Ilktown Idol'

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Ilktown Idol' THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1921. THE AMERICUS TIMES RECORDER. — „....... Ui— I _ TRUE —By mining camp at Purisima to lure him « EVERETT Cond ¥ . CFJT-SEVEN. by her beauty and then kill him. 'lt “* TO GET BANKS’ Ko]l Advehture-s Rev. Chas’ Phillip' As a performer in th'' vile dance- the South American Sodom LWI OF THt'TWINS 1"-J livered a v/.-ry able m^| hall of Barton, e she meets a young Aim rican engi- OHvfc RoberEr Lutheran church Sunday proves to her that all, BACKING FIRST neer who VISITORS W. J. Pennington am. “Gringoes” are not inhun n and fi-1 loway ‘ nally awakens a feeling of deep love j were in Oglethorpe < Elmore Tells in the heart of the young daughter zuma Saturday. Os Plans of old But sin find her ' Castle. Hardy Cook and Charlie I I or Cotton Market- fa® - vengeance even more satisfying than eruption Mon’.ezuma, were visitors here ing Organization she dreamed, for a vokanie day. strikes terror to the hearts of the' renegade ft ir. and Mrs. M. F. Penning ATLANTA, May * ruffians and the viilainou ; 18.—“The bank- engulfed by a sea of Miss Lillian and Herbert I’enningt is lava. of ers and business men of each cot- A cast of splendid actor an! re- Spartanburg, were dinner gues ton community in Georgia will be markable types will be seen in thi. of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Holloway Sun ¦ r-11 /Air day. lined up strongly behind the Cali- production among them Vv Race Mi- Walter Long. Arthur Je-| Miss Eula Kitchens, George fornia plan for co-operative market- Dcnald. mine. Beatrice Domingo <. 01.-j ])'-i i . Stubbs., Guss and Lester Kitchens, ing cotton, of before any really or- Mojean, William Fagie-Eyc and . went Ao Leslie Friday evening to at- attempt Halo ganized made I tend is to sign up many others. i “The Cuban Spy,” a comedy the cotton growers of that communi- J dram a presented by the Salem Dra- ty to the association contract,” says J matic club. A. A. Elmore, director of organiza- ¦V.iss Bessie Kitchens, of thi- place, tion for the Georgia Cotton Growers’ I an<, Olin Holloway, of Andersonville, Association. | 1 we re dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Elmore giving tedA&Netices D. P. Saturday. w was out for the Norris rirst time detailed plans of the forth Drury and Green Norris, John coining president, looked especially ferocious. campaign to sign up growers The following notice has been The wart-hog, who was jgo and Hewett Joiner were in Byron * T/ii* of more than 300,000 bales of Geor- Worshipful ini s.. T.'i.... .1...4T1 ...1 4 I /inl-inrr mm;him’” cnrinknH nvnrv .’last week mailed by Ma ter E. J.I When Flippety-Flap shuffled into “Looking tor snrieKea every, an business. gia’s annual cotton crop to the as- Witt, of Mr and Mrs. J. B. Rouse to each member Americus j the “Council of single creature at once as though, were sociation’s five-year marketing Lodge 13, & the place where I practiced it. shoppers in Americus Saturday. No. F. A. M.: meeting they had agreement. The plans are those Dear Brother: —Thursday evening,: .Creatures” was having a “We—-we don’t understand you,” j Todd Woods, of Americus, visited which have been evolved to a great May 19, at 7 o’clock at a called, followed by the twins in their Mag- . sir.” said the antelope timidly. Mr. #nd Mrs. Drury Norris Satur- extent, by the general organization communication of Americus Lodge. I ic Shoes, everbody turned to look. It was Nick who explained. “Why,’ , I <day. committee, and the execution of 13, &. M., ‘fro li meat’ will; want to bim Mrs. Cooglc, of Oglethorpe, placed No. F. A. ‘ It was plain to see that they were said he, “we take home | Joe which was Tuesday in the be furnished by feur candidates for with us, so he can be in the circus.” spent the week-end with Mrs. Lizzie hands of an operating I not only amazed at the sight of the committee to the Master Degree. Your presence, and “Then,” suggested the wart-hog, Bedcnbaugh. remain in permanent session in At- inspiration to the workers I visitors but curious suspiei-1 have him will be an well. Even the fact that the “as you wish to and we Mr. and Mrs. Greene Norris and lanta consisting of Mr. Elmore H C. and pleasure to your brethren, ous as to be of him. let’s have a family, spent Sunday Bagley, a and I mongoose ushersd them in and cau- wish rid afternoon with C. S. Barrett, O. E. Tate, I sincerely trust you will make it I good talk at once. We may think 'fir. and Mrs. Carlton Barton and and