$2 Friday , June 10th, 2016 Issue #1128




C M Y K Page 2 The St. Kitts-Nevis Observer. Friday June 10, 2016 LOCAL NEWS LOCAL NEWS The St. Kitts-Nevis Observer. Friday June 10, 2016 Page 3 Are Ambassador Powell’s actions an indication of more kinks in Team Unity’s Armour? By LR Liburd sider that the Speaker saying publicly; when St. Kitts-Nevis Observer resigned even before he you think about all these spent a year, he didn’t things, and in the midst With the latest issue want to stay any longer. of that comes Jonel being Jonel Powell’s let - He had two weeks to go Powell saying he give ter to Prime Minister Dr. to make him pensionable back in his passport the Hon. and he decided I don’t because one year later he reminding him that after want to stay anymore. can’t get his Instrument one year he is yet to When we look in public of Appointment; you receive his Instrument of spat between Patches and know that there is some - Appointment and that he their chief Operation thing not smelling good was returning his diplo - Rescue partner; when with this tug. Too much matic passport, many (L-R) – Hon. Marcella Liburd, Ambassador Jonel Powell and Dwyer Astaphan you hear what first pulling and tugging in persons are asking if the respondents like Terry the tug!” actions taken by the Adams and the rest are “I hereby return my Government’s perfor - go back. When we con - Continued on page 22 young Attorney-at-Law diplomatic passport to mance and tenure, it is an indication of more your custody until such seems as though the kinks in team Unity’s time as the situation can timetable for the armour. be justified”. Government with regard In his letter, Powell said: to doing that audit is giv - Speaking on the issue ing oxygen to the now “Approximately one year with a local media house, later I am yet to receive Opposition. And the former National Security same approach is creat - an instrument of appoint - Minister Dwyer ment or a contract to this ing disappointment with Astaphan was in agree - Ambassador Powell and effect.” He also noted ment with Powell for the that “over the past 12 others who are support - actions he took, noting ers of the Government months I have had sever - that the young lawyer al meetings with your and want to see the had every right to be dis - Government do the right good self, the appointed. Honourable Minister thing and succeed, and carry out the obligations. Richards and the “I think his disappoint - Minister I report to, the ment is a “It is my understanding Honourable Attorney year. Something like this that Mr. Powell has General and a discussion ought not to take any asked for this matter to with the Cabinet length of time,” be sorted out on more Secretary, all to address Astaphan said, adding than one occasion this matter. To date this that the Team Unity through vocal communi - issue remains unre - Government had cation and nothing hap - solved”. appointed Powell and pened. I suppose out of they should “give him The People’s Action frustration he reduced his the Instrument, formalise concerns to writing, and Movement’s candidate it, complete the process for Constituency Two, nothing is wrong with and put him to work. Of that.. .” who PM Harris course he has been doing announced at a press his work but his disap - Also commenting on the conference on pointment was justified”. matter was Chairman of Wednesday, May 27 last the St. Kitts-Nevis year as the Ambassador The Operation Rescue’s Labour Party, the Hon. and Special Envoy to the co-founder told the Marcella Liburd, who Ministries of Sports and media house that the claimed that the Team Culture, spoke to his dis - Government appears to Unity Government was comfiture as the holder be developing a very isolating its key support - of a diplomatic passport slow process in handling ers and insinuated that while still waiting for his matters that should be the tri-party coalition is Instrument of given priority. unravelling. Appointment, and explained the reason for “Insofar as doing an “The Press Secretary to having it returned. audit, administrative the Prime Minister after audit on the previous one year doesn’t want to Page 4 The St. Kitts-Nevis Observer. Friday June 10, 2016 COMMENTARY NEWS Editorial Instill Values, Hurricane Preparation Build Strong Children, The hurricane season is once again upon us, and as good corpo - rate citizens, we feel an obligation to help our readers prepare for Secure the Future As a branch of the young children adopt the any eventuality. Ministry of Education values of a society is by with specific responsibil - internalizing the values Too often, the weather is reported with reference to Puerto Rico, ity for the nation’s chil - they will live by. This Hispaniola or Antigua & Barbuda; or in latitude and longitude co- dren , we are constantly seems to suggest that as ordinates, and many persons do not quite understand. So we will aware of the issues that adults, parents, teachers, explain it for our readers. are obvious within our and members of society , Federation of St. Kitts it is absolutely important St. Kitts & Nevis is located at 17° 20 ’ North latitude of the equa - and Nevis. It is these that we exhibit positive tor and 62° 40’ West of the longitude prime meridian. These are issues that direct our attributes for the children the two lines (the equator & the prime meridian) which divide the focus to our 32nd Child with whom we come into world into 4 quarters. For us, the important part is the 17 and the Month theme ,“Instill “LifeLines is a monthly contact. Values, Build Strong 62. Any time you hear a storm is LESS than 17 °N and 62 °W, it Children, Secure the column dedicated to Here are some basic tips is heading towards us. Hurricanes usually move from south to Future.” This theme pro - addressing issues of to help you instill posi - north and from east to west. motes instilling good , mental, behavioural, tive values in the lives of solid values , which so and social health. The children. If the weather report uses Puerto Rico as a reference point, bear suitably correlates with column is written by in mind that Puerto Rico is 18° 15’ North , and 66° 30’ West of us, the mission statement of professionals in the Foster a warm relation - and is about 240 miles away. Hispaniola is in the same direction the Early Childhood field of social work, ship . Children are more (19°N 71°W) but further away at about 400 miles. Antigua is a Sector:“ To provide High mental health, and willing to accept and Quality Care and community medicine. ” internalize parental val - mere 60 miles away and , at 17° N & 61° 48’ W is almost due east ues when they feel close but slightly south of us. Education for the maxi - mum number of children to their parents. This lar culture that is known means spending quality You may often hear distances quoted in kilometres instead of the in their early years of life and facilitate collabora - as a culturally accepted time with children as this miles that you are accustomed to. A kilometre is slightly more tion between the family, norm. Every culture reinforces shared interest than half a mile. Thus, a storm that is 200 km away is just 120 community and those emphasizes the values and positive values with - miles away and may be closer than you think. who are providing early their members share in the family. childhood care and edu - extensively. For The Government will issue watches and warnings. The former cation in order to pre - instance-‘respecting Cultivate open commu - means that dangerous weather is approaching, so pay attention pare the children for pri - elders ’, ‘ punctuality ’, nication . Open commu - and stock up on essential items. A warning means – and this is mary school and life in ‘neatness ’, ‘ cleanliness ’, nication increases the general. ” may be considered as odds that children will a direct quote from the internet - “ don’t even think about leaving values. Further, values listen to and internalize your house/business/school wherever because it’s not safe to go Since developing solid can also be personal. In their parent’s values. outside. If you’re traveling when a WARNING is issued, you need values in the next gener - terms of the personal to not try to fight the storm, but instead find a place to hang out ation is a long-term level, values are things Pay attention to your until the worst of it is over. Associate a watch with keeping an eye process and not a single that people recognize as child’s words and inter - on things. Warning has an ‘I’ which can stand for ‘imminent’ or ‘is’ event, it means that the being important and est: When you show act of “instilling values” cherished. interest in things that happening right now ”. Many employers outline a policy which matter to a child, you requires movement during a watch. Be guided. will eventually accrue positive dividends for ‘Virtues’, on the other show them that you care our children throughout hand , represent the good about their choices and Don’t go gawking. Obey evacuation orders. It is not fair to put the morals of a person. They activities. lives of emergency workers in jeopardy to rescue persons who their lifespan. are positive traits that are willfully and deliberately ignore orders. Let me begin by empha - considered the founda - Give children choices sizing that , through chil - tion of a morally princi - and appropriate inde - Finally, pray. Pray fervently and earnestly for our continued deliv - dren , humanity transmits pled person. Virtues can pendence . When parents erance and for strengthening of those who have to forbear. its values; this begins in also be referred to as the don’t give choices or infancy. Hence, an characteristics of people don’t see their children appropriate question that who make up a certain as unique individuals, must be askedin caring culture or society. the children may end up for children is “ What are However, unlike values, pushing away in order to values ?” Values and virtues do not define a develop their own sense virtues are two words particular culture. of who they are. Virtues are often associ - which can be confused Provide appropriate because of their close ated with personal traits. Thus, it is understand - information, guidelines association. We must and structure . Set clear clarify the term ‘values’ - able that values and Publisher/Editor-in-Chief: Kenneth Williams virtues are distinctly dif - and fair expectations and so as to put this article consequences, and then into its proper perspec - ferent in terms of what General Manager: Julio Rosario they reflect: values follow through with the tive , so that it is not con - consequences when fused with the connec - reflect what is accepted St. Kitts Nevis by cultures , while virtues needed. POB 657, Cayon Street #1 Observer Plaza, Observer Drive tion it shares with ‘virtues.’ reflect characteristics of Basseterre, St. Kitts, W.I. Charlestown, Nevis, W.I. a human being in terms Cultivate skills to put Tel.: (869) 466-4994 Tel.: (869) 469-5907 of his/her morals. values into practice . Fax: (869) 466-4995 Fax: (869) 469-5891 Despite the number of Help children to be con - contexts in which ‘val - Email:[email protected] Email: [email protected] The next question one fident in standing up for ues’ is used, this article what they believe and attempts to explore what may ask is “ How do we Website: instill positive values in take actions based on is meant by ‘value’ in their values. Editorial Policy: The Observer reserves the right to edit, rewrite, summarise terms of personal and our children so that they become strong children or reject any unsolicited material. We will assume that all letters addressed to cultural associations. Provide experiences The Observer or its staff are intended for publication unless otherwise stated. ‘Value’ is a word that who would eventually Letter writers are required to sign their names and are asked to include a tele - influence a nation posi - that reinforce positive denotes many meanings, values and commit - phone number to allow verification. Views expressed in letters, commentaries andit is based on cultural tively , and in so doing , or personal columns do not necessarily represent the viewpoint of this news - create a secure future? ” terms. A value is some - Continued on page 22 paper. Limit submissions to 1000 words thing related to a particu - One of the ways that C M Y K COMMENTARY NEWS The St. Kitts-Nevis Observer. Friday June 10, 2016 Page 5 REMEMBERING A LEGEND MUHAMMAD ALI - FROM RAGS TO RICHES FROM OBSCURITY TO PROMINENCE Ali was poor, uneducated Liston in an upset. He known as an inspiring and had little hope of has also been involved in and controversial figure. attaining much in life. several historic boxing He took unprecedented However, his future matches. Most notably stands against issues that changed dramatically are the “Fight of the existed in the late 1950’s when at 12, his bike was Century”, “Super Fight and in the Civil Rights stolen and he went to a 11” and the “Thrilla in Movement of the 1960’s. ring and learned how to Manilla” versus Joe He opposed the Vietnam formally box. The rest is Frazier and the “The War and refused to report history. He has risen to Rumble in the Jungle” to military service, being the most recogniz - versus George Foreman. declaring himself a con - able face on the planet. He won the heavyweight scientious objector and He rose from obscurity to championship an stating that he had no being friends with kings, unprecedented three issueswith the Vietnam presidents and ordinary times (1964, 1974 and people. This unpopular people. He shook up the 1978) . All of this came to stance led to him being world and paved the way an end, when he retired sentenced to 5 years in for many athletes and for good in 1961 at the prison and fined $10,000. black people in general. youthful age of 39. Ali is He was also stripped of regarded as one of the his Boxing title and from He was bornCassius Clay most significant and cel - boxing for 3 yearsby the on January 17, 1942 in ebrated sports figures of New York Boxing Louisville, Kentucky, the 20 th century and is Commission when he USA but changed his widely considered the was at the height of his name to Muhammad Ali greatest heavyweight career. He then spent the when he converted to fighter of all time . Sports next three years speaking Islam .In 1960, at the age Illustrated named him as out against the War as of 18, he won the Light Sportsman of the well as many other Heavyweight gold medal Century. He was known issues. He became a in the Summer Olympics as the “Greatest” and leader and a champion of in Rome. Immediately “the People’s black people and the afterward, he turned pro - Champion.” He was also underserved.He appealed “I Am The Greatest” fessional as a boxer . He known as “the Louisville to the U.S. Supreme has won 56 of his 61 pro - Lip” because of his out - Court which overturned Muhammed Ali fessional fights, with 37 spoken and his boastful his conviction in 1971. by knockout. In 1964, at nature. By then he had lost 4 the age of 22, Ali won the years of peak perfor - heavyweight champi - Ali fought both in and onship from Sonny out of the ring and is Continued on page 22

