Proudly Serving Bronx Communities Since 1988 3URXGO\6HUYLQJ%URQ[&RPPXQLWLHV6LQFH‡FREE 3URXGO\6HUYLQJ%URQ[&RPPXQLWLHV6LQFH‡FREE 0UQ\YLK*VUZ[Y\J[PVU>VYRLYZ - 5.875” wideORWOOD by 7.0568”Q high EWSQ 3/4 Page NVol. 27, No. 8 PUBLISHED BY MOSHOLU PRESERVATION CORPORATION N April 17–30, 2014 ORWOODQ EWSQ Vol 33, No 3 • PUBLISHED BY MOSHOLU PRESERVATION CORPORATION • JANUARY 30-FEBRUARY 12, 2020 NVol. 27, No. 8 PUBLISHED BY MOSHOLU PRESERVATION CORPORATION N April 17–30, 2014 FREE HSSV[OLY(JJPKLU[=PJ[PTZ We Fight for the Money You Deserve COHEN:Regardless EXPAND of Your Immigration RIGHT Status *VUZ[Y\J[PVU >VYRWSHJL(JJPKLU[Z‹*HY ;Y\JR(JJPKLU[Z ,SL]H[VY,ZJHSH[VY(JJPKLU[Z‹5LNSPNLU[)\PSKPUN:LJ\YP[`‹:SPW;YPW -HSSZ More rentersTO facing4LKPJHS4HSWYHJ[PJL‹5\YZPUN/VTL5LNSPNLUJL COUNSELeviction could be given representation LAW in Housing Court 7VSPJL)Y\[HSP[`‹*P]PS9PNO[Z=PVSH[PVUZ Our GUARANTEEBP Diaz Jr. Bows Out Of Mayor’s Race 1/2 Page - 5.875” wide by 4.6875”7KHUHLV1 high O FEE 8QOHVV:H:LQ1/4 Pagepg 2 - Vertical 2XU¿UPKDVUHFRYHUHGRYHU2.8542” wide by 4.6875” high One Hundred Million Dollars LQYHUGLFWVDQGVHWWOHPHQWV

IRURXUVDWLV¿HGFOLHQWVNYPD Releases 52nd Precinct-Involved FREE CONSULTATIONShooting Video | pg 6 &DOO+RXUVD'D\‡'D\VD:HHN

Photo by José A. Giralt COUNCILMAN ANDREW COHEN (pictured) speaks Recent at a town hall meetingRecoveries organized by the for Community Clients Action for Safe Apartments (CASA), NorthwestConstruction Bronx Clergy and Coalition Accident (NWBCCC), and Right  to Counsel (RTCNYC)‡ in theTruck Mt. Eden sectionAccident of  on  Jan. 15. The event seeks to build support for bills Intro 1529 and Intro   1104 which expand the rights of tenants to receive free legal representation  in eviction proceedings.Police Misconduct ‡Elevator Accident 1/8 Page 1/4 ByPage JOSÉ A. GIRALT - HorizontalCar AccidentCity Council  members  from to Counsel‡ notSlip only geographi- & Fall AccidentOn Jan. 15, local residents  Bronx residents in fear of the Bronx have committed cally but also economically. joined housing2.8542” activists wide from by 2.2625” high 5.875”landlords’ common wide use of by ini- 2.2625”Ifto backing You theCan’t high bill, they haveCome The bills,to signedUS...We’ll into law in Community Come Action to You! for Safe tiating eviction proceedings support from Norwood’s Coun- 2017, are collectively known as Apartments (CASA), North- are waitingWe for speaktwo bills before Spanish,cilman Andrew Cohen. Russian, Right to CounselChinese, (RTC). New Hebrew, Community Polish and & Creole the City Council to pass‡([SHQVHVSD\DEOHXSRQFRQFOXVLRQRIFDVH3ULRUUHVXOWVGR soon. The two bills—Intros 1529 York City was the first in the ClergyQRWJXDUDQWHHDVLPLOLDURXWFRPH Coalition (NWBCCC), 1/12pg 26 Page And while few New York and 1104—look to expand Right country to implement them. (continued2.8542” on page 27) wide by 1.6875” high 9(:205 29,405:337 RASKINOver 50 Years Of & Personal KREMINS, Injury Law Experience LLP1/16 Page /VER9EARS/F#OMBINED0ERSONAL)NJURY,AW%XPERIENCEs/VER-ILLION$OLLARS2ECOVEREDFOR/UR#LIENTS2.8542” wide by 1.125” high      %URDGZD\ WKÀ 1HZ

Mosholu Preservation Corporation is a QRWSURÀWVXSSRUWFRUSRUDWLRQRI0RQWHÀRUHMosholu Preservation Corporation is a MedicalQRWSURÀWVXSSRUWFRUSRUDWLRQRI0RQWHÀRUH Center. Medical Center. January 30-February 12, 2020 • Norwood News • 3

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Insure. Prepare. Retire. 4 • January 30-February 12, 2020 • Norwood News INQUIRING PHOTOGRAPHER By DAVID GREENE After a recent 15-car pile-up on the Parkway on Jan. 18 (see story on page 15), we asked readers about their driving experiences in the Bronx.

REGEIS CARE CENTER I’m new to the Bronx, but the few The problem with the highways for me is Where is all the taxpayer money going? I’ve been driving from the Bronx toA New five starPersonally, facility I don’t providing drive but sometimes highways I’ve been on have potholes, I like to leave a car length of space and I missed work recently due to a [tire] Rochelle and I have been encountering I take a taxi home from the city and on signs that say construction, and where these drivers take advantage of that and blowout on theREGEIS highway. The pothole was diffi culties when getting on the Hutchinsonexcellent the care Henry Hudson in the Parkway Bronx there are they are going to dig. I keep asking myself, cut you off, which is the reason why you so big, the truck in front of me swerved to River Parkway from the Bruckner and Westchesterlarge stretches of areasroad where there [are] ‘why do they keep digging?’ They dig, have to drive a little faster. Because if you avoid it, and of course I hit it! I thought it Expressway—I think it’s Exit 54. I can no lights. How is that not a dangerous they resurface the roadway and then always leave that space, here in the City of was the GrandCARE Canyon. CENTERsometimes sit at the light forever, because situation? And they never fi x it. they dig again and that has an effect on New York, drivers have no respect. Another Gerard Corbett there are so many cars merging from Brenda Cruz the ground. The road sinks, because it’s problem is debris, like a part of a tire or Throgs Neck everywhere. When you’re running late, it’s Melrose unsettled because of all the digging. somebody’s shock absorber. When they A five starPersonalizeda horror.facility care - Skilled providing rehabilitation - Professional staff Patrick Sing have an accident, they leave these things Rosemarie Santana Belmont on the highway. Longwood Japhet Lebron excellent care in the Bronx Belmont and Westchester areas

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T. 718-320-3700 F. 718-671-2554 January 30-February 12, 2020 • Norwood News • 5 MMCC Daycare Center Named for Nora NEWS Feury Opens to Fanfare and Adoration By DAVID CRUZ also went towards the opening of an- BRIEFS On her 75th birthday, Nora Feury, other center at 934 E. Gun Hill Rd. dubbed “the legend,” received quite that’s named after MMCC’s current By DAVID CRUZ the gift: the opening of a daycare cen- chairwoman, Natly Esnard. Both ter in her name, located in Crotona centers were opened at its respec- Bx. Zoo Exec Runs Park, courtesy of Mosholu Montefiore tive communities given its status as a Bloomy Team Community Center (MMCC). “high needs” neighborhood for such a The presidential campaign “I never expected to get a present program. MMCC now has five centers for former Mayor like this,” said Feury, who spoke to a devoted to childcare. Mike Bloomberg has tapped small crowd just a few minutes before Photo by David Cruz Coincidentally, the Crotona Park NORA FEURY (3RD from right) is given the John Calvelli, executive vice being given a pair of scissors to cut the site was once a daycare center that privilege of cutting the ceremonial ribbon president of Public Affairs for ceremonial ribbon outside the center. had closed several years before. The for a center named in her honor on Jan. 16. the Wildlife Conservation Soci- The eponymous center in Crotona new center, with fresh coats of beige ety, to run its campaign in New Park is a kind of living tribute for daycare provider falling under the paint, offices, and classrooms named York state. More than 100 politi- Feury, who has consulted for MMCC Archdiocese of New York. The Bronx- after some of the borough’s colleges, cal operatives, field organizers, on matters related to child care for bred Feury, who grew up in the South has 48 slots available to children age communications professionals, years and whose entire life has been Bronx and had an affinity for Cro- four or under. The service is free for and thousands of volunteers spent cultivating children’s upbring- tona Park during her early years, families who meet certain income eli- will answer to Calvelli through- ing. At a Jan. 16 ceremony marking served at the center for 40 years be- gibility requirements. out the life of the campaign. In the official opening for the center—a fore retiring. Feury has kept active “They said that Head Start is not a statement, Calvelli said New Head Start program found at the first since, serving on Community Board 7 going to last,” Feury recalled. “Well Yorkers across the state will floor of a six-story residential build- in several capacities, including chair today, $22 billion is awarded to Head “get to know Mike Bloomberg ing at 887 Crotona Park North—Feury at one point. Start programs all across the United and the powerful message he was showered with a hugs and smiles “Nora has been in this industry States. I was hoping that a Congress- brings.” Jennifer Blatus, a for- as she passed a portrait of herself that forever. Actually, back in the 1960s man or two would come and see the mer spokeswoman for Council- can be seen hanging the moment visi- when the Head Start program actu- site and know the next time the bill man Andrew Cohen, has also tors step foot into the center that caters ally started, she was the first pio- for Head Start comes up in Congress been hired to serve as the com- to children age four and under. neer to open up the first Head Start that they will be able to look at it and munications director. It was a moment where Agnes Ven- program and since then she has not know it’s for their community and diola, MMCC’s director for the child stopped helping us, meaning the com- that it just works.” Cultural Grant development center, couldn’t hold munity, educating our children to Though humbled by such an honor, Recipients Named back tears on Feury’s impact. “She make them who they are today: teach- Feury reminded guests that the build- The city Department of Cul- touches lives. She made a difference ers, doctors, lawyers, contractors, ing belongs to them. tural Affairs has announced in our lives, and she’s just an amaz- engineers, electricians,” said Rita “All the Head Start people: this is the newest grant winners of the ing woman who will push you to the Santelia, MMCC’s executive director. not my building, it’s not Natly’s build- Mayor’s Grant for Cultural Im- edge,” said Vendiola. “And Nora doesn’t stop giving.” ing, it’s your building,” said Feury. pact. Among them is Music and Feury herself served as the ex- The center is funded through a “They gave us the name, but it’s re- Multilingual Learners, chosen ecutive director of Little Angels, a grant totaling $2.1 million, which ally yours.” to run a pilot program geared towards the arts for English- learning students in School Dis- to set additional regulatory stan- housing discrimination based on justice laws that include bail reform trict 10. The residency is geared dards. The news comes amid pres- source of income. The website fol- and discovery. At a news conference toward developing literacy and sure by Cuomo to draft legislation lows a measure passed last year that on Jan. 24, Shea told reporters he met social emotional learning skills that would largely benefit delivery prohibits landlords from denying with State Senate Majority Leader through theater and music. Le- drivers who currently face stiff fines someone housing based on any type Andrea Stewart-Cousins on the mea- hman College students will also if caught riding them. Cuomo said of lawful income they receive, in- sure, and expressed concerns that benefit from another grant win- the e-bikes could help reduce pollu- cluding Section 8. “Across New York the bail reform measure—which lets ner in PEN American Center, tion and decongest city streets. Some State, landlords, rental agents, and those accused of a low-level crime to which will run a tuition-free of the measures in this bill package brokers continue to post ads specify- walk out of a courtroom without hav- writing workshop for undocu- include setting speed restrictions, ing that they will not accept vouchers ing to post bail—takes away the dis- mented New Yorkers that’s de- prohibiting e-bikes from being used or housing assistance – an act that is cretion from a judge who can prop- signed to give DREAMers the on sidewalks, and requiring helmets. blatantly unlawful and discrimina- erly surmise whether a suspect is a opportunity to use their voices Municipalities like New York City tory. “This new portal will allow New danger to society. “If we can’t trust to counter misinformation can impose even greater measures if Yorkers to report these instances of judges then we’re probably in bigger about immigrants. the state bill passes. discrimination and help my office trouble,” said Shea. On discovery re- hold bad actors accountable,” said form, where evidence used against E-Scooter Bill Announced Housing Discrimination Website James in a statement. a criminal, including the name and Governor Andrew M. Cuomo In a move intended to decrease addresses of witnesses, can be imme- today announced a safety bill housing discrimination, New York Shea Slams New Criminal diately turned over the defense, Shea that would legalize motorized e- Attorney General Letitia James an- Justice Reforms said that would create a “chilling ef- bikes and scooters while grant- nounced the launch of a new web- NYPD Commissioner Dermot Shea fect” on witnesses coming forward to ing local governments the right site to complain about instances of is slamming the state’s new criminal report a crime. 6 • January 30-February 12, 2020 • Norwood News “Yo Bro! I’m Gonna (Bleep) Shoot You!” Videos Reveal Moment That Lead to Fatal 52nd Pct. Shooting in October

