Consultee Comments for Planning Application DC/17/03267

Application Summary Application Number: DC/17/03267 Address: Land Adjacent Greenacres Proposal: Outline Planning Application (Access to be considered) - Erection of 23 dwellings (including 8 affordable homes). Case Officer: Gemma Walker

Consultee Details Name: Mrs Karen Price Address: 1 Canhams Farm Cottages, Cow Green, Bacton , Suffolk IP14 4HH Email: [email protected] On Behalf Of: And Parish Clerk


There were 24 members of the public that attended the public meeting to discuss and object to this application.

The transport report complies to the highways standards however, parishioners believe the proposed entrance will not be practical for HGVs to enable them to swing into the site. Visibility is already reduced due to parked cars on the junction with the B1113. Vehicles parking on the road makes it that two-way traffic is not achievable for existing residents making any additional vehicle movement onto a potential building site virtually impossible. Mutton meadow also does not have accessibility for fire engines or ambulances presently as there are no turning spaces which would also make access for building materials and deliveries to site virtually impossible. Residents are extremely concerned. Cllrs felt that the papers on the website do not clearly identify what access is being looked at for this application. At construction stage the vehicles proposed to access the site are not suitable and it was agreed that accessibility will be compromised.

It is feared that the proposed access will have the potential to be used as a rat run - the outline road that will link Mutton Meadow to Greenacres, was suggested that this should not be a through route for vehicles, central bollards would prevent a rat run, but give both pedestrians and cycles freedom. Cllrs felt that an alternative access other than through Greenacres and Mutton Meadow is felt in need of consideration.

The report states there are 29 dwellings in Greenacres There are actually 50, some of the properties are flats, which makes the calculation of the transport report not relevant as there is almost double the numbers of estimated vehicles. It also means that the proposed development was only communicated to 29 properties and many of the residents have had no direct communication or letters about the application. Residents are upset and concerned regarding the loss of privacy and the impact this development will have on the existing properties and property prices. Parking spaces identified to be removed when there is already not enough space is not acceptable to residents and no footpaths being installed are also not acceptable and a concern.

The Grass meadow is currently a wonderful wildlife habitat and residents feel it would be a crime to destroy this green space. Parishioners felt that the ecological survey is not representative and does not assess effectively what is known to be in existence on the site.

Public transport is virtually none existent to and from the village with only 1 bus coming through the village at present for access to Stowmarket, there are no safe cycle paths and no post office, suggesting that parishioners can walk to neighbouring post office facilities is also not acceptable to residents. The doctors amenities at Bacton and Mendlesham will be compromised as other villages are also having to consider applications and it is feared that the current service cannot withstand so much development. Old Newton Primary School is already over-subscribed for September. The application is felt that it does not reflect accurately the actual amenities and infrastructure available within our village presently.

Cllrs would expect to have more to say on detail such as footways, street lighting, preservation of existing public footpath, and consideration of nearby residents. The parish council would also like to see some developer contribution toward extending the Church Road footpath on the north side toward the Downs footpath / the primary school.

Cllrs felt that access is the main consideration and the close proximity of the proposed new properties to the existing properties. As it stands there is insufficient information for access to this land to be developed. It was proposed and seconded to object to this application on the grounds discussed by the public in attendance at the meeting and on the access to the site not being acceptable. All Cllrs voted unanimously to object to this application at this stage.

Karen Hall-Price Parish Clerk - Old Newton with Dagworth & Gipping Parish Council

From:Nathan Pittam Sent:Thu, 2 Nov 2017 10:22:35 +0000 To:Gemma Walker Cc:BMSDC Planning Mailbox Subject:DC/17/03267. EH - Land Contamination.

Dear Gemma,

EP Reference : 221529

DC/17/03267. EH - Land Contamination.

Land Adjacent, Greenacres, Old Newton, STOWMARKET, Suffolk.

Outline Planning Application (Access to be considered) - Erection of 23 dwellings (including 8 affordable homes)

Many thanks for your request for comments in relation to the above application. I have reviewed the Phase I report submitted in support of the application and can confirm that I have no objection to the proposed development from the perspective of land contamination. The report demonstrates that it is unlikely that former uses of the site are likely to cause a concern at the site. I would only request, as with all applications, that we are contacted in the event of unexpected ground conditions being encountered during construction and that the developer is made aware that the responsibility for the safe development of the site lies with them.

Kind regards


Nathan Pittam BSc. (Hons.) PhD

Senior Environmental Management Officer

Consultation Response Pro forma

1 Application Number DC/17/03267

2 Date of Response 10/08/17

3 Responding Officer Name: Hannah Bridges Job Title: Waste Management Office Responding on behalf of... Waste Services 4 Recommendation (please delete those N/A) No objection subject to condition

Note: This section must be completed before the response is sent. The recommendation should be based on the information submitted with the application.

