Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, Vol.6(2),127-133, February 2015 ISSN 0976-5727 (Print) (An International Research Journal), ISSN 2319-8133 (Online)

-Graceful Labeling of Some Graphs

Shigehalli V. S. and Chidanand A. Masarguppi

Professor, Department of Mathematics, Ranichannmma University, Vidyasangama, Belagavi, INDIA.

(Received on: January 24, 2015)


Let G be a graph .The -graceful labeling of a graph G (p , q) with p vertices and q edges is a injective a function f : V (G) {0, 1, 2, ------n-1} such that the

induced function f* : E (G) N is given by f* (u ,v) = 2 { f (u) +f (v) }, the

resulting edge labels are distinct .In this paper we prove result on -graceful

labeling of cyclic graph, Paths, ladder graphs, flower graph, K2,n .

Keywords: Cyclic graphs, ladder graphs, path, flower graph friendship graph, K 2,n .


Graph labeling is an active area of research in . where the vertices are assigned some value subject to certain condition. Labeling of vertices and edges play a vital role in graph theory .To begin with simple, finite graph G = (V(G),E(G) ) with p vertices and q edges. The definitions and other information which are used for the present investigations are given.


Definition 2.1: -gracefull graph: A function f is called a -graceful labeling of graph G if f : V ( G ) {0, 1, 2, 3, ------n-1} is injective and the induced function f * : E ( G ) N is defined as f* ( e = uv ) = 2 { f (u) + f (v) },then edge labels are distinct.

Definition 2.2: flower graph: Let G be a graph with order ‘n’ and size n-1, such that exactly one node is adjacent to every other n-1 nodes. The resulting graph is flower graph with n -1 petal.

February, 2015 | Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences | 128 Shigehalli V. S., et al., J. Comp. & Math. Sci. Vol.6 (2), 127-133 (2015)

Definition 2.3: Ladder graph : The ladder L n ( n ≥ 2 ) is the product graph P 2 Pn which contains 2n vertices and 3n-2 edges.

Definition 2.4: Friendship graph: A friendship graph F n is a graph which consists of n triangles with a common vertices.


Theorem 3.1 : C n is a graceful graph if ‘n’ is odd.

Proof: Let C n be a cycle with vertex set {v 1 ,v 2 ,v 3 , v4---vn } and edge set {e 1,e 2,e 3----en }. We define the vertex labeling f : V( G ) { 0, 1, 2 ,-----n-1 } as f ( v 1 ) = 0 f ( v 2 ) = 1. : : : f ( v n ) = n-1, label the vertex in both direction. The edge labeling function f* is defined as follows f* : E ( G ) N is defined by f* ( u v ) = 2 { f (u) + f (v) } f* (v 1vn ) = 2 { f (v 1) + f (v n) } : : = {2 ,6, 10, ------(4n-6) }

The edge labels are distinct.

Thus f is - graceful labeling of G = C n Hence C n is a - graceful graph when ‘n’ is odd.


- graceful labeling of the graph C 5 is shown in fig 1 0

8 2

4 1

14 6

3 10 2

Fig1. - Graceful graph of C 5

February, 2015 | Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences | Shigehalli V. S., et al., J. Comp. & Math. Sci. Vol.6 (2), 127-133 (2015) 129

Theorem 3.2 : Ladders ( L n ) are - graceful graph if ‘n’ is even.

Proof : Let G = L n be the ladder on 2n vertices. Let v 1,v 2,v 3 ------vn be vertices of one path and u 1,u 2, u3 ------un be the vertices of another path. Label the vertices from left side of one path by x, x+1, x+2,------x+(n-1) (x=0) and the other vertices of the path again from left side of path by x + n , x + (n+1), ------x+(2n-1).

v 1 v 2 v3 v 4 v 5 P1

u 1 u 2 u3 u 4 u 5 P2

The edge labeling function f* is defined as follows f* : E ( G ) N is defined by f* ( u v ) = 2 { f (u) + f (v) }such that the edge labels are distinct. In view of the above labeling pattern the ladders are - graceful labeling. Hence L n is a - graceful graph if n is even .


- Graceful labeling of the graph L 4 is shown in fig 2

0 2 1 6 2 10 3

8 12 16 20

4 18 5 22 6 26 7

Fig2. - Graceful graph of L 4

Theorem 3.3: Paths ( P n ) are -graceful graphs.

Proof: Let P n be a path with vertex set v 1,v 2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, --- vn and e 1, e 2, e 3 , --- en-1 be the edges of the path.

