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The Table of Contents is a total listing of Parts A and B. Part A consists of pages 010301(R)–013201, and Part B pages 013401–019904(E).


Quantum information Quantum memory for superconducting qubits (4 pages) ...... 010301͑R͒ Emily J. Pritchett and Michael R. Geller Experimental realization of a photonic Bell-state analyzer (4 pages) ...... 010302͑R͒ Philip Walther and Coherence-induced entanglement (4 pages) ...... 010303͑R͒ Fu-li Li, Han Xiong, and M. Suhail Zubairy

Atomic and molecular collisions and interactions ͑ ͒ + ͑ ͒ Interference phenomena associated with electron-emission from H2 by 1–5 -MeV H impact (4 pages) ..... 010701 R S. Hossain, A. L. Landers, N. Stolterfoht, and J. A. Tanis Shakedown in core photoelectron spectra from aligned laser-excited Na atoms (4 pages) ...... 010702͑R͒ J. Schulz, M. Tchaplyguine, T. Rander, O. Björneholm, S. Svensson, R. Sankari, S. Heinäsmäki, H. Aksela, S. Aksela, and E. Kukk Doubly excited 2s2p 1,3Po resonance states of helium in dense plasmas (4 pages) ...... 010703͑R͒ Sabyasachi Kar and Y. K. Ho Feshbach spectroscopy of a shape resonance (4 pages) ...... 010704͑R͒ Thomas Volz, Stephan Dürr, Niels Syassen, Gerhard Rempe, Eric van Kempen, and Servaas Kokkelmans

Atomic and molecular processes in external fields

Identifying fragment vuv excitations with dissociation channels from the strong-field ionization of N2 (4 pages) ...... 011401͑R͒ Ryan N. Coffee and George N. Gibson

Matter waves Nonadiabatic dynamics of a Bose-Einstein condensate in an optical lattice (4 pages) ...... 011601͑R͒ Lorenzo Isella and Janne Ruostekoski

Copyright 2005 by The American Physical Society

(Continued) CONTENTS - Continued


Radio-frequency spectroscopy and the pairing gap in trapped Fermi gases (4 pages) ...... 011602͑R͒ Yan He, Qijin Chen, and K. Levin Collective excitations of strongly interacting Fermi gases of atoms in a harmonic trap (4 pages) ...... 011603͑R͒ Yeong E. Kim and Alexander L. Zubarev

Quantum optics, physics of lasers, nonlinear optics Three-photon-absorption resonance for all-optical atomic clocks (4 pages) ...... 011801͑R͒ Sergei Zibrov, Irina Novikova, David F. Phillips, Aleksei V. Taichenachev, Valeriy I. Yudin, Ronald L. Walsworth, and Alexander S. Zibrov Conical three-photon-excited stimulated hyper-Raman scattering (3 pages) ...... 011802͑R͒ D. Homoelle, K. D. Moll, Alexander L. Gaeta, and Robert W. Boyd


Fundamental concepts Atomic CP-violating polarizability (6 pages) ...... 012101 Boris Ravaine, M. G. Kozlov, and Andrei Derevianko Decoherence time in self-induced decoherence (9 pages) ...... 012102 Mario Castagnino and Olimpia Lombardi Lorentz-covariant reduced spin density matrix and Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen–Bohm correlations (7 pages) .... 012103 Paweł Caban and Jakub Rembieliński Hydrogen-atom spectrum under a minimal-length hypothesis (4 pages) ...... 012104 Sándor Benczik, Lay Nam Chang, Djordje Minic, and Tatsu Takeuchi Casimir energy for a hyperboloid facing a plate in the optical approximation (9 pages) ...... 012105 O. Schröder, A. Scardicchio, and R. L. Jaffe Quantum-shutter approach to tunneling time scales with wave packets (6 pages) ...... 012106 Norifumi Yamada, Gastón García-Calderón, and Jorge Villavicencio Causal quantum theory and the collapse locality loophole (7 pages) ...... 012107 Adrian Kent Nonlinearity without superluminality (4 pages) ...... 012108 Adrian Kent Self-induced decoherence approach: Strong limitations on its validity in a simple spin bath model and on its general physical relevance (10 pages) ...... 012109 Maximilian Schlosshauer Calculation of hydrogenic Bethe logarithms for Rydberg states (9 pages) ...... 012110 Ulrich D. Jentschura and Peter J. Mohr Second-quantized formulation of geometric phases (12 pages) ...... 012111 Shinichi Deguchi and Kazuo Fujikawa Commuting multiparty quantum observables and local compatibility (6 pages) ...... 012112 Claudio Altafini How much larger quantum correlations are than classical ones (5 pages) ...... 012113 Adán Cabello

