— „...... Ui— I _ TRUE —By mining camp at Purisima to lure him « EVERETT Cond ¥ . CFJT-SEVEN. by her beauty and then kill him. 'lt “* TO GET BANKS’ Ko]l Advehture-s Rev. Chas’ Phillip' As a performer in th'' vile dance- the South American Sodom LWI OF THt'TWINS 1"-J livered a v/.-ry able m^| hall of Barton, e she meets a young Aim rican engi- OHvfc RoberEr Lutheran church Sunday proves to her that all, BACKING FIRST neer who VISITORS W. J. Pennington am. “Gringoes” are not inhun n and fi-1 loway ‘ nally awakens a feeling of deep love j were in Oglethorpe < Elmore Tells in the heart of the young daughter zuma Saturday. Os Plans of old But sin find her ' Castle. Hardy Cook and Charlie I I or Cotton Market- fa® - vengeance even more satisfying than eruption Mon’.ezuma, were visitors here ing Organization she dreamed, for a vokanie day. strikes terror to the hearts of the' renegade ft ir. and Mrs. M. F. Penning ATLANTA, May * ruffians and the viilainou ; 18.—“The bank- engulfed by a sea of Miss Lillian and Herbert I’enningt is lava. of ers and business men of each cot- A cast of splendid actor an! re- Spartanburg, were dinner gues ton community in Georgia will be markable types will be seen in thi. of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Holloway Sun ¦ r-11 /Air day. lined up strongly behind the Cali- production among them Vv Race Mi- Walter Long. Arthur Je-| Miss Eula Kitchens, George fornia plan for co-operative market- Dcnald. mine. Beatrice Domingo <. 01.-j ])'-i i . Stubbs., Guss and Lester Kitchens, ing cotton, of before any really or- Mojean, William Fagie-Eyc and . went Ao Leslie Friday evening to at- attempt Halo ganized made I tend is to sign up many others. i “The Cuban Spy,” a comedy the cotton growers of that communi- J dram a presented by the Salem Dra- ty to the association contract,” says J matic club. A. A. Elmore, director of organiza- ¦V.iss Bessie Kitchens, of thi- place, tion for the Georgia Cotton Growers’ I an<, Olin Holloway, of Andersonville, Association. | 1 we re dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Elmore giving tedA&Netices D. P. Saturday. w was out for the Norris rirst time detailed plans of the forth Drury and Green Norris, John coining president, looked especially ferocious. campaign to sign up growers The following notice has been The wart-hog, who was jgo and Hewett Joiner were in Byron * T/ii* of more than 300,000 bales of Geor- Worshipful ini s.. T.'i.... .1...4T1 ...1 4 I /inl-inrr mm;him’” cnrinknH nvnrv .’last week mailed by Ma ter E. J.I When Flippety-Flap shuffled into “Looking tor snrieKea every, an business. gia’s annual cotton crop to the as- Witt, of Mr and Mrs. J. B. Rouse to each member Americus j the “Council of single creature at once as though, were sociation’s five-year marketing Lodge 13, & the place where I practiced it. shoppers in Americus Saturday. No. F. A. M.: meeting they had agreement. The plans are those Dear Brother: —Thursday evening,: .Creatures” was having a “We—-we don’t understand you,” j Todd Woods, of Americus, visited which have been evolved to a great May 19, at 7 o’clock at a called, followed by the twins in their Mag- . sir.” said the antelope timidly. Mr. #nd Mrs. Drury Norris Satur- extent, by the general organization communication of Americus Lodge. I ic Shoes, everbody turned to look. It was Nick who explained. “Why,’ , I the ducers and booked for presentation itself in time to handle the 1921 in the Rylander theater for a brief ¦ Norman Dawn, who also directed the the 300,000 Ameri- Small crop, means that Dawn a South ‘A which engagement Friday and Saturday. I production. is I bale minimum would have to be se- All the “dolls” .will can by birth and wove the screen cured before July 15, next, Mr. El- be there—and then some! In one narrative from the most romantic more said: scene alone aOO beautiful girls par- tradition of Andean life. “It is quite possible, and alto- ticipate, their harmonized presence Miss Roberts appears as a Peruv- gether probable in the event that being headed by who, ian girl whoso only surviving rela- the organization committ° is success- with another Sennett beauty, Phyl- tion, her mother, is murdered by an ful in an e’ffort now being made lis Haver, shares the feminine stel- American renegade. She swears Town Idol’ by some of its members to raise a lar honors of the production. vengeance and goes to the notorious Ilk substantial organization fund at And will be there also. Ilk once among friends of the movement His will be the title role—a small BEN TURPIN CHARLIE MURRAY [ 'The committee has the power to i town idol. borrow money and bind the associa- Turpin! , Poor Ben z\ll the woes ; MARIE PROVOST tion, when formed, to repay it; and that have ever been allotted him in any case, it may use that power. In a Sennett plot will seem like items W ' the contract fee of five dollars in a perfect day compared with the wfe: Head a Company That Includes while small. wi(l be more than suf- calamity that follows him as hero of ficient, in the long run, to pay for ‘A Small Town Idol.” the campaign. But unless a sub- Passionately and madly in love RYLANDER stantial advance can be secured at with the village belle, Phyllis Haver, 1,000 Beautiful Girls T-T;. this time, our beginning will have to Ben’s troubles begin at the close of T II E A T E R be slow. the very first episode, which shows “But,” he smiled, “don t you we re go- doubt for one minute that Garner Hill, Gladstone, N. J., Sells TODAY In Typical Sennett Costumes ing to get there!” Rat-Snap, He Says. WHHf “I sell and use RAT-SNAP. Like any Marry’ to look man in the face and teli ‘Don’tEver It is a» full of thrills and romance it’s the best. It’s good.” Pedple like Z-T R/f 11 because kill RAT-SNAP it “does” as Melodrama.. a, “THE CORSICAN BROTHERS” I rats. Petrifies carcass—leaves no Also Pathc Review smell. Comes in cakes—no mixing to do. Cats or dogs won’t touch it. | It is a auper-ipccdster making the ** v 35c, 65c, Three sizes, $1.25. Sold • •• • • and guaranteed by Sparks Grocery ’LzOmeCiy mighty hills of Hilarity on high Co., Harris Grocery Co. and Nathan Murray, Druggist.— (2) O • 1 It is an Aarabian Nights Dream with a ¦F aS &>% Wait Also Eddie Polo in “KING OF THE CIRCUS” t j lo\ ? f Don’t I f To The Friday and Saturday ® S Last Day ||||f ||i| i)5 ® v / -— NOW & j Drive around DYLANDED Y and let us examine THEATER your tires. Thousands of dollars are saved IMS IV 1| . every year by those who have us inspect their Phone West End Market tires. FREE AIR awaits you and free inspec- For Fish tion. Just take Jimmie’s advice, and drive Fresh Corn Meal around. Sweet Potatoes All Kinds of Meats at Popular AMERICUS STEAM VULCANIZINGCO. Prices For Cash << JIMMIELOTT, Manager. 1 < WEST END MARKET “LOTTS OF SERVICE” Mgr Phone 71. J. L. GLAWSON, TELEPHONE FIVE-O-SIX.