Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Language Education

By Agatha Greis Vita Suroso Student Number: 141214144




Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Language Education

By Agatha Greis Vita Suroso Student Number: 141214144




This thesis is dedicated to:

My beloved father, Bernadus Suroso

My support system, my mother, Oktafiana

My dearest sister and brothers, Agnesdea Meity Suroso, Alberth Paulino Suroso,

and Arsenius Reinhart Suroso

My fabulous best friends, young money group, Hani, Dian, Shella, Al, Danar,

Herman, and Rio

My lovely best friends, Ina and Jason


ABSTRACT Suroso, Agatha Greis Vita. (2018). An Analysis of Speech Styles Used by Desmond Doss in Hacksaw Ridge Movie. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Department of Language and Arts Education, Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Sanata Dharma University.

This research analyzed Desmond Doss’ speech style in the movie entitled Hacksaw Ridge. This movie was chosen because of two reasons. First, this movie provides some aspects and issues regarding speech style. Second, Desmond Doss, the main character, starred by has a variety of speech styles that is worth researching in relation to language studies. Hacksaw Ridge movie provides the examples of speech styles that are uttered by Desmond Doss. There were two formulated questions in this research: 1) What are the speech styles used by Desmond Doss in Hakcsaw Ridge movie? 2) Why does Desmond Doss use these speech styles based on Joos’ theory? In order to answer these two research questions, the researcher applied Joos’ theory (1976) as the main theory that was used to analyze the data and it was supported by Holmes (2013) on register, style, social factors and social dimensions that affect language choice. This research was a qualitative research in which the researcher used a critical discourse analysis to analyze the speech styles. The researcher was the human instrument who was involved significantly in collecting the data. Based on the research results, the researcher discovered four speech styles used by Desmond Doss. Those styles were formal (2.094%), consultative (26.701%), casual (49.215%), and intimate (21.990%). On the other hand, the researcher did not find the frozen speech style in Desmond’s utterances. The researcher concluded that Desmond did not use frozen style in his utterances because of the influence of social factors such as the participant, the setting, the topic, and the function of the conversation.

Keywords: Desmond Doss’ utterances, speech style, Hacksaw Ridge movie


ABSTRAK Suroso, Agatha Greis Vita. (2018). An Analysis of Speech Styles Used by Desmond Doss in Hacksaw Ridge Movie. Yogyakarta: Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Sanata Dharma. Penelitian ini menganalisis gaya bicara Desmond Doss dalam film berjudul Hacksaw Ridge. Film ini dipilih karena dua alasan. Pertama, film ini memaparkan aspek-aspek dan isu yang berhubungan dengan gaya bicara. Kedua, tokoh utama film ini, Desmond Doss, yang diperankan oleh Andrew Garfield memiliki berbagai gaya bicara yang membuat peneliti tertarik untuk mengkajinya. Film Hacksaw Ridge menyediakan beberapa contoh gaya bicara yang diucapkan oleh Desmond Doss. Terdapat dua masalah di dalam penelitian ini: 1) Gaya bicara apa saja yang digunakan oleh Desmond Doss dalam film Hakcsaw Ridge? 2) Mengapa Desmond Doss menggunakan gaya bicara tersebut berdasarkan pada teori Joos? Untuk menjawab permasalahan tersebut, peneliti menerapkan teori Joss (1976) sebagai teori utama untuk menganalisis data dan didukung dengan teori Holmes (2013) tentang register, gaya, faktor sosial dan dimensi sosial yang memengaruhi pemilihan bahasa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif di mana peneliti menggunakan analisis wacana kritis dalam melakukan penelitian ini. Peneliti berperan sebagai “human instrument” yang terlibat secara signifikan untuk mengumpulkan data yang diperlukan dalam penelitian ini. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, peneliti menemukan empat gaya bicara yang digunakan oleh Desmond Doss. Gaya bicara tersebut adalah formal (2.094%), consultative (26.701%), casual (49.215%), dan intimate (21.990%). Di sisi lain, peneliti tidak menemukan gaya bicara frozen di dalam ucapan Desmond Doss. Peneliti menyimpulkan Desmond Doss tidak menggunakan gaya bicara frozen di dalam ucapannya karena pengaruhi faktor sosial yaitu lawan bicara, keadaan, topik, dan fungsi dari percakapan.

Kata Kunci: Desmond Doss’ utterances, speech style, Hacksaw Ridge movie



I would like to express my greatest gratitude to the Almighty God for His blessing so that I can finish this thesis successfully. I present this thesis for all my beloved lecturers, family and friends, who helped me through this wonderful journey.

Secondly, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my thesis advisor

Laurentia Sumarni S.Pd., M.Trans.St., who has become a great teacher and supporter as I struggle with obstacles in the process of finishing this thesis. I really appreciate her immense knowledge, her advice, time, and patience that become great help in completing this thesis. I would also like to give my gratitude to all ELESP lecturers for their excellent skills and knowledge that I have learned during my study.

Last but not least, I send my gratitude to my beloved family and friends who always give me love and continuous support even when I faced difficulties in finishing my thesis. I am so grateful for having a chance to meet inspiring and wonderful people. I might have never finished my thesis without them. I thank them once again for their support and love in the completion of my thesis.

Agatha Greis Vita Suroso



TITLE PAGE ...... i





ABSTRACT ...... vii

ABSTRAK ...... viii




A. Research Background ...... 1 B. Research Questions ...... 3 C. Research Significance ...... 3 D. Definition of Terms ...... 4


A. Theoretical Description ...... 6 1. Definition of Style ...... 6 2. Register ...... 7 3. Speech Styles ...... 9 a. Frozen Style ...... 9 b. Formal Style ...... 10 c. Consultative Style ...... 10 d. Casual Style ...... 11 e. Intimate Style ...... 12 4. The functions of Speech ...... 12 5. Context of Language Use ...... 13 B. Theoretical Framework ...... 15



A. Research Method ...... 16 B. Research Setting ...... 18 C. Research Subject ...... 19 D. Instruments and Data Gathering Technique ...... 20 1. Human Instrument ...... 20 2. Transcript of Desmond Doss’ Utterances ...... 20 E. Data Analysis Technique ...... 21


A. Speech Styles Used by Desmond Doss ...... 23 B. Analysis of Desmond Doss’ Speech Styles ...... 25 1. Synopsis of Hacksaw Ridge Movie ...... 25 2. The Main Character in Hacksaw Ridge Movie ...... 26 3. The Representative Conversation about Faith ...... 26 4. Description of the Form of Actions ...... 28 a. Frozen Style ...... 28 b. Formal Style...... 30 c. Consultative Style ...... 32 d. Casual Style ...... 35 e. Intimate Style ...... 37 5. Objec Materialization ...... 39 6. Theorization of Faith ...... 40


A. Conclusions ...... 42 B. Recommendations ...... 43

REFERENCES ...... 45

APPENDICES ...... 47




This chapter provides the introduction of the research which consists of four parts. The first part is research background, which deals with the explanation of the underlying reasons for choosing speech styles as the topic of the research.

The second part is research question, which states the problem discussed in this study. The third part is research significance, which elaborates the importance of the study to the readers. The last part of this chapter is definition of terms which define the key words of this study to avoid misunderstanding or misinterpretation.

A. Research Background

Language is a basic human tool to communicate with people around the world. Haslett (1987) explains that language can be viewed as the symbolic code that underlies verbal and written communication.

Verbal communication is the process of exchanging ideas, information, and message through spoken words. On the other hand, written communication is the process of communication in which messages or information is exchanged or communicated within sender and receiver through written or printed form (p. 23).

As a tool of communication, language has its own style based on the different interaction between humans. According to Joos (1976), he describes that language has five styles. They are frozen, formal, intimate, consultative, and casual. He claims that the ceremonial occasions almost invariably require very formal speech, public speech is somewhat less formal, casual conversation is quite



informal, and conversations between intimates on matters of little importance may be extremely informal and casual.

Choosing the appropriate language and style to communicate with others is necessary because speaker’s style would interfere with speaker’s ability to convey the speaker’s message. It refers to how formal or informal it should be or how well adapted the language is to the audience’s sensitivity and expectations. In general, speakers tend to strive for a more formal style when they are speaking to a larger audience and a less formal style with smaller audiences.

The more we know about the various speech styles of communication, the more sufficient we can be, not just in making our own points, but also in understanding what others are trying to communicate to us.

Speech style indicates not only the degree of formality but also the type of relationship between interlocutors and their social distance (Brown & Gilman,

1972). This social distance is determined by the age and status difference between interlocutors. In their seminal work study of personal pronouns, Brown and

Gilman (1972) describe how the choice of personal pronouns among speakers of many languages such as German, French or Spanish can index status or power differences and degree of formality.

There are many ways to know speech styles such as through movies, books, advertisements, speeches, and others. On this occasion, the researcher will analyze the speech styles used by Desmond Doss in “Hacksaw Ridge” movie directed by and written by Andrew Knight and Robert Schenkkan.

Hacksaw Ridge is 2016 biographical war drama film about the World War PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


II experienced by Desmond Doss, an American pacifist combat medic who was a Seventh-day Adventist Christian, refusing to carry or use a firearm or weapons of any kind. Doss became the first to be awarded the , for service above and beyond the call of duty during the Battle of


B. Research Questions

The research questions addressed in this study are:

1. What are the speech styles used by Desmond Doss in Hacksaw Ridge


2. Why does Desmond Doss use these speech styles based on Joos’ theory?

C. Research Significance

The researcher believes that this research will be useful and beneficial for several parties as follows:

1. English Learners

This research is related to English linguistics, especially sociolinguistics.

Through this research, the learners are able to know and understand speech styles.

