Proudly Serving Bronx Communities Since 1988 3URXGO\6HUYLQJ%URQ[&RPPXQLWLHV6LQFHFREE 3URXGO\6HUYLQJ%URQ[&RPPXQLWLHV6LQFHFREE 0UQ\YLK*VUZ[Y\J[PVU>VYRLYZ - 5.875” wideORWOOD by 7.0568”Q high EWSQ 3/4 Page NVol. 27, No. 8 PUBLISHED BY MOSHOLU PRESERVATION CORPORATION N April 17–30, 2014 ORWOODQ EWSQ Vol 33, No 3 • PUBLISHED BY MOSHOLU PRESERVATION CORPORATION • JANUARY 30-FEBRUARY 12, 2020 NVol. 27, No. 8 PUBLISHED BY MOSHOLU PRESERVATION CORPORATION N April 17–30, 2014 FREE HSSV[OLY(JJPKLU[=PJ[PTZ We Fight for the Money You Deserve COHEN:Regardless EXPAND of Your Immigration RIGHT Status *VUZ[Y\J[PVU >VYRWSHJL(JJPKLU[Z*HY ;Y\JR(JJPKLU[Z ,SL]H[VY,ZJHSH[VY(JJPKLU[Z5LNSPNLU[)\PSKPUN:LJ\YP[`:SPW;YPW -HSSZ More rentersTO facing4LKPJHS4HSWYHJ[PJL5\YZPUN/VTL5LNSPNLUJL COUNSELeviction could be given representation LAW in Housing Court 7VSPJL)Y\[HSP[`*P]PS9PNO[Z=PVSH[PVUZ Our GUARANTEEBP Diaz Jr. Bows Out Of Mayor’s Race 1/2 Page - 5.875” wide by 4.6875”7KHUHLV1 high O FEE 8QOHVV:H:LQ1/4 Pagepg 2 - Vertical 2XU¿UPKDVUHFRYHUHGRYHU2.8542” wide by 4.6875” high One Hundred Million Dollars LQYHUGLFWVDQGVHWWOHPHQWV IRURXUVDWLV¿HGFOLHQWVNYPD Releases 52nd Precinct-Involved FREE CONSULTATIONShooting Video | pg 6 &DOO+RXUVD'D\'D\VD:HHN Photo by José A. Giralt COUNCILMAN ANDREW COHEN (pictured) speaks Recentat a town hall meetingRecoveries organized by the for Community Clients Action for Safe Apartments (CASA), NorthwestConstruction Bronx Clergy and Coalition Accident (NWBCCC), and Right to Counsel (RTCNYC) in theTruck Mt. Eden sectionAccident of the Bronx on Jan. 15. The event seeks to build support for bills Intro 1529 and Intro 1104 which expand the rights of tenants to receive free legal representation in eviction proceedings.Police Misconduct Elevator Accident 1/8 Page 1/4 ByPage JOSÉ A. GIRALT - HorizontalCar AccidentCity Council members from to Counsel notSlip only geographi- & Fall AccidentOn Jan. 15, local residents Bronx residents in fear of the Bronx have committed cally but also economically. joined housing2.8542” activists wide from by 2.2625” high 5.875”landlords’ common wide use of by ini- 2.2625”Ifto backing You the Can’t highbill, they haveCome The bills, to signedUS...We’ll into law in Community Come Action to You!for Safe tiating eviction proceedings support from Norwood’s Coun- 2017, are collectively known as Apartments (CASA), North- are waitingWe for speaktwo bills before Spanish,cilman Andrew Cohen. Russian, Right to CounselChinese, (RTC). New Hebrew,west Bronx Community Polish and & Creole the City Council to pass([SHQVHVSD\DEOHXSRQFRQFOXVLRQRIFDVH3ULRUUHVXOWVGR soon. The two bills—Intros 1529 York City was the first in the ClergyQRWJXDUDQWHHDVLPLOLDURXWFRPH Coalition (NWBCCC), 1/12pg 26 Page And while few New York and 1104—look to expand Right country to implement them. (continued2.8542” on page 27) wide by 1.6875” high 9(:205 29,405:337 RASKINOver 50 Years Of & Personal KREMINS, Injury Law Experience LLP1/16 Page /VER9EARS/F#OMBINED0ERSONAL)NJURY,AW%XPERIENCEs/VER-ILLION$OLLARS2ECOVEREDFOR/UR#LIENTS2.8542” wide by 1.125” high www.raskrem.com %URDGZD\ WKÀ 1HZ<RUN1<Fl. %URQ[2I¿FHE\DSSRLQWPHQWRQO\ TO FULTON STREET TO CORTLANDT STREET 2 • January 30-February 12, 2020 • Norwood News IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST Vol. 33, No. 3 Vol. 27, No. 10 NorwoodVol. News 27, No.is published 10 In Stunner, Bronx BP Ruben Diaz Jr. Withdraws From Mayor’s Race bi-weekly on Thursdays by MosholuNorwood Preservation News Corporationis published (MPC) By DAVID CRUZ est Latino-born official to secure the Norwood3400 Reservoir News isOval published East bi-weekly on Thursdays by The chances of the Bronx seeing Democratic nomination for mayor bi-weeklyBronx, New on ThursdaysYork 10467 by MosholuPhone: Preservation 718 324 4998Corporation Mosholu Preservation Corporation one of its own run City Hall—and next to former Bronx Borough Pres- 3400Fax: Reservoir 718 324 Oval2917 East E-mail: [email protected] Reservoir Oval East being the city’s first Latino mayor— ident Fernando Ferrer. Bronx, New York 10467 Web.:Bronx, www.norwoodnews.org New York 10467 have come to an end. Throughout his run, Diaz Jr. had Bronx Borough President Ru- struggled to obtain the same finan- Publisher Phone: 718 324 4998 Phone: 718 324 4998 ben Diaz Jr. announced he is with- cial footing as his rivals, including Mosholu PreservationFax: 718 324 Corporation 2917 drawing his run for Mayor of New Speaker Corey Johnson, Brooklyn E-mail: [email protected]: 718 324 2917 SeniorE-mail: Director [email protected] of MPC York City and not seeking any other Borough President Eric Adams, and Melissa Web:Cebollero www.norwoodnews.org Web: www.norwoodnews.org elected title when his current tenure Comptroller Scott Stringer, all top Executive Director of MPC ends in 2021, an unexpected move as contenders in the race. Diaz Jr. told Jennifer Tausig many believed his entire career was the Times he intends to return dona- PublisherEditor-in-Chief, NorwoodCEO, News Mosholu Publisher CEO, Mosholu MosholuDavid Cruz, Preservation [email protected] 3UHVHUYDWLRQ built for a mayoral run. tions to his donors. Mosholu Preservation Corporation Corporation3UHVHUYDWLRQ The news, first reported by The With his withdrawal now set, it ProofreaderCorporation Corporation Editor-in-ChiefJudy Noy Roberto S. Garcia New York Times, sent shockwaves leaves the legacy of the Diaz name Editor-in-Chief Roberto S. Garcia DavidIntern Cruz throughout the Bronx political land- to fall on his father, Ruben Diaz Sr., KhalilDavid ReddickCruz scape. Diaz Jr. cited his need for a councilman and social conserva- &ODVVLÀHG$GYHUWLVLQJRegular Contributors spending more time with his family tive Democratic candidate for the DawnDavid&ODVVLÀHG$GYHUWLVLQJ McEvoy Greene, Adi Talwar as a key reason for bowing out of the 15th Congressional District in the ContributorsDawn McEvoy mayor’s race. Diaz Jr. has been mar- South Bronx. Many had considered $FFRXQWV5HFHLYDEOH José A. Giralt, Ericka Francois Dawn$FFRXQWV5HFHLYDEOH McEvoy ried for more than 25 years and has Diaz Sr. problematic for his son, as Dawn McEvoy two grown sons. his history of making inflammatory Proofreader File photo by Adi Talwar “I have decided to make this deci- remarks had made him radioactive JudyForProofreader Noy Display Advertising BRONX BOROUGH PRESIDENT Ruben Judy Noy sion public well in advance of the 2021 Diaz Jr., seen here following the 2019 and a liability for the younger Diaz. 3URGXFWLRQCall Janet Geller at election because I want to be fair to State of the City address, announced he With his father now the only remain- Neil3URGXFWLRQ deMause (646)Neil deMause 581-0399 the people of this city. This decision is will no longer run for mayor. He plans to ing member of the Diaz dynasty, the 5HJXODU&RQWULEXWRUV final, and no length of additional time retire from public