(Continued) CONTENTS - Continued


Validity of the quantum adiabatic theorem (5 pages) ...... 012114 Zhaoyan Wu and Hui Yang Casimir effect with rough metallic mirrors (14 pages) ...... 012115 Paulo A. Maia Neto, Astrid Lambrecht, and Serge Reynaud Quantum chaos and order based on classically moving reference frames (11 pages) ...... 012116 Wenhua Hai, Qiongtao Xie, and Jianshu Fang Calculations of time-dependent observables in non-Hermitian : The problem and a possible solution (8 pages) ...... 012117 Ido Gilary, Avner Fleischer, and Nimrod Moiseyev

Quantum information Explicit implementation of quantum circuits on a quantum-cellular-automata-like architecture (13 pages) .... 012301 Y. Kawano, S. Yamashita, and M. Kitagawa Quantum-state filtering applied to the discrimination of Boolean functions (7 pages) ...... 012302 János A. Bergou and Mark Hillery Gaussian operations and privacy (8 pages) ...... 012303 Miguel Navascués and Antonio Acín Quantum secret sharing between multiparty and multiparty without entanglement (5 pages) ...... 012304 Feng-Li Yan and Ting Gao Lie algebras and suppression of decoherence in open quantum systems (6 pages) ...... 012305 William Gordon Ritter Continuous quantum error correction by cooling (7 pages) ...... 012306 Mohan Sarovar and G. J. Milburn Entanglement in SU͑2͒-invariant quantum systems: The positive partial transpose criterion and others (6 pages) ...... 012307 John Schliemann Limitations of practical multiphoton decoherence-free states (4 pages) ...... 012308 Yong-Sheng Zhang, Chuan-Feng Li, Yun-Feng Huang, and Guang-Can Guo Qubits in phase space: Wigner-function approach to quantum-error correction and the mean-king problem (19 pages) ...... 012309 Juan Pablo Paz, Augusto José Roncaglia, and Marcos Saraceno Model of a deterministic detector and dynamical decoherence (9 pages) ...... 012310 Jae Weon Lee, Dmitri V. Averin, Giuliano Benenti, and Dima L. Shepelyansky Optimal partial estimation of multiple phases (6 pages) ...... 012311 Ladislav Mišta, Jr., Jaromír Fiurášek, and Radim Filip Security and gain improvement of a practical quantum key distribution using a gated single-photon source and probabilistic photon-number resolution (6 pages) ...... 012312 Tomoyuki Horikiri, Hideki Sasaki, Haibo Wang, and Takayoshi Kobayashi Condition and capability of quantum state separation (6 pages) ...... 012313 Yuan Feng, Runyao Duan, and Zhengfeng Ji Entangling power of permutations (7 pages) ...... 012314 Lieven Clarisse, Sibasish Ghosh, Simone Severini, and Anthony Sudbery