C M Y K Page 6 The St. Kitts-Nevis Observer. Friday June 10, 2016 LOCAL NEWS Gender Affairs to Establish National Men’s Council Staff Writer they are underserved,” their own rules and Watson noted . address their own goals Problems affecting men about issues affecting in St. Kitts and Nevis He stressed that after the them .” have always been treaded group is established it on lightly or swept under will be more able to rep - According to Watson, the carpet, while women resent and interact with due to the absence of a have gained most of the anyone who feels that men’s council no group attention, but the their issues are not being has approached interna - Department of Gender addressed. tional donor agencies to Affairs has taken the ini - appeal for funding. Most tiative to establish a Further, Watson said the of the monies are given National Men’s Council group will speak on to projects assisting (NMC) to deal with pre - behalf of men losing women and children vailing issues. their personal identity. across the Caribbean That would be a chal - region and the wider A guest on a popular lenge for some people in world. radio programme recent - the Federation, notice - ly, Gender Officer in the ably those who have Groups representing Department of Gender court -related issues. men’s interests have long Affairs, Troy Watson been a stagnant force , but said the purpose of the With the proposal laid the Gender Officer body is to champion the out for the establishment sounded a word of opti - cause of men in the of the NMC , the mism during his stint on Federation, that is, Department is inviting the radio programme. address concerns and men to volunteer their advocating on behalf of services to sit on the He stated that there is males in St. Kitts and council because the limited funding avail - Nevis. agency cannot install able , “if men can unite members of the interim and form a network tying He explained that for committee. into the broader cross many years the section of the Caribbean Department has called Watson said NMC mem - region it would assist for men to come together bers will be voted upon them .” and hold a national con - at a meeting on versation on an array of Wednesday (June 15) . In conclusion, Watson issues that are affecting pointed out there are males across a wide “We at the Department of some “Caribbean Action cross -section of society. Gender Affairs would not Networks ,” among oth - want to select a team and ers , that would provide “In the Federation we then not appoint any - the same representa - have a wide cross section body,” Watson explained. tion —but if a council is of men that are faced “That would not be fair in place in the federation with different issues, or just. We are asking then ties can be fostered challenges and a majority men to come and be a to address the issue of the complaints that we part of this movement plaguing men in the have received are from and decide on their own entire region. men, and they feel that executives to establish

C M Y K LOCAL NEWS The St. Kitts-Nevis Observer. Friday June 10, 2016 Page 7 Sprint legend Kim Collins expected to compete in National Track/Field Championships His goal is to continue to the Olympic Games in Rio Staff Writer Rio. Federation’s hosting of Collins has brought a the CARIFTA Games , number of medals to the The Federation’s sprint But, Public Relations the Government of Federation since his legend Kim Collins is Officer at the St. Kitts National Unity and the debut in 1996 at the expected to compete at and Nevis Amateur SKNAAA paid homage Atlanta Games. His most the upcoming National Athletics Association to Collins when they remarkable accomplish - Track and Field (SKNAAA), Evris renamed the Silver ment to date was a Gold Championship at the sta - Huggins said Collins is Sprint Legend Jubilee Stadium in his Medal at the 2003 World dium named in his hon - expected to compete Kim Collins for honour. Championship. our, where he is compet - June 18-19. National Track ing to make what many and Field The 40-year-old sprint - To date , Collins has fea - believe would be his last “The last time I checked , er has placed St. Kitts tured at four Olympic Olympic Games. Mr. Collins said he and Nevis on the world Games and a remarkable would be returning home stage as one of the top nine World Collins has achieved per - to compete at Nationals,” sprint countries in the Championship, capturing sonal milestones over the Huggins noted. “I am not Caribbean region and two indoor and five out - years and qualifying for aware of any issues by extension the world. door medals. the 2016 Rio Olympics between the SKNAAA would be another goal on and Collins.” his long list of things he wants to accomplish. Recently Collins attained at Rio…” said Collins a world record of 9.93 to during the post -race A video circulating on become the first man at interview. social media shows the age of 40 to break the Collins being interview 10-second barrier which According to Huggins, by a media entity nuffin - resulted in congratulato - one of the prerequisites shortly after ry remarks from the for athletes to qualify for winning the 100m at the National Unity govern - the Olympic Games is Birmingham Diamond ment. that they must participate League event in at their respective nation - England, showed the “I achieved my first goal al championship in order sprinter expressing dis - and that was to go under to make the teams. pleasure that he was not 10s at 40 years, and I am given a direct entry to hoping to get a free pass In 2015, during the

