F 7. n CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY FROM ^k::J? The original of this book is in, the Cornell University Library. - There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924096442367 : YM Record of Rhode Island. 1636=18^0. KiRST SERIES. BIKTHS, MAKEIAGES AND DEATHS. A Family Register for the People, By James N. Arnold, Editor of the Narragansett Historical Register. ••Is lsa.y Name Written In the Book of Life?" VOL. XVII Providence Phenix, Providence Patriot, and Columbian Pinenix—IVIarriages—A to R Published under the auspices of the General Assembly. providence, r. i. narragansett historical publishing company. 1908. /j7yfV7 COPYRIGHTED IN THE OFFICE OF THE LIBRARIAN OF CONGRESS AT WASHINGTON, FEB. 27, 1908. CLASS A. XXC. No. 200186. INTRODUCTION. It is with a great amount of pleasure and satisfaction that the compiler of the Vital Record of Rhode Island presents the Seventeenth volume, which we believe will prove as interesting as have the previous volumes of the series. The Newspapers from which these marriages were taken were the first Democratic papers of the State. The General Assembly have agam in their wisdom and judg- ment extended to this volume their usual courtesy. The usual favors have been extended us in the gathering of information, for which we extend our thanks. Again we feel proud to acknowledge the receipt of kind words and encouragement from our many friends and from the real scholars who can speak from knowledge and experience. Our am- bition is to so continue our conduct as to be still worthy the future continuance of these favors. Please bear in mind that the dates herein given, if preceded by the name of the newspaper, mean that the marriage given is announced in that issue ; otherwise the real date of the said mar- riage is given. It is gratifying in one sense of the term, if not in another, to be able to announce that the six earlier volumes of this series have become so scarce as to be held at a premium. It is pleasant to note the demand that is being made for them. We close by trusting our readers will find their usual pleasure while perusing this, our latest volume. COJN^TENTS Providence Phenix, Providence Patriot and Columbian Phenix : Letters A to R. INDKX Note:—Page 167. Carter, Mary Ann. This is correct. William W., the next marriage following, should he Carpenter like the rest on this page vnth above exception, and all the rest falling on next page down to Carr, on page 169. The reader will mark his copy accordingly. The same remarks apply to page 368, where Hull should be Hill. Air, 27. Alabama, 551. Abbey, 23. Albany, N. Y., 52, 82, 106, 153, Abbott, 23, 164, 291. 193. 293. 306, 308, 358. 368. Abbottsford, Eng., 409. 394,417,440,458, 469, 483, Abell, 23. 496, 543- Abington, Mass., 372, 439. Albany, N. Y., Argus, 26, 223. Aborn, 23. Albany, N. Y., Circus, 483. Academy, Bridgewater, Mass., Albee, 27. 276, 588. Albemarle, Co., Va., 360, 505. Academy, Warren, R. I., 481, Albertson, 27. 