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Top Margin 1 CLDR/09/42 Bruxelles, le 04 décembre 2009 CALENDRIER du 07 au 13 décembre 2009 (susceptible de modifications en cours de semaine) Activités des Institutions Déplacements et visites Lundi 07 décembre Conseil "Transports, télécommunications Mrs. Viviane REDING receives Mr. Rod BECKSTROM, CEO et énergie" (TTE) of ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) Conseil "Affaires générales et relations extérieures" (CAGRE) (07-08) Speech of Mrs. Mariann FISCHER BOEL at the Follow-up Garmish Partenkirchen Conference on future of the montain Mrs. Benita FERRERO-WALDNER areas (Alpbach, Austria) participates in EU-Morocco Foreign Ministers' Troika (Brussels) Ms. Meglena KUNEVA in Tokyo, Japan (07-09): meets with Mr. Yoshinori SUEMATSU, Chairman of the Committee on Consumer Affairs at the House of Representatives; meets with Ms. Mizuho FUKUSHIMA, Minister for Consumer Affairs; meets with members of the Japanese Bankers Association (07). Meets with Mr. Masao HORIBE, Chairman of the Japan Consumer Credit Association; meets with Ms Kanae YAMAMOTO, Chairwoman of the Committee on Consumer Affairs in the House of Councillors; delivers a keynote speech at a Seminar on Consumer Safety (08). Meets with the European Business Council (09) M. Leonard ORBAN en visite en Bretagne: visite d'une école Diwan (école maternelle en langue bretonne); rencontre avec le Conseil de la langue bretonne; visite de l'Université de Rennes II; rencontre avec le Président et présentation des départements linguistiques; rencontre avec les étudiants puis participation à une conférence sur le thème du multilinguisme (7). Visite d'un projet multilinguisme au TNB (Théâtre National de Bretagne); rencontre avec le maire de Rennes, M. Daniel DELAVEAU et avec le président de la région Bretagne, M. Jean-Yves LE DRIAN (8) Mardi 08 décembre Commission Seminar Mrs. Margot WALLSTRÖM in Malmö, Sweden (08-09): delivers an opening speech at Drömmarnas Hus' Environment Mrs. Benita FERRERO-WALDNER Conference for young people; opens the Road to participates in the Eastern Partnership Copenhagen Conference, together with Mary ROBINSON, Foreign Ministers' Meeting (Brussels) former President of Ireland, Gro HARLEM BRUNDTLAND, Mr. Paweł SAMECKI gives a speech at former Prime Minister of Norway, and Ilmar REEPALU, Mayor the Conference on "How can the EU of Malmö, and chairs a working group on Technology; Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region help inaugurates the exhibition "Cooperation for Change", The old boost regional development" (Committee City Hall (08). Participates in Coffee & Commissioner event, of the Regions) INKONST; closes the Road to Copenhagen Conference (09) Mr. Siim KALLAS participates in the inauguration of the Belgian High Speed Network (Place Horta) Mr. Paweł SAMECKI receives Mr. Esa HALME, Executive Director of the Regional Council of PAIJAT-HAME, Finland Mrs. Neelie KROES opens the World Press Photo exhibition (Musées Royaux des Beaux-Arts) Mrs. Mariann FISCHER BOEL receives a delegation of French women milk producers Mrs. Benita FERRERO-WALDNER meets Euro-Mediterranean Trade Ministers (Brussels) Mr. Andris PIEBALGS delivers a speech in a conference organised by Japanese Mission (Brussels) Mercredi 09 décembre College breakfast "retrospective seminar" Mrs. Margot WALLSTRÖM delivers the communiqué elaborated by the Road to Copenhagen Conference to the Mr. Karel DE GUCHT gives the opening UNFCCC Secretariat together with Mary ROBINSON, former speech and the closing speech at the President of Ireland, and Gro HARLEM BRUNDTLAND, conference "Tax and Development to