5 Discussion Access via Mutton Meadow would not be possible with a Please outline the 32 tonne dustcart to the other properties as the bend is reasons/rationale behind too tight, the bend in concern is opposite plot 3 and would how you have formed the need to be place 10ft back to allow the dustcart to recommendation. manoeuvre round. Please refer to any guidance, policy or material Can you please ensure that all properties have a unique considerations that have bin collection point that are close to each property and informed your nearest to the public high way as possible and these are recommendation. marked on the plans. For the shared accesses and private drives ensure that the road surfaces are suitable for a 32 tonne refuse vehicle to manoeuvre on and that they will take the weight of the vehicle. Shingle tar and block paving may get damage when driven on by a dustcart. I have included the vehicle specification for a Dennis Eagle 32 tonne dustcart which is the vehicle we use to make the collections, can you ensure that the vehicle can access all the roads with as the turning circle of the vehicle is 24metres.

6 Amendments, Clarification or Additional Information Required (if holding objection)

If concerns are raised, can they be overcome with changes? Please ensure

Please note that this form can be submitted electronically on the Councils website. Comments submitted on the website will not be acknowledged but you can check whether they have been received by reviewing comments on the website under the application reference number. Please note that the completed form will be posted on the Councils website and available to view by the public.

any requests are proportionate

7 Recommended conditions Please ensure that the points in the discussion are met.

Please note that this form can be submitted electronically on the Councils website. Comments submitted on the website will not be acknowledged but you can check whether they have been received by reviewing comments on the website under the application reference number. Please note that the completed form will be posted on the Councils website and available to view by the public.

Your ref: DC/17/03267 Our ref: Old Newton – land adjacent Greenacres IP14 4EJ 00051479 Date: 21 July 2017 Enquiries to: Neil McManus Tel: 01473 264121 or 07973 640625 Email: [email protected]

Ms Gemma Walker, Growth & Sustainable Planning, District Council, Council Offices, 131 High Street, , Ipswich, Suffolk, IP6 8DL

Dear Gemma,

Old Newton: land adjacent Greenacres, IP14 4EJ – developer contributions

I refer to the outline planning application (access to be considered) – erection of 23 dwellings (including 8 affordable homes).

Whilst most infrastructure requirements will be covered under Mid Suffolk’s Regulation 123 list of the CIL charging schedule it is nonetheless the Government’s intention that all development must be sustainable as set out in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). On this basis the County Council sets out below the infrastructure implications with costs, if planning permission is granted and implemented.

A planning obligation or planning conditions will cover site specific matters.

The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) paragraph 204 sets out the requirements of planning obligations, which are that they must be: a) Necessary to make the development acceptable in planning terms; b) Directly related to the development; and, c) Fairly and reasonably related in scale and kind to the development.

The County and District Councils have a shared approach to calculating infrastructure needs, in the adopted Section 106 Developers Guide to Infrastructure Contributions in Suffolk.

Mid Suffolk District Council adopted their Core Strategy in September 2008 and Focused Review in December 2012. The Core Strategy includes the following objectives and policies relevant to providing infrastructure:  Objective 6 seeks to ensure provision of adequate infrastructure to support new development; this is implemented through Policy CS6: Services and Infrastructure.  Policy FC1 and FC1.1 apply the presumption in favour of sustainable development in Mid Suffolk.

Endeavour House, 8 Russell Road, Ipswich, Suffolk IP1 2BX

Community Infrastructure Levy

Mid Suffolk District Council adopted a CIL Charging Schedule on 21st January 2016 and charges CIL on planning permissions granted after 11th April 2016. Regulation 123 requires mid Suffolk to publish a list of infrastructure projects or types of infrastructure that it intends will be, or may be, wholly or partly funded by CIL.

The current Mid Suffolk 123 List, dated January 2016, includes the following as being capable of being funded by CIL rather than through planning obligations:  Provision of passenger transport  Provision of library facilities  Provision of additional pre-school places at existing establishments  Provision of primary school places at existing schools  Provision of secondary, sixth form and further education places  Provision of waste infrastructure

As of 6th April 2015, the 123 Regulations restrict the use of pooled contributions towards items that may be funded through the levy. The requirements being sought here would be requested through CIL, and therefore would meet the new legal test. It is anticipated that the District Council is responsible for monitoring infrastructure contributions being sought.

The details of site specific contribution requirements related to the proposed scheme are set out below:

1. Education. Refer to the NPPF paragraph 72 which states ‘The Government attaches great importance to ensuring that a sufficient choice of school places is available to meet the needs of existing and new communities. Local planning authorities should take a proactive, positive and collaborative approach to meeting this requirement, and to development that will widen choice in education’.

The NPPF at paragraph 38 states ‘For larger scale residential developments in particular, planning policies should promote a mix of uses in order to provide opportunities to undertake day-to-day activities including work on site. Where practical, particularly within large-scale developments, key facilities such as primary schools and local shops should be located within walking distance of most properties.’

SCC anticipates the following minimum pupil yields from a development of 23 dwellings, namely: a. Primary school age range, 5-11: 6 pupils. Cost per place is £12,181 (2017/18 costs). b. Secondary school age range, 11-16: 4 pupils. Cost per place is £18,355 (2017/18 costs). c. Secondary school age range, 16+: 1 pupil. Costs per place is £19,907 (2017/18 costs).