(Continued) CONTENTS - Continued


Remote preparation of mixed states via noisy entanglement (6 pages) ...... 012315 Guo-Yong Xiang, Jian Li, Bo Yu, and Guang-Can Guo Quantum walks and orbital states of a Weyl particle (9 pages) ...... 012316 Makoto Katori, Soichi Fujino, and Norio Konno Characterization and quantification of symmetric Gaussian-state entanglement through a local classicality criterion (5 pages) ...... 012317 Marcos C. de Oliveira Single-photon two-qubit SWAP gate for entanglement manipulation (4 pages) ...... 012318 Marco Fiorentino, Taehyun Kim, and Franco N. C. Wong Quantum-information processing with noisy cluster states (12 pages) ...... 012319 M. S. Tame, M. Paternostro, M. S. Kim, and V. Vedral Microscopic study on the noise threshold of fault-tolerant quantum error correction (12 pages) ...... 012320 Y. C. Cheng and R. J. Silbey Relations between entanglement witnesses and Bell inequalities (7 pages) ...... 012321 Philipp Hyllus, Otfried Gühne, Dagmar Bruß, and Maciej Lewenstein Decoy-state protocol for with four different intensities of coherent light (6 pages) .... 012322 Xiang-Bin Wang From perfect to fractal transmission in spin chains (7 pages) ...... 012323 Gabriele De Chiara, Davide Rossini, Simone Montangero, and Rosario Fazio in states generated by bilocal group algebras (9 pages) ...... 012324 Alioscia Hamma, Radu Ionicioiu, and Paolo Zanardi Kochen-Specker theorem as a precondition for secure quantum key distribution (4 pages) ...... 012325 Koji Nagata Practical decoy state for quantum key distribution (15 pages) ...... 012326 Xiongfeng Ma, Bing Qi, Yi Zhao, and Hoi-Kwong Lo One- and two-dimensional quantum walks in arrays of optical traps (9 pages) ...... 012327 K. Eckert, J. Mompart, G. Birkl, and M. Lewenstein Cloning transformations in spin networks without external control (12 pages) ...... 012328 Gabriele De Chiara, Rosario Fazio, Chiara Macchiavello, Simone Montangero, and G. Massimo Palma Probabilistic superdense coding (6 pages) ...... 012329 A. K. Pati, P. Parashar, and P. Agrawal Entanglement of pure two-mode Gaussian states (7 pages) ...... 012330 R. W. Rendell and A. K. Rajagopal Simulation of Heisenberg XY interactions and realization of a perfect state transfer in spin chains using liquid nuclear magnetic resonance (8 pages) ...... 012331 Jingfu Zhang, Gui Lu Long, Wei Zhang, Zhiwei Deng, Wenzhang Liu, and Zhiheng Lu Information-theoretic security proof for quantum-key-distribution protocols (17 pages) ...... 012332 Renato Renner, Nicolas Gisin, and Barbara Kraus

(Continued) CONTENTS - Continued


Characterizing entanglement by momentum jump in the frustrated Heisenberg ring at a quantum phase transition (7 pages) ...... 012333 Xiao-Feng Qian, Tao Shi, Ying Li, Z. Song, and C. P. Sun Entangling ability of a beam splitter in the presence of temporal which-path information (7 pages) ...... 012334 J. L. van Velsen Global thermal entanglement in n-qubit systems (8 pages) ...... 012335 R. Rossignoli and N. Canosa Concurrence of quasipure quantum states (4 pages) ...... 012336 Florian Mintert and Andreas Buchleitner Constructing N-qubit entanglement monotones from antilinear operators (4 pages) ...... 012337 Andreas Osterloh and Jens Siewert Error filtration and entanglement purification for quantum communication (17 pages) ...... 012338 N. Gisin, N. Linden, S. Massar, and S. Popescu Decoherence-free creation of atom-atom entanglement in a cavity via fractional adiabatic passage (5 pages) ...... 012339 Mahdi Amniat-Talab, Stéphane Guérin, and Hans-Rudolf Jauslin

Atomic and molecular structure and dynamics + − Reexamination of the Jahn-Teller instability in C6H6 and C6H6 (6 pages) ...... 012501 Vasili Perebeinos, Philip B. Allen, and Mark Pederson Lifetime measurement of the 6s level of rubidium (9 pages) ...... 012502 E. Gomez, F. Baumer, A. D. Lange, G. D. Sprouse, and L. A. Orozco Speed-dependent and correlation effects on the line shape of acetylene (8 pages) ...... 012503 Daniel Lisak, Giulia Rusciano, and Antonio Sasso Third-order negative-energy contributions to transition amplitudes in heliumlike ions (7 pages) ...... 012504 I. M. Savukov, L. N. Labzowsky, and W. R. Johnson Calculation of the ground-state energy and average distance between particles for the nonsymmetric muonic 3He atom (5 pages) ...... 012505 M. R. Eskandari and B. Rezaie Magnetic Johnson noise constraints on electron electric dipole moment experiments (6 pages) ...... 012506 Charles T. Munger, Jr. Relativistic, relaxation, and correlation effects in spectra of Cu II (9 pages) ...... 012507 C. Z. Dong and S. Fritzsche Fragmentation of positronium (14 pages) ...... 012508 C. Starrett, Mary T. McAlinden, and H. R. J. Walters 2 88 + Lifetime measurement of the metastable 4d D5/2 state in Sr using a single trapped ion (8 pages) ...... 012509 V. Letchumanan, M. A. Wilson, P. Gill, and A. G. Sinclair van der Waals forces in density functional theory: Perturbational long-range electron-interaction corrections (9 pages) ...... 012510 János G. Ángyán, Iann C. Gerber, Andreas Savin, and Julien Toulouse Singular integrals and their application to a hypervirial theorem (6 pages) ...... 012511 Frank E. Harris, Alexei M. Frolov, and Vedene H. Smith, Jr.

(Continued) CONTENTS - Continued


Atomic and molecular collisions and interactions Friedel sum rule for relativistic spin-1/2 systems (4 pages) ...... 012701 De-Hone Lin 1⌺+͑ 1 1 ͒ 3⌸ ͑ 3 1 ͒ Photoassociation of cold calcium atoms through the A u 1 D+1 S , c u 1 P+1 S , and 3⌺+͑ 3 1 ͒ a u 1 P+1 S states: An ab initio nonadiabatic treatment (12 pages) ...... 012702 Béatrice Bussery-Honvault, Jean-Michel Launay, and Robert Moszynski Atomic Compton profile of neon calculated from an accurate Kohn-Sham potential (5 pages) ...... 012703 A. I. Al-Sharif Radiative recombination into high-Z few-electron ions: Cross sections and angular distributions (11 pages) ...... 012704 Stephan Fritzsche, Andrey Surzhykov, and Thomas Stöhlker Diagrammatic approaches to the inelastic propagator (24 pages) ...... 012705 B. Feuerbacher and L. S. Cederbaum Excitations of 1P levels of zinc by electron impact on the ground state (9 pages) ...... 012706 Dmitry V. Fursa, Igor Bray, R. Panajotović, D. Šević,V.Pejčev, D. M. Filipović, and B. P. Marinković Charge-state-correlated cross sections for electron loss, capture, and ionization in C3+-Ne collisions (8 pages) ...... 012707 T. Kirchner, A. C. F. Santos, H. Luna, M. M. Sant’Anna, W. S. Melo, G. M. Sigaud, and E. C. Montenegro Computing resonance positions, widths, and cross sections via the Feshbach-Fano R-matrix method: Application to potential scattering (12 pages) ...... 012708 Přemysl Kolorenč, Vincent Brems, and Jiří Horáček Optical model for positronium formation cross sections in e+-K collisions at low impact energies (5 pages) ...... 012709 G. Nan, Y. Zhou, and Y. Ke Correlated many-electron dynamics: Application to inelastic electron scattering at a metal film (7 pages) ..... 012710 M. Nest and T. Klamroth 2 1 → 3 3 → 3 Pressure broadening and line shifting of atomic strontium 5s S0 5s5p P1 and 5s5p P0,1,2 5s6s S1 absorption transitions induced by noble-gas collisions (7 pages) ...... 012711 Jeremy C. Holtgrave and Paul J. Wolf Dissociative recombination and low-energy inelastic electron collisions of the helium dimer ion (28 pages) ...... 012712 H. B. Pedersen, H. Buhr, S. Altevogt, V. Andrianarijaona, H. Kreckel, L. Lammich, N. de Ruette, E. M. Staicu-Casagrande, D. Schwalm, D. Strasser, X. Urbain, D. Zajfman, and A. Wolf Recoil-ion momentum distributions for transfer ionization in fast proton-He collisions (7 pages) ...... 012713 H. T. Schmidt, J. Jensen, P. Reinhed, R. Schuch, K. Støchkel, H. Zettergren, H. Cederquist, L. Bagge, H. Danared, A. Källberg, H. Schmidt-Böcking, and C. L. Cocke Infrared–x-ray pump-probe spectroscopy of the NO molecule (12 pages) ...... 012714 F. F. Guimarães, V. Kimberg, V. C. Felicíssimo, F. Gel’mukhanov, A. Cesar, and H. Ågren Generalized oscillator strengths for the valence-shell excitations of neon (7 pages) ...... 012715 Hua-Dong Cheng, Lin-Fan Zhu, Zhen-Sheng Yuan, Xiao-Jing Liu, Jian-Min Sun, Wei-Chun Jiang, and Ke-Zun Xu

