On Threshold Editing

Bachelor Thesis of

Matthias Schimek

At the Department of Informatics Institute of Theoretical Informatics

Reviewers: Prof. Dr. Dorothea Wagner Prof. Dr. Peter Sanders Advisor: Michael Hamann, M.Sc.

Time Period: 15th June 2016 – 14th October 2016

KIT – University of the State of Baden-Wuerttemberg and National Laboratory of the Helmholtz Association www.kit.edu

Statement of Authorship

I hereby declare that this document has been composed by myself and describes my own work, unless otherwise acknowledged in the text.

Karlsruhe, 10th October 2016


Abstract In this thesis we consider the problems threshold deletion and threshold editing on quasi-threshold graphs. Both problems ask to transform an input graph into a using a minimal number of edge operations. In threshold deletion these are restricted to the deletion of edges only, whereas in threshold editing both the deletion and the insertion of edges are permitted. Threshold graphs are graphs that do not contain a P4, C4 or 2K2 as a -induced subgraph. Both problems are NP-complete on general graphs. We focus on quasi-threshold graphs as input graphs, i.e. graphs that do not contain a P4 or C4 as a vertex-induced subgraph. For the problem of threshold deletion we will give an algorithm that needs O(|V | + |E|) time, where Q = (V,E) is the input graph. In the case of threshold editing we present an algorithm that needs exponential time in the size of the vertex set of the input graph. However, our evaluation shows that the running time of this algorithm is feasible for a set of randomly generated input graphs consisting of up to 300 vertices. Furthermore, we give a heuristic for this problem with a quadratic running time.

Deutsche Zusammenfassung In dieser Arbeit werden die Probleme Threshold Deletion und Threshold Editing auf Quasi-Threshold-Graphen untersucht. Das Problem Threshold Deletion besteht darin, eine minimale Anzahl von Kanten des Eingabegraphen zu löschen, um diesen in einen Threshold-Graphen umzuwandeln. Für Threshold Editing dürfen nicht nur Kanten gelöscht, sondern auch Kanten hinzugefügt werden, um den Eingabegraphen in einen Threshold-Graphen zu überführen. Threshold-Graphen können durch verbotene Subgraphen charakterisiert werden. Es sind genau die Graphen, welche keinen P4, C4 oder 2K2 als knoteninduzierten Subgraphen enthalten. Auf allgemeinen Graphen sind beide Probleme NP-vollständig. Als Eingabegraphen werden in dieser Arbeit nur Quasi-Threshold-Graphen betrach- tet. Diese sind Graphen, die keinen P4 oder C4 als knoteninduzierten Subgraphen enthalten. Für Threshold Deletion wird ein Algorithmus vorgestellt, der das Problem in O(|V | + |E|) löst, wobei Q = (V,E) der Eingabegraph ist. Ebenso wird ein Algorithmus für das Problem Threshold Editing gegeben, dieser hat eine exponen- tielle Laufzeit in der Knotenanzahl des Eingabegraphen. Jedoch erweist sich der Algorithmus auf den zur Evaluation verwendeten zufällig generierten Graphen mit bis zu 300 Knoten als praktikabel. Weiterhin wird eine Heuristik für dieses Problem vorgestellt, deren Laufzeit quadratisch ist.



1 Introduction 1

2 Editing to Threshold Graphs 5 2.1 Quasi-Threshold Graphs ...... 5 2.2 Threshold Graphs ...... 6 2.3 Quasi-Threshold to Threshold Deletion ...... 7 2.4 Quasi-Threshold to Threshold Editing ...... 11 2.4.1 Properties of Nearest Threshold Graphs ...... 11 2.4.2 Exact Algorithm ...... 21 Enumerating-Algorithm ...... 22 Leaf-Positioning-Algorithm ...... 26 Running Time ...... 31 2.4.3 Heuristic ...... 31

3 Experimental Evaluation 35 3.1 Number of Edits ...... 36 3.2 Running Time ...... 37 3.3 Other Graphs ...... 38

4 Conclusion 41

Bibliography 43


1. Introduction

The main topics of this thesis are the graph modification problems threshold editing and threshold deletion. In general, a graph modification problem asks to transform an input graph G into a graph G0 with certain properties using a number of operations such as the insertion or deletion of vertices or edges. We denote by threshold editing the modification problem that only allows the insertion/deletion of edges in order to obtain a threshold graph from an input graph G. A threshold graph is a graph that does not contain P4, C4 or 2K2 as vertex-induced subgraphs (see Section 2.2 for further details and Figure 1.1 for an illustration). In the following, we define the problem more precisely:

Threshold Editing

Input: A graph G = (V,E) and k ∈ N. Problem: Is there a set F ⊆ V × V of size at most k such that G0 = (V,E∆F ) is a threshold graph?

If the only modification allowed is the deletion of edges, the corresponding problem is called threshold deletion.

Threshold Deletion

Input: A graph G = (V,E) and k ∈ N. Problem: Is there a set F ⊆ E of size at most k such that G0 = (V,E\F ) is a threshold graph?

The NP-completeness of threshold deletion is shown in [Mar94]. In [DDLS15], Drange et al. show that the same holds for threshold editing, even on split graphs. Those are graphs whose vertex sets can be partioned into a clique and an independent set [BLS99]. These graphs can also be characterized as the graph class that does not contain C4,C5 or 2K2 as vertex-induced subgraphs. Furthermore, they give algorithms√ solving threshold editing and threshold deletion for an input graph G = (V,E) in 2O( k log k)+ poly(|V |) time, where k is the parameter from the problem definitions. This shows in particular that threshold editing and threshold deletion are fixed-parameter tractable, i.e. their complexity can be described

1 1. Introduction

(a) (b) (c)


Figure 1.1: P4 (a), C4 (b), C5 (c) and 2K2 (d).

c by f(k) · |P | , where P is a problem instance, f : N → N, c ∈ N and k is a parameter of P . This result can be genearalized. In [Cai96], Cai shows that all graph modification problems are fixed-parameter tractable if the target graph class can be characterized by a finite set of forbidden subgraphs. In this thesis we will focus on threshold editing and threshold deletion with quasi-threshold graphs as our problem input, i.e. graphs that do not contain P4 or C4 as vertex-induced subgraphs. As threshold editing is NP-complete on split graphs, the question arises whether the same holds true for quasi-threshold graphs, whose set of forbidden subgraphs is related. Quasi-threshold graphs can be recognized in linear time [JHJJC96]. One of the applications of quasi-threshold graphs is in graph clustering. In [NG13] Nastos et al. present the following idea in order to find clusters in social networks: a graph G representing a social network is transformed into a nearest quasi-threshold graph Q, i.e. the editing distance from G to Q is minimal. The connected components of Q are viewed as clusters of G. In the field of bioinformatics, the approach of transforming an input graph to a set of disjoint cliques and interpreting these cliques as clusters is called cluster editing and widely discussed (see for instance [BB13]). One could adapt this concept for threshold graphs. Hence, theoretical considerations in this area might be of interest. Our contribution. In the case of threshold deletion, we give an algorithm that computes for any quasi-threshold graph Q = (V,E) a nearest threshold graph G0 = (V,E\F ), i.e. the set F has minimal size among all threshold graphs with vertex set V . The algorithm has O(|V | + |E|) complexity, whereas the problem is NP-complete on general graphs. Similarly for threshold editing we present an algorithm that computes a nearest threshold graph G0 = (V,E∆F ), i.e. F has minimal size among all threshold graphs with vertex set V . This algorithm needs O(2n(log n+1)+log n + |V | + |E|) time, where n is the number of vertices that are not leaves in a skeleton of the input graph (see Section 2.1 for details about the skeleton representation of quasi-threshold graphs). Our evaluation shows that its running time is feasible for a set of randomly generated graphs consisting of up to 300 vertices. This suggests that our algorithm can solve threshold editing for quasi-threshold graphs for which the use of the algorithm given in [DDLS15] would not be practical as the quasi-threshold graphs of this size that we examined in our evaluation required about 800 edits. The question whether threshold editing is NP-complete on quasi-threshold graphs remains open. Furthermore we give a heuristic for threshold editing. It is based on the Quasi-Threshold Mover given in [BHSW15], a heuristic for quasi-threshold editing. Additionally, we compare the exact algorithms for threshold deletion, threshold editing and the heuristic for threshold editing with respect to running time and to differences in the number of calculated edits.

Preliminaries. Let G be a graph. We define VG as its vertex set and EG as its edge set. For a vertex v ∈ VG, by NG(v) we denote the neighbourhood of v, i.e. N(v) = {u | {u, v} ∈ EG}.

2 Further we define N¯ G(v) := NG(v) ∪ {v}. For a vertex v ∈ VG, the graph G − v is the subgraph of G induced by VG\{v}. The graph G + v, where v∈ / VG, has the same edge set as G and the vertex set VG ∪{v}. For a directed T and v ∈ VT , DepthT (v) denotes the depth of v in T . With LeavesT as the set of all leaves in T we define InnerT := VT \ LeavesT as the set of all ‘inner’ vertices, i.e. the vertices that are not leaves. For a vertex v, AncestorsT (v) shall be the set of all ancestors of v in T , i.e. all vertices on the path from the root of T to v but not the vertex v itself. Let the set ChildrenT (v) consist of all children of v in T and let the graph SubtreeT (v) be the subtree of v in T including v.

Let G be a graph and F a set with F ⊆ VQ ×VQ. Let T be a threshold graph with VT = VG and ET = EG∆F . The edit distance from G to T is the size of F . For a set F ⊆ EG and a threshold graph T with VT = VG and ET = EG\F , the size of F is called deletion distance from G to T . When there is no ‘target’ threshold graph mentioned, the terms edit or deletion distance of Q mean the edit or deletion distance to a nearest threshold graph of G.


2. Editing to Threshold Graphs

2.1 Quasi-Threshold Graphs First we define the class of quasi-threshold graphs.

Definition 2.1. A quasi-threshold graph (QTG) is a graph that does not contain a P4 or C4 as a vertex-induced subgraph.

The following is an equivalent inductive characterization [JHJJC96]:

1. A single vertex is a QTG. 2. Adding a universal vertex to a QTG results in a QTG. A universal vertex is a vertex that is adjacent to all other vertices of a graph. 3. The disjoint union of two QTGs is a QTG.

In [JHJJC96], it is shown as well that every quasi-threshold graph is induced by a directed forest. A directed forest F = (V 0,E0) is a set of directed trees. A quasi-threshold graph Q is induced in the following way: The vertex set of F is taken as that of Q and {u, v} ∈ EQ if and only if there is a path from v to u or a path from u to v in F . A directed forest which induces a quasi-threshold graph is called a skeleton representation of this graph (see Figure 2.1). It also holds that every directed forest induces a quasi-threshold graph. In [JHJJC96] and [BHSW15] linear time recognition algorithms are given that yield a skeleton representation if the input graph is a quasi-threshold graph. In the following we prove some structural properties of skeleton representations. Lemma 2.2. Let S(Q) be a skeleton of a connected QTG Q, then the following holds: ¯ ¯ 1. If DepthS(Q)(v) < DepthS(Q)(w) and {v, w} ∈ EQ then NQ(w) ⊆ NQ(v).

2. If DepthS(Q)(v) = DepthS(Q)(w) then {v, w} ∈/ EQ.

Proof. 1. If {v, w} ∈ EQ, then there must be a path from v to w in S(Q) or vice versa. As DepthS(Q)(v) < DepthS(Q)(w), the path goes from v to w. But then there is a path from v to every vertex x that can be reached from vertex w in S(Q). Also, every vertex x, that can reach v, has a path to w. Therefore we have N¯ Q(w) ⊆ N¯ Q(v).

5 2. Editing to Threshold Graphs

Figure 2.1: Skeleton of a QTG with implicit edges.

2. As two vertices v, w that have the same level in a directed tree cannot reach each other, it follows from the defintion of a skeleton that {v, w} ∈/ EQ.

Lemma 2.3. Iff a QTG Q contains a universal vertex u, then a skeleton representation S(Q) of Q is a tree.

Proof. If S(Q) is a tree, then there is a path from its root u to every vertex v ∈ VQ\{u} in S(Q). This implies that there is an edge {u, v} in Q. Hence, u is a universal vertex of Q. If u is a universal vertex in Q then it has an edge to every v ∈ VQ\{u}. Thus, there is a path from u to v. It follows that the representing forest must be connected.

