A Genealogical and Biographical Record






Traud and Asumbltd by HUBERT B. SHOEMAKER OF . PA.

Member- Pennsylvania Historical Society Gloucester County Historical Society Author Salem County Historical Society The Shoemaker Family of Cape May County Historical Society Gloucester and Salem Counties P&INTllr> IN U. S. A. BY TDIPUI TYPICMl'TIRS PHILADl!I.PHIA. PA. SIPl'IIIOl!lt NINllTBl!N nu&TY-l!IGHT THE PEDRICK COAT OF ARMS

The College of Arms of London, England, granted this coat of arms to Percy Vivian Giles Pedrick in 1928. The shield or field for bearings is azure (the clear blue of the sky) with two bezants (a gold coin of Constantinople in use from the 6th to the 16th Century) and two sickles erect, blades inward of the field, a bezant between two escallops (a mollu.c:k or shell fish having a ribbed shell with a wavy edge). The crest or bearing set not upon the shield but about the helm as ornamentation consists of a wreath of the colors containing sickles representing work and balls representing play and shells, and the motto assigned is "Work.hard, Play hard." The presumption why no ·early grant of coat of arms to this name was made is because some family search in England disclosed that the Ped­ ricks landed in that country as pirates from Norway where there are .now people of the name carrying on the work of bankers. Nothing more has been learned about any work on this subject by anyone abroad.


During the interim between the purchase of the above land in London in 1673 and the time of Fenwick's sailing in 1675 he set about interesting various people in the enterprise, with the view of purchasing for speculation or of immigrating to Sf.ttle in America. There were merchants and others able and willing to bargain for large tracts with no thought ,of coming themselves, but for tbe most pa.rt those agreeing to buy land were like William Penn and John Feuwick., recent adherents to the Society of Friends, and were being persecuted on account of their religion. They were willing to break ties witb the rnotbet iand and seek freedom in America.

AnkJes of Agreement were drawn, 6-24-1675, and signed as follows: 1 ' John Fenwick with John Eldridge, Edward Dude, Ed\\'llfd Wade, Joshua Berkstead, William Shippree, John Smith, Joseph Helmsley, Thomas Hutchinson (by J. K), Roger Pedrick, Richard Morgan, Wil­ liain Hughes, Thoma:. :Mainwaring, Edmund Warner, Richard Noble, Roger Huckings, John Maddocke, Edward Bradway, Thomas Ander­ !!Oll, John Spooner, Edward Champneys, Richard Rickston, William Hancock, and John Barkstead, purchaseni, proprietors. freeholders, ad­ venturers and planters m Fenwick's colony in ;- that the records of their deeds shall be in law to all intents and purpose!; as effectual as if they were in actual possession of the land and that every one of them shall upon going to said colony be satisfied with the plots

Jaid out in Lots 20, Z11 26, Z7, 36, 47, SO, 57, 62, 72, pl'0\7ided that any such purc:hasers ...... dissatisfied with the allotments made shall be debarred from further claim."

Jobn Eldridge acting for Fenwick .:hen proceeded to deed the land agreed upon to be later aDoted and surveyed upon arrival. in America. Roger Pedrick was a first purchaser as shown by the following. "On June 7, 1675, deeds were made by Johll Eldridge, of Parish of St. Paul, Shadwell. County of Midlesex, tanner and wife Elizabeth to John Smith of St. Paul's Parish for 1000 acres, Rit.bard Morgan of St. Paul's 500 acres, Edward Matthews, of St. Paul's, 500 acres, and Roger Pedrick, of St. Paul's, Shadwell, lighterman, and wife, Rebecca, 1000 acres." There was one patent issued in London on above initial date by Fen­ wick to a merchant there for ZCOO acres.

If the old parchment deed of Roger Pedrick could be located it might show if bis was actually the first one drawn for tht abo,;e first purchasers, Smith, Morgan, Matthews and Pedrick. His wife, Rebecca, was included as a joint purchaser and of the quartet the others were probably single. The next date of deeds was June 9, 1675, in London. Of the above narnes that of Roger Pedrick is the only one appearing in the list of first imrnigramnts on the Griffin and Maty.

VIII On the same date patent was issued from John Fenwick to Vices­ samus Nettleshlp, of London, citizen. salter, ZO00 acres; 6-9-1675, to Thomas Clarke, London, 1000 acres; 6-10-1675; deed to Edmund War­ ner, London, citizen and poulterer, and John Mason, of Wincomb, County of Gloucester, farrier, 5000 acres each; 6-17-1675, to John Bark.stead, London, 2000 acres, and the next day, 6-18, Barkstead again for 3000 acres. John Fenwick was prominent and lived in Lon­ don and transacted his business there mostly with merchants, while Eldridge lived in Shadwell not many miles east and acted as hls agent for people there. Now nearly all of these patents and deeds were issued to people of London or of the County of Middlesex which is contiguous to London to the north, east and southeast and the town of Shadwell is now a part of Lopdon proper.

It is reltvant in proceeding with this history in order to add inter­ est to include some information regarding the Quakers of that day, since it is probable that had not Fenwick and Pedrick, et al, become allied with .:be Society of Friends, no Pedrick genealogy would needs be searched.

The Quakers under George Fox who was bom in 1624 originally called themselves "Professors" or "Children of the Light." It was Cer­ vasse Bennet the magistrate signing the Mittimus when Fox was first arrested at Derby who gave to the sect in derision the name of "Quakers" because Fo,: bade him and those present to "Tremble at the Word of the Lord." (Sewell's history of the people called Quakers.) Bennet, a sturdy Puritan and Roundhead, was not in the habit of trembling at anything. The name stuclt; it is usually the case with sects and parties that they get their most enduring titles from the lips of opponents. (Scharff & Westcoat.) Edward Bourne Quaker in 16S1 was closely confined in prison "for no evil e.iccept it be an evil to exhort, advise :ind persuade people to dwell together in love and to live in the fear of th~ Lord and t<.- obey His voice by whom we are called upon to follow PoZ.Ce and Holiness with all men, which is his call unto all with­ out which no ma:o shall see tbe Lord though they make mentiori of H'JS name and call upon Him ever so often." (Sufferings of the Quakers, Besse.) Buckinghamshire 1666, an account of imprisonments of Quakers who refused to swear and were taken out of religious meetings amongst others, "John Fenwick, William Aldridge, besides several taken at meet­ ings were committed on the Act for Banishment to wit;- Philip Ford, Samuel Budd, Richard Peader," etc. (Besse.)

IX The Quaker influence was strong in the formative days of New Jersey. Major John Fenwick serving as Major in the Parliamentarian Army of England became a member of the Society of Friend~ in 16i3- 1674, and then boui,bt a hslf interest in the New Jersey colo.,y from Lord Berkeley. He associated with Edward Billynge, also a Friend, with the purpose of establishing an American home for the sect. In time disputes arose between them as to title and William Penn was agreed upon to arbitrate. He awarded Fenwick one-tenth with some money and Billynge nine-tenths. The latter later became embarrassed and sold his entire undivided tract to William Penn, Gawen Lawry and Nicholas Lucasall, Friends, in trust for the benefit of· creditors. They afterwards became possessed of Fenwick's interest also. Fenwick, how­ ever, persisted in colonization efforts and in 1676 laid out "The Liber­ ties of Cohansen and Alloways" and undertook the :;c:ttlement of Salem. Finally Fenwiclt sold all his interests and practical!y disappears." (Lewis Publishing Co., New York, 1911.)

On a bronze plaque set in the wall of the Court House at Salem by the Society of Colonial Wars in the State of New Jersey in 1825 are inscn"bed these words "To keep in perpetual remembrance the name of John Fenwick, 1618-1683, Major in the Army of Oliver Cromwell, 1648, Proprieter of the Salem 10th, founder of Salem, 1675; member of the Assembly of New Jersey, 1681. That said Colony and all the planters within the same may be secured in the Love of God and in that peace which becomes all our great professions of being Christians."

Fenwick executed deeds to various London merchants in June, 1675, and it is evident he set sail for Ameri::a in July to take. posses­ sion of his lands. He came as previously stated in the ship Griffin which sailed up Salem creek three miles where they disembarked and he named the spot Salem. It is difficult for us to vision now the aspect of the country at that time. Various accounts banded down show a veritable wilderness of forests and swamps, impassable except by In­ dian trails and abounding with wild animal life of every description even to wolf, panther, bear and buffalo. The waters swarmed with fish from the smallest to the sturgeon, porpoise and whale, while the air and the trees were filled with birds of every kind.

X It is unlikely that Fenwick encountered but few white people as remnant of the previous New England settlement at this location. There were Mayflower descendants located in south Jersey who were whalemen from Long Island and were locating in the vicinity of Cape .May. A few Swedes also had remained settled mostly in Gloucester County. Although in equity Fenwick was owner of the land. yet the lndiaJll, tonsidered themselves the virtual owners and so Fenwick set aboui a second purchase from them of all the country now included in Salem and Cumberland counties. The first purchase was the lands included within Salem and Old Mans creeks which were called by the Indians Mosacksa and Forcus. The second purchase was for Jands between Forcus creek or as it was afterwards Ca&Jed Game creek or Fenwick river now Salem creek and the Canahockenk creek now called Cohansey and by some of the first settlers was called Cobansick from a Chief who resided on the south bank thereof. Third purchase from the Cobansey to the Wahatquenack now Morris river. The only informa­ tion thus far obtained as to the consideration for this large turnover from the Indian Chiefs was four guns, powder and lead, ten and a half ankers of rum equal to about 336 gallons, some shirts, shoes and stock­ ings, four blankets, 16 match coats, one piece of match coating and other English goods not mentioned. Purchases made in 1675-167!>. (Published address by R. G. Johnson delivered at Sale,n in 1839.)

Now in 1676 another Declaration of Agreement was issued by Fenwick which was signed by purchasers of land in April of that year as follows: Edward Wade, John Smith, Richard Noble, John Adams, Samuel Nicholson, Hypolite Le Fevre, Edward Cbampnes, Richard Whiticar, William Malster and Rohen Wade. Many of these names appended to these agreements in England in 1675 and at Salem in 1676 as issued by Fenwick persist to this day but very little of their history has been written. Some of the names have sunk into oblivion while the phraseology and spelling of some have changed with the course of time. Two of the above men were Fenwick's sons-in-law since it is written that Fenwick brought with him three daughters, one married to John Adams with three children, one married to Edward Cbampnes with two children and the other single but married Samuel Hedge after arrival here. He also brought ten servants.

XI It has been recorded that Elizabeth Adams, granddaughter of Fen­ wick, was disinherited by him for attaching herself to a Negro and from this illicit connection came the family of Goulds, of Gouldtown, east of Bridgeton. Now our able and genial historian, Frank H. Stew­ art, states that this is a myth which he has exploded and we are expec­ tant of a treatise on this subject. "Believe it or not," the presumption has been entertained and continued no doubt from the fact that the colored population of that section belie very much in complexion or features a very· close assimilation with members of the African race. A period of family search in that village might reveal much of interest to connect with the past.

Fenwick died and was buried in Upper Mannington where be lived about five miles above Salem where the bills begin to appear, in the family burying ground about 200 yards from the main road leading to the poor house near the line of that farm. No stone has been located. Through the instrumentality of various people and perhaps chiefly the zeal of Mr. Stewart a suitable monument has been placed on the high­ way near the place of bis interment in commemoration of bis achieve­ ment in the settling of Salem and Cumberland counties, with a fine type of English people from London and its environs. This monument was erected 7-4-1924 near the original "Fenwick's Grove."

No records have been found naming any other vessels than the Griffin and Mary as carrying these Quaker adventurers to New Jersey in 167S. It is likely that both boats sailed away at the same time in July of 167S. There have been several accounts of Roger Pedrick at variance with each other. One says Roger came in 1662 and the Indians burned bis cabin. Another states that the ship Mary sailed from Lon­ don in January 167S with a number of English adventurers aboard including Robert Wade, Richard Wbiticar, Roger Pedrick, Richard Johnson, Joseph Brown, John Test, Robert Wmdham and family, Wil­ liam Hancock and wife Isabella, John Butcher and several others. A few left the vessel at Fort Elfsborg. The vessel then proceeded up the river to Upland where· the rest landed. The most of these people remained but some returned later on the ship to England.

vn I wm not deny Rogers good company or the names of his shipmates but he did not sail at the time stated. Also Smith in his "Chester'' states that Robert Wade came on· the Griffin with Fenwick instead of the Mary with Pedrick. On page 18 of his book appears "Robert Wade, the earliest Quaker settler on the west side of the Delaware in 16 76, and the first American host of William Penn in 1682 while still a resident of London he received a deed from John Fenwick, 6-28-1675, for 500 acres of land in New Jersey. Leaving his wife behind he came over with Fenwick in the ship Griffin arriving in the autumn of the same year. Dissatisfied with the wrangling that went on in Fenwick's colony Robert Wade came over the Delaware river to Upland and located on the plantation called "Printz Dorp" which he purchased, 3-21-1676, changing its name to Essex House. 6-25-1676 as one of the first or chief purchasers from Fenwick, Wade joined with him and others in an agreement of settlement and division of lands within Fenwick's colony which provided for the laying out of the towns of Salem and Cohansey. He wrote two letters to his wife in England about coming for her as he had become settled. Further information is contained in a letter from Roger Pedrick to his wife in England as follow: "From Delaware river the 14th day of the 14th (sic) month 1676 I am with Robert Wade who has bought a plantation and I am to have part with him which will come to a little above 26, 1" (26 lbs. 1 sh.) It would appear therefore that Robert Wade was of importance as a citizen of London and that Roger Pedrick was associated with him as a freeholder of Pennsylvania.

No doubt these people lived on shipboard until they had cleared land and erected cabins for their accommodation and it is surmised that most of them had been pondering location. The manner of allotment of land is not known but since there was abundance they no doubt had a free hand in selection. Rogers' deed and other English records give his occupation as lighterman, waterman and it is likely that he had already used keen judgment in deciding to have his land surveyed along Old Mans creek which was part of the upper boundary of the colony. This placed him within easy reach of Chester, already a settled town where he could have business and trade.

Evidence signifies that Fenwick was intent on exhaltation and bent on Lordship over his domain and retention of supremacy over the set­ tlers as per Wade's mention of wrangling as above and further in a letter Roger wrote to friends in England quoted in Mr. Sickler's recent history of Salem County as follows: "But John Fenwick would not set us out land except those that were concerned would set their hands to such papers as he drew up which would have been to ensnare us." Now in regards to Old Mans creek called by the Indians "Kag­ Koksiz-Achens-Sippus," sippus in the Delaware tn'be language is the name for river or creek. The Dutch and Swedes called it Aldermans Killen; kil in Dutch and lolen in Swedish meaning the same as sippus. The early English settlers called it Berkeley river in honor of Lord Berkeley. Finally the present name came in vogue; Aldermans being translated to Old Mans.

Settlers kept coming but as showing the sparsity of population before 1700 there is a_ record which states that in 1698 ~e population of Salem County was but 326, Cape May 70, Burlington 302 and else­ where in the province of New Jersey 134, a total of 832 of whom 266 were Quakers. Of course there were but a few counties at that time, Cumberland being set off from Salem, 1-19-1747-48. Over 30% of the population being at th;,·: !fule Quakers it is evident that their influence was strong. In Cape May County the 70 enumerated were whalemen and their families from Long Island at Southampton who bad come there from Lynn in Massachusetts Bay and were Mayflower Pilgrim descendants as recounted by the late Rev. Paul Sturtevant Howe in his splendid book of 1920 "Mayflower Pilgrim Descendants in Cape May County, New Jersey." The writer's great-grandfather, Jacob Leaming, born 10-31-1771, appears in that book on Page 105.

Jt was not long after Fenwick's landing that the Quakers organ­ ized religious meetings. "The first religious meeting of the Society of Friends was at the house of Isaac Nicholson on West Broadway in Salem in 1676. He in 1681 deeded his 16-acre lot as above "for the use and benefit of Salem Monthly Meeting forever for a meeting house and other purposes." (Cushing & Sheppard.) The old graveyard with its huge historic oak and its modest head stones still remain there as IIJarking the burial place of many of our forebears, a dedication to the incipiency of our present being.

XlV Some time ~ter as southern New Jersey became more settled we find quoted in "New Jersey as a Colony and as a State" (Lee 1902). "To the southward lay a line of plantations upon the sea coast of Cape May County, the houses usually low and rambling. Crossing the line into Salem County, a type of life distinctly Virginian. In Salem are found stately houses; those of the Sharps, Carpenters, Halls, Sinnicksons and Cripps. At Pilesgrove were the Van Meters, Newkirks, Dubois, Sparks and Garrisons. At Friesburg a colony of Germans of glass house industry. Lower Alloways creek the Moores, Sayres and Hancocks. The Hancocks of the Bridge and the Pedricks and Matlacks are a few of the familiar families of the region."

Appropos of the above "Salem stately houses," there is much that could be ascertained regarding tht :uaintness of those old solid brick structures so numerous in Salem which always attract the attention and of the many large and substantial brick farm houses that were built on the plantations all about Salem over a c.entury ago. Their his­ tory ir. mostly unknown to the people of the present generation.

Much more could be written; a volume could be composed from records compiled in the past regarding the settlement of Salem County and of Fenwick and the Quakers so closely interwoven v.;th the history of the Pedrick family: More time and money for a wider search could consolidate those subjects into an interesting narrative. This book, however, is chiefly genealogical, following a family from its beginning in America and enumerating all of its descendants so far as they can be ascertained within the space alloted and the funds in hand for its pub­ lication. Limited resources proscribe it necessarily as a work far from e.-uaustive and especially since the period covered is 262 years, and now reaches down into the eleventh generation of Pedricks in America.

xv In my work of two years ago, in the publication of the Shoemaker genealogy of Gloucester and Salem Counties in New Jersey, I did not think then that this early I would be able to produce another volume of like kind dealing with a family that reaches back in New Jersey history almost 100 years farther than in my first search. This neces­ sarily imposed great difficulties in order to dig up the subject matter and detaJ1s required to present the matter in a comprehensive light. Naturally Bible records back of 1800 are rarely located as are cemetery records also, of those who have died before 1750. No one living knows much of what happened 75 years ago and very little that had been writ­ ten by these early families about their life or offspring has been pre­ served. In those days when there were few schools and little educa­ tion many could not write at all and simply made their mark on legal documents, so it is evident there was not much writing done.

The vital statistics at Trenton are fragmentary as regards Colonial · times-and in fact they have very little of it back of 1846. The various County Clerks and Surrogates also have but few records of births, mar­ riages and deaths. Various searchers have collected much of this from many sources including newspaper files most of which can be referred to in the Historical Societies which have become veritable storehouses for history of the past. From wills, administrations, division of lands and deed books much information can be gleaned and when many days oi copying from these various sources has. been done and the work of assorting and distributing and connecting the manuscript bas been begun the assembling reminds one of piecing together the blocks in a puzzle anti! our picture is complete.

A picture puzzle is assembled together frequently in ~ and the color scheme often aids in its completion, but connecting different family lines back to a common ancestor has only to do with names and dates and places and many similar names run concurrently and to link them into their proper place is often difficult and perplexing.

XVI This is why no doubt some parts of fanu1y history has been pub­ lished inaccurately; the genealogist found himself against a stone wall, as the saying is, so drew his own conclusion and it was put down as fact. In this present work where I have corrected matter found in Barber & Howe of 1833, Huston of 1876 or Cushing & Sheppard of 1884 such differences I have well substantiated. That history which is only tradition should be set dow!l as such where there has been no verification.

It is thus in comparing Bibles and cemetery stones often at variance and judgment has to be used as to preference for reliability. Thus an old Carey Bible of the 1800 period may show a family record written · in a careful manner at the time of each birth, marriage and death with dates all subsequent to the date of the publishing of the Bible which would be given authority over inscriptions on head stones. A Bible of 1850, however, with records back to 1825 all written in the same hand may indicate the inditing of .. the records long years afterwards when memory fails to serve accurately and the cemetery records may in such cases have more dependability. Wrong dates also exist on head stones through carelessness as between family members and monumental dealers such a case only recently my attention was called to.

The work of establishing some lines back over 250 years is not easy. Where an ancestor sells out, pulls up stakes and decides to go West which was probably about the period of 1800 in Ohio or Indiana and known as the "Miame Country" and takes most of his family along it is often difficult to follow him. Again there have been numerous Joluis but in most cases their wives had different given names. I had one of these traced properly as I thought until I happened on his old Bible which upset and contradicted me in the statement that he was the son of· Samuel and Elizabeth, and· then I heard a voice calling "Samuel, where art thou?" but it was the voice of your bumble servant.

XVII Another bad situation arose amongst many Josephs and not only with Joseph but three of the name all having a middle letter D and all living contemporaneously. Fortunately one had a wife, Sarah, one a wife, Anne, and the_ other no wife at all; each sold land requiring the wife's joinder through which my problem was solved. Numerous descendants have scattered far and wide, some of whom have made unsuccessful attempt to trace their lineage. The inclination, however, is creditable and seems to follow the ambition to rise above the mediocre. I am convinced that with more time and persistance the whole Pedrick family could be traced nearly 100 per cent complete.

Salem County, as the seat of the family's first settlement in New Jersey, still contains the most descendants; has records of over 60 wills and administrations and about 1000 real estate transactions. As the family multiplied along Old Mans creek some sold their inheri­ tance and settled in Lower Penns Neck and about Salem. They then reached out into Cumberland and Gloucester Counties, the latter hav­ ing record of 13 wills and administrations and the former 10 and Cape May, Atlantic, Camden and Burlington three wills each, and Essex, Hunterdon and Middlesex one each, while the northern tier of counties show none. In Philadelphia, where a flow of all families follow, there are records of 17 wills and administrations the earliest in 1874 of those who had come there from New Jersey and about Wilmington, Del., and Chester, Pa., where they had first migrated across the river. Then, also, there are records of those who have gone to distant places which have not been looked up; but bear in mind this only takes into account the name of Pedrick; the girls who married and took other names are just as much a part of the family and their Court records would natu­ rally double the above number. No search of the wills and administra­ tions of these other names bas been made.

XVIII In old Philadelphia directories the name of Pedrick does not appear until after 1800 and for years just a few entries. The directory of 1858 lists 19 Pedrick and Peddrick. There were three druggists, Washington F., Charles W., and John; two potters, John and William, a ship chand­ ler, Samuel P., a ship carpenter, Alfred L., a cordwainer, Thomas, John, a tanner, John, a varnisher, John, a paper stainer, William, a hatter, Henry, a shoemaker, George L., a plasterer, Michael, a tai1or (he worked on the same board with John Wanamaker), William, a clerk, Silas, a captain, and Elihu, gentleman. It is evident, therefore, they had gotten into all kinds of business and work. There seems to have been no great partiality to city life since the 1936 directory lists now after 80 years only twice the above quoted number. An interesting study of family lineage is the subject of fecundity. Roger left but four clu1dren, all sons; of these John left 10, Thomas 6, Plu1ip3, and Michael 0 cbildren. Many of Roger's grandcbildren had families of 6 to 10. About the period of 1840-1860 larger families seemed the rule emphasized in the Dolbow line particularly when Mary Pedrick married a Dolbow; they had 14 cbildren and one of these mar­ ried and had 14 and one of the latter married and had 14, while another of the same flock married and had 12. In the seventh, eighth and ninth generation more of the Pedrick girls had large families than the boys and the Pedrick name is therefore becoming less prevalent.

By keeping everlastingly at it I now present this accomplishment to the numerous Pedrick descendants here represented with the hope • that this permanent record may be useful for reference and that some interest may be found in its pages. I trust that each family will secure copies to pass down to their cbildren and their grandcluldren for their benefit in the years to come.

"Of all the affections of man, those which connect him with Ancestry are among the most nati..ral and generous. They enlarge the sphere of his interests, multiply his motives to virtue and give intensity to his sense of duty to generations to come by the perception of obliga­ tion to those which are past."-Quincy.


A search regarding the name bas not revealed much of consequence. The various works on Heraldry and British family names such as Burkes, Matthews, etc., do not make mention of it as spelled. Tbe nearest equivalen~ are Petrick, Petrock, Peddie, Pedder, Pedlar, and PedJey. The vital statistics at Trenton reveal tlle followmg names in recent years besides that of Pedrick and mostly of Italian 'birth or parentage; Pede, Peden, Fedie, Fedora, Pedoro, Pedano, Pedrino, etc., and one Italian family I visited in Philadelphia had anglicized their name fully to Pedrick.

As regards the spelling of the name, the records copied from Eng­ land give it as Pedrick, and the present London directory of many of them living there have it spelled as above so far as ascertained. The original Roger also spelled and wrote his name this way. Some of his descendants added another D to their name which bas persisted to tlrls day while here and there we find occasionally Pedric without the K. Some of the early clerks of record have it in the books as Peddrick and Pedderick and the will of the first Thomas is copied Peorlc as signed although the original if located my show it Pedrick.

The only English records discovered regarding the family are a few that have been copied and repose in the Archives of the Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania and these refer only to Roger the subject of this history at its starting point His forbears could no doubt be revealed from a search in England but are unknoWD here. There has been little search heretofore, the most appearing in the Justice collection in above Society Archives. He gathered together what be could find on record about the family no doubt for some client which is hardly more than a prelimiDary exhibit and not very enlightening. His ch.art and sketch, however, has required considerable effort and the outline oi bis e:dlibit is .substantially correct. He evidently did not enend his work beyond the Archives and therefore could not go very far down the line. At the present time numerous people 0£ the name are living in and about London. Inquiry from ten of these elicited but one reply from a Mrs. Pedrick who stated that she was in a position "of obtaining infor­ mation." A reply to that letter brought no further response. Experi­ ence bas proven malnly that correspondence on matters genealogical is unsatis£actory here as well as abroad. Either people are aver~ to writ­ ing or not interested re stirpes. An.~ously now I am awaiting replies from descendants, some far distant and I have little hope of including their history intelligently.

Information available substantiates but two Pedrick arrivals in the · United States in early days and strange as it may seem there are no records of h:.ter Fedrick immigrants as distinguished from other families who have kept coming from time to time to this day. The family may not have been large in numbers or there may be some authority in the tradition in Marblehead, Mass., that it had been a name assumed. The other Pedrick above mentioned according to Marblehead tradition as given me by their Historical Society and Mrs. Stearns, of the Ped­ rick House in that city states that a John Pedrick came with wife, Miriam, about 1664, bought land and settled on the "Great Neck." He had a family of nine of whom there has been a partial tracing. It is also stated that there were others of the name in Marblehead even before 1664 but no full history of the family "there bas been worked out. Some of these descendants became prominent as merchants in Marble­ head and as sea captains. A major, John Pedrick, was an ardent patriot during Revolutionary times aDd a prosperous merchant having at one time as many as twenty-five vessels engaged in foreign trade. He built about 1756 a Colonial mansion with lumber imported from England known to this day as the "Major John Pedrick House," a noted land­ mark now commercialized by Mrs. Lila Woodbury Stearns, the present owner, who emphasizes the name in her literature with pbotograpbs of its unique Colonial furnishings. Many Pedricks have stopped there when touring from different parts of the country. Most of these have descended from the New Jersey Roger and natunlly his name has been brought into the picture.

2 A connection persists between the two branches but no one as yet has solved the riddle.

The !ate William B. de las Casas, of Boston, macle an exhausted study of the i;ubject and bis manuscript was willed to a cousin in Wash­ ington, D. C. As a Pedrick descendant he was much interested but as 1 have not seen his work I do not know its content; however, he did not connect the two branches.

There was a Roger Pedrick among the Pcclricks or Marbk•head or Salem, Mass., before 1664 substantiated by a record in the Salem, Mass., Court under date of 1653 of John Pedrick and Roger Pedrick being before tbe Court for fighting to the drawing of blood with Carl Mans­ f.eld. The case against John BDd Roger was dis'l'lis.,ed. .!',."ow thts indi­ cates that the probability b that the father -of the New Jersey Roger or other of his family had previously visited Marblehead and the suppo­ sition is that he returned to England since the name bas not been later handed down in Massachusetts.

The tradition in Marblehead regarding the assumption of name is in this wise. The first John Pedrick came of a branch of the family of the Earl of Sussex of which one had been in danger because he bad sat in the ....•... Chamber and voted for the e:.:ecution of Charles I, and that he assumed the name of Pedrick to cooceal his identity. The only Regicide who was of a family which had borne this title ,·:as a Boudrier, who had a son, John, as to both of whom there is no record of death or burial e:ccept in "Koble Regicides" that he, the father, "Sat down and died." So it may be that the first John in Marblehead w~.s this son. lfu name and mark appears in a petition to the General Court in 16iS and it is claimed that this mark is in a form which suggests a "s.crive­ ner's skill" so that he possibly may have been the John Bourdrier who was educated at Oxford and at one time entered at Lincolns Inn Fields as a student at law. Credit is hereby extended to Hannah Tutt. Secre­ tary of the Historical Society of Marblehead, who has generously sup­ pli~d me with information.

"Any people wl:,, are indifferent to Ute ntJble achie:aements ,,, remote am:estors, are not likely to at:ltie11e anything wurthy to he remembered by their descendants." MACAULEY.


ROGER PEDRICK was born near London about 1645 and mar­ ried 3-27-1669 REBEKAH HOLEMAN at Radcliffe Friends Meeting in England. He dwelt in the Parish of St. Paul, Shadwell, County of Middlesex. This county is contiguous to the north, northeast, east and southeast of the city of London with the town of Shadwell lying near the city limits no doubt now included in the city proper. Previous to 1669 he had connected with the Society of Friends as indicated by his place of marriage. He was a lighterman by trade and probably had his own business in the unloading of merchant vessels. The Quakers at that time were rapidly gaining in numbers, influence and prestige since many prominent people were becoming members of the sect which also increased the opposition and persecution of their members. From 1648 forward they were prosecuted with severe fines and sentences. At the time of the West Jersey purchase in 1673 William Penn was yet in England and was doing missionary work for the Quakers. He went to Germany in 1671 and again in 1677 with eight others including George Fox and preached in a barn. It was then two years since Fenwick and Pedrick had left England in the ships Griffin and Mary along with many other Quakers to seek a haven in America. There is no mention of association of these men with Penn previous to their departure. Wil­ liam Penn's father had been of great usefulness to the Crown of England and when he died William inherited a claim against the Crown for 16,000 pounds. When he became interested in America he perceived a way to cancel this claim at an advantage to himself by bargaining for a slice of America. In this way England was glad to rid herself of the claim without money consideration for as much land as Penn wanted and he therefore secured Pennsylvania, which in territory was about as much as England and Ireland's combined area. The grant was con­ summated in 1681 and Penn soon left to take possession leaving agents in England to act for him. When the astounding news reached Kres­ heim in Germany that William Penn who had cn,ne there and preached to the humble citizens was the proprietor of a vast domain larger than the whole Palatine and that he had pledged the fullest liberty of con­ science to all comers they were eager to go there. The settlement of Germantown by these people soon followed.

4 In those days all vessels were sailing craft and the time of passage ·.vas long and arduous and it took over two months for passage across the ocean. The arrivals were mostly in September, many in August, October and November, but none in March or April; six pounds pass­ age money was the fare and it was no small sum for many to get together.

It is evident then that the Griffin and Mary left London at or about the same time in July arriving at Salem in September and Roger Pedrick set about securing his land. The conveyance is recorded in Book I, Salem Deeds, Page 100. The original may be in existence somewhere and was drawn in England on parchment or sheepskin prob­ ably by John Eldridge and wife to Roger Pedrick and wife for 1000 acres out of Fenwick's land, and reads in part: "To him and her for­ ever yielding and paying therefore yearly and every year the yearly rent of one ear of Indian com on the 9th and 20th day of the 7th month called September if ...... demanded. Have granted, bar­ gained and sold and by these presents does grant bargain and sell unto the said Roger Pedrick and Rebekah his wife and their heirs and assigns of the said Roger Pedrick forever. One thousand acres of land to be taken out of, sold, found and surveyed out of all such part of the Moyete or the one-half part of the tract of land within the Province of New Caseria or New Jersey in America as John Franklin, late of Ben­ field, within the County of Berks "ithin the Kingdom of England Esquire and Chief Proprietor of the one Moyete or half part of the said tract of land hath assigned to him and his heirs forever which is here­ after to be called Fen"ick's Colony. And also all rivers ,rivolets, mines, minerals, quarries, woods, fishings, fowlings, hawkings, huntings, and all the Royalties, profits, franchises privileges, commodities, heredita­ ments and whatsoever the said 1000 acres belonging "ith their and every of their appurtenances and all the estate, right, title, interest, property claim and demand whatsoever of the said John Eldridge and Elizabeth, his wife," etc., etc.

The survey of this land which took place soon does not appear in the Salem deed books.

A journal of the daily events of these people at that time if it had been handed down would be most interesting now.

5 Since the whole of Salem and Cumberland Counties had been bought for 1000 Lbs. in 1673 it can be realized that land In that day had little money value and while Rogers' deed quoted as a yearly rental two ears of Indian com if demanded each year, yet there is a statement somewhere that the consideration was S0c per acre.

He then became interested in the country across the river as pre­ viously stated as a joint purchaser with Robert Wade at Upland for 26 Lbs. 1 Sh.

He bad one other real estate transaction over there as per Smiths Chester P-114-117. Quote: "Tydables (taxables) Delaware County, Pa. 1677 Place "Marr Kil" Jan Hendrickson of Delowar River husband­ man appeared in Court and then and there did acknowledge a certayne deed or transport unto Roger Pedrick of all the said Jan Hendrickson's Right, Tytle, and Interest of all the land and appurtenances Lying and being on the west side of Delowar River called and knowne by the name of marities boeck being granted and confirmed by Pattent from the Right Honorable Governor Andros bearing date the 28th of March 1676 unto the six possessors thereof Viz;- Charles Jansen, Cole Raess­ sen, bans Oelsen, oele Xeelson, bans hofman c1nd him the said Jan Hend­ rickson and containing in the whole 1000 acres of land which said deed was signed and sealed and delivered by the said Jan Hendrickson in the presence of Johannes de-haes and Carrell jansen and be:irs date ye 18th day of June A. D. 1678." Roger Pedri, · ·,ld his rights in the above soon after to William Hewes.

Roger had one other re~\ estate purchase in 1679 in New Je~ey as follow$ appearing in Salem Deeds book B-P-126. Roger Pedrick 140 acres. "To all people to whom this present writing shall co,ne:­ Wm. Penn Proprietor, Governor of the province of Pa. and the territory thereunto annexed and Proprietor of Salem First in the province of West New Jersey & C. Samuel Hodge of said Sedgefield, John Smith of Smithfield & Richard Tindall of London Borough in the ...... and Province aforesaid Sendeth Greeting. Whereas John Fenwick of Fen­ wicks Colony Esquire late proprietor of Salem 10th in the Province of West Jersey aforesaid deceased, Did by his last Will and Testament Nominate and appoint William Penn, Samuel Hodge, John Smith and Richard Tindall aforesaid to be his Executors as by his last Wm and Testament being upon record reference being thereto will at large

6 appear. Doth hereby acquit the said Roger Pedrick his heirs and assigns forever by these presents, do bargain and sell one hundred and forty acres of land marsh swamp and Cripple hereafter to be called Peddricks Neck situated lying &c. Beginning at the mouth of Ouldmans Creeke in the 10th and province afsd and butted and bounded as fol­ loweth Viz;-Beginning at the head of a Creek running out of Ould Mans Creeke &c. &c. (The writing is so poor it is impossible to decipher some of it.) Containing one hundred and forty acres as by a certificate by the hand of Richard Tindall Surrogate Lord bearing date 18th day in October 1679." No consideration was named for this land but in an account of Quit Rents of 1690 an assessment of one shilling was made against the above 140 acres.

Roger owning land across the river and being associated with Wade who abo had come there was probably resident at Chester a part of his time. (Smiths Chester.) Quote: "We find him a resident and taxable of Marcus Hook and the records of Chester Monthly Meeting show that his daughter, Rebecca, by his wife of same name, was born at Marcus Hook on the 14th day of 7th month (September) in 1678, the earliest authenticated date of birth within the limits of Pennsylvania where both parents were the natives of England that has come under the notice of the author."

"Roger Pedrick was empannelled on the first jury under the pro­ prietary government; he was a Friend and refused to take an oath before the Upland Court in 1678, although be was not an active mem­ ber of that Society. He came from the vicinity of London where he had suffered persecution for attending the meetings of the Quakers."

The Chester Court records discloses that the case called in 1681 when Roger Pedrick was empannelled as a juryman was that of Thomas Nossiter, plaintiff, against Andreas Nealson, defendant, on account of assault and battery with the result that "The Jury finds for ye plaintiff and give him five pounds and his cost of suite."

Roger varied his time while becoming established, between Salem and Chester and six months after landing was one of the signers of "The Consessions & Agreements of the Proprietors, Freeholders & Inhabitants of the Province of West New Jersey in America." This was wriL n in 44 chapters and signed 3-3-1676 by 151 representative settlers.

7 Between September, 1675 and 1677, Roger Pedrick was adjusting hlmself toward the advent of his family from England. He probably arranged in Chester for the building of a house on his plantation or with the help of Indians built a log house. Otherwise he may have been resident at Chester for some time after his wife came over. He wrote to his wife in the interim as per extract already quoted and I have been told of two other letters or copies of them on file in America but time has limited my looking them up. His wife and son, John, bom in Eng­ land, came undoubtedly in 1677 and joine

Issue: 2-1 JOHN PEDRICK. Bom 2-7 or 17-1671 at Shadwell, Midcllese.-c County, England. 2-2 A so11-bom child, 5-21-1673.

2-3 WILLIAM PEDRICK. Born 4-7 or 17-1674 at Shadwell and died 11-26-1675 aged 18 months. Roger then in America two months.

2-4 REBEKAH PEDRICK. Born at Marcus Hook, Pa., 7-14-1678, recorded in Chester Friends Minutes. There is no further record found about this child which probably died in infancy.

2-5 THOMAS PEDRICK. Born 2-14-1681, at Marcus Hook, Pa. Recorded in Chester Quaker Minutes. He was baptized in St. Paul's Church there when he became adult.

2-6 MICHAEL PEDRICK. Born about 1683. (No record found.)

2-7 PHILIPP PEDRICK. Born about 1685. (No record found.)

ROGER PEDRICK made his will, 3-14-1692, and died in September, 1692, when but 47 years of age having lived in America just 17 years. His place of burial unknown.

His widow, REBEKAH, married secondly at Salem Friends Meeting, 11-26-1696, .Al\i"DREW THOMPSON.

8 ROGER PEDRICK'S will as copied in Book A-Pages 91-92-at Tren­ ton ( original not there) :

"In the Name of God Amen;-1 ROGER PEDDRICK being weak in body but of perfect memory, blessed be the Lord, do make this my last will and testament as followoth:

IMPrss I bequeath my body to be decently buried according to the will and discretion of my Executrix.

ITEM;-1 bequeath my Soule into the bands of the Lord my God w-ch gave it me hoping by the Mercyes of his son Jesus Christ I shall enter into that rest w-ch he hath prepared for his chosen ones.

ITEM;-1 Give to my Eldest son John Peddrick four hundred acres of land and Marish at ye first landing upon the Creek bordering on Ped­ dricks Neck, to him & his heirs forevermore.

ITEM;-1 Give to my Loveing wife Rebecka Peddrick during her Natu­ rall life all the remaineing part of the land bordering as aforesaid. And all the Goods and Chattels to her forever Whom I Doo Nominate & constitute my Sole Executrix.

ITEM;-1 Give to my three youngest sones, Thomas, Michael & Phillip after the decease of my wife all that remaineing part of land aforesaid to be equally divided between them.

In Witness whereof 1 have hereunto sett my band and seale this four­ teenth day of March in ye year of our Lord God 1692. Signed ROGER PEDRICK.

Signed and sealed in the presence of Sarah Hewes, Deborah Hewes, Richard Lawrence, Alice Gilpin. Recorded ye 9th of April 1693 Saml, Hedge Recdr. Province West New Jersey. John Worlidge Esq. & Jonathan Beere Gentlemen two of their Majesties Justices of the peace for the County of Salem send Greeting.

9 Whereas ROGER PEDERICK late of Barclay River alis Ould mans Creek in the County of Salem yee deceased By his last Written Testa• ment bearing date ye 14th day of March 1692 Did Nominate & appoint his Dear and Loveing Wife Rebecka Pedrick to be his sole Executrix as in and by sd last Will being upon record relation being thereunto had doth and may at large appeare. In pursuance thereof she the sd Rebecka Pedrick made application to uss the 21st day of SSebm anno dom 1693 having made legal proofs of the sd Will and produced a true and perfect Inventory of all the Goods and Chattels late belonging to her late deceased husband and therefore crave lettrs of administration on the same.

We the sd John Woolidge & Johnathan Booke Justices as afsd Do authorize and fully impower her the sd Rebecka Peddrick as Executrix to take into her possession all and singular the Goods and Chattels of what Nature Kynd or qualitie the same shall be found late belonging to the estate of the sd deceased Giving and by these presents Granting unto her the sd Executrix full power and Authority to demand sue for recourse and obtain the same out of the hands or custody of any person or persons the same shall be found late belonging to the sd estate of the sd deceased She the sd Rebecka Peddrick having allready given security for the performance of the Trust in her Reposee as Executrix according to the laws of this province in that case. Made, Given Under our hands and Seales this ....•..• Day of ..•..•.. Anno domi 1693.

Recorded ye ..•..•.. day of ...... 1693.

Saml. Hedge Recorder.

Salem Wills Book A-P-91-Inventory. A true and perfect Inventory of the goods and chattels of Roger Peddrick of Peddricks Neck in Salem Co. late deceased taken and appraised by us. IMPoms. 4 oxen, 3 steeres, one bull, 24 lbs. 7 cowes, 4 calves 20 lbs. 4 two year oulds & 2 yearlings 10 lbs. Two horses, 2 mayres & 4 colts 10 lbs. 6 sheep & 3 swyne 6 lbs. Bedding and furniture belonging 10 lbs. Liv­ ing apparrelle 8 lbs. Pewter, potts, & other lumber stuff 20 lbs. Total 108 lbs. The goods above written were appraised by us the 29th day of September 1692, Richard Lawrence, William Hewes.

10 When Roger Pedrick died at 4 7 he had become a successful fanner on a considerable scale as indicated by his inventory having in use 4 oxen, 2 horses and 2 mares. Four horses and two colts appraised at 10 pounds or $50 shows the cheapness of things at that time. Fann imple­ ments and grain as well as household supplies seem to have been neg­ lected by the appraisers. Since it was September the crops had mostly been gathered which at that time was mostly grain. The day of the sweet potato and tomato had not come. Neither does he seem to have gone much into cattle raising as many were doing at that time in Cape May County considerably on the beaches along the coast.

"Euellence is an art u,on by training and lta/JituaJion: u,e do not act rightly because we have 1Jirlue or ezcellence, but we rather have these because we have acted rightly: we are what we re,peatedly do. Euellence then, is not an act but a habit: the good of a man is a working of the soul in tne way of ezcellence in a compl,ete life: •••• for as it is not one S'WallO'lll or one fine day that makes a spring, so it is not one day or a short time that makes a man blessed and nappy." ARlsTOTLE.




2-1 JOHN PEDRICK was born in or near London, probably the town of Shadwell 2-7 or 17-1671 and died at Pedricksburg, now Pedricktown, Salem Co., N. J., in April 1729 at the age of 58. No place of burial known. He was but four years of age when his father immigrated to America and but six when his mother brought him to America. He was 22 yea.-s of age at his father's death and was just ten years older than Thomas, his brother, the next living child of the family. He was raised on the family plantation and no doubt after his father's death in 1693 became the head of the household.

His wife was ELIZABETH. Her surname, date of birth, marriage or death has not been found. After her husband's death she married, 8-27-1729, JOH.i.V OAKFORD.

He inherited 400 acres of land of the 1140 which his father had pur­ chased and carried on with his mother while the younger children were being raised.

The only recorded activities of people of those times are those found in the minutes of the Men's and the Women's Friends meetings. There is no mention of a Pedrick name before the marriage of his mother to Andrew Thompson in 1696. Eleven years pass before the ne."t mention of Pedrick, when the minutes state: "This meeting appointed boniamen Acton to Speake to William Hues and John Pedrick to appear the next meeting to give thair Reasons Consaming John belangey why friends may not Give him a Sertifecat as a friend." Then 12 more years pass before the ne."t mention of Pedrick when Mary Pedrick married \Vm. Hanby, all of which indicates the family was not active as Quakers at this time. The same year, however, I quote, 3-30-1720: "Lave is given by this meeting that the friends at Piles Grove Should have a meeting att Piles grove every other first day during the summer time and to begin the 2 first days in the foyrth month" "thereas att this meeting there is accation of another Suburscription therefore friends Subscribes as followeth." 21 names following including John Pedrick, 10 shillings. He was an appraiser of estate of Thos. Gilpin, Penns Neck, 8-10-1697 and witness to \\ill of Owen Sweeney 1-9-1728.

13 His 400 acress "at ye first landing upon the Creek bordering on Pedricks Neck" was no doubt the landing which Is now at Pedricktown where their dwelling house stood later superceded by the present Justice brick home. From here the creek meanders down seven miles to the Dela­ ware river through the marsh or meadows with no other high or "fast" land along its lower side. The other landing spoken of was probably what is today known as "Wrights wharf" farther up the creek. It may be noted in passing that while most all of the people then set­ tled hereabout were "of the people called Quakers" and they all affirmed in legal matters, yet they were more "easy" of speech than probable Friends discipline brought about later when thee and thou became so frequent. As Friends meeting houses became more numerous in the third generation of Pedricks it is then we find members of the family very active in the work which established schools and planted burying grounds and looked after the wants of the poor.

His original will is in Trenton Archives Q-201 and is copied verbatim below but it conveys not here the old way of making the letters in words often difficult to decipher. The capitalizing and spelling, however, has been painstakingly copied.

"the tenth day of the twelf month called february in the Year of our Lord 1728-29 I John Pedrick of penns neck in the County of Salem in west new Jersey being sick and weak of body but of perfict mind and memory thanks be to the Lord, I do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manor and form following.

IMPRIMOS;-I give unto my som mikoll a sertain tract of land that my son John bult a hous uppon beginning at the mouth of bever Creek and so up the said creek to the ferne Run and so uppon a strat line to the old line and as many perch further as will make it as brod as the said land is at the creek from the sluice to bever Creek with all the swamp and meddo belonging to the said land: only ten acres I reserve lying below peter delashemat to him his heirs and assigns forever.

Item:-1 give unto my son v.;mam my new dwelling hous (no doubt the brick dwelling long since the Justice property near Pedricktown wharf) and plantation bounding uppon mikell with all the woodland and meddo thereunto belonging to his heirs and assigns forever.

14 but my wife ls to have the whole Command of the said plantation till such time the said william shall arrive to the age of twenty one and my will is that he live with his mother till then and my will is that be the said william shall maintain his brother Jeremiah during his life but if the said Jeremiah dont like to live with william be the said william is to pay for bis bord elsewhere and if the said Jeremiah should die within tenn years after the plantation comes into his hands the said william must give unto his three brothers Jacob, Thomas and Samuel five pounds a pece or five pounds a pece to as many of them as are live and com to the age of twenty one but in case that william shold dy before be come to age to reserv the plantation then Jacob is to have the same in like manor as is above said.

Item;-! give unto my son Joseph the Remandor part of that land which was formerly thomas nossotors lying above the ferne Run and joining to bever Creek and ten acres of meddo lying below peter delasbemats to him bis heirs and Assigns forever.

Item;-! give unto my wel beloved wife all my movable estate what soever and to her dissposol but my will is that she do brood up the small Children and give them sum scoling and when they are fitt to be put to trade shee is to put them to prentic as she shall think fit and cloth them fit for to goo to prentic.

Item;-! give unto my daster mary hanbe five shillings. I lick wise constitut make and ordaine my dearly beloved wife and my daster sarab and my son mikoll my only and sole executors of this my last '1'.iJI and testament and I do hereby uterly disalow Revoke and Disanull all and every other former testaments wills legacies and executors by me in any ways before this time named written and bequaethed. Ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last will and testament in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the Day and year above written. Signed sealed Published pronounced and delivered by the said as bis last will and testament in the presence of us the sub- scnoers. J obn Pedric

15 The v esses were Thomas Hewes, Mary Hewes and Wm. Hewes and it is · •:I that John's wife was Elizabeth Hewes. As regards the Ped­ rick me or manner of its first spelling. Roger always used or signed his nd.ffle as above written. Other people of that time in writing it often used or copied it using the double D. It will be noted that J Jhn signed his will omitting the last letter K which may be attributed to dim eyesight or signing when very ill in bed when hardly able to write at all. But for the most part later descendants have spelled the name as it is now used. There are a few even now that continue the use of the double D. But to continue with the probating of John's will. Province of New Jersey • before John Rolfe Surrogate Salem County County of Salem • appeared the above witnesses the 28 day of April Anno Dom 1729 for the proving of last Wills and Testaments &c. Thomas Hewes & William Hewes Witnesses to ye within Will who being of sd People Called Quakers do Solemnly Sincerely & Truly De­ clare & Affirm that they were present and did see ye within Named John Pedrick sign & seal & did hear him publish Prono\ncek declare sd within written Instrument to be his last Will and T ,nta. "',t.'lt & ye at the same he was of sound Mind & Memory to ye be~ of 1tleir judg- ment & understanding. Thomas Hewes, \Vill.3~ Il.:wes. Affirmed at Salem before me John Rolfe. Province of New Jersty • The 28 of April Anno Dom 1n9 per­ County of Salem • sonally came before me John Rolfe Sur­ rogate of the County of Salem appointed for the proving of last Wills & Testaments & Swearing of Executors &c. Elizabeth Pedrick, Sarah Pedrick and Mickall Pedrick Executors in ye within Will Named & Appointed who being of the people Called Quakers do Solemnly Sin­ cerely & Truly Declare & Affirm as ye within written Contains ye last Will and Testament of John Pedrick ye Testator within named as far as they know & Believe & ye they will well and truly Perform ye same by paying first ye debts & then ye Legacies Contained in ye sd Will as far forth as sd Goods and Chattels & Credits of sd deceased will there­ unto Extend or ye Law wm Charge & ye they will make a true and perfect Inventory as also render a just Account When thereunto re- quired. ELIZABETH PEDRICK (Mark) Affirmed at Salem before me SARAH PEDRICK John Rolfe. MIKEL PEDRICK JOHN ROLFE * SS This 24 Day of May Anno Dom 1729 per­ CO. of SALEM * sonally Carne before me John Rolfe Surro­ gate of ye County of Salem Appointed for ye proving of Wills & Swear­ ing of Executors &c., SARAH PEDRICK one of ye Executors of ye last Will & Testament of John Pedrick late of Pens Neck in ye County of Salem who being one of ye Peoples Called Quakers do Solemnly, Sincerely & Truly Declare and Affirm that ye within Written Contains a tru~ & Perfect Inventory of all & Singular of Goods and Chattel Rights and Credits of ye sd deceased so far as ye same has Come to her now possession or knowledge or to if now possessed or knowledge of any other person for his use. SARAH PEDRICK

16 Affinned at Salem before me John Rolfe, Also Thomas Hewes and Timothy Rain were affirmed as Appraisers. A particular account of the goods and chatles of John Pedrick Deceased as the same was appraised May the 12 by Thomas Hewes and Timothy Rain. L SD to bis waring pparel & cash ...... ,08-16-00 to one par of oxen •...... •...... •.. 07-00-00 to seven cows •...... •...•...... • 18-15-00 to too cools ...... 03-05-00 to four year olds •.•...... •...... •...... 03-00-00 to twenty six sheep and lambs ...... 06-03-00 to six two year olds ...... •...... 07-10-00 to riding horse bride! & sadel ...... 17-00-00 to Indian com in the hous ...... 03-16-00 to green com ...... 05-00-00 to too mares and one colt ...... 06-00-00 to one cart and wheles ...... 03-10-00 to axes and other tools ...... 03-05-00 to a steel trap ...... 00-15-00 to gees and bees ...... 01-15-00 to a p::ire of ban mil stones and barley ...... 01-00-00 to fore beds and furniture ...... 27-00-00 to one pare of pot rake and stiherds ...... 01-10-00 to Earth and alos ...... 00-15-00 to tables and chears ...... 01-10-00 to puter ...... 01-10-00 to wbeles ...... 00-10-00 to plow ermes and chains ...... 01-05-00 to chests •...... 02-00-00 to sand boards ...... 02-00-00 to tar sold ...... 05-00-00 to swine ...... 02-10-00 to drugit ...... 04-00-00 to dangros debts ...... 20-09-00 Total ...... •...... 158-09-03 In the light of present-day prices the comparison is interesting after 208 years, also as enlightening us with the sparse comforts and conveniences of living in those days. There was a crudeness in outfit and meager­ ness in general of those things which science bas since wrought for the agri::ulturist. 17 1-1 ROGER PEDRICK

l•l JOHN PEDRICK was born 2-7 or 17-1671 near London and died April 1729 in America at the age of 58. He married probably about 1702 ELIZABETH (HEWES most likely). As previously stated she married secondly 8-27-1729 John Oakford. No place of burial of either is known. As named in his will he left behind his wife and ten children living of whom Jacob, Thomas and Samuel were aged 14, 12 and 10 years. His will indicates that an elder son, Jeremiah, was defective and there is no record of this son later; he probably died soon after his father. The dates and s~quency of births of bis children are placed as accurately as records indicate.

Issue:- Born Died Age Married 3- 1 Mary Pedrick 1703 see further WilJiam Hanby 3- 2 Mikell Pedrick 1707 8-27-1776 69 Ann E. Robeson 3- 3 John Pedrick 1710 1758 50 Raebel Grubb 3- 4 William Pedrick 1711 1790 79 Mary Silver 3- 5 Sarah Pedrick 1712 not searched Samuel Linch 3- 6 Jeremiah Pedrick 1713 died young Single 3- 7 Joseph Pedrick 1714 Dec. 1748 34 Single 3- 8 Jacob Pedrick 1715 1759 44 Mary ...... 3- 9 Thomas Pedrick 1717 Sarah Hanby 3-10 Samuel Pedrick 1719 1760 41 Esther Oakford 3-1 MARY PEDRICK married in 1720 William Hanby. She was the only Mary Pedrick in New Jersey living at that time.

In the minutes of the Men's Friends monthly meetings at Salem appears 6-29-1720. "Att this meeting came William Hanby and Mary Pedrick and proposed their intentions of marriage to Each other and the sd William Hanby produced a certificate of Clareness in Relation of Mar­ riage." 7-26-1720 William and Mary ca.'rte a second time; consent given. "This meeting appoints Andrew Thompson (her grandmother's second husband) and Edward Huse (Hewes) to attend the sd marriage to see things decently maniged and mak report to the next meeting." This is the first marriage of a grandchild of Roger Pedrick and if this Hi:nby family was searched down to the present time the material might form a book in itself, every descendant of whom has the Pedrick blood through above Mary. No work in regards to this has been done.

18 1-1 ROGER PEDRICK; 2-1 JOH~

3-2 MIKELL PEDRICK was born about 1707 and died 3-27-17i6 age 69. (Trenton Archives). He married 11-19-1728 AN'NE E. ROBESON at Swedes Church, Wilmington, Del., out of Friends meet• ing, and apparently gave little attention to the Quakers until 12-31-1759 when he brought a paper to Salem men's meeting condemning his out• going in marriage which was read and received. He was no doubt re­ ceived in "Unity" since he immediately became active. The same date on marriage Com. for John Vauclain and Mgt. Oakford indicating that couple had influence in his action and yet five years later 2-25-1765 he was appointed to serve "Testification" against above Vauclain and also John Hews. 12-25-1769 Appointed to serve "testitication against John Cripps outgoing in marriage, neglect to attend meetings, horse racing and other disorders." 1-29-1770 he reported the above notice served, which covers all of his official activities reported in Friends minutes. Other activities include 11-6-1744 on Inventory Cornelius Cornelenson, 4-26-1748 bondsman Grace Buckley widow intestate, 6-9-1749 a debtor estate of John Eaton Pennsneck, 11-13-1759 on Inv. Thos. Elwell Pennsneck, 2-17-1768 on Inv. Francis Miles Pennsneck 933 lbs."

There were only two Michael Pedricks in early days; the above and his uncle whom no doubt he was named for and of whom not much has been learned. His father's will states: "I give unto my son 'mikoll' a certain tract of land that my son John bult a hous uppon beginning at the mouth of bever Creek," etc. The above house evidently the one C:at stood near Beaver creek bridge and later burned down. This property was not part of the original 1000-acre purcha~e whlch did not go as far east as Beaver creek. \\'1lliam Penn, et al, had taken over Fenwick's unsold land and sold to William Fleetwood 500 acres east of Rogers' purchase of which 300 acres was sold by Fleetwood to Thomas Nossiter, 11-13-1689, and the heirs of Nossiter sold the same to John Pedrick, 11-6-1716, who in turn m1led it to above Michael, who in tum sold 150 acres of the tract to George Lawrence in 1749, Lawrence 124 acres to Badcock 1764, same to Eldridge 1765 and Eldridge 108~~ acres to Harker in 1780. Harker willed to son, Joseph, 1783: Joseph to George \V1Ser, 1798, and George to his son, James, and then James, 4-23-1839, sold to David Shoemaker this land, the grandfather of the writer. Then Michael Pedrick bought land in Lower Penns Neck.

19 1-1 ROGER PEDRICK; Z-1 JOHN J.z MICHAEL PEDRICK;-Now In 1753 be stood seized in com• mon with Jos. Wright undivided land in three tracts of land and marsh In Penns Neck adjoining each other which February Z a deed was recorded specifying each part. One plantation known by the name of "Rich Neck" estimated at 110 acres, one other adjoining thereto con• taining by estimate 100 acres and one other being marsh cont. by est. (after a deduction of 20 acres heretofore sold to William Mecum) of 100 acres. "It is now to the land a Perpetual Portion & Division shall be had & made between the said parties of and in the several planta­ tions. Tracts of land, Hereditaments and Premises above routed, con• nected, concluded and agreed by and between the said parties to these presents in Manner and form following ,that is to say" Joseph Wright is granted the Western Moiety or one-half part of aforesaid "beginning at a stake standing in the line that bounds the sd Rich Neck for the 100 acres called Shoots between the houses of them the sd Jos. Wright and Michael Pedrick and runs from thence" joining Michael in the line of "Milcolm" Island, then to a stake in the Finns Point Line then along that line to Finns Point Head Line, then joining on Vacant Land to a stump by the Cranberry Pond supposed comer of sd Rich Neck, etc., etc., to the beginning containing 179 acres of land and marsh. Then the other half is described which is bounded Milcolm Island, Wm. Mecums line, Shoots tract and Baldridges Creek signed Michael Pedrick in pres­ ence of Jedediah Allen and George Trenchard. No doubt a similar deed is recorded as signed by Joseph Wright. Now as regards the marsh or meadow in that vic~nity we find, Z-16-1770, "Notice is hereby given to all persons whom it may concern that we the subscribers intend to petition the Assembly at their next sitting for an act to be passed for draining the meadow on Salem creek down the said creek and the river Delaware. The bank to begin at Ephraim Lloyds fast land on Salem creek down the said creek to Delaware river then along said river to Finns Point to join the land of Thomas Newark, Michael Pedrick, Peter Bilderback, Ephraim Lloyd, Israel Redstreak, Mary Tuffts, William Adams and Thomas Wright." These are all con­ temporary families of Michael Pedrick's time resident in Penns Neck.

20 1-1 ROGER PEDRICK; 2-1 JOHN 3-2 MICHAEL PEDRICK;-In 1778 the New Jersey Legislature passed a law authorizing the owners of meadow and swamp land to form themselves Into bodies corporate and to bank and drain the same. Under this law there have been organized in the county 71 meadow companies. (Cushi.ig & Sheppard, 1883.) Of the above number Lower Penns Neck had 17. Michael died the year of the American Declaration of Independen:e. His will was drawn just previous to his death, 8-23-1776, proven 9-9-1776, .filed at Trenton No. 1700 and copied in book 18 page 11. "Be it remembered that I Michael Pedrick of Penns Neck in the County of Salem in the province of New Jersey yoeman, being weak of body but of sound and disposing mind and memory do make this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following viz:- 1st;- I Will the payments of all my just debts and funeral expenses be paid. Item;-I give to my son John Pedrick the plantation I now live on, to him his heirs and assigns forever, except the .fields Samuel Pedrick holds and five acres of woodland joining on Wm. Mecum's line and two lots of marsh the N. W. side of the big ditch to e.-:tend to the post and rail fence. Except the lane that goes to my house to Wm. Mecums planta­ tion, to my son Samuel Pedrick to him and his heirs forever. Item;-I give to my daughter Hannah Manes the sum of 15 pounds as a legacy. Item;-I give to my son John Pedrick the sum of 20 pounds as a legacy. Item;- I give to my daughter Elizabeth Lloyd the sum of SO pounds as a legacy. My will is that my daughter Jane Pedrick shall have the whole of my Movable Estate Except the above mentioned legacies. Lastly I Nominate, Constitute and Appoint my son John Pedrick Execu­ tor of this my last Will and Testament. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 23rd of August Dom One Thousand seven Hundred and Seventy si."'-" Signed "Michael Pedrick." In presence of James Wright, William Thompson & William Mecum. The executor, John Pedrick, duly affirmed, 9-9-1776, and was granted authority to act. He signed "John Pedrick." The inventory was peculiarly and neatly made out on small unruled brown paper pages and sewed together in book form. It is filed with the will at Trenton anc numbered 1700-Q. As an illustration of the pos· sessions, methods and values of that day a copy follows.


3-Z MICHAEL PEDRICK;-An Inventory of the appralsement of the goods and Chattels, Monies and Credits of Michael Pedrick Dec'd as appraised by Andrew Stundly and Thomas Thackery Sept. ye Z7, 1776. To his Wg. Ap. Hort1e Br. & Sadie .•.••.••....••...... 20. To S Cows ...... •..•...... Z0. To a Bull and Heifer • • . . • . . • . . . . • . . • . . • ...... • . . • • . . • . 4. To Z fatting steers • . . . . . • ...... • . . . . . • 8. To Z small steers and heifers ...••...•..•..•...... 7. To his half of the hogs in Comp...... 7.10.0 To Zl sheep ...... 7. To his half the Wheat in Barn ...... • ...... 5. To his half the pigs in Comp. afsd...... • . . . . . 3. To Cleaning mill ...... 3. To his half the flax • • • • • • • • . • • • • . . • • . . . . • . . . . . • . . . • • . . . . 1. To his half the bay .••.•...... •.•...•.•••••. ." •..•.•. 10. To Cyder Mill Trough & press ...... 1.17.0 To his half the Indian corn • ...... 5. To old Wheat ...... •.•...... Z. 9.6 To Sundy Art. in Up Chamber ...... n. 7.6 To Bed Beding & Bedstead . • . • ...... • ...... • • ...... • . . 5. 0.0 To Sundry other articles ...... 1.15.0 To bis part in a side sadle •...••••...... •.•...... •. 1.10.0 To Pewter, earthenware. bottles &c...... 2. 0.0 To Iron mongery etc. . • • . . . • . . . . • . • . . • ...... • ...... • 1. 0.0 To Pot Trammeh, Hand Iron etc ...... •...... 1.10.0 To Sundry Art. in Kitchen ...... • ...... 1. 0.0 To Stocking & Coverlet yarn ...... 2.10.0 To A pair of silver shoe buckles ...... • ...... O. 6.0 To A Waggon and Gears ...... 4. 0.0 To 2 Hammers ...... 1. o.o To Sund. Art in shop ...... 3. 0.0 To ¼ of a hand Sean ...... 0. 2.6 To Bees ...... : . . • ...... 4. 0.0 To Sund. Art 1st cellar ...... 1. 7.6 To Do 2nd cellar ...... •...... •. 0.15.0 To Sund. Emp. casks etc...... O. 9.0 To A case old drawers &c. in lower room ...... 1. 0.0 To Empty Bbls & up strs . . . • ...... 0. 4.0 To Bed & Bedg in Clock R...... 6. o.o To Do & Do with curtains ...... 5. 4.0 To 2 Tables in Do...... 1. 0.0 To 2 Looking Glasses in the clock room ...... 0.10.0 To A Clock ...... 5. 0.0 To Other Art. sd room ...... • ...... 0.12.0 To A Bible and oth books ...... 0.10.0


To A Still ....•...... ••.•..•..•...... •...•. 15. 0.0 To A Scythe & Grind St. • . • . . . • . . • ...... • . • • . • o. 5.0 To A small & Cash .••..••..•....•...•...••.•..... 43. 0.0 To Credits & Sep. Debts ...... •...... ••.•..... 9. S.1 222. 2.1 Appraised by us Andrews Atand'ly, Thos. Thackery. The writing as done in above inventory is as neat and good as can be found the present day. Issue: Born Died Marricd 4-1 Samuel Pedrick 1729 1784 1746 Tabitha Hewes 4-2 John Pedrick 1730 1781 Wife Mary (See Further) 4-3 Elizabeth Pedrick 1732 Lloyd (No Search) 4-4 Jane Pedrick 1735 Ko Record; No Search 4-5 Hannah Pedrick 1740 7-30-1759 Sarni. Swain (Maines) No Search 4-1 SAMUEL PEDRICK, the eldest child of Michael, was born about 1729 and died in 1784, age 55. He married in 1746 TABITHA HEWES. He was farming in Lower Penns Neck and inherited a part of his father's land. He died intestate and Court Commissioners were appointed to divide his holdings which was done between the assignees of John and Redstreake Pedrick. No wife mentioned so that she was evidently deceased. The above is well substantiated except whom he married as there were several Samuels. The Friends Mens meeting minutes of Salem states that 4-30-1746 "Samuel Pedrick & Tabitha Hewes declared intention of marriage and produced parents consent in ,vriting." 5-28-1746 came second time and Com. appointed to attend wedding. 6-25-1746 Report made "decently managed." (Tabitha soon died and Samuel married later, Elizabeth (tentative). issue: Born 5-1 JOHN PEDRICK 5-15-1773 5-2 REDSTREAKE PEDRICK Salem deeds D-157, Indenture between Redstreake Pedrl::k, of Salem, and John Peddrick, of Lower Penns Neck, son of late John Pedrick. (His cousin and son of his uncle John who died in 1781 and since Redstreake had a brother John also the above John adopted the double letter D to distinguish them. His full name John Tindall Peddrick.) Whereas Samuel Pedrick formerly of the township of L. P. !\"k. afsd was in his life time seized in fee of the following messuages tracts of land and real estate, Viz;- First a messuage & tract of land situated in the township of L. P. :lll"k. afsd upon which Saml. Gilmore lives bounded on lands belonging to the afsd John Pedrick the heirs of Alex. Gilmore dee. & others & supposed to contain 30 acres be the same more or less.

23 1 ROGER; 2 JOHN; 3 MICHAEL; 4 SAMUEL PEDRICK AND WIFE ELIZABETH Al110 a 2nd tract of marsh meadow bounded on sd. John Pedrick & othel'll containing about 16 acres sit. ln the township afsd. Also another tract of woodland bounding on the afsd. John Pedrick, Jos. Copner & Lot Randolph !lit. ln the afsd. township & contains 1 acre of land. And the sd. Samuel Pedrick being thereof so seized departed this life on or about the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty Four (1784). 'Whereby the sd. Redstreake Pedrick & a certain other John Pedrick of Mannington Township In the Co. afsd. because joint owners of the messuage & tracts of land afsd. Thus the same Redstreake and John being the only children and lawful heirs of the sci. Sarni. Ped­ rick & the sd. Redstreake by descent as afsd. seized in fee of one undi­ vided moiety or half part of the above Messuage afsd. Now this Ind. witnesscth that the sd. Redstreake do grant barg. sell & convey unto the said John Pedrick for and in consideration of $666.(\0 lawful money oi the State atsd. paid or secured to be pa.id to the sd. Redstreake ( do grant as above) & to his heirs & assigns all that Moieties or half part undivided of the three tracts & portions of land together with all things thereunto appertaining." S JOHN PEDRICK, born 5-15-1773, died 10-12-1821, age 48, mar­ ried 5-18-1796 (Trenton) TEMPERANCE SIMS, born 5-16-1776, died 9-3-1807, age 31, the daughter of John Sims, who died 4-4-1814. Was settled on a farm in Quinton township. He died intestate and his sec­ ond wife, RACHEL (LONG) PEDRICK obtained guardianship before June term of Court, 1822, for her five living children all under 14. There is no account of administration of the estate. Issue: Born Died Age Married 6 Sarah Pedrick 8-9-1798 7-25-1835 3 7 Blackwood 6 Samuel Pedrick 10-23-1800 2-5-1802 2 6 Elizabeth Pedrick 7-19-1803 10-6-1831 28 Jacob Fox 6 Centhey Pedrick 11-20-1805 Infancy JOHN PEDRICK married secondly, 11-7-1809, RACHEL LONG, of · Cumb. Co. issue: Born Died Age Married 6 Temperance Pedrick 1-7-1810 Infancy 6 Ann Pedrick 9-23-1811 Wm. Robinson 6 Samuel Pedrick 3-29-1814 4-19-1877 63* 6 Prudence Pedrick 7-29-1816 Wm. Garrison 6 Isaac Pedrick 12-5-1818 10-25-1834 16 6 Amelia Pedrick 5-18-1822 Benjamin Lore *Buried Salem Baptist. Nearly all above information contained in an old Carey Bible which has descended from above Ann to Ethel Robinson, of Salem, her grand­ daughter. On the fly leaf: "John Pedrick, 1802; Bible bought 11-25- 1802." 24 1 ROGER; 2 JOHN; 3 MICHAEL: 4 SAMUEL; 5 JOHN PEDRICK AND RACHEL LONG RACHEL PEDRICK, widowed by John In 1821, married 5-22-1828, WILLIAM ROBINSON, widower, with 8 children and he had two more by her and she died. He then married, 3-5-1834, her daughter, the above ANN PEDRICK, and had seven children by her making him a total of 17 children by three wives. Issue: Born Died Age 7 Rebecca Ann Robinson 8-26-1835 4-16-1875 40 7 Charles Henry Robinson 5-25-1842 12-4-1888 46 7 Isaac Pedrick Robinson• 1-10-1845 Z-9-1845 4 wks. 1 d. 7 George D. Rohin~on• 1-10-1845 Z-9-1845 4 wks. 1 d. 7 Thompson Robinson 7-21-1846 10-24-1851 5 7 Theodore Pobinson 11-20-1848 9-19-184Q 10 mons. 7 Sarah B. Robinson 9-30-1850 1-30-1928 78 Single *Twins 6 SAMUEL PEDRICK. Born, 3-29-1814: died 4-19-1877, age 63; married MARY ANN BEE, daughter of Beniamin and Margaret (Mc­ Gee) Bee, born 1831, died 1900, age 69: both buried Raotist Cemetery, Salem. He was but 7 years of age when his father diPd and the only s:in who became adult. He had three sisters living, 10, 5 years, and one unborn who all lived and married. He eventually succeeded to bis father's farm of 53 acres in Quinton township then "Upper Creek," later buying out his sisters' share and adding more land to 103 acres. Issue: Ram Died At!e Buried 7 Tohn Pedrick 5-17-18.,3 5-22-1928 75 E. View 7 Samuel Pedrir:k 8-12-1855 Living 7 Mary A. Pedrick 9-1-1857 1932 75 Single Baptist 7 Emily Pedrick 6-29-1860 1871 11 Baptist 7 Isaac Pedrick 6-27-1862 3-4-1937 74 E. View 7 Elmer Pedrick 3-21-1867 Living 7 Charles Pedrick 9-13-1868 1871 3 Baptist 7 Harry Pedrick 4-16-1871 8-8-1873 Z Baptist 7 Anna Virginia Pedrick 9-16-1874 Living 7 JOHN. Married, 3-3-1876, CAROLINE ATKINSON' BRAXD­ RIFF, of Elsinboro. Born, Z-10-1857; died, 10-28-1901, age 44; bo•h buried in E. View. He had an agency for the McCormick & Deering line of farm implements in Salem and bought the Braden farm of ZS acres at the eastern edge of Salem where be lived. Issue: Born Died Age Buried 8 John Brandriff Pedrick 12-11-1876 Living 8 Wm. Matlack Pedrick 12-8-1878 4-21-1935 56 E. View 8 Alice Emma Pedrick 3-8-1881 Living 8 Anna Frank Pedrick 5-5-1883 Living 8 Clarence Jos. Pedrick 5-10-1885 Living 8 Margaret Pedrick 4-28-1888 Living 8 Caroline A. Pedrick 5-10-1892 Living 8 Emma Pedrick Dec. Smos. E. View 25 t ROGER; 2 JOHN; 3 MICHAEL; 4 SAMUEL; 5 JOHN; 6 SAMUEL; 7 JOHN PEDRICK AND CAROLINE A. BRANDRIFF

8 CAROLINE, married in 1912 LUCIDS HIRES CARLL HAN­ COCK. Born, 4-13-1890, son of Gilbert and Joanna (Green) Hancock. Occupation, carpenter, with the duPont Co. Residence, No. 326 East Broadway, Salem. Issue: Born 9 Joan Lucille Hancock 7-2-1927 Living 8 JOH."I' BRANDRIFF PEDRICK. Born, 12-11-1876; married, 12- 16-1903, ELSIE ARWJT DA DAVIS, born at "Quaker Neck," 4-16- 1833, daughter of Smith Bilderback and Mary Hopkins (Mullica) Davis. He owns and operates a farm on the eastern outskirts of Salem. Issue: Born 9 Earl Davis Pedrick 10-14-1904 Living 9 Mary Hopkins Pedrick 12-26-1907 Living 9 Margaret Pedrick 7-20-1912 Living EARL. Married, 7-5-1930, RUTH RANSOM, of Kingston, Pa. Born, 9-12-1906, daughter of Corey and Olive Ransom. He is a farmer in Mannington township. Issue: Born 10 Dorothy Louise Pedrick 6-24-1933 Living 10 Elsie Arwilda Pedrick 3-8-1936 Living MARY. Married, September, 1925, RUSSELL JOB TURNER, of Hancocks Bridge. Born, 4-20-1903, son of Edmund and Anna (Denn) Turner. OccupJtion, truck driver. Issue: Born Died Age Buried 10 Dorothy Marie Turner 1928 1932 4 Baptist 10 Russell Job Turner, Jr. 8-9-1936 Living 10 John Russell Turner 8-16-1933 Living MARGARET is betrothed to JESSE HANN .BACON, 3d, of Pitman, N. J. Born, 10-19-1914, son of Jesse H., Jr. and Mary (McDonough) Bacon. Connected with G. R. Wood, Inc., Pitman. 8 WILLIAM MATLACK PEDRICK. Born, 12-8-1878; died, 4-21- 1935, age 56. Married, 2-21-1906, HELEN ALBUS WIBLE. Born, Camden, 4-4-1884, daughter of Joshua and Hannah (Stretch) Wible. He was in the produce business in Salem for 30 years. His widow re­ sides at No. 57 Broadway, Salem. Issue: Born 9 Helen Pedrick 3-4-1907 Living 9 Carolyn Brandriff Pedrick 1-12-1912 Living 9 William Matlack Pedrick, Jr. 5-15-1914 Living HELEN married in 1934 ARTHUR NICHOLS, of Lewiston, N. Y. Born, 1-15-1908, son of Collins and Jennie (Powell) Nichols. He spe­ cializes in fruit growing in Lewiston suburbs where they reside. No children. 26 1 ROGER; 2 JOHN; 3 Mlt;:HAEL; 4 SAMUEL; 5 JOHN; 6 SAMUEL; 7 JOHN PEDRICK AND CAROLINE A. BRANDRIFF

CAROLYN married in 1934 ARCHER STEIN, of Bridgeton, Born in 1906, They reside on Pearl Street there and he is manager for the R. S. Shrank Co., underwear manufacturers. No children. WILLIAM is unmarried. He conducts an agency for the Studebaker and Willys automobiles at No. 57 Broadway, Salem, N. J. 8 ALICE EMMA PEDRICK. Born, 3-8-1881, married in 1910 HOWARD BILLS EVERINGHAM born 4-21-1888, son of Samuel and Rachel (Emley) Everingham. He is a duPont dye worker and they reside at No. 10 Olive Street, Salem, N. J. Issue: Burn Died Age Buried 9 Ann:i Marguerite Everingham 2-27-1913 Living 9 Donald Pedrick Everingham l-lZ-1915 10-13-1918 3 E. View 9 Kenneth Austin Everingham 4-29-1920 Living ANNA married in October, 1933, THOMAS HILLIARD POWERS. Born, 3-26-1911, son of Eleazer and Lillian D. (Newcomb) Powers. He is a duPont worker. Issue: Born 10 Thomas Howard Powers 4-4-1937 Living 8 Ai\i"NA F. PEDRICK. Born, 5-5-1883. Married, Z-28-1929, BOYD ROBINSON HORNER, of Bridgeton, born 1-1-1874, son of Joseph L. and Susanna (Bonham) Homer. Occupation, plumbing and heating. Residence the past 40 years No. 76 Giles Street, Bridgeton, N. J. No cln1dren. 8 CLARENCE J. PEDRICK. Born, 5-10-1885, married in 1917 BERTHA SCULL, born Bridgeton, 2-27-1886, daughter of Samuel and Mary (Finlaw) Scull. Occupation, carpenter. Residence, Kent Street, East Salem, N. J. Issue: Born Died Age Buried 9 John Courtland Pedrick 9-17-1904 Living 9 Glendon Pedrick 6-4-1907 8-16-1922 15 Baptist 9 Clarence Joseph Pedrick, Jr. 3-4-1919 Living JOHN married in 1925 MABEL LYDL-\ DAVIS, born 11-13-1905, daughter of Nathan and Serna (Ridgway) Davis now Suter. He is a machinist and mould maker. Residence, 66 Eighth Street, Salem, N. J. Issue: Born 10 Jean Claire Pedrick 3-28-1927 Living 8 MARGARET PEDRICK. born 4-28-1888, married in 1917 \VIL­ BERT VANNEMA.:.~ BRA.i~DRIFF, born 10-25-1888. son of Thomas and Martha (Barnes) Brandriff. Ouccupation, electrician. Residence, Quinton Road, eastern edge of Salem. No children.


7 SAMUEL PEDRICK; born 8-lZ-1855, living. Married in 1879 ELIZABETH GREEN, of Elsinboro, born 1860, died 5-9-1931, age 71. Buried in East View. Samuel has been a farmer all his life on various farms, the last one 26 years in Elsinboro. He bought a home in Quinton in 1930 and retired.

Issue: Born 8 Hanna Green Pedrick 6-13-1881 Living 8 George Green Pedrick 6-29-1884 Living 8 Milton Carl Pedrick 2-25-1889 Living 8 Abigail Pedrick 5-10-1891 Living

8 HA.i.~NA G. PEDRICK is a graduate nurse from the University of Pennsylvania Training School for Nurses in Philadelphia and is head nurse at the Mercer Memorial House in Atlantic City, N. J. GEORGE married 8-15-1905 CORA ESTELLA GRANT, of Salem, born in 1883, daughter of William C. and Mary (Sprout) Grant. He runs a farm near Avis' mill near Woodstown. No children. CARL married in 1924 HELEN ATKINSON PITMAN, born 1895 daughter of Anson and Harriet Given. He is a farmer on the Hires farm in Quaker Neck. No children. ABIGAIL married in 1915 C. MILTON FOGG, of Quaker Neck, son of David Fogg, born in 1893. No issue. 7 ELMER PEDRICK was born 3-21-1867 on the old homestead farm between Salem and Quinton now owned by Fox except 22 acres which Elmer still possesses. He lives on and owns now also a 53-acre farm on the highway half way from Salem to Quinton. He married, 4-14-1914, ELIZABETH LAMBERT MILLER, born 8-18-1873, daughter of Gottlieb and Caroline (Speerly) Miller, from Germany. She is one of nine children born in Salem. This family home is typical of Quinton township places built many years ago; large, spacious and comfortable, set amongst the productive farm land of the vicinity. They have no children.

28 I ROGER; 2 JOHN; 3 MICHAEL; 4 SAMUEL; S JOHN; 6 SAMUEL PEDRICK AND MARY ANN BEE 7 ISAAC PEDRICK was born 6-27-1862, died 3-4-1937, age 74; buried at East View. Married, 11-25-1897, FLORENCE VIRGINIA HITCHNER, born 9-1-1865, on the old Penton farm in Alloway town­ ship in the same family 262 years. Her grandfather, William Hitchner, married a Penton, the immigrant ancestor of whom came the same year as Roger Pedrick, the parchment deed still in existence in Alloway town­ ship. Isaac sold his interest in his father's farm to his brother and sister, Elmer and Mary, and bought a farm in Elsinboro. He later sold and bought a Seeley farm five miles from Bridgeton. After eight years sold and moved to Salem about 1912. He also bought a farm in Man­ nington township which his family still owns. In 1924 he bought a home at 102 Seventh Street, Salem, where his family resides. An up­ standing man of great fidelity is the tribute accorded him. Issue: 8 NELLIE HITCHNER PEDRICK. born 11-30-1898, has never mar­ ried. Has always lived home. She graduated from a high school com­ mercial course and has been in the office of the Gaynor Glass Works in Salem since 1918. 7 ANNA VIRGINIA PEDRICK, born 9-16-1874, living, married, 1895, WYATT MILLER FOWSER, born in Elsinboro township, 3-30- 1872, the son of Morris G. and Margaret (Robinson) Fowser. He was a farmer and succeeded to a Fowser farm of 52 acres in "Beesleys Neck" near Quinton. He died, 6-19-1930, age 58, as the result of an automo­ bile accident and is buried in the Baptist Cemetery at Salem. His widow and others of the family still resident on the farm. Issue: Born Died Buried 8 Myrtle Mary Fowser 6-28-1896 Living 8 Elmer Pedrick Fowser 7-3-1897 Living 8 William Rollin F owser 3-21-1899 Living 8 Alice Roosevelt Fowser 2-4-1902 5-18-1902 Baptist 8 Wyatt Earl Fowser 4-3-1904 Living 8 Marion Margaret Fowser 4-15-1907 Living 8 Dorothy Hancock Fowser 5-6-1909 Living 8 Francis Stanley Fowser 3-12-1912 Lhing 8 Helen Elizabeth Fowser 8-11-1914 Living


8 MYRTLE M. FOWSER married, 7-23-1918, HENRY COLEMAN, of "Quaker Neck," born 2-17-1894, son of Moses and Rachel (Freas) Coleman. He is a farmer in Quaker Neck. Issue: Born 9 Al:ce Ray Col~ ..• cm 7-24-1919 Living 8 ELMER P. FOWSER married, 8-9-1919, FLORENCE LAWR­ ENCE PETERSON, of Quinton township, born 5-12-1898, daughter of Harry and Lillian (Lawrence) Peterson. He is a real estate promoter and builder of homes in the Central Park suburban section of Penns­ ville residing in one of them on French Street. ls~e: Bom 9 Elmer Pedrick Fowser, Jr. 2-15-1920 Living 9 Eric Fowser 6-15-1923 Living 9 Donald Fowser 2-16-1929 Living 8 WILLIAM R. FOWSER married, 9-29-1923, MARY AN~A HAMILTON, of Quinton township, born 4-23-1901, daughter of George and Clara (Robinson) Hamilton. Occupation, carpenter. Residen.::e, Quinton. Issue: Born 9 Josiah Morris Hamilton Fowser 6-21-1925 Living 9 Miriam Elaine Fowser 7-21-1927 Living 9 William Rollin Fowser, Jr. 6-25-1928 Living 8 WYATT E. FOWSER married, 10-3-1934, NAOMI CARLL JONES, of Pennsville, born 11-23-1910, daughter of Harry and Reba (Carll) Jones. He bas a fleet of trucks carrying freight (mostly glass) for the Gaynor Co. in Salem and he also runs with his brother a gas ~rvice station at the east end of Salem. He lives in a suburban home on the Salem-Pennsville highway. Issue: Born 9 Neil Wyatt Fowser 8-10-1937 Living 8 MARION M. FOWSER married, 10-23-1933, EVERETT AYARS, of Salem, born 6-19-1909, son of Dr. Oscar and Margaret (Hammel) Ayars. He is in the office of the duPont Co. Residence, Salem. Issue: (Twins) Born 9 Janet Loui~ Ayars 12-22-1934 Living 9 Margaret Ano Ayars 12-22-1934 Living 8 DOROTHY H. FOWSER is unmarried. She is in the office of the Ethyl Gas Corp. at Deep Water. Lives home. 8 FR.AJ.'l'CIS W. FOWSER is singie and is a partner with his brother in trucking and gas service work. Lives home.


8 HELEN E. FOWSER married, 4-12-19.36, JEFFREY NIXON, born Mannington township, 5-19-1912, son of Warren and Angeline (Weatherby) Nixon. Works at duPont's. Residence, Fowser home• stead. Issue: Boni 9 Patricia Ann Nixon 11-5-19.36 Living Referring back four generations in this branch to John Pedrick and Temperance Sims, Sarah Pedrick, a daughter, married a Blackwood, and Elizabeth married Jacob Fox but neither have been searched. By his second marriage he had but one son, Samuel, who married and whose histo.,:-y appears in the foregoing. A sister, who married William Garri­ son, has not been traced. Two other sisters follow with all obtainable infoimation. 6 AMELIA or EMILY PEDRICK, born 5-18-1822, married, 10-15- 1847, BENJAMIN H. LORE, who died 12-18-1859, lsstte: Born Died 7 Anna Louisa Lore 8-1-1848 A daughter, in Atlantic City 7 Benjamin Lore 3-1-1850 7 Harry M. Lore 2-28-1852 4-9-1860 7 Isabelle E. Lore 5-14-1854 Mar. C. F. Marshall, Woodbury 7 Mary H. Lore 9-21-1859 7-20-1860 6 ANN PEDRICK born, 9-23-1811, married, 3-5-1834, WILLIAM ROBINSON, her stepfather, and had seven children of whom but two married. 7 REBECCA ANN ROBINSON married, 2-24-1861, WILLIAM :MATLACK, who died 1-12-1892, both buried in the Baptist Cemetery, S:ilem. Issue: Born Died Age 8 Anna E. Matlack 8-10-1863 3-17-1887 2.3 Single 8 Charles R. Matlack 4-8-1862 1-22-1916 53 Single 7 CHARLES HENRY ROBINSON married, 2-15-1880, DEBORAH B. MUNYAN, born 7-26-1849, died 12-4-1930, age 81, both buried in Baptist Cemetery. She was the daughter of Samuel and Sarah (Briant) Munyan. Charles was a clerk in the old Salem ~elson House for many years. Issue: Born Died Buried 8 Ethel Robinson 9-10-1881 Living 8 Maud Ann Robinson 11-14-1883 8-25-1888 Baptist 8 Harold Robinson 3-17-1887 3-17-1887 Baptist ETHEL is unmarried. She resides at No. 24 Oak Street, Salem, and possesses three old Carey Bibles of 1818 which has most of the vital records above recited. The handing down and retention of these old Bibles is creditable and I doubt if it can be duplicated in any other Pedrick descendant home.

31 t-1 ROGER PEDRICK; Z-1 JOHN; 3-Z MICHAEL; 4-1 SAMUEL 5-1 JOHN and 5-Z REDSTREAKE PEDRICK. Now the foregoing and other information shows that when Samuel Pedrick died in 1784 he left the above two children. John assigned or sold.his undivided half to Alex Gilmore and left for Salem and his brother retained his half interest until 1802 when he also sold out to his nephew, John T. Ped­ drick. Alex Gilmore had died and his heirs were possessed of one-half Samuel's estate so the Court Com. then divided the land between Red­ streake and heirs of Gilmore, bounded and butted by land of James Wright, Joseph Copner and Baldredges creek and John T. other land. Now John T. Peddrick retained posses.,;ion of all his land until 18ZZ when he sold out to Elijah Dunn and migrated with his family from New Jersey which history appears elsewhere.

There are no records as to what became of Redstreake after he sold his inheritance.

"Children's children are the crO'IIJn of old men and the glory of children are their fathers." PROVERBS 17-6.


4-Z JOHN PEDRICK, born about 1730, died 1781, age SI, married r.IARY (surname not found) nor date of marriage. He inherited bis father's plantation in Lower Penns Neck where he resided until death. His will was drawn in l 779 and probated in I 781, Salem wills book 23, page ~59. He bequeaths to son, John, his plantation where he Lives the same that was willed to him by his father, Michael, save with a few e."


The witnesses to bis will were John Eaton, Eleanor Pennington and Benjamin Sheppard. They appeared before Samuel Dick, Sur., at pro­ bation of will and were sworn on the "Holy Evangelists of God" as witnesses. Probate was granted to Joseph Tmdall, Ex. The post­ humous chl1d bom to Macy was a. girl named Rhoda. Issue: Bom 5 John Tmdall Peddrick About 1770 See below 5 Rhoda Peddrick 1781. Not searched 5 JOHN T. PEDDRICK married, Z-7-1803, MARY LONG, and was settled on his plantation in Lower Penns Neck. which he inherited from bis father and owned other land bought from his cousin, Redstreake Pedrick. Salem deed book Z-Page 391-sbaws that on 3-Z7-1S3Z he and hi:. wife, Macy, of "Lo\\u PeonsD".Ck," sold all his land, 177 acres and three rods, to Elijah Dunn, of the same location, for $7 500, adjoin­ ing lands of Rhoda Pedrick (his sister), Edmund Wright and others with buildings and improvements. Elijah Dunn had become guardian of his sister, Rhoda, and rendered accounts of bis trust in 1816, 1818 and 1819. John's uncle, Isaac, from Upper Penns Neck, had migrated to the "Miamee Country," then the western territory of the United States in Ohio,, Indiana and Illinois, and John had decided to migrate also with his family to ffiinois whitber they joumeyed. When they reached Pittsburgh, John got "cold feet" and returned as far as Phila­ delphia where be settled. They lived in the village of Fainnount which was no doubt suburban Philadelphia, now where FairmOUPt Avenue runs through. He had a hauling business and later a stand in the Second Street Market for eating. Elijah Dlinn died in 1835 and John gave his son, Washington. power of attorney to act for him in the estate of Elijah Dunn which indicated he had interests there. No records were located indicating action. Issue.: Born Died Age Buried 6 Michael Peddrick 8-21-1810 1892 82 ML Vemon 6 John Peddrick S-Zl-1810 Not searched 6 Sarah Peddrick Not searched 6 Washington Peddrick Not searched 6 MICHAEL PEDDRICK married E.LlZABETH LUBERG, born 9-11-1816, died 1398, age 82, buried in Mt. Vernon, the daughter of John F. and Elizabeth. He learned the tailoring trade and at one time worked on the same board with the noted merchant, John Wanamaker. He followed that business and lived at various places in Philadelphia, fulally at No. 2Z8 Spruce Street, a two-story mansard brick house built of bricks imported from England. Most of his children were born and raised in this home. His Bible (Miller, Philadelphia, 1847) has been preserved and is owned by his son, John A. Peddrick, of Philadelphla.


Issue: Bom Died Age 7 Mary Peddrick 9-29-1839 11-13-1884 45 7 Wdliam BrinckJey Peddrick 3-23-1841 8-15-1842 1 7 Charles Peddrick 7-20-1842 1931 89 7 Sarah A. Peddrick 1-26-1844 Dec. 7 Washington Fayette Peddrick 8-6-1845 Dec. 7 Amanda F. Peddrick 4-13-1848 Dec. 7 John Alton Peddrick 4-9-1852 Living 7 William Brinckley Pedrick 10-18-1856 Dec. 7 MARY married, 4-Z0-1859, JOAQUIN ROSSIS, of Havana, Cuba. They had two children. All are deceased, no issue. 7 SARAH married, 4-2-1860, FRANCIS A SHOURDS, of San Fran­ cisco, Calli. They bad one child that died at three montb and buried at Santa Clara, Calif. Francis died and Sarah married secondly DAN­ IEL McMURTRIE, an Admiral in the U.S. Navy. She traveled with him to the Orient and other places and became possessed of Japanese and other artistry some now owned by her brother, John. She out­ lived him. No issue. 7 CHARLES married EMILY ERVIN and lived in Philadelphia. and raised bis family there. He was a printer. He later went to Brattle­ boro, Vt., where bis daughter, Carrie, had located. Issue: 8 CARRIE PEDDRICK married WILLIAM HASKILL, who was a part of the Este Organ Co., of Brattleboro, Vt. 8 LLOYD PEDDRICK, who became located about . 8 CHARLES PEDDRICK, who also became located about New York. 8 MARY (MAY), who married LANGSHAW, now deceased, and the family resident in vicinity of Bn1ls in Phi1adelphla. A son, Ch:a-les, Pennsylvania Railroad clerk, living in Lansdowne. 7 WILLLA.M B. PEDDRICK married HELE."ll' (Nettie) Morton and had five children. Issue: 8 BRINCKLEY PEDDRICK, living about Long Island. 8 ELMER PEDDRICK, a clerk in a Veteran's Service Hospital in Arizona. 8 HELEN PEDDRICK in Chicago. 8 ALICE PEDDRICK, married and resi1ent about New York Citv. 8 DELIA PEDDRICK, married JOHNSON, lives in an apartment in Washington, D. C. Has son, MERIDITH, a clerk, in the Patent Office.

