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VOLUME 38 NUMBER 3 SPRING, 1955 %'.-ak WRi|| -M'^M llfiill- iftj#a'.iirSf^^*^^ l s'"^v • ^-, • ''V 11 'M ^"l j .£(W W".'* R 1 £ ?i' • ^&J| ' '« V "• -V* i? X<» T"t ^.: •.<!n.,^. •'•-•1>*3 Here it is: springtime in miniature, picturing beauty and stillness. Sequestered, with bird song and quiet flow of the Mullet, here is peace in ISature^s little spot. Mirroring the trees crowding its bank, the placid stream flows a leisurely way through Old Wade House State Park, a unit of the hill and vale and forest of the lovely Kettle Moraine landscape. A more extensive view ON THE COVER would picture in the foreground, left, massive Wade House, brooding over a bygone day; to the right, the restored blacksmith shop, sheltering its own bulky treasures. Great elms—fresh green—shading the stage coach inn, wild flowering crabapple wearing a blush of pink, native shrubs showing their own blossom splendor, all silently at work to give someone a moment of beauty and surcease from toil. The WISCONSIN MAGAZINE OF HISTORY is published by the Stale Historical Soricty of Wis consin, 816 State Street, Madison 6, Wisconsin. Distributed to members as part of their dues (Annual Membership, $4.00; Contributing, $10; Business and Professional, $25: Life, $100; Sustaining, $100 or more annually; Patron, $1,000 or more annually.) \ early subscription, $4.00; single numbers, $1.00. As of July 1, 1954, introductory offer for NKVV members only, Annual dues $1.00, Magazine subscription $3.00. Communications should be addressed to the editor. The Society does not assume responsibility for statements made by contributors.
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