By DAVID CRUZ on Oct. 17, 2019 just before 3 p.m. The Three months after a sergeant from three had pulled over Allen Feliz, who the 52nd Precinct fatally shot a Yon- police say was driving his 2018 Volk- kers man following a traffic stop, the swagen Atlas without a seatbelt. Image courtesy NYPD NYPD released body cam footage of It began as a friendly conversation, the incident leading to the moments with Rivera outside the passenger side, A VIDEO SCREENSHOT from 52nd Precinct Sgt. Jonathan Rivera’s body camera that went from jovial to chaotic in a and Barrett politely asking where Fe- shows him reaching for the driver’s side of the vehicle belonging to Allen Feliz, spotted matter of seconds. liz was headed and why he was in Nor- sitting in the driver’s seat. The videos, released on Jan. 24 and wood. Feliz said his girlfriend lived in posted onto YouTube, shows three the area and was on his way to pick up lice slang for when a warrant is active. camera was turned off shortly after angles recorded by the body cameras his daughter from school. Police would later reveal that Feliz had the struggle and likely “caused by the worn by the sergeant, identified as Sgt. After Barrett ran Feliz’s driver’s li- three outstanding warrants for minor physical contact with the camera’s re- Jonathan Rivera, and two officers, Ed- cense that was issuedin Ohio, he told infractions. cord switch and does not capture the ward Barrett and Michelle Almanzar, Rivera that Feliz’s name “popped,” po- “You’re not in trouble, but I just firearm discharge.” gotta talk you,” said Barrett, asking Councilman Andrew Cohen, who Feliz to step out of the car. represents Norwood where the shoot- After a quick pat down, Feliz rushes ing took place, told the Norwood News NEW HEIGHTS back into his car with Barrett attempt- he has already seen the video on the ing to keep him from driving off. Video shooting, and appears convinced that CONSTRUCTION LLC from Rivera’s body cam shows him ta- the shooting was justified. singFeliz, who screams. After getting “If you look at the moment where tased and into the car, Barrett and Al- the sergeant pulled the trigger, to me it WINTER SPECIALS! manzar try to force Feliz into putting seems irrefutable that at that moment the car in park from having been in the police officers were in real serious drive. danger,” said Cohen. “In my opinion, KITCHEN & BATH Rivera eventually crawls into the there was a failure of tactics here. I Complete Renovation car from the passenger side as a pas- think this probably could have been senger can be seen with his arms averted. I don’t know what is the con- And Remodeling, raised telling the officer, “Look at my stitutionality of asking the driver for hands.”Rivera soon has his service his keys. But when they stopped this Expert Tile, Grant weapon drawn telling Feliz, “Yo bro! guy and asked him for his license, reg- And Quartz I’m gonna (expletive) shoot you!” istration, and keys he would be alive As the struggle continues, with today because the only weapon he had SIDING, ROOFING officers demanding Feliz get out the was his vehicle and you would’ve dis- car, Barrett’s body camera falls to the armed him.” & WINDOWS ground facing the building on Bain- But the videos don’t have footage of bridge Avenue. It continues rolling, Rivera pulling the trigger. Cohen later Waterproong • Gutters with sounds of Feliz’s vehicle revving clarified that the circumstances lead- Sot & Fascia Repair, and more! up. ing to the shooting led him to that con- Video that surfaced the day of the clusion. “I saw the video and this is my MASONRY WORK shooting shows the vehicle moving takeaway from it,” said Cohen. forward and backward with Rivera Feliz’s family is now suing the Concrete Sidewalk Violations still inside. Video from Rivera’s point NYPD. Their attorney, Robert Vilen- of view, however, shows only the mo- sky, declined to comment on the vid- Porches • Brick and Granite Steps ments prior to the shooting, with Ri- eos’ content. “At the present time the Paver Stones • Brick Pointing vera punching Feliz before the video family has no comment other than cuts to black. that we believe justice will prevail for Stucco, etc. A spokesperson offering the NYPD’s our fallen beloved son, brother, father, INTERIOR FLOORING version of events, said that Rivera’s and friend Allen Feliz.” & PAINTING Call Now for FREE Estimates FOLLOW US ONLINE John Miller 917-642-0195 800-525-5102 • 718-767-0044 WWW.NORWOODNEWS.ORG NYC Lic# 1191201 January 30-February 12, 2020 • Norwood News • 7 Preaching at the Park

Photo by David Cruz (L-R) JENNY VALDEZ, Brunida Martinez, and Rosa Garcia, members of Nor- wood’s Decima Iglesia Pentecostal at Putnam Place, were spotted at Oval Park proselytizing on Jan. 23. It certainly caught the Norwood News’ attention given all the singing and preaching by the trio, which used a loudspeaker to spread their message.


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Image courtesy MTA ANDY BYFORD, SUBWAY chief (third from right, front), receives a round of applause from members of the MTA board at their last meeting for helping to turn the subway system around.

By DAVID CRUZ giving me this opportunity, same as it proceeds to revamp ficials are interpreting this as ership in combatting these Andy Byford, the New but also Governor Cuomo the regular bus route system, a win. changes. I look forward to York City Transit Authority and the legislature for having a plan that’s still in the works. “Hard work and commu- working with the MTA to put chief credited for helping to the courage to pass conges- It also comes a few weeks af- nity organizing pays off. It is forward a plan that meets the turn around the subway sys- tion pricing, but also get the ter Byford announced that the wonderful news to hear that needs of Bronx commuters and tem while overseeing a plan funds that I know will deliver number 4 subway line would the MTA has postponed their ensures access to reliable and to revamp the Bronx bus net- the capital plans. It’s unprece- receive more elevators arriv- plans to cut express bus ser- efficient transportation.”Had work, has resigned on Jan. dented,” said Byford, who also ing to some of its stations in vice,” said Norwood Assem- the changes gone through, 23. His resignation comes two thanked the millions of riders the Bronx.Before his resig- blyman Jeff Dinowitz, whose it would have seen some ma- years after he signed on. for “putting up with me.” nation, Byford told elected office organized a town hall jor revisions for the BxM4, At the last MTA Board Byford’s last day with the officials that the agency will discussion on express bus ser- which runs through Norwood meeting on Jan. 23, Byford— state-run transit authority is not institute any changes to vice in the Bronx. “Our com- via Bainbridge Avenue. Had whose departure was first Feb. 21. express bus routes, but con- munity is disproportionately the plan gone through, riders reported by Politico—said a The announcement comes tinue monitoring ridership reliant on express buses to ac- would have not gotten service few words of thanks. “I’d like nearly a week after Byford an- as it implements changes to cess – especially between Katonah Avenue and to say a big thank you to Gov- nounced the MTA would keep the Bronx. It’s not quite an those along the northern and East 237th Street in Woodlawn ernor [Andrew] Cuomo for the express bus system the about-face, though elected of- western borders of the Bronx and the and who do not have nearby sub- East 158th Street in Melrose. "AINBRIDGE!VE "RONX .9 ways. I am glad that President The bus would no longer have PEOPLES PHARMACY 0H   Byford and the MTA listened to run through the Grand Con- And Food Mart &AX   riders’ concerns, and I look for- course, redirected instead to PEOPLES GMAILCOM ward to a continued dialogue the Major Deegan Expressway. E-Prescription • Specialty • Surgical Supply on how we can efficiently con- In total, the line would have

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Mixed Feelings For January 30-February 12, 2020 • Norwood News • 9 Stagg’s Mosholu Site G&T pg 5 forceINEQUITIES hears strengths and weaknesses of gifted and talented programs