569. Albion, R. I., 433, 468. Actress, 316, 486. Albion, R. I., Mills, 78, 94, 104, Adalaide, 25. 123. Addison, 25, 459, 476. Albro, 27. Adam, 25. Alden, 28, 59, 70, 343, 418, 520, Adams, 25, 38, 68, 308, 329, 543- 468, 565. Alderson, 28. Adams, Mass., 176, 403, 589, Aldolphe, 28 590. Aldrich, 28 Adamsville, R. I., 129, 362, 463. Alexander, 31 Adie, 26. Alexandria, S. C, 174, 365. Adjutant General of Mass., 546. Alexandria, Va., 159, 241, 314. Admiral, 508. Alfreton, Eng., 371, 523. Admiral, a Rear, 248, 269. Alger, 32. Admiral, a Vice, 347. Algers, 32. Advertiser, the Daily, 273, 340. Allard, 32. Advertiser, New Haven, Ct.,252. Allen, 32, 35, 36, 37, 59, 61, 62, Advocate, The, 198, 571. 72, 142, 174, 206, 292, 299, Advocate, The Commonwealth, 335. 346, 351, 360, 406, 438, 230. 464, 479, 512, 567. Aegus, The National, 102, 336, Alley, 38. 358, 593- Allton, 35. Affairs, Charge de, 395, 513. Allyn, 35. Agent, 20, 52, 491. Allsboro, 39. Agnacate, W. I., 109. Almy, 39, 319, 353, 594. Ailman, 27. Alsop, 40. Aiken, 27, 487. Alverson, 40. Ainsworth, 27. Ambassador, American, 225, 268. _ VI INDEX Amboyneau, 40. Ara, 52. Ambrose, 40. Arch Bishop of Baltimore, Md., Ameliasburg, U. C, 6t, sgg 108. American Ambassador, 225, 268. Arch Diocese, 229. American Army, 363, 481. Archer, 52. American Consul, 334. Argus, Albany, N. Y., 26, 223. American Institute, 334, 571. Argus, Georgia, 361, 599. American Minister, 352, 531, 592, Arkwright, R. I., 207. 594, 597- Armington, 52. American Minister to Chili, 36. Armistead, 52. American, the, 204, 314. Arms, 52. American, the Rhode Island, Armstrong, 53. 399. 464- Army, American, 481. American, the, Traveler, 558, Army, British, 481. 564. Army, Continental, 481. Ames, 40, 368. Army, French, 441. Amesbury, 41, 41, 58, 155, 166, Army, Imperial, 243. 290, 416. Army, United States, 65, 78, 97, Amherst, Mass., 61, io8j 202, 140, 161, 238, 252, 273, 302, 317. 524- 308, 333. 351,354,370,371. Amherst, Mass., College, 249. 3^5, 421, 434, 459, 467, 473, Amherst, Mass., College, Prof. 482, 48s, 496, 502, 509, 529, in, 379> 538. 5", 596- 568, 574. Ammidon, 41. Arnold, 53, 76, 131, 231, 290, Amory, 41. 301,408,484, 551, 564. Anderson, 41. Aronians, 62. Andover, Countess of, 248, 269. Artillery, Royal, 73. Andover, Mass., 23, 250, 271, Artillery, United States, 444, .379. 538, 543, 557- 473- Andrews, 42. Artillery, United States, Lieut, Andros, 44. of, 99, 126. Angell, 44, 332, 411. Artillery, United States, Regi- Angell Place, Eng., 508, 571. ment of, 525. Angevine, 48. Arthur, 62. Angier, 48. Ary, 62. Annapolis, Md., 354. Ash, 62. Annis, 48. Ashburner, 62. Antigua, W. I., 440, 594. Ashburnham, N. H., 369, 494. Anti Masonic, 351. Asbury Missionary Institute, Anti Masonic Martyr, 495. 252, 370. Anti Universalist, 68. Ashby Mass., 171, 361. Anthenie, no, 187. Ashford, Ct, 59, ni, 137, 200, Anthony, 48, 235, 306, 507, 236, 237, 265,307,345,394, 576, 598. 415.449, 544. 586. Antonides, 51. Ashford, Vt, ,230, 442. Aplin, 51. Ashley, 62. Appleby, 51. Ashton, 63. Appleton, 51, 202. A spinwall, 63. Apponaug, R. I., 59, 306, 516, Assonet, Mass., 109, no, 293. 