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NRA Severn-Trent 4 I I HYDROMETRiC REFORT AND CATALOGUE 1990 NRA Severn-Trent Region o E n v ir o n m e n t Ag e n c y NATIONAL LIBRARY & INFORMATION SERVICE HEAD OFFICE Rio House. Waterside Drive, Aztec West, Almondsbury. Bristol BS32 4UD HYDROMETRIC REPORT AND CATALOGUE 1990 NATIONAL RIVERS AUTHORITY SEVERN-TRENT REGION NRA National Rivers Authority Severn-Trent Region Water Resources Section Hydrometric Data Group Sapphire East Nationc Authority Streetsbrook Road inform' ntre Solihull B91 1QT Head C DECEMBER 1991 Class No .. RC.TL ENVIRONMENT AGENCY I Accession 099797 FOREWORD This Hydrometric Report and Catalogue is one of a series of annual hydrological summaries produced by the NRA Severn-Trent Region. It contains two sections, firstly a hydrological review of the year 1990 with a range of data summaries at key sites, and Secondly, a hydrometric catalogue listing the river flow and level stations, groundwater boreholes, rainfall gauges and climate stations maintained by the region. INTRODUCTION The 1990 Hydrometric Report and Catalogue (or Yearbook) represents the second produced since the National Rivers Authority assumed responsibility for hydrometric data in the Severn-Trent Region. The Yearbook gives an indication of the type and availability of data that can be produced for established measurement stations. The Catalogue Section provides comprehensive lists of these stations with maps to identify their location. The preparation of the Yearbook depends on a combined effort, both from Field Hydrometric staff within the four Area offices and staff within the Hydrometric Data Group at Solihull. The co-ordination of the Yearbook has been supervised by David Grimshaw, Senior Hydrologist, and any mistakes or suggestions should be passed to David or his staff, at Sapphire East.
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