35 1 ROGER PEDRICK; Z JOIL.'1'; 3 MICHAEL; 4 JOIL.'1'; 5 JOIL.'1' TINDALL PEDDRICK; 6 MICHAEL PEDDRICK and ELIZABETH LUBERG 7 WASHINGTON FAYETTE PEDDRICK born, 8-6-1845, married FRANCES BAXTER, daughter of John, a grocer in Philadelphia, who accumulated property and died supposedly worth $100,000, but his estate shrunk considerably before settlement. Washington became an able lawyer and was in the Attorney General's office. He became dis­ abled and died young about 1895. They had an only tjlild. Issue: Born 8 Martha Helen Peddrick lZ-9-1891 Living 8 MARTHA married in 1913 EDWIN CONOVER LEEDOM, of Plu1adelphia, born 1883, son of Joseph and Mary (Muzzey) Leedom. He lived mostly from bis people's bounty. Was a captain in the World War. Residence the past 23 years, No. 2014 Shunk Street, Philadel­ phia. Issue: Born 9 Edwin Conover Leedom, Jr. 5-22-1914 Living 9 Joseph Leedom 8-31-1915 Living 9 Richard Pedrick Leedom 9-16-1916 Living 9 John Baxter Leedom 2-5-1918 Living EDWIN graduated from South Philadelphia High School and the Uni­ versity of Pennsylvania as a mechanical engineer. Started work with Link-Belt, then with the Atlantic Refinery and finally connected with the Shell Oil Co. RICHARD graduated from South Philadelphia High School, then took a chemical engineering course at the University of Pennsylvania, gradu­ ating with honors. JOSEPH graduated from high school, then attended Drexel Institute and later a commercial course at the University of Pennsylvania at night. Has bad some training in a brokerage office. JOHN graduated from high school and now taking a pre-medical course at the University of Pennsylvania. MRS. MARTHA PEDDRICK LEEDOM has for several years been with the U. S. Quartermasters Depot engaged in their finance building in South Philadelphia.


7-7 JOHN ALTON PEDDRICK born, 4-9-1852, at No. 228 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, married, 4-2-1874, AMELIA COLEMAN", of Phila­ delphia, born, 3-10-1855, the daughter of Henry and Anna Coleman, who immigrated here from Germany. JOHN started work early as a messenger boy with the Western Union in Philadelphfa, then worked in a barber supply house; later was a clerk for 26 years with T. J. Dunn & Co., cigar manufacturers, and afterwards a manager in the same line with Viana Spanish cigar makers for 22 years. He is now retired and resident with his wife the past 16 years at No. 5444 North 11th Street, Philadelphia.

Issue: Born Died Age Buried 8 Bertha Grace Peddrick 11-15-1875 Living 8 Benjamin (Frank) Peddrick 1-30-1880 Living 8 Elizabeth Peddrick Feb. 1883 1915 31 Ch. Hills 8 John Alton Peddrick, Jr. 8-7-1889 Living 8 BERTHA married in May, 1898, WILLIAM P. SHEARER, born North Wales, Pa., son of Samuel Shearer, who conducted a wholesale lumber business in Philadelphia. William became connected with his father's business which he now ovms and carries on as Samuel Shearer & Son. No children. Residence, No. 4 South Oxford Avenue, Ventnor. N.J.

8 FR..\J.,K married in 1913 CLARA LILLL-\...~ GUILL.-\:.,, born in New York, 1-25-1883, daughter of Thomas and Clara (Stanford) Guil­ lan. He is a teller with the Girard Trust Co. at Broad and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, with a service of 31 years. No children. Resi­ dence, No. 612 East Durham Street, Mt. Airy, Philadelphia. S ELIZABETH PEDDRICK married in 1915 HENRY KLONO­ WER ,of Philadelphia. She died soon without issue. He makes his borne in Philadelphia and is connected 'l\ith the Department of Educa­ tion in Harrisburg in charge of the teachers' employment bureau. S JOHN A. PEDDRICK, JR., is unmarried. He lives 'l\ith his par­ ents in Philadelphia and is engaged in mechanical work "ith the Brown Instrument Co. at Wayne Junction, Phl1adelpbia.


7 AMA.~DA F. PEDDRICK bom, 4-13-1848, died, 5-26-1913, age 65, married CHARLES HODGES LLOYD bom, 6-30-1846, died 10-5- 1928, aged 8Z; both buried at Pittsburgh, PL They lived in Pittsburgh where he carried on a business as a merchant custom tailor.

Issue: Bom Died 8 Washington Fayette Lloyd 1870 Living 8 George Edward Lloyd 1871 187Z 8 Lila Elizabeth Lloyd 11-6-187Z Living 8 Blanche Depue Lloyd Z-5-1875 7-28-1933 8 Charles Hodges Lloyd, Jr. Aug. 1878 Living 8 Presley McCance Lloyd 4-22-1883 Living 8 Laura Lloyd 1886 1886 8 Florence Lloyd June 1887 Living 8 WASHINGTON married NELLIE TROUP, of Somerset, Pa. Resi­ dence last known, Pittsburgh, Pa. Two children, CHARLES AUGUS­ TUS and MARY LOUISE LLOYD. 8 LILA married, 10-Z-1895, GEORGE EDWARD JENKINS, of Philadelphia, born, 11-8-1869, died, 11-7-1932, age 63, buried in Mt. Vernon Cemetery, the son of Joseph and Mary S. (Michol) Jenkins. He was a clerk with the Pennsylvania Railroad Co. for 46 years. Resi­ dence for 30 years, 125 West Manheim Street, Germantown, where the family resides. usue: Born Died 9 Dorothy Gladys Jenkins 1897 1898 9 Elizabeth Lloyd Jenkins 1-12-1902 Living 9 ELIZABETH married, November, 1919, ANDREW EARNEST MacELHENNEY born, 4-10-1896, in Philadelphia, son of Edward and Elizabeth (Cummins) MacElhenney. He is a salesman in men's cloth­ ing. Residence, No. 125 West Manheim Street, Germantown.

Issue: 10 JEAN DOROTHY MacELHENNEY bom, ll-Z-1920; living, and a student at the Germantown High School.


8 BLANCHE DEPUE LLOYD bom, 2-5-1875, died, 7-28,1933, age, 58; married ALBERT KLAUSS and had a daughter. Albert died soon and Blanche married secondly GARDINER BEAN, who adopted the daughter. He was a newspaper man at Uniontown, Pa., where they resided. Issue: 9 GLADYS BEAN married Kessler, who is with an automobile com­ pany and they reside at Flint, Mich. Issue: 10 ELAINE KESSLER. 8 CHARLES HODGES LLOYD, JR., born, August, 1878, married LILLIAN SKYLES, of Pittsburgh, both living presumably in Pittsburgh where he was a merchant tailor. They have four children: RUTH, DOROTHY, PRESLEY and ARTHUR LLOYD; Dorothy and Pressler have married. 8 FLORENCE LLOYD, born in June, 1887, married ROY HART­ MEYER, of Pittsburgh. He is a retired banker and they reside at Oakland, a Pittsburgh suburb. Issue: EDITH HARTMEYER, a college graduate, and single. 8 PRESLEY McCANCE LLO\'D bom, 4-ZZ-1883, married FLOR­ ENCE SEVILLE McCREARY, 4-28-1915. daughter of Joseph Raphael and Alice Raphael McCreary. He graduated in medicine from the Uni­ versity of Pennsylvania and set up practice in Pittsburgh where he still continues. Residence, East L!oerty, suburb. Issue: 9 ALICE VIRGINIA LLOYD bom, 4-12-1916; Carnegie Tech gradu­ ate in June, 1938. 9 El.EAJ.~OR JANE LLOYD born, 12-16-1920, a Junior at Winchest­ er School. 5 JOHN T. PEDDRICK and MARY LONG, children. 6 SARAH PEDRICK married FULLMER and presumably left de­ scendants in Philadelphia. He was a butcher in one of the Philadelphia market houses where his wife also had a vegetable stand.

39 1-1 ROGER; 2-1 JOHN; 3-1 JOHN PEDRICK, JR. Issue: 4-1 JOHN PEDRICK, 3d, born, 1749, died 1774, age 25. 4-2 ADAM PEDRICK 4-3 RACHEL PEDRICK 4-1 JOHN PEDRICK, 3d, married, 10-14-1773, A.'l'NE FAIRLA1\1B, daughter of John Fairlamb, Esq., deceased, and wife, Susanna, living. He died in less than one year after marriage and administration was granted to his wife (Chester County, F-33). The Fairlambs were Friends and the Providence meeting records state, 9-22-1775: Women complain of Ann Pedrick, widow of John and daughter of John Fair­ lamb, deceased, for marrying by a magistrate Com. appointed to pay her a visit. 10-30-1775 Com. appointed to prepare a testimony against her. 11-27-1775 Testimony signed against her. There was little charity shown her in her bereavement of less than one year. It appears this marriage was carried through with some ostentation. This appears in Archives Gen. Soc. Pa. (Mar. Licenses A.'1-10155 P-43). An original p:irchment or goat skin marriage certificate in fine style which reads as follows (Beginning in large Old English print): John Pedrick, son of John Pedrick, late of Lower Chichester in the township of Chester in the province of Pennsylvania, shipwright deceased by Rachel his wife and Anne Fairlamb daughter of John Fairlamb late of Middletown town­ ship in the county and province aforesaid Esq. deceased by Susanna his wife having published their intentions of marriage with each other in a paper subscribed by Henry Hale Grahmn Esq. one of his Majesties Justices of the Peace for the county aforesaid and afi"l.xed at Chester Meeting House in the said county the sLxth ~ay of September last past pursuant to a Law or Act of General Assembly of the Province Entitled "An Act for the preventing of Clandestine Marriages" and having the Consent of parents and Relatives concerned and no impediments appear­ ing nor just cause being Shown why the said John Pedrick and Ann Fairlamb should not be joined together in Matrimony THESE ARE THEREFORE TO CERTIFY whom it may concern that for the full accomplishing their said intentions this fourteenth day of October in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy Three they the said John Pedrick and Anne Fairlamb app...--ared in a Public Assembly at the house of Samuel Fairlamb in the Borough of Chester in the said county and the said John Pedrick taking the said Anne Fair­ lamb by the Hand did in a solem manner openly declare that he took her the said Anne Fairlamb to be his wife promising through Divine Assistance to be unto her a loving and faithful Husband until Death should them Separate and then and there in the sa.'lle Assen1bly the

40 wd Anne Fairlamb did in like manner declare that she took the said John Pedrick to be her Husband promising through Divine Assistance to be unto him a loving and faithful Wife until Death should them Separate. AND MOREOVER they the said John Pedrick and Anne Fairlamb she according to the Custom of Marriage assuming the sur­ name of her Husband as a further Confirmation thereof did then and there to these presents set their Hands. Signed:-John Pedrick, Ann Pedrick.

There were fourteen people present who signed as witnesses. Recorded in the Office for Recording of Deeds in the county of Chester in Book' 2 Vol. 18 Page 336 etc. the 26th day of Oct. Anno Dom. Witness my◄ hand and seal of my Office H. H. Graham.

The above Marriage was Solemnized before me one of his Majesties Justices of the Peace for the county aforesaid the Day and Year afore- said. H. H. Graham.

That has been 164 years ago and the American Revolution was then on. How many hands this old certificate passed through before its final resting place I do not know but I judge few mortals have read it since.

In the same Archives, "Famous Merchants," Drew Collection, is an original Power of Attorney given, 3-8-1771, to this same John Pedrick by Peter Turner, of Philadelphia, to act for him in Chester.

The above Henry Hale Graham as First Presiding Judge of Delaware County died in Philadelphia while attending as a member of the Con­ tinental Congress in 1790. Buried in Friends Yard at Edgmont.

The above John Pedrick had a brother, Adam, and a sister, Rachel, living in Chester at that time but no records regarding them have appeared.

41 1-1 ROGER; 2-1 JOHN; 3.4 wnLIAM PEDRICK

3-4 WILLIAM PEDRICK was born about 1711-1S and died in 1790, age about 79. The Men's Friends Salem Mtgs. state, 9-28-1743, Wll,. LIAM PEDRICK and MARY SILVER declare their intention of mar­ riage. John Duell and Jacob Lippincott appointed to inquire of clear­ ness. 10-26-1743, above came second time, intentions approved. 11- 30-1743, reports made by those appointed to attend wedding it was "decently managed." MARY died about 1756 after 13 years of mar­ riage and the next Friends meeting where William's name is mentioned is 1-31-1757, thus "William Pedrick and Lidya Faucit declared inten­ tion of marriage." 2-28-1757, came second time. 3-28-1757, Com­ mittee reported the marriage decently managed. No records of any cluldren by his second marriage. Further Mtg. activities: lZ-26-1763, "Request made by James and William Pedrick for a certificate to Ab­ bington monthly Mtg. Phila." 3-30-1767, Jacob Davis reported on behalfe of Friends of Pilesgrove Mtg. that they had thought of William Pedrick in the upper part of Penns Neck to be the most Easy to hold mtgs. at for the present on Tryal which this Mtg. concurs with and proposes that Mtgs. be held there, the first to be held on the Last first in the next Month and another to be held on the Second first day in the Sixth month next." Com. appointed to attend.. 11-30-1769, he and wife Lidya signed as witnesses to the marriage of his son Daniel. From 17 59 on Lidia was active on Com. and she and William appointed to attend various weddings. Their names do not appear after 1770. wn.LIAM made his will, 1-1-1778, which was probated in 1790 Tren­ ton (Book 31-P-491). It reads: "The first day of the first month called January in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and seventy eight I \villiam Pedrick of Upper Penns Neck in the County of Salem and Western division of New Jersey Yeoman, being indisposed as to health but of perfect mind and memory thanks be to the Lord, I do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following:

IMPRIMIS;-ITEM;-I give and bequeath unto my son Daniel Pedrick one cow that he now has in his keeping and a book called Sewalls history.

ITEM;-! give devise and bequeath unto my son Elihu Pedrick to him his heirs and assigns forever that part of my land and plantation whereon he now lives being the lower part of my land and bounded as followeth." He descn'bes this farm by metes and bounds lying along Old Mans creek and by lands of Thomas Pedrick and Aquilla Jones.


ITEM;-"! give devise and bequeath unto my son Isaac Pedrick to him his heirs and assigns forever all the remaining part of my lands with my dwelling house and plantation with my movable estate. lTEM;-"It is my will and I do positively order that my two youngest 110ns shall pay fifteen pounds to their brother Daniel Pedrick, that is !e\len pounds ten shillings each of them. I likewise nominate Constitute, ordain and appoint my son Isaac Pedrick my whole full and sole execu­ tor of this my last Will and Testament and I do hereby utterly dis­ allow revoke and disannull all former Wills and Testaments by me made, Ratifying and confirming this only to be my last Will and Testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above written." Signed William Pedrick. Witnesses, Jacob Som­ ers, William Hides and Owen Connelly. Probate granted 8-4-1790. No wife mentioned. There probably had been other than the three children mentioned that had died in infancy.

Issue; Born Died Age 4-1 Daniel Pedrick 1744 1784 40 4-Z Elihu Pedrick 11-14-1751 6-28-1811 59 4-3 Isaac Pedrick 3-3-1754 1834 84 Went West 4-1 DANIEL PEDRICK. The New Jersey Col. records state that he married, 11-30-1769, Naomi Hoffman, of Pilesgrove. The Salem Wom­ en's Friends Mtgs. state that 10-30-1769, "Came Daniel Pedrick & Naomy Hopeman" and declared intention of marriage. Present at his Quaker wedding his father Wm. and stepmother "Lydya," his bro. Elihu and Sarah Pedrick. 12-25-1769, Com. appointed reports marriage orderly accomplished. They were both active as Friends. 10-3-1770, signed at his bro. Elihu's marriage. To Quarterly Mtgs. Certificates and weddings. The Men's minutes, 8-27-1781, states that Daniel Ped­ rick requires Cert. of removal himself wife and children to Prov. Mtg. Pa. The Prov. Mtg. of Chester states that 3-22-1782 Daniel Pedrick produced Cert. for self and wife Naomi and three children Kezia, Mary and John. 1-27-1783 Appointed on a Com. 3-31-1783 amongst others appointed trustee of burial lot, school house lot and lot where Mtg. house stands. 6-28-1784 Prov. Mtg. women inform that Naomi Ped­ rick widow of Daniel requires Cert for self and four children Keziah, Mary, John :ind Thomas to Salem Co. Daniel was therefor in Chester but two years when he died there and his family returned to their nativity The Men's Salem Mtg., 2-22-1790, state Naomi Pedrick ap­ plies for a Cert. for removal to Greenwich. Her Bros-in-law Isaac and Elihu with others on Com. 4-26-1790 Cert. approved for "Naomi and son Daniel." It appears therefore she had this son Daniel after his father's death.


Naomi, wire of Daniel Pedrick, had therefore five children, all yo~ing, at her hu1band'11 death and 11he likely left all but the po"thumou11 110n, Daniel, then 1lx years old, with relative• lit Pedrlcktown when abe moved to Greenwich and mny have married aecondly although no record ap­ pears. She and Sl\muel Ogden were appointed to admlnl11ter her : .... ~ band's estate. Issue: Born 5 Keziah Ped,.lck 6-1-1771 Pilc!grove Mtg, Record 5 Mary Pedrick 5-25-1773 Plle!grove Mtg, Record 5 John Pedrick 10-7-1777 See further 5 Thoma! Pedrick 1780 At Chester 5 Daniel Pedrick 1784 At Pedricktown, Died 1829

5 KEZIAH evidently married, 9-15-1789, Jacob Ridgway, Woolwich. 5 MARY evidently married, 1-14-1789, Joshua Hackett, "who lived by Old Mans creek."

5 THOMAS died at Sharptown as per Trenton Archives "son of Dan­ iel and Naomi, of consumption, widower, currier, 6-3-1852." No issue known. See further.

S DANIEL PEDRICK born 1784, died 1829, age 45; married about 1814 but to whom the various Archives do not state nor where they are buried. There is no will on record but bis estate was administered by Thomas Edwards, who was ordered to sell the real estate that bad been acquired. He rendered an account before the June term of Court, 1830, showing personal of $844.17, but no account of distribution. He was but six years old when bis mother took him to Greenwich, where he grew up and married. A further delving into the Court records would propably show who he married.

Issue: Born 6 Isaac Pedrick 1815 See further 6 Mark Pedrick 1817 See further 6 Thomas Pedrick 1820 See further


6 ISMC PEDRICK born at Bridgeton, 1815, died about 1870, av. 55; married SARAH WOODRun·, of Cumberl11nd County, who died In 1897, Iuac wu given a good education and 11tarted out u a 11Chool teacher but WIii Inclined to bu1lneH and went to Wilmington, Del., where hl11 brother, Mark, had located In the Iron bu11lne111, and opened a rel\nery on an l11land In Brandywine creek and wu the tir1t man to make coal oil from crude. Lightning 1100n burned the plant to the ground. He rebullt and the same thing happened again requiring another rebuilding. After four years It occurred again 110 he quit and moved back to Bridgeton and became an Iron and 11teel merchant with 1ucce11 and prominence In Bridgeton. Cumberland County deeda show that, 3-ZZ-1859, Robert Barber sold to Isaac Pedrick and John Cheeseman, Jr., for $1800 a lot of land on which a foundry stood on the 10uth side of Broad Street, Bridgeton, containing 32 square perches. They 10ld thi!I, 5-1-1866, to Jacob Kienzle for $3500. The recorda also show that he with Cheeseman and others owned ZJ acres of land and swamp with grist mill and mill seat, water power, etc., in the township of Deerfield. He sold his interest in this, 4-2-1867, to Samuel Rammel for $1000. There is no record of a will or administration but he died about 1875 his wife surviving. She made a will, 6-11-1895, which was probated, 6-12-1897, her son, David S. Pedrick, executor. She names as bene­ ficiaries her son, David S., a daughter, Emily C. Mixner, and grand­ children, Nellie S. and Rebecca L. Mixner. A daughter, Rebecca W. Locke, and granddaughters, Dora C. Locke and Emily G. Locke, living in Camden. Her son-in-law, Elmer H. Mhtner and another grand­ daughter, May F. Ames. Issue: Born Died Age Buried 7 Daniel Webster Pedrick 8-16-1840 Z-10-1926 86 Overlook 7 David S. Pedrick 9-20-1843 7-29-1910 66 Broad St. 7 Rebecca Woodruff Pedrick Mar. Edw. Locke, Res. Camden 7 Emily C. Pedrick Mar. Elmer H. Mhtner 7 Daughter married Ames No hi~tory regarding the above daughters has heen searched but it is stated that Locke was a finisher of candy boxes in Camden. That Emily's daughter, Rebecca, was a school teacher 2nd never married, and her sister, Nellie, did marry.


7 DANIEL WEBSTER PEDRICK born at Sharptown, N. J., 8-16· 1840, died Z-10■ 1926, age 86i married, 3-12-1863, MARY FRANCES HITCHNER, bom at Deerfield, 1-7-1839, died, l-Z6-1910, age 71; both burled in Overlook Cemetery, Bridgeton. She was the daughter of Jeremiah and Phebe (Cake) Hltchner. Daniel wu bent on becoming a machinist against hl11 mother'11 wlllhes and at the age of 14 went over to his Uncle Mark's place in Wilmington, Del. His father brought him back and apprenticed him to a machinist in Woodstown. When the war broke out he enlisted for three years in the Third Regiment New Jersey Volunteers, 5-25-1861, as a musician in the band and went to the front. A spent cannon ball wounded him in the leg and he was released, 8-10-1862. He then opened up a machine shop and foundry in Bridgeton. He did foundry work for Baldwin's in Philadelphia and in 1871 moved to Philadelphia and connected with Baldwin's as a fore­ man and later in the same capacity with the L. B. Flanders Machine Works. His real estate dealings in brief follow: 11-5-1864, he, with George W. Stearns and Trueman Chapman, buy for $5000 from James Potter a wharf dwelling and land of one acre along Cohansey creek. The firm traded as Steams, Borden & Co. and later as Steams, Pedrick & Poole and the business was dissolved, 11-14-1868. 3-12-1884, Daniel and Mary, of Philadelphia, sold a house and lot in Bridgeton for $1000. 5-14-1900, buys for $2100 land in Fourth Ward containing 7950 ft. and sells same later to Edgar J. Hitchner, 5-14-1900; buys for $4500 land in Fourth Ward from Charles Elmer and sells same for $4900, 6-5-1900, to Missouri H. Bowen. 5-13-1902, signs with six others a release to City of Bridgeton to rights in sewer system on East Avenue and Elm Street. His real estate activities in Philadelphia have not been traced but when Flanders died Daniel, with Harry C. Ayar, took over the business as Pedrick & Ayar. His residence at time of death was 1627 Poplar Street. He married, secondly, KATE W. EBERT, widow, born in Phi1adelphia, 5-1-1858, daughter of George and Emeline (Skillman) Wagner. She still lives at the family residence. No issue by second marriage. Issue: Bom 8 Howard Ashley Pedrick 12-5-1863 Living 8 Albert Darville Pedrick 7-4-1865 Living


8 HOWARD A. PEDRICK married CLARA HELEN ADELAIDE HICKMAN born Philadelphia, 5-31-1863, daughter of Charles and Adelaide Hickman, her father coming from Germany and having a tailor business at 10th and Poplar Streets. Howard graduated from the Lin­ coln Grammer School and had five years of training as a machinist in his father's firm. In 1898 he engaged for the South American jungle in a gold mining adventure. His family was quartered at Paramaribo while he went into the jungle with a vessel load of equipment including an American locomotive, other Americans and natives. Only partial success was accomplished over a period of several years during which heat, insects and fevers became conquerers. Howard miraculously escaped death and came home. A narrative of these events was published in 1930 in a book of 300 pages entitled "Dad Pedrick's Story" or "Jungle Gold" which had a big sale. In 1913 the Pedrick Machine & Tool Co. was formed, now operating at 3640 North Lawrence Street under the supervision of himself, his brother and his son, Daniel. He was a pioneer in the invention of the "Pedrick Piston Ring" for auto­ mobiles which is extensively advertised and sold to this day. Residence, No. 104 Edgehill Road, Bala, Pa.

Issue: Born 9 Daniel Webster Pedrick 11-13-1887 Living 9 Mary Oaire Pedrick lZ-18-1889 Living 9 DANIEL married, Z-24-1910, EONA MABEL WAGNER, of Pln1a­ delphia, born, 5-11-1888, daughter of Eugene and Ella (Griffith) Wag­ ner. He is connected with the business of the Pedrick Machine & Tool Co: in Philadelphia. Residence, Oaks, Pa.

Issue: Born 10 Constance Claire Pedrick 9-13-1911 Living 10 Daniel Webster Pedrick, Jr. 3-5-1913 Living


10 CONSfANCE C. PEDRICK graduated from Phoenixvi1le High and Teachers College at West Chester and taught school. Married, 5-19-1934, FRANCIS D. CORBIN, of Phoenixville, Pa., son of Elbert and Dora Corbin. He is a mechanical engineer and they reside at North Hills, Pa.

/m,e: Bom 11 Douglass Roger Corbin 3-21-1936 · Living 11 Sarah Elizabeth Corbin 3-25-1938 Living 10 DANIEL W. PEDRICK, JR., graduated from Phoneixville High then trained with the Pedrick Machine & Tool Co. and is now with the engineering department of theWilkins Mfg. Co. Residence, Jefferson­ ville near Norristown. He married, 6-26-1937, VIRGINIA COX, daughter of L. Prescott and Gwendolyne Cox, of New England. 8 HOWARD A. PEDRICK and CLARA H. A. mcKMAN. 9 MARY C. PEDRICK married in February, 1911, GEORGE WAG­ NER EBERT born, 2-10-1885, son of Kate W. Ebert, second wife of his grandfather. He is superintendent of the buildings a:id grounds at State College, Pa., where they reside.

Issue: Born 10 Eleanore Ruth Ebert 2-2-1912 Living 10 Thelma Ebert 3-14-1914 Living 10 Dorothy Ebert 12-21-1916 Living 10 ELEA..~ORE graduated from State College in entymology. She married in November, 1936, ANDREW CAl'\1PBELL, of near Sayre, Pa. He is in Government conservation work. Residence, Washington, D.C. 10 THELMA graduated from State College as an artist. She married REX GREEN, who is also a State College graduate, and now a teacher at Emporia, Pa., where they reside. 10 DOROTHY was inclined to designing and took a course in a Phila­ delphia school. She is unmarried. 1-1 ROGER PEDRICK; 2 JOHN; 3 WILLIAM; 4 DANIEL; 5 DANIEL; 6 !SMC; 7 DANIEL and MARY HITCHNER

8 ALBERT D. PEDRICK married MARY WOODRUFF, bom South Amboy, N. J., 8-2-1869, daughter of Timothy and Mary (Coombs) Woodruff. He is connected with his brother in the business of the Pedrick Machine & Tool Co., of Philadelphia. Residence, No. 120 Penarth Road, Cynwyd, Pa. Issue: Bom 9 Helen Pedrick 6-29-1893 Living 9 Sarah Coombs Pedrick 10-16-1896 Living 9 Ruth Woodruff Pedrick 1-5-1900 Living 9 SARAH married CHARLES GERRISH SPROULE, of Philadelphia. He is in the automobile business in Philadelphia representing the Reo and selling other makes of cars. Residence, No. 308 Bryn Mawr Ave­ nue, Cynwyd, Pa., with a summer home at 4831 Central Avenue, Ocean City, N. J. Issue: Born 10 Mary Louise Sproule 1-22-1921 Living 10 Charles Gerrish Sproule, Jr. 3-31-1925 Living 9 RUTH married OSCAR A. KE.~EDY, of Franklin, Pa. He is an investment banker in Philadelphia. Residence, 313 Clyde Road, Cynwyd, Pa. Issue: Bom 10 Oscar A. Kennedy, Jr. 5-21-1926 Living 10 Albert Drew Kennedy 3-8-1929 Living 6 !SMC PEDRICK and SARAH WOODRUFF CHILDREN. 7 DAVID S. PEDRICK was born in 1843 and died 7-29-1910, age 67 married, 1-12-1871, MARY ELIZABETH FONSBURY, of Bridge­ ton. by G. C. Maddock, minister (Trenton record B. J. Page 133). She was bom in 1844 and died 8-10-1928, age 84 both buried in Broad Street Cemetery, Bridgeton. She was the daughter of Thomas and Mary A. (Harker) Fonsbury (Trenton records). He was also a Civil War veteran along with his brother, Daniel in Company H, 24th Reg. N. J. Vol. His early career not kno,·m; later he carried on a grocery business in Bridgeton. It is told he bad one child. 8 MAY PEDRICK married Ames; any descendants not revealed. David was the e.,cecutor of his mother's will in 1897 and was charged with an account of $2594 in the payment of sundry bequests. David made a will, 10-28-1901, leaving all to wiie, "Lizzie,'' as e.,cecutrix. She rendered no account nor is there a record of distribution of her estate in 1QZ8. 1-1 ROGER PEDRICK; 2 JOHN; 3 WILLIAM; 4 DANIEL; S DANIEL, JR.

6 MARK PEDRICK born about 1817 in Greenwich township, Cum­ berland County, N. J. He eventually installed himself in Wilmington, Del., as an iron merchant. His brother, Isaac, also located there in the manufacture of coal oil. Whom he married and when they both died or whether he had more than the one c:lnld recorded below as taken from the Trenton Archives bas not been learned. (See further.)

Issue: 7 HORATIO NELSON PEDRICK, born in New Jersey about 1838, died in 1910, age 72; married Maria Theresa Brelsford, of Burlington, N. J., both she and her child dying in confinement after two years of marriage. He was raised in Burlington and was no doubt working about there at this time. He then went to Wilmington, Del., and worked in the plant of Pusey & Jones, becoming foreman in their wood depart­ ment. He married, secondly, HULDA REBECCA EVANS, of Phila­ delphia and environs, born June, 1835, died about 1916, age 81; both buried in Riverview Cemetery, Wilmington.

Issue: Born Died Age Buried 8 William Penn Pedrick 11-22-1866 9-12-1932 7Z Williamstn .8 Maria Theresa Pedrick July, 1868 1912 44 Single Wil . 8 Harry Pedrick. 1871 1873 Z Wtl., Del. 8 Howell McNair Pedrick 7-22-1874 Living 8 HOWELL married, 4-12-1899, MARGARET COOPER CUN­ NINGHAM, born Wilmington, Del., S-12-1875, daughter of Noah C. and Ella P. Cunningham. They are both living in Wilmington, Del., where bas bas followed the trade of machinist.

issue: Born Died Age Buried .9 Mildred Howell Pedrick 10-15-1901 11-18-1910 9 R. View 9 Wallace Linton Pedrick 4-22-1905 Living _9 Elizabeth Morrow Pedrick 12-1-1909 Living 9 WALLACE married 6-13-1932, FRANCES IRENE GAGA.~, of Essex Falls, N. J., born about 1908, daughter of Charles and Kathryn . Gagan. He is a graduate of Delaware University and is an electrical engineer with the Bell Telephone Company of Newark, N. J. Resi­ dence, Roseland, N. J. No c:ln1dren. 9 ELIZABETH married, 5-26,1934, LAWRENCE HERBERT KIRBY, of Wilmington, Del., a widower with two young daughters. He was- born, 6-18-1904, son of James Herbert and Lena H. Kirby. He is connected with the Wilmington Water Department as a meter reader. Residence, 1902 Market Street, Wilmington, Del.


8 WILLIAM PENN PEDRICK bom, 11-ZZ-1866, died, 9-12-1932,, age 72; buried at Williamstown, N. J., married in 1887 LOUEMMA DILL, bom near Denton Md., 10-6-1868. She survives her husband and has married secondly HARRY SPRINGER, of Pitman, N. J., and Florida. William was bom in Wilmington and learned the machinist•~ trade with bis father in the Pusey & Jones ship building firm and in 1909 moved to Philadelphia and was for a time with the Howard A. Pedrick (Dad of "Jungle Gold") Machine Shop and with the contract­ ing firm of Erwin & Layton. Moved to Jersey in 1914 and bought a farm at Blue Anchor. Later sold the farm and moved to Pitman where he died at 324 Lexington Avenue.

Issue: Born Died 9 Elsie Mae Pedrick 6-23-1889 Living 9 Robert Milton Pedrick 10-Z-1895 Dec., 1919 9 ELSIE married in 1918 OLIVER SIMMONS, of Philadelphia, bom in Ireland at Belfast and died 4-11'>-1926, buried at Wilmington, Del No issue. She married, secondly, in 1928, William G. FLEXON, born 10-27-1871, at Bells Lake, the son of Charles and Abigail (Gant) Flexon. He is in the automobile business in Williamstown and has had the Ford agency there since 1911. Residence, Williamstown, N. J. No issue. 9 ROBERT never married. He became an electrician and enlisted in the Navy during the World War and served on the U.S. S.S. Michl-. gan. Contracted pneumonia and died in the base hospital in Philadel­ phia in 1919, age 24; burled at Wilmington, Del. 5 DA.i.~ PEDRICK, JR., had a son, Thomas, born about 1820; became a dentist in Philadelphia, bis name being registered in the old city directories. Tradition is that he married and left descendants but none oi the name m Philadelphia. contacted have been traced back to him.


7 JOSEPH PEDRICK, born 1847, died 1930, age 83; married CATH­ ARINE COWAN, of Wilmington, Del., who died in 1925; both buried in the Rural Cemetery at Chester. His Bible with the family of NA­ OMI PEDRICK PIKE, his daughter, at 3rd and Penn Streets, Chester, where the parents died. His life work was as a machinist. Issue: Born Died Age 8 Lewis Hedrick Pedrick 1861 , 1920 59 8 Joseph Libran Pedrick 4-28-1863 Living 8 Naomi Pedrick 1864 1937 73 8 Catharine Pedrick Dec. 8 Mabel Pedrick Dec. 18 Single 8 Mark Pedrick Dec. Infancy 8 Jennie Pedrick Living 8 LEWIS married ELIZABETH SMITH who is also deceased. They lived at Chester where he was a machinist. Four children, WILLIAM and JOSEPH, dee., single, and EMMA and ELIZABETH, both married and living at Upland, Chester suburb. 8 CATHARINE married and lived in Chester. Later went to Chi­ cago. No children. 8 JENNIE married PETER CURTIS, of Philadelphia. No children. 8 NAOMI married ALBERT PIKE, who has a haberdashery or men's fumishing store at 3rd and Penn Streets, Chester. Issue: 9 JOHN PIKE, who married and died. leaving a son ALFRED PIKE, who is married and living at 3rd and Penn Streets, Chester. 9 HARVEY PIKE, married, no children. Living at 3rd and Penn Streets, Chester. 9 LYDIA PIKE, who died in 1938. She married BLACKSTEAD and had children: 10 ALFRED BLACKSTEAD, living at Marcus Hook, married, no issue. 10 ERICK BLACKSTEAD, living in New York, married, with a young child. 10 NAOMI BLACKSTEAD, married CARROLL, lives near the West Jw.,ey Hospital in Camden and has one cln1d about 14. IO THELMA BLACKSTEAD, married, and has two children at 3rd and Penn Streets, Chester, Pa. I regret that time has precluded fuller information.


8 JOSEPH LIBRAN PEDRICK, born 4-28-1863, living. Married in 1891, KATE GILLICK, born in England 10-6-1864, daughter of Michael and Ellen Gillick. She is also living but an invalid in the hos­ pital at Blackwood JOSEPH was born at Front and Jackson Streets, Wilmington, Del. ,and was a blacksmith's helper in pipe and rolling mills. From 1876 to 1900 was in Chester at the same work. In 1900 went to work at the New York Shipyards in Camden and moved to Gloucester 5-28-1903, now living at No. 508 Hunter Street. He has the earmarks of much ruggedness in his prime but now physically disabled. His mind and memory exceptionaly bright and keen.

Born 9 Mabel Mary Pedrick 1-15-1892 Living 9 Margaret Pedrick 2-24-1894 Living 9 MABEL married in 1917 JOSEPH STILES, of Gloucester, born 7-17-1887, son of Thomas and Mary (Gerard) Stiles, of Gloucester. He has followed the trade of plumber and is now connected with the Water Department of Gloucester City. Residence, 508 Hunter Street.

Issue: Born Died 10 Joseph Pedrick 4-21-1918 Living 10 Kathleen Pedrick 10 Richard Pedrick 9-20-1919 Dec., 1919 10 Frederick Pedrick 7-11-1923 Living 10 Eleanore Pedrick 4-10-1925 Living 10 Leonard Pedrick 4-23-1928 Dec., 1928 Twin 10 Leon Pedrick 4-23-1928 Living 10 Margaret Pedrick 12-20-1930 Living 10 George Pedrick 8-19-1932 Dec., 1932 10 Madeline Pedrick 5-17-1937 Living 10 Joseph is working in the Lang Paper .:Mill, fonnerly Pusey & Jones, while the balance of the children, e.,ccepting the youngest, are in school.


As previously stated little had been learned of MAltK PEDRICK but his grandson of 75 in Gloucester who lived in' Wtlmington and was bcim there and has a keen memory has supplied me with the following. He did not, however, mention Horatio Nelson Pedrick. MARK had children:

7 JOSEPH PEDRICK, whose history has preceded this page.

7 HANNAH PEDRICK, who married and had three children in Wil­ mington and then moved to the West.

7 EMMA PEDRICK married JOHN CLEEDON a.pd, lived in Wil­ mington. Had three children. 7 · MARGARET PEDRICK married SAMUEL GARRE'IT. Lived in Okesson near Wilmington, Del.

7 MARK PEDRICK married ANNIE STEEN, no children. He lived in Wilmington and kept a cigar store.

"Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses let us lay aside e1Jery weight and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that . is set before us." HEBREWS 12-1. 1-1 ROGER PEDRICK; Z-1 JOHN; 3 WILLIAM; . 4 ·DANIEL and NAOMI HOFMAN

S THOMAS PEDRICK, bo~ 1780, died 6-3-1852, age 7Z, at Sharp­ town, a widower, as per Trenton records. Who he married is not knowp but chronology indicates he left the following two sons: Issue: Born Died Age 6 John B. Pedrick 8-Zl-1805 8-1-1883 76 6 Charles Pedrick No record . 6 JOHN married, 7-18-1832, ELIZABETH ANN HA.i'ID, born 10-17- 1812. His Bible (Harper & Bros., New York, 1846) first a Hazlett Bible with numerous records descended to his son, William Henry Ped­ rick, and then to the ninth or youngest of the latter, William Hazlett Pedrick, with whose family it is owned at No. Z0lS South 65th Street, Philadelphia. On a letter sheet in this Bible is a record of Hand births sent to Philadelphia by Elizabeth Hand Pedrick, of Millville, N. J., who may have married John's brother, Charles, and located at Millville. John evidently worked and lived in Philadelphia most of his life. Issue: Born Died Age Buried 7 Thomas Hand Pedrick 1834 7-24-1911 77 N. Cedar - 7 Deborah Pedrick No record 7 Daniel Pedrick 1845 1924 79 Fernwood - 7 John C. Pedrick 1848 1893 45 McPhelah 7 Sarah Ann Pedrick 4-3-1849 1922 73 Tr. Luth. 7 William Henry Pedrick 6-18-1852 4-13-1920 67 Arlington 7 THOMAS H. PEDRICK married, 6-19-1866, ELIZABETH HAGUE, born 1834, died 11-29-1918, age 84. He worked mostly in the box factory of the Hero Manufacturing Co. in Philadelphia. His wife died at No. 1010 Stella Avenue at son Neal's home. His Bible (John Smith, 1867) has written on the fly leaf: "A gift to \Viii on his 21st birthday from Father and l\:Iother," and is owned by his grandson, Thomas Hand Pedrick. Issue: Born Died Age Buried 8 Harry Elwood Pedrick 9-13-1867 12-11-1867 3 mos. N. Cedar 8 Cornelius W. Pedrick 5-1-1869 8-16-1932 63 N. Cedar 8 William H; B. Pedrick 4-6-1873 Living 8 CORNELIUS (contracted to NEAL EVAN PEDRICK) married, ·11-30-1893, L.\URA MAY LOPER, born Mannington, N. J., 11-28- 1861, daughter of Evan and Elizabeth (Davis) Loper. Neal started at age 12 in the office of the Hero Manufacturing Co., makers of fruit jars, etc., and later became assistant treasurer and director in the company. When they went out of business he connected with the Com E.i:change Bank & Trust Co. as manager of their Burholme branch where be con­ tinued 10 years. The family residence the past 15 years, No. 1310 Harrison Street, Frankford; ss 1-1 ROGER PEDRICK; Z JOHN; 3 WILLIAM; 4 DANIEL; 5 THOMAS; 6 JOHN B.; 7 THOMAS H.; 8 NEAL EV AN and LAURA M. LOPER

Issue: Born 9 Neal Evan Pedrick, Jr. lZ-15-1895 Living 9 Elizabeth Loper Pedrick 3-9-1897 Living 9 Robert Earl Pedrick Z-11-1903 Living 9 NEAL married in 19ZZ HELEN RAWLINGS, of Philadelphia. Oc­ cupation, salesman. Residence, Torresdale Manor. Issue; Born 10 Jane Roberta Pedrick 3-Z3-19Z3 Living 9 ELIZABETH PEDRICK is unmarried. She is connected with the Quarrie Publishing Co., of Chicago, in their Philadelphia department in the distn'bution of books for children. 9 ROBERT married, 6-18-1929, LYDIA KATES. He is an engineer with the United Gas Improvement Co. Residence, No. 212 Haddon Avenue, Collingswood, N. J. 7 THOMAS H. PEDRICK and ELIZABETH HAGUE. 8 WILLIAM HAGUE BINDER PEDRICK, born 4-6-1873, married, 10-15-1892, SALLIE McINTYRE, born 1874, the daughter of William and Jennie McIntyre. He is a foreman in pattern making and they reside at No. 2025 East Orleans Street, Pln1adelphia. Issues Born Died Age Buried 9 Elizabeth Pedrick 11-21-1893 Living 9 Ervin McIntyre Pedrick 5-24-1891 5-18-1914 17 N. Cedar 9 Thomas Hand Pedrick 7-2-1902 Living 9 Dora G. Pedrick 3-2-1908 Living 9 ELIZABETH married GEORGE LAMBERT, bom 7-4-1892, son of George and Anna Lambert. He is a salesman for a clothing house in Philadelphia. Residence, No. 1916 East Cambria Street, Philadelphia. Issue: Born 10 Eleanor 9-2-1926 Living 10 Evelyn 9-6-1917 Living 9 THOMAS, married 11-26-1924, ELSIE C. DIETZ, bom 8-3-1904, daughter of Frank and Carolyn Dietz. He is a hosiery knitter and has the old Bible. Residence, 4747 Bingham Street, Olney. Issue: Born 10 Betty Lou Pedrick 3-2-1931 Living 9 DORA married HORACE McANISH, born 7-20-1906, son of Dun­ can and Bessie (Ashbumer) McAnish. Occupation, truck driver. Resi­ dence, No. 2025 East Orleans Street, Philadelphia. Issue: Born 10 Horace McAnisa. Jr. 10-24-1925 Living S6 1-1 ROGER PEDRICK; 2 JOHN; 3 WILLIAM: 4 DANIEL; 5 THOMAS; 6 JOHN B. PEDRICK and ELIZABETH A. HA..:\lD

7 DANIEL HAND PEDRICK, born 1845, died 1924, age 79; married MARY ELIZABETH THOMPSON, born 1845, died 11-1-1896, age 51; both buried in Femwood Cemetery, Plu1adelpbia. They lived at No. 1739 Passyunk Avenue and he had a moving and hauling business. Later a cigar store on Pt. Breeze Avenue. He was in the Civil War and a U. S. pensioDer. They bad a family of JO children, all bom in Philadelphia.. Issue: Born Died Age Buried 8 John Lincoln Pedrick 10-1-1866 Living 8 Charles Hand Pedrick 2-12-1868 Living 8 ~Iary Pedrick 1870 Infancy 8 Jennie Pedrick 1871 Infancy 8 Daniel Peorlck, Jr. 1873 Infancy S Mary Pedrick 1-13-1875 19Z7 52 Fernwcod S Thomas Pedrick 1876 Infancy 8 Sarah Ann Pedrick 5-21-1879 8 Jennie Pedrick 1880 Infancy 8 Ellen Pedrick 2-11-1881 Living 8 JOH.i~ married MARY LONG who fa deceased. No issue. He was a long time with the oil works, oow a pensioner, and living at No. 1637 South Ringgold Street. 8 ELLEN is umnarried and keeps house for tbe family at No. 1637 South Ringgold Street. 8 CHARLES married, 4-25-1890, ELIZABETH HOLLOWAY SPRATT, bom 1872, died 1922, age 40; buried a.t Femwood. He was a teamster and later became a janitor for a business hoW1e. lssue: Born Died Buried 9 David Pedrick 1891 1893 Femwood 9 Daniel Pedrick 1894 1895 Femwood 9 ELIZABETH PEDRICK, born 7-Z0-1896, living, married GEORGE :B. WALLo\CE. who is in real estate work. ~·0 chlkl-:e?J. Residence, No. 111 Englewood Road, Upper Darby. 8 MARY PEDRICK ma.med 'WILLL-\!,,! CRATER, who is deceased, and they had 9 Wil.LIAM DAl'i"IEL CRATER, who died at age 38. unmarried. MARY married, secondly, ALBERT BROW1\"lEE, and had two chil­ dren. 9 MARY ELIZABETH BROWNLEE, born 3-30-191Z, unmarried; mradio work and lives at 1637 South Ringgold Street. 9 ALBERT BROWNLEE, JR., born 1-22-1913, married in 1932 ROSE HUMES, bom 11-28-1912, daughter of William and Rose. He is connected with the U. S. Post Office in railroad mail service. Resi­ dence, No. 2639 South Felton StreeL lssue: Born 1O Ellen Brownlee 12-7-1934 Living S7 1-1 ROGER PEDRICK: 2-1 JOHN; 3 WILLIAM: 4 DANIEL; 5 THOMAS; 6 JOHN B, PEDRICK and ELIZABETH ANN HAND

7 SARAH ANN PEDRICK born 4-3-1849, died 1922, age 73; mar­ ried JACOB DOUGHERTY, of Philadelphia, 3-18-1867, born 1-21- 1848, the aon of Jamea and Catharine Dougherty, He died ln August·, 1924, age 76: both burled In the Trinity Lutheran Cemetery, He was a brlckmaker In Phlladelphla and a veteran of the Civil War, Issue: Born Died Age 8 Catharine Dougherty 1869 1935 66 8 Elizabeth Dougherty 6-21-1870 Living 8 George Dougherty 1873 1876 3 8 James Dougherty 1876 1923 47 Single 8 Nellie Dougherty 1879 1935 56 8 John Dougherty 1883 · Living 8 Harry Dougherty 1884 1917 33 8 Sarah Dougherty 12-24-1892 Living 8 CATHARINE married HUGH DOlTGHERTY, of Washington, D. C. (no known relative nor the comedian of sar.ie name). He is also deceased. Issue: 9 Mildred, who died single at Z1 in the influenza era. 9 ELSIE DOUGHERTY married PAUL BARNES, of New York, and living in Winchester, Mass. Occupation, auto salesman. Issue: 10 Mildred Jane Barnes, born about 1931, 1iving. 8 ELIZABETH, married in 1889, JOSEPH MORRIS BYERS, of Philadelphia, son of Richard D. and Margaret (Walters) Byers. 'they reside at Franklinville, N. J., suburb~. Issue: Born Died Age Buried 9 Joseph M. Byers, Jr. 1891 Infancy 9 Sarah Byers 5-27-1893 1918 ZS 9 Francis Delanor Byers 1-7-1900 Living 9 SARAH married JOHN RHODES and she became a victim of the influenza epidemic. No issue surviving. 9 FRANCIS married MARY HART, of Philadelphia, born 2-Zl-1900, daughter of William and Caroline (Viles) Hart. He is in work at the New York Shipyard and they have conducted a chicken fann in the suburbs of Franklinville the past seven years. Issue: 10 FRANCIS DELANOR BYERS, JR., born 10-26-1917. He gradu­ ated from the Clayton High School :ind is living home.


8 SARAH DOUGHERTY married In 1915 SAMUELE. BORGER, of Philadelphia, born In 1893, son of Joseph and Emma (Barr) Borger, He Is a bazik guard and they have re,lded the put 15 years at No. 2738 South 18th Street, Philadelphia, Issue: Born 9 Raymond Samuel Borger 7-26-1916 Living 9 Lester Samuel Borger 10-6-1921 Living 9 RAYMOND attended high school and then went to work as a paint mixer. He is betrothed to Dorothy Jane Headley, of Philadelhpia. 9 LESTER is still in high school. 8 JOHN DOUGHERTY married MARGARET MORRISON, of Philadelphia. · They are living in the vicinity of 15th and Jackson Streets and he is employed in the Quartennaster's Depot, U. S. Govt., at Broad Street and Washington Avenue, Philadelphia. Issue: 9 Marie Dougherty, born about April, 1920, living. 8 HARRY DOUGHERTY married MARY McGONIGLE, of Phila­ delphia. He died soon after marriage and was working in shoe manu­ facturing. His 'l'lidow remarried and is living about 17th Street and Packer Avenue. One child, posthumous. 9 DORIS DOUGHERTY born about 1918, unmarried. 8 NELLIE DOUGHERTY married WILLIAM KENNY, of Phila­ delphia who died about 1925, his widow outliving him ten years. The family lives in South Philadelphia near 8th St. Issue: 9 William Kenny. 9 Francis Kenny 9 John Kenny 9 Edward Kenny 9 Catharine Kenny Two attempts have failed to locate this family up to the present time.


7 WILLIAM HENRY PEDRICK, bom 6-18-lSSZ, died 4-13-19Z0, age 67; married 8-8-1877, EMMA HAZLETT, born 4-Z-1853, died 3-11-19Z0, age 66; both buried in Arlington, Philadelphia. He was a wagon builder and later worked in the U. S. Arsenal.

Issue: Born Died Ace Buried 8 Henry Morrison Pedrick Z-Z-1878 Living 8 William Herbert Pedrick 5-24-1881 6-25-1881 Femwood 8 Emma Beale Pedrick 6-Z0-1882 Living 8 Eliza. Hazlett Pedrick lZ-23-1884 6-29-1885 Femwood 8 Charles Pechin Pedrick 11-2-1885 11-Z0-1890 Femwood 8 Helen Margaret Pedrick 9-24-1887 11-16-1890 Femwood 8 Frank Stanley Pedrick 5-25-1889 6-12-1889 Femwood 8 Isabelle Hazlett Pedrick 6-ZZ-1890 6-30-1890 Femwood 8 William Hazlett Pedrick 9-25-1892 11-1-1918 26 8 HENRY married in October, 1904, HETTIE L. PATTERSON. He became an architect and was in Reading several years, now at Allen­ town, Pa. Residence, 521 Fulton Street. Issue: Born 9 William Herbert Pedrick 4-19-1905 Living 9 Hettie Love Pedrick 5-16-1908 Living Further infonnation unavailable down to 6-7-1938.

8 WILLIAM H. PEDRICK married November, 1912, ANNA J. WATSON, born in Darby, 3-1-1895, daughter of Allen and Anna Wat­ son. He died young leaving three living children from 2 years to S.

Issue: Born Died 9 William Watson Pedrick 11-21-1913 Living 9 Frank Barnes Pedrick 1-25-1914 Living 9 Helen Margaret Pedrick 3-28-1916 Living 9 Edna May Pedrick 12-31-1917 7-15-1918

WILLIAM and FRANK are in the office of the Warrington Sales Co., Philadelphia, and Helen is in the office of the General Accident Insur­ ance Co., all resident at No. 2015 South 65th Street, Plu1adelphia, with their aunt, EMMA B. PEDRICK, who has :llarge of the home and never married.

60 1 ROGER PEDRICK; 2 JOHN; 3 WILLIAM; 4 DANIEL; 5 JOHN It Is not absolutely certain that John runs back In this way. 6 JOHN PEDRICK was born 7-12-1812, died 7-11-1903, age 91 less one day. He married MARIA JEFFERIES, lately divorced from William Francis, having a child, MARY FRANCIS, by her former mar­ riage, She died about 1900, Both burled in American Mechanics Cem­ etery. As a child she was adopted by a family name of Graves, of Burlington, N. J., where she was raised. It is stated that John was born and raised in Philadelphia about 22nd and Arch Streets. He early worked in a brickyard as an off-bearer, that of carrying the bricks from the moulds to the kiln for baking. He later worked in Baldwin's. He was one of the first in Philadelphia to embrace Methodism as a member of the first primitive church founded at 17th Street and Fairmount Avenues known as the "Old Plank Church." The later outgrowth of this church became the "Heading Church" at 16th Street and Fairmount Avenue where he later served as sexton. This church, just below Fair­ mount Avenue, is now occupied by a Colored congregation. There is a tradition as handed down from him he was descended maternally from an Irish judge. Through intermarriage the family was related to Lucretia Mott and all the daughters bore her name. Issue: Born About Married 7 Sallie Mott Pedrick 1853 Milton Wiuner, all dee., no issue. 7 Annie Mott Pedrick 1855 John Fitzpatrick, all dee., no issue. 7 Elizabeth Mott Pedrick 1856 William Krause, all dee., no issue. 7 William Henry Pedrick (Twin) 1858 See further. 7 Rebecca Mott Pedrick (Twin) 1858 Jas. K. Stewart, dee., 2 children, dee. yg. 7 Samuel Pedrick 1860 Dec. Infancy. 7 Jennie Mott Pedrick 1862 See further. Sallie interred in Greenwood, Annie in American Mechanics, Elizabeth, 1915, in West Laurel Hill and Rebecca in Northwood, 1924. 7 JENNIE married HIRAM CLIME, son of Hiram and Rebecca Oime. Interment American Mechanics Cemeterv. He alwavs lived in Philadelphia and followed bricklaying. • · Issue: 8 GEORGE JOHN CLIME, born 8-15-1882, married in 1901 MA­ TILDA LAWSON, born 1884, daughter of David and Jane (Potter) Lawson. George started early in life as a painter meanwhile taking a commercial night course at Temple University. He opened up his own painting business which he continued until 1925 and then connected with the mechanical school of Girard College as a painting instructor where he still continues. In 1921 he purchased the property at 818 North 20th Street, where he resides. Issue: 9 LESLIE GEORGE CLIME, born 9-13-1906, married in 1934 MAR­ GARET FAGAN, born 1906. Residence, No. 1834 Rockland Street, 61 1 ROGER PEDRICK; 2 JOHN; 3 WILLIAM; 4 DANIEL; 5 JOHN; 6 JOHN PEDRICK and MARIA JEFFERIES Philadelphia. He attended high school and then took up the painting business which he follows: Issue: Born 10 Leslie Charlotte Clime Jan., 1938 Living 7 WILLIAM HENRY PEDRICK, born 1858, died 2-19-1934, age 76; married ANNA EDITH THORN, born 1858, died 5-8-1896, age 38, leaving five children. He married, secondly, about 1899 MARY GAR­ WOOD, about Mullica Hill. She died 4-6-1916, no issue. He married, thirdly, ELIZABETH FARRELL, who died 4-6-1916, no issue. He and Elizabeth buried in North Cedar Hill. He was on the police force of Philadelphia the most of bis years and became pensioned. Issue: Born Died Age Buried 8 Wm. H. Pedrick, Jr. 12-29-1880 6-10-1881 5 mos. Glenwood 8 Charles Abram Pedrick 4-26-1882 6-17-1904 22 Northwood 8 Edith May Pedrick 9-15-1884 Living 8 Wm. Milton Pedrick 11-24-1889 Living 8 Walter Stanley Pedrick 7-2-1894 Living 8 EDITH, married 2-17-1905, ROY ACORD, born Philadelphia, 1-18-1884, son of Charles and Anna (Thom) Acord. They became divorced. She lives at No. 2722 North Hollywood Street. Issue: Born 9 Charles Henry Acord 9-10-1906 Living 9 Frank Milton Acord 12-7-1909 Living 9 CHARLES married, September, 1936, ROSALIE SOMER, of Phila­ delphia, born February, 1915, daughter of Oscar Somer and Antonette (Lemaitre) Somer. He is connected with the Tribune Laundry Co. No issue. Residence, No. 3249 North Marston Street, Philadelphia. 9 FRANK, married September, 1935, MAE O'DONNELL, of Phila­ delphia, born April, 1915, daughter, of John and Nellie. Frank is in automobile work and they reside at No. 2319 West Huntingdon Street. Issue: Born 10 Joan Mae Acord 3-18-1937 Living 8 WILLIAM, married in 1913, MAGDALENA ENGEL, born in Philadelphia, 4-8-1888, daughter of John and Magdalena (Fichter) En­ gel. William was in laundry work and now with the Continental Bak­ ing Co. They also conduct a grocery business at No. 301 East Tuscu­ lum Street where they have resided the past 14 years. Issue: 9 ELIZABETH MAGDALENA PEDRICK, born 8-5-1914, who has been in office work for the Sharp & Dohme Drug Co. Her wedding is announced for 6-4-1938 to WILLIAM BULL, born Philadelphia, 10-16- 1913, son of Charles and Lillian (Lamb) Bull. He is connected with the Rolle Casting Co. in foundry work.


4 ELIHU PEDRICK was born 11-14-1751 and died 6-26-1811, age 59. He married in 1771 MARY ANN BARBER (Quaker records). Her date of death or their headstones unlocated. He and his two broth­ ers, Daniel and Isaac, were very active in the work of the Society of Friends. Their minutes state: 8-26-1771, Elihu Pedrick and Mary Ann Barber declare intention of marriage, 9-30-1771, came second time, approved. Com. appointed 10-28-1771 Com. reports marriage orderly accomplished. 4-30-1781 Elihu is desired to take care of and give proper notice of the Mtg. at U. P. Neck at home of Wm. Pedrick, 2-8-1781 Elihu to Gibson marriage, 1-31-1782 Elihu and Mary Ann to Barber marriage, 2-26-1780 to Hews marriage, and all through the years to 1811 on outgoings in marriage, quar. Mtgs., oversight of Mtgs., School fund, Youth Com., 1790 on Com. for Naomi (widow of Daniel) and son Daniel to Greenwich, Com. necessities of poor, 1792 granted request to borrow book of discipline, 1792 on liquor Com., oversight of youth, 1 799 to marriage of Mary to Aaron Street, 1800 to marriage his niece Martha to Samuel Craig, 41 people present, 1807 to marriage his son Joseph to Deborah Somers etc.

His wife Mary Ann died soon after 1800 and he married again as shown by his will and the marriage register when his son Joseph married in 1807 as signed by Elihu and Hannah.

Elihu had inherited 158 acres of the 730 acres of which his father, William, was possessed. He sold 128 acres of this land, 10-10-1800, to Silas Pedrick and acquired other land during his life as mentioned in his will as follows drawn 3-5-1809 and proved 7-13-1811 (Original No. 2883 at Trenton.) "To wife Hannah all household belonging to her before marreyd and the room in the north west end of the home Whaire we now live with the privledge of the Kitching and seller for her one use but not to let it to any other family unless my sone Isaac will not rent it which she is to have whilst she remains my widow and thirty dollars a year, but if she should marry twenty dollars after marriage during her life which money is to be paid by my two sons Joseph and Isaac equally & my will is that my executors shall caus a chimney to be built in said room if my wife should chuse, but if she shold not chose to except said room she is to have ten dollars per year in lieu thereof to come out of the rents of sd plantation till my sone Isaac comes of age, then he is to pay the same so long as she remains my widow all of which I give unto her in lieu of her dowry.


I give and bequeath unto my son Joseph that homestead lot of land where he now lives, to him his heirs and assigns forever in a Deed made to him having date the ZSth day of the 3rd month 1807 reference there­ unto will more fully appear. ITEM;-1 give and bequeath to my son Isaac all the remaining part of my land except what is hereafter reserved for sale, to him his heirs and assigns forever. I give and bequeath unto my daughter Hannah one feather bed (other specified furniture) & one hundred and fifty pounds in money to be paid by my executors in one year after my deceas. And my will is that my executors hereafter named sha)l sen all the remaining part of my movable estate and that tract of woodland I bought off my brother Isaac which he bought off Jos. Anen and that lot of meadow lying in Glouc. Co. that I likewise bought off my brother Isaac in order to pay my Just debts and legasays to my Daughters and to lease out that part of my plantation that is left to my son Isaac till he arrives at the age of twenty one and if that should not prove sufficient my two sons Joseph and Isaac to pay the remainder equally between them, that is each of them one-half part. I likewise nominate, order, constitute and appoint my son Joseph Ped­ rick and my friend Asa Kirby (latter crossed off) my sole and lawful executors of this my last will and testament" etc. etc. Witnesses, James Atkinson, Joseph Snode, and Isaac Davis Jr. Affirmation was given at probate by Atkinson as witness and by the E.,:ecutor. 130 items ap­ praised in inventory for a total of $1303.60. His very old Bible (no date) descended to his son, Joseph, then to William H., son of Joseph, then George Roger Pedrick and now owned by Hamilton G. Pedrick, of Pedricktown. The ink bas faded but the record appears as follows as near as can -be deciphered. The last born child, Isaac, not in the Bible. There were ten children the same number his grandfather, John, had but the mortality was high as seemed usual during that time. Of the ten only three lived and left descendants. The one that lived the longest never married. Jane, who married John Clark, has not been traced. Issue: Born Died Age Married s William Pedrick Z-10-1772 4-17-1773 9mos. 5 Hannah Pedrick Z-3-1774 4-26-1860 86 Single s Son (unnamed) 1776 Infancy s Son (unnamed) 1777 Infancy s Jane Pedrick Z-20-1778 Mar. 11-16-1803, Jno. Clark s Jacob Pedrick 3-21-1780 Infancy s Sarah Pedrick Sept., 1782 Infancy s Joseph Pedrick 9-21-1785 1828 42 s Mary Ann Pedrick Infancy s Isaac Pedrick 9-16-1791 7-10-1323 32


5 JOSEPH PEDRICK, born 9-Zl-1785, died 1828, age 42; married, 1-28-1807, DEBORAH SOMERS, daughter of John and Deborah Som­ ers. After his death his widow married, lZ-22-1831, Chalkley Haines. He died intestate and administration was rendered by Richard Somers. Inventory, l-lZ-1828, by Jacob Gooden and Job Bevis, Farm equip­ ment including horses, hogs and sheep, $429-total, $1219.42. The Pilesgrove Friends records give the record of his children. Issue: Born Died Age 6 William H. Pedrick lZ-31-1807 5-14-1896 88 6 Mary Ann Pedrick 6-Z-1810 Z-5-1835 ZS 6 Elihu Pedrick 11-7-1812 1885 73 6 George L. Pedrick 3-17-1815 See Further 6 Jane C. Pedrick 4-Z0-1817 Z-11-1881 63 6 Isaac Pedrick 11-26-1819 See Further 6 Joseph Somers Pedrick Z-22-18ZZ 6-4-1861 39 6 WILLIAM H. PEDRICK, married 4-Z-1829, SARAH FIRE­ STONE, of Pedricktown, born 6-6-1805, died lZ-4-1880, age 75; both buried in the old Friends burying ground at Pedricktown. She was the daughter of David and Rebecca Firestone. He was a farmer owning land in and adjoining Pedricktown which had been handed down through succeeding generations from the time of Roger and at the time William died he still owned 130 acres of the orighu purchase in 1673. He was active in the affairs of the community and the Friends meetings, a Jus­ tice of the Peace for Upper Penns Neck for three five-year terms- 1870, 1875, 1880. Cushing & Sheppard in their history state some of the data regarding the settlement of Oldmans was contributed by Wil­ liam H. Pedrick and Thomas Shourds, Esqs. The Friends meeting house. was built here about 1812 and connected with Pilesgrove. Gor­ don's history of 1834 states that Pedricktown contains Z0 to 30 dwell­ ings, one Friends Mtg. house, one tavern, two stores, one school and inhabited by agriculturists and mechanics. Soil a sandy loam and well cultivated by means of the marl found in the neighborhood. The Palma Christi or castor oil bean is extensively produced here and about 1500 gallons of oil is manufactured yearly. WILLIAM married, secondly, EVALINE MATLACK, born 1825, died 1907, age 82, buried in Em­ manuel Cemetery. No issue by her. His Bible owtted by his grandson, Hamilton G. Pedrick. Issue: Born Died Age 7 Samuel Lodge Pedrick 2-28-1830 2-Z-1903 72 7 Elijah Pedrick 8-4-1832 (Prob. Infancy) 7 Edward Pedrick ll-Zl-1834 4-12-1886 51 7 George Roger Pedrick 10-2-1838 2-11-1924 86

65 1-1 ROGER; Z-1 JOHN; 3-4 WILLIAM; 4-Z ELIHU; 5 JOSEPH; 6 WILLIAM H. PEDRICK and SARAH FIRESTONE 7 SAMUEL LODGE PEDRICK, married 9-Zl-1852, ELIZABETH SPARKS, bom 1Z-Z6-18Z8, died lZ-4-1880, age 51; both buried in his father's lot at Pedricktown. She was the daughter of Robert and Abi­ gail J. (Armbruster) Sparks. He lived in Pedricktown and kept a store. Also barreled potatoes in the trucking season at the railroad station. Issue; Born Died Age Buried 8 Firman Woolman Pedrick 8-30-1854 8-30-1854 0 Pedtn. 8 William Firman Pedrick 11-7-1855 9-Z-1937 81 Pedtn. 8 Cordelia Hartnack Pedrick 10-15-1857 lZ-31-1935 78 Petdn. 8 WILLIAM F. PEDRICK married OLIVE RACHEL KILLE, born lZ-29.-1856, died 6-27-1883, age Z6; buried at Pedricktown, daughter of David Kille. He was an engineer on the old Delaware Shore Railroad, Woodbury to Pennsgrove, now a part of the Pennsylvania system. In later life he spent his winters at Hallandale, Fla. They had one child, a daughter. He married, secondly, Ai.~NIE BLOHM, a v.idow, who predeceased him. No issue. Issue; 9 ALICE KILLE PEDRICK, born Z-24-1883, living, married 4-15- 1904, HARRY LANDES WALTON, of Salem, born 6-7-1880, living, and son of Austin T. and Sarah (Wolf) Walton. He followed painting for some years and is now with Vacuum Oil Works. Residence, Cherry Street, Pedricktown. Mrs. Walton has the Pedrick fanu1y Bible. hsue: Bom 10 Dorothy Walton lZ-26-1906 Living Unmarried 10 Esther Elizabeth Walton 9-13-1916 Unmarried 8 CORDELIA H. PEDRICK, married in 189Z ISAAC ELDRIDGE GIBSON, JR., born Camden 10-6-1853, died 11-12-1937, age 84; buried Pedricktown. The son of Isaac E. and Esther (Carter) Gibson. He built a house near the railroad station·and always lived there. He was apprenticed a machinist at Baldwin's and worked there about five years. Went west and enlisted in the 18th Eng. Corps. Served 14 years. Left the service, was married, and worked in powder at Gibbs­ town. While there was blown up by dynamite and disabled. There were 17 men in the building and he was the only survivor. He was pensioned. They were married 43 years and had one child. 9 EARL ELDRIDGE GIBSON, born 11-18-189Z, died July, 1924, age 3Z; buried in Pedricktown. He was a Penna. R. R. telegraph opera­ tor A City Division. Married in 1914 ETHEL ARCHER, born in Lon­ don, 11-8-1888, daughter of the Rev. George Archer, of the New Jersey Conference, and Phoebe (Greenleaf) Archer. The family immigrating to America in 189Z. Ethel has taught school the most of Z0 years past and now for 10 years at Pedricktown. Not many rm1es distant from the birthplace of Roger Pedrick she was born ·z47 years later. Issue: Barn 10 ];:arl _Eldridge G.ibson, Jr. 4-Z0-19~0 ~t ·Reg. High Pgrove. 10 'Ralph Walter Gibson · lZ-ZS-1921 At Reg. High Pgrove. 10 Esther Elaine Gibson 4-25-1924 At Reg. High Pgrove. 66 1-1 ROGER; Z-1 JOHN; 3-4 WILLIAM; 4-Z ELIHU; 5 JOSEPH; 6 WILLIAM PEDRICK and SARAH FIRESTONE 7 EDWARD PEDRICK, born 11-21-1834, died 4-12-1886, age 51; married KEZIAH F. MYERS, born 5-7-1835, died 9-19-1907, age 72, the daughter of Jacob and Letitia Myers. He was a farmer, seedsman and gardener and raised plants. Lived in Pedricktown. They bad an only cln1d. 8 HELENA WOOLMAN PEDRICK, born 1860 and died 1931, agt: 71; married WILLIAM CASEY who died 2-4-1894, and buried at Bridgeport. He was a harness maker and bad a shop in Pedricktown many years. Issue: 9 Edna Casey See below 9 William J. Casey Married a Mexican 9 Florence Casey See below 9 Roy Casey See below HELENA married, secondly, JOHN B. JORDAN, of Pedrick.town, born 1856 and died in 1931, age 75. They went to California taking tbe younger cbildren. Both died there and buried in Baptist Cemetery, Pedrick.town. No issue. EDNA married HARRY LYNN, no cbildren. He was a carpenter, now deceased. She married, secondly, DA.'UEL THOMPSON, of San Diego, Calif. FLORENCE married EUGENE SPARKS, two children, William and Eugene. ROY married also and went to California where all the family are near Los Angeles. Further details not obtainable. 7 GEORGE ROGER PEDRICK, born 10-2-1838, died 2-11-1924, age 86; married 1-27-1872 ELIZABETH SPICER LEAMING, born Cape May County 7-28-1843, died 10-11-1923, age 80; both buried in Pedrick.town Cemetery. She was the daughter of Aaron and Ann (Pil­ grim) Leaming and traces back to John Howland, of the Mayflower. She was first a school teacher. The above George was probably the first to be given as a middle name that of his immigrant forbear. Others have followed to this day in like manner but only one has been given the name Roger as first name that has come to the attention of the writer. The above George raised himself as an important member of his family. Active in civic affairs, in the town Council Board of Edu­ cation, charter member I. 0. 0. F. and one of tbe last to be born into the Society of Friends. He early became interested in seed gro";ng for Benson Maule and Burpee and other Philadelphia firms. He spe­ cialized in vegetables, introduced new products bearing his name, and exhibited at fairs. The business was started in an old church building which was moved to the farm. In 1906 his son became a partner and a three-story warehouse w'as erected to take care of tbe expanding busi­ ness. In 1919 he built a new home and retired from active business spending part of his later years wintering at Hallandale in Florida. Married 51 years. Issue: Born 8 Hamilton Groff Pedrick 11-28-188Q Living 8 Julia Leaming Pedrick 3-22-1876 Living 67 . 1-1 ROGER; Z-1 JOHN; 3-4 WILLIAM; 4-Z ELIHU; S JOSEPH; 6 WILLIAM; 7 GEORGE R. PEDRICK and ELIZABETH S. LEAMING

8 HAMILTON G. PEDRICK married 1-27-1907 MARY ELIZA­ BETH PERRY, born near Pedricktov;n 9-18-1886, daughter of Joseph A. and Viola (McBride) Perry. She also bas the Pedrick blood tracing back to Roger from bis son, Thomas. They are both resident in the home that his father built in Pedricktown. He was educated in the public schools and at Mt. Hennon, Mass. Early became a partner with his father in the seed business yet conducted as George R. Pedrick & Son. The business expanded and another building was erected along the rai1road with modem machinery for the separation and curing of seeds. Shipments are made to all parts of the country, to Europe and as far as India. He bas traveled considerably here and abroad in the interests of the business in contracts for seed growing in various locali­ ties best suited for different varieties and in the development of the sales department. He bas taken an active part in politics and is president of the Peoples' Bank of Pennsgrove, N. J. He is still the owner of considerable acreage of the land that Roger Pedrick settled on in 1675 and which bas been banded down from father to son for Z6Z years. Issue: Born 9 Allison La Rue Pedrick lZ-ZS-1907 Living 9 Dorothy Julia Pedrick 4-16-1909 Living 9 Hamilton George Pedrick Z-Zl-1911 Living 9 John Paul Pedrick Z-7-1917 Living 9 Elizabeth Viola Pedrick 11-30-1920 Living 9 ALLISON married 4-21-1934 FLORENCE DAVIDSON THOMP­ SON, bom 10-19-1913, daughter of Charles H. and Iva (Wood) Thomp­ son. He graduated from Pennsgrove High and Goldeys College in Wilmington, Del., and is identified with his father's interests in the wholesale seed business. They are resident in a fine new home in Ped­ ricktown bunt on some of the original land. No children. Issue: IO Patricia Joan Pedrick, born 8-1 S-1938. 9 DOROTHY i;raduated from high school and then from Beaver Col­ lege at Jenkintown, Pa. Married, 12-24-1929, BONY HAMPTON PEACE, JR., of Greenville, S. C., son of Bony H. and Estelle (Chand­ ler) Peace. The Peace family, of Greenvtlle, have been long prominent in that locality as publishers of the Greenville News and are owners of the broadcasting station of that place and Bony, Jr.• is identified with the family's various enterprises. Residence, Greenville, S. C. Issue: Born 10 Elizabeth Estelle Peace 6-6-1931 Living 10 Judith Pedrick Peace 9-14-1934 Living 10 Dorothy Estelle Peace 1938 Living


9 HAMILTON G. PEDRICK, bom 2-21-1911, married In 1934 DOROTHY HATTIE STEVENS DAVIS, born Hurlock, Md., 5-31- 1915, daughter of Riley Seth and Hattie Blanche (Stevens) Davis. Residence, Pedricktown. He attended Staunton Military Academy three years and then graduated from Rider College in Trenton, N. J., In 1931. He then became identified with his father's interests in Ped• ricktown.

Issue: Bom 10 Mary Lee Pedrick 5-6-1937 Living 9 JOHN PAUL PEDRICK born at Pedricktown, 2-7-1917. He grad­ uated in the first class from the new Regional High School in PeMs­ grove and is now attending Wheaton College at Wheaton, Ill. 9 ELIZABETH V. PEDRIC,:K is in her senior year at the Regional High School at Pennsgrove. GEORGE R. PEDRICK and ELIZABETH S. LEAMING clu1dren. 8 JULIA LEAMING PEDRICK, born 3-22-1876, married 6-4-1901, ABRAM BEAN DETWILER, of Philadelphia, bom 8-8-1878, son of Jacob C. and Anna Mary (Bean) Detwiler. Both living at 1129 Prin­ cess Avenue, Camden, N. J. He started out in life as an accountant and while working for the milling firm of Justice & Sons in Pedricktown met his future wife. He was at one time a partner in the above busi­ ness. Later moved to Camden where he continued as accountant in Philadelphia and then connected with the Public Service of New Jersey in Camden where he still continues. ·

Issue; Born 9 George Pedrick Detwiler 5-6-1903 Living 9 Irene Elizabeth Detwiler 11-24-1906 Living GEORGE married, 10-1-1932, FREDA RELL, born 4-17-1903, daugh­ ter of Charles and Lulu Rell. He early connected with the Bell Tele­ phone Co. of Pa. with service of 13 years now in a responsible capacity. Residence, 254 Haddon Avenue, Collingswood, N. J.

Issue; Born 10 George Pedrick Detwiler, Jr. 7-5-1935 Living IRENE is unmarried and has been an accountant with the Camden Fire Insurance Co. the past 12 years. She lives home.


6 ELIHU PEDRICK, bom 11•7•181Z, died In 1885, age 73; married LAVINIA KNORR KNIGHT, bom 1816, died 1863, age 57~ both burled In Philadelphia. She waa the daughter or Alexander Knight, 1794-18Z7, and Mary (Knorr) Knight, 1794-1830, There 11 no record of any Inheritance from Joeeph or of New Jeraey real estate aalea but Elihu went to phlladelphla and lived and died there, He owned prop­ erty in Philadelphia. Issue: 7 LAURA PEDRICK, see Appendix. 7 ALEXANDER KNIGHT PEDRICK, bom 10-Z3-1836, died at Ocean City, 9-18-1920, aged 83. He married ELIZABETH JANE COOPER, bom 1840, died 1868, age 28, daughter of Samuel N. and Cordelia (Flynt) Riley, widow. Issue: Born Dietl Age 8 Lillian Knight Pedrick 8-6-1862 12-2-1913. 51 8 Eugene Knight Pedrick 6-21-1865 Living 8 Walter Knight Pedrick 10-10-1867 Living LILLIAN married, 6-12-1889, MILLER C. EARL, of Elizabeth, N. J. He is a retired banker and lives at Elizabeth, N. J. Issue: Born 9 Ralph Alexander Earl 3-31-1890 Living 9 Jane Crane Earl 6-13-189Z Living RALPH married HARRIET ELIZABETH.PEDRICK, daughter of his uncle, Walter. He is vice-president of Baker, Carver and Morrell, Ship Supplies, Inc., of New York and Philadelphia. No children. Resi­ dence, 451 Stanwood Street, Fox Chase. Pa. JANE married JULIAN ZELCHENKO, born in Russia. He is in life insurance work. Residence, Montclair, N. J. 8 EUGENE married, 11-22-1886, MARGARET FISH, of Philadel­ phia. She died in 1936. He was a civil engineer and now resident at · the Masonic home at Elizabethtown, Pa. 8 . WALTER, married 6-10-1896, MARY HARVEY, born near Doylestown, 5-9-1876, daughter of Abraham D. and Harriet A. (Law-. rence) Harvey. Mr. Pedrick was connected with the Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co. at 6th and Walnut Streets for 41 years and for 40 years in charge of the loan department in control of 47 clerks. Now retired resident at 8109 Elberon Avenue, Fox Chase, Pa. Issue: Born 9 Harriet Elizabeth Pedrick 4-25-1897 Married as above I was unable to gather fuller details or added biography of interest about this portion of the family.


6 GEORGE L. PEDRICK, bom 3-17-181S. The New Jersey recorda Indicate no history of thla member or the family either In marriages, death, or real estate tran&fen. The only positive record ls found In old Philadelphia directories. In the Issue of 187S appears George L. Pedrick, plasterer, living at 183Z Brandywine Street, and of George C. Pedrick, artist, at same address, evidently a son. It Is evident therefor that this fourth child of Joseph and brother of Squire William H. and Joseph Somers Pedrick, the mill owner, at that time came early to Philadelphia and followed the work of a plasterer. He no doubt mar­ ried in. Philadelphia and died there but further of bis history has not developed.

Issue: Born Died Age Buried 7 Joseph Albert Pedrick 1842 Aug., 1900 58 Montrose 7 George C. Pedrick Little known of. See further. 7 · Anna Pedrick See further .7. Clara Pedrick See further 7 Percy Pedrick See further

7 JOSEPH married in November, 1872, CORDELIA B. HOFFMAN, of Philadelphia, born 1850, died 9-ZZ-192Z, age 72; buried with her husband in Montrose Cemetery. Her rather was William Hoffman. He followed his father's business as a contractor plasterer. He is listed in ihe 1875 directory as Albert Pedrick, plasterer, at 817 Duane Street. He was in the Civil War under General Morehead and was in action at the battle of Gettysburg but came through unscathed. Issue: Born 8 Albert Hoffman Pedrick 9-8-1873 Living 8 Estelle Pedrick 1875 Living 8 ALBERT married, 9-Zl-1897, ELLA MAY HILL, of Philadelphia, born 6-23-1878, daughter of John H. and Annie M. (Brown) Hill. Albert has been in the U. S. Postal service for 41 years, now retired. He served as supervisor and assistant superintendent of delivery in Philadelphia. Residence, the past 30 years, 1215 South Wilton Street, West Philadelphia.

Issue: Born 9 Anna Cordelia Pedrick 9-14-1899 Living 9. Edna May Pedrick 6-30-19Cl Living 9 Minerva Marie Pedrick 9-Z0-1904 Living 9 . Florence Hill Pedrick 4-13-1907 Living


9 ANNA C. PEDRICK man-ied, 6-27-1928, \V1LLIAM B. STEL­ WAGON, of Philadelphia, i:>om 6-14-1897, son of Frank M. and Jean­ nette (Bro.... -n) Stelwagon. He is in charge of the Stelwagon Manufac­ turing Co. branch at 16th and Louden Streets, Philadelphia, dealers in builders' supplies. No clu1dren. Residence, No. 5014 Stenton Avenue, Philadelphia. . 9 EDNA M. PEDRICK man-ied, 9-7-1921, DAVID S. FERREE, of Parksville, Pa. He is engaged in industrial engineering work operating as Martel & Ferree at 24th and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia. Resi­ dence, No. 115 North Eagle Road, Manoa, Pa. Issue: Born 10 Marion Edel Ferree 8-1-1926 Living 10 Joan Louise Ferree 12-1-1929 Living 9 MINERVA M. PEDRICK man-ied, 12-19-1924, WILLIAM HUN­ TER, born in Plu1adelphia, 4-1-1882, son of Samuel and Mary Jane (Orr) Hunter. Residence, No. 426 Orchard Avenue, Yeadon, Pa. Issue: Born 10 William Hunter, Jr. 9-13-1925 Living 10 Margaret Hunter 12-10-1926 Living 10 Janet Ruth Hunter 8-29-1929 Living 10 John Albert Hunter 9-14-1935 Living 9 FLORENCE H. PEDRICK married Thanksgiving Day, 1928, JOHN FRA!'-.'"K DAME, of Farmington, N:. H., son of Walter Dame. He is an instructor in the U;;>per Darby High School. Residence, No. 3220 Marshall Road, Drexel Hill, Pa. Issue: Born 10 Peggy Ann Dame 7-15-1932 Living 10 Robert Frank Dame 12-16-1934 Living 8 ESTELLE ELIZABETH PEDRICK married. DANIEL RUTHER­ FORD FINKBINER, of Spring City, Pa., son of Jaco!> and Catharine (Kulp) Finkbiner. Occupation. draughtsman. Residence, No. 123 Melrose Avenue, 'Westmont. N. J. Issue: Born 9 Earl Pedrick Finkbiner 2-20-1909 Living 9 Daniel Rutherford Finkbiner. Jr. 12-22-1914 Living 9 EARL bas been connected the past 10 years in the actuarial depart­ ment of the Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co. at 6th and Walnut Streets, Philadelphia. Residence, Westmont. 9 DA~HEL is an electric welder and has been w'orking at Newport News, in Virginia.


7 GEORGE C. PEDRICK was listed in an old Philadelphia directory as an artist. He married and had no children. He was killed by a team in the heart of the city while crossing the street His wife, MARY, later kept apartments.

i PERCY PEDRICK married and located in Savannah, Ga. Had se\·eral children. Ko information avai!able. i CLARA PEDRICK married (Peter?) Smith, of Philadelphia, had a daughter, BESSIE, who married KELLY and bad two daughters, one named Dorothy. Last heard of as being in Xew York.

i AXXA PEDRICK married \VILLI. .\.vl CLAIR and had nine or ten children. Names quoted by Albert H. Pedrick, of South Wilton Street, as ALBERT, EUGEXE, GEORGE, HARRY, PERCY, BESSIE, AXXA, CLARA. Eugene bas been located at Xo. 30S ?\orth 5th Street, Perkasie, Pa., and has been written. Xo reply as yet. He is in linited States railroad mail service working to Bethlehem. Pa.

"Tire glory of young men is their strengtlr, and the beauty of the old men is tlze grey head!' PRoVERDs 20-29. 1-1 ROGER PEDRICK; 2 JOHN; 3 'WILLIAM; 4 ELIHU; 5 JOSEPH; 6 GEORGE L. PEDRICK and ELIZABETH AJ.\i'N LODGE

Information from Mr. E. J. Clair, 6-18-1938, states that his grandfather above married, 7-9-1840, Elizabeth Ann Lodge, as above rp,miage cer­ tificate in his possession. Died about 1887, age 72.

7 ANNA TALITHA PEDRICK, born 6-20-1844, died at Blooming Glen, Pa., 6-22-1905, age 61; married WILLIAM HENRY CLAIR, of Wilmington. Del., born there 9-7-1841, died at Philadelphia, 11-30-1924, age 83. He Eved in Philadelphia, Camden, Ridley Park and Claymont. Del.

Issue: Born Died Age 8 George Pedri-.:k Clair 1-12-1867 Livin"' 8 Lewis Albert Clair 11-3-186S 5-23-1891 22 8 William Henry Clair, Jr. 7-12-1871 10-15-1921 50 8 Anna Elizabeth Clair 5-4-1874 Living 8 Clara Jessie Clair 3-24-1877 Living 8 Samuel Arthur Clair 11-24-1879 4-29-1881 17 mos. 8 Eugene Jesse Clair 1-28-18S2 Living 8 .Howard Arthur Clair 4-27-1885 Lh,;ng 8 Bessie Lavinia Clair 7-27-1887 Living 8 EUGENE J. CLAIR married GEORG!fu'\i"NA KI~G, 11-11-1908, both living at No. 30S North 5th Street, Perkasie, Pa., and he is ,\;th the United States Railway Man Service, working to Bethlehem, Pa. He has supplied the above information from his father's Bible and thinks George L. Pedrick's Bible descended to his sister, Clara.

Issue: Born Died Age 9 Grace Darling Clair S-1-1909 Living 9 Eugene Jesse Clair, Jr. 8-27-1911 2-12-1926 14 9 William Anthony Clair 9-16-1912 Lh.;ng 9 Florence Emma Clair 10-6-1916 2-1-191S 16 mos. 9 Jeanette Elizabeth Clair 4-24-1922 Living s A_'\."NA E. CL.\IR married SA.:.vIUEL R. RICKARDS.

Issue: 9 SAMUEL HER~USTOX RICKARDS, born 11-25-1912, and mar­ ried 1-1-1937 RUTH LOGAX. (Further information unavailable.) See Appendi."t, about the balance of above family.


6 ISAAC PEDRICK, born 11-26-1819, brother of Squire William H. and of Joseph, the mill owner, in Pedrick.town, but of whom little has been definitely learned. It is the opinion he located in Gloucester County. The names of John, \Vtlliam and Isaar are prevalent there in early days· along with Benjamin. Either he or another named James reported as having a hay and feed business about Moyamensing Avenue as linking with this history.

Issue: (Tentative) Born Died Age Buried

7 James R. Pedrick 1843 11-30-1899 45 Glouc. 7 John Randolph Pedrick 11-27-1844 6-16-1903 58 Mt. Moriah 7 JAMES married :MARY TURKL'JGTON, of about Turnerville, N. J. She was born 1837 and died 9-9-1902, age 65; both buried in Cedar Grove, Gloucester. He enlisted in the Civil War and returned as a veteran and followed the trade of painter in Gloucester and else­ where. He died at 942 Federal Street, Camden.

Issue: Born Died Age Buried

8 William Henry Pedrick 9-22-1866 9-29-1930 63 Cedar Grove S Annie Pedrick S John Pedrick 8 Ida Pedrick S WILLLUI married ]..\.:.'\E :\kLEER, born 1S6S, died 1924, age 56, daughter of John. \v1lliam was born i!'l Baltimore but raised about Turnerville, married at Clarksboro and generally followed the trade of paperhanging. Was on the trolley cars for many years, worked at the New York Shipyard and was a police officer in Gloucester. He had three children and after his \\ife died married, secondly, MARY BELL, of Philadelphia. No issue.

75 1-1 ROGER PEDRICK; Z JOHN; 3 WILLLUI; 4 ELIHU; 5 JOSE?H; 6 ISAAC; 7 ]A.MES, S WILLIA:\-! H .and J. .\.'l'E .McLEER

Issue: Born Died Age Buried 9 Elsie Pedrick Glouc., 4-15-1891 Living 9 William Pedrick Glouc., 1893 9-26-1894 IS mo,. C. Grove 9 Mabel Pedrick Glouc., 1695 11-10-1699 4 yrs. C. Grove 9 Elsie became a trained nurse from th,: Cooper Hospital in Camden and has followed that profession. She has been lately on the staff of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. of New York in Gloucester County. She is unmarried and lives at 831 Bergen Street, Gloucester, :N. J.

6 Al\.TNIE PEDRlCK married SAMUEL BRO\VN. She is deceased and buried at Camden.

Issue: 9 EDITH BROWN married into another Brown family and lives at 51 East Greenwood Avenue, Oaklyn, and has a family. 9 SAMUEL BRO\VN, who lives in Trenton, X. J.

S IDA PEDRICK married EDWARD HOLLIS. She died some years ago and he recently. There is one child living of this union, OSCAR HOLLIS, who married in Missouri VADA VELL, a Dunkard descend­ ant, and they live at Bemalis, Calif. Parents buried in Clarksboro. Edward Hollis has a sister, Ray Dilks, v.ife of the minister at ::\It. Royal, and a sister, Annie Middleton, of Paulsboro, who knows much about the family.

76 1-1 ROGER PEDRICK; 2 JOK.,; 3 WILLIAM; 4 ELIHU; 5 JOSEPH; 6 ISAAC (Tentative)

7 JOHN RA;.'\DOLPH PEDRICK, born Gloucester, N. J., 11-27- 1844, died 6-16-1903, age 58; married THERESA 1\-L.\RSDEN, born 2-20-1850, died 5-30-1914, age 64; both buried in Mt. Moriah Ceme­ terv. Trenton. Archives states he is laborer, married 11-28-1870. Resi­ dence at death, 23 7 Queen Street, Philadelphia. He enlisted in the United States naval service in the Civil War under Admiral Farragut and saw action on the "Pill Box" Monitor in her engagement with the Conferderate Merrimac. He late:- connected ,dth the United States )lint in Philadelphia under President Harrison was out under Cleveland and back again under McKinley and died while in the service. Issue: Born Died Age 8 Joseph Thomas Pedrick 1871 Aug., 1915 44 8 Anna Pedrick 1873 Living 8 William Pedrick 12-13-1877 Living S John R. Pedrick, Jr. 3-13-1878 Living S David Pedrick 6-9-1880 Living S JOHN married 9-6-1905 EDITH MILLER, born in 1890, daughter of S. K. Miller and "Polly" Efferman, who has conducted a retail shoe store for 43 years at 209 :Market Street, Philadelphia. John worked variously with the Wilbur candy factory and the Clement Bottling Co. and later became a Philadelphia fireman, serving over 21 years, becom­ ing pensioned. He still continues as a watchman in a hosiery mill on Erie Avenue. Residence, 2025 Arch Street. Issue: Born 9 Samuel Kutzv Pedrick S-4-1906 Livin" 9 John Randolph Pedrick, 3d 5-23-1908 Livin~ 9 Edward Pedrick 6-7-1911 Lidn~,.. 9 Dorothy Pedrick 1-12-1915 Lh;ng 9 SA:\'.IUEL is a shoe salesman in his grandfather's store or. :Market Street and lives at Brookline. Delaware Countv. 350 Swarthmore Road. He is betrothed to Florence LeHota, daughter oi Joseph and :\Iary ( Crake) LeHota. 9 JOHX married in 1930 ESTHER FLOREXCE E$SIXGTOX. oi Camden, born in 1909, daughter of Swedish parents. He is an A. & P. grocery manager at Somers Point, X. J. Issue: Born 10 Jack Richard Pedrick 2-22-1933 Lh·ing IO Sif!rld Ellen Pedrick 2-10-1936 Lh·ing 9 ED\VARD and DOROTHY are single and li\·e with their mother at I 7 Fifield Avenue. Xorthfield. Dorothv is with the Hotel Chalfont and Edward an automobile mechanic in .-\tiantic City.


8 ANNA PEDRICK, born in 18i3, married JOHN FRA1,KS, of Philadelphia. He died about 1918, age 40. They had a daughter.

9 LAURA FRANKS, who died at age 26 in California, unmarried, burials in Mt. Moriah. Anna is living with her brother, Da\id, at No. 5507 Market Street, Philadelphia.