(Continued) CONTENTS - Continued


+ Electron-impact excitation and ionization of H2 using a configuration-average distorted-wave method (6 pages) ...... 012716 M. S. Pindzola, F. Robicheaux, J. A. Ludlow, J. Colgan, and D. C. Griffin Charge transfer in slow collisions of C6+ with H below 1 keV/amu (6 pages) ...... 012717 Chien-Nan Liu, Shu-Chun Cheng, Anh-Thu Le, and C. D. Lin Three-Coulomb-wave Pluvinage model for Compton double ionization of helium in the region of the cross-section maximum (3 pages) ...... 012718 S. Jones, Joseph H. Macek, and D. H. Madison

Photon, electron, atom, and molecule interactions with solids and surfaces Band-structure-based collisional model for electronic excitations in ion-surface collisions (6 pages) ...... 012901 M. N. Faraggi, M. S. Gravielle, M. Alducin, J. I. Juaristi, and V. M. Silkin Observation of collective inner-shell effects for protons backscattered from the Al͑110͒ surface (4 pages) .... 012902 P. L. Grande, A. Hentz, G. Schiwietz, D. Starodub, E. Garfunkel, and T. Gustafsson Vicinage effects in energy loss and electron emission during grazing scattering of heavy molecular ions from a solid surface (8 pages) ...... 012903 Yuan-Hong Song, You-Nian Wang, and Z. L. Mišković Charge-exchange mechanisms at the threshold for inelasticity in Ne+ collisions with surfaces (13 pages) ..... 012904 M. J. Gordon, J. Mace, and K. P. Giapis

Clusters (including fullerenes) Cluster-assisted multiple ionization of xenon and krypton by a nanosecond laser (4 pages) ...... 013201 Xiaolin Luo, Haiyang Li, Dongmei Niu, Lihua Wen, Feng Liang, Bin Wang, and Xue Xiao


Atomic and molecular processes in external fields Accessing properties of electron wave packets generated by attosecond pulse trains through time-dependent calculations (7 pages) ...... 013401 Johan Mauritsson, Mette B. Gaarde, and Kenneth J. Schafer Chaos-assisted adiabatic passage of molecular rotation (10 pages) ...... 013402 Kyungsun Na and L. E. Reichl Chaotic quantum ratchets and filters with cold atoms in optical lattices: Analysis using Floquet states (9 pages) ...... 013403 G. Hur, C. E. Creffield, P. H. Jones, and T. S. Monteiro Population transfer in the multiphoton excitation of molecules (7 pages) ...... 013404 S. Gräfe, M. Erdmann, and V. Engel Proposal for a planar Penning ion trap (7 pages) ...... 013405 J. R. Castrejón-Pita and R. C. Thompson Coarse-grained entropy decrease and phase-space focusing in Hamiltonian dynamics (18 pages) ...... 013406 Arjendu K. Pattanayak, Daniel W. C. Brooks, Anton de la Fuente, Lawrence Uricchio, Edward Holby, Daniel Krawisz, and Jorge I. Silva

(Continued) CONTENTS - Continued


Above-threshold double ionization of helium with attosecond intense soft x-ray pulses (8 pages) ...... 013407 Kenichi L. Ishikawa and Katsumi Midorikawa Analytical wave function of an atom in the presence of a laser pulse (10 pages) ...... 013408 Gianfranco Orlando, Pietro Paolo Corso, and Emilio Fiordilino Optimal coherent control of dissipative N-level systems (12 pages) ...... 013409 H. Jirari and W. Pötz Signatures of direct double ionization under xuv radiation (4 pages) ...... 013410 P. Lambropoulos, L. A. A. Nikolopoulos, and M. G. Makris Large enhancement of macroscopic yield in attosecond pulse train–assisted harmonic generation (7 pages) ...... 013411 Mette B. Gaarde, Kenneth J. Schafer, Arne Heinrich, Jens Biegert, and Ursula Keller