C M Y K Page 8 The St. Kitts-Nevis Observer. Friday June 10, 2016 LOCAL NEWS The Kaplans CBI Saga – More in the mortar than the pestle! By LR Liburd were wired to a St. Kitts twin-island Affairs Minister, Mark accusing the Team Unity St. Kitts-Nevis Observer law firm to assist them in Federation are how - Brantley, who at that Government of deception, attaining St. Kitts and ever in doubt about time was Leader of the claiming that it could not Shortly after the conclu - Nevis citizenship”. the Government’s Opposition, had told be trusted by citizens of St. sion of the Prime statement on “highest us in a nationwide Kitts and Nevis. Minister’s monthly press The release also stated that level of due dili - address that ‘the conference last week the Team Unity adminis - gence”. chicken have now Dr. Douglas was at the Monday (May 30), a tration is committed to the come home to roost’ time responding to the release from his Press highest level of due dili - They are claiming and he blamed the charges brought against Secretary informed that the gence and transparency in that since the Labour Government Kaplan while a guest on a Team Unity administration relation to the Federation’s Moghadam issue, for depriving us of local radio talk show pro - had revoked the passports Citizenship-by-Investment which as of visa free travel. But gramme last week of two US citizens – David programme, and that “the November 22, 2014 now, who is to be Wednesday. B. Kaplan and his wife Kaplans’ application was caused holders of the blamed for the alleged Lisa M. Kaplan. processed after appropriate Federation passport crooked Kaplans?” “Between June 20 and due diligence checks by a to no longer have March 2016, the court doc - The reason given for the highly reputable, interna - visa-free entry to now?” one citizen on con - A Litigation Release, uments are showing that revocation, according to tionally renowned due dili - Canada, the Government dition of anonymity asked. No. 23547, from the US the two persons made the release, is that “Mr. gence service provider of National Unity had “They had seen the effects Securities and Exchange application to become citi - Kaplan is accused of mis - found no evidence of promised to diligently of Moghadam’s claim of Commission (SEC), stated zens of St. Kitts and Nevis, representing investments impropriety or illegal work in reversing that situ - entering Canada to meet that the body had four months after the Team and misappropriating activity”. ation. with that country’s Prime announced on Friday, May Unity Government led by investor funds. It is alleged Minister, as reported by the 27, 2016 that it had filed Dr. Timothy Harris took that some of these funds Many nationals of the “What are they going to do Sun News. The Foreign fraud charges and obtained office. And by March of an asset freeze against an this year, Dr. Harris, the attorney and Nevada resi - Prime Minister of St. Kitts dent David B. Kaplan and and Nevis, has signed the three entities that he con - Certificate of Citizenship trols, based on an allegedly that made them citizens of fraudulent scheme that St. Kitts and Nevis,” Dr. raised S15.8M from 26 Douglas said. investors in eight states. He noted that the granting The release noted that the of citizenship to the couple SEC’s complaint was filed has raised a number of on May 19, 2016 in the US questions, especially when District Court for the a song and dance about the District of Nevada-Reno, CBI programme under the and charges Kaplan and Labour Party administra - the three entities, tion “when Dr. Harris was Synchronized telling the world that St. Organizational Solutions Kitts and Nevis was selling International Ltd. (SOSI), passports like Ms. Mem Synchronized selling black pudding on a Organizational Solutions Saturday morning and LLC (SOS), and Manna afternoon, and that crimi - International Enterprises nals and money launderers Ltd. were using our pro - gramme. But up to now According to the com - not even one name could plaint, Kaplan repeatedly be mentioned by that lied to prospective Government”. investors by stating that their funds would be The Opposition Leader invested in a low-risk, pri - stressed that the US vate off-shore trading pro - Government had made it gram that would provide absolutely clear to the estimated monthly profits world that the CBI pro - of 10 percent. gramme under Dr. Harris “is attracting crooks and The complaint alleges that fraudsters and signed off Kaplan did not use the by none other than Dr. investor funds as promised Timothy Harris himself”. but instead used large amounts for personal ben - He also asked a number of efit “including $592,000 to questions. buy and re-model a condo - minium in Nevada, and “Did Dr. Harris and the $79,394 wired to a St. Kitts CIU carry out any due dili - law firm to obtain St. Kitts gence check on this couple and Nevis passports and/or before he signed the citizenship for Kaplan and Certificate of Citizenship his wife”. that gave them citizenship of St. Kitts and Nevis and The facts coming out of the our passport? If the due SEC and the action taken diligence check was done, by the Team Unity admin - was the findings of the due istration led a member of diligence check ignored by the Opposition to conclude Harris when he signed the that there are more ques - certificates that made them tions than answers to this citizens of St. Kitts and issue. Nevis? And if no due dili - gence check was done, Opposition Leader the Rt. Hon. Dr. Denzil Douglas is Continued on page 21

C M Y K LOCAL NEWS The St. Kitts-Nevis Observer. Friday June 10, 2016 Page 9 Getting senior contestants to enter Nevis competition is ‘like pulling teeth ’ Charlestown Ferry Terminal. “OnJune 17 , we will announce the contes - tants competing in the senior pageants, talented teen, junior calypso and senior calypso. We will also have performances by last year’s winners, ” Liburd said. Liburd hinted new activities will be added to this year’s calendar of events.Other By Monique Washington peting this year;compared to last year Bank, Bank of Nevis, National Bank, activities available in the area include tra - when we had five schools .” National Caribbean Insurance, K.F.C, ditional bar crawls, fashion shows, calyp - Contestants and participants who want to Peachicks, Lefco, O.D Brisbane and Son, so tents, private promoters’ events and the participate in Culturama 42 are running Right now there are 11 Calypsonians reg - Grace Foods and Scotia Bank .” popular Bacchanal Corner. out of time, explained Antonio Liburd, istered in the senior calypso show . Culturama 42 Executive Director . This Contestants introduced in advance Legends of Calypso in concert year the festivities are held under the We have had many dedicated sponsors theme “Celebrating the Old, Showcasing like our platinum sponsors FLOW Liburd pointed out this year will be the “The activities haven’t changed that much the New , Culturama 42 .” Telecommunication. We also have Social first time they are introducing all of the but this year we are working with a private Security, T.D.C, Horsefords -St. Kitts contestants that will participatein promoter from Monserrat who be hosting “It has been like pulling teeth to get senior Bottling Co ., Carib Breweries, Housing Culturama 42. He said this year’s event a Legends of Calypso in concert. We will contestants to participate,” Liburd said . and Land Development, Development will take place in an area near the “We haven’t been seeing the interest in the Continued on page 22 pageants .” “This year we have not seen the interest in participation in the senior pageant ,” Liburdtold the Observer on Monday.He said they have four contestants for the Miss Culture Queen Pageant; four partic - ipants for Mr. Kool ; and five contestants for Miss Swimwear . Liburd noted that even though they have not secured their fifth contestants as yet, the committee will not open the Miss Culture Pageant to Kittitians. He indicat - ed the sub-committee is working “vigor - ously to secure the contestants before the June 17 introduction.” Rules unchanged “The rules will remain the same, the Miss Culture and the Senior Calypso competi - tion are only opened to Nevisians or per - sons who have been living on the island for the past 12 months,”Liburd explained . Liburd said participation in other shows has remained steady or increased. The number of sponsors has remained the same. He said there is always room for more sponsors. “People are still registering for some of the shows like soul and calypso music (soca),” Liburd said.“The Talented Teen competition will have eight schools com -

LIQUOR LICENCES ORDINANCE, 1906 SCHEDULE A To the Magistrate District To the Superintendent of Police I, BRIAN CLAXTON Now residing in Jessups Village, in the town or Village of JESSUPS do hereby give you notice. That it is my intention to apply on 26th Day of May next to the District Magistrate at Charlestown for a RETAIL LIQUOR Licence in respect of my premises in Charlestown in St. Pauls Parish. Date 26 TH day of MAY 2016 Signed : Brian Claxton

C M Y K Page 10 The St. Kitts-Nevis Observer. Friday June 10, 2016 LOCAL NEWS July 7-10 Mango Festival features celebrity chefs Nevisians, tourists can sample unique recipes By Monique Washington some fusion of mango date was intention - forces the chefs to be cre - ally set during the With more than 40 differ - ative and think very care - off - season. ent varieties of mangoes fully about what they are on the island the Nevis going to produce,” Hon. “Mango is Tourism Authority will Brantley said . “ We tend Nevis’ssweetest once again host its Third to look at the tourist sea - resource and to Annual Mango Festival son as seasonal. We are combineit with the from July 7to 10 in trying to establish a year- culinary sceneon Charlestown. round tourist season. We Nevismakes a very need innovative ideas to special event,” Minister of Tourism Hon . attract people and the Phillip said . “The Mark Brantley said the mango festival is one of Mango Festival event is a “unique” and those ideas .” will be an event “innovative” way to mar - that continues to ket the island, especially CEO of the Nevis grow not just in in the off-season of Tourisms Authority popularity , but in tourism. (NTA), Greg Phillip quality. It is sched - described the reasoning uledduring the off- “I think it is a very behind the festivaltothe season by design . unique festival, the idea Observer.He said the There are a lot of that each dish must have things going on in St . Kitts and Nevis at this time and the Mango Festival just adds to it.” Continuing, Phillips said the festival adds “texture to their stay as it adds a unique activity for tourists.” Phillip pointed out,“Compared to last year when the majority Phillips expects the of mangoes were lost to Mango Festival to monkeys and drought. become more popular This yearthere are plenty each year. of mangoes to work with. ” “We are expectingeven more next year,” Phillips “This year the drought said . “ TheMango has not been that bad,” Festival will expand to Phillip explained, “so the even further successes, monkeys were unable to not just in what it is but eat all the mangoes. ” in whom it attracts and This year the NTA boasts how it helps increase two celebrity chefs will tourism .” take part in the festival, Friday July 8 , 11 a.m. to Iron Chef Jude Joo , and 4 p.m., Mango Madness UK chef Natasha Corrett. Street Fair on Main Both chefs will host food Street in Charlestown , presentation in different Nevis . towns and will be fea - tured chefs at the Four Friday July 8, in the Seasons, Montpellier and evening, a special Oualie. mango-themed dinner will feature Iron Chef Although the festival is Judy Loo, at the only three years old, Montpelier Plantation Phillip said he has seen it and Beach. grow. He added the fes - tival provides an oppor - Saturday July 9, in the tunity for local chefs to evening, a mango - participate andhighlight themed dinner will fea - their culinary expertise . ture UK Chef Natasha Corrett at the Four “We started out with one Seasons Mango international chef and Restaurant . now we have two celebrity chefs,” Phillips Sunday July 10, 1 p explained . “ Last year we 4 p.m., Nevisian chefs added the Nevisian Chefs will host a Mango Feast Mango Feast to the cal - and demonstration at endar. This year we have Oualie Beach . more chefs participat - ing.We have the caliber Sunday July 10, in the of chefs to place this evening there will be a event on the top of the mango-themed dinner list when you think of featuring Iron Chef Judy culinary events in the Joo , at the Four Seasons Caribbean .” Mango Restaurant. LOCAL NEWS The St. Kitts-Nevis Observer. Friday June 10, 2016 Page 11 Car overturns in high speed chase; police find driver with shotgun ammo By LR Liburd from the Tabernacle St. Kitts-Nevis Observer Police Station had estab - lished a checkpoint at the A high speed chase along roundabout in the island’s main road in Borryeaux. St. Kitts early Saturday evening (Jun. 4) ended in “While there, a black car the overturning of a car approached from and the young driver Bellevue direction and being slapped with a the officers observed that number of traffic viola - the driver was behaving tion charges as well as in a suspicious manner as one for possession of he drove through the illegal ammunition. checkpoint. The officers decided to follow him , The driver’s name was but as they got closer he given as Liantonio increased his speed thus Williams of Conaree widening the gap Village, but according to between himself and the police he is originally them.” terparts at the Cayon he lost control and the went up on the embank - island’s main road. from Sandy Point. Police Station. However, vehicle ran off the road ment, overturned and That action, Henry they too were unable to on the mountain side, landed on its roof on the The Observer learned explained, prompted the Continued on page 21 that the high speed car officers to initiate the stop the car. And due to chase started in siren in the squad car in the rate of speed that the Borryeaux at about 6:00 an effort to make the dri - man was driving, the p.m. and ended shortly ver pull over. But instead officers exercised cau - after in Lower Cayon. of doing so he further tion in their pursuit increased his speed and because of concern for According to the officers were in hot the public’s safety,” Superintendent pursuit . Henry said. Cromwell Henry, in keeping with the Force’s “The officers continued The Superintendent stat - increased visibility with - to pursue the vehicle, and ed that the officers main - in communities as part of as it was heading in the tained a safe distance its strategy in the fight direction of Basseterre during the pursuit, but as against crime, officers the driver approached the they alerted their coun - bend by Holland Ghaut, Page 12 The St. Kitts-Nevis Observer. Friday June 10, 2016 LOCAL NEWS Nevis takes part in Women International Golf Day By Monique Washington “The movement started about two weeks ago . When more than 65 We received an invitation women in Nevis took to take part in Women’s part in the June 7 , first Golf Day along with 400 International Women’s locations in more than 25 Golf Day, they went countries around the down in history as the world,” France only participants in the explained. “The goal was region to play . The inau - to introduce golfand gural event with the empower girls and theme, “Engage, women to get into a sport Empower, Support,” was that is traditionally held at the Four Seasons reserved for men. ” Resort . France signed on imme - Speaking with the diately and contacted the Observer, Mackie Ministry of Social France , Four Seasons Development in getting Resort , Director of women to register. Free Recreation , explained registration was open to why they signed on for all women on the island. the event. The Four Seasons, Nevis sponsored the activity.