8 \VILLL'\M PEDRICK, born 12-13-18i7, married in 1927 ANNA McCAULEY, born 8-16-1893, daughter of Edward and \vinifred (Mc­ Causland) McCauley. Soon after his majority William entered the employ of the Pennsylvania Railroad in 1898 and is still servinf-7 them in the clerical department after 40 years. Residence, No. 2340 East Hazzard Street, Philadelphia.

Issue: Born 9 John Edward Pedrick 1-31-1930 Living 9 Loraine 1Iarie Pedrick 2-22-1934 Lhing 9 Anna Theresa Pedrick 9-5-1928 Living 8 DAVID PEDRICK, born in 1880, married in 1934 GERTRL"DE WALTON, ,,idow, born 10-2-1909, daughter of Ellsworth and Gertrude Sheeler. S~,~ :!lad a child now adoj.,~ed. He has been ,,ith Bond, now the General Baking Company, the past 19 years in their plant at 56th and Market Streets, in the weighing department. Residence, No. 550i Market Street, Philadelphia.

Issue: Born 9 Genevieve ::Uarie Pedrick 12-19-1931


S JOSEPH T. PEDRICK married BRIDGET KEOUGH, daughter of Michael and Maria (O'Toole) Keough who immigrated from Eng­ land when Bridget was sbc years of age. 5he sun.ives her husband and is resident in Philadelphia. Issue: Born Died Age B.tried 9 Theresa Marie Pedrick 3-16-1898 Lhing 9 Elizabeth Marie Pedrick 8-13-1900 Living 9 John Joseph Pedrick 10-10-1902 Living 9 Eleanor Cecilia Pedrick 12-23-1904 Living 9 Anna Elizabeth Pedrick 8-15-1906 Living 9 Josephine Cicilia Pedrick 11-11-1908 Living ;> Marie Agnes Pedrick 3-3-1910 Lhing (Twin) 9 Catharine Veronic~ Pedrick 3-3-1910 12-19-1932 21 H. Cross 9 THERESA married in 1919 \VILLL\;,1.,1 PAUL BR.-\:1\-XEN, born 8-22-1899, son of Thomas and Pauline (Purvis) Brannen. He is \\ith a candy Manufacturing Co. Residence, Ko. 1748 South Ringgold Street, Philadelphia. Issue: Born 10 Beatrice Catharine Brannen 3-4-1920 Lhing 10 Elizabeth Marie Brannen 10-24-1926 Living 10 William Francis Brannen 10-7-1928 Living 10 Theresa Brannen 1-7-1930 Li,ing 9 ELIZABETH M. PEDRICK married, 11-26-1919. )IORTO::-.J DOXEGAX, born Yorkshire, England, 4-7-1896, son of John and )Iary Ellen (Bradley) Donegan. He is an acetylene welder. Residence, Xo. 1410 South Etting Street. Issue: Born Died 10 Joseph Thomas Donegan 7-31-1920 Lhing 10 James Francis Donegan 5-8-1925 Living 10 John Donegan 6-1-1927 10-9-1928 10 Martin Donegan 1-12-1929 Living 10 Eugene Donegan 6-8-1933 Living


9 JOHN J. PEDRICK married in 1925 PEARL HAMILTON, born 1-22-1905, daughter of Harry and Ida (Patterson; Hamilton. Occupa­ tion, pump and tank work on the road for the Shell Oil Co. Residence. Fairview, suburb of Camden. Issue: Born 10 Marion Norman Pedrick 2-3-1922 Living 10 Dolores Pedrick 9-14-1926 Living 10 Regina Pedrick 9-4-1930 Living 9 ELEA.'WR C. PEDRICK married 8-18-1922. RAYMOND WIL­ LIAM MAUTE, of Riverside, N. J., born 2-27-1899, son of William .nd Anna (Mayer) Maute. Occupation, truck driver for Public Serv­ ice. Residence, No. 118 Rancocas Avenue, Riverside, the past 11 yea:-s. Issue: Born 10 Dorothv Catharine :Maute 10-27-1923 Living 10 Eleanor Maute 4-24-1927 Living (T\\in) 10 William Maute 4-24-1927 Li-1.ing (T,,in) 10 Marion Maute 7-2-1930 Lh,ing 10 Raymond Maute 1-30-1933 Living 9 ANNA E. PEDRICK, married 2-8-1928. JOSEPH EDWARD :\k­ LAUGHLIN. JR., son of Joseph Edward and Rosanna :McLaughlin. Occupation, clerical work. Residence, No. 3907 Bennington Street. Issue: Born 10 Rita McLaughlin 12-11-192S Living 9 JOSEPHINE C. PEDRICK, married 12-27-1926, JOSEPH WHITE, born 7-15-1904, son of John Joseph and Johanna (Row,,) White. He is an operator of stills in the oil works. Residence, No. 2219 Fernon Street. Issue: Born 10 John Joseph "White 11-19-1928 Living 10 George White 12-16-1934 Livin; 9 :i.\-IARIE A. PEDRICK, married 6-28-1933, \VILLIAM NOCELLA. born 1907, son of Ralph and )!arie Nocella. Occupation, tailor. Resi­ dence, No. 1428 South Beulah Street. Issue: Born 10 Ralph Nocella 4-29-1934 Living­ 10 'iVilliam Nocella 11-19-1935 Living 1-1 ROGER; . 2-1 JOH.~; 3-4 WILLLA..M; 4-2 ELlHU; 5 JOSEPH PEDRICK antl :OEBORAH SOMERS 6 JANE CLARK PEDRICK, born 4-20-1817, died 2-11-1881, age 63; married, 3-5-1839, CHALKLEY PEDRICK, born 8-11-1814, died 3-31-1886, age 71 ; both buried at Pedricktown. He was the son of Silas Pedrick, descendant from R.:>ger through Thomas, brother of John. He was a farmer about Pedricktown and evidently no children survived although the Trenton records give a daughter, born 3-14-1852. 6 JOSEPH SOMERS PEDRICK, born 2-22-1822, died 6-4-1861, age 39; buried in a lone grave at Pedricktown. Married DEBORAH ANN SOMERS, daughter of John. His \\idow then married Jacob K. Jus­ tice who was a capt in of boats operating from PecI.-icktown, and had one child, Minnie, who married and has a family now resident at Port­ land, Ore. After Deborah died Jacob married, thirdly, Ruth Hortman, \\idow of Peter, who appears elsewhere in this history and is descend­ and from Roger through Thomas, Robert, Silas and Miles. He was joint owner of the grist mill of Pedricktown, built about 1849 and operated as Justice & Pedrick. Shortly before he died he sold his half interest to Jacob K. Justice, later being run as \Villiam Justice & Co. This old mill is still operated and bas been in the Justice f-imily nearly 100 years. The old brick dwelling near the landing also passed into the Justice family where Harvey Justice is resident, a grandson of the original Justice, mill owner. Joseph's will was drawn, 1-15-1861, and probated 6-27-1861. He leaves bis \\ife the household goods '·and one­ half of storehouse and road to it, one-quarter part of bay scalrs which stands near the mill. My one-quarter part of sloop, Albatross. :\cly one-quarter part of sloop, California. and the $4100 for my one-half part of the mill. My one-half part of the stock which was in the mill and the storehouse at the time of the sale of the mill. All to her as Jong as she is my \\idow. If she marries, all estate to children except one-third of the interest to her then for life: and at the death of John Somers, her father, if he bequeaths ber share oi his property to my children then I bequeath to her children the equi\"alent. \\"itnesses: :\Iayhew Johnson, 1\1.D., Charles P. Somers and John \"anderbilt. In­ ventOI")', September term of Court, 1862-~8250.48." Issue: Born Died ..Jgc Buried 7 Somers Joseph Pedrick i-17-1S54 5-21-1902 ➔ i Plst\·ille 7 Willits Pedrick See iurther i Clara Pedrick 10-S-184S See iurther 7 Daughter (Trenton Records) 11-9-1857


7 SOMERS JOSEPH PEDRICK, born 7-17-1854, died 5-21-1902, age 47; married SARAH JA..~E LOCKE, of Camden, daughter of Charles K. and Theodosia Locke. Somers farmed in Gloucester County near Centre Square, his farm later owned by Albert Risner. He also followed the water and v:as captain of the Swan that plied the Delaware and which burned down and was succeeded by the old "Jersey Blue" whic1i many living can remember.

Issue: Born 8 Hannah K. Pedrick 3-29-1872 Living 8 Joseph Somers Pedrick 4-26-1874 HANNAH married ---WHITTAKER, and went West to North Platte, Neb., where they own farms. Information given they have had eight children and address, Box 40, Tryon, Neb. JOSEPH married in 1897 A1,NA MAY WHILEY, born 7-1-1875, and both living at No. 122 Chestnut Street, Woodlyn, N. ]., the past 18 years. No children. He was a manufacturer of paints and roofing materials. He died January 9, 1938, in Cooper Hospital, Camden, as the result of an automobile accident, December 15th last. 7 \VILLITS PEDRICK enlisted in the United States Naval Service and later was on a United States Revenue Cutter. He then located in t:-..e \Vest and bouglt several thousand acres of land. His sister, .-::Jara, joined him there. 7 CLARA PEDRICK, born 10-8-1848, married ALBERT RHODES, and went West, locating where her brother went. Issue, four daughters, of whom Bessie married a m:.::i-H.AP and has three boys ~t n Berkley Place, Cranford. Her sisters live at 915 South Yewdell S:r:..c'.. The above information is incomplete but all that is available at this time of this part of the family. As regards the balance of Joseph Pedrick's children: 6 MARY A,N.. PEDRICK, born 6-2-1810, married J.UIES MASOX \VOOLMAN, and no contact has been had with this family. There is no record of Isaac, who probably Gied young.

82 1-1 ROGER; 2-1 JOHN'; 3-4 WILLIA.tvl; 4-Z ELIHU PEDRICK and MARY A.t'\I~ BARBER

5 ISAAC PEDRICK, born 9-16-1791, died 7-10-1SZ3, age 31. He was the last oi Elihu's children and married, 2-14-1813, SARAH DIVER, born 8-11-li96, died 2-23-1850, age 53, daughter of David and Christianna Diver. Isaac died intestate and Sarah was appointed guardian of three children under 14. She administered the estate and gave an account of personal of $1299.45¼.

Issue: Born Died Age Buried 6 John Clark Pedrick 12-3-1813 8-6-1890 76 Pedtn. 6 Joseph Diver Pedrick 10-2-1815 12-12-1865 50 Pedtn. 6 Hannah Pedrick 7-13-lSIS 9-30-1865 47 Pedtn. JOHN married, 12-16·1847, by Squire Avery, of Woodstown, 3-IARY AXN PETERSON, born 9-23-1815, died 12-9-1870, age 55; both buried at Pedricktown. He was always a farmer and lived near tbe town. He bought a farm near Beaver creek bridge from Da-.id Shoe­ maker for $7000, formerly a Pedrick farm, but which Da·liid had bought from George \Viser, the house and outbw1dings on the meadow side of the road long passed away. Wben John died the farm reverted back to David. His "ife was the daughter of George Peterson.

Issue: Born Died Age Buried 7 Ella Pedrick 9·4-1848 5-10-lSiS 26 Single 7 Elizabeth Peterson Pedrick 4-2-1S52 7 Amy Ray Pedrick 2-11-1855 10-13-1930 75 O\·erlook 7 ELIZABETH married •.\RTIS AYARS, of Bridgeton. No children. 7 AMY married WILLL<\.:M PEDRICK SPRIXGER, born 4-29-1.'.:46, died 9-25•1918, age iZ; buried Overlook Cemetery, son of John :\1. and Elizabeth {Firestone) Springer. After marriage he went to South .\venue, Bridgeton, and farmed about seven years. then bou;d1t a farm oi 42 acres in "Cubby Hollow" near Bridgeton, retiring later to Bridge­ ton. issue: Born S \Valter Merrick Springer 1-1-1884 Living S Howard Green Springer 2-17-1885 Li\·in~ S William !\1ilton Springer 11-2-1890 Living S HO\V.-\RD married JEXXIE ROGERS, of Jemy City, X J. He is a U. S. railwav mail clerk and tbev reside at 160 \'room Street in Jersey City. Ko -children. ·


8 WALTER MERRICK SPRINGER. Born, 1-1-1884; married, 10- 22-1911, ANNA BELLE WOOD, born 4-3-1891, daughter of Job and <\nna (Dennis) Wood. He has been a farmer the most of his life now running a place out "quarter mile lane" suburb, W. Bridgeton.

Issue: Barn 9 Marion Ray Springer 11-28-1912 Living 9 Violet Hannah Springer 8-15-1915 Living 9 Ethel Mary Springer 6-19-1921 Living 9 Walter Merrick Springer, Jr. 9-19-1923 Living MARION married 8-31-35 THOMAS AYARS, born Bridgeton 4-23- 1910, son of Clinton and Rose (Platt) Ayars. He runs a service station on Pearl Street and lives at 186 Atlantic Street. No children. VIOLET married in 1934 CHARLES SWING EL\:IER of Bridgeton, born 1-5-1912, son of Wilbert and Emma (Ackley) Elmer. He is man­ ager of a Bond grocery on South Avenue. Bridgeton residence, 521 South Avenue.

Issue: Born 10 Charles Owen Elmer 9-11-1934 Living 8 WILLL.\.'\1 MILTON SPRINGER. Born, 11-2-1890; married in 1909 ME.1'•mANA CA.'1\1:PBELL; born, Dividing Creek, 10-11-1891, daughter of Samuel and Lillian Marie (Cobb) Campbell. He has a wholesale meat business at Glass and South Laurel. Residence, 235 Fayette Street, Bridgeton. They had two children and later were divorced.

Issue: Barn 9 Dana Campbell Springer 7-18-1918 Living 9 Lillian Marie Springer 7-24-1920 Living MENDANA married secondly in 1932 LEO R. VICKERS of Bridge­ ton. No issue. They have operated the "Dana Pastry Shop" the past five years at No. 744-46 Asbury Avenue, Ocean City, N. J., where the family resides.


6 JOSEPH DIVER PEDRICK. Born, 10-2-1815; died, 12-12-1865, age 50, buried in his brother-in-law's lot (David Shoemaker) in Pedrick.­ town cemetery. He was one of the three Josephs living contempor- . aneously, having the middle leter D spoken of previously in this history, his distant relative Joseph Dunn Pedrick having also lived ii, Phila­ delphia at one time and died in Camden wealthy. His wife was SARAH but a search of records did not show her maiden name, nor her birth or date of death, but she out-lived her husband and is probably buried in a Lippincott family lot whom her daughter married. He became a tailor and had the business of Pedrick & Allison at 2 70 and 316 High Street in Philadelphia as listed in the 1850 Philadelphia directory. As told by the late Edward Webster of Pedrick.town, he served many Pedrick.town people with clothes. Eventually the wool from the cloth brought on consumption in his lungs and he was obliged to give up the business. He evidently prospered as per his will and numerous real estate transfers, amongst which 6-27-1844 Jas. S. Springer and Lydia to Jos. D. Pedrick of Philadelphia for $75. '¼ acre of land in Pedricktown. 8-19-1848 Wm. H. Pedrick and Hudson A. Springer Com. sold to Jos. D. Pedrick for $300. No. 1 house and lot in P-Town at edge of Union Street cor. of Francis Pedrick lot and Wm. Justice land ¼ acre it being No. 9 on the N. W. of High Street as numbered and laid out in a map of said village by Isaac Wilkins Le Fort sur­ vqed 2-13-1794. Again 4-12-1844 John C. (his brother) to Jos. D. for $678.00. No. 1 house and 30 acres oi land and ~Ieadow in P-Town adj. late Miles Pedrick. John Somers & 0. ::\f. Creek. No. 2 Pee. wood­ land and fields near No. 1 adj. Wm. H. Pedrick, John Dickinson and Job Bevis and others 40 acres. No. 3 was 19 acres of woodland and swamp, No. 4 was 3 acres in Amicable Meadow Co. adj. heirs of Poltis Risner and others, all of which was the inheritance of John from his father Isaac. Joseph made his will dated "the 11th day of the 3rd month, 1865" probated in Philadelphia 1-4-1866. his wife Sarah e.i:ecutrb:. She is bequeathed the property at 116 Mt. Vernon Street, Philadelphia. At her death to daughter Emma R. Lippincott. Other bequests $1000 ground rent $4000 mortgage, 50 shares Catawissa R. R. Co. S6000 to daughter for investment in Philadelphia real estate and bis library of books $!COO to bro. John and $100 to a maid. Issue: 7 Emma R. Pedrick who married (Trenton Archives) 9-24-1863 Clark­ son Lippincott, son of Caleb and Ann of Mannington. Her fanu1y has not been searched.


6 HANNAH PEDRICK. Born, 7-13-1818; died, 9-30-1865, age 47; married, 2-17-1841 DAVID SHOEMAKER of Pedricktown, born 5-30- 1808, died 1888, age 79, both buried in Pedricktown Cem. She was his second wife and they had seven children of whom but two left descend­ ants. David had come to Pedricktown from near Centre Square and bought farm land between Pedricktown and Beaver Creek and pros­ pered. For the history of Hannah's descendants by David, refer to "Shoe­ maker Genealogy" of 1935, Pages 12 and 18 to 23. The author of this genealogy is included in tl,.at book.

WILLIAM PEDRICK and MARY SILVER CHILDREN. 4-3 ISAAC PEDRICK, born, 3-3-1754; died, 1838, age 84; married in 1777 HANNAH OSBORNE, born 12-13-1757, daughter of Richard and Phoebe Osborne. There were three brothers, Daniel, Elihu, and Isaac, all probably more active together with their father than any other of the Pedrick fanu1y in the affairs of the Friends Soc. Meetings at his home, oversight of Mtgs., on var. Com. raising funds for poor and negro children and conveyed to Elihu and others ground for the use of the school Soc. and burying ground. "The parchment deed and in­ struments of trust in the Friends Archives at 15th and Race Streets, Philadelphia." His wife was from "within the verge of Little Egg Harbor." There is little history obtained about this family. The Piles Grove Friends records show 9 children born of whom the parents attended weddings of two daughters in 1799 and 1800. It then appears in 1806 he sold all his land practically and decided to move to Ohio or Indianna with the balance of the family. 4-15-1807 Salem Deeds (Z-3-321) "Isaac Pedrick and Hannah wife late of U. P. Neck in the Co. of Salem and State of X. J .. b11t now of the :.\Iiame Country in the Western Territory of the U.S. of America by their lawful attorney Jos. Brown of Penns Neck afsd. of the one part and Hudson Springer of the same place store keeper of the other part". Whereas Isaac sells to Sprin~er 4'/4 acres of meadow in Woolwich that he purchased 3-24- 1796. Somewhere in the "MIAME COUNTRY" enough Pedrick's might be found to fill another book. The record of children follows: 5 PHOEBE, born 10-16-1777. likelydied young. S MARTHA, born 8-21-1780, married 4-2-1800 SA:.'\1:UEL CRAIG of Upper Alloways. S MARY A.'l\i'"N, born 8-21-1780 (twin of Martha), married 3-27-1799 AARON STREET of Mannington ( neither of these have been searched). S Hfu','"NAH. born 7-15-1790, Lydia 4-23-1788, S \VILLV\M 12-9- 1792 and RICHARD, ELIHU, and CLAYTON, no dates. The balance of this family living unmarried in 1807 no doubt settled in the West.


3 JACOB PEDRICK. Bom about 1715; died, 1759, age 44, and had wife MARY. He was the eighth child of John and but 14 when his father died, but was a favored son inasmuch as he was to receive the plantation by his father's will if his elder brother William should not live to 21 to receive it, which he did, however, and the only direct legacy to "Jacob, Thomas and Samuel the three youngest was five pounds apiece at age 21. His will was drawn 5-8-1758 and probated Feb. 1759, naming as legatees his wife Mary and children John, Jacob, Elizabeth and Mary all minors. John to live with Dr. Francis Halter to learn his occupation." Bequeaths land including marsh over Salem creek bought of Francis Dunlap and land bought of Thos. Carter and Matthias Neelson. E.,:ecutors his wife, his bro. John and Samuel Lench the latter renouncing. Witnesses, Peter Peterson, Sarni. Whitehorne and Francis Halter. Inventory 2-9-1759 by Jos. Wright and John Vanne­ man 191.16.3 Lbs.

Issue; Born About Probable Marriage 4 John Pedrick 1745 See below 4 Jacob Pedrick, Jr. 17 4 7 See further Hannah 4 Elizabeth Pedrick 1750 No search 2-6-1770 Isaac V. Newman 4 Mary Pedrick 1752 Ko search 4 JOHN PEDRICK not connected. The only will and administration for a John not placed is found in Adm. Book A, Page 22, Salem, in 1806. "I Artes Seagrave, Sur, of the Co. of Salem Do Certify that of the 24th of Dec. 1806 Adm. of the goods and chattels and credits which were of John Peddrick late of the Co. of Salem who died intestate was granted by me to Robert Pedrick of the Co. of Salem and is duly author­ ized to administer the same agreeably to law." Orphans Court Mar. term 1807 Petition of Susannah that Robert Pedrick be appointed guardian of Miranda, Reuben and John children of John minors under 14, which was granted. Cemetery records or official marriage records do not readily place any of above, and no further search has been made. Xo search has been attempted for the d~cendants of either Elizabeth or Mary. 1-1 ROGER PEDRICK: 2-1 JOHN; 3-S JACOB

4 JACOB PEDRICK. JR. Eorn about 1747, inherited some land from his father and prospered in L. P. Neck. He died in 1802, age 57, intestate. His widow HA.:."IJNAH then married Jeremia.l:. Garrison and together on petition the June term of Orphans Court 1802 granted them guardianship of Isaac, Mary, Joseph, Rebecca and Elizabeth Pedrick "infants under the age of 14 years, children of Jacob Pedrick dee. until they arrive at the age of 14." The first born John was 21 and not included. An account was filed before the same term of court showing inventory of $697.21. The widow of Jacob, now wife of Jere­ miah Garrison, died some time after this and Jeremiah continued as guardian and rendered accounts of his trust until 1812 when he also died and Nathan Finley was appointed in his stead for Rebecca and Elizabeth and John Pedrick was appointed for his brother Joseph yet under 21. By a decree of the Orphans Court Sept. term 1806 Com­ missioners were appointed to divide the lands of Jacob Pedrick dee. amongst his six children heirs at law (Div. of lands Book B, Page 138 Salem). They made their report of division according to the act en­ titled "An act to alter the law directing the descent of Real Estates passed the 21st day of ~lay, I 780, and have assorted each one his share by metes and bounds as folleth, that is to say; We have assigned and set off unto the said John Pedrick the several lots mentioned and num­ bered in the map hereunto anne.,:ed, the first of which lots begins with number eight." The description of each portion follows all in Lower Penns Neck some of it meadow along the "Dellowar River" all cover­ ing four pages of the book with a parchment map appended. The part set off to Joseph is No. 9.

Issue: Born Died Age Buried Man-ied 5 John Pedrick 1-11-1781 1-12-1857 76 P.v1e. Eliz. Elwell 5 Isaac Pedrick S-17-1788 5-20-1847 58 P.Vle. Mary 5 Mary Pedrick 1792 Nathan Finley 5 Joseph Pedrick 1794 1-27-1873 i9 Camden Anna Chew 5 Rebecca Pedrick 1795 John Stout 5 Elizabeth Pedricl.: 1800 Thos. Dunn There has been no search of the above daughters of this family, but they could be easily followed down from the above connection if enough incentive should later ensue.

88 l-11 ROGER; 2-1 JOHN; 3-2 JACOB; 4-2 JACOB, JR.

5-1 JOHN PEDRICK married 9-29-1801 ELIZABETH ELWELL, born 3-2-1781, died 2-21-1862, age 81, buried in the old Presb. Cem. at Pennsville. He was a farmer in Lower Penns N eek on the land partitioned to him from the estate of his father. His will was pro­ bated 1-18-1857. He bequeathed his wife a lot of land in Pennsville and $250 yearly for life. At her death all to be divided equally be­ tween his children. Application was mz:le for division of the lands in 1858 and each heir was allotted their share. ExecutorS his son Francis and Dr. Wm. Vanneman.

Issue: Born Died Age Married 6-1 Mary Pedrick 1802 Joseph Straughen 6-2 Margaret Pedrick 1804 Borden 6-J Jacob Pedrick 1-28-1806 4-16-1880 74 Susan Armstrong 6-4 Francis A. 5-1-1810 11-4-1895 85 Jane Ann Pierson 6-5 Joseph Pedrick 1811 5-12-1831 20 Single 6-6 Rebecca Pedrick William Armstrong 6-7 Hannah Ann 7-10-1819 12-27-1876 Si Jos. T. Newcomb 6-8 Elizabeth 5-23-1823 5-28-1892 69 Jacob \Vhitesell 6-3 JACOB PEDRICK married 1-17-1832 by Jacob W. Mulford J.P. SUSA,~ ARMSTRONG, born in Ireland 3-2-1809 and died 12-16-1881, age 72, both buried at Churchtown. Her sister Sarah married Chas. S. Pedrick, a nephew of Jacob by Isaac and her brother William mar. Jacob ·s sister Rebecca. Jacob's father owned about 190 acres of land in L. P. :'\eek and he inherited one sewnth of this as set off by Court Commissioners in 1858. His will was probated 4-27-1880 and he bequeathes his property to his wife and five children including his farm of about SO acres on the "Hook'" where he lived in L. P. Neck.

Issue: Born Died Age Married i-l Elizabeth Pedrick S-3-1833 Garrett \v"hitesell 7-2 Mary Pedrick 10-23-1834 6-29-190S i3 7-3 Paschall Elwell 4-4-1838 3-29-1909 il i-4 Samuel C. 6-11-1840 11-27-1S93 :>.:> i-5 Jacob Pedrick 6-16-1842 8-29-1862 20 Single i-6 Georgianna 10-18-1846 :\far. John Elwell


i ELIZABETH PEDRICK. Born, 8-3-1833; married Garrett \Vhite­ sell of L. P. Neck. There were three children of this family who were raised mostly by her father Jacob Pedrick and given his name.

Issue: S Emmitt Pedrick, born 8-9-1858 and living (see further) married Elizabeth Pedrick, daughter of Joseph Henry Pedrick, whose mother Elizabeth was a sister of above Jacob. 8 Harriet Pedrick who married and lived at New Castle and probably connects ·with a McCafferty there. Two daughter,; were born May and another. 8 Susan Pedrick no record. i-2 Mary Pedrick married 2-20-1855 JOHN F. LA:.'\i~rnG of L. P. Neck son of Charles born 2-22-1825, died 5-14-1883, age 58, both bur. at Churchtovm. He was a farmer in the L. P. Neck section. His Bible owned by his son Jacob of Pennsville (Thompson & Thomas, Phila. 1900).

Issue: Born Died Age Burried 8-1 Ed'l'1,ard Dolbow Lanning 3-21-1856 i-9-34 i8 Churchtown 8-2 Charles Pedrick Lanning 2-19-1858 11-20-32 74 Woodstown 8-3 Jacob Lanning 2-1-1861 Living

90 1-1 ROGER: 2-1 JOHN; 3-8 JACOB; 4-2 JACOB, JR.; 5-1 JOHN; 6-3 JACOB PEDRICK :u'm SUSAN AR:!\ISTRONG

8-1 EDWARD married in 1894 ANNA BIRDSONG of Petersburg, Va., born 1862 and died 1930, age 68, buried at Churchtown.

Issue: Born 9-1 Oscar William Lanning 6-13-1895 Living 9-2 Alice Mary Lanning 8-25-1896 Living 9-1 OSCAR married in 1927 EM:MA :\1ARY MORGAJ.'J", born Wil. Del. 2-13-1906, daughter of Joseph and :Mary (Walton) Morgan. He bas been with DuPonts a number of years and works as rigger. They live in a fine new borne be bad built on Church Street, Pennsville. No children. 9-2 ALICE married in 1914 ROSCOE WILLIAM HARVEY of John­ son City, Tenn., born 8-23-1887, son of William and Susan (Humphries) Harvey. He is a rigger at DuPonts with service of 17 years. 3-6-1937 opened a road house on Route 40, E. of Deep Water, junction of Penns­ ville Auburn road and now completing a new home there to reside.

Issue: 10-1 LeRoy Harvey born 4-3-1915. Living. A musician at the road house restaurant and with a trucking co. in the day. 8-2 CHARLES PEDRICK LA.:.'-,"NING married ELLA BATTEN, born 1-Il-1865, daughter of Richard and Abigail (Myers) Batten.

Issue: Born Died Age Buried 9-3 Bertha Lanning 4-20-1882 Living 9-4 Ella Lanning 10-12-1884 Li\ing 9-5 Clayton Lanning 5-10-1887 Livinn- 9-6 Milton Lanning 12-12-1891 10-18-1918 27 Lawnside 9-3 BERTH.-\ rn;irried in 1901 ..\.;.'ffHO:'.\:-Y DeVECCHIS. born S-15- 1881 at Colliano, Salerno, Italy. his people prominent as doctors. pro­ fessors and priests in Rome, Naples and Salerno. bearing a Coat of Arms. He graduated in dentistry here and practised. They became divorced and he returned to Italy. Mrs. DeVecchis, resident at 37 ll.Iain Street, Pennsville.

Issue: 10-2 :MERLE ELIZABETH DeVECCHIS. born 6-i-1902, married 10-22-1934 ROBERT LINCOLN TODD of \Vash., D.C .. descendant from Abraham Lincoln's wife :\1ARY TODD. whose brother was the grandfather of Robert L. Todd. He is connected with the dye depart­ ment at DuPonts. No children. Residence, No. 34 Bowen Avenue, \\"oodstown, N. J.


9 CLAYTON LANNING was born 5-10-1887. He married and has four children reported as single. He was a carpenter and later entered the U. S. Postal Service, went west and for the past 12 years has been located at Ann Arbor, Mich. Inquiry there has elicited no response as yet as to further history. !i MILTON LANNING was born 12-12-1891 and died 10-18-1918 during the influenza epidemic. Buried at Lawnside, Woodstown. Mar­ ried in 1912 LEONA V&'l' LIER, born at .-\.!dine, N. J., 10-17-1890, the daughter of Franklin P. and Ellen L. (C1ark) Van Lier. He was connected with the work at DuPonts. Issue, two sons. Mrs. Lanning married secondly 11-3-1921 RAYMOND R. PETERSON who specializes as a wood worker. No issue. Res. No. 22 Marlton Street, Woodstown.

Issue: 10 FRANKLIN VAN" LIER L.-\i"\""NING born 11-30-1912. Living. Graduated from the Ithica, N. Y., School of Music and is now a member of the National Symphony Orchestra of Washington, D. C., directed by Hans Kindler. He is unmarried. IO CHARLES PEDRICK LANNING, born 9-8-1914, graduated from the Woodstown High School and is now in the Jackson Laboratory at DuPonts in the manufacturing of glass specialties. He is single. 9 ELLA L.-\i"\""NING was born 10-12-1884 and married ROBERT H. TAYLOR, son of Robert, who was postmaster at Wil., Del., during the Cleveland Adm. The son now Supt. of Rice Barton & Falls Machine Works at Worcester, Mass., where they reside at No. 9 Wesley Drive.

Issue: 10 FR.-\i'l"CES BAY~.\RD TAYLOR, born 6-7-1907, married GER­ HARDT BITTN"ER. He is a Supt. of the Public Service Gas Co., Newark Dist. Residence at Tennafly, N. J.

Issue: 11 PATRICIA &"\"N BITTNER 11 BARBARA ELLEN BITTNER 7 MARY PEDRICK and JOHN F. L. .\.."l'l."NING children. 8 JACOB L.-\i,TNING was born 2-1-1861 and never married. He has followed fishing and other kinds of work and lives on Pittsfield Street in Pennsville, N. J.


7 PASCHALL EL'\VELL PEDRICK was born 4-4-1838, died 3-25- 1909, age 71. He inherited a share of his father's estate in the "Hook" and was a farmer all his life. He married 2-19-1S89 REBECCA TU&.'\J'PAUGH ALE who was divorced from John T. Cain, having a son by him. She was born 6-18-1861, the daughter of James Slape and Hannah Ann (Waddington) Ale. They were married 20 years and had six children. Rebecca married thirdly Charles Boker Smith and was with him on a farm in Upper Jersey. No issue. She separated from him and he died 10-10-1925. She is now resident on the "Hook" road near the canal bridge, L. P. Neck.

Issue: Born Died Age Buried 8 Jacob Pedrick 1-12-1891 3-27-1891 0 Chchtn. 8 Paschal Elwell Pedrick, Jr. 6-30-1892 12-9-1907 15 Chchtn. 8 Samuel Cole Pedrick 11-27-1S93 Living 8 Walter Baker Pedrick 8-8-190! Living 8 Ira Ale Pedrick 12-30-1902 12-9-1904 2 Chchtn. 8 Hannah Ann Pedrick 1904 Living 8 SA.t'\IUEL married in 1920 ALMA GERTRUDE BARBER, born 12-6-1901, daughter of Samuel and Lillian (u1rich) Barber. He is a millv.Tight at DuPonts. Resident Glenside near Churchtown.

Issue: Born 9 Samuel Walter Pedrick 4-13-1921 Living 9 Doris Marie Pedrick 3-23-1926 Living 9 Leonard Cole Pedrick 3-30-1928 Living 9 Otis Paschal Pedrick 4-10-1930 Lh,;ng S '\Valter is unmarried and lives with his mother in a house he had built on the "Hook" road. He learned cork manufacturing and is work­ ing in a factory in '\'\"il., Del. S Hannah Ann was taken by friends to Cambridge, :.Id., many years ago and was raised there. i S:Lv!UEL C. PEDRICK was born 6-11-1640, died Il-2i-1S93, age 53, buried at Churchtown. He never married. 7 JACOB PEDRICK, JR., born 6-16-1642, died S-29-1662, age 20, also single, buried at Churchtown in his father's lot.


7 GEORGIA.J.'1NA PEDRICK, born 10-18-1846, died 1925, age 79, married JOHN L. ELWELL of Pennsville, born 1841, died 1881, age 40, both buried at Churchtown. He followed the water as a fisherman and the running of vessels. Issue: Born Died Age Buried 8 Emma Elwell 1868 8 Samuel Elwell 10-16 1869 Living 8 Tillie Elwell 18i2 1900 28 Del. 8 Nettie Elwell 1873 Living E:MMA married John \Vbitesell. Issue; 9 Grace \Vhitesell unmarried and lives home 9 Helen Whitesell married a Darlington of Alloway. No children. Residence Salem, N. J. 8 SAMUEL ELWELL manied MAMIE FISHER of Pennsville born June 1873 daughter of David and Elizabeth (Moore) Fisher No chil­ dren. He was a waterman and fisherman and then ran a large store business in Pennsville for 21 years. Sold out but would not retire. Bought property at the junction of the highway and ferry road and improved with a store building and bungalows. He enlarged the store property to the "Elwell House" where they reside. S TILLIE married a Smith who soon died leaving issue a son who died at 21 single buried in Del. She married again a glass blower before she died. No children by him. 8 NETTIE is unmarried and is a housekeeper in Bridgeton, N. J. 5 JOE\l' PEDRICK and ELIZABETH ELWELL children. 6 FR.·\N"CIS AUGUSTUS PEDRICK was born 5-1-1810. died l!-4- 1895 age 85 married J.-\.1,rn AN"N PIERSON born 1814 died 11-12- 1905 age 91. He early went to \\"oodbury and learned the business of wheel~Tight with his uncle Joseph D. Pedrick. got married and opened a shop near the canal. He then came to P~ricktown about 1840 and his father bought a shop for him there where he continued, the present place being built about 1877 beim: on R.R. Ave. next the :\L E. Church. Here he operated as a wheelwright and wagon builder. Issue: Born Died Age Buried 7 Joseph Elwell Pedrick 4-24-1834 7- 5-1913 79 Pedtn. 7 John Pedrick 1335 1910 75 Hillside 7 Charles Pedrick 2-24-1840 1-22-1889 48 P-grove. i Emma L. Pedrick 1912 W. Laurel H. 7 Francis Agustus Pedrick Jr. 5- 9-1851 5-3-1853 2 Ped-Tn

94 ROGER; 2 JOHN; 3 JACOB; 4 JACOB; 5 JOHN; 6 FRANCIS AGUSTUS PEDRICK and JANE ANN PIERSON. 7 JOSEPH ELWELL PEDRICK born 4-24-1834 died 7-5-1913 age 79 married MARYE. RANKINS of Pedricktown whose parents died young and she was raised by Joseph Weatherby. She was born 1847 died 1881 age 34 both buried at Pedricktown. He succeeded his father Francis to the wheelwright businss in Pedri.::ktkown. Issue: Born Died Age Buried 8 l\laria Rankin Pedrick 11-23-1861 1931 69 Trenton· 8 Jane Ann Pedrick 1863 4-6-1916 53 Single S Francis Augustus Pedrick 1865 3-3-1927 62 N. Cedar 8 Charles Vanderbilt Pedrick 10-1-1867 Living 8 Henry Lawrence Pedrickk 1869 Living 8 Ida Pedrick 1870 Infancy Pedtn 8 Margaret Rankins Pedrick 1872 Living 8 Walter Springer Pedrick 1S76 12-24-1902 26 single S Harvey Lewis Pedrick 1878 5-6-1901 24 single 8 Randolph Pedrick Infancy Trenton vital statistics and cem. stones tally with above. S MARL<\ married EDWARD SHOXE ALBERTSOX of Haddon­ field, buried Greenwood, Trenton. He worked at Roeblings "';re-mills. Issue: 9 EMMA FRANCES ALBERTSON who married OLIVER T. CAD­ \VAL.IDER of Trenton. He died in 191S; buried, Riverview, Penns­ grove. Issue: 10 HELEN C.IDWALADER, born 1908, married 1933 HARRY DATZ of :\Iu!lica Hill. He is a plumber there where they reside. Xo Issue. S FRANCIS married LOUISE MARTIN and thev lived in Phila. where he worked as a wheelwright and "';th one firm 30 years. Both buried Sec.E-Lot No. 162 No. Cedar Hill, Phila. Xo children. S CHARLES married in 1894 SALLIE FR.~~CES LLOYD of Green­ wood, Del. born, 8-10-1874; both living at 50S Lakeview Ave. Pitman. He was a carpenter with Pa. R.R. CO. 36 years, now retired:and been living in Pitman for 26 years. Issue: 9 ADDIE LEAP PEDRICK born. S-21-1899; married RA\~IOXD E. WOODWARD of Phila., son of Nathan Jeffrey and Sarah (Frye) Woodward. He is carrying on a bakery bus. in Pitman Res. 50S Lakeview. Issue: Born 10 Sarah Pedrick Woodward 3-1 i-1925 Living

95 1 ROGER PEDRICK; 2 JOHN; 3 JACOB; 4 JACOB; 5 JOHN; 6 FRANCIS A. PEDRICK & JANE A..'m PIERSON; 7 JOSEPH E. PEDRICK & l\lARY E. RANKINS. S HENRY L. PEDRICK succeeded his father to the wheelwright business in Pedricktown, which he still carries on. Unmarried. S !\IARGARET R. PEDRICK likewise never married. She keeps house in Pedricktown for her brother Henry. 7 JOHN PEDRICK, born in 1835 and died 1910, age 75, buried in Hillside cem., Phila. Married MARY EL\VELL of Salem Co. who died at age 62 and buried in the Elwell lot in Woodstown. He was a wagon l,uilder and worked for his father Francis in Pedricktown. Later farmed at Churchtown and then moved to Phila. about 1873 and was on the police force under Mayor Stokely two terms and then l\:Iayors King and Smith. \Vhen he left the police force he followed carpentering work :., Phila. Issue: Born 8 \Villiam Gideon Pedrick 12-27-1871 Living 8 Emma Pedrick 1877 Living 8 WILLAl\1 G. PEDRCK maried, 2-12-1896 ELLA ELIZABET:a: CALLAHAN born 4-3-1871 daughter of Elizabeth Murphy and Michael Callahan. \Villiam started as errand boy for Cluett & Peabody of Troy, N. Y., Mftrs. shirts and collars. He served them for 40 years becoming Supt. of their stock room., Phila. branch. They closed out in Phila. anJ his services were dispensed with. During the World War he en­ listed as a wireless operator on the U. S. Sudbury. Residence, 7925 Arlington Ave., Highland Park, Pa. Issue: Born 9 Franklin Garrigues Pedrick 1-9-1897 Living 9 Claire Elizabeth Pedrick 2-4-1904 Living 9 FRA..-..:KLIN married FRA"~CES A..',"N McINTYRE born June 1901 daTJghter of Charles and ~Iary (Mulholland) McINTYRE. He is an archtitect and they reside in Narberth, Pa. No children. 9 CLAIRE married in 1927 JOSEPH WILSON YOUNG, born June 1905 near )Iedia, son of Joseph and Caroline Young. He is a sales­ man for the International Harvester Co. of America. Res., 7925 Ar­ lington Ave., Highland Park. Pa. Js;ue: Born I O Claire Ella Young 4- 3-1928 Living 10 Joseph Francis Young 9-14-1931 Living 10 Robert Young 6-16-1936 Living


8 EMMA PEDRICK, born 1877, died 1912, age 35, buried in W. Laurel Hill: married Franklin Garrigues, Jr., who has since remarried and lives at Island Heights, N. J.

Issue: 9 Franklin Garrigues 3rd, Living. 7 EMMA Pedrick married James LUKE from the West. They lived in Trenton, N. J. where he was a stationery engineer and later carried on a restaurant business. Buried at Greenwood cem. in Trenton.

Issue: S CHARLES FRANCIS LUKE who died in infancy. 7 CHAS. PEDRICK married DA,·'-mLIA GANDY, born at Tucka­ hoe, N. J., 9-28-1849, died 1-17-1888, age 38, daughter of William & ~fary (Marshall) Gandy. He lived in Pedricktown and became a vessel pilot running his boats between Pedricktown and Phila., mostly carry­ ing produce, lumber, etc. and occasionally some passengers. He owned the "Richmond" and "AJ.'\i'"NA & MARY" boats well remembered by people still living and many were the heavy cargoes of melons and sweetpotatoes these boats carried from the Pedricktown wharves. He ciied intestate and his brother Joseph administered.

Issue: Born s Anna Danelia Pedrick 10-18-1Si4- Living 8 Charles Marshall Pedrick 11-21-1877 Living s Mary Elwell Pedrick S-16-1Si9 Living


8 A.'l"NA D. Pedrick married 1-8-1894 Claude C. Prall, son of Wil­ liam D. and JENNIE (l\lcCulic) Prall, born 10-29-1870, died 3-14- 1929, age 58. He followed the trade of machinist and dye maker. His widow resides at 1624 Pennington Ave., Trenton.

Issue: 9 JENNIE :MARY PRALL, born 12-2-1898; married 12-18-1919, RUSSELL PARKER of Trenton, born 3-10-1891, son of Lewis Parker. Ht> is a telegrapher for the Associated Press in Trenton. No children. Residence 1624 Pennington Ave.

8 CHARLES M. PEDRICK married 6-14-1898, CATHARINE BOYLE of Phila., daughter of Daniel and Hannah Boyle born in Ire­ land. He is a U.S. Deputy Marshall under Judge J. Warren Davis in Trenton. Residence 2660 Memphis St. Phila.

Issue: 9 JOSEPH CHARLES PEDRICK, born 9-24-1908, unmarried and engaged in secretarial work residing with his parents.

8 MARYE. PEDRICK married in 1901, CHANDLER PHILLIPS LOG.-\:.'\ of Chester Co., Pa., born Apl. 1876 son of Jacob and Mary Logan. He is a head miller for the Long Fl?ur Co. Residence, Avondale, Chester Co., Pa. Issue: Born Died Age Buried 9 Florence Danelia Logan 7-19-1902 2-7-1920 18 Ken. Sq. 9 Thelma Lc,gan 10-6-1911 Living 9 Charles C:aude Logan 4-29-1913 Living

CHARLES married 11-29-1936, WILHELEMENE CLEVELA.:.'m of Avondale, Pa. Residence 912 \Vest St., \Vil., Del.


6 REBECCA PEDRICK married WILLIAM ARMSTRONG, born 1812, died 11-26-1876, age 64, buried below Pennsville. He was a Civil war veteran, Co. K., 44th Reg. X. J. \"ol. Inf. They lived about Churchtown where he owned considerable land. He had a boat and rowed people to New Castle before the ferry started. Before the church was built the people would gather here to go to church in Wil., Del. And so arose the name of Churchtown. Issue: 7 Joseph Armstrong, Died single 7 Samuel Armstrong, born 1840-died 1920, age 80, bur.-E. View 7 William Armstrong, born 1854-died 1928, age 74, bur. E. View 7 John Armstrong, died single. Was drowned. JOSEPH never married. He lived with his bro. Samuel; became rup­ tured and died at Pennsville. Buried below Pennsville. SAMUEL married EMMA E. CA..~ON, sister to ANNIE who married his bro. William, born 1850, died 11-15-1915, age 65 at 2041 Erie Ave., Phila. Bur. No. Cedar Hill. He followed the trade of carpenter. Issue; Born Died Age Buried 8 Eva Lena Armstrong 3-15-1866 Living 8 Elizabeth Armstrong 5-21-1868 2-15-1924 55 E. View 8 John Armstrong Living 8 Rebecca Armstrong Living 8 Garnet Armstrong Died at 11 8 Frank Thomas Armstrong 3-17-1880 Living 8 Harry Armstrong Twin Infancy 8 Alice Armstrong Twin Living 8 EVA married 3-17-1884, EDMUND REAVES l\fULFORD JR .. born Salem 11-29-1862, son of Edmund R. and Josephine J. (Walker) l\Iulford. He has followed plastering and mason work all his life in Phila .. Camden and Atlantic City mostly, living at those places and maintaining a summer home on River Drive, Pennsville where they now reside. They have been married 55 years and bad 10 children. Issue: Born Died 9 George Washington l\Iulford 12-28-1884 Living 9 Eva Lena l\Iulford 8- 4-1886 Living 9 Ida l\Iay Mulford 1-27-1889 Livin..; 9 Harrv Erlwin l\Iulfnrrl 2-15-1891 3- s:1891 9 Arthur Edmund Mulford 5- 1-1S93 6-28-1893 9 Leon l\Iulford 12-30-1896 1-15-1897 9 Oscar Geuther Mulford 8-12-1898 Livino- 9 Grace Marie :Mulford 10-26-1900 Livin~ 9 Frank E. Mulford 8-27-1906 10-28~1906 9 Leonard William Mulford 2- 3-1908 Lh·ing


9 GEORGE W. MULFORD married Nov. 1913, AMELIA LOUISE LINK, born 6-1-1892, daughter of Mathias and Anna Bertha (Huber) Link. He has a service of 24 years with the Victor Co. of Camden. Residence No. 1057 Langham Ave., Camden. Issue: Born Died 10 Edmund Mathias Mulford 10-7-1914 Living 10 George Oscar Mulford 5-1-1917 Living Single 10 Doris Amelia Mulford 5-26-1924 Living 10 EDMUND married in 1934, MARIE TRIBBET born in 1914. No children. He is with the Victor Co., Camden. Res., West St., Wood­ bury. 9 EVA L. MULFORD married 3-27-1920, FREDERICK J. ECK­ ERT. He was about 18 years with the Penn. R.R. Co. Now in Govt. work. Res.3718 No. 15th St., Phila. /!sue: Born 10 Frederick J. Eckert, Jr. 1-19-1924 Living 9 Ida M. Mulford is unmarried, lives in Phila. and is with the Globe Printing Co. 9 OSCAR G. MULFORD married 5-13-1929, DAISY BELL. He is a traveling representative for the John Wanamaker Store. Residence No. 6548 N. 5th St., Phila. No childre~. 9 GRACE M. MULFORD married 11-24-1930, WALTER F. KAS­ ISCHKE. He is a Sergeant in the U.S. Govt. sen-ice stationed at Fort Dupont, Del. City, Del. Res. Delaware City. No children. 9 LEONARD W. MULFORD married in 1926 RHODA STEPLER, born Yardsville, N. J., 11-7-1908, daughter of William and Gaynell (Burd) Stepler. He is with the Harris Express Co. of Salem. Resi­ dence, No. 230 Wesley Street, Salem, N. J. Issue: Born 10 Leonard W. Mulford Jr. 2-15-1927 Living 10 Gaynell Eva Mulford 4-13-1928 Living 10 Ida Marie Mulford 5- 9-1929 Living 10 David Green Mulford 7-20-1930 Living 10 Oscar Geuther 1\Iulford 11-6-1931 Living 10 Bruce Stephen Mulford 12-1-1934 Living 10 Wayne Wessew Mulford 6-20-1936 Living 10 Rhoda Louisa Mulford 8- 6-1937 Living


8 ELIZABETH ARMSTRONG married 9-7-1886, FRANK WEST­ COAT REINFRIED, born Salem 3-26-1868 and living. Son of Francis Joseph and Catharine (Westcoat) Reinfried. They lived in Salem where he was a bottle blower. Then moved to Jeanette, Pa. for some time and he now resides at Greensburg, Pa. Issue: Born Died Age Buried 9 Bertha May Reinfried 1- 2-1887 10-20-1918 30 Erwin,Pa. 9 Francis Samuel Reinfried 3-29-1889 Living 9 John Edward Reinfried 5-13-1895 Living 9 Clifford Sherron Reinfried 10- 8-1897 9-8-1905 7 E. View 9 Emma Elizabeth Reinfried 7-I9-1899 Living Q BERTHA married HARRY PEDRICK: became divorced, no chil­ dren. She married 2ndly Dr. Robert Wilson of Jeanette, Pa. where he resides. Issue: Born 10 Robert Wilson Jr. 3-5-1918 Living 9 FRANCIS married 10-25-1919, LAURETTA JONES of Jeanette, Pa. They reside at Jeanette, where he is a glass cutter. R. D. I. 9 JOHN married 3-3-1917 EDNA FLUKE of Greensburg,Pa.,bom 2-24-1898, daughter of Daniel and Harriet Jane Fluke. Residence, No. 326 Brandon St. He has a garage business in Greensburg, Pa. Issue: Born Died IO John Edward Reinfried 12-13-1918 12-20-1919 IO Louise Fluke Reinfried 1-30-1919 Living IO Daniel Gerald Reinfried 3-27-1924 Living IO Harriet Elizabeth Reinfried I0-11-1930 Lhing 9 E11:\IA married 6-29-1918. JA)fES FR.-\.'-:'CIS AYARS, born Snow Hill Md. 5-24-1899 son of Frank and Mary (Edelebute) Ayars. He is a machinist and mould maker v.ith the Ayars Machine Co. in Salem. She has the family bible Perkinpine & Higgins 1914. Res. No. 92 Thompson St. issue: Born Died 10 James Francis Ayars Jr. 7-25-1919 Living 10 Bertha May Ayars 2- 4-1921 Living 10 Clara Belle Ayars 10-13-1926 Living JAl\IES is learning the machinist trade v.ith the Ayars Machine Co. Bertha is a Senior in Salem high school.


8 JOHN ARl\ISTRONG is unmarried. He is a carpenter and lives on River Drive, Pennsville, N. J. 8 REBECCA ARMSTRONG married GEORGE ELLIS. He died aLout 191 7. No children. She lives on the outskirts of Salem, Penns­ ville R. D. S FR.ru"\K THO:c\lIAS AR:.'\ISTRON'G married in 1908 EMMA JANE CORNELL of Phila., born 12-11-1889, daughter of Charles and Elizabeth Lillian (Condon) COR..1"ELL. He was in ship yard work at Cramps for 30 years and later engaged in tile work. Bought a home 20 years ago at No. S69 E. Thompson St., Phila. where they reside. Issue: Born 9 Franklin Thomas Armstrong 5-30-1909 Living 9 John Charles Armstrong 5-14-1912 Living FR.ru'\IKLIN married 7-22-1934, FLORENCE LEVINS of Phila., born Sept. 1909, daughter of Samuel and Mary Levins, Scotch ancestry. He graduated from Strayer's College and is an accountant with the Philco Corp. No children. Residence No. 5029 Frankford Ave. JOHN graduated from Strayer's College and is in office work. He is also a musician, unmarried and lives with his parents. 8 ALICE ARMSTRONG married E1HLE ELVERT and they reside in Riverside, N. J., where he is in automobile work. No other particulars secured. Issue: 9 SA::\IUEL ELVERT. 6 REBECCA PEDRICK A."\D \VILLIA1! AR~ISTRONG CHIL- DRR.'\1 CON: 7 \VILLIA1I AR:c\lISTRONG JR. married •.\.:.'l;'NIE C. .\.:."\XON of Pennsville, born 1859, died 1935, age 76, buried at E. View, the daughter of Isaac and Elizabeth (Hitchins) Cannon. He worked part­ ly as a machinist. Issue: Born 8 George Edward Armstrong 2- 2-1880 Livir.g S Edith Hancock Armstrong 9-18-1882 Livirg 8 Virginia Armstrong 2-25-1888 Livir,~ S EDITH married in 1906, CHESTER BENJA~UN TiJFT of Salem Co., born 3-14-1883, son of JOHN and Deborah (:i:,ewell) Tuft. He is a general foreman ";th Duponts having a service of 33 years. Resi­ dence, No. 14 Sack Ave., Pennsgrove. No children.


S GEORGE ARMSTRONG married in 1901, MARGARET PO\VL­ SON of Pennsville, born 2-14-1880, daughter of Joseph and Mary (Fogg) Powlson. He has always lived about Pennsville and part of the time in his grandfather's house. Now resident on the highway at Cen­ tral Park. He has been a painter and contractor. P. 0., Pennsgrove, R. D. I. Issue: Born 9 Helen Marvel Armstrong 9-21-1902 Living 9 Jessie Floyd Armstrong 12- 2-1905 Living HELEN is a graduate of State Normal at Trent,>n, taught school at 1\loorestown 13 years and now for two years at Pennsville. She is un­ married. JESSIE married 2-2-1930, JOHN WM. INGRAM, born 6-12-1905, son of Robert E. and Jane (Davis) Ingram. They live at her father's home in Central Park and he is a machinist at Dupont's. No children. 8 VIRGlli'IA ARMSTRONG, born 2-25-1888, married in 191S, FFR:\fA..'li LLOYD TAYLOR of L. P. Neck, son of Samuel and Ella (Lloyd) Taylor. He is a farmer on an old Lloyd homestead farm at "Pigs Eye" near Salem in one of the old Colonial brick farm houses so prevalent in the vicinity. Issue: Born 9 Claire Edith Taylor 5-27-1916 Livin"' 9 Roxanna Taylor 12-5-1919 Living 9 Lloyd Taylor 1- S-1920 Living 9 Jane Elizabeth Taylor 10-19-1921 Living 9 Furman Lloyd Taylor Jr. 11-22-1924 Living 9 Vera Taylor 1-18-1927 Living 9 Samuel Taylor 12-26-19.31 Living

5 JOHN PEDRICK AND ELIZABETH ELWELL CHILDREN COX: 6 H.-\:1',."XAH A.'P\")l" PEDRICK, born i-10-1819, died 12-27-1876, age Si, married 12-20-183S JOSEPH TINDALL NEWCO:\IB "by the Rev. Chas. Ford, both of L. P. Neck," born 2-23-1814, died 6-13-1887, a~e 73, buried below Pennsville. He followed the trade of bricklayin~ His old bible a John Holbrook of Brattleboro Vt. similar to the old Carey of Phila .. contains the family records as well as of bis bros. and sisters viz:-William. born 9-23-1816. :Mary. 10-S-ISIS, John, S-31-1819 and died 2-22-1822 and Ruben, born 10-20-1821.


Issue: Born Died Age Buried 7 John P. Newcomb 3-15-1840 11-26-1902 62 Chchtn. 7 Amanda Melvina Newcomb 1-30-1843 11-12-1930 87 Emman1. 7 Joseph T. Newcomb Jr. 1-14-1847 1- 7-1913 66 Old C'dn. 7 Jacob F. Newcomb 5-20-1851 6-14-1910 59 L.P. N'k. 7 Charles A. Newcomb 12-10-1855 Living 7 Hannah Elizabeth Newcomb 2- 9-1859 Living 7 JOHN P. NEWCOMB married KEZIAH NEWCOMB, daughter of REUBEN and ANN his 2nd cousin. They had a son who died at 14 and daughter, VIOLA who married a Smith, and a daughter LAURA, who married a Brayman; both families in the vicinity of Rio Grande Cape May Co. and one of them has a Service station. No other par­ ticulars. i AMANDA married 12-20-1866 by the Rev. Ashbrook (Mar. Cert.), SAMUEL MONROE LAYMAJ.~ of Pedricktown, born 1844 and died 3-8-1927, age 83, buried in Emmanuel. He was a farmer and later retired to No. 147 So. Broad St., Pennsgrove. Issue: Born 8 Joseph Newcomb Layman 8-31-1872 Living 8 Hannah Ann Layman 3- 8-1875 Living S Samuel Monroe Layman 11-10-1880 Living 8 JOSEPH married 9-6-1898, VER.~A SLAPE, born 8-8-1876 on a farm near Pennsgrove, daughter of William and Anna Slape. He has a sen.ice of 37 years with Duponts and is in their testing laboratory. No children. Residence, No. 129 So. Broad St., Pennsgrove. 8 HA ..'l',,'"NAH mar. 6-29-1912, HANCE JAQUETT, born 11-12-1880, son of Hance and Sarah Elizabeth (Crim) Jaquett. He is a carpenter at Duponts with 20 years of service. Residence, No. 140 So. Broad St., Pennsgrove. Tssue: Born 9 Gladys Layman Jaquette 3-13-1915 Living 9 Hance Layman Jaquette 4- 6-1916 Living Gladys was educated at State Normal at ~renton and finished at Goldey's business College in Wil., Del.; now a Sec'ty for a Dupont Att'y. in the Dupont Building in \Vil. HA ..--.;CE is in his Sophomore year at the University of No. C. at Chapel Hill.


7 AM ..\J.'l"DA & SAMUEL LAYMAN children con: 8 SAMUEL M. LAYMAN JR., born 11-10-1880, married ..\.'\"NA JENKINS of Pennsville, born 7-4-1881, daughter of John and Jane (Jaquette) Jenkins. He has a service of 35 years with Dupont's and they reside in a fine new home at "Clinehurst" suburb of Pennsgrove. Issue: 9 Blanche Lofland Layman, born 5-26-1905, graduated from Temple University in Physical Education; then took a Commercial Course at Goldey's in Wil., Del.; now a Sec'ty with the Willis Hardware Co. in Penns grove. 7 JOSEPH T. NEWCOMB JR. married MARY ELIZABETH SH..\RP, born 1852, died 1925, age 73, buried in Old Camden, the daughter of Isaac and Mollie (Calhoun) Sharp, a farmer near George­ town, Del. Joseph worked about Camden as a brick layer and later was a boss in that line of work.

Issue: Born S Edward Newcomb Infancy 8 :tv.:ary Newcomb Infancy 8 Joseph Newcomb Living 8 Willard Newcomb 4-27-1878 Living S Delema Newcomb 1-15-1890 Living 8 DELEMA married 9-26-1917, H..\RRY WALTON TR.~~SEU of Penna., born 12-10-1893, son of Isaac and Harriet (Garner) Transeu. Occupation, carpenter; residence, No. 47 Ko. 26th St., Camden, N. J.

Issue: Born 9 Harriet Elizabeth Transeu 7-17-1918 Senior class Camden High. 9 Bertha Marie Transeu 8-25-1923 Senior class Junior High. 8 WILLARD NEWCOMB married TILLIE LE:\IBERT, born Phila., 6-4-1882, daughter of Henry and Julia (Bates) Lembert. '\Villard for 23 years conducted a meat market and delicatessen business in Phila., bis last location in Burbolme. He is now retired. Residence, No. 1819 Napfle St., Phila. No children.


8 JOSEPH A. NEWCOMB married BERTHA MASO:'.ll" of Camden. She died about 1934. No issue. He was at one time a coach trimmer in Camden along with his uncle Charles at Caffrey's. Has now a service station on the Egg Harbor-1Iays Landing road W. of Egg Harbor, N. J. P. 0. Mays Landing, R. D. 2.


7 JACOB F. NEWCO:\IB, born 5-20-1851, died 6-14-1910, age 59, married and had two children. One died in infancy and the other, a daughter, married a barber in Camden. He lived in Phila. and later had a small farm in L. P. Neck.

7 HANNAH E. NEWCOMB married in 1906 URIAH DIVER, born 7-15-1860, son of James and Mary (Dolbow) Diver. No children. Both resident at No. 20 Maple Ave. (Cove) Pennsgrove, where Uriah has lived the past SO years. He still owns 25 acres of land in Penns­ grove, W. of State St. with 2000 ft. of water front in the family 200 years. He has been a farmer, fisherman and Dupont worker. He mar­ ried first Anna Fawcett and had Edward Elizabeth Diver. Edward, still single and Elizabeth, married to Edwin Sickler, living in Penns­ grove, and have children Edwin Jr., Donald L., and Wilbur F.


7 CHARLES A. NEWCOMB, born 12-10-1855 and living. He mar­ ried in 1876 ELIZABETH CHADWICK from whom he was divorced.

Issui:: S Elizabeth Newcomb, born 1877, died 1927, single bur., Phila. She lived with her mother's people. CHARLES married 2ndly in 1889, MARY ELIZABETH ELVINS, born Phila.,6-12-1861, died 9-5-1902, age 41, buried at Laurel Hill. Daughter of John and Kate (Davis) Elvins; she is a descendant of U.S. Grant.

Issue: 8 Albert Elvins Newcomb, born 7-22-1890, married in 1909 EDNA MAE KINDLE, born 1893, daughter of Arthur and - (Righter) Kindle. He is a machinist by trade and is now 1•;ith the Philco Corp.

Issue: Born 9 Albert Kindle Newcomb 7-21-1914 Living, single 9 Ruth Marie Newcomb 2-22-1923 Living 9 Charles Arthur Newcomb 11-20-1925 Living CHARLES was born in Camden while the family was living there. Started out as a coach trimmer and learned the trade with the Charles S. Caffrey Co. in Camden. They later opened up at 1714 Chestnut St., Phila. and Charles had charge of the shop there. \Vhen they closed their business there he still followed his trade and with the exit of c:ll'riages and the advent of automobiles he worked in that line since most of the early automobiles were equipped with curtains. \Vhen en­ closed glass cars came on he had to give up and about 1925 he connected with a sailors' supply place at Shunk and )!oyamensing in general work and in charge of the Jockers. He continued there twelve years. He has lived at No. 2727 So. 12th St. about 20 years where the whole family are now residing.


6 ELIZABETH PEDRICK was the youngest of John's eight chil­ dren, five girls and three boys. All the girls married and left families, out only two of the boys. Elizabeth was born 5-23-1823 and died 5-28-1892, age 69; married JACOB WHITESELL of L. P. Neck, born 5-19-1828 & died 10-30-1903, age 76, both buried at Churchtown. Her first born was raised by her parents and given the name of Ped­ rick.

Issue: Born Died Age Buried 7 Joseph Henry Pedrick 12-13-1847 7 Elwood Whitesell 1850 7 Anna Whitesell 1851 10-22-1921 70 Chchtn. 7 Jacob Whitesell Jr. 1860 1862 2 Chchtn. 7 Margaret Whitesell 1-13-1856 1914 58 Chchtn. 7 Frank Straughen Whitesell 1858 10- 2-1928 70 Chchtn. 7 JOSEPH married 7-7-1868, SARAH JA."l\l"E WHITESELL, born 2- 29-1853, died 6-21-1923, age 70, buried at Churchtown. He had about 25 acres of land meted to him from the estate of his father on the "Hook" road which he farmed and built himself a house there. She married 2ndly DANIEL NEWCOMB about 1915, widower of her husband's sister Margaret. Issue: Born Died Age Buried 8 Elizabeth Pedrick 2- 2-1869 Living 8 Mary Pedrick 8- 2-1871 1925 54 Salem Ban. 8 Joseph Pedrick 18i3 18i6 3 Chchtn. 8 Emma Bishop Pedrick 3- 9-18i5 Living 8 Josephine Pedrick 9-26-1878 190i 29 Wil., Del. 8 Harry Pedrick 3-16-1885-1924 39 Churchtown. 8 Clarence Pedrick 9-12-1889- Living 8 John Pedrick 1890 1890 0 Churchtown. ELIZABETH married 9-13-1888 at \Voodstown, EMMIT PEDRICK, born 8-9-1858, son of Garret. Both living at the canal bridge on the "hook" road at Suburban Glenside. He has been a fisherman, worked at Dupont's, and was a bridge tender before the canal was damned and a new bridge built. Issue: Born 9 Alice Russell Pedrick 5- 2-1889 Living 9 Warren Henry Pedrick 3-19-1891 Living 9 Horace Callahan Pedrick 6-20-1900 Living 9 Law-rence Agustus Pedrick 8-28-1905 Living


9 ALICE R. PEDRICK married in 1908, HERBERT HUTCHIN­ SON, born 1885, son of William and Elizabeth (Jess) Hutchinson. He met death by a gun shot accident 12-12-1912 while rabbit hunting, age 27, buried in Emmanuel. Issue: 10 ADELBERT SMITH HUTCHINSON, born 1-19-1909, married 3-1-1932, MARY WILSON of Salem, born 1910, daughter of Clifford and Anna (Dolbow) Wilson. He works at Dupont's and they live on Thompson St. in Salem. /.


8 MARY PEDRICK, born 8-2-1871, died 1925, age 54; married AS­ BURY ARMSTRONG of U. P. Neck, son of Joseph and Martha (Whitesell) Armstrong. He was a farmer and died in 1937. No chil­ dren. Tribute has been given her for mothering most of the young children of her sister Josephine Mullin after her early death and the husband remarried. 8 EMMA BISHOP PEDRICK, born 3-9-1875, married 2-22-1893 MARTIN CASPER DOLBOW of Salem, born 11-3-1865, son of John and Mary (Curriden) Dolbow. He has been a farmer mostly, now in P.W .A. work and they have lived in the Glenside section Hie past 44 years. Issue: Born Died Age 9 Ethel May Dolbow 3-27-1894 1918 24 9 Martin Casper Dolbow Jr. 5-13-1896 Living 9 George Myers Dolbow 3-26-1898 Living 9 Sarah J..:,;:-e Dolbow 10-24-1905 Living 9 John tlI:xr Dolbow 6-23-1911 Living ETHU. maried in 1912 HOWARD FOGG of Saiem born June 1894 sc,:, c-,r .'.aron and Viola (Sayer) Fogg. After his wifes death Howard v.er..: with his brother on a farm in Mannington. Issue: IO-Howard Fo~ born 6-1-1913-Living home, single, works Dui:,onts IO-EMMA FOGG born 8-31-1914-Living 10-GEORGE FOGG born 1916-1919-3 EMMA married 11-16-1935 EDWARD WILLIA.'1\-I KEEN of Sharp­ town born 5-23-1915 son of Walter and Rebecca (Cummings) Keen. Residence Glenside, Occupation Duponts. No cb:idren. 9 GEORGE M. DOLBOW married in 1919 ELLA FRIANT of U.P. Neck born 1904 daughter of Joseph anti Hannah ('Vhitesell) Friant. Ella died in 1921. He is a farmer on the John Humphries Farm. Residence Humphries Avenue Glenside. lssue. 10 ETHEL MAY DOLBOW born 5-10-1921-Living GEORGE married 2ndly in 1928 THELMA EPPERSON of Va. born 1904 daughter of Electa Epperson. Issue: 10 DONALD MYERS DOLBOW born 11 22-1928-Living 10 WELFORD LEE DOLBOW born 7-20-1936-Living.


9 SARAH JANE DOLBOW, born 10-24-1905, married in 1927 N'ORMAJ.~ DOUGHTON CATTS, born near Pennsgrove 3-17-1904, ~on of Herman and Bertha (Wells) Catts. He bas been with the Du­ pont Co. the past nine years. Residence, Glenside. bsue: Born 10 Sarah Valeria Catts 7-18-1928 Living 9 JOHN DOLBOW is unmarried and lives at home. 9 MARTIN CASPER DOLBOW, JR., is unmarried, lives home, and works for the Township. i JOSEPH HENRY PEDRICK AND SARAH WHITESELL. S JOSEPHINE PEDRICK, bom 9-26-1878, died 1907, age 29, bur. at \Vil., Del., married in 1896 LAWRENCE MULLIN of \Vil., born lll60, died 1913, age 53. He married 2ndly in 1911 Lola Jennings and died two years later. He kept a tavern in Wil., Del. When he m:\rried again his first wife's sister, Mary Armstrong, took some of bis young children under her care. lss:1e: Bnrn Died Age Buried 9 Joseph Henry Mullin 1-13-1898 Living 9 Alice Cecilia Mullin 10-13-1900 1924- 24- Woodstn 9 Mary Sarah Mullin 12-16-1902 Living 9 Francis Mullin 8-23-1904 Living 9 Lawrence AuJ!UStus Mullin 2-11-1907 Living 9 JOSEPH married in 1921 SARAH ASSMA.~ of Philadelphia born 2-4-1903 daughter of Mary .i\ssman. He is a plumber for the Board of Education in Philadelphia and they live at 4015 Neilson St. Phila. Issue: !O SAR..\H RUTH )1ULLrn born 8-24-1924 Living 9 ALICE married in 1920 REX HITCHXER of Salem son of JamPS and Florence Hitchner, undertakers and furniture dealers Est. 100 years in Salem. REX runs an electric business at 28 E. Broadway. After his wife's death REX married Theresa Ale of Pennsville. Issue: 10 FLORENCE HITCHNER born 11-16-1921 Living IO FAY HITCHNER born 1923-1924 deceased 9 ~!ARY S. MULLIN married 6-25-1924 DONALD ED\VARD RO­ BERTSOX born 4-16-1902 son of Donald M. and Christiana (Brimer) Roberuon. He is an electrician at the Deep '\Vater Electric Plant. Residence, Glenside. Issue: 10 DOXALD EDWARD ROBERTSON JR. born 1-2-1926 Living 10 ROBERT J ..\:\IES ROBERTSON born 11-30-1924 Living


9 FRANCIS MULLIN is single and works for the Salem Glass Co. in Salem. 9 LAWRENCE AUGUSTUS MULLIN born 2-11-1907 married 1-7-1926 DAISY WELLS born Oxford, N. J. 6-12-1904 daughter of Richard and Anna (Worden) Wells. He is a machine operator at the Salem glass works and they reside below Glenside at "White Terrace" one of the many new developments in that section, along the "Hook Road." Issue: 10 Lawrence Augustus Mullin Jr.born 4-14-1926 Living 10 Josephine Elvira Mullin born 5-11-1932 Living 10 Florence Jean Mullin born 1-15-1937 Living 7 JOSEPH HENRY PEDRICK AND SARAH \'\'RITESELL CON: S HARRY PEDRICK born 3-16-1885 died in 1924 age 39 buried at Churchtown married 7-1-1906 LIDA HUSTED born 4-9-1888 daughter of Frank and Caroline (Dawson) Husted. He was a carpenter and fisherman. Issue: Born Died 9 Lillian Pedrick 6-21-1907 Living 9 Harry Pedrick 11-23-1910 1920-10-Chchtn 9 Earl Harry Pedrick 3-24-1913 Living 9 Rachel Pedrick 8-3-1916 Living 9 Wilbert H. Pedrick 4-6-1920 Living LIDA married 2ndly in 1925 HOWARD NORTON widower son of James G and Anna (Whitesell) Norton. He also connects with this history in another place through his first marriage. He is a slip tender at the Pennsville ferry. Residence Pennsville. Issue: Born IO PEARL M. NORTON 7-4-1926 Living. 9 LILLIA.N" married 3-16-1924 EVERITT MITCHELL of Penns-· ville born in 1905 the son of Henry Mitchell. He works at Duponts. Residence Pennsville. Issue: Born Died 10 Gladys Mitchell Sept. 1925 Living 10 Irene Mitchell 1-24-1927 Living 10 Charles Mitchell 1-29-1928 Living 9 EARL H. PEDRICK married in 1936 LEONA THO11PSON, born 1918 daughter of Theodore Thompson. They live at Seeley, near Bridgeton and he works on the Pennsville ferry. Issue: Born 10 Dorene Pedrick l\!ay, 1937 Living


9 RACHEL PEDRICK born 8-3-1916 married in 1934 JOHN FREDRICK HOGATE of Salem born 11-14-1912 son of George and Ida (Sandlin) Hogate. They live in a new home about two miles from Hancocks Bridge on the Hogate homestead farm and be works at Duponts.

Issue: 10 JOHN GILBERT HOGATE born 11-30-1934 Living

10 JOSEPH WALTER HOGATE born 8-28-1937 Living 7 JOSEPH HENRY PEDRICK AJ."l;D SARAH WHITESELL CHILDREN CON: 8 CLARENCE PEDRICK, born 9-12-1889. married 7-13-1913 EMMA NORTON of Philadelphia, born 6-27-1890, daughter of Elmer \\,"bite and Martha (Tonkin) Norton born at Cornwall, England. They reside in Central Park above Pennsville and he works at Duponts. l\Iarried 25 years, had nine children

Issue: Born Died 9 Sarah Jane Pedrick 6-24-1914 Living 9 Josephine Pedrick 11-26-1915 Living 9 Elmer Norton Pedrick 1-28-1918 living 9 Clarence Pedrick Jr. 7-31-1920 Living 9 Henry Francis Pedrick 10-24-1922 Living 9 Emma Pedrick (twin)lZ-12-1924 1924 3½days 9 William Pedrick (twin)12-12-1924 1924 9mo 9 George Harold Pedrick 3-28-1926 Living 9 Ruth Pedrick 11-15-1928 Living

9 JOSEPHDrE married 4-26-1934 HERBERT HOPl\lIA ..~ born 12-3-1914 son of William and Lillian (Jones) Hopman. He is in the testing Dept. of the Salem Glass Works and they live on Ward St. in Salem.

Issue: 10 ROGER JOHN HOP:\IA..'\; born 11-14-1935 Living 1U ROXALD HERBERT HOP:\!..\.:.'\; born 4-11-1937 Living Both Blue ribbon babies at the Salem Hospital and Ronald won the silver cup.


7 ELWOOD WHITESELL born 1850 married HA.~NAH.ATKIN­ SON of Salem Co. who died in 1915 buried in Emmanuel. He is buried at Churchtown, no stone marked. She was the daughter of Joshua and Mary (Myers) Atkinson. He was a farmer and fisherman the most of his working years.

Issue: Born Died 8 Mary 'Whitesell 1874 Deceased Infcy 8 Ellen Whitesell 1876 Deceased Infcy 8 Margaret Whitesell 9-20-1878 Living

8 MARGARET married 2-17-1900 RICHARD ROBERTSON 3rd of Philadelphia born 12-5-1878 son of Ruel and Mary (Day) Robert­ son. Rkhard was a jeweler and silversmith in Philadelphia. Came to Pennsgrove in 1907 and connected with Duponts and has been with them mostly the past 30 years now an engineer on their railroad. They also had a grocery business in Pennsgrove and are now operating a "Sun" service station at 214-16-18-So. Broad St., living nearby at 198 So. Broad. Issue: Born Died 9 Richard Robertson 4th 9-13-1901 Living 9 Elwood Robertson S-15-1903 Deceased 3 months 9 Margaret Jane Robertson 10-16-1904 Deceased 15 months 9 RICHARD married 2-24-1933 :\IYRTLE HOO\'EN of Wil. Del. born in 1903 daughter of William Hooven. Richard is a te.sct.ile dyer in a mill near Pottstown, Pa. Residence 503 Farmington Ave. Pottstown.

Issue: 10 RICHARD ROBERTSON 5th born 1-22-1934 Living 7 -~~NA '\VHITESELL born 1851 died 10-22-1921 age 70 married JA:\-IES NORTON of Salem Co. born 1856 died 7-13-1923 age 67 son of Henry and Anna (Davenport) Norton. issue: 8 HOWARD NORTON born 8-31-1878 and living married FLOR­ ENCE CRI:\1 daughter of Peter and Susan (Stiles) Crim. She died in 1916 buried at Churchtown. They had four children. Howard then married in 1925 LIDA (HUSTED) PEDRICK widow of Frank. He is a Pennsville ferry slip tender, they live in Pennsville and have a daughter as below which is also entered elsewhere. 9 PEARL :\:I. NORTON born 7-4-1926 Living.


Issue: Born 9 James Gill Norton 6-10-1898 Living 9 Anna Elizabeth Norton 6-4-1905 Living 9 Florence Crim Norton 5-15-1909 Living 9 Howard Norton Jr. 4-8-1912 Living JA:\IES married 1919 CATHERINE PARISH daughter of George and Annie Elizabeth Parish born in England. He is a mechanical engineer in the planning department at Duponts. Residence 135-Sth St. Carneys Point.

Issue: 10 JA~IES EDWARD NORTON born 11-27-1924 Living. 9 ANNA E. NORTON married 6-15-1922 JAMES GILBERT LEW­ IS of Va. born 3-30-1902 son of James Leander and Lucy Ann (Wray) Lewis. He is a Dupont worker and they reside at 20 Chester Ave. Deep Water.

lsstte: Born Died 10 James '\Vesley Lewis 6-4-1923 Living 10 Florence Elizabeth Lewis 9-24-1924 Livin" 10 Harold Bernard Lewis 7-1-1926 Living 10 Edna Lorraine Lewis 10-19-192S Living IO ;\farion Francis Lewis 5-18-1931 Living 10 Charles £\·erette Lewis 3-1-1936 Living 9 FLORENCE C. XORTON married GEORGE REUTER of Rich­ wood. He is a farmer in the Richwood section. Xo children. 9 HOWARD XORTOX JR. married THEL1IA LYOXS of near Barnsboro, and he is running the Carl Shuster farm near Sewell. :1\o children. 6 ELIZABETH PEDRICK A;.,D JACOB '\VHITESELL i l\IARGARET WHITESELL born 1-13-1856 died 1914 age 5S married DA.. '\JEL ""IXFIELD XE\\-CO1IB born S-31-IS5t' died 5-26-1927 age 76 both buried at Churchtown. He was a farmer about Churchtown.

Issue: S '\VALTER C.-\L\"IN XE\'\"CO1IB married 1!:\RY ELIZABETH ].-\QUETTE born 11-12-1 Sii daughter of Hance and Sarah Elizabeth (Crim) Jaquette. 1!r. !\ewcomb always farmed until some years ago when he sold his place to the Electric plant. Xe childrrn. Both resident at Churchtown.


7 FRANK STRAUGHEN WHITESELL born 1858 died i0-2-1928 age 70 married MARTHA ELIZABETH WHITESELL daughter of Amos and Sarah (Murphy) W!iitesell born 1866 and living with her children. He was a farmer in L. P. Neck buried at Churchtown.

Issue; Born Died 8 Lida Carpenter Whitesell 3-22-1888 Living 8 Herbert Jacob Whitesell 10-10-1892 Living 8 Frank Straughen Whitesell Jr. 9-13-1900 Living

LIDA married in 1903 WILLIAM LIPPDl'COTT HUSTED born Bridgeton 4-20-1886 the son of Frank and Caroline (Dawson) Husted. He has followed the barber business and has a shop in Pennsville at No. 4 Chestnut St., where they reside.

Issue: 9 AUBREY FRANK HUSTED born 9-17-1907 married in 1927 EVA STRICKLA.~D of Oxford, Pa. born Sept. 1907 the daughter of Amos and Malissa (Hayes) Strickland. He is a pipe fitter at Duponts and they reside at Castle View Heights near Pennsville. 8 HERBERT married in 1913 ETHEL L. 1\IcCARSON born 7-6- 1896 the daughter of Furman and Hannah (Raighn) McCarson. He is working in the dye works at Duponts. Residence Salem Road Penns­ ville.

Issue: 9 THERESA ELIZABETH WHITESELL born 9-22-1920 Living.

8 FR.-\..'!li"K married in 1917 KATHLEEN FREW of Scranton, Pa. born in 1898 the daughter of David and Elizabeth (Hanmon) Frew. He is in the dye works at Duponts. Residence 127 H. St. Carneys Point.

Issue: 9 FR.-\NCIS DAVID WHITESELL born 7-9-1919 Living.


S ISAAC PEDRICK. Having carried through to 1937 the descend­ ants of Isaac's brother John the first born of Jacob Jr. we now take up that of ISAAC. He was born 8-17-1788 and died 5-20-1847 age S8. His wife was MARY surname unknown born 9-20-1792 and died 11-12-1852 both buried in the Presbyterian cemetery below Pennsville. His head stone was easily read but hers along side had lain face down for years. I turned it over but could not read through the grime of time so left, that the rains might wash her face. On my next visit the inscription was as though recently done. A reverent posterity could claim just praise if some of these old burial plots could be put in respectable condition. Many thanks however to the "Good Earth" as a preserver of marble lettering which mostly becomes unreadable when exposed to the blasts of a hundred winters. Isaac inherited his share of land as divided by Court Commissioners in L.P. neck about the "Hook" road and Churchtown where he farmed. He died intestate and his son Samuel D. Pedrick rendered an account to the November 1848 term of Court. He had real estate transactions but space has precluded interest in this now.

Issue: Born Died Age BurkJ 6 Josiah Pedrick 3-22-1822 3-21-1897 75 Bridgpt. 6 Charles S. Pedrick 11-13-1825 4-30-1890 64 Chchtn. 6 Samuel Dunn Pedrick 7-18-1820 12-2-1891 71 New Castle. 6 Michael Pedrick 12-9-1831 12-9-1892 61 C. Square 6 Joel Pedrick 1839 1923 84 Chchtn. 6 Isaac Pedrick No record 6 (A daughter) Married John Wright Salem

6 JOSIAH married 5-29-1847 :MARGARETE. HOLDCRAFT born 8-24-1830 died 11-11-1901 buried Bridgeport. (N. J. Archives & head stones) He was a U.S. veteran of the Civil war 13th Regiment Co. D. N. J. Vol. He was a farmer and in later years lived in Bridgeport and was a !,ridge tender.

Issue: Born Died .-l)!e Buried 7 George Holdcraft Pedrick 9-18-1848 9-29-193i 89 Bdgp. 7 Robert Morrison Pedrick 12-18-1849 2-9-1921 71 Bdgpt. 7 Joseph Pedrick 1852 1932 80 Plstvl. 7 Charles Pedrick 9-29-1856 Living i Anna E. Pedrick 11-5-1858 3-25-1883 24 Bdgpt. 7 Mary Elizabeth Pedrick 7-29-1866 11-14-1898 32 Bdgpt.


7 GEORGE H. PEDRICK married 8-3-1869 HARRIET ZA.'\JE of Repaupo born 2-10-1842 died 2-7-1924 age 82 the daughter of John and Sarah (Hendrickson) Zane. He followed farming and fishing the most of his active life. Issue: 8 ELLA HOLDCRAFT PEDRICK born 6-8-1870 Living. 8 El\E\IA JUSTICE PEDRICK born 12-13-1875 Living. ELLA married in 1889 CHARLES BURDICK VICKERY JR. born I'hiladelphia 4-17-1866 next door to the Betsy Ross flag house of Revolutionary fame, the son of Charles Band Maria (Honour) Vickery. He died 2-11-1931 age 65 buried at Bridgeport. He worked mostly at the Vacuum Oil Works. His widow sold their home in Bridgeport and is resident at 21 Elvin Ave. Pennsgrove, N. J. Issue: 9 GEORGE PEDRICK VICKERY born 5-23-1894 Living. 9 MARIE HONOUR VICKERY born 8-19-1901 Living. GEORGE married FRA.:.'\JCES SHER,\"OOD of Wilmington Del. born 6-17-1893. She died in 1932 age 39 buried Bridgeport. He has c!-iarge of the store house at Duponts with a service of 23 years. They had three children. He married 2ndly 1934 LUCY SYLVESTER of Carneys Point born 12-23-1911. Ko issue. Residence 21 Elvin Ave. Pennsgrove. Issue: Born Died 10 Harold Sherwood Vickery 2-29-1915 Living 10 Emerson Wallace Vickery 2-2-1918 . Living 10 Charles Roy Vickery 1-31-1920 Living HAROLD graduated from high school attended Goldeys Col!ege and now connected with Duponts. El\1ERSOX is taking an Electrical En­ gineering course at Drexel and CHARLES a business course at Banks in Philadelphia. 9 :'.\!ARIE H. VICKERY married 10-17-1926 CLARENCE TAY­ LOR SHOCK of B-Port born 12-23-1900 son of Morton and Ella (Taylor) Shock. He is an electrical engineer with the Pa. Power & Light Co. Allentown Subsidiary. Residence 3013 Greenleaf St. Allen­ town, Pennsylvania. Issue: Born Died IO Clarence Taylor Shock Jr. 10-1-1927 Living IO Nancy Ruth Shock 3-20-1929 Living IO Charles Roger Shock 7-17-1933 Living


8 EMMA JUSTICE PEDRICK married 6-3-1900 MARK CUNN­ INGHAM DOLBOW born 9-18-1879 died 4-20-1927 age 48 buried Emmanuel son of GABRIEL VANBUREN AND MARY ELIZA­ BETH (SPARKS) DOLBOW. He followed the butchering business. His family resident at 18 Sack Ave. Pennsgrove, N.J. Issue: Born Died 9 Esther Tussey Dolbow 4-12-1903 Single, with Duponts 9 Pauline Sparks Dolbow 4-26-1905 Married 9 Ella Jeanette Dolbow 7-13-1913 Single, with Duponts 9 Raymond Miller Dolbow 11-22-1915 Single, with Duponts

9 PAlJ1.IXE married 3-18-1922 HARMA1'\T BELL, born near "\Vhig Lane" ln 1904, son of Andrew J. and Nancy (Lacy) Bell. He is a clerk in the New York ship yard. Residence, 208 Maple Ave., Clayton, N. J. Issue: Born 10 Harman Bell, Jr. 4-17-1923 Living IO Warren Evans Bell 8-23-1924 Living IO Chester Arthur Bell 8-30-1927 Living 10 Donald Dolbow Bell 11-14-1931 Living I O Nancy Emma Bell 12-26-1933 Living 6 JO~TAH PEDRICK A..· 11 m MARGARET E. HOLDCRAFT. 7 ROBERT :MORRISON PEDRICK married EDIIRA SHUTE born 1852, died 4-22-1935, age 83. buried at Bridgeport, the daughter of Nathan and Rebecca (Barnes) Shute. Issue: 8 AUSTI::,.J" APGAR PEDRICK born 1-10-1876 married in 1896 BLANCHE AUSTIN born in Pa. the daughter of Edward and Caroline (Snyder) Austin. He is a glass blower in l\lillville. Residence 616 Pine. Issue: Born Died 9 Beulah H. Pedrick 6-10-1898 Living 9 :\Ionroe W. Pedrick 12-22-1903 Living BEULAH married JOHN ARCHER of Bridgeton son of Joseph and Annie (l\!urphy) Archer. Occupation ;,lanufacturing. Resid~rice 616 Fine l\!illville. Issue: Born IO Doris Blanche Arc-her 9-3-191 i Living IO Catharine Beulah Archer 7-30-1921 Living IO Joyce Dolores Archer 10-25-1925 Living


9 MONROE W. PEDRICK married MYRTLE DAGER of Mill­ ville born 3-23-1908 daughter of Charles and Amber (Hennis) Dager. He is in Railroad work and they reside on the Delsea Highway. Issue: Born 10 Doris Louise Pedrick 12-26-1926 Living 10 Eleanor Bernice Pedrick 9-25-1928 Living 10 Bessie Ann Pedrick 12-20-1931 Living 10 Robert Monroe Pedrick 3-14-1934 Living 6 JOSIAH PEDRICK AND MARGARET E. HOLDCRAFT 7 JOSEPH PEDRICK was born 1852 and died 1932 age 80 married SUSANNA BURK born 2-14-1851 died 2-11-1935 age 84 both buried at Pleasantville. She was a sister of John Burk of Pedricktown who married Keziah Pedrick appearing in this history elsewhere. He lived in Woodbury about SO years and latterly was a runner for the 1st National Bank. Became pensioned and lived in Atlantic City where his son was working and died there. The Guarantee Trust Co. of that place was his e.,;:ecutor. His ";n probated 6-9-1932 makes bequests to nieces Emma Dolbow and Emma Padley, to Elizabeth Pedrick of Atlantic City and Catharine Schrank of Woodbury if his wife prede­ ceases him but all to her before. His wife's will was probated 2-25-1935 1st National Bank & Trust Co. Woodbury Ex. and she left her estate to the above named nieces and others. Issue: 8 ROBERT MORRISON PEDRICK who died 4-21-1931 born 9-8-1880 age 51 married CHARLOTTE MARIE WESTCOAT born 1882 and died 10-23-1918 in the influenza epidemic. Xo issue. He was with Gardners meat market in Atlantic City and also had business with the ELIZABETH PEDRICK INC. yarn shop in Atlantic City. The Guarantee Trust Co. of Atlantic City administered his estate and their account indicates his mother in Woodbury received a balance of about $3000. 7 .-\.'i'NA E. PEDRICK born 11-5-1858 died 3-25-1883 age 24 buried at Bridgeport married LLOYD SI!l."NICKSON of Salem. No issue. He is presumably still living about Salem.


7 CHARLES PEDRICK born 9-29-1856 and living. Married MAR­ THA LONG of Va. born 1854 died 1933 age 79 buried at Bridgeport. They had three children. He married 2ndly 1935 IDA BOUSTEAD born 3-6-1860, daughter of Harry and Mary Houstead. His wife MAR­ THA was left an orphan at three, born Bullitt and raised by Long her foster father. Charles has been a farmer mostly. Later in life, night watchman. Residence 234 N.J. Road Brooklawn N.J. Now retired.

Issue: Born 8 Caroline Long Pedrick 9-3-1876 Living 8 Bertha Virginia Pedrick 7-17-1879 Died 1927 8 Ernest Linwood Pedrick 12-16-1887 Died 1937

S CAROLINE married in 1894 STEPHEN JOHNSON of Glassboro born 9-6-1869, son of John and Frances (Miller) Johnson. He bas been with Duponts the past 30 years now a pipe fitter there. Residence 122 State St. Pennsgrove.

Issue: Born 9 Marion Rose Johnson 9-28-1895 Living 9 Charles Emerson Johnson 12-13-1900 Living 9 Jean Lynn Johnson 9-23-1905 Living MARION married in 1915 JOSEPH LOWREY FEXDRICH, JR., born 1898 son of John L. and Bertha Fendrich. He became a Pres­ byterian :.\finister and has been stationed in C:iliiornia but no·,,· tran5- ferred to Salem West Va. Issue; Born 10 Jane Lowrey Fendricb 9-11-1926 Living CHARLES married in 1920 MARY GOLDSBOROUGH of Delaware born June 1903 daughter of Dennis and Mary Ellen (Schockley) Golds­ borough. He is a graduate of the Phila. College of pharmacy and has charge of Dr. Rhodes drug business at Newark Del. where they reside. JEAN married in 1932 HENRY PIERSO~ FRENCH of Elizabeth, N.J. born 1899 son of Geor~e. He is a bond Salesman for a N.Y. brokerage house. Residence 2060 West Fall Road, Rochester, N.Y. 8 BERTHA V. PEDRICK married HENRY SOUDER of Glassboro who died about 1928. Had been a glass blower. No children. She died in 1927 age 47, buried at Bridgeport. 8 ER.i.\;'EST PEDRICK never married. He v.-as in the dye dept. at Duponts and lived in Bridgeport. He died 3-17-1937, age 49.


6 CHARLES S. PEDRICK born 11-13-1825, died 4•30..1890, age 64; married 11-11-1858 SARAH ARMSTRONG, born 6-'!-1832, died .2-28-1905, age 72; both buried at Churchtown. He was a widower having first married 12-4-1847 ELIZA DAY :it Pennsville by Thos. Christopher minister. Eliza born 1824 and died 4-15-1858, age 34. They were married 11 years but no record of children by this marriage has been had. He was a farmer in L.P. Neck. His son Isaac Land Chalkley S. Fenton were his executors. Issue: Born Died Age Buried 7 Kate R. Pedrick 4-3-1861 7 Isaac Lewis Pedrick 10-18-1862 2-28-1907 44 Chchtn 7 Lida D. Pedrick 10-4-1864 1-14-1921 56 Chchtn 7 Anna May Pedrick 8-10-1867 7 Frank B. Pedrick 8-20-1870 7 KATE married and they located at Columbia, Pa. All deceased. No children. 7 ISAAC never married, he made a will 5-8-1907 probated 11-16-1907 leaving bis estate to his sister Lida D. Fento'J. 7 LIDA married 4-14-1886 CHALKLEY S. FENTON born 1865 died 5-25-1934, age 69; both buried Churchtown. He was the son of Furman and Hannah Fenton, all of L.P. Neck. The old Fenton home­ stead stood where the dye works became located. Near the plant was "Fentons Comer" where a brother farmed on the main road and Chalk­ ley lived the most of his life there where he died. Issue: Burn 8 Frank Wilbert Fenton 8-24-1887 Living 8 Furman Lewis Fenton 12-3-1888 Living 8 Elizabeth Fenton 1889 1924 35 Chchtn Single 8 Edna Lida Fenton 4-29-1893 Living 8 Earl Fenton 12-4-1894 Living 8 George Morrison Fenton 12-19-1896 Living S Arthur Fenton 1-23-1903 Living 8 FRA.N'K married 5-8-1909 VERNA HUMPHREYS born Salem 11-7-1890 daughter of Edward Palmer and Anna Patton (Garrison) Humphreys. Frank worked at Duponts and later started out in 1921 as a building contractor in the suburban Pennsville Central Park section becoming the leading operator in the locality. They reside in a home there on the highway. No children. They have the Charles Pedrick bible a Harding of Phila. 1868.

122 1 ROGER; 2 JOHN; 3 JACOB; 4 JACOB; 5 ISAAC; 6 CHARLES; 7 LIDA D. PEDRICK A.'l"D CHALKLEY S. FENTON. S FURMAN L. FENTON married ELIZABETH STRAUGHEN who died in 1924. No issue. He married 2ndly in 1926 LAURA JAQ­ UETTE born 9-20-1888 daughter of Hance and Sarah E. (Krumm) Jaquette. He is connected with his brother in the building business in the Central Park area where they reside. No children. S EDNA L. FENTON married 9-17-1918 JESSE HODGES VIN­ YARD of Warwick Md. son of William Thomas and Sarah Ann (Manlove) Vinyard. He first lived at Carneys Point then went to Warwick where he has conducted a general Mdse business and gas station the past 15 years. Issue: Born 9 Eugene Fenton Vmyard 2-24-1920 A Sen. Reg high Carneys Point 9 Jesse Julian Vinyard 9-14-1921 Sen. Cecilton Md. High 9 William Thom::s Vinyard 6-14-1926 School at Warwick 9 Arthur Alan Vinyard 11- 4-1929 School at Warwick 8 EARL FENTON married 12-25-1922 GRACE GAVENTA SAILOR born 2-21-1896 daughter of David and Emma (Gaventa) Sailor. He is a chief clerk at the Dupont dye works where he has served 23 years. Residence Crown Point road above Pennsgrove. No children. 8 GEORGE M. FENTON married 6-25-1924 ;\NNA BELLE BRIGHT JUSTICE born 4-9-1905 daughter of Harry G and Ada Turner (Davidson) Justice. He is a garage foreman at Duponts and they have also a drug and sundry store business at Carneys Point where they re$ide. No issue. (This connects also in Shoemaker genealogy, Pa~e J 68) 8 ARTHUR FENTON married HELEN THOMAS of Quinton. They have an apartment in Salem where he works in the glass house. No children. 6 CHARLES S. PEDRICK AND SARAH ARMSTRONG CHIL­ DREN. 7 A:'.\"NA MAY PEDRICK born 8-10-1867 married and went to Columbia Pa. making three of this family to locate there. No records had. 7 FRA...~K B. PEDRICK born 8-20-1870. He enlisted in the Spanish­ American war 4th Pa. Inf. Reg. Co. K and ran away to war. A leirjon post became named for him. He is buried at Churchtown in the family plot stone having no dates. After the war he went to Reading and settled. Married ROBERTA--- at Columbia. They had dau.e:h­ ters DOROTHY who married CHARLES WOLFE in business at So. Temple Reading suburb with children and GRACE who married SAM­ EL KING with issue in the same locality. I have endeavored in three communications to obtain records from there without result.


6 SAMUEL DUNN PEDRICK was born in Lower Penns Neck Salem Co. N.J. 7-18-1820 and was the first born child of six sons, five of whom lived from 61 to 84 years. The youngest Isaac at the time of writing this has not been definitely searched. Samuel died 12-2-1892, age 72; buried in the "Glebe" New Castle Del. in the family plot. His bible (Priest & Dungan Phila.) is owned by his granddaughter Mary V. Boyce of New Castle and contains the vital statistics. He lived about Allowaystown and about Pennsville and was a fisher­ man at a period when the business of Sturgeon and shad fishing was predominant. He later moved to New Castle, Del. and lived and died at 4th & Delaware Sts. in the old Amstel House now a historic museum and one of the show places of the town. It was at this home that President Washington was a guest at the wedding of Anna, the daughter of Governor Nicholas Van Dyke.

He married 1-15-1844 CLARA J. CHAMBERLAIN born in 1818, died 10-11-1902, age 84; buried with her husband, the daughter of Ephraim and Rachel Chamberlain. They bad five girls and two boys born to them. He was one of the founders of New Castle Baptist (Church) Issue: Born Died Age Buried 7 Matilda Pedrick 3-18-1845 9-20-1848 3 7 Mary Pedrick 1-1-1847 8-4-1883 36 7 Charles Henry Pedrick 10-15-1848 8-23-1873 24 Glebe 7 Raebel Pedrick No entry Infancy 7 Mattie (Martha) Vir. Pedrick l-18-1851 Dec. 7 Albert Ephraim Pedrick 5-1-1853 7-29-1932 79 7 Annie M. Pedrick 12-18-1854 Dec.

7 ALBERT E. PEDRICK born on a farm near Ft. Mott, N.J., latt:r lived amidst the ancient colonial homes of New Castle Del. where he continued. He married 5-12-1873 AGNES ROSALIND CHURNSIDE born 7-30-1852, died 6-20-1913, age 60; the daughter of John and Wilahelmina (Hutton) Churnside of Avondale, Pa. As a young man coming to New Castle with the family he also was a shad fisherman in the Spring season and later became a foreman in the Socket Dept. of Morris Tasker Co. Mftrs. of pipe and tubing.


Issue: Born Died Age Buried 8 Mary Virginia Pedrick 7-28-1874 Living 8 Charles Henry Pedrick 1-29-1877 5-20-1913-Sing. Glebe 8 George Albert Pedrick 4- 3-1880 Living 8 Walter Denny Pedrick 6- 4-1883 Living 8 Ralph Gordon Pedrick 6-15-1889 2-22-1893 3 Glebe 8 Elmer Chumside Pedrick 3-25-1892 Living 8 Emily Kincaid Pedrick 5-23-1895 Living

8 MARY married 2-23-1909, ALBERT STRAYER BOYCE born near Laure!, Del., 9-10-1876 son of Johanna Boyce. He is a foreman of woodworkers on machines of the Rayon Co. Mftrs. of Rayon below New Castle and they reside at 18 W. 4th St. since about 1917.

Issue: 9 HELEN AGNES BOYCE born 4-10-1910 and unmarried. She graduated from the New Castle High School at the head of her class and then graduated from the Teachers College at Newark, Del. and started teaching at Avondale, now with the Conrad High School at Ric­ hardson Park. Residence with her parents.

8 GEORGE A. PEDRICK married 4-23-1908 BEliLAH V. CRAW­ FORD born in Md. 1877, died 2-3-1920, buried at New Castle, the daughter of Benjamin H. and Laura P. (Staats) Crawford. He bas worked mostly in the steel industry. ""as a purchasing agent in Phila. for the Penn. Seaboard Steel Corp. Served 5 yrs. coroner of New Castle Co. Now carrying on his own business. Issue three children. He mar­ ried Zndly 1.2-4-1926 MARY K. Dli'"NGA-~ of New Castle born N. Y. daughter of Jas. H. and Lucy A. (McG,~) Dungan of Newark, N. J. No issue; the family resides at No. 138 I:. 3rd St., New Castle, Del.

Issue: Born 9 George Albert Pedrick, Jr. 4-10-1915 Living 9 Henry Crawford Pedrick 8-30-1917 Living 9 Roger Cburnside Pedrick 12-18-1919 Livini;




9 GEORGE A. PEDRICK, JR. is unmarried and works on the New Castle-Pennsville ferry. ·

9 HENRY C. PEDRICK was born in Phila. and is working in Wil. Del.

9 ROGER C. PEDRICK was less than two months old when his mother died and was taken by his aunt Mrs. Mary Boyce where he has since lived in New Castle, and is now a senior in the New Castle High School. He bolds the distinction as the only member of the family of Pedrick with the Christian name of Roger, the original settler at Ped­ ricktown in 1675 after eight generations. The name Roger has been handed down as a middle name however in numerous cases. He gradu­ ated 6-10-1938 William Penn School. Announcement received.


8 WALTER D. PEDRICK born 6-4-1883, married Virgie Carlisle of Bridgeville, Del. He became divorced, follows painting and lives in Bridgeville.

Issue: 8 MAY PEDRICK who married and lives in Bridgeville. No children.

8 EMILY K. PEDRICK. born 5-23-1895, married 6-24-1919 IR.\ EUSTICE PARRY, born Roanoke, Va., 8-21-1892, son of Milford :Meade and Emma (Thorn) Parry. He .is now Supt. of Lubricating Department of American Oil Co., Balto., Md. Residence, ::',It. Wash­ ington, Balta., Md.

Issue: 9 MILFORD MEADE PARRY, born New Castle, Del., 8-24-1920, l?faduated from Balta. Polytechnic Inst. June, 1938. intends matricula­ tion at Johns Hopkins University at Baltimore, Md. He is interested in engineering and drawing 9 ELIZABETH VIRGINIA PARRY, born in Balta. 8-4-1925. Living. 9 IR.\ EUSTACE PARRY, JR., born in Balta. 8-23-1936. Living.


8 ELMER C. PEDRICK born 3-25-1892 at New Castle, Del. Or­ dained at St. Mary's Church Burlington, N.J. 1-23-1918 a graduate of Nashotah House Wis, University of Del. & Virginia Theological Semi­ nary. He was in special work for Union Seminary 1917-1918, Aide to Post Chaplain U. S. Marines, Quantico, Va., 1918-1919, Minister in charge of Christ Church, Baltimore, 1919-1920, St. Paul's Church, Richmond, Va., 1920, and since then for 18 years in charge of St. Thomas' Church, Richmond, Va.

He married 6-5-1918 EMMA ESTHER DeVENNY of Wilmington, Del., at St. Andrews Church, Wilmington. Residence, 3602 Hawthorne Avenue, Ginter Park, Richmond, Va. 6 SA..\1UEL Dll.'"N PEDRICK AJ."IJD CLARA J. CHAo:IBERLAL."11'. 7 MARTHA V. PEDRICK, born 1-18-1851; married 9-25-1876 Wil­ liam H. Yourinson, whose father was a farmer on a Sinnickson farm in Salem Co. and later lived in Salem. Martha or Matilda in Bible as Mattie, died 8-4-1883, age 32, leaving a son. 8 WILLIAM H. YOURL~SON, JR., born 5-12-1878. l\Iatilda's sister Mary in New Castle, Del., then took charge of her nephew and later he was in New Castle high school and then worked in a drug :ii.ore there. His father then married his Aunt :Mary, making a home for them together, but l\Iary also died young soon after at age 36. The father lived until a few years ago. 8 WILLL\:M H. YOURINSON, JR., eventually became a linotype operator and is connected with the Salem Sunbeam. He married RENA KEEN, daughter of Charles Reder and Emma (Stiles) Keen. She died· in 1921 leaving him with one child. 9 MYRNA YOURINSON, born 9-30-1901, married JOHN STUCK­ EY of Riverton, N. J., where they reside. No children. He is a sales­ man in the paper business. 8 WILLIAM married secondly MARY RICHMOND, widow Dicke­ son nee Ballinger, daughter of Isaac and Mary Ballinger. No children. Residence, 1 i 1 Seventh Street, Salem, N. J- 7 -~~NIE M. PEDRICK, born 12-18-1854, the youngest of Samuel's cr.:ldren. married 6-24-1875 JAMES F. CA;.'\TNON. They lived in New Castle and he worked on the railroad. Both deceased and buried in the Glebe. They had one child, ELWOOD, who died in infancy.


6 MICHAEL PEDRICK was born 12-9-1831, died 12-9-1892, age 61; married EDITH CORSON, born 8-17-1833, died 1869, age 36, both buried at Centre Square, the daughter of Joel Corson. He was a farmer the most of his life, had lost the sight of one eye, and died at the home of his brother Isaac.

Issue: Born Died Age Buried 7 Mary Jane Pedrick 4-27-1854 1917 63 Pedtn. 7 Thomas D. Pedrick 11-16-1855 Living 7 Isaac Pedrick 12- 1-18S7 Living 7 Hannah Ann Pedrick 3-16-1859 1877 18 Phila. single 7 Sarah Ellen Pedrick 6-16-1861 Living 7 Emma Corson Pedrick 9-16-1864 Living 7 Corson Pedrick 11-27-1866 8-7-1868 l ¾ C. Sq. 7 MARY JA_·11,rn married WILLL.\M DUNK. Ht: was a farmer. No children. He died in 1937, both buried at Pedricktown. 7 THOMAS never married. He has been a farmer and has lived for many years with his brother-in-law, Wesley Sparks, and helped with the farm work on the Freed farm, near Pedricktown. 7 ISAAC PEDRICK married in 1880 ELIZABETH ANN BUTLER, born 2-29-1860, in Sussex Co., Del., daughter of Joshua and Elizabeth (Christopher) Butler. He has been a farmer on the Benj. Weatherby Sr. farm in Gloucester Co. 12 years, a waterman about 10 years and then worked at DuPonts. At one time they had the first and only bakery in Pedricktown for 11 years. Now retired in Pedricktown in the home on Cherry Street that he built 40 years ago. Issue: ~ EDITH AMANDA PEDRICK, born 2-15-1883, in the old farm house near Beaver Creek bridge that had been a part of the farm that "Uncle'' John Pedrick had owned. At his death it reverted to the for­ mer owner, David Shoemaker, and the house was rented. Johnson Shoe­ maker also lived there at that time as school teacher and musician in Pedricktown. EDITH married FREDERICK TULL, son of John and Elizabeth (Allen) Tull. They had four children. She is now conduct­ ing a store and restaurant business in Pedricktown. Issue: Born 9 Myrtle Elizabeth Tull 1-30-1908 Lh;ng 9 Bertha Elvira Tull 5-30-1910 Living 9 Elizabeth' Pedrick Tull 12-30-1912 Living 9 John Tull 11-15-1918 Living


9 MYRTLE TULL married ALLAN Z,\..·r,rn of Centre Square, son of Charles and Mary (Grimshaw) Zane. He is a truck driver for the Cline Co. No children. Residence, Pedricktown. 9 BERTHA TULL married HERBERT ZANE of Centre Square,born 9-15-1903. He is also a Cline truck driver. No children and they live at Mullica Hill. 9 ELIZABETH TULL married CLEMENT ZANE of Centre Square and he farms the Jacob Zane farm, that of his grandfather at Centre Square.



S HORACE SPARKS married 8-28-1907 BESSIE CARNEY, born 2-10-1590, daughter of Samuel and Sarah (Reed) Carney. He first worked at the Justice mill and then with Richmans at Sharptovm. He then farmed awhile, finally connecting with DuPonts where he has been in the transportation department for over 20 years. Residence, Gibbs­ town. Issue: Born Died Buried 9 Ruth Justice Sparks 4-22-1908 1908 Pedtown. 9 Samuel Wesley Sparks 1- 9-1911 Living 9 Jean Naomi Sparks 3-23-1919 Living SAMUEL married 7-7-1932 ETHEL IRENE BATTEN, born 7-5-1914, daughter of George and Elizabeth Batten. Occupation, motor truck driving. Residence, Swedesboro. Issue: 10 Charles Wesley Sparks, born 7-3-1933. Living. 8 WALTER SPARKS married in 1912 DEBORAH JUSTICE. born 7-20-1891, daughter of Levi and Anna D. (Pedrick) Justice. He is a farmer on the Straughen mill road on the outskirts of Pedricktown on the farm that was his wife's father's. This genealogy also appears under Benjamin Pedrick history, father of Anna D. and leading down from Roger's son Thomas. Issue: Born Died Buried 9 George Sparks 1920 Pcdtwn. 9 Ruth Justice Sparks 9-9-1921 Living 9 Walter Soarks. Jr. 7-18-1925 Living S THUR."1 •..\J.~ SPARKS married July, 1913, MATTIE Tl'1.L, daugh­ ter of Louis and Mary Tull. They became divorced. Issue: 10 MELVA ELLEN SPARKS, born 10-19-1914 married LESLIE JONES and they reside at Fredericksburg, Md. THUR.'J\,IA.'I\J" married secondly in 1921 MARION ANNA REEDER, born 4-3-1899, daughter of Rynaldo and Charlotte (Gleason) Reeder. He has a service of more than 17 years with the Vacuum Oil Works. Residence, Bridgeport. Issue: Born 10 Marguerite Sparks 2-22-1934 Livinis 6 MICHAEL PEDRICK •..\J.~D EDITH CORSON CHILDREN. 7 EMMA CORSON PEDRICK married WILLIAM ESKRIDGE. Information given she Jives at No. 708 Washington Street. Wilmington. Del. Issue, six children of whom four live. Letters there, 10-7 and 11-25 have not been answered.


6 JOEL PEDRICK, born 1839, died 1923, age 84, married 5-15-1859 MARYE. JAQUETTE, daughter of Paul and Eliza (French) Jaquette, born 1839, died 1933, age 94, both buried at Churcbtown. He lived variously at Salem, Pennsville, New Castle, Camden and Atlantic City, dying at the latter place. He first followed the water as a fisherman, then moved to Camden and worked in Starr's foundry. Got a pilot's license and ran a vessel to Norfolk, Richmond and Elizabeth City, carry­ ing lumber and grain. He later captained the Star peoples yacht until they sold it when they made him a pilot on their ferry, Philadelphia to Camden, where be continued 40 years, until pensioned. He then retired to Atlantic City. He was also a Civil War veteran, having enlisted in the 24th Reg. Co. C., N. J. Inf. Married 64 years and bad seven children.

Issue: Born Died Age 7 William Callahan Pedrick 2- 7-1861 Living 7 John Kidd Pedrick 2- 7-1863 Living 7 Clinton Pedrick 10-21-1864 1883 19 7 Bessie Pedrick Infancy 7 Pauline Pedrick Infancy 7 Ray Pedrick Living 7 Frank Pedrick 3-17-1867 11-14-1933 66

7 WILLIAM: married IVY, surname unknown. They had a daughter Helen, who married and lives in Boston. "':!ass. No children. William follows carpentering and also specializes in "model ship building". Residence given 62 N. Raleigh Avenue, Atlantic City. No response to letter of December 7, 1937.

7 JOHN married 10-25-1901 PERL.-\ S. RUSSELL of Savannah. Ga., bom 1864, then widow Sawyer, daughter of Phillip Russell. They be­ came divorced. No children. JOHN followed the sea in trading ves­ sels for 20 years, covering most of the globe. He finally settled in Savannah, Ga., and got married. Owned a restaurant business near there where he carried on a large business. Sold out and bad the same business in Atlantic Citv. two vears then was a bartender and seven years later becoming steward at Hackneys sea food place there and in Ocean City. '\v"hen they closed the latter place be worked on Judge Gaskill's yacht. He never remarried. Residence. Clements Bridge Road, Runnymede, N. J. ·


7 CLINTON PEDRICK never married. He died at age 19 at Gal­ veston, Texas. 7 RAY PEDRICK married LEONARD DYER and they both reside at E. Hampton, L. I., where he has charge of the Country Golf Club. No children. 7 FRANK PEDRICK, born 3-17-1867, died 11-14-1933, age 66, mar­ ried MARIE OTTINGER, born 8-14-1869, daughter of John and Marie (Dohman) Ottinger. He followed painting and lived in Camden and later had a home in Blackwood Terrace, where he died. His widow is still resident there. He was a Spanish-American War veteran and also a sergeant in the World War. Issue: Born 8 Gertrude Pedrick 6- 7-1895 Living 8 William Ottinger Pedrick 2- 2-1 ~97 Living 8 Raymond Francis Pedrick 5-30-1899 Living 8 Pearl Hel~n Pedrick 8- 4-1902 Living 8 James Chester Pedrick 8- 4-1906 Living GERTRUDE married in 1913 OSCAR TOWNSEND SIMS, born 12- 30-1895, son of Alfred and Ella (Church) Sims. Occupation, truck driver, residence Clements Bridge Road, Runnymede, N. J. Issue: 9 ANTHONY SIMS, born 4-19-1915, single, and is Assistant Man­ ager at the Runnymede Theatre. Lives home. PEARL married 10-29-1921 THOMAS ARMSTRONG of Camden and became divorced. No children. She married secondly in 1923 AL­ BERT SA!JNDERS. born Camden in 1904, son of William Saunders. He is working for the American Ice Co. Residence, Asbury Avenue, Blackwood Terrace, N. J. Issue: Born 9 William Albert Saunders 12- 3-1924 Living 9 Albert Michael Saunders 4-11-1926 Living 9 Marie Cecilia Saunders 10- 3-1929 Li\·in!? JAMES is a truck driver, single, and lives with his sister Pearl. R.\YMOND is unmarried. Occupation, P.W.A. Res., 1214 Park Boulevard. Camden. S \VII.LIAM OTTINGER PEDRICK, born 2-2-1897, married in 1927 DOROTHY MAY Kuxil\TEL, born 9-26-1909, daughter of Rose and Louis Kuhnel. Occupation blacksmithing, residence 406 Vine St., Camden. Issue: Born 9 James Francis Pedrick 5- 4-1929 Living 9 Raymond Francis Pedrick 7-22-1930 Living 9 Edward Vansciver Pedrick 9-29-1931 Living 9 Roberta May Pedrick 8-13-1934 Living

132 ! ROGER PEDRICK; 2 JOHN; 3 JACOB; 4 JACOB A."D WIFE HANNAH. (Her maiden name not ascertained.)

5 JOSEPH D. PEDRICK the third of six children born in Lower Penns Neck in 1794 and died at No. 721 Market Street, Camden, N. J., 1-27-1873, age 79. He married 7-12-1818 ANN TICE CHEW of Gloucester Township, born in 1795 and died 1-5-1855, age 60, both buried in the fanuly plot in Greenwood Cemetery, Camden, Lot 127, Sec. B. She was the daughter of Robert and Anna (Tice) Chew, the Chew family coming from Flushing, L. I., and settling in N. J. at the lost town of "Upton". Joseph was but eight years of age at his father's death in 1802. His mother, Hannah, then married Jeremiah Garrison and together they were appointed guardians of five of her sb: children under the age of 14 (Salem Orphans' Court, June term, 1802). The eldest child, John, was past his majority and in 1812 was appointed guardian for his brother Joseph after the death first of their mother and later their step-father Jeremiah Garrison. Joseph was apprenticed as a wheelwright to a relative in Woodbury, most likely Benjamin Pedrick. Stewart's "Notes on Old Gloucester" from the Woodbury Con­ stitution, 1817-1819, describing prison bounds in Woodbury, states, "And including the market house, the slaughter house and wheelwright shop occupied by Benjamin Pedrick." From the same notes in 1S24, "Joseph D. Pedrick offered a four-horse stage lined and stuffed with side curtains for sale. It had four seats, two sets of breast chains and S\\ingle trees." It is evident then at age 30, Joseph was in bu!'iness at Woodbury. His father had died intestate and by a decree of the Salem Co. Orpha.,s' Court, September term, 1S06, Commissioners were appointed to divide his land amongst his si."t children, heirs at law. (Salem Division of Lands Book, P. 13S.) They made their report of division according to the Act entitled, "An Act to alter the law directing the descent of the Real Estates passed the 21st day of May, One Thous­ and Seven Hundred and Eighty" which report sayeth "And have as­ sorted each one his share by metes and bounds as followeth, that is to say, we have set off and assigned unto the said Joseph Pedrick the sev­ eral lots mentioned and numbered in the map hereunto annexed." A description of each one's portion is made all in Lower Penns N eek, including meadow along the "Dellowar" river covering four written pages and a parchment map appended.

133 ROGER PEDRICK; 2 JOHN; 3 JACOB; 4 JACOB, JR. AND WIFE HANNAH (her maiden name not ascertained); 5 JOSEPH D. PEDRICK AND M'"N TICE CHEW

The personal events attending the lives of other than the illustrious sink into oblivion after a period of 130 years, so it is difficult to know much about Joseph from this age of 12 until 21, or bow be got along as a wheelwright in Woodbury, but Salem deed book (S-Page 162) 4-24- 1815, shows that Joseph Pedrick of Woodbury, then age 21, sold his inherited real estate to John M. Stout (who married his sister Rebecca) for $1800. Joseph was yet single and signed "Joseph Pedrick". Seven years passed and in 1822 his sister Mary died leaving him a joint heir to her inheritance which part be sold then to Thomas Biddle for $125.00 (Salem deed book Z-Page 321 ). Having married in 1818 this deed required his wife's joinder which was signed "Joseph D. Pedrick, Ann T. Pedrick", dated 2-16-1822. Now the following month, 3-21-1822, he made his first purchase of real estate in the city of Woodbury from Isaac Ballinger for $1900, of 83/l0Otb acres of land, the same that Samuel Mickle sold to James Saunders in 1 i97 and Saunders to Ball­ inger in 1816. From this time on Joseph bought and sold real estate until be died and the records show 19 other purchases in Gloucester Co. during the next 15 years. Sales were also made proving profitable. Any improvement or building activity regarding his properties bas not been searched. In 1854 the family decided to move to Philadelphia, where he bought a home on 40th Street near Chestnut (Phila. deeds, TH-book 56, Page 353). They lived there 14 years and then 4-9-1868 he bought a lot in Camden for $775 and built a home which became No. 721 - Market Street, where be lived until his death. (Camden deeds book 56, page 28.) His Woodbury activities included 11-20-1833 a signer to have Woodbury dam replaced and again with 200 others, 12-12-1834. 1-11-1837 amongst sb: others petitioning the N. J. State Legislature in session for an Act to incorporate Woodbury. 9-3-1842 appointed a delegate to the Democratic State Convention at Trenton to be held 9-i-1842, all of which shows he participated in the business and politi­ cal life of Woodbury at this time.


His will was drawn 10-14-1868, probated 2-8-1873, Thomas W. Hurff executor. The appraisement of his personal was $69,972.83. This later increased to nearly $90,000.00. His real estate holdings at death added considerably to the above. His beneficiaries were his widow (second wife) and three children. His estate was apparently temporized with over a long period of years by the various Trustees and is yet not fully settled. Religiously he inherited his Quaker ancestry, but the Chews were Presbyterian and in the Woodbury Clerk's office in book of marriages appears "State of N. J., Gloucester Co., I, William Raf­ ferty, pastor of the Presbyterian Congregation at Woodbury, do hereby certify that I did marry and join together in the holy bonds of matri­ mony the following named persons at the time and place hereinafter expressed .•.• 6th. Also Joseph D. Pedrick to Ann Chew on the 12th day of July, 1818, he of Deptford Township County and State afore­ said, she of Gloucester Township County and State aforesaid." His Bible has not been seen but records show that Joseph and Ann had three children born from 1818 to 1824, who died in infancy. The old John and Albertus coffin book shows the purchase of a coffin by Joseph and later Mickles diary states "5-19-1824, two children of Joseph D. Pedrick deceased." If these children were named only their headstones or his Bible would show. Issues Born Died Age 6 Jacob B. Pedrick 8-25-1824 1-22-1896 71 6 Alfred Chew Pedrick 5-16-1827 11-7-1903 76

Joseph married secondly as per a Woodbury news item, "Widower, aged 60. married 4-18-1859, Anna E. '.\Iiller, aged 20. of '\Yoodbury. by Simon Sparks, Justice of the Peace." He brought his second wife to Philadelphia and then to Camden and lived with her 14 years until his death and had one child by her.

6 JOSEPHINE D. PEDRICK, born 12-13-1859, died in 1S85, age 26. In these days of commentators a word in passing might not be a.miss regarding the above Joseph D. Pedrick, who raised himself as the wealthiest member of the family, so far as has been ascertained. He had ambition, a kef!n intellect, and used fine judgment in embracing the opportunities of his day to his benefit. '\Vhile his will names no philan­ thropies a search would no doubt show him as charitable with his means as the average.


6 JACOB B. PEDRICK never married. The records indicate that he lived mostly from his fathers' bounty and especially after his father's death. He traveled and made his home at the St. James hotel in Philadelphia, where he died and was buried in Eglington Cemetery at Clarksboro, N. J. His father's will stipulated, "One-third to Jacob B. Pedrick, to be paid to him in such manner as the executor deems best for his most good. Various amounts were paid him until 1885, when a trust fund was established from which he received $900 an­ nually until 1893, when he succeeded in obtaining his principal of $18,000. He died three years afterwards.

His will, Phila. Sur. Off. book 185, P. 312, made 3-30-1896, leaves an appraised estate of $13,592.68, directing his burial at Eglington Cem­ etery without display in plain dress and coffin without handles, and leaves $300 in trust for care of lot and the one at Evergreen, Camden, his father's and near Good Intent. N. J., where his mother is buried. To his step-mother $3000. His brother Alfred $2000; the child of his half-sister, $2000. Odd Fellows Home, Philadelphia, $1000. As a tribute to his mother, Ann T., who was for 40 years a member of the M. E. Church of Woodbury, $500 to the M. E. Home at Collings­ wood. Bequeathes to George Hurff, Hiram Hurff, Jamison Nickolson. Kate Prosser and to George W. Bailey, e."t. $2500 in lieu of commis­ sions for administration.

There is no record of marriage and he probably left behind about one­ half of his inheritance from his father after a period of more than 20 years.

6 ALFRED CHEW PEDRICK was born in Woodbury. 5-16-1827, · and died 11-7-1903, age 76. He married 12-13-1849 REBECCA CLARK DOWN, born 6-16-1826, died 5-18-1890, age 63, both buried in St. Thomas's Cemetery. Glassboro. N. J. She was the daughter of Benjamin C. and Mary S. Down. Alfred started out as a school teacher at Haddonfield, then became a store keeper in Blackwood and later carried on the same business in Glassboro. He bought the old Sickler mansion in Glassboro at l\Iain and Carpenter Streets, where he resided which old land mark is still vested in the family.

Issue: BDrn Died Age Buried 7 Joseph Down Pedrick 11-14-1851 Living 7 Anna Chew Pedrick 7-24-1855 8-22-1855 Blkwood. 7 Alfred Chew Pedrick, Jr. 4-29-1857 3-13-1924 66 C. Lawn 7 Charles Dun Pedrick 8-15-1862 1-24-1936 73 St. Tms.


7 JOS. D. PEDRICK was just past his majority when his grand­ father died and he inherited equally with his father in the estate. He started out as a druggist in Philadelphia but the indoor life was dis­ liked so his father who had been a school mate with Kemble in Wood­ bury got him placed on the street cars. The street car lines of that day in Philadelphia were in the hands of the triumvirate Widener, Elkins, & Kemble. An amusing episode occurred one day in the street car office where a bully employee took pleasure in knocking off the hats repeatedly of the newcomers. Joseph resented this and being nearly Si."t feet and 175 pounds decided to end it, so one day mopped up the floor with the bully which caused his discharge. He went down to Kemble's office and told Kemble he thought it unfair to get laid off for taking his own part. Kemble smiled, saying " a chip off the old block", giving him a note to take back which put him back to work greatly to the surprise of the other men and no more trouble with the bully. He left street car work and later carried on a painting contracting busi­ ness which he gave up when about age 75, and then took charge as superintendent of apartment houses in his present position at No. 501 North 35th Street, the past seven years where he resides. In youthful days he became early married and divorced in a few years. After mature deliberation he married secondly 10-25-1892 KATH ..\R­ INE BURKHART. born 10-2-1872 in Germany. and came to America at age 7. They have lived tol!ether 45 years. No childrPn. He has a cameo portrait of his .l?I'andfather which shows him as a courtly gentle­ man with the neck frills of that day. His wandson and namesake in­ herits his physical and facial appearance of keen mind and most per­ fect mouth and smile a fine type now past 86, who has never had the call of a doctor until recently in his whole lifetime. Since my pleasant call upon him, his death has taken place in May of 1938. 7 ALFRED CHEW PEDRICK. TR .• was born 4-29-1857. died 3-13- 1924. age 66. He was born at Blackwood. N. J.. and marired 1-23-1882 ELIZABETH CLAIRE MENGEL, of Bridgeton, N. J., who died 12-31-1937 at Newton. Mass. Both buried in Cedar Lawn Cemetery at Paterson. N. J. She v,as the daughter of Jacob and :Martha (Camp­ bell) Mengel and granddaughter of Lacrv Campbell and Eliza Stanger. He was a newspaper man in Philadelohia. as$ociated with William Gordon Bennett on the "Philadelohia Record". then studied medicine. graduatin~ from Hahnemann College in Philadelohia in 1902. moved to Passaic, N. J., where he successfully practised medicine until his death. Issue: 8 HOMER HARRY PEDRICK. born in Glassboro 3-3-1883. died by drowning while skating on Dundee Lake near Paterson 1-29-1899, at age 16. He had a beautiful soprano voice and was a soloist at S. John's Episcopal Church i~ Passaic for several years.


8 FTHEL REBECCA PEDRICK, born in Philadelphia, Pa., 7-25- 188.), married in Seattle, Wash., 8-9-1909 RAYMOND· POST DAVIS. Issue; 9 MARJORIE FLORENCE DAVIS, born in Seattle 6-28-1910; mar­ ried in Newton, Mass, 3-5-1931 CLARK HODDER. Issue: IO JAMES CLARK HODDER, born 3-20-1932. Living. 8 ETHEL married secondly in Boston, Mass., 7-28-1921 ROBERT FRANCIS ESTABROOK, born 6-18-1880, son of George William and Laura (Simonds) Estabrook. He graduated from Dartmouth College in 1902 and connected with the American Telephone & Telegraph Co. in New York City until 1923, then moved to Boston and became Vice­ President and General Manager of the New England Telephone & Telegraph Co. They reside at No. 79 Shornecliffe Road, Newton, Mass. Issue; 9 MARIAN FAY ESTABROOK, born 12-16-1922, in Montclair, N'. J. 6 ALFRED CHEW PEDRICK AND REBECCA CLARK DOWN children. 7 CHARLES DUN PEDRICK, born in Glassboro, N. J., 8-15-1862, died 1·24-1936, age 73, buried in St. Thomas Cemetery in Glassboro. Married 4-2-1893 KATHARINE A. WEAVER, of Mt. Bethel, Pa., born Easton, Pa., 10-18-1872, daughter of George Jefferson and Chris­ tiana (Reick) Weaver. Residence, Gla5$boro. He went to Philadelphia when about 17 and worked as a reporter on various papers, advancing. to city editor of the now discontinued Herald. He left newspaper work and matriculated in medicine, graduating from the Medico Chirrugical College in 1900. He opened an office in Glassboro and was resident physician and surgeon there over a period of 35 years and established an enviable reputation. In 1917 at the outbreak of the World War be was commissioned a captain in the U. S. Medical Corps and was ·•


Issue; Born 8 Charles Dun Pedrick, Jr. 10-2-1894 Living 6 William Weaver Pedrick 3-26-1896 Living

8 CHARLES D. PEDRICK, JR., born in Glassboro, N. J., married 10-21-1928 FLORENCE ANNA McQUILTON, born Elmer, N. J., 5-29-1899, the daugber of George and Margaret (Hill) McQuilton. He graduated from the Pbila. Dental College of Temple University in 1923 with the degree of D.D.S. and located his practice in Glassboro, his dental offices being at Main and High Streets. He has successfully won the confidence and respect of a sizeable clientele coming from Glassboro and its surrounding territory. \\lien married he built a new home where the family resides at No. 7 West Street, on land originally belonging to his grandfather and father.

"Dr. Pedrick is to be given priority in the initiatory decision to put through this Pedrick Family Genealogy. He was first in financial aid and his fine spirit of enthusiasm and zeal in this creditable undertaking will redound forever to his credit. (H. B. S.)"

Issue: 9 CHARLES DUN PEDRICK, 3rd, born 10-2-1929, on his father's birthday and attending the Public School in Glassboro, N. J.

9 ROBERT ALAN PEDRICK, born 7-19-1931, also attending school.

8 '.VILLI:\M W. PEDRICK, graduated from Glassboro High in 1914 and entered Temple University, graduatin~ from their :'.\!edical School in 1922. He is practising medicine in Glas5boro, X. ]., and resides at Xo. 11 '\Vest Street.


3 SAMUEL PEDRICK, born about 1719, died 1760, age 41. Mar­ ried 1750 ESTHER OAKFORD. They were married but 10 years when Samuel died, probably in Wilmington, Del. There is no record of a will or administration in N. J., nor definite records of children. The only records regarding them are contained in the Quaker records. From the Salem Men's Meeting quote, 5-30-1750, "The overseers of Alloes Creek Meeting reported that there was a proposal of marriage moved at their Preparative Meeting between Samuel Pedrick and Esther Oakford which this meeting thought for some reasons was not fit to be allowed of. Therefore this meeting appoints John Denn and Johnathan Bradway to acquaint him with the reasons of the meeting not suffering them to pass." 6-27-1750 "The friends appointed to acquaint Samuel Pedrick with the reasons of the Meeting not suffering him to pass, makes report that they did and he said he should not give any satisfaction." (One year later) 6-26-1751. "At this meeting was produced a paper from friends of Wilmington monthly Meeting disowning Samuel Pedrick." 7-30- 1 7S 1 Henry Stubbins is appointed to serve Samuel Pedrick with a copy of the testimony of friends of Wilmington monthly meeting, acquaint him and return the original to next monthly meeting." S-28-1751 re­ port made that copy of testimony had been served (some four years later). 6-30-1755 "Samuel Pedrick brought a paper to the :Meeting condemning the liberties he hath taken in the world and also his out­ goings in marriage which was read to the satisfaction of the meeting and he is received into unity again." During the next four years Samuel was an active Friend, on a Com. about an affair between John Steward and the Exs. of Joseph Ware, appointed to attend Qr. Mtgs. on mar­ riage Com. and to attend marriages Johnathan Bradway and Eliz. Stewart and Jacob Oakford and Leah Denn. 10-6-1760 Cert. asked for Samuel Pedrick to remove within the "Verge" of Wilmington. Monthly meeting 10-27-1760, Cert. as brought not satisfactory, amend­ ment ordered. 11-24-1760 Above Cert. not made right. 12-29-1760 above continued. 2-23-1761 "One of the Friends that was appointed by a former minute of this meeting to prepare a certificate for Samuel Pedrick, reported he is since deceased." In the minutes of the women's meetings appears S-27-1750 "This disons Ester Pedrick for maring contrary to good order amongst friend ." A thorough search of Friends record at Wilmington might show if there were children by the above marriage.


ROGER-2-5-THOMAS PEDRICK, born at Marcus Hook, Pa., 2- 14-1681, baptised at St. Paul's Church, Chester, 10-14-1704, died in May, 1719. age 38. :\Iarried at St. Paul's Church 12-20-1704, ELIZA­ BETH MOULDER. After he died she married secondly OWEN S\V.'..i'\JE or SWEENEY of Penns Neck. No record of children by sec­ ond marriage. He was but 12 years old at his father's death and was probably raised about Chester, later succeeding to some of his father's land at Old Mans' Creek. He left five children from 14 years of age down to one yet unborn. Having married in an Episcopal Church, we find no activities of Thomas in the Friends' record3. His will was dated 12-21-1718 and proved 5-21-1719 at Salem. His wife and brother John executors. He names his wife and five children and an expected child. (N. J. Wills Book 2, Page 120, Trenton.) "The seventh day of ye seventh month called December in ye year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighteen, I, Thomas Peddrick. of Penns Neck, in ye County of Salem in ye province of West New Jersey Cooper being weak in body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be unto God, therefore do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament as 'dloweth. DfPRDIIS: I give and bequeath to Elizabeth, my dearly beloved wife, ye one half of all by movables and ye profits of ye pbntation to bring up ye children not destroying ye wood and timber by ;:ale or wast but for ye use of ye place until my two sons Thomas and Philip shall come to ye age of twenty years. Ye is to say Thomas shall have ye privileg to settle on ye place at twenty years of a!!'e and when Philip shall come to ye age of twenty years he shall have ye same privileg to settle and it is to be equally divided between them (suso I sur?) I giv to yem thare heirs and assigns ye whole tract being three hundred and seventy acres of land and meadow I own I give unto my two sons ye is to say Thomas ye bigost of ye two sons and to Philip ye Legas son and my will is my two sons above named Thomas and Philip in consideration of ye said land and plantation shall pay unto too brothers Robert and Benjamin ten pounds each and ten pounds to ye child which my wife is bigy with as thar shall arrh·e to ye age of his enty years, and


IMPRIMIS: I give ye other half of my movables unto my dastor Mary, Robert and Benjamin, and ye child that which my wife is bigy with to be equally divided amongst them, only my dattor Mary shall have two shares.

I likewise nominate make and ordain my well beloved wife and my brother John Peddrick my whole and sole executors of this my last will and testament all and singular and hereby uterly disalow revoke and disanull all and every other former wills and testaments and legacies and e.i:ecutors by me in any ways before this time named willed be-­ queathed, ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last will and testament, in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seale sd day and year above writte.:." Signed, Thomas Peddrick.

Witnesses: Thomas Sheppard, Thomas Moulder and William Rogers. Inventory 89 lbs., 17 sh., S d., made by William Hewes :ind Thomas Sheppard. The original will is not at Trenton and the above as copied may be its facsimile. He may have used the double letter D, but the custom was not prevalent. ·

Now as to the inheritance of Thomas from his father Roger, the latter states in his will that "I give to my three youngest sones Thomas, Michael and Philip after the decease of my v,;fe all that remaineing part of land aforesaid to be equally divided between them." He had 1140 acres of which 400 was willed to John. The only real estate transaction for Thomas appears in Salem deed book A. E. Page III on 11-6-1716 when Thomas was 35 years of age as follows. "This indenture made the 6th day of November, Anno Domini 1716, between John Pedrick of the Co. of Salem in the province of W. J., son and heir apparent of Roger Pedrick of the Co. of Salem, gentleman deceased of the 1st part and Thomas Pedrick of the Co. of Salem of the other part, 2nd son of Roger Pedrick doth witness, that for and in consideration of the sum of five shillings in hand paid and also for divers good causes and considerations to me the said John Pedrick specially mo,·eing the re­ ceipt whereof I doth hereby acknowledge and of every part and parcel thereof forever acquit and forever discharge the said Thomas Pedrick his heirs, e.,:ecutors and administrators forever by these presents bath granted.

142 1-1 ROGER PEDRICK; 2-5 THO:\I:\S.

(Deed Con.) Bargained and sold and confirmed and by these pres­ ents doth grant bargain and sell and convey unto the said Thomas Ped­ rick his heirs and assigns forever three hundred and seventy acres of land as the same is laid forth and surveyed with allowance for roads; Beginning at Delaware River and so South 120 Perches, then South and by West 41 Perches South S. East 76 Pole as unto John Pedrick's land with Marsh and Swamp with all and singular the appurtenances there­ unto belonging or anyways appertaining unto the said Thomas Pedrick his heirs executors and assigns forever. And the said John Pedrick for myself and my heirs and Executors doth Covenant and grant to and -:vith the said Thomas Pedrick his heirs and assigns shall and may bald and enjoy the said three hundred and 70 acres of land marsh and swamp and premises and he receive and take the rents issues and profits thereof with the said Thomas Pedrick his heirs and assigns shall and may hold and from time to come and at all times hereafter without any Lett, Execution or disturbance to him the said John Pedrick, his heirs and assigns forever by any other person or persons lawfully claiming or to claim by from or under him shall and will warrent and.forever defend by these presents. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this day and year first above written." Signed, John Pedrick in the presence of Edmund Nox and Mordecai Howell.

Now of the 1140 acres of land, John inheri:ed 400 leaving a balance of i40 of which Thomas was deeded half or 370 acres just three years be­ fore his death. Why he did not receive a deed for his portion before is not known. His will mentions this 370 acres which was devised to his two eldest sons Thomas and Philip, which shows he acquired no other land.

Issue: Born ,llarricd 3 Thomas Pedrick 1705 April. 1 i29 Rebecca Bickham 3 :\1ary Pedrick 2-2-1706 Nov., 1 i27 Thomas Hewes 3 Philip Pedrick 1707 June, 1i32 Hannah Bickham 3 Robert Pedrick 1710 .l\fartha Justice 3 Benjamin Pedrick 1718 No record located 3 Hugh Pedrick 1720 :\Iar., I i 65 Elizabeth Booth


3 THO~IAS, first born of Thomas in 1705, died l 7i9, age i4. l\far­ ried 1729 REBECCA BICKHAl\I (Haddonfield ~Hg. Record) no doubt a sister of Hannah who married bis brother Philip 3 years later. His will was probated 5-8-1779, named as weaver, daughter Elizabeth a good bed, son Elijah a lot of meadow on Old Man's Creek, son Samuel 50 acres of land with the plantation in the tenure of Conrad Russ, son Joshua, all he now bolds and the rest of lands, son Johnathan 100 lbs., wife Rebecca use Jf lands and to have the movable estate. Executors two sons Joshua and Elijah and Isaac Pedrick. Witnesses, Elihu, Isaac, and Lydia Pedrick. Issue: Born Ma"ied 4 Elizabeth Pedrick 1730 No search Probably single 4 Elijah Pedrick 1732 No search 4 Samuel Pedrick 1733 No search 4 Joshua Pedrick 1735 See further Married Elizabeth 4 Johnathan Pedrick 1737 No search 4 Margaret Pedrick 1739 No search 4 Rebecca Pedrick 1740 No search The will of Thomas Sr. bequeaths bis real estate equally between Tbos. and bis brother Philip when they shall come to the age of 20. \Vhen Roger died his 1000 acres became vested in his eldest son, John, and in 1 716 J oho conveyed to his brother Thomas 3 70 acres as his portion, which 370 acres became the property of the above Thomas and his brother Philip, in common, and September 27, 1740, division of these 370 acres was made by metes and bounds between the two brothers. Now in 4-2-1750, Thomas sells his part or 185 acres to Mounce Hofman for 250 pounds. (Deed book K-21.) This land, marsh and swamp was located at a stake by the Delaware River, thence South to a white oak on the bank, thence Southwest to a hickory sap­ ling on the line of John Pedrick, thence along the same to a cor. for the said Div., thence North to black oak sapling marked 'l'lith 12 notches standing by the marsh side, thence Northeast to Old Man's Creek, thence down the same bounding by several courses to the mouth of same, thence down the Delaware River to place of beginning, containing 185 acres. Signed, Thomas Pedrick in presence of Isaac ~llis, Martha Shivers, Samuel Shivers. Naturally, Thomas, Jr., then bought land else­ where as devised in his 'l'lill, but space precludes going further into this.


The recorded activities of Thomas are as follows: On inventory 1763 i:states of Jos. Twentyman, P. Nk. 91 lbs., and Jas. Hoffman, 57 lbs. 1i68 same Samuel Somers, Great Egg Harbor, 253 lbs. and John Somers P. Nk. 395 lbs. 1770 same Stephen Ayres, UPNK. 321 lbs. The marriage files reveal little regarding bis children. Rebecca probably married "Wiljam Slide" 10-13-1764. Of the four sons Elijah probably died in 1799 as letters of Adm. was granted at that time to Ephraim Barnes and Caleb Kirby for estate of Elijah Pedrick of Salem Co., deceased intestate. No records otherwise or whether he married. What became of sons Samuel and Johnathan has not yet been ascertained. H0wever, we are able to deal with his son Joshua which follows. His daughter, Margaret, married a Stanton.

4 JOSHUA PEDRICK, born 1 i35, died 1798, age 63; married ELIZ­ ABETH, who died in 1803. He had interests in New Castle Co., Del., and will book (0. P. 410), Wilmington, L !., shows probate 9-10-1798 and names bis three children, his brother Elijah and Johnathan, and his sisters :Margaret Stanton and Rebecca Pedrick.

Salem, Sept. term, 1801, Div. of lands book (A.P. 372), Isaac Ped­ rick and Gideon Scull, two of the Ex. of the last will of Joshua Pedrick late of New Castle Co., Del., dee., bave with Stephen Hays their co­ Ex., exhibited in the Registers office of the said Co. on their solemn oath and affirmation a true and perfect Inv. and account of their Adm. in the goods and chattels and credits of said deceased as to the court appears proper trustees under the seal of said office and the said Ex. having filed in the Court duly attached debts of the said Joshua Pec?­ rick deceased as far as they can discover the same, by which it appear,; the personal estate of the said deceased is insufficient to pay said debts and e..~enses and the said Exs. having represented that the said deceased died seized oi real estate in said Co. of Salem and prayed the order of the court in the premises. Ordered that all persons interested in the real estate of said deceased do appear before the Judge of the CC'urt nn the l\fnnday preceding next December term by ten o'clock in the fore­ noon at the Courthouse in Salem to show cause if any they have why so much of said deceased's real estate should not be sold as will be sufficient to pay the debts.

At the December term of Court the sale was ordered. It appears the sale was not soon made and in 1802 the Exs. were ordered to appear before the Court to show cause for not selling. A decree was made and then land was sold in Mannington for $4390 and 3/7 of a 40-acre tract for $73.50.


June term Court, 1802, Petition of Isaac Pedrick, guardian of Johnathan, Thomas and Marie Pedrick, children of Joshua, deceased, for division of a plantation in Mannington as heirs of their mother Elizabeth, de­ ceased intestate. !\larch term, 1803, petition of George Lawrence who bought off Exs. of Joshua Pedrick one moriarity of a plantation in Mannington wherein he now liveth the other moriarity belonging to Elizabeth, the wife of said deceased, who has died and said moriarity descended to the children of said Elizabeth. The prayer of the peti­ tioner is that Commissioners be appointed to divide the said real estate. At the March term, 1806, Isaac Pedrick, guardian, was granted relinquishment of trust and at the same term on petition of Mary Pedrick, daughter of Joshua under 21, Jacob Ridgway was appointed as guardian and also for Thomas and Johnathan under 14.

Issue: Born Died Age 5 Maria Pedrick 1792 3-9-1858 66 See further 5 Johnathan Pedrick 1795 Not searched 5 Thomas Pedrick 1797 1877 80 See further 5 MARIA PEDRICK, born 12-23-1792, died 3-9-1858, age 66, mar­ ried 9-14-1818 EBENEZER SPARKS, born 9-18-1795, died 9-22-1855, age 60, both buried at Pedricktown. He was the son of Gerrard and Elizabeth (Pitman) Sparks and fell heir to his father's Bible which has the vital records and is now owned qy Alfred Sparks of Pennsgrove. Maria was a school teacher prior to marriai;e and Ebenezer as an executor of his father's estate received an inheritance and continued through life as a farmer. The headstone in the cemetry quotes Maria as born 12-23-1796, but her guardian in 1806 indicates her as 14, which would make her birth in 1792. They were married 37 years and had seven children. Issue: Born Died Age Buried 6 Joshua Pedrick Sparks 12- 1-1819 5-27-1832 12 Ptwn. 6 George Pedrick Sparks 1-30-1822 10- 6-1894 72 Prktn. 6 Maria Sparks 2-19-1826 5- 4-1876 50 Ptwn. 6 Thomas Pedrick Sparks 6- 9-1829 3-18-1913 83 Iowa 6 Elmer Sparks 8-22-1831 11-10-1905 74 Eman. 6 Mary Ann Sparks 1- 4-1833 6-29-1833 5mo. Eman. 6 Anna Eliza Sparks 1-18-1836 See further Eman.


6 GEORGE PEDRICK SPARKS, born 1-30-1822, died 10-6-1894, age 72, married REBECCA FIRESTONE, born 12-31-25, died 4-24- 1884, age 58, both buried in Perkintown Cemetery. She was the daugh­ ter of Noah Firestone, who died 7-7-1880. Her sister Elizabeth mar­ ried Elmer Sparks, brother of above George. His Bible (Flint 1869) descended through his son Johnathan to his grandson Frank Sparks, residing at Crown Point Road and Perkintown Road and reads, "An account of the births of George P. Sparks and Rebecca, his wife, to­ gether with the children."

Issue: Born Died Age Buried 7 Marietta Sparks 11- 8-1848 12-23-1861 13 Perktn. 7 Johnathan Pedrick Sparks 5- 7-1850 8-18-1911 61 Pngr. 7 Vincent Sparks 6-17-1853 5-14-1914 60 Emu!. 7 Alfred Sparks 8-19-1859 8-19-1872 13 Perktn. i JOHKATH..\..~ married 1-13-1876 Keziah Shoemaker Featherer, born 1-21-1851, daughter of John Abram and Ann H. (Shoemaker) Featherer (see Shoemaker genealogy, Pages 71-72-73). His v,;dow still living, resident in Pennsgrove. He was a farmer between Pennsgrove and Pedricktown, the farm now a part of the U. S. Ordinance Depot. They were married 35 years :ind had four children.

Issue Born Died .-Ige 8 Samuel Sparks lSii 1898 21 8 Frank Sparks 10-22-1879 Living 8 Harry Denny Sparks 3-9-1885 Living s George Pedrick Sparks 1887 1887 0

8 FRAN"K SPARKS married 1-1i-1900 ELIZABETH JACOB HOLDCRAFT, born 4-24-1879, daughter of Joseph Shoemaker and Sarah (Rucher) Holdcraft. (She also traces down in the Shoemaker ancestry.) He is a railroad brakeman with the u. S. Ordnance Depot, both resident near by at the junction of Perkintown Road. They have been married 35 years and had nine children, all living.


Issue: Born 9 Marion Oliphant Sparks 3-15-1901 Living 9 Newton Barnart Sparks 2-25-1903 Living 9 Johnathan Pedrick Sparks 10-23-1904 Living 9 Joseph Holdcraft Sparks 7- 6-1907 Living 9 Mary Anna Sparks 10- S-1909 Living 9 Sarah Elizabeth Sparks 9- 6-1912 3-3-1937 9 Warner Holdcraft Sparks 1-14-1914 Living 9 Bert Earl Sparks 5-12-1915 Living 9 John Rucher Sparks 6-1-1916 Living 9 MARION married 8-28-1926 EDWARD FRANCIS SADLER of Meridan Connecticut, born 12-7-1895. son of George and Mary Sadler. He is an electrician with the U.S. Ordinance Depot. Residence Pedrick­ town. Issue: Born 10 Mary Jane Sadler 4-25-1929 Living 10 Edward Francis Sadler Jr. 9-14-1937 Livin~ 9 NE'\VTON B. SPARKS married 2-25-1928 RUBY PHILLIPPI of Balto. Md., born 8-20-1902, daughter of Harry and Nellie (Magee) Phillippi. He is a machinist v.-ith the Pennsylvania R.R. Co. Residence. 41 Hess Ave. Woodbury, N.J.

Issue: Born 10 Helen Barbara Sparks S-23-1929 Living 10 Kathryn Beryl Sparks 10-16-1933 Living 10 Ralph Bruce Sparks 9-14-1937 Living 9 JO~ATHA.~ P. SPARKS married 9-26-1931 NAOMI ROSS of Camden N.J. daughter of Harry and Sarah (Stiles) Ross. Occupation, fireman at Duponts. Residence, Pennsgrove Road near Ordinance Depot. No children.

9 JOSEPH H. SPARKS married 5-10-1929 LAURA MILLICEXT CLEME!'li'"TS of Thorofare, born 6-11-1912, daughter of Wilham and Lillian (Budd) Clements. Occupation farmer. Residence, Thorofare, N.J. Issue: Born 10 Iris Marie Sparks 4-11-1930 Living 10 Joseph Pedrick Sparks 1-23-1933 Living


9 MARY ANN SPARKS married 6-6-1931 at Snow Hill Md. AL TON THADDEUS SCARBOROUGH of Ocracoke N. C., son of Charles and Susan Scarborough. He works at the U.S. Ordnance Depot. Residence near by Pedricktown, Pennsgrove road. No children.

9 SARAH ELIZABETH SPARKS married 8-22-1931 DANIEL VIN­ CENT HENRY of Uniontown, Pa. son of Patrick and Mary (Nicholas) Henry. Daniel died April 1937, buried Lawnside Cemetery, Woods­ town.

10 Frank Sparks Henry 3-8-1932 Living


8 HARRY DENNY SPARKS. Bom3-9-1885 and living. Married 3-11-1904 ELIABETH HANCOCK CRISPIN of Lower Penns Neck, born 12-7-1888 and died 9-21-1920, age 31; buried at Salem, the daugh­ ter of Jabu and Lida (Hancock) Crispin.

Issue: Born 9 Mildred Hancock Sparks 7-9-1905 Living, married 9 Lida Crispin Sparks 5-20-1907 Living, unmarried 9 Francis Lawrence Sparks 7-2-1908 Died 10-26-1932. 9 Thelma Sparks 6-4-1911 Living, Married 9 Harry Denny Sparks Jr. 6-26-1916 Living, married 9 Emma Sparks 6-16-1918 Living, Single


S HARRY D. SPARKS married Zndly EUNICE PRISCILLA (Snyder) DAVIS widow of Davidson Co. Ko. Ca. with one son Jesse Lee Davis, the daughter of Emanuel and Alice Jeanette (Harrison) Snyder. Harry has been a farmer all his life and he and his son Harry also operate a trucking business from the headquarters of his farm of 45 acres on the outskirts of Pennsville.

Issue: Born 9 Edward Powers Sparks 7-9-1924 Living 9 MILDRED H. SPARKS married 1-31-1926 ALONZO ASA DOWNS born Bridgeton, N.J. 12-2-1900, son of Alonzo and Elizabeth (Joslin) Downs. He is an operator at the Dupont Dye Works. Res­ idence Georgetown road at Carneys Point.

Issue: Born 10 Harry Denny Sparks Downs 1-9-1927 Living Twin 10 Alonzo Asa Downs 1-9-1927 Living, Twin 10 Earl Downs 8-19-1930 Living. 10 Thelma Downs 12-16-1931 Living. 10 Janice Beverly Downs 8-13-1933 Living.

9 THELMA SPARKS married 9-4-1931 EDWIN SHELTON of No. Ca., born 11-5-1908, son of Pheseton Gray and Rachel Shelton. He is a Dupont worker. Residence, Pennsville. No children.

9 HARRY D. SPARKS JR. married 3-2-1935 RUTH LAWRENCE of Bridgeton N.J., born 7-19-1919, daughter of William P and Mar­ garet (Griffith) Lawrence. He is with his father in the farming and motor trucking business at Pennsville, N. J.


7 VINCENT SPARKS born at Pedricktown 6-17-1853, died 5-14- 1914, age 60; buried in Emmanuel Cemetery. Married 2-11-1879 ANNA VIRGINIA DIVER born at Churchtown 11-11-1858, daughter of Jacob and Sarah Jane (Newcomb) Diver. He was a farmer on the homestead place at Dolbows landing. He retired to Pennsgrove in 1913 on Delaware Ave. His widow resident at 20 Church St. Married 35 years, 8 clll1dren. Issue: Born 8 Harvey Draper Sparks 12-25-1879 Living 8 Marietta Sparks 7-21-1881 Living 8 Rebecca Sparks 6-16-1884 Living 8 Nettie Sparks 3-23-1889 Living 8 George Pedrick Sparks 7-18-1891 Living 8 James Draper Sparks 2-2-1894 Living 8 l\faria Pedrick Sparks 7-13-1899 January 1900 8 Anna Nerine Sparks 3-17-1903 Living

8 HARVEY married 6-26-1911 MATILDA COOK born Pennsgrove 8-10-1881 daughter of George and :Mary (Stratton) Cook. He is a a truck driver for the County. Residence 193 So. Broad St., Pennsgrove. Issue: 9 MARJORIE LEWIS SPARKS born 1-24-1913, unmarried. Grad­ uated from Pennsgrove high school in 1930, and a teacher there the past three years. 8 MARIETTA married 8-25-1904 HARRISON ,vELCH HOLTON, born 5-30-1883. son of William and Frances Howell (Black) Holton. Both resident at 33 Delav.-are Ave .. Pennsgrove. l\Ir. Holton was in the wocery business with Jeremiah Long a number of years until 1926. Since then he has devoted part of his time to orange culture in Florida, and has a grove at Lakeland. Issue: 9 EDGAR "'ILLI.-\:\f HOLTOX born 6-27-1906. marr:ed 10-27-1933 ELIXOR WADDINGTON born \foodstown 12-31-1913, daughter of Edward C. Waddington. recently a judge of Salem Co. Court and )fary (.-\llc:i) ""addington. Edgar is connected with the Ethyl Gas Corp. at Deep ""ater. No children. Residence. Woodstown, N. J. 9 FR.\XCES \"IRGIXIA HOLTON born 10-12-1914 and unmarried. She graduated from Pennsgrove high school and is now taking a course in physical education at the university of Alabama at Tuscaloosa.


8 REBECCA SPARKS born 6-16-1884, married 5-10-1905 JEREM­ IAH H. LONG, born Cape May Court House 3-21-1879, son of John W. and Adeline (Hollingshead) Long. "Jerry" started out in the grocery business of his father at Cape May and later with Harrison Holton in 1907 established a grocery business on W. Broad St. Pennsgrove. Mr. Holton retired in 1926 and Mr. Long has continued the business, now located in a new modern building at the corner of Penn and Harmony Sts. No children. They reside in their own home at 34 Penn St. 8 NETTIE SPARKS born 3-23-1891 married in March 1913, WAL­ TER STEPHEN KIDD, born 8-25-18S8, at 41 Delaware Ave., Penns­ grove in the residence where they yet reside. He is the son of Charles P and Fannie Frances (Springer) Kidd, and be has been identified ,.,.h the Dupont enterprises the past 20 years. Issue: Born 9 Charles Vincent Kidd 1-22-1914 Living 9 Stephen Kidd 11-25-1916 Living 9 Jean Kidd 8-12-1920 Living 9 Robert Kidd 9-23-1929 Living

9 CHARLES graduated from Princeton University in 1935 winning a graduation prize uf $100 for a thesis on "The Settlement of West Jersey under the Proprieters." He then started tutoring, taking a post graduate course.

9 STEPHEN KIDD graduated from high school and then matricu­ lated at Duke University at Durham in No. Ca.


8 GEORGE PEDRICK SPARKS born 7-18-1891, married 6-1-1915 ELSIE THOMPSON of near Wilmington Delaware, born 8-21-1894, daughter of Walter and Carrie (Lindell) Thompson. Occupation, fore­ man at Duponts and they reside at 48 State St., Pennsgrove.

Issue: Born 9 Dorothy May Sparks l-11-1916 Living 9 Rebecca Long Sparks 12-29-1916 Living 9 Vincent Walter Sparks 3-11-1919 Living

The above all graduates of Pennsgrove high school and Dorothy is employed with the Atlantic City Electric Co. in that city.

S JAMES D. SPARKS born 2-2-1894, married 8-5-1916 MAR­ GARET RIDGWAY born Philadelphia, 2-5-1897, daughter of Robert W. and Anna L. (Lowe) Ridgway. Occupation, produce merchant. (Residence, 611 Asbury Ave., Ocean City, N. J.) Now residing in N.Y.

Issue: 9 ANNA JANE SPARKS born 5-3-1917. Graduated from the Oc-.:an City high school and now an operator in beauty culture in Brooklyn, New York. Recently in Philadelphia and Ocean City. Residence, 405 Asbury Avenue, Ocean City. "9 MARGARET VIRGINIA SPARKS born 8-22-1919 and graduate of the Pennsgrove regional high school.

8 A..'\."NA NERINE SPARKS born 3-17-1903, married in 1929 CLAR­ ENCE JOHNSON born Muncy, Indiana 2-14-1902, son of Frank and Margaret Belle (Smith) Johnson. He is with the Ethyl Gas Corporation. Residence 34 Penn St., Pennsgrove. No children.

*.Married in December, I93i, RALPH CAVALIER of New Orleans, La., occupation carpenter. They reside at 314 36th Street, Brooklyn, X.Y.


6 THOMAS PEDRICK SPARKS born 6-9-1829, died 3-18-1913, age 83; buried at Menloe Iowa, married LYDIA BIDDLE born 3-15- 1835, died 11-8-1879, age 44; buried at Iowa. He migrated west in the sbcties where they lived and died. They had three daughters.

Issue: Born Died Age Buried 7 Clara Maria Sparks 7-31-1858 4-20-1922 63 Emmanuel 7 Elnora Sparks 4-23-1860 Living 7 Mayme Sparks 6-16-1863 Living

7 CLARA married GEORGE LEAP of Pennsgrove. He followed farming and also carried on a milk business.

Issue: Born Died Age Buried 8 Eva Leap 3-7-1887 Living 8 Anna Leap 1891 1918 27 Emmanuel 8 Thomas (Homer) Leap 3-23-1893 Living 8 Helena Leap 3-17-1895 Living

8 EVA married 3-8-1914 CLARK JONES born 5-12-1885, son of Henry and Julia A (Zane) Jones. They live on the Jones homestead farm of 80 acres which his grandfather bought over 100 years ago, between Swedesboro and Bridgeport (Hendrickson mill road). When his father moved to Swedesboro the farm was occupied two years by John Sailor and one year by Morris Dolbow when Clark got married and went there. He has the family bible with its records. issue: 9 HELENA LEAP JONES born 3-28-1918, a graduate of the Swedes­ boro high school. 8 A.'rnA LEAP married CRAIG DE.'l'STON. She died young and he is now located at Venice, Florida.

Issue: Born 9 Marion Gladys Denston 8-25-1913 Living 9 Harold (Austin) Denston 10-27-1915 Living

Marion married William Goff. has four children and located in Fla. at Venice. (No further information obtained.)

HAROLD is unmarried and has been clerking in store work now with Vernon Ayau who has a wholesale and jobbing business in tobaccos and confectionery in Pennsgrove.


S THOMAS HOMER LEAP born 3-23-1893, married 8-15-1917 .MARTHA WILLA.i'\fENIA PAUL born 4-18-1892, daughter of John Sampson and Sarah Malinda (Barnes) Paul. They reside at Church and State Sts., Pennsgrove, and Mr. Leap is Oerical Supervisor of the Kenetic Chemical Co. Dupont subsidiary.

Issue: Born 9 Homer Paul Leap 12-21-1919 Living 9 Marjorie Mabel Leap 1-9-1921 Living 9 Preston Arlington Leap 12-20-1922 Living 8 HELENA LEAP is unmarried. She resides at 18 Railroad Avenue, Pennsgrove and is connected with the Pennsgrove Post Office.

6 THO~IAS PEDRICK SPARKS & LYDL-\ BIDDLE children. ; ELNORA SPARKS born 4-23-1860, married HARVEY S. BLISS of Grinnell, Iowa 3-19-1902, born 1-28-1857, died 6-29-1933, age 76. He was Postmaster at Kensett Iowa a number of years and later moved to Grinnell where his widow resides. No children. 7 MA\:"),IE SPARKS born 6-16-1863, at Pennsgrove, married 1-2- 1899 JOH.:\' R. l\IENDENHALL of Earlham Iowa born 10-30-1858, and died 1-2-1932, age 73; buried at Earlham. He was a teacher at Earlham and later became a pharmacist. No issue. His widow resident at Earlham, Iowa. 5 :\IARIA PEDRICK and EBENEZER SPARKS children. 6 EDIER SPARKS was born S-22-1831, died 11-10-1905, age74; married 3-20-1S5S ELIZABETH FIRESTO.:,.iE of Pedricktown, KJ., born 9-11-1S32, daughter of Noah and :\fatilda (Fisher) Firestone; buried at Perkintown. Elizabeth died 12-31-1904, age i2; buried with her husband in Emmanuel. Elizabeth's sister Rebecca married George Pedrick Sparks, brother of Elmer. Elmer was born on the homestead farm of 40 acres, in the family three generations on the "Dolbow'' landing road above Pennsgrove. He lived in Pedricktown and did car­ penter work ten years and later lived on the old farm where he died. His bible (Flint Philadelphia 1S69) descended to his son. Alfred, who also has the bible of his great-grandfather, Gerrard Sparks of 1791, one of the oldest the author has yet located. They were married 46 years and had five children.


Issue: Born Died Age Buried 7 Ebenezer Sparks 1-7-1862 8-12-1880 18 Perktn. 7 Hubert Warren Sparks 4-20-1868 Living 7 Harriet Firestone Sparks 11-24-1870 1937 67 Pedricktown 7 Alfred Sparks 4-27-1873 Living 7 Thomas Pedrick Sparks 7-7-1876 9-14-1876 Emmanuel

7 H. WARREN SPARKS married REBECCA MELVINA ARl\I­ STRONG born 8-19-1866, died 3-11-1933, age 66; buried in Riverview Cemetery. He has always been a farmer now retired and living at 56 Main St., Pennsgrove.

Issue: 8 lIAY A.:.'-NA SPARKS, born on a farm at Sharptown; married 12-16-1914 GROVER JUSTICE, born 1-3-1892, son of Amos G. and Lois L. (Pidgeon) Justice. (See Shoemaker genealogy, Pages 163-165.) He has been a farmer now retired and resident at 56 21.Iain Street, Penns­ grove. No issue.

7 HARRIET F. SPARKS married 1-13-1889 HENRY REY:\:IER, born 5-18-1864, son 01 Lambert and Gesceina Reymer. He died 5-1-1934, age 70. Harriet died in 193 i, both buried at Pedricktown. No children. He farmed the old Urion farm and late:: owned the Peter Hortman farm near Beaver creek which he farmed 25 years and then sold to Robert Justice. Built and moved into a home in Pedrick­ town in I 914, and conducted a business in farm machinery and manure and fertilizer until his death.

7 ALFRED SPARKS married 12-1-1597 BERTHA IDELLA DAVIDSON born at Swedesboro 4-23-18;"5. daughter of John and l\-Ielvina (Cotton) Davidson. They lived or: a farm near Swedesboro and later came to Salem Co., succeeded to tile homestead farm which he carried on until the Government took it over as part of the Ordnance Depot. He then farmed at Perkintown later retiring in Pennsgrove, now resident at 186 So. Broad St.

Issue: Born 8 Edith Pedrick Sparks 2-29-1904 Living 8 Arthur Da•,;dson Sparks 2-12-1908 Living 8 Leon :Melvin Sparks 9-6-1911 Living


S EDITH PEDRICK SPARKS born 2-29-1904, married in 1925 JOS. DE~~y of Salem, N. J., son of Linford and Emma (Munyan) Denny. Edith is a Trenton normal school graduate and is teaching at Eldridges Park, Trenton suburb in Departmental work. Her husband is connected with the Prudential Insurance Company, Trenton District. No children. Residence 15 Devon Avenue, Lawrenceville Road.

S ARTHUR DAVIDSON SPARKS born 2-12-1908, married 10-24- 1925 ALICE EDNA SNYDER born Pedricktown 9-8-1908, daughter of Harry and Matilda (Jess) Snyder. He is a farmer on the Grover Justice farm near Pedricktown, N. J.

Issue: Born 9 Edith Sparks 7-16-1926 Living 9 :\Iildred Alice Sparks 2-20-1928 Living

8 LEO::'-J" MELVIN SPARKS born 9-6-1911, graduated from Penns­ grove high school then took a teachers course at Ryders College in Trenton. Now a commercial teacher in the Regional high school below Pennsgrove. He married 5-16-1936 J.,\,.'mTTE ROBB~S of Cape May Court House, N.J., daughter of James Robbins. Residence 186 Broad St. Pennsgrove.


6 A..'l"N ELIZA SPARKS born 1-18-1836, date of death not found. Married 11-20-1856 JAMES H. FLANAGAN, who predeceased her. Issue two children. She married Zndly John Diver no issue.

Issue: Born Died Age Buried i Alfred Flanagan Died in infancy 7 Maria Flanagan 8-25-1857 4-9-1910 52 Emmanuel. MARIA married 11-14-1876 BENJAMIN SHOEMAKER FEATH­ ERER, born 10-15-1853, died 3-13-1922, age 68; buried in Emmanuel Cemetery. He was a farmer in the Pennsgrove section. He was the son of John Abram and Ann H. (Shoemaker) Featherer. The Flanagans came from Belfast, Ireland. Married 34 years and had five children. (See Shoemaker Genealogy PP 74-75-76.) Issue: Born Died Age Buried 8 John Abram Featherer 3-4-1878 Living 8 Ann Eliza Featherer 10-6-1880 4-23-1910 29 Pennsgrove 8 James Flanagan Featherer 5-16-1883 8-20-1933 50 Woodstown 8 Harvey Featherer 5-7-1886 4-16-1908 22 Pennsgrove S Walter Featherer 8-5-1890 2-7-1924 33 Denver Col.

S JOHN married 11-20-1902 VERNA ELIZABETH BURK of Nor­ tonville, born 10-23-18i8, daughter of Robert Kelly and Rebecca Ann (Shoulder) Burk, and niece of John Burk late of Pedricktown. Both living on their farm on the edge of Pennsgrove where the new by pass State highway goes throug!J. He has his fathers bible containing the vital records.

Issue: Born 9 Anna Elizabeth Featherer 11-7-1907 Living 9 Howard Burk Featherer 11-22-1909 Living 9 Robert Kelly Featherer 10-4-1912 1-13-1933 20 A.'11,"'NA married 7-2-1930 ALLEN L.'\"'NES of Nov-a Scotia. born 10-13-1897. Occupation, pipe fitter at Duponts. Residence Carneys Point. Issue: Born 10 John Allen Innes 5-17-1931 Living HOWARD married 5-19-1934 A1'\:K'A M. ARTON of Pennsgrove born 1-26-1911, daughter of Harry Arton. He is a Dupont worker and they reside in Pennsgrove. No children. 9 ROBERT was killed in an accident at the age of 20. Buried at Woodstown.


8 ANN ELIZA FEATHERER born 10-6-1880, died 4-23-1910, age 29; married in 1898 JOHN TRUITT ALLEN of Bridgeport, son of Benjamin Allen a Civil War veteran. They bad two cluldren. He married 2ndly 6-12-1915 ELIZABETH DEVERSACK of Pompton l'lains N.J., daughter of John and Amanda (Matthews) Deversack. He is a Dupont worker and they reside at Bridgeport. No issue by second marriage.

Issue: Born 9 Jennie Sheets Allen 4-15-1899 Living 9 Clinton Bainbridge Allen 9-13-1900 Living Jennie is unmarried and resides in Atlantic City where she is a lawyer's secretary.

Clinton married i-3-1926 PEARL OLGA HABERLEIN of Frost­ burg, Md., daughter of Clara Bell (Durr) and Charles Haberlein. He is an inspector for the Compensation Rating and Inspection Bureau of N.J. at Newark. Residence 105 Columbia Avenue, Metuchen, N.J.

Issue: Born 10 Barbara Jane Allen 8-22-1929 Living S JA:'\IES FLANAG.\..'\'" FEATHERER born 5-6-1883, died 8-20- 1933, age 50; buried at Woodstown, married 1909 LILLI.-\..'\'" LA\YR­ ENCE of Pennsgrove, born 5-23-1882, daughter of Samuel and :Maria (Biddle) Lawrence. He carried on a trucking business. His widow resides at 114 No. Broad St. Pennsgrove.

Issue: Born 9 James \Yarren Featherer 1-16-1916 Living 9 Mildred Featherer 3-29-1918 Living


8 HARVEY FEATHERER born 5-7-1886, died 4-16-1908, age 22; buried at Pennsgrove, married in 1907 MARY .-\J.'ll'N LAJ.'ll'D of Penns­ grove, born 3-20-1886, daughter of Thomas C. and Anna M. (White­ sell) Land.

Issue: Born 9 Pauline Featherer 10-18-1907 Living MARY married secondly EDWARD GRIFFITH of Pennsgrove, and has a son by him Joseph Griffith born 9-23-1919. Residence 15 Walnut St. Pennsgrove.

PAULINE married 9-25-1926 MILTON RAIGHN born 3-14-1901, !,On of Samuel and Anna (Bowen) Raighn. He works with his father in the cement construction business. No children. Residence E. Harmony St., Pennsgrove.

8 WALTER FEATHERER born 8-5-1900, died 2-7-1924, age 33; buried at Denver Colorado. Married RENA LEAP SMITH born 12-21-1893, daughter of Josiah Harry and Anna Marilla (Armstrong) Smith. They were married 11-29-1913. He was a Dupont worker.

Issue: Born 9 Grace Smith Featherer 2-11-1915 Lh-ing 9 Ethel May Featherer 9-22-1919 Living

RENA married secondly 11-10-1924 JOHN FREDERICK THO:\:IAS of Bayard Nebraska, born 2-26-1890, son of Matthew and Anna (Slawson) Thomas. Occupation, truck driver. Residence 930 Kings Highway, Swedesboro.

Issue: Born Illiss Audrey Thomas 1- 6-1925 Living Murie Matthew Thomas 11-27-1931 Living


5 THOMAS PEDRICK born 1797, died 1877, age 80; married 3-5-1821 EDITH SPARKS, born 11-1.3-1799, died 1890, age 89; both buried in Emmanuel Cemetery, Pennsgrove. She was the daughter of Gerrard and Elizabeth (Pitman) Sparks and sister to Ebenezer, who married Maria sister of Thomas Pedrick. His will was probated 11-3-1877, Exs. sons Joshua and Ebenezer. To wife Edith, use and proceeds of farm for life. If she desires to sell then money at interest and paid to her. Daughters Maria and Emeline, household at v.·ife's death.

Issue: Born Died Age Buried 6 Joshua Pedrick 1822 1890 68 Camden 6 Gerrard Pedrick 8-28-1829 1848 19 Emm-Sing. 6 Maria Pedrick 1831 1906 75 Emm.-Sing. 6 Emeline Pedrick 8-3-1833 1904 71 Emm.-Sing. 6 Ebenezer Sparks Pedrick 1834 1909 75 Emmanuel 6 Elizabeth Sparks Pedrick 1835 9-20-1909 74 Emmanuel

6 JOSHUA married 3-28-1855 ESTHER A:.',"'N HUMPHRIES born 5-6-1830, died 7-13-1924, age 94; buried at Sharptown while her hus­ band is buried in Evergreen in Camden. She was the daughter of Joseph and Esther (Hilliard) Humphries. Married by Wm. A. Brook, minister at Bridgeport. Both registered from Sculltown. Joshua went to Philadelphia and was a ship carpenter for some time. Later moved back near Auburn on the Humphrey farm which later became the Jacob Hunt farm now occupied by the latters son, Raymond.

Issue: Born Died Age Buried 7 Margaretta Taylor Pedrick 3-18-1856 188S 32 Camden 7 Wilmer Pedrick 8-30-1S57 4-24-1922 65 Plstville 7 Charles Wesley Pedrick 8-8-1859 Living 7 Joseph Maurice Pedrick 8-23-1S67 Living

7 MARGARETTA married CHARLES LEAK KESLER of Auburn named for an uncle Leak who had a hotel in Bridgeton. He died about 1933, both buried in Camden. He worked in the produce business in Philadelphia and lived in Camden.

Issue: Born Died Age Buried 8 Charles Maurice Kesler 8-1.3-1S77 11-11-19.33 56 Plstville 8 Alice May Kesler 1879 Li\ing 8 Esther Anna Kesler 1S83 7-9-1933 50

161 l ROGER PEDRICK; 2 THOMAS; 3 THOMAS JR.; 4 JOSHUA; 5 THOMAS; 6 JOSHUA; 7 MARGARETTA T. and CHARLES L. KESSLER. 8 CHARLES MAURICE KESLER born 8-13-1877, died 11-11-1933, age 56, suddenly of heart disease, buried Absecom N.J., married 1897 ANNA MATTOUR born at Aura 8-22-1879 and living. The daughter of Lewis who came from Switzerland at age 10 died 10-21-1910, age 79. Her mother Hannah Elizabeth Acrett, born 5-30-1844, died 8-17-1913, age 69; both buried Aura. He was a farmer at Aura and later had 90 acres at Hardingville. Charles Kesler had a produce business in Atlantic City twelve years, bought a Steelman farm of 94 acres E. of Absecom in 1909 in conjunction \'.;th his mother's brother \\"ilmer and later added Dr. Storeys holdings of several small farms near by worth much money at one time. Some was sold but the family still possess several hundred acres of meadow and farm land. He also had "Lily Lake Park" at Oceanville five years and also run the Grangers market in Atlantic City four years. Built a fine new home on the original plantation in 1910, numbered 708 N.Y. Road Absecom, where his widow resides. Issue: Born Died Age Buried 9 Florence :May Kesler 7-22-1898 Living 9 Margaretta Kesler 3-18-1905 Living 9 Myra Elizabeth Kesler 8-30-1906 Living 9 Lewis Maurice Kesler 9-8-1909 9-18-19!6 7 Absecom 9 FLORENCE married 4-27-1921 FRA..N"CIS W. COOK born 9-8- 1897, son of Richard W. and Alice (Wilson) Cook of Absecom. He has a busiess at Port Republic on Kesler property at Nacot creek with wharfage, gas station and boat repairs and they live there in the summer. No children. 9 MARGARETTA married 3-14-1923 DOUGLASS CAVILER from Lower Bank, born 9-29-1903, son of Captain Jesse Caviler. He was a supervisor for the Atlantic and now runs two ' Esso" gas service stations. one on the Absecom Boulevard. Residence 1023 N.Y. Road, Seaview beyond Absecom. Issue: Born 10 Douglass Caviler Jr. 3-4-1924 Living IO Le,vis Charles Caviler 2-3-1926 Living 9 MYRA married 1-18-1928 LEO IGNATIUS HO\VLETT. born 3-5-1902. son of Michael and Gertrude (Sprague) Howlett of Sharp­ town. He has carried on a hardware business the past fifteen years at X.J. Avenue and White Horse Pike, Absecom where they reside. Issue: Born JO Leo Ignatius Howlett Jr. 12-8-1928 Living


8 ALICE MAY KESLER born 1879, married HARRY ADAMS who has an oyster business at Fishing Creek where they reside.

Issue: 9 CATHARINE ADA1\1S born about 1906 married WALTER BAR­ :,;"ETT who is with a dairy Co. in Camden. No children.

8 ESTHER .-\.~'NA KESLER married WALTER SANDERS of Lin­ wood who is living there a widower retired. He bad the Post Office at Linwood at one time.

9 ABIGAIL SA."11.J'DERS who married in 1931 GEORGE KEPPEL of Northfield and is with an A. & P. grocery store in Atlantic City.

Issue: 10 JOYCE KEPPEL, born about 1933. Living.

9 RUTH SANDERS who married COSTELLO and went to Jersey City.


7 WILMER PEDRICK born 8-30-1857, died 4-24-1922, age 65, married 2-28-1880 JEA-·1,mTTE E. MYERS of Auburn born 5-16-1862 in Delaware; died 7-17-1916, age 53, both buried at Pleasantville. She was the daughter of Samuel B. and Isabelle (Roberts) Myers. No issue. He went to Absecom and assisted bis nephew in the purchase of a Steelman farm of 94 acres East of Absecom on the way to Oceanville, in 1909 which was purchased jointly, and the same day be and his wife "Nettie" conveyed their interest to Kessler. He continued there and accumulated an estate of. $10,000. His wife died and he became non-compos-mentes under the care of bis brother Joseph in Auburn, who on petition became his guardian in l 92 I. Wilmer died the follow­ ing year lea\-ing a will, and one Adams w:is appointed to administer. His inventory showed ·ssooo cash in bank and his brothers, Charles and Joseph dici not get a big share after payments of $912.61 for Surrogate hcome Tax and Commissioners, Monument $445, Attorney $189.61, Undertaker $327.75 and the Asylum where he had been com­ mitted for board $300.

7 CHARLES ',VESLEY PEDRICK born 8-8-1859 and never married. He was a farmer at Auburn and cared for his mother who lived to 94. They lived on the Cheesman place on the hill below Old :\fan's Creek which he bought about 1923, and where he lives a dwelling of olden times with enormous fire places.

7 JOSEPH ~:IAURICE PEDRICK born 8-23.-1867 a'ld living. He was a farmer about Auburn and later bought an 18 acre farm near Absecom, after his frother Wilmer went there and stayed seven years. He never married and is now resident at 189 East Ave. Pitman, N.J.


6 EBENEZER S. PEDRICK, oorn 1834, died 9-20-1909, age 75, married 12-8-1858 El\IILY S. DOUGHTON by J. S. Heisler, minister, born 1835, died 9-25-1899, age 64, both buried in Emmanuel. No issue. He was a farmer about Magnolia station near Pennsgrove. His will probated 12-18-1909, Ex. nephew Chas. P. Justice. To him house and lot 519 Paxon Street, Phila. Nephews '\Vilmer, Chas. and Joseph, sons of brother Joshua, each $50. Balance to Reba (Doughton) Justice, wife of Sedgwick.

6 ELIZABETH S. PEDRICK, born 1825, married 1-25-1844 PETER TAYLOR. He was a ship carpenter in Wilmington, Del., and probably d:cd in Pennsgrove.

Issue: Born Died Age Buritd 7 Lydia Ann Taylor 1S45 1-4-1920 75 Arlington 7 Gerrard Taylor 7 George Taylor 7 Thomas Taylor 7 Emma Taylor

7 LYDB. married WILLIAM SCOTT, oad two children, one dying young and THO:-.IAS SCOTT, who was an engineer and married twice a '\Vright, had one child that died in infancy and secondly a Dabree, no children.

Lydia married secondly '\VILLIAM B. ,\TKINSON, of Philadelphia. who was a supervisor with the Pennsylvania Railroad Co., construction department. Was a mason, Stephen Girard Lodge. Buried at l\!t. Moriah.

Issue: Born S Leonora Dickson Atkinson Living S Edith Emma Atkinson Died 1935 S Marshall Baracliff Atkinson I-I5-1Si6 Living 8 LEONORA married CHARLES L. BRYA.c~. Bec:ime divorced, no issue. She resides at No. 220 Buckingham Place, '\Vest Philadelphia. 8 EDITH married ..\...""tDREW S)!ITH CASSEL of Philadelphia. :Ko children. He remarried in 1938 a_ widow Wright. ROGER PEDRICK; 2 THOMAS; 3 THOMAS, JR.; 4 JOSHUA; 5 THOMAS; 6 ELIZABETH TAYLOR; 7 LYDL-\ AND WILLIA.1\1 B. ATKINSON

8 MARSHALL married 10-27-1898 CATHARINE L. HOXWORTH of Philadelphia, born 1877, died 5-12-1929, age 52, buried at Arlingtor:. Her mother was Mary Lyons. He was a woodworker in a sash and door mill and then went into the laundry business, having his own place 10 years. Has always lived in Philadelphia, except a while in Bridgeton. Bought the property at 2113 North 16th Street in 1914, where he still resides.

Issue: 9 WALTER BARACLIFF ATKINSON, born 9-22-1900, married EDNA LEASIG, daughter of Maxamillian from Bavaria. Walter is a pattern and model maker and they reside at 5245 North Second Street. No children.


7 GEORGE TA\'"LOR married twice. Died in 1916, buried in Har­ leigh. One wife, MADELINE SCOTT. He lived near Pennsville. Was a sea captain. No children surviving. 7 THOMAS TAYLOR married a Collins, had one child, dying in infancy. Lived in Philadelphia and was a carpenter. Buried at Pennsgrove.

7 EMMA TAYLOR married WILLIAM GALLAGHER, who was an engineer and fireman. No children. All deceased and buried at St. Dennis, Oak:nont, Pa.

7 GERRARD TAYLOR married ELL&"l B. LYNCH. He is buried at St. Dennis Cemetery, Ardmore, and his wife in Old Cathedral.

Issue: Born 8 John Taylor S Joseph Gerrard Taylor 8-10-1884 Living 8 George Thomas Taylor 8-10-1884 Living 8 (Daughter) Died in Infancy 8 Robert Francis Taylor 11-10-1886 Living


8 GEORGE THOMAS MICHAEL TA''fLOR, born 8-10-1884, mar­ ried in 1911 MARGARET VERONICA MEENAN, born 10-26-1883, daughter of James and Margaret (Sweeney) M~ n. He has his own business of plumbing at No. 6125 Vine Street, \Vest Philadelphia, where they reside.

Issue: Born 9 Anna Ellen Marie Taylor 6-23-1912 Living 9 Margaret Agnes Taylor 1-11-1914 Living 9 George Thos. Michael Taylor, Jr. 7-11-1915 Living 9 Frances Catharine Taylor 1- 2-1918 Living 9 Mary Elizabeth Taylor 3-14-1920 Living

9 A..'l'l;""NA married 7-28-1934 THOMAS JOSEPH CAVA.'l'AUGH, of Philadelphia, son of Nicholas and Susannah (Quinn) Cavanaugh. He is connected with the General Electric Co. Residence, No. 7128 Yocum Street, West Philadelphia.

Issue: Born 10 Mary Ann Cavanaugh 2-9-1936 Living 9 MARG.~RET married 10-10-1936 EVERETT JOSEPH A.1.'l'­ THONY KING, of Philadelphia. He is proprietor of an "Esso" Service Station and they reside at 2547 Ashford Street, Southwest Philadelphia.

Issue: Born IO Anthony King 9-12-1937 Living 8 JOHN TAYLOR married CATHARINE :\IEENAN. She deceased. They had one child. JOSEPH GERRARD TAYLOR, who married and has a son JOSEPH GERRARD, JR. Present address unknown, but supposed about Collingswood, N. J.

8 JOSEPH GERRARD TAYLOR, born 8-10-1884, and never mar­ ried. Occupation, mirror and glass finishing. Residence, No. 5117 !\farion Street.


8 ROBERT FRA,"'\'CIS TAYLOR, born 11-10-1886, married 4-17- 1912 SOPHIA MALONE, of Philadelphia, born S-8~1887, daughter of Edward J. and Sophia (Cook) Malone. She died 3-27-1929, age 41, buried in St. Dennis Cemetery. Robert was connected with the United Gas Improvement Co. for a number of years and then went into the plumbing business. Residence, No. 37 W. Sharpnack Street, German­ town, Phila., the past 18 years.

Issue: Born Died Graduates 9 Sophia Mary Taylor 2-18-1913 Living St. Vincent Com. High 9 Helen Frances Taylor 8-27-1914 Living St. Vincent Com. High 9 Roberta Mary Taylor 5-15-1916 Living Germantown High 9 Robt. F. Taylor, Jr. 1- 6-1918 Livfag Germantown High 9 Edward Joseph Taylor 4- 1-1920 Living Simon Gratz High 9 William Taylor 7-26-1924 7-2-1931 9 Rita Madeline Taylor 5-22-1926 Living Madeline Sophia School

9 SOPHIA married 8-20-1936 EDMUND EDWIN JOSEPH OSIN­ SKI, born Philadelphia 11-1-1908, son of Theodore and Stella Osinski. He is a tool and dye designer and they reside at No. 934 North 30th Street, Philadelphia.

"He who caret!: no.t whither he goeth, careth not whence he came."


3 ROBERT PEDRICK was born about 1710 and married MARTHA JUSTICE, daughter of Peter (Trinity Church Record, Swedesboro). There is no record of any Quaker activities. He died in 1771, age 61. The Church records show that Martha was born 10-28-1720, daughter of Peter and Helena (Locke) Justice. Robert made his will 11-13-1771, which was probated 12-30-1771. He leaves his wife the use of the plantation seven years, to bring up the youngest children. Son Ben­ jamin 101 pounds, Samuel 5 pounds, Robert 5 pounds when 21, son Siles 5 pounds, daughter Rebecca a Bible, daughter Ledia a cow, wife Martha the rest of the movable estate. Son Miles "all my land", sons Robert and Siles to be put to trades when they are 14. Executors wife Martha and son Miles. Witnesses Thomas Hewes, Jeremiah Olien and Samuel Lench. Inventory totals 109 pounds, 13 shilli!Jgs, 2 pence, including an item "Due from Peter Justice for boarding his father 12 years, 27 pounds." There must have ileen little povrrty before 1800 when board was charged a person at the rate of 25c per week, and referring to above Rebeca, who was bequeathed the family Bible, it might be possible to locate it amongst some of her descendants.