2. English Teachers

The results of this research can help English teachers to provide good materials concerning speech style, especially those who teach sociolinguistics subject. This research is to contribute to the language study development as an additional source in teaching and learning sociolinguistics. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


3. Future Researchers in the Sociolinguistic Field

This research will be a good reference for future researchers in the same field to conduct a similar research. This research will also give useful information about speech styles.

D. Definition of Terms

This part explains the terms which are frequently used in the research in order to avoid misunderstanding. There are some terms which are considered as important terms. The terms and the definitions are explained as follows:

1. Speech Style

In this study, speech style is the way people use language in communicating with others. According to Joos (1976, p. 156) speech style here means the form of language that the speaker uses which characterized by the degree of formality.

2. Character

Character is one of the intrinsic elements in literature. According to

Abrams (1985, p. 21), characters are the person presented in a dramatic or narrative work through the dialogue or the action.

On this research, the researcher spotlight on person as a main character in the Hacksaw Ridge movie named Desmond Doss. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


3. Hacksaw Ridge Movie

In this study, the Hacksaw Ridge movie is a biographical war drama film directed by Mel Gibson and written by Andrew Knight and Robert Schenkkan, based on the 2004 documentary The Conscientious Objector.

Hacksaw Ridge is the extraordinary true story of Desmond Doss who was in Okinawa during the bloodiest battle of World War II, saved 75 men without firing or carrying a gun. He was the only American soldier in World War II to fight on the front lines without a weapon, as he believed that while the war was justified, killing was nevertheless wrong. As an army medic, he single-handedly evacuated the wounded from behind enemy lines, braved fire while tending to soldiers and was wounded by a grenade and hit by snipers. Doss was the first conscientious objector awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI



In this chapter, there are two main parts. Those two parts are the theoretical description and the theoretical framework. In the theoretical description, the researcher provides the theoretical review related to the topic of this research and in the theoretical framework, the researcher explains the relation between the theories and the research question of this research.

A. Theoretical Description

In this section, the researcher discusses the theories which are related to the speech styles. The terms of speech styles are described in detail. The speech styles are analyzed to help the researcher to answer the research questions.

There are some terms to be elaborated and discussed in this chapter, such as definition of style, register, speech styles, the functions of speech and context of language use. The researcher uses those terms because they can help the researcher to understand speech styles. As a theoretical foundation, the researcher writes some descriptions, definitions, and elaborations.

1. Definition of Style

People use language according to their situation. The social background of any person can play an important role in the kind of language he has. Style is the way we speak or communicate to others according to the addressee. The style that we use when we speak to children is different from style we use when we speak to elders.



Holmes (2013) explains how the speaker’s relationship to the addressee is crucial in determining the appropriate style of speaking.

How well you know someone or how close you feel to them – relative social distance/solidarity – is one important dimension of social relationships. Many factors may contribute in determining the degree of social distance or solidarity between people – relative age, gender, social roles, whether people work together, or are part of the same family, and so on. These factors may also be relevant to people’s relative social status (pp. 240-241).

People generally talk differently to children and to adults – though some adjust their speech style or accommodate more than others. Holmes (2013) states people’s styles of speech and written communication index not only aspects of their identity such as their ethnicity, age, gender and social background, they also indicate the contexts in which language is being used.

The way people talk in court, in school, at business meetings and at graduation ceremonies is influenced by and simultaneously contributes to the formality of those contexts and the social roles people take in them. The way people write letters, emails, text messages and blog entries similarly indicates awareness of the different audiences of these different genres. We use more informal language at home with those we know well. When we talk differently to babies and adults, or to people from different social backgrounds, we are adapting or accommodating our language to our audience (p. 267).

2. Register

Register is a variety of a language used for a particular purpose or in a particular social setting. Register helps a speaker and a listener determine language use to form a complete understanding of a particular language. We probably use multiple registers without realizing it. For example, the language we use in writing an academic paper is different from the language we use in our PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


social media. This is because we have different audiences with different expectation about our language and we know how to adjust for these audiences.

Holmes (2013) defines the difference between style and register.

Styles are often analyzed along a scale of formality, as in the examples from social dialect research discussed above. Registers, on the other hand, when they are distinguished from styles, tend to be associated with particular groups of people or sometimes specific situations of use. Journalese, baby-talk, legalese, the language of auctioneers, race-callers and sports commentators, the language of airline pilots, criminals, financiers, politicians and disc jockeys, the language of the courtroom and the classroom, could all be considered examples of different registers. The term ‘register’ here describes the language of groups of people with common interests or jobs, or the language used in situations associated with such groups (p. 262).

Moreover, Halliday (1989, p. 44) states that the term register refers to specific lexical and grammatical choices as made by speakers depending on the situational context, the participants of a conversation and the function of the language in the discourse. There are two main types of variation in language, social and functional. Dialects are characterized by social or regional variation, whereas register concerns functional variation.

In contrast to dialect, which Halliday (1989, p. 41) defines as a “variety of language according to the user”, register focuses on the “variety according to use.” Thus, register is characterized by “differences in the type of language selected as appropriate to different types of situation” which means that there is a close relationship between language and context of situation.” PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


3. Speech Styles

In this research, the researcher chose the theory of speech styles from Joos

(1976) rather than other theories because the theory really accomodated the researcher in analyzing Desmond Doss’ speech styles. Joos’ theory provides a clear explanation and examples for each styles and help the researcher to have a better understanding about speech styles. According to Joos (1976, pp. 153-156), speech style here means the form of language that the speaker uses which characterized by the degree of formality. He identified the styles in five classes are as follows: a. Frozen Speech Style

Joss (1976, p. 156) states that frozen speech style is a style, which is intended to be remembered and used in very formal setting such as in palace, church ritual, speech for state ceremony, and some other occasions. It called

“frozen” because it already has a pattern and cannot be changed. As most highly formal style, it uses the complex grammatical sentence structure and vocabulary known only to experts in a particular field e.g. The Bible verses, the pledge of allegiance, and The Constitution. This style involves very large group of people whose members are known to one another. However, this style is not only addressed to strangers at that time but also to posterity as well. Nevertheless, the reader or the hearers are not permitted giving question to the speakers. This speech style usually uses long sentence with good grammatical and vocabulary. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


b. Formal Speech Style

Based on Joos (1976, p. 156) formal speech style is generally used in a formal situation where there is the least amount or shared background knowledge and where communication is largely one way with little or no feedback from audience. However, it may be used in speaking to a single hearer, for example between strangers.

In a formal transaction such as one with the bank manager in his office, or at a ritual service in church, the language used will be influenced by the formality of the setting. Often degrees of formality are strongly influenced by solidarity and status relationships, but not always. A very formal setting, such as a law court, typically influences language choice regardless of the personal relationships between the speakers. When someone uses formal speech style, it shows they do not have close or intimate relationship one another.

c. Consultative Speech Style

According to Joos (1976), consultative speech style shows our norm when we are talking with strangers who speak our language but whose personal stock of information may be different.

Consultative style happens in two-way participation. It is the most operational among the other styles. It is used in negotiating with the strangers or work colleagues. It is also used in small group discussion, regular conversation at school, companies, trade conversation and others. The speaker has to deliver background information about a topic, and it does not presume to be understood without it (p. 154). PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


The addressee usually participates by giving feedback like “oh”, “uh-uh”,

“I see”, and “Yes”. Interruptions are allowed, if the speaker gives too much information, the feedback might give like “I know, stop it”. There are some examples of consultative style, such as conversation between teacher-students, doctor-patient and the expert-apprentice.

d. Casual Speech Style

Joos (1976, p. 153) defines casual speech style as a style which is used among friends and co-workers when an informal atmosphere is appropriate and desired such as outside the classroom where students have a chat. There are two devices of casual speech style. First, ellipsis (omission) that usually shows the differences between casual grammar and consultative grammar for example:

 “ I believe that I can find one ” (Consultative grammar)

“ Believe I can find one “ ( Casual grammar)

 “ Thank you “ (Consultative grammar)

“ Thanks ” ( Casual grammar)

The unstressed word can be omitted particularly at the beginning of the sentence. As the result, the sentence structure of casual style becomes incomplete.

Second device of casual style is slang which is a prime indication of in group relationship. Slang is non-standard word which is known and used by certain groups like teenager groups, for example, in formal language, young female called

“girl”, while in the slang language it is said as “chick.” PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


e. Intimate Speech Style

Joos (1976, p. 155) states that intimate speech style is a completely private language developed within families, lovers, and the closest friends. Intimate speech style relates to private language developed within the family, loves one, and close friend. It can be in the form of labeling nickname for someone that the speaker really knows well and close. Intimate speech style is used in relax situation because the speaker and the hearer have intimacy to one another.

4. The Functions of Speech

We use language differently in formal and casual context. Our language is adapted in different situaton or condition. The way we talk with children, friends, customers, and colleagues is different to one another.

Holmes (2013, p. 275) states that there are number of ways of categorising the function of speech. They are:

a. Expressive utterances express the speaker’s feelings, e.g. I’m feeling

great today.

b. Directive utterances attempt to get someone to do something, e.g.

Clear the table.

c. Referential utterances provide information, e.g. At the third stroke it

will be three o’clock precisely.

d. Metalinguistic utterances comment on language itself, e.g. ‘Hegemony’



e. Poetic utterances focus on aesthetic features of language, e.g. a poem,

an ear-catching motto, a rhyme, Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled


f. Phatic utterances express solidarity and empathy with others, e.g. Hi,

how are you, lovely day isn’t it!

5. Contexts of Language Use

As social creature, human needs to communicate with another. Language is an effective tool to express all product of human mind. Language and society are two things that have strong relation; both of them cannot be separated. Human being use language in the social of interaction, such as in office, company, campus, market, and any other places. In the process of communication, they use different languages may express the social context in which the people are communicating, for example, the language used between close friends in a conversation is absolutely different with the language use in formal forum such as court. That is way different context can immerge on the formality or informality and social context.

Holmes (2013, p. 9) stated that language used is designed by some relevant factors suited to the context, and they can be grouped as follows:

a. The participant: Who is speaking and who are speaking to?

b. The setting and social context of the interaction: Where are they


c. The topic: What is being talked about? PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


d. The function: Why are they speaking?

In addition, Holmes (2013, pp. 9-11) explains four different social dimensions which relate to the factors above as follows:

a. The solidarity-social distance scale

Intimate Distant

High Solidarity Low Solidarity

This scale is useful in emphasizing that how well we know someone is

a relevant factor in linguistic choice.

b. The status scale

Superior High status

Subordinate Low status

This scale points to the relevance of relative status in some linguistic


c. The formality scale

Formal High formality

Informal Low formality

This scale is useful in assessing the influence of the social setting or

type of interaction on language choice. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


d. The referential and affective function scales


High information Low information

content content


Low affective High affective

content content

Language can convey objective information of a referential kind and it

can also express how someone is feeling.

B. Theoretical Framework

This section elaborates how the theories are used to conduct the research.

The researcher used Joos’ theory (1976) about five speech styles to analyze the speech styles used by Desmond Doss in Hacksaw Ridge movie. In analyzing speech styles in Desmond Doss’ utterances, the researcher examined the five speech styles: frozen style, formal style, consultative style, casual style, and intimate style. The theory of definition of style, the functions of speech, and context of language use, would help the researcher to analyze the factors that motivated Desmond to use such speech styles. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI



In this chapter, the researcher explains about the methodology that is used to answer the formulated problems in this research. There are five parts in this chapter. They are research method, research setting, research subject, instruments and data gathering technique, and lastly data analysis technique.

A. Research Method

This research analyzes the speech styles based on Joos’ theory (1976) that is used by Desmond Doss in his utterances in the Hacksaw Ridge movie. The analysis is based on the movie and the transcript of the movie. In order to analyze the movie and the transcript, the researcher used a qualitative method. According to Creswell (2007, p. 37), “qualitative research begins with assumptions, a worldview, the possible use of a theoretical lens, and the study of research problems inquiring into the meaning individuals or groups ascribe to a social or human problem”.

Afrizal (2015, p. 17) states in qualitative research the data are generally in words form (written and spoken). It is supported by theory of Ary, Jacobs,

Razavieh (2002, p. 22) that there are eight types of qualitative research. They are ethnography, case studies, document or content analysis, naturalistic observation, focused interviews, phenomenological studies, and grounded theory.

In this research, the researcher is using critical discourse analysis to analyze the data. According to Haryatmoko (2017, p. v), critical discourse



analysis (CDA) helps understand the language in its use. Language was not only a tool of communication, but also used as an instrument to do something or a means of applying power strategy. Through language, people produce interpretation in social life. The researcher conducted a critical discourse analysis to study the phenomenon about the use of speech styles in the Desmond Doss’ utterances.

Based on Jӓger and Maier (as cited in Haryatmoko, 2017, pp. 116-145), there are six steps in using critical discourse analysis (CDA) of movie:

1. Making a summary of the story with an easy-to-follow narrative method.

A summary will help the researcher to gain a better understanding about the stroryline, character, and theme of the movie (Haryatmoko, p.116).

2. Defining the protagonist/main character/subject.

There are three tests in defining the protagonist/main character/subject of a movie. First, the qualification test. It shows that a character is qualified as a subject because the character has the quality required to deliver the story messages in a movie. Second, the principle test. The test is about how the subject delivers the story messages of the movie to the object. It can be through confrontation, conflict, or the subject’s struggle. Third, the praise/sanction test.

The subject’s performance is evaluated, either it is a success or a failure

(Haryatmoko, p. 120).

3. Selecting the representative conversations which illustrate the theme of the

story (discursive practice).

This part helps the researcher to elaborate the representative scene in the movie evidently (Haryatmoko, p. 121). PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


4. Describing the form of actions (non-discursive practice).

This part helps the researcher to reveal the aspect that cannot be revealed in discursive practice thorugh the representative scene in a movie (Haryatmoko, p.


5. Describing materialization (object) and its meaning with semiotics

In describing the materilization, the researcher relies on the background knowledge that he has and other resources such as literature or any other documents (Haryatmoko, p. 135).

6. Theorization of movie theme.

This last part helps the researcher to have a deeper understanding about the theme of the movie (Haryatmoko, p. 140).

The researcher applied all of the six steps in analyzing Desmond Doss’ speech styles in Hacksaw Ridge movie. Those steps help the researcher to have a better comprehendship about the movie, especially Desmond Doss as the research subject.

B. Research Setting

The analysis of Hacksaw Ridge movie started from August 28th, 2017 until April 20th, 2018. The researcher spent eight months in analyzing the transcript to gather the speech styles used by Desmond Doss in Hacksaw Ridge movie. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


C. Research Subject

The researcher used human as the research subject. The researcher chose the main character in Hacksaw Ridge movie named Desmond Doss. The brief biography of Desmond Doss was cited from The American Legion website.

Desmond Thomas Doss, Sr., was born Feb. 7, 1919, into a poor family of Lynchburg, Va. Doss’ father, W. Thomas Doss, was a carpenter. His mother, Bertha Doss, joined the Seventh-day Adventist Church and prayerfully tried to raise her two boys and one girl to believe in the Bible. He married Dorothy Schutte, before Doss went to the Pacific. She gave him a pocket-sized Bible, which he would later study whenever the army was waiting somewhere.

When the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, Doss signed up for duty, even though he did not believe in using a gun or killing. He said he was a “conscientious cooperator” because he was willing to go on the battlefield, wear the army uniform, and salute the flag, even though he was not willing to kill anyone. Desmond was assigned to serve as a company medic for the 307th Regiment of the 77th Infantry Division. Desmond Thomas Doss became a Army corporal who served as a combat medic with an infantry company in World War II. He was twice awarded the for actions in and the . Doss further distinguished himself in the Battle of Okinawa by saving 75 wounded soldiers, becoming the only conscientious objector to receive the Medal of Honor during World War II. His life has been the subject of books, the documentary The Conscientious Objector, and the critically acclaimed 2016 film Hacksaw Ridge.

The researcher observed that Desmond Doss used different speech styles in the Hacksaw Ridge movie. Then, the researcher used Desmond Doss’ utterances in the movie as the research subject. The transcript of the Desmond

Doss’ utterances was chosen because the researcher would study about the speech styles based on Joos’ theory. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


D. Instruments and Data Gathering Technique

There are two instruments in this research. They are human instrument and transcript of Desmond Doss’ utterances. These following parts will describe each instrument.

1. Human Instrument

According to Sugiyono (2012, p. 222) in qualitative research, the researcher is the instrument of the research, usually called as human instrument. It is because the researcher decides the topic to be analyzed, chooses the instrument to collect the data, analyzes the data and makes conclusion of the research. The researcher was actively participated in the process because researcher watched the movie, read the transcript of the movie and analyzed it to gather the data for this research. It is also supported by Creswell (1984, p. 40) as cited in Ahmadi (2014, p. 22). He states that researcher is research instrument who gathers and analyzes the data by giving the meaning from the research subject.

To answer the research problems, the researcher searched the information related to the topic of this research in the library and the internet. The information was found from some books, journals and trusted websites in the internet. The data was analyzed and interpreted by the researcher. The data were collected from the Hacksaw Ridge movie.

2. Transcript of Desmond Doss’ utterances

The researcher analyzed the transcript related to Desmond Doss’ utterances in order to gather the data for this research. The transcript was PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


downloaded from The researcher watched the movie and read the transcript at the same time to select Desmond Doss’ utterances based on Joos theory about speech styles. By watching the movie, the researcher could know the situations or the conditions surround Desmond Doss and by reading the transcript could ease the researcher to look for the speech styles in Desmond Doss’ utterances. Then, the utterances were chosen to be the examples to prove that

Desmond Doss used speech styles based on Joos’ theory.

E. Data Analysis Technique

Data analysis technique explains the steps to analyze the findings and to answer the research problems. According to Bogdan and Boklen as cited in

Ahmadi (2014, p. 230) data analysis technique is a research and arranging process using systematic transcript of interview, field notes, and the other materials related to the research topic. They also state that analyzing data has some works to be done, such as gathering and organizing the data, finding the pattern and the important things from the gathered data, and arrange the conclusion to be reported. Based on Ahmadi (2014, p. 229), data analysis in qualitative research is done by arranging the data logically and systematically.

The researcher used some steps in analyzing the data. These steps were the part of step number 4 which was describing the form of actions in critical discourse analysis. First, the researcher watched the movie and read the transcript.

Then, the researcher found the words or sentences containing speech styles in

Desmond Doss’ utterances. Second, the findings were analyzed and classified into PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


the classification of Joos’ five speech styles. Third, the findings were defined and explained the possible reasons why Desmond Doss used those speech styles in his utterances based on Joos’ theory. Fourth, the researcher asked two lecturers who master in linguistic field, Mrs.Carla Sih Prabandari S.Pd., M.Hum., and Mr. Barli

Bram M.Ed., Ph.D., to validate the data found in the classification. The last, the data were concluded and were attempted to answer the research questions.

In analyzing the data, the researcher used cross tabulation table. The format of the table had been set by data gathering method done by the researcher.

The component of the table was also adjusted for the Joos theory about the five speech styles. The table 3.1 is the example of cross tabulation table.

