938 bus time schedule & line map

938 Road - Wyke College View In Website Mode

The 938 bus line (Wawne Road - Wyke College) has 4 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) <-> Bricknell Estate: 8:00 AM (2) Bricknell Estate <-> Bransholme: 4:15 PM (3) Bricknell Estate <-> Orchard Park: 4:15 PM (4) Orchard Park <-> Bricknell Estate: 8:25 AM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 938 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 938 bus arriving.

Direction: Bransholme <-> Bricknell Estate 938 bus Time Schedule 35 stops Bransholme <-> Bricknell Estate Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 8:00 AM Ringstead Garth, Bransholme Tuesday 8:00 AM Wawne Ferry, Bransholme Wednesday 8:00 AM Littleham Close, Bransholme Thursday 8:00 AM

Leadhills Way, Noddle Hill Friday 8:00 AM Drummond Court, Saturday Not Operational Fulmar Close, Noddle Hill

Scampton Garth, Noddle Hill

Noddle Hill Way, Bransholme 938 bus Info Direction: Bransholme <-> Bricknell Estate Astral Way, Bransholme Stops: 35 Trip Duration: 40 min Wawne Road, Kingston Upon Hull Line Summary: Ringstead Garth, Bransholme, Truro Close, Bransholme Wawne Ferry, Bransholme, Littleham Close, Bransholme, Leadhills Way, Noddle Hill, Fulmar Close, Midmere School, Bransholme Noddle Hill, Scampton Garth, Noddle Hill, Noddle Hill Way, Bransholme, Astral Way, Bransholme, Truro Close, Bransholme, Midmere School, Bransholme, Dorchester Road, Bransholme Dorchester Road, Bransholme, Winifred Holtby Wimbourne Close, Kingston Upon Hull School, Bransholme, Midmere Avenue, Bransholme, Bude Road, Bransholme, Stroud Crescent West, Winifred Holtby School, Bransholme Bransholme, Coleford Grove, Bransholme, Marsdale, Sutton Park, Clarondale, Sutton Park, Cotterdale, Midmere Avenue, Bransholme Sutton Park, Grandale, Sutton Park, Thomas Clarkson Way, Sutton Park, Ennerdale, Sutton Park, Bude Road, Bransholme Welwyn Park Avenue, Ghost Estate, Pilot, Orchard Park, 1st Avenue, Orchard Park, 8th Avenue, Stroud Crescent West, Bransholme Orchard Park, Ada Holmes Circle, Orchard Park, 25th Avenue, Orchard Park, 32nd Avenue, Orchard Park, Coleford Grove, Bransholme 33rd Avenue, Orchard Park, Cottingham Hull Road, Cheltenham Avenue, Kingston Upon Hull Cottingham, Cottingham Hull Road, Cottingham, Cottingham Hull Road, Cottingham, Cottingham Marsdale, Sutton Park Bricknell Avenue, Cottingham, Hotham Road North, Bricknell Estate Clarondale, Sutton Park

Cotterdale, Sutton Park Cotterdale, Kingston Upon Hull

Grandale, Sutton Park

Thomas Clarkson Way, Sutton Park Ennerdale, Kingston Upon Hull

Ennerdale, Sutton Park

Welwyn Park Avenue, Ghost Estate

Humber Pilot, Orchard Park

1st Avenue, Orchard Park

8th Avenue, Orchard Park 8th Avenue, Kingston Upon Hull

Ada Holmes Circle, Orchard Park Greenwood Avenue, Kingston Upon Hull

25th Avenue, Orchard Park

32nd Avenue, Orchard Park

33rd Avenue, Orchard Park

Cottingham Hull Road, Cottingham

Cottingham Hull Road, Cottingham

Cottingham Hull Road, Cottingham

Cottingham Bricknell Avenue, Cottingham

Hotham Road North, Bricknell Estate Direction: Bricknell Estate <-> Bransholme 938 bus Time Schedule 33 stops Bricknell Estate <-> Bransholme Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 4:15 PM Bishop Alcock Road, Bricknell Estate Tuesday 4:15 PM Leyburn Avenue, Bricknell Estate Wednesday 4:15 PM Welton Grove, Bricknell Estate Thursday 4:15 PM

