Ref: TNS/2016/Mar-001

22 March 2016

2016 年 3 月 22 日


2016 年 第二学段家长通知书

Dear Parent(s)/ Guardian(s), School Distinction Award

As we embark on a new and exciting term, we hope that you and your child/ ward have had a fruitful break over the March holidays and are all set for Term 2.

The school values partnership with parents and we would like to take this opportunity to Aesthetics share with you some of the programmes and activities planned by the various departments and committees to ensure the holistic development of your child/ ward. As we forge ahead to make Term 2 a meaningful and enriching one for your child/ ward, may we continue to imbue in our children the school core values and a passion for learning.

Sports Thank you for your support of the school’s programmes and for working together with our staff to enhance your child’s/ ward’s learning journey. We look forward to an exciting term ahead!

尊敬的家长/ 监护人 Physical Fitness

在共同迎接令人期待的新学段之际,我们希望您和您的孩子/ 受监护人度过了一个 充实的三月假期,并为第二学段做好了充分的准备。

我们一贯重视与家长之间的合作伙伴关系,特借此机会和您分享我校各部门精心策 Teaching and Learning 划的一些节目和活动,以确保您的孩子/受监护人的全面发展。我们也会继续向孩 子们灌输学校的核心价值观,并努力培养他们对学习的热忱,以使他们度过一个既 充实又有意义的第二学段。

Student All-Round 非常感谢您对我校各项活动的支持,以及对老师们的教学工作的配合。让我们共同 Development



Staff Well-Being


School Matters 2 National Education Celebrations 2-3 Character & Citizenship Education Department 3 Student Leadership & Development Department 4 ICT & MRL Department 4-5

Character Development PE & CCA Department 5 SAP & BiCEP Department 6-7

Science Department 7

Term 2 School Calendar 7-10 Safety & Security Matters 10-15 List of Abbreviations 16


1) P1 & P2 AdventureWeek! Project Work Our P1 and P2 students will be having their project work during curriculum time in Week 7 on 3, 4 and 5 May (Tue, Wed and Thu). The themes for the levels are:

P1 - Responsible Pet Ownership School Distinction Award P2 - Animal Abuse

Curriculum time is as per normal but lessons will be suspended over these three days. The Form Teachers will advise the students on the items to bring to school. (Mainly pencil case, glue stick, colouring materials and a story book) Aesthetics

1)一年级及二年级探索学习周之专题习作 小一及小二的学生将于第二学段第七周,也就是 5 月 3 日至 5 日(星期二至星期

四)的上课时间,进行专题习作活动。各年级主题如下: Sports

 小一:负责任的宠物主人  小二:何谓虐待动物

在专题习作的这三天,学生不根据功课表上课,敬请留意。各班的级任老师也会让 Physical Fitness 学生知道需带什么来上课。(主要是文具盒、彩色原料以及故事书。)

2) Mid-Year Meet-The-Parents Sessions (Mainstream & BiCEP Blue) The mid-year Meet-the-Parents sessions for parents/ guardians of P1 to P5 students will be conducted as follows: Teaching and Learning

 P1 to P5: 27 May 2015 (Fri)

The sessions serve as a platform for parents/ guardians to clarify students’ progress with subject teachers, and devise relevant strategies for better achievements. Details of the sessions will be made known to you on a later date. Student All-Round Development

2)年中家长会面日 小一至小五的家长会面日期如下:  小一至小五: 5 月 27 日(星期五)

Staff Well-Being

在家长会面日,家长将能了解孩子的学习进度以及与老师共同制定有效的学习策 略。家长会面日的详情将会在稍后公布。

CELEBRATIONS 庆祝活动 National Education

International Friendship Day The school will commemorate International Friendship Day (IFD) on 8 April (Fri). There is no change in curriculum hours and students do not have to wear International

Character Development Costumes. However, in the weeks following IFD, students will be engaged in various activities. These would allow them to develop an appreciation of and celebrate the diversity of the different nationalities, cultures and religions amidst us. Our students would

realise the importance of maintaining good relations with our neighbouring countries and celebrate the diversity and vibrancy of the different nationalities. We hope the students will enjoy these exciting and meaningful activities.