The local catchment schools are Old Newton CEVC Primary School and Stowupland High School.


Based on existing forecasts SCC will have no surplus places available at the catchment primary and secondary schools. On this basis SCC will seek CIL funding for at least £166,413 (2017/18 costs) to mitigate the impact of the development.

The scale of contributions is based on cost multipliers for the capital cost of providing a school place, which are reviewed annually to reflect changes in construction costs. The figures quoted will apply during the financial year 2017/18 only and have been provided to give a general indication of the scale of contributions required should residential development go ahead. The sum will be reviewed at key stages of the application process to reflect the projected forecasts of pupil numbers and the capacity of the schools concerned at these times.

Clearly, local circumstances may change over time and I would draw your attention to paragraph 12 where this information is time-limited to 6 months from the date of this letter.

2. Pre-school provision. Refer to the NPPF ‘Section 8 Promoting healthy communities’. It is the responsibility of SCC to ensure that there is sufficient local provision under the Childcare Act 2006. Section 7 of the Childcare Act sets out a duty to secure free early years provision for pre-school children of a prescribed age. The current requirement is to ensure 15 hours per week of free provision over 38 weeks of the year for all 3 and 4-year-olds. The Education Bill 2011 amended Section 7, introducing the statutory requirement for 15 hours’ free early years’ education for all disadvantaged 2 year olds. From these development proposals SCC would anticipate up to 2 pre-school pupils.

In the ward of Bacton and Old Newton there is currently a surplus of places predicted in September 2017. Therefore, a contribution for early years is not required for this development.

From September 2017, working families may get an additional 15 hours’ free childcare entitlement per week on top of the current 15 hours, giving a total of 30 hours a week for 38 weeks of the year.

3. Play space provision. Consideration will need to be given to adequate play space provision. A key document is the ‘Play Matters: A Strategy for Suffolk’, which sets out the vision for providing more open space where children and young people can play. Some important issues to consider include:

a. In every residential area there are a variety of supervised and unsupervised places for play, free of charge. b. Play spaces are attractive, welcoming, engaging and accessible for all local children and young people, including disabled children, and children from minority groups in the community. c. Local neighbourhoods are, and feel like, safe, interesting places to play. d. Routes to children’s play spaces are safe and accessible for all children and young people.

4. Transport issues. Refer to the NPPF ‘Section 4 Promoting sustainable transport’. A comprehensive assessment of highways and transport issues will be required as


part of the planning application. This will include travel plan, pedestrian & cycle provision, public transport, rights of way, air quality and highway provision (both on- site and off-site). Requirements will be dealt with via planning conditions and Section 106 as appropriate, and infrastructure delivered to adoptable standards via Section 38 and Section 278. Suffolk County Council FAO Sam Harvey will coordinate this.

Suffolk County Council, in its role as local Highway Authority, has worked with the local planning authorities to develop county-wide technical guidance on parking which replaces the preceding Suffolk Advisory Parking Standards (2002) when considering new national policy and local research. It has been subject to public consultation and was adopted by Suffolk County Council in November 2014.

5. Libraries. The libraries and archive infrastructure provision topic paper sets out the detailed approach to how contributions are calculated. A contribution of £216 per dwelling is sought i.e. £4,968, which will be spent on enhancing provision at the nearest library. A minimum standard of 30 square metres of new library space per 1,000 populations is required. Construction and initial fit out cost of £3,000 per square metre for libraries (based on RICS Building Cost Information Service data but excluding land costs). This gives a cost of (30 x £3,000) = £90,000 per 1,000 people or £90 per person for library space. Assumes average of 2.4 persons per dwelling. Refer to the NPPF ‘Section 8 Promoting healthy communities’.

6. Waste. All local planning authorities should have regard to both the Waste Management Plan for and the National Planning Policy for Waste when discharging their responsibilities to the extent that they are appropriate to waste management. The Waste Management Plan for England sets out the Government’s ambition to work towards a more sustainable and efficient approach to resource use and management.

Paragraph 8 of the National Planning Policy for Waste states that when determining planning applications for non-waste development, local planning authorities should, to the extent appropriate to their responsibilities, ensure that:

- New, non-waste development makes sufficient provision for waste management and promotes good design to secure the integration of waste management facilities with the rest of the development and, in less developed areas, with the local landscape. This includes providing adequate storage facilities at residential premises, for example by ensuring that there is sufficient and discrete provision for bins, to facilitate a high quality, comprehensive and frequent household collection service.

SCC requests that waste bins and garden composting bins should be provided before occupation of each dwelling and this will be secured by way of a planning condition. SCC would also encourage the installation of water butts connected to gutter down-pipes to harvest rainwater for use by occupants in their gardens.

7. Supported Housing. In line with Sections 6 and 8 of the NPPF, homes should be designed to meet the health needs of a changing demographic. Following the replacement of the Lifetime Homes standard, designing homes to the new


‘Category M4(2)’ standard offers a useful way of fulfilling this objective, with a proportion of dwellings being built to ‘Category M4(3)’ standard. In addition we would expect a proportion of the housing and/or land use to be allocated for housing with care for older people e.g. Care Home and/or specialised housing needs, based on further discussion with the local planning authority’s housing team to identify local housing needs.