Table 3.1 The Example of Cross Tabulation Table

No Utterances Time Setting Setting Addressee 1 2 3 4 5

Place Situation





1: Frozen speech style

2: Formal speech style

3: Consultative speech style

4: Casual speech style




In this chapter, the researcher presented the data findings obtained from the study undertaken and discussed them to answer the two formulated research questions. This chapter contains two subchapters which discuss the research questions. The first subchapter answers the first research question i.e. “what are the speech styles used by Desmond Doss in Hacksaw Ridge movie?” The second subchapter discusses the second research question i.e. “why does Desmond Doss use these speech styles?”

A. Speech Styles Used by Desmond Doss

The first research question focuses on the speech styles used by Desmond

Doss in the movie. Desmond Doss’ utterances were identified and analyzed based on Joos’ theory about five speech styles and put them into a cross tabulation table.

The utterances were put into the table and classified and given checklist in the suitable speech style. Then, the researcher asked two lecturers who master in linguistic field, Mrs.Carla Sih Prabandari S.Pd., M.Hum., and Mr. Barli Bram

M.Ed., Ph.D., to validate the data found in the table.

In order to answer the research question, the researcher will present and discuss the speech styles used by Desmond Doss. The five speech styles which are proposed by Joos (1976) are frozen, formal, consultative, casual, and intimate.

The results presented in table 4.1 were taken from the analysis.



Tabel 4.1 The Occurrence of Speech Styles in Desmond Doss’ Utterances

No. Speech Styles The Frequency The Percentage

of Each Style of Each Style

1 Frozen 0 0.000%

2 Formal 4 2.094%

3 Consultative 51 26.701%

4 Casual 94 49.215%

5 Intimate 42 21.990%

The Number of Styles 191 100%

Table 4.1 showed the results of speech styles used by Desmond Doss in

Hacksaw Ridge movie. The total of speech styles found in Desmond’s utterances in the movie was 191 statements. In the movie, 4 (2.094%) formal speech styles appeared the least; consultative speech styles appeared 51 times (26.701%), 94

(49.215%) casual speech styles appeared the most; and intimate speech styles 42 times (21.990%). The frozen speech style did not appear at all in Desmond Doss’ utterances.

The evidence of Desmond’s utterances in the movie was provided and discussed to support the data presentation. The evidence also covered all of the speech styles that appeared in his utterances in the movie, including formal, consultative, casual, and intimate speech styles. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


B. Analysis of Desmond Doss’ Speech Styles

In this second part, the researcher answers the second research question i.e.

“why does Desmond Doss use these speech styles?” The researcher discusses the factors affecting the use of the four speech styles such as formal, consultative, casual, and intimate by Desmond Doss in the movie. Also, the frozen speech style that was not used by his utterances.

1. Synopsis of Hacksaw Ridge Movie

Hacksaw Ridge is a movie based on true story. Desmond Doss was a young man who had a strong faith and lives by God commands. When he was child, he almost killed his brother by an accident. Therefore, he committed not to kill anyone. When World War II happened, he was motivated to enlist. He wanted to serve his country. He wanted to be a medic and save human lives. However, it was not easy for him. Desmond faced a difficult situation, he really wanted to serve as any man, but violence conflicted with his religious and moral beliefs. He refused to kill people.

Desmond’s friends and his commander asked him to go home because he would not save anyone on the battlefield if he did not want to kill. Nevertheless,

Desmond remained stayed on his faith and did not want to drop out of the army.

Then, his commander brought the case to the court-martial. The commander accused Desmond for disobeying the direct orders from his commander. As a result, the judge had granted Desmond’s wishes to go to the battlefield without a single weapon because Desmond’s rights as a conscientious objector are protected by an act of congress and he cannot be compelled to waive those rights. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


On the battlefield, as an army medic, he single-handedly evacuated the wounded from behind enemy lines. He saved 75 men without firing or carrying a gun. Desmond becomes the first man in the American history to receive the Medal of Honor without firing a shot.

2. The Main Character in Hacksaw Ridge Movie

Desmond Doss starred by Andrew Garfield is the main character in the

Hacksaw Ridge movie. He is the spotlight of the story. There are three ways in defining the main character of the story. First, the qualification test. Desmond

Doss is qualified as the main character because he has a strong faith in God commands. He enlisted but he did not want to touch a rifle. He excelled physically in basic training but he refused to kill. Second, the principal test. This test is showed in Desmond’s struggle to fight for his faith. He was persecuted and threatened but he survived. Third, the praise test. It is showed at the end of the movie. Desmond saved 75 men without a single weapon because of his faith.

3. The Representative Conversations about Faith

The theme of Hacksaw Ridge movie is about faith. Desmond has a strong faith in God commands, especially command number 5 i.e “Do not kill”. The researcher mentioned the representative conversations about the theme of the movie in statements [1], [2], and [3].

At Captain Glover’s office.

[1] Captain Glover : “Are you screwing with me, Doss?” PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Desmond Doss : “No. No, Sir. I volunteered. I ain’t got no

problem with wearing my uniform or saluting

the flag and doing my duty. It’s just carrying

a gun and the taking of human life.”

At Colonel Stelzer’s office.

[2] Desmond Doss : “Well, yes, Sir. I know all you really want to do

is give me a section 8, drum me out if the

army, but I’m not off up above. I just simply

believe what I believe.”

Colonel Stelzer : “Well, I’m trying to understand, all right? Was it

God who told you not to pick up a rifle?”

[3] Desmond Doss : “God says not to kill. That’s one of his most

important commandments.”

Colonel Stelzer : “Most people take that to mean “don’t commit

murder”. War is completely different set of


In statement [1], Desmond explained his reasons to enlist to Captain

Glover. Desmond said that he could do anything as an army except kill. He just did not want to bear arms and kill someone. He wanted to serve his country as a medical personnel. Captain Glover did not understand Desmond’s mind. As an army, they both knew that killed and were killed was an essential nature of war and Desmond refused to touch a gun. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Then, in statements [2] and [3], Captain Glover sent Desmond to Colonel

Stelzer. Colonel Stelzer tried to explain to Desmond that war was completely different circumstances and Desmond’s idealism could not be applied in that situation. Still, Desmond refused to touch a weapon.

4. Description of the Form of Actions a. Frozen Speech Style

Based on Joos (1976, p. 156), frozen speech style is a style used in a very formal setting such as in palace, church ritual, speech for state ceremony, and some other occasion. As most highly formal style, it uses the complex grammatical sentence structure and vocabulary known only to experts in a particular field e.g. The Bible verses, the pledge of allegiance, and The


The researcher did not find frozen speech style in Desmond’s utterances.

The researcher analyzed that Desmond did not use frozen speech style because the circumstances did not influence Desmond to use it. The setting of the movie was in 1945 when World War II happened. Although some scenes took places at church and at court when frozen style is likely to use, there was no frozen speech style in Desmond’s utterances.

As examples, the researcher mentioned some scenes, especially at church and at court-martial in statements [4], [5], and [6] where Desmond did not use frozen speech style at all. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


At church.

[4] Desmond’s Mother : “How’d we sound, Desmond?”

Desmond : “Like a heavenly host of angels, Mom.”

[5] Desmond’s Mother : “Now, you know it’s a sin to tell a lie,

especially, in this place.”

Desmond : “Well, I ain’t never said they were

singing angels.”

At court-martial.

[6] Judge : “Is that so, Private? I thought this was

agreed. You wanted to enter some sort of

plea bargain.”

Desmond : “Yes, Sir, but I changed my mind.”

Statements [4], [5], and [6] showed that Desmond did not use a frozen speech style at church and at court-martial where frozen speech style is expected to use. The setting situation, the participants, the topic, and the function of the interaction did not influence Desmond to use the frozen speech style. In statements [4] and [5], Desmond had a conversation with his mother at church.

Desmond’s mother asked for Desmond’s opinion about the sound of her choir group. Desmond answered his mother’s question with a joke. Desmond did not use the frozen speech style when he talked with his mother because it was not a very formal situation and there was no church ritual when they talked. Also, the relationship between Desmond and his mother which was very close did not affect

Desmond to use the frozen speech style. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


In statement [6], Desmond had an interaction with the judge at court- martial. The Judged asked Desmond several questions and Desmond did not use a frozen speech style when he answered the judge’s question. Desmond used short answers and he did not use long sentences with good grammatical and vocabulary as frozen style’s characteristics. Also, frozen speech style does not require any feedback from the audience, the reader or the hearer. It does not involve two-way communications.

b. Formal Speech Style

According to Joos (1976, p. 156), formal speech style is generally used in a formal situation where there is the least amount or shared background knowledge and where communication is largely one way with little or no feedback from the audience. However, it may be used in speaking to a single hearer, for example between strangers. When someone uses formal speech style, it shows they do not have a close or intimate relationship one another.

The researcher found some formal speech styles in Desmond’s utterances.

There were 4 formal speech styles that appeared in the movie. The researcher mentioned three of them in statements [7], [8], and [9].

At court-martial.

[7] Judge : “Just like that? You wish to proceed to a court-martial?”

Desmond : “Yes, Sir.”

[8] Judge : “Well, do you, Private?”



[9] Judge : “Why are you contesting it, then? Why is it so important

to you, given your refusal to even touch a weapon to

serve in a combat unit?”

Desmond : “Because when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbour,

I took it personal. Everyone I knew was on fire to join

up including me. There were two men my hometown

declared 4-f unfit. They killed themselves because

they couldn’t serve. I had a job in a defense plant and

I could’ve taken a deferment, but that ain’t right. It

isn’t right that other men should fight and die, that I

would just be sitting at home safe. I need to serve. I

got the energy and the passion to serve as a medic.

Right in the middle with the other guys. No less

danger, just ... While everybody else is taking life, I’m

going to be saving it. With the world so set on tearing

itself apart, it doesn’t seem like such a bad thing to

me to want to put a little bit of it back together.”