life in 2021. implications of his comments would DavidSupport5HJXODU&RQWULEXWRUV Greene, Your Adi Talwar will change that,” said Diaz Jr. “Many no longer extend to his son. CommunityDavid Greene, Adi Newspaper! Talwar Interns New Yorkers have committed to sup- Obama Administration. His tenure “Of all the politicians in the ShaylaTheInterns Norwood Love, Paolo News Mossetti, is a not-for-profi Justin McCallum, t publication and relies upon the support of port my future in numerous ways, has seen a transformative change in Bronx, Ruben seemed to come across andShayla Chelsea Love, George Paolo Mossetti, Justin McCallum, itsand advertisers Chelsea George and readers to produce a and making this announcement now the Bronx, furthered by a lower crime as the most sincere and candid,” quality community newspaper. To support gives them enough time to make dif- rate and even lower unemployment said one Bronx political insider of Foryour display paper, advertising, become a member call (718) and 324-4998. receive a subscriptionFor display advertising, for one year. call (718) 324-4998. ferent plans. Additionally, once my rate. It’s a turnaround of sorts for a the younger Diaz. Support Your campaign has finalized meeting its borough that had once seen people Norwood’s Councilman, Andrew SimplySupport mail checkYour or money order for $40 to: financial obligations, the remaining move out of it. Cohen—who’s floated the idea of CommunityNorwood News, 3400Newspaper! Reservoir Oval East, funds will be returned to all who gen- Before his borough presidency, running for the borough presiden- TheBronx,Community Norwood NY 10467. News Newspaper!LVDQRWIRUSURÀWSXE - licationThe Norwood and relies News uponLVDQRWIRUSURÀWSXE the support of its - erously stepped up to help.” Diaz Jr. served as an Assemblyman cy—said on Twitter that Diaz Jr. Norwood News is not responsible for advertiserslication and and relies readers upon theto produce support aof quality its The news also comes several weeks representing the 85th Assembly “has always been a great colleague typographicaladvertisers and errors. readers Opinions to produce expressed a quality in communitysigned letters newspaper. and bylined To supportcolumns your represent paper, in advance of his annual State of the District, a district that is now held and Bronx Borough President. I community newspaper. To support your paper, becomethe sole aopinion member of andthe authorreceive and a subscription are not Borough address where he outlines a by Assemblyman Marcos Crespo. wish him the best in his future en- become a member and receive a subscription fornecessarily one year. those of Mosholu Preservation variety of projects for the borough. Thoughts of a mayoral run began deavors [and] I am certain that he Corporationfor one year. or Montefi ore Medical Center. Editorials represent the views of the editor Diaz Jr. has served as the borough to swirl during Diaz Jr.’s Assembly will be successful in whatever he Simply mail check or money order for $40 only. The newspaper reserves the right president since 2009 after winning a days, extending to his time as the chooses.” to:Simply Norwood mail checkNews, or3400 money Reservoir order forOval $40 East, toto: limit Norwood or refuse News, advertising 3400 Reservoir it deems Oval East, special election race that was jump- borough president given the bor- Diaz Jr.
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