8. Sustainable Drainage Systems. Section 10 of the NPPF seeks to meet the challenges of climate change, flooding and coastal change. National Planning Practice Guidance notes that new development should only be considered appropriate in areas at risk of flooding if priority has been given to the use of sustainable drainage systems.

On 18 December 2014 the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government (Mr Eric Pickles) made a Ministerial Written Statement (MWS) setting out the Government’s policy on sustainable drainage systems. In accordance with the MWS, when considering a major development (of 10 dwellings or more), sustainable drainage systems should be provided unless demonstrated to be inappropriate. The MWS also provides that, in considering planning applications:

“Local planning authorities should consult the relevant lead local flood authority on the management of surface water; satisfy themselves that the proposed minimum standards of operation are appropriate and ensure through the use of planning conditions or planning obligations that there are clear arrangements in place for ongoing maintenance over the lifetime of the development. The sustainable drainage system should be designed to ensure that the maintenance and operation requirements are economically proportionate.”

The changes set out in the MWS took effect from 06 April 2015.

A consultation response will be coordinated by Suffolk County Council FAO Jason Skilton.

9. Fire Service. Any fire hydrant issues will need to be covered by appropriate planning conditions. SCC would strongly recommend the installation of automatic fire sprinklers. The Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service requests that early consideration is given during the design stage of the development for both access for fire vehicles and the provisions of water for fire-fighting which will allow SCC to make final consultations at the planning stage.

10. Superfast broadband. Refer to the NPPF paragraphs 42 – 43. SCC would recommend that all development is equipped with high speed broadband (fibre optic). This facilitates home working which has associated benefits for the transport network and also contributes to social inclusion; it also impacts educational attainment and social wellbeing, as well as improving property prices and saleability.

As a minimum, access line speeds should be greater than 30Mbps, using a fibre based broadband solution, rather than exchange based ADSL, ADSL2+ or


exchange only connections. The strong recommendation from SCC is that a full fibre provision should be made, bringing fibre cables to each premise within the development (FTTP/FTTH). This will provide a network infrastructure which is fit for the future and will enable faster broadband.

11. Legal costs. SCC will require an undertaking from the applicant for the reimbursement of its reasonable legal costs associated with work on a S106A for site specific mitigation, whether or not the matter proceeds to completion.

12. The above information is time-limited for 6 months only from the date of this letter.

The above will form the basis of a future bid to Mid Suffolk District Council for CIL funds if planning permission is granted and implemented.

I would be grateful if the above information can be presented to the decision-taker.

Yours sincerely,

Neil McManus BSc (Hons) MRICS Development Contributions Manager Strategic Development – Resource Management cc Carol Barber, Suffolk County Council Sam Harvey, Suffolk County Council Floods Planning, Suffolk County Council


OFFICIAL Should you require any further information or assistance I will be pleased to help.

Yours faithfully

Mrs A Kempen Water Officer

, ,, ,,,__ ,___ ,,_, ___,., ______,,, __,_, ___ ,,.. ,,,._,, ___ -,,-.,--.-,.. , __,,,. ______- ______------,------, We are workin9 towards makinq Suffolk the Greenest County This paper is 100% recycled and made using a chlorine free process, OFFICIAL

OFFICIAL Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service recommends that proper consideration be given to the potential life safety, economic, environmental and social benefits derived from the provision of an automatic fire sprinkler system. (Please see sprinkler information enclosed with this letter).

Consultation should be made with the Water Authorities to determine flow rates in all cases.

Should you need any further advice or information on access and fire fighting facilities, you are advised to contact your local Building Control in the first instance. For further advice and information regarding water supplies, please contact the Water Officer at the above headquarters.

Yours faithfully

Mrs A Kempen Water Officer

Enc: POL1

Copy: Mr P Cobbold, 42 Beatrice Avenue, Felixstowe IP11 9HB Enc: sprinkler information

[email protected]

-·--"�----·------· \/\leare working towards making Suffolk the Greenest County This paper is 100%1 recycled and macle using a chlorine free process. OFFICIAL Your Ref: DC/17/03267 Our Ref: 570\CON\2675\17 Date: Highways Enquiries to: [email protected]

All planning enquiries should be sent to the Local Planning Authority. Email: [email protected]

The Planning Officer Mid Suffolk District Council Council Offices 131 High Street Needham Market Ipswich Suffolk IP6 8DL

For the Attention of: Gemma Walker

Dear Gemma


PROPOSAL: Outline Planning Application (Access to be considered) - Erection of 23 dwellings (including 8 affordable homes). LOCATION: Land Adj Greenacres, Old Newton, Suffolk, IP14 4EJ ROAD CLASS: Notice is hereby given that the County Council as Highways Authority recommends that permission be refused for the following reasons:

The proposal will have a direct impact on Public Right of Way FP47, which has not been addressed in the application. The proposal will illegally obstruct the footpath and nothing should be done to stop up or divert the Public Right of Way without following the due legal process including confirmation of any orders and the provision of any new path.