Arram Grove, Friday 4:15 PM

Endyke Lane, Inglemire Saturday Not Operational

Lastingham Close, Orchard Park

32nd Avenue, Orchard Park 938 bus Info 22nd Avenue, Orchard Park Direction: Bricknell Estate <-> Bransholme Stops: 33 Trip Duration: 40 min Greenwood Ave Library, Orchard Park Line Summary: Bishop Alcock Road, Bricknell Estate, Ada Holmes Circle, Kingston Upon Hull Leyburn Avenue, Bricknell Estate, Welton Grove, Bricknell Estate, Arram Grove, Inglemire, Endyke 6th Avenue, Orchard Park Lane, Inglemire, Lastingham Close, Orchard Park, 32nd Avenue, Orchard Park, 22nd Avenue, Orchard 2nd Avenue, Orchard Park Park, Greenwood Ave Library, Orchard Park, 6th Avenue, Orchard Park, 2nd Avenue, Orchard Park, Beverley Road, Ghost Estate Beverley Road, Ghost Estate, Elston Close, Ghost Estate, Ennerdale Leisure Centre, Sutton Park, Elston Close, Ghost Estate Grandale Shops, Sutton Park, Gorsedale, Sutton Park, Grizedale, Sutton Park, Jendale, Sutton Park, Ennerdale Leisure Centre, Sutton Park Wensleydale, Sutton Park, Tiverton Road, Sutton Road, Kingston Upon Hull Bransholme, Honiton Road, Bransholme, Sutton Gardens, Bransholme, Perran Close, Bransholme, Grandale Shops, Sutton Park Logan Close, Bransholme, Truro Close, Bransholme, Wawne Road, Bransholme, Lanyon Close, Gorsedale, Sutton Park Bransholme, Upavon Garth, Noddle Hill, Rufforth Garth, Noddle Hill, Patrington Garth, Noddle Hill, Grizedale, Sutton Park Swinderby Garth, Bransholme, Porlock Drive, Bransholme, Haydock Garth, Bransholme Jendale, Sutton Park Littondale, Kingston Upon Hull

Wensleydale, Sutton Park Wensleydale, Kingston Upon Hull

Tiverton Road, Bransholme

Honiton Road, Bransholme

Sutton Gardens, Bransholme Sutton Gardens, Kingston Upon Hull

Perran Close, Bransholme Perran Close, Kingston Upon Hull Logan Close, Bransholme

Truro Close, Bransholme

Wawne Road, Bransholme B1237, Kingston Upon Hull

Lanyon Close, Bransholme

Upavon Garth, Noddle Hill

Rufforth Garth, Noddle Hill

Patrington Garth, Noddle Hill Patrington Garth, Kingston Upon Hull

Swinderby Garth, Bransholme Swinderby Garth, Kingston Upon Hull

Porlock Drive, Bransholme

Haydock Garth, Bransholme Direction: Bricknell Estate <-> Orchard Park 938 bus Time Schedule 11 stops Bricknell Estate <-> Orchard Park Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 4:15 PM Bishop Alcock Road, Bricknell Estate Tuesday 4:15 PM Leyburn Avenue, Bricknell Estate Wednesday 4:15 PM Welton Grove, Bricknell Estate Thursday 4:15 PM

Arram Grove, Inglemire Friday 4:15 PM

Endyke Lane, Inglemire Saturday Not Operational

Lastingham Close, Orchard Park

32nd Avenue, Orchard Park 938 bus Info 22nd Avenue, Orchard Park Direction: Bricknell Estate <-> Orchard Park Stops: 11 Trip Duration: 15 min Greenwood Ave Library, Orchard Park Line Summary: Bishop Alcock Road, Bricknell Estate, Ada Holmes Circle, Kingston Upon Hull Leyburn Avenue, Bricknell Estate, Welton Grove, Bricknell Estate, Arram Grove, Inglemire, Endyke 6th Avenue, Orchard Park Lane, Inglemire, Lastingham Close, Orchard Park, 32nd Avenue, Orchard Park, 22nd Avenue, Orchard 2nd Avenue, Orchard Park Park, Greenwood Ave Library, Orchard Park, 6th Avenue, Orchard Park, 2nd Avenue, Orchard Park Direction: Orchard Park <-> Bricknell Estate 938 bus Time Schedule 11 stops Orchard Park <-> Bricknell Estate Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 8:25 AM 1st Avenue, Orchard Park Tuesday 8:25 AM 8th Avenue, Orchard Park 8th Avenue, Kingston Upon Hull Wednesday 8:25 AM

Ada Holmes Circle, Orchard Park Thursday 8:25 AM Greenwood Avenue, Kingston Upon Hull Friday 8:25 AM

25th Avenue, Orchard Park Saturday Not Operational

32nd Avenue, Orchard Park

33rd Avenue, Orchard Park 938 bus Info Cottingham Hull Road, Cottingham Direction: Orchard Park <-> Bricknell Estate Stops: 11 Cottingham Hull Road, Cottingham Trip Duration: 15 min Line Summary: 1st Avenue, Orchard Park, 8th Cottingham Hull Road, Cottingham Avenue, Orchard Park, Ada Holmes Circle, Orchard Park, 25th Avenue, Orchard Park, 32nd Avenue, Cottingham Bricknell Avenue, Cottingham Orchard Park, 33rd Avenue, Orchard Park, Cottingham Hull Road, Cottingham, Cottingham Hull Road, Cottingham, Cottingham Hull Road, Hotham Road North, Bricknell Estate Cottingham, Cottingham Bricknell Avenue, Cottingham, Hotham Road North, Bricknell Estate 938 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in . About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved