FROM THE DIRECTOR: My dear COP Members, Stepping up to a new level in the Spirit’s call

"There is an appointed time for everything, and a time for every affair under the heavens.....I have considered the task which God has appointed for men to be busied about. He has made everything appropriate to its time, and has put the timeless in their hearts, without men's ever discovering, from beginning to end, the work which God has done. I recognized that there is nothing better than to be glad and to do well during life." (Eccl.3:1-12)

This passage is what I wish to convey to you in this letter. For the last twenty years, I found myself serving Contemplative Outreach (COP) in a role that I never expected, never really asked nor studied for. I felt inadequate, unequipped and terrified, to say the least.

I realized in my heart that this was some kind of call to serve God, as we are all invited to do at various times in our lives. But in a ministry I knew nothing about? Every step of the way, I groped through unknown territory, in this journey of unquestioning obedience and faith.

To learn contemplative prayer and how it continued to evolve over the years required for me, at least twice a year, to immerse myself in conferences, faculty meetings, extended retreats and workshops in the United States with Fr. Thomas Keating. These were challenging times, as I had to adapt not only to different climates and conditions, but more importantly, to people I had never met before, both lay and religious, with diverse backgrounds, ideas and attitudes. Difficult as it may have been, every opportunity to learn was worthwhile. It allowed me to bring back to the Philippines, programs of Contemplative Outreach, Ltd. U.S. that would be applicable to Filipino culture. Even more gratifying was the unwavering willingness of the COP leadership team to implement these programs with me, for the spiritual growth and development of all those who were and still are interested.

As you are well aware, cultivating COP was not without its own set of obstacles. It was not easy to introduce the concepts of contemplative prayer, particularly in our milieu where the practice of prayer is deeply rooted in traditional forms. But together, we persevered, and never gave up. We stood still and waited on God. And in this perseverance, we learned to know Him and to love Him in a much deeper way. Through His mercy and grace, centering prayer has indeed become an instrument of transformation in the lives of countless people.

After 20 years of involvement in COP, I have reached what I know is a grace-inspired decision to step down as its Director and to allow the program to flourish into a new phase, but always, with God as the core. Looking back, I recognize that it was this relationship with God nurtured over the years through centering prayer that sustained me in my service. This ever-deepening faith that continued to mature with every difficulty that presented itself.

My own father left me a legacy of loving without restraint. He not only showed unconditional love but also manifested a fervent fidelity to duty. It is my hope that over the 20 years of being at the helm of COP, I have been able to put these legacies into practice. In my own limited but well-meaning ways, in service to God, and to you my fellow travelers in this joyful journey. It has been an honor and privilege to have lived out this experience with you, enriched by many memorable shared moments of growing and giving, loving and learning.

We now have a new divinely-inspired structure for COP which will be thoroughly explained in our Annual Gathering at the beginning of 2009. Please be there, as we continue to shepherd COP through the days ahead and in the years to come.

Love you all,


Announcement Contemplative Outreach Philippines is happy to announce that we now have a secretariat and center at Rm 211, 2nd Floor at Don Bosco Parish Center, Don Bosco Church compound, City.

We’re open from Tues. to Sat. from 9:00am to 12 noon, 1:00 pm to 6:00pm.Our tel. no. is 7500231. Email address: [email protected] .

Come and visit us at the COP center soon! Read books about centering prayer and the spiritual journey, listen to cp audio cassette tapes, rest awhile to bond with other kindred souls and be refreshed in body, mind and spirit. Come home to the center… Live from the center… Find true happiness at the center.


And so, amidst 2 dozen tea lights softly flickering in the twilight and lined along half of the 2 nd floor hallway of the parish building, the COP Secretariat and Center was blessed in a simple but very meaningful ceremony on July 15, 2008. Carrying lit candles, and with hearts overflowing with joy and gratitude, the Servant Leadership Team of COP was in attendance as Fr. Manny Domingo, parish priest of St. Parish blessed our new home. This event marked the start of a new chapter in our 18 years of existence as a faith community living the contemplative dimension of the Gospel in our daily lives.

In her introductory remarks before the blessing and opening of the center, Lita Salinas, COP Director, reminisced about the humble beginnings of COP in 1990 when it started with just a handful of parishioners at Santuario de San Antonio in Forbes Park, Makati. It was also there where the initial weekly support group of 6 members eventually grew to the present 20. Subsequent formation classes and other COP activities took place as the organization became more established.