国际友谊日 今年的国际友谊日将于 4 月 8 日(星期五)举行。活动当天,原有的上课时间将维

持不变,学生也无须穿各民族传统服装到校上课。不过,在庆祝国际友谊日的前一 周,校方准备了一系列精彩的活动让学生参与。参加这些活动,将有助于学生学会

接受与欣赏我们的社会在民族、文化和宗教信仰方面呈现出的多元性,也有助于学 School Distinction Award 生明白与周边国家保持良好关系的重要性。我们希望学生会喜欢这些既有趣又有意 义的活动。


1) Social Studies Assessment Formal and non-formal modes of assessment for Social Studies will be conducted

throughout the year. Your child/ ward will be informed by his/ her subject teacher of the Sports deadlines for the different components. Please support your child/ ward in the acquisition of knowledge, skills, attitudes and values that will enable him/ her to communicate and work as a team in our multicultural and interdependent world.

2) Values-In-Action (VIA) Programme Physical Fitness Over the course of the year, our students will be embarking on their VIA projects. We seek your support to reinforce the school core values of love, responsibility, sincerity and respect as well as the joy of giving, in your children. If you have any queries or feedback, please contact Mrs Alcantra at .

Teaching and Learning Project Earth (Primary 3) The Primary 3 students will learn about the 3Rs and how they will be able to take a proactive stance towards conservation. They will utilise their Social Studies periods in Term 2 to refurbish an existing item and sell it to a family member to raise funds for the

President’s Challenge. Through this activity, they will immerse themselves in the values Student All-Round of respect, responsibility and sincerity. Development

Project Love (Primary 4) Primary 4 students will visit one of our beneficiaries, Geylang East Home for the Aged, Foo Hai Elderly Lodge or Peacehaven Bedok Multi-Service Centre to interact with the elderly and engage in various activities with them. Under the guidance and leadership of Staff Well-Being their form teacher, the students will plan and execute programmes through which they will immerse themselves in the values of respect, perseverance and sincerity. They will also learn how to empathise with less fortunate individuals.

3) 3Rs National Education Youth for Environment Day (YED) The Youth for the Environment Day is an annual event for youths to renew their commitment to care for the environment through various efforts to promote clean and green living. The students can look forward to engaging in various exciting activities

Character Development from 14 to 15 April (Thu to Fri) as we commemorate this event.


1) P5-6 Sexuality Education Programme Information on the above programme is available on our school website under

Departments/Character and Leadership Development/Sexuality Education. The 8 lessons will be carried out in class during curriculum time from Term 2 to Term 4 by teachers specially trained for the programme. Students’ participation in the programme will also be updated in their Holistic Development Profile (HDP).

For parents/ guardians who have opted their child/ ward out of the programme, kindly School Distinction Award refer to the school website for the lesson objectives and share the key learning points, especially those on safety-related issues, with your child/ ward.

2) P3 and P4 Leadership Training As part of the school’s efforts to nurture leadership in our students, our P3 and P4 Aesthetics mainstream classes will attend a 3-hour class-based leadership training programme (Based on Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership) in Week 10 on 24, 25 and 26 May (Tue to Thu). Attendance will be taken and students’ participation in the programme will be updated in their Holistic Development Profile (HDP). Please do not take your child out of school during this post-exam period as no make-up sessions for the training will be Sports conducted.


1) Self-directed Learning (SDL) through the Use of ICT Physical Fitness In line with MOE’s Masterplan 4 (MP4), the school has created varied opportunities for our students to exhibit SDL and CoL competencies through the use of ICT in their learning. Students who are self-directed learners achieve greater learner success by taking ownership of their learning and extending it beyond what is taught in school.

Teaching and Learning Various platforms have been introduced to students to encourage them to take responsibility for their own learning. One platform that is used comprehensively by our teachers is the Asknlearn Portal ( which provides a wide array of online resources that serve to reinforce or stretch students’ learning.

Student All-Round Similarly, BrainPOP (, an animated educational website for Development students, also offers a rich source of age-appropriate learning content for English, Mathematics and Science. Subscription to this website for our students has been covered.