Statements [7], [8], and [9] showed that Desmond used a formal speech style because the setting, the participants, the topic, and the function of the interaction influence Desmond to use a formal speech style. The setting of the conversation was at court-martial which had a formal situation. The participants were the judge and Desmond. Also, Desmond did not have a close or intimate relationship with the judge. The topic of the conversation is about Desmond who PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


refused to carry or use a firearm or weapons of any kind in a war. The function of the conversation was to clarify Desmond’s decision. He just wanted to be a medical personnel. However, his commanding officer disagreed with him and brought the case to a court-martial. Killed and were killed was an essential nature in a war and Desmond even did not want to touch a rifle. Desmond faced a predicament, he was as eager to serve as any man, but violence conflicted with his religious and moral beliefs. Everybody thought that he was insane. While everybody else was taking life he just wanted to save lives. Then, the judge had granted his wishes to free to run into the hellfire of battle without a single weapon to protect himself.

The analysis is also supported by Holmes (2013) about the formality scale.

Holmes states that this scale is useful in assessing the influence of the social setting or type of interaction on language choice. “A very formal setting, such as a law court, typically influences language choice regardless of the personal relationships between the speakers” (p. 10).

c. Consultative Speech Style

Joos (1976) explains that the consultative speech style shows our norm when we are talking with strangers who speak our language but whose personal stock of information may be different.

Consultative style happens in a two-way participation. It is the most operational among the other styles. It is used in negotiating with the strangers or work colleagues. It is also used in small group discussion, regular conversation at school, companies, trade conversation and others. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


The speaker has to deliver background information about a topic, and it does not presume to be understood without it (p. 154).

In Desmond’ utterances, consultative speech styles appeared 51 times in the movie. The researcher mentioned three of them in statements [10], [11], and


At hospital.

[10] Doctor : “Did you apply this tourniquet?”

Desmond : “Yes, Sir.”

[11] Nurse : “Are you all right?”

Desmond : “Oh, no. That’s not mine. I’m fine. Thank you

for asking though, ma’am.”

At rifle range.

[11] Sergeant Howell : “I can’t be hearing this right.”

Desmond : “Well, I’m sorry, Sergeant. I can’t touch a


In statements [10], [11], and [12], Desmond used a consultative speech style to speak with the doctor, the nurse, and Sergeant Howell. Consultative speech style used to speak with someone in the situation between formal and semi-formal situation, such as doctor-patient. Desmond used the consultative speech style not because those people are someone who is close to him, he did not have a close relationship with the three interlocutors. The factors of language choice such as the participants, the setting, the topic and the function of the conversation influence Desmond to use the consultative speech style. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


The settings of the three conversations generally employed in a semi- formal communication situation. In statement [10], the conversation happened at the hospital when Desmond accompanied his friend who had an accident. The participants were a doctor and Desmond. The doctor asked Desmond if he the one who applied the tourniquet to the patient’s leg or not. Then, Desmond said that he applied the tourniquet and the doctor complimented Desmond because of the action could save the patient’s life. In consultative speech style, the speaker supplies the background of the information to make the speaker can respond the communication each other. In statement [10], the doctor delivered the background information about the tourniquet and Desmond could respond to it. Desmond also used “Sir” when he talked with the doctor to show his regard.

Then, in statement [11], the setting of the conversation also happened at the hospital and the participants were Desmond and a nurse. Desmond wanted to see closer the beautiful nurse that he saw in a blood-taking room. The nurse asked

Desmond if he was all right because she saw blood in Desmond’s clothes.

However, it was not Desmond’s blood. When the nurse asked him, Desmond understood immediately. Desmond used consultative style because it was the first time they met and he called the nurse “Ma’am” to respect the nurse.

In statement [12], the setting of the conversation was at the rifle range and it was semi-formal communication. The conversation happened between

Desmond and his sergeant. The sergeant asked Desmond that it was true if he could not touch a gun and Desmond said that it was true. He had a passion to serve his country as any man, but he did not want to kill. He refused to touch a PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


weapon. The sergeant and Desmond also shared background information of the conversation about gun. Then, the used of “Sergeant” by Desmond when he talked with his sergeant represented his way of responding to the higher status.

d. Casual Speech Style

Joos (1976, p. 153) defines casual speech style as a style which is used among friends and co-workers when an informal atmosphere is appropriated and desired such as outside the classroom where students have a chat. It is also addressed to a stranger if the speaker wants to treat him or her as an insider.

Desmond also applied the casual speech style in his utterances. Casual speeh style appeared the most in the movie. There were 94 casual speech styles that appeared in the movie. Some of the evidence is mentioned in statements [13],

[14], and [15].

On the battlefield.

[13] Desmond : “So, your momma raised you?”

Smitty : “I knew her, but she gave me to an orphanage when I was

five. Never saw her again.”

[14] Smitty : “I’m scared. I’m scared.”

Desmond : “It’s going to help the pain. No, don’t. Don’t you do

that. Come on. Come on, Smitty, you stay with me.



On the top of rocky cliff.

[15] Dorothy : “Are you going to help me, Desmond Doss? Or are you

just going to leave me stranded?”

Desmond : “I’ll help you but it’s gonna cost you.”

In statement [13], the setting of the conversation was on the battlefield at night when the army had a short break during the war. The conversation happened between Desmond and his friend, Smitty. Desmond used casual speech style because he felt close with Smitty. They became friends since the basic training in the army base. At that time, Desmond and Smitty had a closer relationship. War made the army felt closer one to another. Desmond and Smitty shared their story to each other.

Joos (1976, p. 153), explains that when someone uses a casual speech style, it means that he has close relationship with the interlocutor. In constructing casual speech style, someone should doing omission or using slang word because its characteristic is short word in the form of question, such as “what?” or

“why?” The speaker omits the initial of the sentence, such as article, pronoun or auxiliaries i.e. “many thanks” changed to be “thanks”. The purpose of using ellipsis and slang is the same in a way that only the addressee as an insider will understand what outsider would not be able to comprehend.

In statement [14], the scene also happened on the battlefield when

Desmond tried to save his friend, Smitty. The conversation took place in non – PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


formal situation. Desmond used casual style when he was trying to help Smitty who injured during the war. Statement [14] showed that Desmond used a slang word i.e. “go to” change into “gotta”. The setting and the participants of the conversation influenced Desmond to use a casual speech style.

Then, in statement [15], the scene took place on the top of rocky cliff. The participants were Desmond and his girlfriend - Dorothy. Desmond wanted to show Dorothy the scenery from the top of rocky cliff. Desmond used a casual speech style when he talked with Dorothy. It shows that casual speech style is used in an informal and relaxed situation. Statement [8] showed that Desmond used a slang word in his conversation i.e. “going to” change into “gonna”. e. Intimate Speech Style

Joos (1976, p. 155) states that intimate speech style is a completely private language developed within families, lovers, and the closest friends. Intimate speech style relates to private language developed within the family, loved ones, and close friends. It can be in the form of labeling nicknames for someone that the speaker really knows well and feels intimate or close.

In the movie, there were 42 intimate speech styles used by Desmond. The linguistic evidence is mentioned in statements [16], [17], and [18].

At Desmond’s home yard.

[16] Desmond : “Wish me luck, Momma.”

Desmond’s Mother: “Good luck.”



[17] Dorothy : “I have to go to work. I’m going to be late.”

Desmond : “Dorothy, darling. Dorothy. Dorothy!”

In the statements [16] and [17], Desmond used certain words to address someone, i.e. using “Momma” and “Darling”. Intimate speech style is used in relaxed situation because the speaker and the hearer feel intimate bonds to each other. The more you know someone, the more casual and relaxed the speech style you will use to them. In statement [17], the relationship between Desmond and

Dorothy developed into a close and intimate relationship. Started from a close friend turned into a lover. Therefore, he changed his speech style from casual into intimate.

According to Holmes (2013), “Language can convey objective information of a referential kind; and it can also express how someone is feeling” (p. 10). In statement [16], Desmond asked for blessing from his mother when he was going to meet Dorothy. He hoped that the relationship between him and Dorothy gone well. Then, in statement [17], Desmond and Dorothy had already become a couple. The scene showed that they had an argument. Desmond wanted to enlist but Dorothy did not like that idea. As a woman, Dorothy did not want the man she loved in danger. She worried about Desmond and their relationship.

In addition, Desmond also used intimate speech style when he talked with his father. It could be seen in statement [18].

At army cemetery.

[18] Desmond’s father : “These three were my best friends. I grew up with

them. I got into trouble with them. Chased girls PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


with them. And I enlisted with them. Now, my

friends are there, covered in dirt and grass and

eaten by worms. I don’t want to visit my son


Desmond : “Daddy, I signed up already. I couldn’t do

otherwise, Pop.”

In statement [11], Desmond also used certain words to address someone.

He called his father, “Daddy” and “Pop”. In that scene, Desmond and his father had an argument about Desmond who wanted to enlist. Desmond’s father did not want to let Desmond go. As a father, he was very worried about his son’s life. He knew his son very well. He knew that Desmond would not survive in a war. He knew that Desmond did not want to kill someone. However, Desmond tried to convince his father. He just wanted to be a medical personnel. Desmond realized that it would be hard for him but it was possible if he tried. Being a medical personnel was his way to serve his country.

5. Object Materialization

In Hacksaw Ridge movie, the rifle range, the court-martial and the battlefield were made as the object materialization. Object materialization in this movie illustrated Desmond’s feeling about his faith in Jesus’s commandment to not kill. In the riffle range, when Sergeant Howell asked the troops to grab the gun, Desmond did not want to touch the gun. He said that he just wanted to be a PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


medic. The other thought that Desmond was insane but Desmond still stood up for his belief.