Matter waves Single-particle excitations in a trapped gas of Fermi atoms in the BCS-BEC crossover region (25 pages) .... 013601 Y. Ohashi and A. Griffin Coherent spin mixing dynamics in a spin-1 atomic condensate (5 pages) ...... 013602 Wenxian Zhang, D. L. Zhou, M.-S. Chang, M. S. Chapman, and L. You Unstable regimes for a Bose-Einstein condensate in an optical lattice (10 pages) ...... 013603 L. De Sarlo, L. Fallani, J. E. Lye, M. Modugno, R. Saers, C. Fort, and M. Inguscio Ground-state properties of hard-core bosons confined on one-dimensional optical lattices (13 pages) ...... 013604 Marcos Rigol and Alejandro Muramatsu Three-dimensional vortex structure of a fast rotating Bose-Einstein condensate with harmonic-plus-quartic confinement (6 pages) ...... 013605 Ionut Danaila Effective action for superfluid Fermi systems in the strong-coupling limit (8 pages) ...... 013606 N. Dupuis Phase fluctuations of a Bose-Einstein condensate in low-dimensional geometry (9 pages) ...... 013607 Demascoth Kadio, Mariusz Gajda, and Kazimierz Rzążewski Coherent population trapping and dynamical instability in coupled atom-molecule condensates (9 pages) ..... 013608 H. Y. Ling, P. Maenner, and H. Pu Monopole oscillations and dampings in a boson and fermion mixture in the time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii and Vlasov equations (9 pages) ...... 013609 Tomoyuki Maruyama, Hiroyuki Yabu, and Toru Suzuki Conventional character of the BCS-BEC crossover in ultracold gases of 40K (15 pages) ...... 013610 Marzena H. Szymańska, Krzysztof Góral, Thorsten Köhler, and Keith Burnett Composite fermionization of bosons in rapidly rotating atomic traps (9 pages) ...... 013611 Chia-Chen Chang, Nicolas Regnault, Thierry Jolicoeur, and Jainendra K. Jain Internal Josephson effect in a Fermi gas near a Feshbach resonance (5 pages) ...... 013612 Victor M. Galitski Pairing in a two-component ultracold Fermi gas: Phases with broken-space symmetries (8 pages) ...... 013613 Armen Sedrakian, Jordi Mur-Petit, Artur Polls, and Herbert Müther

(Continued) CONTENTS - Continued


Cell strong-coupling perturbative approach to the phase diagram of ultracold bosons in optical superlattices (9 pages) ...... 013614 P. Buonsante and A. Vezzani Quantum process tomography on vibrational states of atoms in an optical lattice (5 pages) ...... 013615 S. H. Myrskog, J. K. Fox, M. W. Mitchell, and A. M. Steinberg Nondissipative drag of superflow in a two-component Bose gas (9 pages) ...... 013616 D. V. Fil and S. I. Shevchenko Scattering of atomic matter waves from ridged surfaces (11 pages) ...... 013617 Dmitrii Kouznetsov and Hilmar Oberst Effects of trap anisotropy on the impurity scattering regime in a Fermi gas (6 pages) ...... 013618 P. Capuzzi, P. Vignolo, and M. P. Tosi Josephson oscillation and induced collapse in an attractive Bose-Einstein condensate (7 pages) ...... 013619 Sadhan K. Adhikari

Quantum optics, physics of lasers, nonlinear optics Production of superpositions of coherent states in traveling optical fields with inefficient photon detection (12 pages) ...... 013801 H. Jeong, A. P. Lund, and T. C. Ralph Continuous-variable spatial entanglement for bright optical beams (7 pages) ...... 013802 Magnus T. L. Hsu, Warwick P. Bowen, Nicolas Treps, and Ping Koy Lam Theory of two-dimensional microcavity lasers (12 pages) ...... 013803 Takahisa Harayama, Satoshi Sunada, and Kensuke S. Ikeda Nonlinear interaction of light with a Bose-Einstein condensate: Methods to generate sub-Poissonian light (14 pages) ...... 013804 I. Vadeiko, A. V. Prokhorov, A. V. Rybin, and S. M. Arakelyan Optimizing stochastic trajectories in exact quantum-jump approaches of interacting systems (9 pages) ...... 013805 Denis Lacroix Multimode squeezing properties of a confocal optical parametric oscillator: Beyond the thin-crystal approximation (10 pages) ...... 013806 L. Lopez, S. Gigan, N. Treps, A. Maître, C. Fabre, and A. Gatti Pulse reshaping in photonic crystal waveguides and microcavities with Kerr nonlinearity: Critical issues for all-optical switching (10 pages) ...... 013807 Dragan Vujic and Sajeev John Theoretical analysis of a recent experiment on mesoscopic state superpositions in cavity QED (9 pages) ..... 013808 F. Abbate, A. Messina, A. Napoli, and F. Petruccione Schemes for generating the cluster states in microwave cavity QED (6 pages) ...... 013809 XuBo Zou and W. Mathis Resolution of quantum and classical ghost imaging (19 pages) ...... 013810 Milena D’Angelo, Alejandra Valencia, Morton H. Rubin, and Yanhua Shih Multiple four-wave mixing self-stability in optical fibers (9 pages) ...... 013811 Xueming Liu, Xiaoqun Zhou, and Chao Lu