Mixed Feelings For Stagg’s Mosholu Site pg 5

Norwood Sewer Project Approved For Night Work | pg 6

Norwood Sewer REACH 40,000 Project Approved For testifi es before a panel focusing on the problems of the city Department of Education’s gifted and tal- Night Work | pg 6

by Bronx Borough President Potential Customers In The Bronx Ruben Diaz Jr. and his Brook- Monte Pilot Program n counterpart, Eric Adams, ld its first session on March The panel heard from Ma- Photo by Adi Talwar Streamlines Access sura Tidjani, a mother of two at the Bronx High School African-American boys in To Developmental REACH 40,000 testificience, a specialized high supposed to have the program es before a panel focusing Schoolon the Districtproblems 9 whoof the qualified city Department of Education’s gifted and tal- Care | pg 11 ol where entry becomes a for a G&T program for the past for the past two years but did -long goal for parents. The two years. On the first day3URXGO\6HUYLQJ%URQ[&RPPXQLWLHV6LQFH‡ of Proudlynot have Serving any programs Bronx becauseCommunities Since 1988FREE by Bronx Borough President Potential Customers In The Bronx member panel heard from one of her son’s G&T class, Ti- they don’t have enough stu- Ruben Diaz Jr. and his Brook- s frustrated by a system djani was told that PS 199x The dents to open a class,” Tidjani Monte Pilot Program SG&Tn counterpart, seatsFREE are few Eric in Adams, the Shakespeare School had can- told panelists, who sat jotting ld its first session on March The panel heard from Ma- notes. “According toPhoto the DOE, by Adi Talwar Streamlines Access celedsura it for Tidjani, the school a mother year. of two at the Bronx High School N you have to have at least 25 chil- “WhenAfrican-American I spoke to the boysprinci- in To Developmental    ORWOODdren in order to open a gifted cience, a specialized high pal she Vol told me30, that No they 6 • were P supposed to have the program School District 9 whoQ qualified ol where entry becomes a PUBLISHEDand talentedfor the past class.” two years but did Care | pg 11 for a G&T program for theUBLISHED past Her BYnot Mson have re-took any programsthe test, because -long goal forINQUIRING parents. The PHOTOGRAPHER:two years. On the first day3URXGO\6HUYLQJ%URQ[&RPPXQLWLHV6LQFH‡ of Proudly BY M OSHOLU Serving Bronx Communities Since 1988FREE scoringthey aboveOSHOLU don’t 97 have percent, P enoughRESERVATION which stu- memberTRUMP’S panel heard from TRAVEL one of BAN her son’s 2.0 G&T | class, PG. Ti- 4 PRESERVATION (continued on page 15) s frustrated by a system djani was told that PS 199x The dents to open a class,” Tidjani C CORPORATION N ORPORATION G&T seats are few in the told panelists, who sat jotting  EWS S FREE Shakespeare School had can- • MQ ARCH   celed it for the school year. notes. “According to the DOE, pg 14 16-29, 2017 N you have to have at least 25 chil- “When I spoke to the princi-    ORWOODdren in order to open a gifted pal she Vol told me30, that No they 6 • were P Q PUBLISHEDand talented class.” UBLISHED Her BY Mson re-took the test, BRONX BARRIERS: INQUIRING PHOTOGRAPHER: BY M OSHOLU KNOWING YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS | PG. 9 INCREASE SALES scoring aboveOSHOLU 97 percent, PRESERVATION which TRUMP’S TRAVEL BAN 2.0 | PG. 4 PRESERVATION (continued on page 15) C CORPORATION N ORPORATION  EWS • MQ RENT ROLLS ARCH   pg 14 16-29, 2017 When Advertising In The Award Winning QUESTIONEDKNOWING BRONXYOUR LEGAL BARRIERS: RIGHTS | PG. 9 INCREASE SALES rd ParkRENT housing group questions ROLLS legitimacy of tenants’ rent When Advertising In The Award Winning Elevator Planned For B/D Bedford Pk. QUESTIONED Subway Line | pg 6 rd Park housing group questions legitimacy of tenants’ rent

Elevator Planned For B/D Bedford Pk. NORWOOD NEWS Subway Line | pg 6

St. Ann’s School Teachers Want The ONLY Newspaper Covering The Stories That Answers | pg 8 NORWOOD NEWS

St. Ann’s School Teachers Want The ConcernONLY Newspaper You In YOUR Covering NEIGHBORHOOD The Stories That ector of West Bronx Housing (r), and her colleague Andrew Laiosa (l), compile rent history forms alleging Answers | pg 8

thoroughly double check ether a landlord’s rent Study: Trains Loaded Photo by Adi Talwar rease on a tenant is jus- listing the help of elected With Fatty Food Ads ble. Concern You In YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD o f f i c i a l s . T h e g r o u p h a s Pg 11 ectorest Bronx of West Housing, Bronx Housing (r), nowand her zeroed colleague in on Andrew an apart- Laiosa (l), compile rent history forms alleging tive director of West Bronx quartered in Bedford ment building in River- Housing, has noticed an dale, where rent histories Proudly Serving Bronx Communities Since 1988 has since been col- 3URXGO\6HUYLQJ%URQ[&RPPXQLWLHV6LQFH‡uptick in these suspect rent FREE are suspect. They’re now thoroughlythese statements double check histories amid an afford- requesting these forms to etherFL/DR-1.0 a landlord’s forms rent able housing crisis that’s Study: Trains Loaded FREE tenants living in Norwood Photo by Adi Talwar Spatterns while en- rease on a tenant is to jus- listing the help of elected making living in New York With Fatty Food Ads and Bedford Park. ble. oN f f i c i a l s . T hCity, e includingg r o u the p Bronx,h a s Pg 11 Sally Dunford,    ORWOOD execu- almost impossible for the est Bronx Housing, now zeroedVol 30, in No on an5 • apart- P Q tive director of West Bronx quartered in Bedford ment building in River- PUBLISHEDworking class. UBLISHED Housing, has noticed an dale, where rent histories Proudly BY M Serving Bronx Communities Since 1988 has since beenINQUIRING col- PHOTOGRAPHER:3URXGO\6HUYLQJ%URQ[&RPPXQLWLHV6LQFH‡uptick (continuedBY M OSHOLUin on these page suspect15) rent FREE OSHOLU PRESERVATION theseTHE statements BRONX’S areRAT suspect. PROBLEM They’re now | PG. 4 PRESERVATION histories amid an afford- C FL/DR-1.0 forms requesting these forms to ORPORATION N able housing crisis that’s CORPORATIONpg 14  EWS FREE tenants living in Norwood Q Spatterns while en- to making living in New York • M   and Bedford Park. ARCH 2-15, 2017 N City, including the Bronx, Sally Dunford,     execu- NEW RATES FOR 2019! ORWOODalmost impossible for the Vol 30, No 5 • P Q PUBLISHEDworking class. UBLISHED BY M BRONX BARRIERS: INQUIRING PHOTOGRAPHER: (continuedBY M OSHOLU on page 15) CIVIC ENGAGEMENT CRISIS | PG. 9 OSHOLU PRESERVATION THE BRONX’S RAT PROBLEM | PG. 4 PRESERVATION CORPORATION N THE CAMPAIGN CORPORATIONpg 14  EWS • MQ   ARCH 2-15, 2017 NEW RATES FOR 2019! TO DOWNZONECIVIC ENGAGEMENTBRONX BARRIERS: CRISIS | PG. 9 THECommunity Board CAMPAIGN 7 backs downzoning of Mosholu Pkwy. Prices for all sizes CVS to Close in March TO DOWNZONE pg 3 Community Board 7 backs downzoning of Mosholu Pkwy. Prices for all sizes CVS to Close in March pg 3 have been DRASTICALLY Fordham Nonprofi Looks Out for Teens t pg 7 have been DRASTICALLY Fordham Nonprofi y Van Cortlandt Avenue East (pictured) is among the streets community activists hope to ha Looks Out for Teens t . pg 7 borders as a way to preserve reduced by 30% ts character while stemming urther development. munity it will assess the look Photo by Adi Talwar State of the Bronx The group won a victory of the neighborhood. A mo- ve downzoned the latest CB7 Land Use/ tion presented before the full Blasts City and Trump y Van Cortlandt Avenue East (pictured) is among the streets community activiststurned fromhope whatto ha some called using Committee meet- board at its Feb. 28 meeting . a nonstarter to a mayoral is- pg 8 on Feb. 15 when the New was passed, with board mem- sue,” civil activist Anthony bordersCity Department as a way to of preserve City bers agreeing to revisit the reduced by 30% Rivieccio, who proposed the ing (DCP), charged with proposal by the fall. The board Proudly Serving Bronx Communities Since 1988 ts character while stemming 3URXGO\6HUYLQJ%URQ[&RPPXQLWLHV6LQFH‡idea for a blanket rezoning of FREE It’s for a limited time only. Inquire urthermining development. the character of first needs to finalize another munity it will assess the look andPhoto its by im- Adi Talwar orhoods across the five separate independent study State of the Bronx The groupFREE won a victory of the neighborhood. A mo- mediate side streets, toldve thedownzoned Shs, assured the com- it had commissioned last No- the latest CB7 Land Use/ tion presented before the full Norwood News Blasts City and Trump vember. turned from what some called using Committee meet- Nboard at its Feb. 28 meeting T h e p l. a n , b a c k e d b y l o - pg 8 “InVol five 30,     months NoORWOOD 4 it’s • P been a nonstarter to a mayoral is- on Feb. 15 when the New was passed, with board mem- cal legislators and residents, QP sue,” civil activist Anthony City Department of City bers agreeing to revisitUBLISHED theUBLISHED looks to prevent overdevelop- B Rivieccio, BY who proposed the ing (DCP), charged with proposal by the fall. The board Y MProudly MOSHOLU Serving Bronx Communities Since 1988 INQUIRING PHOTOGRAPHER:3URXGO\6HUYLQJ%URQ[&RPPXQLWLHV6LQFH‡idea(continuedOSHOLU for a blanket on page rezoning15) of FREE It’s for a limited time only. Inquire P P about our free creative setup. miningBAG the character FEE ofBAGGED first needs FOR to finalizeNOW another | PG. 4 RESERVATIONRESERVATION Mosholu Parkway and its im- C orhoods across the five separate independent study CORPORATIONORPORATION N mediate side streets, told the • Fpg 14  EWS FREE Q Shs, assured the com- it had commissioned last No- EBRUARY Norwood News 16-M   vember. ARCH N T h e p l. a n , b a c k e d b y l o - 1, 2017 “InVol five 30,     months NoORWOOD 4 it’s • P been cal legislators and residents, QP UBLISHEDUBLISHEDlooks to prevent overdevelop- B BY INQUIRING PHOTOGRAPHER: Y MOSHOLU MOSHOLU A NN-WFUVBRONX COLLABORATION BARRIERS: | PG. 9 (continued P on page P 15) about our free creative setup. BAG FEE BAGGED FOR NOW | PG. 4 RESERVATIONRESERVATION CORPORATION CORPORATION N ST. ANN SCHOOLpg 14 • F  EWS EBRUARYQ 16-M   ARCH 1, 2017