This year, the CL Department continues to use the Star Hunters website Staff Well-Being ( for all P3 to P5 students for self-directed learning. The Star Hunters Reading has been designed in Star Hunters as an interesting treasure hunting game. Each month, there is a treasure map with six stages to complete, each of them representing a story. Each Story is aligned to a specific chapter of the textbook to reinforce the topics taught in classroom. 生字 or new vocabulary taught in the textbooks National Education are introduced in the stories as word cards to reinforce learning. To provide students with a holistic CL learning approach, there are three learning modes for each story: Listening, Reading and Comprehension, to tackle the basic tenets of mastering languages.

Students are able to access the online stories via internet anytime, anywhere. The P3-P5 Character Development CL teachers will be guiding the students on the login procedure in Term 2.

Starting from Term 2, P1-P6 CL teachers will be introducing Joyreader ( to students to further cultivate their interest in reading. Joyreader is an online library of CL and bilingual e-books which are suitable for children aged 3-12. Students will have access to more than 500 e-books from renowned publishers with the use of Android devices and iPad at home. Special features of Joyreader include "read-to-me" function, an online CL dictionary etc.

P1 students will also be introduced to the Dudu CL Online Personalised Learning Programme ( It is a programme that aims to foster students’ interest in CL, as well as their CL proficiency, through reading. Dudu contains hundreds School Distinction Award of beautifully illustrated eBooks with various difficulty levels.

Dudu adopts an adaptive learning approach to provide personalized and differentiated learning for each student. It analyses the students’ reading proficiency level and recommends eBooks that are suited for their reading level. Therefore, through such an e- Aesthetics Learning activity, students are able to learn at their own pace and students have more control over their learning process and can better customize their learning.

As students’ reading proficiency improves, they will be recommended more eBooks of higher difficulty levels. This will allow students to constantly be presented with eBooks Sports that are suitable for their reading ability, so that they will be able to gradually improve their command of CL. Ultimately this will motivate students to want to master CL.

Students can bring SDL to a higher level when they set their own learning goals, work towards them and reflect on them. SDL can be achieved with encouragement and Physical Fitness support from teachers and parents alike. We hope that you can partner us to encourage your child/ ward in continuing this SDL journey in the home setting as well.

2) P4 Cyber Wellness Mass Lecture

As part of the school’s efforts to raise awareness on Cyber Wellness, a mass lecture on Teaching and Learning Handling Inappropriate Content and Behavior will be conducted for the P4 students on 25 May 2016 (Wed), from 7.30 a.m. to 8.30 a.m.


th Student All-Round 45 Annual SHHK Combined Schools Sports Meet 2016 Development

The Singapore Huay Kuan (SHHK) Combined Schools Sports Meet will be held at the Bishan Stadium on 15 April 2016 (Fri), from 8.30 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. No lessons will be conducted for all students on that day.

Primary 1, 2, 3 and 5 students need not report to school nor attend the Sports Meet. Staff Well-Being

All Primary 4 students are to report to school by 7.15 a.m. on 15 April 2016 (Fri). They will be dismissed from school between 12 noon and 12.30 p.m.

All Primary 6 students are to report to school by 12.30 p.m. They will be dismissed from National Education school between 5 p.m. and 5.30 p.m.

Character Development


1) Special Assistance Plan (SAP) Flagship Programme

P2 Chinese Painting Course 5 sessions of Chinese painting will be incorporated into P2 Art lessons, starting from Week 1 of Term 2. The lessons, fully funded by the SAP Flagship Fund, include all necessary materials and will be taught by external vendors.

Drama Appreciation School Distinction Award Selected P4 students who have displayed good learning attitude during Chinese lessons will have the opportunity to watch a Chinese Drama Performance in Term 2. We hope that the Drama Appreciation would further their interest in the language.

Aesthetics Mother Tongue Language Fortnight Programme – 28 Mar to 8 Apr Tao Nan has designated Week 2 and 3 of Term 2 to carry out MTL Fortnight Programme. The programme aims to create an immersive environment for our students in their learning of and culture. During the two weeks, a wide range of events, such as Chinese Culture activities booths, CL language games booths, Drama Sports Appreciation, Chinese Culture Quiz, Book Fair etc. will be organised during recess and curriculum time for students of different levels, providing them opportunities to use Mandarin and experience the culture.

