, April 20, 2011 – 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Claire Lilienthal School - located at 3630 Divisadero Street On April 20, 2011 Mayor Lee and I will co-host a budget town hall meeting to hear directly from San Franciscans about your budget priorities, concerns and ideas as the City faces a projected $380 million budget shortfall for Fiscal Year 2011-12.

This site is wheelchair accessible. To request real time captioning, a sign language interpreter or other accommodations for a disability, please contact Mabel Martinez at the Mayor's Office on Disability, 554-6789 or email [email protected]. Providing at least 72 hours advance notice will help to ensure availability. If because of a disability you are unable to attend the meeting in person and would like to participate by phone, please contact Mabel Martinez at the Mayor's Office on Disability, 554-6789 or email [email protected]. Your request will be part of the lottery of participants.

50th Anniversary Book Sale April 21, 2011 – April 24, 2011; Thursday-Sunday 10:00am-6:00pm Fort Mason Center Held at Fort Mason Center's Festival Pavilion, the 50th Anniversary Sale will feature over 250,000 books, DVDs, CDs, books on tape, vinyl and other forms of media. EVERYTHING is $3 or less, with a 3-2-1 scale: $3-hard cover books, $2-paperback books, $1-DVDs, CDs, books on tape, vinyl and other forms of media. All items remaining on Sunday will be $1 or less. For more information call (415) 626-7500 or visit www.friendssfpl.org

San Francisco International Film Festival (SFIFF) April 21, 2011 – May 5, 2011 Event Location: Castro Theater, Sundance Cinemas Kabuki Theatres and other venues. The 54th annual event is an extraordinary showcase of cinematic discovery and innovation. Since its inception in 1957, the SFIFF has hosted hundreds of prominent guests from Spike Lee to Bette Davis and presented almost 6,000 films from more than 120 countries to nearly two million filmgoers. Please visit www.sffs.org/events/index.html for more information. For more information call (415) 561-5000 or visit www.sffs.org.

San Francisco's 20th Annual Spring Celebration & Easter Parade Sunday, April 24, 2011 ~ Event 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM Parade begins at 2:00 PM ~Union Street ~ Gough to Fillmore I am thrilled to be the Grand Marshall in this year‟s Union Street Easter Parade. The 20th annual event celebrates and showcases the diverse community of San Francisco and features some of Union Street's best restaurants serving attendees in an outdoor bistro setting. A variety of children's and family activities are the focus of the event and include; large inflatable bounces, kids' rides and games, a climbing wall, a hands-on children's activities area, costumed characters, a petting zoo, a pony ride and entertainment from some of the Bay Area's best musicians. For the past 19 years the event has been known as the Biggest Little Parade in San Francisco. Over the years the parade has grown and in 2008 there were 45 units entered, all of which reflected the unique community of the Bay Area. This is a special event for the entire family.

March for Babies April 30, 2011 – 8:00 – 9:00 a.m. Fort Mason Center March for Babies is back again! Come join thousands of walkers who come together for the same cause, to participate in a fun-filled day of walking to raise money to support lifesaving research and programs to make sure every baby has a chance for a healthy start in life. For more information call (415) 345-7500 or visit www.fortmason.org.

Bike to Work Day May 12, 2011; all day San Franciscans love biking and one of the most fun and rewarding days to bike is the annual Bike to Work Day Celebration on Thursday, May 12. Join the SF Bicycle Coalition and hundreds of thousands of lawyers, nurses, teachers, waiters and others who will be biking to work on this great day. Energizer Stations will be set up in neighborhoods across the city to offer free coffee, snacks and other goodies and mechanics will even check out your bicycle for free (at select locations). For biking resources and a list of all the fun events of the day, including an evening fashion show, visit http://www.sfbike.org/btwd

If you would like to join me biking to work, the District 2 Commuter Convoy will be meeting at 7:45 AM at Peet's Coffee at 2156 Chestnut (at Steiner St.)! Get your morning bike-commute rolling by joining other cyclists on your bike, and commute Downtown together in comfort and camaraderie.

12th Annual San Francisco OysterFest May 14, 2011 – 11:00 a.m – 7:00 p.m. Fort Mason Center This event is the largest Oyster festival on the West Coast drawing over 250,000 people to date. Over half a million succulent oysters have willingly sacrificed themselves over the years. This 12th Annual event centers around the unique combination of oysters and stout and is supported by a great cast of contemporary live music. For more information call (415) 989-6222 or www.oreillysoysterfestival.com; Ticket Info: $35-$75

Presidio Habitats Opening Day Celebration Sunday, May 16, 2011 – 12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. 34 Graham Street – The Presidio of San FranciscoExperience the Presidio's great outdoors in a whole new way. A group of artists, designers and architects from around the world has created a series of imaginative habitat structures along trails, paths and roadways around Fort Scott to serve the Presidio's animal "clients." The Opening Day celebration includes a ribbon cutting ceremony, an open house at the exhibition pavilion, self-guided hikes and learning stations featuring naturalists and artists. For more information call (415) 561-5300 or visit www.nps.gov/prsf/

Union Street Festival June 4, 2011 – June 5, 2011 10:00 AM- 6:00 PM Union Street: Gough to Steiner In its 35th year, the Union Street Festival is one of San Francisco‟s largest free annual events. This year the east entrance of the Festival, (beginning at Gough) will again feature arts and crafts created with recycled and sustainable materials and eco-friendly exhibits. Additionally, the Festival showcases 150 arts & crafts booths, 25 gourmet food booths, two stages of live entertainment and bistro style cafes.

2011 Escape From Alcatraz Triathlon June 5, 2011 – Time: TBD Little Park ~ Marina Boulevard and Yacht Harbor Road The 2011 Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon is coming soon. This quintessential Bay Area event will send the world's top athletes on an icy swim from Alcatraz to the city's shoreline, biking a grueling road terrain and running sandy hill climbs. For more information call (415) 593-4000 or www.escapefromalcatraztriathlon.com

In The Media

We will make this a more robust section in our upcoming newsletters, but I wanted to highlight our recent cover story in Northside San Francisco – along with the Marina Times, our true neighborhood paper in District 2. Thanks to Susan, and the entire staff for putting the story together.

Link to the Full Article: http://www.northsidesf.com/mar11/ZOOM/mar11flip.htm l