From those early years at Santuario the San Antonio, the “mustard seed” has grown to a full grown tree represented by the thousands of people who have been attending COP workshops and retreats in the past 18 years to experience the joy of living a more contemplative spirituality. This is done thru the practice of centering prayer and internalizing Fr. Thomas Keating’s Spiritual Journey Program of Christian Life, Growth and Transformation.

Since God cannot be outdone in goodness and generosity, and in what seems like an affirmation of the community’s service in the Lord’s vineyard, the possibility of COP having a more fitting and permanent home became a reality when Fr. Manny Domingo invited COP to have a center at St. John Bosco Parish. With his great appreciation for contemplative prayer as a way of deepening one’s spiritual life, and his strong belief that parish activities can only be fruitful if they are coming from space of prayer, Fr. Manny so wants his parishioners to experience centering prayer. It is because of this that COP has been welcomed so warmly at St. John Bosco Parish and has been invited to have its Secretariat and Center at Room 211. COP is deeply grateful to the parish for giving us a nicely-appointed room, one that we have come to call fondly as the “Upper Room”. The center functions as the Secretariat as well as a bookstore where materials on Centering Prayer (books & audio cassette tapes) are sold. It’s also a place where members can go and rest awhile in silence, listen to meditative music, bond with other kindred souls to refresh themselves, mind, soul and spirit.

The new COP Center is manned by a full time secretary and some member volunteers who, in their free time, come to do what they can for the ministry. Another wonderful sign that our home at Don Bosco Parish has God’s blessings is the presence of our secretary, Faith Faburada, who with her quiet demeanor and extraordinary competence as she goes about her work also makes it easier for all of us to do our mission with greater efficiency and joy. Do come to our COP Center at Rm 211, St. John Bosco Parish Building. Enjoy the peaceful ambiance . Rest your bodies, hearts and souls in the quiet and comfort of the center. With kindred souls, share a few moments of joyful fellowship. It can be so nourishing and life-giving...

10 Days in Snowmass – a personal account by Miren Sun

Last April 15-24, 2008, four Filipinos joined the Post Intensive Retreat in Snowmass, Colorado. If there was a common sentiment among the first time attendees, Dedette Gamboa, Terly Chikiamco and myself, it was that it was such a blessing to have the opportunity to attend a retreat in Colorado! The anticipation surely matched the eventual experience. For Billie Trinidad, it was her fifth time to attend. Nevertheless, I could still sense the joy of being back to a place that has surely been a witness to the ups and downs of her life in all the years she has been going there. We took a train ride (AMTRAK) from Denver to Colorado Springs. It was a leisurely ride that took more than eight hours rather than the scheduled six. After dinner, we had our opening session which was attended by the retreatants and the four staffers: Pat Johnson, Fr. Charlie Albanese, Sherry Dutelle and Carol DiMarcello. Fr. Thomas Keating and Fr. Micah Schonberger also joined us. The retreatants were composed mostly by people from the US, a couple were from and us four Filipinos. After the session, the Grand Silence began. We were instructed: No talking. No eye-contact until the end of eight days. Retreatants were roomed within the retreat house or hermitages. Billie and Dedette stayed in St. Clare’s hermitage while Terly and I stayed in St. Teresa. Hermitages are small cottages located within a short distance to the retreat house that can house two people comfortably. On our first day of Grand Silence, when Terly opened the door going out for our afternoon sit, she gave out a yelp. Yes, it sounded like a yelp but it was actually her restrained expression of delight as we saw snow falling. We hugged each other and were teary eyed as we felt it was God’s little treat to us Filipinos to see snow “in action”. Each day we would join the monks in their prayers. We joined the mass in the morning and vespers in the evening. Many of the monks left impressions on us but most especially Abbott Joseph, who after asking our names only once would mention our names as we received communion! And he was so handsome! All four of us had a crush on him! Going to and from the retreat house and the monastery was also an experience as the weather would be a challenge. Some generous co- retreatants who had cars would stop and pick us up along the way. Sometimes though, I would choose to brave the cold. One day I found out Fr. TK wanted to meet with us. We could not contain our excitement to be singled out to meet with him. Billie says Fr. TK always makes it a point to meet Filipinos since we have come a long way. Of course, we had to temporarily say goodbye to silence as we could not help but have an animated exchange with our dear Fr. Tom. One of the things that crossed my mind prior to the retreat was will I be able to cope with eight days of silence? After experiencing it, I can say to anyone that it is true what I have heard. When we place ourselves in the loving arms of God, how can He not take care of us? This was a wonderfully unique retreat for me as I went through days of silence. We were encouraged to abstain from reading even spiritual books. It seemed strange but I eventually understood why. With no inputs, any inspiration that came could only come from God. Such as once while watching the snow falling, I heard a voice inside say, “Do you see how many snowflakes there are falling? These are as many as the blessings I have given you…these are as many as the blessings I will still give to you.” On the 6 th day, we were given a retreat within a retreat which meant during this day, we were free to do what we wanted. We did not have to follow the daily schedule except show up for meals if we wished. I chose to brown bag my lunch and go up the famed Bernie’s hill. On the ninth day, when I woke up, I could not believe that eight days had passed, seven of which was in complete silence. When silence was finally broken by the end of the day, you can imagine how noisy everyone was! People were talking about how difficult it was to avoid eye contact. However, what was amazing was, in spite of the silence, there was a bond that formed among the attendees. This bond was not merely because of the shared retreat experience but I suspect is mainly due to the Centering Prayer experience. The retreatants had a variety of backgrounds which made it interesting to talk to them while the staff..? I cannot say enough about their dedication and the love by which they served us. Months after the retreat, back in the daily grind, the retreat feels like a wonderful dream. It is a dream that came true and has become a promise that one day, in God’s time, I will go back.

THE FOUR YOU ’S By Thomas Keating C.O. News June 2008, Volume 23. Number 2 June 2008

Let us tune into the level of our being that is more us than we normally perceive ourselves to be. A series of questions might focus on this ultimate identity.

If I ask, “Who are you?” you might give me your resume or information that you provide for a doctor about your health history. This “you” is the you of ordinary everyday psychological awareness. It tends to dominate our consciousness and absorb our attention. We access this level through our senses and rational apparatus. It is a marvelous evolutionary development, but it is only the foundation that introduces us to deeper levels of ourselves. A further level involves our ego development. It is the “you” that is your personality and character. One way to bring this out is to ask the question with a different emphasis, “Who ARE you?” Meaning who are you beyond your face, temperament, genetic endowments, external activities, accomplishments, and failures, etc. It is the question that you ask when you are establishing a deep friendship with someone that involves a commitment of time, energy and love. This “you” involves your inmost dispositions, how you respond to conflict, what you most desire in life. It is limited by the straight-jacket of particular projects for happiness that were imposed upon us or that we ourselves invented in our developmental years. When we are disposed to think of happiness in other ways than those around which we have organized our lives up till now, the issue becomes finding oneself, whoever that is, and we begin to wonder whether the first two “you’s”—the resume and the ego “you”—are really “me” at all?

There is still a deeper you and the question can now be asked with a new emphasis, “Who are YOU?” This is the mystery of the deepest “YOU”. This you is in relationship with those who love you; who love you, not just casually for what they can get from you, but who love you for exactly who you are, including things that you don’t like in yourself. This is the relationship that God proposes to have with us in virtue of creating us. It is accepted when we give up worrying about changing things anymore, and focus on changing ourselves. Along with this awareness goes the increasing certainty that we cannot fix ourselves. We don’t know where to begin. God’s plan is the transformation of our consciousness of our various “you’s” into the “thou” of union, and into the deeper oneness of unity that opens us to all that exists—God, other people, the universe, and ourselves. This “you” is both nothing and everything at the same time. It is no thing. To be no thing is essential for happiness, because only then are we free to be everything, which is what God is. We no longer see things as objects to be controlled, but see them as ourselves. The I AM that calls us as a “thou”, shares with us its own divine nature and being. That is what might be called the “True Self ”. To put it in Judeo- Christian terms, it is the image and likeness of God in us. This is not a separate self at all, but rather the uniqueness that God has called us to be as an eternal thought activated in time and space.