Issue: Born Died Age 4 Miles Pedrick 1745 See further 4 Benjamin Pedrick 1748 See further 4 Samuel Pedrick 1754 See further 4 Rebecca Pedrick 1756 4 Ledia Pedrick 17S8 4 Robert Pedrick, Jr. 1762 1826 64 See further 4 Siles Pedrick 1763 71833 70 See further


4 MILES PEDRICK was born abou 1745 and died in 1807, zge 62. His wife was SARAH, who outlived him. He was bequeathed all bis fathers' land being, the eldest son, which consisted of 161 acres which had been bought by his father outsidE: ')f the original 1000 acre Pedrick purchase. Miles sold this land before his death and had also come into possession of other land besides.

As an example of how these deeds were drawn in Colonial times and as showing the location and value of the land, the sale is herewith copied.

(Salem deeds, E-85, 2-5-1802) Miles and Sarah to Joseph Guffey, :ill of U. P. Neck. "Whereas Thomas Penn and Richard Penn stood seized in their demise as of fee of and in divers trusts and parcels of land situ­ ate lying in the State of New Jersey aforesaid, And whereas Thos. Penn and Richard Penn as thereof being seized by instrument duly executed bearing date the 4th day of March, 1746-47, did constitute and appoint Richard Peters and Lynford Ladner to be their joint attorneys and the survivor of them the said R. P. and L. L. and each of them for their affairs in New Jersey and particularly to sell and dispose of and every of their or either of their lands tenemants and hereditaments in both or either of the Divisions of New Jersey aforesaid, or whereas or whereto they or either of them have or hath any estate right claim title or interest within the province of New Jersey or any part thereof for the price and pric•.:.-; on the best terms th~t can from time to time be gotten for th~ :-.a.me and to receive and give releases and discharges for the monies arriving by the sale or sales and for and on behalf of them the said Thomas Penn and Richard Penn each of them to sign, seal and execute all such deeds and conveyances instruments or other writings as shall be necessary for perfecting such sale and conveyance as on and by the same in part recited or Power of Attorney records in the Secretary's Office at Burlington in Book H, folio 76, may more at large appear. 'WHEREAS the said R. Peters and L. Ladner by deed of conveyance bearing date the 12th of September in the Year of our Lord ( 1754) and for the consideration named therein did sell unto Robert Pedrick, hi. heirs and assigns a part or parcel of the lands aforesaid situated in the Township, County and State aforesaid, containing 161 acres.


And be the said Robert Pedrick being so thereof lawfully seized departed this life but first made bis last v.ill and testament bearing date the 31st day of December, 1771, did therein demise and bequeath unto his son Miles Pedrick the present grantor all bis lands whatsoever to him bis heirs and assigns forever as reference thereunto being had will more fully appear.

NOW THIS INDE.'N'TURE WITh'"ESSETH that the said Miles Ped­ rick and Sarah bis wife for and in consideration of 600 pounds lawful money of the State aforesaid to them in hand paid or secureji to be paid by the said Jos. Guffey before ensealing and delivery hereof the seal thereof they do hereby acknowledge and thereof do acquit and fully dis­ charge said J. G. his heirs and assigns forever, have granted, bargained, sold, aliened, conveyed and confirmed and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell, alien, convey and conform unto the said J. G. his heirs and assigns a PLANTATION tract or parcel of land being a part or parcel of the above mentioned tract of 161 acres devised to him by bis father aforesaid.

Beginning at a sapling tree marked with 12 notches being a comer of the late Aquilla Jones land standing by the side of a swamp, runs thence South 51 deg. and 53 ch. joining on said Jones land, Poltis Risners and John Somers lands to a small gum sapling standing in the line of said Somers and comer to Isaac Pedrick's iand. Thence South 68 deg. West 28 ch. and 10 links by the said Isaac Pedrick's land to a stake or post being a corner to the said I. P. land. Thence North 51 deg. West 27 ch. and 97 links by the said Isaac Ward's land and John Somers to a black oak marked with 12 notches for a comer, thence North 22 deg. and 26 ch. to the place of beginning within which bounds are contained 108 acres and one-half be it more or less. Together with all and singular the Buildings, Fencings, Woods, Underwoods, Ways, Water Courses, Fishings, Fowlings, Hawkings, Huntings and all the rights members privileges powers profits commodities immunities bere­ ditaments and appurtenances whatsoever to the same belonging or in any wise appertaining and also all the estate right title interest use pos­ session property claim and demand whatsoever of them the said Miles Pedrick and Sarah bis v.ife either in law or equity of in or to the said land and premises hereby granted or any part or parcel thereof and the reversion and remainder thereof.


To have and to hold all and singular the said 108 acres and a half of land and swamp more or less and every part and parcel thereof with the appurtenances whatsoever unto the said tract of land belonging or in any wise appertaining unto the said J. G. his heirs and assigns to the only proper use and behoof of the said J. G. his heirs and assigns forever and the said Miles Pedrick for himself his heirs, administrators ancl executors do covenant, promise, grant to and with the said J. G. his heirs and assigns by these presents in manner and form as followeth that is to say that the said M. P. now at the time of sealing and de­ livery hereoi and stands lawfully seized in the said land and premises gra::tct1 and every part thereoi and oi an absolute estate in fee simple and that the said J. G. his heirs and assigns shall and lawfully may at ail times forever hereafter by force and virtue of these presents peace­ abl: and quietly hold, occupy, possess, and enjoy all and singular the above granted laud and premises with the appurtenances, free and clear of all former bargains, sales, mortgages, leases, will entails, join­ ture, dowers, judgments, or any other incumberances that miiht in any '\'\ise obstruct or make void the present deed and the said M. P. for himself, his heirs and assigns do covenant promise to and with the said J. G., his heirs and assigns, by these presents that he the said l\l. P., his heirs, executors, administrators and every of them all and singular. the hereby granted and bargained premises unto the said J. G.. his heirs and assigns, and against all and every other person whaLo;oever cb;ming or to claim any right, title. interest. property claim or demand of in or to the hereby gr::nted premises by from and under him. them, or any of them, shall and will warrant and forever defend by these presents.

TN 'WITNESS whereof the said ~Iiles Pedrick and Sarah his wife have hereunto set their hands and seals tiie day and year first above written. Signed, :\IILES PEDRICK, SARAH PEDRICK.

Sealed and delivered in the presence of us. Joseph Bevis. Isaac Pedrick, John Sooy. Received 9-22-1802, recorded 11-19-1802, Clement Acton, RP.corder. (A long preamble and much repetition in the form of by­ gone days.)

It appears the balance of,· n 161 acres was another parcel of 52½ acres sold by Miles 12-28-l 79i ·' Isaac Pedrick for 271 pounds, 6 shillings, which Robert had bougJ,: 0-om the foregoing a few years earlier than the above land as a part , : :mappropriated land originally held by John Fenwick.


MILES PEDRICK made a will which was proved 10-10-1807, Ex. his son SILAS. He made the following bequests. Wife SARAH, $300, best bedding, bed, two cows, etc. Daughter Hester new bed called hers and bedding, son Robert brown mare, son Charles young bay horse, son Miles last spring's colt. Sons Samuel and Silas to be kept in school till they learn the rule of three. Sell lot of meadow and other personal property and divide amongst children. Witnesses Samuel Fenton and Gideon Denny. Inv. $1876.37 including horses $100, 30 head of cattle $284, Indian corn in field $250, hay in stack $256, grain in ground $70, book accounts $156.75. His wife died in 5 months and her will was proved 3-28-1808, friend Silas Pedrick R"(. and guardian. To daughter Elizabeth Moor, 6 yards linen cloth, daughter Esther the remnant of linen cloth to dispose of to two youngest children, Samuel and Silas. To her also wearing apparel and bedding except coverlets. Son Robert choice of coverlets and $20, son Charles second choice of coverlets and son Miles $50, youngest sons Samuel and Silas $67 apiece and youngest son Silas to be educated at school to read, "whrite and sypher" to the rule of three and expenses out of remnant of estate. Residue of estate to younger children. Witnesses Jacob and Ann Somers.

The Friends meeting records do not disclose any activities of any 1Iiles or Silas Pedrick.

):Ir. N. 0. Pedrick of New Orleans who is a descendant of Miles has some original records which look as though they might have been taken from a Bible some are illegible but I quote the following: These records are used below and since each of these births state they were the children of Miles and Sarah and there being no other :Miles and Sarah at this period it is very evident that they can be considered as original and reliable. Since the daughter Miriam was not named in either will she evidently died soon after birth. Official records of mar­ riages at Trenton or as gathered from newspaper files and N. J. county seats do not record the marriage of :Miles or in a positive manner the marriages of any of his children. Neither has Trenton or Surrogates offices assisted as to wills or administrations. There was doubtless a scattering away of some of these who lived very long.


Issue: Born 5 Esther Pedrick 1777 5 Miriam Pedrick 2-1-1779 5 Elizabeth Pedrick .3-13-1781 5 Robert Pedrick l 0-27-1788 5 Charles Pedrick 1-30-1791 See further 5 Miles Pedrick 1793 5 Samuel Pedrick 1795 See further 5 Silas Pedrick 5-30-1797 See further

A thorough search of the posterity of the above family together with other children not entered in the tabulation would gather enough ma­ terial probably to make up a volume in itself. The records which follow while fragmentary have been established as relating to the above.

CHARLES PEDRICK married 2-2-1815 HAl'."NAH SOMERS, daugh­ ter of Jacob and Anne. Salem Co. has no record of a will or adm. of a Charles Pedrick untH 1890, too late to belong to above. The Pilesgrove meeting records give the date of his marriage since the Somers family were staunch Quakers. The witnesses at that marriage were Joseph, Silas, Esther, Deborah, Robert and Samuel of Pedricks. Old Phila­ delphia directories do not give his name and Salem Co. deed books give no Charles and P...annah as grantors of real estate during their active period of life.

Issue: _Born Died Age ti J;;.cob Somers Pedri-;k 1815 2-17-1892 76 6 Elizabeth Pedrick

6 JACOB S. PEDRICK married 3-15-1848 IL.\..1\i"NAH KIRBY, born 2-20-1827, died 10-28-1912, age 85, both buried in Friends Cemetery at Woodstown. He lived in Pilesgrove township. His will w.Js pro­ bated 2-29-1892. He bequeaths his daughter Lizzie, wife of :oseph :'\Iiller, $1000, to offset a like amount to sons Asa K. and Richard S. Pedrick. Balance of real and personal to wife Hannah. Son Asa, Executor. His wife's 'l'l;ll was probated in 1912, son Asa, Executor. To :VIabel L., daughter of son Richard, deceased, $500. Residue to son Asa and daug:1ter Lizzie Miller.


Issue: Born Died Age Buried 7 Asa Kirby Pedrick 1849 10-23-1915 66 7 Elizabeth A. Pedrick 2-1-1853 4- 2-1934 81 E. View 7 Richard Somers Pedrick 1860 3- 5-1890 30 Eglntn.

7 ASA married 1-21-1879 MARY GREEN BRICK of Halltown, born 1853, died 1-4-1881, age 28, leaving one child. He married secondly SUE F. :MARTIN, born 1849, died 1924, age 75. No issue. He lived in Woodstown and was a dealer in farm implements. Also a farmer in Pilesgrove. An obituary in a local newspaper says he was also in the Borough Council and Borough collector. His will was proved 11-4-1915. Leav,s all to wife Sue F. If she does not survive him, then all to daughter Anna G. Patterson.

Issue: 8 .t\l'li'NA GREEN PEDRICK, born 12-26-1880, married in 1912

Bl=''N'JA.'1\-!IN CARLL PATTERSON, born 11-22-1877, at Slatington, Pa., son of Benjamin and Rebecca (Plummer) Patterson. He died 8-1-1932, age 54, buried in the Plummer-Patterson lot in Salem. He lived mostly in Woodstown, N. J., and was a printer. Later moved to Collingswood about 1920 and became a police officer. He met death while on duty as the result of an auto bus accident. The family lived on Lees Avenue and six years ago moved to No. 115 Curtis Ave­ nue, where his widow and children are resident.

Issue: Born 9 George Martin Patterson 10-10-1913 Living 9 Miriam Rebecca Patterson 1-29-1916 Living 9 Mary Virginia Patterson 9- 6-1917 Living 9 Benjamin Carll Patterson, Jr. 5- 8-1922 Living

George is an assistant cashier in a broker's office at 16th and Chest­ nut Streets, Philadelphia. MIRIA::\I is a private secretary to the President of the Estabrook Co. in Camden and her sister :Mary is a clerk in the same house, while Benjamin is in Collingswood high school where they all graduated.


7 ELIZABETH A. PEDRICK, born 2-1-1853, died 4-2-1934, age SI, married 10-16-1878 JOSEPH MILLER ·of Salem by Charles S. Lawson, mayor. He was born 10-19-1845, died 7-1-1933, age 87, both buried in East View. He was a printer in Salem and after his mother's death carried on her dry goods business. Later became Salem post­ master about 15 years. His father was a professor in a Bridgeton school and his mother was Ann Ware.

Issue: Born Died Age Buried 8 Grace Miller 1879 1903 24 E. View 8 Charles Dare Miller 2-11-1885 8- 6-1933 48 E. View 8 Anna Ware Miller 6- 4-1888 6-14-1934 46 E. View 8 CHARLES attended William and Mary College in Virginia ant. finished at Pierce's in Philadelphia, then took up accounting work. Married MARGARET HAMMAKER of Altoona, Pa., born 5-31-1896, daughter of William G. and Sarah (Labe) Hammaker. His widow is resident at No. 157 W. Broadway, Salem, and is connected with the City National Bank and Trust Co.

Issue: 9 CHARLES DARE MILLER, born 12-1-1922, living and attending the Salem High School.

7 RICHARD SOMERS PEDRICK married MARY B. LOUDEN­ SLAGER, born 1862, died 1-?5-1891, age 30, her husband dying the year previous at the same age. Both buried in Eglington. He had a p:eneral store business in Paulsboro at time of death. His brother Asa was appointed to administer bis estate which inventoried $4465.46, 3-18-1890. His wife was appointed guardian for an only child but she soon died and her mother Susanna B. Loudenslager was appointed in her stead and had her educated. Issue: S MABEL LOUDENSLAGER PEDRICK, born 10-29-1884, mar­ ried in 1909 JOSEPH PAUL of Paulsboro, who became one of the youngest bank cashiers at Paulsboro on record. He died about 1918, leaving his ·widow but no children. She became a school teacher and is r.ow teaching in Ventnor, N. J., where she resides at No. 4807 Atlantic Avenue.


5 SAl\fUEL PEDRICK, born 1795. He married and a record of five children has been given. He was next to the youngest of eight children The youngest, Silas, born two years later, married and lived in Phila­ delphia and was a sea captain and above Samuel probably also came to Philadelphia. The earliest city directory quoting a Samuel Pedrick is 1813, giving occupation as blacksmith. This is carried forward in 1814, 1820 and 1821, residence Prime above Front. Silas is recorded along the same periods as sea captain living at 65 North 8th Street. In 1860 Silas appears as a surveyor at 140 Walnut Street and living in West Philadelphia, and Samuel M. P. Pedrick as grocer at Lombard and Delaware Avenue and also as Samuel M. P. Pedrick & Co. (John C. Darrah) ship chandlers, 426 South Delaware Avenue, and living at 338 Lombard Street. This is evident although not thoroughly sub­ stantiated, but there were very few Samuels at this period of time. ,\'hom he married or when he died has not been determined.

Issue: Born Died Age 6 Charles William Pedrick 1834 6 Samuel Parks Pedrick 1829 1881 52 6 Mary Frances Pedrick Single 6 Sarah Gertrude Pedrick ::',Iarried Dr. Frost 6 Emma Pedrick l\farried Batten

6 CHARLES married MARY FRA..~CES OWENS, of Portsmouth, Va. His biography, date of death, or particulars regarding his v,;fe has not been ascertained.

Issue: Born Died Age 7 Mary Drewry Pedrick 4-15-lSil Living 7 Emma Leona Pedrick 2-22-1873 5-13-1913 40 Single 7 Norman Owens Pedrick 4-I8-ISi5 Living i Samuel Parks Pedrick 12-13-1Si9 Lh;ng


7 NORMAN 0. PEDRICK was born at Porsmouth, Va., married 6-28-1899 JULIA LEWIS HARRISON, born 11-10-1874, daughter of Keely and Margaret Ann (Brinkley) Harrison. In May, 1902, the family moved to New Orleans, La., where they have lived since. Mr. Pedrick is President of the M;ssissippi Shipping Co., Inc., of that city.

Issue: 8 PARKS BRINKLEY PEDRICK, born at Portsmouth, Va., 5-23- 1\.>00. Graduated from Tulane University, New Orleans, with degree of B. B. A. (Batchelor Business Administration). Married 10-21-1925 :MARGARET BLAIR LYON, born 7-21-1901, daughter of J. Adair and Elizabeth Winston (Antrim) Lyon. PARKS is associated with his father in the shipping business in New Orleans.

Issue: Born 9 Parks Brinkley Pedrick, Jr. 12,-2-1928 Living

7 SAMUEL P. PEDRICK never married and is at present a patient in the U.S. Veterans' Hospital in Marion, Va.

7 MARY D. PEDRICK (no records obtained previous to publication).


6 SAMUEL PARKS PEDRICK was born 1829, died 1881, age 52, married in 1860 EMMA LTh'DA STOREY, born 1840, died 1876, age 36. He lived in Philadelphia the most of bis life. His career bas not been given me••

Issue: Born Died Age 7 Marie Therese Pedrick 1862 Living i George Kendall Pedrick 1864 1891 27 unmarried

7 MARIE married in 1883 FRANK BUSCHEL HOOPER of Balti• more, Md., son of William J. Hooper, who founded a business of cotton manufacturing in that city in 1861 with which bis son was identified until bis decease. His widow survives living at No. 1628 Bolton Street, Baltimore, Md.

Issue: Born Died Age 8 Marie Pedrick Hooper 1885 Living S George K. Hooper 1890 Living 8 Marguerite Hooper 1895 1930 unmarried

8 MARIE married DAVID SCOTT of Elkton, Md., who is deceased. She lives with her mother in Baltimore. Issue: 9 DAVID SCOTT, born about 1917, unmarried, and is connected with the Gas Company in Baltimore.

8 GEORGE married EDITH EYRE FORREST of Philadelphia, born 1894, daughter of Henry C. and Sarah (Eyre) Forrest.

:Mr. Hooper was doing research work for some time with the Lewis Publishing Co., publishers of biography and history. 4-23-1921 he founded the Hooper Paper and Twine Co., in Philadelphia, which he still heads, located the past seven years at 105 Church Street, Phila­ delphia. It is significant that in his stock of letter paper be originated the "Pedrick Bond". Residence, Penfield, Pa. Issue: 9 SARAH PEDRICK HOOPER, born 1920 and unmarried. She was graduated from the Friends Central in Philadelphia and now attending an art school in Philadelphia.


5 SILAS PEDRICK, born 5-30-1797, married 2-2-1825 MARGAR­ ETTA MINGLE, daughter of John Mingle of Philadelphia. He lived in Philadelphia and was a vessel captain the same, no doubt, which appears in Gen. Soc. Pa. Archives (l\:!isc. box 2-A of Invoices), showing 6 bales of sheep skins shipped on board the brig Latona from Monta­ video, Barbadoes, Silas Pedrick master, bound to Philadelphia for and risk of whom it may concern and consigned to Boran & Humphreys, merchants. Cost Spanish lbs. 172-29, dated 2-24-1834. The name of Captain Silas Pedrick also appears in the early Philadelphia direc­ tories of that period.

Between 1830 and 1842 he made two purchases of real estate in Phila­ delphia, one being a lot in Laurel Hill Cemetery through which could be traced his history and descendants if any.

He was but IO years of age at his father's death and the baby of 8 children. His uncle "Siles" also the baby of a flock of 7 dlildren. His father's will of 1807 orders him kept in school to learn "the rule of three". His mother's will the following year bequeathes him $67 and order;: hi:n educated to read, "whrite and sypher". How or with whom he matured to manhood has not been revealed but he evidently took to the water and became a vessel captain in course of time.

As noted above in fuller detail the Philadelphia directory of 1837 lists Silas Pedrick, sea captain, living at .No. 6 Wallace Street. In 1839 he lived at Xo. 65 Xorth 8th Street, where be stayed about IO years. In 1847 he had an office at 22½ Walnut Street. In 1858 he was living "above William in \Vest Philadelphia."

During this period there were a number of Pedricks in mi.,ed occupa­ tions in Philadelphia. Elisha was a grocer at 47 South Water Street, later as Pedrick Stroud & Hood; Pedrick & Allison were tailors at 270 and 316 High Street. Joseph D. and Michael were tailors, John and '\'\"ashington F. druggiEts, at 711 Market Street. Samuel P. Ped­ rick a ship chandler at 426 South Delaware Avenue and others, car­ penters, paper stainers, plasterers, varnishers, potters, machinists, bakers, clerks, hatters, a dentist and one gentleman Elihu, at 1122 Green Street.


4 BENJAMIN PEDRICK was born about 1748, son of Robert and :'.\Iartha Justice. He was the second child born and was 23 years old and married in 1771 when his father died. His elder brother MILES inherited all the land and BENJAMIN was bequeathed 101 pounds. He married 5-3-1769 SUS ..\J."\,"NAH •.\J.'l"DERSON "Of tite" (from the Swedes Trinity Church records). He became established in Woodbury in the wheelwright business and died there, but no record of will or administration has been found. His real estate transactions recorded at Trenton have not been searched and there has been little uncovered concerning him. There were no early Benjamin Pedricks in Salem Co. since neither the brother of Thomas, John, nor any of his children named any son Benjamin. (Notes on Old Gloucester Stewart) 1817-19 in a description of prison hounds for debtors. "And including the market house, the slaughter house and wheelwright shop occupied by Ben­ jamin Pedrick." It was no doubt h~re that his nephew Jos. D. Ped­ rick came to learn his trade. He died and probably left sons other than Benjamin, but the limits of this volume will not permit a search and inclusion of any other. It is by sequence of events and dates and names with nothing as yet to prove or anything to disprove that I cor­ relate this family line.

5 BENJAMDJ PEDRICK, born 1786, died 7-27-1877, age 91 (Tren­ ton Archives), buried at Elmer, married PHEBE BRO\VN of Mon­ mouth Co., born I 789, died 11-30-1878, age 89, buried at Elmer. The tradition as told me recently by William Pedrick Loder of Bridgeton his grandson who has just died last December 10th, is this. He learned the wheelwright business in Woodbury, came later to Wbig Lane, then Pole Tavern, finally locating in Elmer. Had a brother John who lived later in Glassboro and a sister llary, who made fancy vests in Phila­ delphia and died single. He carried on a wheelwright business in Elmer for many years. His will was probated 8-6-1877. His wife Phebe is left her dower and the right to hold all property until her death. At her death Elizabeth Pedrick $500 and the balance of estate equally be­ tween all his children, naming six.


Issue: Born Died Age Buried 6 Elizabeth Pedrick 1814 10-31-1896 82 Single 6 Joseph Pedrick 11-22-1815 9-25-1897 82 Bgtn. 6 William Warren Pedrick 9-13-1817 10-27-1876 59 Elmer 6 Ellis W. Pedrick 11-26-1819 4-15-1896 76 Elmer 6 Mary Jane Pedrick Mar. Robt. Abbott Not searched 6 Martha Ann Pedrick 10-14-1827 2-15-1914 87 Ovrlk. 6 Sarah Pedrick Mar. Geo. Fox, widr. Not searched 6 Charles Pedrick Infancy

6 JOSEPH W. PEDRICK, married 3-2-1843 JANE RAMMEL ("At her father's") Pilesgrove Presbyterian record. She was born 12-28-1821 and died 5-2-1908, age 86, both buried in Broad Street Cemetery, Bridgeton. He evidently was not inclined to the business of bis father and started out as a farmer. He located in "Dutch Neck" near Bridge­ ton and owned a small 40-acre farm and later also worked in a nai1 mill in Bridgeton. They were married 53 years and had 11 children. There is no record of a will or administration. His Bible, Phinney of Cooperstown, N. Y., 1841, descended to bis daughter Emily and then to her daughter now Lida Opdyke of Roadstown, N. J.

Issue: Born Died Age Buried 7 Mary Jane Pedrick 9- 6-1844 9- 8-1921 77 Ovrlk. 7 Martha Ann Pedrick 9- 8-1845 2- 1-1906 61 Br. St. 7 Martin Rammell Pedrick 9018-1847 1- 3-1923 76 Ovrlk. 7 John S. Pedrick 11- 7-1849 11-29-1865 16 Br.St. 7 Emily Bowen Pedrick 1-10-1852 6-12-1927 75 Ovrlk. 7 Sarah Elizabeth Pedrick 3- 1-1854 9-25-1863 9 Br. St. 7 Isabelle Davis Pedrick 8-30-1855 Living 7 Ellen D. Pedrick 9-25-1859 8-25-1860 llmo. Br. St. 7 Phebe Pedrick 2- 7-1862 Living 7 Eliza Elmer Pedrick 10-26-1863 Living 7 Alice Pedrick 12-29-1865 8-13-1867 20mo. Br. St.

7 MARY married in 1896 at age 52 JAl\:IES BROOKS, widower of Hopewell township. He died 1909, no children, both buried Overlook Cemetery.


7 MARTIN RAMMELL PEDRICK married 9-13-18i7 AMANDA P. BALLINGER, of Bridgeton, born 1856, daughter of Benjamin and Sarah. They are both buried in Overlook. He followed painting the most of his life. His will was proved 1-28-1923. Wife Amanda all his estate. Cumberland Trust Co. Ex. At her death a stone for burial lot and lettered for both. Balance if any to legal heirs. An account rendered by the Ex. shows balance after payments of $1264.23. No children.

7 EMILY BOWEN PEDRICK married 12-8-1880 WILLIAM: KILLE of Pennsgrove, born 5-4-1859, died in :\'!arch, 1935, age 76, son of Stephen Decater and Catharine (Sailor) Kille. Both buried in Overlook. He started out farming on Ed. Stam's place at Fairton, then to Dutch Neck where his brother-in-law Joseph was. Back to Fairton on a grocery route and to Bridgeton on a bakery route, then Gloucester as boss in shipyard. Back to farming again in "Back Neck" west of Fairton on the Wetherill farm along the Cohansey. Later to Dutch Neck again for Wm. Springer and then managed a Minch farm, finally settling for good as a farmer at Roadstown, where he died. Mar­ ried 47 years and had four children, all living.

Issue: Born 8 Alice Pedrick Ki1le 7-13-1881 Living 8 Lida Elkinton Kille 10- 9-1882 Living 8 Willard Minch Kille 7-20-1889 Living S Leon Abbott Kille 12-28-1890 Living

8 ALICE married 6-30-1909 '\YILLL\l\:I HENRY CLAY1'00LE of Hopewell township, born 11-25-1886, at Carmel, N. J., son of Henry and Anna (Demaris) Claypoole. He is a plate and angle bender in the New York Shipyard with a service of 21 years. Residence, 712 Carmen Street, Camden.

Issue: Born 9 Marion Henry Claypoole 4- 1-191S Living 9 Norma Heintze Claypoole 11-17-1919 Living 9 Clarence Howard Claypoole 5- 5-1922 Living

MARION works with the Hollingshead Co. in Camden, Norma is taking a business course in the high school and Clarence about to graduate from junior high.


8 LIDA E. KILLE married in 1902 JOSEPH WARNER born Glou­ cester N.J., 1881, died 1907, age 26; the son of Charles and Harriet (Heritage) \Varner. He was a window decorator and they lived at 4th and Washington Sts. in Camden. Issue: 9 LAR.'l'ER WILLL\l\I WAR.'•rnR born 8-21-1903, married 12-22- 1928 MARY ELIABETH JOHNSON HEPNER, born at Deerfield, N.J. 12-21-1904, daughter of Martin Luther a.,d Ada Margaretta (Johnson) Hepner. He is an "Esso" gasoline service man, his station located in Ventnor. Residence 107 No. Richards Avenue, Ventnor. Issue: Born 10 JANET MARY WAR.J.'l'ER 2-3-1932 Living LYDIA married secondly 9-2-1909 GEORGE BALL WILLIAM OP­ DYKE of Greenwich township born 3-4-1880, son of Joseph \V. and Emily (\Villiams) Opdyke. He has always farmed about Roadstown and is now farming a place of 80 acres at the edge of the village, their farm home facing the street in the heart of the toni, a house built before the Revolution with old door hinges reaching the width of the doors and many other old Colonial fixtures that have stood the test of time and a delight to the eyes of the antiquarian. /;sue: 9 l\IARY E)f:\IA OPDYKE b:irn 11-20-1912, married in June 1930, CHARLES HETZELL of Deerfield, born 7-11-1903, son of Emory and Ollie ()IL·mer) Hetzell. He is a farmer near Deerfield. Issue: Born 10 BETTIE A.1',:"N HETZELL 9-22-1930 Living 8 \VILLAr.D M. KILLE married 4-17-1910 SARAH MORROW, born in Ireland 4-17-1887, daughter of George. He has been with the Public Service Corporation of N. J. the past 26 years, now servinr,: as President of the A_.\.S. & E.Ry. and 1Iotor coach Emp. of America. since 1916 "ith offices in the Labor Temple at Broadway and Royden Sts. Camden. Residence 2922 High St., Camden. Issue: Born 9 William George Kille 1-15-1913 Living 9 Leon Henry Kille 3-21-1914 Living 9 Susanna May Kille 5-3-1917 Living 9 Charlotte Emily Kille 7-7-1921 Living 9 Robert Thompson Kille 3-18-1924 Living


S LEON A. KILLE born 12-28-1890 married ELSIE WALTON LEAMING born 2-24-1889, daughter of William Lincoln and Bertha Lavinae (Wescott) Leaming. He is a farmer in Greenv.ich towr,s,1ip P. 0. Greenv.icb.

Issue: Born 9 Bertha Emily Kille 11-29-1919 Living 9 Robert Leaming Kille 12-16-1921 Killed 5-13-1927 Auto 9 Leon Abbott Kille Jr. 9-10-1924 Living


7 ISABELLE DAVIS PEDRICK married EBENEZER BR.\D\VAY of Cumb. Co., born 1854, died 11-5-1911, age 57; buried Broad St. Cemetery, Bridgeton, son of Mark and Emeline (English) Bradw-d.y. He was a farmer in the "Dutch Neck" section below Bridgeton. After his death his 'l'lidow bought a property at 185 Giles St. where she resides.

Issue: 8 ELSIE BOOXE BRIDWAY. born 11-3-1894. Graduated from Bridgeton high and Trenton State normal, and bas been teaching in Bridgeton about twenty years. Unmarried and lives Vlitb her mother. 7 PHEBE PEDRICK married FRA.1.~K EGGl\IAN 'l'lidower V1ith one son born 1868, died in 1915, age 47, through accident by a fall; buried Pearl St. Cemetery. He had a tailor business in Bridgeton and later at Coatesville. Pa. where be died. No issue. His Vlidow living at 2922 High St., Camden N.J.

7 ELIZA E. PEDRICK married the Rev. RICHARD MINCH of Hopewell, born 1S62, died 1932, age 60; buried at Overlook, the son of Louis Minch. He was a Baptist minister at Tyler Hill. Pa. about twenty years. She is resident at Port Chester, N.Y. Apt. 4-D-Kingston Gardens, King St.

Issue: 8 :MIRIAM :\IINCH born July 1S9i, married CHARLES HALL of L. Island N.Y. He has charge of an office in N.Y. rep., the Bakelite Co. Residence 205 Bay View Avenue, Freeport, N.Y.

S ALICE l\IIXCH is unmarried and teaches school at Port Chester, N.Y. I have received no reply to inquiries for fu!ler details.


6 WILLLU:I WARREN PEDRICK married 3-25-1841 ELIZA THROP or THORPE (Craig-Cumb. Co. Mar.. book.). He settled at "Dutch Neck" below Bridgeton and was a farmer there. Later moved to Elmer and was a wheelwright, no doubt, with bis father there. His wife wa<; born 10-1-1821, and died 11-27-1906, age 85; both buried at Elmer.

Issue: Born Died Age Buried 7 Charles Peclrick 12-30-1841 5-14-1927 85 Plvstvl. 7 Phebe Atkinson Pedrick 3-3-1844 4-8-1908 64 Elmer Sing. 7 William ·warren Pedrick Jr. 4-22-1845 1934 89 Millville

7 CHARLES married CHARLOTTE JONES born Cleveland, Ohio 4-22-1845, died 5-22-1919, age 74; both buried at Pleasantville, N.J. She was the daughter of John F. and Sarah (Elmer) Jones. He was born at Elmer, farmed there and then went to West Creek and farmed. Came to Atlantic City with his family in 1865, and was mostly in grocery v.·ork there.

Issue: Born Died Age Buried 8 Frank Jones Pedrick 4-8-1869 1-28-1935 65 Plstvle. 8 Rena Edwards Pedrick 9-2-1870 Living 8 Mamie Pedrick Living 8 Clarence ·woodmancy Pedrick 8-4-1875 Living 8 Louis A. Pedrick 1879 12-10-1896 17 Plstvle. 8 John F. Pedrick 12-28-1890 8-16-1932 41 Plstvle.

8 FR..\.:.,K at age four when the family moved to Atlantic City, grew up there and learned the carpentering business and later became a builder, contractor and developer in Atlantic and Cape l\Iay Cos., to as large an extent as had never been known before or since. Ee operated Iat"'r as Frank J. Pedrick and Son. '\vnen 33 years of age be bought two building lots and started his career. In 1909 be bought a plot 250 by 175 and following this made seventeen other purchases down to 1920. His son Leonard ·was then taken into the business. From this time until 1927 they iointly added to their holdings, making 175 additional purchases of undeveloped sea shore properties, and opened up ~Iarvin Gardens in Ventnor. In 1927 they opened up in Cape May Co .. developing 'Wildwood Gables. There had been at this period a tremendous real estate boom throughout the country which had reached its peak and they with many others were caught in the downward drift, and were forced to assign their holdings to various mortgage holders.


It is quite a certainty that Frank J. Pedrick could at one time in his career retired a millionaire. He lived eight years longer in Atlantic City and at Linwood. The activities of the Pedrick family, previous to 1S65 had been nil in Atlantic. Court records show no wills and but two administrations down to this day. He married in December 1S91, BLU:\IA S. WEEKS, born 1872, died 7-20-1906 (Trenton record), age 34, both buried at Pleasantville. They had two sons. Frank married secondly 9-4-1909 LAURA C. BA ...~ARD of Philadelphia. No issue. She survives her husband and lives in Pleasantvme.

Issue: Born 9 Leonard Frank Pedrick 8-5-1895 Living 9 William Alfred Pedrick 1896 Living

9 LEONARD married 9-24-1919 DOROTHY PATRICL\ SIMP­ KINS born 1899, daughter of John H. and :i.\fargaret (Kiefer) Simpkins. He was educated in the Atlantic City schools and was in the Navy and Marine Squadron in the \Vorld War. Entered business with his father as Frank J. Pedrick & Son Realtors. He participated in the rise and fall of the business. He left Atlantic City and is now in bank work in Philadelphia.

Issue: Born 10 Dorothy Patricia Pedrick 8-3-1920 Living 10 Leonard Frank Pedrick Jr. 7-13-1924 Living 9 WILLI.-\:\I ALFRED PEDRICK married HELE:-. GOS)IAN, born in 1899. He is in insurance wurk in N.Y. City.

Issue: Born 10 Frank Alfred Pedrick 2-14-1925 Li\;ng IO George Eugene Pedrick 9-22-1926 Li\·ing 8 JOHX F. PEDRIC:, married XELLIE :'.IAE RICHXER born in Philadelphia 1895. daughter of Richard P. and Nellie S. ("·elsh) Rich­ ner. After his death she married John Hamilton. This family got over N.Y. way and are reported li\'ing at 683 Sterling Place Brooklyn. I have been unable to hear from them. (From Trenton Archives.)

Issue: Born 9 Robert Ferman Pedrick S-2-1917 9 Dorothy )fay Pedrick 11-27-1918 9 John F. Pedrick Jr. 8-3-1926


S RENAE. PEDRICK married 5-15-1892 EDWARD PETTIT born Tuckerton 3-19-1870, sor. of William and Esther (Driscoll) Pettit. He i,as lived in Atlantic City the past 45 years and followed mostly the trade of plasterer, now time keeper at the hotel Trayrnore. Both living at 7 :Massachusetts Avenue. Issue: Born 9 Reba Pettit 8-5-1895 Living 9 Lewis Pettit 11-27-1897 Living Salesman, Single 9 Clarence Pettit 8-10-1901 Living Roofer Single 9 Adelbert Pettit 10-11-1904 Living REBA married in 1921 William Kerr of Oklahoma, who died 2-26- 1934; buried at Pleasantville. He was an Atlantic City police officer. She is engaged in work at the Trayrnore. Lives home. Issue: Born 10 Virginia Kerr December 1926 Living ADELBERT married in 1933 LUCILLE of Pennsylvania, a school­ teacher. He is an operator at the Embassy theatre and they live on Haddon Avenue. No children. S CLARENCE W. PEDRICK married in 1905 ELIZABETH VA ..'N"­ DINE COR..N"ELL of Bustleton, Pa., born 12-14-1877, daughter of Allen Cornell. He was first in grocery work and then in wholesale produce in Philadelphia and Washington. Came back to Atlantic City in gro:ery, and later insurance work and now a ti:ne keeper the past five years with the Y.W.C. Association on Pacific Avenue. Residence 218 ::'forth Chelsea Avenue. Issue: Born 9 Allen Pedrick 3-30-1907 Living 9 Earl Woodmancy Pedrick 11-14-1909 Living ALLEN married in 1926 MARGARET ETHEL REID of Atlantic City, born 6-7-1907, daughter of Charles Frederick and May (Rogers) Reid. He is a carpenter and painter and lives at 210 Doughty road, Ple:santville. Issue: Born 10 Allen Reid Pedrick 12-26-1929 Living EARL is unmarried and lives home. A clerk with the Guarantee Trust Co. and music teacher and organist at the St. James Episcopal Church.


8 MAMIE PEDRICK married WINFIELD DEVARGAS: they lived in Northfield and he died in 193 7. One son who died young.


7 WILLIAM WARREN PEDRICK JR. born 4-22-1845, died in 1934 age 89; married 1-1-1868 KATE L. SEEDS widow daughter of Reuben. He lived in Camden and worked on the street cars etc. Later came to Millville and worked there. In 1903 bought a property and built a home in the suburban Cloverdale section above Millville and con­ ducted a chicken business as a side l:':le.

Issue; Born S Ella Dora Pedrick 4-26-1872 Living 8 William Warren Pedrick, 3rd 8-18-1883 Living

ELLA married 8-8-1898 WILLIAM FRANKLIN DAVIS, born Mill­ ville 1-12-1873, son of Charles B. and Elizabeth (Appleby) Davis. He was a glass blower with Whitall-Tatem in Millville and later took up the barber business and is now conducting a business at South Dennis, N.J. where they reside.

Issue: 9 PAUL DAVIS born 3-4-1904, married in 1923 AVEDA PETRICH, born 1-6-1905 at Morristown, daughter of Theodore and Emma (Cox) Petrich. Occupation. glass blower with the \Vheaton factory in :Mill­ ville. Residence, Millville suburbs.

Issue; Born IO Jack Davis 8-22-1926 Living 10 William Franklin Davis 7-22-1935 Living

8 WILLIA:\:I WARRE..'l' PEDRICK 3rd, married 8-9-1910, LAURA BRO\VN WALLS, born Vineland 12-14-1888, daughter of Winslow \Vhiting and Annie Elizabeth (:\Iarsden) Walls.. He lived mostly in suburban Millville where his father located. Built a fine home and increased the poultry businPSs adding more acreage. He has been with the Whitall-Tatem Glass Co. for over thirty years.

Issue; Born 9 William Warren Pedrick, 4th 6-9-1915 3rd Year Lehi~h Univ. 9 Alfred Winslow Pedrick 3-17-1920 A senior in Millville high


6 ELLIS W. PEDRICK born 11-26-1819, died 4-15-1896, age 76; married 1-25-1844 ELIZABETH ATKINSON of Elmer, born 1-17- 1818, died 10-18-1896, age 78; both buried at Elmer. She was the· daughter of Abbott and Mary (Conover) Atkinson. Ellis was a wheel wright in Elmer and then bought a 100 acre farm in the vicinity in 1853 where he continued the balance of his life. His will was probated 5-2-1896, his son Jarvis and Ephraim Harris executors.

Issue: Born Died Age Buried 7 Jarvis Norris Atkinson Pedrick 7-30-1846 2-2-1907 60 Olivet 7 Robert Abbott Pedrick 1849 9-3-1914 65 Newark 7 Benjamin Franklin Pedrick 2-26-1851 1906 55 Elmer 7 Mary A. Pedrick 5-9-1854 8-20-1885 31 Elmer 7 Elizabeth Adelaide Pedrick 6-21-1858 Living

7 JARVIS married 11-24-1875 M"NA MARIA SE..XTON GRAY of Upper Pittsgrove, by Levi Morse, baptist minister. She was born at Allowstown 4-4-1845, died 10-25-1912, age 67; both buried Olivet Cemetery. He was a farmer owning a farm at Centreton where he lived and died. He died intestate and his wife administered the estate.

Issue: Born Died Age Buried 8 Mabel Louisa Pedrick 12-21-1876 Living 8 Elbert Nelson Pedrick 3-25-1878 4-25-1934 56 Fmdshp. 8 Mary Gray Pedrick 1-23-1880 Living 8 Joseph Chester Pedrick 4-3-1881 3-11-1917 36 Elrr.e:-

8 ELBERT NELSON PEDRICK married in 1903 ADA FOX of Northville Cumb. Co. born in 1880, daughter of Charles and Harriet (Filer) Fox. He owned a farm about three miles from Centreton in the Friendship section where his widow and children are still carrying on. Issue: Born 9 Stanley Pedrick 6-14-1904 Living Single 9 Charles B. Pedrick 5-12-1906 Living Single 9 Harriet Pedrick 5-8-1912 Living Single 9 Alvin Pedrick 1-1-1921 Living


S MABEL L. PEDRICK married 7-28-1897 WILLIA:\! WARD GARRISON born near Elmer 9-1-1868 on the old Garrison homestead, son of Stephen A. and Susanna Clifton (Cook) Garrison. The older Garrison home dates back to 1761 at Palatine. Their present residence built forty years ago. They are now conducting about 17 5 acres amongst other Garrison farms in this section, P.O. Elmer R. 2. They have been married forty years and had twelve children.

Issue: Born Died 9 Clyde Frazee Garrison 6-22-1898 Living 9 Anna Pauline Garrison 9-14-1899 Living 9 Leslie \Vayne Garrison 4-25-1901 Living 9 Jay Cook Garrison 4-19-1903 Living 9 Mahlon Atwood Garrison 4-13-1905 Living 9 Susanna Clifton Garrison 4-12-1907 6-23-1909 9 Stephen Olen Garrison 10-17-1908 Living 9 William Ward Garrison Jr. 5-6-1910 Living 9 Sanford Clav Garrison 4-14-1912 Living 9 Mabel Eleanor Garrison 9- 5-1914 11-1 -1914 9 Estella Oliphant Garrison 1-22-1916 8- 6-1916 9 Sydney Armistead Garrison 3-29-1922 Living

CLYDE married 12-21-1935 EMILY BROOKS of Daretown, born 9-15-1903, daughter of Thomas and :Mary (Dubois) Brooks. He assists in the operation of the Garrison farm. Residence Shirley.

Issue: Born 10 Stephen Ayres Garrison 11-20-1936 Living 9 PAULIXE married 5-19-1923 DALE HAROLD LEARN oi Mon­ roe Co. Pa., born 12-8-1897, son of Milton and Nettie (Bush) Learn. He has received the following degrees . .-\.B. from Dickinson College 1920; L.L.B. from Dickinson Law School 1922 and M.A. the same year from Dickinson College. Became President of the Pennsylvania Real Estate Association in 1930 and is now in the real estate business in E. Stroudsburg, Pa. :'.\!rs. Learn is also a graduate from the Trenton, N.J. State Normal school class of 1920.

Issue: Born 10 Alison Mabel Learn 3-24-1927 Living 10 Glenn Ward Learn 4-14-1929 Living 10 Clyde Dale Learn 4-30-1931 Living


9 LESLIE W. GARRISON married 11-18-1922 SARAH ROBINSON BORTON, born near Elmer 12-20-1901, daughter of Edward and Mary (Kiger) Borton. He has been a farmer on the Borton farm two miles from Elmer for the past twelve years.

Issue: Born 10 Leslie Wayne Garrison Jr. 9-10-1923 Living 10 Walter Richman Garrison 8-11-1927 Living 9 JAY C. GARRISON married 4-19-1930 HELEN B. HETZELL of Deerfield, born 8-9-1905, daughter of Emory and Ollie (Mixner) Hetzel!. He bought in 1928 a 200 acre farm near Shirley that had been owned by his great grandfather in 1828 or just 100 years pre­ viously, and which he has since been operating.

/SS'.Je: Born 10 Jay Cook Garrison Jr. 5-23-1932 Living 10 Samuel Garrison 6-11-1933 Living 9 MAHLON A. GARRISON married 4-15-1933 MARGARET BOYD SNYDER of Centreton, born 12-17-1913, daughter of Harry and Josephine (Woodruff) Snyder. He has a 100 acre farm near Pala­ tine lake toward Husted station the past two years.

Issue: Born 10 Josephine Margaret Garrison 6-19-1935 Living 9 STEPHEN 0. GARRISON married 2-25-1935 ALICE HITCH­ NER of Salem, born 4-25-1917, daughter of Frank and Keziah (Cook) Hitchner. He is a farmer on !he Garrison farm and they reside near Steels corner. No children.

9 WILLLI\M W. GARRISON JR. married 5-6-1935 LUCIE MYR­ TLE SNYDER, sister to Margaret who married Mahlon. She was born 5-5-1916. He is also a farmer living near Centreton. No children.

9 SA'"--.;-FQRD C. GARRISON is unmarried and is an assistant in farm operations and his brother Sydney does a share also.

8 MARY GRAY PEDRICK has never married. For the past twenty years she has 0perated the hotel in Elmer well, and favorably known under the name of the Madara House.


8 JOSEPH C. PEDRICK born in Elmer 4-3-1881, died 3-11-1917, age 36; buried at Elmer. Mar. 10-14-1903 CLARA RAY PRICKETT of Monroeville, born 2-8-1883, daughter of Henry Howard and Dillie Biggie (Newkirk) Prickett. He owned and operated a farm in the Friendshi;:> section above Bridgeton. His widow now living at 129 12th Avenue, Pitman.

Issue: Born 9 Anna Frances Pedrick 3-21-1905 Living 9 Joseph Nelson Pedrick 2-7-1907 Living 9 Verna L. Pedrick 9-1-1908 Deceased 1908 9 Evan Chester Pedrick 2-8-1910 Living 9 ANNA married in 1932 JAMES HAROLD STIMPSON, born 10-9-1903 in Delaware. He owns and operates the "Green Hill" farm of sixty acres near Monroeville.

Issue: Born 10 James Wilbert Stimpson 6-21-1934 Living IO Donald Bryan Stimpson 8-17-1936 Living IO Dolores Anne Stimpson 6- 7-1938 Living

9 JOSEPH N. PEDRICK married 6-11-1932 MARGARET LOUISE STREVIG. born 3-3-1910 at Lineboro, Carroll Co. Md., daughter of Bertram Theodore and Viola Margaret (Wentz) Strevig. She is the possessor of the follo"ing educational degrees. A.B. Ursinus College 1931, and l\I. A. at Drew University in 1934. Mr. Pedrick is an ordained minister of the N.J. M.E. Conference having obtained the following degrees. A.B. at Ursinus College 1930; B.D. at Drew University in 1933 and 1\L.\.. at Drew University 1934. He has served the following pastorates. \Voodruff and Rosenhayn l\I.E. 1926-1932, ASBURY and AVALON M.E. 1934-1937, and now appointed to Freehold N.J. Res­ idence 89 W. Main St. They have no children.

9 EVA.~ C. PEDRICK married 6-20-1933 RUTH HOWELL. born · at Shenandoah Pa. 7-26-1904. He is an ordained minister of the N.J. 1\1.E. Conference, the same as his brother Joseph, and has been minister at the 4th :M.E. Church at MiJJville since 1934. Residence 464 S. 2nd St. Millville, N.J.

Issue: Born 10 Perkins Chester Pedrick 8-23-1934 Living 10 Paul Wesley Pedrick 4- 1-193S Living


7 ROBERT A. PEDRICK married HENRIETTA CARTER of New­ ark, N.J. He died in Newark and is buried in the Fairmount Cemetery. His widow surviving him. He worked in Newark as a clerk and later with a R.R. Co.

Issue: 8 ALBERT CLEARMAN PEDRICK born 8-21-1874 married 10-26- 1908 (Trenton Rec.) EMMA UNGER HAGNEY, born Newark in 1877, daughter of Lewis G. and Pauline (Unger) Hagney. He became a lawyer and was reported in an office of the Prudential Building. A letter trere was returned unclaimed, so no further information is av:u1- able.

7 BENJA.'\1:IN F. PEDRICK born 1851, died suddenly in Phila­ delphia, September 1906, aged 55; buried at Elmer. Married 9-19-1877 (Tr. Rec.) LIZZIE WATSON,' daughter of Beulah of Elmer. They became separated. He went to Philadelphia and was a conductor on the old cable street cars then took up telegraphy in R.R. work.

Issue: 8 EDWARD WATSON PEDRICK born April 1879. Became a musician. No contact made for further particulars.

7 MARY ATKINSON PEDRICK died single at age 31, and was buried in her father's lot in Elmer.

7 ELIZABETH A. PEDRICK married 8-6-1889 EPHRAIM C. HARRIS widower born 10-20-1845, the son of James Harris of Elmer who died 1-9-1894, age 77, and Hannah (Loper) Harris who died at Elmer 6-13-1894 age 79. Ephraim was a farmer above Elmer. He sold his farm in 1903 and built a house at 225 Main St. where they have since resided.

Issue: Born 8 Mary Amanda Harris 10-20-1892 Living 8 Francis Winfield Harris 2-12-1895 Living 8 Anna Harris 189r> Dec. !901


8 MARY A. HARRIS married in June 1916 BRUCE OSCAR TEGGE of Philadelphia, born 7-3-1890, son of Albert and Anna Tegge. He graduated from Temple University pharmacy course and opened a drug business in Haddon Heights, later locating at the Kings Highway and \Vhite Horse Pike in Audobon where he has carried on the past ten years.

MARY was adept in music and was educated by private tutors as a church organist. She has been serving in that capacity for many years and for the past ten as organist and choir director with the Logan Memorial Presbyterian Church at Audobon. She has also been doing social service work for the county in connection with the mental hospital at Lakeland. She is vice-president of the Republican Execu­ tive Committee and a member of the county board of ta.-ation, ap­ pointed by the Governor. The family live in a fine home at 109 E. Atlantic Avenue, Haddon Heights.

Issue: Born 9 Bruce Robert Tegge 5-31-1917 Lh.;ng 9 Carlton Stanley Tegge 9-26-1918 Lhdng 9 Edward Harris Tegge 10-22-1922 Lh;ng

BRUCE is in his 4th year in a chemical engineering course at State College Pa.

CARLTON is taking a similar course as junior at Drexel Institute. EDWARD is in junior high school.

8 FRA,,CIS W. HARRIS married in 1918 GERTRUDE L.a\XGLEY COLLIKS of Camden, born August !S90, daughter of John and ::\1ina (Langley) Collins. He is in the office of the Pennsylvania R.R. Co. at Broad St. Station. Bought a home thirteen years ago at 102 McClellan Avenue, Pitman, where they reside. No children.


6 MARTHA ANN PEDRICK born 10-14-1827., died 2-15-1914, age S7; married JOHN WARD of Bridgeton who was a R.R. l!Ilgineer and was killed in an accident. She is buried in Overlook.

Issue: 7 John Ward Jr. 7 Lydia Ward

JOHN' married AJ.\;"NIE HAINES of Upper Jersey and he became chief clerk in the pension department at Washington where he served for years, and died about 1920. No children.

LYDL\ married THEODORE B. SAGE and they lived in Phila­ delphia and Camden. Had daughters MARTHA A., and MARY, both dying single. All buried in Harleigh Cemetery.

MARTHA married secondly DAVID P. LODER of Bridgeton, born 6-29-1834, died 6-20-1920, age 86; buried in Overlook. He had a grocery business and later engaged in the coal business in Bridgeton, which is still carried on by two grandsons at Pearl and Cumberland Sts.

Issue: Born Died Age Buried 7 Charles Henry Loder 11-29-1859 Living 7 Martha Ann Loder 12-28-1861 I I-22~1862 Overlook 7 William Penrick Loder 6-23-1865 12-11-1937 72 Overlook 7 Benjamin Pedrick Loder 3-15-1868 Living i Ella l\!ay Loder · 5-23-1870 5-12-1917 47 Sing. Ovrlk.

CHARLES married in 1881 LAURA DELLA 5'v"ING born 9-12- 1862, died in 1933; buried in Overlook, the daughter of Gilbert S. and Emily R. (Carman) S,,;ng. He had a general store in Bridgeton for twenty years and was in P.O. and insurance work. Now retired. Res­ ident at 116 Bank St. where he has lived the past thirty-three years.

Issue: Born 8 Benjamin B. Lodt·r 4-13- 1882 Deceased 8-13-1883 8 LeRoy Ward Lode.- 12-5-1883 Living 8 Emily Richer Loder 8-25-1886 Living 8 Martha Ann Loder 3-21-1889 Living 8 May Vanneman Loder 10-8-1895 Living 8 Frances Stanley Loder 5-28-1904 Living


8 LEROY WARD LODER born December 5, 1883, graduated from Bridgeton High School and W. J. Military Academy; studied law and v.as admitted to the N.J. Bar at the November term 1905; as attorney and as a counsellor at the June term 1909; practised his profession at Bridgeton and on April 1, 1914 appointed president judge of the Cumberland County Court of Common Pleas; retired from Cumberland County bench on April 1, 1919 and resumed active practice of law; has specialized in trial work; served as special Assistant Attorney General of N.J. from Oct. 1925 to Feb. 1936. He was elected State Senator from Cumberland Co. in 1931; in 1934 again appointed pres­ ident judge of the Cumberland Co. Court of Common Pleas and served until September 1937 when he resigned and resumed active practise of law. Residence 67 Washington St. He married 6-7-1913 MAUDE .!\!. WOODRUFF. Issue: Born 9 Martha Katherine Loder 7-12-1914 Living 9 Carolyn Maude Loder 12-23-1921 Living

8 El\IILY R. LODER married 11-11-1920 EUGENE BOSTIVICK DO\v'NS of Elmer, born 5-6-1887, son of William Graham and Susan (Ward) DO\VNS. Occupation, barber in Bridgeton. Residence 118 Bank St. 8 l\IARTHA A. LODER married 1-10-1911 JOHN B. TREICHEL of Bridgeton, son of William F. and Sarah (Bogar) Treichal. He is a laboratory chemist with l\fac Andrew and Forbes in Camden l\!anu­ facturers of Licorice products. Residence 350 l\Iercbant St. Audobon, N.J. Issue: 9 JOHX FRANKLIN TREICHAL born 7-25-1915 married 1-1-1937 ELIZABETH RUSK of Gloucester. He is a research chemist and resides at 350 l\ferchant St .. Audobon. 8 :O.IAY V. LODER married 6-3-1916 KARL WILLIA:0.I :'.\IICHEL­ BACH of Bridgeton, son of Charles and l\Iary Elizabeth (l\IcGinley) Michelbach. He is store keeper for the Atlantic City Electric Co. in Bridgeton. Residence 166 Walnut St. Issue: Born 9 Elizabeth Adele l\fichelbacb 11-30-1921 Lh-in~ 8 FRA..,CES S. LODER is unmarried and lives at her fathers home.


i WILLIAM P. LODER married in 1894 ANER C. DANIELS of l\Iorristown near Port Norris. He has been a bottle mould maker the greater part of bis life. Residence 103 Walnut St. He died December 11, 1937. Issue: Born 8 William Warren Loder 3-4-1897 Living 8 :Margaretta Daniels Loder 1-30-1899 Living 8 Horace Bolton Loder 3-12-1903 Living WILLIAM married CAROLINE DAVIS nee Fisher widow of Dor­ chester N.J., daughter of Charles and--(Gandy) Fisher. He is a lawyer and connected with U.S. Mortgage Co. in Hackensack, N.J. Residence 17 Newman St., Hackensack. No children. :MARGARETTA married in 1919 ALBERT EDWARD HESS of Bridgeton, born 11-29-1897, son of Harry and Clara (Beck) Hess. Occupation, Nursery work. Residence Hampton St. Bridgeton. Issue: Born 9 l\!argaretta Claire Hess 8-2-1921 Living HORACE is single. He graduated from Dartmouth College 1925, Degree A.B., and in 1928 Degree M.D., from John Hopkins at Balti­ more. He bas been practising medicine the past seven years, now at 225 E. Commerce St. Bridgeton. i BEK].-\:'.IIN P. LODER married LAURA MACNALLY of Cam­ den. They became separated anct later divorced. She died 11-11-1929, buried in Camden. He succeeded to the coal business in Bridgeton which was started by his father. He is now retired and lives on Rosenhayn Road. Issue: Born 8 Helen Loder 7-20-1890 Living 8 John Ward Loder 11-14-1894 Living 8 Miriam Loder 5-3-1897 Living 8 Howard Jerrel Loder 5-1-1900 Living BENJAMIN married $CCondly ELIZABETH BAR.·•1rns NICHOL­ SON born 11-18-1870, daughter of Charles and Amanda (Robinson) Nicholson. Issue: Barn: 8 Elizabeth Nicholson Loder 11-13-1910 Living


3 HELEN LODER married RAY BROMFIELD of Bernardsville, Upper Jersey. He died about 1936. His widow living in Newark, N.J. issue: 9 William Bromfield Unmarried 9 Dorothy Bromfield Unmarried and a graduate nurse from the Jersey City Hospital.

8 JOHN W. LODER married in 1914 LEO:'.'l'A TAYLOR ROBL'I­ SON of Millville, widow Tompkins born June 1894, daughter of Jesse Hand and Mary Ann Robinson. He is in the coal business which his grandfather started about forty years ago, as D.P. Loder & son, now B.P. Loders Sons. Residence Rosenhayn Road, Bridgeton suburb, R.D.6. Jss:,e; 9 JOHN WARD LODER JR. born 11-14-1915 unmarried and con­ ducting a gas service station at Pearl and Cumberland Aves., Bridgeton. 8 MIRV\M LODER married in 1916 HENRY WOODRUFF born 1896, son of Henry and Lavina (Hand) Woodruff. He is an electrical engineer, and they reside at Pimlico, a Balto. suburb. Address, 3905 Rockwood Avenue, Baltimore.

Issue; 9 Dorothy Woodruff 9 Elizabeth Woodruff 9 Caroline Woodruff 8 HOWARD J. LODER married EMILY JACKSON of Vineland from whom he separated. Residence Rosenhayn Road. No children. He is a partner 'l\;th his brother in the coal business in Bridgeton. 8 ELIZABETH N. LODER married in 1930 VIRGEL EARL STAN­ LEY, born near Pleasantville 4-19-1903, son of Virgil Stanley and Hannah (Prinsen) Stanley. He is an automobile mechanic and garage prop., and runs a Shell gas station in Pennsville. Residence l\fain St.

Issue: Born 9 Benjamin Pedrick Stanley 5-26-1931 Living 9 Jay Earl Stanley 3-25-1933 Dec. 1936 9 Marjorie Jean Stanley 5-20-1936 Living


4 SAMUEL PEDRICK born 1754, married (Tentative) 8-15-1778 (Pilesgrove Baptist, Marthew) MARTHA REDSTREAK. He died int. 1819 and Gloucester Co. Adm. show that 3-1-1819 letters were granted to Biddle Runs administrator. No record of Inv. or account. He was evidently settled in Gloucester Co. Issue: S SA.1.'\-!UEL PEDRICK born about 1785, married (Gloucester Co. record) 9-11-1809 ANN PRATT who died 10-2-1819; buried in a lone grave in Bethel Cemetery, Hurfville. Issue: o SAMUEL PEDRICK born 1820, married 8-10-1843 SARAH STETSER by Jas. M. Sloan J.P. (Gloucester Co. Woodbury marriage book). He died 1-13-1899, age 79. He was a carpenter and in later years worked for C. B. Coles. Issue: 7 Isaac Pedrick Died unmarried 7 James Pedrick Killed when church was built, stonemason All buried Old Cemetery Camden. 7 Ella Pedrick No record 7 A.',""NIE PEDRICK married FRA.~K HA~""N lived in Philadelphia, Kensington District. One son HARRIS I. HANN in West Collings­ wood. No children. 7 MO:NTREVILLE PEDRICK born 6-14-1852, died 1-4-1911, age 59; married MARY J. GUANT, born 1856, died 1930, age 76; both buried in St. Johns Cemetery at Turnerville with stones marked as above. He was with the Pennsylvania R.R. Co. the most of his life, and lived at Haddonfield. They bad five children. Issue: 8 ELLA PEDRICK died in 1915. Married WALKER TATEM also deceased. Two children: EVELYN TATEM married ARTHUR JA­ SON and lives in Philadelphia, has children and PREDA TATEM married HARVEY ADAMS has family and live Laurel Springs. S IDA PEDRICK married GEORGE ATKINSON' connected with the Public Service. One son GEORGE JR. Reside 7 :Maple Ave. Westmont. 8 ANNIE PEDRICK married HERBERT ALLOWAY. He is a farmer about Palmyra or Burlington-Haddonfield road. Have three child~en. S EVELYN PEDRICK deceased 1925, married HERBERT BY­ FIELD living at Bay City Michigan. Four daughters all single.


8 JESSE GAUNT PEDRICK, born 7-28-1888 living; married in 1914 BELLE R. TAYLOR of Asbury Park, daughter of Andrew Taylor and Clara Slocum. Belle died in 191S, age 22, at Long Branch.

Issue: 9 JESSE ELBERT PEDRICK bom 6-30-1915, married in 193S, NORA COLBERT of Altoona Pa., daughter of LeRoy Colbert. She was born in 191S. Residence 213 So. Atlantic St. Haddonfield. Occu­ patfon, Clerk Pennsylvania R.R. Co.

Issue: Born 10 Lawrence Pedrick 7-12-1936 Living

JESSE G. PEDRICK married secondly in 1920 A.'rn'A AGNES LUFKIN bom 2-9-1895, daughter of Charles Lufkin and Celia Smith. He has twenty-eight years of service with the Pennsylvania R.R., now Train Service Conductor. Residence 217 S. Atlantic, Haddonfield, N.J.

Issue: Born 9 Raymond Lawson Pedrick 2-24-1922 Graduate Haddonfield High 9 Eleanor May Pedrick 8-30-1924 Attending Haddonfield High School

It is regrettable that time has not permitted a fuller account through search of the above family of Samuel Pedrick and Sarah Stetser, but this may appear later in the form of an appendix.

"Happy the man who lzas learned tlze causes of tirings, and has put under /tis feet all fears and inexorable fate, and the noisy strife of the hill of greed." VIRGIL.


4 ROBERT PEDRICK JR. born 4-15-1762 (Tr. Ch. Rec.) died 1826 age 64; married REBECCA.---bom 7-27-1777, died 12-27-1856, age 79; both buried in the Episcopal Church yard at Swedesboro. His father having married a Justice identified with the Penns Neck branch of the old Swedes church, the family continued to be so affiliated and this part or branch did not become allied with the Quakers. He was left five pounds in his fathers will, and with instructions to be put to a trade when fourteen, but where and what, is not known. His brother Miles, the eldest of the children, was left all the land, but Robert suc­ ceeded in securing considerable fast land and meadow as evidenced at time of death. He died intestate and Jacob Gooden and Richard Somers were appointed to administer. Inventory of personal $2705.76. Commissioners were appointed by the Court to divide the real estate and report w.,; TT-'!de in December 1827, recorded in book D-PP-329- 342, Divisir c,i ::..::nds including a map of four pages very finely e."te­ cuted indi1 '\tb~ b.s land as lying on both sides of the public road marked "Pecriock~bt:rg to Scull Town" and from Beaver creek to the town, and all the m

Issue: Born Died Age Married 5 Benjamin Pedrick 1795 1875 80 Abigail Nale 5 Susanna Pedrick 1797 Jos. Armstrong 5 Shadrack Pedrick 1800 3-23-1878 78 Mariah Gill 5 Lydia H. Pedrick 1804 John B. Springer 5 Mary Pedrick 1801 Joseph Moore 5 Rebecca Ann Pedrick 1809 i\sa Matson, Jr. 5 Robert C. Pedrick 1809 3- 2-1864 5S Martha Shull 5 Charles Pedrick 1-23-1812 1-14-1892 so Jane Matson 5 \Villiam R. Pedri.ck 1810 1864 54 Lydia Shull 5 James Pedrick 1816 1830 14 Infant


5 BENJAMIN PEDRICK was the eldest of ten children. He re­ ceived an inheritance from his father's lands as divided by Court Com­ missioners in 1827 when he was 32 y~s of age. His property was along the public road between "Pedricksburg and Scull Town." The first real estate transaction by any Benjamin Pedrick was 12-30-1828, when the above bought for $110 from Joseph Armstrong 10¼ acres opposite said Pedricks Lane in line of James Pedrick between Pedrick­ town and Sculltown. Armstrong was his brother-in-law and James his brother, who died, and his inheritance apportioned between brothers and sisters. Then Benjamin bought 6-7-1830 for $180 the part that was alloted to his sister Susanna Armstrong which was 10 acres. In 1835 he bought James' part that had been alloted to his sisters, Mary Moore andRebecca Ann Matson. The same year bought his sisters' inheri­ tance, Rebecca Ann Matson, wife of Asa, 57 acres, 20 perches, for $860.62½ and also for $175 another piece of 10 and 13/l0Oth acres from the same. 1836 bought 80 and 9/100 acres of meadow for Sl 75 that had been his brother James' land. 1837 from Wm. Keais for $230 80 and 9/100 acres meadow that Keais had bought from Benjamin's father. Same year from Lampleigh for $1633, four lots of land in Pedricktown, No. 1 a lot on which store house stands comer Somers alley along Union Street, 1/8 acre. No. 2 where dwelling house stands comer John Somers kitchen 20 sq. perches. No. 3, 20 sq. perches comer Wm. Key or Keais. No. 4, 1 acre and 3 perches that Lampleigh bought from Stanton beginning at Chas. Sexton, now Lampleigh corner edge of Union Street, comer Joel Corson now John Somers lot. 1840 from Stephen Straughen and wife Mary for $3000 subject to mortgage of $3000 held by Wm. Summerill and one of $400 held by James Eaken a lot of land beginning at a maple in Game Creek and runs by old Dolbow tract 246 acres together with 35 acres Wm. Summerill bought from James Holton. In 1842 from James Cabala for $125 road Pedricktown to Helms cove 34½ acres. Same year from James Sharp and Susanna for $1050 road Pedricktown to rennsgrove comer John Summerill by Hudson Springer, Isaac James and John Dennis 46½ acres. In 1850 from Israel Barber for $260 10 and 40/100 acres comer Richard Somers to line Joseph D. Pedrick and comer Layman and Stiles. In 1856 from William l\Iunion I acre for $14. 1859 from John :\I. Springer Ex. of Hudson 15½ and 2 and 4/10 acres in Amicable Meadow Co. 1872 from Chas. S. Plummer for $450 house lot and piece of land comer Geori:;e Hoppel along South side Sparks grave yard ½ acre. This comprises all of Benjamin's purchases and indicates him as prom­ inent.


5 BENJAMIN PEDRICK. It appears that in 1838 he sold his in­ heritance together with other pieces of land adjoining later bought from his sisters now totalling 196 acres to Joseph Sherron of Deptford for $4000 subject to mortgage and interest of $2060 due Joseph Aiken and also subject to annual payment of $33.33 to Rebecca Pedrick during her natural life which she takes in lieu of dowery. He sold in 1839 to Noah Firestone for $265 the land he bought from Wm. Keas, and in 1840 to Mary Straughen for $1750 the four lots bought from Daniel Lampleigh. His wife Sarah was joinder in these sales. 1841 to John Justice for $100 all interest in lands laid off to Joseph Neal, late U. P. Neck, alloted to his daughter Abigail and 1st wife of Benjamin, being two pieces of land on the Delaware River where said John Justice now lives and adjoining lands of Hudson Springer, Ebenezer Sparks and others containing 60 acres. No. 2 on Bever Creek adjoining lands of Hannah Pedrick, John Risner, Job Bevis and others. 1841 Ben­ jamin and Sarah to Moses Wright of Philadelphia for $300, subject to mortgages of $2000 a piece of land in U. P. Neck bounded by old Game Creek, Neal Curry, Long Bridge road and heirs of Conrad Wright 122 acres less 87 acres which Wm. Summerill got by division of father Joseph, etc. 1842 Benjamin and Sarah to David Hillman for $3600, subject to mortgages of $2400 being part of land Benjamin bought from Stephen Straughen in 1840, beginning at Game Creek by Moses Wright and containing 124 acres. In 1857 Benjamin and Susanna (now his third wife) to Henry Mitchell to secure $3500 two tracts. Indian Run Bridge near Benjamin Black on road to Harrisonville from Centre Square and Pedricktown Road 81 acres and !',;'o. 2, 5 and 95/100 acres conveyed to Benjamin same date by Henry Mitchell and wife Eliza­ beth. In 1848, 1856 and 1859 he made three other sales to William Munion, Andrew Longacre and John Ashcraft which practically covers all real estate transfers. These records are recounted as throwing light on the various people active in the drama of the life of that day, and all ancestors of many people now living in the locality. His will was drawn 1-i-1875 and probated 5-6-1876 friend John M. Springer Ex. Wife Susan H. household and real estate while widow. At her marriage or death household to children William, Caroline and Lidia. Real estate to four children ,vmiam, Caroline, Lydia and Josephine as follows, 1/2 to William and 1/2 to the others, subject to $50 to granddaughter Emma E. Pedrick at age 18. Personal assets, $864.55.


5 BENJAMIN PEDRICK was born in 1795 and died in 1875, age ~O. He was active and prominent about Pedricktown and married five times. While his previous real estate related records do not indicate it, yet a great grandson says of him: "Farmed at Eagletown" then to Gloucester Co. near Centre Square on a farm later owned by Tull called the "Whip-Poor-Will" farm, hard to raise anything on it, next to Old­ man ·s township buying the Frank Hampton farm. Later sold and bought a home in Pedricktown. He was first a school teacher and married his pupil 7-2-1818 ABIGAIL NALE, daughter of Joseph. She did not live long. Issue: 6 SARAH A::-..'"N PEDRICK who married John Justice and had Wes­ ley who married Rebecca Derrickson both deceased without issue. Had Joseph also who married and was a bricklayer and died at Trenton without issue and another child George Justice who died at 13. 5 BENJAMIN PEDRICK married secondly ELIZABETH GILL, a widow nee Justice. She also soon died leaving one child by him. 6 BENJA:\:IIN GILL PEDRICK, born 1825. See further. 5 BENJA:\IIN PEDRICK married thirdly 12-25-1S28 PRISCILLA HOMA"~ of Bridgeport who also died young in her 23rd year and was buried at Pedricktown, leaving behind one child. b ALBERT PEDRICK, born 9-19-1829. See further. 5 BENJA:\IIN then married fourthly nothing daunted 11-13-1831 SARAH :'>!.-\CALLISTER, of near Swedesboro, and had the following surviving children: 6 :\I.-\RTH.-\ PEDRICK, who married and died lea\-;ng no issue. 6 H.-\XXAH PEDRICK married John :-.Iyers (No search). 6 CH.-\RLES PEDRICK. See further. 5 BENJA:\IIN PEDRICK'S wife SARAH died and be married fifthly SUSAa--.;-NAH GARNELL of near Salem, who survived him in 1Si6. Issue: Bom 6 Thomas Pedrick 7-25-1851 (no tracing) 6 William Pedrick 7-14-1854 (no tracing) 6 Caroline Pedrick 7-14-1854 (no tracing) 6 Josephine Pedrick (no tracing) 6 Lydia Pedrick (no tracing) The above dates are obtained from Trenton Archives. ?-Irs. Anna Kirbv a descendant living in Swedesboro, has given some of this information. One of the twins married an Egbert and lived in Camden.


6 BENJAMIN GUJL PEDRICK, born 1825, died 1903, age 78, mar­ ried 10-10-1847 SARAH E. DAVENPORT, born 1831, died 1907, age 76, both buried in Perkintown cemetery. She was the sister of Annie who married James Pedrick storekeeper of Pedricktown. Benjamin lived on a small place near Oldmans station and was a gardener and fisherman chiefly. No record of will or administration. Salem Co. deeds show that 11-5-1864 he bought from Jacob K. Justice and Deb­ orah Ann for $300, a property on the road from Pedricktown to Penns­ grove of 2 and 12/100 acres beginning at the cor. of Chalkley Pedrick, the part of land that Deborah Ann (Pedrick) Justice purchased from John James 2-7-1864. The Del. Shore R.R. went through his property and in 1875 he s.>ld right of way to them. It is evident that as the people multiplied and each division of an estate kept growing smaller there was a general falling off in each ones possessions at death but this did not have any effect on the size of the family. Benjamin's father had at least 10 children by five wives, and he himself was married 53 years and bad 10 children, bis wife outliving him.

Issue: Born Died 7 Keziah Pedrick ·4- 7-1848 Living 7 Justice Gill Pedrick 1849 1924 75 Riview 7 Augustus Cutter Pedrick 4- 5-1855 Living 7 Charles Davenport Pedrick 7-22-1856 3- 4-1925 68 Riview 7 Rebecca Ann Pedrick 2- 3-1861 Living 7 Clara Belle Pedrick 6-10-1862 1873 11 Perktn 7 Engle Kille Pedrick 8-27-1863 3-8-1937 73 Pedtn 7 Reuben Pedrick 1867 3-28-1911 41 7 Elizabeth Justice Pedrick 1869 1872 3 Perktn 7 Anna Homan Pedrick 10-26-1871 5-5-1923 51 Perktn


7 KEZIAH PEDRICK was born 4-7-1848 and is living. She married JOHN BURK, born 5-1-1848 and died 1-29-1918, age 69, buried at Pedricktown, the son of John and Mary (Justice) Burk. They lived in Pedricktown where most of his life he was a buyer and shipper of produce to different parts of the country, carrying on a large business. He also owned a farm adjoining the railroad station.

Issue: 8 WILLIAM MOUNCE BURK born 5-4-1868, married in 1890, EDNA MORRISON daughter of James and Martha (Biddle) Morri­ son. He was educated in the public schools and at Eastman Business College at Poughkeepsie, N. Y. He then entered into business with his father succeeding him at his death. He has also been active in local politics and the local bank.

Issue: 9 JOHN C. BURK, born 10-24-1902, died 9-5-1905, age 2. 9 MARTHA K. BURK, born 7-21-1907, married 11-23-1933 FRAN­ CIS S. SHREINER of Scranton, Pa., son of Cyrus and Nellie (Perry) Shreiner. He is a partner with his father in the Shreiner Corporation of Scranton, specialists in printing and the outfitting of business estab­ lishments. Residence, Scranton. No issue.

7 CHARLES DAVENPORT PEDRICK born i-22-1856, died 3-4- 1925,age 68, buried at Riverview. Married 11-23-1886 FANNY BELLE PERRY, born 10-23-1865, daughter of David Perry. He was a contractor and builder about Pennsgrove. His v.;n probated 3-18-1925 leaves all to wife: no children mentioned. His widow resides at No. 46 ::,.;orth Broad St. Pennsgrove--their home the past 40 years. Issue: Born Died Age Buried 8 Harvey Davenport Pedrick 5-25-IS89 8-12-1921 32 Riven'\\·. g Arthur Pratt Pedrick 6- 6-1896 Living 8 ARTHUR married 4-4-1931 FR.\.:.'\JCES HOOD, widow, born Princeton, N. J., 2-3-1896, daughter of George Farr and Emma (Dun­ can) Farr. No issue. Arthur is a used car manager and auto painter with the Green agency in Pennsgrove. Frances has a son by first mar­ riage, FRANK LOCKLYN HOOD, born at Washington. D. C.. in 1909, married in 1932 MARTHA :MESSICK, a school teacher at Car­ neys Point. No children. He has a tailoring shop at No. Ii South Broad and a cleaning plant at Ko. 46 ::-;orth Broad Street. Residence, Korth Broad Street, Pennsgrove.


S HARVEY DAVENPORT PEDRICK, married 10-28-1908 RUTH A. SHARP, born at Pennsville, daughter of George W. and Sarah F. (Hann) Sharp. His widow resident on North Broad Street and marry­ ing secondly HARVEY SAYRES. Issue: Born Died Age Buried 9 Charles Davenport Pedrick, Jr. 10-30-1909 Living 9 Thomas Howard Pedrick 7- 7-1918 Living 9 ,valter D. Pedrick I· 7-1917 9-7-1917 Rivervw. CHARLES married 9-5-1931 JOSEPHINE l\I:\R!E BYRNE, born Norristown 10-5-1905, daughter of l\Iichael Hugh and Josephine (Bech­ tel) Byrne. Occupation, millwright forman at DuPonts. Residence, No. 8 Brach Street, Pennsgrovc. Issue: Born IO Joan Marie Pedrick 1-23-1933 Living 10 Charles Harvey Pedrick 8-16-1935 Living TH01IAS H. PEDRICK is unmarried and lives with his mother in North Pennsgrove. 6 BEXJAl\IIN GILL PEDRICK AND SARAH E. DAVE.'\PORT. 7 JUSTICE GILL PEDRICK, born 1849, died 1924, married about ISiO and his wife soon died from a shot gun accident. Issue: 8 OLIN WOOD PEDRICK died in infancy, buried Presbyterian yard, Salem. S HORACE PEDRICK. of whorp further. 8 ]:BIES PEDRICK died at age 16. JUSTICE married secondly 9-21-1878 IRENE H. THO::\IPSO!\'" at ,\uburn, born 185i, died 1900, age 43, buried Presbyterian yard, Salem. Issue: Born Died Age Buried 8 Rhoda Pedrick 8- 1-1Si9 Infancy C. Square 8 William Torton Pedrick 2- 7-1881 1-17-1900 Pres., :Salem S Harry Norcross Pedrick 7-11-1885 Living :,;ec further S :',farv Pedrick 3- 9-1886 Livin.!.?: See further S George W. Pedrick 1891 Infancy Pres., Salem JFSTICE married thirdly at Camden ELLA XEWKIRK S1IITH. widow now Cawley, a!.?;e 48, daughter of Isaac and --- (N'ewkirk) Smith. She died 3-7-1928 at 312 North Tenth Street. Camden. Justice li\'ed at various places and was a farmer and engaged later in other work. He was a glass packer in Bridgeton when he married thirdly. Issue: 8 ELSIE PEDRICK who married STRATTON COWGILL of Salem. JUSTICE therefore had nine children by three marriages, the most of whom follow.


8 HORACE PEDRICK married ELIZABETH MINGLE of Phila­ delphia, daughter of George and Elizabeth Mingle. She died 1-17-1903, uuried at East View, Salem, while he is buried in Philadelphia. He was working in Philadelphia and living at one time at 1741 Francis Street and was with Haney-White Co. 13 years. \'Vorked before this at DuPonts. Issue: 9 LILLIAN MAY PEDRICK. Lived in Frankford, was crippled. 9 A boy that died in infancy. 9 HORACE PEDRICK, born 12-3-1898. Living. 9 VIOLET PEDRICK (no record). 9 RICHARD PEDRICK, born 10-5-1903. Living. Location un­ known. HORACE married secondly ROSE SILL of Pittsburgh. She outlived her husband and resides in West Chester. Issue: 9 WILLIAM PEDRICK. Lives at West Chester with his mother. 9 WALTER PEDRICK died at 6 months. 9 HORACE PEDRICK, JR., is unmarried. He works at the Gaynor Glass Works in Salem and lives at No. 11 Halls Avenue, Salem. He was in war service and later at Chicago, St. Louis, and other places in varied work. 8 HARRY N. PEDRICK married 11-10-1906 IRENE COT.E:\IAN, born Glassboro 6-29-1890, daughter of Samuel and Mary (Nichols) Coleman. He is with the Gaynor Glass Works and makes carboys. Residence, No. 46 Front Street, Salem. Issue: 9 MARY PEDRICK, born 4-23-1911, died at 4 mos., Presb. yard, Salem. 9 HARRY NORCROSS PEDRICK, JR., living, born 7-9-1912. 9 ARTHUR CLARK PEDRICK. born 4-5-1919. Living. 9 HARRY married I 1-2-1937 ER;'.\!:\ HUFF of Fort :\Iott. born 8-26-1915. daughter of Daniel Huff who commands the fort and Clau­ dine (Holstcad) Huff. Harry is a foreman at DuPonts. Residence. Fort Mott. 9 ARTHUR graduated from high school and now with Salem Glass Co. 8 MARY PEDRICK married ARTHUR CLARK. of Gloversville. N. Y., son of Eugene and Anna Clark. He is a foreman with the Salem Glass Co., and they reside at No. 50 Broadway. Salem. N. J. Issue: 9 ALBERT :\fTCHAEL PEDRICK, born 3-9-1905. married 11-1- 1924 FLORENCE L. SOOY. born December. 1907. at Point ::\farion. Pa., daughter of Charles and ).falinda (Anderson) :-ooy. He i~ with the Cramer Glass Co. and they reside at Oakwood Beach near Salem. Issue: Born 10 Irene Pedrick 5-13-1925 Lh;ng


7 AUGUSTUS CUTTER PEDRICK, born 4-5-1855 and living. He resides on Elvin Avenue in Pennsgrove. Has been a farmer the most of his life. He married in 1875 SARAH FEATHERER, born 5-3-1856, died 5-13-1934, age 78, buried Pedricktown. Baptist, daughter of Jacob and Hepicar (Holdcraft) Featherer. (Flint Bible, 1889.) Issue: Born Died Age Buried 8 Clara B. Pedrick 11-26-1876 2-29-1892 15 Baptist 8 Bertha Mary Pedrick 10-14-1878 Living 8 Wilbert C. Pedrick 7-28-1881 7-28-1881 0 Baptist 8 Wilmer Flitcraft Pedrick 6- 4-1884 Living 8 BERTHA married 3-20-1898 JOSEPH PICKIN, born Pedricktown 2-12-1871, son of Winfield Scott and Elizabeth (Reeves) Pickin. He has been a grocer and meat cutter the most of his life now with Longs in Pennsgrove. They reside in a new home at No. 146 State Street, Pennsgrove. Issue: Born 9 Velma Clara Pickin 3-27-1901 Living 9 Walter Newton Bunting Pickin 2-26-1908 Living VELMA married in September, 1919, SAMUEL NEWSTEAD GOOD­ MAN, of Philadelphia, born 3-4-1892, son of Samuel and Sarah (Hill) Goodman. He was a fisherman, etc., and now with Latimers bakery in Wildwood, N. J. They lived in Wildwood several years and then bought a seven acre suburban place on Swaintons road near Cape May Court House, where they reside. Issue: Born 10 Bertha Goodman 4- 5-1922 Living lC Sam!. Newstead Goodman, Jr. 11-10-1927 Living WALTER married 11-4-1927 MARY LOSCALZO of Wildwood, daughter of Rocco and Rose (Onorato) Loscalzo. He is in the acid department at DuPonts and they reside at No. 47 Harmony Street, Pennsgrove. Issue: Born 10 Marlin Pickin 11-10-1928 Living 10 Walter Pickin, Jr. 7-14-1930 Living 8 WIL:'.IER F. PEDRICK married a widow. formerly A.'\'NA THOMAS, daughter of Thomas. He has followed painting and car­ pentering and they reside in Wildwood. No children.


7 REBECCA fu°\;N PEDRICK, born 2-3-1861, married in 1883 EL­ MER ELLSWORTH SHOEMAKER, born 3-31-1861 and died in 1937, age 76. He was a carpenter and cabinet maker and they resided at No. 22 Railroad Avenue, Swedesboro. His widow now resident in Ventnor. Elmer was the son of Sedgwick Rusling and Mary Jane (Bar­ ber) Shoemaker the first of eight children. See Shoemaker genealogy, Page 182. lsmcs Born Died Age 8 Homer Pedrick Shoemaker 12-25-1884 12-25-1884 8 Howard Pedrick Shoemaker 12- 5-1886 8-11-1888 8 Anna Pedrick Shoemaker 4-11-1888 Living ANNA is unmarried and has been a school teacher in Atlantic City for several years. Lives with her mother there. 7 ENGLE KILLE PEDRICK, born 8-27-1863, died 3-8-1937, age 73, buried at Pedricktown. Married in 1883 ANNA S. FLOYD, of Auborn, born 1866, died 6-29-1913, age 47, daughter of Henry and Mahala Floyd. He worked about 25 years at DuPonts and was pen­ sioned. He lived in Pennsgrove about 20 years and later was janitor of the grammar school at Broad and Harmony. Issue: Born 8 Horace Ware Pedrick 7-14-1883 Living 8 May Mahala Pedrick 10-20-1884 Living 8 Sarah Eliz. Davenport Pedrick 9-19-1890 Living 8 Ethel Pedrick 11- 1-1891 Living 8 Ida Pedrick 1893 Died 1893 HORACE married 3-26-191 I SARAH A. HOR..'\"ER of Cumberland County, born 6-21-1881, daughter of Charles and Mary Jane (Baner) Horner. He served several years with Andrew Parker in Pedricktown as carri::ige painter. etc .. and at other places now in general house paint­ :ng business the past 21 years at Pennsgrove. He is also active in reli­ gious work as minister and broadcaster. Residence, Risner :\venue. Issue: Born 9 Charles Winfield Pedrick 6-12-1913 Living 9 Alberta Pedrick 9- I 9-I 9 I 8 Living CHARLES married 9-22-1935 A:\'"XA HOLl\IES of Carnevs Point, born 12-31-1918, daughter of Catharine (Bohannan) Holmes. Occu­ pation, painter and gas service work. Residence, No. 2 Risner Avenue, Pennsi:,-ove. ALBE-RTA married 5-5-1934 OSCAR JORDA.'\l', born 9-20-1914. ~n of OSCAR and Minnie Jordan. He is in the quartermaster's department at Duponts. Residence, No. 9 Union Street, Pennsgrove.


8 MAY MAHALA PEDRICK married WILMER FLITCRAFT DUBOIS, born 4-29-1883, son of John Wesley and ELIZABETH STEPHENS, nee Justice Dubois. Occupation, butcher and for some time had a business in Glassboro. See Shoemaker genealogy, Page 167. Issue: Born 9 Edith Eli7..abeth Dubois 6-19-1904 Living 9 Minerva Adele Dubois 8-27-1910 Living 9 James \Vilson Dubois 11-16-1912 Living Single EDITH married 6-19-1922 PAUL JOSEPH HARVEY of Philadelphia, born 8-27-1891. Occupation, theatre manager. For some time they were living in Oaklyn, N. J. Issue: Born 10 Paul Joseph Harvey, Jr. 11-2-1923 Living :MINERVA married 1-28-1928 EDWARD HOLTZHAUSER WAL­ TON of Glassboro, born 9-19-1908, son of Edwarrl H. and Ella (Lutz) '\Valton. He bas been doing work in the Bureau of Entomology of New Jersey. Residence, No. 8 West Street, Glassboro, N. J. Issue: Born 10 Jane Adele Walton 9-1-1928 Living 7 ENGLE K. PEDRICK AND AJ.'J"NA S. FLOYD CHILDREN. 8 SARAH E. D. PEDRICK married in 1906 FR.-\:.,K BOWSER, who died in 1915 and is buried in Camden. Issue: Born 9 Anna Frances Bowser 1-26-1907 Living 9 Walter Sylvester Bowser 10-21-1910 Living SAR..\H married secondly RICHARD LEAP, born 1871, died 1935, age 64. He was a farmer about Swedesboro. Issue: Born 9 Mayhew Leap 10-8-1914 Living Single 9 Paul Leap 4-8-1919 Living Single SARAH LEAP widow is now resident in Paulsboro. WALTER married 11-29-1936 A!'l.'NA DE::\1:0RA of Paulsboro, born 6-11-1917, daughter of Louie and Theresa Demora. He learned the structural iron business and became foreman with the Chicago Brid!!e and Iron Co. and was on several of their contracts in South Jersey. He is now with a company in Downingtown, Pa., where they reside. Issue: Born IO Walter S. Bowser, Jr. 9-13-1937 Living


9 ANNA F. BOWSER married in 1923 PAUL HAINEY, of Phila­ delphia. He was a waterman and died in Texas in 1932.

Issue: Born IO Lester Hainey 12-8-1925 Living 10 Jean Hainey 2-6-1927 Living

ANNA married secondly February, 1933, LEON HER:\IA.~ :\IORSE. He is a foreman v.ith the Vacuum Oil Co. Residence in Gibbstown, opposite the school. They had one child that died in infancy. i ENGLE K. PEDRICK AND ANNAS. FLOYD CHILDREN.

8 ETHEL PEDRICK married 9-25-1915 HARRY H. FlJLLERTON of Muliica Hill, born 10-10-1S92, son of Joseph and Anna (Eigee) Ful­ lerton. He has been with the Hurff cannery in Swedesboro for 23 years, now a foreman there. Residing at No. 1 IS Church Street for 2 2 years in Swedesboro.

Issue: Born 9 Engle Louis Fullerton 6-17-1916 Lhing 9 Joseph Henry Fullerton 9- 6-191S Living 9 Edith Dubois Fullerton 12-5-1920 Living 9 Doris l\Iay Fullerton 10-4-1923 Living

ENGLE graduated from high school and bas been working at Hurffs. JOSEPH graduated from high school and now owns a gas senice sta­ tion at the edge of Glassboro.

"A good name is rather to be chosen than great ric!rcs and loving Jawur rather than silver and gold." PROVERBS 22-1.


7 REUBEN PEDRICK, born 1867, died 3-28-19II, age 45, mar­ ried 11-16-1901 HANNAH JANE TITUS of Pedricktown, born 7-29- 1881, daugher of Jacob and Anna (Hewitt) Titus. He worked at shad fishing and in the produce commission business the most of his working years. They bad sfa: children, all born at Pedricktown, where they lived in the double house next David Shoemakers', which bis widow still owns. She married secondly in 1915 FRANK S. STh1PSON, widower of Philadelphia, who worked in the office of the Supplee-Wills-Jones Milk Co. in Camden. He died in 1930, buried at Chester. She bad by him one child, FRANCES BERTHA SIMPSON, born 1918, and be­ trothed to Wll.LARD MATTSON of near Swedesboro and who also appears elsewhere in this history. She resides with her mother at No. 9 Allen Street, Swedesboro.

Issue: Born Died Age Buried 8 Bertha Elizabeth Pedrick 1903 1903 Pedtn. 8 Leona Titus Pedrick 2-27-1904 Living s Helen Shoemaker Pedrick 1906 1906 Pedtn. 8 Mildred Kay Pedrick 8- 4-1907 Living 8 Forrest Pedrick 1909 1910 Pedtn. 8 Rebecca Pedrick 1910 1929 18 Pedtn.

LEONA married in 1930 R.\LPH D. SCUDDER of New York, born 4-1-1895, son of Dr. Nelson and Grace M. (Durkee) Scudder. He is a manager v.-ith the F. Weber Co., artists' supplies, at No. I 710 Chest­ nut Street, Philadelphia. Residence, 1234 South 57th Street, Phila.

Issue: Born 9 Patricia Ann Scudder 5-30-1932 Living

8 Mll.DRED resides v.-ith her mother in Swedesboro and is Chief night operator with the Bell Telephone Co. in Swedesboro.