Physical Fitness 特选旗舰计划 小二水墨画课程 小二学生会从第二学期第一周开始接触五堂的基本中国水墨画课。这些课程将融入 学生的美术课,并由校外专业美术老师教导。特选旗舰基金将津贴课程的所有费

用。校方希望小二学生能通过学习中国水墨画,加深对中华文化的认识。 Teaching and Learning

观赏戏剧演出 在华文课表现良好的小四学生,将有机会在第二学段获选观赏华文戏剧表演,提升

学生对于华文的兴趣。 Student All-Round Development

母语双周活动 – 3 月 28 日至 4 月 8 日 为了让学生多接触华文和中华文化,学校将在第二学段第二和第三周举行母语双周 活动。在这两周里,学生有机会在休息和课堂时间参与一连串供精彩的活动,例如

Staff Well-Being 华族文化摊、文化知识问答竞赛、语文游戏摊、戏剧与相声欣赏、华文书展等。

2) Bicultural Chinese Elective Programme (BiCEP) P4 and P5 BiCEP students will be involved in an Oratorical Camp and Overseas Immersion Programme respectively during Term 2 Week 10. The P4 Oratorical Camp National Education aims to strengthen the students’ Chinese oral presentation skills. Likewise, the P5 Overseas Immersion Programme aims to immerse our BiCEP students in a Chinese speaking environment as well as to help our students apply the knowledge they have acquired during BiCEP lessons in the programme’s activities.

Character Development

Details of these upcoming events are as follows: Level Event Date Venue P4 BiCEP Oratorical Camp 24 May to 27 May 2016 Singapore Hokkien

BiCEP organised by SHHK Arts & (Tue to Fri) Huay Kuan @ Cultural Troupe Sennett Road P5 BiCEP Overseas Immersion 12 Apr 2016 (Tue) BiCEP Ice-breaking Session & Pre- departure Briefing Students: 2.30pm - 5.00pm

School Distinction Award *Parents’ Briefing: 4.00pm – 5.00pm BiCEP Overseas Immersion 22 May (Sun) to 28 May & Taiwan Programme 2016 (Sun)


道南学校双文化华文优选课程 双文化课程的小四及小五学生将在第二学段的第十周分别参加口语训练营及海外浸 濡活动。由新加坡福建会馆艺术团主办的口语训练营旨在提升小四学生的口语表达

Sports 能力。小五浸濡活动则提供学生一个活用华语于日常生活中的平台,并借此更深入 地了解中华文化,实地体验双文化课程中所学习的文化知识。 以下是各级活动的最新详情:

Physical Fitness 年级 活动 日期 地点 小四 新加坡福建会馆文化艺术团 2016年5月24日至27日 新加坡福建会馆 BiCEP 主办的口语训练营 (星期二至五) 会所 @ Sennett Road

小五 双文化学生海外浸濡破冰活 2016年4月12日(星期二) 爱同学校 Teaching and Learning

BiCEP 动 + 海外浸濡家长说明会 学生:2.30pm - 5.00pm *家长:4.00pm – 5.00pm 双文化学生海外浸濡活动 2016年5月22日(星期日) 中国、台湾

至5月28日(星期日) Student All-Round Development


Learning Journey Pupils of P5 (Mainstream) will embark on the learning journey to Pasir Ris Park

(Reproduction of Plants) in Term 2. Staff Well-Being


School Events and Holidays in Term 2 National Education Please refer to the following schedule of school events and holidays in Term 2. (Refer to Student’s Handbook for the holiday calendar in 2016 - Page 22). You may wish to refer to the school website for the most updated version. Once again, we would like to appeal to your understanding to avoid taking your child/ ward out of school for vacation during the school term. Character Development

学校活动和第二学段学校假期 请参阅学校活动和第二学段假期时间表(参考 2016 年学生手册第 22 页)。请上学 校网址去了解更多最新学校活动讯息。在此,我们再次吁请您避免在上课期间带孩 子出国度假。