Then, in the court-martial, when Desmond was in trial because he disobeyed the direct order from Colonel Sangston to bear arms, Desmond refused to compromise his belief. He said that he was not a criminal for believed what he believed. As a result, the judge had granted his wishes to go to the battlefield without a single weapon.

Last, in the battlefield when his friends and the Japanese troops killed and were killed, Desmond saved his friends and even some of the Japanese troops without a single firearm. He believed that God would protect him to save human lives.

6. Theorization of Faith

According to Arnold (2008), “faith is the human response to divine revelation. It is trusting the God who has revealed Himself in Holy Scripture. It is taking God at His word” (p. 1).

As someone who had strong faith in God, Desmond obeyed God’s command and applied it in his daily life. There are some examples when

Desmond proclaimed his faith. First, when he enlisted. He refused to touch a weapon because he believes that we should love each other as in God commandments. Desmond did not want to kill. He enlisted to save human lives.

Second, when Desmond was beaten by some of his friends in his army barracks, he did not take revenge nor reported them. Desmond kept everything in his heart PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


and forgave his friends. He realized that he was different and nobody would understand him. Last, when Desmond tried to save his friends on the battlefield, he did not save his friends only. He also saved one of the Japanese army which was the American’s enemy at that time. As Jesus said “But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you.”

Arnold (2008) describes that faith makes the promises of God sure and meaningful in the believer’s life. He is not saying that faith makes God’s promises real. Spiritual truth and God’s promises are real whether we believe them or not, but faith gives us assurance and confidence in the spiritual realities we have hoped for. “Faith has substance; faith has reality and that reality is the person of God and His promises” (p. 2). PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI



This chapter consists of two parts. They are conclusions and recommendations. The conclusion part is to summarize the major findings of the research and its limitations. The recommendation part is to deliver some suggestions for English Language Education Study Program (ELESP) students,

English teachers, and future researchers related to speech styles used by Desmond

Doss in Hacksaw Ridge movie.

A. Conclusions

In this section, the researcher concluded the results of this study to answer the two research questions. First, “what are the speech styles used by Desmond

Doss in Hacksaw Ridge movie?” Second, “why does Desmond Doss use these speech styles?” Then, human as the instrument, and the transcript of Desmond’s utterances, were employed as the research instruments in order to gather the data.

The researcher used critical discourse analysis as the method to analyze

Desmond’s utterances. After that, the researcher also used cross tabulation table to categorize the speech styles that were appeared in the movie.

The researcher discovered four speech styles that appeared in Desmond’s utterances. They are formal, consultative, casual, and intimate speech styles. The total number of speech styles found in Desmond’s utterances in the movie was

191 statements. The percentage of formal speech style was 2.094% (4 times) which appeared the least. For consultative speech style percentage, there was



26.701% (51 times). Then, the percentage of casual speech style was 49.215% (94 times) that appeared predominantly in the movie. Lastly, there was 21.990% (42 times) for the percentage of intimate speech style. On the other hand, the researcher did not find frozen speech style in Desmond’s utterances.

The analysis showed that Desmond used formal speech style because the setting situation of the conversation was in formal setting, the use formal words, there was a little feedback from Desmond and also Desmond did not have a close or intimate relationship with the interlocutor. Then, Desmond used consultative speech style because the conversations happened in semi-formal setting situations and there was two-way participation between Desmond and the interlocutor. Next is casual speech style. Desmond used casual speech style because the conversations happened in informal setting situations and Desmond used ellipsis and slang word in his utterances. Afterward, intimate speech style. Desmond used intimate speech style because the conversations happened in very informal setting situations, the use of private language, and Desmond had a close or intimate relationship with the interlocutor. Moreover, Desmond did not use frozen speech style in his utterances because Desmond did not use complex grammatical sentence structure and vocabulary in his utterances.

B. Recommendations

In this section, the researcher mentioned some recommendations to the students in English Language Education Study Program and future researchers.

First, students in English departments are important to learn and be aware of PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


speech style in order to enrich their knowledge about speech style. Moreover, students can learn how to be a good speaker or a good hearer in selecting the communication words when conveying the idea information of some topic. This study also can be used in sociolinguistics and public speaking class.

Second, this research can help English teachers to provide good materials

concerning speech style, especially those who teach sociolinguistics or public

speaking class. This research is to contribute in the language study development

as an additional source in teaching and learning sociolinguistics or public

speaking class.

At last, this research can be used as a reference for future researchers especially those who conduct research in terms of speech style. This study is expected that the future researchers can use any other theory of speech styles and also any other research mothod to discuss further about speech style. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


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1 = Frozen Speech Style 2 = Formal Speech Style 3 = Consultative Speech Style 4 = Casual Speech Style 5 = Intimate Speech Style

No Desmond’s Utterances Time Setting Place Setting Situation Addressee 1 2 3 4 5 1 What? 3:15 Mountain slope Relax/very Desmond’s  informal brother – Hal. 2 Catch up. 3:17 Mountain slope Relax/very Desmond’s  informal brother – Hal. 3 What, Hal? 3:26 Mountain slope Relax/very Desmond’s  informal brother – Hal. 4 Hey! Cheater! 3:29 Mountain slope Relax/very Desmond’s  informal brother – Hal. 5 See you later, Slowpoke! 3:41 Mountain slope Relax/very Desmond’s  informal brother – Hal. 6 Want a hand? 3:50 Mountain slope Relax/very Desmond’s  informal brother – Hal. 7 Quit it! 4:01 Mountain slope Relax/very Desmond’s  informal brother – Hal. 8 I could have killed him. 7:55 Desmond’s house Relax/very Desmond’s  informal mother 9 Momma? 8:43 Desmond’s house Relax/very Desmond’s  informal mother 10 Why does he hate us so much? 8:56 Desmond’s house Relax/very Desmond’s  informal mother



No Desmond’s Utterances Time Setting Place Setting Situation Addressee 1 2 3 4 5 11 Like a heavenly host of angels, Mom. 9:42 Church Relax/very Desmond’s  informal mother 12 Well, I ain’t never said they were singing 9:48 Church Relax/very Desmond’s  angels. informal mother 13 No, no time. Joshua, pick up. Quick! 10:11 In front of the church Informal Desmond’s  friend - Joshua 14 You’re going to be fine now. You’re in good 10:32 Hospital Informal Desmond’s  hands. friend 15 Yes, Sir. 10:44 Hospital Semi-formal A doctor  16 Oh, no. That’s not mine. I’m fine. Thank you 12.17 Hospital Semi-formal A nurse –  for asking though, ma’am. Dorothy 17 My belt. I lent it to the boy who had the 12.31 Hospital Semi-formal A nurse –  accident. My pants don’t hold up so good Dorothy without it. 18 No, I know that ma’am. It’s out there. It’s right 12.44 Hospital Semi-formal A nurse –  out there with the boy still. Dorothy 19 I’ll give mine. 12.53 Hospital Semi-formal Dorothy  20 Doss. But my friends call me Desmond. No, 13.19 Hospital Semi-formal Dorothy  ma’am this is my first time. 21 I always dreamed about being a doctor. But, 13.32 Hospital Semi-formal Dorothy  uh, I didn’t get much school. 22 No, ma’am. Walking back. 13.46 Hospital Semi-formal Dorothy  23 Fort hill, ma’am. 13.50 Hospital Semi-formal Dorothy  24 No. Just five or six miles, but I cut through the 13.53 Hospital Semi-formal Dorothy  woods. It’s seven that way. 25 Yes, ma’am. Sure do. 14.02 Hospital Semi-formal Dorothy  26 Yeah. 14.09 Hospital Semi-formal Dorothy  27 Bye. 14.14 Hospital Semi-formal Dorothy  28 Met someone yesterday. A nurse over at the 14.17 Desmond’s house Relax/very Desmond’s  hospital. Her name’s Dorothy Schutte. I’m informal mother PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


No Desmond’s Utterances Time Setting Place Setting Situation Addressee 1 2 3 4 5 gonna marry her. 29 Well, not yet. She’s about to. 14.24 Desmond’s house Relas/very Desmond’s  informal mother 30 Spoke to her. 14.31 Desmond’s house Relax/very Desmond’s  informal father 31 Hal! 14.35 Desmond’s house Relax/very Hal  informal 32 Keep your greasy paws off of me. 14.37 Desmond’s house Relax/very Hal  infromal 33 Wish me luck, momma. 14.41 Desmond’s house Relas/very Desmond’s  informal mother 34 Yes, ma’am. I have. 15.25 Hospital Informal Dorothy  35 Desmond, yes, ma’am. 15.31 Hospital Informal Dorothy  36 Well, that’s good. I came to get mine back. 15.35 Hospital Informal Dorothy  37 My blood. I need it back. 15.39 Hospital Informal Dorothy  38 Well, you got to. Ever since you stuck me with 15.44 Hospital Informal Dorothy  that needle, my heart’s been beating real fast. Every time I think about you, it beats faster still. 39 It is? That’s a shame, I done practiced that all 15.58 Hospital Informal Dorothy  night. No good. 40 What’s the difference between an artery and a 16.28 Theater Informal Dorothy  vein? 41 The boy’s accident. 16.35 Theater Informal Dorothy  42 Yeah, I probably do. 16.54 Theater Informal Dorothy  43 On dating? 17.01 Theater Informal Dorothy  44 No. I just think you’re the prettiest thing I ever 17.16 Theater Informal Dorothy  seen. 45 No, you’re just beautiful. 17:26 Theater Informal Dorothy  PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