Please also be aware that if suitably revised proposals drawings are received and a formal highway approval is appropriate then there will also be Section 106 highway requirements for Bus Stop improvements and improvements to the adjacent Public Rights of Way network.

I shall await revised documents and drawings in due course.

Yours faithfully,

Sam Harvey Senior Development Management Engineer Strategic Development – Resource Management

Endeavour House, 8 Russell Road, Ipswich, Suffolk IP1 2BX

Your Ref: DC/17/03267 Our Ref: 570\CON\4642\17 Date: 21st March 2018

All planning enquiries should be sent to the Local Planning Authority. Email: [email protected]

The Planning Officer Mid Suffolk District Council 1st Floor, Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich Suffolk IP1 2BX

For the Attention of: Gemma Walker

Dear Gemma


PROPOSAL: Outline Planning Application (Access to be considered) - Erection of 23 dwellings (including 8 affordable homes). LOCATION: Land Adj Greenacres, Old Newton, Suffolk, IP14 4EJ ROAD CLASS:

Provided suitable arrangements are made by the applicant to either divert Footpath 47 via the correct legal process or to ensure it is free of obstruction on its current alignment, notice is hereby given that the County Council, as Highway Authority, recommends that any permission which that Planning Authority may give should include the conditions shown below:


1 The parking provision for the development may give the minimum number of parking places required but experience has shown that residents tend to park as close as possible to the entrance of their house. Therefore, it is considered the parking provision is not ‘convenient’ and may lead to parking on footways, verges and service strips. Also, unsupervised cars left in parking courts, which are not visible from dwellings, can be prime targets for vandals and thieves. We recommend allocated parking spaces are located within the curtilage.


Should the Planning Authority be minded to grant planning approval the Highway Authority in Suffolk would recommend they include the following conditions and obligations:

1 ER 1 Condition: Before the development is commenced, details of the estate roads and footpaths, (including layout, levels, gradients, surfacing and means of surface water drainage), shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To ensure that roads/footways are constructed to an acceptable standard.

Endeavour House, 8 Russell Road, Ipswich, Suffolk IP1 2BX

2 ER 2 Condition: No dwelling shall be occupied until the carriageways and footways serving that dwelling have been constructed to at least Binder course level or better in accordance with the approved details except with the written agreement of the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To ensure that satisfactory access is provided for the safety of residents and the public.

3 D 2 Condition: Before the development is commenced details shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority showing the means to prevent the discharge of surface water from the development onto the highway. The approved scheme shall be carried out in its entirety before the access is first used and shall be retained thereafter in its approved form. Reason: To prevent hazards caused by flowing water or ice on the highway.

4 P 2 Condition: Before the development is commenced details of the areas to be provided for the [LOADING, UNLOADING,] manoeuvring and parking of vehicles including secure cycle storage shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved scheme shall be carried out in its entirety before the development is brought into use and shall be retained thereafter and used for no other purpose. Reason: To ensure the provision and long term maintenance of adequate on-site space for the parking and manoeuvring of vehicles, where on-street parking and manoeuvring would be detrimental to highway safety.

5 B2 Condition: Before the development is commenced details of the areas to be provided for storage of Refuse/Recycling bins shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved scheme shall be carried out in its entirety before the development is brought into use and shall be retained thereafter for no other purpose. Reason: To ensure that refuse recycling bins are not stored on the highway causing obstruction and dangers for other users.

6 HGV1 Condition: All HGV traffic movements to and from the site over the duration of the construction period shall be subject to a Deliveries Management Plan which shall be submitted to the planning authority for approval a minimum of 28 days before any deliveries of materials commence. No HGV movements shall be permitted to and from the site other than in accordance with the routes defined in the Plan. The site operator shall maintain a register of complaints and record of actions taken to deal with such complaints at the site office as specified in the Plan throughout the period of occupation of the site. Reason: To reduce and / or remove as far as is reasonably possible the effects of HGV traffic in sensitive areas.

7 NOTE 01 It is an OFFENCE to carry out works within the public highway, which includes a Public Right of Way, without the permission of the Highway Authority. Any conditions which involve work within the limits of the public highway do not give the applicant permission to carry them out. Unless otherwise agreed in writing all works within the public highway shall be carried out by the County Council or its agents at the applicant's expense. The County Council's West Area Manager must be contacted on Tel: 01284 758868. For further information go to: A fee is payable to the Highway Authority for the assessment and inspection of both new vehicular crossing access works and improvements deemed necessary to existing vehicular crossings due to proposed development.

8 NOTE 07 The Local Planning Authority recommends that developers of housing estates should enter into formal agreement with the Highway Authority under Section 38 of the Highways Act 1980 relating to the construction and subsequent adoption of Estate Roads.

Endeavour House, 8 Russell Road, Ipswich, Suffolk IP1 2BX


Public Transport There is a desire to upgrade the existing bus stops on B1113 which will the benefit residents, visitors to the site and the community. Therefore, raised bus stop kerbs are requested at a cost of £5,000 for construction.