Term 2 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

T2W1 21 Mar 22 Mar 23 Mar 24 Mar 25 Mar

School Distinction Award BiCEP 12th 12th 12th Good lesson National National National Friday Primary Primary Primary ELLAP School School School lesson Wushu Wushu Wushu Aesthetics C’ship 2016 C’ship 2016 C’ship 2016 12th National Primary

School Sports Wushu C’ship 2016

T2W2 28 Mar 29 Mar 30 Mar 31 Mar 1 Apr

Physical Fitness MTL MTL MTL MTL MTL Fortnight Fortnight Fortnight Fortnight Fortnight

12th BICEP P1 and P2

National Lesson CL picture Teaching and Learning Primary book School ELLAP sharing Wushu Lesson C’ship 2016

Student All-Round T2W3 4 Apr 5 Apr 6 Apr 7 Apr 8 Apr Development

MTL MTL MTL MTL MTL Fortnight Fortnight Fortnight Fortnight Fortnight

BICEP P4 CL P6 CL P3 Staff Well-Being Lesson Culture Cross Talk Quiz CL Drama P6 NAPFA Appreciat’n (5 items P5 CL 1.30pm to National Education 3.30pm) Culture Quiz P3: Internation’l

CL Drama Friendship Character Development Appreciat’n Day

T2W4 11 Apr 12 Apr 13 Apr 14 Apr 15 Apr

5A - 5D EL 5E - 5G EL Selected YED YED Oral 1.30 - Oral 1.30 - 4A-4I pupils Commemor Commemor

3.30pm 3.30pm ation ation 4J to 4M (During (During

BICEP pupils Recess for Recess for Lesson all levels) all levels) CL Drama P5 BICEP 哪吒 P6 NAPFA SHHK Overseas School Distinction Award 1345 – (1.6km Combined Immersion 1530 Walk/Run Sports Briefing 7.30am to Meet 2016 Victoria 9.30am) P6 NAPFA Theatre Aesthetics (5 items 1.30pm to P6 NAPFA 3.30pm) (1.6km Walk/Run

P6 NAPFA 7.30am to Sports (1.6km 9.30am) Walk/Run 7.30am to 9.30am)

Physical Fitness T2W5 18 Apr 19 Apr 20 Apr 21 Apr 22 Apr

5H - 5J EL Internation’l P6J-M CL 5D - 5F CL 5G - 5I CL Oral 1.30 - Friendship Drama Oral 1.30 - Oral 1.30 -

3.30pm Day 隐身草 3.30pm 3.30pm Teaching and Learning Celebrat’n 1400-1500 Internation’l Tampines 5J-P5M Friendship BiCEP Culture 3.30 Day lesson Centre Chinese Celebrat’n Drama

5A - 5C CL Appreciat’n Student All-Round Internation’l Development Oral 1.30 - Friendship 3.30pm Day


T2W6 25 Apr 26 Apr 27 Apr 28 Apr 29 Apr Staff Well-Being

6A - 6D EL P3 CL Oral P3 EL Oral P4 CL Oral P4 EL Oral Oral BiCEP 6H - 6J EL 6A - 6C CL

lesson Oral Oral National Education

6E - 6G EL Oral

T2W7 2 May 3 May 4 May 5 May 6 May Character Development

P1 & P2 P1 & P2 P1 & P2 P3-P6: CL

Adventure Adventure Adventure LC & Paper

Week! Week! Week! 1

BiCEP P3-P6 EL 6G - I CL lesson LC & Paper Oral 1.30 -

1 3.30pm 6D - 6F CL

Oral 1.30 - 3.30pm

T2W8 9 May 10 May 11 May 12 May 13 May

School Distinction Award

P5-P6 HCL P3-P6 EL P3-P6 CL P3-P6 SC P3-P6 MA Paper 1 & 2 Paper 2 Paper 2 Paper Paper 1 & 2

T2W9 16 May 17 May 18 May 19 May 20 May 21 May

Aesthetics BiCEP P5 P5 P5 Vesak Day lesson SS_SHHK SS_SHHK SS_SHHK Visit Visit Visit P5 (During (During (During

SS_SHHK Sports Curriculum Curriculum Curriculum Visit Hours) Hours) Hours) (During Curriculum