No Desmond’s Utterances Time Setting Place Setting Situation Addressee 1 2 3 4 5 46 I’m sorry. I didn’t think you’d mind. 18:13 Theater Informal Dorothy  47 I thought you might have liked it. 18:18 Theater Informal Dorothy  48 I’ll help you but it’s gonna cost you. 21:52 Top of rocky cliff Informal Dorothy  49 A kiss. 21:57 Top of rocky cliff Informal Dorothy  50 Well, yes, ma’am, it is. But that is still my 22:02 Top of rocky cliff Informal Dorothy  condition. That’s the deal. And I’m going to hold you to it. Well, hold on now. You ain’t gonna slap me, are you? ‘Cause I fall off, I’m going to take you with me. 51 I have to enlist. I can’t stay here while all of 23:27 Car Relax/very Dorothy  them go fight for me. informal 52 Dorothy, I have to. I want to be a medic. I 23:34 Car Relax/very Dorothy  figure I’ll be saving people not killing them. informal 53 Dorothy, darling. Dorothy. Dorothy! 23:49 In front of the hospital Relax/very Dorothy  informal 54 Well, I don’t know. You still going to have 24:01 In front of the hospital Relax/very Dorothy  me? informal 55 Well, I’m asking you, with all my heart and 24:06 In front of the hospital Relax/very Dorothy  then some. Will you marry me? informal 56 When? 24:24 In front of the hospital Relax/very Dorothy  informal 57 Yeah. Okay. Well, I love you. 24:30 In front of the hospital Relax/very Dorothy  informal 58 Momma said come see you here. 24:47 Army cemetary Relax/very Dorothy  informal 59 Daddy, I signed up already. I couldn’t do 25:22 Army cemetary Relax/very Dorothy  otherwise, pop. Everybody else is doing ... informal 60 No, I won’t be able to live with myself if I 25:56 Army cemetary Relax/very Dorothy  don’t. I’m going to be a medic. That’s going to informal be my way to serve. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


No Desmond’s Utterances Time Setting Place Setting Situation Addressee 1 2 3 4 5 61 Well, I don’t doubt it’s going to be hard. 26:11 Army cemetary Relax/very Dorothy  informal 62 Desmond Doss. 28:18 Army barracks Informal Desmond’s  friend – Randall 63 Virginia. 28:41 Army barracks Informal Desmond’s  friend - Nolan 64 Desmond Doss. 28:58 Army barracks Informal Desmond’s  friend - Smitty 65 Hey, Desmond. 29:10 Army barracks Informal Desmond’s  friend - Vito 66 No, Sergeant. 32:10 Army barracks Semi-formal Sergeant Howell  67 Desmond Doss. 32:12 Army barracks Semi-formal Sergeant Howell  68 Yes, Sergeant! 32:20 Army barracks Semi-formal Sergeant Howell  69 No, Sarge. 36:28 Army barracks Semi-formal Sergeant Howell  70 I was told I don’t have to carry a weapon. 36:32 Rifle range Semi-formal Sergeant Howell  71 Well, I’m sorry, Sergeant. I can’t touch a gun. 36:44 Rifle range Semi-formal Sergeant Howell  72 No problem, just a mistake, Sir. I told the army 36:54 Captain Glover’s Semi-formal Captain Glover  when I joined up. office 73 No, Sir. 37:02 Captain Glover’s Semi-formal Captain Glover  office 74 I was just never supposed to be sent to a rifle 37:10 Captain Glover’s Semi-formal Captain Glover  company. office 75 Well, no, sir, I’m a conscientious cooperator. 37:24 Captain Glover’s Semi-formal Captain Glover  office 76 No. No, Sir. I volunteered. I ain’t got no 37:32 Captain Glover’s Semi-formal Captain Glover  problem with wearing my uniform or saluting office the flag and doing my duty. It’s just carrying a gun and the taking of human life. 77 Yes, Sir. That’s all. 37:47 Captain Glover’s Semi-formal Captain Glover  office PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


No Desmond’s Utterances Time Setting Place Setting Situation Addressee 1 2 3 4 5 78 Yes, Sir. 37:51 Captain Glover’s Semi-formal Captain Glover  office 79 Yes, Sir. 37:54 Captain Glover’s Semi-formal Captain Glover  office 80 Well, Saturdays... I’m a seventh-day 38:08 Captain Glover’s Semi-formal Captain Glover  Adventist. So, Saturday is my Sabbath, so I’m office not allowed to work then. 81 Sarge, that’s not true. 39:27 Rifle range Semi-formal Sergeant Howell  82 You know what that is. 40:19 Army barracks Informal Smitty  83 No. 40:35 Army barracks Informal Smitty  84 Give me that. 41:29 Army barracks Informal Smitty  85 Give me that back. 41:37 Army barracks Informal Smitty  86 Please. 41:44 Army barracks Informal Smitty  87 Please give it back, Smitty. 41:48 Army barracks Informal Smitty  88 No, Sir. 42:05 Colonel Stelzer’s Semi-formal Colonel stelzer  office 89 Sir, I’m not a crazy person. 42:11 Colonel Stelzer’s Semi-formal Colonel stelzer  office 90 I’m different. I know that. But I’m not going to 42:18 Colonel Stelzer’s Semi-formal Colonel stelzer  pretend to be something I’m not. I am what I office am. 91 No, Sir. I pray to God and I like to think he 42:37 Colonel Stelzer’s Semi-formal Colonel stelzer  hears me, bit it ain’t a conversation, like the office one we’re pretending to have right now. 92 Well, yes, Sir. I know all you really want to do 42:48 Colonel Stelzer’s Semi-formal Colonel stelzer  is give me a section 8, drum me out if the office army, but I’m not off up above. I just simply believe what I believe. 93 God says not to kill. That’s one of his most 43:05 Colonel Stelzer’s Semi-formal Colonel stelzer  important commandments. office PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


No Desmond’s Utterances Time Setting Place Setting Situation Addressee 1 2 3 4 5 94 Jesus said that we should love one another as 43:17 Colonel Stelzer’s Semi-formal Colonel stelzer  He has loved us. office 95 I can see that, Sir, and that is why I joined up. 43:31 Colonel Stelzer’s Semi-formal Colonel stelzer  But I’m sorry, I will not bear arms. office 96 Get off me. Get off me. 45:30 Army barracks Informal Desmond’s  friends 97 Sure ain’t what I joined up for. 46:28 Army barracks Semi-formal Sergeant Howell  98 I got extra guard duty today, and I’m on kp this 47:16 Army barracks Semi-formal Sergeant Howell  morning, so ... can’t. 99 No, Sarge. 47:46 Army barracks Semi-formal Sergeant Howell  100 I never said I was attacked, Sarge. 47:51 Army barracks Semi-formal Sergeant Howell  101 I ... I sleep pretty hard. 48:02 Army barracks Semi-formal Sergeant Howell  102 Well, Sir, respectfully, Sir, I have. I put in for 48:47 Army barracks Semi-formal Colonel  this furlough three weeks ago. I’m getting Sangston married this afternoon. 103 Well, I’m not required to carry a riffle, Sir. 49:00 Army barracks Semi-formal Colonel  Colonel stelzers, he .... Sangston 104 I won’t touch a rifle, Sir. 49:40 Army barracks Semi-formal Colonel  Sangston 105 I can’t, Sir. 50:06 Army barracks Semi-formal Colonel  Sangston 106 I don’t know, Sir. I ain’t got answers to 57:38 Army confinement Semi-formal Captain Glover  questions that big, but I also feel like my values are under attack and I don’t know why. 107 I’m prepared to give my life for my men. 52:00 Army confinement Semi-formal Captain Glover  108 They wouldn’t let me call you. 52:35 Army confinement Relax/very Dorothy  informal 109 It’s okay, I’m all right. I just went a couple of 52:48 Army confinement Relax/very Dorothy  rounds with the wall and lost. informal 110 I don’t know what that could be. I’ve done 53:01 Army confinement Relax/very Dorothy  PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


No Desmond’s Utterances Time Setting Place Setting Situation Addressee 1 2 3 4 5 everything they asked me, except this one informal thing and I’m being treated like a criminal just ‘cause I won’t kill. 111 Probably nobody. 53:16 Army confinement Relax/very Dorothy  informal 112 I can’t do that. 53:24 Army confinement Relax/very Dorothy  informal 113 Have I been prideful? Maybe I am prideful. 53:43 Army confinement Relax/very Dorothy  But I don’t know how I’m going to live with informal myself if I don’t stay true to what I believe. Much less how you could live with me. I’d never be the man that I want to be in your eyes. 114 Yes, Sir, but I changed my mind. 58:21 Court-martial Formal The judge  115 Yes, Sir. 58:27 Court-martial Formal The judge  116 No, Sir. I don’t. 59:26 Court-martial Formal The judge  117 Because when the Japanese attacked Pearl 59:36 Court-martial Formal The judge  Harbour, I took it personal. Everyone I knew was on fire to join up including me. There were two men my hometown declared 4-f unfit. They killed themselves because they couldn’t serve. I had a job in a defense plant and I could’ve taken a deferment, but that ain’t right. It isn’t right that other men should fight and die, that I would just be sitting at home safe. I need to serve. I got the energy and the passion to serve as a medic. Right in the middle with the other guys. No less danger, just ... While everybody else is taking life, I’m going to be saving it. With the world so set on PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