(Continued) CONTENTS - Continued


Rayleigh-enhanced attosecond sum-frequency polarization beats via twin color-locking noisy lights (18 pages) ...... 013812 Yanpeng Zhang, Chenli Gan, Long Li, Ruiqiong Ma, Jianping Song, Tong Jiang, Xiaojun Yu, Chuangshe Li, Hao Ge, and Keqing Lu Behavior of high-order stimulated Raman scattering in a highly transient regime (11 pages) ...... 013813 Emiliano Sali, Paul Kinsler, G. H. C. New, K. J. Mendham, Thomas Halfmann, J. W. G. Tisch, and J. P. Marangos Effective mass in cavity QED (16 pages) ...... 013814 Jonas Larson, Janne Salo, and Stig Stenholm Cavity-solitons switching in semiconductor microcavities (4 pages) ...... 013815 X. Hachair, L. Furfaro, J. Javaloyes, M. Giudici, S. Balle, J. Tredicce, G. Tissoni, L. A. Lugiato, M. Brambilla, and T. Maggipinto Optical response of two-level atoms with reflection geometry as a model of a quantum phase gate (7 pages) ...... 013816 Hisaki Oka, Shigeki Takeuchi, and Keiji Sasaki Quantum decoherence versus classical depolarization in nanohole arrays (5 pages) ...... 013817 E. Altewischer, Y. C. Oei, M. P. van Exter, and J. P. Woerdman Mathematical framework for simulation of quantum fields in complex interferometers using the two-photon formalism (16 pages) ...... 013818 Thomas Corbitt, Yanbei Chen, and Nergis Mavalvala Self-sustained pulsations of light in a nonlinear thin-film system (8 pages) ...... 013819 P. V. Paulau and N. A. Loiko Subwavelength atom localization via amplitude and phase control of the absorption spectrum (9 pages) ..... 013820 Mostafa Sahrai, Habib Tajalli, Kishore T. Kapale, and M. Suhail Zubairy Modeling of the saturated Ni-like silver x-ray laser (8 pages) ...... 013821 D. Benredjem, C. Möller, J. Dubau, J. Kuba, R. F. Smith, and C. Mossé Generation of a sub-Poissonian state with quantum high- and low-pass filters (4 pages) ...... 013822 Hai-bo Wang, Yongmin Li, Satoru Odate, and Takayoshi Kobayashi


Fundamental concepts Addendum to “Sufficient conditions for three-particle entanglement and their tests in recent experiments” (2 pages) ...... 014101 Géza Tóth, Otfried Gühne, Michael Seevinck, and Jos Uffink Entanglement and the quantum-to-classical transition (4 pages) ...... 014102 Shohini Ghose, Paul M. Alsing, Barry C. Sanders, and Ivan H. Deutsch Self-energy values for P states in hydrogen and low-Z hydrogenlike ions (3 pages) ...... 014103 Ulrich D. Jentschura and Peter J. Mohr Geometric phase around exceptional points (4 pages) ...... 014104 Alexei A. Mailybaev, Oleg N. Kirillov, and Alexander P. Seyranian Nonlocality without inequalities for almost all entangled states of any quantum system (4 pages) ...... 014105 GianCarlo Ghirardi and Luca Marinatto

(Continued) CONTENTS - Continued


Quantum and classical operational complementarity for single systems (4 pages) ...... 014106 Alfredo Luis