Yours sincerely,

Sam Harvey Senior Development Management Engineer Strategic Development

Endeavour House, 8 Russell Road, Ipswich, Suffolk IP1 2BX

From: RM PROW Planning Sent: 27 July 2017 11:34 To: BMSDC Planning Area Team Yellow Cc: Francesca Clarke Subject: DC/17/03267/OUT Land adj Greenacres, Old Newton

Our Ref: W419/047/ROW486/17

For The Attention of: Gemma Walker

Public Rights of Way Response

This application has been brought to our attention, we do not appear to have been consulted.

Government guidance considers that the effect of development on a public right of way is a material consideration in the determination of applications for planning permission and local planning authorities should ensure that the potential consequences are taken into account whenever such applications are considered (Rights of Way Circular 1/09 – Defra October 2009, para 7.2) and that public rights of way should be protected.

The proposal as submitted would have a direct effect on a public right of way; Old Newton Public Footpath 47 (FP47) is recorded through the site. Please refer to the attached digital plot of the public footpath, which is as near as can be ascertained.

FP47 has not been shown on the site plan apart from the southern end where it exits the development.

Plots numbers 20, 21 and 22 appear to be proposed over the definitive alignment of FP47.

The proposed estate road will cross FP47.

The Rights of Way and Access Team therefore objects to the proposal as submitted on the basis that:

The proposal as submitted will illegally obstruct FP47

If the proposal is to divert FP47 onto estate footway, this would be unacceptable. FP47 is a popular and well used route, including an annual charity walk. Diverting onto a footway will result in the loss of the amenity and characteristic value of the footpath.

Nothing should be done to stop up or divert the Public Right of Way without following the due legal process including confirmation of any orders and the provision of any new path. If you wish to build upon, block, divert or extinguish a public right of way within the red lined area marked in the application, an order must be made, confirmed, and brought into effect by the local planning authority, using powers under s257 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. In order to avoid delays with the application this should be considered at an early opportunity.

The agent/applicant can contact Francesca Clarke, Area Rights of Way Officer who would be amendable to a site visit to discuss this matter further, via [email protected]


Jackie Gillis Green Access Officer Access Development Team Rights of Way and Access Resource Management, Suffolk County Council Endeavour House (Floor 5, Block 1), 8 Russell Road, Ipswich, IP1 2BX 

From: Chris Ward Sent: 28 July 2017 10:38 To: Gemma Walker Cc: BMSDC Planning Area Team Yellow; Sam Harvey Subject: RE: Planning Consultation Request - DC/17/03267

Dear Gemma,

Thank you for consulting me in regards to the proposed residential development in Old Newton (DC/17/03267). I have had a chance to review the application documents and I can confirm a Travel Plan would not be required for this development, due to its size and rural location affecting the accessibility to sustainable transport. Therefore, I can confirm that I have no objection to this development.

Kind regards

Chris Ward Travel Plan Officer Transport Strategy – Development Management Strategic Development – Resource Management Suffolk County Council Endeavour House, 8 Russell Road, Ipswich, IP1 2BX Telephone: 01473 264970 Mobile: 07860 832202 email : [email protected] web : advice/travel-plans/

10 January 2018

Gemma Walker Mid Suffolk District Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX

By email only

Dear Gemma Walker,

Application: DC/17/03267 Location: Land Adjacent Greenacres Old Newton Suffolk Proposal: Outline Planning Application (Access to be considered) - Erection of 23 dwellings (including 8 affordable homes).

Thank you for consulting Place Services on the above application.

No objections subject to condition to secure mitigation and enhancement measures

After review of the submitted ecological report (Hiller Ecology, November 2017). It is deemed that sufficient information has been provided to assess the impacts of development on protected and priority species, subject to a Biodiversity Mitigation Method Statement.

Recommendation: A precautionary Biodiversity Mitigation Method Statement should be supplied to provide mitigation measures to avoid the killing injury of protected and priority species, during the construction phase. In particular, the method statement should consider mitigation measures for great crested newts, reptiles, common toads and hedgehogs. The reasonable enhancement measures identified in the ecological report (Hiller ecology, December 2017) should be secured and implemented in full. This will contribute to the aim of biodiversity net-gain. In addition, it is recommended that a Lighting Design Scheme be conditioned prior to occupation to reduce the impact of lighting on the boundary hedgerows, which may be used by foraging and commuting bats.

Impacts will be minimised such that the proposal is acceptable subject to the above conditions based on BS42020:2013.

Submission for approval and implementation of the details below should be a condition of any planning consent.



“No development shall take place (including any demolition, ground works, site clearance) until a Biodiversity method statement, to mitigate the potential impacts during the construction phase for herpetofauna and hedgehogs, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.

The works shall be carried out strictly in accordance with these approved details and shall be retained in that manner thereafter”.

Reason: To allow the LPA to discharge its duties under the UK Habitats Regulations 2017, the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981 as amended and s40 of the NERC Act 2006

II. CONCURRENT TO RESERVED MATTERS: COMPLIANCE WITH RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE ECOLOGICAL REPORT “All biodiversity enhancement measures and/or works shall be carried out in accordance with the details contained in the ecological report (Hiller ecology, November 2016) as already submitted with the planning application and agreed in principle with the local planning authority prior to determination”.