“Today, Nevis women made his - tory by adding the island of Nevis as part of some very important statistical data,” said Assistant Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Social Development , Michele Liburd. “Today will be recognized as the day the women of Nevis immersed themselves in the game of golf,” Liburd explained.“The women on Nevis and the game of golf have formed an everlasting bond.” According to France , partici - pants learned how to hold a golf club, swinging techniques, what equipment is called and golfing After the round of golf , terms. the women were invited to socialize, network and “It was not a lot of time talk about the event. to get more than 65 peo - Plans to hold a future ple introduced to the women’s golf reception game of golf , but it was a were discussed. start,” France said . “ Our Participants were encour - intention was to play aged to continue playing nine holes of golf in a golf and participate in format called a scramble. monthly golf clinics But , I think most golfers hosted by the Four only completed seven to Seasons Resort. eight holes .” Continued on page 22

C M Y K LOCAL NEWS The St. Kitts-Nevis Observer. Friday June 10, 2016 Page 13 ACS delegates discuss Caribbean Sea protection, preservation Immediate threats: climate change, sargassum seaweed, lionfish invasion, coastal erosion By Staff Writer embedded deep in the minds and souls of our The protection and peoples,” Dr. Harris said, preservation of the while emphasizing that Caribbean Sea, including the ACS has a greater threats from climate role today “to engage change, sargassum sea - each other, communicate weed, lionfish invasion and circumvent any geo - and coastal erosion , were graphical or linguistic discussed during the VII barrier that could impede Summit of the the progress of this Association of Caribbean regional bloc.” States (ACS) held June 4 in , . Climate change a real threat In 2006, ACS established a Caribbean Sea The Prime Minister said Commission to promote Photo (L-R) Director of People’s Empowerment, Mr. Duncan Wattley; Charges D’affaires climate change presents a and oversee the sustain - Mrs. Verna Morris-Mills; Minister of Foreign Affairs, Honourable Mark Brantley; Prime real threat to Small able use of the Caribbean Minister Dr. the Honourable Timothy Harris; Permanent Secretary Mr. Osbert DeSuza; and Island Developing States Sea . The theme of this Foreign Service Officer, Ms. Sonia Boddie . (SIDS ), like St. Kitts and year’s summit is , Nevis , and that in order “Together for a to combat it, there is need Sustainable Caribbean .” oversee the sustainable efforts at regional inte - in order to deliver tangi - opment goals and take for concerted effort on use of the Caribbean Sea. gration in areas including ble results to its people into account the chal - the part of the Region. The theme reflects the transport, health, natural while simultaneously lenges and vulnerabili - hard work, priority and The event was attended disasters, education, garnering their full sup - ties of the Greater “The adverse effects of dedication of the ACS in by Prime Minister Dr. the trade and culture. port.” Caribbean.” climate change will only achieving sustainable Honourable Timothy retard the advances we development throughout Harris and his delega - “Intra-Caribbean cooper - Commitment to He said , “ Cooperation have already made in the Small Island tion: the Honourable ation should never be Regional Integration has long been a driving agriculture, threaten food Developing States Mark Brantley, Minister considered a choice, but factor within the Greater security, cripple our (SIDS) of the Greater of Foreign Affairs; Mr. a habit that is unbreak - Dr. Harris told all in Caribbean” and has been efforts to eradicate Caribbean Region. The Osbert DeSuza, able, a way of life that is attendance at the Summit demonstrated in efforts at hunger and poverty and Havana Summit is a con - Permanent Secretary in embedded deep in the that the Federation of St. regional integration in achieve sustainable tinuation of joint efforts the Office of the Prime minds and souls of our Kitts and Nevis remains areas including transport, development,” the Prime to revitalize the vision of Minister; Mr. Duncan peoples,” Dr. Harris said, committed to regional health, natural disasters, Minister said . “ The onus the ACS for a stronger Wattley, Director in the while emphasizing that integration and “will education, trade and cul - is on us, to mitigate the and more united Greater Department of People’s the ACS has a greater continue to work assidu - ture. destructive effects now, Caribbean as well as to Empowerment; Ms. role today “to engage ously for its cause” and so that we can do less promote sustainability, as Sonia Boddie, Foreign each other, communicate underscored the role of “Today, the ACS bears damage control later .” was expressed in the Service Officer in the and circumvent any geo - the ACS in the Region’s testimony to increased Declaration of Petion- Ministry of Foreign graphical or linguistic sustainability efforts. regional relevance as it Shared vision Ville, Haiti, of April 13, Affairs; and Mrs. Verna barrier that could impede continues to grow in 2013. Morris-Mills, St. Kitts the progress of this “The map of global, membership and attract Prime Minister Harris and Nevis’ Chargé d’af - regional bloc.” political and economic extra-regional players as said, “Although the chal - The Summit paid partic - faires in Cuba. influence is slowly shift - Observers. We therefore lenges we face are many ular attention to the pro - He called on the ACS to ing ,” Dr. Harris told extend warm expressions and somewhat similar in tection and preservation Intra-Caribbean continue to build attendees. “The ACS of welcome to our nature, it is only through of the Region’s common Cooperation Important stronger relationships must remain significant newest affiliates,” Prime a shared vision, strong heritage, the Caribbean with “the national gov - as a regional bloc , whose Minister Harris added. resolve and collaborative Sea, which would use as “Cooperation has long ernments and sub- competencies are approach that we as a its point of departure the been a driving factor regional groupings of the extremely important for “Intra-Caribbean cooper - region can and will tran - Caribbean Sea within the Greater Greater Caribbean, and our development and ation should never be scend our limitations to Commission of the ACS, Caribbean ,” the Prime to remain focused and human survival. The pil - considered a choice, but surmount the many diffi - which was established in Minister explained. It has pragmatic in its decisions lars of the ACS are cen - a habit that is unbreak - 2006 to promote and been demonstrated in tral to our human devel - able, a way of life that is Continued on page 21