fight former Prime Minister of Norway and holds a press against poverty", Joint Conference - EP conference at Bella Center, Main Hall (A), (Copenhagen, development Committee and EU Denmark) Commission (EP) Mrs. Viviane REDING attends the EPP (European People's Mr. László KOVÁCS delivers the speech Party) Statutory Congress (Bonn) "Tax & Development - To fight against poverty" at the Conference of the DEV Mr. Joe BORG addresses the Advisory Committee on Committee (EP) Fisheries and Aquaculture (ACFA) plenary (Borschette) Mrs. Benita FERRERO-WALDNER Mr. Maroš ŠEFČOVIČ and Mr. Olli REHN attends the 2009 participates in the Euromed Trade Bela Foundation Award Ceremony, Award to be presented to Ministerial Meeting within the framework of Mr. Carl BILDT, Swedish Minister of Foreign Affairs the Union for the Mediterranean (Brussels) (Representation of the Free State of Bavaria to the EU) Mr. Olli REHN delivers a keynote speech at Conference on Western Balkans - emphasis on promoting regional co- operation (Hôtel Sofitel, Place Jourdan) M. Olli REHN reçoit le Premier ministre du Monténégro, M. Milo ĐUKANOVIĆ Jeudi 10 décembre Conseil Européen (10-11) Mr. José Manuel BARROSO attends the EPP Congress and EPP Summit (13.00) (Bonn) M. Siim KALLAS rencontre M. Pascal SMET, Ministre flamand de l'enseignement; sur les Ecoles européennes de Type II (Bâtiment Hendrik Conscience, 1210 Bruxelles) Mr. Paweł SAMECKI attends a two-days' conference on territorial development organised by the EU Swedish Presidency (10-11, Kiruna, Sweden): gives a keynote speech on "Standpoint of the future of EU Regional Policy", at the opening session of the "Conference on Cohesion Policy and Territorial Development: Make Use of the Territorial Potential" (10). Discusses in a panel on the "Possibilities for cohesion policy to make use of the territorial potential" chaired by Maud OLOFSSON, Deputy Prime Minister of Sweden and Minister for Enterprise and Energy. Other panellists are Carlos OCANA PÉREZ DE TUDELA, State Secretary Minister of Economy and Finance, Spain; Danuta HÜBNER, Chairwoman of the REGI-Committee of the European Parliament; Michael SCHNEIDER, Chairman of the Commission for Territorial Cohesion Policy, Committee of the Regions; Mario PEZZINI, Deputy Director Public Governance and Territorial Development Directorate, OECD) (11) Mr. Joe BORG in Rome: addresses a conference on reform of 2 the Common Fisheries Policy, organised by the Ministero per le Politiche Agricole e Forestali (Palazzo Montecitorio) Mr. Maroš ŠEFČOVIČ attends the S&D seminar on "New Vocational Training for the New Economy" (EP) M. Olli REHN participe à une réunion des chefs du groupe politique de l'ADLE (Hôtel Conrad) Mr. Karel DE GUCHT gives the opening speech at the ECHO Partners' annual conference (CHARL) Mr. Andris PIEBALGS delivers a speech at the 4th Strategic Energy Forum (Brussels) Vendredi 11 décembre Mr. Siim KALLAS delivers remarks on "The role played by the Internal Audit Capacities and prospects for the future" at the Auditnet meeting (BERL) M. Maroš ŠEFČOVIČ receives members of the CIFE-EU (centre international de formation européenne) course from Vienna Samedi 12 décembre Dimanche 13 décembre Prévisions de décembre 2009 14-15.12.09 Conseil "Agriculture et pêche" 14-17.12.09 Session plénière du Parlement européen (Strasbourg) 17-18.12.09 Conseil "Transports, télécommunications et énergie" (TTE) – Transports, Télécommunications 22.12.09 Conseil "Environnement" Permanence DG COMM le WE du 05 au 06 décembre: Fabio PIROTTA - GSM: 0498/967.284 Service Audiovisuel, planning studio – tél.: 02/295 21 23 3 .
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