TO CLOSE DOORSA NN-WFUVBRONX COLLABORATION BARRIERS: | PG. 9 wsST. comes twoANN years after SCHOOL parish church closed Call Janet Geller

Trump Travel Ban Impacts Norwood TO CLOSE DOORS pg 5 ws comes two years after parish church closed Call646-581-0399 Janet Geller Trump Travel Ban Impacts Norwood pg 5 [email protected] Veterans Honored At CB7 Breakfast pg 7 [email protected] Veterans Honored At CB7 Breakfast pg 7 10 • January 30-February 12, 2020 • Norwood News New West Bronx Housing Executive Director Looks To Build Legacy Started by Predecessor By DAVID CRUZ As Sally Dunford was preparing for retirement as executive director of “It’s been a hum- West Bronx Housing, a job she’s held on to for 28 years, there was already bling experience someone she had in mind to succeed her. to have somebody It didn’t require any sifting of re- sumes or recommendations, but an entrust something understanding of who already dem- onstrated the capability in doing the that they’ve been work. It came from Joshua Stephen- building for 20 years son, the former constituent services di- rector for Councilman Andrew Cohen, to you, and [I] will who had worked with Dunford over the last two years to settle housing give it everything I grievances for tenants living within Cohen’s 11th Council District. have.” The work was already familiar to him, and Dunford immediately saw a —Joshua Stephenson, replacement. On Jan. 9, Stephenson be- West Bronx Housing came the newest executive director to executive director. Photo by David Cruz lead West Bronx Housing, an advocacy JOSHUA STEPHENSON IS the new executive director for West Bronx Housing, suc- group falling under the Bronx Jewish ceeding Sally Dunford. Community Council. Dunford highly recommended Stephenson to the job Berkeley, graduating with a degree in immigration issues, and social work. state enacted stronger rent laws last (he still needed to formally apply), pre- political science with a focus in inter- In some cases, Stephenson will ac- year, adding greater protections to viously referring to him as a young national relations. But the jobs in that company clients to Bronx Housing renters. He anticipates landlords, “dynamo.” arena were few and far between, which Court on the Grand Concourse, lend- with some already suing the state Stephenson, 35, steadily transi- Stephenson blamed on the Great Reces- ing his thoughts on individual cases. because of the rent laws, will skirt tioned to the role, working alongside sion that had roiled the country then, That kind of outreach is happen- some of the measures that include Dunford for three months before she and Stephenson found himself prepar- ing in other parts of the nonprofit’s eliminating vacancy bonuses and re- officially left the position. Ahead of his ing pizzas for three years. work, including a plan for several ducing the monetary impact of Major ascension to the role, Stephenson was “I got tired of cooking pizza,” said know-your-rights workshops he has Capital Improvements. Stephenson reminded of Dunford’s reputation for Stephenson, laughing. “You can only in mind. Such workshops haven’t is now wary that landlords will be- housing work that contributed to West cook so many pizzas before you get been so well received within West gin targeting the New York City Rent Bronx Housing’s own reputation it’s tired of the smell.” Bronx Housing’s immediate area of Guidelines Board for some monetary built over the years. And he intends to Stephenson eventually moved to Bedford Park as Community Board relief. continue that work. Brooklyn and found an internship 7, whose office is directly across the “The Rent Guidelines Board in- “It’s been a humbling experience with Manhattan Assemblywoman Re- street, led a housing workshop that creases are going to be substantially to have somebody entrust something becca Seawright before interning at was poorly attended despite publicity larger moving forward because land- that they’ve been building for 20 years Cohen’s office in Kingsbridge. There, surrounding it. lords are going to put a lot of pressure to you, and will [I] give it everything he fell in love with constituent work Stephenson looks to try a different on the Rent Guidelines Board and the I have,” said Stephenson, speaking to that laid the groundwork for his cur- tact, relying heavily on its email list mayor to give them larger increases,” the Norwood News from his boxy of- rent role. He soon went from intern with names, somewhere in the thou- said Stephenson. “There’s nowhere fice at 220 E. 204th St. to constituent services director, en- sands, that have accrued over the else for landlords to go.” Stephenson’s path to the Bronx joying the work that comes with ha- last few years. “We can hold events As Stephenson braces for a fight came with some stops around the ranguing landlords and city agencies basically anywhere—[Community with landlords, West Bronx Hous- country. He was born in Omaha, Ne- to resolve tenant-landlord disputes. Boards] 5, 7, 8, and 12,” said Stephen- ing’s mantra remains: treat renters braska, before living several years in While working for Cohen, Stephen- son. “We have huge lists of clients, fairly. Miami, FL, where he picked up how to son was doubling as a waiter. and huge lists of locations where we “Housing impacts everybody on a speak Spanish at a young age. He even- On top of helping residents settle can hold events.” personal level,” said Stephenson. “I tually moved to Southern California, any differences with their landlord, It’s Stephenson’s hope that ten- fundamentally believe that housing after living in Sacramento, CA and West Bronx Housing also helps resi- ants will be well-versed in tenant is a right for everyone … [residents] Syracuse, NY. He later enrolled at UC dents apply for rent freezes, handle matters, especially now since the deserve to live in dignity.” January 30-February 12, 2020 • Norwood News • 11 Oval Park Sees 42 Fresh Trees on Landscape By DAVID CRUZ backs. Since the early 2000s, follow- The city Parks Department is ing the deal to see the construction planting seeds for a leafier Oval of the Croton Water Filtration Plant Park after construction-hatted in the Bronx, resulting in a $200 mil- crews decked in neon vests were lion reserve for park projects, Oval spotted planting close to four-dozen Park has seen other improvements trees around the perimeter of the that include a top-down renovation Norwood greenscape. for the recreation center, staircase A Caterpillar crawler also joined on the northern end of the park, and the crews the week of Jan. 20, dig- a revamped track and field. ging out soil as crews shimmied an The plantings come ahead of a unprecedented 43 saplings ranging massive tree planting effort by the from oaks, Japanese katsura trees, Parks Department, which is slated to and London planes, into their new put new trees along several parts of home. The new trees are scattered Norwood starting May 31. Areas ex- about the park though many can be pected to see new trees include 340 E. found on the upper promenade. It 204th St., 355 E. 204th St., 292 E. 205th can take decades to see these trees St., 268 E. 207th St., 277 E. 207th St., grow to maturity, with the katsura Photo by David Cruz 3252 Decatur Ave., 3254 Decatur Ave., tree taking upwards of 50 years. CREWS WITH THE New York City Parks Department plant this tree on the northern end 3307 Hull Ave., 3343 Decatur Ave., 82 The Parks Department said the of the Oval Park as part of a project that saw 42 trees planted throughout the park. E. 208th St., 81 E. 208th St., 15 E. 208th project is part of the city’s years-long St., 3450 Jerome Ave., 245 E. Gun Hill effort to replant trees wiped out dur- came to lost trees, though Williams- in Manhattan and , which Rd., 3508 Kings College Pl., 280 E. ing Superstorm Sandy when wind bridge, Allerton, and Pelham Gar- also received new trees—at $2.7 mil- 211th St., 3547 Webster Ave., and 3551 gusts reached 71 mph during the dens in the north central part of the lion. Webster Ave. height of the historic storm. It’s es- borough suffered heavy losses with The news adds to the ongoing in- Editor’s Note: To track where and timated that some 20,000 trees were 128 complaints of damaged tree re- vestment for the treasured park, when the New York City Parks Depart- destroyed when Sandy arrived to the ported to 311. which recently saw the opening of a ment is planting a tree near your home, New York City. The Bronx fared bet- The Parks Department puts the skateboard area on the eastern side of go to ter than most parts of the city when it cost of the project—when factoring the park after years of delays and set- trees/street-tree-planting/locations.



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(718) 514-6120 (718) 794-0600 (718) 798-1000 (347) 899-0946 12 • January 30-February 12, 2020 • Norwood News Lt. Governor Outlines State’s Vision for 2020 at Montefiore By DAVID CRUZ protections for gig workers, reducing Days before Governor Andrew Cuo- taxes, reducing the unemployment mo’s preliminary budget announce- rate in the Bronx, and keeping health- ment, his second-in-command paid care costs low notwithstanding Cuo- a special visit to Montefiore Health mo’s plan to cut Medicaid further. The System on Jan. 16, reiterating Cuo- topic on health includes a discussion mo’s State of the State address, which on whether prescription drugs can be includes the promise of seeing four purchased outside the country. “Why Metro-North stations built in the East can’t we get our drugs in Canada?” said Bronx. Hochul. “I’m sorry, I trust the quality Mixing policy with shtick, Lt. Gov- controls up there. We need to do some ernor Kathy Hochul–introduced by double checking. We’ll be fine.” newly appointed President and CEO She also offered praise to the bor- for Montefiore Health System, Dr. ough’s many leaps in recent years, Philip O. Ozuah–broke down a bevy of mainly news that the population for initiatives spearheaded by Cuomo that the borough has risen steadily, a sign have statewide interest. That includes of an improved quality of life for a bor- combating domestic violence, ferret- ough that was saw residents flee by the ing out hate crimes, adding greater thousands decades before. “The fact

Photo by David Cruz LT. GOVERNOR KATHY Hochul (at podium) delivers a summarized State of the State address that was presented by Governor Andrew Cuomo on Jan. 8.

