CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E539 HON
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April 16, 1996 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E539 much his presence and guidance were missed The association was started by a visionary trict were honored for their notable contribu- in this institution, and how the Congress is en- named Donald E. Dickason, a former director tions to northwest Indiana. Student Recogni- riched to have him back, and in good health. of nonacademic personnel at the University of tion Awards, a President's Award, a Commu- Anyone who knows LOU STOKES knows it Illinois at Champaign in 1946. At that time, nity Outreach Award, a Cesar Chavez award would take nothing short of major surgery to Dickason invited representatives from more and an Outstanding Family Award were pre- keep him away from the House of Represent- than 50 post-secondary institutions in the Mid- sented by the Hispanic Coordinating Council atives. As it turns out, it was major heart sur- west to a forum to discuss problems unique to during a banquet held at the American Legion gery that kept LOU away, which seems fitting higher education personnel administration. He Post No. 369 in East Chicago, IN. because LOU has one major heart. I am envisioned an Association that would provide Sixty Hispanic students representing thirty pleased he came through his surgery with fly- timely information and support to help foster northwest Indiana and northeast Illinois high ing colors, and know he will resume his work leadership among personnel administrator. He schools were recognized for their academic with the same level of intensity and commit- envisioned an Association that would provide and athletic achievement. The students who ment we've all come to expect from him. I timely information and support to help foster received awards for Outstanding Academic thank the fine doctors of the Cleveland Clinic leadership among personnel administrators Achievement include: Melissa Hogg, Andrean for taking care of our good friend, and sending and growth among institutions. The 44 individ- High School; Angelica Quiroz, Calumet High him back to us as good as new. uals who attended the meeting agreed and School; April Ybarra, Clark Middle/Senior High As a member of the Ohio delegation and a thus CUPA was born. School; Leandro Cortez, Jr., East Chicago Representative from northeast Ohio, I have al- I first became aware of CUPA when I spon- Central High School; Fidel Lopez, Edison Jun- ways valued LOU's experience and wisdom, sored H.R. 127, the Employer Provided Edu- ior/Senior High School; Laura Rivera, Gavit and feel blessed to have a role model like him cation Assistance Act to reinstate the exclu- Middle/High School; Susan Barriga, Griffith in the House. In all my dealings with LOU sion from income for employees who receive Senior High School; Tina Rongel, Hammond STOKES he has been fair, forthright, and de- compensation for education expenses from High School; Iris Sanchez, Hanover Central cent, and it is greatly appreciated. their employer. As many colleges and univer- High School; Raymond Padron, Hebron Jun- So, on the occasion of his return to the sities use this valuable training and re-training ior/Senior High School; Nicole Yadron, High- House, I wish him well. The dean of the Ohio tool to help their personnel keep on the cutting land High School; Nina Ramos, Hobart High delegation was dearly missed, and I for one edge of new technology and information in School; Elvin Roman, Horace Mann High am very glad that he is back. various education fields, CUPA has helped to School; Megan Mendoza, Lowell High School; f lead the charge in trying to reinstate this im- Carmen Bonilla and Robert Martinez, Merrillville High School; Rebekah Perez, Mor- LARS ANDERSON portant provision to the tax code. It is in this tradition that CUPA promotes ef- ton High School; Christopher Garcia and fective management and development of Odette Gutierrez, Munster High School; James HON. BILL RICHARDSON human resources in higher education by pro- Espinoza, Portage High School; Patrica OF NEW MEXICO viding a forum for the exchange of ideas and Cisneros and Javier Fuentes, River Forest IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES providing valuable information and services to High School; Mabel Lamas and Allison Karas, Tuesday, April 16, 1996 its membership on the national, regional, and Thornton Fractional North High School; Leslie Mr. RICHARDSON. Mr. Speaker, it is with chapter level. Cruz, Thornton Fractional South High School; great respect and admiration that I honor Among the functions