(C.,.,.,Br,<(7E: ~(,,,'Jje U,;Vers:; Fre~R, /C/R6)J
Qober+- F""ro.ser CJ.est ltfr,'w-vi Poe:tr1: A- Cv,/1;o...-r (C.,.,.,br,<(7e: ~(,,,'Jje u,;vers:; fre~r, /C/R6)j King 46 s. A. Gingell, "His River's Complex Course: Reflections on Past, Present and Future in the Poetry of Gabriel Okara," World Literature Written in English, 23 (~(1984): 284-297; h,·, K.L. Goodwin, "Gabriel Okara," in Understanding African Poetry: /\ A Study of Ten Poets (London: Heinemann, 1982); -t1142-153; Solomon Iyasere, "Narrative Techniques in Okara's The Voice," African Literature Today, 12 (1982): 5-21; Bruce King, "The Poetry of Gabriel Okara," Chandrabhaga, 2 (1979): 60-65; Margaret Laurence, Long Drums and Cannons (New York: Frederick Praeger, 1969); Bemth Lindfors, "Gabriel Okara: The Poet as Novelist," Pan-African Journal, 4 (1971): 420-425; ;/.<Je11 ~v~ a.-...J. w~J- d- 1 ''~br,~( Ok1..ret's 2. 2): I 2. I - f 2 ~ #~ I~ Ci,,,.v f '>~ I, (,q ~ 6; pl .J King -- ~ ~ 974); P.N. Njoroge, "Gabriel Okara: The Feeler of the Pulse of Africa's Soul," Busara, 5 (1973): 48-56; Errananuel N. Obiechina, "Art and Artifice in Okara's The Voice," Okike, 1 (September, 1972) : 23-33; Eustace Palmer, An Introduction to the African Novel: A Critical Study of Tw'elve Books ,!?y Chinua Achebe, James Ngugi, Camara I.aye, Elechi Amadi, Ayi Kwei Arrrah, Mongo Beti and Gabriel Okara (London: Heinemann, 1972); Kirsten Holst Petersen, "Heterogeneous Worlds Yoked Violently Together," Kunapipi, 1 (1979): 155-158 Adrian A. Roscoe, Mother is Gold (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1971); Reinhard Sander, "A Political Interpretation of Gabriel Okara's The Voice," Omaba, 10 (1974): 4-15; K.E.
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