that this is the fastest-growing bor- vaping death happened in the Bronx ough, population of five percent in just last year. the last decade,” said Hochul. “That’s On political matters, Hochul also another extraordinary indicator of the re-emphasized Cuomo’s push to have great health and future of this commu- elected officials disclosing their tax nity.” returns if their yearly incomes sur- Building out the infrastructure pass $100,000. “I’ve been doing it for continues to be on Cuomo’s agenda, the last 25 years as an elected offi- specifically the plan to bring the cial and I encourage everyone else four Metro-North stations to the to follow this,” she said. Bronx as part of the Penn Station Adding some levity to her ad- Access plan that was funded by dress, Hochul also threw in Cuo- Cuomo in 2018. “It’s going to be a mo’s call to do away with so-called life-changing experience for our robocalls by mandating phone com- citizens,” said Hochul, adding this panies institute technology to curb would be a benefit to Montefiore’s the practice. Stiff fines would be im- medical center in Morris Park, one posed if companies don’t comply. of four neighborhoods that will see a “This is why I know it’s going on station built. in the state: I know it bothers people, Adding to rail projects, Hochul because I come out here and I just stressed Cuomo’s plan to build a throw a couple of words–like, I do high-speed rail system that would my own testing. I don’t care if you’re push trains beyond the current in Auburn, NY, or in Watertown or maximum of 51 mph. the end of Long Island, or you’re sit- She also spoke on the Bronx’s ting here in the Bronx, everybody environmental health, pointing to groans over robocalls. So I’ll say the dramatic changes to the Bronx universally New Yorkers want us to River Parkway. “This is an amaz- get involved in stopping the increase ing place,” said Hochul, adding that in robocalls and we’ll do that,” said greater environmental policies in- Hochul. clude the impending ban on plastic Cuomo is now slated to present bags and expanding charging sta- his preliminary budget proposal tions for electric powered vehicles that will answer how his initiatives across the state. On healthcare mat- would be paid at a news conference ters, Hochul also reemphasized Cuo- today. The state is now faced with a mo’s plan to ban vaping products $6 billion budget gap that could se- that appear to target children, an riously impact New York City. That assertion Hochul believes. “We’re debt is being blamed on the state’s gonna stop it; it’s not happening soaring Medicaid bill, which it has here,” said Hochul. The state’s first covered for the last 10 years. January 30-February 12, 2020 • Norwood News • 13



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PI: Dr. Erin Hazlett MIRB#: 01708 14 • January 30-February 12, 2020 • Norwood News Despite National Concern Over Psych Drugs for Foster Youth, NYC Says It Lacks Key Data

By ERICKA FRANCOIS, County, for example, releases a quar- The Chronicle of Social Change terly report that details prescription Pedro Maldonado’s story of diagno- rates. The last such report, from late sis and prescription for Concerta and October 2019, revealed that 1,363 chil- Seroquel—typically prescribed for dren, or 7.3 percent of all foster chil- ADHD and mood disorders like schizo- dren, were receiving psychotropic phrenia—started when he was in foster medications. Almost half of them were care at age six. receiving more than one of these pow- “When I was younger I never really erful drugs, and almost a quarter were thought about it, I just took it. As I got receiving anti-psychotics. older, I started speaking up for myself,” For Rosie Williams, who grew up said Maldonado, who spent his early in Brooklyn’s foster care system, the years in Fordham before heading to stream of psychotropic drugs began Mt. Vernon’s foster care system. “As I at 12 years old. “I was on at least three got older, it started to make me feel like meds at a time—Seroquel, Wellbutrin [a] zombie and I guessed they upped the and Zoloft—but those are the only ones dosage.” I can pronounce,” Williams said. Ariel, another teen in New York Nigel, who asked his last name not City’s foster care system whose last be published, entered New York City’s name is being withheld, says that he foster care system at age 12 and was pre- was first prescribed Abilify, a powerful scribed medication. He is now 25 and antipsychotic at age 13, for his ADHD said he’s still unclear what he was diag- diagnosis. The drug made him feel nosed with that required the drugs. He so drowsy that he would fall asleep in was first prescribed an antipsychotic at class. So he wanted to get off it. But his age 14. foster mom had other ideas. “They never really told me what I “She told me, ‘If you’re not on the was diagnosed with but they put me on medication you can’t live with me,’” Seroquel,” he said. “I didn’t like how it Ariel said. “I wanted to stay, so I took made me feel, I was unresponsive, felt it and I knew my other options were Photo courtesy Administration for Children’s Services outside of myself. I felt like I was in a worse.” THE ADMINISTRATION FOR Children’s Services (ACS) is attempting to get state data dream whenever I took it, it was seda- The dosage kept getting increased determining how many children in the foster care system have been prescribed psy- tion.” without his consent, he said, and he chotropic drugs. Meanwhile, some members of the started to have suicidal thoughts that New York City Council would like to “came out of nowhere.” City Council, the Administration for City and the state prescribed a psycho- see more transparency from the agency Interviews with dozens of current Children’s Services (ACS) repeatedly tropic. Both Mahaffey and the state De- on psychiatric medications. Earlier and former foster youth and children’s declined to share even basic facts about partment of Health, which manages the this year, four councilmembers led by lawyers confirm that Ariel isn’t alone the percentage of kids who have been Medicaid program, asked the Chronicle Levin introduced a bill that would re- in being prescribed powerful, mood- prescribed powerful drugs. to submit a list of specific drugs, claim- quire ACS to provide quarterly reports altering drugs. But New York City’s “[ACS] does not have access to data ing they may be able to provide separate on the number and percentage of chil- foster care system says it has no data about the use of psychiatric medica- counts of prescriptions for each drug. dren prescribed three or more psychi- on youth prescription rates, despite fed- tions in our foster care system, but Children’s advocates are supporting atric medications, along with seven eral guidelines that state they should we have been taking steps to try to ac- a City Council bill proposed by Gen- other related data points. have them. cess this information,” a spokesperson eral Welfare Committee chair Stephen As youth who are drugged while in The haphazard prescribing of psy- for ACS said. A source at the agency Levin that would require more systemic care age into adulthood, many say they chotropic medications to foster chil- also explained that the agency does monitoring by ACS. “By collecting this are quick to leave the medications be- dren – some very young, and often med- not track data specific to “medication data, ACS and City Council will be able hind. Maldonado – the former foster icated without appropriate talk therapy overrides”—instances where ACS al- to observe prescribing trends for each youth from the Bronx, now 22 – said he – has long been a hidden problem. But lowed its foster care nonprofits to move foster care agency, with the data disag- stopped taking his prescriptions at 16. despite grabbing newspaper headlines ahead with a psychotropic prescription gregated to show trends by gender and Ariel, now 18, said he stopped tak- nationwide, foster children – some as despite a parent declining to provide ethnicity,” read a statement by the Le- ing the antipsychotic Abilify once he young as five – are still routinely pre- consent. gal Aid Society, which represents most became an adult. “I don’t know who I scribed potent cocktails of psychotrop- Monica Mahaffey, spokesperson New York City foster youth in family am ultimately yet but I entered a stage ics leaving them listless, obese, or sui- for the state Office of Children and court. “The data collected would allow of growth,” said Ariel. “I knew about cidal, all while doing little to improve Families (OCFS), which regulates fos- ACS to track problematic prescribing how they treated foster care kids and I the perceived mental health problems ter care agencies statewide, said via practices on a systemic level and report wasn’t going to be their lab rat.” that the drugs aim to alleviate. email the agency would need to look on any corrective action taken to ame- This story was co-published by the And after months of requests for into “whether this is something we can liorate these dangerous practices.” child welfare news website The Chron- information from both The Chronicle get” when asked for the number of chil- Other states and cities make this icle of Social Change, which focuses on of Social Change and from New York dren under the age of six in New York data available publicly. Los Angeles stories impacting the foster care system. January 30-February 12, 2020 • Norwood News • 15 8 Injured as Weekend Storm Causes Multi-Car Pileup on Bronx River Parkway

By DAVID GREENE 14, 2019, the most injuries for any car Slippery roads and poor visibil- accident on the parkway that year. ity caused by a winter storm over the Speed was to blame for that inci- weekend appear to be responsible for dent. a multi-car pile-up on the Bronx River According to the National Weather Parkway by the Woodlawn/Norwood Service, only one inch of snow fell in border that injured eight people, in- the Bronx, but visibility at the time cluding one seriously. The afternoon of the crash was reduced to 1/4 mile. incident ranks as the most injury-re- Brandon DeShields, a driver, told lated car accident than at any point in WCBS-TV, “I switched lanes, some- 2019. one behind me ran into the back of Police say that at just after 1:30 p.m. my car and it caused me to slide and on Jan. 18, police were flooded with hit another car.” calls of a crash in the southbound side Additional reporting by David of the Bronx River Parkway, between Cruz. East 233rd Street and East Gun Hill Road. The NYPD reported 15 cars were Photo by David Greene THREE CRASH VICTIMS (not injured) involved, but one local news crew had look at their vehicle after being stuck for video of their count, that they put at 20. hours on the Bronx River Parkway follow- The parkway was back open by 7 p.m. ing a multi-vehicle crash on Jan. 18 that EMS reported eight people were trans- resulted in eight people injured. ported to area hospitals, including one victim reported in serious condition. coming together and hugging in the Police, fire, and paramedics identi- middle of the shutdown southbound fied, treated and removed those aided lane, before apparently walking over as people kept warm in their cars or to their mangled car, with the bum- walked around the closed highway as per hanging off the vehicle. Photo by David Greene they waited hours for tow trucks to re- City records show the Bronx side County, was the scene of 97 car acci- DRIVERS ON THE northbound Bronx move them. of the Bronx River Parkway, which dents in 2019, including an accident River Parkway are at a standstill headed Two victims of the crash were seen also stretches into Westchester that resulted in six injuries on Aug. into Westchester County. St. Patrick’s Home Rehabilitation & Health Care Center

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Carmelite Sisters Serving the Aged Since 1929 FACEBOOK.COM/STPATRICKSHOME 16 • January 30-February 12, 2020 • Norwood News Could Cabrera Be Leveraging Legislative Commitment With Congressional Campaigning? By DAVID CRUZ It’s something of an open secret: po- litical incumbency serving as an entry- way for incumbents to poke into matters happening within the district they seek to represent in the near future. And it’s a controversial tact that Councilman Fernando Cabrera, the 14th Council District representative, appears to have adopted, with one questionable trickin his employ. Cabrera is now seeking the 14th Con- gressional District seat occupied by Con- gresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who, given her massive campaign war chest and national popularity with uber- left Democrats (Ocasio-Cortez is now in Iowa to campaign with Democratic presi- dential candidate Bernie Sanders), gives her a well-defined competitive advan- tage over Cabrera. Geographically, the two districts don’t overlap, offering little cover for Cabrera to peg himself as a law- maker concerned with matters touching his district. Even so, in recent weeks, Cabrera has inserted himself into issues that have a direct impact onboth sides of Ocasio-