578. Assonet, Mass., Village, 357. INDEX VII Athens, Fair Maid of, loi, 493. Atwood, 64. Athens, Greece, loi, 493. Auboyheau, 65. Athens, New York, 40, 181, 407, Auchmuty, 65. 563. Auchterfardle, 65. Athern, 63. Auditor of*Treasury, 241, 440. Atherton, 63. Augusta, Ga., 102, 112, 163, 171, Atkins, 63, loi, 216, 227, 248, 288, 296, 330, 361, 390, 443, 323, 385. 566. 477. 557. 571, 597, 599. Atkinson, 63. Augusta, N. Y., 157, 479. Attleboro, Mass., 23, 27, 33, 34, Auld, 65. 35. S3. 54. 57. 63. 66, 74, 75, Austerlitz, N. H., 336, 342. ^^, 84, 85, 89, 98, 102, 103, Austin, 65, 434, 531. 104, 106, [16, 118, 123, 124, Austria, Emperor of, 182, 298. 126, 127, 132, 133, 143, 144, Averell, 65. 146, 147, 148, 149. 152, 153. Averill, 65. 154, 161, 162, 166, 167, 168, Avery, 65. 169, 173. 189, 191, 195, 198, Ayde, 66. 199, 215, 218, 224, 225, 227, Aylesworth, 66. 228, 231, 229, 230, 236, 239, B 253, 266, 270, 271, 274, 27s, 277, 286, 287, 29s, 296, 297, Babbett, 66. 300, 306, 307, 308, 320, 338, Babbitt, 66. 341, 342, 344, 347, 349, 355, Babcock, 66. 356, 358, 361. 362, 368, 375, Babson, 67. 376, 381, 383, 387, 393, 395, Bache, 67. 39S. 397. 398, 403. 406, 408, Bacheler, 68. 418, 420, 422, 424, 427, 440, Bachellor, 68. 442, 445, 446, 452, 453, 458, Bachus, 68. 459. 470, 471. 472, 474. 475. Bacon, 68, 44, 512. 480, 481, 485, 487, 488, 490, Badger, 69. 492, 497.499. 504. 515. 525. Bagg, 69. 526, 527. 531. 532, 533. 537. Baggett, 69. 538, 544, 545. 550, 551, 552, Baggs, 69. 565. 572. 575. 576. 582, 583, Bagley, 69. 587, 589. 590, 595- Bailey, 69, 347, 370, 414, 50C. Attorney at Law, 25, 26, 28, 37, Baker, 70, 34, 55, 56, 67, 72, 82, 57, 68, 84. ij, 92, 96, 105, 83. 85,90, 92, 97, 103, 105. 108, 113, 114, 129, 130, 150, 120, 127, 134, 148. 152, 153 193, 194, 202, 213,217,218, 154, 158, 183, 184, 185, 197, 227, 228, 245, 260, 270, 290, 213, 214, 221, 244, 25.^, 254, 291. 293, 325, 332, 334, 443, 264, 265, 283, 293,296, 314, 352, 366, 370, 372, 373, 384, 321, 328, 345, 355, 363, 368, 392, 394. 397. 402, 413. 426, 378, 389, 392, 404. 430. 452, 434. 439. 457. 480, 484, 495, 454, 455. 463. 469, 475, 481, 497. 503, S08, 509, 510. 531, 492, 496, 504, 522, 531, 533, 551. 554, 569, 583, 584, 588. 537, 541, 548, 553. 554. S6o, Attorney, U. S., for Mass., 102, 570, 575, 579. 584. 587. 595. 495- 597- Atwater, 63. Baldwin, JJ. Atwell, 63. Balch, 73. VIII INDEX Balcom, 74. Barneyville, Mass., 83, 534. Balkcom, 74. Barnstable, Mass., 26, 34, 43, Ball, 74. 72, 222, 333, 371, 453, 503, Ballard, 75. 523- Ballock, 75. Barnum, 84. Ballou, 75, 88, 50X. Barnwell, 84. Baltimore, Md., 34, 36, 40, 81, Baron, 84. 96, 108, 123, 139, 143, 163, Barr, 84. 180, 184, 216, 240, 249, 286, Barratt, 84. 289, 290, 296, 297, 301, 311, Barre, Mass., 161, 296, 588. 314, 317, 321, 323, 33S, 338, Barrett, 84. 340, 347, 354, 363, 366. 374, Barnngton, R. I., 27, 32, 36, 37, 378, 383, 384, 393.
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