Curriculum vitae

Paolo Nanni was born in () in 1954.

From 1985 to 1990 he was Local Councillor. In 1991 he was elected local minister in the Province of , a role he held until June 2004.

During this time he acquired extensive knowledge of the issues related to the planning and management of various funding channels from the EC and associated initiatives.

In addition to his effective contribution in the launching and promotion of actions funded through the European Regional Development Fund under the EU 2081/93 and 1260/99 Objective 2 regulation, the planning and management at provincial level of actions funded by the ESF, he was involved in developing the operative programme of the PIC interreg II A and III A as well as the definition and management of PIC Resider II.

In 1994/1995 he was President of the company "CSP BIC Livorno-” consolidating its role for economic enterprise and the support of business startup.

As a result of his experience in the Labour Market acquired at the Provinces he contributed to the setting up of the Integrated Provincial System of work with the establishment of the Job Centres.

He has been on the ESF Ob. 3 Monitoring Committees, and those of PIC INTERREG II A and III A on behalf of the URPT (Unione Regionale Province Toscane) as well as Overseeing Committees of the RESF Ob. 2.

He presided on the Tripartite Provincial Commission, for concerted action in employment policies. He has been a member of the inter-institutional committee, of the Tuscan Region, to determine regional measures for education, employment and vocational training.

He has been responsible for the testing of innovative training schemes with ESF resources suitable organisation of the work itself (Project “Le nuove tecnologie a tutela della vita e della sicurezza” [New Technologies for safety and the safeguarding of life) .

In the same year he personally promoted the project “In Advance”, for Innovative Masures to the European Commission and funded ex art. 6 of the ESF. The project was approved and lead to the implementation of the “Local Employment Action Plan for the ”.

Of particular importance, his role of President of the Steering Committee in the first phase of the PIC Equal initiatives that involved the five Provinces along the Tuscan coast with the Project “Coast Revitalization”.

He has represented Province of Livorno in the European Association of Regions and Local Authorities for Lifelong Learning (EARLALL).

Over the past years he has been involved as speaker at numerous events at local, regional, national and international level, published articles and summaries of activities carried out.

In 2004 and 2005 he was a Trainer in the post graduate masters degree in “Imprenditorialità sociale e e- governance locale” [Social entrepreneurship and e-governance] at University.

Since 25th October 2004 he has been President of Provincia di Livorno Sviluppo srl, whose sole shareholder is the Province of Livorno. In particular he promotes the use of resources for the development of innovative training. Project funding has been obtained from EC and regional calls for projects.

Worthy of note is the Project “Livorno: a knowledge province for senior at work” funded by Art. 6 of the ESF from the call for proposal “Innovative approached to the management of change”.

He contributes to the management of the project “La Costa della Conoscenza” [“The Knowledge Coast”] (Equal phase II) which covers the five Tuscan coastal Provinces. Here he presides over the technical and scientific committee.

Since 2006 collaboration with the Province of Livorno has been extended, for the management of projects, services and activities to promote economic activity. Livorno, 3rd January 2007