C M Y K Page 14 The St. Kitts-Nevis Observer. Friday June 10, 2016 LOCAL NEWS Electrical short-circuit jolts 10-year-old student during school play Mother’s questions about what happened go unanswered By Monique Washington attends the Maude Cross danced during a perfor - jolted by an electri - Preparatory School , mance at the Maude cal shock. That A Nevis mother is dis - expressed displeasure Cross Preparatory child grabbed traught after what she and frustration , alleging School’s 39 th anniver - Jeffers’s daughter alleges is “negligence ” the school did not prop - sary Calypso Show and as the audience by a prep-school that erly safeguard her child. hosted by the school’s watched in horror, resulted in her daughter She contacted the Parent Teacher both children were being shocked by an school, but has been Association. shocked . electrical short-circuit unable to obtain any and spending two days explanation about what After her daughter and Jeffers said both under observation in the happened or why her another child ended girls held onto the hospital . daughter was shocked . their performance , the pole, and were child grabbed a pole unable to let go.The Sheba Jeffers , mother of According to Jeffers , supporting the tent distraught mother a 10 -year -old girl who her daughter sang and above the stage and was told the Observer that as she watched, her daughter was vation on Friday and has displayed muscle jolted by the electrical Saturday.” pain,” Jeffers explained . charge in the pole, and “She has asked my appeared to lose con - Jeffers said her daughter mother if she is going to sciousness for a complained about leg die .” moment. pains , was unable to walk and had to be “After many doctors ’ “When my daughter transported in a wheel - visits they have deter - caught herself she began chair when she was dis - mined the shock has screaming,” Jeffers said . charged from the hospi - caused internal dam - “Then the other girl also tal. age,” Jeffers said. began screaming. I rushed my daughter to “My daughter has not According to Jeffers, the hospital , where she been the same, in addi - was admitted for obser - tion to the leg pains, she Continued on page 21

C M Y K LOCAL NEWS The St. Kitts-Nevis Observer. Friday June 10, 2016 Page 15 Sandy Point man charged in hit and run accident By LR Liburd Anderson went to the the ground and the driver St. Kitts-Nevis Observer Sandy Point Police had fled the scene and Station the day after the did not report the inci - The alleged driver of a accident occurred and dent to the police. vehicle that was involved was charged following in a hit and run accident, investigations. The Divisional and for whom police had Commander also said sought the public’s assis - On the day of the acci - that the cyclist was seri - tance in locating, was dent, Superintendent ously injured and had arrested and charged for Moore, who was present suffered a broken bone, the Friday afternoon at the scene after the mat - but he could not positive - (Jun. 3) incident. ter was reported to the ly say to which part of police, had informed that his anatomy . A police release stated a young man was riding that Anthony Anderson his bicycle in an easterly The young cyclist was of The Alley in Sandy direction along the island transported to the JNF Point was arrested and main road in the Halfway General Hospital. formally charged without Tree area when he was However, attempts were warrant for the offence of struck by a car from the made by this media leaving the scene of an rear. house to ascertain if he accident. was still a patient at the He said investigations medical institution, but at Speaking with the revealed that after being press time they had Commander of ‘B’ Division, Superintendent Lionel Moore, The Observer was told that struck, the cyclist fell to proven futile.

C M Y K Page 16 The St. Kitts-Nevis Observer. Friday June 10, 2016 LOCAL NEWS Six Caribbean nations cooperate in World Ocean’s Day ‘Coral Reef Report Card’ to monitor coral reef health, wellness By Monique Washington the coral reefs and infor - mation on the mangrove As part of World Ocean’s population and seagrass Day activities, St. Kitts habitats. This will enable and Nevis joined five the islands in the pro - other islands in the gram to determine man - region to establish a agement tactics on how “coral reef report card ” to improve the ecosys - to monitor the health and tem . wellness of coral reefs in the federation. The project is funded by the German Federal On Wednesday , June 8 , Ministry for the the federation joined Environment, Nature with Antigua and Conservation, Building Barbuda, Dominica, and Nuclear Safety as Grenada, and part of the Climate- St. Vincent , and the Resilient Eastern Grenadines to establish a Caribbean Marine “coral reef report card” Managed Areas Network for their region. The (ECMMAN) project. Observer was informed that a training workshop ECMMAN’s goal is to was held last year in build a regional network which representatives of marine managed enhance awareness and tently track reef health; Cards. All of the data and across the region.” from the Department of areas. In April 2015, appreciation for our show the ability of fully report card scores are Fisheries and Marine ECMMAN funded the marine environment . protected areas to sup - also available online and Currently St. Kitts and Resources were trained St. Kitts and Nevis port more fish; and raise an online mapping tool Nevis has an estimated in the health of the coral “Narrows” project .The According to an ECM - awareness on the impor - where users can surf 52.8 of coral reefs and keeping records Narrows ,“ This Is Who MAN Department of tance of protecting coral through data and create reefs, 0.9 sq . km . of man - on the reefs. We Are SKN Marine Resourcespress reefs. A coral reef ecolo - maps based on their grove and 34.6 sq . km . of Campaign ,” is part of a release the “report cards gistled the data synthesis interests. This allows seagrass none of which The report card will regional marine conser - are an effective commu - and development of the researchers and scientists has been managed . record information about vation initiative to nication tool to consis - ECMMAN Report to access and share data

C M Y K LOCAL NEWS The St. Kitts-Nevis Observer. Friday June 10, 2016 Page 17 Ministry of Education VACANCY Applications are invited from suitably qualified persons to fill the position of Measurement and Testing Coordinator Minimum Qualifications, Experience and Competences: A Bachelor’s Degree, majoring in measurement and evaluation. A minimum of five to ten (5- 10) years teaching experience. Teacher Training and/or Post Graduate training in the area of specialization Computer proficiency Delegating and managing Effective oral and written communication skills Qualitative and quantitative research skills Budgeting and resource management skills General Duties and Responsibilities: The Measurement and Testing Coordinator will be expected to work under the direct supervision of the Director of the Education Planning Division and in conjunction with the Director of the Curriculum Development Unit, the Subject ,Coordinators, Education Officers (The Director of Early Childhood Development Unit, the Chief Education Officer) in the Ministry of Education CSt. Kitts), the (Principle Education Officer in the) Education Department (Nevis), other relevant Ministry/Government Departments, the staff of the Clarence Fitzroy Bryant College, Teacher Education Division. He/she will function as the primary person facilitating the availability of timely assessment information in the Federation of St. Christopher and Nevis. S/he will also be responsible for the planning, organising, coordinating, and supervising of the operations of the National Assessment Programme to ensure quality, integrity and security of assessment in the Federation. Specific Responsibilities: The responsibilities of the Measurement and Testing Coordinator will include: 1. Serving as Chief National Assessment Officer for the Federation 2. Coordinating the development, implementation, monitoring, evaluation, and revision, as necessary, of the i). National Learning Assessment Framework and related policies; ii) National Monitoring and Evaluation Framework, in addition to iii). the development, implementation, monitoring, evaluation, revision, as necessary, of the National Curriculum and related instructional resources to ensure emphasis on appropriate instruction and assessment; 3. Coordinating the implementation, monitoring, evaluation, and revision / upgrade, as necessary, of the National Assessment Programme goals to ensure compliance to National Learning Assessment Framework and related policies; 4. Coordinating the development and / or adaptation, revision / upgrade, when necessary, administration / implementation of key stages / levels assessments at the classroom, school, national and, where relevant, cross-national levels for different purposes (pre / initial, diagnostic, formative, summative, placement, and others) while paying special attention to age / context-relevance for all levels from Early Childhood to post-secondary 5. Coordinating the development and / or revision and standardised implementation of procedures for administering, marking, and reporting / disseminating, and storing / archiving of assessments (including instruments, data, etc.) of educational achievements at the classroom, school, and national level while paying close attention to quality, integrity, and security. Emphasise: 6. Coordinating the preparation, presentation, and availability of required National Assessment reports for key stakeholders in accordance with policies and procedures for awareness, sensitization, and decision-making. 7. Coordinate the develop and revision when necessary of career inventories for age / context - relevance; 8. Organising motivational activities for students and school community focused on appropriate assessments; 9. Coordinating acquisition of a national (certified) testing centre for national and crossnational assessments, including for certification 10. Providing leadership and managing the daily operation of the Office of Measurement and Testing (Assessment) 11. Arranging for proper orientation, training, and continuous professional development for all officers attached to the Office of Measurement and Testing (Assessment) and all other key stakeholders involved in assessment at all levels in the Federation 12. Attending meetings, training and professional development critical to bolstering the National Assessment Programme 13. Submitting to the Director of the Education Planning Division and the Director of the CDU - TRC, a monthly summary of all assessment and supervisory activities and a full end of term report Applications must be accompanied by a resume or curriculum vitae, the names and contact information of two references, certi - fied copies of certificates and should be addressed to: The Permanent secretary Ministry of Education P.O. Box 333 Church Street Basseterre St.Kitts Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience and in accordance with current Civil Service salary structures. The closing date for receipt of applications is 10 th June, 2016 All applications will be acknowledged, however, only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for further consideration.