Beyond the True Self there is a still a deeper self. The True Self manifests God and allows God’s love to manifest itself in our uniqueness. The self that we are at the deepest level is not separate from God. Distinct – yes. But never separate. In Christian terms, it is God sharing the divine life with us. It is the divine Self of infinite happiness, joy, freedom, peace—all the things that we would like to be and which we already are once we accept ourselves at the deepest level. This might be called Christ consciousness. It is bigger and greater than any religion. It is the Word of God made flesh and “enlightening everyone coming into the world” (John 1:9). Our destiny is to be God by participating in that which is without any limit, while not losing our own uniqueness. One of the great mystics is reported to have said, “There is no me but God” (Catherine of Genoa). That is the peak of humility as well as transformation. The contemplative dimension of the Gospel awakens the ultimate YOU. The I AM of God and our “thou” become one (John 17:21 ff).


There’s a saying about the Irish: Be they kings, or poets, or farmers, they're a people of great worth, they keep company with the angels, and bring a bit of heaven here to earth. Those who’ve had the pleasure of knowing Fr. Martin O’loghlen will agree wholeheartedly.

Last July 24, 2008, members of Contemplative Outreach Philippines (COP) introduced their beloved Fr. Martin – who was set to return to California for reassignment after a five year stint in the Philippines- to another distinctively Filipino experience: the despedida , complete with the requisite food, laughter, tears, ‘kodakan’, hugs, kisses and lots of love.

COP went out of its way to make sure the event was one to remember: Tess Colayco led off with a message for Fr. Martin, capping it in a manner which Fr. Martin is himself is also famous for, by using a traditional Irish Blessing. Aside from a rousing song number, the COP also presented Fr. Martin with an eminently useful going away present – a two piece luggage set which Fr. Martin was clearly thrilled to receive. It is rumored however that the gift came with a condition – namely that he throw out the ratty old luggage he had previously been using.

Brand new bags aside however, it was clear that the most valuable ‘gift’ of the night came in the form of Fr. Martin’s sister, Carmel, who was the special guest for the evening. Carmel had arrived a few days earlier to spend some time with her brother (and see the Philippines) before they had to part ways again, as she returned to Ireland while he flew to California.

As the evening wound down, Fr. Martin became teary eyed as he reminisced about the first time he arrived in Manila and hooked up with the Centering Prayer Group of Monina La’O, where he eventually joined Chuchi, Cora and Gerard and the rest of the group in their weekly prayer meetings. Miles away from his birthplace, here he had managed to find a place where he truly felt he had found his “home”.

Fr. Martin is not the only one saddened by his departure. The tall, ever-genial Irish priest will be sorely missed, not only for his valuable formation talks, or his wisdom, spirituality, and dedication. He will be missed even more because of his friendship, for his willingness to make sacrifices for those friends, and to share with them his love of the arts. Moreover, because of the efforts of Fr. Martin, the Bagong Silang community of the Ang Muling Pagkabuhay ng Ating Panginoon Parish (AMPAPP), where he served as parish priest, has found an ‘adoptive parent’ in COP, with some of its members doing regular outreach for the community on top of supporting the teaching and spreading of Centering Prayer and Lectio Divina. In this way, even with Fr. Martin leaving his second home here in the Philippines, that little piece of heaven he brought with him will stay for a long, long time… God bless you, Fr. Martin!!

May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be ever at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rain fall softly on your fields. And until we meet again, may God hold you in the hollow of his hand. (Irish Blessing)

A sunbeam to warm you, A moonbeam to charm you, A sheltering angel, so nothing can harm you. (Irish Blessing) The Coin Called Centering Prayer By Chuchi Daroy

Yesterday, I perused the news of the stock market crash worldwide and advised my mother and sister to monitor their investments. After my doom and gloom scenario my sister remarked that I was being too negative. I answered that I was just asking them to accept the reality of the day’s headlines.

As I went into my room to pray, the Holy Spirit manifested herself in the revelation that I had made the winningest, no-fail investment of all – giving my Yes to God’s Presence and action within every time I breathe my Sacred Word in Centering Prayer, two times each day. Each Yes was a coin dropped into the bank of God’s grace, opening up myself, my time, my thoughts and my actions to His guidance and compassionate mercy. Yes, Lord, You are my only real treasure, the only guarantee I trust fully, the one thing without which my life cannot be. Indeed doing Centering Prayer for the past 10 years, in a gradual but sure way, opened me up to the working and grace of the Holy Spirit in my life.

At first there were the initial struggles of establishing the discipline of two sits 20 minutes each time in the middle of my busy days, the learning to stop, be still and let God work in me. As time passed, Centering Prayer bore fruit in the gifts of insight and self-knowledge – there are times when the Holy Spirit would shine her light on mundane everyday things as well as in my Scripture readings. Love comes to me more easily than before, and with love came forgiveness and charity. I learned to stretch my understanding and my very self to embrace people and situations that were before for me unbearable and difficult. Today, I walk with Gospel truth manifesting itself in daily life. The urge to pray has become stronger – whereas before doing Centering Prayer was a duty, a discipline, it is now for me an act of love, entering into God’s embrace that I eagerly look forward to and consent. Yes, my consent is my one true investment in the eternity of a faith-filled life. Now this investment is bearing fruit, with dividends of a deeper faith, a true peace that helps me bear my cross each day.

I believe that in the midst of this crisis God is calling us to live the victory of the Kingdom of the Word. How, it is by calling us to bear witness to His majesty and power over the forces of the world. I don’t know if you have experienced this, but in the past months I have been drawn into the witness of more and more people opening their hearts and their resources to helping the growing number of needy people in our society. Many have responded to this cry in selfless ways, by praying, sharing time, talent and goods, and by spreading God’s Word – being a Fifth Gospel for our time. Even I am greatly moved in this direction to serve God’s community as a fruit of my investment in the spiritual journey, in Centering Prayer.

With this simple sharing, I invite you to start investing in God’s Kingdom, to start dropping your coins of faithful Centering Prayer everyday and wait upon God. Just wait on Him, be still and listen to the Word grow and bear fruit in your life.

Let Me Do It Now … And Faithfully

Oh sweet loving God

We firmly believe that whoever we are, and whatever we are, You have empowered us. We have so much to share, to impart and contribute to your people.

We have duties to fulfill, responsibilities to perform. We have to work and continue your mission. We have received your love and want to give it to others. We are called to be at your service, and we have specific role to play.

So, let us do it now… Let me do my part now…faithfully.


C.O.P. Centering Prayer G roups (CPG)

ALABANG MAKATI St. Jerome CPG Don Bosco CPG TUESDAYS, 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. MONDAYS, 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. #425 Acacia St. Ayala Alabang, Muntinlupa Rm, 211, Don Bosco Parish Center Facilitator : Anna Marie Llanos Pasay Road, Makati City Tel. Nos. 842-4030; 842-01201; 0921-8429833 Facilitator : Tess Colayco Alternate : Mae Josol 0917-6813507 Tel Nos. 817-9499; 0917-817 3267 Alternate : Ping Ong 0917-6255123 MAKATI San Antonio CPG SAN JUAN MONDAYS, 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Mary the Queen CPG Santuario de San Antonio, Parlor Room, Forbes Park, Makati THURSDAYS, 8:30 to 10 p.m. Facilitator : Doris See Mary the Queen Parish Center Tel. Nos. 0917-8151995 Facilitator : Miren Sun Alternate: Josie Tordesillas 0915-9842390 Tel. Nos. 0918-9032124; 725-7615

Our Lady of the Rosary CPG BINONDO TUESDAYS, 10:15 a.m. to 12 noon San Lorenzo Ruiz CPG Martha's Vineyard, Estrella St., Makati TUESDAYS, 8:00 to 9:00 a.m. Facilitator : Tess Colayco Basilica de San Lorenzo Ruiz, Bino ndo Tel Nos. 817 -9499; 0917 -817 3267 Facilitator : Beth Ngo Alternate : Carmel Dael 0917 -8008865 Tel Nos. 243 -3969; 0922 -9947905 Atlernate : Jhulie Teh 0917-7962435 Galilee CPG WEDNESDAYS, 10 a.m. to 12 noon St. Joseph CPG #31 McKinley Rd., Forbes Park, Makati TUESDAYS, 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Facilitator : Marrot Moreno Binondo Chinese Mission Parish, Manila Tel Nos. 0917-8906750 Facilitator : Beth Ngo Alternate : Lita Ascalon 0918-9101041 Tel Nos. 243-3969; 0922-9947905 Atlernate : Jhulie Teh 0917-7962435 St. Benedict's CPG MONDAYS, 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. St. Therese CPG Ground Flr., PALMYRA Apts. WEDNESDAYS, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. #6083 Palma St., Makati City Binondo Chinese Mission Parish, Manila Facilitator : Minda Villamayor Facilitator : Jhulie Teh 641-8982 Tel. No. 0917-5339307 Tel Nos. 0917-7962435 Alternate : Tess Castañeda 0918-9236074

QUEZON CITY ORTIGAS, PASIG CITY St. Raphael CPG St. Gabriel's CPG TUESDAYS, 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. TUESDAYS, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Christ The King Parish Center, Greenmeadows San Miguel Corp. Head Office Facilitator : Susan Chua #40 San Miguel Ave., Mandaluyong Tel No. 0917-8403841 Facilitator : Terly Chikiamco Alternate : Rita Go 0917-8190251 Tel. Nos. 638-5664; 0917-8415417

St. Ignatius CPG MANDALUYONG MONDAYS, 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. St. Michael's CPG Our Lady of Pentecost Parish THURSDAYS, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. C. Salvador St. #819-B, Torres St. Shaw Blvd. Mandaluyong Loyola Heights , Q.C. Facilitator : Chuchi Daroy Facilitator : Agnes Chan Tel. No. 0917-8379944 Tel No. 929-5854; 0920-9228054 Alternate : Terly Chikiamco 0917-8415417 Alternate : Esther Pacheco 0921-3558469 CALOOCAN Virgin of the Poor CPG Ang Muling Pagkabuhay ng Ating Panginoon TUESDAYS, 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. THURSDAYS, 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Radio Veritas Asia Compound, Fairview, Q.C. AMPAP, Bagong Silang, Caloocan Facilitator : Maya Santiano Facilitator : Meriam Albeza Tel Nos. 938-4780; 0917-8239000 Tel No. 0910-6579437; 951-5342 Alternate : Monina Garcia c/o RV 939-0011

PARAÑAQUE BACOLOD Presentation of the Child Jesus CPG Kalinungan CPG WEDNESDAYS, 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. MONDAYS, 3:45 to 5:00 p.m. Presentation of the Child Jesus Parish Center Balay Kalinungan, Univ. of La Salle Aguirre Ave., BF Homes, Parañaque Facililtator : Lourdes de Leon Facilitator : Pixie Cuisia Tel No. 0919-6176463 Tel No. 0917-524-4779

PASIG Our Lady of Peace CPG WEDNESDAYS, 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. #26 Oliva St. Valle Verde 4, Pasig Facilitator : Baby Dee Tel Nos. 635-2210; 0917-8340125

20 Oct 2008


Currently available during COP workshops and retreats, and at the Secretariat are:


By Fr. Thomas Keating, O.C.S.O.: Open Mind Open Heart - P150 Manifesting God - 150 Invitation to Love - 150 Intimacy With God - 150 Mystery of Christ - 150 Fruits and Gifts of the Spirit - 150 Human Condition - 100 Crisis of Faith - 80 Crisis of Faith, Crisis of Love - 80 Awakenings - 80 Reawakenings - 80 The Kingdom of God is Like - 80 The Heart of the World - 80

By Fr. M. Basil Pennington, O.C.S.O.: Call to the Center - 100 Living Our Priesthood Today - 50 The Way Back Home - 50

For orders, call Secretariat Tel. Nos. 750-0231 Email: [email protected]