Hours) Physical Fitness

T2W10 23 May 24 May 25 May 26 May 27 May 28 May

P5 BICEP Vesak Day P3 & P4 P3 & P4 P3 & P4 P1 – 5 P5 BICEP Overseas School Leadership Leadership Leadership Meet-The- Overseas

Immersion Holiday Training Training Training Parents Immersion Teaching and Learning

Session P5 BICEP P4 BiCEP P4 BICEP P4 BICEP Overseas Oratorical Oratorical Oratorical P4 BICEP Immersion Camp Camp Camp Oratorical Camp Student All-Round P5 BICEP P4 Cyber P5 BICEP Development

Overseas Wellness Overseas P5 BICEP Immersion Mass Immersion Overseas Lecture Immersion P6 Sharing P6 Sharing by by HCI, P5 BICEP Staff Well-Being NUS High NYG & Overseas Victoria & Immersion Dunman Cedar High

National Education


Safety and Security in School

We believe in taking a proactive approach in cultivating safety habits in our students, and Character Development encourage all parents/guardians to take greater responsibility and ownership to help the school achieve better safety outcomes for our students.

For the safety and security of all our staff and students in the school, we seek your

understanding and cooperation in the following areas: 1. Please do not remain in school during school hours or accompany your child/ward in the canteen during recess. 2. If you need to see the teacher or make an enquiry at the General Office, kindly report

first to the security officer at the Security Post and then proceed to the General Office for assistance. 3. All visitors, including Parents/Guardians, are to produce proof of identity (e.g. Identity Card, Driving Licence) and sign in with the security officer at the Security Post. A Visitor Pass will be issued for each visitor.

4. Parents/Guardians are also requested to produce their proof of identity for signing their School Distinction Award child/ ward out at the General Office if they wish to take him/her home during school hours. 5. We wish to emphasise that visitors are not allowed to tour the school premises on their own. Please seek assistance from the General Office for enquiries. For more information, please refer to the Student's Handbook (Pages 11 and 12). Aesthetics

学校里的安全与保安 我们相信只要采取有效的措施来灌输学生安全意识与习惯,再加上家长/监护人的

支持与配合,我们一定能为学生提供一个更安全的学习环境。 Sports 为了确保全体师生的安全,我们恳请各位家长/监护人注意以下事宜,并与校方合 作: 1. 请不要在校内逗留;或在学生的休息时间留在食堂里陪伴孩子。

2. 如果您需要见老师或要到办公室询问,请先在学校大门口的入口处向保安人员登 Physical Fitness 记,然后才到办公室寻求协助。 3. 所有访客包括家长/监护人都必须先向保安人员出示您的身份证、驾驶执照或其 他可以接受的相关证件才可登记。登记后,您会获取访客通行证,才能进入校 园。

Teaching and Learning 4. 如果您需要在上课时间带孩子回家,请到办公室登记并出示您的证件。 5. 校方再次强调我们不允许任何访客自行在校园内游走。若您有任何需要,您可以 到办公室向工作人员寻求协助。若想获得更多相关信息,请参阅学生手册的第十 一和十二页。

Student All-Round Development School Gate Opening Hours Mondays to Fridays Location Opening hours 地点 开放时间

For students only Still Road South (Gate 1) 6.45 am to 7.30 am Staff Well-Being 只限学生 一号门 早上6时45分至7时30分 For students and visitors Security Post (Gate 2) 6.45 am to 7.00 pm 学生和访客 二号门 早上6时45分至晚上7时

For students only SHHK Portal (Gate 3) 6.45 am to 7.00 pm National Education 只限学生 三号门 早上6时45分至晚上7时 For students only Eco Garden (Gate 4) 6.45 am to 7.30 am 只限学生 四号门 早上6时45分至7时30分 1.00 pm to 2.00 pm

Character Development 下午1时至2时 12.30 pm to 1.30 pm (Wednesdays Only)

下午12时30分至1时30分 (星期三) For students only Canteen (Gate 5) 6.45 am to 7.30 am 只限学生 五号门 早上6时45分至7时30分 11.30 am to 2.00 pm