C M Y K Page 18 The St. Kitts-Nevis Observer. Friday June 10, 2016 LOCAL NEWS Labour party members come out in support of their leader By Staff Writer Members of the St. Kitts-Nevis Labour Party have come out in defence of their leader, Dr. Hon. Denzil Douglas following much criti - cism he received after the June 6 General Elections in St. Lucia. The St. Lucia Labour Party lost their reign of power when they were defeated 11-6 at the polls . Party leader Dr. Kenny Anthony all levels the electorate against the process used informed the SLLP and usually get it right,” Dr. to elect his party leader, the nation that he would Drew said. “Was Dr. Douglas. not take up the position Timothy Harris subjected as leader of the opposi - to a democratic process SKNLP Chairperson, tion and is also giving up to be the leader ? Timothy Marcella Liburd used the the leadership of the party’s weekly radio pro - But three of the political Harris has one Coalition party. responded to a caller’s Condor as the Deputy government seat and he gramme to sound out her party’s vocal speakers criticism of Dr. Douglas’ leader, while claiming support for the long -time came out to support of is the Prime Minister, Afterward, a number of appointment as leader of that Dr. Timothy Harris’ that is undemocratic. ” leader. She criticized pre - Federation members crit - their long -time leader the SKNLP and was met appointment as the coun - vious leaders such as icised Dr. Douglas for who was ousted from with a number of ques - try’s political leader “was Further, the former Premier Vance Amory not taking a similar Government at the Feb . tions that he (the caller) one of the most undemo - Labour candidate for and former leader of the stance and renounce the 16, 2015 General left unanswered. cratic instances in our Constituency #8 asserted People Action Movement leadership of the party Election after more than country’s post -indepen - that the position that the Lindsay Grant, who she that he was recently 20 years in office. Dr. Drew questioned dence .” Prime Minister has stated did not demit their voted into at the SKNLP who elected the Prime Dr. Terrance Drew, a attained in the coalition posts when they lost 84th National Minister as leader of the “The reason I am saying was not voted for by the elections. Convention. vocal government critic People’s Labour Party that is I think when and recently elected vice people and as such criti - and Ambassador Sam democracy is practiced at cism cannot be levelled chair of the party Continued on page 20 REGIONAL NEWS The St. Kitts-Nevis Observer. Friday June 10, 2016 Page 19 Regional showcase provides landmark opportunities for Caribbean athletes CASTRIES, St Lucia scholarships — Young, talented to study at sportsmen and women the various from the Caribbean and programmes Brazil are being urged to in the US,” take advantage of a land - she said. mark opportunity to gain the attention of United William says States-based colleges most young and universities. athletes need support to The first-ever Caribbean achieve their Recruitment Showcase is goals and set for Saint Lucia from become pro - July 8 to July 16, 2016, fessionals in and will include opportu - their various nities for National sporting dis - Collegiate Athletics ciplines. She Association (NCAA) says this is a sports scholarships in unique male and female basket - opportunity ball, volleyball, track and that brings field, soccer, swimming the coaches and tennis, as well as to the ath - beach volleyball for letes. women. “By having Coaches from presti - the athletic gious universities and showcase colleges in the US will right here in attend the event, hoping Saint Lucia, to recruit student ath - we are aim - letes. Invited programs ing to bring include; Pennsylvania everything closer to State University, the home and make the ath - University of California, letes more comfortable Los Angeles, the since they are in a more Usain Bolt sprints into 32nd place in University of Michigan, familiar environment,” Ohio State University, she said. Forbes’ highest-paid athletes Florida State University, Vernon College, “Also, the venture for the Seminole State Collage athletes will be a lot Usain Bolt Continues To Blow of Florida, East Carolina cheaper than having to University, McCook obtain a visa, then travel Community College, to the US to take part in Away The Competition On And Off Gannon University, the showcase. We have Coppin State University, decided to keep this Towson University, exclusive to the The Track, Forbes Said Colorado State Caribbean and Brazil and NEW YORK, United States – won gold in the 100 metres and between Floyd Mayweather and University, the that way we have coach - Proving yet again that he’s a win - 200 metres at the 2015 World Manny Pacquiao. University of Arizona, es coming down to ner, ’s Usain Bolt has Championships in Beijing. It is the Hofstr University, the observe just our talent taken 32nd place in Forbes’ high - same double he pulled off at the The two boxers ranked first and University of Kansas, the and what our young peo - est-paid athletes of 2016, moving 2008 and 2012 Summer Olympics. second last year with a combined University of the Pacific ple can really bring to the up from No. 73 last year and earn - Bolt will race at the 2016 Rio US$460 million. This year the two and University of table.” ing the distinction of being the Olympics with eyes on a three- earned US$68 million and ranked California, Davis. only track star to place in this peat. No. 16 (Mayweather) and No. 63 Interested athletes are year’s top 100. (Pacquiao). The groundbreaking recommended to have “Bolt is in a class by himself in event is organized by CXC or SAT scores The lightning Bolt hauled in a terms of his marketing prowess. Real Madrid star Cristiano Saint Lucia’s national available by the time of whopping US$32.5 million, made His comps are not other track stars, Ronaldo landed the top spot for volleyball team players, the Showcase, and pay a up of US$2.5 million in but global icons like Messi, 2016 with earnings of US$88 mil - Tyna William and Kaji registration and the salary/winnings and US$30 mil - LeBron and Ronaldo. An Olympic lion. This is the first year since Charles, with support showcase fee which cov - lion in celebrity endorsements. year makes him an even hotter 2001 that someone besides from Saint Lucia’s min - ers accommodation, commodity.” Mayweather or Tiger Woods istry of youth develop - meals, transportation and @Forbes Look who is #32…our ranked first. ment and sports. William showcase gear. very own @usainbolt in the “Top “Skill is only developed by hours says the Caribbean 100 highest paid athletes” pic.twit - and hours of work.” — Usain Bolt, Athletes from 10 different sports Showcase is striving to Student athletes are Olympic sprinter made this year’s cut, with baseball give Caribbean athletes being urged to log on to players the most dominant with 26 the best chance for expo - the website www.carib - — Terri-Karelle Reid led by Clayton Kershaw at No. 33 sure to colleges and uni - for addi - (@TerriKarelle) June 8, 2016 with US$32 million. versities. tional information and — Forbes (@Forbes) April 25, registration details. According to Forbes, the 29-year- 2016 The NFL (21 athletes), NBA (18) “We have invited a num - Spaces are limited and old sprinter has seven regional and soccer (12) were the next most ber of coaches and scouts athletes will be accepted partners, along with 10 global The world’s fastest man has earned prolific sports. from colleges and uni - on a first come first serve ones, with Puma his biggest his place among 100 top-earning versities across the US to basis. backer with a deal worth “north of athletes around the globe who Seven tennis players made the cut come here to Saint Lucia $10 million a year.” cumulatively banked US$3.15 bil - along with six race car drivers, five to observe these athletes The deadline for registra - lion over the last 12 months, a golfers and three boxers. play and compete, and tion is Wednesday June “Usain Bolt continues to blow notch below last year’s record total hopefully these athletes 22, 2016. away the competition on and off of US$3.22 billion, which was the track,” the magazine said. “He fuelled by the blockbuster fight will be able to attract Continued on page 20 Page 20 The St. Kitts-Nevis Observer. Friday June 10, 2016 LOCAL NEWS

Usain Bolt sprints into 32nd place in Forbes’ highest-paid athletes From page 19 Endorsement incomes are an estimate of sponsorship deals, appearance fees Track and mixed martial arts each and licensing income for the 12 months placed one athleFullte with Bo lColout at No. 32 throrug hP Jurintne 1 baseding on conv.e rsations and reach the whole community and Conor McGregor at No. 85 (US$22 with dozens of industry insiders. The Local News Sports Commentary Business Fashion Health Classifieds million). golfers’ income includes course design There are 23 countries represented among the top 100 with Americans (65) Forbes does not deduct for taxes or the most prevalent thanks to soaring agents’ fees and does not include salaries in baseball, basketball and investment income. football. Five Brits landed in the top 100 led by F1 driver Lewis Hamilton at The list only includes athletes active No. 11 and US$46 million. during the last 12 months. Forbes’ earnings figures include all Michael Jordan outearns every active salaries and bonuses earned between athlete and banked US$110 million in June 1, 2015 and June 1, 2016. 2015 to rank first among the highest- paid retired athletes thanks to brisk In the case of baseball players, the list - sales of Nike’s Jordan brand. ed salary will include salary from the A wide selection of quality stamps, 2015 and 2016 seasons, as well as any Four iconic athletes in Mayweather, Customed designed for you and signing, award or playoff bonuses. Pacquiao, Peyton Manning and Kobe NEVIS PRINTING your business. Bryant walked away from their sports [email protected] Winnings for golfers and tennis players over the past year, but made the top 100 CHARLESTOWN represent NthEVISeir pPRriINTINGze money ovoerbservnv@sis that thanks to theterislesir earnings o.comver the past 12 NEVIS, W.I. 469 5907 period. 469 59mon07ths.

From page 18 Labour party members come out in support of their leader Liburd asked. Lindsay who lost and continued ward. supported any of the party. [email protected] Grant lost twice and con - to be the leader of his Labour party’s initia - 469 5907 “Vance Amory lost an tinued to hold the leader - party and he is in Controversial Senator tives. Dr. Denzil Douglas The election and he continued ship of Pam, I wonder if Government again.” Nigel Carty, lashed out at Observer understands to be the leader of CCM, that had anything to do the critics, saying they He suggested that when has been at the helm of I wonder if that had any - with leadership?...In Mrs. Liburd noted that have given their opinions everyone in the country the Party for over 25 thing to do with leader - Grenada , you had the Kenny Anthony also lost on the voting process of since 1995 supported the years, and recently ran ship?” Chairperson current Prime Minister at the polls and continued the party , but none of Labour movement the unopposed in the May to serve as leader after - them have cast a ballot or caller did not vote for the Convention.