Photo courtesy Emil Cohen/New York City Council COUNCILMAN FERNANDO CABRERA (pictured) presiding over the Committee on Government Operations in February 2019, is now a candidate for the 14th Congressio- VAN NEST ASSEMBLY OF GOD nal District seat, currently occupied by Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. 755 Rhinelander Avenue Bronx, NY 10462 Corner of Holland 2 blocks from White Plains Road Cortez’s district. That includes champi- rently with safety issues he’s addressing oning opposition toward the beleaguered off the coast of City Island, the eastern- expansion of the LaGuardia AirTrain, most neighborhood of the Bronx. Luana SERVICE TIMES which would be extended to the existing Malavolta, a member of the City Island SUNDAY: #7 subway line at the Mets-Willets Point Civic Association’s Water Committee, 8:30am Morning Service !(/53%/&02!9%2&/2!,,.!4)/.3s!#!2).'#/.'2%'!4)/. 10:00am Morning Service station to the tune of $2 billion. wrote in an email to members that the 11:30am Morning Service 4:00pm Afternoon Service Cabrera called the process to see the association is directly “getting legisla- SUNDAY NIGHT: expanded service, which falls under fed- tion written for every borough to have a 7:00pm Evening Service eral oversight, opaque and “absolutely permanent Harbor Patrol.” Despite City TUESDAY: 12:00pm Prayer Meeting unacceptable.” Island having its own representative WHERE WILL YOU BE ON SUNDAY…AND OTHER WORSHIP DAYS? WEDNESDAY NIGHT: “As chairperson of the City Council in Councilman Mark Gjonaj—who was 7:30pm Prayer Meeting committee that oversees and supports long in the midst of brainstorming leg- WELCOME TO OUR FAMILY! FRIDAY NIGHT: 8:00pm Family Night (Groups for all ages) our community boards, I am shocked islation on the harbor unit, calling the 02!9%2 &),,%$ 02!9%2'5)$%$s30%#)!,-).)342)%3&/2!,,!'%3 11:00pm Prayer Meeting and outraged by the failure to engage the lack of patrols “an injustice to waterfront !6)"2!.4 3500/24)6%#/--5.)49 special services for high A multi-cultural, multi-generational evangelistic church with fi ve services every Sunday, holy days — and other celebra- local community board in this important communities”—it was Cabrera’s chief of and various ministry programs and activities throughout the week. Several churches have been tions. planted in the Bronx from Van Nest, including the African Assemblies of God Fellowship, which is discussion,” said Cabrera in a statement staff who communicated the prospect now a network of African AG churches throughout the USA. MANY KINDS OF GROUPS AND MINISTRIES THROUGHOUT THE WEEK released shortly after his participation of Cabrera introducing legislation for a 2EV$AVID(ERNQUIST 0ASTOR 4  s&  sDAVIDHERNQUIST AOLCOM MINISTRIES in a rally against the project on Jan. 13 harbor patrol provided no similar bill s #HILDREN 2EV2OSEMARIE"ROWN !SSISTANT0ASTORs*ESUS'OYCO 9OUTH0ASTOR s 9OUTH'ROUP in Queens. “There are too many unan- was introduced before. s 9OUNG!DULT-INISTRIES s !DULT-INISTRIES swered questions. Yesterday, I called for Cabrera’s spokeswoman, Claire s /UTREACH s .9$ISTRICT3CHOOLOF-INISTRY the Air Train project to be subject to the McLeveighn, noted that Cabrera and s "EREAN3CHOOL/F4HE"IBLE s 6ACATION"IBLE3CHOOL scrutiny of New York City’s ULURP pro- Gjonaj are working jointly to draft the s -USIC-INISTRY cess. There is no transparency here. No bill, saying it’s a borough-wide issue public comment, no community input, that impacts his district that touches OUR MISSION STATEMENT: no environmental impact study, no alter- the waterfront. In his 11 years in office, Van Nest Assembly of God is a body of Believers empowered by the Holy Spirit, called to worship God in Spirit and Truth, to walk in the light of the Word of God in all aspects of life, and to be witnesses of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, through word and deed, to the natives analysis. No Air Train.” Cabrera never expressed concern for the ends of the earth.

The Holy Spirit has clearly shown us that we are called to be a church led not by a program or a personality, but by the presence of Cabrera’s involvement on the LaGuar- waterfront. McLeveighn mentioned that the Lord. This is really why God’s hand of blessing and increase has been upon us all these years. As we look to the future, we know that His presence will lead us in a continuous increase of souls and expansion of facilities; for our true desire is to glorify Jesus Christ. dia AirTrain project is running concur- (continued on page 22) January 30-February 12, 2020 • Norwood News • 17 Report: Quarter of the Bronx Still Food Insecure 18 • January 30-February 12, 2020 • Norwood News

Building Healthy Habits For a Healthy New Year By COURTNEY ROMANS A New Year and the new decade is a great time to make health a priority. Con- sider adding these healthy habits to your daily routine and gain benefits this year, this decade and beyond.

Eat Healthy: Start the new year eating right. Small changes can make a big dif- ference in reducing the risk of long-term health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease and cancer. A few simple ways to make healthier choices include: • Add more fruits and vegetables to daily meals. • Choose whole grains like brown rice and whole wheat bread instead of white bread and pasta. • Drink water instead of sugary beverages. • Limit salt/sodium intake to 1,500 mg per day.

Move More: According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), physical activity can lead to better sleep, stronger muscles and bones, better weight management, and a reduced risk for heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pres- sure and high cholesterol. Start by adding physical activity to the daily commute with more walking, biking, or opting for the stairs instead of the elevator. Adding hobbies like gardening, dancing, and swimming can also make the usual weekend routine more fun and physical.

Manage Stress: Too much stress can affect physical, mental, and emotional health. Common symptoms of stress include headaches, chest pain, sleep problems, irritability, feeling overwhelmed and a loss of focus or motivation. High amounts of stress can also lead to high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease. Following these tips for managing stress can help: • Practice relaxation techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, or yoga. • Get regular physical activity. • Spend more time with friends and family. • Schedule time for relaxing hobbies such as reading, creating art, or listening to music.

Get Enough Zzzzzz’s: According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), one out of every three adults does not get enough sleep each night. Lack of sleep has been closely linked to type 2 diabetes, obesity, heart disease, and depression. The average adult needs at least 7 hours of sleep every night to maintain a healthy life. But how can people get more sleep? Try these helpful hints to get more and better sleep: • Keep a sleep schedule - go to bed and wake up at the same time each day. • Keep the bedroom dark, quiet, and at a comfortable temperature. • Remove electronics from the bedroom or turn them off an hour before sleep Avoid large meals, caffeine and alcohol before bed. • Be more physically active during the day – that can help reduce the time it takes to fall asleep.

Building healthy habits can take time, but using these tips can help you plan ahead and make 2020 and beyond happy and healthy!

Courtney Romans is a social work graduate student and the Administrative Intern for Montefiore Health System’s Office of Community & Population Health. January 30-February 12, 2020 • Norwood News • 19 Police Get Ahead of Themselves in Pregnant Woman’s Attack at Tracey Towers By DAVID GREENE pect shortly after the incident, de- An apparent human error is scribing her as black, 25 to 35 years to blame for a Twitter post on the of age, wearing a red coat and dark NYPD’s 52nd Precinct account, that pants. The wanted flier in the lobby of stated a suspect in a recent robbery Tower 1 has since been torn down. and assault of a pregnant woman in- One resident of the building, who side an elevator at Tracey Towers was declined to be identified, claimed now in custody. that there have been several home in- The Norwood News learned about vasions in the building over the last the goof after trying to obtain infor- couple of years. The resident asked, mation on the Dec. 23 attack of the “Why do we have security?” There 40-year-old woman who was eight have been two reported burglaries months pregnant. that occurred in Tracey Towers in On Jan. 8, the 52nd Precinct 2019, according to the NYPD’s digital tweeted a previously released photo Crime Map. of the suspect wanted for attacking Anyone with information in re- and robbing the victim, with red let- gard to this incident is asked to call ters across the photo stating “Appre- CrimeStoppers at (800) 577-TIPS. All hended.” Surveillance video shows Photo by David Greene calls remain confidential. A $2500 re- the woman attacked and robbed in- POLICE MONITORING AND posting news of an alleged assault and robbery suspect ward is being offered for information side the elevator. at Tracey Towers on Dec. 23 with the words erroneously reported as “Apprehended” leading to the arrest and conviction of “This individual wanted for ROB- was shortly taken down following inquiries from the Norwood News seeking an update the individual. BERY has been apprehended. Thanks on the case. In another recent post from the to all involved,” the tweet stated. NYPD’s 52nd Precinct Twitter feed on But after repeated inquiries, an un- The police said following the re- the victim about the face, head and Jan. 1, a photo of a suspect wanted for named official at Police Headquarters lease of the case that the “victim en- torso” before fleeing with the wom- the Oct. 26 knifepoint robbery of the emailed a reply on Jan. 27, stating, tered an elevator with an unknown an’s pocketbook with her cash and Jerome Variety Shop at 3404 Jerome “The tweet was posted in error. There female individual. The victim and fe- identification, worth an estimated Ave. appeared. The post failed to men- are no arrests in connection to the male got into a verbal dispute, which $400. The woman refused medical at- tion that the suspect had returned on robbery described and the investiga- escalated into a physical confronta- tention. the morning of New Year’s to alleg- tion in ongoing.” tion. The individual began to punch Police tweeted a photo of the sus- edly rob the store a second time.