早上11时30分至下午2时 3.30pm to 4.30 pm 下午3时30分至4时30分

6.45pm to 7.15 pm School Distinction Award 傍晚6时45分至7时15分 For students only Marine Crescent (Gate 6) 6.45 am to 7.30 am 只限学生 六号门 早上6时45分至7时30分

1.00 pm to 2.00 pm Aesthetics 下午1时至2时 12.30 pm to 1.30 pm (Wednesdays Only) 下午12时30分至1时30分

(星期三) Sports

Saturdays Kindly note that for security reasons, only the following gate will be opened on Saturdays: 为了学校的安全起见,学校每逢星期六开放的时间如下:

Physical Fitness Location Opening hours 地点 开放时间 For students and visitors Security Post (Gate 2) 7 am to 6.00 pm 学生和访客 二号门 早上7时至傍晚6时

For students and visitors SHHK Portal (Gate 3) 7 am to 6.00 pm Teaching and Learning 学生和访客 三号门 早上7时至傍晚6时 All visitors are kindly requested to sign in and sign out at the Security Post (Gate 2). We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

请所有访客记得在二号门进出。如有不便之处,敬请包涵。 Student All-Round Development

Parking and Road Safety around the School To ensure the safety of our students and other road users, to minimise inconvenience to the nearby residents, and to maintain free access to emergency vehicles, we would appreciate your strong support in observing the following measures: Staff Well-Being

校内与校外停车及交通安全 为了确保学生和其他交通使用者的安全;减少对附近居民造成的不便以及避免车辆

在紧急情况发生时无法自由进出,我们希望您能配合遵守下列规则: National Education

Parking Vehicles when Visiting the School 1. Please use the public car parks in the vicinity, such as the HDB car parks. 2. Due to the limited number of parking lots, car parking in the school compound is

strictly for staff only. Character Development

3. To keep the school compound safe, cars are only allowed to enter the school to pick the students when the last school bus has left the compound.

Days Time Remarks Mon, Tues, Thurs and Fri 1.15pm - 1.45pm No parking is allowed in 6.45pm – 7.00pm the afternoon.

Wed 12.45pm – 1.15pm No parking is allowed in 6.45pm – 7.00pm the afternoon. Please allow your child/ward to board and move off immediately.

4. When picking up your child/ward who is sick, injured or for any other valid reason(s), please make prior arrangement(s) with the General Office so that the security officer can be informed to facilitate vehicle entry. School Distinction Award 5. Special short term passes may be issued for the transportation of your child/ward who is not mobile due to injury.


1. 请将您的汽车停放在附近的组屋停车场。 Aesthetics

2. 由于学校的停车位有限,因此停车位只限学校的教职员使用。 3. 为了学生的安全,您只能在中午和傍晚 在以下的时段,当最后一辆校车离开后 才能把汽车驶入校园。


天数 时间 备注 (星期一/星期二/星期 1.15pm - 1.45pm 在中午时分請勿停车

四/星期五) 6.45pm – 7.00pm Physical Fitness 星期三 12.45pm – 1.15pm 在中午时分請勿停车 6.45pm – 7.00pm 请确保孩子立即上车,随后尽快将您的车辆驶走。

Teaching and Learning 4. 若您因孩子生病、受伤或基于其他合理的理由需要作特别的接送安排,请事先与 办公室的职员联系,以便通知保安人员做必要的安排。 5. 在孩子因受伤而行动有困难的情况下,校方将会给予您特殊的短期车辆通行证。

Student All-Round Dropping Off or Picking Up your Child/ Ward Development 1. Please use the designated Drop-off/ Pick-up point: a) Reporting for AM Session If you are driving your child/ward to school in the morning, you may let your child/ ward alight at the designated drop-off point IN the school before 7.20 am, by

entering the school via the school’s main gate at Still Road South and leaving via Staff Well-Being the back gate at Marine Crescent or the front gate at Still Road South. Please observe road safety at all times and cooperate fully with the school’s traffic wardens on duty.

b) Reporting for PM Session National Education For the safety of your child/ward, vehicles are not allowed in the school during school hours and you are advised to park your vehicle at any of the surrounding public carparks and walking your child to school.

c) Dismissal for AM/PM Session Character Development

To keep the school compound safe, cars are only allowed to enter the school to pick the students when the last school bus has left the compound.