Lemma 2.4. Let Q be a quasi-threshold graph with at least one universal vertex. Any skeleton representation S(Q) of Q is a tree with root r and r is a universal vertex of Q.

Proof. We know from Lemma 2.3 that any skeleton representation of a quasi-threshold graph that has a universal vertex is a tree. Further Lemma 2.2 (1) shows that DepthS(Q)(u) ≤ DepthS(Q)(v) for all universal vertices u and non-universal vertices v. Since the root of a tree is the only vertex with a depth of zero, it follows that r must be a universal vertex of Q.

2.2 Threshold Graphs Similar to quasi-threshold graphs, threshold graphs can be defined by forbidden subgraphs.

Definition 2.5. A threshold graph (TG) is a graph that does not contain a P4, C4 or 2K2 as a vertex-induced subgraph.

The following inductive characterization is equivalent [CH73].

1. A single vertex is a TG. 2. Adding an isolated vertex results in a TG. 3. Adding a universal vertex results in a TG.

Since every threshold graph is also a quasi-threshold graph, it has a skeleton representation. But a skeleton of a threshold graph can be characterized more restrictively. A directed forest that induces a threshold graph cannot have multiple connected components with more than two vertices as this would imply that the corresponding threshold graph would contain 2K2 as an induced subgraph. The connected component that consists of more than one vertex is a directed tree in which all vertices are either on the central path or leaves

6 2.3. Quasi-Threshold to Threshold Deletion

of vertices on the central path. Otherwise the induced graph would contain 2K2 as an induced subgrah. It follows that a threshold skeleton consists of a directed caterpillar and possibly some additional isolated vertices (Figure 2.2). Furthermore, an algorithm for the recognition of threshold graphs can be obtained from an algorithm recognazing quasi-threshold graphs to which we add the test whether the generated skeleton has the strucutre of a caterpillar (plus possibly additional isolated vertices). This can be achieved in linear time.

2.3 Quasi-Threshold to Threshold Deletion

In this section we treat the problem threshold deletion on quasi-threshold graphs. We will give a linear time algorithm that computes a nearest threshold graph for a given quasi-threshold input graph. Recall that the problem of threshold deletion is NP-complete on general graphs. As isolated vertices form a threshold graph we could delete all edges in Q to obtain a threshold graph from Q. But this is certainly not an optimal solution. Before giving the algorithm we prove two lemmas. They are both not restricted to threshold deletion but also work for the more general case of threshold editing.

Lemma 2.6. Let Q be a quasi-threshold graph and u a universal vertex in Q. Then u is also a universal vertex in all nearest threshold graphs of Q.

Proof. Let T be a nearest threshold graph of Q that can be reached by adding or deleting edges of Q. Assume that u is not a universal vertex of T (from which follows that e edges incident to u have been deleted). As threshold graphs are defined by forbidden subgraphs, T 0 = T − u is also threshold. If we add u as a universal graph to T 0, the resulting graph T 00 is still a threshold graph. The edit distance from Q to T 00 is smaller than the distance to T as we do not have to delete e edges. This contradicts the minimality of T . Thus, u has to be a universal vertex in T .

Lemma 2.7. Let Q be a quasi-threshold graph. We can add a universal vertex u obtaining a connected quasi-threshold graph Q0 that has the same edit distance as Q.

Proof. As Q is quasi-threshold, it follows from the inductive characterization that Q0 is also quasi-threshold. The graph Q0 is connected because u is a universal vertex. Let T 0 be a nearest threshold graph of Q0. It follows from Lemma 2.6 that u is a universal vertex in T 0. Removing u results in a threshold graph T with the vertex set of Q. Thus, the edit distance of Q0 is an upper bound for that of Q. As adding a universal vertex u to any nearest threshold graph T of Q results in a threshold graph with the vertex set of Q0 it follows that the edit distance of Q is also an upper bound for that of Q0. Hence, the edit distances of Q and Q0 are equal.

Figure 2.2: Skeleton of a threshold graph with implicit edges. The two vertices on the left are isolated vertices.

7 2. Editing to Threshold Graphs

In the following we restrict ourselves again to the problem of threshold deletion. Definition 2.8. Let S(Q) be a skeleton of a connected quasi-threshold graph, i.e. S(Q) is a tree. We define the following measures for all vertices v of S(Q). 1. Number of edges #Edges(v) The measure #Edges(v) denotes the number of edges in the subgraph of Q induced by the vertices in SubtreeS(Q)(v). 2. Deletion distance Dist(v) This measure is the deletion distance of the quasi-threshold graph induced by the subgraph of v in S(Q), i.e. the minimal number of deletions that have to be performed to obtain a threshold graph.

In the following paragraph we set C(v) := ChildrenS(Q)(v). The definition of the skeleton representation directly yields that X #Edges(v) = #Edges(c) + | SubtreeS(Q)(c)| c∈C(v) for every v ∈ S(Q).

Lemma 2.9. Let Q be a connected QTG with a skeleton S(Q). For all v ∈ VQ the following holds:  ! !   min P #Edges(d) − #Edges(c) + Dist(c) if C(v) 6= ∅ Dist(v) = c∈C(v) d∈C(v)  0 if C(v) = ∅

Proof. We prove this lemma by induction on the number of vertices in Q: Base case n = 1: As C(v) is empty and a graph with a single vertex is already threshold, it follows that Dist(v) = 0. Induction hypothesis: The claim holds for a connected QTG Q with at most n ≥ 1 vertices. Inductive step: Let Q0 be a connected QTG with n + 1 vertices and S(Q0) a skeleton of Q0. The root u of S(Q0) is a universal vertex of Q0 (see Lemma 2.4). We have to consider the following two cases: 1. u has one child c. Let Q be the quasi-threshold graph induced by S(Q) := SubtreeS(Q0)(c). The formula for the deletion distance holds for all v ∈ VQ0 \{u} by the induction hypothesis as

SubtreeS(Q0)(v) = SubtreeS(Q0)−u(v) = SubtreeS(Q)(v)

and |VQ| ≤ n. Thus, we only have to show the formula’s correctnes for u. From Lemma 2.7 we know that Q0 has the same deletion distance as Q. Therefore

Dist(u) = Dist(c) = #Edges(c) − #Edges(c) + Dist(c)    X = min  #Edges(d) − #Edges(c) + Dist(c) c∈C(u) d∈C(u)

8 2.3. Quasi-Threshold to Threshold Deletion

holds. Furthermore, we can calculate a nearest threshold graph of Q0 by adding u as a universal vertex to the nearest threshold graph of Q. A skeleton of this graph can be obtained by adding u as a root to a skeleton of a nearest threshold graph of Q.

2. u has the children ci, where i ∈ {1, . . . , n} and n ≥ 2.

Let Qi be the quasi-threshold graph induced by SubtreeS(Q0)(ci). For all Qi we find |Qi| < n. Hence, it follows with

0 SubtreeS(Q )(v) = SubtreeS(Qi)(v)

0 for all v ∈ VQi , where i ∈ {1, . . . , n}, that the formula holds for all v ∈ VQ \{u}. Now we show the formula for u. 0 If all Qi are single vertices, Q is already threshold and we have    X D(u) = 0 = min  0 − 0 + 0 c∈C(v) d∈C(v)    X = min  #Edges(d) − #Edges(c) + Dist(c) . c∈C(v) d∈C(v)

Otherwise, there is at least one Qi that is not a single vertex. Consider a nearest S threshold graph of the quasi-threshold graph U := Qi. A skeleton of a threshold i graph consists of a caterpillar and isolated vertices. In a skeleton of a nearest threshold graph of U the vertices in the caterpillar all belong to one Qi as we are only allowed

to delete edges and no vertex v ∈ VQi is adjacent to a vertex w ∈ VQj for i 6= j. Hence, we have to choose as our ’caterpillar graph’ the Qi which causes the lowest costs. The costs are composed of the deletion distance of Qi and the costs of isolating all other Qj, i.e. deleting all their edges. Thus, the nearest threshold graph of U has the deletion distance    X 0 d = min  #Edges(r ) − #Edges(r) + Dist(r) , r∈R r0∈R

where R is the set that contains all roots of the SubtreeS(Q0)(ci). Since R = C(u) and Q0 has the same deletion distance as Q, it follows that the claim holds in this case as well. Furthermore, a nearest threshold graph of Q0 can be obtained by adding u as a universal vertex to the nearest threshold graph of the lowest-cost Qi and isolating the vertices of all the other Qj with i =6 j. A skeleton of this tree can be obtained by adding u as a root to the skeleton of the lowest-cost threshold graph and attaching the vertices from the other subgraphs as leaves to u. Note that in all cases a skeleton of a nearest threshold graph of Q0 can be obtained by adding u as a root to the skeleton of the lowest-cost child and making all vertices in the other subgraphs (if there are any) leaves of u.

The proof does not only show the correctness of the formula, but it delivers an algorithm to compute a nearest threshold graph T of a quasi-threshold graph Q. For a given skeleton of a connected QTG we can perform a DFS on this tree. In this DFS we recursively calculate the measures #Edges(c), Dist(c) and the size of Subtree(c) for all children c of a vertex v. Using these measures we then calculate the measures for v. For each vertex v we store its lowest-cost child. In order to obtain the implicitly computed skeleton we traverse the

9 2. Editing to Threshold Graphs quasi-threshold skeleton following the path that is given by the stored lowest-cost children, starting from the root. All children and (their descendants in the quasi-threshold skeleton) of a visited vertex v are made leaves of v except for its lowest-cost child. The following pseudo code 2.1 describes this algorithm in detail.

Algorithm 2.1: Threshold Deletion Input: Array children containing all children of a vertex in the skeleton of a connected quasi-threshold graph Q with root r. Output: Array parent containing each vertex’s parent in a skeleton of a nearest threshold graph of Q. Dist(r) contains the deletion distance of Q. // Initialization 1 forall v ∈ VQ do 2 #Edges(v) ← 0 3 Dist(v) ← 0 4 sizeSubtree(v) ← 1 5 parent(v) ← −1 6 bestChild(v) ← ⊥

7 calculate(vertex v) 8 s, i, p, sum← 0 9 forall u ∈ children(v) do 10 calculate(u) 11 s ← s + sizeSubtree(u) 12 i ← i + #Edges(u) 13 sum ← sum + #Edges(u)

14 #Edges(v) ← i + s 15 sizeSubtree(v) ← 1 + s 16 j ← ∞ 17 forall u ∈ children(v) do 18 if sum−#Edges(u) + Dist(u) < j then 19 j ← sum−#Edges(u) + Dist(u) 20 Dist(v) ← j 21 bestChild(v) ← u

22 calculate(r) // calculate measures // create skeleton 23 cur ← r 24 while cur 6= ⊥ do 25 forall v ∈ children(cur) and v 6= bestChild(cur) do 26 forall x ∈ subtree(v) do 27 parent(x) ← cur

28 parent(bestChild(cur)) ← cur 29 cur ← bestChild(cur)

As we only traverse the skeleton two times, the complexity of this algorithm is linear in the number of vertices of Q. Note that this algorithm can even be sublinear in the number of deletions. The algorithm expects a skeleton of the input graph Q. It follows that the overall complexity is in O(|VQ| + |EQ|) as we have to compute a skeleton of Q first.

10 2.4. Quasi-Threshold to Threshold Editing

2.4 Quasi-Threshold to Threshold Editing

In this section we address the problem of threshold editing. First we will give an example of a quasi-threshold graph Q whose edit distance is smaller than its deletion distance. The QTG Q consists of two connected components: a clique of size n and a graph of size 2n with inner vertex c (see Figure 2.3). Its edit distance is n as we can insert an edge from c to each vertex in the clique obtaining a treshold graph T . In the context of threshold deletion we have to isolate one of the two connected componets in order to obtain a threshold graph. Since the clique has n(n − 1)/2 and the star graph has 2n edges, the deletion distance of Q is 2n if n ≥ 5. The difference between edit and deletion distance of graphs with this structure is n. Hence, there are graphs for which the deletion distance is twice as large as the edit distance. Before giving an algorithm for this problem we prove some properties of nearest threshold graphs in the context of threshold editing.

2.4.1 Properties of Nearest Threshold Graphs We will show that for every QTG Q with a skeleton S(Q) there is a nearest threshold graph T and a skeleton S(T ) of T such that the quadruple (Q, S(Q),T,S(T )) has certain properties. Furthermore, we only consider connected QTGs as we can add a universal vertex to a QTG that is not connected preserving the edit distance (Lemma 2.7). The central result of this section is Theorem 2.10.

Theorem 2.10. Let Q be a connected QTG and S(Q) be a skeleton of Q. There is a nearest threshold graph T (and a skeleton S(T ) of this graph) such that the following holds: 1. A leaf in S(Q) remains a leaf in S(T ). 2. If w is an inner vertex in S(T ), then all ancestors v of w in S(Q) are also inner vertices in S(T ). 3. For two inner vertices v, w of S(Q) and S(T ) if v is an ancestor of w in S(Q), then the same holds for S(T ).


Figure 2.3: Skeleton of a graph Q whose edit distance (5) is smaller than its deletion distance (10).

11 2. Editing to Threshold Graphs

Before proving this theorem, we want to il- ... lustrate it. Figure 2.4 shows a segment of a skeleton of a quasi-threshold graph Q. The 0 leaves of the skeleton are coloured in blue. Let T be a nearest threshold graph of Q with 10 1 v skeleton S(T ) such that propositions (1) - (3) from Theorem 2.10 hold. 2 3 ... 5 9 Part (1) states that none of the blue coloured vertices can be an inner vertex of S(T ). Part (2) says that if w is an inner vertex of S(T ), 6 7 10 then for the vertices 6, 5, v, 0 the same holds true. The third part of this theorem is that if w 8 12 11 13 v and w are inner vertices of S(T ), the vertex w is situated below v in the skeleton S(T ). We ...... will show Theorem 2.10 by using Lemma 2.11, 2.12, 2.13, 2.14 and 2.15, which we prove first. Figure 2.4: Segment of a skeleton of a QTG Lemma 2.11. Let Q be a quasi-threshold graph, T a threshold graph of Q with skeleton S(T ) and v, w ∈ VQ vertices with NQ(w) ⊆ N¯ Q(v) and NT (v) ⊆ N¯ T (w). We denote the skeleton generated by a swap in the positions of v and w in S(T ) by S(T 0). It holds that the edit distance from Q to the threshold graph T 0 induced by S(T 0) is at most as great as that to T .

 Proof. We define the set X as X := NT (w)\ NT (v) \{v, w}. The set X contains all vertices that are adjacent to w but not to v in T . The graphs T and T 0 only differ in edges {v, x} or {w, x}, where x ∈ X. All other edges are identical in both graphs. Now we compare the edit distance from Q to T 0 to that from Q to T . For the reasons mentionend above we only have to consider the edges {v, x} and {w, x}, where x ∈ X. By definition of X, for all x ∈ X the edge {v, x} is contained in T 0 but not in T and the edge {w, x} is contained in T but not in T 0. We are now accounting for the edits in which T and T 0 differ:

1. To get from Q to T we have to insert the edges from w to all vertices in X\ NQ(w) and we have to delete all edges from v to all vertices in X ∩ NQ(v). Let t denote the number of these edits.

0 2. To get from Q to T we have to insert the edges from v to all vertices in X\ NQ(v) and we have to delete all edges from w to vertices in X ∩ N(w). Let t0 denote the number of these edits.

As NQ(w) ⊆ N¯ Q(v) and v is not an element of X, it follows that |X\ NQ(v)| ≤ |X\ NQ(w)| and |X ∩ NQ(w)| ≤ |X ∩ NQ(v)|. Therefore, we have

0     t − t = |X\ NQ(w)| + |X ∩ NQ(v)| − |X\ NQ(v)| + |X ∩ N(w)|     = |X\ NQ(w)| − |X\ NQ(v)| + |X ∩ NQ(v)| − |X ∩ NQ(w)| | {z } | {z } ≥0 ≥0 ≥ 0.

This shows that the edit distance from Q to T 0 is smaller than that from Q to T or has at most the same value.

12 2.4. Quasi-Threshold to Threshold Editing

Lemma 2.12. Let Q be a QTG, T a nearest threshold graph of Q and S(T ) a skeleton representation of T . All leaves of v ∈ InnerS(T ) are elements of NQ(v).

Proof. Assume that v ∈ Q is a vertex in S(T ) that has a leaf u and u∈ / NQ(v). Thus, {v, u} must have been added in order to obtain T . By omitting this edge we obtain a threshold graph T 0 whose distance to the input is smaller than the one of T . The graph T 0 is threshold because T has this property and omitting the edge {u, v} either isolates u or u becomes a leaf of the parent p of v in S(T ). Therefore, v cannot have any leaf that is not in NG(v). Lemma 2.13. Let Q be a connected QTG and S(Q) a skeleton representation of this graph. There is a nearest threshold graph T and a skeleton S(T ) such that any leaf in S(Q) remains a leaf in S(T ).

Proof. Let v be a leaf of S(Q). Assume that v is an inner vertex in S(T ). Let B be the subtree of v in S(T ) without its leaves. Note that B can be empty. We have to consider the following cases:

1. v has a leaf uj The vertex v can only have leaves uj with uj ∈ NQ(v) (see Lemma 2.12). Choose any one of these leaves – we choose u1 – and interchange the position of v and u1 in S(T ), thereby generating a skeleton S(T 0) for a threshold graph T 0. The edit distance 0 of T is at most as great as that of T (see Lemma 2.11). Note that u1 cannot be a leaf in S(Q). 2. v has no leaves

a) B = ∅ This is not possible as v would be a leaf in S(T ) in this situation. b) v has no Q-neighbour in B We delete all edges to the vertices in B. This way v becomes a leaf in S(T 0) or an isolated vertex if v is already the root of S(T ). This saves |B| edits. c) All Q-neighbours of v are part of the central path in S(T ) We insert v as a leaf under the lowest of its neighbours in the path in S(T ), saving as many edits as there are non-Q neighbour leaves in B. d) At least one Q-neighbour u is a leaf in B As u is a Q-neighbour of v and v a leaf in S(Q), u is an inner vertex in Q and situated above v. Therefore we have NQ(v) ⊆ N¯ Q(u). Since v is situated on the path from w to the root in S(T ), it follows that NT (u) ⊆ N¯ T (v). Thus, we can interchange u and v in S(T ) with at most zero costs.

Either we have saved edits in this process or the edit distance of the generated tree T 0 is at most as great as that of T . In the former case T is not a nearest threshold graph to Q contradicting the assumption that T is such a graph, whereas in the latter case we have obtained a new nearest threshold graph T 0 and a skeleton S(T 0) where the number of violations of the claimed property is reduced by one compared to T and S(T ). Thus, we can reapply the procedure until all violations have been removed.

The following lemma will help to prove Theorem 2.10 (2). Figure 2.5 illustrates the situation in this lemma.

13 2. Editing to Threshold Graphs


1 4 v

2 v 2

3 4 5

... 5 7 7

6 8 w w ......

Figure 2.5: Skeleton of a QTG without leaves and corresponding skeleton of a threshold graph T without leaves except for v. Only red labelled vertices are inner vertices in both skeletons. The dashed arrow depicts the interchange that can occur in the proof of Lemma 2.14

Lemma 2.14. Let Q be a QTG and S(Q) a skeleton of Q. There is nearest threshold graph T and a skeleton S(T ) such that the following holds: 1. (T, S(T )) fulfils Theorem 2.10 (1).

2. For two vertices v, w ∈ VG with v, w ∈ InnerS(Q) and w ∈ SubtreeS(Q)(v) it holds that w ∈ InnerS(T ) implies v ∈ InnerS(T ).

Proof. From Lemma 2.13 we know that there is a nearest (T, S(T )) such that Theorem 2.10 (1) holds. We define the following set

n  o AT := v | v ∈ InnerS(Q) \ InnerS(T ) ∧ ∃w ∈ SubtreeS(Q)(v) ∩ InnerS(T ) .

It contains all vertices v that are inner vertices in S(Q) but not in S(T ) and for which exists a ‘violation-partner’ w such that the pair (v, w) contradicts claim (2).

n  o BT (v) := w | w ∈ InnerS(Q) ∩ InnerS(T ) ∧ w ∈ SubtreeS(Q)(v) .

The set BT (v) contains all ‘violation-partners’ w of v. Assume that AT is not empty, let v be the vertex with minimal DepthS(Q) in AT and w the vertex with maximal DepthS(Q) in BT (v) (see Figure 2.5). ¯ With v being an ancestor of w in S(Q), we have that NS(Q)(w) ⊆ NS(Q)(v) and NS(T )(v) ⊆ ¯ NS(T )(w) because v is a leaf in S(T ) whereas w is an inner vertex. Interchanging v and w in S(T ) generates a skeleton S(T 0). We denote the threshold graph induced by S(T 0) by T 0. We know from Lemma 2.11 that the edit distance from Q to T 0 is at most as great as that to T . Furthermore, it holds that (T 0, S(T 0)) fulfils Theorem 2.10 (1) as we did not make any leaf in S(Q) to an inner vertex in S(T 0). The case that the edit distance to T 0 is smaller than that to T cannot occur, as T is a nearest threshold graph of Q. What we have shown so far is that we can interchange the vertices v and w while preserving the threshold property, equal editing distance and property (1). Now we prove that AT 0 ⊆ AT \{v}. In order to do so we show that AT 0 \AT is empty.

AT 0 \AT is empty. 0 0 0 0 Assume that there is a v ∈ AT 0 \AT . Then there must be a w such that (v , w ) violates the claim. Hence, w0 has to be a descendant of v0 in S(Q) and an inner vertex in S(Q) and

14 2.4. Quasi-Threshold to Threshold Editing


1 w

2 v 2

3 4 5

... 5 w 4

6 7 8 v ......

Figure 2.6: Skeleton of a QTG without leaves and corresponding skeleton of a threshold graph T without leaves. The dashed arrow depicts an interchange that can occur in the proof of Lemma 2.15.

S(T 0), whereas v0 must be an inner vertex in S(Q) and a leaf in S(T 0). As we do not touch S(Q), either v0 must have been an inner vertex in S(T ) and is now a leaf (1) or w0 must have been a leaf in S(T ) and is now an inner vertex in S(T 0) (2). 1. Situation (1) cannot occur. The only vertex that has become a leaf is w. This implies v0 = w. It follows that there has to be a w0 in the subtree of w in S(Q) that is an inner vertex in S(T 0). 0 But all wi ∈ SubtreeS(Q)(w) are leaves in S(T ) (and so in S(T )). Otherwise, wi ∈ BT (v) would hold but this would contradict the maximal DepthS(Q) of w in BT (v). 0 Hence, a pair (w, wi) that does not fullfil the claim cannot exists in T . 2. Situation (2) cannot occur. The only vertex that was a leaf in S(T ) and is an inner vertex in S(T 0) is v. Assume 0 0 00 that v = w . Then v has to be an ancestor of v in S(Q). But all v ∈ AncestorsS(Q)(v) have to be inner vertices in S(T ) and so in S(T 0). Otherwise, (v00, w) would have also been a violation of the claim in T what contradicts the minimal DepthS(Q) of v in AT .

We have proved that neither (1) nor (2) can occur. Therefore, we can conclude that there 0 0 is no pair (v , w ) and AT 0 \AT is empty. 0 As v is an inner vertex in S(T ), it cannot be part of AT 0 . It follows that AT 0 ⊆ AT \{v}. Hence, we can reduce the set of violations successively and obtain a final threshold graph that has the claimed property.

Note that the lemma above shows that there is always a nearest threshold T with a skeleton S(T ) such that Theorem 2.10 (1) and (2) hold. Lemma 2.15. Let Q be a quasi-threshold graph and S(Q) a skeleton of Q. There is a nearest threshold graph T and a skeleton S(T ) such that the following holds: 1. (T, S(T )) fulfils Theorem 2.10 (1) and (2).

2. Let v, w ∈ VQ be inner vertices in S(Q) and S(T ). If v is an ancestor of w in S(Q), the vertex v is also an ancestor of w in S(T ).

Proof. The general idea of this proof is – as in the previous proof – that we can remove all possible violations by iteratively interchanging two vertices in the threshold skeleton. We

15 2. Editing to Threshold Graphs know from Lemma 2.14 that there is a nearest (T, S(T )) such that Theorem 2.10 (1) and (2) hold. We define I := InnerS(Q) ∩ InnerS(T ), which contains all vertices that are inner vertices in both S(Q) and S(T ). Furthermore, we define n  o AT := v | v ∈ I ∧ ∃w ∈ I : v ∈ AncestorsS(Q)(w) ∧ w ∈ AncestorsS(T )(v) .

This set contains all vertices v for which a w exists such that the pair (v, w) does not fulfil the claimed property (2). For a vertex v ∈ AT we define n o BT (v) := w | w ∈ I ∧ v ∈ AncestorsS(Q)(w) ∧ w ∈ AncestorsS(T ) .

The set consists of all w such that (v, w) contradicts the claim. Note that all w are situated above v in S(T ).

Assume that AT is not empty. Then we choose v ∈ AT with minimal DepthS(Q) and ¯ w ∈ BT (v) with minimal DepthS(T )(w). It follows from Lemma 2.2 that NQ(w) ⊆ NQ(v) and NT (v) ⊆ N¯ T (w). With Lemma 2.11 we can interchange v and w in S(T ) generating a threshold graph T 0 with an edit distance from Q that is at most as great as those of T . Since T is a nearest threshold graph of Q, we have that the edit distances to T and T 0 are equal. There is a skeleton S(T 0) of T 0 that is equal to S(T ) except for the interchange of v and w. As we do not make a leaf in S(Q) an inner vertex in S(T 0) and both v and w remain inner vertices in S(T 0), Theorem 2.10 (1) and (2) also holds for (T 0, S(T 0)) (see Figure 2.6).

We show that for all x ∈ AT 0 \AT it holds that DepthS(Q)(x) > DepthS(Q)(v) and v∈ / AT 0 .

1. v is not in AT 0 . 0 As w has minimal depth in BT (v), all vertices w above w in S(T ) cannot be descendants of v in S(Q). We only interchange the positions of v and w, so this also holds for S(T 0). Since the position of v in S(T 0) is the old one of w, it follows that v∈ / AT 0 .

2. For all x ∈ AT 0 \AT it holds that DepthS(Q)(x) > DepthS(Q)(v). Assume that there is an x ∈ AT 0 \AT with DepthS(Q)(x) ≤ DepthS(Q)(v). There must be a y such that (x, y) is a violation of the claim. As we do not touch S(Q) but x∈ / AT , there are only two possibilities. (1) The vertices x or y are leaves in S(T ) and inner vertices in S(T 0). This is not possible, however, as we only interchange two inner vertices and do not touch other vertices. (2) The relative positions of x or y have changed; more formally DepthS(T )(x) < DepthS(T 0)(x) or DepthS(T )(y) > DepthS(T 0)(y). The vertex w is the only vertex whose depth has increased. But from DepthS(Q))(x) ≤ DepthS(Q)(v) < DepthS(Q)(w) it follows that x 6= w. Thus, DepthS(T )(y) > DepthS(T 0)(y) must be true. The only vertex that has decreased its depth is v. It follows that (x, v) is the only possible pair for a violation. But then (x, w) must have been a violation in S(T ) as well, as x has not changed its position and v is now at the position of w. This contradicts the assumption that x∈ / AT .

It follows that we can delete v from the set AT and only add vertices with greater depth in S(Q). This implies that the depth in AT 0 increases and thus reapplying this procedure will terminate as the maximal depth in S(Q) is finite.

With Lemma 2.15 we have shown that for every (Q, S(Q)) there is always a nearest threshold graph T with skeleton S(T ) that fulfils Theorem 2.10 (1) - (3), which completes the proof of Theorem 2.10.

16 2.4. Quasi-Threshold to Threshold Editing

0 0 6 1 1 6 7 4 2 3 4 7 14 6 8 12 7 5 8 12 15 9 12

9 11 13 16 18 8 (c) 10 9 (a) 10 17 (b) 10

Figure 2.7: A skeleton S(Q) of a QTG Q without leaves and a skeleton S(T ) of a nearest threshold graph T also without leaves. The red labelled vertices in (a) form ReducedS(Q),S(T ). Tree (c) is the subtree of vertex 6 in ReducedS(Q),S(T ).

Let (Q, S(Q)) be a QTG with skeleton and (T, S(T )) a nearest threshold graph such that Theorem 2.10 (1) - (3) are fulfilled. We define Inner := InnerS(Q) ∩ InnerS(T ), i.e. Inner contains exactly these vertices that are inner vertices in S(Q) and S(T ). From property (2) it follows that the subgraph of S(Q) induced by Inner is a tree (see Figure 2.7). We call this tree the reduced tree of S(Q) and S(T ), in short ReducedS(Q),S(T ). Now we will show a last property of nearest threshold graphs (T, S(T )) of (Q, S(Q)) that fulfil Theorem 2.10 (1) - (3) before introducing an algorithm that computes them. In the following we only consider S(T ) without leaves, i.e. the central path of the caterpillar. Note that S(T ) cannot have isolated vertices as Q is connected. We can divide the central path into intervals. Consider a vertex v and its child w in S(T ). Both belong to the same interval if and only if w is a child of v in S(Q), too. Otherwise, w is the starting vertex of a new interval. In order to illustrate this term we consider the central path in Figure 2.7. There are three intervals: I1 = (0, 1, 4), I2 = (6, 7, 12) and I3 = (8, 9, 10). The minimal length of these intervals is determined by the vertices above them in the central path. In order to specify this proposition we introduce for two inner vertices v, w of S(T ), i.e. vertices on the central path of S(T ), with w ∈ AncestorsS(T )(v) the measures Score(v, w), Scoremax(v) and Scoremaxholder(v). The following definition is more general as it defines these measures for any directed path that consists of inner vertices of S(Q).

Definition 2.16. Let (Q, S(Q)) be a connected QTG and P a directed path with VP ⊆ Inner(S(Q)). 1. Score(v, w) Let v, w be two vertices of P with w ∈ AncestorsP (v), i.e. w is situated above v in the path. Let pw,parent(v) be the path from w to the parent of v in P , i.e. pw,parent(v) = (w, . . . , parent(v)). The following illustrates the situation:

P = (··· , parent(w), w, ··· , parent(v), v, ··· ) | {z } pw,parent(v)

Then we define Score(v, w) as the number of vertices that are not Q-neighbours of v in pw,parent(v) minus the number of v’s Q-neighbours in pw,parent(v).

17 2. Editing to Threshold Graphs

Score(v, w) ‘10’ ‘9’ ‘8’ ‘12’ ‘7’ ‘6’ ‘4’ ‘1’ ‘0’ Scoremax Scoremaxholder ‘8’ - - - 1 0 -1 0 1 0 1 ‘12’ ‘6’ ------1 2 1 2 ‘1’ ‘0’ ------0 ‘0’

Table 2.1: Values of Score and Scoremax for some vertices in Figure 2.7 (b).

2. Scoremax(v) Let v be a vertex in P . The set A consists of all vertices w that are situated above v in P . We define

  max Score(v, w) if A 6= ∅ w∈A Scoremax(v) := 0 if A = ∅

3. Scoremaxholder(v) Scoremaxholder(v) is the first vertex w above v such that Scoremax(v) := Score(v, w). If there is no such w above v then we set Scoremaxholder(v) := v.

The idea behind these measures is that a vertex v with Scoremax(v) > 1 cannot have a leaf in the skeleton of a nearest threshold graph (see Lemma 2.18). Scoremaxholder(v) is important because its parent can be chosen as parent of vertices that are leaves of v in S(Q) in this case (see Section 2.4.2). To give an example, we calculate these measures for the starting vertices of the three intervals from Figure 2.7 (b). The results can be found in Table 2.1. Note that the vertex w with Score(v, w) = Scoremax(v) cannot be an ancestor of v in S(Q). The proposition that we want to show is that the length of an interval with starting vertex v has to be greater than Scoremax(v). The central path in Figure 2.7 (b) has this property as |I1| = 3 > 0 = Scoremax(‘0’), |I2| = 3 > 2 = Scoremax(‘6’) and |I3| = 3 > 1 = Scoremax(‘8’).

Theorem 2.17. Let Q be a connected QTG with a skeleton S(Q) and T a nearest threshold graph with skeleton S(T ) such that Theorem 2.10 (1) - (3) holds. Let I be an interval with starting vertex v in S(T ). It holds that |I| > Scoremax(v).

In order to prove this theorem we use the following Lemma 2.18 (see Figure 2.8 for an illustration).

0 0 Lemma 2.18. In the situation of Theorem 2.17 a vertex v with Scoremax(v ) > 1 cannot have a leaf in S(T ).

0 0 Proof. Let v be a vertex with Scoremax(v ) > 1. By definition of this measure we know that 0 0 there is a vertex w above v in the central path of S(T ) with Score(v, w) = Scoremax(v ). This vertex w is not a S(Q)-ancestor of v0 and the parent of w in S(T ) is a S(Q)-ancestor of v0; otherwise Score(v, w) would not be a maximal value. Note that there must be a parent(w) in S(T ) as Q is connected and thus the root of S(T ) is a universal vertex. Assume that v0 has a leaf l in S(T ). We know from Lemma 2.12 that l must be in the 0 0 neighbourhood of v in Q. Hence, it is also a Q-neighbour of all x ∈ AncestorsS(Q)(v ). All these x are part of the central path of S(T ) and situated above v0 as a consequence of Theorem 2.10 (2) and (3). Since l is a Q-neighbour of v0 and all ancestors of v0 in S(Q) are situated above v0 in S(T ), l has to be a descendant of v0 in S(Q). Therefore, we have

18 2.4. Quasi-Threshold to Threshold Editing

... p(w) w 2 3 4 5 6 v0 ...


Figure 2.8: The vertices ‘4’,‘5’ and p(w) are S(Q)-ancestors of v. Suppose that all vertices on 0 0 the left of w are S(Q)-ancestors of v. As Scoremax(v ) = 2 and Score(v , w) = 2, vertex l becomes a leaf of p(wY ).

0 NQ(l) ⊆ N¯ Q(v ). 0 0 Let pw,v0 be the path from w to v in S(T ), i.e. pw,v0 = (w, . . . , v ). If we want to make l a leaf of parent(w) in S(T ), we have to delete all edges to Q-neighbours of l in pw,v0 and do not have to insert edges to the vertices that are not Q-neighbours in pw,v0 . As all 0 0 Q-neighbours of l in pw,v0 − v are S(Q)-ancestors of v and all non-Q-neighbours of l in 0 0 0 pv0,w − v are not S(Q)-ancestors of v and Scoremax(v ) > 1, we know that the number of 0 non-S(Q)-neighbours of l in pv0,w − v minus the number of S(Q)-neighbours in this path is at least two. Since we also have to delete the edge {l, v}, we can save at least one edit if we make l a leaf of parent(w). But this contradicts the assumption that T is a nearest threshold graph of Q.

Recall the definition of the reduced tree ReducedS(Q),S(T ). It contains all vertices that are inner vertices in S(Q) and S(T ). Now we consider the subtree of v in ReducedS(Q),S(T ). Figure 2.7 (c) is an example of such a subtree. Let w be a vertex with depth k < Scoremax(v) − 1 in this subtree. Therefore, there are k vertices above w in the subtree. As S(T ) has the properties Theorem 2.10 (2) and (3), it follows that the only Q-neighbours of w on the path from v to parent(w) in S(T ) are exactly those k vertices. Therefore, Scoremax(w) is reduced at most by k. Hence, we have

Scoremax(w) ≥ Scoremax(v) − k > Scoremax(v) − (Scoremax(v) − 1) = 1.

This implies that such a vertex w cannot have a leaf in S(T ). Now we can show Theorem 2.17.

Proof. Assume that there is an interval I with starting vertex v and |I| ≤ Scoremax(v). We define R := ReducedS(Q),S(T ). We consider SubtreeR(v) (see Figure 2.9 (a)). It follows from Lemma 2.18 that no vertex with a depth smaller than Scoremax(v) − 1 in this subtree can have a leaf in S(T ). If a vertex with depth Scoremax(v) − 1 has a leaf in S(T ), we can make this leaf a leaf of the parent of w, where w is chosen to be a vertex with Score(v, w) = Scoremax(v). This can be achieved using the same procedure as in Lemma 2.18 with zero cost. Thus, let us assume that no vertex with a depth of at most Scoremax(v) − 1 in this subtree has a leaf in S(T ). Note that this assumption does not change the set InnerS(T ) and therefore does not change ReducedS(Q),S(T ) . If there was a vertex of depth Scoremax(v) − 1 that would become a leaf by moving its leaves up, then we could make this vertex itself a leaf of the parent of w saving an edit. But in this case T could not be a nearest threshold graph. We have to consider the following two cases.

0 1. A vertex v ∈ SubtreeR(v) with a depth of Scoremax(v) or greater has a leaf in S(T ). Let v0 be the vertex with minimal depth in S(T ) among all such vertices.

0 Claim: All vertices on the path pv,parent(v0) = (v, . . . , parent(v )) in S(T ) are ancestors of v0 in S(Q).

19 2. Editing to Threshold Graphs


v v

v w l 4 4 w0 1 4 8 1 1 v0 3 5 6 7 v0 l v0 l

(a) 2 (b) ... (c) ...

Figure 2.9: Illustration of the first case in the proof of Theorem 2.17. The subtree of v in 0 ReducedS(Q),S(T ) is shown in (a). In (b) and (c) w is not an ancestor of v in S(Q). Note that in this example Scoremax(v) must be at least two.

0 Assume that there is a w ∈ pv,parent(v0) that is not an ancestor of v . We have to differentiate two cases, w does or does not have a leaf.

a) The vertex w has a leaf in S(T ). In this case it cannot be part of SubtreeR(v) as this would contradict the minimality of v0. But then we can transfer all x ∈ SubtreeR(v) that are situated above w in S(T ) to positions below this vertex as no vertex x has leaves in S(T ) (see Figure 2.9 (b)). This saves the insertion of the edges from the vertices x to the leaf of w. It follows that T is not a nearest threshold graph. Hence, such a vertex w cannot have a leaf in S(T ). b) Vertex w does not have a leaf in S(T ). If there are multiple vertices w that are 0 0 not Q-ancestors of v in pv,parent(v0), let w be the vertex with a greatest depth in S(T ) among them. We can transfer w0 to the position below v0 (we have shown above that w0 cannot have a leaf in S(T )) saving the insertion of the edges from w0 to the leaves of v0 (see Figure 2.9 (c)). This again contradicts the minimality of T . As both cases lead to contradiction, the assumption that there is a vertex w that is not a S(Q)-ancestor of v0 cannot be true.

0 From this observation follows that pv,parent(v0) ∪ {v } forms an interval and therefore I contains at least |pv,parent(v0)| + 1 ≥ Scoremax(v) + 1 vertices, which contradicts the assumption that |I| ≤ Scoremax(v). 0 2. No v ∈ SubtreeR(v) has a leaf in S(T ). 0 Let v ∈ SubtreeR(v) be the vertex with maximal DepthS(T ) among all vertices in 0 0 SubtreeR(v). It follows that there are no vertices x ∈ NQ(v ) below v in S(T ). Yet there must be another inner vertex y of S(T ) below v0 in S(T ), or otherwise v0 would 0 0 be a leaf in S(T ) and thus v ∈/ SubtreeR(v). Then we make v a leaf of the next vertex v00 above v0 in S(T ), where v00 is an ancestor of v0 in S(Q). This saves the insertion of the edge to y and its descendants in S(T ). But this contradicts the minimality of T . So this case cannot occur.

It follows that |I| ≤ Scoremax(v) cannot be true. Note that the proof even shows that in an interval at least one vertex must have a leaf.

20 2.4. Quasi-Threshold to Threshold Editing

2.4.2 Exact Algorithm Now we want to outline an algorithm that computes for every QTG Q a nearest threshold graph T . More precisely: we take a skeleton S(Q) of Q as input and compute a skeleton S(T ) of T . First of all we know from Lemma 2.7 that we can add a universal vertex to a QTG without changing its editing distance. Therefore, we will only consider connected QTGs. This implies that the skeleton of the nearest threshold graph of the input is a caterpillar (it cannot have isolated vertices as the input graph is connected). A caterpillar is a sequence S of vertices and a set of vertices that are leaves in the sequence S. Consider the following problem: We are given a sequence S of vertices that form the central path of a caterpillar. Now we shall compute the positions of all leaves l ∈ VQ\S within the sequence so that the threshold graph induced by this caterpillar has minimal editing distance from Q among all threshold graphs that are induced by a caterpillar with exactly this sequence as central path. We will show later that under certain conditions this problem can be solved in linear time in the size of the sequence. The idea of the algorithm is to enumerate all possible sequences S, to calculate the best positions of the remaining vertices as leaves and to keep a skeleton whose induced threshold graph has minimal editing distance to Q. A sequence S can consist of up to n := |VQ| n vertices. There are i possibilities to choose a subset of i vertices out of a set of n vertices and we can order these i vertices in i! different ways. It follows that the number of all possible sequences is ! n n X · i!, n = |V |. i Q i=1 This is far too big for any reasonable computation. But we can restrict the number of possible sequences. We have shown that for every (Q, S(Q)) there is a nearest threshold graph T with a skeleton S(T ) so that Theorem 2.10 (1) - (3) holds. We try to find such a threshold graph or, more precisely, its skeleton S(T ). The central path of this skeleton cannot contain leaves of S(Q) (Theorem 2.10 (1)). Therefore, we only have to consider the subgraph of S(Q) that is induced by its inner vertices. Furthermore, the vertices in the central path of S(T ) have to fulfil the properties Theorem 2.10 (2) and (3), from which follows that the sequence of these vertices must consist of intervals of coherent vertices in S(Q). This allows us to perform a kind of DFS to find all such sequences. The following lemma summarizes the properties that a possible sequence for the central path of S(T ) must have.

Corollary 2.19. Let (Q, S(Q)) be a connected QTG and (T, S(T )) a nearest threshold graph of Q such that Theorem 2.10 (1) - (3) holds. A possible sequence seq of vertices for the central path of S(T ) must have the following properties: 1. It does not contain any leaves of S(Q). 2. If w is an element of seq, then all ancestors v of w in S(Q) are also in seq. 3. Let v, w be elements of seq. If v is an ancestor of w in S(Q), the same holds in seq.

4. Let I be an interval of seq with starting vertex v. It holds that |I| > Scoremax(v). We call a sequence that has all these properties valid.

Proof. This corollary follows directly from Theorem 2.10 and Theorem 2.17.

21 2. Editing to Threshold Graphs Enumerating-Algorithm Here we present and prove the correctness of Algorithm 2.2 that enumerates all valid sequences. Since we do not have to consider the leaves of S(Q) in order to find the correct sequence, the algorithm operates on the subtree of S(Q) induced by its inner vertices. We denote this subtree by S(Q)inner. The algorithm works recursively. Each function call has three arguments: v, seq and super. The list seq contains the current sequence, super all vertices in S(Q)inner that are adjacent to a vertex in the current sequence in S(Q)inner but not contained in the latter and v is the vertex that is added to the sequence seq during the current function call. In order to keep super correct, we delete v from this list and insert all children of v into it. If the new sequence is valid, the algorithm prints the sequence. If super is not empty, we call the function successively on all vertices in super. In the case that the sequence is not valid, i.e. the last interval in it is too short, we call the function only on children of v rather than on all vertices in super. In each function call first we test whether the longest path in SubtreeS(Q)inner (v) is greater than Scoremax(v). Otherwise we return (see Corollary 2.19 (4)). After all subsequent calls have returned, seq and super are restored to the state they had before entering the current function call. Then the function returns. The initial function call is made with the root of S(Q) as its first argument and two empty lists for seq and super. In order to prove the correctness of Algorithm 2.2 we use the following Lemma 2.20.

Lemma 2.20. Let calculate(v, seq, super) be a subsequent function call of calculate (r, ⊥, ⊥). Then the following holds: When the call has executed line 30 1. scoreMax(v) and scoreMaxHolder(v) are correct for all v ∈ seq, i.e. they equal Scoremax(v) and Scoremaxholder(v), respectively. 2. position contains the correct index (starting at zero) for each vertex v in seq. 3. super contains exactly those vertices that are adjacent to a vertex in seq but that are not contained in the sequence. 4. The sequence in seq fulfils the properties of Corollary 2.19 (1) - (3).

Proof. We prove this by a structural induction on the depth of a call on the stack. Before beginning, we want to point out an important detail. During the execution of the algorithm the parameters seq and super are used in subcalls of calculate (lines 33 and 37). These two lists have the same value after returning from the subcall as before its execution. This holds because every subcall that modifies the lists undoes its changes of the two lists in lines 38 - 41. Also, the entries in the arrays scoreMax, scoreMaxHolder and position belonging to vertices in the current sequence do not change as the algorithm does not touch entries pertaining to vertices that are in seq and the sequence only grows in subsequent calls. 1. Base case n = 1 In this case calculate(v, seq, super) is directly called by calculate(r, ⊥, ⊥) in line 37. Therefore, super contains all children of r in S(Q)inner and seq only contains r. As v 6= r, f is set to zero (position(r) = 0). Thus, we get scoreMax(v) = scoreMax(r) − 1 = −1 and Scoremaxholder(v) = parent(v) = r. The algorithm proceeds to line 26, inserts all children of v in super and deletes v from super. Hence, super now contains all vertices adjacent to r −v in S(Q)inner and none of the vertices in seq. Furthermore, position(v) is set to 1 and seq contains r and v. Consequently, all claims of the lemma are fulfilled.

22 2.4. Quasi-Threshold to Threshold Editing

Algorithm 2.2: Enumeration Of All Valid Sequences Input: Array children containing all children of a vertex in a skeleton S(Q) of a QTG Q with root vertex r. Output: All sequences that have to be considered

1 forall v ∈ S(Q)inner do 2 position(v) ← −1 3 scoreMax(v) ← 0 4 scoreMaxHolder(v) ← r 5 inner(v) ← inner_vertices(v, children) // returns the children of v that are inner vertices 6 longestPath(v) ← calc_longest_path(v, inner) // returns the length of the longest path in the subgraph of S(Q)inner with v as root 7 calculate(r,⊥,⊥) // definition of the function calculate 8 calculate(vertex v, list seq, list super) 9 if v 6= r then 10 f ← (seq.size − 1) − position(parent(v)) 11 if f = 0 then 12 scoreMax(v) ←max(scoreMax(parent(v)) − 1, −1) 13 if scoreMax(v) = −1 then 14 scoreMaxHolder(v) ← parent(v) 15 else 16 scoreMaxHolder(v) ← scoreMaxHolder(parent(v))

17 else 18 if scoreMax(parent(v)) − 1 > 0 then 19 scoreMax(v) ← scoreMax(parent(v)) − 1 + f 20 scoreMaxHolder(v) ← scoreMaxHolder(parent(v)) 21 else 22 scoreMax(v) ← f 23 scoreMaxHolder(v) ← seq(position(parent(v) + 1 ))

24 if longestPath(v) ≤ scoreMax(v) then 25 return

26 forall u ∈ inner(v) do 27 super.insert(u) // insert u directly behind v 28 super.delete(v) 29 position(v) ← seq.size() 30 seq.insert(v)

31 if scoreMax(v) > 0 then 32 forall c ∈ inner(v) do 33 calculate (c, seq, super)

34 else 35 print (seq) // print current sequence 36 forall n ∈ super do 37 calculate (n, seq, super)

38 seq.delete(v) 39 super.insert(v) // insert v after its former predecessor in super 40 forall u ∈ inner(v) do 41 super.delete(u)

23 2. Editing to Threshold Graphs

2. Induction hypothesis The claim holds for all calls with a depth on the stack of at most n. 3. Inductive step Let c be a subsequent function call of c0 that has a depth of n. Furthermore, let seq0 and super0 be the states of seq and super directly after line 30 in call c0. As v 6= r, scoreMax(v) and scoreMaxHolder(v) are computed in lines 9 - 23. The list seq0 fulfils the claimed properties as the corresponding function call c0 has depth n. From property (4) it follows that the subgraph of S(Q)inner induced by the vertices in 0 seq is a tree. In combination with (3) this implies that the parent of v in S(Q)inner must be part of seq0. Otherwise, v could not be part of super0. As seq0 fulfils Corollary 2.19 (2), the number of elements between parent(v) and v in 0 seq +v that are not ancestors of v in S(Q)inner is

(seq0 .size() − 1) − position(parent(v)).

If f = 0, i.e. v will be added directly after its parent in the sequence, then we have Scoremax(v) = max(Scoremax(parent(v))−1, −1), as either we have to consider not-Q- neighbours before parent(v) or not. If Scoremax(v) = −1, clearly, Scoremaxholder(v) = parent(v) holds. Otherwise we have Scoremaxholder(v) = Scoremaxholder(parent(v)). If f > 0 we have to differentiate two cases:

a) Scoremax(parent(v)) − 1 > 0 In this case Scoremax(v) = Scoremax(parent(v)) − 1 + f holds, as we have to take into account the vertices that are not Q-neighbours of parent(v) (and therefore not Q-neighbours of v) before parent(v) in the sequence. This also implies that Scoremaxholder(v) = Scoremaxholder(parent(v)).

b) Scoremax(parent(v)) − 1 ≤ 0 In this case the highest value of Score(v, ·) is obtained if we only consider the f not-Q-neighbours of v that are situated after parent(v) in the sequence. Thus, we get Scoremax(v) = f and Scoremaxholder(v) is the first one of these vertices in the sequence. It follows that the computation of scoreMax(v) and scoreMaxHolder(v) is correct, i.e. scoreMax(v) = Scoremax(v) and scoreMaxHolder(v) = Scoremaxholder(v). If longestPath(v) ≤ scoreMax(v) the call returns. In this case the claim trivially holds as we do not reach line 30. Otherwise, we insert all children of v into super and delete v. Thus, (3) is true for seq0 +v. As position(v) is set before inserting v in seq0, this value is also correct. Hence, the claimed properties (1) - (3) hold for c. We 0 0 have added v to seq and, as stated above, the parent of v in S(Q)inner is part of seq . Thus, seq0 +v also fulfils Corollary 2.19 (1) - (3) and therefore property (4). This shows that the claimed properties also hold for a call of depth n + 1.

Using Lemma 2.20 we will show that Algorithm 2.2 enumerates all valid sequences.

Theorem 2.21. Algorithm 2.2 enumerates all valid sequences, i.e. sequences that fulfil the properties Corollary 2.19 (1) - (4).

Proof. We prove this theorem by induction on the length of a valid sequence.

24 2.4. Quasi-Threshold to Threshold Editing

• Base case n = 1 The only valid sequence that has length one is the root itself. Consider the function call calculate(r, ⊥, ⊥). As scoreMax(r) is zero but longestPath(r) is at least one, we proceed to line 34 and print this sequence. • Induction hypothesis The algorithm enumerates all valid sequences of length at most n. • Inductive step Let S be a valid sequence with a length of n + 1. At first, we consider the case that the sequence S0 consisting of the first n vertices of S is a valid sequence. Let v be the last vertex in S, i.e. the vertex that is not contained in S0. Let c0 be the function call of calculate that prints S0. With seq0 and super0 we denote the state of seq and super after processing line 30 in c0. As S is a valid sequence, v cannot be the starting vertex of a new interval. Therefore, its parent in S 0 is also its parent in S(Q)inner and v is part of super (Lemma 2.20 (3)). Thus, there is a call c of calculate in line 37 with v as its first argument. From Lemma 2.20 we know that scoreMax(v) is correct for seq0 +v = S + v and because S is a valid sequence scoreMax(v) < 0 must hold. Note that otherwise the last interval in S would be too short. Therefore, we proceed to line 34 in call c and print seq0 +v = S. Now we consider the case that S − v is not a valid sequence, where v is the last vertex in S. We have (u1, u2, . . . , un, v) = S. There must be an i > 0 such that (u1, . . . , ui) 0 0 is a valid sequence. Let S be (u1, . . . , ui) with maximal i such that S is valid. Then 0 ui+1 is the starting vertex of the interval in sequence S that contains v. Let c be the function call that prints S0 and seq0 and super0 be the states of seq and super 0 0 directly after line 30 in c . The sequence S is valid, so the subgraph of S(Q)inner induced by the vertices in the sequence must be a tree t. Sequence S is also valid and the tree induced by its vertices contains t. As the vertices (ui+1, . . . , un, v) form an interval in S, they have to be a path in S(Q)inner. Therefore, ui+1 must be adjacent 0 (in S(Q)inner) to one of the vertices in t. It follows that ui+1 is contained in super and that there is a call c of calculate with ui+1 as its first argument in line 37. The values of Scoremax(uj), where i < j ≤ n, are all positive as it holds that Scoremax(uj) = Scoremax(v) + n − j + 1 and Scoremax(v) = 0. Since S is a valid sequence, longestPath(v) ≥ 1 and Scoremax(v) = 0, we have that longestPath(ui+1) > Scoremax(uj) . Therefore, we pass the test in line 25 and proceed to line 33 (recall that Scoremax(·) = scoreMax(·) as stated in Lemma 2.20). Here calculate with ui+2 as its first argument is called. This process continues until the function call with un as its first argument calls calculate(v, . . . ). The value of Scoremax(v) in S is zero, therefore the same holds for scoreMax(v). Thus, we proceed to line 34 in which S is printed.

We have shown that Algorithm 2.2 enumerates all valid sequences. Moreover, it enumerates only valid sequences. We want to justify why this is true. An illegal sequence fails to fulfil either Corollary 2.19 (1) - (3) or (4). As the algorithm only works on inner vertices of S(Q) and as super only contains vertices whose parents are in seq, the propositions (1) - (3) are fulfilled. In each step the last interval in the current sequence is extended and not printed if Scoremax(w) > 0 (w is the last vertex in the current sequence). Hence, for a sequence that is printed in line 35 an ending vertex w of an interval I has a Scoremax of at most zero. This implies that |I| ≥ Scoremax(v) for the starting vertex v of an interval I.

25 2. Editing to Threshold Graphs

The following Lemma 2.22 helps to determine an upper bound for the number of calls of function calculate during the execution of Algorithm 2.2.

Lemma 2.22. During the execution of the algorithm for any two function calls calculate(v, seq, super) and calculate(v0, seq0, super0), it holds that either v 6= v0 or seq 6= seq0.

0 0 Proof. Assume that there are two function calls cn and cn0 of calculate with v = v 0 and seq = seq during the execution of the algorithm. By ci−1 we denote the function 0 call that has invoked call ci. We find n = n as the depth of a call equals the size of its second argument and we have seq = seq0. It follows directly that the first and the second 0 argument of the calls cn−1 and cn−1 are equal as the second argument is modified only in line 30 before invoking a subsequent call. Inductively, it follows that this must be true for 0 every pair (ci, ci), where i ∈ {0, ··· , n − 1}. Note that c0 = calculate(r, ⊥, ⊥). Since in calculate only one subsequent call is invoked per vertex v as first argument, it holds that 0 0 0 ci = ci for every i ∈ {0, ··· n}. This contradicts the assumption cn 6= cn = cn0 .

n  There are i+1 · (i + 1)! different ways to choose a sequence of length i and a single vertex from a set of n vertices. In combination with Lemma 2.22 follows that there can be at most ! n n X · i! i i=1 different function calls of calculate during the execution of the algorithm, where n is the number of inner leaves of the input skeleton. Note that this number is not a sharp upper bound. Leaf-Positioning-Algorithm As mentioned in the introduction of this subsection, we need to calculate the best position of the leaves for a given sequence S. The leaves are all vertices of Q that are not in S. Algorithm 2.3 solves this task for a valid sequence S. The idea of this algorithm is the following: it iterates over the sequence beginning at its end. For each vertex v the algorithm calculates its potential leaves in the skeleton induced by S. These are all leaves of v in S(Q) and vertices in the subtrees of children of v that are not part of the sequence. Then, based on the measure Scoremax(v), the algorithm decides whether these vertices should be made leaves of v or of the parent of Scoremaxholder(v) in S.

The algorithms’s complexity is in O(|S| + |VQ\S|) = O(|VQ|). The summand |VQ\S| is due to the fact that the algorithm calculates a best position for every v ∈ VQ\S. Thus, we have to touch every vertex in VQ\S. If we are only interested in the editing costs of a nearest threshold graph T with sequence S as its central path, there is no need to know the position of each leaf in S(T ). In this case we can replace leavesSeq by an array that only contains the number of leaves for each vertex in S. This avoids the costly operations in lines 10 and 15. Instead of copying all leaves we only have to add their number. This can be performed in O(1). Thus, the running time of this version is in O(|S|).

Theorem 2.23. Given a valid sequence S, Algorithm 2.3 computes a skeleton S(T ) of a threshold graph that fulfils Theorem 2.10 (1) - (3) and that has a minimal editing distance among all threshold graphs induced by skeletons whose central path is S.

Let S be a valid sequence and S(T ) the skeleton of a nearest S-induced threshold graph of Q, i.e. a threshold graph induced by a skeleton with S as central path that has a minimal edit distance from Q among all threshold graphs induced by skeletons with S as a central

26 2.4. Quasi-Threshold to Threshold Editing

Algorithm 2.3: Leaf-Positioning Input: Array seq, containing a valid sequence of vertices. Array children, containing all children of a vertex in the skeleton S(Q) of a QTG Q. Array depth, containing the depth of a vertex in S(Q). Array #edges, containing the costs for isolating the subtree of a vertex in S(Q). Array subtree, containing the vertices in the vertex’s subtree in S(Q). Arrays scoreMax and scoreMaxHolder containing Scoremax and Scoremaxholder for all vertices in seq. Output: Leaves of each vertex in sequence seq. Editing costs in del + adds

1 del ← 0 // number of deleted edges 2 adds ← 0 // number of inserted edges 3 for v ∈ seq do 4 leavesSeq(v) ← ∅ 5 for n ← seq.size() − 1 to 0 do 6 v ← seq(n) 7 for c ∈ children(v) do 8 if c∈ / seq then 9 del ← del+#edges(c) // add isolation costs for this subtree 10 leavesSeq(v) ← leavesSeq(v) ∪ subtree(v) // add vertices in this subtree

11 if scoreMax(v) > 1 then 12 pos ← position(scoreMaxHolder(v)) − 1 // position of future parent 13 p ← seq(pos) 14 nbAncestor ← depth(v) − depth(p) 15 leavesSeq(p) ← leavesSeq(p) ∪ leavesSeq(v) 16 del ← del + nbAncestor ·|leavesSeq(v)| 17 leavesSeq(v) ← ∅

18 adds ← adds + (n − depth(v)) · (|leavesSeq(v)| + 1)

path. Let l be a leaf in S(T ), i.e. l is part of the set VQ\S. In the following we analyse the set of edges that have to be deleted or inserted in order to obtain T . All edges {v, w} in Q that are not incident to a vertex in S must be deleted. Otherwise, v would be an ancestor of w in S(T ) or vice versa, but this is not possible as v, w∈ / S and leaves cannot be ancestors of other vertices. Edges that are inserted also have to be incident to a vertex in S for the same reason. But this implies that positioning a leaf within the sequence is completely independent from the positioning of any other leaves.

Hence, iterating over all l ∈ VQ\S and assigning them to a parent such that the number of edits incident to l is minimal yields a skeleton of a nearest S-induced threshold graph. In order to find an optimal position for a leaf l, we define the following measure:

Definition 2.24. Let S be a valid sequence of S(Q) and l ∈ VQ\S. We denote the first vertex in S by r and its last vertex by w. For every v in S we define the two sets p1(v), which contains v, and all ancestors of v in S and p2(v), which contains all descendants of v in S. S = (r, . . . , pred(v), v, succ(v), . . . , w) | {z } | {z } p1(v) p2(v)

27 2. Editing to Threshold Graphs

Note that p2(v) is empty if v is the last vertex in S. Let cost(v, l) be the number of vertices in p1(v) that are not Q-neighbours of l plus the number of Q-neighbours in p2(v).

It is clear that cost(v, l) is the number of edits that have to be performed in order to insert l as a leaf of v in the sequence (ignoring the deletions incident to l that have been necessary for isolating l from the other leaves, but these cannot be omitted). Thus, inserting every l ∈ VQ\S as a leaf of a vertex v with a minimal value of cost(v, l) among all vertices in S results in a skeleton of a nearest S-induced threshold graph of Q.

As we only consider valid sequences S, for every leaf l ∈ VQ\S there is a S(Q)-ancestor of l in S. The vertex with maximal depth in S among all these ancestors of v plays an important role in the positioning process of l.

Lemma 2.25. Let S be a valid sequence of S(Q) and l be an element of VQ\S. Let v be the S(Q)-ancestor of l with maximal depth in S. It holds that cost(v, l)−cost(v0, l) = Score(v, v0) for every S(Q)-ancestor v0 of v in S.

Proof. First we introduce #NP (x) as the number of vertices in a set of vertices P that are Q-neighbours of x and #FP (x) as the number of vertices in P that are not Q-neighbours of x. Note that |P \{x}| = #NP (x) + #FP (v). We have S = (r, . . . , pred(v0), v0, succ(v0),..., pred(v), v, succ(v) . . . , w). | {z } | {z } | {z } p1 p2 p3 From the definition of cost(·, l) follows:

0 (1) 0 cost(v , l) = #Fp1+v (l) + #Np2+v+p3 (l) = #Fp1 (l) + #Np2+v (2) = #Fp1 + #Np2 +1.

0 The notation pi + x is an abbreviation for pi ∪ {x}. Step (1) is valid as v is a Q-neighbour of l and p3 does not contain Q-neighbours of l; (2) follows as v is a Q-neighbour of l. Now we analyse cost(v, l).

(3) 0 0 cost(v, l) = #Fp1+v +p2 (l) + #Np3 (l) = #Fp1+v +p2 (l) (4) = #Fp1 (l) + #Fp2 (l).

0 Step (3) is valid as p3 does not contain a Q-neighbour of l and (4) follows from v being a Q-neighbour of l. But then we have for cost(v, l) − cost(v0, l):

0 cost(v, l) − cost(v , l) = #Fp1 (l) + #Fp2 (l) − (#Fp1 (l) + #Np2 (l) + 1)

= #Fp2 (l) − (#Np2 (l) + 1) (5) 0 0 = #Fp2+v (l) − (#Np2+v (l)) (6) = Score(v, v0)

Step (5) is valid as v0 is a Q-neighbour of l; (6) is justified as a vertex in S is an Q-neighour of l iff it is a Q-neighbour of v.

Lemma 2.25 implies the following:

28 2.4. Quasi-Threshold to Threshold Editing

1. Scoremax(v) < 1 For all vertices w above v in the sequence we have Score(v, w) at most zero. But all vertices that maximise Score(v, ·) cannot be Q-neighbours of v and therefore they are not Q-neighbours of l either. Consequentely, they cannot be parents of l. But then the value of Score(v0, v) of a potential parent v0 is negative, so inserting l as a leaf of v0 is more costly than inserting it as a leaf of v. We do not have to consider vertices below v in the sequence as they are not Q-neighbours of l.

2. Scoremax(v) = 1 Here the same argument as in the first case applies with the only difference that there is a potential parent v0 such that inserting l under v0 is as costly as inserting l under v. But as both costs are equal we can insert l as a leaf of v.

3. Scoremax(v) > 1 0 There is a vertex w with Score(v, w) = Scoremax(v) ≥ 2. Its predecessor v in S must be a Q-neighbour of v; otherwise, Score(v, w) would not be maximal. Note that such a parent always exists as we only regard connected QTGs. Therefore, the root of S is a Q-neighbour of all vertices. In this case we have Score(v, v0) ≥ 1 and v0 has a maximal score among all Q- neighbours of v. Hence, inserting l as a leaf of v0 is a best choice for l as a position within S. Now we can prove some propositions about Algorithm 2.3. The term best parent of an l ∈ VQ\S means that inserting l as a leaf of this vertex causes a least number of edits incident to l.

Lemma 2.26. Let vi be the vertex in seq with index i. After iteration i of the loop in line 5 the following holds:

1. All vertices of VQ\S that are in leavesSeq(vj) for a vj with j ≥ i are placed with a minimal number of edits.

2. For a vertex that is not in leavesSeq(vj), where j ≥ i, vj cannot be a better parent than its current parent.

3. All vertices in VQ\S for which vi is the Q-neighbour with greatest depth in S but not a best parent are transfered into leavesSeq(p), and p is a best parent of them. 4. del + adds equals the number of the following edits:

• All edits incident to vj and vertices in leavesSeq(vj), where j ≥ i.

• All deletions incident to vertices in leavesSeq(vk), where k > i. (These are the vertices that have been moved above.)

Proof. We show this by induction on the loop counter i: • The claim holds for the first iteration i := seq .size() − 1.

1. All possible leaves of vi have to be neighbours of this vertex in Q. Therefore, iterating over all children (lines 7 - 10) of vi and adding all vertices in the subtrees of those children that are not in S inserts all possible leaves of vi into leavesSeq(vi) as S is a valid sequence. If Scoremax(vi) ≤ 1, vi is a best parent for all these vertices. If Scoremax(vi) > 1, the predecessor p of w := Scoremaxholder(v) in S is a best parent (see Lemma 2.25). Thus, transferring all vertices in leavesSeq(vi) to p (line 15) makes them leaves of a best parent. As Scoremax(p) ≤ 1 (otherwise w would not have a maximal Score(v, w)), the vertices will remain there.

29 2. Editing to Threshold Graphs

2. We have shown in (1.) that all possible leaves are added initially to leavesSeq(vi) and only if vi is not a best parent for them, they are transferred to a best parent above vi.

3. If Scoremax(v) > 1 all vertices in leavesSeq(vi) are transferred to the predecessor of Scoremaxholder(vi) and this p is a best parent for them. 4. After line 10 the variable del contains the number of deletions of all edges of a possible leaf to vertices that are not in S. If these vertices remain leaves of vi, no more deletions incident to them will occur. If they do not, we have to delete all edges to any of their Q-neighbours in the path from vi to their best parent p. This number is equal to level(vi) − level(p) as S is a valid sequence. In this case these edits are added to del (line 16). After line 17 leavesSeq(vi) only contains vertices for which vi is a best parent. Therefore, no additional deletions incident to them are necessary. What remains is to count the edges that have to be inserted incident to these vertices and to vi itself in order to get the threshold structure. These are the edges from vertices situated above v in the sequence that are not Q-neighbours of vi in S. As S is a valid sequence, this number is equal to i − level(vi).

• Induction hypothesis The claim holds for all vj with j ≥ i and i < seq .size() − 1. • Inductive step As we do not change leavesSeq(vj) for any vj, where j > i − 1 in iteration i − 1, the claim holds for all these vertices due to the induction hypothesis.

1. If leavesSeq(vi−1) already contains leaves before the execution of line 7, we know that vi−1 is a best parent for them. In this case Scoremax(vi−1) ≤ 1 and vi−1 will keep them. Independent of this, all vertices of VQ\S for which vi−1 is the Q-neighbour with greatest depth in S are added to leavesSeq(vi−1) and kept as leaves iff Scoremax(vi−1) ≤ 1. Hence, for all vertices in leavesSeq vi−1 vertex vi−1 is a best parent.

2. This is true for all vertices in VQ\S for which a vj is the Q-neighbour with greatest depth and j > i − 1 because of part (2) of the induction hypothesis. The same holds for all vertices for which vi−1 is the Q-neighbour with greatest depth in S as they are inserted to leavesSeq(vi−1) in line 10 and kept as leaves iff Scoremax(vi−1) ≤ 1. All vertices that will be initially inserted to a vertex above vi−1 in S are descendants of this vertex in S(Q). Thus, vi−1 cannot be a Q-neighbour of them as S is a valid sequence, and so it cannot be a best parent either.

3. If Scoremax(vi−1) > 1, vi−1 is not a best parent for the vertices in leavesSeq(vi−1) and they are transfered to a best parent above vi−1 in line 15. This vertex p must have a Scoremax(p) ≤ 1 so they will remain there. 4. Before the execution of line 7 we know by the induction hypothesis that all edits incident to vj and vertices in leavesSeq(vj), where j > i − 1, have already been taken into account. Similarly all deletions for vertices in leavesSeq(vi−1) have already been counted. The deletions for isolating vertices for which vi−1 is the Q- neighbour in S with greatest depth are counted in line 9. If Scoremax(vi−1) > 1, the additional deletions for changing the leaves in leavesSeq(vi−1) into leaves of a best parent are counted in line 16. Finally, all edges that have to be inserted for vi−1 and all leaves for which it is a best parent are counted in line 18.

30 2.4. Quasi-Threshold to Threshold Editing

Hence, the claim is also true for iteration i − 1. This shows that the lemma holds for all iterations of the main loop.

Lemma 2.26 shows that the vertices in leavesSeq(vi) for vi ∈ S are placed in such a way that the resulting threshold graph is a nearest S-induced threshold graph of the input graph Q. Hence, it shows the correctness of Theorem 2.23. Also, the complexity of O(|S| + |VQ\S|) is correct as every l ∈ VQ\S is moved up at least once (if its initial position is not correct, it is moved directly to a best parent and will remain there). If we insert this algorithm (or rather its (|S|)-version) into Algorithm 2.2 in line 35 instead of printing the current sequence, we obtain the edit distance of a nearest threshold graph induced by the current sequence. In doing so, we can identify the sequence S that induces a threshold graph that has minimal edit distance among all valid sequences S0. In a last step we execute the O(|S| + |VQ\S|)-version of Algorithm 2.3 on sequence S in order to obtain a skeleton of this nearest threshold graph of Q. Running Time Given a skeleton S(Q) of a quasi threshold graph Q, where n is the number of inner vertices of S(Q), we know from Lemma 2.22 that ! ! n n n n X · i! < n! · X < 2n(log n+1) i i i=1 i=1 is an upper bound for the number of calls of the function calculate in Algorithm 2.2. As in each call of calculate at most once Algorithm 2.3 is executed, we obtain a complexity of O(n · 2n·(log n+1)) = O(2n·(log n+1)+log n). If we take into account that the algorithms requires a skeleton of the input graph that has to be calculated and that we must executed the O(|VQ|)-version of Algorith 2.3 one time in order to obtain a nearest threshold graph, n·(log n+1)+log n the overall complexity is in O(2 + |VQ| + |EQ|). Note that this is not a sharp upper bound for the complexity of the algorithm.

2.4.3 Heuristic After introducing an algorithm that solves the threshold editing problem for quasi-threshold graphs exactly, we will present a heuristic for this problem. It is based on the Quasi- Threshold Mover presented in [BHSW15], but instead of editing to quasi-threshold graphs we edit to threshold graphs. Let Q be a quasi-threshold graph and S(Q) a skeleton of Q. The algorithm works in rounds. We start with an initial threshold graph skeleton of Q. This initial threshold skeleton can be obtained by arranging the vertices of Q to form an arbitrary caterpillar or by using a more advanced technique. In each round the algorithm iterates over the vertices v of Q in a random order. For each vertex v a position that causes the least editing costs within the current skeleton is found and v is moved to this position. One round of the algorithm presented in the paper needs O(|VQ| + |EQ| log ∆) time, where ∆ is the maximum degree. We will present a simple version that has a quadratic running time per round as this running time is sufficient in order to compare the heuristic to the exact algorithm. The description in Algorithm 2.4 shows one round of this algorithm. The main calculation is performed in the functions CostsInsertAsLeafOf() (line 11) and CostsAdoptChildrenOf() (line 12). We will briefly explain how these functions work. Suppose that the central path of curSkel has the following structure:

(r, . . . , pred(p), p, succ(p), . . . , w). | {z } | {z } p1 p2

31 2. Editing to Threshold Graphs

Algorithm 2.4: One-Round-Threshold-Moving Input: Quasi-threshold-graph Q. Initial threshold skeleton Inital of Q, i.e. a skeleton of a threshold graph that has the same vertex set as Q. Output: Skeleton of a threshold graph of Q.

1 permutation ← randomPermutation(VQ) 2 curSkel ← Inital 3 centralPath ← CalcCentralPath(curSkel) 4 for vm ∈ permutation do 5 curSkel.remove(vm) 6 posopt ← −1 7 scoreopt ← ∞ 8 leaf ← true 9 for i ← 1 to centralPath.size() do 10 p ← centralPath(i) 11 editsleaf ← CostsInsertAsLeafOf(p) 12 editsadopt ← CostsAdoptChildrenOf(p) // If a child of p is adopted, centralPath(i+1 ) must be adopted, too 13 14 if min(editsleaf , editsadopt) < scoreopt then 15 scoreopt ← min(editsleaf , editsadopt) 16 posopt ← p 17 if editsleaf ≤ editsadopt then 18 leaf ← true 19 else 20 leaf ←false

21 curSkel.insert(vm, posopt, leaf)

1. CostsInsertAsLeafOf(p)

This function calculates the costs for inserting vm as a leaf of p. In order to do this we have to

a) insert edges from all vertices in p1 + p that are not Q-neighbours of vm.

b) delete edges from all Q-neighbours of vm that are not on the path p1 + p. 2. CostsAdoptChildrenOf(p) The function calculates the cost if we want to adopt a child of p. Note that we have to adopt at least succ(p) (if p 6= w). Adopting another child of p but not succ(p) would destroy the caterpillar structure of the skeleton. Therefore we must adopt succ(p) and all other leaves of p that are Q-neighbour of vm. The edge operations are as follows

a) inserting edges from all vertices in p1 + p that are not Q-neighbours of vm.

b) deleting the edges from all Q-neighbours of vm that are not on the path p1 + p or that are not in the adopted subtrees.

c) inserting edges to all vertices that are not Q-neighbours of vm and that are situated in one of the adopted subtrees.

