Minnesota Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board Suite 190 . Centennial Office Building . 658 Cedar Street . St. Paul MN 55155-1603 . 651/296-5148 . 800/657-3889 e-mail at:
[email protected] Report of Receipts and Expenditures for Principal Campaign Committee Period Covered: January 1 through December 31, 2010 Filing Instructions = This report may be filed by facsimile. Fax number: 651/296-1722 or 800/357-4114 = All information on this report is public information and will be published on the Board's website. = Address questions to Board staff at 651/296-1720 or 800/657-3889 Committee Information Candidate name Registration Number Mark Dayton 16881 Treasurer name Shelli Hesselroth Committee Name Mark Dayton For A Better Minnesota Treasurer Address P.O. Box 75424 Treasurer city, state, zip Treasurer telephone (daytime) St. Paul, MN 55175-5424 (763) 559-7737 Exception Report Check one of the boxes belowonly if applicable and provide the requested information. Check this box only if your committee received no contributions and made no expenditures No Change Statement during this period. Do not check this box if there was any monetary change. If there was no change: Provide the current cash balance: , and sign here I, the treasurer deputy treasurer, or candidate (check one) Date certify there has been no change Amendment Check this box if your committee is filing this report to amend a previously filed report Provide date of the report being amended: Termination* Check this box if your committee has dissolved. Do not check this box unless the committee has settled all its debts and disposed of all its assets in excess of $100 *If your committee is terminating you must also complete a Statement of Termination.