Days Time Remarks Mon, Tues, Thurs and Fri 1.15pm - 1.45pm No parking is allowed in 6.45pm – 7.00pm the afternoon.

Wed 12.45pm – 1.15pm No parking is allowed in 6.45pm – 7.00pm the afternoon. Please allow your child/ward to board and move off immediately.

2. When dropping off or picking up your child/ward, we would like to seek your assistance on the following: a) Not to park/double-park along the surrounding roads School Distinction Award b) Not to stop your vehicle directly in front of the school gate as it can obstruct the traffic flow c) Please refrain from sounding your vehicle horn in and around the school

接送学生 Aesthetics

1. 请使用指定的地点上下车: a)上午班学生上课前 如果您在早上载送孩子上学,可以让孩子在指定的地点下车。在早上七点二

十分之前,您可以从学校的正门进入(Still Road 方向),然后从后门(马 Sports

林弯方向)或前门(Still Road South)离开。当您把车子驶入校园时要注意 公路安全,并给予学校的保安和工作人员全力的支持与配合。

b)下午班学生上课前 Physical Fitness

为了您孩子的安全,车子在这段时间不能驶入校园。您可以把车子停放在周边 的停车场,然后陪同孩子步行到学校。

d) 上午/下午班学生下课后 Teaching and Learning

为了学生的安全,您只能在中午和傍晚 在以下的时段,当最后一辆校车离开后才 能把汽车驶入校园。

天数 时间 备注 Student All-Round Development 星期一/星期二/星期四 1.15pm - 1.45pm 在中午时分請勿停车 /星期五 6.45pm - 7.00pm 星期三 12.45pm - 1.15pm 在中午时分請勿停车 6.45pm - 7.00pm

请确保孩子立即上车,随后尽快将您的车辆驶走。 Staff Well-Being

2. 当接送孩子时,请您注意以下事项。 a) 切勿在学校周边的道路停车/平行停车

National Education b) 切勿将车子停在校门口以免阻挡进出车辆 c) 避免在学校周边范围鸣响车笛

Please help the school to be a good neighbour to the residents in this neighbourhood.

Character Development

On our part, our security officers and school personnel will be present to direct and control the traffic as well as to guide you and other approaching vehicles along the

affected stretch of driveway. We seek your understanding and fullest cooperation in this matter as our pupils’ safety and well-being is of utmost concern.

Birthday Celebrations in School

In line with our efforts to step up our security and safety measures, the school will no longer grant permission to parents to hold birthday celebrations for their children at the school canteen. We seek your understanding on this matter.

Here’s wishing your child/ ward a very fruitful and meaningful journey with us at Tao Nan School Distinction Award School.

Thank you.

您的合作将能够协助校方维持与勿洛南居民的友好关系。 Aesthetics

学校的保安和工作人员也将协助指挥和疏导交通,以确保上下学时交通的顺畅。我 们吁请您能够谅解并给予全力的支持和配合,毕竟学生的安全问题,是校方一向最

为关注的事宜。 Sports


谢谢。 Physical Fitness

Yours faithfully,

Teaching and Learning


Student All-Round Development Dr Chin Kim Woon Principal 道南学校校长 陈京文博士

Staff Well-Being

National Education

Character Development


ABBREVIATION/ NAME IN FULL 全名 ACRONYM 简称/缩写 3Rs Reduce, Reuse and Recycle AWeek! AdventureWeek!

BiCEP Bi-Cultural Chinese Elective Programme CCA Co-Curricular Activity CL Chinese Language

School Distinction Award CoL Collaborative Learning CPES Cultural Performance Exposure Scheme ELLAP English Language and Literary Appreciation Programme HDP Holistic Development Profile

ICT Information and Communication Technology Aesthetics IFD International Friendship Day LASER Learner’s Assembly for Science Examination Requirements MP3 Masterplan 3 MRL Media Resource Literacy

MTL Mother Tongue Language Sports PE Physical Education SAP Special Assistance Plan SDL Self-directed Learning SHHK Singapore Hokkien Huay Kuan

Physical Fitness TNS Tao Nan School

Teaching and Learning

Student All-Round Development

Staff Well-Being

National Education

Character Development