32 2.4. Quasi-Threshold to Threshold Editing

For the computation of the requested values both functions need information on the number of Q-neighbours and vertices in the path above p, the total number of Q-neighbours and vertices above p that are not in the central path, as well as the number of Q- neighbours/vertices below p. All these values can be kept up-to-date while iterating over the central path of curSkel. Additionally, we need a test in O(1) as to whether a vertex w is adjacent to vm in Q. This can be realized using a n × 1 boolean array indicating the neighbourhood of vm. This array can be updated in every iteration of the outer loop in O(degree(vm)), where degree(vm) is the degree of vm in Q. In our implementation we do not have a fixed upper bound for the number of rounds. Instead, the algorithm terminates when it cannot improve the current threshold graph in three consecutive rounds.


3. Experimental Evaluation

In this chapter we will experimentally evaluate the proposed algorithms. We will discuss differences between the exact algorithm for threshold editing (algorithm E), the exact algorithm for threshold deletion (algorithm D) and the heuristic for threshold editing (algorithm H). In particular we will consider the following two aspects: • differences in the number of edits that are calculated by the algorithms E, D and H for an input G. • differences in the running time of the three algorithms for an input G. Note that the first aspect is rather a comparison between the problems threshold editing and threshold deletion than a comparison between algorithms E and D as both calculate the minimal number of edits that are necessary in order to make a quasi-threshold graph G a threshold graph in the context of threshold editing and threshold deletion, respectively. For the heuristic H we use a tree in which all vertices are children of the root as the initial skeleton. For the evaluation we use generated quasi-threshold graphs. In doing so we can easily obtain input graphs of different size. An important question is how we generate these quasi-threshold graphs. We have decided to use the following procedure in order to obtain a tree of size n. This tree induces a connected quasi-threshold graph of the same size.

Algorithm 3.1: Random Trees Input: n, size of the arbitrarily generated tree. Output: Array parent containing each vertex’s parent.

1 parent(1 ) ← −1 // vertex 1 is the root of the skeleton 2 forall i = 2 to n do 3 parent(i) ← random number between 1 and i − 1

The algorithm can generate every connected quasi-threshold graph of size n. However, we should keep in mind that the generated graphs are not uniformly distributed. We have implemented the algorithms in C++11. All experiments are executed on an Intel Core i5-4690 CPU with 8GB RAM.

35 3. Experimental Evaluation

data set deviations in the number of edits E vs. D E vs. H E vs. H∗ id n #dev. max. diff. #dev. max. diff. #dev. max. diff. D1 100 30 24 53 32 18 21 D2 200 50 55 68 92 24 43 D3 300 51 67 80 187 26 45

Table 3.1: Number of graphs in each data set in which the results of D, H and H∗ differ from the optimal solution calculated by E and the maximal difference among these deviations.

3.1 Number of Edits

In this section we compare the number of edits that are calculated by the algorithms E, D and H for input graphs G. We evaluate the algorithms on three data sets: D1, D2 and D3. Each data set consists of 100 quasi-threshold graphs that have 100, 200 and 300 vertices respectively. These input graphs have been generated by Algorithm 3.1.

Figures 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 show the results of D1, D2 and D3. Each number between 1 and 100 on the x-axis represents a quasi-threshold graph G of the considered data set. In this experiment we calculate the ratios #edits by E #edits by D #edits by H r = = 1, r = , r = E #edits by E D #edits by E H #edits by E for each input graph G. The ratios rD (blue) and rH (black) are the factors by which the results of algorithms D and H differ from the optimal solution calculated by E. The green bars represent the running time of algorithm E on input graph G. The graphs are ordered increasingly by the number of edits calculated by E. In all three Figures there is no identifiable link between the number of edits calculated by E and the running time of this algorithm. Furthermore, the results imply that rD and rE are independent of E’s running time.

In the data sets D1 and D2, rD is always smaller than 1.15 and in D3 it is even smaller than 1.1. At least for these randomly generated graphs there is only a small mean difference between the edit and deletion distances. In our sample, rH tends to be greater than rD. In order to improve the heuristic one could use the result of D as H’s initial skeleton. Since D is a linear-time algorithm, this does not interfere with H’s complexity. We denote this version of the heuristic by H∗. In the Tables 3.1 and 3.2, H∗ is compared to the other algorithms. To contrast the ratios rE, rD and rH , Figure 3.4 shows the absolute numbers of edits of the three algorithms on data set D3. The graphs showing the absolute number of edits in D1 and D2 are of similar shape. Table 3.1 shows the number of graphs in which the result of D, H and H∗ differs from the optimal solution calculated by E for all three data sets. Additionally, the highest difference in each data set is given. We can see that algorithm H∗ can reduce the number of graphs in which the calculated solution is not equal to the result of algorithm E significantly compared to the algorithms D and H. Also, the maximum difference is reduced. Table 3.2 shows the average number of edits for all algorithms on the data sets and its standard deviation. The latter is large, therefore the average is only of limited significance. But in combination with the results displayed in Table 3.1 we can conclude that H∗ computes significantly better results than H. In our sample, it can reduce the average difference between the results calculated by E and those calculated by D by about 50%.

36 3.2. Running Time

1.25 0.09 rE rD 0.08 1.2 rH ex. time E 0.07 1.15 0.06 1.1 0.05

1.05 0.04 0.03 1

0.02 execution time in sec 0.95

ratio of edits vs. exact editing 0.01 0.9 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 graphs

Figure 3.1: Relative number of edits in data set D1: 100 graphs of size 100.

1.25 3.5 rE rD 1.2 rH 3 ex. time E 1.15 2.5

1.1 2

1.05 1.5

1 1 execution time in sec 0.95 0.5 ratio of edits vs. exact editing 0.9 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 graphs

Figure 3.2: Relative number of edits in data set D2: 100 graphs of size 200.

3.2 Running Time

Figure 3.5 gives an overview of the running time of all three algorithms on input graphs of different sizes (x-axis). For each considered input size n, we let the algorithm run on 50 random quasi-threshold graphs of size n. The plot shows the average running time of the algorithms on these sets. Note that the y-axis is logarithmically scaled. We can see that the running time of algorithm E grows exponentially. However, the plot is not monotone; this – like Figures 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 – shows again that the running time of E has a large variance and depends strongly on the structure of the input graph.

data set number of edits E D H H∗ id n mean std. mean std. mean std. mean std. D1 100 167.71 27.16 169.36 27.78 172.88 29.20 168.62 27.83 D2 200 451.24 48.02 456.83 50.34 464.29 55.21 453.86 48.73 D3 300 790.67 74.06 798.53 77.78 816.52 89.29 794.23 76.03

Table 3.2: Mean edit distance of the algorithms E,D,H and H∗ on the three data sets.

37 3. Experimental Evaluation

1.25 120 rE rD 1.2 rH 100 ex. time E 1.15 80 1.1 60 1.05 40 1 execution time in sec 0.95 20 ratio of edits vs. exact editing 0.9 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 graphs

Figure 3.3: Relative number of edits in data set D3: 100 graphs of size 300.

1100 120 E 1050 H D 100 1000 ex. time E 950 80 900 850 60 800 40

number of edits 750

700 execution time in sec 20 650 600 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 graphs

Figure 3.4: Absolute number of edits in data set D3: 100 graphs of size 300.

101 E H 100 D





avg. execution10 time in sec −5

10−6 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 graph size

Figure 3.5: Running time on graphs of different size.

3.3 Other Graphs

We want to complete the picture by giving some examples in which our above findings do not hold. In the case of the differences in the number of edits between threshold editing and threshold deletion we have seen that the average difference (on the selected data sets) was small compared to the total number of edits necessary for a given input graph. However,

38 3.3. Other Graphs for every n ∈ N one can generate a quasi-threhold graph Q such that its edit distance is n while its deletion distance equals 2n resulting in rD = 2 (see Section 2.4). Concerning running time, the results show that algorithm E runs in feasible time on the graphs in our sample with a size of up to 300 vertices. However, there are special graphs on which algorithm E does not perform as well as on the graphs in the data sets analyzed so far. One of these ‘critical’ graph classes are quasi-threshold graphs which are induced by a skeleton that consists of one universal vertex u and two paths of size n (or of size n and n − 1 if the number of vertices of the graph is even) that are subtrees of u. Figure 3.6 shows the running time of the algorithms on these graphs. The running time of algorithm E is significantly greater than its running time on random graphs generated by Algorithm 3.1. However, the edit and deletion distance are equal on these graphs (namely n(n − 1)/2). This is large value compared to the edit distance of the randomly generated graphs in our samples. This suggests, that also the ftp-based algorithm from [DDLS15] would have difficulties in handling this kind of graphs.

104 E 103 H D 102 101 100 10−1 10−2 10−3 10−4 avg. execution time in sec 10−5 10−6 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 graph size

Figure 3.6: Running time of a QTG induced by a skeleton with a universal u and two paths as subtrees of u.

It seems that the mean difference between the edit and deletion distances of randomly generated graphs is not very large although the size of this difference is not bounded. Furthermore, algorithm E seems to perform better on randomly generated graphs than on the graphs introduced in this section.


4. Conclusion

In the first part of this thesis, we have given a linear time algorithm solving the problem of threshold deletion on quasi-threshold graphs, which is NP-complete on general graphs. The algorithm takes a skeleton of its input graph and calculates a skeleton of a nearest threshold graph of the input. In the second part we have presented an algorithm for the problem of threshold editing on quasi-threshold graphs, which is also NP-complete on general graphs (and even on split graphs). The algorithm is based on the following observation: given a skeleton S(Q) of a quasi-threshold graph Q, there is a skeleton S(T ) of a nearest threshold graph T of Q such that all leaves in S(Q) are also leaves in S(T ). Furthermore, among all skeletons S(T ) with this property we can find a skeleton S(T 0) such that a certain ‘structure’ of S(Q) is maintained in S(T 0). We could show that given a sequence of vertices, we can calculate in linear time a threshold graph with minimal edit distance from the input among all threshold graphs that have this sequence as their central path and the same vertex set as the input. Therefore, the main problem is to find the right sequence of inner vertices. From the observation described above it follows that we can ignore all leaves in a skeleton of Q. This and the maintained ‘structure’ of the input skeleton reduces the number of sequences that we have to test significantly. But it is still exponential in the number of inner vertices of the input skeleton. Further, we have adapted an existing heuristic for the problem of quasi-threshold editing to work for the problem of threshold editing. In a last step we have evaluated all three algorithms. On our randomly generated input graphs with a size of up to 300 the exact algorithm for threshold editing works in feasible time. The generated quasi-threshold graphs of this size (in our sample) have a mean edit distance of about 800. There√ are fpt-based approaches for the threshold editing problem with a complexity in 2O( k log k)+ poly(n), where k is the edit distance and n the number of vertices of the input graph. Our results suggest that our algorithm can handle input graphs for which the running time of the fpt-based algorithm would not be feasible. Another result of our evaluation is that the mean difference between the edit and deletion distance of quasi-threshold graphs seems to be relatively small. This suggests that calculating (in linear time) a threshold graph with minimal deletion distance from an input graph might be a good alternative to the potentially time-consuming calculation of a threshold graph with minimal edit distance.

41 4. Conclusion

Future work. The NP-completeness of threshold editing on quasi-threshold graphs remains an open problem. One might try to improve the running time of our exact algorithm for threshold editing by identifying further rules that help to reduce the number of possible sequences that have to be tested. We noticed that quasi-threshold graphs with a small number of leaves in their skeletons are likely to have identical edit and deletion distances. We think that this could lead to a rule excluding many sequences that cannot be part of an optimal solution. Further, one might implement a linear time version of the heuristic using the ideas in [BHSW15].

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