L. B. Jackson. I . tiously peeped out through the door- * a point to be present. In addition i they had of something.” family, near Oglethorpe. "The ac‘,ve Qo-opertion A way after him to see 11 of banks *f?PAr to ‘fresh meat’ other refreshmentsj observed, did not seem to make and business interests of all kinds will Fraternally yours, I been be served. | the members of the council any more is not only essential,” he Witt, MBH.uIIIIIHIIWIi Illi—Os ¦WIIIIM—It I HILLlIIIIIHIIIMM said. “But E. J. W. M.” fi icndly. ¦ very easy to secure. We found it S. L. Daniel will be in charge of so in the organization (barbecue.) Had you been there, or had I been successful of refreshments Visitors we the Pacific Wheat expected Ellaville, Buena, there, my dears. I’m sure that Growers’ Asso- from Pres- have—well, at least. ciation, which I have just take ton, Richland, Plains, would shivered left to s": "X" Smithville and The wart-hog, w*ho was president, up this work. I know they are solid- &: ITa Cordele. Alcazar Theater ferocious. But ly behind the tight co-operative The reputation of looked especially the en- the Americus not in the least afraid. p terprises in California, and I under- teams is such that a large attend- twins were THURSDAY FRIDAY IF cl “Well, what do you ’.want?” he that BXiiiiiiWHß-iB stand they were the deciding ance is assured whenever the an- universal picture factor in the organization made i asked gruffly. I successful nouncement is that the Master! anything,” ROBERT w. CHAMBERS , of and Degree wdll “We don’t want re- Beautiful 1 the Oklahoma Mississippi cot- be conferred. : Flippety-Fllip, emphatically ton units which have just completed All member. M. B. Council Lodge! plied lock. Nancy and , EDITH upon Spray JHileys Again This Week ’ bobbig his top Nickj „ 4 StoryC1 ROBERTS con- No. 95 » themselves the idential and visiting brethren in the I ! hastily, “No, we don t in-( Greatest tract which we offering city cordially invited. chimed in in are here. deed!” f “This movement from Growers should not to make arsenate of lead and self- I is different fail tion of what you come for?” anything an application of arsenate of boiled lime-sulphur the the “Then did Fighting that has ever arisen among lead i until the wart-hog. ‘The Chance’ ‘The Fire Cat’ the farmers of this country outside and self-boiled lime-sulphur or 80- week of May 30-Junc 4. Elberta: WORLD’S OLDEST MAN. I went on of California, where it brought 5-15 dust to Hiley peaches during will need the application during the CONSTANTINOPLE, May 14. ' “We didn’t come for anything.” I and has i 1 A,s3 < 1 endless prosperity not only to the the week May 16-21, says a bulle- I week June 6-11. Torah, a 150-year-old Kurd, claims! Mr. Wart-hog began to look pleas- RUTH ROLAND by discing to be the oldest man in farmers but to all interests in the tin the U. S. Peach Laboratory, Frequent of orchards, par the world. anter, and the antelope and gazelle " at Fort the the He hasn't worked for last SO community in which they dwell. We Valley. According to ticularly under the trees near the looked relieved at this reply. < ’ years. He lives pension grant- Fox News f are not creating a class organization, life history of the curculio it is tree trunk, is especially urged to on a “And didn't that wicked old crea- The AvenKinK Arrow hut a are quite probable that they will become destroy the curculio in the pupa ed him by the Turkish government. business institution. We ture, Tag Tiger, send you to spy on tLL SCHOOL KIDS FREE FROM 2 TO 6 O’CLOCK forming an economic unit purely and active again on Hileys during the stage. Recent observations show us??” asked Mr. Wart-Hog. not political next few Consequently is 45 per cent in a one. And when the weeks. it that of the “/worms” of shook his “No bankers and extremely advisable to make ap- have passed to the pupa The. remains an imposing tem- Flippety-Flap head. I SEE THESE SURE business men realize, as an the soil ple built 4(H) B. ( . are looking for they plication of spray to that variety ini stage and will emerging a; about have been indeed he didn’t. We must as soon as they under- soon be unearthed at Rena, in The. saly. him. stand the enterprise, that we operate mediately. This is the last applica- adult curculio beetles. Frequent strictly and constructively within tion to Hileys unless a great deal of discing destroys or disturbs the pupa rain be- insect from cloudy prevents - occurs cells and II! existing order, and weather the -X— -X-X MBM *1...—.
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