CUPA provides is the William Marquez and Alison DeSchamp, today a business associate, good friend, and distribution of information critical to expanding Valparaiso High School; and Santiago fellow New Mexican, Lars Anderson. and enhancing the higher education human Rodrigues, Jr., Whiting Middle/High School. The students who received awards for Out- Mr. Anderson was recently honored by the resource management profession through standing Athletic Achievement include: Mat- New Mexico AIDS Services by receiving the publications and other actions. CUPA provides thew Murawski, Andrean High School; Israel Ron McDaniel Award, named for the late AIDS such support and assistance to help its mem- Anthony Roman, Bishop Noll Institute; Daniel and human rights activist. This tribute recog- bership understand and comply with various Mendez, Boone Grove High School; Seleno nizes commitment and compassion for people federal laws and regulations such as the Civil Gomez, Calumet High School; Manuel impacted by HIV in Santa Fe, NM. Today I sa- Rights Act, the Age Discrimination in Employ- Amezcua, Clark Middle/Senior High School; lute Mr. Anderson for this revered honor. ment Act [ADEA], the Americans with Disabil- Mr. Anderson is a highly dedicated and re- ities Act [ADA], and the Family Medical Leave Paul Maldonado and Frank Chabes, East Chi- sponsible individual, whether in financial man- Act [FMLA] to name just a few. By providing cago Central High School; Nick Reyes, Edison agement, where I have benefited from his ex- this valuable information in a timely and pro- Junior/Senior High School; Enrique Luna, pertise, or in his steadfast endeavors to help fessional manner, CUPA helps to ensure their Gavit Middle/Senior High School; Stefanie others in need. He has been volunteering members are living up to both the spirit and Dominquez, Griffith Senior High School; Diana many hours for over 2 years with the Hand-in the intent of these important worker right and Cruz, Hammond High School; Jennifer Conley, Hand Practical Support Program, assisting protection laws. Hanover Central High School; Rachel those who are dying with AIDS. He has given CUPA has grown from the original 44 indi- Guzman, Highland High School; Kristopher his loyal support to help relieve the pain, both viduals who attended the first meeting in 1946 Kingery, Hobart High School; Jose Fogleman, physically and emotionally, to those afflicted to 6,100 human resource administrators rep- Lowell High School; Mike Villanueva, with this fatal disease. resenting more than 1,800 colleges and uni- Merrillville High School; David Mendoza, Mor- I am extremely grateful to be associated versities and other institutions interested in the ton High School; Alaina Altschu and Derek with Mr. Anderson. I respectfully invite all of advancement of the human resource profes- Serna, Munster High School; Nicholas Munoz my colleagues in the House of Representa- sion nationwide. and Leroy Vega, Portage High School; tives to join me in giving tribute to this es- I ask my colleagues to join me in recogniz- Mellissa Piunti, River Forest High School; and teemed New Mexican. ing the many accomplishments of CUPA, in Luis Dominguez, Whiting Middle/Senior High f congratulating them on 50 years of excellence, School. and in wishing them well in their next 50 years Those students who received awards for CUPA 50TH ANNIVERSARY of service. being an Outstanding Student include: William f Maldonado, East Chicago Central High HON. SANDER M. LEVIN School; Zack Escobedo, Lake Ridge Middle HISPANIC COORDINATING COUNCIL OF MICHIGAN School; Thomas Bonez, Portage High School; AWARDS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and Jason Lee Pedroza, River Forest High School. Tuesday, April 16, 1996 HON. PETER J. VISCLOSKY The Council also presented the Outstanding Mr. LEVIN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ac- OF INDIANA Family Award to Jose and Josephine Valtierra knowledge an association that has had a sig- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and their 11 children. This distinguished family nificant impact in the advancement of higher was carefully selected from many qualified education human resource managementÐthe Tuesday, April 16, 1996 families on the basis of their unity and dedica- College and University Personnel Association Mr. VISCLOSKY. Mr. Speaker, on Saturday, tion to one another's successes. The Senoras [CUPA], which celebrated its 50th anniversary April 13, 1996, numerous outstanding His- of Yesteryear received the President's Award. on April 11, 1996. panics from Indiana's First Congressional Dis- This Senoras of Yesteryear honors women.