February, 2015 | Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences | 130 Shigehalli V. S., et al., J. Comp. & Math. Sci. Vol.6 (2), 127-133 (2015) We define the vertex labeling f : V ( G ) { 0, 1, 2, ------n-1 } f ( v 1 ) = 0 f ( v 2 ) =1. : : f ( v n ) = n-1 , vertex labeling can be done in both direction. The edge labeling function f* is defined as follows f* : E ( G ) N is defined by f* ( u v ) = 2 { f ( u ) + f (v) } f ( v v n ) = 2 { f (v) + f (v n) } : : = { 2 , 6, 10 ,----- (4n-6) } such that the edge labels are distinct.

In view of above labeling pattern the paths are - graceful labeli ng. Hence P n is a - graceful graph.


- Graceful labeling of the graph P 6 is shown in fig 3

2 6 10 14 18

0 1 2 3 4 5

Fig3. - Graceful graph of P 6

Theorem 3.3 : Flower graphs are - graceful graphs.

Proof: Let G be a flower graph. Then G has n vertices and (n-1) edges. Therefore V = { v 1 , v 2 ,---- vn } and E = { e 1, e 2,- --en-1 } We define the vertex labeling f : V ( G ) { 0, 1, 2, ---n-1 } f ( v 1 ) = 0 f ( v 2 ) = 1. : : f ( v n ) = n -1 such that labeling of the vertices may be clockwise or anticlockwise. The edge labeling function f* is defined as follows f* : E ( G ) N is defined by f* ( u v ) = 2 { f (u) + f (v) } f ( v 1vn) = 2 { f (v 1) + f (v n) }

February, 2015 | Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences | Shigehalli V. S., et al., J. Comp. & Math. Sci. Vol.6 (2), 127-133 (2015) 131 : : = {2, 4, 6 ,------2n} then the edge labels are distinct and is in increasing order. Hence all flower graphs are - graceful graph .

Illustration: Flower graph with 6 petals in fig 4 .

4 5 3 2

6 8 6 1

12 10 4 2

0 Fig4. - Graceful graph of flower graph.

Theorem 3.5 : A friendship Graph ( F 2) is a - graceful graph.

Proof: Let G = F n be the friendship Graph. Let v 1, v 2, v 3,---- vn be the vertices of F n and edges are e 1, e 2, e 3, e 4,--- em. We define the vertex labeling f : V(G) {0,1,2,---n-1} f (v 1) = 0 f (v 2)=1. : : f ( v n ) = n-1.

The edge labeling function f* is defined as follows f*: E(G) N is defined by f* ( uv ) = 2 { f (u) + f (v) } f * (v 1v2) = 2 { f ( v 1 ) + f ( v 2 ) } = 2 ; : : = {2, 4, 6, 10, 14, 12 } The edge labels are distinct In view of the above labeling pattern the F2 is a - graceful labeling. Hence F 2 is a - graceful graph.

February, 2015 | Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences | 132 Shigehalli V. S., et al., J. Comp. & Math. Sci. Vol.6 (2), 127-133 (2015) Illustration:

- Graceful labeling of the graph F 2 is shown in fig 5

0 2 1

4 6


12 10

4 14 3

Fig 5. - Graceful graph of F 2 graph

Theorem 3.6 : Complete Bipartite graph (K 2,n ) is a - graceful graph.

Proof: Let G = K 2,n be a complete Bipartite graph. Let the vertex set be v 1, v 2 , v 3- ---- vn , vn + 1 , vn + 2 and K 2,n has 2 n number of edges. The vertex set is partitioned into two sets V 1 & V 2 where V 1 = { v 1 ,v 2 } and V2 = { v 3----- vn , vn + 1 , vn + 2 }. Define f: V(G) {0,1,2,---n-1} such that f(v1) = 0 f(v 2)=1. : : f ( v n ) = n-1 Label the vertex in both direction and vertex is fixed in top of the graph continuing in this fashion until all the vertices are labeled.

The edge labeling function f* is defined as follows f* : E(G) N is defined by f* ( uv ) = 2 { f (u) + f (v) } : : = { 2, 4, 6, .----2n } The edge labels are distinct.

Hence K 2, n is a - graceful graph.

February, 2015 | Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences | Shigehalli V. S., et al., J. Comp. & Math. Sci. Vol.6 (2), 127-133 (2015) 133 Illustration:

- Graceful labeling of the graph K 2,3 is shown in fig 6

4 0


14 12 10 4 2

3 2 1

Fig5. - Graceful graph of K 2,3 graph


In this paper we have shown that every ladder graphs are - Graceful graph, every path graphs are - Graceful graph, friendship graph is a - Graceful graph, every flower graph is a - Graceful graph. Are investigated it can also verified for some graphs.


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February, 2015 | Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences |