
Silver Screen Ms. Vernon Editing & Moulin Rouge (45 pts.) Name Date

There are astounding examples of editing technique throughout the film Moulin Rouge. As you watch it, write down the various techniques you see in the film, and how they were used. Your focus should be on the best examples you can find of each technique, how they impact the film as a whole, and how they impact the feel and theme of the movie. Use your examples to answer the questions after the film.

You may put down more than one example, but be sure to identify the one that, in your opinion, is the best example of the technique.

Technique example (where and when it occurs in the film, why it works)

Dissolve: as one image slowly fades out, another fades in to replace it

Fade: the image fades away slowly to completely black (or white, or another color) before another image fades in

Crosscut: also called parallel cutting, cuts from one scene to another to show events are occurring at the same time in different spaces

Flashback/: connecting shots to a time in the past or the future of the storyline

Editing Rhythm and Duration: the amount of time a is permitted to stay onscreen before it is replaced with another; speed of the take or the , the number of cuts in a scene, it’s effect on the story

Wipe: a hard edge in some kind of shape (sometimes with motion) that “wipes” away one scene and brings in another

Moulin Rouge questions

1. What is your overall opinion of/reaction to the editing in this film? Remember to be specific and use examples you’ve taken down during the movie. Explain and support your answer.

2. Which editing techniques do you believe affected the film the most? Why? Be specific.

3. What was your favorite example of editing technique, and why?