Handsome New Apartment House Mit Was Quieter Than on a Sunday
<?r*>^ m* ) •->••'y Vi Devoted to the best inter "A kindly interest in our ests of Summit and all its neighbor's doings lies at inhabitants as welL as of its the base of healthy and "*fc neighboring communities. progressive social life" t. Summit's Oldest Newspaper—Established in 1883 Ten Pages VOL. XXXVIII. TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM. SUMMIT, NTX: FHI] ^22719217 "SINGEKTJOPY fa CENTS" ~mr&r Chrysanthemum Show of Court Has Grist Excursions Have Garden Clubs Here in Oct. of Minor C Perfect Day Wednesday A Chrysanthemum Show is being ases planned to be given in Suminil during j the Inst week in October, under the Brok Bottles in Roadway, Reli- Over a Thousand Summitites Visit uuspii-eK of tlio Card en Clubs of Mor- en the Shore on B.M.A. Clambake ristown, Somerset Hills, Princeton, gious Dcmentia, Non-Support, Short Hills, Rumson and Summit. and Sunday School Picnic There will be sections and classes Speeding and Crap-Shoo ling provided for other garden flowers than chrysanthemums, which may be Some Cases Held Over Until the 29th No Accident Marred the Day in bloom at that time, and prizes or ribbons offered in each. • Any and Antonio Cardono, 2 0 Prospect ave jpiKiiyT^ loAsbudiiiKs on the part of only jimaleurf, may exhibit on the payment of n 1iit> cent exhibitor's fee, nue, tn'ed on a complaint of disor woiitcPbe excursionists Tuesday night derly conduct by Mrs. Mary J. Leslie, when the wcathor conditions were which includes admission". Date, place and rules for exhibitors 5 41 Morris avenue, had his case dis-: distinctly ' forbidding gave place to missed with a warning.
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