THE HOUSE ef WALTMAN AND ITS ALLIED FAMILIES ALDERSON, BAKER, BOWMAN, BIERLY, BRITTAIN,CALDWELL, CAMPBELL, CHARLETON, CRAIGHEAD, ERWIN, FOWLER, FOX, GREENE, HAMPSHIRE, HARMON, KUDER, LA MANCE, LUTZ, LYTLE, McLANE, MILLER, MINNICH, NEWTON, NICHOLS, NOBLE, PARSLEY, RUCKLE, SCHMOYER, SHAFFER, TUCK, WALLACE, WATKINS, WILSON, YONCE, ZARFESS AND OTHERS <f3y LORAS. LAl\ifANCE u1uthor of THE GREENE FAMILY, A ROMANCE OF YESTERDAY, 8EAt:TIFUL HoME SuRROUNDINGs, HousE PLANTS COPYRIGHTED, I 928 LORA s. LA MANCE PRINTED BY THE RECORD co~,1PA:O.Y ST. AUGUSTINE FL•.>RIDA U.S.A. LOR:\ S. LAMANCE ERRATA Plea;se paste this sheet on the blank side of the frontispiece portrait of Mrs. La Mance. After the first thirteen chapters were off the press and the next twelve chapters pretty well set up, a perfect avalanche of data poured in. The book had to be out on contract time. The Author fell and broke her right shoulder. In spite of her pain she dictated changes to a stenographer. On account of the short ness of time and her inability to use her arm, the proofreader, 250 miles away, had to see to making these changes. Under these circumstances several mistakes were made. Chapter XIV, Page 69, the proofreader jumbled the More head record somewhat. Chapter XVI, Page 73, the surname Kleppinger in the same way was sometimes given as Kepplinger. Chapter XX, Page 102, Messer and Secrist names were mixed. Miss Sipes sent in the data of Catherine Waltman, Page 103, who married Alexander Sipes. It was promptly sent in, but it was too late for insertion.
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