Name of Deceased (Surname First)
Date before which oo Name of Deceased Address, description and date of death of Names, addresses and descriptions of Persons to whom notices of claims are to be notices of claims (Surname first) Deceased given and names, in parentheses, of Personal Representatives to be given CROSS, Sarah 19 Trevanie Avenue, Quinton, Birmingham 32, National Westminster Bank Limited, Trustee and Income Tax Department, 10th April 1979 Widow. 26th November 1978. Wolverhampton Branch, 3rd Floor, Mander House, Mander Centre, Wolver- (490) hampton. DRABBLE, Arthur James 1 Carville Avenue, Southborough, Tunbridge National Westminster Bank Limited, Trustee and Income Tax Department, 12th April 1979 Wells, Kent, Textile Engineer (Retired). 5th 29 Earl Street, Maidstone, Kent, ME14 1PJ. (491) November 1978. SHAVE, Annie Elizabeth 6 Castle Meadows, Moot Lane, Downton, Wilt- National Westminster Bank Limited, Trustee and Income Tax Department, 18th April 1979 shire, Widow. 13th January 1979. 3 Kingsmead Square, Bath, Avon. (492) sg DOWNING, William 23 North Block, Peabody Estate, Glamis Place, National Westminster Bank Limited, Trustee and Income Tax Department, 19th April 1979 Thomas. Shadwell, London, E.I, Former Clerk with Cheapside Trustee Branch, 161 Cheapside, London, EC2V 6EU. (493) P.L.A. 12th January 1979. RICHARDSON, Mildred 36 Gatefield Bungalows, Rolvenden, Kent, Murton, Clarke & Murton-Neale, The Hill, Cranbrook, Kent. (John Eric 5th April 1979 § Alice. Spinster. 3rd December 1977. Clarke.) (494) o HODGES, Mary Adelaide 10 The Green, Marlborough, Wiltshire, Widow. National Westminster Bank Limited, Trustee and Income Tax Department, 18th April 1979 20th December 1978. Bath Trustee, 3 Kingsmead Square, Bath, BA1 1ER. (495) g NEWSON, Emily Mary ... 103 Pinehill Road, Crowthorne, Berkshire, Boyes, Turner & Burrows, Richmond House, High Street, Crowthorne, Berk- 13th April 1979 H Nurse (Retired).
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