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Photo courtesy Jerome Gun Hill BID (L-R) KLAJD GAZULLI, owner of Main Street Group Holdings LLC with his colleague, Orville McLaughlin. Gazulli’s business can be found at 254 E. Gun Hill Rd. within the Je- rome Gun Hill Business Improvement District. Multi-Service Group at the JGHBID Offers Tax Prep and Insurance to Fit Your Needs

By JEROME GUN HILL BID for individuals and businesses, pay- owners to ensure that they have the clients to file their returns with them Klajd Gazulli opened Main Street roll services, personal and business proper coverage. “Insurance is every- this year. Please see current discounts Group Holdings LLC at 254 E. Gun accounting, as well as personal and thing for small business owners. You and incentives below: Hill Rd. in January 2015. Originally business insurance. He and his team, need to protect yourself, your employ- • No cost up front! Get your taxes from Albania, Gazulli came to New which includes his sister Monika, fa- ees and customers. You need to have done today for zero dollars, the cost of York in 1993 and settled in Queens. He ther Philip, and longtime colleague the proper insurance in place to pro- tax preparation will come out of your has been in business in the Bronx for Orville McLaughlin, take pride in tect your business assets,” said Ga- refund. the past few years and just recently their ability to work with clients to zulli. “It takes you 30 years to build • First-time filers at Main Street expanded to East Hanover, NJ. With a find a solution that fits their budget business, but just one accident to ruin Group Holdings LLC will receive up to background in retail banking, Gazulli and their unique needs. it,” he said. While he says that “protec- $100 off tax preparation. transitioned into the insurance busi- After five years in business in tion comes at a price,” Gazulli wants • $50 for each referral that comes ness in 2006 and started tax prepara- the BID, Gazulli has made himself at business owners to understand the in and files their taxes. tion services in 2015. home in the community. “I love work- value of insurance. • More details and exclusions ap- Main Street Group Holdings LLC ing with people, I love talking and “We can always tweak coverages ply. Please contact Main Street Group offers a variety of services to local res- chatting with different people from to fit within their budget. We can add Holdings at (718) 880-7869 for more in- idents and business owners at afford- different backgrounds. I find that this and subtract components to make the formation. able prices. “We offer the whole tax section is very busy and being located policy work for you,” said Gazulli, Editor’s Note: As part of its small suite and the whole insurance suite. here gives me an opportunity to listen who wants to act as a resource for lo- business support work, the Jerome Gun When it comes to tax and insurance, to people’s needs and address those cal business owners and encourages Hill BID will be running a Merchant we have everything,” said Gazulli. needs,” said Gazulli. his neighbors in the BID to stop by the Spotlight in the Norwood News once a Main Street Group Holdings LLC is As a business owner, Gazulli is Main Street Group Holdings LLC of- month to shine a light on the small busi- one of the few businesses in the BID acutely aware of the importance of fice to meet with him. nesses in our corridor that help make that can meet tax and insurance needs having business insurance. His goal Main Street Group Holdings LLC our community special. For more infor- for both individuals and corporations. for this year is to make more connec- is gearing up for tax season and they mation, find us at Gazulli and staff offer tax preparation tions in the BID with fellow business welcome returning clients and new or on Instagram @jeromegunhillbid. January 30-February 12, 2020 • Norwood News • 21 Beginning 3/1/20: Single Use Plastic Bags are banned in New York State!


 Remember to always bring reusable bags with you!

 If you forget a reusable bag businesses covered by the ban will charge a 5 cent paper bag fee (this fee will not apply to SNAP or WIC recipients) Business Owners:

 Civil penalties will be imposed for violations

 Prepare for the ban by switching from plastic to paper bags sooner rather than later and make reusable bags available for purchase at your stores

 To learn more about the New York state Plastic Bag Ban please go online to:

 Please feel free to call our office with any questions: 718-324-4461 22 • January 30-February 12, 2020 • Norwood News Could Cabrera Be Leveraging Legislative Commitment With Congressional Campaigning?

(continued from page 16) The email came the day after Ca- than your current position, you’re go- quested on a private account because the impending Fordham Landing projec- brera’s legislative director alerted Ma- ing to go into the area trying to get a they don’t know what’s there.” tin his district prompted such concern. lavolta of Cabrera’s intent on drafting handle on the issues in the area and The method of using private emails The prospect of legislation created for legislation. put something out that touches on on matters related to a legislator’s of- the unit—which involves adding a line Cabrera’s method of ingratiation is your new district, your potential new ficial public duties has been increas- item to the NYPD budget—was praised nothing new. In recent months, Assem- district.” ingly adopted in recent years from by Malavolta. blyman Michael Blake and Council And while the practice of using all levels of government, most noto- “Our meeting with Councilman Members Ritchie Torres and Ydanis private emails to communicate city riously by Mayor Bill de Blasio, who Cabrera was fruitful in soliciting the Rodriguez, candidates for the hotly matters is not illegal, it does raise is- exchanged emails about city business Bronx Caucus to vote in our favor contested 15th Congressional District, sues with good government that have with non-government officials using when the time comes. Since three ap- have picked up on causes that have blasted the use, arguing it does little to a private account. “It’s a growing and proached council members in our no direct impact on the districts they maintain a level of transparency gov- emerging issue and we don’t believe Bronx Caucus are in favor, Cabrera represent but rather the congressional ernment officials should espouse. any elected official should be using a has reached out to the Speaker of the district seat they look to occupy. “That is a real problem and a real non-governmental device of any kind Council who has agreed to meet with “I think that when you’re running issue,” said Alex Camarda of Reinvent or account when communicating on the City Island Civic Association,” for office and you don’t have the re- Albany, adding such a practice is com- government matters,” said Camarda. wrote Malavolta. sources to do polling, which is very plicated when seeking to obtain those McLeveighn said in a statement Malavolta’s reference of Johnson’s costly … you’re gonna have to go with emails through a request via the Free- that the issues Cabrera’s has taken interest in meeting with the associa- your gut and choose hot-button issues. dom of Information Law (FOIL). “If a on—the harbor unit and LaGuardia tion was initially relayed to her from The question is why your sudden con- government official or an elected of- AirTrain project—have an interest in an email she received from a Gmail cern for this issue which is what you ficial is doing government work, that the 14th Council District. address belonging to Cabrera on Dec. should ask and is it really ambition private email account is subject to “All Council members are trustees 14. “I have good news. The Speaker has that drives your concern and that’s FOIL. At the same time, the FOIL Re- of New York City. Council Member agreed to go and meet with the City Is- what constituents will ask,” said cords Officer for the City Council who Cabrera is exercising the responsibili- land Civic Association. His office will George Artz, a Democratic strategist. can access and search government ties of trusteeship, as is his, and other let us know which date works for him,” “Other times if you’re running for a emails…is going to be much harder Council members’ responsibility,” said wrote Cabrera. geographic area that’s much greater for them to locate records that are re- McLeveighn.

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COMPUTER SERVICES Computer Repair Upgrade, troubleshooting, laptop overheats, cracked screen, bro- ken power jack, virus removal,data recovery. Call James (646) 281- 4475, (718) 324-4332. APARTMENT FOR RENT Three-bedroom apartment for rent, $2300 at month at Ryer Avenue and Burn- side Avenue. Working or Section 8 okay. Good credit. For more information, please contact Eddie at (718) 575-5485. SOLICITATION OF BIDS Mosholu-Montefiore Community Center, Inc. is seeking sealed bids for sales and installation of security-related enhancement. Project includes, installation of electronic security system (CCTV) and blast-resistant film or exterior glaz- ing. The community center is located at 3450 De Kalb Ave., Bronx, NY, 10467, to provide materials and labor. Selection criteria will be based on knowledge and experience, references, adherence to work schedule, and cost. All interested firms are required to sign for proposal documents and provides primary con- tact, telephone, fax, and email address. Specifications and bid requirements can be obtained by contacting [email protected]. Bids will be accepted until February 7, 2020 and work will commence by February 14, 2020; to be completed by March 1, 2020. STUDIOS FOR RENT Fordham Section / Bronx One occupant only. Full kitchenette, private bath. Fully furnished. Outdoor patio. Laundry room. 24/7 security. Near Subway & bus. Rent stabilized. $20 Appl. fee. $583/month. Strict Income Limits: Min: $22,000/yr; max: $44,820/yr. Contact (718) 367 – 1900, ext. 30.

Your Classified Ad Here! Reach 40,000 potential customers by taking out a classified in the award-winning Norwood News. To place an ad, call Janet Geller at (718) 324-4998 or email [email protected]. January 30-February 12, 2020 • Norwood News • 25 NEIGHBORHOOD NOTES

Social Security Expanded allies of the LGBTQ+ commu- Office Hrs. nity. Applicants must write Social Security offices in two 500-word essays that dis- the Bronx will be remain open cuss a challenge they have to the public until 4 p.m. on faced in life, and the histori- Wednesdays. The nearest So- cal significance of the Stone- cial Security offices from Nor- wall Inn within the context of wood is located at 2501 Grand the gay rights movement. The Concourse. For more informa- deadline is March 1, 2020. Ap- tion, call (800) 772-1213. plications can be filled online at https://bit. ly/2PugZdH. Recreational Volleyball For questions, contact Eric Join members of the NYPD, Vaughan at LGBTQ@ schools. FDNY/EMS, and Commu- nity Board 6 every Saturday through April 4 from 10:30 Naloxone Training a.m. to 5:30 p.m. at Aquinas Free trainings on the ad- High School, 685 E. 182nd St. ministration of naloxone, the (corner of Cambreleng Avenue drug used to reverse opioid and Grote Street). For more in- overdoses, is available through formation or to register, call the Bronx Community Health Rosie at (917) 569-7034, Victor Network on Mondays from 10 at (917) 603-5600, or email mat- a.m. to 12 p.m. and Wednes- tersofsports@gmail. com. days from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. at 1 Fordham Plaza (excluding Comment on Bus holidays). For more informa- Reroute Plan tion, contact Matthew Carrion, The MTA is currently ac- community health worker, at cepting comments for its plan (929) 220-8176 or naloxone@ to update the Bronx’s bus route network, which is expected to take effect later this year. Com- Financial Literacy ments on the MTA’s plan can Workshops be submitted online by going The Pinero Foundation to will offer free financial lit- eracy workshops to low in- Heating Assistance come residents via two virtual Applications for the Home workshops on Feb. 17 at the Energy Assistance Program following times: money and (HEAP) for older adults and consequences workshop to low- and middle-income New build a strong financial foun- Yorkers will be accepted by lo- dation at 11 a.m.; a workshop cal departments of social ser- that lets you decide whether vices. Eligibility is based on in- college, trade school, or work is come, household size, and how a right fit for you. For more in- the home is heated. Residents formation and to register, call can apply online at https:// (917) 831-4100 or email pinero- and mail it [email protected]. to NYC DSS/HRA/HEAP, P.O. Box 1401, Church Street Sta- Housing Discrimination tion, New York, NY 10008. For Renters who’ve been denied more information, call (212) a home because of income dis- 331-3126. crimination can file a com- plaint online through the Of- Fridays With Fernandez fice of the New York Attorney Assemblywoman Nathalia General by visiting https:// Fernandez is available for one- on-one meetings each Friday at crimination. Examples of in- her district office at 2018 Wil- come discrimination include liamsbridge Rd. Friday dates paying rent through Section 8 and times vary. To check times vouchers, alimony, child sup- and make an appointment, call port, foster care subsidies, (718) 409-0109. Supplement Security Income (SSI), or any other type of gov- LGBT Scholarship ernment assistance. For more College scholarships total- information, call the attorney ing $10,000 will be awarded to general’s New York City office students who are members or at (800) 771-7755. 26 • January 30-February 12, 2020 • Norwood News

Compiled by JUDY NOY EDITOR’S PICK Juggling at Jerome Park Library

Jerome Park Library, 118 Eames Pl. (near Kingsbridge Road), offers for teens/young adults: Juggling 101: Watch jugglers followed by participant juggling and a juggling ball making workshop, Feb. 13 at 4 p.m. Info: (718) 549-5200.