C M Y K CONTINUED NEWS The St. Kitts-Nevis Observer. Friday June 10, 2016 Page 21

Electrical short-circuit jolts 10-year-old student during school play From page 14 wait for an appropriate edged “the unfortunate occurrence,” the letter term “reasonable” Attempts to contact PTA her daughter has no time when they can electric shock whereby reads . expenses is question - President Jackie physical damage, but meet with me.” your daughter was able. Hunkins Taylor, the sig - there is internal damage. injured .” The letter further states natory of the letter to She complains about “I want to know what that the school will “It sounds to me like Jeffers were also unsuc - muscle weakness, chest went wrong that night,” “As far as we are aware, “undertake all and any they will only pay a cer - cessful. pains and high potassi - Jeffers said, “someone the production and tech - reasonable medical tain amount,” Jeffers um levels. needs to tell me some - nical team took neces - expenses incurred in the said . “ I don’t know how Jeffers describes Maude thing and no one is sary precaution and treatment and care of much this will cost.” Cross Prep as a great “I don’t know what telling me anything. ” safety measures to your child as it relates to school. She said she has issues might arise ensure that the proper the incident aforemen - The Observer attempted seen the great results in because of this , or when Jeffers believes a loose electrical facilities were tioned .” to contact Maude Cross her daughters education, they might occur,” electrical grounding in place for the show Preparatory School’s but “the way they are Jeffers explained. “I wire might have caused and one could not have Jeffers questions the principal on Wednesday handling this issue is not don’t know how much the problem, a problem anticipated or intended wording of the letter, and was told the princi - right .” Her daughter has all of this might cost .” the school knew about. for such a terrifying saying the use of the pal was “unavailable.” since returned to school. Jeffers said that since “They knew that they her daughter’s discharge were having electrical from the hospital, no problems , they could Nevis takes part in Women International Golf Day From page 12 one from the board , PTA have postponed the golf instructor.We will encourage sive sport , but the resort has or school has contacted show until they got the them to go on the course and put reduced its rates to accommodate her . problem fixed,” Jeffers “We want everybody to take part,” into practice what they learned locals. explained . “They have France explained . “If anyone did - from the instructor. So there is a “I asked the school for a taken this thing so light - n’t get a chance to come today , lesson and a follow -up where they The Four Season Nevis boasts an meeting , but they keep ly; I could have been they are welcome to come back for practice what they have learned .” 18- hole golf course designed by saying the school is preparing to bury my monthly golf clinics . We want to Robert Trent Jones Jr. “Our golf made up of board mem - daughter .” make golf attractive to women. In addition, each participant course is very beautiful with bers,” Jeffers said. We want to create an environment received a $25 golf voucher , mountain and ocean views ,” “Because all of the A letter from the school in which they can come once-a- which can be used at the pro -shop France said. “He proclaimed the board members work, to Jeffers, obtained by month to the Four Seasons for a to purchases golfing equipment or golf event as a “tremendous suc - they say I will have to the Observer , acknowl - complimentary golf clinic with a gear. France said golf is an expen - cess .” From page 13 ACS delegates discuss Caribbean Sea protection, preservation culties and dangers that to remain focused and Prime Minister Harris and the Caribbean to ACS for the next four Panama, St. Kitts & obstruct our development pragmatic in its decisions said that although the pool its wide spectrum of years; she will take up Nevis, St. Lucia, St. and undermine our sov - in order to deliver tangi - challenges we face are resources together for the position from August Vincent & the ereignty.” ble results to its people many and somewhat sim - “the good of all our peo - 1. Grenadines, Suriname, while simultaneously ilar in nature, “It is only ples.” Trinidad & Tobago and He urged Latin America garnering their full sup - through a shared vision, All Association of Venezuela. Its Associate and the Caribbean to port.” strong resolve and col - The Summit saw the Caribbean States (CARI - Members are Aruba, pool its wide spectrum of laborative approach that departure of Secretary COM) member states Curacao, (France on resources together for He said attendees at the we as a region can and General, His were represented at the behalf of French Guiana, “the good of all our peo - Summit that the will transcend our limita - Excellency Alfonso Summit including Saint Barthelemy and ples.” Federation of St. Kitts tions to surmount the David Múnera Cavadía, Antigua & Barbuda, The Saint Martin), and Nevis remains com - many difficulties and from Colombia, who Bahamas, Barbados, Guadeloupe, Martinique, mitted to regional inte - dangers that obstruct our served the Association Belize, Colombia, Costa Sint Maarten, (The Dr. Harris called on the gration and “will contin - development and under - from 2012 and whose Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Netherlands on behalf of ACS to continue to build ue to work assiduously mine our sovereignty.” four -year tenure of office Dominican Republic, El Bonaire, Saba, and Sint stronger relationships for its cause” and under - will ends this month. A Salvador, Grenada, Eustatius), Turks and with “the national gov - scored the role of the Pool resources for the new Secretary General, Guatemala, Guyana, Caicos. Aruba is an asso - ernments and sub-region - ACS in the Region’s sus - good of all people Dr. June Soomer, from Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, ciate member. al groupings of the tainability efforts. St. Lucia, will head the Jamaica, Nicaragua, Greater Caribbean, and He urged Latin America From page 11 Car overturns in high speed chase; police find driver with shotgun ammo “The driver was able to get out of the they found Williams and took him into JNF General Hospital for treatment, Superintendent Henry disclosed that vehicle and he ran through the bushes custody. The house was searched and after which he was placed in a holding investigations revealed that the vehicle towards the mountain and escaped the officers discovered a live shotgun cell. did not belong to Williams. from the officers,” Henry explained. cartridge and a number of other items “The officers conducted a search in the which were also taken into custody. He was charged for illegal possession “We learned that the owner is off area but they did not find the driver.” of ammunition, reckless driving, dri - island. It is not known how the vehicle This media house learned that Williams ving without a valid licence, driving came to be in Williams’ possession, so He indicated that investigations led the had sustained an injury to one of his without insurance and failing to remain we are awaiting the return of the owner officers to a house in Conaree where feet and the police had taken him to the at the scene of an accident. to proceed with further investigations.” From page 8 The Kaplans CBI Saga – More in the mortar than the pestle! why not? Monday, May 29. asked: “Why Dr. Harris lowing questions: balances when dealing he signed their Certificates did not say something to with issuance of our pass - of Citizenship? The former Prime Minister The Observer could not the citizens of this coun - Why did Prime Minister ports? claimed that US authorities have confirmed these alle - try? What is it that he is Harris not address this Was there any indication had contacted their coun - gations due to the fact that hiding?” important issue during his Who does the due dili - that Mr. Kaplan was being terparts in the Federation the Government spoke press conference on gence checks on the investigated in the US for on May 19 when the very little to the issue and The Observer spoke to a Monday, May 30 and later Citizenship-by-Investment fraud? charges were filed and that phone calls to a number of number of people on the sent out a release with very programme? the Team Unity persons in authority went streets of Basseterre, some little details? Which member of the Government was ques - unanswered. of whom claimed “there is What information did the Team Unity Government tioned or informed by US more in the mortar than the How air-tight is the Prime Minister get on Mr. is going to take the blame? authorities on or about Dr. Douglas however pestle” and asked the fol - Federation’s checks and Kaplan and his wife before Is it the Cabinet Secretary?

C M Y K Page 22 The St. Kitts-Nevis Observer. Friday June 10, 2016 CONTINUED NEWS

From page 9 Getting senior contestants to enter Nevis competition is ‘like pulling teeth ’ see artist like Shadow, Food and Cultural Food ing to register for it. We The Food Fair in the past has been moved to a differ - on June 17. The official David Rudder Meeko, De Fair. There has been a have also extended the was held on the same day ent night. opening of Culturama 42 Bear and Hero. Also this major increase in interest hours for the food fair. This as the Senior Calyspso will take place on July 21. year the food fair will be for this event; we have had year the fair will run from Show , but this year Liburd Culturama’s Contestant The Culturama season will renamed as the Art, Craft , people from St. Kitts ask - 10 a .m. to 1a .m.” revealed the calypso show introduction will take place run from July 21-August 2 .