Reason: To allow the LPA to discharge its duties under the UK Habitats Regulations 2017, the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981 as amended and s40 of the NERC Act 2006 (Priority habitats & species)

III. PRIOR TO OCCUPATION: LIGHTING DESIGN SCHEME “Prior to occupation, a lighting design scheme for biodiversity shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The scheme shall identify those features on site that are particularly sensitive for bats and that are likely to cause disturbance along important routes used for foraging; and show how and where external lighting will be installed (through the provision of appropriate lighting contour plans and technical specifications) so that it can be clearly demonstrated that areas to be lit will not disturb or prevent bats using their territory.

All external lighting shall be installed in accordance with the specifications and locations set out in the scheme and maintained thereafter in accordance with the scheme. Under no circumstances should any other external lighting be installed without prior consent from the local planning authority.”

Reason: To allow the LPA to discharge its duties under the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981 as amended and s40 of the NERC Act 2006 (Priority habitats & species)

Please contact me with any further queries.


Hamish Jackson BSc (Hons) Junior Ecological Consultant Place Services at Essex County Council [email protected]

Place Services Essex County Council County Hall, Chelmsford Essex, CM1 1QH

T: 0333 013 6840 @PlaceServices

Planning Services Mid Suffolk District Council, 131 High Street, Needham Market, Suffolk IP6 8DL


For the attention of: Gemma Walker

Ref: DC/17/03267; Outline Planning Application (Access to be considered) - Erection of 23 dwellings (including 8 affordable homes), Land Adjacent Greenacres, Old Newton, IP14 4EJ,

Thank you for consulting us on the outline planning application on the erection of 23 dwellings, land adjacent to Greenacres, Old Newton, Suffolk. This letter sets out our consultation response regarding the landscape and landscape impact of the planning application and how the proposals relate and respond to the surrounding landscape setting and context of the site.

Recommendations In terms of the likely visual impact, the proposals will have a minimal impact on the semi-rural setting of the surrounding landscape. The proposed development acts as a continuation of the existing residential close. The main development constraint is the requirement to retain the natural landscape character and appearance, and mitigate the impact on the outward facing rural setting.

The following points highlight our key recommendations for the submitted proposals:

1) A landscape master plan needs to be produced to indicate soft landscape, planting locations, and how the proposals will mitigate the visual impact of the development.

2) A detailed planting and boundary plan will need to be produced to mitigate/reduce the impact of the proposed development edge will have on the open countryside setting to the south and east of the site. (As referred to in the supporting planning statement.)

The proposal This application is for the erection of 23 dwellings including 8 affordable homes, on land adjacent to Greenacres, Old Newton. The development will comprise a mix of 2 - 4 bedroom dwellings and will also include an area of public open space. Access to the site will be via Greenacres and Mutton Meadow. The site comprises an area of 0.8 hectares of previously cultivated agricultural land which abuts existing residential development along its northern and southern boundaries.

The site is situated on the outskirts of the village of Old Newton in Mid Suffolk. The site is roughly of rectangular form and mirrors the footprint of the existing adjacent residential settlement; it occupies grassland, bounded by hedgerows.

The proposed development would not be prominent in the landscape; views are disrupted by existing field hedgerows and other landscape features.

Review on the submitted information

Place Services is a traded service of Essex County Council

The submitted application includes a proposed site plan, and a Design and Access statement.

The site plan includes the indicative location of the buildings and successfully identifies mitigation measures through new tree planting.

The submitted Design and Access Statement includes comprehensive information covering the flood risk assessment, and a landscape impact assessment.

Proposed mitigation Opportunities for planting around all site boundaries, (especially the east and southern boundaries) are important to lessen the visual impact of the proposed development. The site already benefits from existing hedgerows to all extended boundaries which could be strengthened with new planting.

Yours sincerely,

Roshni Patel, BSc (Hons), Pg Dip, MA Junior Landscape Architect Telephone: 03330322436 Email: [email protected]

Place Services provide landscape advice on behalf of Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils Please note: This letter is advisory and should only be considered as the opinion formed by specialist staff in relation to this particular matter.

Place Services is a traded service of Essex County Council

Gemma Walker Planning Department Mid Suffolk District Council 131 High Street Needham Market IP6 8DL

9th August 2017

Dear Gemma,

RE: DC/17/03267 Outline Planning Application (access to be considered) - Erection of 23 dwellings (including 8 affordable homes). Land adjacent Greenacres, Old Newton, IP14 4EJ

Thank you for sending us details of this application, we have the following comments:

We note there is no ecological information in support of this application. There are a number of ponds in the immediate surroundings which could support great crested newt. Therefore, an ecological assessment should be undertaken to assess this area for Protected or UK Priority Species prior to the determination of this application, in order to ensure that the decision is made based on all relevant material considerations and in accordance with ODPM Circular 06/2005 (sections 98 and 99).