7 A..'-NA HOMA.. 'I\T PEDRICK, the 10th child of Benjamin and Sarah, lived to be 51 but never married.


6 ALBERT PEDRICK was born near Pedricktown, 9-19-1829, died 5-4-1901, age 72; married, 2-14-1852 RUTH FIRESTONE of Ped­ ricktown, born 1-17-1830, died 11-16-1900, age 70, both buried in Perkintown Cemetery. He was a school teacher at "Bushwack", then a farmer at near Old.man's' Station where he bought a farm of about 60 acres and lived and died there. He made a will 4-10-1901, proved 5-15-1901, naming his sons Parker S. and David F. as e.,:ecutors: ordered his real estate sold and divided amongst his childrP.n. An ac­ count was filed before the May term of Court, 1902, showing a personal estate of $7346.00. They were married 52 years and had seven children. Issue: Born Died Age Buried 7 Parker Solomon Pedrick IO- 9-1852 12-25-1932 80 Perktn. 7 David Firestone Pedrick · 3-24-1855 6-14-1933 78 Pedtn. 7 Priscilla Homan Pedrick 1-25-1857 9-25-1872 15 Perktn. 7 Mary Matilda Pedrick 2-28-1859 3- 8-1864 5 Perktn. 7 Anna Belle Pedrick 12-22-1861 Living 7 Ale.,:ander Pedrick IO- 7-1864 Living 7 Preston Pedrick 3-10-1869 Lh-ing 7 PARKER never married. He lived mostly about Peclric'ktown and farmed. He owned a property along Beaver Creek. 7 DAVID succeeded his father on the homestead plantation ne:ir Oldmans Station. He married 1-3-1901 ESTHER LENA COLL~S, born "Pi~ Eye•· Harrisonville. 12-30-1380, daughter of Joseph Stew­ art and Sarah Samuels (Walton) Collins. His widow still resides on the farm. Her sister married her husband's brother, Preston. She has the family Bible, dated 1867. Issue: 8 EARL FIRESTO~E PEDRICK. born 12-31-1902. married 8-20- 1925 GRACE FOGG, born at 7210 Tulip Street. Philadelphia. 8-12- 1906, daughter of Joseph and Bella Watson (Brown) Fogir. Earl worked at DuPonts in the lead ethyl department and became poisoned. He then farmed. worked with the Vacuum Oil Co .. American Stores. and n0w for the past three years with the Gavnor· Glas$ Co. in Salem. Residence, Main Street. Quinton. Married 12 years and had seven sons. Issue: Born Died 9 Dallas Firestone Pedrick 9-24-1926 Lh-ing 9 Herbert H. Pedrick 8- 7-1929 3-18-1934 9 Wells Collins Pedrick 3- 8-1931 Living 9 Ravmond Frank Pedrick 3-12-1933 Lh;ng 9 Richard Winfield Pedrick 7-18-1934 Livin"' 9 David F. Pedrick, Jr. 8-22-1935 Lhing 9 Joseph Stewart Pedrick 10-19-1936 LMng


7 AI~'NA BELLE PEDRICK, born 12-22-1861, married 12-22-1887 \VILLIAl\1 ATWOOD KIRBY, born near Bridgeport 8-31-1860, son of Caleb and Deborah (Justice) Kirby. He was the youngest of the family and took care of his mother and when she died he married and lived at Bridgeport. Went farming, bought the Avis farm and later added other land where he continued 34 years and 11-27-1933 moved to Swedesboro. Too active to give up he still does farm work. Resi­ dence, 852 Kings Highway.

Issue: 8 WILLIAM PARKER KIRBY, born 10-9-1902, married in 1924 IDA COLE LEAP, born 1906, daughter of William Cole Leap. He is trucking milk for an Elmer Co. and they reside in Woodstown.

Issue: Born 9 William Kirby 3-19-1925 Living 9 Louis Kirby 3-22-1926 Living

Ai','"NA BELLE has many reminiscences of former days and tells of driving cows dov,n to the meadows of Pedricktown, along with Da"id Shoemaker, the writer's grandfather. She is well versed in family lore.

7 ALEXANDER PEDRICK, born 10-7-1864, married 11-29-1888 LAURA VIRGINIA BLISS, born Philadelphia 1864, died 1898, age 34, buried at Centre Square. She was formerly a school teacher at the brick school l:ouse on Crown Point Road. He has farmed all his life now owning for the past ten years a 2 5-acre place on "Porcupine" Road near Pedricktown and along the railroad a fine productivt> far.n and when the writer visited him 7-8-1937 as they were harvesting some fine white potatoes, he asked m~ if I remembered when as boys to­ gether \,c drove cows to the meadows some 60 years ago that I caught a big loggerhead and could not get the hook from its mouth: an incident that had impressed him, but which had passed out of my mind alto­ gether.

Issue: Born 8 Hubert Raymond Pedrick 4-12-1891 Living 8 Albert Atwood Pedrick 11- 8-18S9 Living 8 Laura Glenola Pedrick 9-17-1895 Living 8 Ruth Pedrick and another child dying in infancy.


8 HUBERT R. PEDRICK never married. He is a farmer on his fatl1er's Dlace and Jives home. 8 ALBERT A. PEDRICK married in 1911 CARRIE HANNAH BLUM, born 6-1-1891, in Philadelphia, the daughter of Frederick and Caroline ( Stuss) Blum. They live near where was Oldman 's station and he owns a 60-acre farm nearby that was formerly his grandfather's which he operates. Issue: Born Died Age Buried 9 Raymond Atwood Pedrick 6-20-1914 7-17-1914 Pedtn. 9 Alberta Carolyn Pedrick 9-30-1915 Living 9 Frederick Alexand.:r Ptclric.:k 2-11-1917 Living 9 Charles Diebert Pedrick 4-21-1919 Living 9 Hazel Eva Pedrick 6- 1-1922 6-22-1924 Pedtn. 9 Benjamin Edward Pedrick 3-15-1926 Living ALBERTA mraried in 1935 CHARLES FREUDENTHAL, born at Hamilton, N. J., 6-i-1911, son of William F. Occupation, with the Layton milk business. They Jive with her father. Issue: Born IO Dorothy Ann Freudenthal 5-6-1936 Living FREDERICK married 2-2-1936 :\IARTOX XICKERSOX of Carneys Point, born 4-13-191 i daughter of William and Ella Xickerson. He works at DuPonts and they Jive in Pennsgrove. Issue: Born l O ,vmiam Albert Pedrick 11-26-1936 Living CHARLES is single and works on his fathers' farm. 8 LAURA G. PEDRICK married 3-28-1918 the Rev. RAY:\IOXD MARSHALL VIXCEXT, born 11-18-1897, the son of Theodore :\Iar­ shall and Josephine (Benner) Vincent. cescendant from Chief Justir.e John l\Iarshall, a signer of the U. S. Ccnstitution before 1800. He graduated from high school and the commercial cot:rse at Temple College and took work as a stenographer pursuing a five-year course in the department of theology at night. ;::raduatini:: in I 925. Took a post-graduate c0urse in the E. Baptist Theological Semina~y with de­ gree of T. H. B. in 1931. Started preaching and served at Laurel Snrings. X. J .. l\!t. Union. Pa .. Bridgeport. Pa .. and latterly at the Baptist Temple as associate pastor. !'resent residence. Xo. I i2S Green Street. Philadelphia. Issue: Born 9 Alvin l\Iarshall Vir.cent 5-22-1919 Living (Now in Central High) 9 Raymond :\farshall Vincent, Jr. 9-12-1932 Living 21; 1 ROGER; 2 THOMAS; 3 ROBERT; 4 ROBERT; 5 BENJAMIN; 6 ALBERT i ALEXANDER PEDRICK married secondly in 1900 ETHEL HALL, of Wilmington, Del., born 1881 the daughter of John and Martha (Lingo) Hall. They became divorced. Issue: Born 8 Ruth Mahala Pedrick 7-14-1902 Living 8 Maud Elizabeth Pedrick 2-14-1904 Living 8 Preston Pedrick 6-27-1906 Living 8 Martha Lavinia Pedrick 4-18-1917 Living RUTH married in 1920 CHARLES FREDERICK BECKER, born 10-24-1899, son of Charles and Lena Becker. He is a chauffeur with the Vacuum Oil Works. Residence, "Five Points", Pedricktown, N. J. Issue: Born 9 Ruth May Becker 9-26-1921 Living 9 Wesley Hall Becker 11- 8-1922 Living 9 Ethel Lena Becker 6-28-1926 Living 9 Dorothy Claire Becker 9-16-1929 Living MAUD married 8-8-1925 THOMAS BOLGER. He died November, 1934, and is buried in the Baptist Cemetery at Pedrick.town. No children. His widow keeps house for her father. PRESTON married 9-16-1933 DOROTHY HAHNER of Pottsville, Pa., born 4-6-1905 daughter of John and Veronica Hahner. He is a truck driver and they live with his sister Ruth. Issue: 9 Preston Pedrick, Jr., born and died in infancy. :MARTHA married 8-16-1936 HARRY SEAGRAVE, Jr., of \'Voods­ town, son of Harry and Anna Seagrave. He works v.;th his father a building contractor in Swedesboro. Residence, Swede.,boro. 6 ALBERT PEDRICK AND RUTH FIRESTONE, CONTINUED. i PRESTON PEDRICK was born 3-10-1869, married 3-15-1902 ALICE AMANDA COLLINS, born 2-23-1886, daughter of Joseph S. and Sarah (Walton) Collins. He has been a farmer, worked in the powder mills and with the railroad; was the first rural mail carrier in the district, farmed in Mississippi two years and appointed Pedricktown postmaster 1925-1933, now superintendent of the grounds Government Ordnance plant. He is a born horticulturist and his gardens have al­ ways been the pride of the neigbl:-orhood wherever be was located. Resi­ dence on Mill Street, Pedricktown.


Issue Born Died Age 8 John l\Iilton Pedrick 12-31-1902 Living 8 Alice Beatrice Pedrick 5- 2-1904 Living 8 Oliver Justice Pedrick 6- 6-1907 Living 8 Howard Taft Pedrick 4-26-1913 Living JOHN married 6-28-1925 FRA.i.'l"CES MINERVA SMITH of Salem, Lom 10-10-1906, daughter of Walter and Genevra (Schropshire) Smith. He is a supervisor in the Azo Dye Plant at DuPonts. Residence, No. 54 Harmony St., Pennsgrove, N. J. Issue Born Died Age 9 Donald Lynn Pedrick 6-29-1928 Living Alice is unmarried and lives home. Oliver and Howard are also single and work at DuPonts. 5 BENJAMIN PEDRICK A.'l"D SAR'\.H McALLISTER. 6 CHARLES GILL PEDRICK. born 4-11-1841, died 5-8-1905, age 64. Married 4-24-1864 ADDELL LLOYD of Salem Co., N. J., born 6-4-1837, died 10-1-lSi0, age 33, after 6 years of marriage both buried in the family plot at Pedricktown. issue: i CE.-i.RLES WESLEY PEDRICK, born 11-15-1865, died 4-2-1921, age 55. 7 EDWARD LINCOLN PEDRICK, born 10-11-1867, died 7-24- 1931, age 63. i CHARLES married ELIZABETH SHAW of Chester who survives him. She lives with a sister at Norwich, Conn., and her brother has a h;!! h11siness ownin!! several silk mills in Connecticut. Charles and E!iZ


6 CHARLES G. PEDRICK and EMMA LOUISE LLOYD. After Ch:.rlcs died the business was given up and the family bought a home in Narbeth where his widow lived and died. Issue: Born Died Age Buried 7 Clarence Scott Pedrick 10-2-1874 Living 7 Addell Pedrick 6-14-18S0 Living 7 Carrie :\label Pedrick 11-2-1882 Living 7 Irenee Pepper Pedrick i-22-18S4 Living 7 Harry Taylor Pedrick 10-8-1887 5-28-1933 45 Ardmore 7 Marvin Donald Pedrick 11-23-1891 Dec. 9 days P-Town 7 Eugene Herbert Pedrick 11-23-1891 Dec. 9 days P-Town 7 CLARENCE never married. He followed music and was a Church organist eventually having cl1arge of a Department with the Presby­ terian Church of Philadelphia, with an office in the Witherspoon Building. i MABEL likewise never married and resides with her brother Clar­ C'nce in the family home, the past t.'lirty-two years at 111 Grayling Ave. Narbeth, Pa. 7 ADDELL married ALFRED LAMONT ORR, son of William and Ann (Bernum) Orr. He taught school and then graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in their school of dentistry, now practising at 1737 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Residence 101 Elmwood Avenue X arbeth, Pa. h:.ue: Born S Doris Lamont Orr 2-15-1913 Living S Helen Louise Orr 10-26-1916 Living S Eli7.abcth Jane Orr 1-26-1924 Living S DORIS graduated from the Lower :Merion High and later attended the Fairmount private school at Washington, D.C. Married 10-16-1935 GATES STURGIS born l\Iarch 1912, son of Ellis and Rita Sturgis. He manages a Sun Oil service station in Wilmington, Delaware, and they reside there at 1003 W. 8th St. S HELEX graduated from the Lower :\!erion High and then took a course at the Gniversity of Pennsylvania in Dental Hygienics. She is now working in the public schools of Lancaster, Pa. 7 IREXEE married MAY CRESS of Philadelphia. He is a civil engineer with the Wm. Sellers Co. 16th and Hamilton Sts. Philadelphia. Residence 616 Hazlewood Avenue Ardmore, Pa. !\o children. 7 HARRY married Elizabeth E. Felton and was connected with the Autocar Co. in Ardmore until death. No children. His widow living in Ardmore.

220 1 ROGER; 2 THOMAS; 3 ROBERT; 4 ROBERT PEDRICK. 5 MARY PEDRICK born about 1806 married 12-28-1820 JOSEPH

MOORE, born 1801, died 9-1 i-1887, age 86. She died 2-7-1886, age SO; both buried in Perkintown Cemetery. The head stones verify above dates and date of marriage in Salem Co. records, which if not in error make her married at age 14. He was a farmer in the vicinity of Perkintown on land, no doubt inherited from his father. Mary also inherited land from her father as divided by Court Commissioners. They were married 66 years and bad sb: children.

Issue: Born Died Age Buried 6 Samuel "'foore 9-17-1820 9-17-1838 18 Perktn. 6 Rebecca C. l\:Ioore 4-25-1821 1-19-1900 i9 Perktn. 6 Lydia H. Moore 1822 8- 8-1904 SI :\ft. Zion 6 Robert Moore 1S25 1883 58 6 Joseph Moore Jr. 9-17-1831 11-30-1852 21 Perktn. 6 Mary Ann Moore 1834 4-6-1918 S4 Rivrvw.

REBECCA married 5-25-1839 GEORGE P. DOLBOW, born 2-12- 1814, died 9-29-1893, age 79; both buried at Perkintown. He was a farmer in the Perkintown section. They were married fifty-four years and there is a record of fourteen children born to them. It is told that the Dolbow family came from Sweden and settled in Delaware on the Christiana river. A son later went to Berks Co. Pa. and raised a family. The above captioned GEORGE P. and a brother Andrew, left there and settled in l 7pper Penns :Neck :N. J. A friend in Berks Co. by name of Becum told George to name his first son for him and he would bequeath him a farm. So the first child was named "'fartin Becum Dolbow, but he never got the farm.

The record of births is authentic which follow as taken from a framed family lithograph, owned by )lrs. Gebhard of Pitman, grand­ daughter of the above George, which he had obtained for the family records. It was drawn by an e:,.-pert penman and entered in the office of the Librarian of Congress in !Si2 and lithographed by Jackson Ruehlow and Co. of Chicago. The author was R. H. Trumbull. There is very fine scroll work of angels and cherubs and pen and ink em­ broidery about spaces for births and deaths; a work of art and a remark­ able study for the historian.


Issue: Born Died Age Buried 7 Martin Becum Dolbow 12-12-1839 1917 78 Shptn. 7 Sedgwick Rusling Dolbow 3-12-1841 4-11-1912 71 Shptn. 7 Mary Ann Dolbow 7-17-1842 1908 66 Rivrvw. 7 Jonathan L. Dolbow 10-16-1843 1919 76 Emman. 7 Hannah C. Dolbow 9-1-1845 10-30-1916 71 Perktn. 7 Rebecca C. Dolbow 3-20-1847 9-18-1903 56 Perktn. 7 Jeremiah C. Dolbow 9-25-1848 9-15-1873 25 Perktn. 7 Josephine R. Dolbow 11-28-1850 8-4-1856 5 Perktn. 7 Anna Pedrick Dolbow 6-12-1851 8-2-1853 2 Perktn. 7 Charlotte P. Dolbow 5-26-1853 11-12-1854 1 Perktn. 7 George Pedrick Dolbow 1-22-1855 3-23-1907 52 Aura 7 Lydia A. Dolbow 3-16-1854 1934 80 Lnsde. 7 Jacob M. Dolbow 12-10-1861 3-28-1890 28 Perktn. 7 Ella B. Dolbow 1-11-1863 Young, mar. no issue.

7 MARTIN married HARRIET N. HILLMAN born 1831, died 1907, age 76; buried with her husband at Sharptown. He was a farmer at Pennsville, then Pilesgrove and lastly on the Andrew Lee grist mill farm of 160 acres at what is now "Laytons" lake on the Harding high­ way where he died.

Issue: Born Died Age Buried 8 Rebecca Dolbow 1-18-1863 Living 8 Jennie Dolbow 5-14-1865 Sep. 1917 52 Shptn. 8 George Peterson Dolbow 5-15-1868 Living 8 Morris B. Dolbow 2-14-1872 Living 8 Lena E. Dolbow S-2-1876 Living

8 REBECCA married BENJAMIN BLACK of Swedesboro. born 1855, died 1931, age 76; buried at Lawnside, Woodstown. He followed farming. No children. His widow living at Little Silver, N.J. near Asbury Park.

8 }Eml,"IE married HEISLER MATLACK of Salem Co. born 1861, died 11-10-1923, age 62; both buried at Sharptown. He was a farmer in early life and later came to Camden and died there.

Issue; Born 9 Caroline S. Matlack Living 9 George Heisler Matlack 9-18-1886 Living 9 William Hiles Hatlack 12-31 Living 9 Verna Katura Matlack Living


9 CAROLINE S. MATL-\CK married HENRY BARROW who is deceased. They lived about Pittsburgh. His widow resident at New Castle near there.

Issue: 10 Earl Barrow born Sept. 1921 (No other information available) 9 GEORGE HEISLER MATLACK married in 1908 MARTHA S. JENKINS, born at Pennsville, N.J., daughter of Aaron and Emma (Davis) Jenkins. He is connected with the sales department of the Packard Motor Car Co. in Philadelphia. No children. Residence 4931 Hutchinson.

9 WILLIAM HILES MATLACK married and has four children, all resident at 329 Powell Road, Springfield Delaware County, Pa. There has been no answer yet to my inquiry for fuller details.

9 VER.~A K. MATL-\CK married OMAR FINK. They are living at New Castle Pa. near Pittsburg R.D. 5. No answer yet to my letter.


S LENA E. DOLBOW married 10-22-1897 MARCUS CHEESMAN born on a farm near Pennsgrove 11-22-1866, son of Bowman and Eliza (Cheesman) Cheeseman. He has been a farmer, now retired and resident at 40 State St. Pennsgrove.

Issue: Born Died Buried 9 Arthur Bowman Cheeseman 1-22-1895 Living 9 Henry Heisler Cheeseman 3-2-1897 12-22-1920 Lnsde. 9 Benjamin Homer Cheeseman 10-22-1903 Living 9 Marcus Leon Cheeseman 1-28-1906 Living 9 Willard Franklin Cheeseman 2-14-1909 Lh;ng 9 Harriet l\falena Cheeseman 2-9-191S Living

9 ARTHUR married MILDRED STILES. He is an engineer at the Vacuum oil works and they live at 605 Mantua Ave. Paulsboro. They have had two children CARLTON and :\:!ALINA dying in infancy.

9 HENRY married SARAH MATSON daughter of Frank. No chil­ dren. After her husbands death at 23 she took up school teaching, living on Green St., Woodstown.


9 BENJAMIN H. CHEESEMAN married in 1924 RUTH ANN SAILOR, born 10-27-1903, daughter of David and Emma (Gaventa) Sailor. He is assistant engineer at the Pennsgrove electric plant. Res­ idence 121 Spring Garden St., Woodsto'\\-n.

Issue: Born 10 Benjamin Henry Cheeseman 10-4-1924 Living 10 Joseph Sailor Cheeseman 2-16-1926 Living IO Juanita Grace Cheeseman 2-22-1927 Living IO Warren Bouvier Cheeseman 4-15-1928 Living 10 Oran Wood Cheeseman 11-22-1929 Living IO Anna May Cheeseman 2-15-1931 Living

9 MARCUS L. CHEESEMAN married 6-6-1931 ELIZABETH WOOLEY of Chester, born 5-2-1903, daughter of ,vmiam and l\Iary (Hickling) Wooley. He is a chemist at Duponts and they reside at 9 Redwood Avenue, Boothwynn, near Chester.

Issue: Born 10 Kenneth Willard Cheesemanl0-2-1932 Living 10 Shirley Ann Cheeseman 10-26-1936 Living

9 WILLARD F. CHEESEMA.~ married 8-1-1937 FR.'\.:.'\CES CUL­ LEN S:'IUTH born in the ,.,icinity of Hagerstown Md. 2-4-1916, daugh­ ter of Victor and Helen (Lofland) Smith. He graduated from the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science in 1930, having had some apprenticeship since 1924 with Livingstone, who had the Whelan­ drug business at Broad and Main Sts., Pennsgrove. Willard has purchased this business and is now its proprieter.

9 HARRIET M. CHEESE)IA.~ is unmarried and lives home. She is with the Willis Co. in Pennsgrove as bookkeeper.


8 MORRIS B. DOLBOW born 2-14-1872. Living. Married MAR­ TINA OWEN of Bridgeville, Del. who died in 1915.

Issue: 9 ELIZABETH DOLBOW married Houston, lives in Delaware. Has bad seven children. 9 MORRIS DOLBOW married and lives at Lincoln Delaware, two living children. 9 ---DOLBOW married and lives in South Philadelphia. He has nine children.

9 ---.DOLBOW married and lives Secane. He has one child.

9 REBECCA C. DOLBOW married HALCOMBE, lives 60 Darby Township on Garfield Avenue. Has three children. 9 MARTINA DOLBOW married and lives in Glenolden, near Chester Pike. One child.

(Further particulars unobtainable Apn1 21, 1938.)

8 MORRIS B. DOLBOW married secondly in 1916 MARGARET SCOTT born 7-1-1883 in Scotland and who came to America at age 11 to join two spinster aunts in Philadelphia, who were carrying on dressmaking and learn their business. One died here and the other returned to Scotland. Margaret ·was the daughter of Alexander and Sarah (Malseed) Scott. Morris and Margaret both living at 60 Garfield Avenue, Darby Township, adjoining Glenolden, Pa. He has worked generally as a fireman and now in W .P-.\. work.

Issue: Born Died Age 9 Ale.=der Dolbow 1917 1929 12 9 Margaret Dolbow 1918 1922 4 9 Norman Henry Dolbow 3-13-1920 Living 9 Sarah Dolbow 9-5-1923 Living Norman is through school and engaged in florists work.


8 GEORGE PETERSO~ DOLBOW was born S·IS-1868 on his fathers farm at "Laytons" lake on the Harding highway. He early took to the water and was a net fisherman from the Delaware Bay on up the river to Gloucester, in its season. He secured a Masters boat license and ran produce boats, built a barge etc. Later engaged \\;th the '\Vilson Line and gave them thirty-five years of service as Master of every vessel in tum that they had built for them, such as the Brandywine, City of Chester, City of Wilmington, the State of Del­ aware, and lastly the State of Pennsylvania: and most of these boats the readers of this page can well remember taking trips down the river on before the advent of automobile travel and recreation. During the ?.;nter he had charge of the interned fleet at the old Hollin and Holl­ ingsworth yard in the Christiana creek, and prepared them for the ne.n seasons run. His banner year as Master was in 1923 when he h:t.d charge of 12000 people in one day and ran 102 days. carrying 400.000 people without an accident. He became recognized as their supreme commander. '\vnen the Wilson people sold out, his connection became severed. Since then he has Captained vessels along the coast between Maine and the Capes. He has lived both in Wilmington and Philadelphia lastly at 6153 Spruce St., and when his wife died has made his residence at the l\Iasonic Home at 3333 N. Broad St. He married 3-16-1898 JE~"XIE SCOTT of near Seaford, Delaware, born 8-23-1866 and died 10-4-1934, age 68; buried at Riverview, '\\"ilmington.

Issue: 9 GEORGE '\VILLIAJI DOLBO'\V born 1-31-1901, married and Jost his wife, who died after seven years in 1933. No issue. He was edu­ cated at Brown Prep. in Chicago and University of Pennsylvania as a mechanical engineer, and in signal service work. He has been v.;th the Pennsylvania R.R. and other concerns and is resident at Clifton Heights. 9 l\IARTIX HILL:\!A.'\; DOLBOW born in June 1903, graduated from high school and started out as waterman, became Quarter :\faster of the Sun Oil Cos' ships. Later connected as salesman with a varnish Manufacturing Company on Cobbs creek, and now a painting con­ tractor. He married and is resident at 7104 Emerson Avenue, Upper Darby. N'o issue.

226 1 ROGER PEDRICK; 2 TH0::\1:AS; 3 ROBERT; 4 ROBERT; 5 MARY MOORE; 6 REBECCA MOORE and GEORGE DOLBOW. 7 SEDG,VICK RUSLING DOLBOW born 3-12-1S42, died 4-11-1912 age 71; married 2-28-1866 MARTHA C. SPARKS \\idow nee HILL­ l\IA;,"'° born 12-4-1836, died 4-10-1919, ag'! 83; both buried at Sharp­ town. She had by her first marriage Ida Sparks, born 4-15-1858, died single, and Anna Mary Sparks, born 6-11-1864, married a Mayhew. She is residing in Millville his widow. Sedgwick followed farming and was married forty-six years and bad sh;: children. Issue; Born 8 Hannah C. Dolbow 11-8-1866 Living 8 George P. Dolbow 8-27-1868 Living 8 Sedgwick R. Dolbow Jr. 6-13-1870 Living 8 Walter S. Dolbow 5-5-1872 4-13-1876 8 Harris Dolbow 2-10-1880 9-29-1880 8 Dev.itt Clinton Dolbow 2-7-1883 9-15-1900 8 H.-\1'."NAH married 3-15-1890 SMITH FLtu"\fEGA:."\f born near Bridgeport 3-28-1866, son of John and Arabelle (Hamilton) Flanegan. He worked as fisherman, carpenter and butcher, then twenty years ago bought the Kille, later Green farm of sixty acres, near Hancocks Bridge on the Fort Elfsborg road which he has farmed since, and where they reside in one of the old brick farm dwellings of long ago. Hannah has her fathers bible v.ith above records a Holman Philadelphia of 1884, married forty-seven years and had three daughters. P.O. Salem. hsuc: Born 9 l\fartha Smith Flanegan 9-26-1891 Living 9 Jennie Flanegan 8-16-1895 Living 9 :'.\fary :\Iayhew Flanegan 8-15-1906 Living 9 MARTHA married 10-2-1909 B. HARRISON MYERS born ISSS. son of :'.\Ioses and ::\Iary Susana :\Iyers. Residence, Brandriff Beach tract above Penns,·ille. and he is a State Employee Patrolman of the !1ighway above Penns"ille. Issue: 10 THELMA MYERS married 9-2-1934 LEON MO'.'\"ERS, born 1905, son of ,valter and Bertha Mowers. No children. Occupation, machinist. Residence. Quinton, N.J. 10 HARRISON MYERS JR. married :\!ARY BROTI'X born 1909, daughter of John and Sara Brown. He is a linoleum block maker. Residence, Terminal Avenue, New Castle Delaware, Box 101 BV. Issue: Born 11 Sara :\Iyers 11-2-1934 Lh.ing II :\fargaret :\Iyers S-1i-1937 Lhing 9 JE:\"XIE married 6-5-1926 :\IERRITT B. '\YILSOX. born 7-12- 1902, son of George and Carrie (Bickford) n·nson. He is a Dupont assistant research chemist. Residence 2S7 :\Iorrison .-\venue, Salem. Issue: Born 10 Marjorie Ann Wilson 12-9-28 Lhing


9 MARY MAYHEW FLA.1.'ll'EGAN married 12-28-1927 ALBERT SHERRON FOGG of Canton, son of Luke and Rebecca (Young) Fogg. Born 8-15-1906 he manages a two-hundred acre farm in Stow creek township. They have an adopted daughter.

10 J.-\..~E FOGG born June 25, 1934, living. P.O. Address Canton, New Jersey.


8 GEORGE P. DOLBOW born 8-27-1868 married in 1893 IRENE WILLIS KEEN born 4-28-1873, daughter of Edward H. and Sarah (Lloyd) Keen. He was first a farmer then took up carpentering and became a foreman on various buildings such as the Tower theatre etc., in Camden and elsewhere. Lived in Woodbury, Camden and Gloucester, now resident at 41 Cornell Avenue, Gloucester Heights. Married forty­ three years and had eight children.

Issue; Born 9 Elizabeth Dolbow 6-29-1895 Living 9 Sedgwick Rusling Dolbow 12-15-1897 Living 9 Rebecca Dolbow 2-17-1899 Living 9 George Sparks Dolbow 1-12-1901 Living 9 Howard Dolbow 1903 1903 I wk. 9 Irene Willis Dolbow 1905 1905 4 days 9 Emma Dolbow 1907 1907 5 days 9 Eva Wilson Doibow 1909 1909 8 months

9 SEDG\VICK married 12-15-1913 CATHARINE A.~DERSON of Camden, widow Crim, daughter of George P. and Mamie (Horner) Anderson, born 4-25-1892. Re follows carpentering and lives at 3054 Kearsarge Road, Fairview. He has no children, bis wife's being Cath­ arine, Walter, Herbert and Lorene Crim.

9 GEORGE married in 1922 ELSIE SIMS of Clementon, N.J. She died in 1925 and they had one child that died in infancy. He married again but is separated. He is an auto mechanic, and lives mostly in G!c!!cester Heights.


9 SARAH ELIZABETH DOLBOW the eldest of eight children born 6-29-1895, married 12-15-1913 DA.NIEL BERJ.'l"ARD MONTAGUE of Delaware, born 8-9-1894, died 5-13-1932, age 37; buried ir. Asbury Cemetery, Burlington pike. He was the son of David Frank Montague, who died 4-27-1926 at Hartley Del., age 68, and Friendly Vlzeris lfon­ tague who died 11-13-1937 at Frankford Del. age 77. Daniel worked in the steel mills as a steel roller. His widow resident at 126 Adams St. Riverside, N.J.

Issue: Born Died IO Irene Elizabeth Montague 1915 Living IO Elmira Friendly Montague 1918 Living IO David Frank Montague 1921 Living 10 Mary Etta Bernice :Montague 1923 Living 10 Vivian Rebecca Montague 1927 Living 10 Jack Lofton Montague 1931 Living

10 IRENE married NORJ.'\IA.N" ALLOWAY, son of William and Matilda Alloway. Norman is a truck driver and farmer and they re­ side at Frank Eilis's farm at Mt. Holly, N.J.

Issue: Born 11-Shirley Matilda Alloway 1936 Living 11 Dolores Sue Alloway 1937 Living

IO ELMIRA married HER..'l\fA,.'\l" B0DL'\;"E, son of Howard and Eva Bodine. Herman is a hosiery worker and they reside at 153 Washington St. Mt. Holly N.J.


"There is properly no lzistory, only biograplry." E)!ERSOX.


9 REI: "'.:CA DOLBOW married in 1918 JOHN ALLEN MAR­ SHALL of Delaware, born in 1898. He is a steel worker and they live in River;,ide Park, Rh·crsidc N .J. They have six children a11 girls. He is the son of George Robert and Eliza (Allen) Marshall, both born in Ireland.

Issue: Born 10 Mildred Sarah Marshall 6-2-1921 Living 10 Doris Mae 1\-Iarshall 5-9-1924 Living 10 Evelyn Ruth Marshall 3-28-1927 Living 10 Edith Lorrene Marshall 8-28-1929 Living 10 Lois Arlene Marshall 4-28-1931 Living 10 Jacqueline Marshall 3-3-1935 Living

S SEDG\VICK RUSLING DOLBOW JR. !:-"rn 6-3-1870, married :MARY E:c\IMA YOURI!\SON, born 3-24-lSi0, died 6-17-1937, age 67; buried Baptist Cemetery, Salem, daughter of Samuel B. and Mary Elizabeth (Dawson) Yourinson. He owns a farm in Lower Penns Neck, but now retired living in Pennsville.

Issue: Born 9 Mary Emma Dolbow died at t\'l'O months 9 Harry Yourinson Dolbow 5-19-1900 Died 8-2-1935 9 Herbert Fogg Dolbow 10-18-1905 Living

9 HARRY married MARGARETTA FOX and was a farmer on the Sharptown-Salem Road where he met his death.

Issue: Born 10 Anna Mary Dolbow 12-23-1928 Living 9 HERBERT married in 1927 OTHELIA S:\UTH born 5-24-1904 at Canton, daughter of Edward and Louisa (Spahney) Smith. He operates his father's farm 0f 1 I 2 acres below Pennsville, and is running it as a dairy. No children.


7 MARY ANN DOLBOW born i-17-1842, died 1908, age 66, married BENJAMIN FRANKLIN STRAUGHEN born 12-28-1831, died in 1912; both buried in Riverview cemetery. He farmed between Auburn and Pedricktown, on what became familiarly known as the Straughen mill road. Issue: Born 8 Mary Ellen Straurrhen 4-23-1865 6-8-1920 55 8 Benjamin West Straughen 5-10-1864 Living MARY married in 1891 ED\\"IN P. MOORE born in Philadelphia 12-10-1860, the son of Johnathan and Harriet (Beck) )!oore. He first farmed about the Central school house road, then a l\liller farm and down in "Skunks :'.\lisery." Bou~ht in I 900 a Strimple farm of ei~hty acres on the Perkintown road below the cemetery, the farm that Edward Shoemaker lived or. about 1870, who moved later below Pennsgrove and was a local preacher and a well known character with fourteen children. His twelfth child. Robert Johnson Shoemaker, had quite a career (See Shoemaker genealogy). Edwin attended the Perkintown school near the cemetery (Jon~ passed away) and Benjamin Russell had a pay school in part of the buildin·-. Afterwards Russell had a pay school in Woodbury, which the writer and others can remember attending. Issue: Born 9 Robert Moore 3-18-1892 died at birth 9 Harriet l\foore 5 24-1894 Living 9 Edwin P. ;.\Ioore Jr. 9-11-1896 Living 9 Alice Moore 12-11-1S97 Aug. 1898 Rivrvw. 9 Robert Moore 3-5-1899 Living 9 Miriam :Moore 8-20-1895 May 1898 Rivrvw. HARRIET is unm:irried and keeps house for her father.

Edwin married in 1922 ETHEL \\"OODHEAD born in England. :\lay 1898, daughter of Frederick and )fancy \Yoodhead. He carries on carpentering and lives at 5209 :\tfantic Avenue. \"entnor. Issue: Barn 10 Frederick )loore S-2S-1923 Livinn- 10 Edwin P. l\loore 3rd. 9 5-1929 Living ROBERT married in August 1934 \"IOLET :'.\IORGAX of Elmer. born 1901, daughter oi Richard and )fary l\lorgan. He farms on the homestead plantation living in another house on the place. Xo issue .


8 BENJAMIN WEST STRAUGHEN married LYDIA LEAP born 1862, died 1-6-1934, age 72; buried at Emmanuel. He has lived all his life on the homestead property of two-hundred acres between Ped­ ricktown and Auburn on the "Straughen Mill" road, so named because of the saw mill built on this property and still maintained by them where most of the lumber of the locality has been sawed for many years.

Issue: 9 A...~NA BURDEN STRAUGHEN born 10-2-1897, married in 1920 :EL.\RVEY WARE CON.-hVAY, born 4-12-1896, son of George and Mary Anna (Keen) Conaway. They have no children. Resident on the homestead farm and adjacent to the old Perry homestead, which family follows through with this same line.

6 REBECCA C. MOORE and GEORGE P. DOLBOW. i JOHNAT:EL'\,.-,; L. DOLBOW married 9-18-1869 GEORGIANNA STRI:\,IPLE, born 2-4-1854, and died 1928, age 74; both buried at Emmanuel Cemetery, the daughter of John and Rebecca Strimple. JOHNATHAN had married previously Mary Bozarth who died soon and had one child dying in infancy. He was a farmer in the vicinity of Pennsgrove. They were married fifty years and had fourteen children. His bible Ziegler and Co. Philadelphia 1886 owned by his daughter, Mrs. Bertha Zane.

Issue: · Born Died Age Buried 8 Georgianna R. Dolbow 6-15-1870 Living 8 John Strimple Dolbow 11-20-1871 8-28-1920 48 Emman. 8 Johnathan L. Dolbow Jr. 8-16-1873 1-19-1931 57 Rivrvw. 8 Frank Stanton Dolbow 9-11-1875 12-16-1920 45 Hcines Nk 8 Mary Ella Dolbow 8-28-1877 Living 8 William Henry Dolbow 3-25-1879 Living 8 Alma Irene Dolbow l 0-28-1881 Living 8 Emily Jones Dolbow 5-8-1884 8-22-1884 3 mos. Perktn. 8 Elwood C. Dolbow 6-11-1885 11-3-1885 5 mos. Perktn. 8 Samuel L. Dolbow 11-17-1886 7-14-1887 8 mos. Perktn. 8 Bertha Simpson Dolbow 5-16-1888 Living 8 Lillian Dolbow 1890 Infancy Perktn. 8 Richard Dolbow 8-18-1898 Living 8 Susan Dolbow 1899 Infancy Perktn.


8 GEORGIA."l\J'A married 1-12-1886 SAMUEL LAND who died soon leaving one child. His widow remarried CLARENCE \VALLACE. No issue. Residence 1212 Market St. Wilmington, Delaware. Issue: 9 JOHNATHAN LAND who married ANNA MILLER :md have two children. Particulars unobtainable at this time. 8 JOHN married 1889 SARAH HOWELL FRIANT born 2-7-1871, daughter of Jacob and Sarah. She resides at 130 N. Broad St. Penns­ grove. 9 STELLA MAY DOLBOW, born 5-8-1890, married in 1910 JESSE WOOD DENNIS, born 1888, son of Aaron and Lydia (Wood) Dennis. He has farmed, worked at the D. 0. D. and Deep Water electric plant. Residence, No. 130 North Broad Street, Pennsgrove. Issue; 10 FR..\NCES HUl\D1ELL DENNIS born 1-5-1912, married 2-10- 1929 \VILLL\M CURRY, born in 1902, and raised by Joseph Clark. He works at the Deep Water electric plant. Residence 140 N. Broad. Issue: 11 Lee Vernon Curry 8-11-1930 Living 8 FR.-\;.'l'K S. DOLBOW married in 1896 LILLIA."' KIGER, born Haines Keck i-30-1875, daughter of James and Emily (Heritage) Kiger. He was a farmer and took charge of the Kiger farn in Haines Neck after her father died in 1912. Franks widow still resident there. P.O. box 26, R.D.I. Salem. Issue: B"rn 9 fames Beath Dolbow 6-26-1897 Livin" 9 Franklin Earl Dolbow 2-25-1904 Dece.:'sed J.-\:\IES married in 1927 CHRISTIANA )IFXTAN. born Xovember 1895, daughter of Charles and Sophia (Cook) ::\Iunyan. He has farmed and worked at Duponts. They have a home near the Kiger farm in Haines Neck. /ssur.: B"rn 10 James Beath Dolbow Jr. 1-30-192S Living FRANKLIN worked at Duponts and l:ved home. He n~\·er married. and died 2-13-1934, aged thirty.


S JOHNATHAN LAYTON DOLBOW JR. born 8-16-1873, died 1-19-1931, age 57; buried Riverview, married in 1896 SARAH ANN HUTCHINSON bom 3-9-1878. He was a farmer, waterman and a rigger at Duponts at time of death. They were married thirty-five years and had fourteen children. Sarah then married Horace Zane, a widower with 5 children. He died 1-2-1936. No issue. She lives at 8 Railroad Avenue, Pennsgrove.

Issue: Born 9 Mayhew Johnson Dolbow 5-16-1897 Living 9 Wilbur Newton Dolbow 6-20-1899 Living 9 Harvey Straughen Dolbow 1-1-1900 Living 9 Elva R. Dolbow 4-23-1904 1904-3 mos. 9 Alice Longworth Dolbow 4-22-1905 Living 9 Ida May Dolbow S-18-1910 Living, Single 9 Edna May Dolbow 2-2-1911 1911-7 mos. 9 Georgianna Dolbow 3-31-1912 Living, Single 9 Russell Parker Dolbow 6-26-1913 1914 9 months 9 Olive Kemp Dolbow 8-11-1914 Living 9 Charles LeRoy Dolbow 8-8-1917 Living 9 Ernest Dolbow 8-18-1918 1919 S months 9 Johnathan Layton Dolbow Jr. 4-10-1919 Living 9 Frederick Gentieu Dolbow 2-1-1923 Living

MAYHEW married in November 1917 GEORGI.,\."'li'"NA SHIMP of Salem, born 1895, daughter of John and Sallie (Downs) Shimp. He has a service of twenty years with Duponts and is in the shipping department. No children. Residence Zane Avenue, Pennsville.

\VII.BUR married in 1922 MARY A.J."'li'"N TAUBER of Wyoming Pa., born 1908, daughter of John Tauber. He has been working about the coal collieries and they live at 550 W. 8th St., Wyoming, Pa. Issue: Born 10 Dorothy May Dolbow 4-fB-1923 Living 10 Estella Dolbow 1924 Living 10 Wilbur Do!bow Jr. 1925 Living 10 Mary Ann Dolbow 1927 Living


9 HARVEYS. DOLBOW married 8-25-1928 MARGARET COOK, born 1910, daughter of Samuel and lHargaret Cook. He is with Duponts and they live on the North Shore Road in Pennsgrovc. Issue; Born 10 Dolores May Dolbow 8-6-1931 Living 10 Jeanette Miriam Dolbow 10-18-1932 Living 10 Margaret Ann Dolbow 2-28-1936 Living 9 ALICE L. DOLBOW married in November 1922 JESS PLu~IMER of Salem, born 12-25-1898. Occupation, salesman. Residence 3 North Line Avenue., Pennsgrove. Issue; Born 10 Aleasa Jay Plummer 10-4-1934 Living 9 OLIVE K. DOLBOW married in 1930 GEORGE FREDERICK KROUGH, born Troy, N.Y. 10-11-1909, son of George F. and Ann (Algers) Krough. He is a manager at Duponts. Residence 13 N. Shore Road, Pennsgrove. Issue; Born 10 George Frederick Krough 3rd 4-14-1931 Living 10 Sally Apo Krough 12-7-1932 Living 10 Joan Krough 3-28-1934 Living 10 Gerald Krough 4-8-1935 Living IO Carol Krough 3-31-1936 Living 9 CHARLES L. DOLBOW married in 1936 IRENE WOOD of Pennsgrove, born December 1918, daughter of Frank and Winifred Wood. Occupation Duponts. Residence G. Avenue, Carneys Point. No issue. 7 JOHNATHA'l.. DOLBOW and GEORGIA.,\."NA STRIMPLE 8 MARY ELLA DOLBOW born 8-28-187i, married in 1891 JOHN WESLEY RAIN'E. born 8-29-1871, son of Josiah and Elizabeth (Mason) Raine. He has always been a farmer owning si.-ty-seven acres at the junction of Harding highway and Pedrickto'111-n road where be bas lived the past twenty-eight years. Issue; Born Died 9 Lillie Dolbow Raine 3-4-1893 Living 9 Joseph Henry Raine 1-11-1895 Living 9 Georgianna Raine 1-17-1897 Living 9 Mary Elizabeth Raine 4-19-1899 Living 9 John Wesley Raine Jr. 7-7-1902 Living 9 William Dolbow Raine 5-20-1907 Lhing


9 LILLIE D. RAINE married in 1910 ARi'\TET ZACHARIAH ]OR­ D:',~ oi Li. j'. 1\cck, born -ki-1S90, son of John and )lary (Lloyd) Jordan. He is a meter inspector with the Atlantic City Electric Co. They live near junction oi Harding highway and Pedricktown road. Issue: Born IO Arnet R. Jordan l-3-19Il 1927 16 Emman .. 10 John Philip Jordan 11-9-1912 Living 10 Ralph Hubert Jordan 12-8-1913 Living 10 Clifford Joseph Jordan 5-4-1915 Living IO Mary Ella Jordan 6-22-1922 Living 10 William Alfred Jordan 3-2-1924 Living !O Lillie P.ainc Jorrlan 8-31-1929 Living 10 Leon Robert Jordan 10-24-1935 Living JOIN married 7-16-1937 VIRGINIA FEATHERERS born Penna. 4-19-1918. He is in the service department of the Atlantic City Electric Co. Residence 1 E. Griffith St., Pennsgrove. RALPH married Ann \VILLIAMS of Wissanoming Philadelphia, daughter of Lewis and Cora Williams. Occupation, Duponts. Residence Cherry St. Pedricktown .. Issue: Born J ! Ralph Lewis Jordan 6-18-1936 Living 9 JOSEPH H. RAINE married in 1918 STELLA LUPTON born Bridgeton. March 1901, daughter of Albert and Sarah (Harvey) Lupton. He is connected \\ith . Duponts in the powder department. Residence, 91 Harmony St., Pennsgrove .. Issue: Born IO Joseph Henry Raine Jr. 6-8-1921 Living 10 Kenneth Rodney Raine 1-5-1925 Living 10 Jean Wilma Raine 11-29-1933 Living 9 J .. WESLEY R.\INE married 11-25-1924 PHYLLIS R.\CHEL REED of Pottsville, born 10-25-1901, daughter of John Edgar a.,d Rachel (Thompson) R:-ed. He is with the Salem Glass Co. Residence Harding highway E. of Pennsgrove. Issue: Bom 10 John Wesley Raine 3rd 10-8-1927 Living 10 Virginia Reed Raine 1-5-1930 Living 10 Phvllis Rachel Raine 6-18-1931 Living 10 Mary Alice Raine 3-3-1934 Living


9 GEORGIANNA RAINE married in 1913 CHARLES WALTON SAYERS, born 5-3-1892, son of Joseph and Mary (Walton) Sayers. He is with the Dupont Co. and they reside on his fathers farm above "Dancers Comer" E. of Pennsgrove, R.DJ.

Issue: Born 10 Earl Sayers 10-13-1913 Living 10 Bertha Zane Sayers 5-5-1917 Living 10 Elizabeth Townsend Sayers 7-29-1919 Living 10 Charles Walton Sayers Jr. 9-8-1920 Living l O Robert William Sayers 5-13-1933 Living

10 BERTHA married in 1935 JOHN JESSL ATKINSON JR. of Somers Point, born 3-29-1915, son of John J. and Nellie (Gaski11) Atkinson. Residence, Sayers farm above "Dancers Comer."

Issue: Born 11 Bonnie Lee Atkinson 7-6-1936 Living

10 ELIZABETH married in June 1936 MELVIN WHEATLEY THOMAS JR., born 3-27-1915, son of Melvin W. and Pearl (Hart) Thomas. Occupation an operator in the Dupont dye works. They live on the 115 acre Sayers farm E. of Pennsgrove. No children.

10 EARL SAYERS is in the Dupont dye works and lives home un­ married, and his brother CHARLES is assisting on the Sayers farm. 9 MARY ELIZABETH R.\INE married in 1915 E::\!ORY TOWN­ SEND, born Glassboro 4-27-1891, son of William H. and Elizabeth (Brandriff) Townsend. He has carried on a wholesale business and worked at Duponts variously for over twenty-five years. Residence, 135 Denny Avenue, Pennsgrove.

Isstte: Born 10 Emory Wesley Townsend 3-18-1916 Lh;ng 10 Joseph William Townsend 2-20-1917 Living 10 Ruth Elizabeth Townsend 9-26-1924 Living 10 William Brandriff Townsend 4-24-1930 Lh,;ng

10 EMORY married in 1934 MILDRED LONG of Pennsgrove. born 12-2-1916, daughter of John and Mildred (Smith) Long. They live at Auburn and he works at DuPonts. Ko children.


9 \Vil.LIAM DOLBOW R-\INE, born 5-20-1907, married 11-17-1928 HAZEL MAY FORCE, born Moorestown, N. J., 3-13-1912, daughter of H~rj• _T. and Grace May (Carter) Force, now of Millville. He has b<-en with DuPonts the past 10 years, now in the paint department. Residence, No. 125 South Broad Street, Pennsgrove.

Jss,1e: Born 10 D,,Iores Dorothy Raine 6-29-1930 Living


8 WILLL-\M HENRY DOLBOW married in July 1900 VIOLA POULSON R-\INE, born June, 1885, daughter of Joseph and Annie (Lummis) Raine. He was a farmer until marriage and then worked at DuPonts for 20 years. Bought out a bakery at No. 6 North Broad Street, Pennsgrove, where he has carried on a prosperous business. Res­ idence, No. 147 Denny Avenue, Pennsgrove.

Issue: Born 9 Leona Locke Dolbow 8-10-1902 Living 9 Evelyn Wood Dolbow 12- 1-1910 Living 9 Alfred Patton Dolbow 2-26-1913 Living

LEONA is unmarried and lives ·home. She assists in Government W. P.A. work.

EVELYN married '\VILLL-\M TAYLOR, bnrn in 1910. They reside at Colonial Heights, Wilmington, Del., ana he manages a service sta­ tion. No children.

ALFRED married in 1935 RETA GERFIN, born 12-25-1912, daugh­ ter of Ethel (Spicer) Gerfin. He works at DuPonts and they reside on Denny Avenue. No children.

8 RICHARD DOLBOW, born 8-18-1898, married THERESA BISHOP. They had one child that died in infancy, and he married secondly in 1931 MYRTLE PFEFFER of Wilmington, Del., a widow and mother of ten children. He is a foreman at Plant No. 1, DuPonts. Residence, No. 4 Railroad Avenue, Pennsgrove. No issue.


8 ALMA IRENE DOLBOW, born 10-28-1881 and living. Married HARRY ECKLEY, born in Philadelphia 12-20-1872, son of William and Sophia (Lippincott) Eckley. He has a service of 31 years with DuPonts; was a foreman in their box factory and now a guard. Resi­ dence, No. 222 Avenue C, Carneys Point.

Issue: Born Died 9 William Dolbow Eckley 7-30~1897 Living 9 Bertha Dolbow Eckley 8-21-1898 Living 9 Harry Wilson Eckley 2-14-1901 2-27-1904 9 Violet May Eckley 6-22-1903 Living 9 Ralph William Eckley 10- 2-1905 11-14-1905 9 Edward Samuel Eckley 1-17-1906 Living 9 Isabelle Fisher Eckley 11-12-1908 Living 9 Jennie Eckley 5-31-1911 6- 2-1911 9 Alice Scott Eckley 4-28-1912 Living 9 Frank Gamet Eckley 9-17-1913 Living 9 Leslie Ecklev 1-29-1915 2-15-1915 9 Alma Irene Eckley 4-27-1916 9-12-1930 Accident 9 Paul Compton Eckley 12-27-1918 Living

9 ,nLLI.UI married in 1917 AGNES R. L.\FTY, of Philadelphia, born 12-25-1899, daughter of Harvey and Jennie (Russell) Lafty. He has been a police officer in the Deep Water township tbe past eight years and they live in a new home at the corner of Chester and Penn Avenues.

Issue: Born 10 Harry William Eckley 6-29-1920 Living 10 Agnes Claire Eckley 7- 4-1923 Living

BERTHA married in 1916 HARRY :MARPLE, of Elizabeth. N. J., born 2-24-1891. son of Thomas and Sarah Marple. He is a pipefitter at DuPonts. Residence, Canal Street, Deep Water.

Issue: Born 10 Alma Irene Marple 5-13-191S Living 10 Violet Elizabeth Marple 5-23-1919 Living 10 Harriet Marple 7-18-1924 Living


10 ALMA I. MARPLE married in 1936 CAREY BRITTON of Pennsgrove, born 9-23-1916, son of Frank and Mary (Fedor) Britton. He is connected with DuPonts and they live on Canal Street, Deep ·water.

iO VIOLET E. MARPLE married 10-16-1937 JOHN HALL, of Salem. He is a foreman at the Salem Glass Works and they live below Pennsville about "Pine Beach".

9 VIOLET M. ECKLEY married FREDERICK LAIER. They live in South Vineland, P. 0. Box 103, and have one child. Issue: Bom 10 Frederick Laier, Jr. About 1923 9 ED\VARD S. ECKLEY is married and resides at No. 22 Avenue C, Carney's Point. No children.

9 ISABELLE F. ECKLEY married in 1925 FR.ELAND GORDON TITUS, born near Pennsgrove 3-12-1903, son of Freland and Char­ lotte (Roberts) Titus. Occupation, bricklayer and painter. Resi­ dence, No. 202 South Broad Street, Pennsgrove. Issue: Born 10 Violet May Titus 3-17-1926 Living 9 ALICE S. ECKLEY married in 1927 NORRIS KEECH, born 5-13-1907 son of Wilmer and Catharine (Dawson) Keech. Norris is in the powder department at DuPonts. Residence, No. 37 Grant Street, Deep Water. Issue: Bom 10 Catharine Virginia Keech 9-9-1928 Living 10 Bertha Irene Keech 7-23-1932 Living 9 FR..\.'l"K G. ECKLEY married DORIS ANNA DAWSON, born 3-14-1918, daughter of Clifford and Anna (Noel) Dawson. He has worked at DuPonts and now with the Victor Cleaners in Pennsgrove. Residence, No. 67 Penn Street, Pennsgrove. hsue: Born 10 Peter Eckley 7-27-1936 Living 9 PAUL ECKLEY is unmarried, a glass house worker, and lives in South Vineland.


8 BERTHA SIMPSON DOLBOW, born 5-16-1888, married 11-4- 1903 BERTIE WEBSTER ZANE, born 11-3-1881, son of Albertus and Lottie ( Curridan) Zane. He bas always farmed and looks after 160 acres in the vicinity of Corsons Landing.

Issue: Born 9 Cecilia Sergant Zane 7-27-1905 Died 1908 Em. Cem. 9 Hollis S. Zane 5-6-1908 Living 9 Bessie Elizabeth Zane 3-19-1914 Living

HOLLIS married in 1928 MARGARET DRUMMOND, born in 1910, daughter of George Drummond. He bas a garage and service station on the Harding Highway, East of Dancers Corner. No children.

BESSIE married 9-20-1932 CLARENCE NELSON TILL of Bustleton, Pa., born in 1909. They live in a borne near the Zane farm and be works for a trucking concern as a driver.

Issue: Born 10 RUTH ANN TILL, 3-11-1937 Living


7 HA.:.',,'"NAH C. DOLBOW, born near the old Perkintown Cemetery 9-1-1845, died 10-30-1916, age 71, married 3-31-186S DAVID \V. STRAUGHEN, born 1-23-1827, son of George and Rebecca (Lynmire) Straugben. He died 6-26-1908, age 81, both buried at Perkintown. They lived on a 40-acre fa.rm near the Harding Highway, where they died and the children were raised. Present owner, :Murphy. They were married 40 years. His Bible, a Holman of Philadelphia, owned by his only daughter, M:rs. Rebecca Hewitt and the only one of five children alive.

Issue: Born Died Age Buried 8 Sedgwick Rusling Straughen 2-24-1869 11-23-1914 45 Shptn. 8 Rebecca Lynmire Straughen 5-28-1871 Living 8 George Pedrick Straughen 10- S-1S73 9-13-ISiS 5 Perktn. 8 Elmer Ellsworth Straughen 6-11-1875 1934 59 Perktn. 8 Joseph Moore Straughen 8- 5-1879 2- 5-18S2 2¼ Perktn.


8 REBECCA L. STRAUGHEN married 1-23-1895 BENJAMIN BALLINGER HEWITT, born 1-11-1870 near Sharptown, son of Ed­ ward and Harriet and brother to Rachel, who married Rebecca's brother. He fanned near Sharptown, then Auburn, and later bought an Allen farm two miles west of Sharptown where be bas lived for 37 years. Been married 42 years and both living.

lsS1tr.: Bnrn 9 Edward David He'll-itt 10-27-1895 Died 10-19-1897 Age 2 9 Florence Anna Hewitt 1-11-1897 Living 9 Verna May Hewitt 1-27-1899 Livin"' Single 9 Emma Saylor Hewitt 11- 2-1900 Living

FLORENCE married 10-9-1923 HAROLD LAYTON, born 12-15- 1897, son of Wilmer K. and Emma (Peterson) Layton. He was a farmer and was killed by a train in Wilmington in 1933, age 36, buried Lawnside. His widow resident at No. 203 South Broad Street, Pennsgrove.

Issue: Born 10 Elmer Ellsworth Layton 6-11-1924 Living 10 Wilmer Kirby Layton 4- 6-1926 Living 10 Clinton Harold Layton 1- 9-1930 Living 10 Mary Rebecca Layton 4- 2-1931 Living

EM::\:IA married WARREN ZANE of Swedesboro, born 1899 son of John and Emma (Vanneman) Zane. He is connected in garage work in Swedesboro where they reside. issue: Born 10 Melvin Warren Zane 7-23-1926 Living 10 Marjorie Emma Zane 6-15-1933 Living

8 SEDG\VICK R. STRAUGHEN married 6-21-1899 RACHEL HEWITT, born in 1875 and died 1933, age 58, daughter of Edward and Harriet (Ballinger) Hewitt, both buried at Sharptown. Harriet is still living in Sharptown beyond 90. lssur.: Born 9 Harriet Straugben 1901 Died in infancy 9 Grace Straugben 1902 Died at age 15


7 REBECCA C. DOLBOW, born 3-20-1847, died 9-18-1903, age 56, married SAMUEL STR.-\UGHEN, born 12-28-1837, died 8-30-1925, age 87, the son of Benjamin and Mary Straugben, both buried in Per­ kintown Cemetery.

Issue: Born Died Age 8 George Dolbow Straughen 6-13-1865 7-28-1932 67 8 Harvey Straughen Living 8 Mary (Maud) Rebecca Strau'n 4- 6-1875 Living 8 Samuel Straugben 6-24-1880 Living 8 Joseph Straugben 5-23-1884 2-10-1933 48 8 A daughter Infancy

8 GEORGE married 5-22-1886 DANIEL-\ MURPHY, born at Ped­ ricktown 6-7-1868, daughter of Lewis and Lottie (Munyan) Murphy. He first farmed for bis father, building a home near Perkintown. Then bought a 40-acre farm at "Eagletown" below the Harding Highway. He sold part of this in 1919 and built a home on the other part where his widow still resides with part of the family. P. 0. Pennsgrove, R. D. I. His Bible, a unique edition published by Prof. Williams, contains the family records. They were married 46 years and had five children, all girls.

Issue: Born Died 9 Carrie Ware Straughen 6-12-1887 Living 9 Lizzie Straughen 2-15-1889 6-24-1924 Age 35 9 Bessie Straughen 1- 9-1891 Living 9 Grace Straugben 1- 5-1893 Living 9 Rebecca Dolbow Straughen 1- 8-1895 Living

CARRIE married SU:\I:\IERILL DA\"IS, son of George Davis. Xo children. Residence, Camden, N. J.

LIZZIE married FURM.-\..c'.' FENTON of L. P. Xeck, son of Chalkley Fenton who married Lida Pedrick, daughter of Charles (see elsewhere). Xo children. After bis wife's death Furman remarried.


9 BESSIE STRAUGHEN married 2-10-1913 WILLIAM CATTS, of Delaware, born 11-9-1877, son of James and Hester (Wilcults) Catts. He is a farmer near Courses Landing.

IsS11e: Born l O Dorothy Rebecca Catts 4-26-1914 Living 10 William Kenneth Catts 10-13-1916 Living 10 George Straughen Catts 8-29-1918 Living 10 Raymond Everett Catts 9-28-1919 Living 10 James Emory Catts 1-7-1921 Dec. Z½ yrs. o GP.ACE STRAUGHEN married SAMUEL ECRET of Pennsville, son o:· f!enry Ecret and Anna Ellis, of Camden. He is a farmer be­ low Pennsville. Ft. Mott Road, P. 0. Salem No. 3. Issue: 10 THEUIA CAROLINE ECRET, born 8-29-1912, married 3-17- 1930 HARRY SMITH, son of William Smith and Anna Friant. ~esi­ dence near Deep Water. hsue: Born 11 Jeanette Smith 4- 7-1931 Living 11 George Smith 11-23-1935 Living 11 ~:imuel Smith 7-11-1937 Living

9 REBECCA D. STRAUGHEN married CRISLEY REVIS of Vir­ ginia who died 8-29-1926, buried at Lawnside.

Issue: Born 10 Percy George Straugben 5-23-1914 Living 10 Doris Revis 7-17-1916 Living

PERCY was raised by his grandparents and given the family name. He married 9-4-1937 OLIVE SMITH of Centre Square, born 7-25- 1919, daughter of Michael and Catharine Smith. They are both resi­ dent at the fair.Uy homestead. i REBECCA C. DOLBOW and SAMUEL STRAUGHEN.

8 1. •. ~RVEY STR.\UGHEN married and lives on a small place be­ tween the Harding Highway anr:l Willow Grove and runs a poultry plant. No other information available.


8 MAUD REBECCA STRAUGHEN married in 1898 Captain Wil­ liam P. Wright, born in 1858 and died 2-12-1923, age 65, buried at Lawnside, Woodstown, the son of George and Elizabeth (Lummis) Wright. He descended from the Wright branch of family from Eng­ land and connected with Orville, pioneer in the invention of the airplane. The tradition is his forebear married a daughter of a Christianna who was a lady-in-waiting on an English queen who for an indiscretion was deported to Delaware and from whom the Christianna Creek was named.

Mr. Wright engaged early in maritime work and ran his first barge, the "Victor" from Corsons Landing. He increased his business of trans­ porting produce, manure, and other merchandise later buying a land­ ing on Old Mans' Creek, known as Wright's wharf, above Pedricktown. He had three tug boats built and a number of barges, mostly the output of Charles Paul, of Paulsboro. These tug boats were named Crescenda, Pensauka, Fred Cramer and Clipper and were tov.;ng as many :is ten of his barges. His wife was actively identified with him in the conduct of the business for many years their red letter day being the buying of 20,000 baskets of tomatoes in the produce branch. They had no children. His widow is resident at No. 339 Main Street, Pennsgrove, where she has lived the past 30 years.

8 SAMUEL STRAUGHEN married in 1903 CARRIE :\IAY DtJN"K of Pedricktown. born 4-4-1884, daughter of Frederick and Rachel (Lay­ man) Dunk. He has been a fisherman and trapper and dealer in hides for many years. He bought the old Benjamin Weatherby property on Mill Street in Pedricktown where the family resides.

Issue: 9 RAY DUXK STR.-\UGHEX. born 9-30-1904 married Ll:THr:R BISHOP born in 1902 son of Carroll and Cecilia Bishop.

Issue: Born 10 Samuel Carroll Bishop 12-28-1925 Li\;n~ IO Carolyn l\Iay Bishop 3-28-192i Living

8 JOSEPH STR.\UGHE::--; :iever married and is buried at Perkin­ town. He folfowed the business oi fishing and trapping and since 1904 made his home with his brother Samuel in Pedricktown.


7 GEORGE P. DOLBOW, JR., born 1-22-1855, died 3-23-1907, age 52, buried at Al!ra, married 9-9-1877 SAR.\H D.· COOK, of Pilesgrove, born 3-12-1S55, daughter of James l\I. and Rebecca H. (Pancoast) Cook. He first fanned George Mealeys' place along the creek at Auburn then to his father's farm near the Perkintown Cemtery. He then bought a farm and settled at Aura, where he died. His widow then married in 1925 ROULEF KNISELL, born near Pitman, 1-31-1853, yet hearty and rugged. The only sickness he ever had was a dose of chills when a boy. His mother said she would break them, so some applejack and blankets knocked them out. He says Mullica Hill was named from old Malachi Knisell. They sold out recently at Aura and moved to 511 West Avenue, Pitman.

Issue: Born Died Age Buried 8 Gracie S. Dolbow 11- 4-1880 4-9-1882 2 Perktn. 8 Jeremiah Carter Dolbow 7-18-1882 Living 8 Jacob M. Dolbow 2- 3-1883 10- 3-1883 8mo. Perktn. 8 Ella (Elberta) B. Dolbow 12-11-1887 Living

8 JEREMIAH married in 1901 FR-\...~CES DILKS, born at Eldridges Hill, 1-15-1884, daughter of Edward and Ruth (Parvin) Dilks. He farmed at Aura, then came near Perkintown to the Wright homestead farm of 30 acres, where they reside. He also is with the Pennsgrove water works and does carpentering.

Issue: Born 9 George Peterson Dolbow 7-16-1901 Living 9 Edward Dolbow 3- 5-1903 Living 9 Grace Dolbow 1-25-1904 8-20-1904 Aura 9 Myrtle Dolbow 1-28-1905 8-18-1905 Aura 9 Harold Dolbow 3- 3-1907 8- 6-1907 Aura 9 Emma Dolbow 10- 3-1908 5- 3-1909 Aura 9 Elberta Dolbow l 1-13-1910 Living 9 William Dolbow 4-27-1917 Living 9 Forrest Dolbow 1-13-1919 Living 9 Jeremiah Dolbow 1-11-1923 Living


9 GEORGE P. DOLBOW married in 1922 ANNA CO:VIBS, born South Westville 1-27-1905, daughter of James and Louise (Kessler) Combs. He works at DuPonts and they live in Pedricktown.

Issue: Born JO George Peterson Dolbow, Jr. 6-14-1924 Living 10 Louise Rae Dolbow 7-29-1927 Living 10 Priscilla Ann Dolbow 9-20-1934 Living

9 Edward DOLBOW married THELMA JACKSON of Glassboro, daughter of Harry and Addie (Miller) Jackson. He is connected with the Electric Company in Glassboro where they reside.

Issue: Bor,s 10 Howard Dolbow 9-6-1929 Living

9 ELBERTA DOLBOW married 7-2-1931 EUGENE CO~IPTON of Pennsgrove. Residence, Pennsgrove. No children.

8 ELBERTA DOLBOW married at Atlantic City 6-26-1909 WIL­ LIAM R. GEBHARD, born l\Iullica Hill 3-6-1883, son of George and Catharine (Leonard) Gebhard. He followed railroading. :\,lrs. Geb­ hard resides at No. 506 Wesley Avenue, Pitman, with her children. She has her father's Bible, an A. J. Holman, of 1886, and also her grandfather Dolbow's framed lithograph family chart previously men­ tioned.

Issue: Born 9 Sarah Evelyn Gebhard 9-27-1912 Living 9 Kathryn Loudella Gebhard 10-25-1913 Living

EVELYN graduated from Pitman High. No. in her class, securing an Eastern Star scholarship and took a secretarial course in Taylor's Business School. Philadelphia. Now secretary to chief surgeon and chief clerk in DuPonfs Hospital at Deep \\"ater.

KATHRYX graduated from Pitman High and Taylor's College in Philadelphia. She is also v,;th DuPonts. a secretary in the \\"age In­ centive Building, Time Department. Commutes home each day.


7 LYDIA A. DOLBOW, born 3-16-1854, died in 1934, age 80, mar­ ried JOHN McCARSON ,born 1853, died 1906, age 53, both buried at Lawnside in Woodstown. He carried on farming above Pennsgrove along the Delaware River in the well known location of Dolbow's Landing.

Issue: Born 8 Alexander McCarson Living 8 Leroy McCarson 8-13-1889 Living

ALEXANDER went to Riverside, Cal. He married and lives there. LEROY married in 1928 LONA ELSIE DIVER, born 1-2-1909, daugh­ ter of George and Laura Virginia (Curridan) Diver. He is carrying on. the homestead plantation formerly his father's in the family now 25 years.

Issue: Born 9 Emma Louise McCarson 6-21-1929 Living 9 Margaret Lydia McCarson 9- 5-1930 Living 9 John Charles Mccarson 7-11-1936 I..iving

7 JACOB DOLBOW, born 12-10-1861, and was drowned 3-28-1890, at age 30, married IDA J. MUNION, born 5-16-1862 and died 1-4-1882, age 20, both buried in Perkintown Cemetery. No issue. i ELLA B. DOLBOW, born 1-11-1863, the baby of 14 children and died young. No children. She married CHARLES COOK, who later remarried and lives about Aura.


6 LYDIA H. MOORE, born 1822, died 8-8-1904, age 81, married JACOB B. MADARA, born 8-19-1811, died 4-21-1872, age 60, both buried in Mt. Zion above Barnsboro. He was a farmer and owned two farms on the road from Barnsboro to Richwood, New Jersey.

Issue: Born Died Age Buried 7 Mary Elizabeth Madara 8- 5-1845 12-17-1858 12 Mt. Zn. 7 Jacob B. Madara, Jr. 4-27-1847 1- 1-1855 37 Mt. Zn. 7 Martha Jessup Madara 11- 4-1848 2- 1932 85 Egltn. 7 Esther Ann Madara 1850 3- 9-1867 16 Mt. Zn. 7 William Pedrick Madara 1851 2- 1923 72 Egltn. 7 Lydia Madara 4-13-1853 Living 7 Rebecca C. l\Iadara 11-12-1858 1-16-1859 2mo. Mt. Zn. 7 Lizzie l\I. ~fadara 7-12-1866 Living

JACOB B. MADARA, JR., married 2-22-1872 MARY CONWELL HOFFMAN, born 10-3-1848, died 7-4-1895, age 46, buried at Clayton. Daughter of Charles and Priscilla Hoffman. He farmed and then be­ came a station agent at Unionville and an assistant at Clayton. Later took up broom making. He died young on one of bis father's farms.

Issue: Born S Lydia H. Madara 8-23-18i4 Living S John Iszard )ladara 12- 6-18i5 Living

LYDL\ bas never married. She lives at 409 Delsea Drive in Clayton and bas a responsible position with a brush factory in Clayton. JO:ffil:" married NEVADA l\IcKEIGHA.--.;-. He was formerly a glass blower and later became floor manager in department store work. Resi­ dence, North Clinton Street, Wenonah, N. J. No children.


7 MARTHA JESSUP MADARA married 11-12-1870 at Barnsboro THEODORE FRELINGHUYSAN TOMLIN, born 12-9-1844, son of Jacob and Mary Tomlin. They lived on one of the Madara homestead farms which Martha bought from her father where her parents lived last and died between Bamsboro and Richwood. A small place of 14 acres which was increased to 28. Theodore died 7-27-1899, aged 54, buried at Eglington. Their Bible was a John E. Potter, of Philadelphia, owned by their daughter, Mrs. Jenkins.

Issue: Born 8 Lizzie Madara Tomlin IO- 7-1872 Living 8 Jacob G. Tomlin 4-21-1879 Living

LIZZIE married 12-29-1897 WILLIAM JENKINS, JR., born I 1-29- 1873 at Jefferson, son of William and Sarah Ann (Bates) Jenkins. They live on a Madara homestead farm near Barnsboro. P. 0. Sewall, N. J.

Issue: Born 9 Oscar Carter Jenkins 1-2-1899 Living

OSCAR married 7-2-1922 MALISSA SCHOCK, born 7-4-1898, daugh­ ter of John and Emma (Kincaid) Schock. Ee bas worked at DuPonts and now runs a service station and garage at Jefferson, where they reside. No children.

S JACOB G. TOMLIN married CARRIE BATTEN of Jefferson, born 10-11-1883, daughter of George and Mary Batten. He is a farmer at Jefferson.

Issue: 9 JACOB G. TOMLIN, JR., born 4-22-1909, married in 1930 ISA­ BELLE BRICKER SLOFF, of Westville, where her father runs a store. Jacob Jives in a home on bis father's farm and assists in the farm operations.

Issue: Born 10 Shirley Jane Tomlin 9-7-1933 Living


7 WILLIAM PEDRICK MADARA, born in 1851, died February, 1923, age 72, married REBECCA TO!\ILIN, born 1851, died in 1923, age 72, both buried at Eglington. He v;as a farmer between Barns­ boro and Richwood the most of bis life.

Issue: Born Died Age Buried 8 William Tomlin Madara 11- 6-1873 Living 8 Mary Lydia Madara 3- 6-1876 Living 8 Allen Green Madara 9-21-1878 Living 8 Harry Madara 1881 1903 21 Egltn. 8 Emma Viola Madara 1883 1910 26 Egltn.

WILLIAl\1 married 12-8-1897 HAN"N..\H E. EASTLACK, born near Woodbury 9-29-1874, daughter of Clayton N. and Margaret (Hick­ man) Eastlack. He ovms a fine farm of 61 acres on the road from Pitman to Richwood and specializes in fruit growing. They adopted a nephew HARRY KITLER MADARA. whose mother died soon after he was born, son of Leddon and Joanna Madara, born 11-25- 1907, and married 12-24-1930 FLORE~CE LOUISE REUTER. born 4-9-1909, daughter of Henry and Louise (Roth) Reuter. He is a partner with his father in the farm operations and lives in the home­ stead, the parents residing in a house remodeled on the plantation. They have two children.

Issue: Born Joanne Louise '.\Iadara 11-21-1932 Living William Harry Madara 8- 3-1934 Living

MARY LYDIA MADARA married in January, 1896. JAMES PEA­ COCK KINCAID of near Pitman. born 6-10-1874. died 10-13-1936. a~e 62, buried at Hillcrest at Hurfville. He located 30 years ago on a 150-acre farm near Hurfville on a bluff there in a fine scenic location as a farmer. Sold later 40 acres where the Hillcrest Cemeterv was marked out. His widow still resident at the family home!'tead: His sister Malissa married Mary's brother, Allen. P. 0. Sewall R. D. issue: Born 9 William Earl Kincaid 1-5-1898 Lh;ng 9 James Leon Kincaid 8-12-1907 Living


9 WILLIAM EARL KINCAID, born 1-5-1898, married in 1921 MARIE CRANE of Mullica Hill, born 9-11-1899, daughter of J. A. and Ivy (Atkinson) Crane. He operates a part of the Kincaid farm on the Delsea Highway. No children.

9 JAMES LEON KINCAID, born 8-12-1907, married in 1928 ELIZ­ ABETH TOMBLESON, daughter of Howard Tombleson. He is a farmer on the homestead plantation and lives there.

Issue: Born IO Betty Jane Kincaid 2-11-1929 Living


S .~LT.EN GREEN M,\DARA. born 9-21-lSi~, married in 1903 MALISSA KINCAID born near Richwood 11-18-1879, daughter of Robert G. and Rebecca Ann (Devault) Kincaid. He follows farming and owns a 160-acre farm that was the main homestead farm of hi~ grandfather, between Richwood and Barnsboro.

Issue: Born 9 Rebecca Allen Madara 8-15-1906 Living 9 Evelyn Grace Madara 8- 3-1914 Living 9 Mary Emma Madara 11-20-1916 Living 9 William Allen Madara 8-13-1920 Living

REBECCA married in 1927 WALTER \VHITE, born in the Richwood section 11-1-1901, son of J. C. and Edith K. (Iredell) White. He operates a farm nearby of 106 acres.

Issue: Born 10 \Villiam Howard 't\

EVELYN is unmarried. She became a school teacher and teaches at Woodbury, N. J.


7 LYDIA MADAR.\, born 4-13-1853, married JOSEPH ATKINSON PIDGEON, born 3-7-1850, died 1917, age 67, buried Lakepark, :Swedes­ boro, son of Edmund and Deborah (Atkinson) Pidgeon. He owned a farm between Swedesboro and Centre Square where they Jived 47 years and raised their family. His widow resident at Second and Railroad Avenues, Swedesboro. Issue: Born Died Buried 8 Mary H. Pidgeon 1-23-1876 1881 Lakepark 8 Linda L. Pidgeon 11- 3-1879 1881 Lakepark 8 Malinda Pidgeon 10-23-1883 Living 8 Nova J. Pidgeon 9-20-1887 Living 8 Deborah Elizabeth Pidgeon 9- 4-1889 Living 8 Oscar L. Pidgeon 5-27-1891 1916 8 Joseph Edmund Pidgeon 2-28-1893 Living 8 Florence Holton Pidgeon 3-28-1894 Living 8 Ethel Grace Pidgeon 7-31-1896 Living 8 Isaac Norton Pidgeon 3- 7-1898 Living MALINDA married in 1902 SAl\WEL DUELL PORCH, born 8-31- 1875, son of Alonzo and Jane (Heaton) Porch. He bas always farmed and bought 24 years ago the John Earnest farm of 100 acres where they Jive near the junction of the Mullica Hill-Woodstown Highway and F,anklinville Road. Issue: Born 9 Alonzo Porch 3- 3-1905 Living 9 Edith Porch 10-12-1908 Living 9 Warren Samuel Porch 1- 5-1915 Living ALON'ZO married February. 192S, EDNA BURK CORSON, barn at Pedricktown, daughter of Richard and Sarah (Morrison) Corson. He hnught a farm of 62 acres in 1934 west of Jefferson. above the :!\fullica HiJI-Bridgeport Road where they reside. No children. EDITH took up te."l:tile designing at the School of Industrial Arts, Philadelphia, finishing at the Traphagen School and is stiJI continuinc; this work in New York Citv. She married in August. 1936. SAl\1UEL GRIFFITH, of Cannon~burg. Pa., born in 1907, son of Roland and Ada (Potts) Griffith. They Jive at Pearl River. New York suburbs, and he is with the Lederle Laboratories there, manufacturers of anti­ toxins. No children. WARREN 5. PORCH is unmarried and is runni~ his father's farm.


8 NOVA J. PIDGEON married 7-29-1905 FRANK MATTSON KNIGHT, born 8-14-1884, son of Aaron and Caroline (Johnson) Knight. He is in the wholesale commission business in the produce market at No. 128 Dock Street. Residence, No. 215 Washington Ter­ race, Audubon, N. J. Issue: Born 9 Delma Lydia Knight 10- 4-1909 Living 9 Frank M. Knight, Jr. 4-27-1918 Living DELMA graduated from Collingswood High in 1928 and Taylor's Business School in 1930 and married 4-3-1931 WILLIAM B. BROWN, JR. FRANK graduated from Audubon High School, then from Friends' Central Prep in 1937, now a freshman at the University of Penna. 8 DEBORAH E. PIDGEON married 9-20-1911 JOSEPH BARTON ALEXANDER, son of William J. and Anna (Murphy) Alexander. He is President and manager of Alfred Lowry and Brother, wholesale grocers, and the Lowry Coffee Co. of Philadelphia. They bought a home at 5010 North 11th Street, Philadelphia, at the time of mar­ riage, where they resided 12 years and then bought at Bala-Cynwyd, Pa., where they have since resided at No. 14 East Newfield Way. Issue: Born 9 Virginia Claire Alexander 12-17-1914 Living 9 Ruth Doris Alexander 9-28-1918 Living 8 JOSEPH E. PIDGEON married in 1918 HELEN BROWN DOBBS of Woodbury, born 1-22-1891. He bought the Henry Haines home­ stead farm of 70 acres, 14 years ago, on the old Union Road west of Jefferson where they reside. Issue: Born 9 Ruth Elizabeth Pidgeon 3-16-1919 Living 9 Joseph Albert Pidgeon 1-24-1921 Living 9 Harold Edmund Pidgeon 10-27-1927 Living RUTH graduated from the Pierce College in Philadelphia and is with the Com Exchange National Bank & Trust Co., Frankford branch. JOSEPH graduated from high school, now attending Banks College in Philadelphia. ROGER PEDRICK; 2 THOMAS; 3 ROBERT; 4 ROBERT; 5 MARY MOORE; 6 LYDIA MADARA; 7 LYDIA MADARA A.N'D JOSEPH A. PIDGEON

8 FLORENCE H. PIDGEON married 12-5-1914 CLARENCE CLARK WILSON, born in Salem Co., 6-10-1889, son of Frank and Abigail (Layton) Wilson. He has had a farm of IOI acres for the past IS years on the Vanderbilt Mill Road above Auburn, where they reside.

Issue: Born 9 Dorothy Grace Wilson 11-24-1917 Living 9 Eleanor May Wilson 1-29-1920 Living 9 Robert Allen Wilson 9-10-1930 Living

8 ETHEL G. PIDGEON married in 1916 JOHN RAINEY of Salem Co., born 11-11-1891, son of Hugh and Margaret (Williamson) Rainey. He has been a farmer the past 25 years on the Vanderbilt Mill Road above Auburn.

Issue: Born 9 Evelyn Margaret Rainey l l-16-1918 Died 1931, age 22 9 Marion Louise Rainey 12- 2-1924 Living

8 ISAAC N. PIDGEON married in 1923 ELEANOR HILYARD DAWSON, of Gloucester Co., born 6-5-1901, daughter of Frank and Sallie (Justice) Dawson. Isaac was the youngest of his family and succeeded to the homestead farm in Gloucester Co., which he sold after five years and bought a Dolbow farm of 124 acres near Laytons Lake on the Harding Highway in Salem Co., where he has carried on since.

Issue: Born 9 Gladys Jane Pidgeon 2- 1-1925 Living 9 William Isaac Pidgeon 3-14-1929 Living 9 Walter Donald Pidgeon 5-28-1933 Living

~ OSCAR L. PIDGEON, born 5-2i-JS91 and died in 1916, age 25. He married and left two children, EARL and DOROTHY, of "'·horn further information has not been available.


7 LIZZIE M. MADARA born 7-12-1866, married 1887 EDMUND PIDGEON, born 10-3-1862, died 8-15-1933, age 71; buried in Lake­ park Swedesboro, son of Edmund and Deborah (Atkinson) Pidgeon, and brother to Joseph who married Lizzie's sister Lydia. He owned a farm between Swedesboro and Mullica Hill where his youngest son Warren now lives. His widow living on Weatherby Avenue, Swedes­ boro. Issue: : Bom 8 Eva M. Pidgeon 8-25-1888 Living 8 Lois Edna Pidgeon 1-19-1890 Living 8 Clarence G. Pidgeon 7-19-1893 Living 8 Olive Mae Pidgeon 4-19-1896 Living 8 Warren James Pidgeon 9-20-1899 Living 8 Alice Dora Pidgeon 3-15-1902 Living 8 Delma Belle Pidgeon 4-13-1905 Living EVA married 11-25-1909 CLARENCE MATTSON, born 8-29-1886, son of Thomas B. and Emma ( Groff) Mattson. He started farming and 12-27-1911 bought the Thomas Davidson farm of sixty-five acres on the Swedesboro-Auburn road below Swedesboro, where they have lived since. He later added twenty acres on the eastern side of the road. Issue: 9 WILLARD EDMUND MATTSON born II-1-1916, married 11-25- 1937 FRANCES SIMPSON, born December 1918, daughter of Frank S. and Hannah J. (Titus) Simpson, late widow of Reuben Pedrick, which appears elsewhere in this history. He assists his father on the plantation, residing in a new home built for him there. 8 LOIS married in September 1910 JAMES REYNOLDS of Cov­ ington. Va. He represented a company in the distribution of American goods in South America, and was sent to Venezuela where they lived for some time. They later became divorced and she married secondly in 1929 HORACE KESLER widower of Woodstown from whom she separated. She resides with her daughter at 517 Welch St., Chester, Pa. Issue: 9 GENEVA REYNOLDS born 8-Il-1914 unmarried and works for the Bell Telephone Co. in Chester. 8 DELMA has not married. She graduated from Swedesboro high, took a teachers training course and has been teaching about tliirteen years now at Gibbstown. She Jives in Woodbury.


8 CLARENCE G. PIDGEON married in September 1911 ALICE VALENTINE of Westville, born 1-19-1895. He had a mens furnish­ ing store in Swedesboro and later with his borther-in-law, a department store in Pitman. Sold out and went to California 12-11-1929. He now manages the sales department for the Apex Electric Co., and they reside at Glendale between Hollywood and Los Angeles.

Issue; Born 9 l\Iary Lois Pidgeon 1-7-1913 Living 9 Robert Pidgeon 1-12-1916 Living

MARY married in November 1929 A.D. PAGE JR. of Clayton, born in 1906. She went to California with her people and later joined her husband in Florida. Settled in Clayton, afterwards moving to Newark where they now live.

Issue; Born l O Barbara Ann Page 7-12-1934 Living l O Victoria Page 8-28-1937 Living

8 OLIVE l\IAE PIDGEON married 12-16-1917 HORACE P. HAN­ SON of Swedesboro, born in 1894, the son of William Hanson. He is a teller with the Swedesboro National Bank. Residence Swedesboro.

Issue: Born 9 Robert D. Hanson 8-15-1922 Living S WARREN J. PIDGEON married 11-25-1919 ED:-.A \'ERICK of Swedesboro, born in 1902. daughter of Edward and Sarah (\'ernice) Verick. He is carrying on the homestead farm between Swedesboro and Mullica Hill. Issue: Born 9 Verna Eva Pidgeon 9-li-1921 Living o Doris Olive Pidgeon :'\farch l 024 Living 9 Sarah Jane Pidgeon 10-4-1927 Living 8 ALICE D. PIDGEON married HEXRY EXGLE of \l.'ood~town. from whom she was divorced. She married secondlv in I 93 I HAROLD WEBER of Swedesboro. He is a runner for the Swedesboro Xational Bank, and they reside on \\'eatherby Avenue. hsur: Born 9 Henry Engle 12-25-1923 Living


6 ROBERT MOORE born 1825, died 1883, age 58; married SUSA ..1\1' FRAMBES. He lived in Philadelphia and later moved to Pleasantville N.J., where he died. Both buried in the Salem l\I.E. Cemetery at Pleasantville. Issue: Born Died Age Buried 7 Reuben S. Moore 10-18-1850 9-30-1931 SO Plsntvle. 7 Joseph R. Moore 9-16-1934 Plsotvle. 7 Mary Moore REUBEN married 9-4-1875 LYDIA MARY STEELMAN born at Pleasantville 'I!-T.J., 4-29-1843, died 3-1-1935, age 91; both buried in the Salem M.E. Cemetery at Pleasantville. She was the daughter of Daniel and Sarah Steelman. Reuben followed the trade of plasterer. Issue: Born 8 Lewis S. Moore 3-12-1879 Living 8 Marie Moore died in infancy LEW'IS married 9-26-1900 ELIZABETH CLIFTON. He is a min­ ister member of the N.J. M.E. Conference, with present charge at Newport, N.J. Issue: Born 9 Edmund C. Moore 12-2-1901 Living 9 Lawrence L. Muore 9-10-1904 Living 9 Ruth A. Moore 8-22-1905 Living, Single. 9 EDMUND married and has· three children. Occupation Teacher. Issue: Born 10 Edmund C. Moore Jr. 8-16-1927 Living 10 John L. Moore 11-11-1933 Living 10 Charlotte Moore 11-2-1937 Living 9 LAWRENCE L. MOORE married 7-1-1931 RITA FULTON. They have no children. Occupation, Teacher.

7 JOSEPH R. MOORE married JE!-.'NIE IREL:u'J'D, who died 9-26-1933. They had one child who died in infancy, New Cemetery, Pleasantville. He was interested in his family history and kept diaries whlch contains records that he had gathered, and which be bequeathed to the Atlantic County Historical Society. Their Archives are in Atlantic City and the writer bas been unable to see them. Otherwise a more complete record than the above could be had.


Ii MARY :\.:.'\i'N l\IOORE born 1834 and died 4-6-1918, married JOH:.~ CA,.'\TADA PERRY born 1832, died 7-21-1893, age 60; both buried in Riverview cemetery, Pennsgrove. He was the S(ln of David M. Perry, born 1805, died 9-4-1888 and REBECCA BIDDLE, born 9-15-1S l O and died 8-24-1883. John was a farmer in the Perkintown section.

Issue: Born Died Age Buried 7 Mary Rebecca Perry 11-24-1854 Living 7 Joseph A. Perry 5-6-1856 8-15-1936 80 Bap. Pedtn. 7 George Hubert Perry 3-10-1859 10-31-1889 30 Sing. Riv. 7 Ella Gertrude Perry 4-4-1861 8-29-1892 .'H Rivervw. 7 Thomas Bevis Perry 9-2-1863 Living 7 John Truitt Perry 1-1-1866 Living

MARY married 12-27-1882 ELWOOD STOKES L.\YTON, born 5-26-1846, son of Stacy D and Hannah (Slape) Layton. He died in !\-larch 1932, age 85; buried in Riverview. They owned a farm on the Harding highway E. of Pennsgrove at "Laytons" Lake where they lived forty-nine years and where bis widow lives in a bungalow on the farm.

Issue: Born 8 Ella May Layton 3-3-1884 Living 8 Hubert Perry Layton 1-15-1891 Living

ELLA married 6-29-1910:\LLEN CLARK SCOTT, born 10-22-1880, son of George Edward and Margaret (Kier) Scott, Ewan N.J. He was formerly a glass blower but now with the N.Y. ship yard in Camden. Residence on the Layton farm.

Issue: Born 9 Allen Layton Scott 2-3-1922 in Philadelphia, Living.

HFBERT m:i•ricd in .-'.t::;t;:=t. 1912. :-I.-~R'.. :\XX BE':IS. d:w1,rhter of Robert and Fanni? ( Dennv) Be,·i;:. He live,; on and manages the Layton farm, and is al!'o a Deputy Sheriff. .

Issue: Born 9 Ralph Garrett Layton 1-30-1913 single, on father farm 9 Robert Allen Layton 8-7-1915 single, Dupont worker. 9 Hubert Thomas Layton 7-i-1919 assists in farm work. 9 William Brothers Layton 10-13-1930 Living

259 1 ROGER PEDRICK; 2 THO:\!AS; 3 ROBERT; 4 ROBERT; 5 MARY MOORE; 6 MARY .-\.:.'\'N MOORE and JOHN C. PERRY. i JOSEPH ACTON PERRY born 5-6-1856, died 8-15-1936, married 2-8-1886 VIOLA McBRIDE of Pedricktown, born 2-23-1860, died i-16-1930, age i0; both buried in Baptist ceme:ery, Pedricktown. He always farmed and owned 126 acres on the Perk;ntown-Aubum road, not far from Auburn where the family was raised. They were married forty-sb: years and bad fourteen children. His son Arthur has his Bible, on the fly leaf of which is written "Jos. Acton Perry, his father John C. Perry." An A. J. Holman of 1890.

Issue: Born Died Age Buried 8 Mary Elizabeth Perry 9-18-1886 Living 8 Anna Rebecca Perry 2-29-1888 Living 8 Thomas Beart Perry 1-21-1890 Living 8 Viola May Perry 1-27-1892 Living 8 Burroughs Leon Perry 11-21-1894 Living 8 Joseph Calvin Perry 6-30-1895 10-6-1895 3 mo:.. Riv. 8 Grace Pearl Perry 12-30-1896 8-I0-189i year Riv. 8 Eva Vesta Perry 1-14-1898 Living 8 Elwood Hubert Perry 2-2i-1900 Living 8 Arthur Harvey Perry 2-1-1902 Living 8 Raymond Filmore Perry 2-5-1903 Living 8 Emma Gertrude Perry i-9-1904 12-10-1926 22 8 Mildred Ethel Perry 9-4-1907 Living s John Warren Perry 1908 1909 18 mos. RhTVW.

8 )!ARY E. PERRY married HA•.1 \ULTON G. PEDRICK who is descended from Roger, through ·his son John, a brother to Thomas as above. For the completion of this history see elsewhere under JOHN. 8 A."l\:"NA R. PERRY married 10-18-1910 PRESTON PARK SWEETEN widower, son of James and Charlotte (Park) Sweeten. For three generations the Sweeten family have been active as store keepers in Pedricktown. For years before the present century, James Sweeten was in competition with the Plummer store, and later became ascendant with a large new store building on the corner at its present location. Preston succeeded to and enlarged this business which is now conducted by bis son. Preston and his wife reside in a modern dwelling which l!e had built on Mill St. No children.


8 THOMAS B. PERRY married 5-18-1913 SARAH J.-\;,'.E DE?l.'"NIS born Pedric-.ktown 8-12-1892, daughter of Charles and Adelissa (Wilson) Dennis. He is a farmer on the homestead farm of 126 acres, Perkin­ town-Auburn road.

Issue: 9 Mildred Perry born 1914-, died at 11 mos., buried Baptist Cemetery

8 VIOLA M. PERRY married 11-25-1915 EARL FIRESTOXE. born 9-12-1890, son of Thomas and Sarah (Roberts) Firestone. He is a time keeper with the Vacuum Oil Co. at Paulsboro. Residence, Pedrick­ town. No children.

Issue: 8 BURROUGHS L. PERRY married in !9li EFFIE BIRCH of Pedricktown, born in 1897, daughter of George and l\Iarnie Birch. He is connected with the Vacuum Oil Co., Paulsboro and resides in Swedes­ boro, Battentown outskirts where he built a home in 1926. A psycho­ logical sidelight in re stirpis I have to note here in the finding by Burroughs, an old shelf left bible when he was cleaning and burning up at a home after a sale. The thought which prompted him to carry it home instead of burning it must have been sacred. The largest bible I have seen lettered in gold "William H. Thompson" who married ::'.\Iary Lav.Tence, and contains the birth records of his five children 1849-1860. The ignominiou5 remissness of some descendants refr.irding their lineage will redound to their everlasting disgrace. Cherish and preserve the things that were dear to your forbears.