FromA praege A3 mbassador Powell’s actions an indication of more kinks in Team Unity’s Armour? Kitts and Nevis.” sion”. good offices as Minister of Finance and also Minister of National Security and Astaphan was also asked to comment As a follow-up question, the reporter Since then, however, no word came reveal in the public’s interest, prefer - on Liburd’s statements and declared asked how bona fide could it be if from PM Harris or his office on the ably before he addresses the nation on that it was wishful thinking by mem - Powell did not receive his Instrument matter; therefore it is not known if it the state of affairs at Kittitian Hill and bers of the Opposition. of Appointment. was resolved. Christophe Harbour, what the ‘T’ and ‘S’ in T&S Rentals stand for.” “As I said, the slowness of the In his response, which was perceived This issue came sharply on the heels of timetable which the present administra - by many as not befitting a statesman, Astaphan, a staunch supporter of Team Terry Adams was another supporter tion feels the right timetable for it to do Dr. Harris said: “Well you are asking Unity, voicing his displeasure over who could have been heard almost things, is giving oxygen to those very me a question as if you have the facts some of coalition’s unfulfilled priority every day on call-in programmes can - critics and equating disappointment to on that matter. And I am saying if there promises stated in its Manifesto, which vassing for Team Unity. He was also its supporters. Their timetable is giving are issues that have been put in relation resulted in him being blasted by regularly seen and heard on the plat - the Opposition its mouthpiece...” to that, then those will be dealt with Minister Ian ‘Patches’ Liburd during forms of Operation Rescue. But of late appropriately in the context of the his address at PAM’s 51 st Annual he has been criticising the Government At his last monthly press conference, Cabinet and in the context of the legal Convention. on its modus operandi. when asked by a reported to comment framework of the Government.” on the long delay in Ambassador The other issue was the replacement of Douglas Wattley, Chairman of the Powell receiving his Instrument of He claimed that Powell had been Clecton Phillip as the PM’s Press People’s Labour Party which was Appointment, PM Harris, in his grow - actively pursuing his assignments as an Secretary. He, too, had been a staunch formed by Dr. Harris and former ing attitude of not providing direct Ambassador without inhibitions or supporter of Team Unity. And in addi - Deputy Prime Minister Sam Condor, answers to perceived ‘hard’ questions, obstruction and stressed that “if some - tion to penning numerous press releas - and who is now Chairman of the Board said: “As it stands, Mr. Powell contin - thing has now unfolded, at the appro - es against the former Administration, at ZIZ Broadcasting Corporation, also ues to serve as an Ambassador of St. priate place we will have the discus - he had taken to the airwaves on talk had his say about the Team Unity shows in support of the People’s Government. Labour Party, in particular, and Team Unity, in general. He was very critical of Team Unity and The Gerontocracy Sits Enthroned in St.Kitts and Nevis its Leader in a Facebook post when he The reason given by the Government wrote: “ I find this notion about not crit - From page 4 In The Public Interest for his departure is that his contract was icizing the Team Unity Government in instilling basic values in your finances and share only for one year and that he might be Public to be the height of nonsense. So ments . If being honest is young children by teach - how important the con - placed in another governmental posi - how are they to hear from us? They important, give them ing them the fundamen - cept of saving is to you. tion or return to the private sector. don’t call us into private sessions. We opportunities to be hon - tals of universally held used to meet regularly before the elec - est. values. For example, Lastly, in order to instill However, in a recent post on the tions - now we can’t hardly get an audi - teach children to say values and build strong SKNList, Phillip sought answers to the ence. And you all well know that I have View mistakes as teach - “Please ,” “ Thank You ”, children— parents, state of affairs at Kittitian Hill and a lot to say - so if the public square is able moments . Children and “ I’m sorry ”. Impart teachers and members of Christophe Harbour, alleging that the the only place to air my grievances - so will make mistakes and the value of responsibili - the community must PM might have knowledge of monies be it. If they don’t change - I don’t not live up to your val - ty by having your child/ become intentional in being injected into one or both entities change. And I am only going to get ues. Think through children do simple tasks. modelling values. This by his administration. louder. ” appropriate conse - can be done through quences as well as alter - ‘Talk the talk’ and open communication, He also sought answers to what he Former PAM’s Chairman Chesley native strategies for deal - ‘walk the walk ’. Show ‘walking the walk ’, and termed accountability and transparen - Hamilton also commented on the ing with the issue in the and tell children what ‘talking the talk ’, and cy, saying: “...If Dr. Harris is serious Astaphan/Liburd saga. He noted that future. This may take matters. The best way to using each failure as a about differentiating himself from the Liburd’s comments were unfortunate time, but it will pay off in do this is to ‘show and teachable moment: in so leader he displaced, he would use his but agreed with those made by the long run. tell ’. Help them see the doing we will be able to good offices as Prime Minister to Astaphan. values in action in your engage those children ensure that the quest for a Freedom of Recognize the limits . own life, then talk about within our sphere of Information Act comes to an end at the “The comments made by Dwyer were Even though you can what you do and why influence. Let us be next sitting of Parliament and that the that he wanted certain things done in influence your child’s you do it. You do this by reminded that it is impor - Integrity in Public Life Act, which was short order . I would second that values, you don’t control ‘walking the walk ’; tant to instill values passed a few years ago by the Douglas motion. I think that Team Unity is them. This relationship is when you are not ‘walk - while the child is still at administration, is given full effect, spending its goodwill almost inertia! It for better or for worse. ing the walk ’, many key an impressionable stage. without further delay, so that the people needs to accelerate its agenda, and I When children reject teachable moments will Once they become of this country can know for sure mean that. ..” some values that are real - be lost. Remember ‘more teenagers, it is harder to whether or not government workers are ly important to you—- is caught than taught ’. get them to listen. In profiting from public office under this There is also talk about disparities that doesn’t mean you closing , I must conclude Team Unity administration. ” between a Senior Minister and his have failed: it simply It is Never Too Late . Let by saying let us be inten - junior counterpart, and the belief is that means they are becom - children know what has tional in instilling posi - The former Press Secretary further stat - the latter is much preferred by Team ing their own person. caused you to stray from tive values for the better - ed: “Whilst we are dealing with ‘foren - Unity’s Leader. your ideals and tell them ment of all childre n. sic enquiries’, inquiring minds want to Learn from children . you are striving to be and “HAPPY 32nd Child Month know the name(s) of the owner(s) of With the existence of these various Your relationship with do better. Share exam - CELEBRATION”!!!!! T&S Rentals, a vehicle rental company issues and comments by supporters of your child/children is a ples of mistakes as teach - whose cars are seen regularly (in the current administration, and those two way street. able moments arise natu - Submitted, Basseterre) being driven and utilised that do not exist in the public’s domain, rally. Mrs. June Wallace, by members of the Police force and the is it logical to conclude that Small Phrases and Ag. Director, Early Defence force, agencies of the Ministry “Ambassador Powell’s actions are an Simple Acts . Start by Teach the Value of Childhood Unit of National Security. Perhaps Dr. indication of more kinks in Team building character and Money : Be open about Timothy Sylvester Harris can use his Unity’s Armour ”? The St. Kitts-Nevis Observer for the Best Independent News Coverage in The Federation if you have a news story, give us a call at 469-5907

C M Y K CLASSIFIED NEWS The St. Kitts-Nevis Observer. Friday June 10, 2016 Page 23


Asad Trading Wanted (1) 3 Bedroom 2 bathroom SPANISH GARAGE Manager with 5 years CLASSIFIED AD SPACE FOR House For Rent in Hamilton. Wanted (1) Mechanic with 5 Years experience Call: 869-767-2100 RENT CALL 469-5907 Call 765-0807 or 664-3077 experience, Call: 667-0430/6604084 SS Construction and Design is seeking office Universal Green - seeking BOOK YOUR SPACE NOW AND WANTED ADVERTISING YOUR BUSINESS assistant. Must speak and write both English landscaper with 5 years 2 Upholsterers with 3 years CARDS IN THE OBSERVER and Spanish Contact: [email protected] experience Call 663-8912 experience. Call: 665-5917 CLASSIFIEDS CALL 469-5907 Bartender needed at A company in St. Kitts is looking for a qualified ZACARIAS LANDSCAPING Nats Bar and Grill chilled water and VRF technician. Email resume For sale ( 1 ) 18ct white Wanted one (1) worker with two (2) years Please Call: to: [email protected] and qualified Frigidaire Refrigerator experience, Call - 869-667-9914/764-5217 760-7277/668-5179 applicants will be contacted Contact 663-6296/760-0482 REMEMBERING A LEGEND - MUHAMMAD ALI - FROM RAGS TO RICHES - FROM OBSCURITY TO PROMINENCE From page 22 fights. Healso “It’s a lack of young and stayed strong deliver the Eulogies are had numerous faith that and brave in bearing the former President Bill sayings. Some of makes people burdens emanating from Clinton, Billy Crystal mance of his athletic these are as fol - afraid of meet - his Parkinson’s disease. and Bryant Gumbel . The career. lows: ing chal - During his many strug - procession will begin at lenges, and I gles, he never lost his 9am and travel along a Despite his dominance in “The best way to believed in sense of humor. This dis - street named after him – the boxing ring and his make your myself.” ease ultimately took his a route that includes brash self-confidence , dreams come life last week, on June 3, locations that were his - Ali was extremely kin - true is to wake “Service to 2016 in Scottsdale, torically important to dand sensitive outside up.” others is the Arizona at the age of 74. him. the ring. He was compas - rent you pay He is scheduled to be laid sionate to people in need “He who is not for your room to rest on Friday, June Muhammad Ali was mar - and started numerous courageous here on earth.” 10 , 2016. Scheduled to ried 4 times and leaves charities that made a dif - enough to take “I am an ordinary man be in attendance are ordi - behind his wife of the ference in the lives of a risks will accomplish who worked hard to At the age of 42, Ali nary people as well as past 30 years , Yolanda variety of people. nothing in life.” develop the talent that I developed Parkinson’s many dignitaries such as Williams, 9 children (7 was given. I believed in disease as a result of Will Smith, who por - daughter and 2 sons) and Ali was known as a poet “I’m the greatest thing myself, and I believe in thousands of head shots trayed Ali in a recent a brother. with many funny rhymes that ever lived! I’m the the goodness of others.” received during box - movie as well as many aimed at promoting his king of the world.” ing.He inspired the other notables. Slated to

C M Y K Page 24 The St. Kitts-Nevis Observer. Friday June 10, 2016 LOCAL NEWS

Printed and Published by The St. Kitts-Nevis Observer Newspaper, 1 Observer Plaza, #1 Observer Drive, Hamilton Estate, Nevis, Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis. Tel: 1(869)469-5907, Fax: 1(869)469-5891