There are records of breeding toad in one of the local ponds, and a number of hedgehog records from the surrounding area. They are both UK Priority Species and therefore, the Local Planning Authority have a duty to have regard to them in determining a planning application.

In addition to the above, we note that there are no recommendations for biodiversity enhancements. New development can offer the opportunity to provide certain ecological enhancements. In accordance with national and local planning policy, any development must secure significant ecological enhancements as part of its design and implementation. These could include (but are not limited to) the following: • Roosting opportunities for bats (including integrated roost features); • Nesting opportunities for birds (including integrated nesting features for species such as swift and house sparrow); • High quality landscaping and open spaces using native plant species of local provenance; • Boundary features (including garden boundaries) which are permeable to hedgehogs.

At present, we object to this application due to the lack of information regarding potential impacts on Protected and UK Priority Species.

Please do not hesitate to contact us should you require anything further.

Yours sincerely

Jill Crighton Conservation Planner

Planning Applications – Suggested Informative

Statements and Conditions Report

AW Reference: 00023016

Local Planning Authority: Mid Suffolk District

Site: Land Adjacent Greenacres, Old Newton with Dagworth

Proposal: Outline Planning Application (Access to be considered) - Erection of 23 dwellings (including 8 affordable homes).

Planning Application: DC/17/03267

Prepared by: Pre-Development Team

Date: 23 August 2017

If you would like to discuss any of the points in this document please contact me on 0345 0265 458 or email [email protected]


Section 1 – Assets Affected

1.1 Our records show that there are no assets owned by Anglian Water or those subject to an adoption agreement within the development site boundary.


Section 2 – Wastewater Treatment

2.1 The foul drainage from this development is in the catchment of Old Newton Water Recycling Centre that will have available capacity for these flows.

Section 3 – Foul Sewerage Network

3.1 The sewerage system at present has available capacity for these flows via a gravity connection regime. If the developer wishes to connect to our sewerage network they should serve notice under Section 106 of the Water Industry Act 1991. We will then advise them of the most suitable point of connection.

Section 4 – Surface Water Disposal

4.1 From the details submitted to support the planning application the proposed method of surface water management does not relate to Anglian Water operated assets. As such, we are unable to provide comments on the suitability of the surface water management. The Local Planning Authority should seek the advice of the Lead Local Flood Authority or the Internal Drainage Board. The Environment Agency should be consulted if the drainage system directly or indirectly involves the discharge of water into a watercourse.

Should the proposed method of surface water management change to include interaction with Anglian Water operated assets, we would wish to be re-consulted to ensure that an effective surface water drainage strategy is prepared and implemented.

Section 5 – Trade Effluent

5.1 Not applicable

From:RM Floods Planning Sent:16 Apr 2018 08:14:52 +0100 To:BMSDC Planning Area Team Yellow Cc:Gemma Walker Subject:2018-04-16 JS Reply Land Adjacent, Greenacres, Old Newton, Suffolk Ref DC/17/03267

Dear Gemma Walker,

Subject: Land Adjacent, Greenacres, Old Newton, Suffolk Ref DC/17/03267

Suffolk County Council, Flood and Water Management have reviewed application ref DC/17/03267

The following submitted documents have been reviewed and we recommend a holding objection at this time:

 Site Location Plan (no ref)  Existing Level Survey ref TSET-20195-007-01  Contamination report ref SAS_128368807_1_1  Desk Based Contaminated Land Assessment ref 72706/R/001  Sitecheck Flood Report ref AEL-0016-SCF-909303

The reason why we are recommending a holding objection is because the applicant has not provided evidence that they have a method for the disposal for the surface water in line with national/local planning policy and guidance.

The point below detail the action required in order to overcome our current objection:-

1. Submit a surface water drainage strategy to include the documents listed in the following table

Pre- Outline Full Reserved Discharge app Matters of Conditions Document Submitted

Flood Risk Assessment/Statement      (Checklist) Drainage Strategy/Statement &      sketch layout plan (checklist)      Preliminary layout drawings Preliminary “Outline” hydraulic      calculations      Preliminary landscape proposals Ground investigation report (for      infiltration) Evidence of 3rd party agreement to      discharge to their system (in principle/consent to discharge) Maintenance program and ongoing      maintenance responsibilities      Detailed development layout Detailed flood & drainage design      drawings Full structural, hydraulic & ground      investigations Geotechnical factual and      interpretive reports, including infiltration test results (BRE365)      Detailed landscape details Discharge agreements (temporary      & permanent) Development management &      construction phasing plan

Kind Regards

Jason Skilton

Flood & Water Engineer, Flood & Water Management

Growth, Highways and Infrastructure Suffolk County Council

Endeavour House, 8 Russell Rd, Ipswich, Suffolk IP1 2BX

Telephone: 01473 260411

Email: [email protected]


-----Original Message----- From: [email protected] Sent: 12 April 2018 16:51 To: RM Floods Planning Subject: MSDC Planning Consultation Request - DC/17/03267

Please find attached planning consultation request letter relating to planning application - DC/17/03267 - Land Adjacent, Greenacres, Old Newton, Suffolk

Kind Regards

Planning Support Team

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