Quantum information

Multipartite entanglement in quantum spin chains (4 pages) ...... 014301 Dagmar Bruß, Nilanjana Datta, Artur Ekert, Leong Chuan Kwek, and Chiara Macchiavello Information balance in quantum teleportation with an arbitrary pure state (4 pages) ...... 014302 Li Li and Zeng-Bing Chen Influence of the asymmetry of the potential on the dynamics of a two-level superconducting quantum interference device qubit (4 pages) ...... 014303 Nikolaos Aravantinos-Zafiris and Emmanuel Paspalakis Testing quantum dynamics using signaling (4 pages) ...... 014304 Aditi Sen͑De͒ and Ujjwal Sen Entanglement can enhance the distinguishability of entanglement-breaking channels (2 pages) ...... 014305 Massimiliano F. Sacchi Extracting an arbitrary relative phase from a multiqubit two-component entangled state (4 pages) ...... 014306 Chui-Ping Yang and Siyuan Han Finite set of invariants to characterize local Clifford equivalence of stabilizer states (4 pages) ...... 014307 Maarten Van den Nest, Jeroen Dehaene, and Bart De Moor

Atomic and molecular structure and dynamics

Positron annihilation in the bipositronium Ps2 (4 pages) ...... 014501 David H. Bailey and Alexei M. Frolov Opacity of neutral and low ion stages of Sn at the wavelength 13.5 nm used in extreme-ultraviolet lithography (4 pages) ...... 014502 M. Lysaght, D. Kilbane, N. Murphy, A. Cummings, P. Dunne, and G. O’Sullivan

Atomic and molecular collisions and interactions

Interference effects in the angular distribution of Ar 3p photoelectrons across the 2p→ns/md resonances (4 pages) ...... 014701 S. Ricz, J. Nikkinen, R. Sankari, T. Ricsóka, Á. Kövér, D. Varga, S. Fritzsche, H. Aksela, and S. Aksela Addendum to “Elastic scattering of low-energy electrons by OCS” (1 page) ...... 014702 M. H. F. Bettega, M. A. P. Lima, and L. G. Ferreira Constrained molecular dynamics simulations of atomic ground states (4 pages) ...... 014703 Sachie Kimura and Aldo Bonasera

Clusters (including fullerenes) Ab initio density-functional study of the equilibrium geometries and the electronic properties ͑ ͒ of Li10−nSnn n=0–10 clusters (4 pages) ...... 015201 Mal-Soon Lee, D. G. Kanhere, and Kavita Joshi

(Continued) CONTENTS - Continued



Comment on “Linear optics implementation of weak values in Hardy’s paradox” (3 pages) ...... 016101 J. S. Lundeen, K. J. Resch, and A. M. Steinberg

Reply to “Comment on ‘Linear optics implementation of weak values in Hardy’s paradox’ ” (2 pages) ...... 016102 S. E. Ahnert and M. C. Payne

Comment on “Secure direct communication with a quantum one-time pad” (1 page) ...... 016301 Holger Hoffmann, Kim Bostroem, and Timo Felbinger

Reply to “Comment on ‘Secure direct communication with a quantum one-time-pad’ ” (2 pages) ...... 016302 Fu-Guo Deng and Gui Lu Long


Publisher’s Note: Noise-free high-efficiency photon-number-resolving detectors ͓Phys. Rev. A 71, 061803 ͑2005͔͒ (1 page) ...... 019901͑E͒ D. Rosenberg, Adriana E. Lita, Aaron J. Miller, and Sae Woo Nam Publisher’s Note: Inequalities for quantum channels assisted by limited resources ͓Phys. Rev. A 71, 062332 ͑2005͔͒ (1 page) ...... 019902͑E͒ Vittorio Giovannetti Erratum: Electromagnetically induced left-handedness in a dense gas of three-level atoms ͓Phys. Rev. A 70, 053806 ͑2004͔͒ (1 page) ...... 019903͑E͒ M. Ö. Oktel and Ö. E. Müstecaplıoğlu Publisher’s Note: Quantum walks and orbital states of a Weyl particle ͓Phys. Rev. A 72, 012316 ͑2005͔͒ (1 page) ...... 019904͑E͒ Makoto Katori, Soichi Fujino, and Norio Konno