Mini-Intensive Retreat February 16-20 Lake Island Resort Binangonan, Rizal

Introduction to CP Retreat March 6-8 Karis Retreat Center Tagaytay City

Deepening Retreat September 11-13 St. Retreat House Tagaytay City

Introducing... Faith by Tess Colayco

At about the same time that it was blessed with an office to call its own at the St. John Bosco Parish in Makati, COP started scouting around for a secretary to man the fort. Dedette who was in-charge of coming up with the job description and qualifications of our future secretary sent me her list. As if cued by an angel, immediately I thought of only one person. There was this very soft-spoken lady who had been attending our Don Bosco weekly CP support group off and on for about a year. Something about her quiet but deep persona made an impression on me especially when she would share during the lectio part of our prayer session. It did not take long before I came up with the perfect candidate – her name is Faith Sheila Faburada. I texted her and asked if she would consider applying as COP Center secretary. Her answer was: “Yes, ma’am. …if I’m qualified.” She emailed her resume and I was more than pleasantly surprised. Her professional qualifications were over and above what we were looking for, based on her educational and work experience. Faith is a certified public accountant and has held very responsible and senior positions in the corporate world. But her heart was not in that kind of work atmosphere, her ideal job being one that would, according to her, somehow be instrumental in her spiritual growth. What a happy “coincidence”! Since my job is to oversee the Secretariat, I work closely with Faith as our secretary. It has been 4 months since I’ve teamed up with her in running the center. All I can say is that it is a joy working with her. Her quiet and gentle demeanor is perfect given COP’s contemplative values of Silence, Solitude and Prayer. Her professional skills are exceptional (i.e., computer savvy and very organized in the more clerical aspects of the job). What more can I ask? I leave it to the others in the Circle of Service who having seen Faith up close and observed her both as a secretary and as one of us, COP members walking the journey, to share their impressions of Faith. “Faith is quietly efficient; a contemplative at work.” (Lita Salinas)… “We have found a gem in Faith. She strikes me as a true contemplative, a silent and efficient worker who gets things done quickly without too much fuss. Proactive and flexible, she can get things done quickly, adjust and work well with different types of people with different idiosyncracies. Thank God she is a “techie” because I am not. Now I have someone to run to for help with the computer and all this hi-tech stuff.” (Dedette Gamboa)… “Faith is low key, hardworking, reliable and a real asset to COP Secretariat.” (Ping Ong)…“What can I say about Faith? She is a very silent presence, very unassuming, responsible, and concerning her work, nothing is impossible.” (Rita Go)… “She is quiet and dependable, works well with minimum fuss, a faithful silent partner in Mission.”(Pixie Cuisia)…“Perfect for the position. Magaling! Napakagaling! Sense of humor, initiative, knowledegeable, witty. Can read my thoughts before I can say it; fast and most of all Keating-oriented.” (Meny de la Rosa)…“COP is blessed to have a contemplative secretary in Faith. Even her name fits her.”(Doris See)…“Faith is quite shy but very helpful and works fast. Mabait at mapasensya pa. Am happy she’s our girl at the COP center.” (Minda Villamayor)…”Faith is truly God-sent. A true contemplative – does ordinary things in an extraordinary way with extraordinary love.” (Billie Trinidad). …“She strikes me as a serious worker, one who listens intently too, and does with dedication the tasks she is asked to do. . . Intelligent and does not need too much coaching. . I think we are lucky to have this heaven-sent lady.” (Violet de Borja)…“She’s quiet, reserved, contemplative, knows a lot about computers, very respectful talking to people. I think God sent her to us for a purpose.” (Anna Marie Llanos)…“Faith is God’s gift to COP. She personifies a “contemplative lay person”, as she is quiet, soft spoken. In the same manner that God has been instrumental in finding our new and ‘homey’ COP Secretariat Office, so has God given us the gift of Faith.” (Terly Chikiamco). So that’s Faith Sheila Faburada, our Martha and Mary secretary. May her journey with COP be blessed with much joy and grace even as we are blessed having her in our COP family.

Contemplative Outreach Philippines Newsletter


MISSION STATEMENT Servant Leadership Team Terly Chikiamco The primary purpose of Contemplative Outreach Philippines Tess Colayco is to teach the method of Centering Prayer and to offer practices that Pixie Cuisia bring its fruits into daily life. The Outreach also teaches Lectio Divina Dedette Gamboa (Sacred Reading), particularly its movement into contemplative prayer as facilitated by a regular practice of Centering Prayer. The ministry Rita Go offers workshops, retreats, and formation programs designed to Anna Marie Llanos present the richness of the Christian contemplative heritage in an Lita T. Salinas updated and accessible format. Doris See Contemplative Outreach Philippines is authorized to use the Nancy Tambunting formats of Fr. Thomas Keating, O.C.S.O., founder of Contemplative Billie Trinidad Outreach Ltd. In the United States and one of the three Trappist monks who developed Centering Prayer. The Archdiocese of Manila recognizes the Outreach as the official organization authorized to Editorial Staff teach Centering Prayer and its formation programs through its bona Chuchi Daroy fide commissioned presenters. Tess Colayco Centering Prayer is a prayer of interior silence and alert receptivity to the Divine Indwelling, the center of one’s being. Terly Chikiamco Together with the daily practice of Lectio Divina , growth in Prayer Miren Sun awakens the spiritual level of one’s consciousness. One’s will is cultivated to constantly and repeatedly consent to God’s presence and action as one becomes increasingly aware of them in day-to-day living.

CO NTEMPLATIVE OUTREACH PHILIPPINES Rm. 211 Don Bosco Parish Center Don Bosco Parish, Pasay Road, Makati City