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Layout 1 (Page 1) Mailed free to requesting homes in Eastford, Pomfret & Woodstock Vol. V, No. 7 Complimentary to homes by request (860) 928-1818/e-mail: ‘Sometimes we need to remind ourselves that thankfulness is indeed a virtue.’ FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 2009 Hospital An artist discovered Rell confirms concedes H1N1 ’10 run BY MATT SANDERSON VILLAGER STAFF WRITER HARTFORD — The governor of Connecticut has announced that death she will not run for re-election in Courtesy photo 2010. “The past five yeas I have had the Aino Linnea Koskinen Blomberg, who incredible honor to serve as the 87th FIRST IN died Nov. 28, 2007, at the age of 95. governor of Connecticut,” WINDHAM LATE BLOMBERG’S said Gov. M. Jodi Rell. “I COUNTY PAINTINGS ON came in at a troubling BY MATT SANDERSON DISPLAY AT time in our VILLAGER STAFF WRITER state’s history. PUTNAM — Day Kimball SOCHOR ART We had been Hospital officials confirmed on through Monday, Nov. 16, the first swine GALLERY much, and we flu death in Windham County. It needed a new BY STEPHANIE JARVIS Courtesy photo start, a new is the state’s seventh death relat- VILLAGER STAFF WRITER ed to the H1N1 virus since the end Gov. M. Jodi Rell renewed of August. When Elaine Collins was sense of faith The individual was in the 25- to growing up, she would watch in public officials and a recommit- 49-year-old age range for those her mother draw at night, but ment to integrity in our govern- likely to be affected by the virus, little did she know that stored ment. Working together, we stead- as well as had underlying medical in the attic were numerous por- ied our state, and we passed land- conditions. The test results for traits painted in the 1930s that, Stephanie Jarvis photo mark ethics reform and campaign some 70 years later, would be finance reform legislation. I am H1N1 were confirmed positive by Sheri Sochor, owner of Arts & Framing and the Sochor Art Gallery in Putnam, dis- the Connecticut Department of for sale at a local gallery. very, very proud of that.” plays two portraits and a still life by the late Aino Linnea Koskinen Blomberg, who Stating she will devote her last 14 Public Health laboratory last lived in Pomfret Center. The paintings are among the several that she completed weekend. Turn To BLOMBERG, page A15 while in art school but were stored in an attic, unbeknownst to her family. Turn To RELL, page A13 “We regret to report the first H1N1 flu-related death at Day Kimball Hospital,” said Dr. Douglas Waite, infectious disease specialist and vice president of medical affairs and quality at Locals fill town common for Veterans Day Day Kimball Hospital. “This BY MATT SANDERSON death reminds us of the serious- VILLAGER STAFF WRITER ness of both H1N1 and seasonable influenza. We extend our sympa- WOODSTOCK — In the wake of thies to the patient’s family.” the horrific attacks at Fort Hood in Due to privacy regulations, Day Texas, flags hung at half-mast on Kimball Hospital will not be Wednesday, Nov. 11, and Americans releasing the deceased’s name, took to the streets, cemeteries and age or residency. Patrick war memorials to recognize those McCormack, interim health brave men and women on Veterans director for the Northeast Day who have served or are current- District Department of Health, ly serving in the U.S. military. said that privacy regulations also The annual Veterans Day pro- include not releasing the gram, held by the American Legion deceased’s actual date of death. Benson-Flugal Post 111 on Charlene L. Leith-Bushey, direc- Woodstock Common, kicked off on a clear and windy morning. Around tor of Communications for Day Matt Sanderson photos Kimball Healthcare, would only 25 people gathered at the common to confirm the death occurred last hear state officials speak, see the Richard Potter, historian for the laying of the wreath at the veterans’ American Legion Benson-Flugal Post 111, speaks to a crowd gathered at Turn To FLU, page A13 Woodstock Common last Wednesday, The color guard for the American Legion Benson-Flugal Post 111 stood on Turn To VETERANS, A12 page Nov. 11, for Veterans Day. Woodstock Common for the annual Veterans Day remembrance. 2 • Friday, November 20, 2009 WOODSTOCK VILLAGER State budget deficit growing VILLAGER ALMANAC BY MATT SANDERSON ings assumptions,” said Rell. “We Tempore Donald Williams (D- VILLAGER STAFF WRITER UOTATION OF THE WEEK have no choice but to cut state Brooklyn) said an analysis by the Q HARTFORD — Connecticut is spending, and these rescissions are Office of Policy and Management slipping into another massive but the first of many cuts to follow.” and the new budget estimates from “Freedom isn’t an American thing. deficit. By law, Rell must propose the Wyman show that not only are rev- It’s a human thing.” Lawmakers will resume session deficit mitigation plan by Dec. 1. enues declining, but spending next month to determine just how Donna Tommelleo, spokeswoman reductions also included in the — State Sen. Anthony Guglielmo (R-Stafford), speaking at big the state’s growing deficit is, for Rell’s office, said that this year budget are not being made by the and what to do next. the governor believes it is extreme- executive branch. the Woodstock Veterans Day ceremony, held by the American Gov. M. Jodi Rell and the ly important for the Legislature to “Any deficit mitigation plan must Legion Benson-Flugal Post 111 on Woodstock Common Legislature’s budget offices are adopt all the savings in her deficit include a real focus on capturing agreeing that the budget deficit mitigation plans, not 60 percent like savings already included in the could be $388 million by the end of lawmakers did last year. budget,” said Williams. OPEN TO CLOSE the fiscal year if revenues continue Wyman’s deficit estimate puts a Derek Slap, a spokesman for to decline. However, State $235.5 million difference between Williams’ office, said the two things POMFRET Comptroller Nancy Wyman has said her and Rell’s projections. driving the state deficit are declin- TOWN HALL the shortfall is about $624 million. “Although I see a slight improve- ing revenue, such as with the slot Monday, Tuesday, Thursday . 8:30 a.m.- 4:00 p.m. On Nov.5, Rell announced $34 mil- ment in revenues occurring toward parlors at the casinos and the Wednesday. 8:30 a.m.- 6:00 p.m. lion in initial budget rescissions, the end of the fiscal year, my projec- increase of spending at the execu- Friday . 8:30 a.m.- 12:00 p.m. and more budget cuts will be made tion takes into account the acceler- tive branch of state government. LIBRARIES in December, which could effect ating job losses, high unemploy- “I said last year that we were in Abington Social Library municipal aid. ment and decline in personal big trouble,” said state Rep. Shawn Monday, Wednesday, Thursday. 5-8p.m. “The economy remains largely income that Connecticut residents Johnston (D-North Grosvenordale). Saturday . 10 a.m.-noon unstable, job losses continue and are seeing now and can expect to see “Connecticut has got to get serious. Pomfret Public Library the Legislature’s adopted budget in the near future,” said Wyman. We’ve got no choice but to reduce Tuesday . 10 a.m.-7 p.m. has been built on unrealistic sav- State Senate President Pro expenditures. This is not the time to Thursday. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. raise taxes on peo- Friday . 2 p.m.-7 p.m. ple.” Saturday. 10 a.m.-1 p.m Johnston summed POST OFFICES it up that revenues Pomfret are not coming in to Monday-Friday . 7 a.m.-5 p.m. sustain the level of Saturday . 7 a.m.-noon AMERICAN OWNED Pomfret Center (Murdock Road) & OPERA state spending, and in TED order to achieve any Monday-Friday . 8 a.m.-1 p.m., 2-4:45 p.m. savings now, reduc- Saturday . 8 a.m.-noon tions have to be made now, instead of mak- EASTFORD Store Hours: Mon-Thurs 9am-10pm • Friday 9am-11pm • Saturday 8am-11pm • Sunday 12pm-5pm ing cuts that will go TOWN HALL twice as deep as Tuesday and Wednesday ........................ 10 a.m.-noon, 1-4 p.m. Prices Effective thru Thanksgiving Day • Open Wed 11/25 till 11pm - Closed Thanksgiving Day before. Second and fourth Tuesday .................................. 5:30-7:30 p.m. EASTFORD PUBLIC LIBRARY Monday,Thursday ........................................................... 3-8 p.m. Check Matt Sanderson Let us help may be reached at Tuesday ................................................................... 10 a.m.-8 p.m. Thanksgiving Sale you with wine Cashing Now Thanksgiving Sale Saturday ................................................................... 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Available pairing for (860) 928-1818, ext. 110, POST OFFICE WINE the perfect or by e-mail at meal! matt@villagernews- Monday-Friday ............................................... 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. All Wine Prices Net • All Wines are 750ml unless otherwise specified Saturday ................................................................ 8:30 a.m.-noon Beringer White Zinfandel, White Merlot, & Pinot Grigio 1.5 ............................................ $10.99 TRANSFER STATION Coastal Ridge All varieties 1.5 ......................................................................................$8.99 Saturday and Sunday ............................................ 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Aqua de Piedra Malbec................................................................................................$7.99 Wednesdays, Memorial Day to Labor Day ................... 3-7 p.m. Harlow Ridge Pinot Noir ............................................................................$8.99 2 for $15.00 Shelter needs All other Wednesdays ..................................................... 1-3 p.m. Angeline Pinot Noir ................................................................................................$13.99 Red Tree Pinot Noir “88 pts in the Wine Spectator” ........................................................ $8.99 kitty litter Hahn Pinot Noir .................................................................................................... $15.99 WOODSTOCK Wild Rock Pinot Noir .............................................................................................
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