Issue: Born 9 Joseph Burroughs Perry 2-11-1918 Living 9 Howard Clair Perry 8-19-1919 Living 9 Edwin Louis Perry i-14-1920 Living

8 E\"A V. PERRY married 12-14-1921 HARRY J. HAGER of Bridgeport, son of Henry Hager. Residence, Pedricktown. No issue.


8 ELWOOD H. PERRY married 1-25-1925 l\:IABEL LIPPINCOTT COOK, bcrn 3-24-1907, daughter of Charles and Laura (Gibbons) Cooi. He works at the Vacuum Oil Works in Paulsboro, and has also bought an oil senice station on the Crown Point road, near Bridgeport, where they reside. No children.

8 ARTHUR H. PERRY married 10-17-1920 ELSIE :MAY COLD­ REN of Blue Ball Lancaster Co. Pa., born 12- 15-1899, daughter of Monroe and l\Iargaret (Houck) Coldren. He farmed for sixteen years on t.1le homestead farm and then bought the Harbison farm nearby of 100 acres which he bas since operated.

Issue: Born 9 Mildred May Perry 3-20-1921 Living 9 Arthur Monroe Perry 4-18-1923 Living 9 Harry Gene Perry 9-26-1927 Living

8 RAYMOXD F. PERRY married 12-23-1922 OLIVE BIRCH of Pennsgrove. He works in a factory in Chester where they reside. No issue.

8 EM:i.\IA G. PERRY married 8-29-1920 GEORGE LINDLE. She died after sb: years of marriage and he resides in Washington, D.C.

Issue: Born 9 Robert Lindle . 4-15-1920 Living 9 Howard Lindle 3-11-1922 Living 9 Earl Lindle 12-9-1924 Living

8 MILDRED E. PERRY married 12-20-1929 Dr. JOHN LESLIE WYKOFF, son of Henry and Dorothy Wykoff. He graduated from tirsinus College and later became a physician and surgeon, practising in Trenton the past ten years and connected with the McKinley hos­ pital as an X-ray operator. Residence 799 Pennington Avenue.

Issue: Born 9 Dorothy Ann Wykoff 2-22-1931 Living 9 John Leslie Wykoff Jr. 1-3-1934 Living


7 ELLA GERTRUDE PERRY born 4-4-1861, died 8-29-1892, age 31; buried in Riverview cemetery, married BURROUGHS SMITH of Salem Co. He worked as a carpenter and was also in the restaurant business ~th his brothers-in-law. Layton in Philadelphia. Later sold out to his wife's brother John T. Perry. No children. 7 THOMAS BEVIS PERRY born 9-22-1863, married l\'L.\RY ELIZ­ ABETH HOFFMAN of Leesburg Pa., near Reading. He was the .first of the Perry family to engage in the restaurant business at age eighteen, at 831 Vine St., Philadelphia, whe:e he worked anc; latt"r bought it out. He operated this place successfully for over twenty-five years. During this time his name became a well known land mark of the neighborhood, close to another land mark in this history, that of the Fowler photographic studios on 8th St. about the same time. He gave up the business in 1914 and moved to Pitman, now resident at 26 East Avenue. His wife was born in 1863 and died in 1935, age 72; buried in Riverview cemetery. No children. 7 JOHN TRUITT PERRY born 1-1-1866, married 10-22-1888 MARGARET WISE)IA.:.-.; born in Wales in 1866, and died 10-31-1929, age 63; buried in Holy Sepulcher, Philadelphia. He came to Philadelphia in November 1886, and worked in his brother's restaurant on Vine St. In 1887 bought a half interest in the business at 2620 Frankford Avenue from Layton, bis sister's husband. and the other half in six months from Smith, husband of bis sister Ella. He later bouirht the property and carried on a prosperous business for fifty years. With changing !ocal business conditions he closed up the business, but continues resident there. Issue: Born Died Age Buried S John Moore Perry 9-15-1889 6-24-1928 38 Holy Sep. S Regina Perry 5-!i-1891 Living at home single. 8 Mary Ella Perry 1-12-1893 12-8-1915 22 Holy Sep. 8 Robert Joseph Perry 10-12-1894 Living JOHX married in 1910 OLI\"E )I:\Y :'.IYERS, born S-16-lSQS, daughter of Charles and ::"IIary (Kelly) )Iyers. He was in restaur:irt work with his father. She married seconr:llv ERXEST D. :"\!EYER of San Antonio. Texas. He is a machinist in· the navy yard. Residence 6020 Tacooy St. ls:ue: Born 9 Charles Perry 1-31-1912 Living 9 Regina l\far~ret Perry 11-2-1911 Li'l,ing 9 Eleanore Perry 7-1&-I 916 Living


9 CHARLES married 8-5-1931 l\HLDRED l\iATZA of Philadelphia, born in 1913, daughter of John l\fatza. He works in a rubber plant on Comley St. Residence 6000 Tacony St. Issue: Born 10 John Charles Perry 10-24-1936 Living 9 ELE:\..1'ORE married 6-20-1936 PRESTON WOODL\.J.'\;"D of Phil­ adelphia, born 10-26-1911, son of \Vayne and Lulu \Voodland. He works at Disstons and they live at 6600 Vandyke St. No children.

8 REGIN.\ PERRY married in 1916 CHARLES ST.-\.'\i'"LEY H:\R­ KL~S of Philadelphia. Occupation Salesman. Residence 1174 New Brunswick Avenue, Rahway, N.J. No children. 8 ROBERT J. PERRY married July 1913 GEORGL\..'\."NA BOOTH, born 9-24-1894, daughter of John ancl Jennie Booth. He was born and raised as a restaurant man in his father's business. Residence 2677 Braddock St., Philadelphia. Issue: Born 9 Robert Joseph Perry 8-15-1914 Living 9 )Iary Ella Perry 3-11-1916 Living 9 Paul Donald Perry 1-15-1918 Living 9 John Peter Perry 9-12-1919 Living 9 Joseph Perry 7-7-1920 At birth 9 Regina Theresa Perry 12-10-1922 Living 9 Georgianna Catharine Perry 1-15-1925 Living 9 :Margaret Evelyn Perry · 5-4-1927 Living 9 Jane Dolores Perry 8-2 +-! 929 Living 9 Joan Perry 3-18-1932 Living ROBERT married 11-26-1936 CAROLil',;"E BERBAKOV, born 9-19-1914. He is with the Ho~-ard clothing company on Market St., Philadelphia. and they reside in an apartment at l\Iascher and Norris Sts., Philadelphia. No children. MARY married 7-15-1934 JOSEPH MARTIN KILLI.-\."\f, born Philadelphia 9-18-1913, son of Francis and Bridget (Maloy) Killian. Occupation shipper. Residence 2620 Frar.kfo~d Avenue. Issue: Born 10 l\Iargaret l\Iary Killian 7-25-1935 Living


S WILLIAM R. PEDRICK, the eighth child of Robert Jr., was horn 1-23-1812, and died 1-14-1892, age 80. He married 4-20-1830 SARAH JAJ.'l'E MATSON of near Auburn, born 1812, died 7-14-1894, age 82: both buried at Swedesboro. She was the daughter of \Villiam Matson of Swedesboro. of Swedish descent. He was but sixteen when his father died, and Jacob Gooden was appointed his guardian. He received his share of his father's land which v:as divided by Court Commissioners. He had a business of wheelwright or carpenter in Pedricktown. and when he died intestate his estate was appraised as follows. "A true and perfect inventory of the estate of William R. Pedrick madf' by me under my respective affirmation the twelfth day of May 1838. His book accounts supposed to be good $366.04; notes of l1and $30.54: a tavern house and lot in Pedricktown S900: a barn field including a joiners shor, about four acres in Upper Penns Neck $200: a lot of meadow called the Harbison lot about two acres in U. P. Neck S100: a lot of woodland called the Burton lot of about eighteen acres in U.P. Neck $100; a lot of woodland of ahout thirtv-two acr~ in U. P. N-xk S150: a lot of woodland anrl swamp, called the B!ddle lot of about 1S 7 acres in Penns Neck S150: a lot of meadow called the Crispin lot of about thirteen acres in U. P. Neck S650; total S2826.58. Approved bv me. May 12, 1838 R.C. Pedrick. Affirmed 5-12-1838, before David Hurley Surrogate. (The R.C. Pedrick was his brother.)

Issue: Born Died Age Buried 6 Asa Matson Pedrick 1830 3-20-1860 30 6 Edith Ann Pedrick 1832 1855 23 Epis. Swedes. 6 James Pedrick 3-4-1834 2-4-1915 so 6 Sarah lane Pedrick 6-28-1838 1886 48 Clarksboro 6 John Robert Pedrick 1840 5-3-1863 23 6 Amanda Pedrick

6 ASA married SUSAJ."-i R. BUTCHER, born at Auburn. He died young and she married secondly a ~fatson. He died intestate, and his wife administered.

Issue: Born Died Age Buried 7 Elizabeth Pedrick 1S55 Living 7 William Robert Pedrick 11-5-1856 11-25-1933 77 Plstvlle.

7 ELIZABETH married S~1ITH BACON of Salem. born 1854. He is a retired farmer and both are living at 153 7th St. Salem. Xo children. Tbey spend their winters in Florida and are in Canada a pa.rt of ea.:h summer.


7 '\VII.LIAM R. PEDRICK born at Auburn and married LAURA ELLEN HEWES of Bridgeport, born 12-17-1859, daughter of James and Rebecca Elizabeth (Aborn) Hewes, he having a wheelwright shop in Bridgeport. William became an at.orney in Philadelphia, and later took up editorial ar.d authorship work in Atlantic City. He was lastly a steward at the St. James hotel. His widow living with her daughter in Ventnor.

Issue: Born 8 Elizabeth Pedrick 6-15-1886 Living 8 Laura Pedrick 10-8-1899 Living

ELIZABETH was born in Philadelphia and is unmarried. The family came to Atlantic City in 1898, and she went into a yarn business adding the manufacturing of sweaters and bas now a business all over the country, trading as Elizabeth Pedrick Inc. Located at 163 South Carolina Avenue. Residence 16 N. Hillside, Ventnor.

LAURA was born in Atlantic City and married in 1919 JAMES SCULLIN, born Hammonton, ~.J. in 1890, the son of John Scullin. They were divorced and she is connected with !Jer sister's business. Residence 16 N. Hillside, Ventnor. Issue: Born 9 Laura Scullin 6-24-1920 Living 9 James Philip Scu1lin 12-9-1922 Living 9 John George Scu1lin 12-29-1924 Living 5 WILLIAM R. PEDRICK and SAR.I\H J. MATSON continued. 6 JAMES PEDRICK born 3-4-1834, died 2-4-1915, age 80; married ANNIE K. DAVENPORT, born 1844, died 9-19-1922, age 78; buried at Pedricktown. She was the daughter of Charles and Anna (Homan) Davenport. He early in life went into store keeping in Pedricktown, in a small one room place on R.R. Avenue, dealing in tobaccos, ice cream anc sundries, and the writer as a youngster can well remember many a Saturday night ,!?Oing there with his father for the weekly plate of ice cream, and falling asleep while the farmers sat around and talked. James later moved into a larger place at the corner and enlarged his stock, and as time passed on he and his wife became familiarly known as "Uncle Jim" and "Aunt Ann." His will was pro­ bated Z-15-1915 income to wife, and at her death estate to nephews. The wife's ~;n was probated 10-4-1922 and in each case their nephew Reuben J. Pedrick was made executor.


6 EDITH M'N PEDRICK born 1832, died 1855, age 23; married in 1848 WILLIAM GIVEN of Auburn; both buried in the Episcopal cemetery at Swedesboro. He worked in Philadelphia and when oil was discovered in Pennsylvania, he went out to Oil City and lived at Bradford. Issue: Born Died Age Buried 7 Susannah Given 11-22-1850 10-10-1921 71 7 Harry Given No record. SUSANNA.."tf married in 1872 at Westville JOSEPH KIRBY of Glouc. Co., a Quaker. He at one time worked in a mill in Do1vningtown, and was also a farmer near Auburn on the Isaac Vannet:lan farm. He is still living a widower in Swedesboro. Issue: B()rr. 8 Charles Small Kirby 12-24-1874 Living 8 Harry Kirby 1876 Died infancy. Bur. Clksbo. 8 Edgar Kirby 5-26-1878 Living CHARLES married in 1896 .-\:\IA,'lmA STRETCH, born Cohan­ sey in 1875, died in 1899, age 24; buried at Clarksboro. Issue: 9 ADA KIRBY born 4-S-189i, married 6-21-1919 ALVIN RUSSELL GARDNER, born l\Iilhille 4-3-1891, son of George and Rebecca (Mathis) Gardner. He is connected with the Swedesboro supply Co. with residence at 129 Alien St. Ada has a sampler that her great­ grandmother Edith Ann Pedrick made in 1845. Issue: Born 10 Amelia Gardr.t:r 4-28-193, Hl.ing IO Deborah Gardner 11-28-1935 Lh,ing CHARLES S. KIRBY married secondly in 1900 ELI7.AEETH LONGACRE, born on a farm near Swedesboro 6-23-1882. daughter of Israel and Anna (Duffield) Longacre. Israel living to near 90. l\Ir. Kirby was first a farmer, then entered telephone work 'l'.ith independent systems in Swedesboro and later at Egg Harbor. The company merged with the Bell and he continued in the work for many years at Ei;g Harbor. In 1935 transferred to Atlantic City. Residence 106 North Chelsea Avenue. Issue: Born Died Age Buried 9 Mary Longacre Kirby 2-6-1901 Lhing 9 Edith Ann Kirby 4-26-1902 1902 6 mos. Clksbro. 9 Joseph Norman Kirby 10-25-1904 Living 9 Margaret Caldwell Kirby 4-5-1906 Living


9 ::'>IARY L. KIRBY married NEVIN ACTON of Wilmington, Del. They were later divorced and she became a secretary in a real estate office in Ocean City. Later moved to Atlantic City and is now a secretary for Dr. Kilduff in the hospital there. Residence 1500 Pacific. Issue: IO NEVIN ACTON JR. born 8-8-1923, attending the Hargrave Mil­ itary academy at Chatham, Va. 10 PHYLLIS ANNE ACTON born 1-15-1925, attending Junior high. 9 J. NORl\!Ai.'l' KIRBY married 8-20-1929 MARGARET MAR.TIN of Middlebrook, Va. After finishing high school at Swedesboro and Woodstown he entered 'he employ of the Commercial Bank at Egg Harbor, N.J. in 1922 when the family was living there, a bank that the writer helped found about fifty years ago, it may be noted in passing. Norman has advanced there to his present position of Assis­ tant Cashier. Residence, Egg Harbor. No children. 9 MARGARET C. KIRBY married in 1926 AUGUST ANTHONY BR.EDER of Egg Harbor, born 12-24-1900, son of August and Flora (Vautrenou) Breder. He is a jeweler co-operating with Lake in Ocean City, and has his own business in Egg Harbor which he has carried on since he was :nar.ied. They reside at 132-!0th Terrace. Issue: Born IO Barton August Breder 1-15-1928 Living 10 Howard Charles Breder 3-8-1930 Living 7 SUSA ..'1\/"NAH GIVEN and JOSEPH KIRBY 8 EDGAR KIRBY was born 5-26-1878 at Westville and married A,',"NA BRADLEY SHELDON of Millville, N. J., born 2-26-1879, the daughter of Andrew and Isabelle Sheldon. He has a grocery bus­ iness at 7th and Atlantic Aves. Wildwood, N.J. Issue: Born 9 Lola A. Kirby 10-26-1903 :.iving 9 Verna H. Kirby 2-8-1906 Living LOLA married 10-26-1929 FRA.N'K R. SHAW. They have no children. VER."-A is unmarried. 6 EDITH k'\/"N PEDRICK and '\VILLIAM GIVEN 7 HARRY GIVEN went out west and married, his wife dying in 1870. He bas not been heard from for long, but at last accounts was in Milwaukee, Wis. t-:o children. l ROGER; 2 THOMAS; 3 ROBERT; 4 ROBERT; 5 WLU.IA.'\f R. PEDRICK and SAR..\H JANE MATSON

6 SARAH JA.'J'E PEDRICK born near "Sculltown" Auburn 6-28- 1838, died 1886, age 48; married 8-27-1857 B:&'J'JAMIN WILKINS FOWLER by the Rev. Joseph H. Jones of Philadelphia. Born ?,t Thorofare Gloucester Co. 3-2-1834, died 1914, age 80; both buried in the Fowler plot in Eglington cemetery at Clarksboro. He became an engineer on Delaware river boats, enlisted in the Civil war and served as engineer on the U.S. war vessel "Pinto." Later an engineer at the navy yard in Philadelphia. He lived variously at Jobstown, Red Bank, Gloucester and later bought a home on Green St. in Woodbury, where he died and where his wife's father also died, William R. Pedrick. His bible (Harding, Philadelphia 1862) owned by his daughter Mrs. Georgianna Da\is of Woodbury, contains family births only.

Issue: Born Died Age Buried 7 Georgianna Fowler 7-25-1858 Living 7 Lewis Cass Fowler 7-29-1860 8-16-1906 46 Clksboro. 7 John Robert Pedrick :fowler 4-1-1864 4-4-1932 68 Clksboro. 7 Benjamin Wilkins Fowler Jr. 10-26-1868 1934 66 Camden. 7 Walter Scott Fowler 4-17-1872 Living

GEORGIANNA married in 1880 ISAAC LE\VIS DAVIS, born 1856, son of Harper and Irene ( Catell) Davis. Isaac was in grocery work in Woodbury and later learned window glass cutting which he followed in \Voodbury and out West. His widow owns two properties in Wood­ bury at 20 and 22 Red Bank Avenue. She residing in 20.

LEWIS C. FOWLER married in 1S78 EL::\IIRA ..\.'\."'N ::'IBN­ DRICKSO:'.'l' of Woodbury, born 5-17-1862, died 12-16-1929, age 67; both buried in the family plot at Eglinton. He early in life took up photography under Garnes in Philadelphia. 5tarted business in Tyrone and then at Lancaster and prospered. Came to Philadelphia in 1S92 establishing himself at 238 N. 8th St. where his name and business became prominent in the days when 8th St. was a busy high class prominent thorofare, and the old Keiths ''Bijou" 1\·as in its heydey. Many old timers can remember his place. He sold out the business to his father who died in 1934, and was succeeded by the son Benjamin Jr. who in turn gave it over to his son Walter, and Walter sold to outside interests, thus terminating the Fowler industry.


Issue: Born Died 8 Louella Fowler 7-11-1880 Living 8 Myra Fowler 1881 Infancy 8 Julia (Jewel) Fowler 4-30-1884 Living 8 Edith Pedrick Fowler 3-27-1886 Living 8 Bessie Fowler 11-10-1887 Living 8 Lewis Cass Fowler Jr. 8-27-1889 Living 8 Catharine Fowler 1891 Infancy LOUELLA married CHARLES EARP born 1869. He was assistant treasurer of the Pennsylvania Globe and Light Co. of Philadelphia. Now retired, residing at Thomas Ave. in Riverton, N. J. Issue: Born 9 Charles F. Earp 8-9-1909 Living JEWEL married HARVEY A. STEWART of Delaware. He has been an expert accountant, now retired, resident at 230 Woodbine Ave., Westvi11e. No children. EDITH married CHARLES Wfil.."TZ. He has been a farmer but now with the Mannington mills in Salem, manufacturers of linoleum. Residence, Hancocks Bridge. No children.

BESSIE married in 1906 HARRY TAYLOR, born 6-18-1882, son of Robert and Anna (Mumford) Taylor. He has followed the barber­ ing business since age thirteen, now with Lamping on Cooper St. in Woodbury. Residence 19 Maple Avenue, Woodbury. No children.

LE\VIS married in 1917 KATHRYN EDNA KUNTZELMAN, born Lykens, Pa. 5-25-1894, the daughter of William Henry and Rebecca (Seeholtz) Kuntzelrnan. He has followed the occupation of electrician and they have been living the past eighteen years at 208 Hunter St. in Woodbury. The past sixteen years has served the Public Service of New Jersey. lssua: Born 9 'William Lewis Fowler 5-14-1919 Living 9 Henry Hendrickson Fowler 6-4-1921 Living 9 Kathryn Edna Fowler 6-7-1923 Living All educated at the Woodbury high school, and William now in a U.S. Navy training camp.


7 JOHN ROBERT PEDRICK FOWLER was born at Gloucester N.J. 4-1-1864, and died 4-4-1932, age 68; married in May 1886 EL­ NORA PARKER of Glassboro, born 9-15-1866, died August 1922, age 56; both buried at Clarksboro. Sbe was the daughter of William and ~!ary (Saul) Parker. He followed carpentering and stair building in Woodbury, being expert in the latter and doing work for the Catholic church and the Steelman home near the R. R. station.

Issue: Born Died Age Buried 8 Ethel Parker Fowler 12-31-1886 Living 8 George Melville Fowler 3-3-1889 12-21-1934 45 Clksbo. 8 Mary Saul Fowler 3-28-1890 Living 8 Erma Davis Fowler 7-14-1893 6-4-1936 42 Clksbo. 8 William Fowler July 1894 Jan. 1895 6 mos. Clksbo. 8 Arthur Fowler 7-3-1897 Living S John Robert Pedrick Fowler 8-25-1900 Living

ETHEL married 9-14-1903 ISAAC MATHIS of Woodbury, born 1880. They became divorced. She married secondly 3-7-1914 WILL­ IAM B. COLLINS of Millville, born 9-4-1870, son of William A. and Mary Ellen (Donavan) Collins. He is in the painting business in '\Voodbury and they reside at 541 N. Broad St. No issue.

GEORGE married CATHARINE BRUBACKER and lived in Cam­ den. He followed railroading until his early death. No children.

MARY married in December 1909 JACOB GEORGE CHEW of Barnsboro, born 3-25-1890, son of Benjamin Franklin and Elizabeth (Richards) Chew. He is a N. Y. truck driver for a Gloucester paper mill. Residence 40 Oak St. Woodbury.

Issue: Born 9 Alma Fowler Chew 9-2-1911 Living 9 Helen Elizabeth Chew 9-1-1912 Living 9 Mildred May Chew 2-1-1914 Living 9 Franklin John Chew 9-2-1915 Living 9 Russel Sage Chew 7-30--1920 Living 9 Jacob George Chew Jr. 6-26-1923 Living

AL:\!A married 11-5-1930 JAMES SIMON JR. of Woodbury, born 4-9-1910, son of James and Catharine (Duffy) Simon. They had one child that died in infancy. Residence, Woodbury.


9 HELEN ELIZABETH CHEW born 9-1-1912, married 8-3-1935 ADOLPH MOHRING of Woodbury, born in 1910. He is a special officer with the N.Y. Ship Building Co. and they live on Dubois Ave. No. Woodbury. No children. 9 MILDRED MAY CHEW born 2-1-1914, married in June 1931 STEWART McCARRON of Glassboro, born 6-15-1908, son of Joseph and Caroline (Neiling) McCarron. Occupation, auto mechanic. Res­ idence 40 Oak St. Woodbury. Issue: Born 10 Stewar. Joseph McCarron 3-15-1932 Living 10 Lewis Russell McCarron 5-16-1935 Living 9 FRANKLIN JOHN CHEW born 9-2-1915, married 7-3-1937 DOROTHY WATERS of Camden, born 2-2-1920, daughter of Roy and Catharine (Chambers) Waters. He is with the Ace Motor Co. Residence 103 High St., Woodbury. 7 JOHN R.P. FOWLER and ELNORA PARKER 8 ERMA DAVIS FOWLER married 10-20-1909 GEORGE BO\VERS of Ewan, born 5-17-1891, died 12-19-1925, age 34; son of Haines Bowers; both buried at Clarksboro. He was mostly a farmer. Issue: 9 EDITH PILGER BO\VERS born 11-25-1910 at Ewan, married 10-12-1926 GEORGE WASHINGTON PARKS JR., born 2-7-1908, son of George Washington and· Amanda (::\forgan) Parks. They live on the Delsea Drive near the National Fruit and Produce Co. plant formerly "Repps" where he has been in service the past seventeen years now a foreman. lsS1te: Born IO Theodore Melvin Parks 11-9-1927 Living IO George Washington Parks 3rd 6-5-1930 Living IO Everett Selah Parks 8-21-1931 Living 10 Erma Ethel Parks 8-12-1937 Living 8 ARTHUR FOWLER born 7-3-1897. married 1920 FLOREN'CE TITUS of Woodbury, born July 1896, died December 1931, age 35; buried Greens Cemetery. He lives on Broad St., N. \'1.'oodbury. Issue: Born 9 Florence Elnora Fowler 6-28-1921 Living 9 Eva Bodine Fowler July 1923 Livin!Z 9 Arthur Fowler 3-6-1926 Living 9 Ailene Fowler 6-13-1928 Living


S JOHN ROBERT PEDRICK FOWLER JR. born S-25-1900, mar­ ried MARY BALGER of Germany, born 7-8-1902, daughter of Paul and Catharine (Greisshbaer) Balger. He is with the Belber Trunk and Bag Co. and they live at 66 Cresson Avenue. N. Woodbury. issue: Born 9 Robert Pedrick Fowler 9-30-1920 Living 6 SAR..\H JA.'m PEDRICK and BENJA'I\UN.. WILKINS FOWLER 7 BENJAMIN WILKINS FOWLER JR. born 10-26-1868, died in 1934, age 66, married MA'(JD BRUBACKER; both buried in Green­ wood, Camden. He took over the Fowler studio on 8th St. Philadelphia and then passed it to his son Walter. There is little of his history that has been obtainable as the family scattered. Issue: 8 MAUDE FOWLER who married CHARLES MATSON of Lock Haven, Pa. and had children ROBERT and Richard, lived at Rutledge. S '\VALTER FO\VLER who married and had MILDRED JA·.. 1,rn FO'\VLER who is single, and living with her father in N.Y. City. Mother deceased. 7 '\Vlu.TER SCOTT FO\VLER born 4-17-1872, married in Pitts­ burg in 1898 El\Il\L-\ WARRINGTON STO~"'E born 3-5-1873 in Cam­ den, the daughter of William and Amanda (Hillman) Stone. He early learned the window glass cutting trade in Woodbury which work be has mostly followed in Woodbury and elsewhere. He also became a licensed fireman. He lived in Pa. 25 years but most of bis time in Woodbury. !\ow with the Belber Trunk & Bag Co. in Woodbur~•- He owns the old homestead property of his fathers at 608 Green Street, \Voodbury where the family resides. Issue: 8 Franklin Scott Fowler born 1- 8-1890 Living S Theodore Smith Fowler born 10- 1-189S Living 8 l\:Iildred Jane Fowler born 4-11 1899 Dec. 1910 Auto acc. FR..\.:"\'KLIX graduated from Drexel Institue as a drauf!ht5man and con~truction engineer and is in ship yard work in X. Y. )Iarried and has two children. Res., N'o. 54 :!I.fountain \"iew A,·e., Staten Island. Inquiry neglected. THEODORE married in 191 i RUAH BIRACLE of Elmira X. Y., born II-26-1900. He was in signal service work with Penna. R.R. then grad­ uated as a machinist from their shops in Kane, a six year course diplo­ ma signed bv \V. \V. Atterburv. Pres. Xow a foreman with a sash and blind works at Kane where the familv reside at Xo. 419 Hacker St. They bave seven children. Xo further information now obtainable.


6 AMANDA PEDRICK born about 1842 and married JOHN SHARP both buried in Evergreen Cem. in Camden. He was a carpenter. Not much search made and no answer to my inquiry of 12-i-1937. Sup­ posedly three children. ROSE SHARP born about 1860, has son George Adams with several children, 609 Ocean Ave., Ocean City and HARRY and CHARLES SHARP, about Woodbury and Verga.

6 JOHN ROBERT PEDRICK, born 1840, died 5-3-1863, age 23, unmarried. He enlisted as a volunteer in the Civil War, 4-19-1861; became Corporal, 9-20-1862, Sergeant 1-1-1863. Killed in action at Fredericksburg, Va. 5-3-1863. He was a member of Co. A. 3rd. reg. N. J. Vol. Inf. and as a color sergeant of the regiment received from the hands of Gov. Parker the regimental flag. One week later at the battle of Salem Church he was instantly killed. He fell with the flag wound about his body. There was a reception to returned volunteers at Mullica Hill, 9-4-1865 and a r~lution was adopted to erect a monu­ ment in memory of those who fell in the war. This monument was de­ dicated 5-20-186i. (Cushing & Sheppard.)


5 CHARLES PEDRICK bom at Pedricktown, 2-21-1810, died 1864, age 54, married LYDIA G. SHULL, born 8-14-1814, died 8-14-1897, age 83, both buried in Perkington cemetery. Her mother Mary A. (McCullough) Shull is buried in the same lot; born 1795, died 1893 at the venerable age of 98. Charles inherited a share of his fathers lands which were divided by Court Commissioners in 1827 amongst ten heir at law. No record of a will or administration of Charles has been found, but his widow Lydia who outlived him 33 years in Pedricktown and did dressmaking made a will which was probated in August, 1897 by her executor and son-in-law Thomas H. Robinson who for many years was the engineer at the Justice mill She orders head stones for the graves and divides the rnsidue of the estate between four children. Issue: Born Died Age Buried 6 Martha Shull Pedrick 12-13-1832 1921 89 Pedtn. 6 Rt'.iben Shull Pedrick 7-21-1834 10- 3-1896 62 Pedtn. 6 Robert Charles Pedrick 7-28-1836 12-26-1914 78 Rivw. 6 Charles Oliver Pedrick 7-29-1843 2-15-1907 63 Evergreen 6 MARTHA married JOSEPH LONGACRE who soon died. One child. 7 A.1'.ffiA LONGACRE born 1852, died 1913, age 61, single buried I'edtn. MARTHA then married 9-1-1859 THOMAS HEWES RO:B­ l~SON. bom 5-11-1830, died 1908. age 78. son of Thomas and Abigail (Evans) Robinson, both buried at Pedricktown. Thomas was an eni:i­ neer for most of bis working years at the old Justice flour mill and resided nP.ar the mill on Mill Street. Issue: Born Died A~e Died 7 CharlPS Pedrick Robinson 6- 4-1660 2-18-1929 68 Plstville 7 A.bigail Robinson 5-22-1865 Living CHARLES married. 12-8-1881,VIRGINIA ADAMS DE:!'11"1'.-Y, born 12-24-1S65, died 3-24-1933, age 67, buried at Pleasantville; daughter of Capt. John Dennv (the el!rs. Martha Scull. 660 Shore road. · Issue: Born 8 1\fartha Den:r.v Robinson 7-12-1882 Living S )faude Virginia Robinson I0-12-18S9 Li,;ng


8 · MARTHA DEl\'TJ\""Y ROBINSON, married 9-26-1902, JAM:Es GIFFORD SCtJLL of Scullville born 2-5-1871 son of Judge Joseph and Hannah (Gifford) Scull. He has carried on real estate and insur­ ance work in Somers Point. He planned and built 28 years ago a fine mansion in Somers Point from lumber out of bis own woods at No. 660 Shore Road but which he has now sold moving to a more modem place at No. 18 Gibbs Ave. Mrs. Scull has the Charles Pedrick bible, McCarty & Davis 1834, and her father's bible a Holman Phlla. 1885.

Issue: Born 9 Virginia Scull (Tw) · 8023-1903 Living 9 Josephine Scull (Tw) 8-23-1903 Living 9 Gifford Scull 9- 1-1906 Living 9 Thomas Robinson Scull l-13-1916 Living v~RGINIA married 8-31-1928 James RELIANCE MacDONALD of Atlantic City born in 1903. He is a vice-president of Air Temp. Cond. Chrysler Corp., Chrysler Building in N. Y. City. Residence, Cranford, N.J.

Issue: Born 10 Tamzin :MacDonald 8-16-1936 Living

JOSEPHINE married 8-29-1927 SYNDNEY HARBERT SOUTER of Patterson, N. J. born 1895. He is a Supt. at the Anandale Reformatory at Annadale, N. J. and has charge of 500 boys on the reservation, where they reside.

Issue: Born 10 Syndney Scull Souter born 6-17-1931 Living 10 Doris Denny Souter born 8-16-1936 Living

GIFFORD graduated from the Annapolis Naval Academy in 1930, now a Lieutenant anc! taking a P. G. course there. Since inditing the above Gifford Scull was married in July, 1938, in the Cathedral of Garden City School, Garden City, L. I., with a military wedding to KATH­ LEEX Sl\HTH, daughter of l\Ir. and Mrs. James Smith, of Flushing, L. I.

THO::\,IAS graduated from Duke University at Durham, N, C., in 1937 and is now connected with the Stirling Getchel Advertising Co. in N. Y. City where he resides single.


8 MAUD VIRGINL\ ROBIN"SON born at Pedricktown, IC..12 .. 1889, married, 3.. 8-1909,LAWRENCE STADON PRICHER of \Villiamsport, Pa., born 1885. He is a salesman for the American Cement Mfg. Co., of N. Y. City in Pa. territory. Residence No. 208 Plumstead St., Lansdale, Pa.

Issue: Born 9 Charles Robinson Pricher 11-10-1910 Living 9 William Stadon Pricher 8- 4-1911 Living 9 Lawrence Pricher, Jr. Feb. 1918 Living

CHARLES married in 1935 LOUISA :r.IALSEED of Atlantic City born 1909. He graduated from the St. Paul's Prep. school at Garden City, N. Y. and is now connected ?.ith the Federal Reserve Bank in N. Y. City where they reside.

WILLIA.1\1: graduated from the St. Paul's Prep. school and is con­ nected with the Standard Oil Co. at Rockefeller Centre in N. Y. He is unmarried.

LAWREN CE after graduating from St. Paul's Prep, had a two years course in Dickinson College and is now with the Federal Reserve Bank at Baltimore Md. He is single.


7 ABIGAIL ROBINSOX born 5-22-1865. married 3-16 .. 1899 RICH­ ARD T. GORDON of Salem Co., born 10-11-ISiZ, the son of Sarah (Norris) Gordon, daughter of a minister. Richard died 6-3-1932, age 59 and is buried at Pleasantville. They took up residence in Atlantic City where he engaged in insurance work. They reside at No. 107 N. Montpelier Ave., Chelsea, for 26 years where his widow is still resident. No children.


6 REUBEN SHULL PEDRICK born at Pedricktown, 7-21-1834, died 10-3-1896, age 62, buried at Pedricktown. Married SARAH Al'rn' STANTON, born IQ..2S-1832, died 5-4-1863, age 30, buried at Perkin­ town. , he daughter of Jacob and Christiana Stanton. Reuben be­ came a blacksmith which business he carried on in Pedricktown tbe most of his life, his shop located near tbe old cemetery. He was co­ executor witb John W. Dickinson of his uncle Robert C. Pedricks es­ tate of about $1S,000. His own estate was administered by his son-in­ law Levi C. Justice.

Issue: 7 ANNA DICKINSON PEDRICK born 12-17-1859, died 3-2-1917, age 57, married LEVI CARTER JUSTICE born Pedricktown, 3-15- 1857, died 6-3-1928, age 71, botb buried at Pedricktown. He was tbe son of Capt. Jacob K. Justice and Deborah {Zane) Justice. His father operating boats carrying produce to the markets. Levi became an engi­ neer on boats for his father and later settled on a farm on the outskirts of Pedricktown. where his familv wac; raised. His mother was a Zane c,f the family who settled Zanesville, Ohio.

Issue: Born 8 Harry Sweeten Justice 7-28-1881 Living 8 George Stanton Justice 8-12-1883 Living 8 Richard Carter Justice 1-25-1886 Living 8 Sarah l\1ay Justice 12-19-1887 Lhing 8 Deborah Justice 7-20-1891 Living

RICHARD C. JUSTICE married ,11-23-1909, MAY HURFF born at Swedesboro, 6-22-1889, the qaup;hter of Freeman and Mary Hannah {Sparks) Hurff. He has followed farming and about 25 years ago bought the Hampton farm of 52 acres in the verge of Pedricktown at "Five Points" which be operates and where the family was raised.

Issue: Born 9 Grace Hurff Justice 3-20-1911 Living 9 Howard Eben Justice 8-10-1915 Lhing

GRACE attended Ursinus Col!ege at Collegeville, Pa. and then grad­ uated from Riders Coilege in Trenton, N. J.

Howard graduated from Goldeys College in Wil., Del. and is now with the l\forris Plan Bank in that city.


8 GEORGES. JUSTICE married, 7-22-1908, ETHEL McGOWAN, born Ewan, N. J., 9-22-1887, daughter of Clark and Mary (Gilliams) McGowan. He was raised on his father's farm, then took up life insur­ ance work in Phila. then served four years with the Lowry Grocery Co. Came back to Pedricktown as a waterman with his uncle Edward. In Dec., 1912, connected with the 1st Nat. Bank of Pedricktown as teller, became cashier in 1915 and in J:.:ne 1937 '\'\"3.S chcted its President. He bas given 25 years of faithful service in the building up of a suc­ cessful bank. Residence Pedrickto'l'm. No children.

8 HARRY S. JUSTICE married in 1907 .A.'l\"N SWAVERJ.Y bom near Pedricktown, 7-24-1889, daughter of Charles and Wilhelmina (Milliant) Swaverly. He conducts a service station on the Crown Point road near Bridgepoint. Residence, Pedricktown.

Issue: 9 HAROLD WALL.ACE JUSTICE born 2-13-1909, married 4-20- 1935, •.\..."\"NA NELDA HUBER born at Pedricktown, 12-13-1916, daughter of Walter and Velma (Hinkson) Huber. He is connected with Duponts in the lead ethyl department. Residence, Pedrickto,111. 8 SARAH M. JliSTICE born 12-19-1887, married in 1909 WALTER DA'.VSON NORTON, born Centre Square, 10-21-188S, son of Charles G. and Clara (Dawson) Norton. He has been a farmer but now an operator at the Dupont plant. Residence; Cherry St., Pedricktown. He has his father's bible a Holman of Phila .• 188S.

Issue: Born 9 Walter Justice Norton 7-16-1911 died 6-25-1920 age 9 9 Clara Dawson Norton 11-25-1912 died 1- 7-1914 age 1 9 George Justice Norton 6-25-1921 Twin Living 9 Charles Wilmer Norton 6-25-1921 Twin Lh;ng

S DEBORAH JUSTICE born 7-20-1891, married in 1912 WALTER SPARKS, born 2-19-1891, son of John '\Vesley and Sarah Ellen (Ped­ rick) Sparks. He operates the Levi Justice farm near Pedricktown, late father of his wife where the family resides.

Issue: Born 9 George SparRs 1920 died 1920 bur. Pedtn. 9 Ruth Justice Sparks 9- 9-1921 Li,·in" 9 Walter Sparks, Jr. 7-18-1925 Living The above Sarah Ellen Pedrick appears elsewhere in this history.

Zi9 1 ROGER; 2 THOMAS; 3 ROBERT; 4 ROBERT; 5 CHARLES; 6 REUBE...'I; PEDRICK ti REUBEN SHULL PEDRICK married 2ndly, 7-28-1864 at Auburn by Edwin Waters, HAJ.','N.IB L. DAVENPORT of Salem Co., born 5-3-1843, died 8-5-1876, age 33, the daughter of Charles Davenport of Centre Square and Alice Norton Davenport. Hannah buried at Ped­ ricktown. Issue: Born Died Age Buried 7 Cooper Pedrick 5-10-1865 10-16-1929 64 Pedtn. 7 Howard Green Pedrick 9-12-1868 Living 7 Reuben James Pedrick 6-21-1871 Living 7 Charles Franklin Pedrick 11-27-1873 4-13-1932 58 Wenonah COOPER married, 9-4-1904 IDELLA BATTEN, widow born 2-22- 1870, died at 918 Penn St., Camden, 6-7-1916, age 46, buried Baptist Cem., Pedtn., the daughter of Johnathan and Anna (Richards) Justice. Cooper for some time was a watchman with a Phila. bank and at one time conducted a store in Pedricktown. Issue: 8 REUBEN CLIFTO~ PEDRICK born 11-2-1908,drowned 5-21- 1917, age 8. 8 Hfu'\,'NAH LYNCH PEDRICK born 6-14-1907, married in 1920, JAMES GREER born in Pennsgrove, 2-14-1903, died 3-21-1934, age 31, buried at Pedricktown, son of \Villiam and Laura( Porch) Greer. He was an operator at the Dupont plant. Issue: Born 9 Lucille Hannah Greer 6-23-1923 Living 9 James Banks Greer 9-18-1925 Lhing 9 Dorothy Idella Greer 6- 8-1931 Living H.-\..1\i'"N.IB married 2ndly in Feb. 1936, RALPH JOSEPH CUN­ NINGHAl\I. born Newark, Del., 3-10-1905, son of James and Louise (McMullen) Cunningham. Occupation, millwright foreman at Du­ ponts. Residence: Georgetown Road east of Carneys Point occupying a newly built home. Issue: 9 Ralph Joseph Cunningham, Jr. born 6-1-1937 Living i C. FR-\NK PEDRICK married 6-25-1898, CARRIE ATKINSON S)IITH born 1872, died 1929, age 57, buried at Wenonah, the daughter of Nathaniel and Mary Smith. ::,;'o issue. He married 2ndly ELIZA­ BETH WALDBAUER, 'l'.idow daughter of Jacob and Minnie (Locke) Hendrickson, born 3-5-1S99 at No. 66 Red Bank Ave., Woodbury where her parents have been Jiving for 50 years. Frank died 10 mos. after this marriage and l:is widow then married 3rdlv Lobue. Mr. Ped­ rick engaged in the coal business in Woodbury about 1898, became postmaster two years and then served as under Sheriff four years; then Sheriff for five years and later Surrogate of Gloucester Co. He had a splendid c.:reer until death called him in the prime of life.


7 REUB&~ JAM:ES PEDRICK born at Pedricktown, 6-21-1871. He attended the local school and assisted his father who was the vil­ lage blacksmith, later spent three months at Goldeys Business College in Wil., Del. after which be connected with the Prudential Ins. Co. having an office in that city on 4-27-1894 and has now given them a service of ov~r 43 years. In a few weeks he was sent from Wil. to work in Princeton, N. J. under a Trenton District office, was appointed AS!.t. Supt. the following Dec. and l\ithin three years was advanced to Supt. at Norwich, Conn. He then served at Harrison, N. J. three years, and then to Phila. in charge of Dist. No. 9 where he still continues. On bis 35th Anniversary celebration Mr. Geo. \\'. :Munsick. Vice-Pres. stated publicly that Mr. Pedrick's rise from Agency to Superintendency was the quickest time ever made by any agent.

He married 4-27-1895 JEl\"NIE ELIZABETH \VHITE, born 1874, daughter of Prof. Thomas M. V.1:iite who was the Principal of a school in Trenton and Elizabeth (Measey) White. Residence, Rittenhouse Plaza, Rittenhouse Square, Plula.

Issue: R LUCILLE PEDRICK who married DA.:.~IEL l\Icl\IAHON of Ver­ mont who is an attorney at Balto, Md. where they reside. No children. 7 HOWARD G. PEDRICK born 9-12-1868. married in 1893 ABI­ GAIL LORD born 10-12-1871. died 7-29-1925. age 53, buried at Ped­ ricktown, the daughter of Joshua and Amanda( Jess) L0rd. Howard was connected ,,ith the freight claim department of the Pa. R. R. Co. for 44 years now retired and resident at ::,,;o. 68 Curtis Ave .. \\"oodbury.

Issue: Born Died 8 Howard Green Pedrick, Jr. S-10-1895 1-31-1912 bur. Pedtn. 8 Raymond Shull Pedrick 8- 6-1898 Living

RAYMOND married 6-16-1920 ELSIE MAY ADA.:\IS born Bridge­ port 12-4-1899, daughter of John Reuben and Gertrude (Cox) Adams. He was claim investigator for the Pa. R. R. Co. 9 years and now in the same capacity with the Public Service Corp. of N. J. the past 11 years. Residence: No. 22 Gerard St.. \\'oodbury, X. J.

Issue: Born 9 Elaine Pedrick i-3-1928 Lh·ing 9 Barbara Ann Pedrick 8-2-1932 Li·.·ing


6 REUBE..~ S. PEDRICK married 3rdly l-15-18i7 MARY EMMA HOLDCRAFT, born near Centre Square, 3-18-1855, the daughter of George and :Martha (Roberts) Holdcraft. They bad three children. ffs widow then married 2ndly in 1913 DAVID DARE of Daretown who died in 1914, age 68, buried at Daretown. Mrs. Dare now residing at Pitman & Simpson Aves. in Pitman. No issue by 2nd marriage.

Issue: Born Died Age Bu,-. 7 Estella May Pedrick 4-29-1878 1-23-1896 47 Pedtn. 7 Fannie Davenport Pedrick 12-29-1880 Living 7 Warren Pedrick 12-31-1882 Living

7 ESTELL.\ married 5-1-1901 RICHARD D. J.IITCH:hLL, born Port Elizabeth, 4-2-1879, the son of Lorenzo L. and Ida E. (Gibson) Mitchell. He bas been '1\-ith the Pa. R. R. Co. about 40 years-1st Station Agent at Pedricktown, Paulsboro and then to Camden progress­ ing to his present work as train despatcher. After bis wife's death be married in 1936, Virginia :Miller of Glassboro. Residence: No. 123 Crafton Ave. Pitman.

Issue: Born S Richard Paul M:tchell 6-26-1906 Living S Edythe Estella Wood ::\1itchell 11- 2-190S Living

S RICHARD was educated at the Glassboro, N. J. High School, Uni­ versity of Pa. '\\;th degree of A. B. 1925 and L. L. B. 1930. Admitted to the N. J. bar 1931 and is at present a member of the law firm of Lindabury, Depue & Faulks of Xewark. N. J. He was married in 1930 to MIRL-\:\1 HARP STA.~GER, horn at Glassboro, 7-23-1902, daughter of Frank Ridgeway Stanger and Eva Haight Stanger, be is a. direct descendant of one of the Stanger brothers '1':ho founded Glass­ boro in 1 ii5 and she a g:-anddaughter of Solomon H. Stanger former Senator of Glouc. Co. and daughter of Mayor Frank Stanger of Glass­ boro. :Miriam was graduated from Bucknell University in 1924 and had additional work at New York L"niversity and Temple University. No issue. Residence: No. 94 So. ~funn Ave., E. Orange, N. J.


8 EDYTHE E TELLA WOOD MITCHELL was born 11-2-1908 and graduated from the Pitman High School in 1926 and the Glassboro Kormal in 1928. She married HAROLD F. WOOMER of Girardville, Pa. He is a violin instructor and member of tbe orchestra at tbe Presi­ dent Hotel in Atlantic City. Residence: No. 25 Elam Ave., Pitman. No children.


7 FA1'1"NIE D. PEDRICK married 4-26-1902 A11.;DREW.. REAVES SKTh"NELL, born Bedford, Va., 12-3-1877, son of William Henry and Victoria (Overstreet) Skinnen. He first taught school in Va. and tben came to Jersey and farmed. Later went to Phila. as a street car motor­ man and rose to be a supervisor then local Supt. and now Supt. of Transportation with the P. R. T. witb a service of 37 years. Since 1919 resident at No. 1421 So. 51st St., Phila.

Issue: Born Died 8 Reuben Pedrick Skinnen 10-24-1906 1906 8 Andrew Reaves Skinnen, Jr. 12-30-1907 Living 8 William Francis Skinnell 2-16-1915 Living

A.i.~DREW graduated from Penn State College and is an assistant sales manager with the James S. Kemper Co., underwriters at No 400 North Broad Street, Philadelphia.

WILLIAM is a student at Temple University, taking an administrative business course.

"'Tis pleasant sure to see one's name in print; a book's a book although tl:ere's nothing in't." Bnos.


7 WARREN PEDRICK, born 12-31-1882, married in 1907 FLOR­ ENCE JESSUP, born near Mantua 11-10-1885, daughter of Lewis R. and Lavinia (Robinson) Jessup. He has been connected with the Pennsylvania Railroad Company in Philadelphia and Camden with a service of 36 years. Residing in Pitman 17 years and the past 9 years at No. 123 Brentwood Avenue.

Issue: Born 8 Franklin Lewis Pedrick 10- 9-1907 Living 8 Ruth Pedrick 7-18-1909 Living

FRA.:.~KLIN is in the office of the Consolidated Cold Storage Co. at Glassboro. He is unmarried.

RUTH married 11-26-1936 GRAHA::'.I NOEL POYNER. bom in 1907, son of Graham N. and F. (Thompson) Poyner. He is an elec­ trician. Residence, No. 603 Park Avenue, Collingswood, N. J. No children.


6 ROBERT CHARLES PEDRICK. born 7-28-1836, died 12-26- 1914, age iS. married 3-13-1855 MARY A,'\.TN PITMAN, born 9-5- 1834, died 5-2-1888, ag~ 53, both buried in Riverview Cemetery, Penns­ !,!rove. He was raised a farmer, then took up the occupation of wheel­ wright, which he followed the most of his life. Was a township free­ holder and lived in Pedricktov;n. The:i, were married 33 years and had 6 boys and 6 girls, as copied from their Bible of 1861, published by the American Bible Society of New York, and owned by their son, Josiah S. Pedrick, of Camden, ~- J.

Issue: Born Died Age Buried 7 Amy Clark Pedrick 4-28-1856 1-24-1932 75 Emn. 7 Charles Roger Pedrick 1-11-1858 8- 4-1912 54 Rvw. 7 Joseph Charles Pedrick 9-28-1859 Living 7 Laura PPdrick i- 4-l 861 3-1 i-1930 68 Emi,. 7 Lydia Perlrick S-13-1863 8-l i-lSSi 24 Kr. Slm. i R.eb'-'cca Pedr:ck 10-29-1865 11- i-1865 Perktn. i Rnht. Ch:trles Pedrick. Jr. 11- 1-1866 4-10-1883 16 Ga. 7 \"irltinia Shull Pedrick 1-.?6-J 869 1- 9-1906 36 Emn. i Wiilbm Pitman Pedrick 1-13-1871 5- 2-1890 19 PE>rktn. i Pri!:'-::illa Pedrick 3-! 8-18i3 D~eased Ha.rleigh 7 Jo,iah Shull Pedr:ck i- 8-1875 Lh·im:: 7 i\"ilbert Pedrick 5-3-1878 7-25-18i8 Perktn.


7 AMY C. PEDRICK married NATHANIEL SLOAN, born 10-21- 1850, died 8-1-1912, age 61, buried in Harleigh Cemetery. Three chil­ dren. She married secondly JOHN LaRUE, no issue. Nathaniel was tbe son of William Creth and Mary Sloan. Issue: Born Died Age Buried 8 Mary Elizabeth Sloan 12-2-1874 Living 8 William Creth Sloan 12-9-1876 Living 8 Caroline Sloan 4-2-1880 5-23-1882 Camden S WILLIAM married at Mt. Holly 8-27-1900 MARY AGNES CON­ NOR of Camden, born 6-15-1881, daughter of John Henry and Mary (McGuigan) Connor. He was a marine electrician. Enlisted as a volunteer in the Spanish-American War, 3rd Reg., N. J. Inf., Co. M. His wife is past president of United Spanish-American War Auxiliary. Present residence, No. SS Edgewater Avenue, Westville, N. J. She bas the Amy Pedrick Sloan Bible, American Bible Society, New York, 1866; also an old Bible of 1826 marked "Charlotte P. Pedrick", penciled in the back "Chas. C. Hackett, died 5-8-1843" and an old sampler marked "Rebecca Severns work 1228", the last two heirlooms having wandered from their appropriate family branches. Issue: Born Died Age Rurkd 9 l\.fary Elizabeth Sloan 11-11-1901 Living 9 William Creth Sloan, Jr. 10-14-1902 Living 9 Charles John Sloan 6-12-1904 Livini: 9 Albert Joseph Sloan 6-21-1907 Living 9 Amy LaRue Sloan 5-14-1911 Living 9 Lawrence Augustus Sloan 6-28-1913 Living 9 John Connor Sloan 4- 4-1916 8-27-1917 16rno. 9 Helen Sloan 2- 7-1920 3-14-1920 6wks. 9 Bernadette Sloan 4-11-192 l Living MARY married 4-17-1922 at National Park JO:s:,; EDWARD BARRY of National Park, born 11-18-1900, son of Garrett and Helen (Flood) ilarry. He is a planner and estimator at the Philadelphia Navy Yard. Residence, 4th.and Wesley Avenues, National Park. Issue: Born IO Marie Theresa Barry 2-13-1923 Living 10 Helen Barry 3-15-1925 Living IO John Edward Barry, Jr. 9-14-1927 Living 10 Edward Joseph Barry 4-16-1931 Living 10 James Barry (twin) 11-25-1934 Living 10 '\Villiam Barry (twin) 11-25-1934 Living


9 WILLIAM C. SLOA.....-, JR., married at. Ashland, Ky., 6-9-1926 MARY ANTIONETTE NICOLAS, born in Kentucky, 3-10-1903, daughter of Joseph and Margaret (Carey) Nicholas. He is an electri­ cian in the Navy Yard in Philadelphia and they are resident at Third and Wesley Avenues, National Park, N. J. Issue: Born 10 Lucille Sloan 5- 9-1927 Living 10 Joseph Sloan 8-13-1934 Living 10 John Sloan 6-10-1936 Living 9 ALBERT J. SLOAN married 5-19-1937 ELIZABETH A. O'DON­ NELL of Philadelphia, born 11-14-1911, daughter of Hugh and Eliza­ beth (Collins) O'Donnell. He works at the Mt. Sinai Hosiptal in Phila­ delphia and they reside at No. 1416 Ritner Street, Philadelphia. 9 AMY LaRUE SLOAN, married at National Park 1-19-1935 HAR­ RY WHILDEN FATKIN, of Philadelphia, born 6-4-1912 son of Harry and Effie (Wbilden) Fatkin. (The Wbilden name evidently of Cape May Co. ancestry and connected with the Mayflower Pilgrims.) Mr. Fatkin is a salesman and they reside at No. 105 Poplar Street, West­ ville. Issue: Born 10 Harry Wbilden Fatkin, Jr. 3-18-1936 Living 9 LAWRENCE A. SLOAN is betrothed to MARY MULLEN of Philadelphia, he is a checker at Snellenburg's Store in Philadelphia and lives home with his mother. 9 CHARLES J. SLOAN is unmarried, lives home and connected with the Motor Parts Corporation in Philadelphia. 9 BERNADETTE lives home and is a senior at St. Mary's High School in Gloucester, N. J. 8 MARY ELIZABETH SLOAN, born 12-2-1874, married in 1895 EARL ELWOOD SWIFT, born Mantua 9-28-1871, son of William Henry and Elizabeth (Tomlin) Swift. Occupation, upholsterer; resi­ dence, No. 649 Line Street, Camden. Issue: 9 EARL ALBURTUS S'WIFT, born 8-22-1896, married 9-1-1928 JEANETTE SAVACOOL of Camden, born November, 1902, daughter of Albert and Margaret (Matlack) Savacool. He is a bank clerk with tl,e Camden Safe Deposit Co., Gloucester branch. Residence, Na. 103 Wesley Avenue, Collingswood, N. J. No children. l ROGER; 2 THOMAS; 3 ROBERT; 4 ROBERT; 5 CHARLES; 6 ROBERT CHARLES PEDRICK AND MARY ANN PITMAN

i CHARLES ROGER PEDRICK was born 1-11-1858 and married HANNAH G. DENNIS, born 11-9-1858, died 4-28-1928, age 69, both buried in Riverview Cemetery. She was the daughter of William and Elizabeth (Biddle) Dennis. Charles lived at Pennsgrove and was a carpenter and fisherman.

Issue: Born Died Age Buried 8 William Dennis Pedrick 9-30-18i8 Living 8 Elizabeth Green Pedrick 8-13-1880 10-1-1881 Perktn. 8 Rebecca Jane Pedrick 4- 8-1882 Living 8 Leonora Moore Pedrick 9- 9-1885 Apl., 1914 Rivw. 8 Robert Charles Pedrick 12-14-188i No record 8 Carrie Sloan Pedrick 7- 3-1889 1915 26 Rivw. 8 Helen Pedrick (twin) 1-29-1890 7-19-1891 Rivw. 8 May Pedrick (twin) 1-29-1890 8- 2-1891 Rivw. 8 Charles Roger Pedrick, Jr. 5- 5-1892 11- 7-1900 Rivw. 8 George Jordan Pedrick 5- 5-1898 No record

8 WILLIAM married 1-22-1900 CAROLINE KEEN, born at Woods­ town 10-28-1880, daughter of Alfred and Caroline (Peterson) Keen. He bas been a farmer and railroad man the most of his life and now supervisor of the township roads. Residence, Pedricktown.

Issue: Born Died Age Buried 9 Mary Pitman Pedrick 7-22-1900 Living 9 Alberta Pedrick 2- 8-1902 8-14-1914 Pedtn. 9 William Dennis Pedrick 5-1 i-1908 Living 9 Charles Roger Pedrick 5-30-1924 Livim;

MARY married 2-4-1918 SAMUEL BE:r-."NETT Dfu'\i'"NIS, born Mi11• ville 1-3-1898, son of Charles and Adelissa (Wilson) Dennis. He works at the Delaware Ordnance Plant and lives at No. 199 North Broad Street, Pennsgrove.

Issue: Born 10 Adelissa :'.\fary Dennis 10-17-1918 Living­ IO Evelvn Sarah Dennis 4-25-1920 Living 10 Samuel Bennett Dennis, Jr. 11-19-1924 Living IO William Adams Dennis 11- i-1925 Living

ADELISSA married S-22-1935 CHARLES HOFFMA-''\;' of Bowers Beach, Del.. born in I 893. Residence. Bowers Beach, where he is a captain of a party fishing boat. No children. l ROGER; 2 THOMAS; 3 ROBERT; 4 ROBERT; 5 CHARLES; 6 ROBERT; 7 CHARLES; 8 WILLIAM PEDRICK AND CAROLINE KEEN

9 WILLIAM DENNIS PEDRICK, JR., born 5-17-1908, married 11-17-1934 ELLA STARKEY SCHOCK, of Paulsboro, born 8-5-1917, daughter of Herman and Louisa (Husted) Schock. He is a truck driver for the H. S. Justice Co., millers, in Pedricktown, and they live on Railroad Avenue. Issue: Born 10 David Charles Pedrick 1-24-1935 Living 10 Howard Walter Pedrick 9-18-1937 Living 7 CHARLES ROGER PEDRICK AND HANNAH G. DENNIS, CONTINUED. 8 REBECCA JANE PEDRICK, born 4-8-1882, married 5-5-1897 WM. RAIGHN, born 6-10-1875, son of Samuel B. and Anna (Pier­ son) Raighn. Both resident on Railroad Avenue, Pedricktown. He has worked at fishing, etc., and now in township road work. Rebecca has the family vital records. Issue: Born Died Age Buried 9 Ida W. Raighn 7-20-1898 7-27-1898 Rivw. 8. LEONARA M. PEDRICK married CHARLES RUNYAN' of Cam­ den. She died young, but they had 6 children. He is living with daughter Hannah G., who married Thos. 'Whittle and have 4 children, single, living about Camden or Glendora. Catharine raised by a rich family, Charlsetta died at 25, Agnes at 15, Dorothy 6 mos. and Emma 6 mos. This family has not been located. 8 ROBERT C. PEDRICK., born 12-14-1887, married 11-16-1907 MARY K. HARE, born 1887 daughter of John Q. and Mary (Storo) Hare. A daughter Bessie married and his widow later married a Mit­ chell. Further details not obtained. S CARRIE SLOAN PEDRICK, born 7-3-1889, died 1915, age 26, married HENRY HERMAN PACKARD, died and buried in Camden. Son RALPH EUGENE in Brooklyn married with one child. Dau~hter RUTH married PHILIP DANIELS three child.en. High Street, Cam­ den. A son 'William married, no children. v.-a.s in Camden and another daughter married NICK CAPASSO, has 3 children, lives in Chester. The above three children incomplete was dt,e to previous lack of in­ formation, but can be accomplished with more time. 1 ROGER; 2 THOMAS; 3 ROBERT; 4 ROBERT; 5 CHARLES; 6 ROBERT C. PEDRICK AND. MARY ANN PITMAN

7 JOSEPH CHARLES PEDRICK was born 9-28-1859, married 6-13- 1884 MINNIE STOCKTON of Beverly, N. J., born 11-22-1862, the daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth (Bates) Stockton. She died 12-5- 1936, age 74, buried in Evergreen Cemetery. They had no children. He recalls going to the old Quaker School in Pedricktown before it was moved away. He farmed and fished and later went to Camden. Was on the street cars ten years and with the Victor Company ten years. Lived in Camden until 1920, when he bought a home at No. 318 Morris Street, Gloucester, where he now resides by hirr..;;elf since the death of his wife. The Friends' Society had given over their school house to the public. It stood near the cemetery and had to be moved off their ground. It was moved near the roadside and later when the need caused the erection of a new school house on its present site the old school house was sold to William Titus and moved to the Dough­ ton farm that Titus had bought to be used for a crib house. This anti­ quated school house relegated to the storage of com probably now exists on the above farm and could be viewed in retrospect in the same manner as the old Beaver Creek covered bridge, which found a last home as part of William B. Darlington's outbuildings in Pedrick­ town.

7 LAURA PEDRICK was born 7-4-1861, died 3-17-1930, age 68, married 1-9-1882 JOHN HENRY DOUGHERTY, born on the edge of Pennsgrove, 3-28-1859, and died at Woodbury, 2-29-1936, age 77, both buried in Emmanuel cemetery, Pennsgrove. His mother was Elizabeth Alloway. He started out farming near Pennsgrove, then took Uj) painting and moved to Paulsboro later, and lastly at Woodbury. His granddaughter, Mrs. Laura Devlin, of Philadelphia, has his framed marriage certificate showing the manner he always spelled his name as DOUTHIETY. They were married 48 years and and three chil­ dren, boys.

Issue: Born 8 Charles Clinton Dougherty 12-29-1882 Living S John Philip Dougherty 10-24-1886 Living S Adelbert Dougherty 7-21-1891 Died 7-23-1911


8 CHARLES C. DOUGHERTY married 7-25-1903 AGNES MARIE McINTYRE, born 4-9-1885, daughter of Arthur and Elizabeth (Luke) McIntyre, all born in Ireland. Arthur immigrated here and became settled and bis family followed. CHARLES was a painter with his father and then learned the machinist's trade with Hale & Kilburn, where be worked for 15 years until they went out of business. He is now with North Brothc:-s, manufacturers of tools. Residence, 25.3 E. Tusculum Street, Philadelphia. They have been married 34 years and eight children, six surviving. He bas his father's Bible, J. J. Sta­ ley, 1872.

Issue: Born Died Age Buried 9 Laura Cecilia Dougherty 6- 9-1905 Living 9 Elizabeth Mary Dougherty 10- 1-1907 Living 9 Charles Dougherty 3- 1-1910 5-12-1910 New Cath. 9 Helen Anna Dougherty 3-25-1911 Living 9 Agnes Marie Dougherty 6-27-1914 Living 9 Clara Dougherty 1-27-1916 10-11-1916 New Cath. 9 John Henry Dougherty 10- 6-1920 Living 9 James Charles Dougherty 5-30-1924 Living LAURA married 3-10-1923 GEORGE CASTLE, of Souderton, Pa., born 6-18-1903, son of George Castle. They lived in Woodbury and he worked at B..Iber's. They became divorced. Laura bad worked at Belber's previous to marriage and now continued there. She was partly raised by her grandparents in Paulsboro.

Issue: Born 10 Marion Olive Castle 1-5-1924 Living

LAURA married secondly 6-29-1935 WALTER JOSEPH DEVLIN, of South Westville, born 5-6-1906, son of John Martin and Margaret (Jones) Devlin. He is a salesman with the John J. Felin Co., pork packers. Residence, No. 1218 W. Ontario Street. No children.

9 ELIZABETH married 2-13-1926 THEODORE KELLENBENZ, of Philadelphia. Occupation, hosiery knitter. He died in September, 1935, and his widow took up beauty culture and has her own business at No. 2851 Boudinot Street, Philadelphia.

Issue: Born 10 Dolores Kellenbenz 6-26-1933 Living


9 HELEN A. DOUGHERTY married 2-9-1929 JOHN DEAL, of Philadelphia, born 8-22-1904, son of John and Leah (Goodman) Deal. Residence, No. 3220 N. Water Street, Philadelphia.

Issue: 10 MARCELLA DEAL, horn 1933, died 11-21-1933 at 4 months.

9 AGNES M. DOUGHERTY married 6-26-1937 GEORGE CROW­ LEY., of Philadelphia, born July, 1913, son of George and Anna (Quinn) Crowley. Occupation, truck driver. Residence, No. 4104 Orchard Street, Frankford.

9 JOHN H. DOUGHERTY works in a hamper factory and James, his younger brother, is still in school.


8 JOHN PHILIP DOUGHERTY, born 10-24-1886, married and his wife died without issue. He has since had no settled location and present whereabouts unknown.


7 LYDIA PEDRICK, born 8-13-1863, died 8-17-1887, age 24, mar­ ried ELWOOD_ BUTLER. They lived in Pennsgrove when she died. Issue: 8 ELWOOD BUTLER, JR., born 11-30-1881, died 1-25-1902, age 20, buried in Harleigh Cemetery. 7 -ROBERT CHARLES PEDRICK, born 11-2-1866, died 4-10-1883, age 16, in Savannah, Ga., ,vhile he was down there fishing. i WILLIAM PITMA.i.-.;- PEDRICK. born 1-13-1871, died 5-2-1890, age 19. He was sturgeon fishing and was struck by lightning, went overboard and drowned.

7 PRISCILLA PEDRICK. born 3-18-1873 and deceased. She mar­ ried JAMES G. HYATT of Baltimore. He lives in Baltimore and married again. They had JAMES CARROLL HYATT, who died 9-8-1900, aged 2, buried at Harleigh, ELLA living and Russell living. Details not had.


7 VIRGINIA SHULL PEDRICK, born 1-26-1869, died 1-9-1906, agr: 36, married ADAM HARBISON, of Pennsgrove. He early in life started work with the American Dredging Co., with whom he is still connected. He had a large family and after his wife died married MIN­ ~"IE LENTZ. No issue by her. The family has been resident at 1239 North 6th Street, Philadelphia, the past 17 years.

Issue: 8 GILBERT HARBISON, married HELENA CONNELLY and has two sons, lives at 1302 Linden Street, Wilmington, Del. He has his own dredge, which he captains.

8 LYDIA HARBISON, born 1898, died 1-23-1904, age 16.

8 CLIFFORD HARBISON, married and has a family in Maryland. He was in World War service and was gassed overseas.

8 HOWARD HARBISON was married and divorced, no children. He has a gas service station about Trenton.

8 ALBERT HARBISON is unmarried. Has followed the water on tug boats, etc., now tending bar in Atlantic City.

8 MAMIE HARBISON married JOHN WHARRY, who is a plumber, and they reside at 2903 Monroe Street, Wilmington, Del. They have three children, LAWRENCE, JOHN and DOROTHY. No reply to my two inquiries by mail.

S EDITH HARBISON married CHARLES WAHL and they are reported living at 5 Beverly Place, Wilmington, Del.

They have two children LILLIAN and THELMA WAHL. I am sorry that I could not have had this page complete.


7 JOSIAH SHULL PEDRICK. born at Pedricktown 7-8-1875, mar­ ried 9-3-1899 MARY EMMA MUTZER, born Camden 1-1-1878, the daughter of Samuel J. and Anna E. (Park) Mutzer. JOSIAH in early life farmed and followed the fishing business, then later a grocery clerk in Camden. He eventually connected with the Electrical Bureau, City of Camden, where be has been permanent the past 20 years. He bought a home at No. 546 Royden Street, Camden, where the family has re­ sided for 31 years.

Issue: Born 8 Lydia Harbison Pedrick 9-27-1900 Living 8 Ezilda Wolfe Pedrick 9-19-1902 Living 8 Emma Jessie Pedrick 6-29-1915 Living 8 Marvin Josiah Pedrick 1-22-1919 Living

LYDIA married 7-22-1919 ROY EDWIN EDWARDS. born Camden 4-17-1899, son of Walter and Jennie (High) Edwards. ROY is a World War veteran and is with a C.C.C. camp at Fort Ellsworth, Staten Is­ land, New York. Residence, No. 563 Line Street, Camden.

Issue: Born 9 Elaine Lydia Edwards 5-23-1926 Living

EZILDA married 2-3-1923 WILLIAM HENRY MORGA..1\1', born in Philadelphia, 12-19-1899, son of Robert and Mary Morgan, from Wales. Occupation, architect. Residence, No. 563 Line Street, Camden.

Issue: Born 9 Doris Ezilda Morgan 12-6-1914 Living

EMMA married 1-13-1937 FRA.. N'K WORRELL. He is a griddle man with Horn and Hardart, at 1140 So. Broadway, and they live at No. ,203 So. 27th Street, Camden.

MARVIN lives home and attending high school, also working at Hom and Hardart in bis spare time.


6 CHARLES OLIVER PEDRICK, born at Pedrick.town, 7-29-1843, died 2-15-1907, age 63, married 8-18-1866 CHARLOTTE PEDRICK WILEY, born 1844, died 12-21-1894, age 50, both buried in Evergreen Cemetery at Camden. She was the daughter of Anna Marie Wiley. His Bible, Flint, 1869, owned by his daughter, Mrs. Eva Ellis, of Camden. He started out as a school teacher and taught at "Bush­ wack" below Pedricktown. Later moved to Camden and took up the produce business in the Dock Street Market, Philadelphia. He then connected with the police department in Camden, becoming a sergeant and died while still in the service. lssue: Born Died Age Buried 7 Harry Beecher Pedrick 12-21-1866 Living 7 Eva St. Claire Pedrick 1- 5-1869 Living 7 Arthur Shull Pedrick 12-28-1870 - -1873 2 Pedtn. 7 Martha Viola Pedrick 5-26-1873 Living 7 Bertus Wiley Pedrick 2- 9-1876 1-16-1918 42 Evgm. 7 Emma Wiley Pedrick 7-31-1879 Living

HARRY married in 1889 ARAMANTHA HARLEY TARKINGTON, born 7-22-1872, the daughter of William and Theresa (Smith) Tark­ ington, of Booth Tarkington ancestry. Mr. Pedrick early identified himself in the produce commission business in the Dock Street Market, Philadelphia, and carried on his own business there until recent retire­ ment. Had a fine home built ten years ago at No. 209 Haddon Ave­ nue, Haddonfield, where they reside.

Issue: 8 LOYOLA CHARLOTTE PEDRICK, born 7-13-1895. She gradu­ ated from Gloucester City High, State Normal at Trenton, and the In­ dustrial Art School at Broad and Pine Streets, Philadelphia, pursuing her studies at Temple Uninrsity. She has produced a number of fine landscape scenes and other works of art. She has been teaching in the Camden senior high school. She is unmarried and lives at the family residence.


7 EVA ST. CLAIRE PEDRICK married in 1888 EUGENE VAN­ SANT ELLIS, of Camden, born 4-28-1865, son of William Charles and Elizabeth (Shuman) Ellis. Occupation, umbrella manufacturing. Resi­ dence, No. 525 Berkley Street, Camden.

Issue: 8 ETHEL MAY ELLIS, born Camden 8-6-1889, married 10-1-1922 THOMAS GORDON FULLERTON, of Scotland, born 2-27-1891, son of Thomas and Margaret Fullerton. He is a mechanical engineer and they reside at No. 210 Madison Avenue, Highland Park, Pa. No children.

7 BERTUS W. PEDRICK married 12-20.1905 ANNA MARIE VOHRER, born 1874 and died in November, 1907, age 33, buried in Evergreen, Camden, the daughter of John M. and Anna Marie (Kurtz) Vohrer. Bertus never remarried. He was in the electrical bureau, City Hall, Camden. No children.

7 EMMA W. PEDRICK went to California in 1909 with an Epworth League Convention and stayed there. She married BURTON TRUITT who is in the U. S. Postal service at Alhambra, Cal., suburb of Los Angeles.

Issue: Born 8 Frances June Truitt (twin) 6-15-1924 Living 8 Martha Lucille Truitt (twin) 6-15-1924 Lh'ing

7 MARTHA VIOLA PEDRICK also went to Cal. She is unmarried and lives with her sister in Alhambra and has charge of a corsitere department in a Los Angeles department store.


4 SILAS PEDRICK was born about 1763, was 8 years old at his father's neath in 1771 and the youngest of seven children. He is left S pounds by his father's will with instructions that he put to a trade when 14. There has been no record found as to how he attained his majority. No record of his marriage nor wife n3'-ned in his will. The eldest son Miles was left all oi Robert's land. However, the following copy of a deed is enlightening. 5-25-1797 being the 22nd year of the Independence of the United States of America, Silas Pedrick, of U. P. Neck, yeoman, and Abraham Sheridan, of Philadelphia, and Nicodemus Lloyd, of Phila~elphia, blacksmith. Whereas Johnathan Roberts in life was seized with certain lands ,,ituated in Salem Co. and WI1led in 1782 and amongst other property devised to daughter Ruth 300 .:W-es called Boyer's land, lying on Salem Creek in Haines Neck in the t·••'tShip of Mannington and after said devise will says and gives to d~ '..ghters Margaret and Rebecca the remainder equally of that tract c,f land to be equally divided between them in quality and quantity by my executors to them and their heirs, Male of their Body, forever the said Rebecc.: being the above named wife of said Silas Pedrick. The Court made division in 17~6 mid the said land granted Rebecca in Fee tail that the said Silas Pedrick and Rebecca by their Council Lucius Horatio Stockton did at the Superior Court of the State of N. J., held at Trenton the first Tuesoay in Apn1, I 797, Dock Bar and Cut off all estate tail and remainders entail of and in the said Margarets land and tcnemants to her assigned by the sa;d Commissioners of said Orphans Court as aforesaid, in consideration of 1125 pounds paid by Sheridan and Lloyd do grant and release above containing 311 arr::s. Signed, Sila~ Peddrick, Rebecah Peddrick.

The copy of this deed shows the letter "D" as doubled in their names. and that even thc,ugb Silas inheritPd no land from bis father, his wife did from her's and subsequently he had other real estate transactions.


4 SILAS PEDRICK left a will proved 7-6-1833, naming no wife who had no doubt died. "I, Silas Pedrick, of the Township of Upper Penns Neck - 1st to Martha as a specific legacy, one bed and one bedstead, two blankets, one coverlet and one quilt, all of her children and my blue comer cupboard with the contents of chinaware and the glass pitcher "~hich property is not to be appraised by my e.'l:ecutor, but to be her property immediately after my decease." The 2nd item leaves his son Miles a farm, his Bible, etc. 3rd item his son Chalkley specified house­ hold. Apply all residue of movable property and after payment of debts and funeral e.'l:penses divide residue between "My three children before named", Chalkley's share to be by his guardian put to interest till he shall arrive at the age of twenty-one. Friend Jacob Gooden and Richard Somers executors. Witnesses, Arthur H. Green, John H. Springer and Job Bevis. Inventory 12-18-1833, $1557.23 by Job Bevis and Arthur H. Green. We then have:

4 SILAS PEDRICK married about 1795 REBECAH ROBERTS, daughter of Johnathan. She died before 1833 and he died July, 1833, age 70, burial place unknown.

Issue: Born Died A!;'e Buried 5 :Martha Pedrick 1 i96 2-13-1866 70 s Miles Pedrick 2-24-1810 Z- 1-1844 .,- ..' s Chalkley Pedrick 8-11-1814 3-31-1886 i4 5 MARTHA lived to be i0. but never married. No headstone found. 5 MILES married 6-25-1835 MARY A. STA."\TON. They lived in Woodstown. No will on record, but John i\I. Springer administered the estate, and Hudson Springer was appointed guardian of James S .. Ruth R., and Martha, minors, and was succeeded by Wm. Summerill in 1S56. His Bible owned by his grandson Wm. C. Pedrick in Williamstown, Kimber and Sharpless, 1S38, on the fly-leaf written. '':'.files Pedrick book''. After his death his widow married Joseph Allen.


Issue: Born Died Age Buried 6 Hannah Ann Pedrick 8-17-1836 6 Martha lane PPdrick 4-29-183~ 6 Rebecca· Pedrick 10-4-1339 12-25-1839 6 James Stanton Pedrick 3-22-1840 7-20-1930 90 Wilmstn. 6 Ruth Roberts Pedrick 12-24-1842 2-23-1934 91 Lawnsde.

6 HANNAH married ELWOOD FOSTER who was a farmer about West Chester, Pa. A daughter probably married ALBERT BILES who have eight children. Address given 10 E. Bannock St. No reply.

6 MARTHA JANE married Dr. CALVERT who practised at Booths Corner in Delaware. Had three children. Wrote Miss Jennie Calvert 216 W. Monroe St. Media. Letter returned marked "vacant." 6 JAMES married 9-18-1873 JULIA ANN ECRET at Salem, born 7-10-1855, died 2-2-1929, age 73; daughter of Joseph and Julia Ecret; both buried at Williamstown, N.J. He settled on a farm which he bought at the eastern edge of Williamstown, and through which the Eack Horse highway later was cut on the way to the seashore. Married fifty-sbi: years.

Issue: Born Died Age Buried 7 Hance Jaquet Pedrick 12-8-1875 Living 7 Lily May Pedrick 12-16-1876 2-14-1935 58 7 Charles Miles Pedrick 2-12-1879 9-29-1933 54 C. Keys 7 Anna C. Pedrick 6-2-1881 Living 7 William Culver Pedrick 10-18-1885 Living JAMES was earlier in life a painter about Frankford and came to Williamstown as a farmer in 1887, with his young family where they were all raised.

7 CHARLES married 10-8-1901 EVA H. LEWIS, born 1878, daughter of George W. and Louisa (Angelow) Lewis of Cross Keys. Issue, a son. She died and he married secondly EFFIE E. MORGAN, born in 1884. Occupation, painter and paper hanger. Residence, \Villiamstown. Issue: S CHARLES MORGA.. '\ PEDRICK born 10-5-1914, living. and single, and he and his grandfather have a store near the school house in Williamstown.


7 HANCE J. PEDRICK married in 1901 MARGARET DUBLE born 2-28-1879 at Hayes Mills, Camden Co. N.J., daughter of Joshua and Sarah (Thompson) Duble. He has lived in Williamstown the past forty-five years with occupation chiefly glass blowing. Issue: Born 8 Blanche Ann Pedrick 12-26-1901 Living 8 Ruth Hortman Pedrick 8-29-1904 Living 8 Arthur J. Pedrick 1-2-1916 Living 8. Raymond Miles Pedrick 10-11-1917 Living 8 James Allen Pedrick 9-10-1920 Living 8 BLA..~CHE married 3-5-1923 FLETCHER SIMMERMAN of Williamstown, son of Joseph and Elsie (Button) Simmerman. His work has been mostly clerical and connected with the Bell Telephone Co. Residence 1040 Stuyvesant Ave., Trenton.

Issue: Born 9 Gerald Simmerman 3-12-1927 Living

8 RUTH is unmarried and is connected with the Saunders Publishing Co. in Philadelphia.

8 Arthur is a mechanic in Williamstown.

7 \VII.LIAM C. PEDRICK born. Frankford, Philadelphia, married 10-17-1907 ERMA JOSEPH of Williamstown, born in 1888. daughter of William and Susan (Crawford) Joseph. She died in 1909, buried in Philadelphia. No children. He married secondly in 1910 MAR­ GURITTA STEWART of near Blackwood, born 11-28-1886, daughter of George and Wilhelmina (Baumgardner) Stewart. He worked in Philadelphia as a carpenter and box maker and later succeeded to the homestead farm of his father, where the family reside. Issue: Barn 8 Mary Frances Pedrick 7-11-1911 Livin; 8 James Stanton Pedrick 6-9-1912 Living 8 George Stanton Pedrick I-31-1913 Dec. 1914 C. Keys 8 William David Pedrick 12-9-1921 Living

8 MARY married 7-3-1937 EDWARD DUTTON. He works in Philadelphia as a mattress maker and they reside at Newfield, N.J. 8 JA.."\!ES and WILLIA..\! live home and assist their father. 1 ROGER PEDRICK; 2 THOMAS; 3 ROBERT; 4 SILAS; 5 MILES; 6 JAMES S. PEDRICK and JULIA A. ECRET.

7 ANNA C. PEDRICK married in 1903 NATHANIEL ROUN, born 12-8-1876, son of David and Mary (Hewlett) Roun. He owns a farm of fifty acres bordering the Black Horse Highway near Cross Keys, where they reside. P.O. Sicklersville, N.J.

Issue: Born 8 Carlton Roun 3-30-1904 Living 8 Edward Stanton Roun 9-18-1910 Living

8 CARLTON married 8-26-1933 AGNES DIE:m.. of Chews, N.J., born 4-5-1907, daughter of Walter Wallace Van Dyke and Selina (Fleming) Diehl. He is helping with the management of his father's farm where they are resident.

9 Lois Anna Roun 4-4-1934 Living

8 EDWARD married 4-16-1932 MARY IRVI;N of Turnersville, born 4-13-1907, daughter of Charles A. and Amanda L. (Dennis) Irvin. They live on and own a farm of 75 acres on the Black Horse highway near to Cross Keys. MARY is a clerk and stenographer in the U.S. war Department, Delaware Ordnance Depot near Pennsgrove and com­ mutes each day. No children.

7 LILLY MAY PEDRICK married MOSSBROOK, had HERBERT who is about Princeton and Walter about Vineland or Millville. No further information to this time.


6 RUTH ROBERTS PEDRICK born 12-24-1842, died 2-23-1934, age 91; married PETER A. HORTMAN of Pedricktown, born 1840, died in 1888, age 48; both buried at Lawnside in Woodstown. He was the son of Jonas and Sarah. He was a farmer all his life near Pedrick­ town. Issue: Born Died Age Buried 7 Fannie B. Hortman 1866 1868 Lawnside. 7 Mary A. Hortman 1868 1875 Lawnside 7 Carrie Hortman 4-20-1877 Living 6 RUTH HORTMAN widow married secondly in 1893 Capt. Jacob K. Justice widower whose second wife was Deborah Ann (Somers) Pedrick, widow of Joseph S., one of the original grist mill owners. and had issue Minnie Justice, who married Ackley and has a family at Portland, Oregon. 7 CARRIE HORTMAN married 6-25-1913 HARRY WALKER JOHNSON, born 12-2-1878, son of Dr. H.T. and Catharine (Walker) Johnson. His father and grandfather Dr. Mayhew, both prominent as physicians in Pedricktown and Pennsgrove for m:my years. Residence Pedricktown. No chi'dren. 4 SILAS .PEDRICK and REBECCA ROBERTS. 5 CHAI KLEY PEDRICK born 8-11-1814, tlieri 3-31-1886, age il; married J.-t:~E CLARK PEDRICK born 4-30-1819, died 2-ll-1S81. age 61; stones marked in Pedricktown, cemetery. She was the daughter of Joseph and Deborah (Somers) Pedrick, and sister to William H. Pedrick tsqu:7e; see elsewhere in this history. Chalkley was married 3-S-1839(Salem Co. Record). He was a farmer about Pedricktown. Ko record of will or administration. Issue: Born Died Age Buried 5 Josephine Pedrick 1-20-1840 11-29-1862 22 Pedtn. 5 Rebecca Virginia Pedrick 3-14-1852 i-11-1936 84 Single. 5 Deborah Jane Pedrick 8-5-1855 Living 5 Anna Elizabeth Pedrick 10-8-1858 Living 8 JOSEPHINE married ALFRED LODGE of Wilmington. Del., both deceased. Issue: 9 ALLEN T. LODGE born 1858 lived in Philadelphia and had chil­ dren. Was a travelling man. His father married again and bad other children in Wilmington.


6 DEBORAH JANE PEDRICK married 7-10-1879 DAVID KILLE, widower born 12-26-1835, died 4-15-1906, age 70; buried at Centre Square, the son of Thomas and Mary (Lloyd) Kille. He was a farmer and commission merchant all his life. She has the family bible with all the records (Chas. H. Yost, Phila. 1872) and also an old sampler of 1832 made by her mother. Residence Pedricktown.

Issue: Born Died Buried 7 Seville May Kille 4-17-1880 4-1-1890 C. Square 7 Thomas Kille 9-23-1881 Living 7 David Kille Jr. 4-1-1884 Living 7 Harry Bertram Kille 3-12-1886 Living 7 Edwin Somers Kille 9-14-1887 Living 7 Walter Kille 11-8-1890 3-5-1893 C. Square.

7 THOMAS married in 1906 NELLIE DUNHAM FAWCETT of Salem, born 11-9-1886, daughter of John and Susan (Swan) Fawcett. He has been a contractor and a painter for over thirty years, and has owned a farm the past nineteen years on the highway just above Swedes­ boro where they reside. Issue: Born 8 Lois Cochran Kille 10-24-1906 Living 8 Anna Sanderlin Kille 3-7-1908 Living 8 John Fawcett Kille 4-25-1909 Living 8 Arthur David Kille 8-29-1910 Living 8 Thomas Kille Jr. 8-23-1912 8-28-1912 Pedtn.

LOIS married 2-27-1927 MILTON SIDDONS CLARK of Syracuse, N.Y., born 11-17-1905, son of Howard. Residence Swedesboro. Occu­ pation credit manager for the Edgar Hurff cannery. He graduated from the Syracuse University Department of Commerce. Lois had graduated from a Commercial College and had been a stenographer at Hurffs.

Issue: Born 9 Barbara Joan Clark 12-12-1931 Living

8 A.~A married in 1930 RICHARD ARMAND LACY, born at Avon, N.Y. November 1903, son of William and Caroline (Sackett) Lacy. She graduated from Glassboro Normal and taught school. Her husband graduated from Syracuse University Agricultural Course. Now a farmer at Avon, N.Y. where they reside. No children.


8 JOHN F. KILLE married in 1902 MARY LOWE of Gibbstown, born 1914, daughter of James and Margaret (Lipschutz) Lowe. Occupation, Powder Department Government Ordnance Plant. Res­ idence Swedesboro. Issue: Born 9 Kenneth John Kille 8-30-1933 Living 8 ARTHUR D. KILLE married 6-19-1937 BERTHA GWEN THOMAS of Lewisburg Pa., born 1909, daughter of Benjamin F. and Jennie (Clark) Thomas. She is a graduate of Bucknell University, and was a teacher in Mathematics in Swedesboro high school. He assists his father in the contracting business. Residence, Swedesboro. i DAVID KILLE JR. married in 1904 FLORENCE GIBSON, born 6-20-1887 at Swedesboro, daughter of George G. and Caroline (Du­ brinck) Gibson. She from Holland at the age of five. David has been with the Government Ordnance Depot the past eight years, and they reside at Delaview Terrace, suburban Pennsgrove. Issue: Born 8 George Willard Kille 7-29-1905 Living 8 Edith May Kille 3-19-1907 Living 8 Charles Gibson Kille 8-14-1909 Living 8 Rolland Snyder Kille 11-30-1912 Living 8 GEORGE married 6-25-1937 MAIZIE LEAP of Harrisonville, born July 1905, daughter of John and Anna (Harbison) Leap. Occupation Vacuum Oil Works, Paulsboro. Residence Delaview Terrace. 8 EDITH married in 1924 WILLIAM CURLEY of Philadelphia, born in 1907, died September 1932; buried in Philadelphia. Was a Dupont worker. Issue: Born 9 Frances Jane Curley 10-3-1925 Living 9 William Paul Curley 3-23-1928 Living She married secondly 2-20-1937 SAMUEL HILDRETH HACKETT of Woodsto'lvn. born 1904, son of ,vaiter and Della Hackett. He works at Duponts. Residence 72 State St., Pennsgrove. 8 CHARLES married 11-4-1933 EDITH DE:'.\!ARIS of Sharpto'l"l"Il, born 9-13-1911, daughter of Da,;d and Elizabeth (Bevis) Demaris. Occupation, machinist in the D.0.D. Residence DeJa.,,;ew Terrace. Issue: Born 9 Rolland David Kille 11-30-1936 Lh·ing


7-7 HARRY B. KILLE married in 1906 ETHEL MAY MOORE, born 6-20-1887, the daughter of Rev. Spencer K. Moore of the N.J. M.E. Conference, formerly located at Pedricktown. He is a Superin­ tendent in the dye plant at Deep Water where he has served for 31 years. Residence 9 Church St., Pennsgrove.

Issue: Born 8 Kennard Spencer Kille 3-22-1907 Living 8 Inez Garnet Kille 8-4-1908 Living 8 Walter Bertram Kille 4-23-1911 Living 8 Margaret Frances Kille 4-5-1914 Living 8 Deborah Janet Kille 9-lR-1918 Living

8 KENNARD married September 1927 AVERIL BELLE HUNT born 1908, daughter of Walter and Josephine Hunt. He is a brick­ layer at Duponts and they reside at 7S Main St., Pennsgrove.

Issue: Born 9 Virginia Averill Kille 7-6-1928 Living

INEZ married 6-3-1933 the Rev. JOHN EDWARD JONES of Wil­ mington, Del., born 5-26-1906, son of John E. and Matilda (Clark) Jones, now Eaton by second marriage. He was admitted to the M.E. Conference in 1936, made Elder 1937, and is minister in charge at Nanticoke, Md.

Issue: Born Died 9John Edward Jones 3rd 8-8-1934 Living

8 WALTER B. KILLE is unmarried, lives home, works at Duponts.

8 MARGARET F. KILLE married 5-29-1937 ALBERT CLARK BURDICK of Cottonville, Staten Island, N.Y., born 7-25-1919, son of Albert C. and Jennie (Freeman) Burdick. He is an engineer at Duponts and Margaret has been in the office department of the same Co. Residence 177 South Broad St. Pennsgrove. 8 DEBORAH J. KILLE married 11-19-1936 WALTER JOSEPH CLOUD of Coatesville, Pa., born 7-15-1914, son of Walter J.C. and Esther Jane (Evans) Cloud. Occupation, Dupont chemist. Residence 197 South Broad St. Pennsgrove.


7 EDWIN SOMERS KILLE married 7-8-1906 OLIVE LAYTON, born 5-29-1890, daughter of Isaac N. and Marie (Smith) Layton. He is a farmer on the Perkintown road below Pedricktown having bought the George Gaventa farm about nineteen years ago.

Issue: Born 8 William Cary Kille 2-13-1907 Living 8 Elsie May Kille 5-15-1908 Living 8 Richard Somers Kille 7-6-1912 Living 8 Miriam Areta Kille 8-28-1923 Living

8 WILLIAM married Feb. 1930 CLARA BIDERMAN of Pennsgrove, born 5-5-1911, daughter of Anna May (Peters) Biderman. He assists in the farm management and lives in a residence on the farm.

9 William Kille Jr. 7-26-1931 Living

8 ELSIE married in 1928 ELMER B. LIPPINCOTT JR. of Penns­ grove, born 5-28-1903, son of Elmer B. and Mary (Morrison) Lippin­ cott. Mary a daughter of Lemuel Morrison. He is a pipe fitter at Duponts and they live in a house on her father's farm.

Issue: 9 Lois Ann Lippincott 3-1-1930

6 A.'l\,'NA ELIZABETH PEDRICK daughter of Chalkley and Jane, was born 10-8-1858 and living. She married 2-25-1880 MARK HOR­ NER of Bridgeport, born 11-3-1857, died 1913, age 56; buried Lake­ park. They were married in Woodstown by the Rev. N.J. Wright. ::'I.lark, the son of Malachi and Mary (Homan) Horner. He was a farmer in Gloucester County, and his v,;dow is living with her son on a farm of thirty acres owned by the Peasley family on a bluff, east of the l\Iickelton-Clarksboro-highway near Clarksboro.

Their bible Pii!ler Philadelphia) was considered by ::\.lark, important enough to have Captain John Truitt who was a pen artist to indite the family records, which was very finely done.