Photo courtesy Wave Hill Onstage Saturdays 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sundays WAVE HILL HAS scheduled walks for those interested in touring the institution’s 1 to 5 p.m. For more information, call (718) gardeners growing areas, just one of many events scheduled for February in Wave 881-8900. Bronx River Art Center (BRAC), 1087 E. Hill. See what else is lined up in our Events section. Tremont Ave., presents Edsel Gomez’s Triumvirate, performing Latin jazz, Jan. 30 at The Bronx Museum, 1040 Grand Concourse, presents The Life and Times of Alvin 7 p.m. Suggested donation: $10/adults; $5/ Families can attend fi lm: “The Public,” Feb. Baltrop, through Feb. 9. The exhibition seniors/students. Info: (718) 589-5819. Mosholu Library, 285 E. 205th St., offers for 8 at 1:30 p.m. Adults can join: Knitting: features photographs of gay culture. Info: kids: Crafty Fridays at 3 p.m.: (ages 5 to 12): Thursdays at 3 p.m. Info: (718) 882-8239. (718) 681-6000. Events crafts, Jan. 31 and Feb. 7; Toddler Storytime at 11 a.m.: (ages 18 to 36 months): stories, NOTE: Items for consideration may be mailed Bronx Council on the Arts presents The songs, fi ngerplays and crafts, Feb. 3, 6, 10 to our offi ce or sent to norwoodnews@ Wave Hill, a Bronx oasis at 675 W. 252nd Update, free exhibition at the Hostos and 13; and STEM: Kids Science at 3 p.m.:, and should be received by St. in Riverdale, offers Family Art Projects: Community College Gallery room C-190, 450 (ages 5 to 12): Feb. 4 and 11 (Astronomy). Feb. 3 for the next publication date of Feb. 14. Sleepy Seeds, and Winter Dormancy, to Grand Concourse, Tuesdays through Fridays create a variety of masks, Feb. 1 and 2; noon to 6 p.m., through Feb. 26. Info: (718) and Love for Woodland Friends, to create 518-6728. woodland creature sock puppets, Feb. 8 and 9, both in the WH House 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Bronx River Art Center (BRAC), 1087 E. Also scheduled is Concert: Queen Esther, Tremont Ave., presents free 25 Years of featuring a variety of music, Feb. 9 at 2 p.m. Project 59: A Retrospective of Ukrainian- ($30/adults; $14/ages 8 to 18; $2 discount/ American Artist Irina Danilova, through advance purchase). Grounds admission is March 11, Mondays through Fridays noon to free until noon Tuesdays and Saturdays all 6 p.m., Saturdays noon to 6 p.m. Info: (718) year. Info and a schedule of events including 589-5819. tours and walks: (718) 549-3200. Library Events Exhibits Bronx Library Center, 310 E. Kingsbridge Rd., The Museum of Bronx History, 3266 presents for ages 5 to 12: STEM Fridays Bainbridge Ave. (208th Street), presents at 4 p.m.: Jan. 31 and Feb. 7. Adults can A History of the Bronx Latino, ongoing; attend: fi lms: “Loving,” Feb. 1 at 2:30 p.m.

Photo courtesy Bronx Historical Society THE MUSEUM OF Bronx History continues its ongoing tour dubbed the Bronx Latino History Project, dedicated to Latinos who’ve helped shape the borough’s culture. Pictured is Mayaguez Shoe Store, an early Latino-owned business in the Photo courtesy Edsel Gómez’s Triumvirate and “American Masters – Miles Davis: Birth Bronx on Brook Avenue that’s now occupied by a row of small businesses (see (L-R) ROBERT AMEEN, Edsel Gómez, Rubén Rodríguez make up Edsel Gómez’s and Mott Haven, the Bronx: A Historic of the Cool,” Feb. 3 at 5 p.m. Info: (718) 579- Exhibits for more information). DistrictTriumvirate, Turns Fifty,which through will perform April 22. at Hours: the Bronx4244/46/57 River Art or Center visit (check out Onstage for more information). January 30-February 12, 2020 • Norwood News • 27 Cohen: Expand Right Grand Opening To Counsel Law (continued from page 1) those households making less than and the Right to Counsel NYC Coali- $49,999 the percentage rises to 51.3 per- tion (RTCNYC) at a rally and town hall cent. B;½8[bb[ Cohen favors the bill that would ex- meeting at the New Settlement Commu- Ailin Specialist nity Center on in Mt. pand RTC’s income eligibility, which MS, FNP, BC Eden. Councilwoman Vanessa Gibson, could mean that half of Norwood, [email protected] Medi-Spa whose council district she represents Bedford Park, and Fordham residents was the first to benefit from Right to would qualify for RTC. Counsel, also supports expanding the It’s so far worked for Floriberto measure. In 2018, much of Gibson’s dis- Galindo, who’s part of a group of ten- trict experienced the largest rezoning ants on a rent strike at 3425 Gates Pl. for the Bronx, which sparked fears of in Norwood. They are risking evic- displacement. tion for fighting against a landlord FOR MEN AND WOMEN “Do you know why I’m the first one they describe as constantly raising here?” Cohen asked at the town hall. the rent and “one of the worst evictors per unit “Because I support both bills already ever.” They argue that the landlord $ 11 ... The reason I was so quick to sign keeps hiking up their rent-stabilized Buy two areas and get a third area FREE! on with Right to Counsel is because it apartments through major capital im- works. Evictions are down all across provement (MCI) filings that do not the city.” add up, a claim the management com- Data from the city’s Department of pany, The Morgan Group, has consis- Investigation (DOI) supports the coun- tently denied. MCIs allow landlords to Ultra XC Fillers cilman’s statement. Citywide, in FY raise the rent, in response to repairs 2013, only one percent of tenants had and improvements, beyond the rates For lips and nasolabial folds at a GREAT PRICE! an attorney represent them in hous- approved annually by the Rent Guide- ing court. That number increased to lines Board. Galindo, together with the 30 percent during the last Fiscal Year 3425 Gates Place Tenants Association, Call for Free Consultation quarter of 2018, running from April 1 refuse to be intimidated by threats of until June 30. The New York City Of- evictions for challenging the landlord. fice of Civil Justice (OCJ) funded legal At the town hall, Galindo, speaking 917-456-6086 representation for almost 22,000 ten- in Spanish, expressed gratitude for ac- -ATTHEWS!VENUEs"RONX .9 cess to free legal representation. “We ants during FY 2018 and reports that 84 ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED percent of them won against eviction have one of the worst landlords, dis- from landlords, according to an analy- placers, ever with 59 buildings. [But] sis by OCJ. we are very happy to have these orga- Intro 1529 mandates the city work nizations (CASA, NWBCCC, and RTC- with community groups to inform ten- NYC) represent and support our cases,” ants of their right to free legal counsel. Galindo said. According to data published by RTC- The expansion of tenant rights is of NYC, 53 percent of tenants who had a special concern to senior citizens who right to free representation weren’t are more likely to be low-income, rent- aware of it before arriving in court. burdened, and on a fixed income. The The Universal Access to Legal Rep- city projects the population of those 65 resentation designated $155 million years and older will grow by 40 percent over five years to fund the initiative. by 2040. The Bronx is expected to expe- RTCNYC points out that the cost of the rience a 56.6 percent growth in senior program is offset considerably by friv- citizens during that same span. olous cases being thrown out because The final price tag of the two new tenants can challenge the landlords bills is uncertain. In a telephone in- with legal representation. terview with the Norwood News, Cohen Sponsored by: American Safety Inc. #028 Intro 1104 will double the income re- expressed confidence that the bills will quirement on people seeking legal help pass. “We’ll [the City Council] have to 6 Hour NY Point Insurance Reduction Class in their fight against eviction based on work with the mayor’s office to find the the Federal Poverty Level (FPL). Cur- sweet spot where it’ll work with his rently the FPL for a single person is budget,” Cohen said. “It’s hard to ar- *Reduce up to 4 Points on Driving Record $12,490. For a family of four it’s $25,750. gue with quantifiable results and hard Should the law pass, an individual empirical evidence and that’s what we *Save 10% on your Car Insurance for 3 years making $24,980 would qualify for the have with [RTC].” right to a free attorney. For a family Although the is not of four the law would apply to families usually associated with the problems making less than $51,500 annually. In of the poor, the councilman acknowl- Evenings from 4PM-7PM addition, Bronxites have to live in one edges that there are “pockets of ex- st of the following zip codes: 10457, 10467, treme poverty in Norwood.” 3003 Webster Ave. (Corner of 201 St.) 10468, 10462, or 10453. Under the pro- “For those without the advantage Bronx, NY 10458 posal, all Bronx residents would qual- of legal representation, these laws can ify for a free attorney should they meet give them a tremendous advantage the income eligibility standard. when they face eviction,” said Cohen. Also available ONLINE at: Still, the city does face a challenge According to the 2013-2017 Ameri- when drafting this year’s budget as can Community Survey (ACS), 38.8 percent of the total households in the funding issues with Medicare happen- combined neighborhoods of Norwood, ing on the state level are having an im- American Safety, Inc. #028 is an Approved Sponsor by the NYS Department of Motor Vehicles Bedford Park, and Fordham North pact on the city’s budget, which takes make $24,999 or less annually. For effect on July 1.

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