No Desmond’s Utterances Time Setting Place Setting Situation Addressee 1 2 3 4 5 tearing itself apart, it doesn’t seem like such a bad thing to me to want to put a little bit of it back together. 118 Where is he? 1:3:26 Court-martial Relax/very Dorothy  informal 119 No, I understand. When you get home, you tell 1:3:30 Court-martial Relax/very Dorothy  him I love him. informal 120 Put your hand right here. Put your hand on 1:13:54 Hacksaw Ridge Informal Jack  there, Jack. Come on, we’re going to get you under cover. Come on, come with me. 121 I’m fine. 1:15:53 Hacksaw Ridge Informal Smitty  122 Come on, I got you, Ralph. Just breathe. Just 1:16:11 Hacksaw Ridge Informal Ralph  breathe. Just breathe, Ralph. It’s okay. It’s okay. Just breathe, Ralph. Just breathe. I got you. I got you. I got you. Come on. 123 I ain’t going anywhere. I’m going to get you 1:16:49 Hacksaw Ridge Informal Ralph  home. I got you, Ralph. Okay? I’m going to get you home. Here comes the morphine. Here comes the morphine. It’s going to kick in real quick, Ralph. We’re going to get you shifted. Stretcher! Stretcher! 124 You don’t know that. Get him down. All right? 1:17:38 Hakcsaw Ridge Informal Irv  Huh? 125 Okay. Go. 1:17:45 Hakcsaw Ridge Informal Irv  126 I figure if we can’t see them then they can’t 1:17:58 Hakcsaw Ridge Informal Smitty  see us neither. 127 I got you, frank. Where you hit? 1:18:16 Hakcsaw Ridge Informal Frank  128 Give me a hand here. 1:18:32 Hakcsaw Ridge Informal Smitty  129 You keep that tight, you’re going to be right as 1:19:04 Hakcsaw Ridge Informal Frank  rain. All right? PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


No Desmond’s Utterances Time Setting Place Setting Situation Addressee 1 2 3 4 5 130 Okay. 1:19:15 Hakcsaw Ridge Informal Irv  131 I’m here. Put your hand on it. Put your hand on 1:22:44 Hakcsaw Ridge Informal Ghoul  it. 132 Ghoul! Ghoul! You’re okay? Where you hit? 1:23:34 Hakcsaw Ridge Informal Ghoul  You got a bump on the head, that’s okay. What’s your name? 133 Andy what? 1:23:50 Hakcsaw Ridge Informal Ghoul  134 Also known as? 1:23:52 Hakcsaw Ridge Informal Ghoul  135 Ghoul. Ghoul. You’re okay, you’re okay. 1:23:55 Hakcsaw Ridge Informal Ghoul  136 Still more wounded out there, Sarge. 1:24:36 Hakcsaw Ridge Semi-formal Sergeant Howell  137 Hey, we’ve got an abdominal wound. This 1:25:44 Hakcsaw Ridge Informal Irv  man is going to need some plasma. 138 Okay, you’re okay now. They got you. 1:25:51 Hakcsaw Ridge Informal One of the  wounded souldiers 139 Should we find a hole and dig in? 1:26:03 Hakcsaw Ridge Informal Smitty  140 Put your helmet on. 1:26:07 Hakcsaw Ridge Informal Smitty  141 I don’t eat meat. Help yourself. 1:26:23 Hakcsaw Ridge Informal Smitty  142 Yes, I do. Don’t tell her that. 1:26:51 Hakcsaw Ridge Informal Smitty  143 Yeah, until she got to know you. 1:26:58 Hakcsaw Ridge Informal Smitty  144 Sometimes? 1:27:04 Hakcsaw Ridge Informal Smitty  145 No. 1:27:44 Hakcsaw Ridge Informal Smitty  146 Hell of a dream. Dream I got myself skewered. 1:28:29 Hakcsaw Ridge Informal Smitty  I couldn’t do nothing. 147 Yeah, it will. Look around you. 1:29:02 Hakcsaw Ridge Informal Smitty  148 I never claimed to be sane. May daddy’s a 1:29:13 Hakcsaw Ridge Informal Smitty  drunk. He fought it for years, but it kind of got a hold of him hard. Made him mean. 149 So, your momma raised you? 1:29:35 Hakcsaw Ridge Informal Smitty  PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


No Desmond’s Utterances Time Setting Place Setting Situation Addressee 1 2 3 4 5 150 My daddy used to beat me and my brother just 1:30:00 Hakcsaw Ridge Informal Smitty  because the sun rose and then whip us just because it set. I could take that but when he would do it to our momma, in my heart I did kill him. So, that’s why I made my promise to God I ain’t never going to touch a gun again. 151 You know what to do. Keep pressure on it. 1:34:35 Hakcsaw Ridge Informal Irv  152 Grease! Get Irv back. You got it okay. See you 1:34:48 Hakcsaw Ridge Informal Grease  soon. 153 We gotta move right now. Come on, come on. 1:35:03 Hakcsaw Ridge Informal One of the  wounded souldiers 154 It’s going to help the pain. No, don’t. Don’t 1:36:36 Hakcsaw Ridge Informal Smitty  you do that. Come on. Come on, Smitty, you stay with me. Let’s go. We gotta move. 155 Hey! Help me get him down. Come on, let’s 1:37:08 Hakcsaw Ridge Informal One of the  move. Come on. soldiers 156 No. 1:37:15 Hakcsaw Ridge Informal Smitty  157 What is it You want of me? I don’t understand. 1:38:13 Hakcsaw Ridge Relax/very God  I can’t hear You. Alright. informal 158 Harry. It’s Desmond. We going to fix you up. 1:40:04 Hakcsaw Ridge Informal Harry  You just got to keep breathing. Okay? 159 Watch out. I got you. Put your hand on it. 1:40:32 Hakcsaw Ridge Informal One of the  Keep pressure on it. I’m comin’ back. Okay? wounded soldiers 160 We’re at the edge, Eric. You just sit tight, 1:41:21 Hakcsaw Ridge Informal Eric  okay? You’re okay, Eric. You’re okay, buddy. Son of a gun, this is going to work. One for each leg, Eric. We’re going to get you dressed up in a jiffy and you down. I got you. I got you PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


No Desmond’s Utterances Time Setting Place Setting Situation Addressee 1 2 3 4 5 now, Eric. You have to trust me now, Eric. You’ll have to trust me. 161 I got you. I got you. I got you. Come on. I got 1:42:43 Hakcsaw Ridge Informal One of the  you. You’re okay. You’re okay. wounded soldiers 162 We just lost our cover. They’re stirrin’, we got 1:43:27 Hakcsaw Ridge Informal One of the  to move. Come on. wounded soldiers 163 You’re gonna have to trust me. Take a breath. 1:44:47 Hakcsaw Ridge Informal One of the  Let’s go, buddy. Let’s go. wounded soldiers 164 It’s okay. It’s okay. It’s alright. Everything’s 1:47:59 Hakcsaw Ridge Informal One of the  okay. Morphine. It’s good. wounded Japanese soldiers 165 Pinnick, Pinnick. It’s Doss. It’s Doss. Be quiet. 1:49:02 Hakcsaw Ridge Informal Pinnick  Be quiet. I got you. Are you hit? 166 Be quiet. Just be quiet. Hold still now. I got 1:49:12 Hakcsaw Ridge Informal Pinnick  you. Hold tight. There you go. Try now. Try now. 167 Shh... keep it down. Can you walk? 1:49:30 Hakcsaw Ridge Informal Pinnick  168 We got to get out of here, okay? Come on. 1:49:34 Hakcsaw Ridge Informal Pinnick  169 Hey, Ted. It’s me, it’s Desmond. I’m gonna fix 1:50:07 Hakcsaw Ridge Informal Ted  you up. You ready to get out of here? 170 Please, Lord. One more. Help me get one 1:50:33 Hakcsaw Ridge Relax/very God  more. informal 171 Please, help me get one more. One more. 1:51:06 Hakcsaw Ridge Relax/very God  informal 172 One more. Help me get one more. 1:51:28 Hacksaw Ridge Relax/very God  informal PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


No Desmond’s Utterances Time Setting Place Setting Situation Addressee 1 2 3 4 5 173 One more. Help me get one more. One more. 1:51:46 Hacksaw Ridge Relax/very God  informal 174 You want some morphine? 1:52:59 Hakcsaw Ridge Semi-formal Sergeant Howell  175 Okay. There. There you go. 1:53:02 Hakcsaw Ridge Semi-formal Sergeant Howell  176 All right. Let me see. Let me see. 1:53:09 Hakcsaw Ridge Informal Hollywood 

177 Okay, not bad. Let me see. It looks much 1:53:15 Hakcsaw Ridge Informal Hollywood  worse than it is. Girls will still want to kiss you. 178 Sarge, you okay here for a while? Coming Hakcsaw Ridge Informal Sergeant Howell  back. 179 You ready? Let’s go. You and me, come on. 1:53:31 Hakcsaw Ridge Informal Hollywood  180 Give me this. 1:56:07 Hakcsaw Ridge Informal Sergeant Howell  181 Jump on it. 1:56:16 Hakcsaw Ridge Informal Sergeant Howell  182 No, I’m going to drag you. 1:56:18 Hakcsaw Ridge Informal Sergeant Howell  183 Ready? 1:56:29 Hakcsaw Ridge Informal Sergeant Howell  184 Let’s go. 1:56:30 Hakcsaw Ridge Informal Sergeant Howell  185 Come on. 1:56:38 Hakcsaw Ridge Informal Sergeant Howell  186 Arms up, Sir. 1:57:00 Hakcsaw Ridge Informal Sergeant Howell  187 “You’re tying a bowline, boy, not building a 1:57:04 Hakcsaw Ridge Informal Sergeant Howell  bra.” Come on. Ready? Get on. 188 No. No. 1:59:18 Hakcsaw Ridge Informal Captain Glover  189 Where’s Irv? 2:00:16 Army barracks Semi-formal A doctor  190 Yeah. 2:00:19 Army barracks Semi-formal A doctor  191 My Bible... My Bible... My Bible.... 2:05:49 Hakcsaw Ridge Informal Some of the  soldiers TOTAL 0 4 51 94 42