Issue: Born Died Age Buried 7 Josephine Homan Horner 12-13-1886 3-10-1888 1½ Lkepk. 7 Mark Herbert Horner 1-8-1888 12-25-1930 42 Lkepk. 7 Mary Hannah Homer 8-25-1890 1-22-1896 s Lkepk. 7 James Clifton Homer 11-18-1892 Living 7 Anna May Horner 8-9-1902 Living 7 Leon Pedrick Horner (twin) 8-9-1902 1921 19 Lkepk. 7 Albert Myton Horner 3-29-1897 Living

7 MARK H. HORNER married 12-8-1917 LUCY WELCH MOORE born 5-4-1891, daughter of Jas. S. and Eli7.abeth Frederica (Decker) Moore. His widow has been resident at Westville. (This sketch ap­ pears also in Shoemaker genealogy, page 138.)

Issue: Born 8 Mark Herbert Horner Jr. 12-3-1923 Living

7 JAMES C. HORNER married HARRIET MATSON born 1891, daughter of Thomas B. and Emma ( Groff) Matson. They are living on her father's farm near Swedesboro and he works for the Swedesboro Supply Co. No children.

7 .A-''ffl'A MAY HO&.~ER married in April 1924 EARL NIPE. born 8-5-1899, son of James and Anna (Heinan) Nipe. He is a farmer on the Perkintown road below l?edricktown. A farm of 108 acres which his brother bas owned for twenty years, formerly a Justice farm.

Issue: Born 8 James Earl Nipe 10-30-1925 Living 8 Evelyn May Nipe 4-24-1926 Living 8 Howard Mark Nipe 3-24-1932 Living

7 LEON died at 19 and was killed through an accident while working on a tractor on the farm where his brother Mark lived.

7 ALBERT is unmarried. He operates the Peasley farm aforesaid, and lives there with his mother.


HUGH PEDRICK was the sixth and posthumous child of Thomas, as reference to his foregoing will will more fully appear. Now Hugh was born after his father's death in late 1719 or 1720, and the first record uncovered of any Hugh Pedrick was gleaned from the Friends minutes 1-28-1765 when "Hugh Pedrick and Elizabeth Booth declared intention of marriage" 2-25-1765. "Above came second time, consent given, com. appointed" 4-1-1765. "Report made on above and marriage certificate returned." The womens meeting minutes show this marriage occurred 2-28-1765, and Elizabeth Booth was from Alloway of Quaker family, which evidently brought Hugh into the fold. 12-3-1772 attended an Evans marriage, 2-22-1773 on Com, Quarterly meeting, 12-1-1774 Hugh and Elizabeth and Daniel and Naomi to marriage of Rebecca Pedrick of Pilesgrove to Zachariah Jess of same. 2-24-1777 on Marriage Com. and same year to attend Qr. Mtg. This comprises all of his Quaker activities recorded. A record of the blrths of his children are taken from the Pilesgrove meeting records as recorded below. His wife Elizabeth died and he married secondly as shown by his will of 1792 Phebe ..... No record of interment found.

His will was drawn 27 day of 4 month 1792, the year of death. Hugh Pedrick of Lower Alloways Creek. To wife Phebe twenty pounds and all household she had before she became his wife. Daughter Elizabeth specified household and thirty pounds at age eighteen. To son Philip the above if Elizabeth dies without lawful issue. To son William, the land leading from Salem to Greenwich and other land. To son Richard all residue. Friends Barzillia Jefferis and Thomas Robbs Exs.

His son Richard died in 1795. age 28, intestate. single and his inheri­ tance was divided by Court Commissioners between his brothers William and Philip, and his sister Elizabeth, evidently the only children then living. William received nineteen acres with a house and barn. in one tract being land and swamp. Philip was alloted 3 7 and 7! 10 acres, and Elizabeth 21 I I4 acres.


Issue: Born Died 4 Hannah Pedrick 9-8-1766 9-8-1766 4 Richard Pedrick 10-16-1767 1796 4 James Pedrick 10-22-1769 Infancy 4 Philip Pedrick 10-13-1771 No will or Adm. no search 4 William Pedrick 6-11-1774 See further 4 Rebecca Pedrick 8-17-1776 2-12-1784 4 Elizabeth Pedrick 12-7-1778 No search 4 Susannah Pedrick 12-4-1781 No search

4 Richard evidently died single in 1796 when his estate became divided between Philip, William and Elizabeth, indicating all other brothers and sisters were then deceased.

4 Philip bought and sold land around the period of 1800, but there is no record of marriage or other positive records established concerning him.

4 Elizabeth went to Wilmington, Del., and records there may disclose whom she married. In 1802 when age 24, she appointed the executors of her father's will her attorneys to sell her land in Salem Co., which she inherited from her brother Richard, which sale was made for 105 pounds.

4 William Pedrick (record obtained from the Justice collection Gen­ soc, Pa.) born Greenwich, Cumberland County 7-11-1774, moved to Gloucester County and later to Bucks County, Pa.; died at Threetons near Columbus and below Bordentown. Buried Co. N.J. 1838, age 64; married Phebe Bates.

Issue: Born 5 William Pedrick 1797 See further S Joshua Pedrick No search S Ann Pedrick No search 5 Hester Pedrick No search

He died intestate and administration was made by Phebe Pedrick and Thomas Starkey, and inve:itory made for personal of William Pedrick late of Township of Mansfield totalling $692.77.


S \VILLIAM: PEDRICK born 1797, died 5-11-1853, age 56 married. "This is to certify that William Pedrick of the County of Burlington, and Elenor Edwards of County of Cape May, was lawfully joined in the Holy bond of matrimony the 28th day of May A.D. 1820." Stephen Young, Justice of the Peace of C.M.Co. The daughter of Ellis Edwards, and born 9-27-1801, died 2-29-1884, age 82; both buried in the M.E. Cemetery at Burlington, N.J. There are several cemeteries combined on opposite sides of the st:-eet in Burlington. and for the most part the lettering on the older stones are hardly decipherable. There are sb: burials of this family there according to the stones. He evidently settled in Cape l\fay County after marrying, and was a farmer and stockman there, for some time. His will reads as follows: I, Wmiam Pedrick of Willingborough Township, County of Burlington. First through the joint exertions of self and wife and blessing of Divine Providence upon our labors we are in possession of a house and lot in the village of Rancocas, in the township of '.Villingborough afore­ said where we now lh·e; said house being furnished with goods for our accomodation. We have not this property clear, however, clear of incumbrance, but there is a mortgage on the said lot to secure tI1e payment of $300 and its interest. At this time my health is feeble. making it probable that my continuing in this life may be not of long duration. I am therefore desirous to make such disposition of my property as wm be best, and considering after the payment of the aforesaid mortgage and other debts and necessary expenses, there would be but a small sum to divide amongst all my children. but if left together might be considered sen;cable to my excellent ·wi.fe in her declining years, and believing moreover that our children would wish every comfort to their affectionate mother which is in my power to bestow, I have concluded and do hereby Will, Devise and bequeath all my estate, both real and personal whatsoever and wheresoever it may be unto my dear wife Ellen Pedrick. and to her heirs and assigns forever having full .::onfidence in her prudent and motherly care oi our children and do constitute and appoint her sole executor of this my last Will and Testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the second of the third month in the year of our Lord 1853."' Signed William Pedrick his mark. Presence of Israel Stokes. Charles Stokes and Granville D. ,,·oolm::m. Charles Stokes affirmed for witnesses being scrupulous of an oath and Ellen as executor likewise 6-3-1853.


Issue: Born Ma"ied 6 Joseph Pedrick 2-22-1821 Maria Gas!:.ill 6 Sarah E. Pedrick 11-15-1822 Henry Mason 6 Ann Pedrick 8-16-1824 Joseph Roydhouse 6 Reuben Pedrick 7-22-1827 Rebecca Bankson 6 Ellis Pedrick 1-29-1830 Ann Huston 6 Williall' Pedrick 8-22-1833 See further 6 Charles Henry Pedrick 7-3-1835 Dec. 9-10-1851 6 JOSEPH lived in Philadelphia and worked at bricklaying and masonry. He died in 1900, age 79; buried 3-29-in North Cedar Hill, Section R-128. Issue: 7 FRANK PEDRICK who went w~t and settled at Columbus, Ohio, bad a building business, left a daughter who married Charles D. Perfect who is with a cotton broker at Savannah Georgia. White Bluff, Road Route A. (Wrote there 10-30- and 12-6-1937, no response.)

Issue: 7 Joseph Pedrick Buried 8-25-1901 N. Cedar Single 7 Eleanore Pedrick Born 185S; Bur. 7-2-1925 70 Sing!'! 7 Susannah Pedrick Buried 11-21-1890 N. Cedar 50 single 7 Mary Pedrick No record

6 SARAH married HENRY MASON. She is buried in the Pedrick lot in Burlington. No children. 6 ANN married Joseph Roydhouse. Both buried ~I.E. Cemetery, Burlington. Two children: ELE.-\l'\TORE married Isaac King of Mt. Holly. They moved to Montgomery Ala. A daughter matried M.M. Tressler, address given 1405 Madison Ave. No response to a letter there. JOSEPHINE married Connor, went South, had three sons, one dying, account Spanish-American war and also one daughter. Connor died and Josephine married secondly Robert Stout, who became a judge at Pensacola, Florida, now deceased. 6 REUBEN had seven children: AGNES, WILLIAM. ELIZABETH. CORNELIA. CLARA, JOHN and REUBEN JR. Nothing learned of them except William. Henry left two sons and was told to write Mrs. Mary Atkinson W. Lake Ave. Rahway, N. J. No reply. 6 ELLIS married and had one son who died young. All buried at Burlington.


6 WILLIAM PEDRICK 3rd. was born 8-22-1833 at Dennisville, N.J. while his mother was sojourning there from their home in Burlington County. He died 8-27-1910, age 77. Married 1-19-1860 by Alexander Henry, Mayor of Philadelphia. REBECCA JOHNSON, daughter of John and Leah (Goer) Johnson, born ~t Vincetown N.J. 11-11-1835, and died 11-9-1934, just two days short of her 99th birthday; both buried in the family plot at Burlington.

He was a civil war veteran, having been a member of Company H, 32nd Regiment Pa. Vol.

As a boy he was placed with a family by name of Abercrombie, living between Rancocas and Mt. Holly, that were connected with a paper store in Philadelphia. When about age sixteen, William went there to work and learned the business and later became a member of the paper firm of Clothier and Pedrick and subsequently Pedrick & Warring­ ton at 105 N. 5th St. He was successful and later retired.

Issue: Born Died Age Buried 7 Mary \Vharton Pedrick 11-18-1860 At 6 weeks Mt. Moriah 7 Ella Maria Pedrick 12-26-1861 See further Living 7 Charles Henry Pedrick 10-12-1S65 12-29-1930 65 see further 7 William Pedrick 4th. 10-26-1870 1-24-1938 68 see further

7 ELLA was born in Philadelphia and married 3-21-1393 ED\VIN STAFFORD, born Laurel Springs N.J. 5-6-1856, and died 3-27-1906, age 49. Buried at Haddonfield. He followed store keeping and farm­ ing during his active life and died near Ashland, N.J. They had no children. Mrs. Stafford early in life took a nurses training course in the then new Pennsylvania Training School for Nurses and graduated in its second class in 1886. After spending some time in the work. she married. Since 1933 she has been resident at the Joseph Priestly home at 224 W. Tulpehocken St., Germantown, Philadelphia.

7 WILLIAM PEDRICK married at Geneseo, N.Y. 11-28-1895 ESTHER BELLE MrnARD. born Allegh. County, N.Y. 10-3-1866, died 11-27-1906, age 40: the daughter of Ansel and Phebe (Atherton) Minard. They had two children. \Villiam married secondly 8-10-1908 MARY KNOX GARVIN, born 8-1-1875, daughter of William J. and Sophia (Knox) Garvin. Married at old Swedes church in ?hiladelnhia. No issue. ·

311 1-1 ROGER PEDRICK; 2-5 THOMAS; 3 HUGH; 4 WILLIAM; 5 WILLIA.1."1: JR.; 6 WILLIAM 3rd. and REBECCA JOHNSON i \VII.LIAM PEDRICK 4th graduated from Temple College in Phil­ adelphia and started work with the Pennsylvania R.R. Co. 5-13-1886 and rose later to become the District Passenger Agent for the Pbiladel­ pbia territory. Ht· subsequently became Traffic Manager for the Penn­ sylvania Eastern Division which position he held at death, with service of over fifty years. Residence 829 Park Ave. New York City.

Issue: Born S Florence Augusta Pedrick 9-23-1896 9-20-1910 14 8 Esther Belle Pedrick 1-18-1898 Living

8 ESTHER married 6-16-1934 Jock Raymond ELIOT (Elliott), born 9-21-1895 in New York City, son of Charles and Virginia Agnes (Slay­ ton) Elliot. He became a civil engineer and is now connected with the Wayne Co. Highway Department of New York. No children. Residence 19 Holly St. Lyons, N.Y.

7 CHARLES HENRY PEDRICK born 10-26-1870, died 12-29-1930, age 65; married CATHARINE BRIGGS born Philadelphia 12-30-1866, the daughter of Harry L. and Elizzabeth (Hopper) Bri&:,"5. He was a salesman in the paper trade with which this part of the family was identified. Residence the past six years 1514 N. Allison St. Phila.

Issue: Born 8 Frank Raymond Pedrick 3-1 i-1890 Living 8 Robert Moulton Pedrick i-7-1891 Living 8 Frederick Munch Pedrick. 8-7-1899 Living 8 Rebecca Elizabeth Pedrick 1-13-1907 Living

8 FR-\..'ll.i'"K is engaged in clerical work, is unmarried and lives home with his mother at 1514 N. Allison St.

S ROBERT married in April 191 i CORA HIGGINS, daughter of Beulah, born Phila. 5-27-1894. He has been a foreman with the Victor Co. in Camden for several years. No children. Residence 2641 S. 67th.

S FREDERICK is unmarried and bas been with the Curtis Pubiisb­ ing Co. in the shipping department the past twenty years.

8 REBECCA married Nov. 1933 JESSE W. M1\RTIN of Altoona, born 1906. He is a certified public accountant. No children. Residence 4423 Pine St. Altoona, Pa.

312 1 ROGER PEDRICK 1645-1692.

2-5 MICHAEL PEDRICK was born about 1683, no doubt, at Marcus Hook Pa., although no record bas been located. His sister Rebecca and his brother Thomas were born there 1678 and 1681 respectively, as substantiated by records, and he was the next child born. The early Salem County N.J. Court Records reveal nothing regarding him. Now when Roger died be bequeathed his son Michael as follows: "Item: I give to my three youngest sons Thomas, Michael and Philip after the decease of my wife all that remaining part of my land aforesaid to be equally divided between them." Since Rogers widow married again, Michael did not come into bis inheritance for some time. The only real estate transfers in early days of any Michael Pedrick was inl 753 and 1765 which evidently relates to his nephew, the son of his brother John. It is most likely that be died single before the death of his mother. No record of bis death or burial bas been found. 2-6 PHILIP PEDRICK born about 1690 was the last child born, and was but two years old at hls father's death. A copy of the Chester Mens Meeting minutes page 69 states that on 10-28-1713, Philip Pedrick married Elizabeth Coeburn, daughter of Sarah and John Coe­ burn of Aston, Chester County, Pa. Philip therefore grew to manhood and married, and was probably apprenticed to some one in Chester at a trade, and eventually settled there, although nothing bas been learned about bis brief career. They both died before 1 i23, leaving two children as shown by the will of John Coeburn of Aston made 3-2-1 i23 and proved 4-5-1 i23.

Issue: 3 Thomas Pedrick 3 Grace Pedrick 3 THO:\IAS married 5-14-1 i52 (Chester :\Itg.) :\!Al<.Y Cli:\DIJNGS (Chester ~Ien's :Mtg. Record P-69). His will drawn 12-1S-Ii98 pr. 5-i-I i99 shows five children as follows. Thomas, Elizabeth who died January 1816, a daughter who married a Berchall; Samuel who married later and had Thomas and Ann who married Buckle. 3 GR.-\CE married ROBERT GILL.-Uf who died, and she married secondly by license issued S-28-1 i49 John :Korton, born 12-20-1 i25, in England and d:ed intestate 8-25-1802. :S-o children mentioned.


Recorded activities of the Pedrick family · do not show many by the name of Philip. Rogers son Thomas named a son Philip for his brother, and later Hugh, the posthumous son of Thomas named a son Philip. There are no Salem Co. wills or administrations for any by the name of Philip. No Philip real estate transfers until 1i40, after the death of the above, but no doubt a diligent search about Chester would throw light upon this part of the family tree. Some of his children or grand­ children evidently came from Chester to Philadelphia as there are a number in Philadelphia that have not been definitely connected, and they are all in the dark about their ancestry.

It is with a feeling of perturbation that I now suspend this narrative of family search since publication is due after a period of intermittant work during the past year. Having travelled over most of New Jersey from Trenton to Cape May, and througb'out PhHadelphia and its subur­ ban territory in my quest, my subject has embraced many of the Ped­ rick family lines quite complete with the exceptions of the difficulties interposed in obtaining data through correspondence.

The many women born Pedrick who took other names through marriage in early times, and who have not been touched upon are just as import­ ant in Iifes drama, but time and means has prevented the placing upon record the names and biographies of their many descendants which I regret, but I can only trust that some future effort on the part of some one may bring this also to the light of day. As the night falleth on all of us as years go by, so doth obscurity grow over things of the past which eventually casts into oblivion the lives of our forefathers of long ago. APPENDIX


6 SAMUEL PEDRICK born 10-1-1847, died 1-23-1935, age 87 at Delaware City Del.; buried Riverview, Pennsgrove. He married 3-20- 1873 (Trenton record BL. 767) EMMA FRANCES IRELAND of U. P. N eek by Socrates Townsend, Minister at Pennsgrove. She was the daughter of Catharine Ireland and was born 8-30-1849, and died 11-2-1909, age 60; buried Riverview. Her father was Clark Ireland and both her parents lived near 90. Samuel had a Masters license and was a Captain of vessels for over fifty years running freighters in the Delaware and Chesepeake Bays and tributaries. He gave it up when about 75 and lived in the Eagle­ town section about Dancers Corner, on a place of 19 acres which his wife inherited from her father. She made a will 4-29-1909 probated 12-6-1909 (N-106-Salem) naming her husband executor and bequeath­ ing him the farm "and all that belongs to me" excepting Hannah her daughter specified household, CLARK her son likewise and also Emma Frances Webb. her granddaughter. After :i time the farm was given up and Samuel went to Delaware City with his daughter. Issue: Born Died Age Buried 7 Hannah Beatrice Pedrick 2-25-1874 11-25-1936 62 Del. City 7 Margaret Ireland Pedrick 4-29-1876 7-8-1881 5 Riverview 7 Samuel Howard Pedrick 9-23-1879 7-14-1881 22 mos. Riv. 7 Clark Ireland Pedrick 5-19-1885 Living 7 Frank K. Pedrick 8-3-1887 1-11-1888 5 mos. Riv. 7 HA"'-"NAH married 4-15-!903 HENRY CLAY WEBB, born 5-13- ISiZ. and they lived at Delaware City, Del., where he conducted a general grocery business. Issue: BONf. 8 Emma Frances Webb 7-12-1905 8 John Thomas Webb 2-8-1907 8 EMMA married 8-21-1937 J. DONALD HARRIS, son of the Rev. Walter Webb of St. Georges Church. 8 JOHN married and has two sons; further information not received. 7 CLARK married 6-28-1905 HELENA C. LA\VRENCE, born near Pennsgrove 2-2-1887, daughter of Adam Lawrence and Mary Cann. Her father's aunt Hannah Harbison also married a Pedrick in Wilming­ ton. Clark has been connected with Duponts the past thirty-two years and the family bas lived at various places, be is now located at 73 South Broad. Pennsgrove, and his wife and daughter at 309 French St. Wilmington Del.


Issue: Born Died Buried 8 Samuel Adams Pedrick 9-21-1906 Sept. 1907 R-View. 8 George Clark Pedrick 7-11-1907 8-26-1908 R-View. 8 Mabel Helena Pedrick 5-6-1909 Feb. 1912 R-View. 8 William Alvin Pedrick 4-16-1911 Living 8 Grace Elizabeth Pedrick 11-8-1916 Living 8 Hazel Lucille Pedrick 9-18-1919 Living 8 Mary Gladys Pedrick 7-10-1923 1924 8 HAZEL married 2-4-1937 JOHN ALVEY of Washington. D.C., born 1919, son of Ocie Iona Trimble. He is an automobile mechanic and they reside at 60S N. Car. Ave. S.E. Washington D.C. 8 GRACE and her brother William both single. She is a sales lady in a store in Wilmington, and resident 309 French St. with her mother who has the family bible of Samuel Pedrick (Holman Phila. 1883). From ROGER was also descended a branch in Bridgeton not searched amongst, which were Benjamin, Joab, Adolphus. Mark and William Joseph, the latter worked in the glass house at Millville and died about 1900 in Bridgeton. Married 1-1-1868 CATHARINE L. LEEDS by C.K. Fleming, minister at Millville. She died young. They had children SARAH and PERCY JOSEPH PEDRICK. PERCY married MARGARET T. RAU. He is a watchman in Camp­ bells and they live at 234 Parker Ave. Woodlyn, N.J. Issue: 8 PERCY HENRY PEDRICK born 1888, married 2-19-1910 PAUL­ Th'"E MILLER. 8 \VALTER. MARY, HERMk'IJ' ROBERT PEDRICK married 6-1-1918 CATHARINE EVELYN WELDEN, HARRY and HOW­ ARD PEDRICK and 8 FREDERICK PEDRICK born 8-1-1903 married 9-15-1923 THELMA CRISMOND, born Philadelphia 11-24-1903. daughter of Carlton and Elizabeth (Peterson) Crismond. who settled at South Dennis. Cape May County, owning farm land and woods. FREDER­ ICK lived at Maple Shade and was a bus operator until 193 I. now employed in a clothing factory at Woodbine N.J. He moved down there and is occupving a new home built on land of his father-in-law, opposite where they live on the highway South Dennis to South Seaville. Issue: Born 9 Elizabeth Mamaret Pedrick 8-2-1924 Living 9 Frederick Gerald Pedrick 11-6-1928 Living Time precluded a further obtaining of particulars of the family.

316 An illustration of how from one small seed many acorns grow is shown below. A certain PEDRICK obscure about Mickelton N.J. married and had one child. He died and his wife married a JENNINGS, and had a family by him which a search of this family might enlighten some of the past regarding her first child's ancestry, whom she raised to maturity. Issue: 8 JOHN PEDRICK born 8-8-1861 and living. Married MARY YEAGER widow HANCOCK with one child, George Hancock, born in Philadelphia. She was the daughter of Edwin Yeager and Mary Webster, both buried at Turnerville N.J. John's wife died 6-4-1930, buried in Eglington Cemetery. John had a toll gate at Mickelton, then was post master or R.F.D. man at Clarksboro. Later went farming on Jessups road near Mantua or E. of Mt. Royal, and then bought about 1917, a farm in that section of 96 acres, where the family reside. Nine children all living. Issue: Born 9 Frank Pedrick 1896 9 Sarah Weafoerby Pedrick 1898 9 Helen Pedrick 1900 9 Mabel Pedr~ck 1903 9 Mary Pedrick 1904 9 Rebecca Pedrick 1906 9 John Pedrick Mar. 1908 9 Edmund Pedrick Aug. 1913 9 Margaret Pedrick l-ZS-1918 9 FRANK married CHARLOTTE HASHER of near Barnsboro. He is with the Vacuum Oil Co. and they live at Mantau Heights. They have had three children. FR..\J.~K age 14, and JOHN age lZ living. 9 SARAH married ELMER CLIFT who is a carpenter and they live on Florence Ave. South Westville. Have four children. ELSIE, age Z3; William Elmer ZO; MARY }..\J.~E 14 and CHARLES age three. None married. 9 HELEN married WALTER BAILY of St. Louis Mo. He is a car­ penter for a contractor. Two children MARION ZO in August, and WALTER age sixteen. 9 MABEL married WILLIAM HEXDL:MYER. who is a farmer about Mullica Hill. Two children, WILLL\1\f JR. age 11, and JO:ffi-. age seven. 9 MARY married HENRY GRUBER. They live at Runnymede, and he is in Government work. No children. 9 REBECCA married HEXRY HEXDLl\I'YER. He works for the Government and thev lh·e at l\Iullica Hill. Ko children. 9 EDMUND married VEDIA L'i:"'XCH. live at Woodbury. and he was with the Vacuum Oil Co. One child EDl\Iu-XD deceased, and JOAN BARBAR..\ I½ months. 9 MARGARET marriE'C! in 1937 WILLIAl\I '\YTI..LIAl\IS of Swerles­ boro, born IZ-11-1913. He was in basket factory work, now '.V.P.A. Live on the old farm. Issue; Born 10 William Williams Jr. 1-15-193S


(Continued from page 74.) 8 GEORGE PEDRICK CL'\IR married MYRTLE :i.\IcCI:~IAS, 2-20-1895. Issue: Born Died • Age_ 9 George Pedrick Clair Jr. 11-12-1897 Living 9 Marion Lillian Clair 2-12-1889 5-22-19.;2 33 9 Mildred McComas Clair 12-5-1902 2-16-1930 27 9 William Minnick Clair 8-14-1905 Living 9 GEORGE married 3-17-1922 MILDRED SMITH. They have, Issue: Born 10 George Pedrick Clair 3rd 2-20-1923 tv.in Living 10 Virginia Clair 2-20-1923 twin Living 9 MARION married HARRY FINLEY. 9 MILDRED married NORMAN LA \VRENCE. One child. Issue: Born Died IO Mildred Clair Lawrence 12-27-1924 Livin~ 8 WILLIAM HENRY CLAIR married SARAH ANN JONES 6-29- 1895. Issue: 9 M"NA CLARA CLAIR born 2-4-1896 deceased and 9 MYRTLE VIRGINIA CL'\IR born 2-8-1897, married ALBERT MILLER 11-22-1920. No children. 8 HOWARD A. CLAIR married ELLA BERGEY 2-22-1908. Issue: Born Died 9 Francis Ruth Clair 3-14-1914 Lhi:ig S BESSIE L. CLAIR married CHARLES E. MAGOWAN 7-1-1907. Issue: 9 MYRTLE ANNA MAGOWAN born 5-19-1908, died 1-18-1936; married LESLIE TEASE. . Issue: 10 RICHARD LESLIE TEASE born 5-10-1931. 9 BERTHA RACHEL MAGOWAN born 8-20-1909 married Li\NG­ HAM 1-1-1935. 7 GEORGE C. PEDRICK was listed in an old Philadelphia directory as an artist. He married but had no children. He was killed by a team in the heart of the city wln1e crossing the street. His widow MARY later kept apartments. 7 CLARA PEDRICK married (Peter?) SMITH of Philadelphia. Had one child. 8 BESSIE SMITH married THOMAS KELLY, bad two daughters. 9 DOROTHY KELLY last heard from in N.Y. 9 MARGUERITE KELLY (No information). 7 PERCY PEDRICK married and located in Savannah Georgia. Had several children. No search made.

318 1-1 ROGER PEDRICK; 2-1 JOH:.~; 3-4 WILLIA:\'.I; 4-2 ELIHU; 5-8 JOSEPH; 6-3 ELIHU

Referring back to previous data and to Page 64, some revision may be made and fuller records added from information given by :Mrs. Emily Pedrick Houston of 111 W. Upsal Street, Germantown, Philadelphia, granddaughter of above Elihu. The original Roger had seven children of whom John was the first born. John had ten children of whom \\"il­ liam was the fourth. William had but three, all sons named Daniel, Elihu and Isaac, all of whom left considerable posterity but all those of the name as descendants from Isaac were born and are living in the middle West, some locating in Chicago of whom correspondence lo date has revealed nothing. Elihu bad ten children the same as his grand­ father, John, all born during revolutionary times and six died in in­ fancy. Of the four remaining, Hannah died at 86 single, Jane married John Clark (no search), Isaac the tenth and last died at 32 from whom the author of this is descended and the above Joseph was the eighth born who died at 42. The family record of Joseph shows very favorably as born ir. the period of 1807-1822. The records were obtained from those copied from the books of the Pilesgrove Friends' meetings which state that Elihu. the third of his seven children. was born 11-7-1S12 and was the son of Joseph Pedrick and Deborah Somers. l\Irs. Houston bas it he died 1-23-1885 in Canada and was raised by a family named Gilpin. He was 16 when bis father diP.d and his mother married again as related previously. Before passing to l\frs. Houston's part of the history I "·ill add records given by her regarding her uncle Ale.xander not included on Page 70. Alexander married ELIZABETH JA.'\E COOPER, 10-17-1861. She was born in 1840 and died 5-23-1868 at 107 East 8th Street, Wilming­ ton, Del. Of the three children of this union Lillian married ~IILLER CRA.:.'l;°E EARL, born 3-21-1864, who is living retired at Elizabeth, N. J., and of their two children R..-\LPH A. EARL, born at 565 Morris Avenue, Elizabeth, N. J., married 6-25-1921, both li,i!lg. no issue. Page 70, and his sister JA."'l'E C. EARL married 5-12-191 i, both living. no issue. Page 70. Now Ale.'i:ander Pedrick married secondlv 10-21-1869 E:\IILY CR.\W­ FORD widow nee Giese. She died three vears later 5-1 !-1872. at 140 North 20th Street, Philadelphia. There was one child. LAURA LAVINIA PEDRICK. born 7-29-1870. married FRAXKLIN TRL"S­ COTT CHENEY, both living. They had one child, Ale:-;ander, d:,in; in infancy. ALEXA..~DER PEDRICK married thirdly 4-17-1873 JULIA C. SNO\V. They were married 47 years and both died the same year, 1920, in Bustleton. Philadelphia. No issue by third marriage. Continuing with a fuller account as later learned of the part of the Pedrick family appearing on Pages 319 and 70 as descendants of Elihu. 1812-1885, and who lived in Philadelphia and the only one of the name ~pearing in Philadelphia directories with vocation of "Gentleman", it is learned that Elihu also had son GEORGE PEDRICK, born 1-20- 1840, died September, 1841, from a fall, and a daughter LAURA, whose history follows. 7 LAURA PEDRICK, born 2-18-1850, died 9-28-1926, age 76, mar­ ried HENRY F. SWENTZEL by Mayor Stokl~y of Philadelphia. Issue: Born Died 8 Mary Swentzel 8-1 i-1875 8-28-1875 8 Emily Pedrick Swentzel 10-31-1878 Living 8 EMILY married 6-30-1900 WILLIAM MASON HOUSTON, born at Ambler, Pa., 2-12-1877, the son of Francb and Ellen Josephine (Shuster) Houston, of Ambler. Pa. His work has been that of banker. Residence, 111 West Upsal Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Issue: Born Died 9 Mary Larmour Houston (twin) 8-12-1901 Living 9 Julia Pedrick Houston (twin) 8-12-1901 Living 9 Alexander Pedrick Houston 11- 5-1903 Living 9 Elizabeth Heath Houston 1-18-1905 Living 9 MARY married 5-6-1925 at 111 W. Upsal Street by the Rev. Man­ gus, DR. PAUL EDWARD LOUDENSLAGER, born 9-23-1894, in Harrisburg, Pa. They have three children and reside at 5034 Pine Street, Philadelphia. Issue: Born Died 10 Katherine Houstoa Loudenslager 2-29-1926 in Peking, Chir>a 10 Paul Edward Loudenslage,, Jr. 9- 8-1927 in Phila. 10 Mary Elizabeth Loudenslager 7-20-1932 in Phila. 9 JULIA P. HOUSTON, born at Swarthmore, Pa., married 9-13-1929, by Rev. N. B. Groton, Whitemarsh P. E. Church, EDWARD WYNNE ESTES, born 9-6-1899. He is a mechanical engineer and they reside at 112 W. Springfield Avenue, Philadelphia. Issue: Born Died 10 Patricia Houston Estes 8-28-1931 Phila. Living IO \Villiam Lawrence Estes, 3rd. 1-25-1934 Phila. Living 9 ALEX.-u~DER P. HOUSTON, born 9501 Germantown Avenue, Philadelphia, married 9-18-1926 at Fort Washington, Pa., MARGARET MICHAEL, born at Auburn, Pa., 8-25-1903. He is connected with the Bell Telephone Co. Residence, Blue Bell, :\Iontgomery Co., Pa. Issue: Born Died 10 Sallie Ann Houston 8-18-1933 Phila. Living IO Carol Sue Houston 8-19-1935 Phila. Living 9 ELIZABETH H. HOUSTON, born 9501 Germanto,.J Avenue, mar­ ried 6-26-1926 BRICE FOGG Ai.'\;"DREWS at Valley Forge, Pa., born 3-10-1904, died 3-20-1935. Issue: Born Died 10 William Houston Andrews 2-12-1927 Living ELIZABETH married secondly 5-28-1938 at Ill W. Upsal StrP.et, JOEL~ EVERITT GOOD. He is a civil engineer and they reside at S25 Hill Crest Avenue, Westmont, N. J.



PEDRICK. PEDRICK. PEDRICK. Abigail, 28. Brinckley, 35. Ebenezer, 161, 11>5. Adam, 40. Carl, 28. Edith, 62, 265, 266, Addell, 220. Caroline, 25, 26, 121, 268. Addie 205. Edmund, 317. Adolphus, 316. Carolyn, 26, 27. Edna, 60, 71. Albert, 49, 71, 73, 46, Carrie, 220, 287, 288. Edward, 65, 66, 77, 124, 194, 205, 209, Catharine, 52, 79. 109, 132, 194, 219 • . 215, 216, 217. Centhy, 24. Elaine, 281. Alberta, 211,217,287. Chalkley, 81,297,301. Elbert, 190. Alexander, 70, 215, Charles, 25, 35, 55, 57, Eleanore, 53, 79, SO, 216, 218, 319. 60, 62, 94, 95, 9,7, 120, 201, 310. Agnes, 310. 98, 117, 121, 122, Elihu, 42, 43, 63, 65, Alfred, 189, 135, 136, 124, 136, 138, 139, 70, 86. 137. 161, 163, 174, 177, Elijah, 65, 319 Alice, 25, 27, 35, 66, 182, 186, 190, 202, Eliza, 60, 182, 185. 108, 109, 182, 219. 205, 206, 207, 208, Eliz:..beth, 23, 24, 50, Allen, 188. 211, 217, 219, 220, 52, 56, 61, oz, 68, Allison, 68. 275, 280, 284, 287, 69, 79, 83, Si, 88, Alvin, 190. 294, 298, 310, 311, 89, 90, 108, 120. Amanda, 35, 38, 274. 312. 161, 165, 174, l 75, Amelia, 24. Claire, 96. 176, 182, 190, 194, Amy, 83, 284, 285. Clara, 71, 73, 81, 82, 206, 265, 266, 2k7, ADD, 24, 31, 308, 310. 206, 2.10 308. 310. 316. ADDa, 25, 27, 29, 71, Clarence, 25, 27, 108, Ella, 83, 118, 189, ZOO, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 113, 186, 220. 311. 79, 80, 97, 98, 122, Clark, 315. Ellen, 51, 182. 123, 126, 117, 120, Clayton, 86. Ellis, 1S2. 190,310 175, 193, 206, 214, Clinton, 131, 132. Elmer, 25, 28, 113, 215, 216, 278, 298, Constance. 47, 4S. 125, 127. 300, 301, 305. Cooper, 280. Elsie. 26, 51, 76, 20S, ADDif, 61, 75, 76, 127, Cordelia, 66. 109. 200. Cornelia. 310. Emeline. 161. Arthur, 207, 209, 294, Cornelius, 55. Emily. 25, 31. 45. 125, 299. Dallas, 215. 126. Asa, 175, 265. Daniel, 42, 43, ~4 . .;:;, Emily. 1S2. 1S3. Augustus. 206, 210. 46. 47, 4S, 5l, 55. Emma. 25. 52, 54. 60. Austin, 119. 57. S5. 94. 96. 97. 108. Barbara, 2S1. David. 45, 215, 2SS. Iii. 293. 294. 205. Benjamin. 37, 143, 169, 49, 57, 77, 7S. 113. llS. 119. 12S. 181, 217, 316, 190. Deborah. 301. 302. SS. 130. 194, 202, 203, 205, Della. 35. Emmett. 90. 10S. 206. Dolores. SO. Eni:le. 206. 211. Bertha, 37, 121, 210. Donald. 219. Eme:-t. 121. 214. Dora. 56. Ervin. 56. Bertus. 294. 295. Dorene. 112. &tc.>lla. 2S2. Bessie, 120, 73. Doris. 93. 120. &telll'. il. i2. Betty. 56. Dorothy. 26. ()3. ii. E..;ther . .:\12. Beulah, 119. 100. 123. !Si. Ethel. 13S. 211. 213. Blanche, 299. Earl. 26, 215, lSS. 112. Eugene. iO. i3. 2.:!0. PEDRICK. PEDRICK. PEDRICK. Eva, 294, 295. Homer, 137. 95, 98, 108, 112, 117, Evan, 193. Horace, 209, 211, 108, 120, 133, 136, 137, Evelyn, 200. 109. 182, 190, • 193, 215, Ezilda, 293. Horatio, 50. 284, 289, 310, 316, Fannie, 262, 283. Howard, 46, 47, 48, 301. Firman, 66. 219, 280, 281, 288, Josephine, 79, 80, 205, Florence, 71, 77, 312. 316. 301, 108, 111, 113, Forrest, 214. Howell, 50. 135. Francis, 89, 94, 95. Hubert, 216, 217. Joshua, 161, 308, 144, Frank, 37, 60, 122, 123, Hugh, 143. 145. 131, 132, 186, 187, Ida, 75, 76, 95, 200, Josiah, 117,284,293. 280, 310, 312, 317, 211. Julia, 67, 69. 315. Ira, 93. Justice, 206, 208. Franklin, 284, 96. !rene, 209. Kate, 122. Frederick, 53,217,312, Irenee, 220. Kathleen, 53. 316. Isaac, 24, 25, 29, 43, Keziah, 44, 206, 207. Genevieve, 78. 44, 45, 64, 65, 75, Laura, 70, 216. 217, George, 28, 53, 65, 67, 83, 86, 88, 117, 122, 266, 284, 289.320, 319 71, 73, 113, I I 7, 128, 200. Lawrence, 10S, 109, 118, 125, 126, 187, Isabelle, 60, 182, 1S5. 201. 208, 287, 299, 316 320 Jack, 77. Leon, 53. Georgianna, 89, 94. Jacob, 18, 64, 87, 88, Leona, 214. Gerrard, 161. S9, 93, 135, 136, 174. Leonard, 53, 93, 187. Gertrude, 132. James, 75, 132, 200, Leonora, 287, 288. Glendon, 27. 202, 208, 265, 266, Lewis, 52. Grace, 313, 316. 298. 299, 308. Lida, 122. Hamilton, 260, 67, 68, Jane, 23. 56, 64, 65, 81, Lillian. 112 209 70 319 69. 95, 301. Lily. 29S, 300. Hance, 298, 299. Janis, 190. Lloyd, 35. Hannah, 23, 28, 54, Jean, 27. Loraine, 78. 64, 82, 83, 86, 89, Jennie. 52, 57, 61. Louis, 186. 93, 103, 205, 298, Jeremiah, 18. Loyola, 294. 308, 315. Jessie, 201. Lucille, 281. Harriet, 70, 90, 190. Joab, 316. Lydia. 202, 205, 284, Harry. 25, 50, 55, 73, Joan, 317, 208. 291, 293. IOI. 108, 112, 220, Joel, 117, 131. Mabel, 52, 53, 76, 176, 294,316. John, 8, 13, 18, 23, 25, 190.191,316,317. Harvey, 95, 207, 208, 26, 27, 31, 32, 33, ::\fadeline, 53. 209. 34, 35, 37, 39, 40, :Mamie, 186, 189. Hazel, 217, 316. 44, 45, 55, 57, 68, Margaret, 25, 26, 27, Helena, 67. 69, 75, 77, 78, 79, 53. 54. 89, 95, 96, Helen, 26, 49, 60, 214, 80, 83, 87, 8S, S9, 315, 317. 287, 317. 94., 96, 108, 131. Margaretta, 161. 163. Henry, 60, 95, 96, 113, 182, 186, 187, 219, Maria, 50, 95, 146. 125,126. 265,274,310,317. Marie, 79, 80, 161, Herbert, 215. Johnathan, 146. 179. Herman, 316. Joseph, 18, 52, 53, 54, Marion, 80. Hester, 308. 64, 65, 7 ~, 77, 81, Mark, 44, 50, 52, 54, Hettie, 60. 83, 85, 88, 89, 94, 316.

326 PEDRICK. PEDRICK. PEDRICK. Martha, 182, 196, 218, Preston, 215, 218. Shadrack, 202. 275, 294, 295, 297, Priscilla. 215,284,291. Sigrid, 77. 298, 205, 36, 124, Prudence, 24. Silas, 169, 174, 180, 127. Rachel, 140, 112, 113. 296, 297. Martin, 182, 183. Randolph, 9_5. Somers, 81, 182. 220, 293. _ , 190. Marvin, ~~~!~, l.';;, 2 201 Stanley, Mary, IS, 25• 26• SS, 21· 217 281. 299 Susan 90 44 47 48 57 64 :>, • • • ' • 65'. 69'. 86'. 87; ss'. Rebecca, 8, 45, 61, 88, Susannah, 202, 308, 89, 90, 97, 98, 108, 89, 99, 169, 202, 206, 310. 109, 117, 124, 125, 211, 214, 284, 287, Temperance, 24. 128, 143, 82, 177, 288, 29il, 301, 308, Th 178, 182, 190, 192, 312, 317. eresa, 79. 194, 202, 209, 215, Redstreake, 23, 32. Thomas, 8, 18, 44, 55, 221, 287, 299, 310, Regina, SO. 56, 57, 128, 141, 143, 311, 316, 317. Rena, 186, 188. 144, 146, 161, 205, Matilda, 124. Reuben, 206, 214, 266, 213. Maud, 218. 275, 280, 281, 282, Verna l93. May, 49, 211, 212, 287, 310. v· l t ' 209 126. Rhoda, 208, 34. 10 e ' • Michael 117 8 18 I 9 Richard, 53, 86, 209, Virginia, 284, 292. • 34, sfa. ' ' ' ' 215,308, 175, 176. Wallace, so. Mildred, SO, 214. Robert, 5 , 56, 109, Walter, 62. 70. 93. 95, Miles, 169, 170, 173, 11 i, 119, 120. 139, 125, 126, 208, 209, 297. 143, 187, 190, 194, 316. 202, 275. 278, 284, m !OP. Milton, 28. 287, 288; 291, 312, »arren, ,, 109 ' 282 ' 284 Minerva, 71, i2. 316, 169. · Monroe, 119, 120. \Vashington, 34, 35, Montreville, 200. Roberta, 132. • 36_ Roger, 4, 8, 12:>, 126. W !ls • Naomi, 52. 21 Neal, 55, 56. Ruth, 49, 109, 113, e , :>. Nellie, 29. 216, 218, 284, 298, Wilbert, 112, 210, 284. Olive, 208. 299, 301. Wilmer, 210, 161, 163. Oliver. 219, 294. Sallie, 61. Willets, 81, 82. vtis, 93. Samuel, 18, 23, 24, 25, William g 18 25 26 Parker, 215. 28, 61, 65, 66, 77, 27 3'5 '42 '56' 61, Parks, 178. 89, 93, 117, 124, 6z' 6"' 64, 6-' -5' Paschal, 89, 93. 140. 200, 31s. 316, - • _:, - ' to:>' ~ ' 6 1 8 1 Patricia, 68. 169,_ 174, 177, liS, :>2,~' S:>,'~· 60,' 86,., ' 96,., ' Pearl, 193, 132. 1 I 9 • 113, 131, 132, 139, Percy, 316, 71, i3. Sarah, 18, 24, 34, 35, 182. 186. 187. 189. Perkins, 193. 39, 49, 55, Si, 58, 202, 205. 208~ 209~ Phebe, 86, 182, I 85 • 64. 113. 128, 129, 217, 265, 266, 284, 186. 182. 205, 211, 212, 287, 288, 291, 298, Philip, S, 308, 313, 265, 269, 279, 310, 299. 308. 309, 310, 143. 316,317. 311, 316.

327 ACKLEY, 301. Leonora, 165. Mar- Warren, ].19. ACORD. Ch a r 1 es, shall, 165 and 166. BERGEY. Ella, 318. Frank, Joan, Roy, Walter, 166, Eliza- BERBAKOV. Caro- 62. beth, 190, George, line, 264. ACTON. Nevin, Phyl- 200, May, 310, Car- BEVIS. May, 259. lis, 268. rie, 280. Bonnie and BICKHAM. Rebecca, ADAll.IS. Harry and John, 237. 144. Catharine, 164. Elsie AUSTIN. Blanche, BIDDLE. Lydia, 154. 281, Harvey 200. 119. BIDERMAN. Clara, ALBERTSON. Ed- AYARS. Everett, Jan- 305. ward, 95. et and Margaret, 30. BILES. Albert, 298. ALE. Rebecca 93, The- Artis, 83, Thomas, BIRACLE. Ruth, 273. resa, 111. 84, Bertha, Oara, BIRCH. Effie, 261. ALEXANDER. Jos., James, 101. Olive, 262. Ruth, Virginia, 254. BACON. Jesse, 26, BIRDSONG. Anna, ALLEN. Barb a r a, Smith, 265. 91. Clinton, Jennie, BAILEY. Marion and BISHOP. Theres a, John, 159. Walter, 317. 238. Carolyn, Luth­ ALLOWAY. Dolores, BALGER. Mary, 273. er, Samuel, 245. Norman, Shir I e y, BALLINGER. Aman- BITTNER. Barbara, 229. Herbert, 200. da, 183. Gerhardt, Patricia, ALVEY. John, 316. BARBER. Mary, 63, 92. ANDERSON, Cathar- Alma, 93. BLACK. Benjamin, in e 228, Susanna BARNARD. Laura, 222. 181. 187. BL.\CKSTEAD. Al- A.~DREWS. Brice, BA&"l'ES. Mildred fred, Erick, Naomi, 320. William, 320. and Paul, 58. Thelma, 52. ARCHER. Catharine, B..\&...;ETT. Walter, BLISS. Harvey, 155. Doris, John, Joyce 164. Laura, 216. 119, Ethel 66. BARROW. Earl and BLOHM. Annie, 66. AR:vlSTRONG, Susan Henry, 223. BLUM. Carrie, 217. 89, Ev a, Garnet, BARRY. Edward, Hel- BODINE. Bernard, Harry, Jos. and Sam- en, Jas., John, Ma- Herman, Raymond, uel, 99. Elizabeth, rie, William, 285. 229. 99 and 101. Alice, BATES. Phebe, 308. BOLGER. Thomas, Frank. John, Rebec- BATTE.1\l'. Ella, 91. 218. ca, William, 99 and Carrie, 250. Ethel, BOOTH. Georgianna, 102. Edith and . 130. Idella, 280. 264. Elizabeth, 307. Franklin, 102. Geo. BA ..XTER. Frances, BORGER. Lester, and Virginia, 102 3,>. Raymond, 59. and 103. Helen and BEA.:."l'. Gardiner, BORTON. Sarah, 192. Jessie, 103. Asbury, Gladys, 39. BOWERS. Edith, Geo. 110, Sar ah, 122, BECKER. Charles, 272. Thomas, 132, Rebec- Dorothy, Eth e 1, BOWSER. F r a n k, ca, 156. Ruth, Wesley, 218. Walter, 212. Anna, ASSMA_...;_ Sarah, 111. BEE. Mary, 25. 212 and 213. ARTON. Anna. 158. BELL. Daisy, 100. BOYCE. Albert, Hel- ATKINSOX. Hannah, Herman, Chester, en, 125. 114, William and Donald, Nancy and BOYLE. Catharine, 98.

328 BRADWAY. Ebene- 232. CLAIR. Anna, Bessie, zer, Elsie, 185. BYRNE. Josephine, Clara, Eugene, Flor- BRANDRIFF. Caro- 208. Lewis, Samuel, Wil- 25. William, 27. CADWALADER. Hel- liam, 74. Anna, Bes- BRANNEN. Beatrice, en, Oliver, 95. sie, Frances, George, Elizabeth, Theresa, CALLAHAN. Ella, 96. Marion, Mildred, William, 79. CALVERT, DR., 298. Myrtle, William, BREDER. August, CAMPBELL. Andrew, Virginia, 318. Barton, H ow a rd, 48. Mendana, 84. 124. 268. CANNON. Emma, 99. CLARK. Arthur, 209. BRELSFORD, Maria, James, 127. Barbara, Milton, SO. CAPASSO. Nick, 288. 302. BRICK. Mary, 175. CARNEY. Bessie, 130. CLAYPOOLE. Wil- BRIGGS. Catharine, CARLISLE. Virgie, liam, 183. Clarence, 312. 126. Marion, Norma, 183. BRITTON. Carey, CARTER. Henrietta, CLEEDON. John, 54. 240. 194. CLEMENTS. Laura, BROMFIELD. Doro- CASEY. Edna, Flor- 148. thy, Ray, William, ence, Roy, William, CLEVELAND, Wil- 199. 66. helmene, 98. BROOKS. James, 182. CASTLE. George, CLIFT. Charles, El- Emily, 191. Marion, 290. mer, Elsie, Mary, BROWN, 227. Wm., CATTS. Norman, William, 317. Samuel, 76. Phebe, Sarah, 111. Dorothy, CLIFTON, Elizabeth, 181. Geo., Jas., Raymond, 258. BROWNLEE. Albert, William, 244. CLINE. George, Hir- Ellen, Mary, 57. CAVANAUGH. Mary, am, Leslie, 61. BRUBACKER. Cath- Thomas, 167. CLOUD. Walter, 304. arine, 271. Maud, CAVILER. Douglass, COEBURN. Elizabeth, 273. Lewis, 162. Ralph, 313. BUCK. Susanna, 120. 153. COLBERT. Nora, 201. BULL. William, 62. CHAIJWICK. Eliza- COLDREN. Elsie, BURDECK. Albert, beth, 107. 262. 304. CHAMBERLAIN. COLEMAN. Alice, BURK. John, Martha, Clara. 124. Henry, 30. Amelia, William, 207. Ver- CHEESEMAN. Arth- 37. Irene, 209. na, 158. ur, Henry, 223. Ben- COLLINS. Gertrude, BURKHART. Kather- jamin, Harriet, Mar- 195. Esther, 215. Al- ine, 137. cus, Willard, 223 & ice, 218. BUTCHER. Susan, 224. Anna, Joseph, COMPTON. Eugene, 265. Juanita, Kenneth, 247. BUTLER. Elizabeth, Oran, Shirley, War- CO!\"NELLY. Helena, 128. Elwood, 291. ren, 224. 292. BYERS. Francis, Jos- CHENEY. Franklin, CO~'"NOR, 310. Mary, eph, Sarah, 58. 319. 285. BYFIELD. Herbert, CHEW. Jacob, Rus- CONOWAY. Harvey, 200. sell, 271. Franklin, and 272. BOZARTH. Mary, Helen, Mildred, 271 CHUR."\SIDE. Agnes,

329 ence, Grace, George, DAVENPORT. Anna, DOBBS. Helen, 254. Howard, Jeanette, 266. Hannah, 280, DOLBOW 232. Sarah, 206. COOK. Matilda, 151. DAVIDSON. Bertha, Alfred, Leona, Evelyn, Margaret, 235. Fran- 156. 238. ces, 162. l\label. 262. DAVIS. Elsie, 26. Ma- Alexander, Martina, Charles, Z48. Sarah, be!, 27. Dorothy, 69. Norman, 225. 246. Raymond, Marjorie, Alice, Charles, Olive, COOMBS. Anna, 247. 138. Eunice, 150. 234, 235. COOPER. Elizabeth, Caroline, 198. Isaac, Alma, 232, 239. 70. 319. 269. Summerill, 243. Anna, 222, 230. CORBIN. Douglass, Jack, Paul, William, Bertha, 232, 241. Frances, Sarah, 48. 189. Charlotte, Jennie, Jose- COR:.~ELL. Elizabeth DAWSON. Eleanor, phine, 222. 188. Emma. 102. 255. Doris, 240. Dewitt, Harris, Walter, CORSON. Edna, 253. DAY. Eliza, 122. Dolores, Jeanette, 235. Edith. 128. DEAL. John, Marcel- Donald, Ethel, George, COWAN. Catharine, la, 291. Welford, 110. 50. DEMARIS. Edith, Edna, Elva, Ida, Yay- COWGILL. Stratton, 303. hew, Wilbur, 234. 208. DEMORA. Anna, 212. Edward, Elberta, 246, COX. Virginia, 48. DE!'-.~'1:S. Sarah, 261. 247. CRAIG. Samuel, 86. Adelissa, Dennis Elizabeth, 225, 228. CRANE. Mari~, 252 Evelyn, Hannah: Ella, Jacob, Lydia, CRATER. Wilham, 57. William, 287. Jesse, 222, 248. CRAWFORD. Beulah, 233. Ella, Esther, Mark, 125. DEl\~'"Y. Virginia, Pauline, Raymond, CRESl\L-\..~. Thelma, 275. Joseph, 157. 119. 316. DENSTON. Craig, Elwood, Emily, Frank, CRESS. May, 222. Harold. Marion, 1.54. Samuel, Lillian, Sus- CRISPIN. Elizabeth, DERRICKSON. Re- an, 232. 149. becca. 205. Emma, 228, 246. CROWLEY. George, DELL. Louemma, 51. Eva. Irene, 228. 291. DET'\VILER. Abram, Frank. John, 232, 233. CU~IMINGS. Mary, George, Irene, 69. Franklin, James, Stella, 313. DEVARGAS. Win- 233. CUl\."1117:NGHAM. field. 189. Forrest. Grace, Harold, Ralph, 280. Margar- DEVECIDS. Anthony, Myrtle, Jacob, 246. et, 50. Merle 91 George, 221, 222, 226, CURLEY. Frances, DEVENNEY E 227, 228, 246, 247. William, 303. • • · mma, Georgianna, 232, 233, CURRY. Lee, William, 127 · 234. 233. DEVERSACK. Eliza- Hannah, 222, 227, 241. CURTIS. Peter, 52. beth, l59. Harvey, 234. 235. DAGER. Myrtle, 120. DEVLIN. Walter. 290. Harry, Herbert, 230. DA:\IE. John, Peggy, DI~HL. A~es, 300. Howard, 228, 247. Robert, 72. DI\'ER. Lona, • ~48. Jeremiah, 222, 246. DANIELS. Aner, 198. Sarah, 83. Unah, John, Martin, Sarah, Philip. 288. 106. Anna, 151. 110. 111. DATZ. Harry, 95. DIETZ. Elsie, 56. Johnathan, 222, 232,

330 DOLBOW DUNGAN. Mary, 125. ESKRIDGE. William, DUNK. Carrie, Ray, 130. 234• 245. William, 128. ESSINGT0N. Esther, Lena, 222, 223. DUTTON Ed d 77 Louise, Priscilla, 247. • war ' · M t 225 299. ESTABROOK. Mari- M=e 235. DYER. Leonard, 132. an, Robert, 138. 222 226 M ' ' . EARL. Miller, Ralph, EVANS. Hulda, SO. Mary, 222 ' 230' 231 . Jane, 319. EVERINGHAM. An- 232 234 235 M ~ · EARP. Charles, 270. na, Howard, Donald, ohms, 222 ' 225 · EASTLACK Hannah Kenneth, 27. Re ecca, 222, 225, 228, 251. . ' ESTES. Edward, Patri- 2 0 Ri ~ •J4ls2 238 EBERT. Kate, 46. cia, William, 320. c ar , , · Dorothy, Eleanore, FLOYD. Anna, 211. Russell, Dorot!ty, Em- George Thelma 48 FLUKE. Edna 101. est, Fredenck, Es- • ' ' . · ' tella, 234_ ECKERT. Fredenck, FOGG. Grace, 215. A:J- Sarah 225 229 100. bert, Jane, 228. M1l- Sed '·ct ' 222 . 227 ECKLEY. Agnes, Al- ton, 28. Emma, Geo., 2~ 230• ' ' ma, _Bertha,. Harry, Howard, 110. W lf d llO Jennie, Leslie, Ral- F0NSBURY. Mary, wm:a:r 232 238 24t: ph, William, 239. AI- 49. ' ' ' · ice, Edward, Frank, FORREST. Edith, DONEGAN. Eugene, Isabelle, Paul, Vio- 179. James, John, Joseph, let, 239, 240. Peter, FOSTER. Elwood, Morton, 79. 240. 298. Charles, 252. DOUGHERTY. Cath- ECRET. Samuel, Thel- FOWLER. Georgian- erine, Elizabeth, ma, 245. Julia, 298. na, 269. Benjamin, George, Jacob, Jas., EDWARDS. Elaine, 269, 273. Lewis, 58. Hugh, 58. Harry, Roy, 293. 269, 270. John, 269, John, Sarah, 58, 59. EDWARDS. Elenor, 271, 273. Walter, Doris, Marie, 59. 309. 269, 273. Catharine, Adelbert, John, 289. EGGMAN. Frank, Bessie, Edith, Hen- Charles, 289, 290. 185. ry, Jewel, Julia, Lou- Oara, Elizabeth, ELIOT. Jock, 312. ella, Myra, 270, James, Laura, 290. ELLIS. Geor:::e, 102. Kathryn, 2i0. \Yil- Agnes, Helen, John, ELLIS. Ethel, Eu- liam, 270, 271. Eth- 290, 291. gene, 295. el. George, Mary, DOUGHTON. Emily, ELMER. Charles, 84. 271. Arthur, Erma, 165. ELVERT. Emile, Sam- 271, 2i2. Ailene, DOWNS. Alonzo, Earl, uel, 102. Eva. Florence, 272. Harry, Janice, Thel- ELVINS. Mary, 107. Franklin, Maud, ma, 150. Eugene, ELWELL. Elizabeth, Mildred, Robert, 197. Rebecca, 136. 89. Emma, John, Theodore, 273. DRUMM0N'D. Mar- Nettie, Samuel. Til- F0WSER. Alice. 29. garet, 241. lie, 94-. Mary, 96. Dorothy, Elmer, DUBLE. Margaret, EXGEL. ?lfagdalena, Francis, Marion, 299. 62. Henry. 257. :Myrtle, William, DUBOIS. Edith, Jas., EPPERS0~. Thelma, Wyatt. 29, 30. Hel- Minerva, Wilmer, 110. en, 29, 31. Eric, 212. ERW~. Emily, 35. Donald, Josiah, ~Iir-

331 iam, Neil, 30. FIRESTONE. Sarah, Mary, 121. FOX, Ada, 190. Mar- 65. Earl, 261. Eliza- GOOD. John, 320. garetta., 230. beth, 155. Rebecca, GOODMAN. Bertha, FRAMBEE. Susan, 147. Ruth, 215. Samuel, 210. 258. FISH. Margaret, 70. GORDON. Richard, FRENCH. Henry, 121. FISHER. Mamie, 94. 277. FREW. Kathleen, 116. FLANAGAN. James, GOSMAN. Helen, 187. FRIANT. Ella, 110. Maria, 158. Jennie, GRA.i.'ff. Cora, 28. Sarah, 233. Martha, Smith, 227. GRAY. Anna, 190. FREUDENTHALL. Mary, 227, 22S. GREEN. Elizabeth, Dorothy, 217. . FLEXON. William, Re.i:, 28. FULLERTON. Doris, 51. GREER. Dorothy, Edith, Engle, Harry, GAGA.~. Frances, SO. James, Lucille, 280. Joseph, 213. GA.°l\j°'DY. Danelia, 97. GRIFFITH. Samuel, FULLMER, 39. GARDNER. Alvin, 253. Edward, 160. FULTON. Rita, 25B. Amelia, Deborah, GRUBER. Henry, 317. FAGA.V. Margaret, 61. 267.. GUA...VT. Mary, 200 FAIRLAMB. Anne, GARNELL. Susanna, GUILLAN. Clara, 37. 40. 205. HABERLEIN. Pearl, FARRELL. Elizabeth, GARRETT. Samuel, 159. 42. 54. HACKETT. Joshua, FATKIN. Harry, 286. GARRIGUES. Frank- 44. Samuel, 303. FAWCETT. Nellie, lin, 97. HAGNEY. Emma, 302. GARRISON. Jere- 194. FEATHERER. Sarah, miah, 88. Anna, HAGER. Harry, 261. 210. Virginia, 236. Clyde. Estella, Ma- HAGUE. Elizabeth, Keziah, 147. Ben- bel, Susanna, Syd- 55. jamin, John, Rob- ney, 191. Jay, Les- HAHNER. Dorothy, ert, 158. Ann, Jas., lie, Mahlon, Sanford, 218. 158, 159. Harvey, Stephen, William, HAINES. Annie, 196. Walter, 158, 160. 191, 192. Josephine, HAI1'1"EY. Jean, Les- Mildred, 159. Ethel, Samuel, Walter, 192. ter, Paul, 213. Grace, Pauline, 160. GARVIN. Mary, 311. HALCOMBE, 225. FELTON. Elizabeth, GERFIN. Reta., 238. HALL. John, 240. 220. GEBHARDT. Kath- HALL. Ethel, 218. FENDRICH. Jane, r:yn Sarah William 247. HAMILTON. Mary, Joseph, 121. GIBSON. Florence, 30. Pearl, SO. FENTON. Chalkley, 303. Earl, Esther, HANCOCK. Joan, Lu- Elizabeth, Frank, Isaac, Ralph, 66. cius, 26. May, 317. 122. Arthur, Earl, GILLA .."11,{. Robert, 313. HM'"D. Elizabeth 55. Edna, Furman, Geo., GILL. Benjamin, Eliz- HANN Frank &ms 122, 123. Furman, abeth, 205. 200 ·201 ' ' Fi:iEE. David, GILLICK. Kate, 53. HANSON.. Horace, Joan, Marion. 72. GIVEN. Har_ry, Sus- Robert, 257. FINK. Amer, 223. annah, William, 267· HARBISON. Adam, FINKBINER. Daniel, Harry, 2~8- Clifford, Gilbert. Al- Earl. 72. GOFF. William, 154. bert, Edith, How- FINLEY. Harry, 318. GOLDSBOROUGH. ard, Lydia, Mamie,

332 292. 29. Mary, 46. HUBER. Anna, 279. HARE. Mary, 288. HODDER. Clark, Jas., HU11ES. Rose, 57. HARKINS. Charles, 138. HUMPHREYS. Esth- 264. HOGATE, John, Jos- er, 161. HARRIS. Anna, Eph- eph, lJ 3. HUMPHREYS. Ver- riam, 194. Francis, HOLDCRAFT. Mar- na, 122. Mary, 194, 195. garet, 117. Eliza- HUNT. Averel, .304. Donald, 315. beth, 147. Mary, HL"NTER. Janel, HARRISON. Julia, 282. John, Margaret, Wil- l 78. HOLEl\lA.~. Rebekah, liam, 72. HART. Mary, 58. 4. HURFF. May, 278. HART).·IYER. Edith, HOLLIS. Edward, Os- HUSTED. Clara, 109. Roy, 39.. car, 76. Lida, 112. Aubrey, HARVEY. Mary, 70. HOL::\IES. Anna, 211. William, 116. Leroy, Roscoe, 91. HOLTQ:,;, Edgar, HUTCHINSON. Sar- HARVEY. Paul, 212. Frances, Harrison, ah, 234. Adelbert, HASHER. Charlotte, 151. Herbert, 109. 3li. HO>IA.i.'l'. Priscilla, RYATI. Ella, James, HASKILL. William, 205. Russell, 291. 35. HOFFMAN. Cordelia, IRVIN. Mary, 300. HAZLETT. Emma, 60. 71. :'.\fary, 249, 263. IRELA.L~D. Emma, HA).Il\L'\.KER. i\lar- Charles, 287. 315. Jennie, 258. garet, 1 i6. HOOD. Frances, L.~ES. Allen, John, HEXDL1IYER. John, Frank, 2'J7. 158. William, 317. HOOPER. Frank, Geo. INGRA)!. John. 103. HENDRICKSON. El- Marguerite, Marie, JACKSON. Thelma, mira, 269. Sarah, I 79. 247. Emily, 199. HENRY. Daniel, 149. HOO\i'EN. Myrtle, JACQUETTE. Mary, HEPXER. )Iary. 184. 114. 115, 131.Laura, 123. HESS. Albert, Margar- HOP:'.\!A-''1'. Herbert, Gladys, Hance, 104. etta, 198. Roger, Ronald, 113. JEXK~S. Oscar, \Vi!- HETZELL. Bettie, HORXER. Sarah, 211. liam, 250. 1Iartha, Charles, 184. Belen, Boyd, 27. AlLert, 223. Do:othy, Eliza- ! ()2. Anna, James, Jo,;e- beth. George, 38. An- HEWES. Elizabeth, phine, Leon, Mary, na, 105. 18. Tabitha, 23. 306. )lark, 305, 306. JE::-..--XIXGS, 31 i. Laura. 266. HORT:'>IA.;."\i, Carrie, JESSUP. Florence, HE'WITT. Benjamin, Fannie, 1fary, Peter, 284. Edward, Emma. 301. JOW.-:SON. Meredith, Florence, Rachel, HOUSTEAD. Vern:t, 35. Charles. Jean, Verna. 242. 122. ).farion, Stephen, HTCK:\L-\...~. Clara. 47. HOUSTOX. Alexander 121. Clarence. 153. H!GGP.\'S. Cora, 312. Carol. Elizabeth, Ju- Rebecca, 311. Harry, HILL. Ella, 71. Jia. :Hary. Sallie, 301. HILL:\fA.'-'. Harriet. William. 320. ]OXES. ~aomi. 30. 222. HO\YLETT. Leo, 162. Lauretta. 101. Les- HITCW,\TER. F!flT- HO\\.ELL. R11th. JO,;. lie. 130. Clark, Hel- ence, Fay, Re,:, Ill. H0:\.1\·0RTH. Catha- ena. 154. Charlotte. Alice, 192. Florence, rine, 166. 186. John, 304. Sar.:

333 ah, 318. Walter, 152. KROUGH. Carol, JORDA.'l'. John, 67. KIGER. Lillian, 233. George, Gerald, Oscar, 211. Arnet, KILLE. Anna, Lois, Joan, Sally, 235. Clifford, John, Leon, _Seville, Thomas, Ku.1'\fEL. Dorothy, Lillie, Mary, Ralph, 302. Arthur, David. 132. William, 236. John, 302,303. Har- YUNTZl.EMAN. JOSEPH. Erma, 299. ry, \Valter, 302, 304, Kath~ n, 270. JUSTICE. Grover, Edwin, 302, 305. LACY. Richard, 302. 156, Anna, 123. De- Charles, Edith, Geo., LAFTY. Agnes, 239. borah, 130. Martha, Kenneth, Rolland, LAIER. Frederick, 169. George, John, 303. Deborah, Inez, 240. Wesley, 205. Jacob, Kenneth, Margaret, LA.'l'D. Johnathan, Minnie, 301. Grave, Virginia, 304. Elsie, Samuel, 233. Howard, L~vi, Rich- Miriam, Richard, :;:.AMBERT. George, ard, 2i8. Deborah, William, 305. Olive, Eleanor, Evelyn, 56. George, Harry, Sar- 66. Alice, 183. Lida, L:\... '1',;GHAM, 318. ah, 278, 279. Harold, Willard, William, LA.1.'l'GSHAW, 35. 279. 183, 184. Leon, 183, LA.L'l'NING. John, 90. KASISCHKE. Walter, 184, 185. Charlotte, Edna, Jacvb, 90, 91. 100. Robert, Susanna, Alice, Bertha, Oscar, KATES. Lydia, 56. 184, Bertha, Robert, 91. Charles, 90, Qt, KEECH. Bertha, 185. 92. Clayton, Ella, Catharine, Norris, KILLIAN. Joseph, Milton, 91, 92. 240. Margaret, 264. Franklin, 92. KEEN. Edward, 110. KINCAID. James, LAYl\'.IAJ.'l'. Hannah, Rena, 127. Irene, William, 251, 252. Joseph, 104, Samuel, 228. Caroline, 287. Betty, Malissa, 252. 104, 105. Blanche, KELLENBENZ. Do- K~DLE. Edna, 107. 105. lores, Theodore, 290. KING. Georgianna, LAWRENCE. R•!th, KELLY. Dorothy, 74. Samuel, 123. An- 150. Helena. 315. Marguerette, Thom- thony, Joseph, 167. Mildred. Norman, as. SIS. I,;aac. 310. 318. Lillian, 159. KE!'ll'"NEDY. Cathar- KIRBY. Lawrence, 50. LAWSON. Matilda, ine, Edward, Fran- Anna, 205. Louis, 57. cis, John, William, -William, 216. Han- LAYTON. Clinton. El- 59. nab 174. Ada, Edith, mer, Harold, Mary, KEPPEL. George, Joy- Charles. Harry. Jos- Wilmer. 242. Ella, ce, 164. eph, 267. Edgar, Elwood. Hubert, KERR. William, Vir- Margaret. Mary, 259. Ralph. Robert, ginia, 188. 267, 268. Lola, Nor- William. 259. KESSLER. Elaine. 39. man, Verna, 268. LEAMING. Elizabeth, KESLER. Alice, Chas., KL.A.USS. Albert. 39. 67. Elsie, 185. Esther, 161, 162, KLONOWER. Henry, LEAP. Lydia. 232. 164. Florence, Lewis, 37. Mayhew. Richard, Margaretta, Myra, KNIGHT. Lavinia. 70. Paul, 212. Anna, 162. Horace, 256. Delma, Frank. 254. Eva, George, Thom- KIDD. Charles. Jean, KNTSELL. Roulef, as, 154. Helena, Robert, Stephen, 246. Homer, 154, 155.

334 Marjorie, Preston, l\Iiriam, 198, 199. MALSEED. Louisa, 155. Mazie, 303. LODGE. Alfred, Allen, 277. LEARN. A Ii son, 301. MALONE. Sophia, Clyde, Dale, Glenn, LONG. Martha, 121. 168. 191. Mildred, 237. Jere- MARPLE. Harry, LEEDOM. Edwin, miah, 152. Rachel, Harriet, 239. Alma, John, Joseph, Rich- 24. Mary 57. Violet, 239, 240. ard, 36. LONGACRE. Eliza- MARSDEN. Theresa, LEEDS. Catharine, beth, 267. Anna, 77. 316. Joseph, 275. MARSHALL, Doris, LE~IBERT. Tillie, LOPER. Laura, 55. Edith, Evelyn, Jac- 105. LORD. Abigail, 281. ueline, John, Lois, LESSIG. Edna, 166. LORE. Anna, Benjam- Mildred, 230. LEVINS. Florence, in, Harry, Isabelle, MARTIN. Louise, 95. 102. Mary, 31. Sue, 195. Margaret, LEWIS. Charles, Edna, LOSCALZO. Mary, 268. Jesse, 312. Florence, Harold, 210. MASON, Bertha, 106. James. l\farion, 115. LOUDENSLAGER. Henry, 310. Eva. 298. Edward, Katherine, :-VIATHIS. Isaac, 271. LINDU... Earl, Geo., Mary, Paul, 320. MATLACK. Anna, Howard, Robert, Mary, 176. Charles, William, 31. 262. LOWE. Mary, 303. Evaline, 65. Heisler, LINK. Amelia, 100. LUBERG. Elizabeth, 222. Caroline, Geo., LIPPINCOTT. Elmer, 34. Verna, William, 222, Lois, 305. LUFKIN. Anna, 201. 223. LOCKE. Sarah, 82. LUKE. Charles, Jame.;, MATSON. Harriet, LOGA1,. Ruth, 74. 97. 306. Sarah, 223, Chandler, Charles, LUPTON. Stella, 236. 265. Charles. Rob- Florence, Thelma, L\"'N"CH. Velma, 317. crt. Richard, 273. 98. Ellen, 166. MATT0UR, Anna, LLOYD. Addell, Em- L\'11:'"N. Harry, 67. 162. ma, 219. George, LYON. Margaret, 178. MATTSON. Oarence, Laura, Lila, Mary, Thelma, i.15. Willard. 256. Washington, 3 8. MACNALLY. Laura, MATZA. Mildred. 264. Blanche, Charles, 198. MA UTE. Dorothy, Florence, 38, 39. MADARA. Esth'!r, Eleanor, Marion, Presley, 38, 39. Alice Jacob. John, Rebcc- Ravmond, William, Eleanor, 39. Sallie, ca, 249. Mary, 24~•, SO. 95. 251, 252. Martha, MEENA,~. Catharine LODER. David. Chas., 249, 250. William, Margaret. 167. '

196. Emily. Frances, 249, 251. Lydia, 249, \!ENGEL · El"zabeth1 Leroy, Mary, 196, 253. Lizzie, 249, 256. • 137 ' ' 197. Carolyn. 197. Emma, Harry, ,s· CK h Ella, 196. ~enjamin, J~anne, 251. Allen, :\!~ 1 , Mart a, Martha, \\m., 196, 2:,1. 252. Evelvn, 07 · 197. Rebecca. 252. • :\IJCH:\EL. ~Iargaret, Horace. Marguerite, MAG0W ..\.c~. Bertha, 320. 198. Elizabeth, Hel- Charles, l\I yr t I e, ::\IICKLEBACK. Eliz- en. How:1rd, John, 318. abeth, Carl, 197.

33S McALLISTER. Sar.·h, 109. Chas., Everet~, MULLIN. Alice, Jos- 205. Gladys, Irene, 112. eph, Mary, 111. McANISH. Horace, R i c h a rd, 282. Francis, Lawrence, 56. Edythe, 283. 282 111,112. Florence, McBRIDE. Viola, 260. MOHRING. Adolph, Josephine, 112. McCARRON. Lewis, 272. Mary, 286. Stewart, 272. MONTAGUE, Daniel, MUNION. Ida, 248. McCARSON. Alexan- David, Elmira, Ir- MUNYAN. Deborah, der, Emma, Leroy, ene, Jack, Mary, 31. Christianna, 233. Margaret, John, 248. Vivian, 229. MURPHY. Danella, Ethel, 116. MOORE. Joseph, Re- 243. McCAULEY.. Anna, becca, Samuel, 221. MUTZER. Mary, 293. 78. Robert, 221, 231, MYERS. Harrison, MacELHENNEY, An- 258. Lydia, 221, Margaret, Sarah, drew, Jean, 38. 249. Mary, 221, 259. 227. McGOWAN. Ethel, Alice, Edwin, Fred- MYERS. John, 205. 279. erick, Harriet, Mir- Olive, 263. Keziah, McLAUGHLIN. Jos- iam, 231. Charlotte, 67. eph, Rita, 80. Edmund, John, Jos- NALE. Abigail, 205. McCLEER. Jane, 75. eph, Lewis, Lawr- NEWCOMB. Joseph, McCREARY. Flor- ence, Mary, Marie, 103, 105, 106, Am- ence, 39. Reuben, Ruth, 258. anda, John, Keziah, McGONIGLE, Mary, Lucy, 306. Ethel, 104. Hannah, Jacob, 59. 304. 104, 106. Charles, McINTYRE. Sallie, MORGAN. Doris, Wil- 104, 107. Delema, 56. Francis, 96. Ag- liam. 293. Charles, Edward, Marj', Wil- nes, 290. Effie, 298. lard, 105. Albert, McKIEGHAN. Neva- ::\10RGA.. "'l'. Emma, 91. Edna, Ruth, 107. da, 249. Violet, 2.31. Daniel, Walter, 115. Mc:'11:AHON. Daniel, MORRISON. Margar- NICHOLS. Arthur, 26. 281. et. 59. Edna, 206. Mary, 286. McQUILTON. Flor- MORROW, Sarah, NICHOLSON. Eliza- ence, 139. 184. beth, 198. ME:;,,."DENH..\LL. MORTON. Helen, 35. NICKERSON. Mari- John, 155. MORSE. Leon, 213. on. 217. MILLER. Elizabeth, MOSSBROOK. Her- NIPE. Earl, Evelyn, 28. Edith, 77. Anna, bert. Walter, 300. Howard, James, 306. 135. Anna, Charles, MOL"LDER. Eliza- NIXON. Jeffrey, Pa- Grace, Joseph, 176. beth, 141. tricia, 31. Anna, 233. Albert, MOWERS. Leon, 227. NOCELLA. Ralph, Pauline. 316,318. MULFORD. Arthur, William. 80. MINARD. Esther, Frank, Harry, Leon, NORTON. Howard, 311. 99. Edmund, Eva, 112, 115. Pearl, 112, MINGLE. Margaretta, George. Grace, Ida, 114, Charles, Clara, 180. Elizabeth. 209. Leonard, Oscar. 99, 279. Emma, 113. MINCH. Alice, Miri- 100. Bruce, David, James, 114, 115. An- am. Richard, 185. Doris, Gaynell, na, Florence, 115. MITCHELL. Elsie, Rhoda, Wayne, 100. George, Walter, 279.

336 OAKFORD. E~tcer, 263. Anna, Grace, rah, 257. 140. 260. Burroughs, Eva, POWERS, Thomas, O'DONNELL. Marie, Viola, 260, 261. Ar- 27. 62. Elizabeth. 286. thur, Edward, Em- POULSON. Margaret, OPDYKE. George, ma, Raymond, 260, 103. Mary, 184. 262. Mildred, 260, PORCH. Alonzo, ORR. Alfred, Doris, 261, 262. Edwin, Edith, Samuel, War- Elizabeth, Helen, Howard, 261. Ar- ren. 253. 220. thur, Harry, 262. POYNER. Graham, OSBOR."l'E. Hannah, Charles, Eleanore, 284. 86. Mary, Regina, Rob- PR.~L. Claude, Jen- OSINSKY.. Edmund, ert, 263, 264. Geor- nie 98. 168. gianna, Jane, Joan, PRICKETT. Clara, OTTINGER, Marie, Margaret, 264. Fan- 193. 132. nie, 207. PRICHER. Charles, OWEN. Marlina, 225. PETERSON. Florence, Lav.Tence, William, OWENS. Mary, 177. 30. Mary, 83. Ray- 277. PACKARD. Henry, mond, 92. PRATI, Ann, 200. Ralph, Ruth, 288. PETRICH. Aveda, PLUMMER. Aleasea, PAGE. A. D., Barbara, 189. Jess. 235. Victoria, 257. PETTIT. Clarence, PFEFFER. Myrtle, PARISH. Catharine, Edward. Lewis. Re- 238. 115. ba, 188. Adelbert, RAIGHN. Ida, Willi- PARKER. Russell, 98. 188. am. 288. Milton, Elnora, 271. PIERSO~. Jane. 94. 160. PARKS. Emma, Ever- PIKE. Albert, Harvey, RAINE. Joseph, 235. ett, George, Theo- John, Lydia, 52. John, Lillie, 235, dore, 2i2. PITMA."\'. Helen, 28. 236. Geor¢anna, PARRY. Elizabeth, PITM.A..'i'. 1\Iary, 284. 235. 237. )farv. ?35, Ira, :Milford, 126. PHIUPPI. Ruby, 148. 236. 237. William, P ..\TTERSON. Hettie, PICKIN. Marlin. Jos- 235, 23S. Jean. Ken- 60. Benjamin, eph. Velma, '\Valter, neth, Phyllis, Virgin- George. Mary, Miri- 210. ia. 236. Dolores. 238. am, 175. PIDGEON. Mary, Viola. 23S. P ..\l:'L. Martha, 155. Linda. ::',Jalinda, RATXEY. Evelyn, Joseph, 176. 253. Deborah. Jo5- John. :'.\!arion. 255. PEACE. Bony, Doro- eph. Nova, 253, 254. R-\:\f\!EL. Jane. 182. thy. Elizabeth, Jud- Ethel, Florence, Isa- R-\XSO::\L Ruth. 26. ith. 68. ac. Oscar. 253, 255. RAU. ::',fariz;iret. 316. PERFECT. Charles, Harold. Ruth. 254. R.-\'\'\"LIXGS. Helen 54 310. Dorothv. Earl. Gla- REIXFRIED. Bertha. PERRY. l\Iary. 68. dys. '\"\'alter. '\Yilli- Clifford. Daniel, George, 259. Mary, am. 255. Delma. Ed- Emma. Frank, Fran- 259, 260. John. 259, mund, Eva. Lois. cis. Harriet, John, 260, 263, 264. Jos- 256. Alice. Clarence, Louise. 101. eph. 259, 260, 261, Olive, Warren, 256, REDSTREAKE, :Mar- 264. Ella, 259, 263. 257. Doris. Mary. tha, 200. Thomas, 259, 260, Robert, Verna, Sa- REED. ::\Iargaret, 18S.

337 Phyllis, 236. RUSSELL. Perla, 131. 150. REEDER. Marion, RUSK. Elizabeth, 197. SHERWOOD. Fran- 130. SADLER. Edward, ces, 118. RELL. Freda, 69. llary, 148. SHEi.IP. Georgianna, REUTER. George, S:\GE. Theodore, 196. 232. 115. Florence, 251. SAILOR. Grace, 123. SHOCK. Charles, Cla- REVIS. Cresley, Doris, Ruth, 224. rence, Nancy, 118. 244. SANDERLIN. Mil- SHOEMAKER. Da- REYMER. Henry, dred. William. 109. vid, 86. Anna, El- 156. SANDERS. Abigail, mer, Homer, Ho- REYNOLDS. Geneva, Ruth, Walter, 164. ward, 211. James. 256. SAUNDERS. Albert, SHOURDS. Francis, RHODES, John, 58, Marie, William. 132. 35. Albert, 82. SA VACOOL. Jeanette, SHREINER. Frances, RICH:).10ND. Mary, 286. 207. 127. SAYERS. Bertha, SHULL, Lydia, 275. RICHNER. Nellie, Charles. Earl, Eliza- SHUTE. Elmira, 119. 187. beth, Robert, Har- SILL. Rose, 209. RICKARDS. Samuel, vey, 20S. SILVER. Mary, 42. 74. SCARBOROUGH. Al- SIMMERMON. Flet- RIDGWAY. Jacob, 44. ton. 149. cher, Gerald, 299. Margaret, 153. SCHOCK. Ella, 288. SIM~IONS, Oliver, 51. ROBERTS. Rebecca, Malissa, 250. SUION. James, 271. 297. SCOTT. Jennie. Mar- SIMPKINS. Dorothy, ROBERTSON. Don- garet. 226. William, 187. aid, Robert, lll. El- 165. David, 179. Al- SIMPSON. F,ances, wood. :).Iargaret, Ri- Jen, 259. 256, 214. Frank, 214. chard, 114. SCUDDER. Ralph, SD'.IS. Temperance, 24, ROBI:-:-SON. George, Patricia, 214. 31. Oscar, Anthony, Isaac, Sarah, Theo- SCULL. Gifford, Elsie. 228. dore, Thompson, 25. James, Josephine, SI:l'-."NICKSON. Floyd, Charles, Rebecca, V_irginia. 276. Ber- 120. ,villiam, 25, 31. Eth- tna, 27. SKI!'-"NELL. Andrew, el. Harold, !llaud, SCULLDr. Laura, Robert, William, 31. Charles, Tho- John. James, 266. 283. mas, 275. Martha, SEAGRAVE. Harry, SKYLES. Arthur, Dor- 275, 276. Abigail, 218. othy, Lillian, Pres- !l'Iaud. 275, 277. Le- SEEDS. Kate. 189. ley, Ruth, 39. ona. 199. SHARP. ~fary, 105. SLO ..\,."\. Caroline, Hel- ROGERS. Jennie, 83. John, Rose, 274. en. Nathaniel, 285. ROSS. !\aomi, 148. Ruth, 208. Amy, Albert. Char- ROSSIS. Joaquin, 35. SHAW. Frank. 268. !es, Bernadotte John, ROl"N. Carlton, Ed- Elizabeth, 219. La\\Tence, William, ward, Kathaniel, SHEARER. William, 285, 286. Mary, 285, Lois. 300. 37. 286. Joseph, Lucille, ROYDHOUSE. Jos- SHELDO~. Anna, 286. eph, Eleanore, Jose- 268. SL.\PE. Anna. 104. phine, 310. SHELTO~. Edwin, SLOFF. Isabelle, 250.

338 S)IITH. Ella, 208. 151. Nettie, 151, 152. Mildred, 223. Frances, 219, 224. Rebecca, 151, 152, STI:\IPSO:,.J. Dolores, Othelia, 230. Bessie, 153. Anna, James, Donald, James, 193. Mildred, Peter, 318. 151, 153. Dorothy, STOCKTON. Minnie, Kathleen, 276, Margaret, 153. El- 289. George, Harry, Jean- mer, 146, 155. Ann, STOREY. Emma. 179. ette, Olive, Samuel, 146, 158. Clara, 154, STONE. Emma, 273. 244. Burroughs 263. Elnora, Mayme, 154, STOUT. Robert, 310. Rena, 160. Eliza- 155. Albert, Harriet, STRAUGHEN. Eliza- beth, 52. Hubert, 156. Arthur, beth, 123. Benjamin, SNOW. Julia, 319. Leon, 156, 157. 231, 232. Anna, 232, S::-."YDER. Lucie, Mar- Edith, 156, 157, 161. l\Iary, 231, 243. Da- garet, 192. Martha, 227. Geo., vid, Elmer, 241. Re- SOl\IERS. Rosalie, 62. Ruth, Walter, 279. becca, Sedgwick, Deborah, 65, 81. SPRATT, Elizabeth, 241, 242. George, Hannah, 174. 57. 241, 243. Joseph, SOOY. Florence. 209. SPRINGER. Harry, 241, 243, 245. Har- SOUDER. Harry, 121. 51. Howard, 83. riet, 242. Grace, 242, SPARKS. Elizabeth, Walter. William, 83, 243,244. Carrie, Liz- 66. Eugene, William, 84. Dana, Ethel, zie, 243. Bessie, 67. Wesley, 129. Ho- Lillian. Violet. 84. Harvey, Rebecca, race, Thurman, Wal- STRING. Margaret, 243, 244. Maud, ter. 129, 130. John, 193. Samuel, 243, 245, 129, 148. Charles, SPROlJLE. Charles, Percy, 244. Jean. l\far'!UPrite, l\fary. 49. STREET. Aaron, 86. Melva, Ruth, Sam- STAFFORD. Edwin, STRETCH. Amanda, uel, 130. Ebenezer, 311. 267. 146, 156. Bert. Jos- STA.. "\GER. Miriam, STRICKLA·.. 11 ,m. Eva, eph, Marion, New- 282. 116. ton, Warner. 148. STA;.'\."I.EY. Benjamin. STRDIPLE. Georgi- Sarah, 148, 149. Ma- Jay, l\Iarjorie, Vir- anna. 232. ria, Joshua, 146. gil. 199. STUCKEY. John, 127. George. 146. 147, ST.-\.'l'l;TON. Sarah, STlrRGES. Gates. 220. 151, 153. Thomas, 2i8. )Iary, 297. SWAVERLY. Ann, 146. 154. l\Iary, 146, STEEDL-\.~. Lydia, 279. 148, 149. Johnathan, 258. s,\"EETEN. Preston, 147, 148. Vincent, STEEN. Annie, 54. 260. 147, 151. 153. Frank STEIN. Arthur, 27. S\\"EXTZEL. Emily, 147, 149. Harry, STELWAGON, Wil- 320. 147, 149, 150. Hel- liam. 72. SWIFT. Earl. 286. en, Iris, Kathryn. STEPLER. Rhoda, SWING. 196. Ralph. 148. Lida, 100. TA\'1.0R. Robt .. Fran- 149. l\Iildred, 149, STETSER. Sarah. 200. ces, 92. Claire. Fur- 150. 157. Emma, STE,Y. .\RT. l\farguer- man. Jane, Lloyd, Frances, 149. Thel- etta. 299. Harvey, Roxana, Samuel, ma, 149. 150. Ed- 270. 103. \"era. 103. Pe- ward. 150. Harvey, STILES. Joseph. 53. ter, Emma, Lydia, Mar1etta, Marjorie, Carlton, Malina, Thomas, 165. Ger-

339 rard, 165, 166. Geo., TRAN!iEU. Bertha, 196. 165, 166, 167. John, Harvey, Harriet, WAR.:'l'ER. Janet, Jos- Joseph, 166, 167. 105. . epb, Larner, 184. Robert, 166, 167, TREICHEL. John, WATERS. Dorothy, 168. Anna, Frances, 191. 272. Margaret, Mary, TRESSLER, 310. WATSON. Anna, 60. 167. Edward, Helen, TRIBBETT, 100. Lizzie, 194. Reta, Roberta, So- TROUP. Nellie, 38. \YEAVER. Katharine, phia, William, 168. TRl,"ITT. Burton, 138. Harry, 270. Belle, Frances, Martha, WE.BB. Emma, Henry, 201. William, 238. 295. John, 315. TARKINGTON. Ara- TUFT. Chester, 102. WEBER. Harold, 257. mantha, 294. TULL. Frederick, 128. WEEKS. Bluma, 187. TATEM. Evelyn, Fre- Bertha, Elizabeth, WELLS. Daisy, 112. da, Walker, 200. John, Myrtle, 128, WESTCOAT. Cbar- TAUBER. r>Iary, 234. 129. Mattie, 130. latte, 120. TE.\.SE. Leslie, Rich- TURKINGTON. WELDON. Catharine, ard, 318. Mary, 75. 316. TEGGE. Bruce, Carl- TU&."'l;ER. Dorothy, WE."'l;"TZ. Charles, 270. ton, Edward, 195. John, Russell, 26. \\'"HARRY. Dorothy, THOMAS. Helen, 123. VALEN'TINE. Alice, John, Lawrence, 292. Frederick, Illiss, VMLEER. Leona, 92. W1ULEY. Anna, 82. Murie, 160. Melvin, VERICK. Edna, 257. \VHITAKER, 82. 237. Bertha, 303. VICKERS. Leo, 84. WHITE. George, John, Anna., 210. VICKERY. Charles, Joseph, SO. John, TH07'!PSON. Irene, Emerson, George, 281. 208. Leona, 112. El- Harold, Marie. llS. WHITE. Walter, Wil- sie, 153. Andrew, S. VIZ-.:CE~T. Raymond, Ham, 252. Mary, 57. Florence, Alvin, 21 i. WHITESELL. Grace, 68. Daniel, 167. VL,-EYARD. Arthur, Helen, John, 94. Ja- THOR.:-..;. Anna, 62. Eugene. Jesse, \Vil- cob, 108. Sarah, !OS. THORPE. Elizabeth, liam, 123. Anna. Elwood, 108, 186. VOI-1RER. Anna, 295. 114. ?llargaret, 108, TILL. Annie, Ruth, WADDINGTON. Eli- 114, 115. Frank, 241. nor. 151. 108, 116. Ellen, TITUS. Fre1and, Vio- WAGNER. Eona, 47. ~fary, 114. Francis, let, 240. Hannah, \V. .\HL. Charles. Lil- Herbert. Lida, Mar- 214. Florence, 272. lian, Thelma, 292. tha. Theresa, 116. TODD. Robert, 91. WALDBAUER. Eliza- \\"IBLE. Helen, 26. TOMBLESON. Eliza- beth. 280. WILEY. Charlotte, beth. 252. \VALLACE. George, .?94. TOl\lILIN. Jacob, Liz- 57. WILLIA:\IS. Ann. 236. zie. Shirley. Theo- WALLS. Laura, 189. WILLIA)1S. William, do:-e, 250. Rebecca, WALTON. Dorothy, 317. 251. Esther, Harry, 66. WILSO~. Robert, 101. TO'\VNSEKD. Emory, Gertrude, 78. Ed- :'.\farjorie, Merritt, Joseph, Ruth, Wil- ward, Jane, 212. 227. Clarence 225. Iiam, 237. WARD. John, Lydia, Mary, 109. '

340 WISEMA..1'l'. Margaret, beth, Henry, 199. eph, Robert, 96. 26.3. Maud, 197. YOURINSON. Mary, WOOD. Anna, 84. Ir- WOOLEY. Elizabeth, 230. Myrna, Wil- ene, 235. 224. liam, 127. WOODWARD. Ray- WOOLMAN. James, ZA.:."•rn. Harriet, 118. mond, Sarah, 95. 82. Allan, Clement, El- WOODHEAD. Ethel, WOOMER. Harold, vira, Herbert, Wil- 231. 283. lard, 129. Bertie, WOODLAND. Pres- WORRELL. Frank, Bessie, Cecilia, Hol- ton. 264. 293. lis, 241. Marjorie, WOODRUFF. Sarah. WRIGHT. William, Melvin, Warren, 45. Mary, 49. 245. 242. WOODRUFF. Doro- WYKOFF. Dorothy, ZELCHENKO. Julian, thy, Caroline, Eliza- John, 262. 70. YOUNG. Claire, Jos-